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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1003. .-X . - GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ythtti loldi Etttdr at f oiiderb'.T , Uer Priofi. 'lightness of money checks advance He Bart of Bad Wratkrr In Argentina Has Strengthened In Aaenpe 4 nra I n( Are Higher (irn- ml Grain eea. OMAHA. Nov. II. 1!KW. Wl n .heat held Steady at higher price, but at evidently held In check by ihe light f money market. Report of bad weather In miiji iinij rv fi I eiipg i neill MK oilmen, c on the market. Receipts overran esti mate and Canadian receipts were very inrge. a wire I rum Minneapolis says int titers are not selling nt the reduced prices of the last few days. December -ioeen at 86HW4C. May at gSSc nd July at 6.1HC-. Corn w JUe higher. Decemlier closed at 44'de, old December at 45'4c, M.y at aw and July at 46Hc. Oat ruled higher. December cloned at Hc, May at S2c and July at Bradstreet'a total wheat Increase la l.liMl.noo bushels, corn Increase 640,000 bush el, oats Increase lfi7,ono bushel?, clearance were 130.000 bushels of corn 114.0 0 bushela of oats, 277,iO bushels of w ieat, and 23,000 barrels of nour. Primary w-heat receipts were 1,430,000 bushels and shipment (TlO.ono bushels, against receipts lart year of 904,000 bushels and shipments of 379.W.O bushels. Primary corn receipts wem ,7i,ooo bushels and shipments SiJ.oiiO nusnets, against recept lust year of 488.G0O bushel and shipment of 128,000 ousnei. Liverpool closed Had higher on wheat and VaVad lower on corn. The strength of wheat was due to bad weather in Amen Una Yesterday's break In the corn market en abled Chicago shippers to do the biggest nusiness they have done for some time. Hales were 4W..000 bushels largely for De ember shipment. Hales nf oats were 425. fc"0 IniKliels. Including 2X0.000 bushels to Ger many. A special from Washington aays: "Treas ui y ofltclula here treat the money situation In New York with marked apathy and unanimously endorse Secretary Shaw's at titude towards It. They feel that It will not lie long before the JHO.Ooo.onfi or more money New York has lost to the Interior since the outflow began will soon return, mill the fact that only 1100.000 was sent to New Oilcan Monday Is regarded as evi dence Hun the demands from thai quartet me leswnltig dallv." A telegraphic extract from the Record Herald ut Logan ft Bryan's office says: "It costs about 1c more a bushel to ship torn from Chicago to Europe than It did three months ago. This corn does not look very li up to them In foreign markets !. lino lifter the first rush Is over they lll not bo so eager for It." Omaha taah Sales. W HIS AT No. 1 hard, 1 car. ROHc; 3 cars, iV; No. ,1 liurd. 1 car. 711c; 1 car, 78Hc; 1 inrs. 7Kc; 2 cars. 77He; 3 cars, 77c; 2 curs, 7niv: No, 4 hard, I car, 7c; 1 car. 7lHc; 1 cur. 74'.-; 1 car, 73c; 1 car loudly burned), "0c. O.VItf-No. 4 white, 1 car, 27c. HA HI. KY-No. 3. 1 car. 3SHc; No. 5, 1 car, Omaha Cash Price. WIIEAT-Nn. 2 hard. 7!tiSHc: hard. iiHf78c: No. 4 hard. 7'.lJjr6c; Lpi iiiK. '.(Millie; No. 3 Hpiing. 77(0 7Sc. No. No. Ou.N-.Nu. 3 old, 4-ic; new, w No. J How. old, 44c; new, 41c; No. 3 white, old. i ; new, 42c. OATH - No ;i mixed. 27 V; No. 3 white. Li,.-; No. 4 white, 27fj2Mc. i.YK No. 2, ; No. 3, G3&04c. 4. a riot Hecrlpt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 354 399 272 Kansas City 'Ji7 li 11 .Minneapolis 270 '. oualia ?A 12 20 IjiiiuIii Ni3 bi. touts 67 62 Hi M'.VV YORK ;r.MCKAI. MARKKT lliiolntlnu of the Day on Varloas Commodities. NHW YORK, Nov. 14 FLOUR Hecelpts a...S,' bbls.; exports, 2.SM bbls. ; market dull iini'hatiKed; winter patents. $4-264 4 1.1; winter siiralghts, J4.0iWi4.10; Minnesota 1. ..vii.a. i.ii.i(o.jii. Minnesota bakers, $3.6T'fi) 4.. winter extras, )2.MVU;t.26; winter low eui)"H. ii.;&ti;i.'A. Hyt flour, Arm; fair to hhjiI, f:( 'mf(f4.1o; choice to fancy, 14. WM 'M. Buckwheat flour, firm at $2.15ti'2.i5 for spot 1 1 1 ! e. IIUCKWHKAT Quiet, G4HiKc delivered. ..., M aiAl Barely steady; fin whlta elluw. $1 '.'.') 'a 1.3i.i, coarse, I1.16'(; ,.1 I ell led. fc.l Urui 15. II YK Steady; No. 2 western, 7', c. I. f. . 1IAULEY Easy; feeding, 41c, c. I. f. 1 laiuim. WVytil'tc c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Kscelpts, il.OiI) bu. : exports, 104.147 bu. Hpot market steady; No. i red, 91 elevator and 93Hc f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 9Hc f. o. b., afloat; No. I northern Manitoba, fit He f. o. b., uihMit. options market was firm and higher ot the session, with a slight Ic.itlioii near the close. Last pikes allow .I HmH" bet advance. The controll ing cUiim were strong cables, adverae W11H news from Argentina, a better i'.ixi f.oinand and coverings; May. H-i'tii :V ' loxed at 92V; December, K9fv, 1 in.. 1 111 .r.'.fec. 1 1 Its -Lei elpls, 64,500 bu.; exports, 1,630 hu. Spot market steady, 67c; No. 'i new, .n: Mev.itnr and f. o. b., afloat; new No. 2 eil w, ;.; new No. 2 while, fnHc. Op tio.s market was active and decidedly ' lier on stop-loss covering and very light ftailiiBs. but dropped suddenly at the clone under manipulation. Klnnl prices were H'jHo net higher; May, 61 He; De fi'inlief, ikSH'fl.iSc, closed nt Me. OATH - Hecelpts. 42,ll bu.; exports, 33,-X-.1I bu. Hpot market firm; mixed. 26 to S2 U.K. :Ge. natuial while. 30 to 82 lbs.. 36 ' ;, .c. clipped whits, 3t to 40 lbs., J7Hir IfiiVr- i-Kl'.lt Klrni: spring bran, f'.; oo. prompt - .'i. nl: liiiildllngs. tU.uo, pro opt shlp- i.ii-nl . city, IIK.OutJ 12.50. HAY- Hlnady; shipping, SO&Ooe; good to fK .hole ) v k UNtS.VC. lOrs- Hieady; state, common to choice, li'ii:.".c. l'i4. l::iT7c: olds. 5Si8c. Pacific !';. li.uluc: l Sx 4. 10&14C: olds. bhSc. HIDES Firm; tialvealon. 20 to 26 lbs., -' ia. -I to J5 pounds, 21c; Texas, 1 '.1 i .oiiids, ll)c. l.i:.VTIIi:it- Steady; ucld. Ifl27c. . .. iMii,'ti-M'i f. steady; laniily. til. 50 ' 11 j:i u 10 .50; beef hams. 21.Co4( : po kei tle.U'till 50; city, extra Intlia im mi.. SI7 CO'a 18.50. Cut meals were quiet; 'i em. . T.Val.i .50, ph kled shoulders, ; Ki'i7 On; pickleni hams. $9.2.Vu0.7ri. Lard. I inlv steady: western steamed. $7.3.Vu7.&; leinnii. qulei, continent. 17.75. pork, barely 1I11.; ,; faimlv. Jlrt rn- 17. wi; short clear, ;4 1 j I ;. r 0 . inesM. Jlti.,Vitl7.iiO. '1' I .l.i nv Firm; city (12 per pkg 1, 4V; oniili) t'ks. free). 4Hiiic. 1. i.- i iiin: oiiiiksiu. 1. ill- to extra, 3'i 1 ' 1 1 1 iirmiinal . I ' I 'TTEH- In egutoi-; street pi le extra ii"imiT. 24i ; ofheial prices, creamery, in",!,!.!) to extra. ltfcj'JIc; held extrn, 22Hc; ' it'i iluiry. common to extra. 7l2Clc; reno- 1 e,i n inmnn to extra. ITliMc; western I i' l"i v, to extra, U17He: west- 11 Intliation .-e:inierv. cMra. lH'iilSc; III-: l". 17H' 1 'i I'hoi.- Inetular: stilt., full cream, einill colored and white. September, fan -y, ' c: stile late made, choice,; statu, 1 l' I " good. KH'1-C. I 1 1' !S - Firm , state. Pennsylvania mid I'e.rhy tunc, selected. white. 3.'fi3c; 1'iic. choice. S2t.;Ho: state, mixed fancy, . western. iln.i. 2ic; weetern. average li ne, .iij"7c. stiutliern. tomrXe. I 'M l.TKV Alive, steady; western chlck 1 and fowls. HHc; tuikeys. 14c. Dresxed. 1, 1 ft and Ann; western chickens. K'il.,c; t'i.ei. H7i;oc: fowls. 