VoTtmter 12, 1905. TIIE OMAHA ILLUSTRATED BEE. 3 u-ir Talk About Plays, Players and Playhouses AMTSKMF.JtTS. AMI -SEMEJIT9. i W A . . . . . OinnfiA wh surriy ivurei nnnnur I the week In the way of attrac I I . . . V- - TT- .. formances by Wilton Lnckays and three by Richard Mansfield ! a bill that oua-ht to satisfy the demand for the higher class of entertainment, while the Burwood and the Krug presented bills eipially worthy the attention of thoae who elc the lighter forms of amusement at the theater. The Orpheum had Its regular bill or merit, and shared with the other thea ters in the patronage that made the week prr.bably the most prosperous In the his tory of the local stage. The patronage of the Lackaye and Mansfield engagements proves again that Omaha has plenty of money for the genuine attractions. The .irtlstic merit of these Is fully understood, and that they are fully appreciated Is equally apparent Thus far the promlsos of the managers that Omaha would have a brilliant season have been redeemed, and the prospect Tor the remaining months are for things equally good. Just to what extent the American stage Is Indebted to Richard Mansfield will likely nrver be known, for it la Impossible to compute the exact or even - approximate extent of the influence of the humblest In dividual who earnestly tries, let alone that of the man who has by sheer effort forced himself to the very front of the procession. Mr. Mansfield's success baa been due as much to hard work as to anything else, lie has happily linked capacity to deter mination, and of the two has made suc cess. His achievements are known. These easily constitute a record of triumphs that any man, however great, might be proud of, but it Is to his Indirect triumphs that one must turn to form an adequate Idea of Mr. Mansfield's real service to his call ing and to literature. His own aims are the highest possible; his endeavor has always been towards a pure Ideal, and his activities have been enlisted In the cause of the best Ills established policy Is to bring each year to the stage some new production of the literature of the world, a play that deserves the attention and serious consideration of a master, and the illuminating results lie achieves are the faotors of his greatness. Ills service lies In the fact that be resolutely takes his art to those who cannot come to him. Thus In an ever-widening circle does the per sonality of Richard Mansfield reach out In Its effort In behalf of the really good In literature and art His tangible triumphs are small Indeed when ranged alongside his Influence In the cause of culture and refinement and the debt literature and art owe to him will never btt computed, much, less paid. " Merer occur to the auditor, nnr more than it does to him who sympathises with the victim of the three-card moots game, that Jadwln Is bent on ruining Crookes and all the others who are on the "short" side In the big wheat deal. If It is wrong for anyone to gamble In wheat It was wrong for Curtis Jadwln, and the bull Is just as much to blame as the bear. But Mr. Lackaye so manages the role that tem porarily, at least this stubborn point Is lost sight of, and one only sees a strong, active man, bending his every energy and faculty to the accomplishment of a great design. Even when this design tails in ruin, and the hero Is left baffled amid the wreck of his scheme, the moral lesson of "The Pit" Is obscured by the glamour Mr. Lackaye has cast over the personality of Jadwln. Here Is another of the apparent paradoxes of the stage. If "The Pit" baa any value whatever as a play, It Is Its ethical Importance, and the actor by his force In Illuminating the character has drawn attention entirely away from this, and leaves the audience In sympathy with a wrongdoer who has been overtaken by a retribution that ought to be hailed as just Borne what similar Is the situation at the close of "Raffles," when a clever thief eludes the officers of the law, and the audi ence rejoices that a rascal Is once more loose to continue his depredations. It doesn't very often happen that an actor dots his work so well that he suffers In the eHtimatlon of the public. This, of course, excludes the fair-faced, good-natured gen tlomen who daub - themselves with blue paint to imitate an unshaven beard apd cover their upper lips with fierce mustaches and hiss and grunt and gurgle through the thrillers. The better these gentlemen do their work the more certain they are to be condemned by "the critics who sit in the gallery in the old town bail." But for an artist who Is really endeavoring and 'appar ently