Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1905, Page 3, Image 22

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For Nearly
Things of Great Beauty
4- f ' j .
Our present location has been occupied as a Dry Goods Store
From small beginnings the business has grown and grown until
the sales have reached large proportions. "With the development
of the business has grown the reputation of the store until today
we believe we can truthfully state that no establishment in this
country has a better record for fair dealings, reliable merchan
dise and unfailing courtesy to customers.
Through all the vicissitudes and changes which have occur
red our location is still the center of business, and if rapid and
constant growth is a reliable index, it is likely to remain the
center for many years to come. As we write we are reminded
that just ten years ago today we bought out the business of N. B
Falconer and this remembrance impels us to express our thanks
to you for your gererous patronage. "We are proud of our busi
ness, jealous of our reputation and grateful for your confidence.
Nothing will be left undone to retain your good opinion and no
effort will be spared by us to place before you constantly good
goods the best of their kind at the lowest possible prices.
Please make special note to watch our windows daily for
special offerings. "We wish to emphasize and impress you that
nowhere wjll;you receive better treatment. We have in our em-
ploy reliable salespeople, and our confidence in them is so great
thatwe do not find it necessary to introduce an elaborate check
ing system, and the absence of this, makes it possible for us to
wait on you more rapidly and satisfactorily than can be done in
most stores.
In set a row of little whit Loulslne
rosettes, each with a tmall rhlnestona or
nimpnt In the center.
The girdle Id of Louislne and a double
fold of the silk finishes the high trans
parent collar.
Contrasted with the expensive severity
of thin model la the expensive Intricacy
of the blouses of .chiffon, net, crrpe, sheer
silk, etc., tucked, shirred, embroidered.
Inset with lace, ladn with a wealth of
handwork of all kinds. These handmade
waists range from to I1W. a few xlng
beyond that mark, while 186 appears to
be the price selected for a majority of the,
more elegant models.
One or two houses with a reputation
for chic blouses are showing along with
their exquisite sheer handmade blouses of
lingerie and silk, more substantial models
built up of a very lustrous white s'lk ex
ceedingly light and soft and light In
weight yet with decidedly more body than
the sheer crepes, messalines, silk rauies,
etc. These blouses aro very simple In
line and have little fusslness of detail,
but are superbly embroidered In bold,
raised design over the upper part, the de
sign tapering toward the waist.
Short sleeves are fulled Into bands of
the embroidered silk with scalloped but
tonholed edges and the high collar Is also
a boon to the woman who can
stand transparent yokes and col
on wintry days. I'nfortunately,
handsomest moilels of this class
for $75.00 and U6.00, but the
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.
I r m mr A t -
II IM 'I II ll II il3farmmrm-
Jewe.erv.Cui Glaaa&SUvepware..
Atwhoieaafa fjOO $o. 15 i t reel.
1 . i
and SZfj LsiJTSS
fjwm m5SM ttml
em- I w. V -JMjt v
HR separate blouse has
most assuredly risen from
Its ashes, and It is a thing
of beauty this season. No
one denies, says a fashion
writer in the New York Sun. that
the smartest blouse is one made to
wear with a costume and forming
an Integral part of it, but
the separate blouse, If well
selected. Is a solid com
fort to the women of few frocks
five a ma -y a difficult problem for he
Perhaps the lace blouses are the most
satisfactory all round possessions this
year and they are offered In endless va
riety, though blouses of real baby Irish
lace adorned with handsome Irish crochet
motifs take first place in feminine hearts.
These are made with comparative sim
plicity, the bold outlines of the raised
crochet flowers giving elaboration enough
without any such Intricate Btitchery as la
used upon the sheerer, softer stuffs.
Very effective blouses are made up In
the Imitation Irish lace, which at its best
Is very cleverly made, but where the real
Irish cannot be affored some less ex
pensive material is in better taste than
the Imitation lace.
Occasionally one finds the baby Irish
lace combined with motifs of heavily -embroidered
batiste Instead of the raised
crochet lace, and one simple yet very
attractive model shown in several of the
exclusive shops Is a well cut blouse of
baby Irish with two scalloped edge bands
of beautiful embroidered batiste running
from" shoulders to girdle In front and
There Is a close fitting band cuff of the
batiste to finish the short sleeve lust be
low the elbow. Down the middle front
between the two broad lines of embroidery
number of women willing to pay that for a
blouse is surprisingly large, and at least
there Is promise if more service for the
money in such a hlmise than In one of
the more fragile filmy models.