9ftiHc. Mlunenpolls i;rala Market. MINNKAl'oLm Nov 14.-FLOFR-First '4lei t. tti4 Ki; second patents. N (I'M 4 7j: tliat clears. 7i: second clear, t-' .1"'"..'4. PP.AN-In bulk, (Superior q.utations for Mlnnnoli de livervi. Tie isnue of prices ut reported by F. D Day A Co. wa: Arilcl-i! Open. I High. I Low. I Close. I Yt y. W'l.eui Dae ... Mav . 1--UX-- I cc . . Muy.. I ISSIHSV H ' 1 l-i'i S!H0 R.'V f.'iV.rfi', f iHiH lslbl tnpply of Orala. NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-Special cable and t-lifripblc conimunlcui iona received by UradHtreet show the fidlowing changes in vaitallc supplies as compared with last I enort WHEJkT Cnltetl State and Caivada. east of Rockic, Incretuii'd 2.4.aii4ii bu ; atloat for and In Euroiie. dccreitsed 1.4ia),w0 bu.; total aunplv. Increased l.(o.(0 bu. CollN I'nlted States and Canada, east of Rockl's. lucretiised u4i'.oii bu. OATS-I'nlted Stales and Canada, east of lti'i W. . Increased 1C7 to bu. The 'e-tdiiig Iti. re tn s ieportHl Ibis week r IdT.ioo Lu. In Mmutolm. 144 !' bn iit " e Chl-a private elevator I2a. bu. at Jitclieslci, 7i,,4) Uu. at lli ijiiincapoll prl- vae elevators, .) mi. at cieveianq ann 54 (0 bo. at Portland. Me. The leading decreases are !SO.fiO Mi at the Milwaukee private elevator. 1J!.'"' bu at Omaha and 114.l Im. at Ixiulsvllle. nut ago tiR in An rBoi'ios t eatarea nl the Traalac and I loalns Prices on Board nf Trad. CHICAGO, Nov. 14 The wheat market tndriv showed a complete reversal of fuel ing from yesterday. It was bullish through out the entire session today and twenty- four hours ago the sentiment was In favor of a decline. Cold, wet weather In Argun- tlna was one of the chief factors contrlbu. Ing to the strong market today. At the close prices were practically at the highest point of the dsy with May option up .U r. Com and oati were each up Sc. Pro visions were Rfrloc lower. Initial quotations In the wheat market showed fair gains, the May option being up i! He to He at SR'o to Wt1iHe. The market at the opening was inimem-cu mainly by the unexpected strength at Liver pool, the weakness or yestcioay at mcag'j having apparently little effect on the Lug Huh market. According to a foreign stalls tlclan the advance at Liverpool was the result of reports from Argentina to the effect that much damage had been wrought to the wheat crops In the northern district by rains followed by frost. There was seemingly has tineaslness here over the money situation In New York. This lack of anxiety was generally attributed to the fact that the majority of the weak holders had disposed of their lines In the general liquidation of the last few days. As the esalon advanced reports of Improved buy ing of foreign demand gave Impetus to the upward tendency of prices. At New York twenty boat loads were reported taken for export while a similar amount was said to have been shipped from Duluth to Oreat Britain. Strength of cash wheat at Minne apolis resulting from an urgent demand from millers was a further Incentive to the purchase of option. Another bullish Influ ence ii the comparatively small Increase In the world's visible supply. As shown bv Bradstreets. available stocks Increaso only about l.rtVD.OUO bushels for the week, compared with an Increase of 6,5no,'M bushels for the corresponding week of l.-ist year. The liberal primary movements In the United States was apparently Ignored. Throughout the day shorts and conimisnfon houses were active bidders. Offerings at times were light. At HXVufchc My reached the highest point of the day. Final quota tion were at eVV Clearances or wheal and flour were equal to bushels. Pri mary receipts were i.430.(m bushels, com pared with 904,000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, l'uluth and Chicago reported receipts of 1,587 cars, against 752 cars last year. The corn market ruled firm throughout the day. A feature of trading was the per sistent buying by a prominent commission house that for the last few days has been one of the leading sellers. Shorts also were active buyers. A bullish factor was a mes sage from Kansas declaring that feeders were advancing their bids for corn almost dally. Export demand showed more anima tion and this Increased the bullish senti ment. The market closed stronr. final quotations being almost at the highest point of the day. May opened HKHc higher at 46'4'fi45Hc, sold up to 4oH645Hc and closed at 4Hc. lyocal receipts were 398 car with five cars of contract grade. The volume of trading In oats was small, but the market held firm In sympathy with the strength of wheat and corn. Htnail local receipt, estimated for tomorrow, had a bullish Influence. Fair export demnnd was also a factor. May opened unchanged to He higher at 3fi.l2Hc, advanced to 82-Vra2'4c and closed at 32Hc. Local receipts were 272 cars. Provisions were weak as a result of con tinued selling of lard by local packers. Bhorts were the chief buyers. A decline of loc In the price of live boss had a depress ing effect on the price of all other products. At tne close May pork was down loc at J12.87H: lard was off 5c at ii.97H; ribs were IW. lower at Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat ir cars; corn, 210 cars; oats, 106 cars; hogs 43,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.) Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tts'y. Wheat I I I I I Dec. 85HfTi '.HI S5HS6H1?Vil R5H May hHH't'Sl WH'8sH'''Hi JS'87T'o!S July 83H 83H1i" US! 3i U'i Corn j Dec. 4TiHI 46H 45H' 4Si 44H tDec. 44H1i H'4tn-!l45 44l 44', 44 H May VitidiSltoHiSl 4?.H 45'i 46H July 4641 Hi I"3! 45 45H 44H Oats- I Dec. 29Hi ': -H a" 2H Mav 3iHl32Hrfl1' 32 32H 82 July 31 31H! 31 31 H 30 Tork Jan. 12 62H 12 56 12 SO 12 62'4 12 60 May 12 70 12 70 12 H6 12 67H 12 77H Lard-' Nov. 7 00 7 00 6 95 fi 97H 7 o'-'H Dec. t R'.'H sfi 6 DO 6 80 6 87H Jan. 6 S'-H f-H 77H R" 6 8" 4 Mav 6 97H 7H 6 96 6 97H 7 02H 8. Rib Jan. 6 56 6 66 650 660 6 iV.i May 6 75 77H 6 72H! 72H 6 80 Mo. 2. tOld. INew. Cash quotntlons were as follows: KLOt'R Steady ; winter patents. I4.ftvfif 4.2o; straights. spring patents, t4. 00(4.20; spring straights, bakers. t'J 25'i3.30. WHEAT No. ! spring. K5fr7c; 3.8i"ti4.go No. 3. &rt 87c; No. 2 red. RWVaV. CORN No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow 6.T.C OATS No. 2. 2fHc; No. 2 white No. 3 while, 2!K314c. 3232Ho; RYE No. 2. 71ft 72c. BARLEY rood feeding. 37t5Sc; fair to choice malting, 42i4tie. SEEDS No. 1 flax. S3Hc: No. 1 northwest ern. tU. mine timothy, t3.3o. Clover, contract grade. t13 rXrt 13.25. PROVISIONS Mean pork, per 1-bl., f13.76 J&13S7H- iJird, per V lbs., f;.97H- Short ribs aide (loose). t7.12Ht(7.25. Short clear Sides (boxed), t7.0CV(i7.12H. Following were the receipts and ship ments of Hour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 2fi.3n) 18.200 Wheat, bu lt9.7(V 5.700 Oats, bu 373.400 371.20) Corn, bu ,5 14.3.70O Rye. bu 16.000 37.0110 Barley, bu 171.000 36.SU) On the Produce exchange todny the but ter market was firm: creameries. 17H'S23c: dairies. K'e'JOc. Eggs. tronger; at mark, rases included. Lift 14c; firsts, 23c. prime firsts. 2oc; extras, i?c. Cheese, steady, 1Ji 13c. Kansas Clly tirnln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 14. WHEAT Firm: December. 