THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE; SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1905. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE! Six well icntr-d molern houses, all In first-clans condition, rotjtul rpr cpnt on price, Mos. 219-21-23-25-27 Dodge St. pnd 101 H. 25th St. $31,000 Large modern dwelling, east front, facing high school, as phalt paved street, steam, heat, lot 60x132, Immediate pos session, No. 216 N. 22 St. $7,000 One of the finest, building sites in Omaha, 32d St., facing Hanscom park, slightly above grade, asphalt paved street, kept in repair without cost to property, 76 feet east frontage by a depth of 24 3 feet to 33d St. $6,000 Modern eight-room cottage, pouth front, 50-foot lot, barn, etc., No. 2640 Harney St. $4,000 . Large modern house, two bath rooms, lawn, shade trees, barn, two lots, giving a frontage of 100 feet on asphalt paved street by a depth of 150 feet; No. 1313 S. 29th Ave, $7,000 We write fire insurance, loan money on Improved real es tate, make a specialty of caring for property, collecting rents, paying taxes, superintending repairs, etc., and solicit your business. ALFRED C. Telephone 722. QUICK SALES OF REAL ESTATE Can be guaranteed only by our plan of selling. We get rash or the equivalent for property Inside ot thirty days from date of listing. STOP and MEDITATE Haven't you paid taxes on those vacant lots out In the suburbs long enough? Aren't you setting tired waiting; for a buyer for that cottage In "X" addition or the store building on "Y" street? Couldn't you mako use of the tnonev that is tied up In that farm or acre property to pretty good advantage Just now? DON'T CONCLUDE That because we sell at publio auction that your property is sure to go at a sacrifice If listed with us for sale In this manner. That is the prevailing impression, we know, but it Is by -no means based on facts. Borne of the choicest ,'lty, as well as farm, property in every section of the country has been and is being sold under the hammer to the entire satisfaction of the owners. We will be pleased to list for private sale any property that you may not care to have put up at auction and will exert every ef fort to bring about an early sale. Omaha Real Estate , Auction Co., Tel. 6878. 232 NEVILLE BLOCK. RK CHEAP HOME. Modern 8-room house, near West Farnam car line. Immediate possession, only $5,500. Address E 48, Omaha Bee. RE-370 12X FOR BALE 200-ftcre grass farm In south Arn Inva Hi mllnfl frnm Tl Vt town! nricft $50. Will take some trade. Write for i Sarticulars. F, P. Hitchcock, Eaglevllle, lo. RE 216 12 I Omaha Leads For Building Permits 1202-4-6 N. 24th. three store rooms with fiat above, also two 7-room houses in the rear; total rent, $120 per month. Price, $12,000. This is the best bargain in Omaha today. 3018-20-22 Sherman Ave., three store rooms and flat above, paved street; can be bought cheap. See it and make an offer. 1312-14 S. 24th St., 60x150, two houses. Price, $2,500. 1711 Chicago, lot 60x132, six-room house, city water and gas. Price, $5,500. Owner is anxious to sell and might shade the price some. A double brick house in the park district, rents for $44 per month. Price, $4,000. 231Z S. 12th St., a 6-room cottage, gas, city water and bath; good repair. $2,600. 1208-10-12 S. 20th, lot 102x60, all special taxes paid. Price, $2,500. 3546 Jones St., lot 66x132. Price, $1,650. Easy terms. 2926-28 Grant St., 6-room and 4-room cottage, rents for $19 per month. Price, $1,500. 2626 Wirt St., 5 rooms, gas, city water and bath; nice cottage; only one block from car line, in good neighborhood. Price, $1,650. 1926 S. 11th St., east front on 11th St. Boulevard, 5-room cottage. Price, $1,100. 112 8. 28th Ave., between Dodge and Douglas, an east front, small cot tage, 11,000. Easy terms. . VACMNT On south side of Hamilton St., between 35th and 36th, in Beinis park; a full lot for $650. Northeast corner of 24th and Maple, lot 60x100. See It and make an offer. Southeast corner of 28th Ave. and Dewey Ave., 94x126, elegant corner, suitable for apartment house or flat. 50x125 in the park district, good surroundings. Price, $900. $950 for a corner, 60x125, on 36th St., in the park district; elegant view. The choicest corner in the Hanscom park district. Price, $2,000. South nnd east front. On Farnam St. east of 9th St., a trackage lot. All special taxes paid, 22 feet frontage. Price, $2,700. Several people want someone to erect a build ing on it. Payne Investment Company, 1st Floor N. V. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE HSome Good Proposi- II tions to buy to build on Hi Southwest corner 25th and Jones, 67 feet on 26th St.. by 133 feet on Jonea, Just right for four detached house or a row of brick tints, both streets paved. Price, $2,5oO. Double corner In Hanscom park district In first class neighborhood. One street paved. 4 block to car line, room for four detached houses or a fine place for 6-room fiats. Price, only $2,000. "This is a Bnap." Fast front lot, street, between Mttrcey and Mason, less than one mile from P. O., 60x123 feet on grade. Price, $i. Open Monday evening till 9 p. m. Hastings & Heyden, 16"9V Farnam St. RE-293 13 EJQ1IT-ROOM house, partly modern, on Francis, near loth. $2.2ou. Seven rooms, partly modern, large lot, barn, near iKth and Cuming, $1.8oO . Flvo-room cottage, east front on 2th, near Cuming, paved, $l,auu. Six-room cottage, near SOth and Chicago, $i,40u. LOTS $ 5o JMth Ave. and Cass, facing boulevard. $ 5uO 2th Ave., betweeu Cass and Califor nia. $1,200 South front, on Chicago, near 30th; paved. $5,000 " feet, south front on Farnam, near 3-d. ACRES $.50 Acre lota near Benson, ou Orphanage road. t;0 to $ Acre lots In Pouth Omaha. itud to $-Acr lots la bouih Park, near county Una. N. P- DODGE & CO.. 1614 T unmix Bt , Omaha. Rfc-JH) 13 KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Bldg. Payne Bostwick & Co. SIXTH FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDO. DWELLING HOUSES, 8028 Cass St., good two-story, 9-R. house, strictly all modern, fine shade, cement walk, non-resident owner. Just reduced price from $4,0nn to $3,500. Terms reason able payment down, balance monthly. 33U6 Lincoln Blvd., Bemls park, the prettiest home. In the park, Just completed, with main living room 30 ft. long, all finished downstairs In golden oak. beautiful stair way, oak floors, four bedrooms on second floor, with tine attic, gas and electric light, combination llxtures throughout house, good laundry, hot and cold water In cellar, lot 60x220. beautiful shade, front and rear lawn, nicely sodded. Price, $4,750. You can't beat it. 4220 Farnam St., an Ideal cottage home of 7-R., with oak. maple and birch finish, mantel and grate, extra large rooms, all modern, good barn, beautiful maple trees; owner has Just moved Into a larger home and offers this for $3,500. Don't fail to gee It at once. Two small houses at 20th and Pierce Sts, with room to build two more If desired. Will sell altogether or separate. Bee us for price. 1010 N. 50th St., Dundee, good fi-R. house, hard oil finish, 60 ft. lot, fine shade, $1,250. A bargain. VACANT PROPERTY Five lots on 41st St., Jupt west of Joslyn's residence, for $850 each. Two blocks from Harney car line, good east front corner lot for $100. East front lot on Georgia Ave. at a sacrl- fice. FARMS 120-acre farm near Seymour lake, well Im proved, with main road on three sides. See us for price. 820-acre farm In Montgomery Co., Iowa, well improved, ' for $S5 per acre. If not sold in a few days it will be rented an other year. Payne, Bostwick & Co., SIXTH FLOOR N. T. LIFE BLDO. RE DESIRABLE HOME. Eight rooms, hall and bath, splendid fur nace, east front, paved street, permanent walks, fine neighborhood, one-half block from school, two blocks from Park car. Bee owner, 2130 So. 34th St. RE 337 19x H $14.9 5 a Month Less Than the House H Would Rent for and 500 Cash For the very attractive house, on full lot In Hastings & Heyden's addition, 161$ Brown street. (Second block south of ruiv Birwir, lur i,ouu. xihuiluks at ney den. 16o9Vi Farnam Bl. RE 294 13 IF YOU wish to buy, selt ot exchange real VOl.lP IF YOU wish to get In or out of business IF l'OU want tlrst-clasa Insurance at tha lowest raies UO TO O. F. CAKSON & CO.. 413 N. Y. Life Pldg. RE299 13 FINK BUILDING SITE. We offer this week two of the choice build lng sites near Farnam and S4th for $2.2jO each. Room lor three or lour line brick HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Hoard of Trad bldg. RE-S70 I2x 3 GOOD LOTS CHEAP $1.& for 5"Xl40 ft., w. front on Sid 8t., be ginning ZjO ft. n. of Woolworth Ave. $2,600 each for two lots 60x140 ft. each, west front on Park avenue, beginning ill feat . vi wwtj Ave. tuuice. $4. MO for ft., n. . corner 18th and weraier sis., Willi t-rooin Mica noune, Gtmd comer to Improve. Close In. UDOKGK & CO., 11 FARNAM ST. Rfc-6S2 11 TWO desirable lots for building purposes. Southwest corner 36lh and Davenport, lllxin feet. Seer. gas, water. Perman ent walk. Will dlvlUa property. luquir iM B. UHh St. KE MiuO is GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam St. 