Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Short Cuts inClothes
1 Making
He Flat-Iron Used Instead of the Needle.
Did you ever notice what a feeling of
Satisfaction there In when you wear hew
Coat the first day or tuof
It make fellow feel that he is Imma
culate, and that everybody knou t it.
You have wondered why it ii that it
wouldn't remain .in that condition, instead
of getting humpv, wrinkled and twisted
after the first damp day.
Blamed it to the Weather, of course.
Naturally. Everybody does. Why? Be
cause about 80 per cent of all clothing it
affected by dampness.
People get used to things. They Ret in
a rut. "What can't be Cured must be
Endured", they say.
Ah! but it can be cured. It should not
be necessary to send your suit or overcoat
to Dry Dock (for pressing) every time it's
out in the rain.
It's Human Nature to take Short Cuts
to save Trouble and Expense.
If a tailor sews a seam a sixteenth of
an inch out of its true makes a
Glaring Defect in the garment.
Lots of little Defects creep into Clothes
in the process of Making.
The Short-cut Remedy for such faults
is the Hot Flat-Iron.
In tbe handsof an Expert, the heat and
moisture so applied, Shrinks or Stretches
cloth to cover these defects temporarily.
Then tbe goods are sold, on their
:The coat is worn until a damp day
brings out the defects that the Hot-iron
had masked and the purchaser finds him
self "sold" although he doesn't know it,
' He is used to this harmless Trickery
or resigned.
There Is lust one way to remove these
That is, by "Sinceer" Revision, by
careful Hand-Needle-Work.
'That's tbe kind of workmanship that
voii get in Sincerity Clothks. And
they're made in abig. Wholesome, sanitary
factory, by Men-Tailors.
'There are plenty of Nice-Looking
clot res on sale everywhere.
Pretty Pictures help to show yon bow
they look when first worn.
But it's worth while having clothes that
also bold shape, by reason of having the
right kind of Needle-Work and MATER
IALS. It means quite an expense to press
clothes constantly.
But it isn't always easy for a Novice to
telf a "Sincerity-Made garment, espe
cially when the salesman wants to sell the
other kind.
80 here's an easy Test: '
Lay the coat on a table, as in. the pic
ture. If it is made Simcerbly. tbe line of
tbe collar where it turns over will be
straight and trne. So will tbe edge of tbe
If it is "doctored" by the Hot Flat-iron,
the outer edge and the collar itself will be
wavy and wrinkled.
That's easy to remember.
: Now, if you value style, quality and
Simcerk Tailoring, it will repay you many
times for the Trouble, to insist on having
If your regular dealer hasn't them, and
will not oblige you. write us for the name
of "Sincerity" dealer, who dots, and
Corakiiktrt Ontjrtotral Thtir Opponents
front tie Ncoi'.ains.
Defease of the Mooatalneers la First
Half C'aaaes iosae Worry, hat
Breaks Down la the
Last Half.
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. lL-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Booth's Comhusker's won In de
cisive fashion from Colorado university on
the gridiron today, thereby annexing the
Intercollegiate championship of the Mis
souri Valley and atoning for their defeat
of a year ago at the hands of the Moun
taineers. Three touchdowns and as many
goals, totaling eighteen polnta, wertf
harvested by Nebraska, while the west
erners were never within hailing distance
of the Comhusker's goal.
Nebraska bad only a slight margin In the
weights, and In the early stages of the
conflict the two elevens battled almost on
even terms. Then superior condition and
tactics began to tell In Nebraska's favor
and the Boulder aggregation, while resist
ing gamely to the end, was ground down
by the Cornhuskers' tierce offense.
Benedict, Johnson, Borg and Little were
the stellar performers for the Cornhuskers,
while' the "honors for Colorado were easily
annexed by Csley. It was due to Caley's
prowess In punting, in fact, which alone
prevented the Cornhuskers from adding at
least two touchdowns to their total.
Caley's spirals seldom failed to cover less
than forty yards, while many of them
went for sixty yards and In one kick-off
he booted the oval a full seventy-five
The generalship of Benedict, Nebraska s
quarter, was brilliant, and n ts sprints
around either of the Colorado ends were
virtually the long gains of the day. John
son's fierce tackling nipped Colorado's
almost every effort to skirt his end, while
Little, Nebraska's left half, was the corn
very materially strengthened the learn. In
a total of nine games flayed It hs riled
up a total of V points while opposing
teams have siirrreitr-d In making: a score of
but V. The following Schedule has been
arranged by Msnnger Arnold of ths Com
mercltils. All these games are to be played
on the big chftkerbotird at Vinton street
park: November 1. Fort Crook fcildlers;
November 2, Nebraska Plate university
serond team: November 30 (Thanksgiving),
Doane college,
Defeats Mlaaoarl Valley High hy a
core ef TO to O.
Omaha High school defeated Missouri
Valley High school ffl tn 0 Saturday after
noon at Fprague Ftreet park.
