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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 10, 1905. TUE Omaha Daily Bee. B. ROSE WATER, EDITOR. . - PUBLIBHED EVERT MORNING. ' ! 1 TERMS. OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dalty Be (without Sunday), one year.. $4 no Dslly Ite and Bundav. one year on Illustrated Bee. one year 2.50 fund Bee, one year J '0 ( .Satyrdsy Be, one year l.W DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Ilty Be (wltnnut Sunday), per week...l?e rwitly Bee (Including Sunday), per. week. Uo Evening Pre (without Sunday), pef week Ho Evening Bea (with Sunday), per week. ...loo Sunday Bee, pet copy be Address complaints -f irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. offices. Aha Tho Bee IttiiMlnv. uth Omaha Cltv Hall RutMlnr unru tnurfs 10 j-earl street. ' pilcaro 1MO Unity Building. 5"'w fork UdO Hnma Lire Ins. Building. Washington VU Fourteenth Street. ' . CORRESPONDENCE. ..fn.rai,n,catlOT,B relating" to news and ed . Itorlal matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit l Aj-m f ... flnTy yabl to The Bee publishing Company. if "rnt tamrs received as payment of ail account. Personal checks, except on ms t'mJ,, IT eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION, pf Nebraska, toKa County, as.: (;;c, Rosewater. secretary of The Bea uhllshlnc Company, being duly sworn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dully. Morning, r-venlng and Sunday Bee orinted during . the month f October. 106, was as fol- i lows : ,"- sa.ioo 17 sn.ono ' jio.too is ao.wio S; no.oo i so.oso 4 81.B20 20 ao.020 si,aao a ai.nin 1 81.520 22 7 33.4 lO a H0.970 30.920 J4 3),I1K 81.0.W 28 31,100 ai.ioo 2 ao.NMo " 31,100 27 3O.M10 " 30.T10 28 ai.MllO V a.8SO 29 ),70O ,. 81.810 JO 81.000 18...S..... ftO,4AO 31 80,IHH IB. . ..X SUI TdtJ Total A.. Less unsold oples Net total sales!-. ....OU2.840 .... 1O.051 , onu.a-tn ao.TiT Ually average ......... C. C. ROSEWATER, Secretary. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to bejre ma this Slat day of October. 1J06. (Seal) ' M. B. HUNG ATE. Notary Public. WHEX OCT OF TOWN. ..Subscribers leavle- (he elty 4em. forarlly should have The Bea '! them. It la better tbaa dally letter from .borne. Ad- dress will be changed as often aa requested. General Trepoff Is the latest to dis cover the Ineffectiveness of eleventh hour ponveraiooB. From later appearances lu New York those red flog- labels niunt have been placed on the wrong candidates. The new "rough rider" governor of Oklahoma will make few mistakes If he will Just follow the lead of "the colonel." The arrest of election officers In Phila delphia Indicates that the reformers' of the Quaker City are not "reformers for office only." ., ' The Nebraska democrat who can see "the tide turning" and the "democratic ship coming In" must be equipped with telescopic lenses In his eyes. "Utien American ships arrive at San Domingo the rule against taking war material to the island will probably be revoked for a short time. Russian sailors who mutinied at Crons(adt doubtless desired to maintain the dignity of the navy by showing that tt e)uld fight under some conditions. With a wireless telegraph operator In I Porto Rico catching messages from New York not Intended for him the day of international eavesdropping la certainly at hand. . The Junior yellow that plratea all Its news is to be credited at least with ex ercising discrimination in stealing its election returns. It took Its figures bodily from The Bee. Secretary Taft Is said to be securing data on the canal gone for his annual report; but It In safe to say he Is also learning something about how to build the tig ditch In a hurry. With Taffs advice to Ohio and Roofs congratulation to Mayor Weaver It can no longer be thought that the present administration is any respecter of "graf ters," when It knows the facts. Hurry up with that trolley line to Bel lev ue and Fort Crook. Uncle Sam's twdy guards would like to come to town occasionally if they knew they could get back to their barracks by midnight The democrats always carry Ohio when It does them no good. The next terlslsture will not elect a United States senator and Ohio will not "be debatable ground In the national campaign year BIOS. Attorneys for the Water board would be. In better shape to charge appraisers with absorbing $3,0U) without rendering any equivalent if the members of the board had emulated the example of Guy C. Barton by declining to draw their salaries. Our amiable popocratlc contemporary threatens to resurrect the Rockefeller bogle for the ueit election and there after Indefinitely. If It works as It has this time it will take about two years more to obliterate the democratic vote lu Nebraska completely. Assistant City Attorney llerdman ex pressed great satisfaction at the state capital with the use of the voting