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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 10. 1905. Telephone 4. I Now located In the now retail center, Howard and Sixteenth 1 Street. Without any exaggeration is what we are doing daily in the newspapers. There is no over esti mating of valnes, for when you come here to look we want you to feel that the values are even greater than the. papers ever hinted of. Knitted Corset Covers A garment that li growing more popular each reason the one we show are shapely and beautifully finished. Sold At knitted underwear department, main floor. Ladles' hlartt neck. Ion sleeves corset covers, medium or heavy weight, flne combed cotton, color white or black, all sixes, ton each. Ladles' high neck, long sleeves corset covers, medium weight merino, all sises, 50e-7Bc. Ladies' fine white Bwlss-rlbhed merino corset covers, high neck, long sleeves, ex tra good nYality, all sixes, II. 00 each. Ladles' One white. Swiss-ribbed vrga silk corset covers, high neck, longjileeves, extra good quality, all sixes, 11.00 $1.50 each. Ladies' fine white Bwlss-rihbed silk and wool corset covers, high neck, long sleeves, all sixes, fl.SO each. ; Ladles' Swiss-ribbed ' silk corset covers, high neck, long Sleeves, extra fine quality, all sixes, 11.73 each.. , ; Ramie Underwear "Ramie" What Is It? "Ramie" Is a re markable plant, possessing antiseptic quali ties. Rlnghelm Fch'lchten Ramie under wear Is made from the fibre of this plant, and besides Its "antiseptic" virtue Is the most celebrated underwear In the world. It prevents taking cold. It washes abso lutely clean and Is delightfully comforta bleallows Tree circulation of air and pre pares the body for any and all changes of weather. Ask to see It when In the store. Outing Flannel Gowns One part of our second floor Is devoted to the selling of gowns' and dressing aeques. You will appreciate the values 11 JnIMI?iEoyiLl)EIni SM. latlng boxes and thought there was noth- Ing to do but await the opening of the board's office and let President Voorhees decide what to do with the 8.000 ballot boxes. Hears of Proposed Fraud. It was said this morning that the sudden move made by Mr. Hearst last night fol lowed a .report by him) that a printing company had been at work Tuesday night printing ballots. The report was further to the effect that the ballot boxes were to be opened while in the hands of the police and stuffed. Mr. Hearst decided to act at once. The mrdor secured from Judge Gaynor directed the police commis sioner and all hia subordinates In the five boroughs to turn over to the board of elections forthwith all ballot boxea con taining ballots and stubs of ballots, and also to fije with the county clerk before noon today all envelopes containing tally sheets. Inspectors', returns, defective bal lots and ballots marked for ldontlllcatlon. The order was Issued on the affidavit of Mr. Hearst himself. The affidavit states Mr. Hearst's belief that he received a plurality of the voles, but that, according 14. the returns, 3,4JO more votes than he himself received were counted for Mr. Mc Clellan. Captain Cruse read the order to Commis sioner McAdoo over the telephone. be commissioner's reply., wag an order to the captain directing him to read the Gaynor order over the telephone to the captain. Voortits Hefases to Take Doses. John Voorhls, president of tho board of Klectioi s, reiuseu cany today to receive the official ballot boxes.. Uciore refusing he consulted Police Commissioner McAdoo. Attorney General Mayer, Corporation Coun sel Delaney and Superintendent of Elections Morgan" were notified of the situation and the boxea were kept In the police wagons In front of the office of the Board of Elec tions, pending a decision by the corpor ation counsel. Mr. Voorhls said that tits' New York stat supreme court had held. In a recent decision, ' that the Board of Elections Is not the - proper custodian of the boxes, but that the police are. Mr. Voorhls Is a democrat and president of the 'Board of Elections. After he had declined .to leave the home and go to the C f you are a manufac urer, take trie Novem ber number oC MoCIure's Magazine, turn over and look, at every on of the 227 pages of advertising, you will realize why McClure's la the Marketplace of the world. No other puolioation ever carried In a single number so much advertis ing a Is shown here. This advertising was sscured without making a single consession from the stand ard set by MeUure'a. Ifthere was any doubt about the business offered being fitted to McClure's pages, it was omitted. 8. 