Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1905, Page 4, Image 4
r THE OXfAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 190o. Tiif, Omaha Daily Bel E. ROSEWATER. EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Ree (w'thout Sunday), one year. .$4.00 jMlly pee anil 8undny. one fur S"0 Illustrated le, one year 2 ' Sunday Bee, on yesr 2 10 Saturday Be, one year 1 5U DELIVERED BV CARRIER. Dally Fee (Without flunday). per wrrk...lSfl Dally Bee lni hiding Sundwv), per weck.lio Evening flee (without Sunday), per ween c Evening new (with Funday), per week... .loo Sunday Bee, per copy &c Address complaints :f Irregularities in de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha Th Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building. Council Bluff 10 Fearl Street. Chicago 1640 Vn.ty Building. New York 1500 Home Life Inn. Building. Washington ftl- Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlont relating to newg and ed itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order. Payable to The ilea Publishing Company. Only t-cent ilampn received aa payment of mall account. Persona! checks, except on Omaha or eaatem exchanges, not aocepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION, -Bfata of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.: C. C. Roaewater, secretary of The Bea Publishing Company, heme; duly sworn, aya that the actual numner of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of October, 1905. waa aa fol lowa: 1 J12.10O 17 so.nso 2 BO.TOO Jg 80.4130 BO.Rft If) 8O.8B0 sijtao to ao.ftao S1.S20 n 81.B10 ( si,B3o a s.fao T 02,410 21 ffO.ftTO I XO.ftiM 24 SO.VOO 81,0.10 26 31, tOO i si.ioo 2i ao.xNo 11 31.100 Z7 80,910 12 3U.T10 21 81,800 1$ 30.K20 J9 SO, TOO 14 Sl.SlO 30 81,000 15 B0.4BO 81 80,000 1 SO.TUO ToUl UU3.H40 Less unsold copies lo.OBl Net total aatei 902.240 Dally average SO.TIT C. C. ROSEWATER. Secretary. Subscribed in my preaenca and sworn to be f ire ma this Hat day of October. IMS. (Seal) U. B. HUNOATE. Notary Public. WHE1 OCT OF TOWSI. ahacrlbera leaving (he city tern porarlly aboaI4 have The Ilea nailed to them. It la better than dally letter from home. Ad dreaa will be changed aa often aa requested. It is also apparent that young Sir. Hyde bad good instruction before he took the witness stand. The over-lap lu tile city treasury has truck the dog catcher and he has been ordered to lop off for the bpuhou. All things couie to blru who waits. Tlie possession of the water works will come to Omaha if It waits long enough. The Jobbing district is beginning to crowd the burnt district and presently "the Castles" will have to be put on wheels. Having formed a government. Count Witte would no doubt be pleaded to hy a' people to whom It could be re sponsible. With orders out to rurti work on war ships, the United States navy yards hav an opportunity to show what they could do In case the ships were really needed. Cashier Clark might have been nblo to afford thone fast horses, but when he added "western mining stock" to his assets the result which followed was Inevitable. , Secretary Taft In describing the situ ation in Ohio speaks like a man who had little, liope of capturing the "regulur organisation" for nny presidential boom be might be cultivating. Since Tom Lnwbon is urrested on n charge of libel it U possible that leaders of "high finance" may breathe easier; but as the case has not been tried, they ahonld not venture too far from the cyclone cellar. Now that there has been one more vic tory won by the lawyers of the Water board, they should not be backward in coming forward with another thousand dollar bill of extras before the pumplug station runs dry. If tha railroads suceetni in grid-ironing the alleys as far west as Twelfth and Thirteenth streets the street railway trackage on lower Farnam and lower Podge may have to be relocated to avoid blockades and collisions. Nebraska aud Iowa hardware men evidently have more confidence In the policy of the president than in those Who place their trust In their ability to I talk" the railroads Into being fair aud reasonable In their rates. Former Governor Odell of New York (wants to deny under oath certain state ments made by James II. Hyde; but no one baa learned of any4 desire on his part to be cross-questioned regurdlug the late election in New York. In decllulng te invest in submarine lota adjacent to Rlverview park the council for once fully concurs with the views expressed by The Bee, that the Missouri river has the first mortgage upon that undesirable strip and its perl t die foreclosure of the first mortgage would make a second mortgage worth less. Although the proposition authorizing the lasuo of $00,000 more fire engine bouse bonds has carried, there Is uo reason wby the entire amount should be Issued at