This does not tell the whole tale, for only
twenty-minute halves were played, and
time after time the officials refused to take
time out during disputes resulting from de
cisions. The Omaha Players are confident
they could have piled up to points under
other conditions.
The game was marred by Incessant
Wranirllng. Omaha was penalised again and
again without apparent cause by the um-
flre. and a debate Invariably ensued be
ween him and the players. The game be
ban at 4 o'clock ana the last ten minutes
of It was played In semi-darkness.
Missouri Valley was clearly outclassed by
the local team, but It made a
fense to the last. With a crippled quarter
back and a dazed halfback, for which there
were no substitutes, they fought through
the last ten minutes of play and took the
ball away from Omaha on Its own yard
line. The men were considerably lighter
than those of Omaha. The most spectacular
playing on the part of the visiting team
was that of the left tackle, Lyon, In hurd
ling, by which he at one plunge mads five
The brilliant play of the afternoon was
made by DelAmatre and Burnett. The
score was ) to 0 when Missouri Valley
klckefl off three minutes before time was
called In the second half. DeLamatre took
the ball on Omaha's fifteen-yard line, and
with the splendid Interference of Burnett
dodged through the mass of opposing play
ers until he reached Missouri Valley's
thirty-yard line, where he stumbled and
dropped the ball. Burnett swooped down
upon it and, escaping several attempts to
tackle him, planted It behind the goal line.
Burnett did not play In the first half, as
he had a fractured rib and wanted to save
himself as much as possible for the game
with Council Bluffs next Saturday. H
rruide the three touchdowns of the second
half. In one Instance taking the ball on a
delayed pass and running twenty yards.
Burnett being out of the game In the first
half, the delayed pass was not attempted
Burnett played a good game at halfback
In the first half. When Burnett went into
the game Ournett went to right end In
stead of Howard. Hail and DeLamatre
never failed to make their distance In buck
hunkers' most persistent ground gainer, I ing the line. Cramer was pulled behind ths
his line charges netting from four to ten
yards on his every effort to advance the
Monntalaerra Forced to Kick.
The statistics of the game disclose that
Nebraska gained S86 yards on straight foot
ball, while Colorado's total was but fifty
eight. The tandem formation used by the
Westerners gained only In spurts, the
Cornhuskers rallying Invariably, dumping
the plays and forcing Caley to kick. Colo
rado was never In possession of the ball : r. Johnson
nearer than forty yards to the Nebraska ; whinsVir. nVVi'
goal. The pturdy defense or coioraao,
however, taxed Nebraska's best efforts to
Overcome It. The Westerners charged low
and quickly, and until they were worn
down In the final half most of Nebraska's
charges through the center positions of
the line were largely of no avail. Tackle
masses and quarterback runs by the fleet
footed Benedict were Nebraska's main re
Itance, and toward the closing momenta
line on several occasions and went through
Missouri Valley for good gains.
With a touchdown, goal and touchback
for Omaha, the score at the end of the first
half was 8 to 0. Three touchdowns and
three goals In the second made it 26. Our
nett kicked goal in the first and Burnett In
the second.
Wents of Omaha was referee and Mat
thews of Missouri Valley umpire. R. A.
Fisher of Omaha was head linesman.
The lineup:
L. E. 11. E F. Went
L. T. R. T J. Kbauih
u o. r a....
....c. c
R. G. l. a....
h. Cramer R. I. L. T....
y. Howard H. E. L. B...
P. Beneon (J. U
Burnett. Ournett L. H. R H...
OeLamatre K. H. L. H...
W Hill F. B. F. B...
H. ronton
...H. Walton
8. Urcrs
R. Lyon
0. Haldeman
.... Williams
...R. Berkley
...H. Ebau.b
yThs Scertjy label reads:
FOR 30
has made a SPE
CIALTY of all forms
of diseases and dis
orders of
His facilities for
treating this class of
diseases are unlim
ited. His remark
able cures have el
dom been equaled.
Over 30,000 Cat .Cur
Varicocele, Hydrocele, Blood Poison,
Stricture, Gleet, Nervous Debility, Loss of
strepgtb and Vitality.
His Horn Trtmnt
bag permanently cured thousands of cases
of chronic Nervous, Rectal, Kidney and
Bladder and Bkln diseases at small cost.
Save time and money by describing your
"case and write for FREE BOOK and terms
Vf treatment. Medicine sent In plain
Charges Low. Csasultstlo Pros.
' Office Hours I a. m. to 8:30 p. pa. Sun
days, s a. m. to I p. m.
Call or write. Box 7S. Office 2XS South
14th street, Omaha Neb.
ladlaas Win Cloao sad Excitlns;
(iiat from Army Cadets.
