10 THE OMAHA DAI L V REC: Tl TODAY, NOVEMUEK 14. "1 :. DODGE 1)5 THE DECISION Gratiotd at lotion Primary Law with On Exception. SORRr FEE CLAUSE WAS KNOCKED OUT Will Try Tfrxt Session to "Ircnrr . -r of Statute that Will ApiI satisfactorily to K.a tlre "Mate. Representative N. P. Uodne. father of ! tli I)odK primary election law. which, a i whole, has been declared constitutional j hy the supreme conrt. though three of Its ca tion wore declared bad. I well pleased with th decision and Is disappointed only :tt th court's rullnit on the section which provided for the payment of a filing fee of 1 per cent of the salary attached to the office. "I have only seen the syllabus In the case," Mr. Iidi?e said, "and of course I do not know fur sure upon what grounds thla section wns declared bad. I think tiiat was one of tho good sections of the !tw. While the filing fee was rather high in some Instances, It was meant to prpvent party bosseB from putting the names of a large number of candidates on the ticket and thus being able to nominate a candi date who had behind him some kind of an organization. Net Surprised at That. TTbat the other sections were declared ad I am not surprised. When the repre sentatives from out In the stato objected to a general primary law It was necessary to change the bill to apply to Douglas eounty only, and this was done In a hurry and I was afraid I would overlook some point which would Irave the bill In bad shape. What I feared came true. I had introduced a companion bill to the primary measure, providing for registration, amend ing tho. general election laws so the reg istration days would be further apart. Then I had the primary bill conform to this by making the primary day the first day of registration. This companion bill passed the house and was sent to the sen ate. I was Ijiii-v on oilier matters and did not watch It as closely as 1 should. The (Uy it was to have been read was the day of the big telephone fight and an ad journment was foroed just before Assistant Secretary of tho Senate Greevy got to it. He tried, his best to get It read, but the adjournment made It Impossible. That bill then died and I had failed to cut out the form of ballot which was left In the pri mary bill, and naturally that section could not stand Rotation of inri and Form. " Tho section providing for the rotation of names on the ballot, and the form of the h.iilol of course was ruui for that, too, ap-. p.'ied to the general election law. In my hurry to get the bill changed to apply to Douglas county I neglected to cut out the form of the ballot and of course the court had to declare it bad. "I shall make an effort to get the section relating to the filing fee adopted by the next legislature and have it done In such a manner that it will not be objectionable. J shall also endeavor to get a primary law enacted which will apply to the entire (tat. "There Is absolutely no comparison be tween the convention and the primary -tm. The primary law has worked well In "Douglas county and it will work well fverywhere." Chief Justice Holcomb In his opinion de :lared the filing fee of 1 per .cent of the lalary unconstitutional for the reason it :harged one candidate more money than it Jld another, and there was no more work connected with filing one name than an other. The excessive filing fee he also stated was a bar to poor men filing aa candidates. WHAT TO PO ... WITH THK FEES Fink Will Ask fosjaty Attorney for an Opinion. founty Treasurer Fink has referred to th county attorney the question of whether or not he shall refund to the can didates In the primary election and to those who were put on the ticket afterward by the courts the amount they paid in as filing fees. The cnurity treasurer received the money conditionally when It waa ten dered by the candidates for eounty .com mlsslonersHips, and other cand'datea insist they paid the fee under protest. Mr. Fink inclines to the opinion that under the decision, of the supreme court rendered Saturday on the primary law, holding the fee requirement null and void, those who paid can get their money back. To be sure of his ground, however, he will ask for a formal opinion from the county attorney. The latter says he has not yet had an opportunity to