Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Diseases of the kidneys are growing
more common every dny. Hps 1th roorts
frerywhere prove It. This Is due to two
reasons: first, the hurry, hustle, worry,
nod strife of modern living overtaxes
the kidneys; aecnnil. kidney diseases
come on no qnletly thnt they are com
monly neglected until they lecoiiie ser
ious. If yon continually overwork, over
feed, or over-driuk, you are living too
fast for the kidneys to keep up with
their work.
The healthy human body pnsses off
every day an ounce of nrea. containing
twelve grains of uric nrld. The duty of
the kidneys Is to filter this poisonous
waste out of the blood, and to the kid
neys comes the blood. In an unceasing
stream, to be purified. Living too fast
lias one of two effects either the pro
duction of nric poisons In the body Is so
Increased that the kidneys can't keep up
with their filtering work, or the kidneys.
themselves, become so weakened by the
strain that the filtering work Is only
partly done. Then the uric poisons
gin to collect in the body and to attack
the vital parts. Firt of nil you feel pnln
in the back, headache, depression, and
languor, then comes lumbago, sciatica,
rheumatism, and bladder troubles.
It should be clearly understood that a
little timely help for the Sidneys will set
them right, but continued neglect results
In dropsy, sediment in the urlue, too fre
quent, or scanty, or painful passages of
urine, gravel, kidney stones, and, in
time, Rrlght's disease, diabetes, or apoplexy.
It Is plain, therefore, that In order to
keep well one must keep the kidneys
well, and instant attention must le
given to the enrly warnings of kidney
complaint such as backache, languor,
and Irregular passages Of the urine.
Take exercise, eat plain food, and
plenty of it, do not over indulge in stim
ulating or spirituous drinks, and, above
nil, use a medicine thnt acts directly on
the kidneys a kidney specific and tonic.
For this purpose there Is no remedy so
well adapted as Doan s Kidney rills. By
the willing testimony of residents of our
own city, this remedy Is proved a cure
for backache, and all kidney and uri
nary Ills. Its action Is mild and strength
ening and It can be taken by young or
old. weak or strong, without the slight
est harmful effect. The best proof we can
offer Is testimony of residents of your
own city, perhaps your own neighbors.
m. H. Maiken, carpeuter, of 2621
Lake street, says: "During the twelve
years I had attacks of kidney complaint
I took lots of medicine, but received
little, If any, benefit. I even went to
Colorado Springs, thinking the mineral
water and mountain air might help me.
Two years made little difference to my
physical condition and I returned east.
Sometimes I was laid up and suffered
the most excruciating pnln imaginable.
Now, I don't want It understood I am
radically cured, but of this I sm cer
tain, that Donn's Kidney rills, procured
at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, corner lfith
and Douglas streets, gradually relieved
me of the aching until it finally disappeared."
Sold by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., Proprietors.
Hew York Life Qtti Ttapsrarj Injuiotion
fTm Fsdsral Court.
Missouri Commissioner la 'Enjoined
from Enforcing Order Ksclud
inff Company from
State. '
ST. LOUIS, Nov. .-The New Tork Llfo
Insurance, company, through Its attorneys,
F. N. Judson and former Attorney General
Crow, lata this afternoon applied to United
States Circuit Judge Adams for an Injunc
tion to restrain State Insurance Superin
tendent Vandlver from enforcing his order
prohibiting the company from carrying on
further business in Missouri
The application for an Injunction was
made following a long conference between
the attorneys and Judge Adams In the tat
ter's chamber In the federal building.
Both Messrs. Judson and Crow were re
ticent when asked concerning the confer
The application was favorably passed
upon by Judge Adams, who Issued a re
straining order directing William D. Van
diver,' state superintendent of insurance, to
appear before the federal court in Jefferson
City, November 30, to jshow cause why he
Should not be prevented from enforcing his
order excluding the New Tork Life Insur
ance company from doing further business
In Missouri, and ordering that, pending the
hearing November 20 the superintendent's
order be not enforced.
Order la Ignored.
