THE OMAHA DAILY BRE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, . 10. 1903. : . . GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARLET Wkett Brttki Badly in Cloiiig Hun f Tnde. ARMOUR HOUSE WITHHOLDS SUPPORT Frlrra romUrriblr Lower Thai Provlone Day Corn Lower aad Oats Market Holds Ita Owi Forelaa Market. OMAHA, Nov. , 190J. Wheat broke badly In the closing- hour ftor holding steady until noon. Une open ing was 4y4c lower than yesterday, and prices heid steady until XZ o'cIock. Tnen there, ttti a silgnt easiness and Klustnn at Chicago broke the market by selling on stop-loss orders. The Armour Interest gave no support whatever. At the close there w.'s a slight reaction. May was lo lower than yesterday and December l'.fce , lower. December closed at 814tfiii4c, May :t W4o and July at UW. Corn was nearly lo lower at one tirne, but there was a reaction and the close snowed a loss of about 4c. December closed at 464c, old December at 4o4c, Way at fi",o ana juiy at 4t,c. December outs were weak and May steady. December closed at S041i3o4c, May at .i-y&dic. and July at 31Vc. neaiances were 43,,doo Dusneis 01 nour, lS3,Uu busncls of corn. liJ.ouu bushels ol oais and U.j-j barrels of Hour, Primary wnest receipts were l,23,Oio bushels and shipments 4j6,o0O bushels, against receipts last year of 12,0ut) bushels and shlpmenta of 776,) bushels, primary corn receipt were 4u0,00i bushels and snlpments 29i.uou bushels, againat receipts last ear of 200,110 ounneis and stilpmunis of 179.000 bushels. i.iveipooi cios-u vu lower to y,d runner vii wii,. Snu uuciiungeu 10 wigner on corn. I he London Statist says Germany prob- ouijt win lane fuu.uw quarters ot wneat week until March 1, at which time the in crease on Import uuties will be 4a Ikl. It aaas mat other continental countries are snowing larger requirements of foreign wheat than cxiiected earlier In the season. tnu leauit being tnat tno United Kingdom has been otpnveil ot Its usual autumn Mipplics. The Western Elevator company of Wi nona, Minn., operating 225 stations In Min nesota. South Dakota and loca. say fully 40 per cent of the o'Jls in their section has left the farmers' hands. 1 lie North western Miller says: "The flour output la: ween dec-reused 29,920 bbls. The quantity was 443,4.(5 bbls.. agulnst 22.O0O bbls. last year. This week's output may fall a little oeiow last week, but the de mand nus nct-u good. It Is said the Canadian ezDorters at Mon treat aJid Winnipeg and a part of the Min neapolis people who have been so bearish on wheat have swung around to the bull sido In the last few uays. A Montreal ex porter who sent an order to Winnipeg to buy 60.000 bushels of wheat on the advance secured only 15.000 bushels. From the Record Herald: "One Of the corn broker of Boston, who suppllos big distributers through the east, declared that New England is bare of corn, Phlla ueipliia people, were teflllng a different story. Tney were claiming large offerings of corn from Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania, and said the west would lie shut out . for some time, so far as the distributing trade Is concerned. The prac tical exhauallon of stocks of old corn in Chicago, less than l.ouo.ouo estimated In all positions, has aroused considerable bullish sentiment." Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 3 hard. 1 car, 794c; 1 car. 78c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 77c; 1 car, 76c. OATS Standard, 4 cars, 2hc. Omaha Caab Prices. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 81883c; No. 8 hard, 784i 81c; No. 4 hard, 7tQ77c; No. 2 spring, sujo; No. 3 spring, 78c CORN No. 3, 4bc; No. 4 new, 40c; No. 1 yellow, 47c; No. 3 white, 47c. OATS No. 3 mixed, 27ie; No. 3 whlto, 24'n'4c; No. 4 white. 2i'4tf28c.. RYE No. 2, 6g6sc; No. 3. 65c, Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City. Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth tit. Louis .181 238 21 60 ..255 ,.4.' ,.. 31 ..361 ... 37 116 6 '32 Cim'AttOGHJllir'UlND TltOVISlOS Prleea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. . Liquidation on a large scale weakened the wheat market touay At the close wheat for May delivery was off 1c. Corn Is down ,c. Oats aro practi cally unchanged. Provisions are off a shade to 10c. The wheat market was weak from start .to finish. Throughout the day the market was subject to persistent selling pressure from commission houses. Notwithstanding at times a leading bull gave the market ac- 1 tlve support it was generaly believed that much of the selling was for the account of this same trader. The greatest pressure wag on Ahe December option. Karly In the session the market was Influenced by in creased receipts of wheat at Minneapolis and Duluth. A cablegram from Argentina saying that' weather there was favorable for the wheat crop was a factor that ex erted considerable Influence later In the day. An estimate showing shipments of wheat from Argentina for the week to be 3.4O0.O00 bu., compared with 752,000 bu. tha corresponding week a year ago tended to Increase bearish sentiment. After opening 4ti'4c lower at 9nyf)9o4c. the May option slumped off to SKiHc, The market closed weak with prices near the lowest point of the day. Waal quotations on May were at 84o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 473,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1.243.000 bu., compared with 812,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts ot 971 cars, against 794 cars last week and 813 cars a year ago. The break In wheat was one of the prin cipal factors contributing to a weak tone In tho corn market. Several prominent longs were active sellers of the December deliv ery. News of the day was rather favorable to bulls, cables being steady and weather unfavorable for the new crop. The mar ket closed weak. May opened unchanged to 4u4e lower at 47!&47'c to 4T4c, sold be tween 4640 and tiVDi'V, ana ciosea at 4Vc. Local redelpts were 238 cars, with 15 of contract grade. Compared with other gmins the oats mar ket was very steady. Commission houses ' and cash interests were quite active buyers. The chief sustaining factor was a continued excellent demand from exporters. Sales of oats here and In the northwest yesterday nd today for shlnmenl to the east were Mtimated at 1. 300.000 bu. The market cloned teady with prices practically unchanged 'rotn yesterday. May opened unchanged to I shade lower at 3"V32-io to 324c. sold etween 3-4c and ;l'-T-c, and closed at 2? j8.',c. Local receipts were 219 cars. With the exception of pork the provls nn market held steadv. Local packers aere moderate sellers of pork. A decline of ic m the prl'e of live hogs tended to S'eaken values. At the rinse May pork was ff 10c at 812 75. Lard and ribs were each town a shade to 17.00 and $6,774. respec Ively. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 57 cars: corn, 214 curs; oats, 256 cars; hogs, t'.Ono hi'rt. The leading futures ranged as follows: .t tlclcs.l Open. I HlKh.l Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I I May iSo'al'Si Juiy '&5V4HI Corn I j Dec. 47 I I I 87V87Hfi 9'4 HMi",! Ktl 8) 9t 84VI MS I 4.;'.) 4Sal 47 J Dec. 4f.V"S 4;w( 4f, tu5 li 464 'K May July Hts ,lec. May July Pork- Jan. May Lard- Nov. Iec. Jan. Miy Ribs- J'nn May a7fn47l- JTUifil.! 4..',' 46V,: 474, 47' 4;4:! 47'! o V 4i I ! 