WEST POINT. N. Y.. Nov. ll.-Fallure
,mnc. "".:,- to kick goal caised West Point to lose to-
the Cornhuskers were charging ahead al- day to J,e Carlisle Indian foot ball eleven,
moat s they pleased. I The score was 6 to 6 In the Indian's favor
Colorado's defense worried Booth's pu- n1 tne a-oal w5lc.h would have tied the
" .... . , ... , . 1 score was missed by less than six Inches,
plls considerably during the Initial stages, jirmce ixmls of Battenberg was a specta
and for twenty minutes the Cornhuskers tor of the game. He watched It Intently
could not get within hailing distance. At uhout- eeldom tkin hl a tn
this Juncture Johnson, Nebraska's colored , Xb;o entirely different types of foot ball
end, ran around Sahlberg for twenty yards players were pitted against each other,
and but for stumbling might have gone ten the Indian using Mck play, roughout
yards farther. Weller fell back for a place tt superior physical strength to crush Its
kick from the thirty-yard line, barely miss- 1 way to the goal line. Each team scored
. tUm . ,h- k-n -,HUina- nun of the nce Dv distinctive style of play. The
Ing ths try, the ball striking one or tne. lnfUn fter long patient waiting picked
goal posts and bounding back Into the Up a fumble and raced with It over West
field. Colorado was balked in two line Point's goal, and then the army players.
aA rlev minted noorlv Benedict oaded on by prospective defeat, pushed
charges and Caley punted pooriy, Beneaici thelr w8ly B,.ro88 m yards of the gridiron
returning the ball to the twenty-yard line, for their score.
from which, on the first down, he tricked I The Indians scored about the middle of
...,, . . u a,,.v at Mt an the nm ha,f- Up t0 tnat tlm th game
Chrlstensea on a fake buck St center and httd towa played neiir midfleld. the West
ran around the end for a touchdown, be- pointers carrying the ball a little distance
i nt the fl.M tun. 1 Into Carlisle's territory, losing It and hav-
. . , , . . . , .., , Ing It punted back to their own ground by
edict kicked out, Johnson heeling the catch, Mount Pleasant, the Indian quarterback,
and Weller booted the ball between the , After one of these punts West Point took
posts. Tho rest of the half was a fairly ' m empt ng to gam, fumbled
... i It. Jude, the Indian right end, dived for
even contest. it and crawling out from under the les:a
In the final half the. Cornhuskers soon of the mass of men about him. secured a
forged to the front. After an exchange food lead and ran fifty-five yard- for a
01 punis, jxeDrasKn won me obji on iu The remainder of the hall was an even
own thlrtv-vard line and turned loose a contest.
succession of rains which did not end karly In the second half West Point
succession or gams, wnicn am not ena i Bcored catching the Indian kick-off on
until the Cornhuskers had hurled Cotton , their own ten-yard line, the army backs
throua-h for a touchdown. A Quarterback ', went through the Carlisle guards and
rrln foe a twentv-flve vard run was tha xacaies unni tveesa carriea me oau over
prim tor a tweniy-nve yara run waa me f h r,nr.n .d ,h. in-Mimn n.....
only spectacular feature of this steady ad- j missed the goat from the touchdown. The
U V y
Four full quarts
for 1100.
Express charges
Recommended by
the leading physl
x tarts and used In
all prominent hos
pitals. ' The Red Cross
Whiskey enjoys to
day the best of rep
utations and stands
above all In quality
and purity.
71 B. 16th Street.
8ole Owners.
Orders from states
west of Nebraska
will be shipped by
I (!,. af m foraaaalanl
at I k aan. I KcUn.UUasuM,
S.aia.wU U lmiii. er slciaiiesa
MiMrtMn. f at was as siaaikrasaa.
mm ca.tia, P.iulMa, as4 sat aasrla-
ITttlVMaCMtaiOalBt. swMaiHaa. 1 14 ay .asiae,
l tat. , east ta slats rar.
0 1 r asanas. raat, I at
'al $1 St. of a btlt SI Ta.
s CueaUi saa. ea usual
Office and Inlrmary. ZU and Mason Sta,
vance, while the charges or uttie ana
Cotton yielded most of the remaining distance.
Colorado Weakens la Last Half.
Colorado's resistance weakened materially
after the second touchdown and the Corn
huskers were soon plunging ahead into
their opponent's territory. The westerners
once rallied and held for downs on their
own twenty-five-yard line. Nebraska soented
another score, however, and threw back
two attempts to gain through the line.
Caley sought to punt out of danger, but the
Nebraska forwards broke through the
wavering Colorado line, blocked the kick
and captured tha balL Reinforced by two
fresh halfbacks Nebraska resorted 4
series of tackle masses, and Eager was
finally pushed- through for the final touch
down. Weller kicked the goal.
Booth retired Wenstrand from left guard
after the third touchdown, substituting
Taylor, ths big negro freshman, and Tay
lor's 11ns charges Immediately became a
factor In the threatening fourth score. The
time was short, however, and with leas
than a minute to play the Cornhuskers
tried two trick plays. Both efforts failed
and Benedict fell back for a drop kick on
the thirty-yard line, the final whistle Doing
blown as the ball went wide of the posts.
