Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone M.
Bee, November 10, 16.
oes Your lac
i Me?
i 1
I !
Now located In the new
retail center, Howard
and Sixteenth
Is the best equipped in the west for taking care of the customer's needs. You will agree
with ua that it is a delightful place to shop. Everything is convenient!)- arranged and we are in
a position to save you money on your purchases.
We invite the men as well as the ladies to come and make this your store home. Meet your
friends in our cozy waiting room, third floor.
Special Sale of Children's
Cloaks Saturday.
Owing to the delay In opening our new
store and also to Introduce to the ladles
of Omaha the most handsome line of chil
dren's coat ever shown In the city, we
hav taken about 40 coata out of our reg
ular stock of new and stylish garments,
which will be sold tomorrow (Saturday) at
th following extraordinary reduction:
In coata for girls of 12 years, we have
15 garments ranging In price from $6.00,
ft.go, $9.60, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. Saturday's
prices, $4.00, $6.00, $6.00, $.S0, $7.50, $10.00.
I stylish coats for girls of 10 years, regu
lar prices $8.50, $18.50, $10.00, $10.75 and $12.60.
Saturday's prices, $5.09, $0.00, $6.60, $7.00,
4 coata for girls of 14 years, regular prices
$15.00, $10.75, $8.50. Saturday's prices, $10.00,
$7.00, $5.00.
T coats for little children, aged 2 years,
mostly In bearskin, crushed plush and plain
velvet, regularly sold at $4.28. $4.75, $3.96,
$.00, $9.00 and $10.00. Saturday's prices,
C.75. $3.00, $2.50, $3.50, $6.00 and $6.50.
8 coats for little children, age i years,
regularly sold at $5.00. $4.50, $10.00, $4.25.
Saturday's prices, $3.60, $3.00. $6 50, $2.75.
t eoats for little children, age 4 years,
regularly sold at $3.95, $(.60, $5.00, $9.00 and
$10.00. Saturday's prices, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50,
$6.00, $6.50.
1 coats for little children. 6 years, regu
larly sold at $5.00 and $4.25. Saturday's
prices, $3.50 and $2.75.
coats for little children, age 6 years,
regularly sold at $3.96, $5.00, $3.00 and $10.00.
Saturday's prices, $2.50, $3.50, $6.00 and $6.50.
On Our Second Floor
Will be found the newest Ideas In furs
waists silk and wool long kimonos all
kinds of handsome petticoats shawls
street coata evening coats separate skirts
cloth suit velvet suits and special sale
prices on silk suits also special sale, prices
on all our new raincoats. Come and see
how much better our ready-to-wear gar
ments are than those shown In most stores.
It costs nothing to look you will axvc
, "Lion Brand" Yarns.
Lion Brand Saxony Wool.
Lion Brand Shetland Floss.
Lion Brand Shetland Wool.
Lion Brand Spanish Tarn.
Lion Brand German Knitting Worsted.
Lion Bnyid Pansy Zephyr Uurmautown.
Lion Brand Quaker Yarns. '
When you buy a pound of any of the
"Lion Brand Tarns" you not only get 16
ounces of yarn (which also means more
yards), but you get 16 ounces of the best
yarn made.
Saturday is the Last Day for
Demonstration of Lion
Brand Yarns on Our
Second Floor.
There you. can see an elaborate display
of up-to-date garments knitted and cro
cheted from
Kw York Painter Who Stole 1H,
OOO Worth of Gems is Two Years
Seat to SlnaT Sing.
NEW YORK. Nov. 10. Confession to the
robbery of $100,000 worth of gems from
fashionable New York homes in the last
two years waa made today by Harold
Preaeott, a painter. Hla profit on pawning
the Jewelry, Prescott said, was but little
over $6,000. Almost by accident the painter
waa arrested In connection with a recent
mall robbery and the police were Ignorant
of the value of their arrest until his ar
raignment today. Immediate search waa
made of pawnshops he named and the
police say they have recovered $20,000 worth
of the stolen gems already. Prescott waa
later sentenced to Ave yeara in Sing Sing.
Many Taking Homesteads.
HURON, 8. D.. , Nov. 10.-8peclal.)