78Hc; May. &0'c; July. 75e. Cnsh: No. 2 hard. H'yc; No. 3, 7HH'!Mc; No. i red. WyfjHuV: 3- M5S9c. CORN Higher; December. 4"Hc: Ma". A'iHc. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 4.V; No. 3. 4S-j'? 44c; No. 2 white. 43Ht(44c; No. 3. 4JHV43C OATS-Firm; No. white, wjtjic; no. i mixed. ?9',c. II A Y Steady : choice umoiny, tu.iMiiz.uu: choice prairie. l9.Mi9.Tb. Hi K-wmii) . twin. c. K(it8 Steady ; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2, whltewood cases Included, 24c; case count 22V; casta returned V4 Jess. BL'TTER Firm: creamery, ue. Keceipts. enipmenis Wheat, bu ; w.oii 152.-H4) Corn, bu 80l Oatu, bu 4.000 l.M.1.00 7,lti0 The following range of price at Kansas Cltv was reported by t. t. Day & Co.: Articles.l Open, i High.l Low. I Close. Ye'y Wheat1 lec I7SHiH TsHf 7H 7H Mav.. Corn Dec. . May.. Oats Dec May.. rork .Inn... May.. Ijird Jn... May.. K.H' 8T. I 40H 'Hi H 40H! 4X 40H 40H?V 4H 4oA, 4i 4UH 29 30 2,n 'H -S3H 2SN?H 12 47 12 115 8 SH C 97 I 12 42 12 0 I 15 45 I 12 do I 12 40 12 56 ) 12 32 I 12 57 I 1 77.'" 77' 6 90 I 6 77 92 6 72i7i I 6 90 7S 6 92 Philadelphia I'roilare Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 14 BL'TTER Firm, print, loc higher: extra western creamery. 34c; extra nearby print, 2tic. EUOS Firm: nearby lc higher; fresh, los off, Hue; nearby fresh, mark; western fresh, 2c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full fancy. 13HJJ14c; New York Tull choice. 13H'-; New York full cream, good, l:'Vul3c nearbv Wc at crem, cream, fair to Peoria Market. PEORIA. Nov 14 CORN Lower; now No. 3. 43 He; new No. 4. 4-'c; new no grade Srtjtoo. OATS Sleaiiy; no. j white, 300; No. 4 white. lTc WHISKY On the basis of tl for fin iahed goodr. Uwlath Dl'Ll'TH. Nov Urala Market. 14. VH EAT To arrive No. 1 northern. ltlTc; No t. lHc On track No. 1 northern. 3"c; 0 j northern klV De'emtiT. SJc; May. she. OATS To arrive and or. track. c. Toledo Seed Market. Tf I.EIH. Nov. 14 SEEDS Clover, mar ket ateudy; January. t February, $ i" March. 30. l'rlius Uiuotliy, 11 ii. Prime aldlke, fa. NEW TORI STOCKS AMD BONDS V&rktt Yitt a Viforooa Brotry friin Dtcided Weakitu ( Moniij. MONEY CONDITIONS SLIGHTLY IMPROVED HlBhest Rale I I rr test, with an Average nt A boat 1 ler lent Bands Art Irregular. NEW YORK, Nov. 14 Stocks made vigorous recovery today from the decided weakness of yesterday. The relaxation In the money market was the nominal cause of the movement, although the rates for rhl! money during the day Indicated a degree of stringency that should seem a decided restraint on any large renewal of speculative operations. The rate touched was IK per cent ns ngairst tne actual mgn rate of 20 per cent yesterday, not counting the flurry of 25 per cent Just before the close, which was regarded as having no significance. But the high rate of today was held only temporarily and a very small amount of money was placed at that rate of Interest. Later In the day, after the principal demand had been settled, the money rate fell below 10 per cent. This occurred much earlier In the day than was the case yesterday and wa the result of freer offerings of funds. The actual situation of the money mar ket, therefore, was considerably amelio rated as compared with yesterday. The liquidation effected yesterday, of course, was a factor in the strengthening of the banking position. lArge lonns placed hy foreign capitalists also played a part. Re port were current that placing of Cana dian funds and a movement of gold to New Tork from Canadian points were factor at work In the money situation. The cir culation of rumor of ultimata Interven tion by the secretary of the treasury to ease the situation In case of any threat of dangerous consequence, also contended. although the reiterated Intention of the secretary to confine any Intended relief measures to the need of regular business borrowers was again reported from Wash ington. Resides all this, there wa a growth of feeling that the situation did not call for an extensive building up of reserve by the hanks at this ttmn. It was considered that the deficit In the legal re serve requirement established on Saturday left the percentage of total reserves to deposit liabilities at 24.76 per cent, while the percentage of total reserves ever since September 1. with the exception of the week ending October 21 and that ended October S. has been below M per cent. The actual change In the condition of the banks, i therefore, was not great aside from the sentimental effect of the existence of an I actual deficit In legal reserves. Speculative feeling wa dlsnosed to the view that the banks were not called upon at this time to go further than to repay the actual deficit. The pressure upon the money market at this time i recognlied as due entirely to the active business con ditions, supplemented by the speculative demand bused on confidence In the general business situation. These conditions ex plain the extraordinary expansion to which credits of the banks have been extended and these same conditions are looked to to maintain confidence in the great volume of outstanding credits. Nothli.g like dis trust bus been cited a the cause for any of the loan contraction which has been put Into force, but simply the Ihnltatlon of resources to meet the extraordinary de mands for credits. However, the demand upon the bank reserves continued, the ope rations with the subtreasury since the last bank statement having withdrawn ulready t1.421.nro from the banks. With the easing of the money rate during the course of today there was also a rally in foreign exchange rates and the prospect of an Import movement of gold was thus dissi pated for the present. Last nrlcos for stocks were the best and the closing was active and strong at uniform net gains running from one to two point for the principal stocks. Honils were irregular. loiai saic par value, t4.110.000. United States 2s and old 4s advanced H and the 3s H Pr Cent on call, while the new 4s declined H per cent on call. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: tsaies. mgn. 10 w. lone. Adams Express Amal. Copper Am. Car Fttun.... do preferred ....... Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American ExpreM .: Am. Hide & L. pfd.. 245 41.814) 8,110 KM) 9 79H 3H loon 3sH lorH SM, llU K 93 224 33 27 16H 3KH 67H 114 140 124H 138H 104 H 118H 84H VU H 157H no- 96H 7v 171v 220 4K) 2(4) 32 27 32 29 ' American Ice sccur.. 1 Am. Unseed Oil do preferred Am. locomotive .... do preferred Am. binelt. & R'fg.. do preferred Am. sugar K'f'g Am. .otacco, pid. c. Anaconda Min. Co... Atchison do preferred Atlantic C. L Baltimore & Ohio.... do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T... Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton .... do preferred Great Western C. & N. W C, M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do preferred C, C C. & St. It..., Colo. Fuel & Iron..., Colo. 6c Southern..., do lsi preferred do 2d preferred.... Consolidated Gaa ... Corn Products do preferred Did. & Hudson Del.. Lack. & W.... 28.800 7H 65 2O.9U0 1,0 l.a) 1.7U0 7,M 700 4,() Zi'.V) 22,7uO 100 4.100 'jV) iaa) (a 16.8U0 140H 124 l.WH HA UKH 84 H 1024k 158 lion TfiH 172V 220 62H ivi ?" 