once. Oue-balf that amount should be sufficient for the erec tion of a very respectable engine bouse and aa addition of one englue bouse' a year would seem aufflcleut for the ordl nary demanda caused by actual expau loo. BAU.irAV BAJtH A.t KMPLVTES. One of the expedient adopted by the rallrood innnncru In their efforts to prevent federal Icgislntion for the regu lation of rates Is to mst-slml the em ployes of the roads in opposition to the public demand for such legislation. In this they have been to an extent suc cessful. The organizations of employes In the service of the railroads have been persunded by the managers and attor neys of the corporations to take a stand against rate regulation by the govern ment and their representatives have presented to President Itoosevelt a pro test, undoubtedly carefully prepared by rallroiid attorneys, against the legisla tion which the president has recom mended. The views presented In the protest are not new. They have Ihmmi urged re peatedly by representatives of the rail roads since the question of rate regula tion has 1een discussed. Tut In concrete form they amount simply to this, that regulation of railway rates by the federal government will necessarily result in the lowering of rates and this will mean a re duction In the pay of railroad employes. So fsr as those employed by the rail roads are concerned argument of this kind Is likely to exert an influence, but those who are in a position to take a fair and unprejudiced view of the mat ter will not be Influenced. The employ ment and compensation of railroad workers, like every other class of wage earners, are subject to the law of sup ply and demand. When the railroads are being operated to the extreme limit of their capacity, as at present, they will retain all their employes at good wages. On the other band, when traffic falls off they will reduce the number of employes and cut, down wages. The question of government rate regula tion, which contemplates only the cor rection of rates which are shown to be unfair and unreasonable, and not a gen eral and arbitrary regulation of sched ules, would cut no figure whatever In the matter of the employment aud com pensation of railroad workers. The reply of President Itoosevelt to the delegation of railroad employe ought to have assured them that the Iollcy which he urges could not operate to their Injury. There is no injustice intendwl to the railroads, but only such supervision and regulation ns will re quire them to deal fairly aud Justly with the public. It is n reasonable prop osition that if discriminations, rebates and other abuses now practiced can be done away with it will be to the ad vantage of the railroads and therefore to the benefit of all who are connected with them In any capacity. Railroad employes have been misled In their op position to the policy advocated by Mr. Roosevelt and their attitude. Instead of contributing to their welfare. Is really adverse to it, as well as to that of the general publics 1 TH MASTS ASIATIC TRADC , The extent of the raclflc coast's trade with Asia, which has very materially In creased within recent years, Is not gen erally known and the statistics are really surprising. . The San Francisco Call points out that ten years ago the total trade of the coast with Asia amounted to f 70,0O0,Xio. while last year it was 105,000, (XXI, an Increase of more than 100 per cent. That paper remarks that an equal increase in the next dec ade will make it an important part of the foreign trade of the whole country and it expresses the opinion that this will be realized. Of course the products of the coast states supply only a part of this trade but it is easy to understand that if It continues to grow there will be develop ment of production lu the states of the coast and they will necessarily become more prosperous. Capital will flow into thenu population will grow and 'new In dustries will be established. What has already been gained gives promise of what may be accomplished, but a good deal depends upon our future policy In regard to Asiatic countries. If we culti vate their friendship by fair and Just treatment such treatment as we accord to other nations and peoples we shall get their trade, but otherwise It will go to our competitors. There is a good deal I of sentiment on "the coast that Is not favorable to the cultivation of friendly relations. STATE DEPART.VSST HKFURMS It has been commonly supposed that of all the executive departments that which has charge of the forelgu rela tions was freest from any need of re forms. It appears, however, that Secre tary Root has fouud that some changes can advantageously be made and that he Is arranging to bring these about as soon as it cau practically be done. The first step, it is stated, is to get rid of some of the less valuable