Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone rtM.
Now lorated la the new
rt tail district, HowanI
find Sixteenth
To us to know that soiuo of our best customers today were customers of our9 nineteen
years ago when we started in the Dry (foods business in Omaha. Good, square, honest dealing,
reliable merchandise, good values, lowest prices, these, they know they always get here, and
that is what keeps them coming. AVith our new daylight store, centrally located in the new re
tail district, we are better equipped to take care of our increasing business, and we invite you
all to come and make this your store home make its many conveniences your own, meet your
friends in our waiting and rest rooms on third floor.
Special Clearing Sale of.' Col
ored Dress Goods Remnants
From the Great Opening Sale
in Our New Store.
Short talk me are going to make this
advertisement straight to the point ami
give you such values Thursday morning aa
you have never had at any previous sale.
This accumulation of remnants la what was
lft from the very goods you bought at the
opening of the new. store watst lengths,
lengths for children" dresses, skirt lengths
and all aingle dress lengths. Read each
Item below carefully, note ' the sweeping
reductions, arid, by the way, here la an
excellent suggestion as a Christmas re
membrance, practical and costs but little.
Remnants of Skirt Lengths and
Full Dress Patterns.
MIXED SIMTING-Garnct, 7- yards In
remnant, for $1.39.
Regular 11.50 quality, handsome, rich silk
finish, i'4 yards In remnant, for $3.47.
remnant of 8 yards, for $1.C7.
$1.00 quality, m yards In remnant, for $1.74.
WORSTED NOVELTT-r-Color dark plum,
Inches, regular $1.00 quality, 5 yards In
remnant, for $2.5?.,
OARICET PANAMA All wool, regular
$1.00 quality, 4-i yards In remnant, for $1.96.
SCOTCH PLAID Tli new Tartan colors,
mohair, regular $1.00 quality, S yards In
remnant, for $3.21.
DE CHINE Light In finish, in draping
qualities they equal pretty chiffon, very
serviceable, regular $1.00 quality, 7H yards
In remnant, for $3.11.
PARIS One of this season's most popular
fabrics, very dressy, regular $1.00 quality,
yards In remnant, for $3.09.
NOVELTY , SUITINO-Color hunters1
green, Just, a suggestion of novelty, very
pretty, regular $1.00 quality, 6V4 yards In
remnant, for $2.61.
NAVY . St'ITING Medium weight, nice
for any season of tho year, regular $1.00
quality, 6 yards in remnant, for $2.68.
Merchants' National 3.mS75.0 2,004.420.10
Nebraska National.. 1,019,182.92 738.164.21
Totala $22. 5fl2.sitS.ff7 $16,520,094.02
Incrcaso ,..,-. ... 6,022.29.86
Cash on hand.
National 4.489.47S.41 $ 1,772.731. W
i. National i.itg.&t.i. i.k.s.m
Nations h S.lSi.MKt V7 . 2.K1.4;f7.M
ferchants' National 1.935.440.7S 1.KS7.9J2.7
Nebraska National.. ; tW7.Ul.64
Totals l.w .m, oio. 70
Inrieaso, .-.t. .,.... 2,024, 414.2 " .
First Kstfotial .k..'.. $11. 628. 88.96 M6S.MI.M I
Ornnlia JiUOnaI )...;U,870.4Oi.tl7 H.WO,MUu.ti
1'. 8. National ..... .iMA,81t.M 8.4KK.M1.66
Merchants'- National 6.7t7,m 88 4,S70.3!.84
Nebraska National,. L35H.836.22 1.986. 4!74
Totala ...,..' ,.$41,17,IWl.r7 $33,250.006.M
Increase.,;....'..'.,,. T.926.55C93
The figures' for the-lilted States Na
tional for t4 are the combined figures for
the United Prates National, the Commercial
Natonat and the Union National, afterward
consolidated Into tiro United 8tates Na
tional. V -. v
The IfnuUi Omaha national banks make
the following showing: .
r' . Nov. 9. Aug. 23.
Union Stock Y'ds Nat.$2.SC4.316.91 $7,871,964.91
Houth Omaha Nut.... 3.22. 1W.70 3.227. 9U6.65
Packers National..... 1,545.629.32 1.600.261.86
Totals S7.6X2.142.S3 $7,600,122.97
Increase ...$ 82.019.96
Nov. 9. Aug. 25.
Union Stock Y'ds Nat.$1.782,!t67.92 Sl.SiS.MM.W
South Omaha Nat.... 1,414.766 30 1,715.893.87
Packers National 1,350,216.99 I,2u6.tl0.fiS
$4,547.961.21 $4,281,699.52
$ 266.360.69
Nov. 9, 1903. Aug. 25. 190S.