examine the ruling of tho supreme court and he cannot at cnee give an opinion. FEDERAL COURT IN SESSION nineeaaher Terns with Long; Docket of Important Cases Opened hy Judge Monger. Formal opening of the November term of the Vnlted States circuit and district courts for the Nebraska district was ob served Monday morning, with Judge W. H. Munger on the bench. Many attorneys of the state wera present Among those out of town were former Attorney General Frank N. Prout of Lincoln, Judge Qlllis of Tekamah, Judge A. Heslett of Beatrice and C. C. Flansberg of Lincoln. But little businrss of public Interest waa transacted during the morning session, which was devoted to the hearing- of de murrers and asking continuance of trial cases for . evident caune. Owing to the nonarrival of the entire panel of the grand Jury that body waa excused until today when it will be formally empanelled and charged by Judge Munger. Charles Singer of Omaha has been appointed bailiff In charge or the grand fury. The petit Jury will be empane.led Wednesday morning. The aession pro -rises to be one of consid erable Interest. The docket Is the largest Stubborn Colds If you have a stubborn cold and have tried all other remedies and got no relief try Scott's Emulsion it will surely give you relief at once. .50 and 1.00 In the Annex o In the Hrancleis' extends a welcome to all visitors attending the Implement Dealers' Convpntl'.n, as well us to all other strangers In Omaha. CONVEN IENT Ni;V KRKt CHKCK KOOM will aM t" your oomfurt. Corns right to our stort sml '-heck your parcels free. VISIT OCR XKW SI'KWAY. It rinn iiniter Douglas Street -rmi' i ine Main I'.'itlillng with Annex. THK MOST NOVi;i. ASP I VI KHS- S I IM iMOMT IN OMAHA. Take lunch in our Dainty popular Piked Tea honi. YOUR CHOICE Each Big Motion Sale Tuesday on Bargain Squares in Notion De partment in the Annex Will Be Heaped High with Bargains to sell at lc each. Stockinet Dress Shields Tape Measures Luster Crochet Cotton Basting Thread, Paper of Pins, Hat Pins, Toilet and Lace Pins, Etc., Worth Up to 10c EXTRA BARGAINS That Are on Sale In Our Biz BASEMENT TODAY One big table of Curtain Scrim, worth up to 10c per yard, goes on sale at, per yard One big table of Drapery One table yard wide Com- Cretonne, worth per yard, at 6c N I I 1 i 0) lc 2ic forter 12V.c per yard . Silkoline in mill lengths. These are worth 10c a yd., on sale tomorrow, per yard IN THE AFTERNOON ONLY We will sell C cases of the best grade of Table Oilcloth worth 18c per yard tomorrow, at, per yard , ANNOUNCEMENT Our Shoe Department has recently been greatly enlarged until it occupies double its for mer space on our main floor. The additional room is devoted entirely to Ladies" Shoes, the Men's and Children's Shoes continuing in their same commodious quarters. This department is now superintended jointly by Mr. T. D. Ettlinger, for many years manager of a large State St., Chicago, shoe house, and Mr. Fred W. Flodman of 0,naha, who is widely known as one of the ablest and most thoroughly experienced shoe men in the west- Yours respectfully, J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. 10c OMAHA HEATH KR FORECAST Torwdity Fair. ttartttxtt U m M XllM hi lul II W Green TratJing Stamp Booth Main Floor, FOURTEEN SHOPPING DAYS TILL THANKSGIVING and THIRTY-FOUR SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS THE TWO GREAT SHOPPING EVENTS OF THE YEAR Do Your Shopping at Bennett's THE BEST LOCATED STORE IN OMAHA The store that's entitled to the credit accruing from the splendid development of "the new retail center" and we're proud of our neighbors! BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY The Mont Satisfactory Grocery Buwinens In the Went. Fresh New Goods All the Time. Forty Qreon Trailing Stamps with P'nt bottle Blood of the Grape I'm- Twenty Ororn Trading; Stamps with pound Batavla Fancy Halnion JSo Ten f.reen Tradinn Stomps with threc-lb. ran Burnhnm's Clam Chowder. ..'-iv Twenty OrriMi Trading; Stamps with ran Diamond "8" Fruits, assorted. .. .I'Rr Twenty Grcf-n Trading Stamps with pint bottle rjednoy's Chilli Since V? Ten Green Trading- Stumps with three pkgs. Jell.i-Crysta. assorted "c TEA Kl'EClAL. Twenty Green Trading Stamps with Imperial Japon Tea .' Zhc Ten Oreen Trading Stumps with two packages Wet mure lielstine "y Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound ran Diamond "8" Cove Oysters.. .IKe Ton Green Trading Stamps with bottle Gednev's pepper Sauce :T!r HEADQUARTERS FOR Rl'TTER. Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound brick (full weights) l'"c CHEESE. CHEESE. CHEESE. Ten Oreen Trading Stamps with pound New York full Cream Cheese 3fK; Ten Green Trading StRtnps with pint large Imported Queen Olives ?3c Ten Green Trading Stamps with glass tumbler Cranberry Sauce 1V Potted Turkey, per ran 5c Oil Sardines, can "e Salmon, pound can 0c Corn, two-pound ran fir i sssBssBBsasaaBMBimx JB Special Furnishing Goods Bargains Tuesday HAVn I ! Ml. rr it c THE RKMAIU.K SlnKI ! I. j Special Bargains in Ladies' Cloaks and Suits Grand Annual Notion Sale Continues Tuesday. NovrniluT il hia lc which makes this the greatest notion Ii.iik 1"c IH Long s II, imp Hook miiU i:.es, or I'UKl '.'jO l.V Warren's IVatherhone, all -ilU. mi. yard Vic l'.H' tiitlity lest Brass Pins, puckaite tjc us: oiisllty Warrvn'M K aU'orlm yaid iv Jic Kleiner! s best Dress Shields li'V .Hir CantleM s lust Ihcss Shields W I'M yards Belding Bros. Sewing Silk. . . .(He 75c quality Ladies' Clothes Brushes .W ((Utility Hair Brushes, null '.W 15c metal Kick Horn Combs, e n h !'.., i) nids Mac'ilnr Thread (Klnxsi Best iua!ty Silko, per spool :5c Pin CuHl.ions i"c Xeedl- Books :" arils RkioI CutCun Aluminum Thimbles Hooks and - Hyps, per cunt All sites Tspe ) Hair Pins ..l'-o . .-:'sc ..vie ..V.- le ....1c ....lc 1c Norton of sll dlscripiions will fio aiu event ul I lie entire season. ' 'orsrt St i els I'V Shoe I.aces Set Crochet Hooks I..c I'eaUcr . fuelled Braid 1 V Tooth Brushes, each Hi f.i tit y Km Iimc,s, at l.c Mcniorr.ndum Books ."o high Kr:tiie I '.i. e!o". a :ti yloits h, : Nott Paper l.'-c I'tr IttiK Irons, at K Kid Curlers, at l.V ToU I'u.li'is I'H- lM:rses. i nch Best Ntnsirv Pins, three iloletl Set K nil lll'gs Neeitli s All rUes Hose Kuiporuis Six pitcktmes Pius t'or 1"c Pearl Button, per dozen l.V Pearl Buttons, per tinseu.... Hundreds, of oilier h' and ;'." this sale at 4'jc each. at pi ices 4t,a -lc 40 4,s! 4Wc ......... 40 IV, ,..V; 4Wc for AfC tle 4') 4 We ,1c -l!Wo articles in Specials Irom the Richardson, Roberts Stock TUESDAY IN THK nOMKBTTP BnnM-ATTHn I ICR FAMOPS HOPHI.Y HAI.Ktl. V FROM b: TO !):. A. M. ,t . i e win ueti t.'jc iinen iouies. 2jC i.inen Lniiites. 7jC Wewlll sell I6r Linen Dollies. 5c pVr 'V L,n'n D"",,!' JOO ONLY HALF DOZEN TO CUSTOMER. YOUR IDLE MONEY IV draw 4 Per Cent Interest if deposited In our bank. Accounts may be opened for. one dollar or more, and small accounts will receive the same attention as large ones. Certificates of deposit Issued for 3, 6 or 12 months, bearing h per cent Interest. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, Checks on all Banks Cashed Bankers for aomo year In tha equity, law, dvtl and criminal cases. The jrand Jury will first take up the cases of offenses against the postal laws, after which the boot legging cases from the Indian reservations will be disposed of, and then the land fencing and fraudulent homestead entry cases. MEDICS SMASH STREET CAR Stmdenta of Crelsbtom (telle De molish WUiswi am a Make Their Escape. A bunch of Crelghton medics sent a street car to the hospital In a JifTy about noon today. The boys were returning to their college from St. Joseph's, where they liud evidently been attending a clinic, and when they boarded the car all of them, about thirty In number, were suddenly Imbued with an Irresistible desire to alt on the same seat. It was a rough house In abort order and before the melee subsided thre was scracely a whole pane of class In the car. The frightened conductor tried to get t the names of hla passengers for his report to tha company and suddenly realised that a distinguished lot waa aboard, for among them were President Roosevelt, William Jennings Bryan, Pat Crowe and about a duxen John Does, to say nothing of lesser celebrities. An extra car was sent out of the Harney street car house to take the place of the disabled one and only a little tune was lost. Purllngame. D. D, Chicago; Rev. Cornelius Woelkln, Brooklyn; Rev. E. E. Chlvers, D. D., New York. The conference will be a school for methods for training in evan gelistic work. Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist church, read a paper on the subject, "Little Foxes In Ministerial Vines." Dr. Conley urged his fellow ministers to take pride in such details as personal ap pearance in the pulpit and elsewhere and to be guarded In the matter of grammar and delivery. Just located in Omaha? Sploot your coal man as you would your doctor with reference to his Experience, Reliability and Success. These three elements are of vital importance to you whether it is doctor or coal man that you need. EXPERIENCE "TIere since 1883" is that enough to satisfy you on the matter of reference! Twenty-two years selling coal in Omaha besides a few years before we came to Omaha. RELIABILITY Stop anyone the first man or woman you meet on the street and ask if Sunderland is a Reliable Coal man. Vfl are as jealous of our reputation as any doctor .r-tind as careful to maintain it. success ....... The doctor who cures is most truly successful. The coal man who satisfies his customers best is the really successful dealer. He must give best value, deliver most carefully, serve you most promptly. That, is the measure of Sunderland success. KIND OF COAL If you know what kind you want tell us and we will see that you get it. If you don't know ask us and we will advise you in accordance with our best judgment and you will come again for more. OZARK URATE, $8.50 For the early winter there is no furnace coal so satisfactory. Equally good in soft coal heaters. Better than hard coal. No clinkers. No smoke. No soot. Just clean, clear, strong heat. Holds low fire fine.' SUNDERLAND BROTHERS CO. Main Office, 1608 Harney. North Tard, 24th and Belt Une. Private Phone Exchange, South Yard, Call No. 2B2 20th and V. P. Tracks :.Hi TO 11:30 A. M.-We will sell N'c Outing Flannel, ut, yard We will soil a 15o Towel, at, each And a I'Jc Linen Towel, at, each FROM 10:30 TO 11:30 A. M.-We Will sell Hlechel Muslin, worth To a y;ird, ;nd only 10 yards to a customer, at. 7 .24c 7ic 10c to 7 yards In piece, rikkIs worth frQtn. Jl.rci to $;'.fiO a yard will go. at. Ir yard . We will sell nri extra heavy Wrn.l I5lart1: M1-4). worth !.!s two pair to a (lUp customer Ht, pear yard And we will sell 3fi-lneh ArnoM's Flnnnol lette the hest made anil only 10 Hrls to a customer, at. yard FHOM 2 TO 3 V. M.-We will sell All. Wool Dress Goods in patterns from ike nul- fic :3 TO 4;;) P. M We will sell' Hlit" I'rints regular tv- goods FHOM : IlKllgO nml unlv lt yards to a euntomer ZXlr.' st, yard .... OSW, We will sell yard wile Tet csles t lie U'jo nualil v-sml only ID yards to a nC lustomer at. yard Buy Your Apples Now for Your Winter's Supply llustiel boxes of fancy Colorado Redstreak tenting Apples $1.4!) Bushel boxes of fancy California liell flower Apples $1.7o Bushel boxes of fancy Colorado Wine Sup Eating Apples ll.fW S-bushel Imrrels New York ttaldwln Ap ples H .fiO S-bnshel barrels New York Oreenlng Ap- pies ua READ THF.SK G ROC FRY FRICES ! THEY ABB INTERESTING. 1 21 pounds Pure-Cane Granulated Sugar for Il.flo! 4S-pnund finks Fanry High Patent Min nesota Flour 11. IW 10 bars bet hrftnds Laundry Soap L'.xj Glllett's Washing Crystul. package Ir. Lewis Lye, per large can .."'jc Washing Towrter, package Jo Jellycon or Jello, package "Ijc, 1- pounc! can Sweet Sugar Corn jo. 2- pound can Wax or String H''sns tin The best Soda or Ovster Crackers, ' lb Bo Hotter or Milk Crackers, lb in Fig Bar Cookies, lb 7Vo Animal Crackers, lb 7VsJ SIX WEEKS From today will be Christmas. Are you ready? Yon could spend a few minutes In our store very profitably. You will be able to get a good manv suggestion from our beautiful stock Watches, Diamonds. Sterling Sliver, Toilet Goods and Novelties. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. ILLINOIS CENTRAL'S NEW SCHEDULE ,7:30 a.m. ... 7:30 a. m. ,9:30 p. m. Effctlv Sunday, Novambar 19. TRAIN XO. 2, "CHICAGO LIMITED" - Loaves Omaha 6:00 p. m Arrivrs Chicago . i TRAIN XO 1, "OMAHA LIMITED" Leaves Chicago 6 p.m. Arrives Omaha . TRAIN XO. 4, "PAY EXPRESS" Leaves Omaha 8:00 a. m Arrives Chicago TRAIN NO. 5, 'FAST MAIL" Leaves Chicago 2:65 a. m. Arrives Omaha 3:55 p.m. TRAIN NO. S2. "ST. PAI L LIMITED" Leaves Omaha 8:30 p.m. Arrives St. Paul 8:00 a.m. TRAIN NO. 31, "DAY EXPRESS" Leaves St. Paul 9:00 a. m Arrives Omaha . . , . . .8:56 p. m. TRAIN NO. 4. "DAY EXPRESS" Leaves Omaha ......8:00a.m. Arrives St. Paul ...... 