ma chines In Douglns county, but for some reason not yet explained, the candidates on the democratic ticket do not concur with Mr. IlerduMM. From their point of view the voting machlue W a reaper aai thresher combined. PRIVATE IAR L1XE REdCLATIOX- The private car lines have definitely declared that they are not subject to the control of the Interstate Commerce cnintulRnion and consequently are out side the operation of existing statutes j relntlng to Interstate commerce regula tion. They averted this lWore the commission begun its investigation of the relations between the private car lines and the railroads, and they have now made It an Issue by the refusal of officials of the private car lines to answer questions put to them on the grqund that the commission had no authority to make the inquiries because the pri vate car lines are not engaged in inter state commerce. It Is possible that the courts would, on technical grounds, sustain this con tention. As the private car lines pre sent the matter they apparently are not directly engaged in interstate com merce. While they own cars which are employed In transportation between the states, these are leased to the rail rond companies, a mileage rate being charged for their use, Apart from this the private car companies charge ship pers for the use of the cars and In regard to this they are entirely Inde pendent, enjoying a complete monopoly which enables them to exact whatever charge they please for the service ren deredwhich means, of course, all that the traffic will benr. Such being the case, it is obvious that there may be unreasonable rates, rebates, discrimina tion and other abuses, due to the private car lines rather than to the railroads. This is the troublesome and some what perplexing feature of the situa tion with which congress will have to deal. The contention which the private car lines now make may have Home Justification. Terhnps being only In directly engnged in Interstate commerce their claim Is tlint they are not now engaged In If at all they mny not be subject to the law ns it stands. That Is a question for Judicial determination. But there can be no reasonable doubt thnt it is within the power of congress to say thnt these private car lines shall be, regarded as engaged In Interstate commerce and thus subjected to the statutes regulating such commerce. It cannot be admitted that private com panies mny be organized to carry on a regular system of transportation be tween the states, establishing whnt rates they please for the service and prac ticing discriminations contrary to law, without being subject to any restraints or control or regulation. To concede that would be to give warrant for mo noioly with the privilege of unre stricted abuses. The private car lines are unquestionably engaged in inter state commerce. The cars of these lines transport products letween the states and the fact that they are leased to the railroads does not affect, the character of their service, t They should be sub ject to national regulation .and there Is reason to believe that congress will do this. JEROME'S VJCTCRY. The victory of District Attorney Jerome of New York, who made an In dependent campaign for re-election, is a striking illustration of what may be accomplished by a public official of proved Integrity, fidelity and courage In the performance of his duty. Re jected for re-uomluatlon by the party with which he had always been affili ated, for the reason that he had been faithful to his trust, Mr. Jerome ap pealed to the people to endorse him on the ground that he had been tyue to their Interests and had earnestly and honestly endeavored to enforce the laws. There rallied to his support republicans, dfmocrat8 and independents and for four years more the office of district attorney of New York will be filled by a man having the ability and the courage to do his duty, regardless of persons or political Influence. The re-election of Jerome Is a gratify ing circumstance in the encouragement it should give to men occupying public positions to honestly and faithfully per form the duties devolved uion them. The people can very generally be relied upon to recognize the worth and re ward such public servants. The re election of Jerome Is no less a tribute to the good sense of the people who voted for him than It Is to his own merits. WHERE REFORM EFFORTS FAILED. Sun Francisco Is said to be the most politically corrupt and socially immoral city In the country. For several years the municipal administration has been in the coutrol of meu who are alleged to have been utterly unscrupulous and guilty of the most flagrant disregard of the public Interests and morals. Ac cording to some of the newspapers of thut city there has been systematic graft under the present officials and social iniquity and demoralization have steadily Increased. The mayor lias been