accomplishing most satisfactory re sults, to be so much misunderstood as was Jane Oaker In her presentation of Laura Dearborn In "The Pit," Is almost a mis fortune. Handicapped at the outset by the fact that the character la indistinctly out lined by the author, the actress finds her self compelled to start de novo in preparing the part for W stage. As a psychological atudy the role presents unusual difficulties for the reason that It Is so shallow It offers nothing, for a foundation. Superficially, I-aura Dearborn Is a discontented girl, who has been spoiled "by the adulation of a number of well-meaning friends. She Is af fected,' Insincere and wholly unworthy of attention, but the author, by one of those strange whims, has chosen to have her sought out by his hero and others. This pursuit adds to her preconceived notion of her Individual deserts, and she tries to live up to her lights. Her Indecision is the evi dence of her undeveloped mind; her vacil lating course Is plainly the result of her Inability to conceive or understand a deep motive for anything. Her professed love for Curtis Jadwln Is In no sense the deep and controlling passion looked for In ma tured woman. It Is not sufficient to hold her close to his side; her determination not to elope with Corthell arises more from love of herself than for Jadwln, and that strange liberty that authors sometimes take with characters, forcing them to conduct that Is not at all in line win past behavior. Luura Dearborn 1b simply a type of the silly. Immature woman whose vanity leads her into many extravagances, and whose lack Of common sense prevents her from coming to an absolute decision in regard to anything. The world has many of them, and many men of the same stripe. "The Pit" Is one of a aeries of-works In which the author, Mr. Frank Morris, under took an exposition of modern business methods, to show how the necessities of life are used to gamble with by men who are ranked high In the business world. The price of food stuffs rests primarily on the basis of supply and demand, but it is possible, through the combination of cir cumstances that can be controlled by man, such as transportation, delivery and the like, to give an artificial value to the transaction, and to create a price above what would be fixed were the natural conditions undisturbed. Curtis Jadwln is one of the men engaged In this traffic. He Is not a worker in the best sense of the term, for there (s nothing constructive In his efforts. He is rather bent on destruc tion, for, if he succeeds in his efforts to corner wheat, not only will the brokers on the Board of Trade be in his power, but all the millions who eat bread will be compelled to contribute to the premium he exacts as the reward for his Napoleonlo success. This Is the evil; Creosler hints at It just before he retires to commit suicide. It is not that men gamble In wheat futures, but It affects directly everybody who eats bread, because It fixes the price of wheat on which the cost of bread depends. Mr. Norrla had In mind a protest against these business methods; Mr. Lackaye has only in part voloed that protest, and has really blunted Its point by making an herolo figure of the chief offender against the moral and ethical rules Involved in the situation. Reduced to the final analysis, neither Curtis Jadwln nor Laura Dearborn Is an admirable figure. One Is sometimes moved to wonder. In "an artless Japanese way," why all writers who aspire to greatness devote their efforts to a discussion of the relations between man and woman, and why writers who have un dertaken to enlighten their fellow men along other lines are given such short hear ing. Surely, the sum and ending of the in terest of the human race Is not In the sole Incident of what disposition a woman shall make of her affections or of her person. That question we have with us, world with out end, and It has always been answered by the Individual In such way as suited the Individual temperament. From Helen of Troy's time to now, each woman who has 1 A the chance has done as she Jolly well liked, and while mere man has raised more or less of a row at different times. It hasn't altered the result in the IcaBt. And, after all la said and done, the women are not nowadays any more prone than they ever were to go wandering off into the misty un known suggested by the authors who so cleverly and vehemently argue for theories that are opposed to coinmonsense. Woman In America has a larger measure of In dividual freedom of choice in her companion for life than elsewhere among civilized na tions, and she has shown that society