Both elevens played clean foot ball
throughout the struggle, which was wit
nessed by 1.000- enthusiasts. Four hundred
Boulder rooters occupied one section of ths
stand and gave their favorites vocal sup
port. Ths lineup:
Jotinaaa R.
Wailrr. Luaila U T. R. T
W.natrmnd. T.ylr...L. O. r. q
Borf (raptsla)
Ar.ry. McDanald
Wtlaoa. Schmlat.,
Lilt la.
C. o
,.R. O. L. O
, .R. T. U T
..R. K. U
U. o
.R. M. R. H.
.L. H. L. H.
.... Rail
. .. Jordas
. Trudstaa
Slfmund, Mnor
line up:
R. Jud.'wtUi.lm UK
R. T En4lns Ervln, lulus U T.
R O Larorqua. Hunt,,Wuaa b. 0.
Dubois, Scou
C Scott, Hunt Abraham C.
L. O Dillon R, O.
L T B-a M.ttl.r R. T.
I E Wahoo Ollleapla R. E
. .Mount riaaaant, Llbbjr JohRaou U.
L. H Airhlquetla Hmtih, Bcavars L. H.
y. B Dubois. PonanTurn.y .' T. fx.
Grimici Dftst(4 in Fisrcttt Costett Ever
fought en Frtnklia Fisld.
Both Toaehoowas for Teaasylvaala
Are Made oy lamina, the
Player Protested hy
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. ll.-Pennsylvanla
today defeated Harvard In one of the
fiercest gridiron battles ever witnessed on
Franklin field. The final score was 12 to .
Both elevens scored a touchdown and
kicked the goals In the first half and the
Quaker eleven added a second touchdown
In ths second half.
It Is a peculiar coincidence that Lam son,
the player over whom there has been so
much contention, should have scored both
touchdowns for the Pennsylvania eleven.
That there was 111 feeling between ths
players of the two elevens waa made ap
parent early In the first half, when Parker,
the Crimson center, was disqualified for
slugging, and again in the second half,
when Sheble was sent to the club house
for a like offense.
Both touchdowns In tbe first half were
due to an element of luck. Before the
game had been In progress three minutes
and with the ball within ten yards of
Harvard's goal, Foster was sent against
Pennsylvania's left tackle. As he struck
the line Foster dropped ths ball, and when
Referee McClung was able to get the mass
of humanity separated Robinson was lying
on the ball within eight yards of Harvard's
goal. In three plays Lam son was pushed
over for a touchdown. The score was made
so quickly that the great crowd scarcely
realised It. It was then Harvard's turn
for a run of luck. Burr kicked to Sheble,
who had a splendid opportunity to carry
the ball out of danger, but just as he got
well started he dropped the pigskin, but
Quaker player fell on It within four yards
of Pennsylvania's goal. Sheble kicked on
the first lineup, the ball going to Hurley
f Harvard on Pennsylvania's forty-yard
line. Here the Crimson eleven began to
work famous tandem, and, aided by two
off-side plays, which netted them ten yards,
they quickly pushed the ball over for a
Third Touchdown.
The third touchdown was made on hard.
clean foot ball. Pennsylvania got tho ball
on Harvard's forty-five yard mark on an
exchange of kicks and pushed It over for
the final touchdown by straight 11ns plung
ing. Torrey kicked the goal.
Tbe numerous changes in ths Harvard
line-up attest the fierceness with which
the Pennsylvanlans went into tho tandem
play of the Crimson. Five men were so
badly weakened that they were sent to the
sidelines. The Pennsylvania line-up re
mained Intact, however, with the, exception
of 8heble, who made too free use of his
There was probably never a foot ball
game played In which there was such a
difference in tbe two halves. In the first
half Harvard completely outplayed Penn
sylvania and gained ground almost at will,
while In the second half the Crimson play
ers made only one first down. Their of
fense and defense weakened preceptlbly
as the gams progressed, while Pennsylva
nia's attack and defense Improved W per
cent. This was probably due to the superb
condition of the Quaker eleven.
Star Plays hy Levlae.
The particular star on Franklin field to
day was little Levine, Pennsylvania's left
end. It Is no exaggeration to state that
ho played the most remarkable game of
foot ball ever- witnessed In this city. He
followed the ball perfectly, and time and
again broke up Harvard's interference be
fore the play had gone six feet. Six times
during the game he recovered the ball after
some member of his team had fijmbled, and
frequently be tackled a runner Back of the
bitter's line, and he was under every kick
which Sheble sent down the field. Three
times during the game he was laid out be
cause of his fierce tackling, but hs always
resumed play after receiving the sponge
The day was perfect for foot ball. The
crowd was the largest that ever witnessed
a game of foot ball In Philadelphia, Not
one of the 22,000 seats was vacant when
play began and there were probably 2,000
persons standing around the gridiron enclosure.