8. MeCLTTRE COMPANY 44-ft) East 23d Street NEW YORK The "Arnold" Knit Night Drawers for Children With or Without fttt The rapidly growing demand tor these health-protecting garments attest their popularity. They cover the child from bead to feet and afford absolute protection from sudden changes of temperature. Made from the finest of knit cloth a fabric that is absorbent, taking up the excretions of the pores, its porosity allowing the exhalations of the skin to pass oft freely. Easily washed, never shrinks; soft and fine enough for the most delicate skin. Hires I to 10 years. Prices, 60c up. Write for Illustrated catalogue. ' BEnSON cTHORNrS TO TELL THE when you see them cut full and large from the best grades of outing flannels. Plain colors, in' pink, light blue and white, made with fancy collars, braid trimmings, $1.00 each. . Pretty cream colored gowns, with light blue, pink and blnck pin stripes, made with V nock, fancy white braid trlmmlngsll.00 each. High neck gowns, with fanV black and white braid trimmings. 11.00 each. Our 75c line Is a leader they come In assorted pink and blue stripes, braid trim mings, high or low necks. . Dressing Sacques Pretty Sacques at $1.00 each pink and light blue flannelettes, also neat,, fancy figured materials made with fitted backs. Our New and Enlarged Petti coat Department We carry a most beautiful assortment of all the Very newest and best styles of ladles' fine petticoats made of splendid materials and elegant workmanship. We carry the Mcdee yoke adjustable pet ticoat. We sell brllllantine petticoats. Petticoats of moreen. Petticoats of shepherd plaid brllllantine. Petticoats of sateen. Petticoats of plain and fancy silk. Ask to see our special leader in a hand some silk petticoat at $3.95. You will find It quite a pleasure shopping In our beautifully lighted clonk depart menteverything new everything good everything for your comfort and con venience. Polite and courteous treatment; you will find this a real metropolitan CLOAK ROOM. Howard and Sixteenth board's office to accept custody of the ballot boxes, an appeal was made to Charles . Page, a republican member, but he too, was unwilling to take custody of the boxes. Mr. Voorhls told the representative of Mr. Hearst, who called at his home, that he construed the order of Justice Oaynor to mean that In directing the delivery of the boxes by noon today, opportunity was left to the Tammany forces up to the hour to seek to obtain an order to show cause why the boxes should not be delivered. When the drivers and policemen guarding the wagons, found that the unwillingness of President Voorhees to open the office meant a long wait, out In the cold, for them, they were angry, but they made th? best of it. Colonel Alexander 8. Bacon, one of Mr. Hearst'a lawyers, who played a promnlent part In the doings of the night, made arrangements for the police to get breakfast In a nearby restaurant. Police Captain Becker of Brooklyn, who came over with the load of ballot boxes from his sta tion to make aure that they were cared for. and who was the senior police officer pres An oiiiimarl fiharcA nr thA ammtlnn nnn dld'what he could to bring order out of the- confusion caused by the unusual situation. When Mr. Voorhls refused to accept the , ljillot boxes he ordered that they be re- ; turned to the police station house. At that time twenty-five police wagons were lined up In front of the office of the board of elections and policemen were unloading some of them. When they learned of the order of Mr. Voorhls they placed the boxes In the wagon again, but did not at ones return them to the police stations. Mr. Voorhls said he had asked the cor poration counsel for an opinion as to whether he should receive the boxes and would not accept them until he had received that opinion. Among the attorneys aiding Hearst Is William Ivlns, the republican candidate for mayor In Tuesday's election. Mr. Ivins volunteered his services to Mr. Hearst and the offer was accepted. Another attorney acting for Hearst Is Judge John F. Dillon, who wa at one time judge ofthe supreme court 01 10 wa. No Room for Boxes. - President Voorhls said that even If the legal decision should be that his board must receive the ballot boxes, he would have them sent under police guard to some stor age place other than his office, which- was too small for them. In Brooklyn also the ballot boxes were not accepted by the board of elections, but the police were permitted to carry them Into its room in the Temple Bar building. . By 6 o'clock this morning all the ballot boxes from the various precincts were in the offices under guard and Mr. Dady had gone to New York to confer with Commissioner Voorhls upon the situation. It was reported that many of the boxes In Brooklyn were not properly sealed. Shortly before noon extra police were called out to keep order In the vicinity ot the ballot boxes in Manhattan. MeClellaa Hires Lawyers. - Mayor George B. McClellan announced today that to protect his Interest In