TILE OMATTA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1005. PRISONERS TRY TO ESCAPE Bind ana Gag Guard, but Ha Raletiti Him elf in Tias ta Pratant Gatawsy. GOVERNOR PROCLAIMS THANKSGIVING Attorneys tor Conitr Jndare Vlnaon haler laelet Inheritance Caae Waa Decided Before It Wii Sob saltted to tha Coart. that the cnurt fulled o follow Nebraska precedent, which hold that the revenue provision of the constitution are subjected to an Implied limitation which would make the enactment of the Inheritance tax law Illegal. "The decision In thla case waa rendered before the submission of the rase." the lawyers allege In their brief. "The opinion waa prepared under a misapprehension of the condition of the record and before coun sel on behalf of respondent had been given an opportunity to present their caae." The lawyers gay that the unfavorable de clalon la due to the heavy pressure of liti gation. "We have a firm conviction that the rap- but little pain. lie la 71 years of age, un married and hla parents, who llva at Osh kosh, Wis., have been notified. woodmf.n or woriji iwKrcnsa Flrat Keaeloa of Fonrth niatrlet Con. Tendon Held at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb. Nov. 14 8pec1al.) Tha first annual convention of district No. 4, Woodmen of the World, waa held In thla city yeaterday afternoon. Edward Walsh, etate manager, opened the meet Ins with an address, after which he ap pointed D. W. Carre clerk pro tern. Messrs. Carre, Wallace and Kuhn, the committee on credentlala. reported all present eligible (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov. 14. (Special.) Last night at 7.30, according to a report fled In the governor's office thla afternoon by Warden A. D. Beemer. William Jonea and Fred Smith, two trusties or "runners." aaaaulted Night Keeper Jay G. Cooper at the weat end of the west cell house, bound and gagged him, and attempted to saw U.I .. , V .ii ml. tlii. .tn.l aa.ln.1nw V.n.a to liberty. Cooper managed to loosen hla bonda and call for the outer guards, who took the two convlcta and ahut them up In solitary confinement. Today the prls onera are wearing ball and chain to prevent further attempta on their keepers. Jonea la a colored man, acntenced from , Omaha In 1300 for burglary. Smith waa sentenced, recently, m Buffalo county for tiurglary. He la a pugilist and la known also aa Denver Kid. .The two men have been allowed the freedom of the cell house. When the keeper made hla Inspec tion of the cell block they waited until he reached the west end. which Is away from the entrance, where the guarda are posted, and pounced upon him. Choking him to prevent outcry, they managed to bind and gag him. using twine from one of the broom shops which they had se creted. Jonea then climbed up to the win dow and began to aaw at the bara with a paw stolen from the engine room. Smith remained on watch at the other end. Tha latter aaw Cooper 'freeing hlmaelf and raa back to the attack aided by Jones, who left his place In the window. Cooper Struggled with the men and loosened the gag until he could cry out. The guard came Immediately. The men aubmitted quietly. The warden reports that no one la to tMame for the occurrence and compliments Cooper for hla grit In giving the alarm, although ha points out the fact that the men would have been detected by the Outalde patrol bad they cut through the Jvlndow bars. Proclaims Thanksgiving. Today Governor Mickey Issued hla . (Thanksgiving proclamation. He calls at , tentlon to the general public awakening against graft and foreBhadowa legislation against It. The governor saysi The flight of time reminds ua that an other year la rapidly drawing to a close and Soon will have passed Into history. It has ean a year crowded with blessings for the .American people- Without we are at peace With all nations, while within there la evi dence on every hand of unexampled proa jiertty and contentment. Aa a people our standing abroad haa been strikingly ex emplified by the succeasful outcome of the twace negotiations between Russia and Japan. Instituted and persistently urged by President Roosevelt, an Incident which em phasizes the potent Influence of American diplomacy and the commanding position to JWhich wa have attained as a world power. At home there haa been rapid develop ment of our material resources. Manufac turing Industries have prospered, the earth haa yielded bountifully to the efforts of the tiiiihindman. the laborer haa found steady employment at a good wage. Here In our nwn state the condltiona have been most favorable. Our