of bis sub ordinates. Several bavo already been provided for elsewhere and it Is under stood that others are slated to be either retired from the public service or given diplomatic positions which they are qualified for. It is said that Mr. Root, with bis great capacity for work, has undertaken the task of personally acquainting himself with every phase of the department's work. When he has learned all there is to know about the workings of the State department it is predicted that there will be a great shaking of dry bouea, though It will be done so discreetly that only those who are familiar with the personnel of the department will realize the importance of whatever changes are made. As Mr. Root has been secretary of state ouly a few weeks he cannot as yet have learned much about the quali fications of his sulordln:ites, so that the changes already made or In conteinpla tlou were doubtless suggested or di greeted by the proldeut, who uuques- tionably Is very well Informed as to the work of that department and thiW upon whom It devolves. Moreover, Mr. Itoose velt Is undoubtedly most desirous thnt the "foreign office" of the I'nlted States shall le maintained at the very highest standard. Our State department never stood higher In the respect of foreign governments than nt this time and It will not be allowed to decline. There Is reason to Wllovo that the efficiency and influence of this most important depart ment will 1)C enhanced under the ad ministration of the present secretary of state. - DO IT AO". rublie sentiment Is a unit for the abolition of the county Jail graft. It Is conceded on all hands that there is uo more reasou why the county should pay 43 cents a day for feeding prisoners In the county Jail while the city Is paying only 10 cents a day for feeding prisoners in the city Jail than there would be for the county to pay three or four times as much per ton for fuel to heat the county buildings than the city is paying for heating the city buildings. It is a matter of record that during the first three years of his service as sheriff, from 181X1 to 1809, John McDon ald received but 35 cents per day for feeding county prisoners. There has never been any rational explanation or good reason given why the price was Increased by 30 per cent, except that the maximum rate, which means the highest rate allowed by law, Is 50 cents per day. That rate may have been reasonable In sparsely settled counties at the time the law was enacted, but payment of the maximum rate Is by no means compul sory. On the contrary, the county lward Is expected and in duty bound to give the taxpayers the benefit of the most reasonable rate that can be procured consistent with its obligation to aupply a sufficient amount of wholesome food for the Inmates of the county Jail. Why the various county boards have failed to do their duty in this respect, although their attention has repeatedly been called to the contrast between city and county Jail expenses, Is a matter of notoriety as well as a scandal. Repub lican boards did not want to hurt the feelings of the republican sheriff by cut ting down his Jail graft and the demo cratic boards did not want to hurt the feelings of the democratic sheriff by cut ting down his Jail graft, and thus the flagrant abuse has been continued from year to year by the manana policy not this time, some other time. The popular demaud for retrenchment in all the departments of county govern ment can uo longer be Ignored or defied with Impunity. The present Board of Commissioners will not be excused In attempting to shift the responsibility upon the next . board. The mere fact that a change will take place In the sheriff's office within six or seven weeks affords no excuse for procrastination. Its'plaJn duty Is to take action without further delay, even If the amount saved between now and the change In the sheriff's office aggregates only a few hundred dollars. The proper time for the abolition of the Jail graft Is before and not after the change is made in the sheriff's office. The well defined rumor that ex-Couu-cllman Isaac S. Hascall has decided to shy his castor lu the ling as against Councilman Back for the First ward nomination next spring seems to be pre mature. Judge Hascall has served no tice on all to whom It may concern that be has at uo time stated or Intimated that he would be a candidate at the mu nicipal election next spring, liecause it Is premature to consider the matter at this time, aud further because there is plenty of time before the next election to recouslder. Whether this assurance will pacify Councilman Back and all others to whom It may concern It would be premature at this time to prognosti cate. There is plenty of time between now and the spring election to reach a conclusion. Now we are told that the tide