210 175H lsH 122 136 104H 117 834 12H 157H 109H 73H 170 220 51 H 77" 20H 2HH 173 52-H 31 76 20, .'its 175H IB S7H 200 97 97 2, 2" a) 43 41' 2HH 26 2i0 62 til 600 2 42 400 178 178 800 13H' I3H luo 63 M 600 225 223 4iH 26, 61 H 42H 179 13H 62 H 224H 4H0 Denver & R. G do preferred Distiller' Secur 800 Erie 34.4i) do 1st preferred.... 100 do 2d preferred 4(0 General Electric 'M Hocking Valley 2.4i0 Illinois Central 20 Intel national t aper.. 1,6M do preferred 1"0 International Pump 33H MS 44H 49 H 8uH 71H 1K3 K2 175H 21 H ;nH 4S 46' 8Va 71 13 97H 175 2" 79-t 44 48 80H 7IH 183 102 175H 79H do preferred Iowa Central do preferred 82 100 2H 26H zH 55 K. C. Southern 26H do pn-t erred S b.f luo 8.700 II. tM) 2.710 20 luo 55H 14HH 1A4 73 117H 23 H o0 13oH 54 147 104 71H 115H 80 136H 97 H 35H 68 47 148H 51H 85 H 45H 138 1-JOH 48H 133H 91H 96 24H 94 H 2i'a 71H 37 60H Louisville & Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities 14 K14 72 Met. Street Ky Mex. Central Minn. & St. L M . St. P. 8. 8. M. 11. H 23H 79 13 164 do preferred Misbouri Put ifle 14.100 61.3i 1.7u0 6,ou0 18 0u6 44.000 1,'fV 'isVl 4l 41. 1U0 2.0UO 9HH 37 H liSH 4H 150H 52H 85 139H 101 h 98H 37H Mo., Ivan. A 1 do preferred National lead tW-H 41-, N. H. R. of Mex. pfd. 35H N. Y. Central N. V., Out. & W.... Norfolk ot Western.. do preferred North American Paclllc Mall Pennsylvania People' tlun P.. C. O. at St. L.... Pressed Steel Car ... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car.... Reading do 1st preferred do 2d preferred .... Republic Steel do preferred Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Goods do preferred St. L. & 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do preferred Southern l"uelrlc do preferred ........ Southern Railway .. do preferred Ttmn. Coal A Iron. . . Texas c Pacific T.. St. L. A W do preferred I'nlun Pacific do preferred I". S. Express I'. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber do preferred U. 8 Steel do preferred Va.-Caro. Chem do preferred Wabash do preferred Wella-Fargo Exp.... iwa 52 8u 2 97'4 47 139 H)H .6 2.8UO 89l4'V) 1 ..) 2i l.CiO 6.MU 1) 49H 98 137H W H fa'H 2iH 96H H 71V 37 49H 238 137H ir: 25 H 71H 37 I 03 1 suo 103 atiO fttH 64 H 64H aio 31.60.) 200 (I'M 2w 2D 1.4.10 a1 5.10 $4.6o0 300 56 tiStli 119H 36 9H 9H 8:tH V 56H 13H isH 56 OsH 119 S4H 94 33 36H 56 13H 9h ' 67 6H 119 347, to 9544 S3H 3HH 56H .' 9H 115 14 48 H 107 36 102 36H 107 21 41H Hon WH 16H 29H 6w 195 '-"; 75H M0 . 45.4) 19.710 8.3") 100 1.61 .7u0 48H 106 3C, 102H 3H 1077 21 H 41H 47H lo5H H K'lH 35H 107H 31 U 39 Westingbouse Liec Western I'nlon Juo 93 Wheeling A L. E -"t sin 4 IM lo.'H 74', Wisconsin Central .. 4-) do preferred l'W Northern Pacific .... Central leather .... l.fte) do preferred 3") Sloss-Slurneld I.7U0 1 Mteted H fH 19iH 43 1.2H 757 Total sale for the day 907.3U) ahare. Treaaarr Itatrneal. WASHINGTON. Nov. 14. Today' tate luenl of tl. iicaa-iry balance in thu gen- ersl fund, exclusive of the JIKn .my out gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, flSl.si8.430; gold roln ami bullion. 179.6:'.-79t-; gold cetttflcates. 4V Saw York r Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. MoN E Y On call. ealer t 6Tjl8 per cent; closing bid. 6 per cent; offered. 7H P"" cont Time money, firm; 60 nd 90 day. 71J7H per cent; t months, 6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PATER- 6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Irregular; closed firmer, with actual business In hank ers' bill at 14 .S.-vMrl.N'S for demand and St t4.814v4 816" for '-day bills; posted rates. t4 04H Mi and t4.8tH&-4 ; commer cial bills. 14 Hlfc4.81H- SILVER Bar. B'c: Mexican dollars, 4Vo. BONDS Government nd railroad, Irreg ular. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows : V . rat Ja do reupon . V 8. Sa. ri. do coupon . rl .O.t'4 jipan ft. 2d wrlfti... ,1KI in l, rtfa . - . i4 t ! ripfl H .104 t. A K. tint. 4a lot H Manhattan 1. . 4 ..1"J .l'4 M. Cantral 4 .131 ' iln lt Ine 3'j . in ninn si. 1,. 4a at . ; M., K T. 4a liii't .115 1 do 2a S 111 N. R. R. of M t. 4. . M N. T. I. liiiH N J ' . a Ha H44 .l:iNo. Painc 4a 0i .it , do la Jk . N. w. r. 4a 101 V .11.11 O. S. L rtS. 4a 7 . W4 Penn ronv. h'l . HI Heading gn. 4 U'l t . T4 Bt. L. 1 M r a .114 V. S. old 44. do coupon r'f. V. P. nw 4a, r do coupon Am. Tobacco 4o . do ta AtrMaon (tan. 4a. do adj. 4a Atlantic ('. I. 4a Pal. Ohio 4a... do IWo Brk. H. T c. Central of Oa. 4a... bt... du IM Inc do Sd Ire do Sd Inc rhae ft Ohio 4Ha.. (Btrao A A IH" C. B q n. 4a ... C. R I. A P. 4a.. do rol. 6a OfX. A St. L. r 4a Col. lnd la, atriea da aerlaa B rolo. Midland 4a.. Colo 80. 4a fuba t ,. D. A R. O 4a Manners' to. 5a.. Erta prior llaa 4a.. do n. 4a Hocklh Val. 4'a. Japan a Offered. WU St. U A S. r. f 4a. M v st. us w c 4a. a3 . .101 H S'abouM A. L. 4a . . 7 io. Picifte 4a . . H do tat 4a ctfa . 10--IH So. lUilvay f A 7.1H Tail & P. la .. 7IAj T , St. I.. W. 4l ..75 1 t'nlon I'acino 4a. . .. 4H do con. 4 . .106 r. R. Slacl td (a. . .101H Wabaan la .. ai , do db. B . .102 Waatern Md. 4a... .. M ,W. L K. 4a ..1.1 IWIa. Icntral 4a... .. H14 .. tH . . 7 .110 . 14 .. i . . tor. . . 1 to 1 4 . ..115H .. 76 S .. 7-4 . . .4 .. b Boston Stock and Bonds. BOSTON, Nov. 14. Call lonns. HtjK per cent; time loans, ftu'7 per cent, official quo tatlona on stocks and bonds were as fol lows: Atchison ad). 4a ... do 4a Mr. Central 4a.... Aohlaon do ptd Rnaton A Albany.. Roaton A Maine lioalon Elevated .. Fltchbur ptd Mexican .central .. N V . N. H. A H Par Marquette . fnlon P.illlf AitiM. Arr. Cham do pfd Aoier. Pneu. Tube. Amer. Buxar do ptd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Pomlnton I. A S. . rdlron rier. Itlu. . Oeneral Klectrlc .. " 'Advtntara H ..IflH'Allouea 4iis, ' 1 Amaliamaiad M- f4" American Zinc '"JS Atlanl'c 21 Hlngham i "' I nl. A Maria 4M . it2 'ontenntal i' ..14.1 trpprar Kan( ... .. i:l Paly Want ..InlH Unmlnlon Coal 11 Franklin . .I)" (Iranbj .. i'i't Ulo Rorala 24i Maaa MIDln .., .. ;Mlchtgan .1-1 Mohawk;H Mnnt. c A r... . . 134 old pnminlon .., . . S: Oaceola . tos Parrot . . 21 igulrcr . .244 shannon . . 1 : Tama rack .. Ut, Trinity . 7., 14, . Tf. . IW . . 2.1 . . IS . cS '4 . i .104 . ir. 7i .1:1 . H . :.i . 3414 . 47 . a . n .1:4 Maaa. Blectrlc do pfd Maaa. Oaa I'nlted Krult . .1 nltad 1 "poar .. . 46 V, .11 . 71 'i . 31., . K4) .l.)K . U I . 8. Mlnlns.. V. 8. Oil t'tah Victoria Winona Walverlne North Hutte United Rhne Mach . do pfd . S. steel do pfd Weetlng. common . "Bid. Aslted. London Closing; $tock. LONDON Nov. 14 Closlnir nimtnllons on the Stock exchange were ns follows: Conaola. money . . -! N Y. Central ll-l Norfolk W I do pfd ... tH Ontario W ...104 I'enraylvnr.ts ...113 '4 Hand M.nea ...17 Keadlns ..1,,(H .. IT, .. M .. .. T.'H .. 7', .. S', .. 47 .. oO .. ss4 ..K.i1, .. 70S .. ta .. ns ..ln4 .. 21 .. 40li . . tl'-U do account Anaconda Atchteon do Dfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Parlflc hea A Ohio ex no lat r'd I do Jd pfd I" Southern Hallwar 1774 1 do ptd 4t Soutllarn I'ailfl.: . kH fnlem Parlflr 4S do fd HVf. B. Slel 73 I do pfd Chicago lit. W... M. A St. P... tatteera Denter A R. U... do pfd Brie do let pfd do td Pfd Illlnola Central i.v'j wabaah Ixiulavllle A NatOl. . .1.? 