charged with violations of law and other delinquencies of the gravest character. A fusion of republicans and demo crats was effected for the purpose of reforming municipal affairs, but it wus utterly routed by the forces In control of the city administration, the mayor being re-eiected by a iarge majority. If all that has been said regurdlng the bad conditions In San Francisco Is true, this renewed endorsement of the men responsible for the state of affairs may lie expected to result In Increased po litical and social demoralization. It is a situation which seems to bode no good for the metropolis of the Pacific. It" cannot be expected that the city will attract capital and population with such conditions as are said to exist there. San Francisco ought to le one of the nnHt progressive cities in the laud, but It cannot advance as It should unless It bus good goverutneut and this Is not promised by the result of Tuesday's election. It Is to be regretted that the movement there for municipal reform was defeated. STOP THE COVSTY JAIL GRAFT. For the last eight years sheriffs of Douglas county have been drawing 45 cents per day for serving two meals to each prisoner confined In the county Jail, while the city pays only 16 cents per day for two meals served to each prisoner confined In the police station. Against this flagrant abuse The Bee has time and again remonstrated, but for some reason the county commissioners have turned a deaf ear to the complaint and the sheriff graft has been kept up with great regularity, whether we had a republican sheriff or a democratic sheriff, a democratic board or a repub lican board. There is absolutely no excuse for con tinuing this graft. There Is no reason why the county should pay nearly three times as much for feeding prisoners as the city is paying and, although the maximum rate for feeding county pris oners Is 45 cents per day, there is noth ing In the statute to prevent the county board from reducing the rate or from letting the feeding of prisoners by con tract from year to year Just as the city has been doing. The law fixes the salary of sheriff at $2,500 a year, and that la presumed to be his entire Income for services ren dered. Ills Income from feeding pris oners Is more than double the salary allowance, but unlike the fees for serv ing papers In civil suits, which are charged up to the litigants, the cost of feeding prisoners Is charged up to the taxpayers. So long as the Board of County Com missioners was composed of four demo crats and one republican and the sheriff was also democratic the abolition of the county Jail graft was out of the ques tion. After the political complexion of the board had been revised at the begin ning of the present year It was pre sumed the abuse would be stopped. The argument against breaking up the sys tem was, however, that It would not be practicable or politic to Inaugurate the reform in the middle of the year. While we have never been able to see the logic of this plea, the approaching end of the year and the Impending change of ad ministration in the sheriff's office pre sents the opportune time for a change of policy. With an unknowable floating debt, es timated at $200,000, hanging over the county, it Is the manifest duty of the county board to abolish slnecureu and to introduce reforms that will place the affairs of the county on a business basis. The National Hardware and American Hardware Manufacturing associations, now In session at Washington, have some bard nuts to crack. The rank and file of these associations fa for President Roosevelt's railroad regulation program. This is especially true of the dealers In light hardware, but the heavy hardware men, who for the most part enjoy spe cial privileges, do not want a disturb ance of existing conditions that would deprive them of cut cutlery rates and bar them from bnr iron rebates, hence they are opposed to any expression by the associations on such an Intricate subject as regulation of railroad rates by a square deal. The appeal of the Auditorium direc tory to public-spirited citizens for addi tional 1 contributions to enable them to complete the building and pay off the debt should meet with liberal response. The Bee would, however, suggest that the first 8,000 donated for this purpose be devoted to the completion of the roof of that structure according to the orig inal plana, for a tile covering instead of weatherboards covered with tar and felt, which not only disfigures the build ing, but exposes It constantly to de struction by fire. A fireproof building with a firetrap roof Is certainly an an omaly. Nebraska popocrdcy. Is being consoled by Its chief organ over lta signal defeat, with the assurance that "although the populist party hag disintegrated and a portion of Its following has quietly re turned to the republican side, the demo cratic vote shows a