Union Stock Y'ds Nat.$1.426, 485.75 $1,849,761.68
The Influence of
rl I If the pa pers by Steffens
I,and Miss Tarbellon po
litical and commercial graft
have been strong factors in
stirring upsucn popular out
bursts of the public consci
ence as are shown in Miss
ouri, Wisconsin, Pnlladel
phla and Naw York; can
any manufacturer doubt
that the magazine has
enough Influence tossll his
goods? Only a vital, in flu
entlal, powerful, fearless and
conscientious magazine can
prove the best advertising
medium for self-respscting,
fairly-priced, honestlymade
44-60 Fast d Street
The abundant harvests of
tli West are the results of
springtime planting aurt
summer tilling. Now is
the time to provide the bar-
vest of life's work. Our
U I'er Out Iuvestiueut
Policy will provide a little
fortune for life's autumn,
if you live, and will pro
tect your family If you die.
Iet us tell you about It.
Hanker Reserve Life Com
pany. Bhhvuui II. Roblaon.
President. Home Office,
It is Not Surprising
. GRANITE NOVELTY-Beantifully fin
ished. . regular $1.00 quality. S"4 yards in
redknant, for $1.S4.
Lengths for Children's and
Misses' Dresses.
You should sea these pretty pieces. There
never was auch a collection. You can get
three or four remnants at the price of a
single pattern in a regular way. Hundreds
to choose from. This Is the time to lay In
the youngsters' presents for Christmas.
FINE FRENCH SERGE All wool, color
Alice blue, 4H yards In remnant, for $1.46.
and there bright threads peeping through
the surface. 5'i yards In remnant, for $1.64.
BLUE SERGE All wool, 4 ; yards In
remnant.' for $1.41.
SHEPHERD'S CHECK-Colors navy and
brown, S yards In remnant, for 76c.
ors, $H yards In remnant, for 74c.
NAVY NOVELTY-Invlslblo stripe here
and there, tiny woven figures, S',4 yards In
remnant, for 79c.
SCOTCH PLAID Dark, rich ground,
pretty bright threads, forming broken
checks, 4Ti yards In remnant, for $1.67.
CHECKED NOVELTY-Color navy and
black. In tiny checks, 3H yards In remnant,
for S4c.
Remnants in Waist Lengths.
Hundreds to choose from remnants of
popular numbers. If you are here early
you will find choice line to chtose from.
regular $1.00 quality, 3 yards In remnant,
for $1.67.
NOVELTY WAIST1NG-A1I wool, reseda
green, with tiny white dots, 3'i yards In
remnant, for 71c
SCOTCH PLAID-ln brllliantlne, bright
colors, regular $1.00 quality, 2H yards In
remnant, for $1.11.
white, 3'i yards in remnant, for 73c.
Regular $1.00 quality, bright silk finish, 3
yards In remnant, for $1.84.
yards In remnant, for 75c.
and Sixteenth
South Omaha Nat 2.424.428.M 2.061.873.24
Packers National 445.765.47 630.0ri7.lj
Totals $4,296,679.42 $4,431.S41.92
Decrease $ 134.W2.60
Cits- Savins r.tnlr.
The bank of J. L. Brandels & Sons has
not yet prepared Its statements. The fol
lowing figures show the condition of the
City Savings bank of Omaha, as compared
with August 25, 1906 nnd November 15, 1904:
Nov. 9. Aug. 25,
1HH5. 19u6. Increase.
Deposits $001,295.58 $543,829.87 $57.46.71
1 oh na and dls... 577.416.98 554.836.36 22.;80.61
t'ash on hand.... 1M. 171.41 70.677.60 32.593.81
Total resources.. 709,387.24 654.042.83 65.344.42
The comparison of present sta-tement
with November 10, 1904: '
1306 104. Increase.
Deposits $XI1,295.6 $2.214.07 $16,0)1.51
Loans and dls... 577.416.98 467.878.38 109.5&.6"
Cash on hand.. 41 41.776.63 61.394.78
Total resources. 709.387.24 538.484.40 170,902.84
(Continued from First Page.)
hava been given time to carefully look Into
the matter. It is an exceedingly closo
question, but I am Inclined to believe that
we secured sovereignty of tha island at the
same time we took over Porto Rico."
Probably twenty-five families moved from
Iowa to the Isle of Pines at the close of the
Spanish-American war, while a number of
Nebraskana accompanied their Hawkeye
brethern to the Island, which Is becoming
famous for its tropical fruits. They are
among those who are protesting against
Cuba's oppressive rule, and in consequence
of their action a very delicate situation has
arisen which will need most skillful hand
Committee of Snffraclata, Headed hy
Snaaa B. Anthony, Calls on
( tho President.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 15.-A plea on be
half of woman suffrage was made to the
president today by Susan B. Anthony, Mrs.
Harriet Taylor Upton and Mrs. Ida Husted
The national convention of the associa
tion will be held In Baltimore February 8 to
13. The central committee of the organisa
tion at that time will be authorized to
bring subjects of Interest to the attention
of congress.