Litss expensive waists embroidered on
the fronts, but with lace and openwork
yokes and collars, after the style of one of
the waists pictured here, are made In crepe
and In the sheer silks, and bing all hand
made are very fine and dainty. Chiffon
blouses also have heavy embroidered
designs, as In the case of a blouse which
Is reproduced among the cuts, but In such
a case the embroidery Is supplemented by
complicated shirring, cording, tucking,
openwork and lace; for the very sheer
stuffs do not lend themselves readily to
severe lines.
Flaln or figured net. preferably a good
Brussels, Is a serviceable blouse material
for a sheer blouse, and some particularly
protty models are made In white, black
and. colored net this season, the colored
net as a rule being dyed to match a cos
turns with which the blouse Is to be worn.
The net. If of a good quality, milt keep
Its freshness better than chiffon or mous
srllne and wear much longer.
White and black waists are numerous
white net being trimmed In black and
black net being trimmed In either white or
black lace and made up over white. Many
of the all-cream or black net blouses have
but little trimming aside from self tuck
lngs. Others have vertical bands of lace
Inset In the tucked net from shoulder or
' yoke to girdle and transparent collar of
Lingerie blouses show variations upon
the designs familiar during the summer,
and there are jo me especially handsome
models In rather heavy linen embroidered
nil over In English openwork, the embroid
ery design being adapted especially to the
shape of the blouse, so that there Is no
suggestion 0f a blouse made frors broderle
nglalse bought by the yard. These models
are absolutely simple in line and devoid
of trimmings other than the embroidery,
but they ore extremely chic and corre
spondingly expensive
iff .
id kimk
Made According
to the
Latest Fashions,
by Experts
at a Reasonable Cost,
what you want....
'P C frtitr nti!" is the rcaker of the best imported Ladies Kid Glove'
:;V ..ClllCIIlCri that comes to the United States. A new shipment
; awaits your inspection all colors all lengths all $ 00 $t25 $f 50
"prices , i " 1 1
"Merode" EL Underwear
For Women and Children
We are Omaha distributers for the celebrated "Merode"
Underwear. After searching the markets for good substantial
sanitary underwear for women and children, we decided on this
celebrated "Merode" brand. We can truthfully claim that it's the
best and moat satisfactory underwear on the market today
"Merode" hand finished' underwear is created for women of intelli
gence and good taste, is essentially feminine in all the minute details of finish and fit,
which are. so . necessary to comfort and wear. Our assortments of this celebrated under
war "Merode" is complete after a very extensive fall businessreordered sizes have
just been filled in and we can positively satisfy the most particular feminine taste.
Women's (hand finished) "Me
rode" Underwear, separate Shirts
BhirtS Or PantS, and Drawers, made of genuine
combed' Egyptian cotton, perfect
50c. ly finished and cut full size, nat
ural or ecru 50c garment.
4 'Merode"
Shirts or Pants,
Shirts or Pants,
Shirts or Pants,
Corset Covers,
Women's fine quality (hand fin
ished) "Merode" Underwear,
made of K Australian wool, Vi
maco cotton; a beautiful weave,
medium and heavy weight, sep
arate Shirts and Drawers, in
natural gray or white, 75c a gar
ment. Women's fine quality (hand fin
ished) "Merode" Underwear, sep
arate Shirts and Drawers, me
dium, light and heavy weight me
rino, an excellent weave for early
fall wear, silk trimmed, shirts
with sateen yoke band, drawers
natural or white $1.00 a gar
ment. Women's extra fine quality (hand
finished) "Merode" Underwear,
In light and medium weight silk
and wool mixed, strictly non
shrinkable and a beautiful gar
ment . for those who object to
wearing all wool; natural or
white 91.23 a garment.
Women's fine quality (hand fin
ished) "Merode" knit long sleeve
Cor Covers," medium weight.
perfectly shaped, in white only
5Uc and 75c.
Women's (hand finished) "Me
rode" Combination Suits, In
white, ecru and natural, made of
fine Peruvian and Egyptian
combed cotton, very soft to' wear
and .absolutely nonshrlnkable,
perfectly shaped and silk trim
med tl.OO.