Notwithstanding State Superintendent of
Insurance Vandlver last night officially sus
pended the certificate of authority of the
New Tork Life Insurance company under
which it was licensed to transact business
In Missouri, It was stated at the St. Louis
offices of the Insurance company In ques
tion that no attention was being paid to the
order suspending Its license. The private
secretary of Hamilton Cooke, Inspector of
agencies, who said that she was empowered
to speak for Mr. Cooke, said to the Associ
ated Press:
"We are doing business at the old stand.
We are soliciting Insurance Just as ener
gctlcally as we ever did, and we are going
to continue to do so."
Thirty thousand Missouri policy-holder
In the New Tork Life, estimated insurance
amounting to 00,00t,0fl0 on the basis of an
average value of ?:,000 In the policies held
in the state, are trying to figure the ulti
mate effect of State Insurance Commis
sioner Vandlver's action In suspending the
Missouri charter of the company.
It is believed by many St. Louisans In
sured In the company that the commis
sioner cannot prevent the company from
maintaining offices in the state to look after
business already on Its books, but that the
enforcement of his order would make it im
possible for the company to solicit or record
any new business In the state.
KANSAS CITT, Nov. 9.-At the local
offices of the New Tork Life Insurance
company today it was stated that no offi
cial notice of Superintendent Vandlver's
order suspending the company's license had
been received and that business was being
conducted as usual.
Vandlver Explains Ilia Action.
JEFFER80N CITT, Mo.. Nov. 9.-8tate
Superintendent of Insurance Vandlver
today gave out the following Interpretation
of his order concerning the New York Life
Insurance company:
I have repeatedly stated that It has no
effect whatever, except on the writing of
new policies. The company haa never been
compelled to keep an ottlce In Missouri for
the transaction of Us business with Mis
souri policy holders, but has done so as a
mattei of convenience, and there is-nothing
in this order of suspension to kerp them
frbn, still doing so. If they do not It will
be a matter of their own choosing, and, as
I see that their attorneys say they are
acting for the convenience of policy hold
ers, I presume, of course, they will not
deny them this convenience, If It Is a con
venience. A careful reading or my order
and of the statutes shows that it refers to
writing of life Insurance and not to col
lection of new premiums or any other kind
of business. It refers to the writing of
new business, simply this and nothing
more. It may be added also that as the
order Is for suspension and not absolute
revocation, the company may yet comply
with the requirements- at any time It
chooses to do so and. of course, In that
event, the order would be vacated.
School Bonds Carry After Lively Cam
paign la Which Women
Take Part.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. .-(Special.)
With a strong republican ticket in
the field and the county giving a good safe
majority on the head of the ticket, the
republican party nevertheless lost an addi
tional county office In the campaign Just
closed and came very nearly losing a
second. J. H. Mullln, nominated for his
fourth term, was re-elected county Judge
over TV O. C. Harrison by over 200 votes,
whereas it had been regarded as a safe
venture that Harrison would easily carry
the county. George Poell, the hero-fireman,
was elected clerk by over 250 majority,
largely out of sympathy, but. It Is alleged,
also, through a lack of harmony between
Chairman Prince of the republican central
committee and the republican candidate,
James Dunkle was elected Bherlff over Eby,
republican candidate and present Incumbent
by appointment, by about 400. The repub
licans, however, gain the county superin
tendent's office. Miss Brown, the first
woman candidate ever running In Hall
county, leading the republican ticket, leav
ing the net loss of one office. Dr. Suther
land was re-elected coroner, C. E. Baldwin
surveyor and W. R. King treasurer, the
latter by a majority of fifty.
In the city et Grand Island the liveliest
factional fight that ever took place re
sulted In the carrying of school bonds in
the sum of $80,000 for a high school build
ing on a site the purchase of which. It is
alleged. Is Illegal, and no special election
for the purpose. It has been stated, being
has been appointed and J. B. Gourley seeks
to recover money alleged to have been paid
for stock in the concern. Jla alleges that
the company was insolvent when he pur
chased the stork.
Fasaena-era Take a Hand and a Lively
Time Results.