7 :30 p. m. TRAIN NO. 1. "OMAHA LIMITED" ' Leaves St. Paul. .... .7:30 p. m. Arrives Omaha 7:30 a.m.. NOTE Train No. 2, "Chicago Limited," makes all eastern and southern morning connections at Chicago. Train No. 32, "St. Paul Limited." is a new 'train for St. Paul, and Minneapolis. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Mortaditr Statistics. The following births and deaths hava been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday. Births Theodore Strawn. liMi South Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; M. Lnrsen, Ben son, buy; Frank Schalpe. U51 South Thir teenth, boy; Joseph Fiskoc, 2327 Castellar, bov. Dnatha Lena May Miller, 710 North Six teenth, 16; Mrs. Olive B. Siiousev, Bt. Joseph hospital, 3S; b W. Shislow, jr.. Wti North Sixteenth. BIG BAPTISTS WILL BE HERE Several Promtaeat Ministers of the (harsh Mill Attead Omaha t oufereuce. At the weekly meeting of the Bap'.ift Ministers' union liuld Monday morning in the parlors of the Young Men's Christian association, the final arrangements wens mode for the evangelistic conference to be held Wednefday, Thursday and Frblay of this week at the Calvary Baptist, church. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton streets. Three sessions will be held each day, re sinning at 10 a. in., 2.30 'And T :J0 p. ra. The morning services wl. be for ministe-s only, while all are iuviied to the other sessions. All miuUturs of the city are particularly . Invited. The out-of-town pealtant wtU be: Rev. J. Francis, D. D., w The pioueer of Saaitary Un- derweare. Aud still the leader. First for durability, first for comfort, first or Health. L'utufuyue fxpwtiu eoerythmg Ve. vith $ampUs. Order IuLjh forludU unuVrirvar. For Sle by ALBERT CAHN 1t PARNAM T. i U IB H CUSHION SOLE SHOES "rXOT COMrXJRT" Is what we call our cutihlon sole shoes, and it'a the only HEAL GENUINE CUSHION SOLE It's hand sewed which makes it flexible and easy. It'a mudu over a hroad foot form last the foot resting in the lnoersole and not on the uppers is most of the so called cushion sole hoes are mudv-Tea It'a real ' FOOT .OMFORT" and ail we ak is that .on Investigate the merits of this shoe fore you buy. Drexel Slide Co. 141J Faruam Si. Pall and Winter Catalogue Now Ready. &he Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago 25 Per Cent Than the one way fare for round trip tickets Nebraska, Wyoming, Tha Black Hllla, and Many South arn Point. Nov. 7 and 21. Clty Offloa 1401-1403 FARNAM ST OMAHA tcu a a-eat Old frituds, old Tmrs." 'MY aTSaWT crr'vuu'i) aK)Mii.v rvtJt to Tax." VP;: HOME VISITORS' EXCURSIONS FROM ALL POINTS ON MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILVAY GREATLY REDUCED RATES EAST Indiana, Ohio and certain points In Illinois, Kentucky, Wast Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan and Ontario, NoTember 27th, 1905. A Return limit, 21 day. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE To visit the old home and see yonr friends of other days. roa esTieuLss. inquire or company's agent, or . C. T0VrNSr.N0. 0aeral riuenfer ss lick.l tsl, Su Uuis, Ht. WHEN IN NEED of a Sewlnft Mathlue of any kind, or when your old one needs repairs or attach menu please bear In wind that we always have a full aud complete line or theae eoods and will treat you right. ThU week we will offer several shop worn machines at about half the regular price. Old machines at your own P. E. FLODMAN & CO. Telephone 1574. I"4 Capitol Avenue. We manufacture oar own trunks, traveling bas and sun rases. YVe make them of the beet material. Our workman ship Is unexceiitxl We sell tht.Ti or lesa than Inferior rdv. would cost you elsewhere. If you buy of us you mill set the brat -vou will save tnonry you will be better ratlsfled. Lesther "Bound Matting Suit Cases. $3 50. B 7S and M mj. V id. rf palrlns. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, IZOFarnam Street. PEACE and COMPORT are auro to oomo to those who amoko A FIRS1-CUSS CluAR MADE OF A FINE QUALITY HAVAKA TQSACC0 I wa evsngellst of. Nw York; Kev. li