'Phone 756. HOUSES FOR SALE Id. B00 for attractive and desirable I 9-roora modern square house on Lin coln boulevard (in Bemls park); oak finish, 2 mantels and grates, combi nation fixtures; built for a home about three years afso; location choice, af fording beautiful view; lot 65168 feet, with double frontage. $5,000 for well built 9-room modern louse on S. 28t.h St. near Poppleton Vve.; hot water heat, fine shade trees, ast front lot 60x150 feet . $4,000 for 10-room modern house, arge barn, In north part, on paved itreet, one-half block from Sherman ve. car line, lot 60x137 feet. Im jrovements alone cost over $7,000. $3,600 for good 9-room modern house, In first-class condition, with large barn, on California St., near 28th St. Reasonable terms. Lot 60x 155 feet. $2,500 for large 2-story 6-room house; modern except furnace; In good condition; new barn; lot 40x146 feet. On Locust St., near 2 2d St. $2,100 for 1704 N. 36th St., 8-room house, modern except heat; good barn; near Franklin school. " $1,800 for 2812 Hamilton St., 7 room cottage, city water, etc.; large barn and chicken house; nice shade. $1,350 for 4145 Ersklne St; 6 room cottage, in good condition, fine well, cistern, gas, etc.; small barn, nice lawn; lot 60x120 feet. VACANT $4,500 for 66x132 feet N. E. corner 18th and Webster Sts., with 6-room old brick house; good corner to im prove. Close in. ' $2,500 each for two lots, 60x140 each, west front on Park Ave., 219 feet south of Dewey Ave. Choice. ' $1,800 for 50x140 feet west front on 32d St., beginning 250 feet north of Woolworth Ave. $1,300 for south front corner lot in Dundee, 100x128 feet, on car line; about $500 cash down, balance $15 per month at 6 per cent. $900 for 45x127 feet south front on Madison Ave., 210 feet east of Sher man Ave. $850 for 42.9x132 feet south front on Bristol St., 128 feet west of 24th St. Choice. $760 for 61x147 feet north front on Lafayette Ave., 52 feet east of 35th St. Easy terms. $650 for 60x127 feet east front on S. 25th Ave.. 214 feet south of Wool worth Ave. Lays high and sightly. $550 for 60x12 8 feet south front on Pratt St., 150 feet east of 27th St. Fine shade. $375 for 60x125 feet on Manderson St., Just west of 28th Ave. 25 choice lots between 28th and 33d Sts. and Davenport and Webster, from $750 to $1,750, according to size and location; hi. cash down, balance 6 per cent. INVESTMENT $30,000 for 44x132 feet, good four- story and basement brick building on Farnam St., renting for $3,000 per year under 5 years lease. $18,000 for 3-story modern brick building, divided into three apart ments of 10 rooms each, oak finish, hot water heat, well located and close in. Rental $1,980 per year. Can easily be increased to $2,160 per year. $17,250 for 3-story and basement brick store building on Farnam St, near 13th St. Rental, $1,680 per year to old tenants. RE We Can Sell Your Farm Home, business or property of any kind, no matter wnere located. Send description, state price and learn how we do It. 11 A, Ritchie, Sioux City, la. RE M633 22 IF YOU want to get right prices on farm iaiui in Luster county, write Willis vJaa well, broken Bow, Neb., for list. ' RE-MS00 N30 harm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; tow prices; ten years time. ianu Dept. U. P. K. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE 839 CHA8. rn V. S. Bk. Bid,'.. . uiiamouii xw. 1st Floor. RE W0 WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alialta belt. Willis Cad well. Broken Bow, Neb. RE an FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lota, on North lath St., only $4,600. This is a bargain. THOMAS BKENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE 84$ BOUTH DAKOTA farms cheap. Office next to poetoltlce. See or write. John W. Hays. Faulkton. S. D. -M17J Ux nUPAISNnN 432 Pton. Largest UUUrtlXOUIl mouses and flats. HE MAjI NJO TWO GOOD HOMES. Within two blocks of Dodge and South Omaha car lines; near loth and Lake; modern except furnace; suap for lit lit party. Dr. klpjohn, 2411 Cuming. RE M626 D7 WANTED 60,000 acres of land In western and northwestern Kansas. Lund'B Land Agency, Omaha. Neb. RE-M(ii 14 FOR SALE 7-room house and one acre of ground, one block from Florence car line. Address, Mrs. M. A. Stephens. 303$ Curtis Ave., Omaha. RE a L!x 1X1 R SALE Improved farms, eastern Ne braska, three miles from court house. Owner, box 1126, Omaha. Neb, RE CALIFORNIA alfalfa and fruit land. Free Information about the famous Uridley colony. Write for It. Garden spot of California. Ideal place for a home. Rich farming rountry. Dairying, stock raising, fruit growing. Fine climate. Charles F. O'Brien, General Manager, Dept. "4, 30 Montgomery til., San Francisco. RE 6-R. COTTAGB, Blondo, near 24th St., $l.aoO. E H. cottage and barn, Clifton Hill, $l.ti. 6-R. cottage and barn. Fowler Ave., $1,660. 