4I do pfd . M., K. A T S7S Spanlah 4i pii.VKK-Har, firm, 29Hd per ounce. MONEY 3-S3H per cent. The rate of discount in the oren market for short bills Is 4rft4H per vent; for three months' bills, 4 per cent. New York Mining:' Ktoek. NEW YORK, Nov. 14.- on mining stocks were a follows: Adama Con I ILIttle Chief 6 Alice , ,i4 Ontario 125 Ureeoa 46 (lphlr 560 Brunawlrk Con 44 Phoenix 1 Comalook Tunnel 8 Poloaf 11 ("on. t'al. A V 146 Rlvnie Vj Horn Silver 170 rtlerra Nevada 37 Iron Silver Hi Small Hopea 30 Leadvllle Con 6 Standard 30 Foreign Financial. I3NDON, Nov. 14. Money was in mod erate demand and in fair supply in the market today. Discounts were firm. Trad ing on th Stock exchange opened quiet, with stocks fairly steady. Ixter prices hardened and business became more ac tive, the announcement of the Japanese producing a good impression. Late Japa nese issue received much attention. Con sols were nightly easier at first, but ral lied within the afternoon. Home rails were upheld. Americans opened Irregular and bounded up sharply from parity on New York and local buying. They closed firm. with aomo of them below the beat quota tion of the day. Canadians were sympa thetically higher. Russians, Peruvian and Kaffirs hardened. Japanese Imperials 6s of 1904 were quoted at 102. BERLIN. Nov. 14. Price on the Bourse today opened firmer. PARIS, Nov. 14 Price on Hie Bourse today Improved upon Iwtler advances from New Y'ork and the Imminence nf the new Japaneie loan. Russian imperial 4x were quoted at 89.85 and Russian bonds of 1HU4 at 615.00. Dank Clearing. OMAHA, Nov 14. Bank clearing for to dav were $1,476,718.80 and for the corre sponding date lust year $1,296,594.79. St. I.onla (General Market. BT. IXiriS, Nov. 14-WHEAT-Futures, higher; esh. heavy; No. 2 red. cash, ele vator. H7V(i91'e; track. irIffiO-.'Hc: Decem ber. 84HC7- May, 87Hc; No. 2 hard, Mi87e. CORN Future, higher: cash, lower; No. 2 cash. 4HHc; track. 44i45e for new. 47Hc for old: December. 4JHJ4Hc; May, 43'. OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. 3oc; track, 30'jc; Decen.ber, 3o',c; May, 31Hc; No. I white. SlUe. FIXDVR Steady : red winter patents. $4.30 r4.6o; extra fancy and straight, $3.9.h4.15; clear, $2 i3.10. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.3R"3.0n. CORNMEAI-Strady. $2.60. BRAN Steady; sucked, eat track, 69 4570c. HAY Steady; tlmothv, $8 Olifi 14.00; prairie, t7.5Ofj9.0O. IRON COTTON TIEB-$1.00. BAiKlINO-S'nC J1EMP TWINE He. ' PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing. $14.20. Ijrd. lower; prime steamed. $6.0. Iry salt meats, steadv; boxed, extra Bhorts. $776; clear rib. $8.00; short clears, $8.25. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $8.50; clear ribs, $8.27H; short clear, $9. on.'L 1 ii I-11 m: chickens. 7Hc; springs, VoVfjc; turkeys, 12c; ducks, Hc; geese, ft 8Hc BUTTER Firm; creamery, 3fKS"Jbe; dairy, 18V-'lc. -'"M5S Higher at 23i'. cse count. The receipt and ljjnments of flour and grain were: Receipt. Shipment Flour, bbls ,.4l !.. Wheat, bu 67,f 6o.i0 Corn, bu 61,' tin.(aa) Oat, bu Go, 1 luo 73,("i0 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14.-r'OTTON-Spot closed quiet at 10 points tower; middling uplands, 11.30c; middling gulf, 11.55c; sale none. BT. LOnS. Mo., Nov. 14 COTTON Qulet; middling. HHc; wales, none; receipts, 117 bal; shipment. 218 bales; stock, 15.817 LIVERPOOL, Nov. 14.-COTTON-8pot quiet: prices 13 point lower; American middling fair, 6 Sid; good middling, 07d; low middling. t.75d; good ordinary, t.57d; ordinary, S.41d. The sale of th day were $.000 bale, of which 500 were for (peculation nd export and included 7, Sou American. Receipt. 57.000 bales, including 62.000 Amer- NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 14 -COTTON-Qulel; ale. 1.6m bale. Ordinary. 6c; good ordinary, 9 9-16c; low middling, 10 7-Ine; middling, 111116c: good middling. 11 T-16V; middling fair. llc. Receipta. 23.92S bale; totk, 2i7,073 bale. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. -COFFEE Market for future opened (teady at unchanged price. There wa aorne liquidation of near position and, in spite of bullish reiaurts concerning the coming crop, the market eased off a partial 5 point during the early trading The market dotted teady. net unchanged to & point lower. Sale were 245.uuu bag. Including Decem ber at ti 46'r6.5.K-; M ir. It. 4 .,c; May, 7.1'Oy 7 vie; July, 7 2i-; September, I.Jic. Spot qulcl; No. 7 Rio, $HkH OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Beef 6tin tid Ctwi Btctdy-rtiden Stetdj to 8troof. HOC MARKET FAIRLY ACTIVE, BUT LOWER Mht Ran nf gherp and limba, Trade Start, bond r'al Sheep gtrong Terrier Steady, l ambs Kaaler. 6OITH OMAHA. Nov. 14. lvi. Receipt were: . . Cattle. Hot Sheep, '! Mnday M 2.78 18 759 Official Tuesday 4,3,10 J.ouO 8.00O Two days this week... Same week before Same three week ao. Same four weeks ago... Same days last year . RECEIPTS FOR THE .12.t3 .16.9M ,17.ii4S .17.Si7 .llt.lSO YEAR 11.76S 11 fA5 s.tsa 15.5X7 24.7.-9 37.31.4 43.til t;.4:'9 14.Ltt TO DATE. ..."?''" ",bIr show the receipt or cattle, hogs and sheen at 9ciiith Omaha Tnr- th. . . . . . IITJ Jil-ill ill im ,0 comparing; with last year: 190G. 1904. Inc. ... fco 169 M0.HO2 H.M7 ...2,(X4.17 1.972.1U 82.447 ...1.8u3.4tJl l,5i.!isl 23R.4S7 table shows the average South Omaha for the last Csttle Hogg Sheep The followlnR Trice of hogs at several days, with comparisons Rate. 1905. 19rM.lfri3.:l!eU.ilMl.!m.llS99. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Got. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nor. Nov. Nov. Nov. 13.. It.. 37.. 18.. 19... 20... .. 22.. 23.. 24.. 26.. 2.. 27.. t 11 I S 02 4 17 f 02 t 41' i 5' I 221 7 001 t 131 4 l 111 121 4 72! 4 ft 5 11 6 10 T 151 29 641 4i 11 J It' ? 02 6 27! 4 521 4 it 0 u 6 14H 1 15 I 11 l 4 til I II 4 IT 4 II t 071 S 03! I B2I 4 U I 6 III i 071 821 I I 6 17! t 1 70 6 P3 4 4 61 5 14 - I n 14 C 78 221 74 6 4 1 4 14 4 13 5 A9H t 01 4 93H 01 4 61 4 4? 2" I 6 71 6 OKI R 261 t 05' 00 4 58 4 14 4 8714! 6 001 I 181 6 61 4 Ml 4 10 2s. I 4 92 I 4 8SI fi ORI SI I 6 i 4 10 9. .1 I (Ml I V H SI' Kill 4 h I 4 14 31. ..f 4 92 I I 4 921 6 591 6 72 SOI 4 0 I 4 Ml 4 171 A all S R7I 4 471 4 03 4 S4V I 4 841 I Fl K 731 4 Rl 1 4 01 I 4 9H' 4 831 4 99 I b 721 4 tn! 4 04 I 4 87V 4 80! 4 871 6 611 4 56) 4 04 4 87HI 4 H 4 79' 49' 6 82 4 02 4 01 t ' 4 S! 4 741 61' 6 7l! 4 6I 4 87HI I 4 73! 6 631 6 711 4 64 4 MV 4 0I 4 78! 6 551 t ftS 4 67 i 4 tang i 6 44! 6 67 1 4 71! I 4 79 I 4 871 J snl e Is Til a co 4 4 03 4 03 10.. 4 7HH 4 97 4 671 6 35; I 4 741 11.. 4 S1H! 4 4 62' 6 25 6 721 I 12.-! 4 wil 4 i:S! 6 10i 5 Ml 4 84 33. .i 4 79V ' 4 54 6 21 1 5 59j 4 74! !! i 4 69' 4 571 6 28! & S 4 67 1 4 03 4 02 Nov. Nov. Nov. S 94 S 92 Indicate Sunday. The following table show the price paid at the river markets fur enttie- Good to choice corn-fed steers.... alr to good corn-fed steer Common to fair corn-fed steer. ... Oood to choice range beef steers.. ? j? Kood ran8 oecf steer uood to choice cows and heifer. V., to "ood cows and heifer alr to good western cows Canners and cutters .. . . Good to choice Mocker feeder tW5.75 6.01X35 40 4.00(36.00 4.25fi'5.00 , 8 ftii'4.2G , 3 S:f 4 50 . 2.6OS3.30 . Loom 2.76 . 