The teams line up as follows:
U E. R. E...Ma Donald, Snydor
.1.. i. a. T....squiras, Knowiton
lalverslty Piles I'p Score of Sixty
Sevea to Nothing-.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Nov. 11. (Roeclal Tele
gram.) Iowa defeated Des Moines college
today by 7 to 0. Iowa's regulars started
me game against Des Moines college, with
the exception of Kent at quarter, who
was saved on account of a bad ankle for
the harder contests with Drake and Ames
which follow In two weeks. After the ru-nt
fifteen minutes of play both sides played
a listless game. Be mis, wno was play.
Ing quarter for the first time this season,
did not show Kent s speed In fretting forma
tlona off, but otherwise satisfied Coach
Chalmers by his work. Bcoiinsr started
shortly after the game began. Iowa
.rustied the ball into Lies Moines' territory
irom uie kick-oit ana nurunng ty Mae.
Uowan and tackle bucks by Bchwlnn,
scored six points, Bchwlnn going over,
Thereafter Iowa made a more diversified
attack. Stuff, Chalmers, Lupper and
White circling Doth ends effectively. Ford
left tackle, and Ttebergheln. fullback for
Des Moines college, played the star game,
At the end of the first half the score
was: Iowa, 29; Des Moines college, 0. The
P. B. r. B ... Roberta (Captain)
Benedict. Cotton. Easer.
Goals: Waller d. Umpire: Coach Chal
mers of Iowa university. Referee: Roth-
gen ex-lllinols. Head linesman: Ervin,
Chicago. Time of halves: ta minutes.
Cosaasorclals City ChaassilOBa.
Since the disbanding of the Crelrhton uni
versity foot ball team and the defeating of
the Boyles college by the Omaha Commer
cial college team, there seems to be no
longer any douht that the last named team
ig entftlua to the championship honors of
Omaha. Although the Commercials were
not especially strong early In the season it
hss been Improving its team work very
rapidly. Two or three late additions have
vescent Relief for
- " aaatasaataSaaasU S asW
DiotroM af tor Meals. Sour Stomach
Crntauu ma hi ft dtprestiag, iangtrout drug a.
Nearly two generations of saUflSed asrrs testily to
He great aicalrinal value timplc, Fieaaaai,
JUliablc It has beta
told oh merit more than to years.
At Dragsitts, SOc and fl, or by anaH from
TUB TAkfcANT CO.. 44 Hadsoa fere, N. Y.
Btrag ..,
Scawtnn ..
Moor ....
Alalnaon .
W'blta ....
Chalmers .
,.L E. R. m.
L.T. R. T
L. U. R. O
C. C
R. O. L. O
R.T. L. T
R. . L. K
L. H. R. H
R. H. L H
F. B. P. B
, . . Carray
.... Betal
... Soiitk
... Paraon
.... Baaer
.... Balra
. Johnwm
. Jecaeea
Korth Platte Win Notable Victory
from Star Kearaey Tea at.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Nov. 11 Sre
Ciall Telegram.) In a foot ball game hare
Friday North Platte High school defeated
the strong team from the Kearney aim
tary academy by a score of 80 to 11. Tbe
visitors came here with a record of six
victories' and no defeats, having scalped
some or tne Dest teams in eastern Ne
braska, and by their victory today North
Platte attains high rank among the best
high school teams of the state. The game
was sensational rroiu start to onlsh. it
the first half Kearney scored two touch
duwns and North Platte two touchdowns
and a safety. During this bait the team
were very evenly matched. It was in the
second hail- tee superior tralnlna; (n
team work of the home team began to
count, and with punting tactics snd strong
oeieisivc piay, combined wtm an attack
the opponents could not check, threw more
touchdowns wen, secured. The game was
reniarsaoiy iree rrom rougnnesa, Dut the
play of both teams was fast and hard.
Barea R. g. L. E R.rnolea
aciras n. t. l t Hana a. a. u O..Vukaa. Caaaiaer
Eno.rly C. C rnato
Fern U 1. R. O
. uouuuta U. T. a. T W ;ui
B"ia 1 a,, a. a. Dot
Reese U. Q Smltk
jonueoa 1 h. a. at Malllaai
Relaas R. U. U H Tstev. Haaaell
Jooee g. B. F. B Tare la
Referee: Neville of North Platte. Cmpire
Kuseveu of Kearney. Time of halves; ft)
2 Wa
1 1 11 u
tHi rn
The regular terms for treatment at Dr. Brsnamsn's, the noted specialist, are 15 per month, but In order to give all
who are afflicted with any chronic disease an opportunity of cute, Dr. Hransmsn will furnish trostmont and medicines
to all who apply during November at the FXTHKMKI.Y IX1W RATE OF gt FER MONTH. Every chronlo disease will
be Included In this generous offer, every disease of the sir rassnges, everv form of Stomach, l iver snd Kldnov trouble,
Rheumatism and Nervous Debility, all rases of Wood Poison and Female Disease WILL RK TREATED UNTIL I'L'HED
for U per month. The treatment Is NOT A Cl'RE ALL. Lach case is thoroughly examined and prescribed for according
to the stage of the disease.