SCHUYLER, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) When Union Pacific train No. 6
pulled In here today It unloaded a thor
oughly angry crowd of people. Henry and
Bert Browning, two colored men of Co
lumbus, had boarded the train there more
or less under the influence of liquor. Con
ductor Tom Horan, In charge of the train,
stated than when he asked for their tickets
one of them tendered him a piece of paper
and said that was all the ticket he would
get and invited him to put them off. Then
without any provocation one grabbed and
held Horan while the other struck him in
the face. This thoroughly aroused the pas
sengers on the train and they attacked the
negroes. Canes and every available weapon
were used by the passengers, the negroes
being badly beaten about the head.
When the train stopped here one of them
attempted to escape, but was soon over
taken and both were lodged in the county
Jail. Conductor Horan said he would ap
pear tomorrow to prosecute them. He sus
talneda bruised lip and a gash on the
scalp. Several of the passengers received
cuts and bruises about the head and face.
The Brownings are brothers and played
ball in Columbus last summer.
Interesting; Addresses by Clergy and
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 9.-(Speclal.)-The
exercises at the Episcopal convocation be
gan yesterday morning at 7:30 with the cel
ebration of the Holy Eucharist. Following
the business meeting at 10 o'clock Rev. E.
G. Brown read a paper, "How to Teach the
Church Catechism." The subject was then
taken up for discussion.
At 2:30 p.'m. an interesting paper was
given by Rev. R. R. Digs, general mission
ary, his subject being "The Holy Euchar
ist, the Principal Service of the Lord's
Day." The second paper of the afternoon
was read by S. C. Smith of this city. His
subject was "Tithing." The discussion of
both of these papers was full of animation
and Interest.
Clement Chase of Omaha delivered the
address at the evening session, his subject
being "The Layman's Forward Movement
This movement, he said, received Its first
Impetus last January in Omaha, and It has
had a great growth. Its object is to arouse
the missionary spirit among laymen by
spreading information, encouraging dally
prayers for the missionary work of the
church and in various other ways, which
the speaker enumerated.
The meeting, which closes Friday fore
noon, is being quite largely attended.
Creamery Company Qalts.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Nov. . (Special.)
The Iowa Creamery company, that has
been operating here for several years.
closed its doors yesterday and will wind up
its affairs. The closing was the result of
complaints of one of the stockholders, who
claimed that the concern had been running
at a loss for several months. A receiver
n a mt Bill KIMIfl m 9 m m
There is
An Indefinable Something
that tiwajs marks a ladles' TAILOR-MADE suit; that gives It an indi
viduality and that brings forth the lines of character which are only
We have evinced the utmost conservatism In the selection of our
Fall Suits, and we say without fear of contradiction tnat with our re
cent heavy shipments our line is ISEYOM) COMPETITION IX OMAHA.
We are making a special showing of THE NEW POPl'LAR VEL
Fine French Broadcloths, in plums, Alice blue, dregs of wine and
the new green shades..
These Suits range in price from f 2.VOO to 930.O0.
Fremont Drnaatsts Oraranlse.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.) The
druggists of this city held a meeting last
evening and organized a retail association
in connection with the national druggists'
organization. Tho following officers were
elected: President, Otto Pohl; vice presi
dent, Dana Dodge; secretary. Frank Koss;
treasurer, W. Piatt. The list of officers
includes all the drug firms in the city.
Preparing; for Festival.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Nov. 9. (Special.)
The advisory committee of the semi-cen
tennial celebration of Cedar Rapids, to be
held next year, met In the city library and
reported the names of twenty-one business
rmn to be known as the executive commit
tee, to have full charge of arrangements
for the seven days' celebration.
Tenth Annual Convention Welcomed
to Washington by Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 9.-The tenth an
nual session of the American Association
of Farmers' Institute workers was begun
here today with an address of welcome by
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson. The sec
retary spoke enthusiastically regarding
agricultural education, and practically
recommending the teaching of the ele
ments of that science in the common and
secondary schools.
The address was replied to by C. C.
James, deputy minister of agriculture of
Toronto, Canada, who was in complete ac
cord with the suggestions of the secre
tary. The annual address of the president, J.
C. Hardy of the Mississippi Agricultural
college, was heard and discussed.
The convention is to continue for two
Ezpeot Much from Election of Abbott ai
On, oi Univiriity EegsnU.
