10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, '10, 1005. "NEW MACHINE" IS ON DECK Iroatch-Donissa Combination Plana t ' Em Omaha Polities for a While, WORK ALREADY VISIBLE IN LATE ELECTION Interesting Llae of Talk from m Fnllllrtnn Who Claims to Be 'la forme tf What la Point on the Inutile. The outcome of the election In Omaha., with Its revelation In the figures of a read justment of the forces In different ward, hat started lots of talk about the forma tion of a "new machine" In fnct. the talk Is that the "new machine" Is partly If not wholly formed already. '"Can you read between the election fig ures?" asked a well known politician who keeps In touch with all the live wires. "It's plain as the none on a man's face to any one who has kept his eyes open. The 'new machine' has been working already end the new machinists take all the credit to themselves of savins; McDoruild and running; Leslie up out of danger. Who's Who In the Game. "Who's In the 'new machine?' Why, you're way behind the times. It's Broatch and Spratlen and Tom Dennlson, and some of them put Wattles In it, too. Dennlson is to deliver the Third ward goods again In conjunction with the powers that be In i lie police commission, as swung by Broatch and Spratlen. Dennlson's chief lieutenant for outside skirmishing is Tom Lee,, the city prosecutor. Don't you re member how he delivered the Third warj to Gurley against Kennedy last year by showing the colored leaders a telegram from Dennlson saying it was to his in terest to have Gurley get a majority In that ward. "The funny part of It Is that the nevr combination puts Dennlson and Walter Molse Into one package, tied with the same cord. The cord is Broatch, who pulls Molse around with him wherever he goes. Broatch had Dennlson and Molse both working together to rescue McDonald at this election. Tom Flynn was counting on past favors to hold Dennlson, but the promises of Broatch for the future out weighed all that and the democratic Third went republican on everything except sheriff, and almost republican on sheriff. . Where Wattles Cornea In. "The next step Is to make Broatch mayor In the spring, and the program may go fur ther and Include the making of a I'nlted States senator next fall. That's where Wattles comes in they are holding that up in front of him if he will bring the street railway company and his bank and his barrel and some of the other big corpora tions Into the game. In fact, they say that Wattles lined up the street car vote for McDonald this time as it was never lined up before under Frank Murphy, and he let loose of some dough, too. He Is the man that 'does things,' as they put it, and could help attach a section of the Fontanelle gang to the machine if he would only take oft his coat and Jump la. "What Is to beoome of the other candi dates for mayor? Why, Benson has been sidetracked already and Charlie Saunders can't get but a part of the Fontanelles. The old machine might be rallied for Cowell or Ilennlngs, minus the Dennlson end of it. but the 'new machine' is counted on to push Broatch In between both sides, either singly or combined. I tell you things have been moving fast these past few weeks." TOM LEE FREES SALOONMEN Refuses to Prosecute Men Who Ad mitted Breaking; Law Mayor Indignant at Action. Notwithstanding the statement made by Chief pf Police Donahue Wednesday that the various saloonninn, who were arrested for keeping their saloons open on elec tion day. agreed to appear In police court Thursday morning and plead guilty to the charges, against them, they were all dis missed . In police cout Thursday morning for want of prosecution. City Prosecutor Lee said he did not file complaints against the men because he had no case against them and added -that