6- R. cottage, Ames Ave. near car barn. $1,360. 7- H. house, 2 lots, Irimore Ave., $2,150. 7-R. house, brand new, Pratt St., $iuu). -R. cottage on Clifton Hill, $1,260. H. O. STEPHENSON, 330 Board of Trade. Tel. 492. RE 166 It ARKANSAS HOME 1W acres; title per fect; fu acres cultivated, balance in timber; S cabins, two wells, one spring; some fruit trees; school f4 niile; on county road. 7 miles from county seat; price $5 per acre; terms, 1-3 cash. Writs to owner for particulars. Joseph Ward, Mountain Home. Ark. RE-238 12x CALIFORNIA Beautiful home, near Bur bank's wonder gardens; natural sanita rium; doctors, attention; real cheap. N. P. Klowgard, Omaha Commercial rulleg. KK30U US. 10 NET INVESTMENTS We have a few, a very few, 10 per cent net Investments left. If you are looking for a good, per manent Investment, say about $S,000. Let us show you what we have. We also have a good one for $.-.,600, that will net about 10 per cent. Also one for $1,1100, that will net 10 per cent. Good Invest ments are getting scarcer right along. Tou want to act quick. The Byron Reed ' 212 S. 14th St. Co. RB O OME OURE Ctrl I SELLERS FIVB-room brick house and five full lots near 42d and Ames; small barn, shod, chicken house, S.inn strawberry plants (put out last spring), IS grape vines, 20 rherry and plum trees. Price only $1,400, and only half down, balance monthly. Four cottages In South Omaha renting for $.10 per month; could get more. Will sell for $3,000 rash, or trade for desirable va cant lot within 10 blocks of Omaha P. O. New six-room house, modern except fur nace, full lot facing on Central boulevard. Price $2,750; part cash, part time. Omaha Real Estate Auction Co. K2 Neville Blk. RE Building Corners We have an elegant piece of ground for a couple of flnts, facing south on Farnam St., within walk ing distance. Each piece Is 67V4 x82, only $2,750 each, cheapest piece of ground on Farnam St., for flats. The Byron Reed Co. 212 S. 14th St. RE 12x FOR SALB Six rooms and bath; all mod ern except furnace; permanent walks; In fine shape. Call at 2U04 Seward St $4,200 WILL buy four 6 and 6-room houses, nearly new, with city water; annual rental, $612. This Is a snap. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas. RE-318 12 OUT THEY GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The most prosperous state in the whole country. The best watered grain and stock lands are near Mandan, RlchardBOn and Mott. Strong soil, free coal, splendid grasses. We own IOO.OiO acres to select from; average price, $12.50 an acre. Ask for proofs and Brown's farmer. Wm. H. Brown Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, 111., or Mandan, North Dakota. 15 lots In Omaha View, $30 to, $125 each. 4 lots at 34th and Burdette Sts., $300. 2 lots In Platnvlew, $350 each. 1 lot at 28th and Pratt, $360. 1 lot at 2tith and Ersklne Sts., $400. 1 nice full lot In Clifton hill, $300. 1 lot at 46th and Lake Sts., J0. 1 lot at 46th and Miami, $260. 2Vi acres, near Dundee, $400. 66 lots at lSlh and Gust Sts., $900. SILAS ROBBINS. Frenser Blk. RE 248 12X CHOICE RESIDENCE LOT. We can offer one of the finest building lots In the Upper Farnam residence district for $2,750. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 43i Board of Trade Bldg. RE 370 12x IF YOU wish your farms turned Into money quickly, correspond with us, as that is our buwiness. Bond & Nygren, 44 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. RE VM 12x HIGH GRADE NEBRASKA LAND Owned by big corporation now liquidating, $t to $X0 per ncre. From 80 acres up. Sume soil as $125 land In Iowa. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. RE-274 12 SNAP TEN-ROOM house. Fine cellar; near car line: few blocks from Crelghton colleg-i. Owners must sell at once. Only $2,600. All modern; bath and gns All kinds of nice homes for rent and sale. EKSTROM & CO. 541 PAXTON BLK. R44-247 12x COUNTRY HOME 3 MILES N. OF COUNTRY CLUB WELL IMPROVED 7,500 We offer for sale 34 acres on the drive from Florence to the Country club. This Is one of the most attrac tive locations around Omaha. The place is well improved, having on It a 7-roojn house, large barn, shade trees, an abundance of shrubbery, 12 acres of fruit, largo grove, and the general slope of the land 1b to the south and east. We will be pleased to show you this place. For further information call on GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam St. RE SAJs' PEDROv CALIFORNIA. Population