of senti ment against annexatlou is slowly re ceding In South Omaha, aud It is ap- parent that a differeut feeling exists froiu lust winter, when 500 South Omaha people and a brass band went to the state capltol and protested against the bill having the consolidation of Omaha and South Omaha as its ultimate object. It must also be apparent that the brass band protest had Its Inspira tion solely from political pleblters and grafters who did not want to bo pried loose from the crib. The discussion before the council of the causes of the fatal accident in the Hayden building emphasises more than ever the Imperative necessity of a re vision of the ordinances to protect the public as well as the owuers of the buildings. The Iowa aud Nebraska Implement Dealers' association has discovered that It has been made the victim of "graft ers" in the guise of orgaulzers. The discovery would be still more Important if tln grafters bad been exposed in the report Fillbusteriug against Cuba will prob ably prove less romantic than filibuster ing for that island. Residents of the Isle of Tines will secure little comfort from the man who declared that the Island of right belonged to the new re public A Dreadfal Saggeatloa. Cincinnati Enquirer. The suggestion has been made that the people of the United 8tatr would gladly adopt Prince Louis ef Buttenuerg if he should get tired of hla royal environment BU11. it would probably be better for the admiral to Uing to tlie royal establishment, with occasional rtivnrelons at khi. It would not always be terrapin, mtiflc ami dancina; In this country. Kvcn a prince rntaht have to work. Weather Prophets Ontrlaaaed. Detroit Free rrres. Now that the system of (Ixlns the divi dends of the poliryholdera has been dis covered the weather bureau Is set back to second place In the guessing contest. By a Rlalnar Vote. Chicago Record-Herald. Admiral Nebonatoff has returned to Rus sia and explains that he surrendered to the Japs In order fo keep his sailors from art tins; hurt. It would be no more than right for the sailors to adopt a vote of thanks. Somethlnar Happened. Haltlmore American. The young man who delib tcly planned a wreck on the Rock Island railroad for the fun of seeing- what would happen, suc ceeded so well that sevral lives were lost. Aa a result of his funmaklng, lie has been sentenced to Imprisonment for life, and he will have a chance to spend the rest of his days WRltlng for something to happen. States' niahta Get Another Knock. 8prlngfleld Republican. The conference of southern governors and congressmen at Chattanooga has dealt state rights a blow by agreeing upon the terms of a new national Quarantine law, under which the national government shall be supremo everywhere along the roast line. This result was foreseen from tha movement of tho breakdown of the LousU ana stae quarantine during the recent yel low fever epidemic. Southern statesmen flnajly yield to the Imperious logic of facts. Gives the Cne to Gorernors. Boston Transcript. Practically the president has settled for all the country the date of Thanksgiving day, since must state governors will In their proclamations agree with him that the 30th Is a very good time for the holi day. It does bring it a bit near to Christ mas, perhaps, some will say, but there will be time to recover physically and financially from any 111 effects of the day's celebration. For while the president can do no less In his proclamation than to Sug gest that people pray for deliverance from passions, appetites and follies, everyone knows that under those three heads are reckoned most of the occupations and pas times that make the day different from other days. Foot ball, big dinners and quiet little family games of bridge as they help to while away the day, will directly or Indirectly stir In all ages emotions that do not exactly bring peace of mind. THE YOTIXG MACHINE. rertlnent Objections to the Mechan ical Dallot. Chicago Chronicle. There Is reason to believe that the adop tion of the voting machine will tend to Increase the percentage of voters who will vote what Is called a "straight ticket." 