crops were never better, the demand Is such aa to yield fair prices; de vastating atorma have wrought but little damage and peatllence la unknown. The antrltual life of the people haa also keen quickened. In all parta of the country there la manifest a notable awakening of publlo sentiment in suppression or avarice, sjratl ana greea, a momnmui whh:h miioi culminate in the enactment of more whole some laws and the ultimate purification of tha body politic. For all thesi blessings vouchsafed to us by our kind Heavenly father we are profoundly grateful. As an evidence of. our gratitude and In tronformitv with time-honored custom, I. John H. Mickey, governor of the state of Nebraska, do hereby proclaim Thursday. November 80, lix. as a day of general thanksgiving. Upon mat aay iei mo v tle assemble In their customary places of Iworehlp and participate In auch (services as will Indicate the gratitude of their hearts for the manifold mercies of the past, and et them devoutly pray for a continuance Of Divine mercy in the future. Around the fcearthflre and the family altar, let the bounty of our God be the topic of thought nd "let all the people pralae Him. Has Harrow Escape, ' Tom Dunn, a linotype operator, narrowly neaped asphyxiation this morning from es caping gas. Workmen have been Installing gas pipes In his house at 2234 R street and one of them opened Into the room to which Jie retired when he returned from hla work parly thla morning. The workmen turned ln the gas. not knowing that there was an epen pipe In Dunn's room. His groans wakened his wife, who summoned assist ance. The man waa resuscitated. .Mar Have to My. Land Commissioner Eaton has received notice from some of the lessees of state school land In the Dismal forest reserve that they have been warned not to tres pass on tha government tract, which will rnake It Impossible to get in and out from tha school section The etate official has addressed a letter of Inquiry to the govern rnent officials to learn whether or not the settlers are to be marooned. Caao Decided Before Submitted. The attorneya for County Judge Vlnaon tialar In the inheritance law case, which sjras recently decided agalnat him, have filed a motion for a rehearing, alleging that the Supreme court decided the case before it Was submitted and that on the same day that tha card apprising the counsel of the decision waa received another notified them of ten days' additional time in which to file briefs. It la urged against the ruling tn alt MH delenrotpa In the pnnvnflnn. The Idlty with which this court Is forced to , foIIown(, wpre m,. Bea trice, Wymore, Diller. Barneston, Fair bury. Cortland, Da Witt and Wllber. reach its conclusions, because of tha pres sure of work under which It labora, had led the court Into a serious misconstruction of our constitution, which will, if this decision Is allowed to stand, be far-reaching In Ita evil effects, and we therefore earnestly urge upon the court the wisdom of granting a rehearing." Two Superintendents Oat. State Superintendent McBrlen announced today that, after consultation with the at torney general, he haa decided that the two county superintendents-elect who did not have first-grade certificates on election day cannot qualify. The names of the persons and the counties In which they received a majority of the votes are withheld, but he states that the counties are large and have numerous teachers who would have been qualified. He leans toward the theory that the present Incumbents, who are prop erly qualified, will hold over until the next election. He said that it la probable that the minority candidates who were qualified will claim the offices on the ground that those who were without certificates had no right to have their names submitted to the electora Mr. McBrlen scouts the suggestion that the new certification law la invalid because It imposes conditions on candidates for county superintendent. He said today that the superintendents are not constitu tional officers and that the legislature therefore haa power to prescribe any rea sonable qualifications. Accused Ex-Ofllctala Get More Time. Today O. M. Routsahn, former chief of police, and W. A. Bentley, former city de tective, who are charged with grafting, se cured continuances until December 13. They appeared before Justice Stevens, ac companied by their attorneya, and asked for further time to prepare their cases. One of their attorneya la George A. Adams, the former mayor to whom they owed their appointments. The accused men have not made any statement as