doubles each year. Deep water harbor for Los Angeles and southern Cali fornia. Terminal of Southern Paclno and San Pedro & Salt Lake railroads. Largest lumber market on south toast. Two million-dollar breakwater put In by U. S. government, now nearlng completion. Pa cific Electric R. R. will double track two lines between San Pedro and Los Angeles. H. E. Huntington under contract to build shipping wharf and mole to cost nearly two million uullars. Many other Improve ments In sight. An Investment there now means large Increase in near future. Don't wait. 1 have some bargains. Wm. T. Welshans, 2v24 East First St., Los An geles, Cal. RE-M4U1 11 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 3024 Undsay Ave.; fair repair, full lot; $250 cash, balance $10 per month. $fX. F. D. WEAD 1524 Douglas. RE 217 12 FOR SALE FARMS FARMS TO SELL KEMP, Blair, Neb. 326 N20 161 ACRES of very fine choice farm land, el&th miles from Lincoln; 150 acres under cultivation; 40 acres in alfalfa; best of soil; $50 per acre; snap. Fitzgerald & Dermody Co., 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone 6108. Mail 11 BARGAIN IN GOOD STOCK FARM $26 per acre buys all of Sec. 29, T. 8, R. 10. Webster county, Neb. 3n6 acres pasture; 15 acres aKalfa; 240 acres In cultivation; small improvements; occupied by tenant for season 19U& Terms, Va cash, balance 6 years time at 6 per cent. No trades. Will pay regular commission of $425 to anv person closing the deal by February i, i, sale to be made subject to owner's approval, as only one commission will be paid. Geo. C. Graham, R. F. D. No. 7, Spokane. Wash. H-235 U FOR SALE CHEAP Farms of any size, improved and unimproved. In Holt county, northwestern Missouri. If you are In terested write or tail on J. B. Bridgmon, Craig. Mo. H-2tl 1. Nebraska Land 5 to J1J an acre, in Custer, Dawson Chase, Frontier, Perkins, Hitchcock nJ Red Willow Counties. We have Just examined most of this land and csn surely satisfy you with any kind of land you want. Level, rich farm land, no sand, from $3 to $3 sn sere. We can sell It to yon In SO, inn. jl'O or 640-acre pe-es. Terms are essy. Bo sure to go with us to look over this land. It will surely double In a short time. You can raise corn, alfalfa, all kinds of small grain, the best kind of winter wheat and all kinds of fruit. The best of climate and water. 'Write for fur ther particulars and free map of Nebraska, HASTINGS A HEYDEN IGOOVi Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. It 291 12 ONLY $2,500 t acres of land convenient to Omaha, and SoHth Omaha, near car llns and track age. F. D. Wead. 1624 Douglas St. H-S33 14 320 Acres of very fine farming land, excellent Improvements, 240 acres cultivated, practically level, all clay soli, 6 miles county seat town: Southwest Ne braska, at $6,000. ' 160 Acres In Fllmore county, Nebraska, best farm In that locality, elegant im provements, at $i!.50 per acre. R. BEECHER HOWELL.& CO Karback Block. H-325 12 A POSITIVE SNAP Ax,T?ATr of 14no acrcs ln southeastern Nebraska at $20 per acre If taken at once. Address 72i N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 2C7 1 'x O. F. Carson & Co, 413 N. Y. Life 640-a. improved farm near Omaha, l.ibo-a. ranch ln Custer Co., Neb. City flnely lmuroved farm near Kansas Will sell or exchange. H 301 12 . 2.0S0-ACRE STOCK FARM. The best stock farm In north Nebraska; running water, timber, hay and pasture; with 300 acres good farm land in cultiva tion, two sets of buildings, 20 miles of fence, R. F. D long distance 'phone; ten miles north of Ainsworth, on stage line; convenient to church; school on farm; produced 27H bushels wheat this year; rent on wheat land In 1904, $5.S0 per acre: In 1903, $1.W. Will take general merchan dise store or well Imnroved farm near high school in part payment. Will sell with stock, feed and machinery If desired. Price, $20 per acre. F. A. Stephenson, owner, Ainsworth, Neb. H 226 12 EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from .railroad and court house. Address Box 1125, Omaha. Neb. M723 TWO miles from Lynch, Neb., a fine 160 acres, 40 acres under cultivation, 90 acres enclosed In 8-wire fence, 15 acrcs younij timber, running water year round. A big bargain at $25 an acre. $1,000 down. Western land, as fine as lays out doors, $3 to $0 an acre. One-tenth down, balance 10 years' time st 6 per cent. II. A. STEAVENSON, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. -1S5 12 CHOICE!. LEVEL BLACK LANDS in Kearney County, Kansas. FINEST land in the state. The next ex cursion goes November 21. Tuesday; $U 80 round trip. Nine land seekers went down November 7. Seven bought. 