'The average man, who has not train ing or practice in the use and manage ment of machinery turns naturally away from a machine for doing that which he has long been accustomed to see done in another way. There are still thousands of people who feel a rooted aversion to the use of the typewriting machine. There are many who eee little to ad mire In the element of secrecy In the manner of voting. They think that there can be no faith in any map who dare not vote his sentiments except In the dark. They are willing to accept, out of defer ence to the optsldns of others, the ballot whose makeup "and contents are secret from all the world except the voter him self. But when It 'comes to a ballot that Is so secret that the voter himself Is not sure how he voted nor even that he voted at all not a few voters hold back. Kach wants, by and for himself, to know pre cisely what he Is doing. When a man prepares his own ballot and see It In the presence of sworn offi cers of both parties In action dropped Into a sealed ballot box he knows that he has voted and how he has voted. When he presses a button or a key tn a votinaj machine, the operation of which he does not understand, even though the machine shows him what is said to be a record of his action, he does not actually know whether he has voted or not. nor has he confidence that the records shown to him will be the same counted Into the aggregate. Moreover, he knews that any and every machine is liable to "get out of order," to work erratically or refuse to work at all, and he hesitates to put his freeman's highest privilege into the keeping of an Inanimate machine the action of which might .be Juggled by a crooked expert Into something other than his will and without his suspecting the fact, or it may fall altogether through disorder In the ma chine or a dlBhouest manipulator. Worse than this, an impression has grown that wherever a voting machine is used the percentage of "straight tickets" Increases. Voter have found it more than difficult under the blanket ballot system to cast Independent votes. It Is easy to make one mark and be sure your vote is counted. To "split" a ticket without link of losing your vote requires considerable skill and a vast amount of Instruction, not a little of which la Itself wrong. If It be true that the machine makes splitting a ticket any more difficult than it is now with our blanket ballot thousands of voters will hold that that fact alone la sufficient to condemn It. It Is openly charged In some plaoes that the form of the blanket ballot was made up with the purpose of making a split ticket more difficult than under the old system and that it attained ita purpose, thereby swelling the number of straight tickets and increasing accordingly the power of the boss and hla machine. If the voting machine adds still fur ther to this condition it Is a thing to be avoided. ALMOST EVERYBODY Is coughing. It is the time of year when people are most sus ceptible to colds. Scott's Emul sion will not only cure the cold, which otherwise might hang on ail winter, but will give strength and flesh to the body to resist more colds, pneumonia, etc. COTT SOWN E, 409 Pearl Sirest, New Vers, ROIMl ABOIT KKW illRK, ttlpplea on the (arrest af l ife In the Metropolis. The cost of conducting an election In the metropolis reaches magnificent proportions The prixe Is munificent and the effort to reach It calls forth greater energy from party men than a national election. rii hiachlnery of the last election called for the services of five brigades of men of l.0"0 each, and the total cost to city and county was 11.060,00). Party organisations spent ll.yo.nm more. According to the llersl.l more than 1.3on,iK) ballots were printed ami distributed In each borough this year. Of these l.CW.ono were the regular ballots used on election day and 500,010 were sample bal lots distributed before election day for the guidance of voters who desire to familiar ize themselves with the positions of the candidates for whom they desired to vote on the official ballot before entering the booths. The cost of the printing of these ballon Is at least 150,000, and each year the cost is Increasing. In addition to this there is the expense of providing polling places, equip ping them with booths into which each voter must go to mark his ballot, and many other details, which In themselves stem unimportant, but which In the aggregate reach a large sum. The chief Item of expense, of course, Is the salary of the members of the election boards. Tho four inspectors of election each receive 112 for their work XI each for their work during the time the polls a.-e open and 15 each for canvassing the vote after the polls close. The two poll clerks and the two ballot clerks each receive Ti the salary list for each polling place for election day Is $76. making a total of tHS.CM, for the 1.948 election districts. In addition to this expense for election day the four Inspectors of election each serve the city on the four registration days and on pri mary day, each receiving 7 for each of the five days. New Tork will soon have the greatest library building in the world. It will have capacity for 4,500,000 volumes and its ap proximate cost will be $3,000,01)0. It occupies a frontage of two blocks facing on Fifth avenue, between Fortieth and Forty-second streets. Its site is that of the large city water reservoir on the east side of Bryant park. When completed it will be known as "The New York Public Library Astor, Lenox