30S1 8KVt 3(J?V S(i J24 31 31 ht 31 V.J 31V 314 13 .174 u a 7 00 90 6 !5 7 o.'4 574 ( 80 IS 67U1 12 70 13 6741 12 67H 12 &2i! 12 87 V, li i-w n 16 7 0?4! 6 fcTVil 6 7 03H' 6 97W 6 Hi 7 00 !! 90 K7H 86 7 00 6 65 57S! t 80 0 f 6 !S I 76 ( 774 NO. t tOld. JNew. Cash quotations vere as follows: FLOCK Steady; winter interna. $(.rVi 4.20; winter straights. $3.7t4 .00; spring pat ents, 4.0ii44 36; spring straights, 33.8uta4.00; bakers. $2.2uu3.30. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 874J890; Wo. 3. 80 S84c; No. 3 red. 87VflV. CORN No. 3, 60fy6.4c; No. 3 yellow, J4c. . OATo No. 3. ; No. 1 while, 31Vti84c; No, 8 white, 30Vu32. HY K No. 2, TSc. BARLEY Hood fedini;. Z4ii3.-, 1, to iholi-e malting, 4;vit.c BEKDt No. 1 Hex. Wc; No. 1 northwest ern. $100. Timothy, prime, $3.25. Clover, contract grade. $13.26. Following? were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: PROVISIONS Meu pork, per bhl . $13 874 (14 00. Lard, per Its) 10., $7.0-4 -7 uii. Short ribs sides (loosei. 17 F-fii.SO; ahort clear sides (boxed), $71-"4fl7-5 Receipts, onipmeni". Flour, bbls 460 atfrO Wheat, bu ilusiw Corn, bu.....' 7M'..Jci 123. ;oo Oats, bu 2i6f0 153.900 live, bu 17,f0 7. ISO Marley, bu in,") On the h'ronuce exrnange tnoay me nut ter market was steady; creameries, 17WU 22iy; dairies, VQ2c. K.cgs, firm; at mark, cases Included, 20c; firsts, 22c: prime nrsts, 24c; extras, 2Cc. Cheese, linn, li"&13e. SEW YORK UESKRAL M AHKKT (taotatloas of tie Day oa Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. -FlyOUR-Recelpts. bbls.; exports, 18.744 bhla ; dull, barely steady; Minnesota patents, 14. 8!.3"i; Minne sota hn Kern. i:i.SiKi4.iii; spring patents, n; winter patents. 34.2i,'54.66; winter straights, $4 fi 4 15 ; winter extras, 322Stf2.8S; winter low grades. i2.7WJ3.3a. Rye nour, tlrm; tine to good, I4.00a4. 10; choice to fancy, M uii 4.10. Buckwheat flour, steady, I2.10tj2.25, spot and to arrive. BI CK v ll F.AT Steady ; delivered in Nw York. 4H'fi65c. CORNM KAL Steady: fine white and yel low, tl .291,30; coarse, 31.16igl.18; kiln dried, 33.lMi3.25. RY B steady! NO. 3 western. 7ttc. c. 1. r.. New York. kARI.KY Steady: feed nc. 42e. o. I. r. New York; malting, tlc, c. 1. f.. New York. wheat-Kece Dts. m.m) bu. Snot mar ket wesk; No. 2 red, 27c elevator; No. 3 red. 9.i7c f. o. h afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. STUo f. o. b. aoat: No. 1 northern Manitoba. sr.Vka f. o. b. atloat. options on the whole were weak all day, closing nearly lVc a bushel from the effects of liquidation. wen it rore xn margots. neavy interior re ceipts, bear pressure and light money. The close wss ftfilHo net lower. May, 93a?4'c closed at M5-16c: December, i-lbc Closed at 94'4c. mHN-Renetnts. Mra mi.s exnorts. in. 342 bu. Spot, easy; No. 8, 6.'o elevator and lUn t. n. b. afloat: No. 2 vellow. 64c: iso, white. K3o. Ontlon market opened steadv. but turned weak under liquidation and the declines elaewhere, closing partly He nt lower. May. sTT.tfc, ciosea at oc; j-t rember elnnpd At E7e. OATS Receipts, 13.1.900 bu.; exports. 2.6J5 bu. Spot, steadv; mixed, 20 to 8.' ins., vie; natural white. SO to 82 11., 36H'537,rc; llniwH white. SR to 40 lbs.. S7V.(i:CIC FEED Fl.m; spring bran and middlings, t!7 in. nrnmnt shioment: city. 318.Oti4ii2.50. HAT Steadv: soring. 60.'j5c; good to Choice. 77H$824c . , wnpn Rienrtv: state, common to cholre, crop. 15(6'22c; 1904 crop. 162oc; olds, Mi 10c; Pacific coast, 19"R crop, 12016c; li4 rrnn l?r,?lRc: nlds. (KhlOc. TiilSi.-.Hiririn: nalvextnn. 20 to 25 lbs.. 20c; California, a to 25 lbs., 20c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., ISHc. LEATHER Firm; acm. liwaaic. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; femily, 311.60 fil2.50; beef hams $21.00 22.50; packet, 110.50 411.60; extra Indln mess, S17.6oijl8.R0. Cut meats, steady; pickled ham. $.2Sf9.75. Lard, steady; western steumed, $7.86(fii.60; reAned, quiet; continent, 37.75; South America, 38 30; compound, 35.nOti5.75. Pork, barely stesdv; family, V'.imt 17.50; short Clear, 314 OOfelfi 25; mess, $15.2oii 15.50. TALLOW Barely steady; city, 4V4c; coun try. iYflCkc M , RICK Steady; domestic fair to extra, S'i'&Oc; Japan, nominal. BUTTKK-irregular; street price, extra creamery, 231923';. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, ifuc; state aairy, common to extra, 17(20; renovated, com mon' to extra, l20c; western factory, common to extra, 15anV4c: western Imita tion creamery, extra, llH19c, western firsts, 17H& 18c. CHEKSli Firm; slate run cream, small and large, colored and white, September, fancy, 134c; state, uctoner, cnoice, Uftc; state, fair to good, 12V0 EGGS Ffrm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected, white, 35c; state, choice. 30Q33c: state. mixed extra. 28c: western, fine selected, 27c; western, average best, 25ifr2c; Kentucky, 20ipZ3c. POULTRY Live, not Quoted: dressed. irregular; western chickens, &gl5c; turkeys. l4gjzoc; tow is, ttanc. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. .-WHEAT-Un-changed to lower; December, 79c; May, 81 He; July, 76"S,c; cash No. 2 hard. 81H1iMc; No. 3, 79H"i83c: No. 4. 76ji79c; No. 1 red, 89U'Sit4c; Ko. 8, 87c. CORN Steady; December, 41Hc; May, 42c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4446c; No. 3 white, 47c; No. 3, 43V4C OATS Firm; NV). 3 whlto, 28H30Hc; No 2 mixed. 28ff2o. ' RYE jVS56i4c. I1AY Choice timothy, $10.i54I11.75; choice palrle, 39.60. BUTTER Creamery, 21e; packing, 154c. EGGS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, jiew No. 3 wrdtewood cases included, 23c; case count, 20c; cases returned, Vfeo off. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 81.0ft) 104.000 Corn, bu 62.000 48.M0 Oats, bu 7,000 12,000 The following range of prices at Kansas City was reported by F. D. Dy & Co.: Articles. I Open. High.l Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I Dec... May.. Corn Dec... May.. Oats Dec... May.. Pork May.. Jan... Lard May.. Jan.., 794 79' 78 81SI 63 8IV1 82H 41 H 42 i Z 80i 80H 13 657 13 75 13 47 12 65 8 9JS96 ........ 8 80 42 41V,' 4211 42V 41 Hi?V4 30H'!W'V 11 73 13 67 6 93 6 80 13 77 12 67 liS 13 47 8t. Loots Oeneral Market. ST. LOU18. Nov. 9. WHEAT Futures, lower; cash, firm; No. 3 red cash, elevator, 894?f92Ho; track, 395o ; December, 86c; May, 884c. CORN Lower: cash, 60c; track, 604c; old December, 4440 : May, 444&4440. OATS-Kasy; No. 2 cash, 31c; track. 814c; December, 304c; May, 324c; No. 3 white, S2C. FLOCR Steady; red winter patents, $4.94 35; extra fancy and straight, 33 7041 4.15: clear, 32.90ft3.10. SEED Timothy, steady, 3150t3 40. I!HAN-Flrm; sacked, east track. 9$70c. HAY Steady; timothy, 3800iS14.00; prai rie, $7 fcXjTS 00. IKON COTTON TIES 31.00. BAOOINO-8. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 314.60. Lard, steady: prime steam, tti leu. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 17.76; clear ribs, 38.00; short clears, $v2i Macon, steady: boxed extra short. 88.50: clear ribs. 88.75; short clear, $9.00. POULTRY Dull; chickens. .4c; springs. 8fi94c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 10c; geese, tr& 84o. Bl'TTER Firm; creameo". . 