TIIK OMAHA DAILY RKK: SUNDAY. XOVKMHKK 12, Y.W. If Modish Wearables lor Up-to-Date Juveniles BENSON srTHORNFS Catalogue Free to Oul-of-Town Customers New White Wash Suits for Little Fellows OMAIIA.NED; All parents love to see their children comfortably and daintily attired We nre here to assist them with a superb stock of everything that is worn by boy, girl or infant. Onr prices are within reach of everyone who knows that .buying good quality in juvenile wearing apparel is true economy. We outfit every ope up to eighteen years. flftaTssisaBVA m m m s mm g& r in NTS ON LATEST JUVENILE FASHIONS PATTERNS CAN BE HAD AT OFFICE OF THE BEE. ur u-nwn" kv i. it. .ivin r. wnrn more than the sweater or jersey, grandfather's boyhood days, the modern this season. But If Buster rebels The high neck of ttic latter la too warm, youngster m w ir.v r,.. and begin to want Somethlrie; while a knit Jacket with a v-snspea vesi leainer or in nw w.w. r..n,.Nn -.m.. more fttrnlflwd than Russian suit. Is Just as snug. put him In bloomer trousers. The The jittie fellow's Indoor wardrobe may . . - i i natt.M1 B'lra nviil V I n 1. .... n a u fathnp'i T"V 1 U TT1 n M . enough for his father when He was a boy. buckskin moccasins and bathrobes always the airs of her bl sister. She. " but are not the thing at ail for Buster. muM be included In his clothes press. The -he i "wful young. can he - Peter The suits for boys this year embody quail- stories are making his stockings stronger Thompson Rirl too Gamp dresses are ) '.V When she has outgrown her little poke bonnet, and her pink and green kid "baby shoes, the little girl Is ready to assume ties which 'combine .mannlshnesa and en- than ever this year. They are coarse- "' ' "' ..,. durance ,w1th the dashend softness tht ribbed and finished with a double set knee. Pllds will do wel for dress occasion, alway. goes straight to a mother's heart. He an wear out one pair of knees playing hen she wants to put on stle een Tha trfeLr. may be full and baggy, like wlt hi. tin soldier, and still have an- little ister" can appear to advantage in the klhd' ouav.s wear-and the boy cn otntT pair of knees when Sunday comes. worm o "".on. "" - wear a fancy collar and bow necktie. The Hls outdoor costume Includes a "pull nty stroe effect In a three-cornered suit. are made of trong. material, wash- down cap for golf or snowballing and a hat a red cloak, lined In sou Irrel fur or able, and built to stand the wear and tear three-quarter length reefer. The old style "mine, and a fur muff. All bundled p In of a boy'g service. Bustef can play mar- lonK overcoat is not being worn so much. Kray furs, she will resemble Pussy billow bles or fly kites, build snow forts and snow ag the skirts drag In the snow, and the braving the cold winds of March, men. and needn't be afraid of getting boy is liable to catch cold. These coats She can wear white kid gloves 4-0 Is spanked ' because he has ' "simply ruined are. made In cheviots and tweeds. He will the smallest slze-and the gloves are made his new suit." AS he grows older he can wear llcece-llned or velour gloves for with outside seams, "tike papa's." On a wear Norfolk Jackets with the bloomer. Bkatlng or polo, while buckskin gloves or cold day white angora mittens will help trousers, or a two-pleoe suit. The knees gauntlets also are popular. The boy doesn't some. of the bloomers are made double and are put on style In gloves, as his chief object Her "party di-exs" may be of white, like sewed with silk, and will wear twice as a to keep, warm. Instead of the copper- party dresses have been from time Im- long as ordinary knee. toed shoes that his father wore, or the memorial, and she can wear a pink sash. Bweater Jackets, buttoning down In front, top boots that were the delight of his or a blue one. as her little heart desires. Tersely Told Tales Both Grim and Gay IS Did a Frleadly Torn. IOOTH TARKINOTON was talking (abooV,Burn, whose poetry. he ad- 'nitres. , ' "In a beer hall, one night." he said, ."I' saw a bust of Burns. "I turned to a young man and said: 'Wbo Is that? ; ; - 't 'Burns,' he answered, without hslis- tlon'V, " "And what," said I, 'did Burns do to entitle him to a bust?' " . " " 'Why, lie he oh,, he- died.' said . , the young man. yawning. ; " ' ' "But' his companion was a Scot- Tills.', Scot, as he Ailed his whisky glass, sneered andeaJd: ... ... , - , "'Burn's death alone wouldn't have suf- . flced for his commemoration in brome and marble. Burn was a poet, gentlemen. Furthermore, he was a good fellow. Let me tell you something that should endear him to such minds as yours.' " 'Once, In Dumfries, Burns had the Job of gauger. He went about from public house to house, seeing that a good, pure grade of whisky was served. And he was supposed, too, to keep his eye open for un licensed houses to see that no "Bpealc easles," as we call them, flourished in Dum fries. ." 