St S. . 1 ., t . Tlir: OMAHA DAILY Kl: SUNDAY, XOVF.MRRR 12. l!a HIOToT FOB TH & , v : -, . ZT CJ2U ' r i . HE "Juetlon what to choose for th serviceable iUl'Nl'TiCJ' V I hvy outer coata for the email boy or girl thia yMVv!NLfQ:'"-i -iu ' ya' I fashionably decided by getting diagonal -fY' J .7Ca ' cvL-e-si . ' .. " ' clotha for boy and checked Sscotch tweeds for fMfirJl iJT, JVjL Tlk"",- - VvS 1rl"- ThM cheeks are aa nearly aa possible Ilka r ''tTT"- -T" v v " ' 1 1 ' tn Inalda of the double faced golf clotha of two I. 2 Ylf". S ( '"On ' seasons ago. They are the noveltv of the vear for the JMI" Where The "Home Made" Tot Can Score Over Her Ready . .- ' r' , A J' 4i- mall girl', everyday coat and are cut almost invariably In a couple of deep plalta on either aide of the double breasted front. The backa are loose, with atitohed belt to button on at the waist line and the turn back cuffa and collara are finished with dark velvet facings to har monise. One of th prettiest la in black and white check with black Velvet facings and black velvet covered but tons, with th lining harmonizing well in gray tailors' aatln. These coata, which ara full length, ar heavy enough to do away with all flannel interlining, and In fact tae Scotch tweeds In which they are made ar so heavy they ar difficult to obtain Just now at th ordinary ahop counter, as th trend of women's fashiona In the last year or two haa been steadily away from heavy materiala. A lallor shop Is really th best place to buy th cloth for these little coats, which are Juat on of the little nov elties which ar found in the beat of the ready made trade, but which ar not yet provided for on the counters. When at first th weight and nice tailoring required en these coats are considered It seems almost needlessly ambitions to attempt them at home. ' Th truth is that It is juat another ease of the difference In .cost between making and buying, in which the balance of ex pens Is entirely In favor of making when It hi the height of t,he season and everything is selling for full price.. It '! a'so Just the other way at the late season of re duced price. . With the small person whose length takes on Inches between seasons there Is always the necessity for keeping up with the calendar, and the mother who makes one of these little coats can count on a savlnfc of one-third at least. From $30 to $25,' which is th store price of th nlc soft qualities, la after ail a good prtr to pay for a girl of 8 or for everyday war. Espaclally tru is thia when It is considered that the good ean a bought for from $3.75 to IS by th yard, and that two or two and a half yard ar ample for B, , and T year site. There is also every advantag In getting th thoroughly good material, which, with simplicity of design, Is the main thing which distinguish th belongings f th best dressed boys. Tor th dres!T and smarter coata th xpns of getting them up at horn 1 o comparatively small that it will glv many a llttl girl a dresa up change, which at th reedy mad price would be prohibitive. One of th prettiest outfit of th year Is a black crushed pluah with collar, cuffs, and belt of atitohed red velvt. The r4 is a Vivid scarlet and th lining ia white, and It make the moat stunning dress coat Imaginable, and still It 1 oh with serviceable qualities. The prlc of this for a girl of S. was $26, and It could nt only be xactly duplicated for much less but :hi earn Idea could be effectively carried out In black albelin. of which a pretty quality comes at $1,150 a yard. Broadcloth In strong shades, especially many new tonea of red. Is a charming choice for " Sunday " coata, In which It would be a delight to array a small girl. These com In beautiful strong shades, especially of red. A soft, warm raspberry shade and a soft yet bright coral are seen In two little broadcloth models, which ar mad with an overlapping front laid from th neck In Inch and a half box plaits, atltched down into a little yoke. Thar Is a llttl straight band collar mad of black fur or " fur cloth," and a llttl piece of th cloth runs down a far as th yoke effect extends, to conceal the fastenings. On pretty style Is In dull blu broadcloth with large circular collar (which can be bought, ready made) in black braid openwork, which haa a lacey Affect. Extremely fanciful whit broadcloth coata ar mad with gray and whit, fur linings turning over at throat and sleeves into llttl collars and cuffs, th fur of these being so soft and " young " looking that it plainly suggests " kitten " In stead of squirrel. Another suggestion for a dress up coat Is In whit albelin. which might also be adopted in a black one. An extremely wide Hercules plaid braid In black and white was used Just like cloth In making circular cuffs and collar. Over these and holding them In place were straps of black velvet tacked down at the ends with gilt buttons. Nver are the advantage's of th little " horn mad " girl, especially If ah is home made of the best quality, felt so keenly aa when Inspecting the simple lines of the new velveteen dresses. These ar the newest and most exclusive " dress " wear this year for these small per sons, and there la nothing else In which they look so patrician aa In one of these frocks In dark, rich colors. A good model was with a slightly kilted skirt and Mousing waist, which crossed over in surplice fashion. Upon this surplice waa laid a long turnback collar made of white broadcloth, edged with inset of Irish lace. A more serviceable idea Is to make the collar and the cuffs which match It of cream linen wlta th embroidery. 