193244c; dairy, ldij31c. IXiGS Firm at Z04c, case count. receipts. Hiiipments Flour, bbls. Wheut. bu.. Corn, bu Oats, ' bu.... 9.0110 14.0C41 37,iXD 82,000 68.000 60.014) 44.0x0 78,000 Mianeanolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. . FLOl'R-Flrst patents. (4.80$i4.9); second patents, 34.60TM 70; first clears, tl.bofi J.75; second clears, ti.Crtt 2.55. PRAN-In bulk, $11 60. (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The range of prices as reported by F. D. Day U Co. was: Articles. I Open. High.l Low. Close. Yes y Wheat-I t!l Dec....,' 844'83a41Y83Hfl 4 81S15 May... 884U4 824'Ok 8tj 8;tj 4 864 J e FMay... 1 6 I ! I 1 04 I 1 04 Slllwaskra Uratn Market. MILWAfKF.E, Nov. 9 -WHEAT-Ixiwer; Nc. 1 northern. 8fcffc9e; No. 2 nurthern, 81(5) 87c; December, i4C. RYK-Pteudy; No. 1, 724 73c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 55c: sample, 30i flUr. " CORN Steady; No. 3 yellow, 634i65c: May, 464c bid. Ren art 4ll Prtcea Advaaeed. CLEVELAND. Nov. .-The 6tandard Oil company today advanced the price of all grades of redned oil 4c per gallon. Ohio slate test oil Is now quoted at 9c per gallon; water white, Ohio state test, luc; headlight, 176 driea. He; eocene oil, lc. No change Is made 111 quotations on naph tha or gasoline. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. .-WHEAT-flpot. firm; No. 3 red wesiern winter, 6a 7d; futures, steady; December, 7s 4d; March. 7a 'd: May, 7s. CORN Spot, ateady; American mixed, 6s 2d: futures, quiet; January, 4s 64d: March, is 6V,d. Dnlatk Grain Market. DlLfTH. Nov. t WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. 84c; No. 2 northern, 4340. On track: No. 1 northern. 854c; No. 2 north ern. 83c: December, 824c; May, 87c. OATS To arrive and on track, 9Sc Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. Nov. 1 CORN Steady; new No. 3 yellow. 46c; new No. 3. 46c. )ATS-ieady; No. J while, eVVic; No. 4 wwie, ic. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Btrinftucy in Utaej Varktt Cumi Oea rtl Weikoeit, CALL MONEY RISES TO FIFTEEN PER CENT net Decline for the Day Haaces from On to Three Points Bends Are Heavy. NSW YORK. Nov. . The stringency In the money market today developed consid erable severity and weakened the stocg market accordingly. The nign rate ue tnanded for call loans oflered little attrac tion for the carrying of securities on mar gin and prompted considerable precaution ary liquidation. Especially at 'he low rate of return offered by many stocks at the hleh tirlce level now ru nr. the nigh call monev rate nroves burdensome for marginal holders. With the heavy drain on the casn reserves of the banks and their consequent reduction toward the legal reserve limit, the banks found themselves under the ne cessity of cutting down the deposit account by the withdrawal of some of their out- liancllng credits. Tho calllna of loans on the Stock ex nhunm. wan nn m lerre scale and the seek Ing of fresh accommodations on the part of those thus displaced caused a very active money market and some forced liquidation of stock holdings. The rate of 15 per cent touched today had been reached only m.uiiuiitarilv. and that but once, in March, 19ii3, since December of 19Cr.'. During the early hours of the day the presence on Wall street u( the secretary of the treasury gave rise to a connaent assumption in specula tive circles that government measures for the relief of the money market were in contemplation. Such measures would pre sumably take tho form of deposits of por tions of the government surplus revenue with the national banks. This confidence prompted some of the speculative holders of securities to defer the renewal of loans called during the morning with the idea that a later announcement of the govern ment measures to be taken would cause an easier tone In the money market. No such announcement was forthcoming and iliH clalmers were made of any such purpose to tak.! such steps. With the disappoint ment of the early hope there was something like a rush among belated bor rowers. This was said to account for the severity of the stringency developed. Money continued to go out 01 i-ew iur In largo volume, 3J0,0ort being deposited at the subtreasury for transfer to Chicago and New Orleans. About half as much was received from San Francisco by the sale process. Foreign exchange weakened decid edly under the stress of the local money situation and New York exchange at Chi cago also recovered sharply. All three of the great European banks, at London. Paris and Berlin, showed very strong recupera tion, although the money market at those centers showed no relaxation. The time money market here was called firm, but there were practically no transactions made in that department, the high ruling rate for call loans diverting all available funds to that department. It was said that consid erable repayments are now being made of mercantile borrowings made earlier In the year to make purchases of commodities In anticipation of the very active fall trade. During the frequent rallies of the early part of today Reading and some other re cent speculative 'favorites were bid up sharply, and at one time when the pres ence of Secretary Shaw In Wall street wan first reported the average level of the wholo market was above yesterday s clos ing Last prices, however, were but slightly above the lowest and showed net declines of 1 to over 3 points throughout the list. Honds were heavy. Total sales, par value, 33,3,5,0i. irnlted States new 4a declined 'A Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged a. ';Hlgh.Low.clof,e. Adams Express Amal. Copper 49.900 814 Amer. Car & F ,6H0 SH do pfd 7tl 10ON Amer. Cotton Oil 1.400 84 do pfd Amer. Express 100 22 Amer. Hide & L. pfd 50 32 Amer. Ice Securities. 1,200 274 Amer. Unseed Oil . , .. do pfd 2"0 ' Amer. Locomotive... 66,4"0 tej, ,tA WO 114 241 804 8tt 100 2M 8m 27 40 6M 80 UK'S! 100 Mhi 83 224 81Vx 27 17 K'i 67 114 11 9 Airier Hnarar Ref ' 2.4 140 " w- - a j,A tit, 1Jk.: 1'JMms. 136 104 1384 lo4 Amer. Tob. pfd cert. 3,800 lotJVi Anaconda Mining Co Atchison, ex-dlv do pfd Atlantic Coast Line. B. & O do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific.... Central of N. J Ches. & Ohio 2.31 10 118 11 82 103 158' 1104 97 744 170 624 834 77 1164 88 108 158 1104 14 744 1704 220 6i4 32 75 24 17,9-0 30 1.500 7.KO0 2o0 6.3'I0 30.2O0 isoo 844 1034 16o 111 97 7f.a 64 334 77 214 218 174 164 32 s4 44 V, 37 IS b2v I Hiicu no & A do pfd 200 Chicago Ot. WeBtern 2.KuO 204 C. N. W C, M. & St. P Chicago T. & T do ptd C, C, C. & St. L Colo. Fuel & Ii 2,21)0 86.300 2"i0 ltiO bOO 4,t") 600 2164 2)1-4 lib lib- 134 154 37 81 tn 4 43 27 624 43 VI 43 27 2 43 Colo. Southern.. do 1st pfd loo do 2d ptd 6"0 44 Con. Oas 4,9"0 Corn Product 'AO do pfd WO Del. & Hudson 1,600 Del , L. W D. At R. G boo do pfd 200 Distillers' Securities. 1,700 Erie M.liO do 1st Pfd 9"0 ll4 lis-4, 1i6S U4 4 13k b3Vi UiVS 13 63 24 . 460 84 87 44 4,' 804 228 224 344 87 444 4'4 8044 844 87 44 4.4 SO do 2d pfd 6u0 Oeneral Klectric OjO 72-4 72 1144 0"0 1844 1834 12 Hocking Valley b"W .. 111. Central l.'uo 174 Inter. Paper l.ooO 21 do pfd 20 794 Inter. Pump 93' 97 176 2u4 79 175 ) 14 74 2o do pra Iowa Central 300 264 264 26 66 204 do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 800 68 L. A N 7,400 149 Manhattan L "0 166 Met. Securities 6,7'X 77 Met. St. Ry 26.100 120 Mexican Central l,bA) 234 Minn. Xr St. I. 64 1474 let 74 1174 22 M 147, Ilk- 744 117 2244 79 13i 160 98 34 67 4t4 M.. bt. P. at b- Ste. M 600 1374 L8 do pfd Mo. Pacific 46.1HJO M.. K. ei T .5"0 do pfd l.u"0 Nut 1 l-ad 13,000 Nat l R. R. of M. Dfd 994 344 64 501 150 534 8i4 9H4 464 974 83 674 44 3b 14, 1184 824 624 844 844 81 964 96 N. Y. Central 14.800 N. Y., Out. W 3,5u0 Norfolk 44 W...i 1,700 do pfd No. American 1,1"0 Pacific Mali l.'U) 46'4 45 Pennsylvania. 