MI8S Anthony said with respect to the
call today: "We did not call, on the presi
dent aa women, but aa American citizens,
and us uuch we were graciously received."
So Trace of Bodies of Laborers
Canht by Mnaa of Molten Uteri
In Medrale Pit.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 15,-During the
Inquest held today In the cases of John
Forkln and Joseph Gariela, laborers, who
were killed at the Mldvalc Steel works
on November 10, It was testified that the
two men had entered a pit and that gO.OtO
pounds of hot metal poured In from a
leak and completely absorbed them. Not
a trac of the bodies of tha men was ills.
covered. The steel company has decided
to take about . pounds of the steel
from the place where the men were last
sen and have it buried out of respect
for the dead workmen. The coroner's lury
rendered a verdict of accidental death.
Seeretary of War Will Address Cons
merrlal riah Satnrdar Klnht
on (ha Panama Caaal.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13.-6ecrtary Taft
has chosen the Panama canal project as
the topic for his address before the Com
mercial club at St. Louis next Saturday
night. He has collected a large amount
of matter on thl eubject, based on per
sonal observations. Inlervla with
, arnar Magoon and Chief Engineer Stevens
Bee. Nor. IS. Ifttt.
ELTY Here and there tiny red dots, 3
yards in remnant, for $1.31.
Color navy and red, tiny check of red and
navy, 2H yards in remnant, for 64c.
Art Department.
Miss Steenetrup. late of Copenhagen, Den- .
mark, an artist In needle and yarn work. .
will give free Instruction In the new Hedcbo J
and HardAnger patterns. She also Instructs
in art needle work, knitted and crochet
yarn work.
All Interested should Join the classes at
our art department on second floor.
Free Instructions given to those who pur
chase materials hero, are from 2 until $
o'clock. In order to give every one proper
attention the classes will be divided.
We do stamping.
Ladies' and Children's Knitted
Indies' Swiss ribbed merino vests, high
neck, long sleeves, drawers to match, made
with tape top, gray or cream color, medium
weight, good quality. Price, $1.00,
Ladles' fine ribbed wool vests, high neck,
long sleeves, drawers to match, mndo with
French band, medium weight, color gray,
all sizes, 85c
Ladies' fine ribbed, light weight merino
corset covers, high neck, long sleeves, color
cream, all sizes, 50c and 75c.
Children's fine ribbed Australian wool
vests, pants and drawers, winter weight,
all sizes, 50c.
Children's fine ribbed merino vests and
pants, medium weight, color cream, sizes
1 to 4, 60c; 6 to 8, 75c.
The W. B. Erect Form Corset.
Is a sensible garment. It Is shaped Just
as you are shaped. It does not try to
give you a physique thut nature never In
tended you to possess. It takes tha figure
you already have and rounds its curves
Into perfect lines of symmetry arrd inten
sifies your own graces. Made In a different
model for each sort of figure. Let us fit
you In our modern, cozy fitting rooms.
Expert corset fitters in attendance. Prices,
$2.00 to $20.00 In corsets.
and Chairman Shonts, and has supple
mented these by careful investigation on
the ixthrrlus, so that he hopes to make
his treatment of this matter thoroughly
comprehensive. Corning at a date only
a few weeks In advance of the meeting
of congress, this speech will. In. a, meas
ure, servo to advise the senators and rep
resentatives In a jnore conulsa manner
than the usual formal annual report of
the exact situation on the isthmus and
the prospects for a successful prosecution
of the great enterprise.
Jsrrr Finds Chlcaaro Politician Gnlltr
of Breach of Promise to
CHICAGO, Nov. 15. A Jury today re
turned a verdict of $15,000 In favor of Miss
Mabel Peland against John O'Ncll. a for
mer alderman and prominent contractor,
for breach of promise of marriage.
The case ,has been on trial for several
weeks and has excited much Interest. Miss
Beland was for several years an inmate
of O' Neil's home nnd continued to reside
there aa his housekeeper after the divorce
of Mrs. O'Neil from her husband. She
brought suit, claiming that O'Neil had
promised to marry her, and duluunded
$50,000 for his failure to adhere to the cou
tract she declared he had made with her.
I O'Neil denied the charge absolutely and
I fought the case with every resource in his
! power.
I During the trial it was shown by the evi
dence that O'Neil and Miss Beland had
I taken trips to Marquette, Mich., and other
places In th northwest.
Sentiment of Conanltlns Board Xow
bee uia to Favor I.ow-I.evel
Lork Channel.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 15.-Tlie full
Board of Consulting Engineers of the
Panama Canal had an all-day session to
day and continued the the work upon the
different types of canal. There seems to
be a general Impression thut a large num
ber of engineers at present favor a sea
level canal, but an Intimation has been
made that' there might be a compromise
upon a low level lock canal, which would
be very satisfactory to the Canal com
mission and the administration.