the proceedings brought by William R. Hearst, contesting the mayoralty election, he had retained legal counsel. He has employed the law firm of Parker, Sheehan-a- Hatch, of which Judge Alton B. Parker Is the head, and the firm of Dykman A Carr. The first named firm Is of Manhattan and the second of Brooklyn. The mayor said lie did not expect to be directly involved in any legal action. statement hy MoC'lellaa. Mayor McClellan tonight made publio the following statement: The election returns show my election by a plurality of 4,1!0 votes. These return's are the results of procedure prescribed by the law and they are expressly declared by the law to he presumptively correct. I believe they are correct. Therefore I will Bee, November 9. 1905. STORE NEWS Customers Deposit Account De partment A convenience for those who want their purchases In this store charged. You make a deposit :t any sum that suits your con venience; we allow four per cent Interest, compounded every three months, on your dally balance. Thus your money Is earn ing Interest dally. You may withdraw any part or all of your deposit at any time. You are not required to trade It all out. With this plan you enjoy all the econo mies of a cash system, with all the con veniences and privileges of a credit system. Statements of your account are sent out monthly by mail. We do no banking busi ness. ALL ARE INVITED TO VISIT OI'R SEC OND FLOOR, WHERE WE HAVE A Demonstration of Lion Brand Yarns This yarn Is unquestionably the highest grade yarns In the market. Lion Brand Yarns are specially prepared to meet the requirements of the most fas tidious knitters, nnd the demonstrator Is equipped with an elaborate display of up-to-date garments knitted and crocheted from LION BRAND YARNS. An exhibition of new designs and stitches will also 00 Interesting nnd Instructive. Lessons free. This opportunity should not be lost to those Interested. The demonstrator will be here only this weelc. ALL ARE INVITED. take all legitimate means to protect my rights, as well as those of the voters. If my adversary appeals to the law to over throw what are now the legal returns of the results of the election I will meet him fully prepared to vindicate these results. To the courts, where these differences must be parsed upon, every candidate and every citizen should readily submit. DnIIot Box Found In Itlver. Attorney General Mayer stated tonight that he had received Information of the recovery from the NoYth river of certain ballot boxes used In the election of Tues day last. He said the matter Was under Investigation. Attorney Oeneral Mayer left his office at midnight, saying expected developments had not taken place and that nothing could be gained by his remaining down town longer. Mr. Mayer refused to discuss the reported finding of the ballot boxes In the river, further than to say that such reports had come .to him. It being said the boxes were picked up by a tug. A ballot box alleged to have been stolen and - recovered by accident tonight was taken to District Attorney Jerome's office and closely examined. . . , "DON CARLOS" AND CHURCH Mansfield's New Play Kot a Reflection oa Catholicism In Any Regard. Manager Burgess of the Boyd theater j received the following telegram from ' Richard Mansfield last night, dated at Des Moines, where the great actor pre sented his new play, "Don Carlos:'' Some evilly disposed person, actuated by a spirit of mischief or jealousy, has sent i out an absurd report that the tragedy of 1 "Don Carlos'' is injurious to the Catholic church. No statement could be more ridicu lous or further from the truth. "Don Carlos" was written 118 years ago by the great poet Schiller and has been played since then for the last century at least twice yearly in the principal theaters of Germany, Including the Catholic stales. "Don Carlos" deals to a slight extent with the horrors of the Inquisition, and the InqulHltlon Is a matter of history with which many writers have dealt. The Roman Catholic church is too big and much too brond-minded to object to an historical tragedy by a great poet On ac count of a political organisation. Roman Catholic or not Roman Catholic, which has lung ceased to exin. RICHARD MANSFIELD. Mr. Mansfield will arrive in Omaha on a special train at about S o'clock this morn ing. MISS SHEDLOCK WILL COME Kindergarten Godmother Mecured by Teachers' Aid Association for Two Leetares. it has been announced that the Omaha Teachers' Annuity and Aid society has se cured Miss Marie L. Shedlork for four lec tures on the 30th and ?lst lusts. Miss Bhed lock has an International reputation as a story-teller, her specialty being kindergarten stories. She has been nicknamed the "Kin dergarten Godmothers Miss Shedlock is making a tour of the! Vnited States. One of her subjects here