Large numbers of peoplo In this part of the
Btate are filing on government lands west
of the Missouri river along the line of the
Chicago at Northwestern railway exten
sion through the Sioux Indian reservation
from Pierre to Rapid City. One squad of
eight from the east part of the county en
tared homestead filings at the Pierre land
office thla week, and during the past month
forty or more such filings have been made
by Beadle county people. They are mostly
young people unmarried and ambitious to,
Invites Your Careful Consideration o! Miny Special Lines for SatjrJjy's Selling
Hats and Caps
From our iplendld Block we have
selected Ave dozen Girls' Hats, lu
Continental and Napoleoa
shapes, that sold at $2
and 13; Saturday ACi
they will be wUC
Endless variety boys' new style
Winter Caps, SOc, W5c.
Fifty Woolen Dresses, ages 6 to 14
years, worth up to 7.50, In
Sailor and Russian styles, es
pecially good for school wear
Saturday's selling
tbey are
1513 Douglas
long Dish:) st
'Pfconj 1701
This opportunity should not be lost to
those Interested In this beautiful accom
plishment. An exhibition of new designs and stitches
will also be Interesting and Instructive.
Free lessons to those purchasing
Handsome Dress Goods Just
One-Half Price Saturday.
If we could picture for you the rich,
pretty effect, In the small shepherd check.
In the new autumn shades, which so closely
resembles the line Imported goods, you
would be here bright and early Saturday
Regular 50c, Quality Shepherd
Check Novelty Saturday
25c a Yard.
. All are new and fashionable, the colors
are navy .and brown, green and blue, red
and navy, green and red, etc. We could
print a- column about these pretty goods,
but the point Is here: If you have any use
for a fabric of this description, do not miss
this special sale at 25c a yard. .
New Gloves.
We are showing three of the best make
of dress gloves Valllers, Trefousse and
Foster In all good shades and stltchingg
black, brown, beaver, mode, gray, navy,
green and white at $1.60 per pair.
For street wear the mannish gloves In
the new red and tans; 1-clnsp glove; also
Moches. In black, brown, beaver, mode and
red with 1 clasn-at $150 per pair.
The W. B. Erect Form Corset.
Is a coxy, modish and shapely garment.
In which every dictate of fashion Is appar
ent. It Inflicts no strain on abdomen or
bust It allows full freedom to the lungs,
places all the pressure of lacing upon the
hips and holds the flgure erect. A different
model for each different sort of figure.
Prices start at $1.00.
Merode Hand Finished
Ladles' fine ribbed, natural wool vests,
high neck, long sleeves,' hand crochet with
silk tape, neck and front; drawers to
match, made, with French band. Regular
size, $1.00; extra large sixes, $1.26.
Howard and Sixteenth
secure farma of their own. Some have en
tered lands . In Hyde county on the old
Winnebago reserve, which are especially
desirable. There appears to be something
of the old-time enthusiasm about the tak
ing of government land for homestead, and
people Are fast realizing the fact that land
In this part of the northwest is something
very desirable to possess.
Indiana Doctor, In Address Before
Academy ot Medicine, Recom
mends Antomoblllna;.
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. Automoblllng is one
of the best cures for the bodily Infirmities
due to poor operation of the digestive or
gans, according to Dr. G. W. McCaakey, of
Fort Wayne, Ind., who addressed the
American Academy of Medicine at a meet
ing here today. His subject was the '"Phy
siology of Recreation," and he took a posi
tion aald by members of the society to be
progressive. If not revolutionary.
"Mentral depression can destroy entirely
the effect of food and cause digestive dis
orders of the gravest nature," Dr. Mc
Caskey eald. "Reoreatlon haa a most ben
eficial physical effect and the desire to go
to a restaurant after witnessing a pleasing
performance at some theatre is due mainly
to the effects of having one's mind re
lieved and thua influencing the flow of di
Boys' Overcoats
and Suits
Make your selection here Satur
day. See the things most In favor
In the style centers of the world.
Boys1 Suits, Overcoats
$3.95 $4.50 $5.00
$6.00 $7.50
Youths' Suits, Overcoats
$8.50 $10.00 $12.50
$13.50 $15 09
Ladies' fine ribbed, natural wool union
suits, hlph neck, long sleeves, ankle length, I
open to waist line, hand crochet with silk
tape, neck and front $2.60 a suit.
Women's Medium Weight
Black Cotton Hose.
Regular site, but extra large above the
knee, full-fashioned, high-spliced heels and
double soles 35c a pair, or 3 pairs for $1.00.