1 751(3 50 8.75-54 10 f. - " '"'inris alio leeocre, b.i"h.i.:ii t-omnion to fair stockers feeders 2 50(33 00 RANGE OF PRICES. riiir in m ,itH t t 1 .A..:.n. Cattle. ..$1 fl.S.50 .. 1.15'cid.25 .. 1.75rj.Ki) Hogs. el.4fut.80 I Omaha Chicago j Kansas City St. Louis 4.30ja.ti 4.2fV(j4.90 4 .V4 95 4. 6T585 2.1 tj 5.80 4.iKN.V7() Sioux City Tl'ESDA Y'S SHIPMENTS The following list shows the number of cars of leeders shipped to the country yes. .v.,,,.j ,, i,.,r iHiints or aesiinauon: CATTLE. Cars. I". Jucohsen, WltiKlde, Neb. M. & O Fred Jtnsen, Wlnslde, Neb.-M. & O... C. Carstens. D.'Sutu. Neb. M. O-.k.. John Ileldelk, Falrhuiy, Neb. R. I J. 8. Jlnney & Bros., 1'ilger, Neb. F. E.. j. 4 . tiaroer. Brcnnan. 8. !). F. K T. W. Jacobs, West Lincoln, Neb. B M Frank Spurck. Nelson, Neb. H. & M., Charles Agor, St. Paul. Neb. B. A M... cunt Payne, Vail. In. N. W 3 H. H. blake. Low Moor, la. N. W 2 R. L. Kratnard, Dutiliip. la. I. C 2 August Wendi'ls. Clara. Ia. I. C 1 C. W. Owens, Springfield. Nch. Mo. P.. 1 H. Grlswold, Copper, Neb. Mil... .......... 1 Lyons Bros., Wood River, Neb. I'. P....1 Peter Bruce, Maxwell, Nch. t'. P... 1 George Thrush, Rogers. Neb. V. P 2 SHEEP. D.U. John A. Van Hoosin, Osceola, Neb. U. P. 1 McLeod & 8.. Manilla. la.-Mll 1 G. M. Bennett, feui'llmm, lu. K. 1 1 J. M. Flamigiin, Hernial). Neb. M. A O. 2 B. Goraau & Son, Friend, Neb. B. & M 1 The official number of car of stock brought In today by each road was: Caille.llogs.Bn p 11 r a. C, M. ft St. P 1 3 Wabash 2 5.. Missouri Pacific 2 P. System 28 18 16 C. & N. W 1 10 F., K. & M. V 65 35 10 C. St. P., M. & O... 3 7 B. ti M 78 19 20 C, B. & Q 3 6.. C, R. 1. & P.. east.. .. 2 C., R. 1. & P., west.. 7 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. Western 1 6 TotHl receipts 189 114 46 The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, eaoh buyer purchasing the num ber Of heud indicated Cattle. Hogs. Shp. 868 7811 3.i'4 1.0N8 Omaha Packing Co 607 1,347 Swift and Company 9-'9 Cudahv Pkg. Co 1.129 Armour & Co 1,417 Vanuatu JVt Co 67 Carey & Benton 163 Ixibman ft Co 214 McCreary ft Clark '.'S W. I. 8tephen l:M Hill & Son 291 Huston ft Co 68 Hamilton ft Rothschild. 78 Wolf Murnan : Mike Haggerty 76 J. B. Root ft Co 261 Bulla ft Kline :'2 1.426 2,4"2 2! 460 Total 6.566 7.635 12,03 CATTLE The receipt of caiilc una morning were ru'mi smail, ucing me suiaiicM run of atocg tor a consiueranie loiiglu of nine tor a l ueauay. I rani were in early, t-o that the siuu was up anu in kiiupe 10 be snuwn In goou seooon, and a clearance wa ttTecteo. 111 a reasonauiy cany hour. There wa a fulr supply of corn-fed steei s on the market Hum morning and there was a goou demand lor tuein on tne pail of thu puckers, wini tne result that prkta on the good kind of corn feds tinned up and ain.ot recovered the oecline ot tne previous day. j he supply ot wosuerii was not so large us yceieiday and tin helped some to ill ill up tue market. Trade wa reasonably active at times and tne market on beef steer wa generally steady to strong. The liadu on cow and heifer was ranter null and the supply only aniall. However, the ucmand loi lucm wa jual about C'lUiil to the supply, with the result thai there wa a fairly steady market on cows and heifers. There were a consid erable number of the common and medium cIhsh 01 nlocK 111 Might and this found de cidedly slow sale, t.ut still at price that were practically steady with those of yes terday. 1 nu supply of feeders was fair and the majority r them were good, medium weight stuff around .rv pound. The de mand for leeders of this weight has been on the Increake lately and a a result the trade on feeder wa good, with price teady 10 strong in most case. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. rr. A. 4? Pr 11 Tit 3 ii 14 Ill I U 1064 I tit II illo i 40 COW B. i Kit i 40 WESTERNS. Kent ft Jilsell-S. D. 22 feeder.. Ji3 $46 2 feeder. . $44 175 I." feeder.. 944 3 10 NEBRASKA. 1 calf 140 2 feeders.. 675 4 7a 1 cow..., 4 cow.. ,2 cow.., 1 cow 6 (leer. . 830 . 862 . 900 .1040 .1248 1 70 2 00 2 45 I BU t 3u 2 76 2 35 1 50 2 90 S 00 4 00 2 46 1 bull Wo 26 feeder 3o feeders 1U ferdel 'U IlilxeU.. 19 cow... . X,i .I'M . 729 95u . 976 14 cow 786 1 75 JO cow 993 3 40 HOGS The receipt of hogs this morn ing were very liberal, about ut head be ing reported In. This 1 the largest run luce the middle of August and i urac. tlcally the equal of the run for the unit day one year ago. The receipt at all of the other princil market point, accord ing to early report, acre quite liberal. Wnen the market opened this morning it wa not o much a question of whether price would be lower aa It was as to ih amount of the decline. The trade opened moderately bring and 6il"c lower. Owtr.g to the large run ii looked for a time a though the decline would le even larger, but toward the close of trade thing steadied up a little, ao that tiade for the day doted about the same a at the open ing. Good, choice ll.tu-weight bog nr old mostly MIlOc lower thsti yesterday, while the heavy stuff sold Generally Im lower Tbe bulk of the snlea fer the rlsv were St 4 72lriQ4 7S. with tbe loppy louts selllnir mostly st $4 so The market wss Itenerally 7Hr lower than yesterday s aver age price. Representative salrs: At. Sh. rr So sv sti pr Tt4 04 171 JT1 117 to 01 44 Kt 2 il 164 !4 "4 IIT IKI t'7 ta tM f".T IM lit 3!4 V. IM IM :it IM 141 Il 103 3-4 141 SS4 Ill 314 274 : ... .271 177 2.11 ...... .IS4 ...(...IM ! 2l 2Mi 2t.( 241 to fns 11 40 140 seo st f.m U" 40 lie I J joo V0 00 ao 3n n to to 40 at. ao l?o o 4.. iwi 40 lfl !0 l?o 110 4fi Ian to 4 40 1 2.W !4o 4 TIi 4 40 r. ; no 4 4 To 4. ) i 1 ;:i, 4 74 l SIJ l" 4 73', 4 7 :7! 4" 4 7f 4 70 r,? sen ito 4 7:, 4 Ta 7 J4 an 4 Ti', 4 74 77 54 TOO 4 7T-, 4 76 f ! an 7fs 4 To JMI ao 4 7;., 4 To id tat io 4 Tl' 7" J t loi 4 Tf 4 70 t 4 40 4 73i 4 70 F. ?l o 4 T:"4 4 Ti aa iai lao 4 7v, 4 To Ti S41 lao 4 7t 4 75', TI ft 4 7! 4 7J't 41 14 IM 4 71', 4 TS' M H0 to 4 T2H 4 7: T4 Ill 4.l 4 7!, 4 7"4 4. I"" 4 7JH 4 75' t 4 M 4 Tl 4 J'v 4o IMl 40 4 7:t 4 7V, 67 W 10 4 7!S 4 7t, 4 f3 140 4 7!'v 4 7:H 44 t"t 4 T?I4 4 73', f 44 ... 4 H 4 7:t 61 ISO 1" 4 7JV4 4 TI 140 IM 4 TS 4 7ts t. : 4 IS 4 -is k ;si m ci 4 72H IT 311 n 4 T! 69 ?lt t0 4 TJ 4 74 H 40 f!ij ... 4 TS 4 Tl'4 40 T! an 4 TS 4 72S 0 I" 1:0 I 7i 4 71', 44 !40 ... 4 7S 4 7Jt 7 !44 ... 4 TS 4 TV, !4! ao 4 76 4 7f, r-a I it" 4 74 4 7t4j IS ft Ta 4 76 4 . f If.4 . . 4 7 40 4 7JH t f 4 T6 4 731, 4T u 1W 4 74 4 7i a 117 ... 4 76 4 7H l' 40 4 TTH 4 Tv T: S? 4" 4 T7', 4 71 M I4 ... 4 M 4 T21, 9 14 ... 4 " 4 7H. II 141 ... 4 10 8HEKP The run of sheep this morning was a rather small one. only about thir-y-two cars being reported In. The majority of the 1uff coming In consisted of feeder, with quite a sprinkling of lambs. The supply of good cholc killing sheen was rnthcr scarce, while the demnnd from the local packers was of very fair propor tion nnd th market on the more desir able kinds of killer was practically stei-dy. Hhcsiibc of the small number of feeder buyers in there was no competition oil fecd'Ts to speak of. and as a result a goo" j inanv sheep and lanibf went to the packers I at prices that were somewhat lower. And J the general trend of the market appenreu to be downward on anything that was not renllv desirable for killing purposes. in market opened slow and practically steai.y on 'lie more ennlce klnos OI Kllima j while the common and light stuff ''" were im." however, tb market on fat sheep was slow and ateadv. There wis a very fair supply of tee. i-rs In again this morning and the oemunu t... ,..... .... . K n -1 ... ... Th.ra -ere but 11 very few outside buvers In todny ann locoi buyer were not taking much stuff. 