The officers who accompanied Secretary
Taft to Panama to investigate the matter
of fortifications for the canal have not
yet made a report and will not until a
type of canal Is determined. Upon the
type of canal will depend the location of
the mouths of the cunul. and no definite
plans for fortifications will be feasible until
the places where the protection will be
needed can be definitely known.
Tuke 1-aiatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets
Drut-'glsis refund money If It falls to cura
E. W. Grove's signature la on each box.25i
Norwearlan Steamer slaks.
gian steamship Karnford. from Pilleys Isl
and for Philadelphia, was sunk today at
the mouth of the Schuvlkill river In a
collision with the Biitlsh steamship
Carthagenlun. which was bound from Phil
adelphia for St. Johns and Glasgow. The
crew of the Eurnford was saved.
A Novel
Grape-Huts a
Delicious tasie.
And a Scientific Reason.
Pmidiat ef Uaion Ftoifio Bsji Equitable
Official Atktd Hit lid.
Mr. Hyde Takes the Staad Asala and
Belteratea Former Statements.
Mr. Odrll Will Testify.
NEW YORK, Nov. 13.-B. II. llarrlman.
chairman of the board of directors of the
Union Parlflc railroad, formerly member
of the board of directors of the Equitable
Life Assurance society, the former friend of
James Hazen Hyde, against Whom the latter
charged acts of an . unfriendly i-alure In
his testimony yesterday, was one of the
chief witnesses before the Armstrong com
mittee on insurance Investigation today.
Mr. llarrlman was called immediately be
fore recess and his testimony was 1 series
of denials of the charges made by Mr.
Hyde. Contrary to Mr. Hyde's statement,
Mr. Harrlman said Mr. Hyde came to him
about a year or so ago and asked him to
use his influence to have him appointed
ambassador to France. Mr. Harrlman said
he would speak to President Roosevelt
when he saw him. but added that he did
not recommend Mr. Hyde for the post.
Upon Mr. Hyde's testimony relative to
the settlement of the Odell suit being
read to him Mr. Harrlman denied that he
suggested to Mr. Hyde any danger of the
repeal of the charter of the Mercantile
Trust company, directly or Indirectly, and
stated that Mr. Hyde came to Urn and
asked him to use his Influence villi Mr.
Odell, toward a settlement of the rult.
Mr. Harrlman explained that be wanted
Mr. Hyde's Individual signature to the
syndicate agreement for the $50,00000 Union
Pacific pool becausn no syndicate wanted
a corporation as a member. He Justified
this because It. was difficult to Tmrl con
fidences when morn tlian one' Individual
represented the same Interest. He denied
that he ever advised Mr. Hyde to sell his
stock until after the report of fhe Ftlck
committee, and said he had offered to sub
scribe $M0,0O to assist Mr. Hyde In retain
ing his stock.
Unwarrantable Transactions.
Mr. Harrlman said the Frlck report never
mentioned the Union Pacific deal specifi
cally, but Included it under the general
statement that Mr. Hyde had committed
the society In unwarrantable transactions
without the knowledge of the committee.
Mr. Harrlman thought it perfectly proper
for the Equitable to buy Union Pacific
under an agreement to hold It for five
years. He did not know that It was Mr.
Hyde's personal money In this deal and
always supposed It was that of the Equita
ble. Witness denied that he had requested
that the executive committee be not In
formed of this deal, and when Mr. Hyde's
testimony on this point was read to him,
he replied that "he did not remember."
Mr. Harrlman said that early In the
Equitable troubles he had defended Mr.
Hyde from attacks and had advised him
to move the adoption of the Frlck report,
telling him that he would stand by him
through thick and thin. .
Mr. Hyde was the- first witness of the
day. He told of four offers for his stock,
besides that of Mr.' Ryan, to whom he sold.
These offers were by Mr. Frlck and
Mr. Harrlman, by George Gould, by Gage
E. Tarbell, representing a syndicate, and
by George W. Young. The largest offer
was made by Mr. Young, former president
of the United States Mortgage and Trust
company, who .offered S7.000.000. Mr. Hyde
said he dccllmnl all these offers,' because
he did not think It to the best interest of
the society to accept any of them. . Mr.
Ryan then mado:the only 'offer for the
slock after the Frlck report Hyde was
excused while George II. Squire, Jr., a
stock broker arid, son of the former finan
cial manager of the Equitable Life, waa
called to explain some transactions of his
father. He told how his firm sold stock of
the Lawyers' Title Insurance and Trust
company for his father's account to the
American Deposit and Loan company.
George H. Jenkins, formerly president of
this company, was called and said that
George H. Squire requested that all of
this stock offered by his son's firm be
purchased. This was done from time to
time and subsequently sold to the- Equi
table Life at an advance, the profits going
to Mr. 8quire.