No Incurable case taken. If your case Is not curable you will be told so free of charge. There la only one limit you
must begin treatment before December 1., ,
Thn Proo.'
November Offer i
Deafaess eared for
Asthma cared for S3,
Korvoas Debility cared for S3.
Blood Polsoa cared for
Stomach, Liver and Kldoey
Diseases cared for s3.
In eatrcsnely complicated cases
a small extra charge for medi
cines, fio case caa exceed SB.
Hope F. Achenback, a prominent
stocKinan of Polo, Mo., writes: "I
took one month of your treatment two
years ago for Hay t ever. Asthma and
Catarrn. The tiay Fever and Asthma
were very bad. I could not go Into the
hay wltnout getting them both. I had
awful snecslng and gasping for breath.
I could not work In the harvest at all.
That one montn completely cured me.
Last summer I worked the harvest on
the farm and never had a symptom of
either. I recommend ou to all my
frlemls and urge them to write to you,
as 1 know you can cure Asthma and
Hay Fever. I had tried everything
and got no relief. I send you some
names of my friends who suffer as I
did. I have told them and want you
to write to them."
I wish to say that I had been afflicted
a number of years wltn Ecxema in Its
most violent form. 1 experienced an
Itching and burning sensation of tne
most exasperating character. I am
happy to state that after taking a
course of treatment at the Branaman
Meulcal Institute that 1 have been
cured of all of these symptoms, ' and
have received much benefit from this
treatment. MRS. ANNIE INGLE,
Butler, Mo.
When I began your treatment I was
a great sufferer from stomach and
nervous diseases. My stomach was
tender and sore. Food distressed me.
I could eat only a few mouthfuls at a
time. I lost flesh, became nervous,
weak and worn outi I could not
sleep. I coughed, had pain In chest,
bowels constipated, liver Inactive,
memory poor. After a course of treat
ment I have gained fifteen pounds.
Can eat and relish my food; no dis
tress. I am cured. I feel ten' years
younger. Dr. Branaman's treatment
is a sure cure for stomach disesse.
Yours truly,
GEORGE SUMMERS, Lenapah, t. T.
Deafness Cared, Aged T3.
Mr. A. C. Moore Before Treat
Mr. A. C. Moore, Oswego, Ka
2. I Deaf 40
tment. I Mr. A. C. :
n wss deaf 40 years,
Deaf 40 Years, 1 sed Tram pet.
Moore, After Treatment.
had been using ear trumpet.
Mr. Fred Doerwald, residing at 18th and Pierce Sts., Omaha, a veterinary
surgeon, who has been a prominent onsen of Omaha for tliicly years, s.tys he
has been afflicted with Catarrh andAsthma for thirty years, usually coming
pn In the fall with the first changeable cold weather. He says: "1 would bemn
to wheexe and cough, and In a short time I was unable to lie down or work,
and In a few years got so bad I cou.d not Bleep in bed, but hsd to sit up in
my chair and gasp for breath. I have treated with many prominent dor-tors In
Dmftha, snd tried all kinds of patent medicines and advertised cures for Aituma,
s-ithout the least relief. I got so I had no appetite, could not work, lot flesh
and was miserable. 1 saw that Dr. Ui attanian a as cutmg so many of Asthma,
right here In Omaha, 1 could not resist trying once more, and to my surprise
within thirty days the Asthma had disappeared, the wheezing had stopped. I
rained several pounds In flesh and cm say now I am strong and well. A com
plete and permanent cure seems to have been effected In my case. I gladly
recommend this treatment to every sufferer from Asthma or Catarrh."
Twenty years sgo I had the La
3rlppe and It settled In my ears, caus
ing them to closo up and pain me;
my ears were sore; 1 lost my hearing
rapidly. At last my ear benan to
dlHcharge fetid matter and I tot deaf
as a post In that ear, I tried every
thing. One specialist treated mu one
year without relief. He said I could
not be cured. 1 treated with another
ipecialtst In Des Moines. Iowa, without
any results. I went to Dr. Branaman.
He applied his New Cure and I am
now able to hear the clock tick any
where in the room. The discharge does
not bother me. I hear all crUlnary
conversation splendid. I have net felt
so well In twenty years. I am Just
splendid every way and advise all who
are ailllcted to consult Dr. Brimman.
Boone, Iowa.
I have been troubled with Catarrh
for years. (Several months ago I con
tracted a cold that settled in my throat
and ears, closing them and making
mo very deaf and giving me tha most
violent head noises. I could not sleep
for noises and pain; my oars felt full.
I could not hear anything In one ear.