loyalty that Is grati fying and full of hope for the future." This reminds us of the man singing while passing through the graveyard Just to keep bis courage up. For the first time In many yeara there will be no tedious and expensive re count of the ballots In Douglas county, there will be no watch dogs guarding the vaults of the county clerk to protect the ballot boxes and lawyers who .make their living out of contested elections will have hard sledding from now on. Well posted South Omaha politicians are said to be willing to wager that fully 6,000 voters will be registered in the spring campaign. But we are will lug to wager doughnuts to dimes that there are not more thari 5,000 men In South Omaha qualified to register for next sprlug's election right now. The fact that the rumored election of Hearst caused a flurry on Wall street may not mean that stock speculators count on the friendly offices of Tam many; but people will naturally look at It In that light. The fact that the anti-Jewish riots In Bessarabia were immediately stopped upon the receipt of orders from St. Petersburg nhould show Count Witte and his advisers where puutshment should begin. Secretary Hitchcock announces his Intention of proceedlug against persons who secured land from the Indiana In the Indian territory without giving value received. Perhaps, In the course of time, the movement may reach Ne braska reservations. If the paving Intersection tiouds are really defented Omaha will still have an other chance at the spring municipal election to vote them through in time for the opening of the next paving season. After the Kaork, Work. Washington Post. As" soon as they had finished the job of making history. Russian workmen will probably return to the factories and re sume the making of commodities for the people. It Wae Loaded. Portland Oregonlan. The news that the csar lias granted a new constitution created so much enthusi asm that thirty-seven were killed and eighty-one wounded in Odessa. Evidently the new constitution Is one of the loade kind Keep It Dark. , ' Minneapolis Journal. The Interstate Commerce commission's final heating In the refrigerating cases came to a sudden end when the chief wit nesses refused to answer. Don't give the commission any more power. It might find out something. Justice as a Time Killer. Washington Post. The Interstate Commerce commission has decided a ' caso pending between Texas cattle shippers and the Chicago Stock Yards company since The commission Is almost reckless nt times under the In fluence of the prevailing speed mania epi demic. Progressive Education. Baltimore American. A Western Unlverslfv la mlnn lh. Anllo newspapers as text books and requiring io siuay mem aa such. It Is quite an encouraging sign of progressiva education when contemporary history, the great Issues of the day and the political changes which are making and unmaking nations, are regarded as worthy of as se rious study as tho ponquests of Alexander or the doings of ancient Rome. Our own times may be too near to us to seem heroic, as one of our poets says, but they ought not to be too near to be Interesting, espe cially as history Is making now which is going to Influence the destinies of the world for generations to come. As I n promising Otitlook. Washington Post. Major General Alnsworth In his annual report says that desertions from the army will continue "to be excessive until there shall have been a radical change of senti ment toward the army and until the de serter shall come te be regarded as the criminal that he Is, to be ostracised and hunted down as relentlessly as any other transgressor of the laws." The outlook U not promising for the reform that Gen eral Alnsworth wants. The average Amer ican loves the soldier In time of war and would probably Join in a chase for him if he should desert in the face of an enemy, but he rather feels sorry for the soldier in time of peace and is Inclined to congratu late him when he gets out of the army, whatever methods he employs In so doing. It is wrong, of course, for the public to take that view of the soldier's obligations to his country in time of peace, but the fact that aucb view Is commonly held may fcs well be accepted by General Alnsworth and other army officials. RCMBLES OP t'OMIXG BATTLE, The Square. Deal Llnlngr I p Against Special Privilege. Kansas City Star. Reliable Information from Washington promises that the rate issue will be squarely presented to congress soon after the convening of that body. The square deal members of the senate committee on Interstate commerce will prepare a bill em bodying the president's views, and tfcls bill be reported as a minority measure even If the majority should be In favor of a bill dictated by the railroads. In either event the president s policy will go before tue senate early In the session. It Is especially Interesting