0 For the mother who is looking for service rather than luxury th little three-quarter Peter Thompson reefers are good again thia year, and many mothera who buy these ready made get them In sections where boys' goods ar kept, as the goods are more durable and they wear better. Where this Is done two sires larger should be taken for a girl than for her small' brother of the Made Sister. am age en account of mer bulky levea and wal trimmings. Answering th demand for room In th ooata n ac count of th fuller fashions this winter, there cornea a girls' reefer mad In Peter Thompson styles which exact ly duplicate her small brother's except that It ha spe cial " girls' sleeves." For th larger schoolgirl a coat is always beloved that completely envelopes th figure. Sh Is apt to adre something which will cover school defects at short notice and make her ready for Incursion Into other field as a member of soolety. Th bast of models for thia young person Is pictured In th full length coat In which th fullness Is stitched down in box plalta Interaeoted by lines of black silk braid. A bright navy Is a good ehole with dome shaped buttons of unpolished gilt. On mora word about coata la to relet to plM a mother who eleverly 'contrived a coat for her 10 year old Ift a dark green cloth. It was cut In a oom fort able aeml-ptttlng shape with loos sack back and waa finished at sleeves and th sloping neck by a plain facing. Two aeta of collara and cuffs were made, th collar a larg on that was pressed to turn well In and to bkst easily inside th dge of th cost. Th cuffs were finished separately and " blind atltched " on. Oreen stitched velvet waa tae . goods .used In on set and biscuit colored .broadcloth th1 other, both of them being mad on a backing of th gr cloth. - , ' t . Fashions For W'Vi- Picturesque Greenaway Hats T HE lingerie hat has no sooner, become a thing of the past than Its place has been taken by a new felt creation which Is built upon nearly the aame lines. This is the plateau hat, old In Idea but new and much Improved In treat ment As these hats have been evolved lately In the w.iltea, creams, and pale blues that are best suited to baby faces, they have a luxurlouanee of effect which would become small princesses. As a matter of fact, in spite of their elaborateness of outline, they are no mora Impossible of horn execution than the lingerie hat. They can either be made out of the felt or out of the plateau which com for the purpose and w..Ich ar mounted over a wire frame. These plateaus (,r? not all of them flat aa of yore, but have been evolved Into a kind of a Tarn o' Shanter shape which is weak and floppy In Ita natural state and utterly Impossible to do anything with until It is mounted over a lining and a wire frame. A plateau of this kind In the French felts Is priced at $7 or $, but when th faot la considered that the hats made up from them come as high aa $30 the ease with which they can be " set up " makea them worth trying. All of this luxury la not expended, either, upon th youngest of the family, as girls as old as from 12 to Id who are of the picturesque type wear them with fasct- ' Dating effect for " drt-ss up " occasions. A plateau of the $9 grade wss made up rhnHnlngly with the wire frame lined with chiffon over which waa stretched a thin piec of wlilt laoe. Around th edge of the frame and projecting beyond th felt wa a double ruche of gathered chiffon, and In under th brim at one side was a little " face trimming " of a sprig, of pink roses. The outside was simply finished In a atunning bow of cream ribbon. This. Ilk th most of the hats, waa set up on a bandeau put In as In th ordinary ehapeau. On enormous but lovely piec of headgear of thia kind might have been called a lingerie hat but for th felt which was on th outside. Th ruffles, which seemed to be doubled and trebled around th edge of th frame, stood out away beyond the felt part and war exceed Ingly full and effective, being of thin whit silk, plaited and edged with Valenciennes lac. Th plaited silk reached clear under th brim and th top cover waa from a larg circular piece of whit felt which waa fulled up Into a kind of Tarn crown with th dg coming out In such a way as to form brim over th silk ruffles. Rib bon bunohes which stuck out from under th erown were th only trimming other than th marvelously orna . mental ruffles. ' This hat could be made with far lea expense than the kinds In which the plateau hat to be bought, aa it waa cut from the piece felt. Two circular pieces are usu ally taken to make a hat, one of them being hollowed out t form the brim. HERE is an Increasing demand for the sailor eV -4 I suit in dressing the small boy. Where a boy I I used to wear a Russian blouse from the time n was iwo ana a nan up 10 eigni or len years, ha is now more often than not Jumped Into a aallor suit at five. These little men are mating fashion for themselves by objecting strenu ously to the further buying of blouse costumes after thy get to yeara of discretion, or to years In which they oo erv what Is worn by th next boy bigger. It la not only well to let them have their way about their own clothes as far as possible, but there ara on or two reasons why. the mother becomes th gainer by so doing when it Is in the preference for the sailor suit over the Russian blouse. The father of some particu larly well dressed and distinguished looking little boys has alwaya taken a hand In deciding what they shall wear. From the time they were sntall two year and a half urchins Just getting out of kilts they have worn aallor suits, and for the simple reason that they-were easier to put on. In these they soon got so they could dress themselves to th saving of the mother and to th acquiring of a sturdy Independence. The Russian blouse Is finished so generally with the Eton collar that the dreaslng of hi neck is Impossible for the small chap. and If there chances to be a sailor collar and dickey upon th blouse this is also arranged with a series of Impossible hook. In th aallor suits there is one especial design which haa th feature of eaally getting and staying in place. This is th waist that goes under the blouse and which Is simply a thin lining to which the shield is firmly ami flatly atltched, and to which buttons are sewed, to which are attached the trousers. When this Is on, th shield Is held In place under the blouxe. With a blown that either-goes on over the head, or a double breasted one that fastens In front, the boy soon learns to drf him self, and he Is comfortable beyond the dreams of the boy with the starched collar. Boys f.f-t- In making these aallor suite a buttonhol should a put under the collar for fastening to th top button of th waist In the back. .Large buttons and buttonholes should be used on thes waists, making only three or four necessary. .... ' The Russian effect is also noticeably giving way to -a box coat effect In th overcoats. Beya from flv to sixteen ar all wearing th same model coat, except that In th older style It I of, three-quarter . length. This length Is also to bo worn by the younger llttl fel lows who hav hitherto worn full length coat. Oray diagonal tweed are a favorite material this winter, and black velvet collar are used 'on nearly all of them. There la also a' return to th cord Brandenburg for fastenings. Peter Thompsons with chevrons la on of the styles In th three-quarter length which will be wora by th boy up to ten. T7) V: n .-4-'