Hyde Reiterates Statements.
Mr. Hyde was again called and said this
was the first he had heard of these trans
actions. He said In answer to Senator
Armstrong that his powers of attorney
were destroyed when he returned from
Europe, but that it an obligation should
turn up now purporting to have been made
while he was abroad the situation would
be very embarrassing.
After Mr. Harrlman had testified Mr.
Hyde was railed again and asked If he
heard Mr. Harrlman testify. He replied
that he had. He reaffirmed his previous
testimony and supplied data about several
questions concerning which Mr. Harrlman
waa uncertain.
Samuel Untermeyer, counser for Mr.
Hyde, attempted to cross-examine Mr.
Harrlman. but the committee after con
sultation refused permission, whereupon
Mr. Untermeyer asserted the examination
had been eonducted in a disorderly man
ner. With today's session the examination of
both Mr. Hyde and Mr. Harrlman was com
pleted, and the next witness who Is awaited
with much Interest Is Mr. Odell, who hss
requested to be examined.
Mr. Jordan Is the Auditor.
Michael Murray, cashier for the Equitable
Life, said he did not know of the J. W.
Alexander No. S account until June of this
year. For years he received checks fror.j
Thomas D. Jordan, drawn to Murray's order
by the Mercantile Trust company and de
posited as cash to the credit of the Equitable-
Life. Mr. Murray also detailed tho
manner In which Mr. Jordan would aak for
cash, thousands of dollars at a time, and
put a ticket as a memorandum In the
drawer. Mr. Jordan would then give a
check and the cash ticket was returned to
Mr. Jordan. The check was considered ns
so much cash, but no other entry waa made
anywhere of this transaction.
Mr. Murray said that prior to June, 196,
there was a memorandum account of per
haps $400,000 that was taken up by check.
This account had been carried In the le
partment aver since Mr. Murray's connec
tion with It In the early '9. This account
was a cash memorandum book; there was
no indication in the book aa tu who got the
$400,000. or of the times, at which it was
taken. This book was In place of a ticket
in the drawer and waa treated aa cash on
hand. Mr, Murray was asked what th
auditing committee did when it came across
this book and created much amusement
when ho replied that Mr. Jordan was tha
auditor. .
Senator Armstrong asked Mr. Murray If
ha had had any communication with Mr.
Jordan or knew where he waa, and witness
replied that he had not sees or heard of
him ainoa ha walked out of tha Equitable
building, and knew of no one that did know
Mr. Jordan's whereabout.
Adjournment was then taken.
Good Roads CoBTontloa.
ONAWA. Ia.. Nov. U--8peclal.)-Maror
Henry Harlow of Onawa, who la president
of tha Iowa Htata Highway . commission,
after holding s conference with Thomas
It. MeDonsld snd other officials of the
commission, luis le 1 led to call the winter
meeting of the nssmiatloii at Pes Moines,
February S and 5.
Kansna Senator Mast Again Face Jnrr
on t harae ol Working
a "Kraft."
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15-Unlled States Cir
cuit Judge Vandeventer today overruled
the demurrer filed yesterday to the indict
ment of United States. Senator Burton of
The trial of Senator Burton on the
charge of having used his influence before
the Postofflce, department In behalf of the
Rlalto Grain and Securities company of
St. Louis, to prevent the Issuance, of ft
fraud order against the eomiany Is set
for beginning on next Monday.
Tho demurrer overruled by Judge Vamle
vanter was based upon two counts In the
Indictment, and set forth the contention
thnt the charges that Benator Burton had
received compensation for services from a
concern against which tho proceedings
were pending were vague in that it did not
specify the exact nature of the proceedings
said to be pending. The seconrt Injunction
raised In the demurrer waa that It was
not specifically stated In the Indictment
that Senator Burton knew of the proceed
ings against the company by the postofflce
department, when. It was alleged, he re
ceived compensation.
As to the first objection In the demurrer.
Judge Vandevanter said:
It seems to me that tho fact chnrged was
that a proceeding was pending. This same
point was raised on the previous Indictment
and sir co then I have made a very close
study of this feature of the case and it
seems the proceeding is siitfontly de
scribed In the Indictment. It is immaterial
how that proceeding came to be pending.
It Ir material only that a proceeding wus
As to the second objection, Judge Van
devanter said:
I am strongly persuaded that one could
not receive compensation under these cir
cumstances without knowing that proceed
ings were under way or about to be begun.
Concluding his opinion, he said:
As to the Indictment in this case I anr
of the opinion that the district attorney
could not well have prepared an indictment
more in accord with the requirements of
the statute.