to their defense, but It la understood that they will attack the credibility of the women from whom they are alleged to have collected black mail and brlbea. Rev. Dr. Bchleh of Omaha addressed tha meeting on the Import of thla Initial con vention, following which these officers were elected: D. W. Carre, president; W. L. Leigh, vice president: J. T. Greenwood, secretary: D. P. Penrod, treasurer. Bea trice waa unanimously selected aa the place for holding the next convention, which la to convene on the third Monday In March next. It waa resolved that each camp In the district be entitled to a representation of five soverelgna at the district convention to be held In Beatrice. It waa also re solved to send one delegate to the state convention, to meet In Lincoln, Neb., on the second Tuesday In January. Hon. C. Letton of Falrbury. supreme Judge, waa chosen delegate-at-large, and the follow ing were elected regular delegates: D. W. ..i , . aa.hlnh r . 1 1 W ml In ta O r.u.1 ..f a..-..a Carre, J. W. Jar k son. D. B. Penrod, J. T. 1 Heat rice nartlea Greenwood of Beatrice, Don D. McGuIre of Wymore. Alternatea: Soverelgna Leigh, Foltz, Wallace, Kuhn and Fulton. It waa decided that all campa In the dla- trlct be requested to set apart some even- ng between December 3 and December 18 for the celebration of the birthday of Hon. C. Root, founder of woodcraft and sovereign commander of the Woodmen of the World. Senator H. W. L Jackson was present and delivered an eloquent address on "The Spirit of Fraternity," after which the convention adjourned to meet In mass assembly In the evening at t o'clock. The evening session opened with an ad dress of welcome by Mayor Shults, with response by State Manager Edward Walsh. Rev. G. H. Bchleh was then Introduced and delivered the address of the evening. An excellent musical program was ren dered during the evening. YORK COIH TV WITH PRESIDENT Commercial Club Adopts Reaolntlona and Forwards Them to Senators. YORK, Neb.. Nov. 14. (Speclal.)-Th, business men of Tork are with President Roosevelt in wanting a apeclal Judicial tribunal established for adliicatlnsr Inter- State commerce questions. At last nlght'a meeting of tha Commercial club of York the following committee, Hon. G. W. Post, A. B. Christian and B. F. Marshall were ap pointed to draft resolutions to be approved by the Commercial club, recommending and endorsing President Roosevelt's plan that a railroad commlsalon be appointed with authority to regulate railroad tariffs, en larglng the powers of the Interatate Com merce commission to the extent that. If a complaint is made, that It shall have the authority to Investigate the rate and If found excessive, to establish a rate that is Just and equitable. There are no favored shippers In York, and passing of the re so lutlon was unanimous. The committee waa recraeated to aend copies of the resolutions to Senators Mill ard and Burkett and Congressman Hlnshaw with the request that they take a positive stand In favor of President Roosevelt' a policy of supervision and regulation of the railroads of tha United States through a railroad commission clothed with authority. BRIDGING PLATTK IS SLOW WORK Great Northern ITaa Iorge Fore of Men at Work. FREMONT. Neb., Nov. 14. (Special.) Work on the Great Northern la progressing, but It looks doubtful if trains will be run nlng much before February. The bridge across the south channel of the Plajte is rcaoy tor the ties and rails. On the north channel, which Is about 700 yards across, the pile drivers are at work, one on a sand bar and one at either end. At the" north end the approach of about 100 yards is fin ished and about 12S yards driven out In the stream. But little work haa been dona on the aand bar and about seventy-five yards at the south end. Two big clam shell dredgers are at work near the south bank dipping up gravel which will be used for ballast. Each scoop will lift over a ton at a load and many tralnloads ,ara already plied up ready for uae. work la neary completed on the bridges north of the city. Fatal Accident to Grader. FREMONT, Neb.. Nov. 14. (Special.) Irwin Moss met with a fatal accident this morning while at work on the Great North ern grade near Yutan. He was working with a steam shovel gang in a deep cut north of that town and was on the car operated in connection with the ahovel. In aome way ha waa thrown down and doubled up by the chain, breaking hla back. Aa soon aa possible he was placed tn a wagon and brought to tha hospital In thla city, Hla Injuries were pronounced fatal and hla death la only a queation of a few houra Ha did not loae consciousness and suffers up Wake Your Liver Not too much, just a little, just enough to start the bile nicely. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime is all you need. These pills act directly on the liver. They cure constipation, biliousness, dyspep sia, sick-headache. Sold for 60 years. Ask your doctor about them. We have no secrets We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Hade ky the I. O. Ay Oa.. LewaU, : Alae Maaafaotm-Ts ef ATXI'S Hal YIGOB Fc tka kair. ATBB S C1BHBT PCTORAL-Fortora. ATKS'S tUkSAPARIlLA-rat Ua blood. ATKK'S AGUI CURB tot malaria aaa sfaa. About four years ago she went to visit her son at Mi-Cook and waa taken alck. and It was only a few weeks ago that she was able to get home. FLA TTFMnfTH Trot A. F. Peters of the agricultural department of the State university, was In this city to make ar rangements for holding a farmers' Institute In I'lattsniouth. which will probably be De cember 9. BEATRICE Tha tearhere of Wymore visited the public schools of thla city yes terday for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with tlie Beatrice teachers and their methods. The party waa chaperoned by Prof. J. K. Campbell, superintendent of the schools. VALENTINE The second payment to the Rosebud Indians for their lands which were given away by the government, was made at the town of Rosebud, 8. I)., lost week, and tne Reds are now spending their dollars as fast as possible, aays a Bone .steel paper. TABLE ROCK E. M. Keeney, who opened up a store here In May last, will close out his stock of goods November 80 and remove to I-nveland, In. W. C. Fellers, formerly In business here, will open up a general stock of merchandise In the build ing now occupied by Mr. Keeney. FLATTS MOUTH While rendering lard In the yard Mrs. Edgar Baker, residing two miles west of Maynard, had her clothing catch fire and nearly burned off before her father-in-law, Sam Barker, extinguished the flames. She Is reported to be frightfully burned from her ankles to her arms. NORFOLK A paper printed at Bonesteel aays that two years' sentence In the Sioux Fulls penitentiary for John Connoyer. charged with horse stealing, has saved his life as a vigilance committee had planned to do away with him In a week If freed. He has been one of the leaders of a bad gang. BEATRICE Chief Burke and Night Offi cer Pethoud have been summoned to ap pear before the federal grand Jury at Omaha. It la understood they are wanted thero to give some evidence relative to the Illicit a:ila of liquors in tnis city last sum- sul FRANK TAYLOR IS BOIND OYER Teenmaeh Man Moat Face Charge of Perjury In District Court. TECUMSEH, Neb., Nov. 1. (Special Tel egramsFrank A. Taylor waa bound over for trial In the district court under bond of .$1,500 in the hearing of the case ordered by Judge B. F. Good In the Chamberlain case at Auburn aome few wecka ago. Mr. Taylor was presumed to be vice presldeat and a director of the Chamberlain bank at the time of Its failure. Judge Good waa of the opinion that the evidence given In Johnson county in cases bearing on the bank failure and the case at Auburn did not correspond, and ordered proceedings on a perjury charge against Mr. Taylor. M'GHEEVT GOES BACK TO PRISON County Attorney Afraid President of Defunct Bank Might Eacape. NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. 14.-President Bernard McGreevy of the defunct Elkhom Valley bank at O'Neill, la tn Jail again, aa County Attorney Mullen feared McGreevy would eacape. Borrow Checka to Forge. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. 14. (Special.) Last Saturday evening the cash ier In Mandelson's department store cashed a check for 13.60 purported to be signed by George W. Ylels, but which la Bald to be a forgery. A stranger entered Mr. Ylels store last Saturday evening and asked for a blank check. Mr. Ylels tore a check from the back of his check book and handed it to the man who turned to a companion who was standing In the door, and said, I will give you a check for what I owe you, Later In the evening the check for 23.G0 made payable to W. B. Ebert was cashed at Mandelson's. The city directory does not show such a name as a resident here. The forgery was not discovered until tha check was presented for payment at a bank today. It has developed that the men visited several stores and asked for bank checks but did not use any that were given them except the one they secured from Mr. Ylels which bora his name across tha end, Leading Lady Jumpa Tier Job. BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 14. (Special Tele gram.) The Pumpkin Husker company, booked to appear here thla evening, failed to fill Its engagement after arrlvhig In town, the manager giving as an excuse that the leading woman failed to put In an ap pearance. When Manager Johnson of the Paddock learned of the condltiona he threat ened to attach the company'a property 'un less the manager pay him J 25 as damages and tha amount was soon forthcoming. South Omaha Maa In Trouble. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Nov . 14 (Special). Cliff Grandstaff of South Omaha waa brought to thla city yesterday to face a -barge of committing assault with Intent to kill. On July 16 Miiier Gibson was at tacked by Grandstaff and waa dangerously wounded by the latter. Grand.staff left the city the afternoon of the attempted murder and nothing has been heard of him until his capture In South Omaha last Sunday Gibson has not fully recovered from hie Injurlea Tha trial is aet for December 8. Ford Caae Goes to Jury. BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov. 14. (Special Tele gramsAfter a trial in the district court lasting all day the case of the State of Ne braska against Councilman Harrry Ford naig'-u wiin veiling uquor witnout a license, went to the Jury this evening. Hew a of Nebraska. BEATRICE Elsie Whitney of Wvmnra was taken to the State Industrial flrhnnl for Girla at Geneva yesterday by Sheriff l I uur. BEATRICE John Wllxenhim ni,K...,f his ith birthday Saturday at his home near mis cuy, surrounded by his children and uit'ir lumuiea. TAHLE ROCK Justice W. H. Marble officiated at the marriaire of Mr .!,.. ni, Bvsnda and Mlsa Mary Prudish, both of i awuee county. PLATTSMOUTH Ilenrv K. Rnvdor a. parted today for Fairfield, la., where he haa purchased a stock of Jewelry. His father will run the store here. HI 'MBOI.DT Rudolf, the 16-year-old son or Mr. and Mra. trunk Nemechek. living nrvcmi nuir-a bouiii oi me city, Ulea at a turn iiour iaai evening. PLATTSMOUTH Congressman R l Pollard has decided to recommend George II. Olive, editor of the Herald, for post- niciBii-r it failing water. HLATTBMOL'TH-Jimepli A. Janda of South Omaha and Mltia Marie I. klllnhulH of thla city were united in marriage in the fuueiiuun i-riurcn in xnis city. BEATRICE Frank Murray, a blacksmith at Dempster'a factory, yesierdav lost a ringer by getting hla hand caught In the macuiue union no waa operating. PLATTSMOL'TH Pat Welch had about twenty-five men laying new heavy steel rails on the llurlingion track, but this morning they became dixsaturied and left him. AIN8WORTH District court convened nere icia morning with Judge J. J. Har rlngton on the bench. There la a light docket, all civil canes, among them four di vorce canes. SEWARD The proposition to change the location or ine cuunty Jail when the new structure la built waa voted on at tha re cent election and the propoaition to change me mie carrieu oy dm vole. Al'Bl'RN Mra. Augusta A. Plummer died at the home of her daughter, Mra. Hylvester Heed, yesterday evt-uiug at 7 o'clock. Hhe waa 79 yeara of age and has been a resi dent o( Uie auto for about forty years. HUMBOLDT The preaent enell of fine weather Is being made the moat of by the farmers of this section, who are actively engaged In cribbing an unusually fine crop of corn. Many will be able to complete husking If the weather holds good another week. A large percentage or the crop will be fed to cattle and hogs by the feeders of the county. TEKAMAH W. M. Bcott. who owns a section of land on the bottom through which the big ditch runs, received a new tiling machine yesterday. The machine is run with a traction engine and digs a trench Just large enough for a six-Inch tiling. As tiling is a son or an experiment In tlila part of the country the work will be watched with great Interest. Already twelve cars of tiling have been received at this place AH Well. The least thing wrong with your bowels, makes you all alck. Dr. Klnga New Life Pills make you all well. 25 cents. For Bale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today and Tomorrow In Ne braska, Iowa and Kneae Colder In Sonth Dakota Today. WASHINGTON. Nov. 14 -Forecaat of the weather for Wednesday and Thursday For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Wednes day and Thursday. For Iowa Fair Wednesday and Thurs day; warmer Wednesday in the eaat and central portions. For South Dakota Fair and colder Wednesday; Thursday, fair. For Missouri Fair and warmer Wednes day; Thursday, fair. For Colorado, Wyoming and Montana- Fair Wednesday and Thursday, Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WKATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. Nov. 14. Official record of tern perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years; 1905. 