is in nowise menaced, nor is the sanctity of mar riage endangered by the condition. If a little more commonsense and a little less unhealthy speculation were applied to the problem, the debate would soon be on a dif ferent plane, and Mrs. Alvlng, Candida and the others of the kind would be sent to the specimen cabinet, where they belong. They are not types In America, for which Amer ican institutions may be thanked. the remirln mesnage that all children believe In fairies. Then the little darlings trt for their homes, but they and all of Peter's band are seised by the pirates and carried off to the black-flag sloop. But Peter comes to the rescue; the band throws the pirate Into the sea, while Peter, after a single handed contest with Hook, throws him to the crocodile. The children reach home safely and Wendy begs Peter to remain, and he begs her to come back to the Never, Never, Never Land, where there are rio mothers to tell stories and no one to tuck the little fellows in bed at night. But Peter does not want to grow up, so be flies awsy to his home In the tree tops, where Wendy visits him every year, just to do his house cleaning. Coming Events. "The Heir to the Hoorah,' announced s an American comedy, by Paul Arm strong, will have Its first production here at the Boyd theater this evening. It will remain four nights and a matinee Wednes day. The title, which has a bit of mystery for the uninitiated. Is explained In the fact that the "Hoorah" Is an immensely rich gold mine and the "Heir" a male Infant. Around the Infant a husband, a wife, a mother-in-law, a Japanese valet some miners, a cowpuncher, a widow and a maiden aunt Mr. Armstrong Is said to have woven a very merry story. Joseph Lacy, a rough diamond of a man and part owner of the Hoorah mine, has just married an eastern society girl, Oeraldlne Kent The marriage la one of convenience and has been arranged by a scheming moyier-in-law, who has exacted a wedding settlement of $100,000. This kindly disposed dame, by her continual criticisms of the miner's crudities of speech and manner, and by her attempted intrigue between her daugh ter and a former eastern sweetheart has succeeded In separating the man and the girl. So Joe leaves the new palace In the little mining town in charge of his wife and his mother-in-law and starts off to Europe. He returns to hear some stories of his wife and the old sweetheart which, to his credit, he does not believe. But while the man and the wife are still at odds a baby Is born, which Is toasted by the miners as the heir to the Hoorah. Of course the baby brings about a reconciliation on Its christening day, when the friends of his father present It with a cradle, one piece carved from the trunk of a redwood tree by the hands that need not have tolled. The scene of the christening brings a couple of other little romances to a happy Issue also. Ouy Bates Post remembered best as Steve In "The Virginian," creates the leading role, Joe Lacy. The cast In cludes Jane Peyton, Ernest Lamson, Louise Rutter, Colin Campbell, Ben S. Hlgglns, Nora O'Brien, Wright Kramer, Wilfred Lucas, Florence Coventry, Brtnsley Shaw and Casslus Qulmby and others well known for past effective stage work. tk At the Burwood, beginning with a mati nee this afternoon, the bill for the week will be "When We Were Twenty-One," the charming comedy by Henry V. Esmond, In which Mr. Goodwin and Miss Elliott won their greatest triumph. Director Long has prepared a fine production of this delightful play, and has given his company extra rehearsals In It, as it is his desire to present it in faultless manner. His arrangements so far have been very successful. Miss Lang will have the strong role of Phyllis Erlckson, one that will give her ample opportunity for her capacity. Mr. Morrison will be Richard Carewe, and Mr. Simson will be Richard Miles Terence Audalne, known to his friends as the Imp. Mr. Fulton will play Waddles, Mr. Davies will be the doctor man and Mr. Robertson, who has just Joined the company, will make his first appearance In the role if the soldier man. Mary Hill will be the Firefly, Miss Gerald will be Mrs. Erlckson and Mr. Owen will be Jacob lllrsch. Sperlal scenery and settings have been provided for the play. "When We Were Twenty One" will be presented each evening this week and at matinees on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Francis Wilson will be at the Boyd Friday and Saturday evening and a matinee on Saturday, There will be a novelty In the fact that the comedian will then be seen for the first time In Omaha In plays without a musical background. The