Women's fine quality (hand fln-
lshed) "Merode" Combination
Suits, In light weight Australian
wool, a most beautiful fabric,
very elastic and smooth to the
body, perfectly shaped, with silk
hand finish, medium and light
- weight, natural, gray or white
91.50 suit.
Women's extra fine quality
(hand finished) "Merode" Com
bination Suits, in medium and
heavy weight ribbed merino, 75
per cent fine Australian wool and
25 per cent Egyptian cotton, a
most serviceable and comfortable
weave, in natural or w hite, 91.00
Women's fine quality (hand fin
ished) "Merode" Combination
Suits, in natural, gray or white,
made of Australian wool, cut full
proportions, silk taped and hand
finished, silk trimmed fronts, a
splendid winter weight 94.00
Children's (hand finished) "Me
rode" Underwear, separate Shirts
and Pants, made of fine combed
Egyptian cotton, In natural gray
or ecru, sizes 16 to 34 50c garment.
of the embroidery with small scal
lop edge. Some of the models have
a little, Inset lace and openwork
Btitchery mingled with the
broidery about the chest and collar,
but the plainer models are quite as
rich and smart and their elaborate
severity Is rather refreshing after
the reign of the fussy, easily mussed
sheer blouse.
Then, too, such blouses will
Odds and Ends for Women
Our Dressmaking Department
Is the most up to date and complete in Omaha, and on account of
our facilities, we do better work than others can.
We Make All Kinds of Suits and Dresics
Above is shown a very pretty effect in sccordeon pleated skirt
with over-ruffle of the same material, the Jacket being trimmed with
cloth covered buttons which we also make.
Come In and see us if you need a dress or suit ecordeon,
sunburst or side pleating. Box Pleated Ruchlngs, Buttons, Spong
ing, Shrinking, etc.
Goldman Pleating Co.
16th and Dodge
Tel. 1936
Holland Fox Co.
Mourning- Fashions.
NL.Y on elderly women Is the close-
fitting small bonnet with long veil
seen. The crepe veil Is worn, but
more often on a hat than on a
bonnet, and with Its fullness ad
justed In most graceful folds, until the orig
inal Idea of a veil to hide one's features
from the gais of too curious or sympa
thetic friends has apparently been quite
lost sight of. Small round hats, turbans
and flat hats worn a little over the face
are all considered good style worn with a
long crepe veil, while as soon as the vvll
Is shortened the millinery at once takes on
a most coquettish appearance.
The latest news from Parle la that bon
nets, even with a widow's mourning, are
not considered correct except for reallv el
derly women. A round bat, somewhat on
the turban shape, set over the f.xce. Is used
Instead. This hat la mado of bias folds of
crepe. To It ts fastened the veil, but not
In the old-fashion of stiff folds hanging
down the back. Nor Is th veil of the
present day of crepe as it used to be. It
Is made of silk moussellne and has only a
border of crepe. It is draped loosely ovor
the hat, and is so arranged that while more
than one-half of its length hangs down the
back sometimes nearly to the hem of the
skirt the front is left so that It may be
worn back over the head or dropped down
over the face. i
v J is!
Pleating Still la Style
QUESTION Is often asked, "Is
pleating going out of style?"
This Is strongly answered In the
negative. Paris sets the fashion
and style and whatever is a pro
nounced craie in Paris becomes a style
that is lasting throughout other parts of
the world.
To show the confidence that Parisian
manufacturers have In this most beautiful
effect In women's dress one Parisian pleater
recently purchased 35.0oO worth of Amer
ican pleating machinery and it Is not an
idle fact to state that there is no danger
of this machinery going to rust for want
of use. It will be useless for wear before
the style goes out.
There are, besides this large manufac
turer, flfty-slx other pleating concerns In
Paris alone, besides many others scattered
throughout France.