will be "The Art of Story-telling." Members r the local teachers' association feel that they have tte- cured an unusual attraction In the appear- ance of Miss Shedlork. Two of her lectures will be for the little folks and two for the older people A striking lustration of the woman's gifts as a story-teller for children occurred some time ago at St. Louis, where she talked to the kindergarten classes of the city. When she was through talking one of the tots was heard to remark with all of a child's sincerity, "Can we ratch her?" MIbs Bhedlock has made a life study of child nature. DELACY MARRIAGE ANNULLED lalon of Omaha Girl to Man Now Faatttv Rendered Void by Coart. Judge Troup has pronounced null and void bb initio the marrlaga cf Lulotta . Scheer to Harry PeLacy. This marriage was con tracted In Omaha a few hours before DeLacy was arrested early last summer at the Grand hotel In Council Bluffs, where he hod taken his bride. Mrs. DeLacy is allowed to resume bar maiden name. DeLacy Is one of the men who escaped from the county Jail here a few days be fore the primary In September. He has never been recaptured, nor have three others who got away at the same time. One of the five who escaped, Hugh ,Ward, was recaptured and is now serving time. At the time of ills escape DeLacy was awaiting trial on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, as the puta tive agent of an eastern invest meat company. COOR DRAWS PAY AS LAWYER Carstaksr of Inianws Usui t Albtiy Sign Vonchm for Lrtl Eipeiiss. AFFAIRS OF METROPOLITAN CIMPANf rresldeat Hearesnaa Salary Is IOO.000 a Year aad First Vice President la . Paid sjrs.ono. NEW YORK. Nov. .-The house In Albany, N. Y.. which testimony before the Insurance Investigating committee has here tofore shown was for a number of years maintained by funds of the Mutual Life Insurance company, was again given some attention by Charles E. Hughes, counsel for the committee, when Michael P. Mul laney. the caretaker ol the house, was called today as a witness. Mr. Mullaney's testimony was In great part a corroboration of previous testimony that A. C. Fields, while employed as sta tionery agent of the Mutual, also looks after legislative matters and paid the rent for the Albany house. Today a number of vouchers signed by Mullaney were Identified, by the witness, who acknowledged receiving the money for them. Some purported to be for legal services, some for sundries and some for traveling expenses. Witness said he was not a lawyer, and could not explain why vouchers were made out to that Item. J. M. Beck, counsel for the Mutual, however, took occasion to remind tho counsel that all vouchers for the maintenance of this house. It had been testified, were charged to legal expenses. . Mr. Hughes said that did not explain why some were for travel ing expenses and some for sundries. Sundries Are Not Explained. Mullaney could hot tell what the sundries were, unless they were supplies. He had taken trips to New York to see Mr. Fields at the latter's suggestion. Me did not know how many times, he had been to New York. He some times bought tickets for Mr. Fields. Nineteen vouchers were Identi fied by Mullaney, for all of which he ad mitted he received the money, which aggre gated $5,739. These were paid between March 7, 1900, and July 12, 190S. Mullaney said his salary was $23 a month. He had never carried any money to Albany from New York for Mr. Fields and had never paid out any money for Mr. Fields. The greater part of the duy William 1 Barnes, sr.j formerly of Albany, but now living at Nantucket, Mass., sat In the room, but late In the afternoon he was excused for the day. Dr. Barnes figured in this Investigation .several weeks ago, when vouchers bearing his signature were produced, together with a letter signed by William Barnes, jr., of Albany reminding the Mutual Life that Ms father's "hono rarium had not been received." and further asking that a check be forwarded. Affairs of Metropolitan. The Metropolitan Life Insurance company figured In the greater part ot the day's proceedings. John R. Hegeman, president of the company, who was on the stand when adjournment was taken yesterday, was the first witness today, and the ex penses of the company were further gone Into. It was brought out that Mr. Hoge man's salary is the same as that of John A. McCall, president of the New York Life, $100,000. Previous to 1965. however, Mr. Hegeman received $90,000. The salary of Vice President , Haley Flake is $76,000. George H. Gaston, the second vice presi dent, receives $37,S00, and Frank O. Ayres, third vice president, receives $16,500. The work of . agents In, the field and their compensation was pLken up with Mr. Hege man, and later '(ines H. Craig, the ac tuary, was railed to supply details as to figures with which Mr. Hegeman was not familiar. Later In the day, when Mr. Craig waa excused, Mr. Hegeman was again called and the subject of the company's securities was taken up, but the Interroga tion had hardly begun when adjournment for the day was ordered. KETURlNS LOME IN SLOWLY (Continued from First Page.) E. E. Plouk (fus.), judge; B. F. Whitney (fus.), register; J. W. Mengel (fus.), super intendent of schools; J. M. Doyle (fus), surveyor; Theodore St. Martin iius.), cor oner. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Nov. .-(Speclal.) The figures on the vote In Cass county are not complete on the head of the ticket. but enough have been received to show that the following have been elected: H. A. Schneider (rep), register of deeds; H. D. Travis (dem.), county Judge, by six majority; C. D. Quinton (rep.), sheriff; B. I. Clements (rep.), for coroner; W. D. Wheeler (dem.). treasurer by 21! majority; W, E. Rosencrans (dem.), county clerk; I.. D. Swltsler (rep.), commissioner Second district, C majority; E. E. Hilton (rep.), surveyor. SEWARD, Neb, Nov. (.-(Special.) County officers elected are: John GUlan (rep.), sheriff; E. J. Newton (rep.), treas urer; Calder (dem.), clerk; Leavens (dem.), judge; E. H. Koch (rep.), superintendent of schools; Bcmis (dem.), surveyor; Dr. II. J. Wertman (rep.), coroner. PENDER, Neb.. Nov. (.-(Special.) Thurston county officials elected are: Young, (rep.), 102; Hancock, (dem.), treas urer, 178; Fansler, (dem.), crerk, !16; King, (dem.), judge, 196; Hubbard, (rep.), county superintendent of schools, 8s. WAYNE. Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special.) Wayne county, all but one precinct, (estimated): Charles Reynolds and J. M. Cherry (dems ), were elected clerk and treasurer. The republicans elect: E. Hunter, county Judge; G. 8. Mears, sheriff; G. E. Llttel county superintendent; R. R. Russell, county commissioner; Robert Jones, sur veyor, and Dr. i. J. Williams, coroner. FREMONT, Neb.. Nov. .-8peclal. Dodge county officers elected are: A. B. Bauman, Jr., (rep.), sheriff; John Knoell (dem.), treasurer; C. O. Boe Idem.), clerk; R. J. Sttnson (rep.), Judge": John O'Connor (dem.), register;. John Matxen (rep.), super intendent of schools; J. M. Sanders (rep.), surveyor; A. P. Overgaard (rep.), coroner. NEBRASKA CITY, Nov. ..-(Special. Otoe county officers elected are: Charles H. Busch (dem.), sheriff; F. M. Cook (rep.), treasurer; John Donovan (dem.), clerk; W. W. Wilson (dem.). Judge: George M. Loth rop (rep.), register; R. C. King (rep.), su perintendent of schools; C. W. Pierce (dem.), surveyor; C. N. Karstens (rep.), coroner; Henry Fastenan (dem.). commis sioner. SCHUYLER, Neb., Nov. .-(8pecial.)-Colfax county officers elected are: O. Van Housen (rep.), sheriff; M. J. Higglns (dem ). POSTUM. The Grain Coffee, has the endorsement of the b:st rnrsiciANs. It builds flesh, strength, and muscle. "The Road to Wellrtlle" la pkgs. 1 I Read treasurer; M. F. Phonka fdem.V clerk; N. H. Mapes (dem.), Judge; John Chleboun, Jr. (drm.), superintendent of schools; T. W. Funk (dem.), surveyor; Dr. Ed Junghluth (dem.). coroner. ALBION, Neb., Nov. 9 (Special.) Boone county officers elected are: E. Evans (fus.). sheriff; H. Funro (rep), treasurer; O. II. Babbitt (fus.), clerk; Charles Riley (rep). Judge: F. Hoffmen (rp.), superintendent of schools; F. M. Sillik (fus.), surveyor; J. W. B. Smith (rep.), coroner. SIDNEY, Neb., Nov. (.(Special.) Com plete returns from thirteen out of eighteen precincts In Cheyenne county Indicate elec tion of entlro republican ticket except sher iff and Judge, and republican state ticket, with lead of 2.V over democrats. Official canvass will probably be made today. DAKOTA CITY. Neb.. Nov. (.-(Special.) Dakota county officers elected arc: It. C. Hansen (rep.), sheriff; Fred plume (rep.). treasurer; W. L. Ross (rep.), clerk; J. J. Elmers dep.). Judge; George J. Boucher (rep.), superintendent of schools; J. M. Leedom (rep.), surveyor; B. F. Sawyer (rep.), coroner; Ed Morgan (rep.), commis sioner. MADISON. Noli.. Nov. 8.-(8peclaU-Madlson county elects Christopher Schave land (rep.), treasurer: J. J. Clements (rep.), sheriff; George Richardson (rep.), clerk; William Bates (dem.), judge; Frank Per due (rep.), superintendent: Homer L. Kin dred (rep.), coroner; A. J. Thatch (rep.). surveyor; John Malone (dem.), commis sioner. WILBF.R, Neb.. Nov. (.-(Special. )-In Saline county the republicans elect J. A. Wild for county Judge; Frank J. Sadllek, register of deeds; W. C. Davison, commis sioner; John II. Fuhrer. surveyor. The fusionlsts elect Charles 12. Bowlby, treas urer; J. W. Shrstak, county clerk; Henry A. Greer, sheriff; D. G. Hopkins, superin tendent. Returns on state ticket and cor oner not yet complete. HARTINGTON. Neb., Nov. (.