to note that the president does not presume to dictate the phraseology of the bill, nor even Us exact terms; but he hopes, through his recommendation in his annual message and through those members of the Interstate commerce committee who are In accord with him, to have his Ideas of rate ad justment satisfactorily embodied In a bill. He understands that all legislation is to some extent a compromise. There are dif ferences of opinion, on minor points, among those who are heartily supporting the president's general proposition. But the line will be clearly drawn be tween the people's policy and the policy of tha railroads. There will be no confusion on this point. It will be the square deal against special privilege, and the country will note with extraordinary interest the alignment of Its senators. DESERV1S WELL OS THE PARTY. Efficient Management of the Repub lican Campaign in Nebraska. Lincoln Star. We want to commend, an all thinking republicans will feel like commending, the good sense and efficiency with which tha republican campaign in this state haa been managed. Chairman Warner and his ad visers deserve well of the party. They have made a wise, careful, effective fight, and and they have made It broadly for the Interest of the whole party. It has not been a showy, spectacular canvass. The excellence of the work of the state organisation rests largely upon this fact. There has been no obtrusive rushing to and fro, no foaming at the mouth, no aimless striking In the air, no playing to the grandstand nothing but Just good sense and hard work; work with a pur pose and expenditure of energy on definite points that . really counted. The plan of campaign was conceived on an Intelligent knowledge of the conditions which actually existed. Chairman Warner, from the first has bent every energy to perfect a genuine party organization, which should reach out and join hands not only with the various county and other local organizations, but also with veritable party workers In every school and road district within the boun daries of Nebraska, to the end thai the mass of voters might be reached and In fluenced to go to the polls. How efficiently the plan was conceived and executed Is shown by the election returns. It is re markable that such a large portion of the party strength, and so evenly in the voting precincts, should have been polled under the conditions of over-confidence, of lack of general Interest and of preoccupation with business, which have prevailed. It is good work, guod politics, long-headed man agement. But this Is not all. The campaign closes with the party organisation brought up to date and In a slate of efficiency, so as to be a basis for the big contest of next year, Involving a full state ticket, the legislature which chooses a Vnited States senator, county tickets and the congressmen In all the districts, a contest of preliminaries of which will be on almost as sunn as the count of Tuesday's election Is off. Chair man Warner's work Is an Important asset for the party la the coming contest, CVTTIfl THE mnLISGTO MEI.OS. Jeley slleee of the Fat of the land Passed Around. New York Evening Tost. An Atchison official told the Interstate Commerce commission thst there was only one kind of war In the railroad business a rate war. The annual report of the Burlington now at hand, certainly suggests a quarrel of another kind the purchase of that property by the Northern raelflc In 1901, and the long struggle over the owner ship of tho Northern Taclflc Itself. It was distinctly a war over ownership. Some times a road Is purchased for Its earn ing power and again It is taken over by a larger system to prevent rate disturbances. In 1!U. the Turlington wss highly respected for its earning power and greatly feared as a factor In making or undoing rates. The same conditions exist today. The Burlington not only serves the rich est corn and wheat territory between Chi cago and Ienver, but has plans for enter ing lines Into undeveloped Sections. Whnt tha Burlington connections with the Greot Northern and Northern Pacific mean Is evident from a comparison of gross earn ings for im with ism. In the two years, aross earnings Increased from t5O.0Sl.9SS to 162.538.879. 