16,000 acres to select from. All good. $3.60 to $5.00 per acreSEasy terms. Railroad fare refunded to all purchasers. For particu lars address RICHARD C. PATTERSON, Owner, N. E. Corner 13th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. ' 278 12 9,000 ACRES Of very choice land, fenced, small im provements, living water, near town, large amount A-l bottom farming land. An estate desires to close out and offers same at the very low price of $5.00 per acre. Sim'lar lands In same locality sell at $10. Closest Inspection given. Ask about this. R Beecher Howell & Co. j Karbach Block. H-S23 12 100 acres, four miles south and one mile west of Valley, 6-room house, barn, cattle shed, large crib and wind mill, stream of running water, fine for stock and dairying Price, $45 an acre. Will take stock of general merchandise at actual value, in part payment. Hastings & Heyden, lti09Vi Farnam St. 1-2&7 12 FORTY acres, 2 miles north of Florence. All kinds of fruit. House and out build ings. For rent or for sale. F 8 Bee. H-300 16x ACREAGE H SOME ACRE TRACTS H 10 acres, 1 mile southwest of Ruser's park; fine east slope, convenient to both Orhaha, and South Omaha. $126 an acre. 6 acres west of South Omaha; tine piece; Just the thing for a chicken ranch. Price. $650. 5 acres ,2 blocks from Benson car line; suitable for sub-dividing. $l,5u0. Hustings & Heyden, Wo9Mi Farnam St. ' 296 12 FOR EXCHANGE Merchandise and Residence At about $S,500 offered in exchantra for good land. This is a first class stock, do ing! a big paying business, and has never been offered before. Ill health compels retirement from active business. In good Nebraska town. Want quick action. R. Beecher Howell & Co. Karbach Block. Z-322 12 PIANO for driving or draft horse. Differ ential chain block for sale. 318 McCague. IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. in and you will soon get it. Z WtS WANTED To trade, rurmtura for good buggy horse. Joe Levine, 304 N. 16th St. 2-l? 12 IF YOU want to buy or exchange for land send lOo for Farm Buyers' Guide, which contains descriptions of 2x0 farms for sale or exchange, with owner's address: want farms to sell. Horace Grant, Kansas City, Mo. Z FOR EXCHANGE or sale, $3,150, clear 316 acre ranch in Riverside county, Califor nia, 2H miles from R. It. and town; house, fenis, well, springs; climate la unsur passed. Want Al country or town prop erty. Address Wm. A. Johnson, 1150 Main St., Riverside, Cal. Z '' t2x DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. io DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2606 Davenport. Tel. Harney iwl -6 MRS- WEISE. ladles' tailor, K 8outH Twenty-second. M te U FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Perfield Piano Company ' 1611 Farnam St. , oun riAxo club. The only way to secure a FINE, limit f'.ltAnn PIANO nt n low price. TERMS $1.00 WEEKLY. We will deliver the piano with a handsome stool and scarf IMMEDIATELY. 500 PIANOS. We have contracted with the manufacturers for FIVE HlTNrKEP HlOU GRADE PIANOS to be placed ln our territory on the Club Svstem. AT WHOLE SALE PRICES. By this plan we can save you One Hundred Dollars and you can pay for thfc. PIANO on the easiest possible terms. 1 PLAY WHILE YOU PAY. and enjoy all the advantages and pleasures that music In your homo will glva you. do rr now. B' JOLXIXG OUR PIANO CLUB. you participate in several advantages. In the first place, you secure a first class high grade PIANO, not a box of whistles that the market Is flooded with Just now. A MUSICAL EDUCATION. Heretofore, the gTeat drawback to securing a piano has been the expense of the music lessons, which often makes it impossible, for the head of a family to do that family Justice or keep tip with the requirements of this Twentieth Century. By Joining our Piano Club you secure a complete hlKh class musical education for any member of your family. You secure a music lesson FREE for every dot lar you expend for your piano. OUR TEACHERS. Oiir tonrhers are the best that money can secure, nnd our lessons are ss com plete hs given In the great conservatories in the Ioikc musical centers nt horn or abroad. This musical education Is KRHR to any member of your fsmlly nnd will snve you many dollars, educate your family, keep the young people nt home, and contribute to your everlasting pleasure. We represent eleven high class piano manufacturers, and each Instrument w sell Is n legitimate, high grade Piano Fully Guaranteed. We invito your investiga tion. Call and select your Piano. PAY AT YOUR LEISURE. iRcspectfully yours, PERFIELD PIANO CO.. Omaha Great Cut Price Piano Sale We are compelled to make room for our holiday piano stock and are obliged to sell 100 instruments re gardless of cost. Square pianos, $15 to $45 each. Organs, $5 to $45 each. 1 jised upright, ebony case, $75. 