Women's fleeced black cotton hose, with
maco split soles, high-spliced heels and
toes 35c a pair.
Blanket and Comfort Depart
ment on Third Floor.
We are showing extra good values all
through the Immense stock. ,
Cotton blankets at 60c a pair.
Crib blankets at 40c a pair.
Wool mixed blankets at $2.75 a pair.
Robe blankets at 75c a pair.
Sllkollne bed comforts at $1.00 each.
10-4 all wool, good blankets at $3.50 a pair.
Down quilts at $4.35 each.
Wool comforts at $3.00 each.
Silk blankets at $1.25 each.
In Our Flannel Department on
Third Floor.
Flannelettes, In beautiful Japanese, Per
sian and other choice styles, at 6c, 10c,
12Hc 15c per yard.
New waitings at 20c and 25c per yard.
New pluid Scotch flannels at 40c yard.
New line of Vlyella flannels at 75c a yard.
Cotton Batting on Third Floor.
Ladies making comforts will find It to
their Interest to look at our grades of cot
ton batting.
Our 6c special bat is a nicely bleached
t-ounce bat, white and soft.
Our 12c Jewel bat Is fully 14 ounces In
weight and cannot be beat for the price.
Our lie Prize bat Is the finest in tne land
for the price.
Our 20c White Rose bat is known to
most of the people that want good cotton.
Our 25c cotton bat la the finest that It is
possible to produce like snowtlakes, so pure
and fluffy.
Our Men's Department.
Is located In south aisle, convenient from
either entrance. We want the men to come
and see the lines we are showing for fall
and winter.
Advance showing of holiday neckwear
always showing what Is new haa made
thla a popular department. Ank for the
new plain colors. Price, 60c each.
New arrivals the pist week has made
this stock more complete than ever. Fine
range of patterns at $1.00, $1.60 and $2.00
Only the reliable makea shown here
Crown, Guyot and Knotho the kind you
can depend on. Price, 50c each.
See Howard street window for. showing
of men's wear.
gestive fluids. Automoblllng causes the
same beneficial effect and the desire for
fast riding Is due to a fundamental need of
the human aystem for fast motion for re
creation. Most persons need some sort of
diversion which contains fast motion and
this explains the popularity of automobll
lng, the beneficial effects of which I know
by experience."
Attack Caused by Jenlonsy Doe to
Promotion Results In Death of
Homestead Lad. '
PITTSBURG, Pa., Nov. W.-James Slnko.
aged 11 years, because he was promoted
In his classes In the Homestead public
school was assaulted last evening by hi
classmates and three ribs fractured anti
was Internally Injured. Tonight he died
from the effects of his injuries.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding
Plies. Your druggist will refund money if
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure you in 6 to
14 days. 60c.
Bids for the purchase and removal of the
two-story brick building located on the
southwest corner of 14th and Douglas Sts.
15th and Dodge Sts.
Rubbers, Overshoes.
We specialize Boys', Girls' and
Infants' Shoes. Saturday will be
a day of brisk shoe selling in this
store. Bring In the children and
have them fitted in our famous
Foot-Form Shoes. We give no
trading stamps or premiums
just better shoes at
$1.50. $2.00, $2.50
Your money back if you want, it.
Wrlti for
rM Fitters
xNv Young
Idmirsl Friice Latii Capttrai tbt City
Heart sad tool.
Ther I.nnch with General Grant,
Attend nereptlon at Xavy Yard
and at Del- '
NEW TORK. Nov. 10. President Roose
volt, It Is learned tonight, will come her
from Washington on Tuesday, and will
pay an Informal visit to the British flitg
ship Drake on Tuesday afternoon. Miss
Alice Roosevelt will" attend the ball on
board the Drake the same evening.
NEW TORK, Nov. lrt.-Reat Admiral
Prince Louis of Rattenbcrg has captured
Nw York heart and soul. The absolu.
democracy and unassuming cordiality with
which the admiral prince receives his visi
tors of high and low degree has made
friends for him every minute of his vlj.t
here. Had King Edward planned a great
dlplomatlo stroke in sendlno his armored
cruiser squadron to American waters, ha
could not have entrusted the expedition to
a more complete diplomatist than Prince
Louis. Perhaps the most interesting inci
dent of his second day of hla New Tone
visit was the reception to newspaper men
In his cabin tonight. For the second time
his-highness talked to them with the ut
most frankness, answered some of their
searching questions and filled others.