I went to a prominent Omaha special
ist, who blew dry air Into my ears
and run tubes into the ear, making
them worse. I read of Dr. Branaman
curing so many people and went to
him. He promised me a cure, and
today my hearing is perfectly restored,
head noises stopped, my Catarrh Is
cured. In fact, I am cured. I wish
to have this statement published so
others may know where to get cured.
I gladly recommend the New t'tire to
ill. MRS. P. F. ANDRE8EN,
2332H S. 20th Street.
Homo Treatment as Effective as Office Trestmest. Write
Home Treatment Symptom Blanks and Book of Testimonials.
G. M. BRANAMAN, M. D. MO If. Y. Life Building, Omaha, eh.
Office Hours a. m. to C p. m.; evenings, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7 to
Ip. m.; Sundays, 1Q a. m. to 12 ru.
down, planted squarely between the posts.
Amity failed at goal. Score: 6 to 0.
Amity kicked to Omaha on the flfty-yard
line, and from there Omaha woke up and
sent Cox, Ball, Kehoe and Arnold for seven
to ten yards at every plunge. Finally Ball
was sent straight through the line for a
touchdown. Cox of Omaha succeeded In
kicking a difficult goal. Score: 6 to 6 tn
Omaha's favor.
Time was called before any more scoring
could be done.
Reynold. R. K.
Dune .......
Wateoa ....
Blarkmua ..
,R. T.
..H. O.
L. a
L. E McClelland
L. T.
l. a...
c ,
R. a...
.L. I. R. T...
.L. C. R K...
Q. Q
Sheble. Bamla
L. O. R O..
....O. C
.h. u..u a..
R. T
.R. 18.
U H.
R. H
,.r. b.
L. T.
L. E.
R. H.
U. H.
T. B..
Parker, Whit.
Burr. Pierce
, Leery
....roeter, Nichols
...Lsckwooa. Gull
Snappy, Btrcaaoas Game Ends la
Small Score of 6 to 5.
One of the closest and hardest fnun-ht
foot ball games seen this season In Omaha
was Clayed at Vinton Street nark Katur.
day. Halves of twenty-five minutes were de-
rioea upon. Amity won tne toss and
Omaha kicked to their forty-flve-yard line.
rwgier or Amity made a good return of ten
yards. On the third down Harner. thn
Amity quarterback, was stunned and was
almost useless during ths entire first half.
rutioacK rugier calling signals until
Harper was able to assume caotalncv of
the team aaaln.
Both teams In the first half were forced
to kick time and again. At one time
Amity hid forced the play to Omaha's
ten-yard line, where Omaha held, and Cox
of Omaha, by some of the finest hurdling
line-plunges carried the ball back past the
center of the field.
Fumbles caused morn tosa tit rilatani
Omaha In the first half than anvihlnn
eine. i nm nair enoea witn tne ball In
Omaha's possession. Score: 6 to 0.
tne second naif Amity kicked to Omaha
ana tjox or mana returned nrteen yards.
From there Walkinshaw made an end run
of forty yards. Cox took it through for
seven ysras more, when Amity braced up
and held. The first plav sent Harper
around Omaha's left end. but nothing waa
gained. On going bark in Amity got the
start of Omaha on the lineup and sant
Rigler through for a line smash. Before
anyone knew It he regained his feet and
made the one long, sensational run of the
game of seventy-five yards for a touch-
Dr. Hnmphreys' Scrcnty
SeTcn breaks up Grip and
R. H. L H.
r. u. jr. b..
L. H. IR. H.
Referee: M. Arnold. Umpire: Bill Cor
... Wylie
,.. Erens
. . Certer
McK tatey
. . Harper
.. Rlsler
Find ley
Sobs of Ell Defeat Brown Cnlverstty
Eleven to Kothlnfr.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Nov. 11. In a game
full of excellent play Yale defeated Brown
university today by the score of 11 to 0. Not
until well through the second half did the
Yale supporters feel secure that Brown
would not secure a touchdown and early
In the game they even had quaktngs that
the Browns would tun, the tables and win
out because of the strength the visitors
showed In rushing the ball. Along in the
second half, when Yale had the game well
In hand, a mlsplay gave the watchful
Brown players their opportunity to make a
supreme enort to cross tne goal line, a
feat that no team has accomplished this
year. Yale's rush line was steadily pushed
back, but with diminishing power, until
under the shadow of their goal they threw
back three successive charges aimed at
center and took the ball on downs on the
elKht-vard line. From that Dolnt on lack
of time only prevented Yale making an
other touchdown.
Neither Yale nor Brown attempted to
score by field goals or kicks from place
ment, all the playing being either line buck
ing or attempts to run the ends with a few
trick plays Interspersed.
The teams lined up as follows:
rates, Congdou.
Krwln ,
Veeder. Hort ...
Plynn. Roeme,
... U T.
...,L. G.
...R. O.
....R. T.