-(Special.) Henry Hoese (rep.), elected treasurer; L. J. Holle (rep.), clerk; J. F. Rossenberger (rep.), sheriff; W. E. Miller (dem.). county superintendent; W. T. Jones (dem.), cor oner; K. P. Jesnen (rep.), commissioner; Bert Watson (drm.), surveyor. BROKEN HOW, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special.) With one 6r two exceptions Custer county has endobtedly gone republican. C. U. RleharJtson (peo. Ind.), the present Incum bent, Is elected sheriff without a doubt. There will prohably be an official count between Humphrey (rep.) and Shlnn (peo. Ind.), for county Judge. Tlckney and John son, for county superintendent, are al3o in close contest. CLAY CENTER, Neb., Nov. (.-(Special.) County officers elected are: John C. Ward (rep.) sheriff; W. N. Ochsner (fus.) treasurer; W. F. Grless (rep.) clerk; H. C. Palmer (fus.)' Judge; C. L. Coons (fus.) superintendent of schools; C. M. Prlckett (rep.) surveyor; J. D,. Howard (rep.)J ioroner. AUBURN. Neb., Nov. (.(Special.) County officers elected are: F. H. Rohes (rep.) sheriff; D. J. A. Dicks (rep.) treas urer; Samuel Tear (dem.) clerk; John S. McCarty (dem.) Judge; G. D. Caughton, Jr. (rep.) superintendent of schools; C. R. Hacker (rep.) surveyor; Dr. H. C. Smith (rep.) coroner. KIMBALL. Neb., Nov. (.-(Special.) County officers elected are: E. W. Bar tholomew (rep.) sheriff; H. Vogler (dem.) treasurer; C. T. Dillon (Ind.) clerk; H. II. Prouts (dem.) judge; Alive Wilkinson (Ind.) superintendent of schools; F. J. Bellows (Ind.) surveyor; F. M. Wooldudge (rep.) coroner. PAPILLION. Neb., Nov. (.-(Special Telegram.) Sarpy county officers elected are: E. B. McAvoy (dem.) sheriff; A. R, Morrison (rep.) treasurer; P. D. Mc Cormlck (dem.) clerk; J. D. Ehlers (dem.) judge; II. A. Collins and G. D. Miller tied for superintendent of schools; H. C. Patterson (dem.), surveyor; R. D. Arm strong (dem.), coroner. PONCA. Neb., Nov. (.-(Special.) Dixon county officers and majorities are as fol lows: Clerk, E. E. Rice, 233; treasurer, W. J. Armour, no opposition; sheriff, A. H. Masked, 252; Judge, F. W. Bronn, 101: su perintendent. A. V. Teed, 617. All are re publicans except Maskell, who Is a fusion candidate. ' The state ticket carried the county by good majorities. WAYNE, Neb.. Nov. (. (Special.) Wayna county officers elected are: Grant S. Mears (rep.), sheriff; J. M. Cherry (dem.), treas urer; Charles Reynolds (dem.), clerk; R. Hunter (rep.), judge; E. A. Llttell (rep.), superintendent of schools; Robert Jones (rep.), surveyor; J. J. Williams (rep.), cor oner. O'NEILL, Neb., Nor. . (Special.)-Tho republicans made almost a clean sweep on tho county ticket in Holt county this cam paign. It lias been coming gradually for four years, as the republicans then broke Into the fusion camp and have Increased gradually. Republican candidates for treas urer, clerk, Judge, sheriff and superintend ent of public - Instruction and all county commissioners were elected, leaving only the surveyor to survey the burying ground and the coroner to sit on the corpse of fusion In Holt county. FIERCE, Neb.. Nov. (.(Special.) Pierce county officers elected: I: Dwyer (dem.), sheriff; N. M. Nelson (rep.), treasurer; W. G. Hlrons (rep.), clerk; Kelley (dem.). Judge; Pilger (dem.), superintendent of rchools; B. H. Gruenwald (rep.), surveyor; Dr. Oelke (dem.), coroner. OSCEOLA. Neb.. Nov. (. (Speclal.)-Th republicans of Polk county feel happy over the good work done, for they have got four of the principal offices. They have elected Claus Anderson treasurer, H. H. Campbell county judge, John A. McReth county commissioner and Dr. L. M. Slmw coroner. The populists elected J. I. rior um county clerk. Miss Rydberg county1 su perintendent, W. 11. Khlers sheriff and R. E. Dearborn surveyor. BONAPARTE THANKS SAILORS Men WUo Save Companion In Chinese Sea Receive Letter trout Secretary. WASHINGTON. Nov. (.Secretary Bona parte has written letters to two enlisted men on the battleship Ohio commending 'hem for their heroic conduct in rescuing a fellow bluejacket from drowning. While the Ohio was off Taku. China, re cently, J. Clegg and A. I. Froman, ordinary seaman, were thrown Into the water by the breaking of a staging rope. Clegg's jaw. bone waa broken In the fall. Froman at tempted to rescue Cltgg, but the latter selied him around the neck. Frederick W. Klaus, another sailor, Jumped overboard to save Clegg. Froman saving himself. The bravery of Froman and Klaus has been personally recognised by the secretary. CREIGHTON AWARDS THE JOB Lets Coatraet to Henry Ha man a to Balld Two HundredThonsaad Dollar Straetare. John A. Crelghton has awarded the con tract for the erection of the big warehouse at Ninth and Howard streets to Henry Hamann. The contract calls for all the work except the excavation, which has betn completed. The building will be 131 feet square and eight stories