Attorneys representing Senator Burton
this afternoon filed a plea in bar to prose
cution under this indictment. This plea
Is based on the verdict In the trial of
Burton almost two years ago, which found
him guilty on certain charges In the indict
ment and not guilty on other charges. Ho
was found not guilty of having received
compensation from an officer of the Rlalto
company. The plea In bar sets forth that
having previously been acquitted on this
specific charge ho cannot a second lime be
placed In Jeopardy for the same offense.
Arguments will be heard before Judge
Vandervanter tomorrow morning.
President Mays Only Fight Mnde on
I ntona la Aaralnst
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 15. The third annual
convention of the National Citizens' Indus
trial association opened today at the Plan
ters' hotel, with about 400 delegates In at
tendance, representing local organizations
throughout the United States. The con
vention was called to order by j. W. Van
Cleve, president of the St. Iiuls organiza
tion, which has a membership of 7.000.
Mayor Wells welcomed tho delegates In be
half of the city and was followed by C. W.
Post, president of the national organiza
tion, who outlined in detail the objects of
the assembly. . President Post said:
"Many have an erroneous Idea of our pur
pose. This Is not, us some would have tho
fiublin believe, an organization to tear down
abor organizations or fight labor. We are
not partisans of the employers. Our posi
tion 1h rather that of an intermediary be
tween capitol and labor. We want to
strengthen both and build them up. We
are Just as much opposed to Industrial com
binations as we are to a labor trust, or any
j Institution that seeks to corner the labor
mamei. want ranor ro leer as rnue-
pendent as capital, and vice versa.
After President Post had concluded his
address he announced the appointment Qf
committees to serve for the ensuing year.
Painter In Trouble.
FORT DODGE, la., Nov. 15. (Special.)
F- R. Prang, a prominent contracting
painter of this city, arrested some time
past on the charge of burglary, and later
indicted by tire grand Jury, was today
brought before Judge Richards to answer
to the charge against him. Prang entered
S plea of guilty to having tho stolen goods
In his possession, but denied having taken
them from the houses or being Implicated
In a series of burglaries of which he Is
suspected. On being questioned by the
Judge he made a number of inconsistent
statements and becoming badly tangled up,
all but admitted having stolen goods from
Fort Dodge residences. The Judge there
upon refused to accept his plea of guilty
to the possession of stolen goods and or
dered tha case retried. The case has cre
ated considerable excitement here, os
Prang haa been well thought of.
Peculiar Pamaae Salt.
FORT DODOK. la., Nov. 15. (Special.)
One of the largest personal Injury cases
ever tried in the local court Is on the docket
for tomorrow In the suit of IHive Williams
against the Mineral City Park association
for the sum of $w,000. The plaintiff alleged
that his wife was walking past the grand
stand while In attendance at the county
fair here two years ago, and that she was
struck on the head by a beer bottle thrown
from above. She was unconscious for days
and permanent injury is alleged. The case
Is now coming on for its third trial, the
Jury having disagreed twice. The question
involved Is a difficult one and lawyers state
that the records of law show no precedent
in the matter'.
Drops Dead la Field.
CHARLES CITY. la.. Nov. IS. (Special.)
Coroner Dennis was called to Ulster town
ship some six or eight miles west of the
city, this morning to hold an Inquest over
the remalna of Oliver T. Crowell. who diml
very suddenly this morning about ( o'clock
while husking corn. Deceased is a man
about 21 years of age and was working for
a man named William Demary.
Merehaat Hangs lilmsrlf.
FORT DODGE. Ia., Nov. 15.-(Spectal
Telegram.) Sandon Myers, a prominent
merchant at Cherokee, locked himself In
the basement of his store this afternoon
and committed suicide by hanging himself
mith a clothesline. His lifeless body was
found a few minutes after. No motive for
tha act ia known.
Dr- Graves'
Tooth Powder.
Use it twice-a-day and you will
hare white teeth, hard gums,
clean mouth, pure breath, good
digestion and good health. Just
ask your dentist about it.
In haad ma tat oaae ar nettles, I So.
Dr Crates' Tooth Powder Co.
to look after Investments when they are
placed with tho
Conservative Sitings & Loan Association
mS South isth St.. Omaha.
All Investments of $110 to $3. ate se
cured by first mortgages on Improved real
estate, situated In this county, each
mortgage growing better by monthly pay
ments; also protected by a growing re
serve, present amount of which Is $.'iJ,ni.
Have never puld less than t per cent in
fourteen years' business.
Resources, $1.4!t6,rtio .11.
Xeo. F. Ollmore. - President,
flffir Ore J has. C. iorge. 1st -V.-Pres.
UlllbBi). "j j A Hunderlnnd. 2nd V.-Pres
t John F. Flack, rten'l Mnnnger.
(Continued from First Page. I
nuunced In the manifesto of October 30 U
Report from Orient.
The latest reports from Vladivostok Indi
cate thnt th" rioting has not yet been sup
pressed. Both the sailors and the fortress
artillerymen participated In the outbreak.