1904. 1903. 1902. Maximum temperature.... 50 62 48 47 Minimum temperature...- 37 30 32 32 Mean temperature 4 41 t o Precipitation CO 00 00 . 49 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at umana since juarcn l. and comnarlson with the last two years: Normal temperature 3s Excess for the day 8 Total excess since March L. 420 Normal precipitation 08 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 inch Total rainfall since March 1... .28. 18 inches Deficiency since March 1 2.64 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1904.... 4.68 Inches Excess for cor. period, 1903 8.22 Inches Reports front Stations at T P. M. Station and State Tern. Max. Rain of Weather. 7 p. m. Tern, fall Bismarck, clear 64 Cheyenne, clear 64 Chicago, clear 82 Davenport, partly cloudy.. 34 Denver, clear t4 Havre, clear 64 Helena, partly cloudy 62 Huron, clear M Kansas City, clear 42 North Platte, clear 62 Omaha, clear 47 Rapid City, clear 64 St. Louis, clear & Bt. Paul, clear 38 Bait Lake City, clear 4l Valentine, clear 64 Wllllston. clear 60 T indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. t2 iW 3 3X 72 62 64 n: 50 7 60 70 42 3K 64 72 60 RULERS OF THE WORLD Meat Eating Xatlona Are the Leadera In Every Branch of Human Achievement. The ruling nations of the world are meat eaters, and history records that they always have been. Vegetarians and food cranks may ex plain this In any way they choose, but tha fact reraalna that the Americans, English. French, Russians and Germans are meat eating nations, and they are also the most energetic and most progressive. The principal food of the heroic Boer soldier, known as Biltong, Is a sort of dried beef, affording a great deal of nourishment in a highly concentrated form. The weak racea of people are tha rice eating Chinese, Hindoos and Biamese, re garded since the dawn of history as non progressive, superstitious and Inferior physically and mentally to the meat eat ing nations, who dominate them. The structure of the teeth plainly Indi cates that human beings should subsist upon a variety of food. meat, fruit and grains, and It is unhygienic to confine one's diet to any one of those classes lo the ex clusion of another. Meat is the most concentrated and most easily digested of foods, but our manner of living is often so unnatural that the diges tive organs refuse to properly digest meat, eggs and similar nutritious and whole some food, but it is not because such food is unwholesome, but the real reason Is that the stomach lacks, from disease or weakness, some necessary digestive ele ment, hence arising Indigestion and, later on. chronic dyspepsia. Nervous people should eat plenty of meat, convalescents should make meat their principal food, hard working people have to do so and brain workers and office men should eat, not so much meat, but at least once a day, and to insure its perfect digestion one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tables should be taken after each meal, because they supply the peptones, diastase and fruit acids lacking in every cue of stomach trouble. Nervous dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, gastritis, aour stomach, gas and acidity are only different names for indigestion, the failure to digest wholesome food, and the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets cures them all, because, by affording per fect digestion, the stomach has a chance to rest and recover Its natural tone and vigor. Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets la the real household medicine; it ia as safe und pleas ant for the stomachache of the baby as It Is for the Imperfect digestion of its grand sire. They are not a cathartic, but a llgeatlve, and no pill habit can ever follow their use; the only habit Stuart's Tablets induce Is the habit of good digestion, and, conse quently, good health. Social Tragedy KiLAr 11 X 1 Women WhoBraveDeath for5oclal Honors In tha- mMet rt nna nt tKa mntt hrllHant .rHal fiinr. tlons of the season, a noted society woman started suddenly from her chair with a scream of agony and fell insensible to the floor. A few hours later the distinguished physician told her anxious husband that she was suffering from an acute case of nervous prostration brought on by female trouble, and hinted at an