Nemaha the First Connty to Bring Its
Official Election Returns to the
Capitol Weddlna; la Offi
cial Circles.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 9 (Special.) Much grati
fication Is expressed among students of tho
State university over the election of Fred
Abbott to membership on the Board of Re
gents. Mr. Abbott has kept in close touch
with the university and the students since
leaving college, and he Is in a good position
to know what Is needed In the management.
As soon as he takes his place the matter of
the regents furnishing textbooks to the
students at cost will be taken up with Mr.
Abbott and a different result Is expected
than that which attended tho efforts of the
pupils in the past. Another reform that Mr.
Abbott is expected to bring about is open
meetings of the Board of Regents, especially
those meetings where large sums of money
are spent.
A number of students who have entered
the agricultural college have made com
plaint of the enormous cost of books, and
these will call upon the new board as soon
as it is organized.
Superintendent Crabtree of the Peru Nor
mal was in Lincoln today and he said his
school was working nicely under the new
textbook rule. At that Institution the books
re rented to the pupils at a nominal cost
or sold to them at actual cost. The pupils
have been saved thousands of dollars and
at the same time the state has not had to
expend a cent of its money, as the system
pays Its own way.
Nemaha Gets la First.
Nemaha county Is the first county in the
state to get' Its official election returns to
the secretary of state.
Solves Problem of Dress.
One of the most difficult problems that
has confronted the governor's staff has
Just been solved by an order from the War
department. For years and years the
colonels have worn algulllettes, but in
various places on their uniform and the
efforts of the adjutant general to get all to
wear them alike have proven unavailing.
Now, however, the War department hns
taken up the matter and today an order
was received telling Just exactly how
these things should be worn. The order Is
as follows:
Algulllettes will be worn attached to the
right shoulder Knot, longer pencil cord to
ma reur. loops crossing on top of the right
arm above the elbow, the front pencil cord
to be hung, before the coat is buttoned, to
the top button on right side, and the rear
pencil cord, passing under the right arm, to
bo hung on the second button.
' Lindsay Has a Birthday.
H. C. Lindsay, clerk of the supreme
court, found out he was 44 years old yes
terday when the employes in his office
presented him with a beautiful watch fob.
Wedding; In Official Circles.
Donald Cameron Despain, chief clerk in
the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, and
Miss Daisy Wilson Smith, bookkeeper and
stenographer In tho office of State Oil
Inspector Church, will on the evening of
Wednesday, November 22, resign their lives
of single blessedness and get married.
While It has been rumored for the last
six or eight months that this would occur,
It was not officially announced until this
morning. The wedding will occur at the
home of the parents of Miss Smith at
University Place and will be followed by a
reception from 9:30 to W. .;he young couple
will be at 'home in Lincoln after December
31. .
Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Smith, prominent people of
University Place, over which Mr. 8mlth
has ruled as mayor on a number of occa
sions. Mr. Despain halls from Plattsmouth
where his parents reside. He was ap
pointed chief clerk in the labor bureau
upon the election of Governor Mickey and
was re-appointed last January.
Relief was promised by the telephone com
pany, but that did not head off a move
ment for an Independent company. This
week Mr. Otto Wettsteln, Jr.. of La Porte
City, la., has been here endeavoring to or
ganise the new company and has met with
sufficient encouragement to warrant the
new enterprise.
John B. Raper Wanted to Succeed
I)a brock.
BEATRICE. Neb., Nov. 9 (Special Tel-
egram.) Word was received here this aft
ernoon that Governor Mickey had appointed
John B. Raper of Pawnee City district
judge to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Judge A. H. Babcock. The ap
pointment came as a surprise to members
of the Gage county bar. who have labored
strenuously for the last week to have a
Gage county man named. The candidates
from this city were L. M. Pemberton, R.
W. Sabtn and Judge J. E. Cobhey. Mr.
Raper is among the prominent attorneys
of the First judicial district and Is at pres
ent county attorney of Pawnee county.
Mrs. Louisa Cox, Wlio Is 105 Years Old, Sleeps'
Like a Girl, And Says She Does Not Know
What It Is to Have a Pain or Ache.
sncessfnl Strike.
against lung trouble, can be engineered by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1. For sale by
8herman McDonnell Drug Co.