...K. K.
... Q.
R B...
. . Ruth
R T...Haaard, MacUregor
it a..
L. a..
L. T..
L ....
..L. H. R. H.
..B. H.L. H.
.F. B.'F. B.
We err It
K trier
Elrod, Denny
...Wrlkert, CurtlM
....Adania, Mahaw
Eh Bike, Adams
A Common Cold Is quickly cured by "Tt."
A Hsrd Cold takes longer, but Is always
broken up by "Tt."
A Stuffy Cold Is annoying, but It don't
stay long when "77" Is used.
A Dangerous Cold loses Its terrors when
"77" Is taken Pneumonia Is averted.
All Colds yield to TT It acts directly
on the sick parts, without disturbing the
rest of ths system. At all Druggists, 2&c,
or mailed.
A book on Dr. . Humphreys' system of
euro mailed free.
Humphreys' Hoineo. Medicine Co., Cor.
William and John Directs, New York.
Presbyterians Wla Stubbornly Foaght
Game Sixteen to Six.
PRINCETON. N. J., Nov. 11. Princeton
rose to the occasion today and defeated
Cornell In a Splendid exhibition of foot
ball by the score of 14 to ft. From thu
start until about fifteen minutes before
the second half closed, the game was
closely contested, and at no time iltd Cor
nell allow Princeton to gain without the
most stutiDorn resistance. h.very tnen ot
ground wan well contested and although
Princeton finally won things looked blue
for It in thn early part of the eweoid half
when Cornell punted and the ball todched
Dillon and roiled behind the line, where
a i urncu man ifii on it. natiuiay sienna
goal snd the score stood 6 to 5 In favor of
Cornell. Princeton's men then went to
work with renewed vigor and scored twice
The game ended with the ball In Prince
ton's possession on Cornells ten-yard
line. More than 10,000 spectators saw the
The teams lined up as follows:
t aril" DCInr nw nmcf a
(Peoples Fnrnltnro at Carpet Co.)
, we, Are, headquarters and
As Specialittj in Wearing Apparel we it to our customers to
point out Weaknesses and Defect that are common in the average run
of Ready-Made Clothing, and in much of the custom-made, as well.
Most of such clothing gets its shape from the Hot Flat-iron. Any Coat
can be ''Joe tired up" to sell. But the first damp day you wear that
coat it begins to lost Shape.
The only way clothes can be made right is by honest hand Needle
Work. The "Insidcs" must be right, tot.
It is this inside and outside Needle-Work which is put into "Sincerity
Clothes." It ia this that makes every "Sincerity" garment hold its
shape till the end until worn out.
There are no distorted, deformed shoulders due to excessive padding.
Sincerity Clothes smartness Style is obtained by Sincere, honest,
hand Needle -Work.
If you place any value on this Shape - Insurance and Sincerity
Tailoring and all it meant in satisfaction and extra valuesthen
remember that here is the place to get "Sincerity Clothes."
Brainer, O'Brien B
Coonejr (Capiaim 1 r. R. T..
LaRertr. P. Waller. .L. 0. R. O..
rarothera t T
H union, J. Waller. . R. G.lL. O...
Herring R. T.
Tooker R. E
K. Dillon 4.
BarS L. H.
Munne, Daub R. H
McCormlca P. B.
L. T
U. H ...
L, H
r. .
..... Teempeon
Conk Odrrkirfc
... Rhoadaouee
.. Pellook. kica
.Martin. Cibaun
W.ildara. Ear la
HeiUoer (Cantabi)
Llaeola Scores Blxteaa to Kothlag by
Use Saaasalaar.
HARLAN, la., Nov. 11. (Hpeclal Tele-
fram. In a fiercely contested game on the
tarlan field today the Lnncoln Hlh school
won at foot ball from the Harlan High
school by a soore of la to O. Lincoln out
weighed Harlan by twenty pounds to the
man and won two touchdowns In the first
half and one in the last by heavy massing
and line smashing.
Michigan Defeats Ohio.
ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Nov. 11. Ths Uni
versity of Michigan foot ball eleven today
defeated the University of Ohio. 40 to 0.
Ohio made twenty yards on Ave plays
through the Michigan line, which Is more
than any other tam hss done this year.
I MiciUgau flared iitar eubsUtutea.
l,Ieals in Tourist
Tourist car psseengers on the Union Pgciflo
enjoy excellent dicing car service at mod
erate expense. All meals in dining
cars are served
complete meal
er light lunch being obtained at reason
able prices, passengera paying- only for
what they ord. r Meals oan aloo be pro
cured at first-class dining- stations or at
lunch counters en route. Or, if paaaengerg
chouse, they can provide themselves with lunch
baskets, which can be replenished as occasion
requires) at the different eating houuos on the line.
If you eross ths continent la one of ths tourist sleepers of ths
You will enjoy your trip sod save considerable tanttej.
Inquire at
'Phone lit