operation. Fortunately a friend advised her to try 5 y Lydia E. frnkham's Vegetable Compound 1 jj p The result was that she escaped the surgeon's knife and to-day Is a well woman. The derangement of the delicate female organism sets every nerve In the body quiverinti with pain. Headaches, backaches, torturing bearing down pains and dragging sensations make women nervous and hysterical. Diah Mas. Pink-ham : I was troubled for elf ht years with Irrerularitle which broka down my system and brought on extreme nervousness and hysteria. I could neither enjoy my meals nor sleep nights, became easily Irritated and nervous and very despond ent Lydia E. Ptnkham'e Vegetable Compound proved to be the only medicine which helped me. After taking the third bottle, my general health began to Improve. At the end of the fifth month I was well and could attend to my household and social duties and enjoy life. Maa. Chistir Curky, 42 Saratoga Street, Eaat Boston. Mass. Mrs. Curry, whose portrait appears on the right, Is the leader of the Ladies' Symphony Orchestra. The following letter Is from Miss Goode, President of the Bryn Mawr Lawn Tennis Club of Chicago: Dea Mrs. Pinkhm : I tried many different remedies to try o build up my tyitem, which had become run down from lose of proper rest and unseasonable hours, but nothing; seemed lo help me. Mother la a great advocate of Lydia Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound for female troubles, having used It herself some yeara ago with great auo cess. So I began to take it, and in leas than a month I was able to be out of bed and out ofdoora, and In three months 1 was entirely aell. Really I have never felt ao strong and well as I have since. Miss Cora Coodi. 355 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 11U Mrs. Plnkham's advice Is free to all. Her address Is Lynn. Mass. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail ; BOOST FOR LINCOLN PRISON Eeiater BarkeU Wants Yelraika Tederal Prisoners Sent Tkere. MOODY LOOKS WITH FAVOR ON THE PLAN Iteaarvey f Rock and Brown Comi ties Cannot Be Made Becanae There la No Money Avail able for the Pnrpoae. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 14.-(SpeclaJ Tele gram. ) Senator Burkett today made a plea with Attorney General Moody for the as signment of United States prisoners con victed in Nebraska to the Lincoln peniten tiary Instead of having them sent either to Sioux Falls or Leavenworth. Senator Burkett called the attention of the at torney general to the fact that Nebraska has one of the most up-to-date prisons In the country; that the health statistics showed that Lancaster county stood among the vory first In low rate of mor tality, and he urged the attorney general to authorize the sending at least of United States prisoners convicted in Nebraska to Lincoln. Attorney General Moody was im pressed with Senator Burkett's presenta tion and said he would send a special of ficer to the Nebraska penitentiary to report on conditions. No Money for Snrveya. It now appears the resurvey of thirty two townships In Rock and Brown coun ties, Nebraska,, which the commissioner of the general land office was authorized to make under a bill Representative Klnkald pu through last congress, must be post poned until such time as congress makes an appropriation to carry on the work. The bill authorizing aurveya in Rock and Brown countiea merely authorized the commissioner of the general land office to Investigate whether such resurveya were necessary and did not appropriate any money to carry on the work provided It was found necessary. The corner mark- I lngs In townships In these counties have been found to be defective and a resurvey ,' must be made to establish the true llnea. Commissioner Richards, thinking that per haps he could squeeze out of the general fund money sufficient to make the neces sary surveys, advertised for bids snd Messrs. Bates and Dobson were the suc cessful bidders. Now it appears no money can be paid out of the general fund for resurveys In Brown and Rock countiea and Messrs. Bates ano uoDson win nava 10 wait until congress appropriates some money before they can commence work. The cost of these resurveya will approxi mate 15.00O. Postal Mattera. Miss Anna Rlggle haa been appointed postmaster at Marsh. Louisa county, Iowa, vice A. W. Bucll. resigned. Iowa rural routes ordered established January 2: Lisbon, Linn county; route S; population, 2il; houses, fifty. Mechanics vllle. Cedar county; route 3; population, X; houses, sixty-four. Tipton, Ced.r county; routes 5 and H; population, 1,180; houses. 