The commandant lost his head. The situa
tion got beyond his control and energetic
measures were not taken until a large pHrt
of the city had been destroyed. The popu
lation Is still seeking refuge on the vessels
I". the harbor.
According to one report from Vladivostok
!W0 rioters, mostly sailors and artillerymen,
were killed or wounded during the first day
of the outbreak.
At tho Sangalll works there was a fight
between strikers nnd anti-strikers, during
which four men were killed and ten were
wounded with knives.
The electric lights will be shut off this
evening and the city win again bo In dark
ness tonight. The car drivers and cabmen
have also been asked to join in the strike.
Government tnprennred.
The suddenness and magnitude of the
movement has terrorized the inhabitants
and has caught the government ss usrral
unprepared. The streets are already full of
Cossacks, cavalry and Infantry, hut the
authorities, in tho face of such a gigantic
revolutionary demonstration, seem to be
hesitating over what course to pursue. In
asmuch as thousands of arms were bought
and distributed during the last few days
under cover of providing for defense against
the "Black Hundred" the danger of blood-
shed on a largo scale should the troops
nre rs greany increased. 1 r.e revolutionary
leaders boldly boast that the people are
now better prepared and better armed for
a conflict. Moreover they assert confidently
that they know positively that the soldiers
of several of the guard regiments will re
fuse to fire upon the people.
Tho English mill owners at a meeting
this afternoon decided to shut down indefi
nitely, as It Is impossible to attempt to
continue work while the present revolu
tionary spirit prevails. At the embassies
tho situation was regarded hs mirchmore
serious than over before. Genuine alarm
Is miinlfested as to whether tho govern
ment will be able to meet the Impending
crisis. Measures are being taken, but their
nature Is not disclosed.
Other Matlons Active.
The report that Germany Is massing
troops on the Polish frontier Is said to be
conrmed from high sources, nnd It Is un
derstood that British and German war
ships nre being made ready to come into
the Neva If necessary and, according to
current report, land troops to protect Uvea
of foreigners should the nob get the upper
A largo meeting of workmen Is being
held, at which the most incendiary
speeches are being made and , resolutions
adopted. The following are samples:
We do not believe In the partial con
stitutionalism of Count Wttte or In the
lying representations of tho liberal bour
geolse. We see only thousands of corpses
and thousands of wounded and beaten per
sons and the seas of blood that have
flowed. We will continue h struggle for
the amelioration of our position, the Im
mediate apportionment of the land to the
tillers of the soil, liberation of every politi
cal prisoner, and the establishment of a
democratic republic. We appeal to our
brothers, the peasants, to aid in the strug
gle. Our watchword Is: "Bread to the work
men, land to the peasants, liberty to the
people, down with absolutism."
We express sympathy with our comrades
at Cronstadt. If the government dares to
execute them the proletariat will rise and
the blood of the sailor heroes will be
drowned In the blood of their butchers,
the Infamous servants of absolutism.
Glory to the dead who fought for liberty.
Down with the tyrants.
Later It was definitely announced that
the compositors had struck.
6:40 p. nr. Sensational reports were cur
rent late this afternoon that the "Black
Hundred" had been rioting on the Vlberg
side of tho river and that great disorders
were In progress In the Alexandrovsky (the
Jew market) quurter on the Sadovia, but
Investigation failed to confirm the rumors.
Polish Agitators Arrested.
WARSAW, Russian Poland, Nov. 1.".
Count Tzszkiewich, editor of the Lihlskl.
and M. Jantzen, a manufacturer, both
prominent Polish patriots, were arrested
this morning. The governor general has
suspended the Ooulec, a Polish dally paper,
and the Zapadnyjnoloa, a Russian daily.
Merlins Called for ( nlraao.
CHICAGO, Nov. 15. The United Russian
Revolutionary societies have culled mass
meetings for tomorrow night in -arious
parts of tho city for the purpose of, rais
ing funds to relieve the suffering Jews In
Russia. The gatherings will bo of a large
and elaborate character and numerous
prominent men. Including Mayor Dunne,
have been Invited to deliver addresses.
Cranston-Ma sou.
CINCINNATI. Nov.' 15. Rev. Karl Crans
ton of Washington. D. C, bishop In the
Methodist Episcopal church, and Miss
Lucia Parker Mason were married tonight
at the home of William Christie Herron,
an uncle of lha bride. Bishop D. II. Moore
of Portland, Ore., officiating. The wed
ding wai a quiet one, only close friends
1 and relatives being present. Bishop Crans
j ton and his bride will spend two weeks
I In New York before going to their home in
Washington City.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Nov. 16. (Special Tele,
gram.) The marriage of Miss Mary La
aelle to Mr. Leonard Worthlngton of
Omaha, an employe of the freight depart
ment of the Burlington, was solemnized at
the home of tho bride'a parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. K. Laselle at high noon today In
the presence of fifty guests, Rev. W. II.
i Kearns officiating. The young couple left
I for Omaha this evening to make their
future home.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. 15.-(8pe-clal
) At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon Mr.
