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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1905)
10 TITE - OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TIIlRSDAT, NOVEMBER 16, 1003. Great Sale of China Saturday LLQ3 f Saturday OAS. en in 403 SELECTED SAMPLES LADIES5 SILK WAISTS Puch&.sd frm Casper Sl Davis a.nd D. Cohen Co. Two of New York's Leading Waist Manufacturers. Evtry beautiful waist in this lot is sample. You know what that meant, ere 17 irait van apecUilly mad: to tempt purchaser orwi t the btsl ind smirltsl of ffs kind hardly any fioo aliks eachone represent the very higlwxt point of Xcw York or 1'aris waist ttylt vind for this teamn. Not n waist in this lot that did not cost the manufacturers more than $5 to put out many of them could hot be sold regularly for less than $16.50. Made of daintiest laces, nets, radium silks, chiffon taffetas, plaids, crepe de chines, etc., in all the dainty evening and party shades, also white and black They go on sale in our day light waist dept. on 2d floor, Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. a' ' r ii 400 stunning samples 3 Tmistiuirh us those remarkable waist value cannot bp duplicated by uh later we wish every lady who attends the first day's sale to have an e(iitil liiini-o t rwtire 11 bargain while It lasts. We must Insist ab solutely tluit no waists be returned for exchange. Ladies' Long Novelty Coats at $5.98 A brand, new lot of ladles' length coats In fancy flat col lars made of heavy novelty mixtures -also Empire coats in heavy cloaking, -cheviots and piped yokes, at Ladles' Cravenettes All this sea- I Tailored Butt A smartlv ored lot In new colors- 5B son's new styles with or with out, belts fancy fist collars and cuffs tans, olive' and ox- fords perfect rain and f 9& I dust protection, r I at vr tall- -long and short coat styles new , colors pretty new TJ50 suits will go A m at Ladies' Stunning Knll and Winter Suits Every suit Is splendidly tail ored new fitted coat styles also the Jaunty ef fects In blouse and Hussar styles a big new lot to choose from every one a good value, at io BjuruuiuiJ Itlll 12L-148J Millinery Stvle sJ$?t, liaaies ready-to-wear uats ana un trimmed hats hundreds of hats from the bankrupt millinery fA stock these are good fall J? g & winter hats, worth to $2" Ladies' Street Hats Turbans, sailors and the New tanis all colors every hat made . In this season's style, at IjuliiV Stunning Street and Dress Hats The leading styles of the season Bran- C dels' fashion leader, at u) J I ..!fcH..-- $1 wmm THURSDAY'S RIBBON SALE 5,000 yards of extra fine, heavy taffeta ribbons with picot edge 2 inches wide in pinks, blues, browns, champagnes, lavenders, scarlet and com shades the same fine ribbon that sells the world over for 25c a yard Thursday, as long as it lasts, at, per yard UUUO0 (.119 10c WE SPECIALLY INVITE VISITING IMPLEMENT MEN to TAKE ADVANTAGE of THIS UNUSUAL SALE Men's Fashionahle Clothes During this week we are making this unparalleled offer of the highest grades of Men's hand-made cloth vig: Hand Tailored Suits from Rogers-Peet & Co., Nvork Fine Overcoats and Suits from Hirsch-Wickwire&Co.,cJiKo Stylish Suits and Overcoats from B Rothschilds & Co.,Ro.ter' Makers of Famous "Nswport" Brand This is known the world over as the best ready-made clothing that money can buy- Worth life- t.' 1 r. J Good, Stylish Winter Overcoats and Suits for men all wool materials worth up to $12.50 at Watch Our 7.50 Watch Vch f .1 1 sj f ZTaToe' uur Window LtUJMJ?r,9' CQU3 Windows CARVE YOUR TURKEY ve a foul snip, 0'' nes of clikl ens. ff- i-e one nuikca 7 ff ir th nam. v yj S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, & itU one of our Curving Sets. We blso huve for flipping tlie wlnyn unl cutting the bom It'm a bandy thing you ought to hav carving eay Step In una it. book for the nam. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS I . OMAHA WKATHKIt FOKKCAST ThursUay Fair. H 1 -ZS Green Trl(IIn8 imP Booth -Main Floor. Women' $3.50 Patent Colts Why pay 14. for a patent colt shoe of the 3 value, when you can gt for J.t.W) what others ask 14 for? Th real nwell ehoe thin fall and winter la the Patent Colt and Patent Kid with dull kid tops New Swagger Potay last for dreas or fit reft wear. We have othera In both welt and turn aoles, and If you are looking for :tie real-thing In womr-n'a full shoes ynu should see the styles we carry. B Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. 1 1419 Fi YOU SHOULB BB PARTICULAR About Having Your Feet Fitted. Walk -Over are made to fit every MAN an d the orice is onlv m 53,50 YflT 5400 Plain 1 m , Patent Leather III V um MMhaSRglkBMI LOOK FOR WALK-OVKRS, Walk-Over Shoe Store 1S21 Farnam St. Ed. S. Thompson, The Walk-Over Man 8TYLE BOOK8 FREE. 1She Best of i Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago 25 Per Cent Than the one way fare for round trip tickets Nebraska, Wyoming, Tha Black Hllla, and Many South arn Point. Nov. 7 and 21. Clty Offlcear 14011403 FARNAM ST, ' OMAHA s - - .V4CV.W nv m. Ivory Woman about Ui woDtUrfttl MARVXL Whirliog Spray Jnltc Itvu mma aurtum. um Mlwr. but aend tlMJiD for tiliulralil bwk-wM. It flTM full iMkrticulun and ilirvtltma In- TUuabi I" larti. n tHltl O., For or IHEKMAN MtCONNELL PRUQ TfX Cor. 16th and Doac a is.. i'ieuU Business Boosters Try tba Want A. A Columus of Tba G. A. L1NDQUEST CO. MKKlHAT TAILORS. MAKE BEST CLOTHES. FALL SELECTIONS NOW IN. 235-234 Past Black. 'Pk 1UL MUteentta ajud Furum) Sta. v 1.50 Now then all of usLet's boost "The New RetaJl Center!" . t DRY GOODS SECTION LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SWEATERS. "We are showing a very complete stock in the Waist De partment, Second floor all colors and 8izea. Children's and Misses' Sweaters at $1.50, $1.25, 7C 98c and JC Ladies' Sweaters at $3.95, $3.50, $2.50 and .' Ladies' Rain Coats Fine tan covert cloth, the A QC newest styles, worth $9.90; on Thursday only, at. 9 Ladies' Silk Petticoats Heavy all silk taffeta, flounces and ruffles, black, white and all plain and changeable Z QC shades, worth $6.50; Thursday, at JrJ Children's Bonnets All white silk, tucked and embroid ered, special purchase worth from $1.00 to CQ $2.00 each; all at , DJV CHILDREN'S UNDERWAISTS-In the Corset Dept. Girls' Gathered Drill Waists, Boys' Heavy Drill Waists Adjustable shoulders, taped buttons, regular 39c C value; special Thursday, each 3 Children's Knitted Waists Jersey ribbed, tape fin- y C ished seams; special Thursday, two for SALE OF HAIR ORNAMENTS In Dry Goods Dept. Shell and Amber Side Combs, Shell Back Combs and Hair Barretts worth up to 25c; special Thursday, An each : VU THURSDAY-A SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY IN DRESS GOODS. 