1 used upright, oak case, $95. 1 used upright, mahogany case, $105. 1 Emerson upright, ebony case, $125. 1 Vose & Sons, oak case, $145. 1 Sohmer, fine condition, $165. 1 Chickerlng & Sons, $185. New eastern made pianos, fully guaranteed, $145, $155, $165 and up. PAYMENTS, $10 DOWN AXD $5 MONTHLY. 200 new pianos for rent, $3, $4 and $5 per month. Bargain list and cata logues furnished free on application. Pianos tuned, moved, repaired and exchanged. Telephone 1625. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Piano Makers and Dealers. 1407 Harney Street, Omaha Q SPECIAL SALE ON MACHINES These machines hav. All hMn Ihnrnnrhlv overhauled and are the latest thing that the airrerent manufactories produce. They are complete with attachments and are guaran teed te be ln first-class condition. The following; is a list of machines we have on hand! Singer, 6-drawer, drop head $20.00 Singer, 7-drawer, drop head 22.00 Davis, 6-drawer, drop head 17.00 Standard Automatic Grand 25. no White, 5-drawer, drop head 16.00 Domestic, 6-drawer, drop head 20. U0 Second-hand machines, box top, of -y make, from $5.00 to $lu .00. These are com plete wlih attachments and wul give yuu good service. We rent machines 75c per week. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 'Phone 1663 Corner 15th and Harney. S25 North 24th St., South Omaha, Q91 ttpAlHuan , ...... 1 1 DI..W. Q- 6HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman It McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 84 MILCH COWS on easy terms. 43d and Center. J 633 SECOND-HAND STEAM ri'l'hlN Ob 1-OK SALE It you waul a bargain ;u steam nttm call and look over urn lonuwiug supyues: l.s-tncu Austin hunsuiiUil sepal ului . l.s-lncn A u ii n huiuoiilul separator. 1.4-luch Austin s vertical aepaiaior. These have been tahuu out on account ot cnaiifees in our steam piaut auu are in good condition. Audita ieo Building Co., or see W. H. Unuges, eiiginem, et bldg., Omulm. y but FOR BALL Two life scholarships on Oinana business college. Address Dwigut Williams, Omaiia Bee, Oiumiu, Neb. 46. FOR SALE About fifty feet ornamental guivamxed Hun cornice and uruaiiienial Iron posts, suiuibie lor show wiuuuvv, Ap ply suiieriiilenueitl Leo Bldg. y Miid FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy paiuunl4. bend tor catalogue. Omaha. U bus 2D-HAND safe cheap. Le right, 1119 Ear ns iu. y I, FOR SALE On easy payments, everything to furnish the home. We don't ask In stallment store puces. Terms: $2o worth, $1 a week. OMAHA FURNITURE A CARPET CO., 13U9-1Z11-1213 Farnam Street. U-272 12 SECONDHAND lawn mowers. 2703 Leaven worth. Q UiM 12 600 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1413 Dodge street. Q Diu 7-ROOM, l-story house, Just vacated; bam, chicken house, etc., $3oU, or will sell the house for 3tM. In Hastings & Heyden s addition, at 25th and Fort Sts. Must be moved within thirty days. Hastings & Heyden, liiosH Farnam St. y 67ti 12 FOR SALE at a bargain, two bed springs, full size, good condition. 3u7 Chicago, bl W-M3-1 WE'RE SQUARE. Cash or credit on stoves. ONCE tried ALWAYS patronUcd. Oats City Fur. Co., il5 N. 16th. Til. 375. Vi 6K7 N2o FOR SALE Two 60-inch by 16-feet boilers, good for so pounds pressure, two 76-horsu-powur marine bulleis, new; ono 3u-iioibtt-power. White tc Middleton gasoline en gine at the Omaha Boiler Works. '-202 N2 CRIBBING; fir timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 9ul Douglas. VOSE plane (or sale cheap. 838 So. 23d. ft 136 13x 1611 Farnam Street. PIANO Square. $ltl; 6 cents weekly. Per Ileld Pin no Co., 1611 Farnam St. FOR SAI.K Furniture of fourteen-room boarding house; central location. K, 64, Bee ofllie. U M727 12x STEAM table for sale cheap, Bt Merchants hotel. Q M716 13 RADIANT HOMK base burner and dining table. 7l 8. Bt. Q M1A3 13x MONITOR range; good condition; cheap. 1424 Martha Ht. Q 2TO 13 FOR SALK Second-hand, window sash snd storm sash nnd doors, also hnngtng eutters. Address 3i"H2 Jones St. 'Phone 2310. Q 20 U J FOR SALE Cheap, Edison Triumph pho nopraph; large special horn and 100 rec ords. Apply 4iutt iorin z-iui ni., wrain Omaha. Q-312 12x , 1 " FOR SALE National cash register; ln ser vice six months; practically new. 1N"6 Farnam St. Q-XJ7 14x FOR SALE One new Art Garland heater. ISOi Farnam St. Q 3X 14 x LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow- rJ Church Co., main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. MX -y" J. M. Macfarland, 309 N. Y. L.'Bldg. Tel SNiS. - B71 WILLIAM WAPPICH Successful lawyer In prosecution and defense of civil and criminal suits ln all courts; lepal docu ments carefully prepared; notary public. 