It requires evidence to convict a prisoner In court. On the other hand the police department maintains It has evidence that the saloonmon arrested violated the law which provides saloons shall remain closed during the hours the polls are open on election day. One of the saloonmen was arrested by Chief of Police Donahue personally.. The saloonmen in question are: John McCaffery. JH Boutb. Sixteenth street; Alfred Keller, Sixteenth and Manderson streets) Henry Anderson, 307 South Thir teenth street; Anton Krecke, 1102 South Sixth street; Adolph Hruta, Thirteenth and William streets. Reference to the prosecution against five saloon keepers arrested for keeping open election day, Mayor Moores said: "I ordered the prosecution to be discon tinued because the police force was unable generally to enforce my order to keep all the saloons closed election day. I found the men arrested were not the only viola tors. It Is not right to make fish of one and fowl of another. Therefore I directed the complaints be withdrawn. On election day as at other times our police force demonstrated It is insufficient to enforce the laws. The force is not large enough and part of what we have is both wooden headed and wooden-legged. I am thinking of having a number of the Incompetents suspended. Time and aguiu I have given orders to the force that havs never been carried out." Last Supreme effort. In a last supreme effort to cure Constlpa tlon, biliousness, etc.. take Dr. King's New Lite pills. c, For sale by Sherman & MoConell Drug Co. Cremer-Cbate Honses Sold. The residence and adjoining buildings at U'-,V,?UlhW",t n"- Twenty-first and Webster streets, known as the "Mrs Ida rremer-Cbute property." has been soli through F. D. Wead. to George Oans of Nebraska City, a prominent stockman with Urge Interests In Cass count v. Mr 'nans will move his family here and make that 11000. r,"ldenc' The consideration wai MILLINERY AT COST Entire stock of new, up-to-date Millinery to be closed put at once. Don't miss the BIG SALE Commencing Friday. 105 South 15ih St. Bankrupt Millinery Stock Sale Jol LLQJU Friday is Our Great C" Saturday TS.es ia nist -a in v n vt inii.. i it 1 1 w--m ia lliff ULemnant Pay A whole store full of striking bargains. EXTRA SPECIALS IN BASEMENT Yard wide printed cretonne, suitable for comfort cov ering the regular 12o qualityin long lengths, for, per ymrd. The regular 12c grade Bated seersucker ginghams will C go in mill lengths at, per yard tj C Heavy quality highly mercerized black sateen, sells at 40c from the bolt in long mill Itngths, at, yard....'. 6c 15c OMAHA WRATH KR FORECAST Friday. Fair. Neat Printings, heavy fleece back wrapper flannel, at p?r yard Mill lengths thlrty-six-lnch percale, dark styles, wortn lane per yard, a long as it lasts, for per yard Heavy fleece cotton bed blankets 11-4 and 12-4 size, In white, gray and tan, -) f some are imperfect, values up to S.t. $1.60 pair, will go at. each 7ic i, dark 3k Imported cretonne prinlted in styles suit able for laundry bags, shoe bags, Z I eta, half yard lengths, for, JiC per yard .e Cinderella flannels In white, cream, red, baby blue and pink, excel letat quality, at, per yard Splendid quality light and dark outing flannel, long useful lengths, for, per yard We will sell 15 yards of unbleached mttslin to a cus tomer, at, per yard. ...... 81c 6!c 2lc Mill lengths of all linen Russia and BaniNley Toweling, worth up to C 12Vio, Friday, per yard JC U-lnch all linen napkins, made from drum mer's samples of fine damask. These napkins are all nicely hemmed and worth three times the price j(J asked. Friday, each Big bargain square of all kinds of table damask at very much less than usual prices. Latest Fall and Winter Dress Goods Two large bargain squares at main entrance filled with best grades of stylish winter fabrics. -Every skirt and suit length, black and all colors. Remnants taken from regular department, worth 75c to $1 yard, at, per yard . . t . . . . 