'And did .he do It? Did he. indeed? There's a fond Dumfries tradition that, sneaking hurriedly into the back dior of a prosperous "speak easy" one ufternoon, Burns whispered excitedly to the owner, a widow: "' "Kate, woman, are ye mad? The supervisor and me will be raldtn ye in half an hour. New York Tribune. Where the Poet Fell Dowb. Ueorge W... Perkins had been ' testifying before the .Insurance Investigating commit tee. "I hope that I was taken literally," he said; smiling, as he put on his hat. "I desire to be taken literally always. I am not like the poet. Poets, you know, are to be -taken figuratively. A larmer west of Chicago was not aware of this. He came Into town one day in my boyhood to buy a norse. He sought out a dealer and haggled With the . man for several hours. 'Well. said the dealer finally, rather worn out, take him or leave him. There he Is, with all hie imperfections on his head, as the po( ijays.' ' 'It's plain to be seen your friend the poet can't have looked at his legs, rejoined the literal old farmer." Brraa aad the Youngsters. ' A reporter Interviewed William Jennlnn Bryan1 a few days before he set out on Ills year' tour of the world. 'MrJ'Bryan said that he was taking h!s family with him that If he had children of only 7 or 8 years he would take them, too. because he found that little children were often more observant than older people. "Why," said Mr. Bryan, "I was talking to a little chap of only 8 the other day, and when I asked him what he wus going to be when he grew up he showed a fairly Intimate acquaintance with the insurance situation in New York. " 'What are you going to be, Jim?' said I. "And the youngster answered: " I am going to be a syndicate. They make all the money nowadays.' "New York Sun. Farmer Who Wouldn't Be Plaeked. Representative V Smith of Pennsylvania was recently In one of the departments ac Washington "looking after" one of his con stituents. "I wrote you a letter," said the representative, "and I art reminded of wht happened In my state about a letter of In troduction. "A rich old farmer who lived near Phila delphia got tangled up In a money matter with one of his neighbors. Mr. Alston, for that was his name,- sought' an attorney, who gave htm a letter of Introduction to a brother lawyer in Philadelphia, at which place It was necessary to. enter the suit. The letter was delivered to the lawyer, and while he was reading it he was called out of the room, leaving the letter on hi desk. Mr. Alston let curiosity get the best of him and picked up the letter and read It. The letter closed with. 'Mr. Alston Is a fat goose; pluck him heavy." "That was enough for the rich old farmer, and, seising a pen, he wrote: " 'P. S. The. goose has flown, feathers and all.' "It took him about three seconds to amble down the stairs and Into the street, and he has not had anything to do with lawyers from that day to this, preferring to pluck his own geese." Philadelphia Record. :A Woman's atare. ' Prof. D. P. Cropp of the University of Colorado has Invented a machine, that in creases the height from One to Ave Inches and the chest girth from one to four Inches. "It Is amaslng," said Prof. Cropp the other day. "what an interest people take In any change in their physique the gain of an inch around the chest or forearm, the loss of an inch In the neck or stomach. "t know a fat woman who spent July at the sealiore, taking an ocean bath and a hot bath dally, so as to reduce her weight. "The day she wa to leave for home she entered a . butcher shop and told the old man to cut her off twenty pounds of pork. "He cut and weighed this great chunk of meat and then said: " 'Where, madam, shall I send It?.' "But the woman, as she feasted her eyes on the pork, replied:' "'Oh, don't send It anywhere. I don't want to buy it. You see, I have lost twenty pounds since I have been down here, and I Just wanted to see how much it was.' " Philadelphia Inquirer. The I'aflattertae; Barber. John Drew, s he lunched, talked about barbers. " "They are so uncomplimentary," he said. "They tell you such unflattering things. "A friend of mine went to be shaved at the Dark Harbor hotel one day last summer, and the barber said to him: " 'Your hair Is getting thin, sir.' xes," ' my friend answered tartly. 