play selected for him Is a new Clyde Fitch comedy called "Cousin Billy," In which the central char acter Is that of William Jenks, a former alderman of Allentown, Pa., who Is on a tour of continental Europe. The complica tions which are unraveled in the course of the play are caused by his infatuation for a charming widow who has a marriageable daugbtor on her hands. The scenes of the play are laid In Paris and the Swiss Alps. In addition to "Cousin Billy" Mr. Wilson will also be seen In "The Little Father of the Wilderness," a one-act comedy by Aus tin Strong and Lloyd Osborne. The action of this play takes place during the reign of Louis XV of France and Its scenes are laid In an ante-room of tho palace of Ver sailles. Mr. Wilson's company comprises many well known people, among them being May Robson, Edith Barker, William Lewers, Rosa Cooke, Elsa Garrett, Charles J. Greene, George S. Spencer, Sydney Rice and Eva Bingham. " 'Way Down East" opens a four-day en gagement at the Krug theater this after noon. It will be presented upon a more elaborate scale than last season. The play Itself Is too well known to need any lengthy description. There Is deft combining of humor and pathos, with incisive dramatic Incident and a tremendous amount of human interest The passions and emotions which sway these simple people of the New Hampshire farm are the same that have governed all people of all ages since the world began. Ituman nature Is pretty much alike regardless of environment The play has been seen In this city before, but the attendance that It plays to each season seems to Increase Instead of diminish. There will be the usual matinee on Wednesday. "The Smart Bet" described as the maxi mum of song and action crowded Into two hours and forty minutes of entertainment space, and with just sufficient funny dia logue to season the musical comedy broth, will be seen at the Krug theater for three nights and Saturday matinee, starting Thursday night, November 16. The com pany Is large and contains such well known performers as S. II. Dudley, known as the prince of colored comedians; Jerry Mills, Ella Anderson, Marrion Smart and others too numerous to mention. Friday night there will be a dancing contest between the members of the company and a large num ber of our local dancers. Prizes In gold will be awarded to the winners, and as tho contest is open to all comers there will be some pretty strong competition, as Omaha can boast of some very good dancers. Those wishing to compete will please leave their names at the box office. It will be a lively entertainment that starts the week with a matinee today at the Orpheum. Arthur Prince, who is said to be the wonder of his guild and who was last. -J ft. Music and Musical Notes Miss Oaker seems to have fully realised all of these parts of the character, and with an infinitude of pains has given them 'life and action. She dawdles in an affected way, speaks with an unpleasant drawl to her tone, and generally demeans herself so as to earn the honest disapprobation of nine-tenths of her audience. Many of these, thoughtless perhaps, have conceived Laura Dearborn as a htgh-eouled, healthy-minded girl, fit to be a companion for a man among men, and for this reason are dis appointed at the picture offered. It Is not in any way attractive, and yet as an art study and character it Is quite as effective as Mr. Lackaye's conception of Curtis Judwln. Miss Oaker may suffer to some extent because she has made the character so near to what it ought to be according to the Indefinite notion afforded by the author, but she gains Immensely in her Hrtlstic stature by doing so. Mr. Lackaye bad all the advantage of Miss Oaker In this regard, for the sym pathy of the public goes out to Curtis Jadwln, and people who, normally, would condemn gambling, follow his operations with the intensest Interest, simply because lie has the human touch. He la a big man with a quiet way and a determined manner, and that Is what is most admired by the American public, for these are the at tributes of the fighter. The ethical propo sition is lost sight of in the turmoil that accompanies the action of the play. It At other times The Bee has contended that a play could be both Interesting and decent. As a further proof, contrast the ex amples of Maude Adams and Mary Shaw. While Miss Shaw Is exploiting, or was, the profession that has been aptly denominated "the oldest In the world," Miss Adams Is winning new fame in 'Teter Pan." And what Is "Peter Pan"? Just a fairly tale used to illustrate a point Here is the story of the Barrie play: Peter Pan is a boy