67.7uO 14', 134 14 People s Oas 4,1'H) P., C, C. & St. L.... 2' Pressed Steel Car.... 4,n"0 do pfd 200 Pullman P. C H i3 124 80 44 98 243 141 8114 60 984 80 494 98 Reading 177,100 143 63 140 do 1st pfd 8u0 do 2d ofd 80 9-.4 99 Republic Steel 6 do pfd 3.3)0 Rock Island Co 14) do pfd 1,600 244 4 234 234 924 704 S7 104 644 314 664 74 1114 834 9n4 94 324 36 66 12H4 98 118 84 494 liW 94 924 24. 274 704 10$ 644 22 60-4 674 119 J,"4 94 914 324 Rubber Goods do pfd St. U 4 S. F. 2d pfd St. L. S. W...., do pfd So. Pacific do pfd So. Railway 2'tt li 4) 65 2i0 23 40 674 33.914) 6X4 &O0 119 14,f4) 36 do pfd 2i0 Tenn. Coal & 1 1700 Texas & Pacific 8u0 Tol., Bt. L. A W do pfd Union Pacific 133,300 do pfd 80O U. S. Express U. 8. Realty SKt V. 8. Rubber 3.6u0 do pfd V. 8. Steel 92.6iiO do pfd 33.100 Vs. Caro. Chemical. 2.6Xl do pfd Wshash 1 Oix) do pfd I.60O Wells-Fargo Eti Westlngh. Electric... Western I'nlun. ...... 2n) W. at Lake Erie loo Wis. Central 60O do pfd No. Pacific 2.00) Central Leather 3.84) do pfd l.0 61oss Sheffield I.40O 9'j4 834 834 2 12 96 84 494 36 86 504 1UT4 86 ii 404 88 1014 lul4 344 344 lu74 230 169 9Ji 164 694 If, 4 Pi4 34 934 16-5 29 2014 43 104 92 164 264 196 424 424 IO34 I034 704 wn estij Total sales for th day, 1,300,300 shares. Bank of Ens lan A statement. LONImjN. Nov. . The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows tha follow ing changes: Total reserve. Increased Q6. 0u; circulation, decreased 377,0ui bullion, increased 376.946; other aecurltlea, de creased 1.279.tu); other deposits. Increased 1.036.t0; public deposits, decreased 1.). 0w); notes reaerve. Increased 756. CO; gov ernment wiurlim. increased 169.0n0. The proportion of the Uuik a iecr to liability this week is 40 pel' cent; last week It was 38 50 per cent. New York Money Market. JNf.w 1 M n lv , pwv. v. il i.i r, 1 on can. I In scant supply, strong and higher. 7fel6 per cent; cumins inu. i per rem, unereu hi 1 in iwr cent: time monev. Arm: slxtv. nlnetv I days and six months, nominally at i per rent prime mercantile PAFKri 4u6V4 i HTERLINO EXCHANGE Wesk. with actual business In bankers' bills at M.S'C5 (ii4 for demand and at 34 SWti4 fc'5 for slxtv-dav bills, posted rates, 14.83V and $1 87; commercial bills. 34 SILVER Har, wc; Mexican aouars, BONDS Government weak; railroad heavy. m , closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V. . tf ta. re 00 coupon V. I. la. rt... do coupon V. 8. ola 4a, m do coupon V. 8. saw 4. reg do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a.. do a Atrhlaon gen. 4. do ad) 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a. ...IM Japan . M aerln,. MT4 ...1PJ- do 4'i. 1fa 1 ...lfliH an M mHi S .. .1"H ft X. sal. 4 KM1 ...J04 Manhattan c. a. 4...l(Mi Met. Ontral 4a ...11J no lat tnc J4 . ..Ul4 Minn. St. L. 4a.... ... Vt M.. K. T. 41 1"'4 ,..lll ia it ...IWH N. R. R. of M. c. 4a. i N. T. c. g. lua ....11H N. J. C. g. 6a S4 ....lnt'i No Pacllc 4a i Bal. Ohio 4s.. do a Brll. R. T. . 4a Central of Oa. 6a do lat Inc do Id lor....... .... ' do la 77H .... M"4 N. A W. c. 4a 101V .w o. s. u rrai. 4a S7 . tt Pann. conr. IHa lOtv, . 41 Raadlng sen. 4a IW14 . 76 St. L. A I M. . 6a. m4 do td Inc.. rhaa. V. Ohio 4 1"74 St. U g r. tl 4a. M14 Chlrato . A. ma.., II St. u S. w. c. u... u C, B A Q. n. 4a....iniii S' A. I.. 4a. C. R. I. P. 4a... 04 80. ParlBc 4a do col. 6a I'i do lat 4a ctfs. ... CCC. 8t. L. g. 4S..1W4) Railway 6a.... Col. lnd. 6a. sarlea A 78 Teiaa P. la do aerlea B Illl. 8L L. a W. 4 Cnlnrado Mid. 4a 74t Vnlon Paclflc 4a... Colo. So. 4a 4 I do conT. 4a ... W ... MS ... 7 ...1MH ...126S I.. 14 Tuba 6a .1MV- Steal td ... o D. & K. O 4a 101 Matlllara' 6X1. 4a ... tl Brie prior lien 4a 102 do sen. 4 M Hoc In a Val. 4'.t....lll Wabaah la ...lit ... n ... 17 do dab. B Weatem Md. 4a. W. ft L. K. 4a.. Wla. Central ta. . .. 4 ... Japan 6a IIH Offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds BOSTON. Nov. 9. Call loans, tfyH per cent; time loans, 5i6 per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were ss follows: Atrhlaia adj. 4a do 4a Mai. Central 4s. . .... 44 Allouai ....inzV. Amalxamateil .... .... 1 American Zinc .. .... 2S Atlantic ....1(3, Hlnaham , 40 Atchison do pld Boston ft Albany Bonton ft Maine.. Beaton Rlevatad . Fltchburg pfd ... Mailcan Cantrnl . . 72 .If J rtl. A Hccla .176 jCentanntal .151 Corpar Range .,. .143 Pair Waat .l0 . ,74 . 7i 21 "Dominion Coal . 77 . 1 N. T . N. H. ft H...IH Franklin Vnlon Pacific lrtty (Iranhr Amor. Arga. Cham... itV !! Royala . . 84 do ofd W Maaa. Mlnlns . . 44 Amar. Pnau. Tuba.. 1 Mlrhisan . 14V, Amer. Sugar 18ti44 Mohawk do prd in Mont. c. & c. Amar. T. ft 'T Moi Old Dominion Amer. Woolen Oacanla . 67 .inn . rt .106 do pfd .101 Parrot . M iQnlncT Dominion 1. ft 8.. P.dlaon F.len. lllu.. Oeneral Electric Maaa. Klactrlc do pfd Mnaa. Uaa t'nlted Fruit . .145 I Shannon ..1J lTamaracli ... ., 11 ITrinltT .. 654i t nltcd Coppar .. 41 V. 8. Mining.. .li'l . . U . IS itwi v. n. 011 United shot Mart).... 7S 1 lah . 4W do pfd SIHiVlctorla ft U. S. Steal Si, 'Winona do pfd 101 Wolrarlna .. Wcntlna. common ... 83 North Butt Advantura 7'V Bid. "Asked. . .1J4 .. 6:V4 Itndon Clostna; Storka. LONDON, Nov. 8. Closing- quotations on tnej etock nxcnnnsre were as toiiows: Conaola, money 44 l-14'N. T. Cantral .163V4 do account Anaconda Atchiaon do pfd Raltimora A Ohio Canadian Pacific Chaa. ft Ohio. Chicago Ot. W... C. M. ft St. .. IH Bears Ianvcr ft R. O.. do pfd Erla do lat pfd do '2d pfd .. M V Norfolk A W .. 4 I do prd .... .. Ill '4 1 Ontario A W ..IO614 Pannaylvanls ..1134 Rand Mlnaa . . 17 H . 4 , 041, ..173T4 Reading 724 ..' MM .. Jl'j ..111 .. 1714 do tat pfd 48 do 2d ntn M Southern Railway .... J6V4 do ptd 101 14 .16 I Southern Pacific 70S, 13l4 to U nion Pacific 4L, do pfd 2IV. S. Steal 71 I dn pfd in Wabaah 17 Vi 10414 Illlnnla Central it 41 toularllla ft Naab... 16:4,1 4n pfd '. M , K. ft T 3644 Bpanlah 4s SILVER Bar, quiet, 29d per ounce 34 ........ . 1". 11 I The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 444 per cent; for three montns diiih, 4 per t ent. New York Mltllita; Stocks. NEW YORK, Navi -8. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows; Adams Con Alice 1. Brace Brunawlck Con .. Comitock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs.. Horn silver . 86 . 40, . 66 . 4i Little Chlet .. Ontario .. t ..110 lophir ..67U Hhocoli Potoal 8araga Htarra Narada Small Hopca , Standard .. 1 .. It .166 .170 IM . .. 6: Iron Bllrar Lu4nlla Cos ... .. .. so ..160 Forelarn Financial. LONDON, Nov. . Money was rather scarce and In good demand In the market today for heavy repayments to the Bank of England. Discounts were quiet. Consid erable caution was exercised In view of the political and monetary outlook abroad. Trading on the Stock exchange was quiet and the tone was undecided. Tne approacn of the settlement checked speculative com mitments. The market closed dull and Ir regular. Consols were slightly easier. Home rails occasionally were lower on profit-taking. Americans opened weak. steadier to rather above parity, and In the absence of activity sagged and weakened. During the last hour Wall street advices promoted selling and the market closed nat. foreigners were comparatively steady. JaDanese were in fair demand on the likeli hood of an early conversion loan. Brazil- lans were not affected by the news of the revolt of the garrison of Fort Santa Crus at Rio Janeiro. Peruvians were exception ally weak. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were quoted at 1014. BERLIN, Nov. 9. Prices on the Bourse today were rather weak, especially Rus sians. PARIS. Nov. I Prices "on the Bourse to- dav were heavy, lirastllans fell under the alarming reports from Rio Janeiro. At the close prices were weak. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at 91.30 and Russian bonds of 1904 at ill. Bank of France Statement. PARIS, Nov. 9. The weekly statement of the Bank of Franca shows the following chanson: Notes in circulation, decreased 90,400.000 francs: treasury deposits, Increased 8 26i.Ono francs; general deposits, aecreasea S6.026.f4iO francs; gold In hand, decreased 1 550.OH0 francs: bills discounted, decreased 2(0,96,000 francs. Bank of Germany Statement. BERLIN, Nov. . The weekly statement of the Imperial- Bank of Germany shows the following changes: tun in nana, m creased t.SJO.oiX) marks: treasury notes, de creased 360.000 marks; other securities, do- creased 44.8'.Jo marks; notes In circula tion, decreased 66.64O.Ono marks. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. Today's state mnt ,-f the treasury balances In the min eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $133,018,276: gold and bulion, $77,811,617; gold certificates. Bnnk flea rings. OMAHA, Nov 9 Bank clearings for to day were 81.383.408.22. and for the corre sponding day .last year. $1,109,938.26. Suatar and Molasses. ni!.n limn, . di ' n ' . Hi-. nulet: fair rennirc. 2 13-16c: centrifugal. 98 . r , I ' XV... a DIVI , T. Da, test. $7-16o; molasses sugar, 2-16ig24c. Re fined, nulet: No. 6. 4c; No. 7. 8 96c; No. 8, 3.90I-; No. 9, 3.86c; No. 10, 3. 80c; No. 11, 8.76o; No. 12. 3 70c: No. 13. 3.65c; No. 14, 3 66c: confectioners A, 4.46c; mould A 4.95c; eutioaf and crushed. t.Suc; powdered, 4.70c: granulated, a.wic; cuDes. tiw. NEW ORLEAN8. Nov, 9. SUGAR Ms r. ket quiet: ooen kettle, centrifugal, 1 3-lii'if 3 6-16c; centrifugal whites. SHtj34c; yellows, 3 8-lS''t34c: seconds, I43c. M14LA38K1 Oiien kettle, HS32c; Pen trlfutral, 104ii7r. SYRUP-25S2fio. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 8 COFFEB The market for futures opened steady at un changed prlres to an advance of 6 points. In sympathy with the French cables, which were higher on continued absence of needed rains In Brazil. Trading here was quiet aside from a few switches from near to later months, but the market ruled gen erally steady and closed steady net un changed to 6 pointa higher. Sales were 37. 000 bags, Including November at 8 66c. De cember at 8 5M'i6.Mc, March at 8,v'nf 90c, May at 7 0uy7 06c, September at 7.3o'a7 4oc, October at 7.40c. Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio, I41I8HC. Oils and Rosin. OIL CITY. Nov. 9 OIL Credit balanc a. $161; shipments. 77 4"9 bbls.; average. ',..KJ bbls.; runs, M.592 bbls ; average. 80 330 bt!v. Shlpmenta IJma. 69.6ul bbls.; average, 68. 7 bbls.; runs Lima. 63,9n7 ; average, 37 376 bbls. SAVANNAH, Nov. 9 -OIL Turpentine, verv dull, ftv. ROSIN Firm: A. F. C. $4 26; D, $4 30; K. $14K; F. $4.70; G. $4 76; H. $160: I. $4 85:' K", ti.; M, $5.; N, ti v, WO. $5.66; WW, H&j. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET - , . a m 1 Lattlt Vtrlet UtBlrgllJ BleitT, iriQl , . ,. fiClIYB, HQG TRADE FAIRLY ACTIVE. BUT LOWER Liberal Receipts of gheep ana l.arnhs, 4)nallty fienerally Common, Best Mnttona Steady, Olhera Lower, Feeders steady to Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. . 1SO0. Recelnts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. .. 6.U71 tx91 01il .. 6.728 6 411 18.733 .. 6.478 -4 & 9 19 .. 8.400 8.000 W.OOO Official Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday.. Four davs this week . ?4 577 1 9.167 85.139 Same days last week. .. .81.702 fcl.493 ffJ.JXO Same tao weeks ago. ...31.475 83.6-'7 71.9S2 Same three weeks ago..2S8'l 18.833 6".?:4 Same days last year. .. .18.138 18.4H4 87,758 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and ehecp at South Omaha for me year in uate, comparing wun isi jrci . lttif. 1904. ' Inc. Cattle 890,313 794,3t 95.943 Hogs 1,94,175 1,988,148 5I.OJ7 heep 1,774,271 1.&38.907 235,3t The foil. tahie anoara the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 190B. 11904. 11903. 11903. 11901.11900.11899. Oct. 16.. 18.. 17.. 6 U a ( 0? I 491 1 001 t m 4 a, Oct I 11 6 10 6 46 91 i K 4 72! 4 H Oct. 6 22 7 15 7 021 ( 4 84 Oct Oct 18.. 19.. 110 4 87 6 02 27 33 4 6J 4 61 4 68 a 4 ii u 6 144 11 4 11 4 IV 4 13 4 16 4 14 4 13 4 14 4 10 4 10 Oct. 30., Oct. n. 6 07 6 03 93 13 a 6 14 I 04 6 01 5 18! 6 07 t 171 6 1 t 141 6 82; 6 70! 28 Oct. 22... 03 4 Oct. Oct. Oct. 2d. 24. 26. 28. 6 76 8 74 6 99 4 61 4 61 6 r.'i zn I Vfl 6 25 00 18! 01 6 20 671. 6 c6 4 481 4 68' 4 64 I Oct 4 98H 6 00 Oct. 7 4 87V4j; 6 61 Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. 28...I 4 92 1 4 9ri 6 0K 6 51 6 881 29 4 981 4 !7i 8 511 6 M' 4 62 30. 81.. 1.. 2.. 3. 4.. 6.. 8. 7.. 8., 8. 4 14 4 9: 691 6 72 4 60 4 4 92 4 911 4 97 4 R4 4 841 4 89V, 4 KV 4 99 SI 6 Ol 4 41 4 vo Nov. 6 66 8 73 4 61 4 t'l Nov. 6 72 4 601 4 04 Nov. 4 87v 4 86; 4 87 6 61) 4 6 4 Nov. Nov. t Sitfcl 4 90 4 79 4'J; 4 88: 4 74 1 5l! 6 83; I?, 6 6 6 67 6 74 4 Vi 4 6ft! Nov. 4 87V, 4 73 63 4 04 4 01 4 03 4 03 Nov. Nov. Nov. 4 S3V 4 0 4 78 8 oil 4 4 81 I 4 9fi I 6 44 4 71 I 4 97 4 80' 4 691 4 03 Indicates Sunday. Itanae of Prloes. Cattle. .31.6IVI4.90 . 2.0iti.40 . 2.aK06.9i) . 1. 7b5.!IO Hogs. 34.70(Q'4.8o 4.4i.ii HO 4.4V(O.HJ 4.6"'u4 97' Omaha Chicago bt. Liouis ... Kansas City Bioux t.lty 2.0lfto.7o 4.7tXtl'4.J The following table shows the prices paid at tha river markets for cattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers. ...35.406. 16 hair to innil corn-fed steers b.oixuo 4U Common to fair corn-fed steers.... '4.0CHB5.UO Oood to choice range beef steers.. 4.2b4jo.ov rair to good range beet steers t" Oood to choice cows and heifers.. 3.364(4 50 Fair to good cows and heifers 2.60fu3.JO talr to good western cows l.wMai.ia tanners and cutters 1.75-U3.50 Good to choice Blockers a. feeders. 8.7fiM.10 Fair to aood atorkers and feeders, 3. 16113 60 Common to fair stockers & feeders 2.50&3.00 WEDNESDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following lmt shows the number of cars pf feeders shipped lo the country yes terday ana tneir points 01 uesunauon: CATTLE. cars. 4 I Joseph Samuels. Rlverton. ia.-Q I ' H. K. Forsyth, Orlswold, la 1 W. J. Noblltt. Hamburg. Ia. u 2 George Calkins, Corning, la, y 2 A. Ij. Jackson, Mci'aui, ta. y 1 Robert Sanderson. Essex, la. 4 1 J. A. Mooney, Pender, Neb. M. & O.. 1 Jesse Ryan, Blair, Neb. M. & o i W. M. Haas, Winner, Neb. F. K I ri. F. Hoppe, Wlsner, Men. r . r. H. Bank. West Point. Neb.-F. E 1 A. E. Swln, Geneva, Neb. F. E 3 Peter Berlet, Brock, Neb. Mo. P 1 O. I. Sears, Logan, Ia. I. C 1 H. M. Ramsey. Persia, Ia, Mil J O. E. Baker V D., Neola, Ia. Mil 1 John DlckliiBOn, Sumner, Mo. Wab. ..... 6 SiiEhJP. u.-u. Scout D . Kearney, Neb.