'I have been treating it with anti-fat. I never did like stout hair." "New York Tribune Mothers No Longer Sew for Their Children T 18 ED to be that women had to make all the clothes for their children, especially the babies. r'wJ fow changed, and no article of children's wear can be named that cannot be found ready made, dulnty and well-fitting. It is a big sur-u-lse to - the mere man to go Into a children' baser and note the thousands of things In babies' and children's gar ments shown there. Everything a baby wears, everything a girl wears, everything a boy wears, can be purchased there. Dresses are worn ot many styles this winter. Some of the girls from ten to fifteen wear dresses of Scotch plaid and caaalroere and In these there is a great variety f design. Others prefer sailor suits, blues and black and white checked. In' serges and .worsteds. Knickerbockers, preferably of blue flannel, are very popular with young girls, this winter. They are close-fitting at 1lie knee and help wonder fully In keeping, the body "warm. Mothers are buying middy suits for their boys this fall,; perhaps as much as ever before. The winter pattern are beautiful and varied and the tastes of every one can be satisfied. A Russian style also is very popular for smalt boys. It Is a belt suit, practically a Buster Brown suit, except that the collar Is smaller. Knickerbocker suits of all colors are In style for the boy who considers himself too old for the Buster Brown sort. There is a heavy demand for aweatere for boys and girls, and the large number old for very small children Is one of the wonders of the Juvenile trade. Nowadays every child must have a sweater when he goes out to- play on a raw day. Baby cloaks are made of bedford cord white silk and .cashmeres, and most of them are daintily trimmed with laoa and braid. Imitation bearskin .and velvet are popular materials In coats for children two or three years old. A dainty assortment Is shown In bibs, pillow slips, caps and eacques for babies. Some are plain, and others are trimmed with lace and hand embroidered for the little ones whose parents can afford such things. 4 Tn' HINTS ON LATEST JUVENILE FAtili IONS PATTERNS CAN BE HAD AT OFFICE OT THK'pEK, Urn mWl I jf 4e Paris is headquarters for styles in infants' iniuiiig f f vui wear. We show very com plete lines of the newest French ideas in dressas,' skirts, sacques, coats and bonnets. Fine assortment of flannel and cashmere sactjues in white with )ink or blue embroidery at Splendid value in fine flannel shawls with tasty silk embroidery at Infants' long or short slips and dresses in fine nainsook and lawn, with lace and em broidery trimmings, at 31295 19J VI 95c, 55c 3ls-2L9-l5-0-l2J-95c 50c- 60c-75c- 95c- 14J-19J ' ii j j.. .1 1 an to Art fimiu-iiinuv UlfPSWW HI i.JU It 1I.W fltt.-H. it Our display of children's coats is unequalled in assort ment. White and colored bearskin coats at $3.45 to $8.90. Crushed velvet coats in all colors at from 422 to 72 AVooltex and t'arrol cloth coats, $3.50 to $10.00. Sleeping gowns with feel, in oul ing flannel, at B(c; mado or fln knit fabrics, at 60c to 90c According to age. WD Bassinet of wicker at a.7. Baskets of all sires at 60c to $1.25 Hampers at $6 and 56.50 Special values and styles for little fellows 2V to 10 years; sailor suits and Russian suits in plain colors or mixtures at For large girls we show "Wile" and "Wooltex" models in blue and fancy mixtures from $5.90 to $13.75. e Much anxious care is spared mothers who buy our stylish ready to wear dresses for girls. We show them for all ages in all col ors, at $3.95, $4.90, $5.90 and $7.90. Tailor made 6ailor suits iu blue or white serge at $12.50 and $13.50. School suits and college models for the larger boys; here is endless variety. Knickerbocker, Norfolks and splendid two piece suits at Youths1 long trouser suits at $8.50, $10, $12.50 and $15. See the clever little overcoats for small boys, 2 to 10 years, in the new effects of styles and fabric?, at See the long warm double breasted coats for the larger boys, 7 to 17 years, in the new mixtures and plain colors, at 6"7?-10?-12? Gloves and mittens for boys and girls, silk or fleece lined. Gloves $1.00, mittens 50c. Big assortment of golf gloves, plain or fancy, at 25c and 5Qc. Furs for children and misses in odd scarfs or sets. Hcarfs, at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $5.00. Sets at $1.65, $2.75, $3.75, $5.00 and $7.50. SHOE FITTERS FINE SHOES FOR BOYS, GIRLS AND INFANTS. m Nothing adds more to the appearance and com fort of your boy and girl than nice, well fitted shoes. We sell the finest shoes produced for boys, girls and infants, and fit all ages up to 16 years. FOR THE YOUNG New Assortment of New York Styles. W specialize children's shoes and carry special foot form lasts which allow the feet te develop naturally. We want parents to see the latest New York styles and cordially Invite you to call and inspect them. ' TT Ll" '-J n 'oNaifiistarni finite LILLIPUTIAN BAZAAR. 9 1515 Douglas St.. Omaha. Neb.