1 ne most of the feeder In were of the common and light grades and this class of sheep found rather alow sale at prices thst were generally lower than yesterday. The choi.e kind of feeder and heavier stuff ""1af ready sale at price that were almost "'J"'- with last week's close. Feeder lambs have taken a alump in the last couple of da amounting to 10i2ue. . . , Quotation on fat sheep and lambs: noon to choice fed lambs, 7.ioirT.2; Rood to choice range lambs, h2r.!ti7.oo; good Jo choice yearling weathers. l5.404j6.0P: good to choice old wethers, $5.00415.50; r)0 choice old en.-s, 4.50t5.00. Quotation on feeder sheep and lambs. Good feeding. J5.50tfjfi.OO; good feeding YfZz lings, $4.75(ir, 6; good feeding wethers. 11.5 i5.00; good feeding ewes. .M8a..S; breed ing ewes. H.etVoo.OO. Rcprescnt.itlve sale: No. 4i Idaho buck 181 80. Dakota feeder ewe IJI Idaho feeder ewe Ip I'tah cull In tubs 165 Bo. Dakota feeder lambs 319 So Dakota feeder yearlings. 126 I'tah feeder lamb 249 So. Dakota feeder lambs Av. Tr. 150 2 75 8.1 3 6 9 I 90 67 4 90 55 6 10 77 6 26 67 30 . 00 S 80 , 63 5 "5 K2 6 00 71 6 25 60 3 66 83 3 85 96 886 98 4 26 ,98 4 60 ,81 6 40 .100 6 40 .101 6 40 .93 6 45 .89 6 56 .62 6 60 . 67 6 60 .77 T 00 .109 6 00 . B5 6 44) 8 So. Dakota feeder lambs 3"fi Ctah lamb 284 Idaho lambs 411 Wyoming ewe feeders I08 Wyoming ewe feeder 231 Idaho ewe feeders 62 Idaho ewe feeders 396 Wyoming ewes 75 Wyoming yearling feeders. 107 Idaho wether 136 Idaho wethers 477 Wyoming wethers 175 Nebraska wetber 162 Idaho lamb feeder 618 Nebraska lamb 217 Idaho lambs (U8 Montana .wethers 1373 Montana yearling wethers... nilC.MlO I.IVK STOCK MARKRT Cattle Dull Hon Ten Ont Lower Lamb Higher Sheep Lower. rT-ilOAfiO. Nov. 14. CATTLE Receipts 12,1X0 head; market dull; prime steers, $3.W 56.40; cow. $2.75W4.oo; heifers, fi.ViQfrM; bulls. $2.004.00; stockers and feeder. $2.16 4i4.l; calves. $J.&7.00. HOGS Receipt, SO.Ox) head: market 10c Inner: choice to orinie heavy, $4.90416.00; me-, ii"-- dlum to good heavy. $4.75iH.90; lightweight butcher. $4.9ou6.); good to choice heavy mixed. $4.7(K-n4.K6; packing. $4.3v'q'4.8&. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta, 22.000 head; lambs higher, sheep lower; heep. $4 (XKa6.75; yearling. $5.5841. a; prlng lambs, $6.50(87.35. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 12.000 head, including 8.81 southerns; market steady to loc lower; choice export and dressed beef steers. $5.0n4io.8o; fair to good, $3.&oi&'4.90; western fe;l steers, UGtf 4 5u; stockers and feeder. $2.40i4.3o; southern teers, $2.40i4.OD; southern cows, $1.75(&3.00; native cows, $1.75;4.00; native heifers, 2.buj4.V; bulls, $..( Hj.f.2o; calves, $2.5(i4?6.25. HOGS Receipt. 20.000 head; market iH 61 in- lower: inn. $4.874 : bulk of sale. 44 4N.82H; heavy, $4.804i4.87H; packer, $4.. 54 4.8'H; Plg and light. M2oifj4.1V). SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 0,000 head: market steady; native lambs $o.5( 7.25; weatern lambs, $5.5047.20; yearlings, M.66i-5.75; western $5.25'wl6.J; western clipped heep lockers and feeders, $3.764.76. ewes and yearlings, , M.50xyu.60; gt. I.ool live Mock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5.(00 head. Including l,.Vi Tcxans. Market lower; native, shipping and export steers. $4.254j.80; dreseed beef and butcher teer, $J.5O'h6.0O; teer. under pound. $2.5i'(j3.9o; ttockers and feeder, t2.uOjj3.40; cow and heifers, $2.tj4.50; canners. $1.75i4 2.00; bulls. $i.l5fj2.h5: calve, $'iowUS.",5: Texa and Indian steer. $2,151)3.60; cow and heifers. $'.0i8':.90. HOGS Receipt. 1,000 head. Market 06 10c lower: pig and light. $4 Sura t. 65; pack ers. $46(4.85; butcher and best heavy, $4. 70.8-4.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 2.000 head. Market strong: native muttons. $110 r!i6.26; lambs, $5.261i7 .'th; cull nnd buck-a, :i fi5.ti; (lockers, t'1.754.; Tcxtuis, (3.00 4.00. St. Joseph l ive Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Nov. 14 CATTLE Receipts, 4.436 heed. Market weak to 10c lower; natives. $3.5o&4.76; cows and heifer. $1 4ti4 ; tocker and feeders, $2.763.76. HOGS Receipt 9, 12.353 head. Market Vr? 10c lower; light. MVifJ-IW; medium and heavy. $4 .8fj4.8?H; bulk. $4 8iS4 86. SHEEP AND UMII8- Receipts. $014 head. Market weak; wether, $5.70. Hlona C ity Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, 1... Nov. 14.-tSpecla Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, l,00u head. Market steady but active: beeves. $4.0ota6.;o; cow., bull and mixed, $2 03 44: (tucker and feeder. $2.75i3.70; calve and year lir.gx. $2.5(13.60. HOG B Receipt. 6,5(41 head. Market 5c lower, selling at $4oCa4.85; bulk of aale. M7X(J4.75. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live ktock at the six principal western market eterday: Cattle. South Omaha l.jsO Sioux City 1,000 Kansas Clly 12.COU St. Joseph 4.435 St. IxjuI 6.000 t'liitaiu 12.000 Hog. Sheep. .(.4.0 tbv 30.0UO 12.3.53 l.ta JO.uuo 8.000 6.UU0 3.014 2.0 4) a.oi Totl., .38.736 77.853 41.114 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 14. METALS The London tin market acted somewhat un settled, but spot closed unchanged at 151 15. while future were & lower at 151. locally the market for tin was quiet, a 1th spot quoted at $J.12H4j33 17H- Copper was irregular in London, spot closing 16 higher at 4.75, while futures were 5s lower at 4,72. The local market was reported firm and price are generally held higher, with lake quoted at $16 5(& 17.00. electrolytic .1 $16.fyjfj 16.75 and casting .1 $16 251V5o. I,Mui am unchanged at 18 6 in london. The local market continue very firm, with supplies for shipment within thirty dan quoted at $5 1. while small lots on spot are held ( high gt tt k. Speller wa un- t barge.1 at 4.28 lo In London and at M oj H2'i 10 the local ntxik.'t Iron ws unaet -tie.) abroad. lth stsn.lnid fonridrv closing 4.1 higher at el's 4.1. while Cle eland ai rsnts cre h shade lower t 5ts61 Locally the market continues tlrm. No. I fonndi northern is quoted .it 1 '""Ij 19 cO, No. 3 foundrv nonhei n Mt t' cti i 5. No I foundry southern. H 2Mi 18 7.'.; No i foun drv (Oil them, H7.Tru 18 3A. ST. I .ol' IS. Nov 14 -MF.TALR- l.ea.1. strtng. 5 .VS.27H Spell'''". stcad. 16,'a). OM AH A W HOI K 41 K. M4HKKT. Condition of Trnrt nil t)noatlo) tple and Fancy Prodare. 1:G09 Fresh receipts, (ah.lled stock. 21c. I.IVK POI LTRY-Hens. H"; rooster. tc: turkeys, 15c; ducks, I'wilcc; spring chickens. 9c. lil TTFR Packing stock. 1SV; choice to funcy dairy, 18lt19c; creamery, 2l'?21Hc; prints. 21Hi'- , . . ... , Sl"OAR -Standard granulated. In bbls., 5(1 pet cwt ; cubes, 15.86 per cwt.; ctit loar. 16.30 per cwt.; No. extra C. lnvg or bbls. 4 5 per cwt.: No. 10 extra c. bugs onlv, M 7' per cwt.: No. 15 yellow, bags only. 14 66 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, 15.75 per cwt. FRF.SH FISH -Trout, liXTUc: halibut. 