and Tllden Foundations." It will be a combination of the Astor and Lenox li braries, strengthened by the bequest of Mr. Tilden, which will give a total endowment of about $3,500,000. The work of construc tion has been going on since 1S99, when the reservoir was removed and the foundation begun. The building, which is of marble, is 350 feet in length and ISO feet In width. The main reading room will have capacity for 800 readers and, in addition, there will be a general reading room open to the pub lic, a children's reading room, a periodical room and a newspaper room. One of the election novelties In New- York waa the sale to watchers at the polls of ham sandwiches and hot coffee, dis tributed at S cents eacli from thirty-alx wagons Controlled by the Women's Mu nicipal league. The women sold more than 12,000 sandwiches and more than 3,375 gal lons of coffee at the polling places during the day. One of the New York papers says: "They did a fine business, even If they lost money." Why they should have lost money does not appear. The 6-cent rate should have given them a profit, even with real cream in the coffee and real ham in the sandwiches. The election frauds In New York were certainly Ingenious. That the leaders might know that they got the vote for which they paid, they provided the voter with a piece of carbon paper, enclosed between two sheets of tissue paper, and a rubber. After he had marked a particularly heavy crot-s under the emblem on the ballot he laid the tissue paper with the carbon over the croas and tho emblem, and rubbed It until he ob tained a copy of both. On each set of car bons and tissue papers there was a num ber, and when this was returned to the dis trict captain the voter received his money. Again. In many of the booths two blue pen cils had been placed, tied with strings as the ordinary black pencils are found. In such cases the faithful voters were pro vided with black pencils, which they took with them Into the booths. Innocent voters who used the blue pencils lost their votes, as these were thrown out aa defective. And they say that New York learned all this wickedness from Philadelphia! The "subway cold" Is the newest com plaint In town. Physicians say almost everybody who uses tho subway seems to have it. The symptoms resemble those of Influenza of tho type that was prevalent in New York fifteen years ago, which gave the name "la grippe" to all the colds that followed It. Every day thousands of vic tims of the "subway, cold" may be seen Issuing from the underground road waving their handkerchiefs and manifesting other symptoms of distress. They sneese and they cough and they have an achy feeling In their heads and chests. The new com plaint usually runs its course In from three to Ave days, vanishing as mysteriously as It comoa. There are no bad after-effects unless the sufferer has taken too much rock candy Into his system. It waa one of the damp, misty days when salt becomes possessed of many different kinds of evil spirits. Even In a Broadway restaurant, where the managers are sup posed to obviate all annoyancee of that kind, the particles solidified with aggra vating persistency. In vain did the Irate diners shake and pound and rattle the glass and silver cellars; the salt held back. 1 Among all the resturant patrons there was only one person who solved the problem. That was a woman, young and good look ing. After her first ineffectual attempt she removed the lid of the cellar, took a hair pin from her hair and proceeded coolly to stir the aggregated crystals to a man ageable powder. The old bachelor opposite stopped eating to watch her. "Well, I'll swear," he said. "That is one advantage of being a woman." The gentlemanly burglar who finds him self temporarily In the tolls has amused himself in his leisure hours by pointing out to his Jailers how "easy" he has found the big New York hotels aa a field for his specialty. He asks nothing better, says this expert, than his liberty and the en tree to a large and fashionable hostelry In New York. It waa this burglar who lately walked out of one of the most fa mous New York hotels carrying two costly clocks, one of which he had no trouble In pawning for StuU The manager of the hotel resents the burglar's imputation that he and his hotel are "easy." and comes forward with an elaborate explanation of the precautions taken in his and similar houses against burglary. I, Is his boast that of the 1,600- persons, more or less, who Bleep under his roof every night, and of the lE.OuO persons who daily and nightly resort to his corridors, by far the greater number eacape without the costly visita tion of the "dip" or any of his professional brothers. The precautions against the ac tivity of these gentry in the big hotel are Indeed extraordinary. There are guards snd