In height snd will cost In the neighborhood of fjJOO.Oin, It will be occupied by Byrne & Hammer, the wholesale dry goods firm- Remove Troops front Chile. BERLIN, Nov. (.All of the powers have now agreed to remove their troops from the province of Chile. Although the United States has no troops there, the American government has notified the powers, as as act of courtesy, of Its agreement with decision arrived at. PRINCE LOUIS IN NEW YORK Oraaa Displty sf righting Ships Marks IrriTsl of AdairaL OBSERVES THE BIRTHDAY OF THE KING Flaas Fly and National gelnte la Fired by Combined Fleet la Honor of Brltlsk Holiday. N NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Thousands stood and watched on the banks of the Hudson river at noon today while six British war ships In unison with double that number of American men-of-war fired a national salute of twenty-one guns In honor of King Edwsrd, who celebrated today his sixty-fourth birthday anniversary. Be decked from stem to stern with gnlly flut tering flags of many colors, the column of ships stretched for four miles up the Hud son, from Forty-second to One Hundred and Twenty-fifth streets, by far the larg est and most formidable Anglo-American naval force ever assembled In a home or a foreign port. Arrival of the Britons. Right royally was Rear Admiral Prince Louis of Battenberg nnd his splendid cruiser squadron welcomed to the Ameri can metropolis this morning. The squadron passed In through the narrows at 7:2S. the flagship Drake at the head of the column. As the squadron passed Governor's island the flagship thundered forth a national salute of twenty-one guns, which the shore battery answered In kind. Without di minishing Seed the cruisers swung around Into the Hudson river. The sight of them set the whistle of every craft In the harbor shrieking In welcome. Despite the early hour, hundreds who had gathered along the shore Hue doffed their hats and waved handkerchiefs In greeting to the visitors. Throughout this splendid welcome Rear Admiral Prince Louis stood on tho after bridge of the Drake, pleased and Impressed. As they came past Quarantine station each Bhip lowered Its small storm color and hoisted in its stead the large ensigns, which dipped again and again In answer to the salutes of passing craft Stretching down the Hudson awaiting the coming of the Brltisn squadron. In full dress, were the twelve men-of-war of Rear Admiral Evans' fleet. Admiral Evans, accompanied by Rear Ad mirals Davis and Brownson, repaired aboard the Drake at 9:30 o'clock to felici tate the admiral-prince on the birthday of his sovereign. Thirteen guns hailed Ad miral Evans as he went over the side of the Drake. Before the smoke of the salutes had- cleared away, the president's yacht, Mayflower, In command of Captain Cameron McR. Winslow, steamed past and anchored near the Kentucky, off the Jersey shore. Talks to Ileporters. From the time his squadron anchored Prince Louis has been kept busy receiving and returning official calls. He found time, however, to receive this morning a delega tion of New fork reporters, who were cordially welcomed aboard his flagBhip, and to whom he talked quite frankly of his visit to this country. He said: It Is just thirty-three years ago that I came here as a midshipman. That time I came here entirely for amusement, and I got It. 1 wish to Impress upon you, first of ail, that I am here as an admiral in com mand of this squadron. My name and my personality are of secondary Importance. I am more proud of the uniform 1 wear and the flag I serve than of anything else. During the three days 1 was In Washing ton 1 had each day on Interview with the president, and that is an honor I prise most highly. The president! is so many-sided and has such a command of knowledge that to talk to him la Illuminating and instructive. He possesses tha same magnetic charm of our own king. Visit to Ksrr Yard. Later, accompanied by the American offi cers, the consul general and Captain Ryan, naval attache of the British embassy at Washington, Prince Louis visited the navy yard. As he stepped ashore marines drawn up along the water front presented arms and the band struck up "Unit to the Chief." Awaiting him at the commandant's head quarters were Rear Admiral Coghlan, com mandant; Rear Admiral Slgsbee, command ing the Second squadron, and Rear Admiral Dicklns, commanding the coast squadron. The call was soon over and the prince then returned to Manhattan and paid his respects to Mayor McClellan at the city hall. Prince Louis left the mayor's office and proceeded to Governor's island, where he called officially on Brigadier General Grant and was received with military honors. Prince Louis, accompanied by the officers of his staff, were the guests at the annual dinner of the Association of Brltisn Socie ties at the Waldorf-Astoria. The health of the president and the king was drunk amid great enthusiasm. Milwaukee Loses First Ronnd. SIOUX FALLB. 