-U. P ...w 1 L. E. Soulhwlck, Tekaman, iMeo. Ai ac j. H. C. Bailey, Tipton, Mich. R. 1 1 J. McKlnale. Macedonia, la. y 1 Rankin & Mcl., r airrux, aio - w j The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was; 4ja1ue.r10gs.0N p. 11 Sl'9. C. M. Bt. P 3 4 .. .. 2 .. a 27 36 i 3 23 18 1 5 9 18 16 5 .. 1 1 .. .. 2 98 72 4 Wabash Missouri Pacific 5 Union Pacific system.... 128 C. & N. W V.. K. M. V 4i C. St. P., M. ft O H. & M ia C. B. A Q 3 C, R. I. & P., east C, R. I. o P.. west 1 Chi. Gt. western Total recelnts 219 The rilarina Itlon of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: tjatuo. nogs, aneep. Omaha Packing Co.... 7(i 9."3 4f 8wlft and Company 1.188 1.615 1.937 1,911 l.4 557 2.250 Cudahy Packing Co 1,748 Armour ct Co 9 Vansant ot Co ' Cttrey 1' McCreary 4 W.' I. Stephen i Hill "J Huston & Co 88 Livingstone & Shaller ! 1 F. Husz Jl Wolf Mike Haggerty 2b J. B. Root tt Co 61 Bulla ion C. H. Clark Other buyers 1.09 7.174 Totals .8J6 6.3t56 11.970 receipt! lhi morning were about equal to the average run for a Thursday. The run for the week Is the smallest run for the four first days for a considerable length of time, the smallest In over six weeks, but at the same time It is larger than the run for the tirst four days of the week one year ago by about lO.uOO head. As usual, trains were laie again una and as a result at 10 o'clock not over half of the cattle were In the pens in I shape to be shown. ... .,, There was a lair snowing ui ira van this morning, but the larger portion of the offerings consisted of snort-lea ana warmed-up catue, and dressed beet men were not in mucn 01 a nuny m uu im kind of stuff. However, packers were all wanting some of this kind of cattle, with the result that the trading was fairly ao- tlve at times ana tne cnoice sioca uruugm prices that were at least steady and in some cases higher than yesterday's close. But the common and medium atun, aioug with the general run of steers, sold at prices that were Just about steady in most cimes. , , , Cows and belters were in iair supply, um tha, areneral run of slock was not of the best kind, but there was a fair demand on the irt of packers ana mere were also a few orders from outside people. As a re sult of this demand there was not much change from the prices of yesterday. The best kind of stuff sold steady with nrices on thut kind of cattle yesterday, while ths common kinds aoia steaay wun um general There was a reasonably good run of stockers and feeders this morning and there was quite a demand for this kind of stuff 011 the part of both local and country buy ers, with the result that choice feeders firmed up a little and sold steady to pur haps a little stronger. Common kinds sold at prices that were generally steudy with yesterday's prices. Representative sales; . , n ut 1.' u St. At. rr. ft a. At. Tr. It it, a i STOCivEils AND FEEDERS. II 7M t 71 WESTERNS. J. R. Phelan Neb. 61 feeders . 14 $ 46 1 feeder... 994 3 00 $ feeders.. lo34 3 00 1 feeder.. .1060 $46 4 feeders.. 994 3 46 8 feeders. .1076 3 90 WYOMING. ' f cows 1020 3 00 18 Steers.. ..1270 3 30 1 Cow 910 8 50 13 steers.. ..1.37 8 36 X cow 1030 3 00 4 steers.. ..1103 8 36 1 iteer 1070 3 80 1 steer la.0 3 3i NEBRASKA.. I yearl'...1360 3 10 ii cows 1007 3 40 1 bull 1400 3 36 29 feeders.. 8u0 $90 1 bull 15uo 3 30 19 bows 9i4 $ 60 3 cows fc"0 1 60 1 calf 410 3 36 j. Aiaioney wyg. 40 feeders.. 997 3 66 4 feeders 997 3 00 8 feeders 1003 sw E. W. McWllllams Wyo. 1 feeders.. 1060 3 3o 11 feeders. . 698 14 heifers.. 620 3 36 7 cows-hfs 914 3 10 2 76 J. R. Phelon Neb. 98 feeders.. 1106 3 1 0 J W. Swauson Wyo. 6 s'eers.... 830 8 00 10 cows 770 1 80 steers.... TA 3 00 33 steers. ... 975 3 00 HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning were reasonably large for a Thursday, be ing the largest Thursday run fur several aeeks. and was also larger than the run for the same day one year ago. Owing to lata trains the stun was laie 111 getting In and droves of hogs came straggling In all the forenoon. The early market opened ac tive and 24flCc lower. Early leport from the esstern markets Indicated that there were large runs, and the market lower all this had a bad effect utn.n the market here and so caused a decline, but later reports coming In showed that the esstern market had taken a brace and firmed up conslrt"rahly ; this arreted to have a kind of strengthening effect upon the market at this point snd served lo steady things and helped to prevent a still further decline from the opening drop. Th" market on hogs, taken as a whole. Is gen erally SVtiie lower than yesterday's avir Sge 'with the bulk of the sales going at 4 77Vi1i4f. with tops at $4 85. Representa tive sales: Wo. 4J... 64.... 64 ... 4.... 0.,.. U ... !7.... A 8h Pr Nn At. Sh Tr. 74 SM 41 4 M 7t 14, Ki 4 II Jll iro 4 10 rM 40 4 tl lit 10 4 4 110 ... 4 to 70 141 10 4 1" 67 t4 . 4 to 67 l 110 4 8 4 S74 4U 4 10 77 ft IN 4 4t St 156 ... 4 0 7f..... ?0 W 4l 47 t!l 4 10 M7 JOO 4 0 17 ft7 400 4 41 t"4 ... 4 10 64 ttO 4 II 40 1W 4 10 tl 40 4 W 14 16 ... 4 M4 14 S14 40 4 , an mi 40 4 It', 44 17 ... 4 tv. It 1(4 ... 4 ttv, 74 til ... 4 ll Tt tit ... 4 !! 66 tul ... 4 !!', 41 173 ... 4 I", 78 t4 ... 4 43 47 M2 IM 4 M ...nt 4 4 !4 tl IM . 107 ..NT . !"1 7 ..!61 ..J4 . ISS .J14 ..04 . .t'4 . .7t ..!? ..!6J ..IS ..!64 ..261 ..18 . r ...lit ...ifi ..s:i ..174 .114 ,.t41 ..its 10 4 76 0 4 76 140 ito iin lao M 4 7i 4 It 4 76 4 71 4 tfvt 4 774 4 77 i :.v. 43... 41... 4. . . 44... 0... C .. 7!.... 64.... 44..., 44... 46..., 4S... 17... 71... t... 10... 61... 44... 47.., ... 7.... . . . 4 T74 ttiO 4 774 ... 4 7TW im 1 an 140 1J0 Ito 4 77v 4 77la 4 77S 4 T7'4) 4 774 40 IM 150 4 7714 4 77V 4 T7i 4 771, ... 4 77', 40 4 771, 40 4 T7Va 40 4 7'V, ln 4 77 w IJ0 4 77i, 340 4 77 V, 10 4 10 40 4 60 sheep tills morning, soniw,iat ialger tnan a week ago and aiso larger tnan tne same week one year ago.' '1 lie run fur tne first four days of this week is larger by about 2u,wi0 h-ad than that for tne same days last week, and Is larger than the run lor the first tour days ot the eame week last year by about 66,000. Trains were laie again tnls morning and it was late In the forei.oon before the morning arrivals were in the pens in shape to lie snown. jester dav s stuft was nrettv well cleaned up be fore the close of the miiikal yesterday, so that by the time todays arrivals weie 111 shape to shown the old stuff was fairly Well cleaned un. There was not much fat stuff on the mar ket this morning and what did show up was generally or the common and medium armies and an rmckera seemed to be pretty well supplied with that kind of killing stuff, the trading was slow and prices mere In soie canes a little lower than they have been. The mure choice kinds of killing sheep, however, found ready sale and at nrices that were iunt about steady witn those of the nrnvlou dav. Generally speak Ing the market on fal ahei was Inclined to be a little easier on tl common and medium kinds of killing snfep and on the mora choice stufT It was lust about steady. There was a good run of fedT sheep this morning and there was a little good stuff on the market, but the larger port'on of the run wu comnosed of common and medium grade stuff. There were a few country buvers In this morning, but they Were generally looking for the better grade or stufT and were not bidding very strong. As a result the market on reeder sheep was a little slow and In most cases a little lower than yesterday, but of course, some or tne choice at feeding sheep brought steudy Drlces. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: Good to choice fed lambs. $7 .fW7.5i); good t choice range lambs. 16 R0fi7.00- good to choice yearling Wethers. $5.flOf?ifinO; good to choice old wethers, $6.40116.80; good to cnoice 01(1 ewes, Ib.0UKI5.33. Quotations on feeder sheen and lambs Good feeding lambs, $R.OO'g6.35; good feeding weiners. x4.7bob.:'n' frond leeding weiners, 4.7f,'".; good feeding ewes. 4.00'p-l.6O breeding ewes, 1.a4 in No. 6 native ewes, culls 46 native ewes 4u2 western yearling wethers 242 western yearling wethers 2M native yearlings 84 native lambs 237 Wyoming ewe feeders..., 86 Wyoming cull lambs Av. . 103 . 112 . 97 . 94 . 101 . 76 . 81 . 66 Tr. 4 - ' 6 25 6 80 6 80 6 00 7 18 3 25 4 76 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MIRKBT Cattle Steady to Dull Hobs Weak lo Five Cenla Lower. CHICAGO, Nov. 9. -CATTLE Receipts. 9.000 head; market for beBt steady, for others dull; common to prime steers. $3 15fi 6 40: cows, $2.Ki4.00; heifers. $J.2Dlil5.10; bulls. $ stockers and feeders, $2.Ui(f( 4.25; calves. $2 0017.00. HOGS Receipts, 27,000 head; market weak to 5c lower; choice to prime heitvv, 34.9.V4' 5.06; moillilm to good henvy, $4.661i4.H5; light weight butchers, f4.9Mft6.lK; good to choice Heavy mixed, n.wyfit.'.'h; packing. j4.stwi.Hi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. (Vi0 head; market unchanged: sheep, 2.0iW.nO; fair to prime yearling wethers, $5,77110.60: spring Iambs, good to choice, $7.00017.65. St. Loo Is I.lie Mock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.000 head. Including 2,000 Texans. Market stesdy: native shinning nnd export steers, $4 0ntii6.!0; dressed beef and butcher steers. $2.80ii6.2o; steers under l. pounds. $2.80fj4.25; Blockers and feeders, $2.0043 40; cows and heifers, $20ivg4.40; canners, 31. 75 Wl.W; bulls, $2.1(Ku'2.85; culves. $.1 OufaU.OO; Texas and Indian steers, $2.25gt3.6i; cows and heifers, $2.oofo3.00. HO18 Receipts, 9,000 head. Market 61? 10c lower; plKS and lights. $4.fcfi4.8ii; pack ers, l4 4'Vy4.W; butchers and best heavy, $4.75ifi5.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.500 head. Market steady, native muttons. 84.50 4i6.26; lambs, $i Vfi7.40; culls and burks, $2.50((H.75; stockers, $3.ojt.33; Texans, $3.00 tj-4.26. Kanaaa City Live Stock Market, KANSAS CITY, Nov. 9.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 9,610 head, Including 800 southerns. Market steady to strong. Choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.0O,t5.8O; fair to good. fSWirt Wl: western steers. $2.8nii4.40; stockers and feeders. $2.40(84.20; southern steers, $2.4Ott4.0O; southern cows, $1.76 2 90; native cows, $1. 75 3 90; native helfeVs. $2.50 (1-4.75: bulls. $2iS3.; calves. $2.2;Vu.2S. HOGS Receipts. 13.700 head. Market 6 45'lOc low.-r. Top. $4 95: bulk of sales U o r4 90; heavy, 34.8MM.9.V packers, $4 SO 4 924: pigs and lights. $4 60414.874. BHEBP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 7,000 head. Market strong; native lambs. $5.50 fe'7.50; western lambs. $i.5iifi7.36; ewes and yearlings. $4.5i"Jj6.fl0; western clipped year lings, $5.4fj6.00; western clipped sheep, $4.50 $5.65; stockers and feeders, $3. .Ji4.75. new York Live stock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. BEEVES Re ceipts. 140 head. No trade In live cattle, feeling steady for good lieeves, dull for others; dressed beef slow t 64 per lb. for native sides CALVEB Receipts. 4?S head. Veals were steady, grassers and westerns not wanted: veals. $4.niv.:5, other calves nominal. Dressed calves, slow; city dressed veals, 6'tf l-4c per lb.; common and fed calves. 41iiio. HOGS Receipts. 7.512 head, all for slaughterers. Market nominally firm at $5 85Tjfi.50 for state and Pennsylvania hogs. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 4.440 head. Sheep easier. lambs 10fi15e off; sheep. $.1501)6 124; culls, $;'.5O&3.00; lambs, i 0a.".874; culls, $5,004(5.50; Canada lambs, $7.00. t. Josenh Live Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 9. CATTLE Receipts. 8,075 head. Market steadv. Na tives, S5.fl6tr6.80; cows and heifers. $1.5uyi 4.60; stockors and feeders, $2.75'&3.8o. HOGS Receipts. 9 tfH head. Market 5c lower. Light, 4.7ff4.9); medium and heavv. $4 R0(ii4 95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 3 (dil head. Market 10c lower. Native lambs. $7.60. Klonx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. B.-tSpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 900 bead; mar. ket steady; beeves. $4.0f'S6.75; cows, bulls and mixed. $2.0063.2o; stockers and feeders, $2 75i3 75: calves and yearlings. $2 5nS.40 HOGS Receipts. S.Oia) head: market 24e lower, selling at $4.70Cd4 624; bulk of sales. S4.72ivti1.n4- Stork In klaht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal mcaLciii mm ken raivoDiy Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . C.400 fl.ioi I9,0t Si) S("4) . .f IS.TiO 7.li0 . 3 l D.lliN 3, Hoi . 644) 9.0110 fiio . t.OOO 27.UOCI 20.0H0 .34:i 67,788 6C.I0I South Omaha Ploux Cltv Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Total Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. COTTON Spot clrsed quiet, 20 points higher: middling tin lands, 11.80c; middling gulf, 12.06c; sales, 113 bales. ST. LOUI8. Nov 9-COTTON-Stes(1v; middling, 114e: salts. 176 bales; recelptx 200 bales; shipments, 4i0 bales; stock, 13.190 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 9 COTTON-Sptit. good business done; prices 6 points lower: American middling fair, 6 51d; good mid dling, 6.23d; middling. 8 07d; low middling, 5 91d; good ordinary, 6.73d: ordinary, 6.57d. The aulea of the day were M.OiO bales, of which Oo were for speculation and export and Included 11.900 bsles American. Re ceipts. 18,ma) bales, Including 13,700 bales American. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. I. COTTON -Firm; amies. 7.4UO bales; ordinary. $13-lrtr; giioj ordinary, 10u; low middling. l'c; initialing, U4L'i food middling, ll;c; tiild- dllng Hot k fair. 12Vlc; 1V..J7 hales. ircilpls, 11.SI.1 bnlt'.i: OMAIIl A HOI !,. 4.I.K MltK$: r. Condition of Trade and Itnotntlona oa Staple anil Fancy Proa nee. l-XlOA-Cnndlrd stock. ltilil!o. LIVK P1 I. THY liens. V; toosteis. 6c; turkeys, lMilbc; ducks, ytj9V ; spilng chick ejis, 84'. IU T I Fin Parking stock. K'C: Choice Id) fnnry dtlry. IS'ilS",'; creamery, ;ivil4c; prlnl-4. 214c. JM'tlA It-Standard grimiilated. In bbls. 18.68 per cwt.; ctilios. $1. 40 kt rwt.; cutloaf. f.4 per cwt.: to. 6 extra C. n 40 per fi , NO. 10 extra C, Xr.-i per cwt.; Mi. i.- yeuow, lo.: per cwt ; XXXX powdered. per cwt. FRKS'I FISII-Trof!, IMilIc; halibut, lc; buffalo, dresed. 9o; pickerel, tlressed, f,4c; white bass, tlrpssed. Ki : suntlsh. r percn, scaled and dressed. 80; pike, loc; caitlKh. 13c; i-ed snspiier. loc; salmon, 11c; crapples, i.e. eels. ISc; bnllliesds. 11c; black baas. c; whltetlsh. 12c; fixig Irgs, per dos.. ,c; mu sters. reen. 27r: boiled lobsters, 3v; shud roe, 46rt lilueflsh. l.'c; herring. 4c II AY Prices ouoted by Omatia tvntii. Hay Dealers' association: No. 1 upland. .; medium, $ri4sbi.5t); ctaise. $5. irt j er i'n, i. TROPICAL FRtlT. r a A vrnro I'.ti.n.i, li t", Cftii .VI: Florida, sll sixes, $.. lbi-t.. LEMONS Lemon ic 1 a, extra innry. .w size. $5; 3nt snd 3'W sixes, $8. DATES lir Ivix of 3o 1-lb. pkgs.. 4 . Halloween. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. u4Ci walnuts, stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs.. $2 per dog. FIGS California, per iti-m. carton. miw-i lmportsd Hmvrna, 4-crown, Up: 5-crown, 11c. BANANAS Per medium-sited bunch, $1.iu G2.26; Jumbos. $2.tvnjj3 ro. FRUITS. PKARS L'tah. Kieteit.and Vicars, $3; De An go tiTf). A I'M .1. M nn ruvl and Wincsaps. In 3-bu. bbls., $3.buf4 00: In bushel banKets. $1; t aiirornla rlellHowers, xi.bu; t omraini ," than and Grimes' Golden, $2.tu:.l; M" York apples, $4.60 per Lbl. OltAi'tJH New York Concords, per 8-lb. Iwsket, -ac; Mustats. per 4-baaket crate, $1.75; Tokays, per 4-baskt crate. $l.i&. gl. INCKS Mlchlgnn, per bu., 4W.60. CRAN HEltHl KS Early Braces, $s.60 ptr bbl.; Bell and Cherry, JS 60. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New, per bu., 60c ONIONS Home-grown yeliow. red and white, per bu., 6-,c; nimulsr., per crate, $1.40. WAX BEANS Per 4-bu. basket, 25(;c; suing beans, Jier 4-bu. btix. 2ft'Jo6o. bc,rtNK-Nat. tier bu., $2.00. CLCCMHh-UB Per dos., 2ic. CAliUAiitMioiiii'-irimii, in crates, per lb.. 14c. HK(. I'S New, per bu., 70c. CELKHY Kalaiiiasun. per dog., 2oc. SWEET POTA TOES Vlrgliiiii, per 3-bvi. bbl , $2.60. BEEF CUTS. Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Rilw No. 1, 124c; No. 2, 84c; No. 3, 6c. Round No. 1, c; No. 2, b'ac; No. 3, tV&c. Ixilns No. 1, 164c; No. 2, 10c; No. 3, 74c. Plates No. 1. 3c; No. 2. 3c; No. 3, 24c Chucks No. 1. 44c; No. 2, 3c; No. 1, 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New, per 24 $3.60. v CHEESE ewiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburgir, 13c; twins, 124c; young Americas, 134c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 134c; hard shells, per lb., l-'c; No 2 soft shells, per lb.. He Pecuns. largo, per lb., 15c; small, per lb.. 134. I'eanuls, per lb., 7c: roasted, per lb., oc. Chill wal nuts, per lb., l(i 134c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; liurd shells, per lb., inc. Shell hark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.16; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. Chestnuts, lio per lb. Cocofinuts, $4.00 per sack of 100. HIDES No. 1 green. 9c; No. 2 green, 3c: No. 1 salted. 104c; No. Z salted. 94c; No, 1 veal calf, 11c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, 7'aHc: sheep pells, 25cti1.00; horse hides, $1. toy 3. on. Itletnl Market. NEW YORK, Nov. . MBTAIJ4 Spot Mil was unchanged In the Iindon market but futures wore a shade higher at 4:149 17s ild. Locally the market was reported steady, with spot quoted at $33.124rjH3.25. Copper, was a little lower In London following tlt harp advance recenllv noted. Spot clnt-tl at 4:78 2s d a"d futures at 4l71 7s 6d. lo cally the market Is steadv and showed mi features. Lnke Is quoted at $18.374'i 16. '.6. electrolytic at $l.f8"il0.J4 and tasting at $16.0Wltl.374. lad was ubmit Is 3d higher at 16 3s 9d In Ixjiuloti. Loeallv the mar ket Is firm, with quotations ranging? from $5.16 to $6.36. Speller also was higher In London, closing at 28 10s. Lorally the market was steadv with spot quoted nt Jfl llKfm.L'fl. , Iron was higher In England. Stnndard foundry closed at 50s 10d anil Cleveland warrants at 52s Hid. Locally the market Is firm. No. 1 foundry, northern nnd southern, Is quoted at flSSfilS 75: No. 2 foundry, northern and southern, $17.754il8.2. Evaporated 4pples nnd Dried Frnlls. NEW YORK. Nov. 9 EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows an advancing tendency and prime fruit for November de livery Is quoted at 84c Common to goix! are quoted nt 5fH4. on spot; nearly prime at 74c; prime, 84c. and choice at 9'c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are reported firmer on the const with hold ers said to be seeking 34c, f. o. b.. for 'i0s to ftis. with a premium of 4c on larger snd smaller. Spot quotations range from 54c to 74c Apricots are quiet, but firm. Choice are quoted at SH'OSc; extra choice, 9'4fi9e. and fancy, 10177 114c. Raisins are firm. A somewhat better delivery Is re ported for seed grades, but business Is still confined to Immediate needs. Ixiosn musca tel are quoted at f4Ti'7,c: seeded raUlns, 5464c; London layers. Jl 2iKi(l.a. Wool Market. LONDON. Nov. 9 -WOOI A sale of 77.- 670 Cape of Good Hope and Natal sheep skins wits held In Mincing Lane todsy. Th offerings were in good condition and ill were sold. Competition was brisk. Extra long wonled advanced 4&ld; short wnoh-d and shorn, 4ft 4d; lambs and damaged skins, '.ri; coarse wooled, 414d. bT. IjOUIS. Nov. . WOOl-Steady : me dium grades combing ana clothing, 26iilt!c; light fine, lrq26c; heavy fine. 19ft23c; tub washed, S3y42c. . Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Nov. 9 -8KEDS Clover, cash. $8.1i4; Deceniter, $8,174; January, $8.12'.,; February. $8,274; March. $8.324l Alslke, prime, xs.oo. Timothy, prime, 31.6 Foreign (ertiflrntes l.aist. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 9 -Foreign certl flcates to the value of $100,000, consigned to the Tradesman's National bank of this city have been lost by a special delivery boy In the employ of the local postofflce. It Is said the certificates aro of value only to the bank. They are always issued in duplicate, and the first set which reached here yesterday are now on their way abroad. The drafts can only be paid abroad, and the bank states that the hist certificates will be honored before ttie sec ond set can be presented. HEAL KSTATK T14 AN9FKRS. The following deeds were filed for rrcutd, November 9: WARRANTY DEEDS. L. O. Kendis and wife to Leah Kendls, lots 1, 20, 21 and 26, block 6. Snrivcr Place 2oo.tJ Belle W'yland and husband to John Gould, lots 6 and 6, block 11, Omaha Heights 80.UO II. H. Neale and wife to E. C. Saw yer, lot 11, block lo, Briggs place 450.00 Barker company to A. F. Ricck, lot 11, block 44, South Omaha 475 'U W. O. Perry and wife to H. J. Weeth, lot 1, block 13, Clifton Hill l.Ono.iaj D. J. Rump et. al. to Hilda Cole man, lot 7, block 1, Hyde Park 50.00 C. W. LundMlroni and wife to Minnie A. julstgard, w4 lot 4, block 11, Stunn a ad 1,526.00 J. M. Chepuran and wife Ui Jos. Havllcek, s4 lot 16, block 4,' Kountze Third ad 2. 596.UO P. T. Downs lo George P. Beniis, Real Estate company, lot 16, block 1, Burner's ad ' J. H II. Baldrlge and wife to Mnry B. Shelby, lot S. block 1914. Omaha 1 uu Elisabeth Kouptse Real Kstatii company lo G. 1". Dieiz, undivided 4 lot 1 and north 19ft. lot 2, block 19. Highland Place l.Ji.cO United Heal Estate & Trust com pany to same, same 1,626.00 U. L. Vlns and wife to K. A. John son, 4 lot 6, block 65, South Omaha l,V.vo Lucie U. Lee and husband to C. G. Ie. a 44ft. lot 4. block 8, E. V. Smith's ad 100 JLIT CLAIM DEED8 Theresa M. Ryan to W. L. Selby, undivided 1-8 of lot 1. block i, Drexel s sub and undivided 1-6 of lot 1, block t. Lowe's Second ud.. 76.00 DEEDS. BherlfT to I. N. Tuwle, lot So. Slew art Place 2.200 is) Total amount of transfers. .$14 804.OS F. D. Day & Co. Dealer In Stocks. Grain. Provision. hlilo Yonr 4. rain 40 U ' raaieh ururo, llo-Hl Board of Trade Hldar-. Omaha. !4 Telenhoao I4. 2)2-214 kschangt ttdg.. South Omaha. BU Pbom lit. tedeoeadaaS 'rowao la 1