36 per cent. But Instead of paying dividends of (I 000 stock, the earning power of the Burilng- on now taxed wtlh interest charges on IC15.2J3.000, 4 per cent collateral trust bonds. ii is true that the bonds were Issued by the Great Northern ciflc Jointly ftnd th atopic deposited as security; but In substance. dividend charges against the Burlington were transformed Into 18,600,009 fixed charges. If it shnnlri hnMn un reason oranothr, that Burlington could not pay the tS.AOO.OOO interest chargesln 1894. when gross earnings dropped off SC.3T6.O0O, or 26 per cent, net earning . only. tS,3K3,00O-lt can easily be Imagined ..mi me ureat Northern and the Northern Taclflc would refuse to do so. But while net Income gmmniri 13,869,509 for 190?, tl3.5;8.837 was reported last year, leaving n , u of H.969,926. This sum Is equal to 5 per lem on tne stock of the Chicago, Burling ton & Qulncy railway, the company formed to take over the old Chicago. Burlington Qulncy Railroad company. Gross earn ings were the largest In the history of the system, showing an increase of tT,000 over 1904. This Incresse follows a gain of t?,590 -000 In 1901, and t8.843,000 In 1903. That the Burlington suffered In common with many roads from the trade reaction. Is evident from the fact that freight earnings de creased 788,104. The gain of $1,383,670 In passenger earnings Indicates to a remark able degree the prosperous condition of the territory served. In 1904 freight earnings made up 68 per cent of gross earnings, and passenger 22.2 per cent, r 1906, Income from freight con tributed only 66Vi per cent of total gross, while earnings from the passenger depart ment accounted for 24 per cent. The bal ance sheet for the year Just closed showed an Increase In cash of from $fi,fi06,02g to $9,297,617. In the place of the $9,130,690 cur rent liabilities reported In 1903 appeared an increase of $14. 462,000 in bonded debt, Judging from the Income account, and bal ance sheet for 1906, the Burlington would prove a formidable rival should the con templated extensions be constructed. HAS THE RIGHT RIG. President's Proclamation "Fall of Live Ideas and Felicitous Phrases." Chicago Tribune. Considered merely as a piece of writing the president's Thanksgiving day proclama tion la a pleasant change from the dry style that usually obtains In such announcements. Mr. Roosevelt has again found an oppor tunity to cut away from the old order of things. Instead of a mere conventional an nouncement, his proclamation Is a clear, concise piece of English, full of live Ideas and felitlcious phrases. It is more than this. The president has put some of kis own personality Into It. The nature of the message did not kill the effectiveness of his ideas or the maner in which he ex pressed them. One example that cannot fall to strike 1 even the casual reader as evidence of the I president's grasp of national situations Is j that In which, after alluding to the fact ' that usage has made naiinn.i n.i v,n j 1 - . . -iiu umiuvvtiu the Thanksgiving day of our early settlers, he says! "We live in easier and more plen tiful times than our forefathers and yet me c-angers of national life are quite as great now as at any previous time in our history. It Is eminently fitting that ' once a year our people' should set aside; a day for praise and thanksglvlng-man- j fully acknowledge tholr shortcomings, and pledge themselves solemnly and In good ', faith to strive to overcome them." Tho j nature of these "dangers to national life" are described bluntly and with effect. "The foes from whom we should pray to be de- ' live red are our own passions, appetites ' and follies; and against these there Is al way need that we should war." The president's words here are not mere platitudes. They tell of a vital fact and urge a vital war. A country's ruin may come from the Inside, as well as from for eign foes. It Is high time tu give ear to and heed such words as the president uses In his plea that the people In rendering thanks "for the manifold belsslng of the last year consecrate themselves to a life of cleanli ness, honor and wisdom, so that this nation may do Its allotted work on the earth In a manner worthy of those who founded It and those who preserved it." THE PAKAMOI ST 1SSI F.. Popular Demand for Rate Regulation Must Be Heeded. Washington Ppst. There Is no mistaking the paramount issue that will be presented to the Fifty ninth congress. It Is the president's policy of regulating the freight rates of rail roads engaged In Interstate commerce. The people are with the president In the fight. Of that there is very small room for doubt, and the people are a power In this country of ours. When congress gets down to business an "administration" bill will be fetched Into the house of representatives, and that body will puss It with Its usual expedition, though It will not be jammed through as It was last session. The bill will go to the senate, and then the tug of war will como. The president will have but one anxiety mucrt can I get out of the senste? The how senate will have but one cause to walk Lh4 floor what is the leant the president will put ud with? There will be a long debate, and the case will be presented from every possible point of view lu constitutionality. Its utility, its necessity, and so on; but the people are supporting the president, and in the lust analysis the people legislate In our coun try. The president has been reinforced by Philander C. Knox, lately attorney general and now senator from