"Yes," remarked the prlnca, "I am a busy
man these days. You people have really
been most kind to me. In fact I receive
man', many more Invitations than I can
possibly accept! Twenty-four hours la not
nearly a long enough day for ma to accept
all of the many courtesies offered me. Not
only have I many engagements, but try
correspondence has doubled. One of your
citlsens writes to me that he can build a
ship which will cross the ocean In ih ea
days. Think of It. Some of my letters are
from ladles."
"What do they say?" expectantly asked
one of hla visitors.
"You are not asking ma to betray a lady's
confidence?" the prince exclaimed with a
twinkle in his eye. Then for ten minutes
the prince was the target for the usual vol
ley of questions with which every distin
guished visitor In New York Is met.
Did be admire the American women. In
deed he did. The gallant Britisher thought
"they could not be Improved upon."
Admires Mr. Jerome.
What did he think of Mr. Jerome, whom
he met at the dinner last night? A aln
Prince Louis waa ready with the remark
that It waa easy to see why such a man
succeeded. ; Evidently thinking to ask the
pilnce a question which wcu d evoke an an
swer out of the ordinary one of the report
ers made bold to ask: "What does your
highness think of the conditions in Rus
sia?" For a moment there was a pause and
then he replied:
"I am a brother-in-law of Emperor Nlch
otns and I am also a rear admiral In the
British navy. You are therefore getting
on thin ice; In fact, on no Ice at all, and I
think I shall not attempt to skate."
"Well, then, what does your highness
think of New York." said the reporter.
"What has Impressed you most?"
"The effect of a war upon New York,"
began the prince slowly, "Is what has Im
pressed me most. In less time than it takes
my cook to fry an omelet the combined
fleets In the river here could reduoe New
York to atoms., New York needs peace.
War would prove most disastrous to this
city." x
Prise for Boxing- Match.
Then the conversation turned to gym
nastics in the British navy. "Yes, I am ;
heartily In favor of sports of this kind for ,
the men." said the prince, "and I take
keen pleasure In encouraging them." ,
The chief athletic Instructor of the t
Drake announced today that during the
j squadron's stay here there would be a
I pugilistic contest between BatloT Klrby,
I champion welterweight of the English
j navy, and Bailor Collins, champion welter-
weight of the United States navy. Klrby
la a member of the crew of the Bedford,
' and Collins of the crew of the Kearsarge. I
The bout will be for a purse of 1100, and a j
cup offered by Prince Louis. The cup Is I
now held by Sailor Coekoyne. champion !
heavyweight of the English navy, who won i
it at Halifax, in a contest with another
tailor of the English navy, the cup origin
ally having been a national prlie. It will
hereafter be an international offering and
will be contested for annually. Arrange
ments are being made to have the contest
take place on shore. If possible, and the
sailors ot both squadrons ar enthusiastic
over It.
Before the Englishmen Ball away from j
New York there will also be a series of
launch races In the lower bay, In which
the contestants will be Englishmen only.
The contests will be over a ten-mile course.
Visit to Governor's Island.
There were three soheduled events on
' Prince Louis' program today, luncheon at
Governor's Island with Brigadier General
Grant. This was an elaborate affair and
was attended by a distinguished company.
After luncheon the prince attended a bril
liant reception at the New York navy yard,
where Rear Admiral Coghlan was the
prince's host. Tonight the prince and !:o
officers of the two squadrons were the
guests of the Navy Academy Alumni as
sociation at a magnificent banquet at Del
monlca's. The prince will go to West Point tomor
row on the steamer C. W. Morsev accom
panied by the ranking officers of the two
aquadrona. He will wltneaa the foot ball
game between West Point and the Carlisle
Indians and after the game will return to
New York on a special train in time to
attend the dinner of Colonel and Mrs.
Robert M. Thompson.
Daniinet at Delwonleo'.
Prince Louts and 860 officers of the
British and American squadrons were the
! guesta tonight of the United Statea naval
academy alumni association at a banquet
at Delmonlco's. The hall waa decorated
with the American and British colors, and
muslo was furnished by the band of the
United States battleship, Alabama, and by
John Cheshire, harpist to the duke of
Edinburgh, uncla of the -prince, Colonel
Robert M. Preston presided.