who does not want to grow up. During the twilight when Mrs. Darling was telling stories to her children, he would sit outside the window ledge and listen. In this way he lost his shadow. He comes back to the house, and, finding the children sleeping and alone, lie Jumps in and searches for the lost shadow. Little Wendy, the oldest of the trio, awakes, and lie tells her about the fairies, and how long ago a baby's smile broke into a thousand pieces and each piece became a fairy. She is fascinated and he tells her about the Never. Never, Never Iund. where tie lives with his band, lie shows her how easy kit Is to fly. The other children awake una they soon learn how to fly, and Peter persuades them to follow him to his own land. They agree, and soaring above the nursery tloor, they fly out of the window. The next scene is in the Never, Never, Never laind. and Peter's band is building a house for Wendy. And here Is where we first meet the bold pirate Hook, who Is an arch enemy of Pan. Always on the track of the pirate la a crocodile, which, having tasted of one arm. wants the other. 1'an and his children go to live in his house below the woods, where Wendy be comes the imaginary little mother. Above, the redskins, who are Peter's friends, are camping and with them la the dark-skinned Tiger Lily, who loves Peter Pan. Through this scene and all of them floats the charac ter of Tinker Bell, a fairy whom mortal eyes only sees as a dancing flash of light. The pirates attack the redskins and drive them away, and Hook puts poison in Pan's medicine glass, but Tinker Bell drinks it and is about to die, when she is saved by nil Hie a mother should b a source of joy to all, but the suffering icd danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother Friend it the only remedy which relieve women of the great pain and dauger of maternity ; thia hour which it dreaded at womto'i severest trial it not only made painless, but all the danger it avoided by its use. Those who use thit remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system it made ready for the joining evat, and th .-. umcuii v luininoii to ire critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. "It is worth it weight in gold." ays many who have used it. $1.00 per bottle at druar stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to all women, will be sent to any address free upon application to OUOnCLD RLQULATOR CO., Atlanta. O. HE first important concert of the season is past, and music lovers are left speculating as to the ex act position which Madame Eames may Justly claim In the song world. On Wednesday night she labored under the difficulty of hoarseness, which may account for her uncertain Intonation She couldn't seem to place her voice with that minute understanding which we have come to expect from singers with her great reputation. The way she switched her program around was disconcerting. We especially wanted to hear the Mozart aria' and the duet from "Hamlet," but we had to be satisfied with less ambitious numbers. Madame Eames is the most radiantly beau tiful creature that one could wish to see. In her gown of silver brocade, relieved with splashes of soft pink, she was cer tainly a vision of loveliness. Her shoulders are superb and the poise of her head Is such as few queens can lay claim to. She is a combination of voice and beauty, with beauty as the prime factor. This statement is not in disparagement of her voice In the least, for It Is one of the great ones, and if she had a warm, sympathetic person ality, the magic conditions would be com plete. She is cold, she lacks In tempera mental power. Once In a blue moon Is one Individual endowed with all the gifts, health, voice, beauty. Intelligence and tem perament; the five essentials to the per fection of genius In a singer. It transpires that Eames- was wretched with a cold on Wednesday night; also, she was not at all pleased with the size of her audience. She remarked rather caus tically: "I've sung In barns before, but they were full." If these autocratic prima donnas could only get It Into their heads that when they, sing In a fifty-year-old western city they are really In a way doing missionary work, and owe us the very best that is In them, how much pleaaanter it would be. The enthusiastic, appreciative audience which greeted Eames was more of a compliment to her greatness than many a larger house in a more metropolitan city. Neither must we be judged on the "Mother Goose" order. Melba sang us "Bessie and Buddy and Dorothy May" as an encore. It hurts yet. Eames respected our Intelligence. Oh, why didn't