C. J. O'Connor Found to Owe Heirs of
Indian Over S0,OOO.
PENDER. Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special.) The
case of D. A. Kelso came up in the county
court for his removal as guardian over
Indian children for fraud. D. A. Kelso did
not answer and nothing was done. Next
came the case against C. J. O'Connor, who
did not answer and who has been In de
fault for over one month. Rev. Joseph
Schell presented evidence to show that C.
J. O'Connor owes to the four Johnson
children. Indian minors, the sum of $6,558.30,
of which he had only accounted to the
court for the sum of $450, years ago, when
he was discharged as having faithfully per
formed his duties.
It now appears that he owes to the child
ren the sum of J6.108.3O, for which amount
the court rendered 'judgment. Other cases
In the matter of guardianship of Indian
minors are filed In the court and will be
heard in due course. Judge Day appeared
before the court using harsh language
against Father Schell, calling him a "butter
in" into business not of his calling, and of
disturbing the public peace.
Fair and Warmer la Nebraska,
Kansas and Wyoming; Today
Fair Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair and
warmer Friday; Saturday fair.
For Montana. North Dakota and South
Dakota Fair Friday and Saturday.
For Missouri and Iowa Fair Friday and
Saturday; warmer Saturday.
For Colorado Fair Friday and Saturday.
For Wyoming Fair and warmer Friday;
Saturday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Nov. 9. Official record of tem
perature and preclpltajtwn compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 1905. 1!H. Iii3. lsoi.
Maximum temperature.... 44 48 tin 56
Minimum temperature 30 S3 37 S5
Mean temperature 37 40 48 45
Precipitation 00 .03 .02 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparisons with the last two years:
Normal ttpii-i alure 42
Deficiency for the day 6
Tola I excess since March 1 3sl
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Deficiency for the day 04 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 2K. 18 Inches
Ienvlency since Marco 1 2.3i Inche:
Iieliclcncy for cor innd in I'M 4 4.1 Inches
Excess fur cor. period in liw3.... S. 3 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rain
of w tamer. 7 p. m
Bismarck, clear 42
Cheyenne, clear 38
Chicago, clear 3i
Davenport, clear 36
Denver, clear fi
Havre, clear 46
Helena, clear 40
Huron, clear 40
Kansas City, clear 4t
North Platte, clear 38
Omaha, clear 42
Rapid City, clear 42
ft. lxuis, clear 42
St. Paul, clear 36
Salt Ijike City, clear 62
alenlino, clear 4o Wi
Wtllibiun. clear 44 62
T Indicates trace of precli. nation.
U A. Vi.UjiL Lutl Forecaster.
Telephone War In Prospect.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Nov. . (Special.) It
Is evident that a telephone war Is on' In
Tecum sen. An Independent company is be
ing organized among the business men and
the Bell company has long maintained an
almost complete service in Johnson county.
a particularly large exchange being In force
In Tecumseh. Much complaint has been
made concerning the service given by the
Bell company, the Commercial club having
been asked to take a hand In the matter.
-.wM' y s.
If You're Hunting
for an Overcoat of impressive
appearance,, here's a guide
to your "game."
Fine cheviots, soft as vel
vet and tough as leather,
plus Dame Fashion's newest
Paddock Coat style, plus
MacCarthy-WUson flawless
making. You will be minus
only $30 when you add this
aristocratic garment to your
Overcoats and Suits to
measure 120 to $45.
Trousers and Vests to
measure $5 to $12.
Tailoring: Co.,
l-3o 8. 16th St. Next Door to
Wabash Ticket Office. Phone Uol
Open evenings until 9 o'clock.
Sews of Seorueka.
AL.MA Rev. Oscar Sweeney, pastor of
the Christian church of this place, has re
signed and will take up the work at Ord.
BEATRICE The Nebraska Telephone
company Is building a farmers' line near
Plckrell, which will have twenty-five tele
phones when completed.
BEATRICE J. W. Kuhn yesterday pur
chased the grocery store of T. R. Spencer
in West Beatrice and will conduct the
business In the future.