The toasts for the evening wura proposed
as follows:
Thm President and His Majeaty. King Ed
ward VII." by Colonel Robert M. Thomp
son; "Our Guests." by Rear Admiral R.
D. Davis; "Tha Royal Navy," by Prince
Louis of Pattenburg; "The Naval Acad
emy," bv Rear Admiral Wlllard H. Brown
son; "The Continued Friendship ( the
English Speaking Races," by Gvneral
Horace Porter; "West point." bv Colonel
Albert Mills; "Sweethearts and Wives," by
Rear Admiral J. B. Coghlan.
Mew York Millionaire Cannot Recover
Money H Ho Paid to
A egress.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1ft-The appellate di
vision ef the New Tork atata supreme
court today handed down, a decision dis
missing a suit brought by John R. Piatt
against Hannah F.llaa. a negreaa, to re
cover PW.WG which Piatt asserted be had
A trial bottle of Warnr's Safe Cere, the (treat kidney and bladder
cure, sent AB50L LTl LY I REE: to every reader of The Dee who
suffers from kidney, liver, bladJcr or blood disease.
It's Your Kidneys!
If you have pains in the buck, rheumatism, rhetimstle goat, uric acid poison,
diabetes, Bright disease, dropsy, tcxem.t. Inflammation of the bladder, stone In the
bladder, torpid liver, scalding pnlns when you urtnate; or, if a woman, fainting
spells, painful periods or -cnlled female weakness, your kidneys are rtlwHwoi).
Ton should lose no time In sendlna for a FBF.K TRIAL BOTTI.K OF WtHMiH'S
SAFE ( I RE, as a special arrangement has been made m-lth the publishers of The
Bee so that Its readers may have a trial of tills wonderful cure ABSOLUTELY
FREE. If you do not wish to wnlt for the free trial, get a 60c bottle at your drug
gist's. It will relieve you at once.
it Is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish brick-dust sediment, or If particles or
germs float about In It, your kidnes are diseased. If, after you have made thla
test, you have any doubt in your mtr.d as to the development of the disease In your
system, send us a sample of your urine, and our doctors will analyse it and send
you a report with advice, free.
Mr. J. S. Murray, of 43 Broadway, Rochester, N. Y., In writing of hla remarkable
cure, says: "I was taken seriously ill, and though under the care of skilled physicians
my complaint baffled them. Symptoms of Bright a Disease developed. I was In a
most critical condition when I bejran to take WARNER'S SAFE CURE. My health
has been restored and the cure In my case is complete. It is wholly due to
WARNER'S SAFE CURE has been prescr
used In nearly all the prominent hospitals.
WARNER'S SAFE CURE move the bowe
all druggists, or direct, at BO CENTS AMI
containing harmful drugs, which injure the
SAFE CURE will cure them, a trial bottle
paid, to any one who will write WARNER'
mention having seen this liberal jffer In T
fully guaranteed. Our doctors will also sen
of symptoms and treatment of each diseas
to every one.
given to her under coercion. The court
slated In the decision that it was not made
on the merits qf the case.
"There are In the complaint," the de
cision reads, "many allegations of acts on
the part of Hannah Ellas which would re
sult necessarily In a decree requiring her
to make restitution of what she received
from th plaintiff. The difficulty la that
none is proven."
(Continued from First Page.)
either with inciting or with abetting vio- prevented even sporadic attempts at further
lence, and he Is determined to have all the rioting.
offenders removed and punished. t I Poland Wants Autonomy.
Genuine alarm has, however, been ere- I WARSAW, Nov. 10. Representatives of
uted by the reports of the contemplated all political parties In Poland at a a ineet
massacre of Jewa here tomorrow night as lng held in the palace today decided to
shown by the fact that members of the send twenty leading citizens to St. Peters
American colony, including a number of burg to request the emperor to grant Rus
naturalized Jews, appeared at the embassy elan Poland full automony and 'ts own
today in a greatly alarmed state to ask parliament. The deputation will leave to
for advice and protection. " ( morrow.
Spencer Eddy, the Amerlcun charge ' The general atrlka continuea. All tha
d'affaires, made them a speech, saying shops are" closed except those of the
that he did not regard an outbreak a posr apothecaries and also several t akerlea
alble, but he Instructed them all tn the which the strikers ordered to be opened
event of danger to seek asylum at the eo as to prevent the starvation of the
Kllennlchael palace in Serge street, in poor.
which the embaasy la situated. Should the Moscow Fears Anti-Jewish Outbreak.
threatened outbreak occur. Mr. Eddy will
demand a military guard for the palace,
The other embassies have been similarly
besieged by alarmed foreign residents
Cronatadt Mntlny gnppreaaed.