watchmen and "elbows" everywhere. All the corridors are iatrolld by Aty and by night. An elaborate lystsni of electric alarms is Installed. i L"''7t5: lip : H MUST ht THIS signature FERSOX Al MVTE9. Sweden has Its trolley on. M. Trolle is the new minister of foreign affairs. J. E. Klrbye, president of Drury college, Springfield, Mo., is the youngest American college president, being but 30 years old. The delegates of the New Jersey Mothers' congress, In seslon at Atlantic City, have decided not to mention Mr. Cleveland's name. The Taos Indians have assembled at Banta Fe, awaiting the coming- of Montexuma, thutr long-decensed chief, in accordance with the tradition that lie will return. One of the youngest American mayors to bo elected last week is Ouy Tatrick of Spencervllle, O , who has Just turned 13 yenrs old. II. M. Wolfe of Germantown, O., is a close second at 24. pr. Lee Pe Forest, who has demonstrated to Cleveland people the practiblllly of wire less telegraphy, looks for the coming of a wireless telephone, and Is experimenting now In the hopes of ultimately perfecting a working system. E. C. Hovey of Hoston, a member of the American Library association, Is In Chi cago In the interest of a fund which it is proposed to create for the establishment and maintenance of national headquarters for all public libraries. It is the Intention to raise $100,000 to stnrt with and to sup plement this with $1,000,000 for permanent endowment. According to Le Petit farlslcn, the ex-arcl-.duke Leopold of Austria, who married Frauleln Adumovitch and became natural ized as a Swiss citizen under the name of Leopold Wolfilng, is now serving as a common soldier In a Swiss regiment at Gen eva, In accordance with the law which re quires mllttary service from all citizens of the confederation. A. II. McLeod. freight traffic manager of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton, is to retire from that position, which he has held for thirty years. In appreciation of his long and efficient service he will be given the title of general freight agent of the freight department on the Erie, which will carry with it a comfortable salary. This place he will hold for life. The late General Isaac J. Wlstar of Phila delphia was condemning war at a meeting of the Academy of Natural Sciences. At the end of a vivid description of war's horrors he smiled. "A woman, he said, "twice married, stood with her second hus band beside the grave of her -first. "Here," she murmured, " a hero lies. You would not be my husband today, Jack, had John not been killed at Gettysburg." "O." the man cried fiercely, "what a curse war Is." r.OOD SIUX OF PROSPERITV. Railroad Earnings from Passengers Show tp Bl. New York Evening Post. Railway officials look to freight earn ings for bread and butter. Of the $1,900, M6.907 gross reported by the railroads tn the .last Interstate Commerce commission an nual statement, 70 per cent waa derived from the transportation of freight and only 22 from passengers. Yet the income from the passenger service is closely watched, as such returns reflect to a large extent the financial condition of the terri tory served. This was especially true dur ing the year just ended, for gross earnings varied to an unusual degree, the Northern Pacific for illustration, reporting an In crease of $4,197,311, the Rock Island a de crease of $917,981, the Illinois Central a gain of $2,677,614, and the Atchison an Increase of only $204,637. The passenger earnings of a number of roads throughout the country for the past three years are given below: 1906. 1904. 1903. Louisville $ 8,618.64 $ 7,643.6X6 $ 7.044.OH7 Illinois Central M, 7'.. Si 9.5M.743 8,977.2a Northwest rn . 13,339,714 18,027, 7og 12,111,277 New Haven .. 24,146,454 23.425,172 22. 963.018 Ixuig Island .. 3,9.47 1.9'J3,4SI I,7h4,u6 N. Y. O. & W. 1,192.140 1.043.098 1.2AS , St. Paul 10 12;tFJi iffiimi aiu-nl Lehigh S.6o,i!fi X.1F5,71& I.1V1.639 St. L. A B. W. 1.7x1.937 1.475, 4S5 1.337,732 Hrie 8,397.367 8.077,4H S.nzl.891 Nor. Pacific... Il.336.x52 ll.H6,7M 10,596,447 Rock Island... 12.06O.7k1 11,697.033 11.490.543 Wabash 8.917.829 7.045. 626 , 135. 601 Burlington .... 15,898,243 14,494.573 14.136.2H1 All of the roads mentioned, including the ones reporting a decrease or small gain In gross earnings, showed remarkably large Increases in passenger receipts during 1905. Thus the claim of general prosperity is maintained. It is worth recalling that the end of a boom period is generally marked by an advance in real estate prices and by larger railway passenger earnings. Dur ing the first seven months of the calendar year 1904, gross earnings of the rallrvads decreased $19,328,695. Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good 'blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. Ask your own doctor about taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for thin, impure blood. He knows all about this medicine. We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. BUds y tke 9. O. Ay Oe.. Imll, Haas. AIM Maaitfeetaxen ef aTT.B g HaIB VIGOR-Fot tk kir. AYER'S PILLS-Por eonttisatioa. ATEK'S CHKBBT fftCT0RAle-foi con IS. AYEK'B AGUK CVitt-Far maUiiasst 51 Within this jar there is more of the real substance of Beef and a higher quality of Beefthan in any other Meat Extract jar of equal size. LIEBIG C0FIPANYS Extract of Beef In bins, or , SOMEWHAT COXFMCTISfS. Aracnmrnta ef Railroad Men Dimmit to Reeouclle. Minneapolis Journal. The dispatches state that the representa tives of live of tlie leading railway labor organltatlons have presented to the presi dent a protest against his plan for ralln i, rate regulation. They argue that govern ment regulation means lower rates ami lower rates means lower wages. lust how this argument Is. to Ik recon ciled with the claim of tho, rallroiid com panics that lower railroad fates are lower without government regulation than they are with it is not apparent, hut this lias been one of the strong points urged tiefme the senate committee by their star witness. Prof. Hugo Meyer. If It Is true, as tl railroads claim, that the public gets lower rates when the railroads are let alone tlinn It gets when the government supervises, then the argument of the rnllwsy organi sations is not sound. These things will have to be reconciled before the pressure brought to bear upon the president can be expected to have much effect. Nobody has complained In the past mote bitterly of the Influence of employers upon employes In seeking to determine their po litical action than tho leaders of the r-ni ployes themselves. If such Influence Is potent perhaps It Is not surprising Unit it should operate In this case. FLASHES OF FIX. Towne I'll be careful never to get into an argument with him again. lies en tirely too bitter. Rrowne You don't pay? Towne Oh, he's a regular wasp. Prowne 1 see. He always carries his point. Philadelphia Press. First Man How do you do? Second Man Hrgr purccn, but you have the advantage of me. First Man Yes, I guess I have. We were engaged to the same girl, but you married her. Pittsburg Dispatch. "T hear that English nobleman has dis continued his attentions to Miss Mintrn. "Yes, he queered himself with old Nil rltch; the chump asked the old fellow if lip ever followed the hounds." "Well?" "Well. Nurltch was a dog-catcher before he made his pile." Philadelphia Catholic Standard. "You're 6r busiest guy vot I effer seen," sputtered the Stein. "Busy ain't no name fur It," said the Can. "Ol'm rushed near t' death!" Cleveland , Leader. "I wonder how graft' originated?" said the studious man. "Away hack in the Garden of Ejrten." an swered Senator Sorghum. "Man was n grafter at the outset. Adam Couldn't even let Eve enjoy an apple without getting a rake off." Washington. Star. . "What are those things down there?" asked the person who waa unfamiliar with the piano. "Those are the pedals, for the feet, you know," replied the pianist. "Oh! I see; that's what you play the foot notes with, eh?" Philadelphia Preas. "Yes, all the boys called her plain." "And yet I understand two-thirds of them proposed to her, before the season was over. "Yes. that was after the rumor was started the she had Inherited money. " Cleveland Plain Dealer. VAIS rLEADIS. Baltimore American. I wooed her with the softest words. Like music gentle ef sweet birds. I talked her fine. I talked her fair, I sang her praises everywhere. I urged her in tne gamiest way; My court to her did ea?er pay. I showered gold with open hand. I beeaed her only to command. She merely said she'd think It o'er, And only that and nothing more. I begged her bless my humble home, I offered all, from .base to dome; I promised her of rooms the choice. That her'a should be deciding vole In every mooted family plan: That neither woman, child nor man Should dare to cross her lightest wish That she should dine on finest dish. And go abroad In silken dress. '. She said she'd others, too, to press. I longed for her with wild desire; My bosom burned with raging Are; I saw the vision In dismay Of her I longed for torn away. I desperate grew with frantic fear I moaned. I groaned. I dropped a tear. And begged she would at least confess Some pity for my great distress. She said she did some pity feel. But scantiest pity did reveal. I even stooped to gift and bribe, I felt it woe to be alive If ahe should go and leave m there, Crushed 'neath the weight of my despair I offered gold, I promised all Of worldly goods within my call. She spurned them all, that stately da ma And passed as haughtv as she came. She said: "A better place I've took." And so she went our latest cook. X 1 r I