Pennsylvania. Mr. Knox conducted for the government the famous "merger" litigation, and got the Judgment. It is true that It wss a rather small mouse the mountain brought forth then, but there was a mouse, and that was the Important thing. If the president is going to gut no more out of this rate proposition than the octo pus lost in the "merger case," the game Is not worth the candle. He is Just now the most popular man In the world, and he should have struck for his policy sooner. There Is no evidence that his popularity Is waning, but the honeymoon la about past; by' lapse of time. My Hair is Scrag gly Do you like it? Then why be con tented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair; beautiful hair, without a single gray line in it. Have a little pride. Keep young just as long as you can. The best kind of a testimonial- "Sold for over sixty years." Ksde by the J. O. Ayor Co.. Lewsll, Mass. Also MsnafMturers of ATBR'S SARSPARTUA-Fr the blood. ATBR'8 PILLS For eonstlpstiei. ATBB'S CHERRY PECTORAL For eoafhs. AYER'S AGCX COR For malaria andafnt. ECHOES OF THE FRAY. Minneapolis Journal: Above the roar of partisan triumph and the screams of par tisan defeat you may notice that the gov ernment at Washington still stands. Kansas City Star: The most hopeful sign In the political lire of the nation Is thst the people are not only thinking for them selves, but that they nlso have the cournge to act as they think, regardless of party preference. Indianapolis News: Having learned that Mr. Gorman had "staked his political fu ture" on the success of his constitutional amendment, the Maryland voters naturally proceeded to defeat the amendment forth with. Chicago Tribune: Mayor McClellan Iihs been re-elected nnd Mr. Hearst defeated. In one sense the victor is the loser and the defeated candidate Is the one who has occasion to congratulate himself. The presidential possibilities of Mayor McClel lan have melted Into thin air. The man who can barely carry his own city with the solid support of Tammany against an Impromptu candidate, the leader of motley and unorganized forces, Is not the man whom a national party will select as Its standard bearer. Chicago News: Popular resentment against the Infamous Pennsylvania repub lican ring accomplished splendid results In Philadelphia. The reform movement headed by Mayor Weaver administered a crushing defeat to the gang heretofore ruling that city. Not only that, but the state republican machine has been over whelmed by a tidal wave of popular senti ment which converted a normal republican majority of 300,000 or more Into a demo cratic plurality of 75.000 for the head of the state ticket. ' The defeat of the heretofore invulnerable Penrose ring, coupled with the uprising of Independent voters in New York, can scarcely fall to have a mo mentous effect upon the future of American pontics. TREES ARK HIS MOM IK.T. Murmur of the Leaves a Perpetual Requiem for Morton. Portland Oregon lan. Saturday an ex-president of the United States Journey half way across the conti nent to do honor to his dead friend. The dispatches tell of Mr. Cleveland's remarks at the unveiling of the monument to his cabinet officer at Arbor Lodge, near Ne braska City, In the state Mr. Morton loved so well and for which he did so much. J. Sterling Morton was one of a band of young men who settled In Nebraska fifty years ago. Others were Dr. Gorge L,, Mil ler, veteran tdltor of the Omaha Herald; A. J. Poppleton, for years general counsel of the Union Pacific, and J. M. Woulworth, ' at one time president of the American Bar j association. It has been said of these four that they molded the young prairie state Into lines of greatness and usefulness. This is true; but the work of lasting effect was Mr. Morton's. There Is no doubt the ambition of the young Michigan immigrant was to re n re sent his adopted state in the United States . senate, but the fates willed otherwise. The prairie state looked too good to the thou sands of veterans of the civil war who enjoyed the benefits of the homestead law to let a democrat fill the office, and Mr. Morton turned to better things. Arbor day was his conception, and "Plant a tree" his motto. It was uphill work at first, but he strove with cheerful perti nacity. In season and out of season, until the day was recognised by law and ob served even by the least of school children. One is never out of sight of a school house In Nebraska; and by the same token, one Is never out of sight of the work of Mr. Morton. J. Sterling Morton needs no monument. They are swsying in the breezes from sum mer 'round till spring on the prairies front Bed Willow north to the L'eau i)ut Court, from the Papilllon to beyond the Dismal. In the winter they break the blasts that would chill the marrow; In the summer they temper the fiery draughts that would burn the substance. And no rounded, periods of ponderosity are more eloquent than the murmur of tha leaves. What Show Have Laymen? Washington Post. A will written by a former chief justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania has just been declared void because he failed to comply wnn certain legal formalities. There's an old adage about the kind of a client a man has when he acts as his own lawyer. ClotVrr)lcUe "Elastic" Bookcase and Desk combine! A Desk Uuf? with few o many Book Units a desired. The only perfect cotnblaatloa oVskaMbookcwevCTtnada. Roomy, convcnkcL attrac tive want to ibow von LfitAMS bilitica, Call, writs or pbxxtf us about it. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company PERSONAL XOTE. A young lady who got Into the Carnegie heroism class objects to the notoriety; but to endure this, too, Is one of the trials of courage. Congressman Uttlefield of Maine, has dissolved his law partnership with his brother, nid It is said he will shortly move to New York City to practice law. , The Erie railroad company has raised a monument on the spot, at Deposit, N. Y., where "0 years ago ground was first broken for the construction of the road, and It will be dedicated next Frldsy with elaborate ceremonies. School authorities everywhere should follow the example of New Haven, where A tobacco dealer, whose shop Is located near a public school, has been arrested for sell ing to minors. Cigarettes, It has been found, make small boys stupid. James Stillman, the New York banker, has established a new record as patron of opera, having obtained for the coming (.eason two parterre boxes for a total of 101 performances, which, at the rate of $100 a performance, makes a total output on the part of the banker of $10,100 for the pleasure of witnessing grand opera from the "diamond horseshoe." Oscar Hunt, one of the Carlisle football team. Is an Indian millionaire. He Is from Oklahoma and has been at .Carlisle for somo months. When the government bought' land from the Indians the Hunt family had a great deal to sell and Oscar found hlniBelf owner of seven figures. His teammates call him "Heap Big Money Chief, head of the Spondullx." He Is studiously Inclined and off the gridiron wears glasses. When Ellhu Root, new secretary of state. was at coilege his classmates rebelled against their German professor and with drew In a body. They remained cut for two months, during which timo Root went on with his studies. When they returned, convinced that ? they: btd been in ei-ror. they gave young Elthu the nickname of , "Square Root," which stuck to him for.' many a day. The refusal to desert work has been one of his distinguishing char acteristics ail through life. LIGHT AND BRIGHT. The Senior I'm due to turn In a thesis subject this week, and I simply can't decide on one. Her Sophomore Sister How would the molecular energy of fudge do? ruck. "That boy of yours has made a tremen dous hit In the college eleven," said the neighbor. "-yes," said Farmer Illppendyke, "but I notice when he writes home, for money that his spellin' hnsn t Improved a durned bit." Kecord-Herald. Nell Mr. dayman has proposed to so many girls I'm surprised he hasn't asked you to marry him. Belle Huh! 1 guess he knows better. Nell Of course, hut none of them will have him. Philadelphia Ledger. "So sorry not to have heard your lec ture last night," said the loquacious woman. "I know I missed a treat; everybody It was great!" "How did they find outl asked Mr Frockcost. "The lecture, you know, was wan lged 1 You postponed. letrolt Free Press. Mrs. Newliwed You seem to have chan your opinion of Polkley, Oeorge usea to can nun a regular cnump. Mr. Newllwed Yes, I misjudged him. Of all the fellows I've seen since I came back from my honeymoon he's the only one who didn't snicker and sav: "Well, how do you lllce married life by this time?" Philadelphia Press. Keeker Yes. I've heard of Squallnp.- What kind of a looking man is he? Nokker He's the kind that's always look ing at the ceiling through a glass tumbler Chicago Tribune. HENRY'S FAILT. Montreal Star. Your Henry's fractured, mother dear. Upon the gridiron sporty; His feet betwixt the goal posts near,. At fourteen yards he left an ear, A collarbone at forty. A doctor now, with loving care. His curtilage .Is tacking; They say he will not miss his hair. And nearly all his ribs are there. Though several bones are lacking. He holds his thorax with a groan. And says it hurts a little; His coaches say. In awestruck tone. They'd not have done it had they known That Henry was so brittle. They say that Henry didn't lack The talent and the training: At half he was a crackajack (You couldn't make a quarterback Of what there Is remaining.) Alas, he had the proper stuff. Though rather tall and slender: And thinigh his fate is sontewhat rnug 'Tis not because the game's tou tough, But Henry Is too tender. t Brill i