54-inch wide English melton cloths, for suits, separate skirts and long coats, comes in tans, browns, greens, blues and three very popular gray shades, the regular 1 AA price is $1.50 yard; for Thursday, a yard .V t6 to 58-inch wide tailor suitings Panamas, Invisible plaids, serges, new dice Panamas, plain and fancy mo hairs and cheviot mixtures, the very best $1.25 7 goods; for Thursday, a yard y Black Dress Goods A special sale of black all wool Tamise cloth, 46 inches wide, always sells at $1.25 yard; I AA Thursday, a yard A OREAT SALE OP KID GLOVES Ladles' fine glace finished Klrt Gloves, Paris point stitching, worth $1.00 pair, AOc special Thursday, a pair !, . SILK COT SCARFS Silk Crepe de China Scarfs, hemstitched, to be worn Inside of coats, worth 1.60 eacn. Slln r -Chiffon Face Veils, 1 V4 yards long, 50c Thursday, each READY-TO-WEAR FACE VEILS In all the new colors and designs, worth $1.50. Thursday,, each SHOES Thursday Extra Green Trading Stamps ' SHOES 1,500 Pair Infants' Soft Sole Shoes, all colors, 60c shoes at 25c . jai-i And. thirty Green Trading Stamps. 1,000 Pair Children's Patent Tip Dongola Shoes, worth $1.00, at. .60c ' t And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. 1,200 Pair Men's and Ladles' Felt Slippers, at 40c : ' And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. . r C00 Pair Ladles' Sample Shoes, $3.00 and $2.50 values, at J .03 And fifty Green Trading Stamps. The best Union Made Work Shoes for men, at Main Floor. .$2.00 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Bennett' Capitol Special Every article splendid value full weights and finest qualities. OXB HTXDRED C.REEX TRADIXG STAMPS WITH THE FOLLOWING & Bennett's IS LIST: 2-lb. Package B. C. Oats 10c llrSFHt!?' 2"lb- Package B. C. Wheat.. lOc 2-lb. Package B. C. Pancake Flour 10c 2-oz. Bottle B. C. Extract, assorted 18c 1-lb. Can B. C. Baking Powder. . . .24c 1-lb. Package B. C. Coffee 28c iCapIt .Oats, ra i.oo MurrT Pancake Flour mmmmm wui mm W R WNNE7T CO A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. Imported Lace Nets, Worth Up to 50c Yard, Friday Per Yd., 15c S1YK THE RELIABLE STORE. A Great Curtain Sale Friday. Watch Thursday Papers. Newest Styles in Ladies Wearables 175 New Suits and 450 New Coats just received all the latest fashions and most popular fabrics qualities you cannot dup licate at our prices. New SwnRKcr Hack Coats in prays, blacks, browns, blues Rnd mixtures, enticing values, f A Art at $25, $18.50, $15, $12.50 and. . . . . II. UU New Empire Coats In fine kerseys trimmed with pan velvets, regular $15 values Q OA special Thursday, at, choice J,JJ New Eton Suits Made of fine hroadiloth in plum, greens, browns, blues, cardinal or black. Gar ments made to sell at $25.00 special IO rrt bargains Thursday, at IO.JI $20 ClieMertirld Suits Made of Lyman's wool cheviots, beautiful In design, workmanship of very superior quality greatest bar- t"y CO, gain shown in the city, at lt.D3 The Greatest Stock of Furs In Omaha Special effort to make our fur stock complete in every respect has resulted In the accumulation of the greatest stock shown in the city and our prices you'll find the lowest. As Thurs day specials we are showing: Neat Coney Scarfs JQ j $50.00 Krimmer Coats, un it f C equaled bargains, at , $6 Scarfs in great variety of AO jFine Squirrel Coats, enllcing furs for Thursday, choice. . mJQ j. values, at , $10.00 Sable Fox Scarfs, r (Q Fine Persian Lamb Coats at... D.JO at, $150. $! and Great Sale of Sample Waists A beautiful line of sample waini tn siiks, crepes. peau de sole, etc. In all the newest stles and colors, garments Z QQ worth In a regular way tip to $8.00 Thursday, at aaO $39 .