8. D., Nov. (.(Special.) The South Dakota Central railroad has won the first round In the fight between itself and the Milwaukee railroad. Involv ing the use by the former of a former right-of-way of the latter company, and the construction of the South Dakota Central Into the heart of the business dis trict, where the Independent line Is de sirous of making a connection with the tracks of the Illinois Central. The case was argued at some length before Judge Carland. At the conclusion of the argu ments Judge Carland decided that under the evidence In the case he would have no right to grant the injunction prayed for by the Milwaukee company. Coal Famine Threatened. ABERDEEN. 8. D.. Nov. (.(Special.) Northern South Dakota Is threatened with a coal famine, due to a scarcity of cars, which is due to the rush of grain to the city markets. Railroads traversing this section of the state find it exceedingly difficult to secure enough cars to haul the necessary coal and West port and Bonllla are already reported to be without fuel. t uhiia thu atnrk In other nlaees la irtitn low. If cold weather does not set In too abruptly the situation will not be serious, but coal men and consumers are watching the weather Indications with great anxiety, while the railroads are making every effort to deliver a sufficient quantity of coal to supply the dealers. Barton Case Postponed 1 atll Today. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. (.Consideration of the case of United 8tates Senator burton of Kansas, accused of lining his influence with the Posloffloe department In behalf of the Rialto Grain and Securities company, was not taken up by the federal grand Jury to day as had been Intended, because of the failure of Judge Van Devanter of the United States circuit court to arrive from St. Paul. Judge Van Devanter railed the jury and must swear it In. This will be done tomor row. Always , Rsttfnlsr tho full Mf I ax&tlvo Uromo Qoiaiss Cmt.CeMtaO CaMlmOMDcry, Crip y w0w0040O40wO0wOO040O Banking byMail Thousands of people are carrying on their banking business entirely by mail. It is very convenient. Write for circular de scribing the system. Only bank in Omaha exclusively for savings. (Established 1884.) City Savings Bank 16th and Douglas Sts. (0040OwOw04004Od040040 HOW I SELL ' Diamonds Watches AND Jewelry ON CREDIT I have no iron-clad rules as to terms, but I offer you the advantages of an adjustable credit plan, that is dig nified and desirable. I do not re gard It as Installment selling, but rather as an accomodation to my customers. Act now and open a convenient CHARGE ACCOUNT A. MANDELBERG. 1S22 Farnam Street, THE LEADING JEWELER. Powder Perfect In quality. Moderate In price. Scott's Digestive Tablets. euro Indigestion. Headache snd Constipation. For sale by all druggists. Business Boosters Try the Want Ai Columns ot The Bee. YOUrt EYES! Did you ever ftop to think that with the ex ception of your neart your eyes are the nardest worked part of your body? If they don't feel just right better see us at once Huteson Optical Co., 213 South 16th St. rectory on the Premises. l'agton Bile AMISEMESTS. DAVn'C Woodward & Burgess, DKJiU Managers. Tonight and Saturday Saturday Mat., Mil. RICHARD MANSFIELD Tonight at I P. M. Sharp, Production of 8chiller's Pill CAM I. OS. Hnturdav Mat.. Shakespeare's THE MKRCHAST OK VEMCB. Saturday Night, Farewell Appearance, DR. JKKH.L and MR. HYDE. Nlghts-60c to 12.50. Mat.-0c to J2.00. Positively No Free List. DIIDUnnn Nights ft Sun. Mats. 10c, e DUnnUUU Tues.,Thurs.. Sat. Mats li-JW Klgbth Hia Week. THK WOOUWARD STOCK CO. Tonight. Saturday Matinee and Night INCOO. Next Week WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE. - . gas Phone 4M. . Tonight and Saturday Night and Matinee. MODERN VAUDEVILLE Maty Hall. Oenaro A Bailey. Stella Lee. Allenel s Monkeys. Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick Voelker. Hal Merrltt, Drown and Brown, and the Kinodrome. y Prices 10c, 26c, i0c. KRUC ?m-?-il!,3c. We. 7sa. TOMCIir MilB The Typlcul American Comedy-Drama TEXAS A Romance of the Southern Plains. Bunday-WAY DOWN EAST. Fall Term for Children Mr. and Mrs. Morand's New Academy, Crelghton School, of Law, J3h St. Near Farnam. Begins Saturday, Nov. i i. Beginners. 10 a. m. Advance, i p. in. Send your children to a school that CAN and will teach tliem to dame grscefuily 111 one seuaun. Wo are the only ones In Omaha who have done this every season nf our years' existence In this ctty. Call and visit ttiene rooms. You will floj, Uieiu as fine snd private as the best In Omaha today, i'ur particulars telephone UHU ' ' Ooluinot EMiini si. ja . ft CNEIOHTOM