TEKAMAH W. M. Taylor of Arlington
has purchased the stock of merchandise at
Arizona of Peter Kohler. Mr. Taylor will
take possession this week.
BEATRICE M. J. Ferris, a Syrian, was
fined J25 and costs in police court yester
day for selling his wares on the street
without first obtaining a peddler's license.
TEKAMAH Miss Mattle Cooper, sister
of Mrs. James R. Force, died at the latter's
home vesterday after, a lingering illness
of several years. The funeral will be held
this afternoon.
M'COOK The Red Willow county district
court will convene here Monday morning,
November 13. It will be an equity term
without a Jury. The Jury term will likely
be held In January.
LEIGH Last evening at the home of the
bride's parents northeast of town occurred
the marriage of Miss Anna Schaefer to
William Schnell. One hundred and fifty
guests were present.
PAPILLION In the district court the
Jury in tho case of Lanfrdnn against Clarke
found for the plaintiff and assessed his
damages at 27. The Jnry was then dis
charged for this term.
PLATTSMOUTH Chester W. Merrlam of
Omaha and Miss Myrtle V. Mayfield were
united In marriage at the home of the
bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O.
Mayfield, near Louisville.
M'COOK Red Willow county Is becoming
quite popular as a sheep feeding county.
Two men in the Beaver country recently
shipped in 8,500 head, which they will feed
alfalfa during the winter for market.
TEKAMAH The Order of the Eastern
Star will entertain the Maple Leaf chapter
of Omaha here tomorrow evening.. Mem
bers of the different lodges or me county
haye been Invited .ind a large garnering is
PLATTSMOUTH D. H. S. Smith, local
treasurer, p;Ud to W. D. Wheeler today
the sum of 17,Mn 91 for Cass county taxes
for this year from the Missouri Pa irlc
railroad. The Burlington and Rock Island
have not paid theirs.
PLATTSMOt'TH The funeral of Mrs.
Pauline Lushlnsky was at the German
St. Luke's church In this city this after
noon and interment was in Oak Hill ceme
tery. Deceased was an old resident and
three children survive her.
M'COOK As an indication of the remark
able increase in value of lands In Red
Willow county, George B. Morgan of Dan
bury recently declined an offer of $10,000
for a half section of land he owns on
Beaver creek In this county.
SHELBT The bodv of Charles E. Kesler
was buried here today. Kesler was an un
married man, about 35 years old, living
with relatives near Shelby, and blew off
the side of his head with a shot gun be
cause he was unable to And a cure for fits.
ALMA The election passed off very
quietly, the county giving Letton a hand
some oiajority and most all the county
officers on the republican ticket . being
elected. From this time on Harlan county
ran be safely counted In the republican
PAPILLION The canvassing board ap
pointed by the county clerk to canvass
the vote of Sarpy county found the two
candidates for county superintendent,
George Miller, democrat, and Mr. Collins,
republican, a tie, each having received 802
TEKAMAH The base ball association
will give a dance this evening for the pur
pose of raising funds to pay off last year's
Indebtedness. At the close of the season
the bovs were about $300 in the hole, but
they expect to get this all paid up and
thev will have to in ordr to have a team
next year.
YORK T. J. Vincent, manager of the
Tlotfcr Lumber company of this city, has
been transferred to Bouin imaota ior inn
Lama roninanv. where he takes charge of
several yards. E. Coats of Waco will take
charge of the company's Interests at this
place and John Bickley, son of L. R. Pick
ley, will have the management of the lum
ber yard at Waco.
TORK Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Parker, earlv
settlers in the north part of the county and
highly respected, prosperous farmers, who
were divorced at .the last term of district
rour. have decided they made a mistake.
The term of court has not yet expired and
the Judge has been petitioned to set the de
cree aside, and now Mr. end Mrs. Parker
are living together.
TABLE ROCK John M. Cochran, one of
the contractors on the Fellers & Wilson
building, was severely hurt this forenoon
while he was assisting the. workmen in get
ting the large I beam in position. His
right hand was caught In such a manner
as to badlv crush the two small tjngers,
one of which was broken. The physician
thinks he can save the two fingers.