236. Wilton Junction, Muscatine county; route 3; population, 326; houses, aixty-flve. BODWELL 0UT0F THE CITY Depot y Coold Not Say Whether He Wanted Norfolk Job or Not. County' Superintendent of Schools Bod well la visiting the schools in the neighbor hood of Elk City. Regarding hla reported application for the aupeiintendency of tha Norfolk schools. In succession to Superin tendent Palmer, who goes to Panama, Mr. Bodwell'a deputy could give no Information. The Norfolk poaition pays less than the one to which Mr. Bodwell has just been re-elected for a two years' term. NORFOLK, Neb.. Nov. It (Special Tele gramsSuperintendents Bodwell of Doug las county and Mozler of Avoca, la, were Incorrectly reported to have applied for the Norfolk echool aupeiintendency. They have been strongly mentioned locally, but did not apply. Beat Treatment tor Colda. "Most ordinary colds will yield to the simplest treatment," aays the Chicago Tribune, "moderate laxatives, hot foot hatha, a free perspiration and an avoidance of exposure to cold and wet after treat ment." While this treatment Is simple. It requires considerable trouble, and the one adopting It must remain indoors for a day or two, or a fresh cold Is almost sure to be contracted, and In many Instances pneumonia follows. Ia It not better to pin your faith to an old reliable prepara tion like Chamberlain s Cough Remedy, that is famoua for Ita cures of colda and can always be depended upon? Then no unusual precaution Is necessary to avoid contracting a fresh cold. It also coun teracts any tendency of a cold to result In pneumonia. Write Mawhinney Ryan for 1905 Christ mas Jewelry catalogue. It'a free. OUR LETTER BOX. The MortOn-Watklna Hlatory. OMAHA. Nov. M.-To the Editor of Tha Beo: I think I may .safely aay, to .The Bee, and to all whom It may concern, that vol ume I of the Morton-Watklna "History of Nebraska" will appear not later than De cember 10 next, volume II' In January ami that volume 111 ia well advanced In prepa ration. The history was projected by Mr. Morton and Is being written by Albert Watklns. From what I know of Its scope, and the proofs I have had of the patient research and labors of Albert Watklns, whose ability Is recognised on all hands, I frankly aay that. In my own opinion, the people of the state will have every reason to be proud of the only real history of the state. If I may be excused for a personal statement, I will also mention my own name, which haa ap peared aa associate editor of the history. Many persons have assumed that I was tn be one of the authors of the work. Thla was never true. My office wss to sld and assist agents and writers In procuring ma terial and promoting the enterprise., So fir aa I can now remember my only contrlhu tlona to the history are sketches of the Uvea of J. Sterling Morton and Henry W. Yatea and my own autobiography. GEORGE L. MILLER. Startllnc Evidence is dally advanced of the curative powera of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consump tion, Cougha and Colda. 60c and $1. For aale by Sherman & McCcnnelt Drug Co. Fatal lliatlis Arrldent. LA CROPSE. Wis.. Nov. 14. In two day" alnce the opening of the deer hunting sea son five fatal accidents have occurred. There has also been a large number of smaller ac.cldenta. V LADIES' SILK PETTICOATS $4.98 An Extra Speci&l Offer for Wednesday Pobllcatlona of t arargle Institute. WASHINGTON, Nov. H The number of publications of the Carnegie institution of Washington, including archaeological, eth- nologlcal, medical, mathematical, aatroni- I mlcal and other works of science, has reached forty-six, including three now in i press. They are chiefly those for which there is no popular demand, but are of ' great value as reference books In libraries with technical information, which is not j available elsea'hare. The Institution re- . cently lasued a handbook of learned soci eties. Dr. Fletcher's index to medical liter ature, and it haa in press a catalogue of JLlhe stars ana planets. s A splendid variety of the prettleat new Petticoats made of high quality silks In Mack and all colora. Including the light evening shades for wear with Dartv dresses the allka used for three Pettlcoata are exactly the aame grade aa are JU I U4wd in nne ten dollar ana twelve dollar ana a hair I ' 'j u 198 Pettlcoata trimmed splendid values with flounce e and fine tucks '4' Our Ladies' Cloak, Suit and Waist Sectiona on the second floor are replete with the new season's most charming novelties. Our great variety gives you the widest selection.