25c-39c Trench Flannels, walstings and double width wool dress goods for kimonos, wrappers, waists, children's dresses, . etc., at, per yard , 19c Travelers' samples at 29c each. Matched samples, black and all colors best imported dress goods, (4 to 8 alike). Dress goods at 10c each. Every Imaginable kind and color for chil dren's dresses, waists, etc., (on sale in the basement). 20,000 Yards of New Embroidery An importer's trial sample strips, just received from the customs house all new and fresh fine pat terns, worth as high as 15c a yard, at, per yard New York importer's sample pieces of all our laces t none less than half yard each,, at, each ...... 6c ! 25c Remnants of Fine SilksSample pieces bright pretty silks for black and colored velvet remnants, each . . fA fancy work and hundreds of pieces of fine 4CJCillC 2.500 yards fancy silk, 2 to 15 yards, waist silks, also black peau de cygne, and black taffeta, all on bargain q. JQ Remnants of fine black silks, rustling taffetas, - peau de sole, etc., at one-half manufactur ers' price.. FRIDAY'S NOTION SALE--Sample lot of notions of oyer 6,000 pieces, con sisting of pins, pin cubes, indestructable pins, tape measurements, drees shields, collar buttons, needles, hair pin cabinets. , hat pins, etc., worth Be to 15c, in Annex, at V Shirt waist silk, plaid, plain and changeable taf feta, broche chameleon, fancy ar- i n in s n mure, etc., A f-dV-lsVC r e r . w f bf yard. mm mm. . FRIDAY IN THE BASEMENT CLOTHING SAL 0) KMM K v Green Trading Stamp Booth Main Floor, AND WE ARE QUITE THE BIGGEST THING YET IN "THE NEW RETAIL CENTER" Dry Goods Section Cloaks and Suits When you come down town to shop Friday, bear in mind the greatest genuine bargains in Omaha are right in Brandeis' base ment clothing department. Boys' $1.00 and 75c Knee Pants at 39c All wool ma terials, made with double seat and knee, you pay $1.00 or 75c anywhere for pants that are not half as good as these, for. , iv., l"V 3Sc 1,000 pair Corduroy Knecif 60 doz. Boy's Flannelette iq Pants, 50o values, at. . t)C Waists and Blouses H7L Men's $3.06 Pants, good strong materials, suitable for work or semi-dress .95c Men's $7. SO Suits r Overcoats at $4.75 Good well . made single or double breasted suits. Keep warm in one of our overcoats black, oxford and fancy belted coats, would be a good bargain at 17.50; Friday Boys' $5 Overcoats at $298 Long, loose-fitting, stylish gar ments, ages 9 to 16, fancy black or oxford, also 6izes 3 to 8, iu new Russian style none worth less than $5.00 at 3 1 jl O tF LIS 29i Boys' Knee Pants Suits at $1.75 Strictly all wool double breasted or Norfolk style, suits for ages 4 to 16; splendid values for school, fine bar alns at II 12 The Best Boys' School Shoes Ever Sold at $1.39 Youths' and Boys' School Shoes, all solid, the best school shoes for boys ever sold, every pair guaranteed, at .JU fir Gorham Sj. ff Sterling Silver ;7 The standard of , excellence. 3 A piece of It lasts a lifetime. VI It Is always s treasured pus- Li 1 session. If you w .-'i a wedding II present what mere acceptable Ystft could you send? 1'i VV Our stock Is large and va- ill tied. yPf Come and see. -. Xy &vrjajav--v.u'Hiiii.-i '.in -ar-m . . a urown &Dorsneim 8 JEWELERS 222 South Ifl2 itt Omaha ! Jos. F. Bilz Announcement I wish to Inform you that I have made a change and am now D with the firm of Joa. F. Bilz. at H & nn c . . . V. .fi.v . . 