10 Crelghton bl qck. TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, louo Farnam. 'rnone 7M. -897 LARSON & JOHNSON, 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1935. 955 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. Notice la hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk of Dawson county, Lexington, Ne braska, up to noon of the 17th day of No vember, 1906, for the furnishing of all material and construction of any and all wooden bridges ln said county for one year, beginning January 1, 1906. All bidders to bid on plans and specifica tions adopted by county commissioners, which are on Hie In the odlce of the county clerk of said county. All bids to be accom panied by certified check for $00 and a rood and sulllcient bond in the gum of 1.000. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of County Com missioners. R. S. THORNTON. Clerk of Dawson County, Nebraska. Lexington, Neb. Oi2-29 N5-12 RAILWAY TIME CARD I'M ION STATION TENTH AND MAHCY I'nlou Pacific. Leave. Overland Limited a:40am California Express a 4:10 pm California & Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pin North Platte Local a 7:50 am Fast Mall a 8:55 am Colorado Special a 7:45 am Beatrice Local b 8:15 pm Arrive, a 8:18 pm a 9:30 am a 6:10 pm a 6:20 pin a 8:20 pm a 7:44 am b 1:30 pm Chicago, Hock Island Jt Paclttu ' EAST. Chicago Limited a 8:35 am Chicago Express a 7:33 am Chicago Exuress, Local.. bll :40 am Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express. ...a 5:40 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd a 7:20 am Colorado Express ..... .a 1:30 pm Oklahoma r Texas Ex.. a 4:05pm Missouri Pacific. Bt. Louis Express a 9:00am K. C. & St. L. Ex all :15 pm Chicago A Northwestern. St. Paul Daylight a 7 :50 am Chicago Daylight a8:0t)am Chicago Limited a 8:38 pm Carroll Local a4 3Jpm St. Puul Fast Mail a 8:2 pin Sioux C. & St. P. Local.. b 3:50pm Fust Mail Chicago Express a 6:50 pm Norfolk & l)onesleel....a 7:40 am Lincoln & Ixing Pine. . .a 7:40 am Cusiier & Wyoming e 2:60 pm Deadwood & IJucoln...n 2:50 pm Hastings &. Albion b 2:50 pm Chicago Local ull :30 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:25 am Chlcugo Limited a 7:50 pin Minn. & St. Paul Ex...b 7:25 am Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. .a 7:50 pm a 7:10 am a 9:55 pm a 4:30 pm bll :S 0 am a 1:16 pin a $:30 am a 4:55 put all :40 am a 8:30 am a 6.00 piu 10:00 pin 11:50 pill 9:15 am 9:50 am 7 :"6 am e 9:80 am 2:30 pm a 7:30 am 10:35 am 10:35 pm e 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 6:16 pm 8:45 pm al0.33 pin a 8:06 am bl0::i& pm a 8:o5 put Chicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul. Chicago & Colo. Spec'l.a 7:55 am a 7:35 am California & Ore. Ex. .a 6:45 fir. a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a fc:3fi pm a 9:20 am Marion itCedar R. Ixx'.b 6:45 am bll:uo put Wahash. St. Louis Express 6:30 pm 8:30 am St. l.ouls Local (from Council BlulTs) 9:15 am 10:30 pin Shenundoah Local (from Council Blufls) 6:45 pm 2.30 pia Chicago ;ret Western. St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am St Paul & Minn a7;45ain a 7.55 pin Chicago Llinlied a 6:0u pm al0.3 am Chicago Express a 5:06 am a 8:30 pin WfcBSTKR DEPOT- 1HTI1 A WEHITKIl Missouri Pnclflc. Nebraska Iocnl. via Leave. Arrive. Weeping Water b 8:50 pm bl2:30 pm I h lea go, St. Paul, Minneapolis Jt Omaha. Twin City Passo'..ger...b 6:30 am Sioux City PaBsenger...a 2:t pin Oakland Local b 4.4b pm F.inersoii Local I 8:46 am b 9:10 pm all .20 am b 9:10 am C 6:00 pm Bl ltl.lUTO STATION lOTH A MASOS Darlington. Leave. Denver A California. .. .a 4:lo pm Northwest Express ....all :10 pm Nebraska points a 8:6n uni Unco In Fast Mall b 8:0 prn Arrive. a 3.20 nm a 6.08 pin a 7:40 pin al2.iio pin al0:25 am b 8 .32 am a 7:10 am Ft. Crook & Plattsm'h.b 2:60 pin Hellevue & I'lattsm h :oo pm lienver unm Bellevue A l'ac. Hellevue Par. June. June. !a 12:15 pin a 3:3" am Chicago Special .. Chicago F;ipress . Chicago Flyer .... Iowa Local Bt. Louis Express Kansas City Bt Kansas City St. Konsas City St. a 7: '-ft fin a 4:M pm a 8 pin a 9:15 sin a 4:45 pm a 8:66 pm a 7:25 pin alO.63 pin all:30 ant a 6 46 am a 6.1 pm joe.alU 4.-i pin Joe. a H 15 am Joe. a 4:45 pin dally, b dally except Sunday, Sunday ouljs d dally Wiy except paturday. fgoept klondan f 1