One of the prettiest, as well as most use
ful, creations originated in Paris and now
rapidly becoming the style throughout this
country is the pleated skirt with ruffles
of the same pleated material, while the
Jacket Is trimmed with plain or Ivory
rlmmed buttons, made from the scraps of
the same or different material.
tonemounted over a white silk dress, pre
ferably, from an economical standpoint, one
which has done duty. The collar In one
of the new dlrectolre shapes which frames
the nead In becoming fashion Is made of
the chiffon Inset with medallions of yellow
lace traced with gold sequins and gold
thread. The dyeing of paBse white satin
for wear under chiffon also can be made
successful, gray and violet being shades
that take-well in this fabric.
. The new black evening dress is having an
Immense vogue, and one of the prettiest of
the thin, black fabrics is chiffon striped
with velvet. The printed chiffons In blurred,
soft clorings mussed together, are particu
larly happy when printed on a black
ground. Flowery designs In colors sprinkled
over black net make quite as lovely and
perhaps more substantial evening gowns
than the chiffon.
What Cleaning- and Dyeing Will Do.
HE thrifty wife of the man of
moderate means, and not Infre
quently the man himself. In com
pany with scores of other people
who do not have to take dollars
and cents into account so carefully, have
found a boon In dyes and the various
processes of cleaning and pressing gar
ments that would otherwise have to be
discarded. So completely has this art for
it Is an art been mastered that the most
delicate fabrics can be renovated, pressed
or dyed to a perfection that restores them
to their original freshness. The daintiest
of laces, ostrich plumes, and even the filmy
stuffs of which the modern ball and dinner
gown Is made, are dry cleaned nowadays
without taking harm or even being ripped
up, while the business suit that must do
service In all sorts of offices and stores
Is dry or steam cleaned and pressed as
regularly as the linen la laundered, and so
kept thoroughly presentable until It be
comes actually threadbare.
So general has become this renovation of
clothing that well dressed people have come
to depend upon the local establishments
almost as much as upon tl.e laundries.
But in these days of passing fashions,
when clothing goes out of style long before
It Is worn out, the art of the dyers makes
the expensive suit, especially for women,
nut so expensive after all, for, after a
season's wear, many a handsome gown is
colored and made over or even colored and
the style left unchanged and worn again
In connection with our large
Tailoring and Dressmaking
Establishment we have a com
plete line of the celebrated
to give the wearer health, grace
and perfect form
Every Corset Perfectly Fitted
Sole Agents
Economies la I of ( blSToa.
POPULAR fancy of the moment
la to cover an old silk dress with
two shades of chiffon. A gray
glace silk shading to rose pink
that was covered flrst with rose
pink chiffon and then with a thtq quality
of pale gray was the triumph of a little
home dressmaker. The hem of the pink
chiffon is bound with silver galloon and the
waist Is finished with a girdle of pale rose
Another evening dress which Is off con
ventional lines is a gry chiffon In a deep
Superfluous Hair
UcmoTed by the Maw Principle
a nralaUoo to Biottarn srioso. It U the afy
untinc od pra.c.r! jr to fc,r
Ijod t tutt tinris t-r ""nunf with elertrolyna.
l-ry au) depilntnrie. Ii.umi lx 0tlre4 vuii
on ih. SAHK WoKD oprurt ui iddu.
facturcn if M rxl m nut. It U tb onlr
niu...l wMrta UluduiMd by phrtlriku, urgaoui,
(kruiatologuM in .heal Jouruaia and prouiuiaQt
auiiauwi. SootUt fr, in plaia aaalad an
velui. 1 Mirarla mailed, aealed in plaiB wrap
per, lor I.y Da M.racla rhamtcal t., lull
lark A.. . b.m York ..ur raonar back without
aueatinn (no tad taua if it fajlt to do all tual la
claimed r..r it. rr aala Of ail Am ciaa drua
giau, dasartmaat aturaa sad
Boston Store.
Had that Winter Suit or Overcoat fixed up yet! Better
do it right now, before that zero weather gets here that is
promised for Thanksgiving.
We have a special department for altering and repair
ing both men's and women's clothing. We reline Jackets,
Coats, Overcoats, etc., put on velvet collars, new buttons,
new braid or binding, etc., etc.
We have the largest and best equipped cleaning and
dyeing plant west of Chicago and employ only high-class
workmen in the various departments.
Out of town business receives careful and prompt atten
tion. Write for our price list.
The Pantorium
Expert Cleaners and Dyers. 407 So. 15th St. Tel. 063.
X. 13. We clean Carpets and Rugs by a new method.