1. T .m H odA ncut.il ;qiu Bircci, wucrv i win be pleased to meet all of my old friends and new ones. Jos. F. Bill has added a new and com plete art and needlework depart ment, which will have my personal attention, and we will endeavor to keep the newest and most com plete needle and fancy work de partment In the city In all Its branches. Stamping done to order, also special designs to order. Thanking you for all past fa vors, and hoping to meet you at the new store and on the ground floor. MRS. L. BROWN. , Formerly with Boston Store Art Department of Joa. F. Bill, Omaha. Bennett's Bi Grocery THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY ON ALL. PURCHA8ES AND A GUAR ANTEE OF BEST QUALITIES. Granulated Sugar A A 21 pounds for IUU Twenty s-een tradlns stamps with lb. package Bennett's 'Capitol Coffee.. &c TweHy .(m trading stumps with lb. B. F. Japan Tea yc Ten green trading stamps with can Bennett's Capitol .; .-round Black Pepper l2! Ten green tracing stamps with Ib.-cnn Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder.. 2k: Ten' green trading stamps with glass tumbler Cranberry Sauce 10c Ten green frodlng stamps with three packages Jella-Crysta. assorted.... 25c TEA SPECIAL. Twenty green trading stamps Oe with lb. Imperial Japan 1a...J Tn green trading stamps pound-can Diamond "R1' Cove Oysters ISc Ten green trading stamps with two pkgs. Bennett's Capitol Wheat 20c Ten green trading stamps with cske Ahdlll's Laundry Queen, the best washing compound ioc Twenty green trading stamps with run Diamond "8" Fruits, assorted 28c Ten green trading stamps with cn Diamond "S ' Early June peas. ...ISc Ten green trading stamps with csn Diamond ."B" Sifted Early June Peas 17VjC Ten green trading stamps with pound New York Full Cream Cheese 2Hc Ten green trading stamps with pound finest domestic Swiss Cheese 22a AGENTS FOR TETLEY'S INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS. BIG GUESS ING CONTEST ON. FISH! FISH! Headquarters for fresh, salt and smoked flsh. The largest assort ment in the city. 11 SMOKED WHITE FISH sit vnv S'JiT ALK J9" OF BEST FISH U ALL BRANDS COD AT THE LOWEST PRICES. CELERY. OYSTERS' SHRIMPS AND MEAT SECTION BASEMENT. ' """"""'SSSSSBSBSBBBSeSBSSBSB Prescriptions. THE RIGHT PLACE TO HAVE 'EM FILLED IS AT BENNETT'S Drug Section CARE, ACCURACY AND QUALITY. ARE THE THREE DOMINANT FACTORS IN OUR PRESCRIP TION BUSINESS. PRICES RIGHT. BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION Chocolate Creams, vanilla flavor, lb. lie Blanched Peanuts, verv delicious. tn green trading stamps with each lb.22? Thanksgiving Turkey Candy Box ph. each 30c lie Roaet Turkey Candy Boxes, each. ix and ioc "A GROWING QUESTION" Have You Purchased Your Stove Yet? , The Peninsular holds highest place in the world of stoves. It is built of first qual ity goods the highest grade of pure gray iron for all castings the purity of this iron and the qual ity of the workmanship explain the wonderful durability of all Peninsulars. ' We have a splendid display section of these wonderful heat givers. SEE THEM! HEATERS up from. . . . 8.50 EttpNfrom 25.00 O I I V. 6.50 LADIES' EMPIRE COATS Heavy kersey, black and color", f 1 Cft satin lining, very latent model .tD9 LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Our $12.50 rack baa been replenistaedb"y a lot of handsome new Suits, Including a Jacket style, dark and light Scotch mixtures, self-trimmed with straps, jacket f C A lined with fin satin a $20.00 style for I.jU LADIES' BLACK CHEVIOT COAT Three-quarter length, strapped a good $10.00 coat for i . . . . im.:- II AVE N ETT E RAIX COAT Tan only, half-fitting. C O C strap seams, worth $10.00, for J.ifJ CHILDREN'S DRESSES Nearly 500 to select from ages 4 to 14 years DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY DRESS. ' i I, i i I Special Bargains for Friday A PILLOW TOP FREE By purchasing 20c worth of Embroidery Silk and one 