CRONSTADT. Nov. 10. Noon.-AU is
quiet at Cronstadt today. The mutinous
sailors have all aubmitted and the leaders
bleredVm TnToth
ro thoroughly repentant. Troopa are
pouring into the city from all dlrectlopa
bv water. Beside macnine guns,
street artillery and a battery of quick-
firing field guns arrived here on scowa from
St. Petersburg, and were debarked shortly
before noon at tha steamboat landing.
The fires have burned themselves out
during the night and today the buildings
are only heaps of amoklng rulna. The
Area burned almost a whole day. There
waa little attempt to check them as the
Hot Biscuits, Orlddle-Caken, Pies and
The food that made the fathers atrong
is sometimes untU for the children under
the new conditions that our changing clvill-
satlon Is constantly bringing in. me or
Mr. Bryan's neighbors in the great state
of Nebraska writes:
"I waa raised in the South, where hot
biscuits, griddle-cakes, pies and pudding
are eaten at almost every meal, and by
the time I located In Nebraska I found
myself a sufferer from Indigestion and Its
attendant ills distress and palna after
meals, an almost constant headache, dull,
heavy sleepiness by day and sleeplessness
B.( nigni, lura ui uvrau, hiiiwicu iiiciiiuij,
etc., etc.
"I was rapidly becoming incapacitated
for business when a valued friend sug
gested a change In my diet, the abandon
ment of heavy, rich stuff and theuse of
Grape-Nuts food. I followed the good
advice and shall always be thankful that ' ahortage of bituminous coal experienced in
I did ao. i Chicago In many yeara exlats at the pres-
"Whatever may be th experience of nt time, according to prominent dealers,
others, the beneficial effects of the change and they assert that ther is no Immediate
were apparent in my rase almost Imme- prospect of an improvement. Inability of
diately. My stomach, which had rejected th rallroada to furniah cars for tha trans
other food for ao long, took to Grape- portation of th coal la given aa the chief
Nut most kindly. In a day or two my cause ef the shot lge Puling tti last
headache - waa gone. I began to aleep month th price of aoft coal haa rlaen 7t
healthfully and before a week was out centa per ton.
th scales showed that my lost weight i
was coming back. My memory waa r.- HANL0N AND HERRERA DRAW
Urea wnn nic rmiwru vigur wim l tell
in body and mind. For three, yeara now
Grape-Nuts food haa kept me in prim
condition, and I propose it ahall for th
reat of my daya.
"And by th way. my two and a half
year eld baby is as fond of Grape-Nuts as
I am always insists on having It. It ke.epa
her aa healthy and hearty aa they make
them." Name given by postum Co., Battle
Creek. Mich. There's reason.
Read the little book, "The Kosd to Well
vllle," la iackuga. .
some morning urine In a glass or bottle;
It stand for twent -four hours. If then
egetable and contains no harmful drugs,
lbed by lending doctors for 25 years, and
is gently and aid a spoedy cure.
up in two regular sizes and is sold by
f.1 M a DOTTLE. Refuse substitutes,
lnce every sufferer from diseases of the
liver, bladder an 1 blood thit WARNER S
will be sent A a OLI'TF.LY FREE post
3 SAFE CURE CO.. Rochester, N. Y . and
e Bee. The genuineness of this offer la
d medical booklet containing descriptions
u, and many convincing testimonials free
firemen shared in the general demorallza
tion and many of them became intoz.1- !
There waa no disorder during the night.
Late in the evening a squad of loyal
rioters bearing a white flag attached to a
bayonet marched to the district occupied
by the mutineers and Induced them to
surrender, pointing out their revolt waa
merely being used as a cover for robbery
and pillage on the part of rowdy classes.