she sing those two beautiful numbers which the people whom she loves to sing to can hear so many times, while we may not have another opportunity! Anyway, the concert was a red letter occasion and one long to be treasured In memory. - Which artist could we forget? Certainly not Eames; a thousand times not De Gorgosa, and. Indeed, not Hollman, with deep-voiced cello, his art and his genial personality. Mr. Chase reports ne success with his subscription list and sends the following program, which will be performed on No vember 23 at the Lyric by Mme. Shotwell Piper. Mme. Flske. Mr. Bispham and Mr. Kelly Cole. It is a pleasure to note that there will be a short miscellaneous pro gram before the "Shakespeare Song Cycle:" rHlHiKAM. 1. Quartet Crabbed Age and Youth, from The Passionate Pilgrim 2. Soprano Solo Then Hate Mo When Thou Wilt Sonnet XC 3. Trio Bnritone. tenor and soprano. Blow, Thou Winter Wind, from As You Like It, act 2, scene 7 4. Baritone Solo Some Glory In Their Birth Sonnet XCI 6. Quartet (cannon) It Was a Lover and His Lass, from As You Like It act 6, scene 3 6. Contralto Solo Since Brass Nor Stone Sonnet LXV 7. Baritone and Soprano On a Day Alack the Day, from Love's Labor Lost, act 4, scene 3 8. Tenor Solo Shall I Compare Three? : Sonnet XVIII 8. Quartet Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred, from The Merchant of Venice, act 3, scene 2 10. Boprano Solo When to the Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought Sonnet III 11. Quartet Under the Greenwood Tree, from As You Like It, act 2. scene 6.. 12. Baritone Solo When in Disgrace Sonnet XXIX 13. Quartet Crabbed Age and Youth.... ElOheP'S friend The musical department of the Woman's Club has 'been very slow In starting this season. Mrs. Kats thought that she would be unable to continue her position as leader on account of ill health in the family, but has finally been persuaded to go on -with ber interesting and successful administration. Tiie list of concerts for the year is In this wise: November Piano and song recital. December Miscellaneous. January Folk songs of, different nations. February Artist recital. March Chamber music. April Modern Russian school. May Spring program. The department has also cut down the number of its concerts. Two a month proved disastrous to good standards. It is hoped that the seven now arranged for will set a new mark in the history of the club. On Friday morning the following at tractive recital was given by three wel' and favorably known Omaha professionals. Mr. Landsberg, Miss Jansen and Mr. Ellis. Sonata, (two pianos), D major Mozart Allegro Maestoso. Andante, Cuntabile. Mr. Sigmund Landsbcrg, Miss lulu Aten My Desire Nem Roseuwelge Kliulersiimmen Von Ftelit; Atn Strande (From Elilang Song Cycle. Miss Louise Jansen. Four Indian Love Lyrics, 1. The Temple Bells. 2. Less Than the Dust. S. Kashmiri Song. 4 Till I Wake. Mr. Fred U. Kills. Mrs. Howard Kennedy and Mr. Landuberg, Accompanists. The Tuesday Morning Musical club held Its first concert of the winter at Mrs. E. A. Cudahy's on Tuesday morning. The pro gram, arranged by Miss Paulson, was re ceived with much enthusiasm. The house was crowded, only ten members being ab sent. The club now numbers 100. Mr. Kelly has been working quietly on his Aptllo club plan, and Incidentally try ing to And a suitable place to rehearse. Througb the courtesy of Father Dowling he has been able to secure the assembly room In the new Creighton Law school. a great London favorite, conies here for the lirst time to amuse and Interest with a ventriloqulal turn. Prince's remarkable col loquy is carried on with but a single mani kin and he presents some remarkable Imi tations. More initial bidders will be Mosher. Houghton and Mosher, who do daring, difficult and graceful "stunts" on cycles. Charles Case, the quaint mono legist, has not been around this way In about seven years and It Is more than likely he will have funny stories. The Bellclalr brothers. In their first visit, will do posturing and perform feats of strength td show that muscular development that has led to styling them the modem Hercu les. "A French Frappe." described aa a sparkjlng novelty, Is a title that Implies In Itself that Taulo and Marlow, who present It, entertain In the dashing manner of the Parisians. " Cole Francis Bower will be the vocal feature, while Harry Klein and Paul Clifton, eccentrlo singers and dancers, wilt make - things move with a hum, and the klnodrome showing the fancy spectacle, "The Palace of the Arabian Nights," com pletes the program. $ "When Johnny Comes Marching Home will be presented by the