5c Lesson Book we will present you with a Pillow Top FREE. SALE OF LADIES' UNDERWEAR One-half Wool Shirts and Drawers or Union Suits, fleece lined, natural gray, worth $1.69, f 1C special Friday a suit HOSIERY BARGAIN Ladles' and Children's Wool Fleece Lined and Lisle Hose, plain and ribbed, warranted fust blnck, special 1 C a pair. ADC APRON CHECK GINGHAM Worth 8c yard. Friday M I a yard ltzC WRAPPER FLANNELS Pretty, dark colors, worth Sc yard, "" Ml Friday yard ,. f C ALL OUR REMNANTS of fine Flannelettes and Waistings, worth O up to 59c yard, Friday a yard, only QC ALL TABLE LINEN REMNANTS, odd Table Napkins and Crash Tow eling to be sold Friday at less than cost. REMNANTS OF LININGS Sateens, Percalines. Near Silks IA Spun Glass and Moires, worth up to 50c yard, Friday a yard IlIC SE1,DKwCHI1':l,SALE--Ladle8, I)la1 hemstitched,' Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs, worth up to 10c special sale t dozen, JJiio, or each "C 5Frtda? PIECES OF L-,)I, XKCKWEAli,' worth to 25c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S MITTENS Fine " Woolen ' Mittens' r9v JZTuh .,n.b,.a.c.and ,c.!?r.8: Oc I Friday Special irv the Big Crockery CHINA AND FANCY GOODS FOR WEDDING AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. New Seven-Piece Berry Set Large bowl, six i)rA AT J atlriled. nosltlvelv a II 2K valn Frlilsv t. -.xviJ w . . - v.;' a 25c value Friday, each 10c Fine Crystal Glass Jus-A good 20c value. (one to a customer) none delivered. Friday, each 5c Colonial Table Tumblers A fine crystal, regular $1.00 a dozen (only fifty dozen to be sold at this price) Friday, six for 80c Teapot Tiles Good decorations, gold lined, Friday, one to a customer, each 6c Sewing Machines and Supplies Anything and everything in this line, from a needle to the very finest Cabinet Machines of any Standard make. Our prices are moderat and goods of best quality. When in need of anything pertaining to sowing machines give us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction. P. E. FLODMAN A CO.. Telephone 1574. 1514 Capitol Avenue. W manufacture our own trunks. travlln bas;s ani su. eases. Ws make thorn of th beet material. Our workman ship ia unexcelled. We soil them or less than Inferior radw would coat you efeei here. If you buy of us will set the best you will save rfioney you will be better satisfied. Leather Bound Matting- Suit Cases, tl&O, un and (4 UO. We do repairing". OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 120Farnam Street. Greatest Underwear Values Ever Shown in Omaha. "I iiU THE RELIABLE STOKE. Special Bargains Cloaks Great Remnant Bargains from the surplus wholesale stock of TOOTLE, WHEELER & MOTTER. All Kiii"irt Ipn erf Via f mm f hi a crmnf c4 rrh- o nrl rnTnn onl o nyvii tf. - n nwik' vi ia w lt si,4 vim I'lV't I IlllVt IV UlUIUIb VV ULU LA j. lations from this week's great sales, will go at ridiculously low prices. Remnants of Wool Dress Goods. but any tIpcq will mnkr a full garment. 10.O0O yards of E4. 6, A snd Srt-lnch all wool suitings, and 44 and 4-lnch silk and wool suitings, knspys. bmaiirloths, tailor sult Inns. shirt waist suitings, niohMlrs. etc.. worth from $l.rt to J3.9S yard In lengths from 2H to 8 yards from 8:30 to 11.30 at 59c, H9c, 39c and 25c a Yard FROM It TO 4 P. M. we will give a arand clearing; sale of rem nants of all kinds of wool goods, worth up to $3.9 at 49c, 39c, 25c and 15c a Yard LIIXG SALE. We will sell remnants of linings. In all kinds, up to 58a yard, 1fir at. yard ...."- Unmatchable Bargains Friday in Silks and Velvets. Velveteens. In reds, greens, blues, browns. yellows and blacks, the 39o s E grade, at IOC Corduroys, velvet cords, fancy velvets. remnants of color silk velvet of $!.( and II. BO value to close lO.