The "tigers," as the rougha are termed
at Cronatadt, wished to renew the pil
laging during the night, under cover of
darkness and general disorcanlzatlon, but
were unable to do so. The troops and
Inhabitants working In full co-operation
MOSCOW, Nov. 10. Alarming rumors are
in circulation that antl-Jewesh outbreaks
wll loccur simultaneously here and at
St. Petersburg Sundiy next. Foreigners
and Jews have received threatening letters
and have asked the authorities for pro
tectinn, but thus far no atep haa been taken
toward granting the request. I
6""' !ho,d Herniate,
not Mot Own or Operate Their
BUOOKI.INE. Mass.. Nov. 10 SenaJor
Ixdge, In the courae of his addreaa at the
bicentennial celebration, aald:
"The belief that great comblnatlona of
capital should not be and cannot be al
lowed to operate unchecked and un
matched is not only natural, but sound
and right. But there Is a wide distinction
between government supervision and regu
lation ot these enormous agencies for the
conduct of business and government own
ership and operation of such agencies. Tha
one is a necessity In the public Interest
develoDed modern conditions: the other
a revolution In our entire theory and
praetice of government. Government own-
er.hip of the railroads of this county, to
tajte Dut a single instance, would mean
( ita fulfillment the destruction of the
institutions we have known and loved and
under which our liberties have been won
ana preserved. We should have an
oligarchy composed of a few officeholders.,
a jegpot at their head and all below on
, one ,orUd level."
Inability of Ralljs to Move Traffic
t'nnsea Purl famine In
Windy City,
CHICAGO, Nov. 10 The moat severe
Twonty-ilonnd Contest at
Angeles End with Honor
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 10. The twenty
round fight between Eddie Hanlon and
Herrara waa declared a draw.
TO Ctitb; A tOi.o .a U.C DAY
Take Laxative Bromo yuinlne Tablets
rruKgl's icfund money if it foils to cui
E. W. Grove slgoaiur is oc each box toe.
AT Jhristm ts
I'M for Ladies: Gorham Card Cases
I in' whit, and gold cover, and 1
S fancv green and red with silver
VorieTeS C.r Cases In fj
fine walrus with corners. J
W You never saw any thing as II
k swell tn your life for a IJ
V present. The finest 13.50 Jf
NV case In Omaha.
i Drown 5e Do rshcim
$oufb I025treet,0maha.
Uhe Best of
The Only Double
Truck Railway
to Chicago
IIQV. 27th
Indiana, Michigan, Chio,
Pennsylvania, New York,
Ontario, Kentucky
rCIty Officer
1401-1403 FAR NAM 8T.
TEL. 684-661
Ufa Bit CI for asnstnral
IrrlMtloni or nlnrailoM
ef miteoas membrane.
PafnlAM. Bnil nal Mtrin.
TKtEwCHtlUlC. rent er ol.oom.
MllMT1,t i"" Sola hy rn-nrglXs.
er stat la plain wrapper,
hf eirrent. prernld. for
SI 00. nr 1 bnttln tni.
Clrrnlur mrnt na teaOMi
Try th Want Afl
Columns of The Ba.
Woodward & Burgess,
Laat Two Performances
This Afternoon at 2:80, Shakespeare'!
Tonight 8:16,- Farewell Appearance,
Dfl. JKKl'IX and MR. HYDE.
Nights 60c to $2.50. Mat. 60c to $2.00.
Positively No Fre List.
Five Performances, Com. Sun. Night
BIIDUrtnn Nights & Sun. Mats. 10c, TUs
DUDKUUU Tues.,Thuis ..8al.Mata.l0-ve
Eighth BIk Week.
This Afternoon at 2:30. Tonight at 1:16
1 N C O .
Phone 494.
Tonight and Saturday Night and Matine.
Macy ft Hall. Oenaro at Bailey, Stella
Lee, Allenei'a Monkes, Mr. and Mr. Fred
erick Voellitr, Hal Merrltt. Brown and
Brown, and the Klnodroma.
Price-loc, a&c, 60c.
Kniir th A T 4
I W Vet r-rtt'vo-IU- . 0o. Tee
The Typical American Comedy-Drama
A Romance of the Southern Plains.
'When in Chicago
Stop at The
Stratiord Hotel
European Plan
IteAned, R'eeaat, Ou't. Loested eor
sr ef ci'.y's two Caest boulevards,
coavauirDt to entire buainet center.
Clef to beit t:-otrt and (hopping
dlMrirt. t'i rooms. IbO private bathe;
lnxurioae vr.iljrf and reception room'
woodwork mahogany through jut: brass
bed acd all mo'lera comforTi: telephone
tn every room: beau llul dining r'mroe
tb best of verytiilug at muOarat price.
ulAUi. IvVine Vtlvjte Chl..AM