PONCA George Parker and Joseph
Lvnch. the safe blowers with many aliases,
who were arrested at Wakefield after blow
ing a safe at that place, waived preliminary
hearing and were bound over until the
December term of court. Judge Fales
i .hoi hnnita st 12.0ii0 which they have
not offered. A Pioux City police officer
was here today interviewing the men. They
seem to be wanted in many places.
BEATRICE The volunteer fire depart-
. hoi . -mettlniF last niKht and en
dorsed the candidacy of Hon. H. W. L.
Jackson for postmaster of Beatrice and
passed resolutions recommending his candi
dacy to Congressman E. H. Hlnshaw. The
department received a check for $100 from
the Queen City Creamery company in
recognition of its valuable services in sav
ing the plant of the company from de
struction by tire last week.
BEATRICE Yesterday In the district
court Mrs. Harm Huls brought an action
under the dipsomaniac law asking that her
husband. Harm Huls, be adjudged an
inebriate and sent to the asylum for treat
ment. Huls, who Is at present in the county
Jail, has terrorized his family for months
past while under the influence of liquor
and recently drove them away from home.
He was taken In charge by Sheriff Trude
several days ago at the request of Mrs.-Huls.
TECUMSEH H. H. Herndon. a promoter
from Adums, is in the city, endeavoring to
interest the city council in giving up the
electric lighting plant to a company he to orsanlze. For some time the
plant has been inadequate, and Mr. Hern
don proposes to install a modern plant
and run all night. The present service
extends but till midnight. Mr. Herndon
will interest Tecumseh people In the pro
ject In a financial way if he is successful
in getting hold of the matter, and what
capital is needed that cannot be raised
here will be secured elsewhere.
PLATTSMOt'TH A small wreck oc
curred this morning about $ o'clock when
four freight cars in a westbound train on
the Burlington were thrown from the
track. The front trucks Jumped the track
near the big bridge and followed the track
about half a mile, when a side track to
the elevator drew it from under the car,
which was loaded with cement, and the end
of the car dropped to the ground. The
ends of three cars were smashed in. The
east sidetrack was cleared In time to allow
the morning pasaenger trains to pass on
FREMONT The lawyers of this oounty
are much interested In the Tucker Jury
law, an action to test the validity of which
is now before the supreme court. The
November term of the district court for
Dodge county convenes Monday. The Jury
was selected under the old law, instead
of under the new one, which went Into
effect November 1. The canvassing board
of the county, whose duty it is to select
the Jury list, will not meet until Saturday,
by which time It Is hoped the supreme
court will have passed upon the question.
It appears to be the intention of the law
yers to try the civil cases without raising
any question on the validity of the Jury,
hut when the manslaughter ruse against
Krlss Is reached tU entire uuesUwu will
cuius U
Her Only Medicine Is
WHISKEY, "Tho Renewer
of Youth."
Harrington, Maine. May JO, 1904.
Gentlemen I am 106 years old. I am
well, without a pain or ache. I sleep as
well as I did when I was a girl. I use your
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Pure Malt Whiskey Is the only medicine X
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wood, and do my housework.
Mrs. Louisa Cox.
4,000 Centenarians Owe Health
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Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
There are 4.000 men and women in this country alone who have passed the hundred
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Duffy's Pure Malt whiskey, the great cure and preventive of disease, the true elixir
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eases of throat, lungs and stomach, low
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It acts quickly and builds up the whole
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Every testimonial Is published in good
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Be sure yon art the srenolne Duffy's Pnre Malt Whiskey, sold In norfiea
only, by all reliable drnKsrlsts and grocers, or direct, price SSl.OO. It la the
only absolutely pnre medicinal Whiskey and contains no fnsel oil. Look
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on a loaf is our guarantee to you. To
protect you from Inferior bread. Thero
are Imitations belne sold on the repu
tation of
(1 liiC "1)
So that you will be Bure to get the
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5c a loaf
Over four hundred grocers sell it.
NEEDN'T be a clothmg
expert Kirschbaum
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They're such coats as you'd
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Ask for Kirschbaum Clothes
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Wear the Eastern Styles.
For Sale in Omaha by
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