W. T. Carlton Opera company at the Boyd for four nights and a matinee, beginning Sunday, Novem ber 19. Among the songs that have estab lished themselves as prime favorites are: "My Own United States," "Good Day, Yan kees," ";Years Touch Not the Heart," "My Honeysuckle Girl," a coon song. Another song that Is considered by many aa the gem of the opera is "Katie, My Bouthern Rose," sung by Johnny, first with the male chorus and later by the combined chorus of boys and girls. The scenlo environment Is pic turesque and satisfying and the costumes are undeniably a novelty, and an altogether pleasing one to the present generation, whatever they may have been to the past. Out of the Ordinary Again the ripe wisdom of the man who reads in bed Is Justified. An authority on nervous diseases has declared that many of our modern Ills are directly traceable to the practice of sitting on chairs, "Uncle Johnny Giitntn," wno was Dorn In England. February 13, 1824, is one of the regular crew of workmen In the coal mines at Bevier, Mo. He has always been a miner. Griffith's office account shows that he Is steady and an average worker. He says he never drank. During ten weeks of the past summer, gasoline killed nine people, seriously burned forty-three, fired seventy-two houses and did other mischiefs, the fires for a year numbering 400. This ' playful fluid gets Itself sold to the wrong people sometimes. "What's the matter with Kansas?" Of the 105 counties In Kansas, says the Kan sas City Journal, forty-four are without a pauper, twenty-five have no poorhousee, thirty-seven have not a single person In Jail, and thirty-seven have not a criminal case on the docket. There's evidently less than ever "the matter with Kansas." The middle west still has marvels In the way of towns that spring up almost over night In Illinois, for example, is a village of 600 people and nine saloons, where seven weeks ago there were hardly two farm houses. A newly opened coal mine shares the responsibility with the saloons for bringing so many Inhabitants together. A woman came recently from Germany to meet her husband in this country, to find on landing that he had not only written her an unreeeived letter, stating his Intention to return to the fatherland, but had taken passage and refused to change his Intention. The woman has de cided to. stay In America, and. all things considered, the swap seems to be rather a good one for Uncle Samuel. Judge Swarts of Norrlstown, Pa., In a recent case laid down the law relating to mothers-in-law as follows: "It should be distinctly understood that the husband is master of his own house. The wife haa no right to invite or admit her mother or anyone else to the house against her husband's will. The wife can, however, go to see her mother whenever she wishes, so long as she does not go so often as to neglect her duties to her husband and her home." Labor and Industry The ordinary Cuban bricklayer does well If he can put up 500 bricks a day. The American on rough work can lay 1,&X. There are about 14,000 carpenters In Cuba. Good men are paid from $1.50 to $2 a day In the cities; In the smaller places they work for much less. Nine more companies, employing over S,(KI0 men, are dismissing their working force and leaving Chicago forever, for the country, on account of the ceaseless labor troubles. There haa been a marked Improvement In the conditions In the sweat shops through out Chicago as well as a material reduction In their number In the past year, according to Chief Factory Inspector Edgar T. Davies. Los Angeles Typographical union has nlnceri Itself on record as being unalter ably opposed to the sale or use of intoxi cating drinks at Labor day celebrations. It is extiented that other labor bodies will fol low the printers In declaring Labor day a dry day. The annual report of the New York State Commission on Prisons for 1904 shows that all Inmates able to work were employed; that the sales of manufactured articles for the year amounted to STOS.ff.'S. and that not one dollar's worth of prison-made goods was sold in the open market. vtrickiMvers In New York make more money than manv lawyers and" doctors, but if the demands of the Plasterers' union are acceded to, these artisans win nave in comes that rival those of some of the les- l .