-, Friday, at llVC Remnants of plain and fancy lOr silks at IC On our bargain counter In main department the greatest line of high grade silks ever offered 6.000 yards of fancy s tip to X2.00 at 4c and 3fi-inch black peau de sole, $1.25 grade at 36-lnch black moire renaissance at. 7-inch black moire renaissance at. 27-inch taffeta at Uks, worth 89c 69c '"""69c Remnants of Linens, Muslins, Sh eetings and Towelings. Long cloths, cambrics, bleached muslin and worth from h'jc to lie yard all at one price to close A 8 r at, a yard BW Remnants of table linens, in lengths from 1L yards to 3 yards, goods worth from HSc to $2.00 yard to close 15c, 25c, 39c and Wc a Yard Remnants of towelings, worth from 6c to ike yard, win go at 2 he, 5c, 8hc and 10c a Yard 1,0"0 napkins. In odds and ends, 18 to !4-ln , worth from 81.00 to 86.00 per dosen, band some, neat patterns will ICic close at, each 1 vW 60 other snups in the linen department. Remnants of Wash Goods in Do mestic Room. Short remnants of percales, prints, llan nelettes. etc., worth from 6c to l(c yard, wUlgo at, a 2iC Longer remnants of flannelettes, percales, prints, etc., worth 11r & and l"c, at WW Remnants of fins percaies, the ISHo quality, will go at, a En yard Reinnunts of madras, etc., worth fifim up to l!6c yard lo yards of all kinds of cotton goods, !!c, 3?sc, 5c, 7Vc, i'c and loc yard. 10c Flannel Department Bargains. Reniimnls of Arnold's superfllne 36-Inch fluiinelctles, all new patterns, sold every where at 18c and 15c, to close Cr out Friday, ut, yard -'' Remnants of ioc Amoukeag, teazledown outing flannel SC Remnants of 12'4c, plain colors, baby flannel, ut, yard Remnants of 12c extra heavy cot ton flannel, at, yard "' Remnants of best made l-'c outing flannel at 6ic 6ic Groceries! Groceries! Prices That Are Interesting to Shrewd Buyers. 21 lbs, pure cane granulated sugar $1.00 48 lbs. fancy high patent Minnesota flour $1.48 10 bars best brands laundry soap 3c 8 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Hominy, Barley or Farina 25c 7 lbs. best rolled oatmeal 2&c 8 lbs. hand picked navy beans., 2iio Hb. pails pure fruit Jelly 174c Jellycon or Jollo. pkg 7c 2-lb. ran sweet sugar corn So 2-lb. can wax or string beans 6c 2-lb. can Early June sifted peas 7Vic Falo breakfast, pkg THt OMAHA'S GREATEST FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT. Bushel boxes fancy Colorado eating apples $1.26 Cape Cod cranberries, qt S'o Bushel boxes fancy Colorado eating pears .$1.71 Funcy Malaga grupes, lb 12H0 8 measures fresh masted peanuts. ...... km New cooking figs, lb 7Vjjg 3-buxhel barrels fancy New York Bald win apples $4.54 HAYDEW BROS. The janitor service in The Be Building is as near perfect as it can be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $4? per month several desirable ones from which to choose. A NECKLACE and Cross or Locket Is the thing this fall. Nothing nicer for a Christmas present for a lady. Then gold beads are the proper thing also. We have a nice stock of these goods. !n gold and gold filled. Step In and sea them before selecting your Christmas present. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1510 Douglas St. THROUGH TRAM SERVICE DAILY TO CALIFORNIA, OREGON, and all PrlncJ pal Points West VIA UNION PACIFIC Pullman Palace Sleeping Cart Dlninj Cart, Meal a la carte Buffet Observation Cars Composite Buffet Cars Tourist Sleeping Cars a Specialty Free Reclining- Chair Cars Inquire at r ITT TICKET orricK. F AH VIM ITHKKT. 'Phone 31S. ' s Sflg Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago 25 Per Cent Than the one wiy fare fsr round trip tickets Nebraska, Wyoming, Tha Black Hills, and Many South arn Points. Nov. 7 and 21. Ctty Office - 14011403 FARNAM 6T. OMAHA TCU 624-601 if h. - S an9 for ISOe f at.' oni fr p