$69 $69 $o.00 Walking Skirts Spe- 1(Q rial Thursday, at .JO From 8 Till O A. M Flannelette Dressing Sacques for this one hour, at 29c $8.00 and $10.00 Walking andf QO Dress Skirts- Thnrslay. at T,ZJO From O Till IO A. M. $2 Lansdown long Kimonos for this 05l one hour, at OC GREA T SALE OF SAMPLE GOWNS Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns A complete sample line in great aasort ' ment of plain and fancy colors, made extra long and full, and worth in a regular way up to $3.00 divided Into M 0 Ofi three lots great bargains, at tJC-JC'JOC Thursday in the Domestic Room From 8:80 to 0:80 We will sell 7c comfort prlnta, at, a yard 37c From 10 to 11 -We will sell lining in all colors spun glass, sateens, etc., worth up to 25c a yard, at, per yard . Fo 2 to 4 P. M. We will sell white mercerized fancy walstings, worth from 19c to 49c a yard, at, per yard And 50 boxes of 12c and 15c long cloth for For all day we will sell 50 In. fine heavy Sicilian, regular 75c goods, yd.. .Oo Fifty other specials. Haydens' Grocery Prices Are Always Inter esting for the People mi . loo . 7a ll 23 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for l.O0 8 Bars Best Brand Laundry Soap.20c 48-lb. Sack Fancy High Patent Min nesota Flour 81.35 6 lbs. Best Hand Picked Navy Beans 25c 6 lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina . 25c 8 lbs. Best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal ' 25c Oil Sardines, per can 2Uc 2-lb. can Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 10 lbs. Best Granulated Cornraeal . 15c Jello, or Jellycon, per pkg 7c Gillette's Washing Crystal, per pkg.fc Fig Bun Cookies, per lb 7H The Best Soda or Oyster Cracker, per lb e Lemon Cream Cookies, per lb. . . .7Ho Bushel boxes of Fancy Colorado Red streak Eating Apples $1 40 Bushel boxes of Fancy California Bell- flflower Apples $1,75 Bushel boxes of Fancy Colorado Wine Sap Eating Apples $1.08 3-bushel barrels New York Baldwin Apples $4.50 3-bushel barrels New York Groenlng Apples $1.50 HAYDEW BROS. Remember this big offer for one day only Thursday, Nov. 16th One hundred Green Trading Stamps with above one dollar purchase. I 1 3 HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS MOM ALL MINT ON MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST Indiana, Ohio and certain point In Illinois, Kontuoky, Watt Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and Ontario, November 27th. 1905. A Return limit, 21 days DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE Ta vialt Ua old ham mm Jnut Cranada ! Mlui daya. ran aaaricuLaaa. inaumc 9t comv amnt, I. C T0WSIK, 6aara! faaaaalar wi TlOai fecal. It Uui. Ma. rmT Cars Po The idea that an inferior class of people patron ize the tourist sleepers ia an error. On many trips only the best class of travelers are found. They are merely men and women of good sense who would rather travel - TO CALIFORNIA in this manner and save a snug sum of money to be used elsewhere. It is begin ning to be understood that it is by no means necessary to spend a large sum of money in order to enjoy a trip to the Pacific Coast. If you cross the continent in one of the tourist sleepers of the UNION PACIFIC You will enjoy your trip sod save considerable money Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street. 'Phone 316. Wo manufacture uur own trunk, traveling bags nU auu cam. Wa make them of the be-t material. Our workman ship Is unexcelled We sell tht.-n lor las than Inferior Kmdt.- would cost you elans here. If you buy of u f'" will get the best vim will a ve ,noney you will be batter satisfied. leather Bound Mat tins Bult Cases, 13.50. 13.76 sod 14 Ik-. v il" ropalrlnit. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 1220 Fsrnam Street. OMAHA BALE-TIE CO. IShfI We Ship Quick. Telephone 387 14th snd Nicholas Sts. V Hal BQ Oi B3 WTM CSS C MOTHER USED TO TAiYwgi I UNK SUCH MINCE WW j IN 2-P1E lOc PACKAO m-SoicCoSYRAeuae .NYj PKACK and COMFORT aro sure to corns to thoe who amok '.'I . . ...... m ........ a vnaiaas A FIRS I -CLASS USAK MAUL lit A Nrtt IjUALIIf tlAIAMJI lUCAvtU Ttf TMKM K