-U , - ,h. Inaiimnr, elft The tllaa- terers now receive $5.70 tr an eight-hour day. The union is demanding SS a day, witn r,ii.iA nuv for extra time, and the men estimate bv working twelve hours a day thev will be able to earn $12. Twelve dol- i-.. ,iv wooM he tl'l a week and $3,i44 year. The sverage Income of a physician is not over $2,600. Madame Shotwell-Piper, soprano; Madame There w111 b no alrs to climb and the air. tveiley Cole, place is ideal for Mr. Kelly s purpose. Ac- i Katharine Flsk. contra It a Cave'-Col; p,lan'utB"Phara' PART I t Run ; Schubert Der ""lrer Schubert Mr. David Blspham. Ami Mol Bemher O. That We. Too. Were Maying.... .wft Mme. Katharine Flsk. ,om Hans Hermann lary Vi i;-, : vi", Old Scotch Mr. Kelley Cole. Ein Trautn Orl Les Filh de Cadlx .....Dellbea " Mme. Sluteil-Plper. Who Knows? Max Helnrich O. or a Burst of Song ...Frances Allltsen Mr. itavid BUpham. PART II. Mrs tii ate Wassell s Shakespeare s Cycle. tlve work will begin in about two weeks. The Muslca Art society, under Mr. Simms. has a membership of seventy. The first concert curs December 4. Mr. Gahm, the soloist, will play a group of numbers by American composers, which should be of especlai Interest. MARY LEARNED. $ lea aad Personals. Mr. Delmore Cheney has "In Meinorlam." by Lhut Lehmaun, in course of preparation. The first roncert of the Omaha Philhar monic orchestra will tke place Jitnuaxy S at HoyUs theater. Mr. JosctU GaUui, soloist AMI SEMEHTS, CRKIOHTOM 'Phone 491. WEEK COMMENCING Sunday Matinee, Nov. 12 Today; 2:15 Tonight 8:15 Modern Vaudeville ARTHUR PRINCE The World's Greatest Ventriloquist Mosher, Houghton & Mosher OyellBts Par Excellence CHARLEY CASE The Funniest of All Monologista BELLGLAIR BROS. Tue Modern. Herculea and Expon ent of Physical Culture. PAULO & MARLOW In Their Sparkling Novelty, "A FRENCH FUAPPE." COIE FRANCIS BOWER The Girl With The Double Voice KLEIN & CLIFTON Eccentric Singers and Dancers. KIIIODROME The Perfex-t Picture Machine PRICES-IOc, tSo, 60o P THEATER A El ki ICc, 25c, OOc, 7Go n (lights and Two Matinees TftllAV Starting with a Matinee lUUHI P3m. Sh. Brady's Complete Production rxi Written by Lottie Blair Parker Same Splendid Cast Perfect Scenic Equipment. Nights and Saturday Matinee P1nif ID Starting Thursday Might UUV. 10 The Greatest Musical Show t" Season Nothing Like It Seen In Years Yin) lTlTD With a Powerful Cast of Singers, Dancers nd comedians Featuring S. H. Dudley Supports by John SdslCy 50 STAR ENTERTAINERS 50 CAST INCLUDES: Marion Smart, Ella Anderson, Alberta Ormes, Jerry Mills, S. T. Whitney, Allie Clllen. COMING McFADDEN'S FLATS I HOY9 Woodward & Burgess Managers. TONIGHT, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY- MAT. WEDNESDAY. First Time Snbmltted for Omaha's Approval, Paul Armstrong's Delightful American Comedy, For Four Months tho Sensation of Now York THE HEIR TO THE HOORAH Juat From Tho Illinois Thoatro Chicago Matinee Wednesday with GUY BATES POST Management the Klrke LnSIielle company, and an especially well balanced company which includes: Ernest Lamson Wlnfred Lncsi Wrlffht Kramer Brinslej' Shaw Jane Pc-rton Kora O'Brien I.onlae RlMer Kleanor Morewln Colin Campbell Cnsslna 4nlnby Florence Coventry Hen. 8. Hlaalna Horace. Jamea T. Tamomoto tieorge Bur F1UDAY AND SATURDAY SATURDAY MATINEE. CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS FRANCIS WILSON And the original Cast and Production from the. Criterion Theatre, New York, IN TWO GREAT SUCCESSES: Clyde FiU-h'a 3 Act Comedy COUSIN BILLT To be followed by a One Act Dramatic Story "THE LITTLE FATHER OF THE WILDERNESS" Ry Austin Strong and Lloyd Oh borne. 4 NIGHTS. ONE MATIN KE, COMMENCING Sl'NDAY NIGHT, NOV. 10. THE W. T. CARLTON OPERA COMPANY In a Beautiful Pictorial and Musical Production of Strange & Edwards' WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME A Rig Cast of Brilliant Singing ArtibU. A Genuine Musical Treat. BUR WOOD Woodward & Burgaso , Managers. NINTH BIO WEEK Woodward Stock Co. In Mr. N. C. Goodwin and Mazlne Elliott's New York Success, "When Wo Were Twenty-one" Nights and Sunday Mats. 10c-25c. Tues., Tburs., Sat. Mats. 10c-20c. Professional Matinee Tuesdays with Itouble Orchestra. Regular Thursday Matinee with Double Orchestra. Nest Week "SHENANDOAH." We manufacture our own trunks, traveling bass and sun caass. We make thsm of ins let I material. Our workman ship la unsxoolled. We sell I htm or Iras than inferior radfc would cost you sfsetfher. If you buy of us ru will set the best you will save .noney ou will be Wetter satisfied. Leather Bound Mat tins; Suit Cases. M M. S3.71 and i (a). Wa do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 120Farnam Straat. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER SUND4T--J &)6 CALUMET Fall Term tor Children Mr. and Mrs. Morand's New Academy, Crelghton School of Law, 18th St., near Farnam. Begins Saturday, Nov. II. Bfg-liuieis, 10 a, in. dvanoe, I p. m.