13c; blilTalo. drese,, "; pickerel, dressed, Hc", white bass, dressed. 12c; sunllsh, 4k". perch, scaled nnd dressed. 8c: pike. 10c; catflsh. 13c: red snspper. loc; anlmon. 11c; crp- Plc. pass. 12c: eel. 18c: bullheads. 11c, mac 25c: whltofis.,1. 12e; frog logf, ler sac- hdisters. reen. V7c: boiled Hoi. lobster iSc; 1?. : !oe. 4N tnuensn, ui-, herring. 4c. llAY-Prlces company: No. quoted bv Oman Feed 1 upland, 17; medium, ); coarse. i. BRAN Per ton. $14 50. TROPICAL FRflT. ORANGES Valencia, all lse. $5 00030; Florida, nil sires. $a.754j4.i10. LEMONS-Lemonlera, extra fancy. 246 sire, $6: 3i and 30" sixes, $0. DATES-Per box of ) 1-lb pkg., $2 Hallow en. tn 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5H Walnuts, stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs., 13 per dot. FIGS California, per io-lb. carton. ioW 65c; imported Smyrna. 4-crown, lie; in crown. 14c. BA NAN AS-Pet mrdium-alzsd bunch. $1.75(82.25; Jutnlsis. $2.rVM!i.n. FRL'ITS. PKARS-rtah. Klefer and Vicars. $r. De Ango. $2.75. APPLES Ben Davl and Wlnesaps, In 3bu. bbls., $4.o; In bushel baskets. $1 X; California Bellllowers. $1 60; Colorsdo Jona than and Grimes- Clolden, 2 ; New ioi k apples. $4 50 per bbl. iiHAPKH-1'okav. pe" 4-basket cfate. $.. CRANPERRlKS Jerseys, $1100 per bbl.; Bell nd Bugle. $12 00 VEGETABLES. POTATOES New, per bu.. sak t)NIONS Home-grown yellow, red and hlte. dim- bu., 76c; Spanish, per rrate. 1.T5 . . V) AX MfJANS I'er nu. nasaei, ., trlng Iwan. per H-bn. box. 5fSfcc. BKANS Navy, per nu., i so. CCC1MBERS- Per bu . $1 S'Ktl.TS. CABBAGE Home-grown, In crates, per lb., lc. BEEFS New. per PU., 1OC. CELERY" Kalamaxoo. per do., 25c. SWEET IOTATOES Virginia, per 3- bu bbl , $2 50 CAI 'LTFl.OWER Per crate, 3. TOM ATOES California, per crate of id lbs., $2.50. BEEF Ct TS. Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Ribs No. 1. 12Hc; No. 3, 8c; No. 3, jV- itounu No. 1. 7c: No. 2, Hc; No. i. SHC- 1.111 ns No. 1, ISHc; No. 2, 10c; No. 8, 7Hc Plate - No. 1, ;lc; No. sc; jno. a. zc. v.nucan No. 1, 4Hc; No. 2. 3c; No. 8. 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmherger, 13c; twins. 12Hc; young Americas. 13Hc- N I I S V ainUTS, .-0. I SOU. eiieuti, ii.-t crop, per lb., 13H: hard shells, per lb.. 12c, No. 2 soft shells, tier lb.. 11c. Pecan, large, per lb., 15c; small. pc" '.. IS1-"- Ptaniits. per lb.. 7c; roasted, per lb., sc. Chill wal nuts, per lb., 12tfl3Hc. Almonds, soft hells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Shell back hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.75; Urge hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.50. Chestnuts, 15c per lb. Cocoanuts. $4.00 per ack Of 100. HIDES No. t greefi, Sc; No. t green, 80; No. 1 salted, 10Hc; No. 2 salted. 9Hc; No. I veal calf, 11c; No. 2 veal calf. 4c; dry alted, 7 'ii 14c; sheep pelts. 28f$1.00; hor hides, I15.-o3.00. Wool Market. BOSTON. Nov. 14. WOOI The wool market Is generally dull but Arm; territory wools have moved moderately. Contracting for the 190S clip la progressing; views are generally too high for eastern operators. Pulled wools, A auper and staple wools ore steadily sought. Fine, grades are firm. Leading quotation follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 38c; X, 34t-36c; No. 1, 404j41c; No. 2. 40Jc; fine unwashed. 28S'2r; quarter blood un washed, 34i35c; three-eighth blood, 3fa 36c; half blood. 341; 35c; unwashed delaine. &.31c; unmerchantable, 31ii32c; nn washed, delaine, 37Hjr7Hc Michigan tine unwashed, 27(trlc; quarter blood unwashed, 334134c. Territory, Idaho fine. 22'23c; heavy fine, 19 ii2uc; fine medium, 22(f23c; medium, 270rc: low medium, 27i-'e; Wyoming One, ti&Oei w .... ., 1 urt.'V. fine medium. -3-3 C 4c ; nie- ' dlum. 27iH-sc; low medium. 27(&1Sc; I'tah and I Nevada fine. i-(24c; heavy fine, 194j!oc; fine I medium, 23'824c; medium. 27j'c; low me dium 2728c; Dakota fine. 22C(?C.V; fine in aoJE. .neriluii). 27(&28c: low inedliiin. 1 o7-r..yki-- Montana nne ciioo -e. u-"-. 'L-. 28'U29c; medium choice, -'Tf-c. ST. LOVI9. Nov. l4.-WOOL-8te.dy: me dium grade, combing and c'0,r'nf- . 30Hc; light fine, 2K&26C; heavy fine, 19'8-lc, tub-washed, l641Ho- Hilar and Molasses. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. SUGAR Raw. rertnlna. 2Hc: centrifugal. 9 test 3 7-16c: molasses sugar, 2H' refined. itiieti No. 6. 4c; No. 7, 8 95c; No. 8, 2.90c ; No. 9, 3.86o; No. 10, No. 12, 6 70c; No. 13. 3.80c; No. 11. 3.76c; 3.5o: No. 14, 3.ft8;, mould A, 4.9Jo; cut confectioners A. 4.45c riw.. f.niMiiefi h.ic: nowaerrn. . 4.7oc; granulated, 4.60c: cubes. 4.85c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orle.n open kettle, good to choice, 828TOC. . NEW ORLEANS. Nov 1 4.'-8Uj flAR Qulet. Open kettle centrifugal. 3t e-l. centrifugal whites, 33c: 'llow, tHU 9-l: secntids. 2'((i'3 l-16c. MOLARSICS-Open kettle. 243c; centri fugal. 28c. SYRUP-268 28c. 4)11 and Itoain. NEW YORK. Nov. 14. OlI-S Cottonseed, firm: prime crude, nominal; yellow, tv. l"etroleum, steady; refined. New Tork. $7 60; l'hlladelplila and Baltimore. $7.56; In bulk. M 65. Turpentine, steady. Hj';0r. R08IN Steady; strained, common to SAVANNAH, Nov. 14-OII-Turpeatln, qROSIN'-Nothlng doing A H '. $4 46: ii $4 80; E. $4 45; F. $4.70; G. $4.73; II. M ; '. 14 85' K 16.00- M..6.20; N. 5.30; W G. 7 . I $5.55; W W, $5.05 HEAL ESTATE THAKBFKR8). The following real estate tranfer were filed for record November 14: WARRANTY DEEDS. John Jackson find wife to C. J. Beck- ti.un iinrilclded one-half of lot 25. block 3, Hoffman Terrace t Fldelfa A. Mallory to W. B. Friend, wet one-lhtrd or lot u ana i. block 8. Kendall addition Eva T. French and husband to Ava .W Wood. 40X135 feet in seH "eH. 4-15-18 Marv E. Van Glesen to South OiobIki Savings bunk, undivided one quarter east 44 feet lot ,6, block 75 and undivided one-third of wet 22 feet of cast 66 feel of lot 6, block 75. South Omaha l.tVai Northwestern Mutual Ufa Insurance company to E. W. Human, west 18 feet of aouth 182 feet of lot 1, Capitol addition snd strip adjoining, tt.oiai Clilien Bank of Omaha to E. W. Allen, lot 15. block 1. Portland Plane I 1) 1'ieM. Woodmansee and wife to Ingrld Hanson, lot $, block Orchard Hill... R II. landervou and wife to J. Roach and wife, lot 9. block Mvers' R. ft. T.' addition IL 14, A. T. Wood and wife to A. 1 8I bsugh, lot 4, block 3, Maxwell second addition Mry H. Upjohn and husband to Rob ert Bcharlack, aouth ' one-half lot t. block 1, I-ake addition Mury B- Wallace to Carl Johnson, lot 28, block 4, Hawthorne addition.. F. W. Carmlchael and wife to Id B. Pickering, lots 1 and 2. block lo. Halcyon Heights A. W. Kelpln und wife to Florence I. Crane, part tax lot 23, In 9-15-13.. J. L. Chan to Robert M. Taylor, lot 4 to 7, block 19, Benson QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Anna E. Howell to U E. Gibson, lot 16. block 7. Kllby Place Total amount of tranafer. .$(11,528 F. D. Day & Co. nealere In Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Yanr Grain to r lrck (ttieo. I14-tll Saard al Trad sUa.. Oanaha, h-ia.. Taleahoao Sale. IU-214 Exchange Sid., South Omaha. BtU 'faoiut tUk l44tCrB4ltBl 'Pawn It 60 2i( 25 2.00U ) !l 850 5.H