George Hoffman and Miss Amelia Miller
were united In marriage at the home of
the bride'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uaul
Albany Department Store.
ALBANY. K. T.. Nov. 1$.-F!re today
totally destroyed the stock In one of tha
temporary stores opened by the John G.
Myers company after the collapse of Its
building uttft August, when thirteen people
were killed and upward of thirty Injured.
The Myers people say the loss will prob
ably exceed $5v.iX( and the building, owned
by the estate of A. B. Van Gaasbeck. Is
practically a total loss, upward ef $30,000.
The stock of the Myers establishment Is
believed to have been fully Insured.
Considerable Increase Koted In the
Aarareajate of Hobs
CINCINNATI, Nov. 15.-(Speclnl Tele
gram.) The Price Current says: There Is
an enlarging movement of hogs, with west
ern packing showing a total of tw.OOO. com
pared with 530.OJO the preceding week and
510,110 for corresponding week last yeer.
For the first two weeks of the winter sea
son the total Is l,120,nm. against !sii.(s
year ago. Prominent places compare as
C l"Vif
Chicago . . SuTi.ooii Jion
Kansas Cltv lw.nno .nnt
South Omalin ... W.imi
St. I.onls n.pnit
St. Joseph S4.0H0 v!,oi
Indianapolis .v 57.0OH
Milwaukee ., 41.nnn S.ono
Clnctnnatl So.oco :i2.iw
Ottnmwn lil.OOO J3.0W
Cdar Rapids Rnno IH.imi
Sioux City ..( . '!:.(
St. Paul ai.ttn ss.noo
Cleveland 30,000 HO.tKW
All Are Cnlted
In saying that for all stomach, liver or kid
ney diseases, there Is no remedy like Elec
tric Bitters. 60 cents; guaranteed. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drag Co.
John T. . Imhrle.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. la-John T.
Imbrie. a prominent -citizen, 0 years of
age, died of pneumonia here today. Be
fore 1874 he waa engaged In the mercantile
business In Counrll Bluffs, la., and Kan
sas City, Mo. He organised tha Interstate
exposition in 1R78 and later waa the head
of several fair associations and publlo en
terprises. "Colonel Bob" Lynn.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 15. Robert O. Lynn,
or "Colonel Bob," one of the most widely
known sporting men and bookmakers In
the country, died last night at tha Burnett
house of pneumonia. At different times ho
was Interested In club houses at Washing
ton. Baltimore, Long Branch, New York
City and Hot Springs. Ark.
Pot-still Scotch
Monro's, j Ae oaly Until
ler uupplylnf whtmMy to Mrs
The Scotch with the Pear-drop flavor.
To bm hd of Riley Bros. aV Co...
and st Clubs, Cafes, Hour so of Dealers, .
The Cook & Bernhcimcr ,Co.,
SOLE ACKMS r'OR V. ft. A. '.
loth and Castellar Sta.
Winter classes are now being formed.
Ladies debiting to tajca tha whole course
should make application immediately.
Shorter courses for day or evening classes
In plain and fancy cookery are to Be estab
lished, and private lessons, with special in
structions will be given.. For terms, apply
to Mother Superior. ,
DM you ever atop to'
think that with the ex
ception of your heart your
eyes are the hardest
worked part of yonr body?
If they don't feel Just
right better sea ua at once
Huteson Optical Co
Zll South lth St. '
Factory on the Premises. Pax ton Blk.
Woodward sc Burgeaa,
Managers. .
Sat Mat. and Night CHARLEB
In the Three-Act Comedy
Consln Billy."
Next Sunday Five Performances
In the Military Musical' ttSimedy
RIIRWnnn Nights & Bun. Msts. lOe, 16a
DUnnUUU Tuea.TUura.Sat.MaU.lO-lttHi
th k woonwtnn STOCK f'O
NINTH BIG WEEK-Matlnee Today
with Double Orchentra To
night Hal. Week
'Phone 4M.
Every Night; Matinees Thurs., Sit . Sua.
Modern Vaudeville
Arthur Prince; Monher. Houghton A
Moslier; Charley Case; Beilclair Bros.;
Paulo it Murluw; Cole Francis Bower;
Klein & Clift in, and the Ki.iodrome.
Prlces-lOu 15c. 50c.
KI I I Ci Prices-loo, i6c. 50c, 76a.
KUU Mats. - Anv Beat. Xa
The Great Musical Comedv 8uceess
Grand Prlae Dancing Contest Friday Night.
German jfye with Oyster Patties
atV t IN
II a. t mi