Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1905, Image 1
The . Omaha Daily Bee. THE BEE CAN BE SAFELY READ BY WIFE & CHILDREN THE PAPER READ AT HOME MAKES BUYERS FORGOODS OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1903-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. J -A LORD MAYOR'S DAY FEAST RIOT IN CRONSTADT r Tkree Unround Bailor ud BeAtalioa f Artillerist! Mntinj. UPRISING IS QUELLED BY COSSACKS Machine Gini Turned Upon Bioters and Many ire Killed. MARKET HOUSE DESTROYED BY FIRE Liqner Shops Are Plundered aid Many Other laildinga Buried. GREAT ALARM AT ST. PETERSBURG Report Spread Thera that Entire r.trrUon Had Revolted aad that tha City Waa Destroyed. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. lu. This city waa In a furore of excitement all of yester day and late Into the night over the nev.4 of the mutiny at Cronstadt. Every one of the exaggerated reports of the affair re ceived credence In many quarters nnd half the Inhabitants of the capital believed that the mutiny was successful, that the troops sent from here had Joined In the revolt, that tho entire garrison of St- Petersburg would follow suit today and that the town of Cronstadt had been burned to the ground, together with' the surrounding forts. The place was represented as being In .the hands of 8,000 sailors, who had murdered their officers, seised the arsenal and bom barded the Imperial palace at Peterhof, across the bay. Butchery was said to have prevailed In tho streets aU during the day, and the rumors even went to the extent of saying that Father John of CronBtudt had left the bed on which he was Bupposed to ho dying to lead the mutineers. Cossacks tuell Mutiny. Many. Jjf these sensational reports were, of course, entirely false, but sufficient do lalls have been received to prove that about - 3.000 sailors and a battalion of artillerists from one of the forts Indulged In a mutiny which was only put down by about 7.000 Cossack and troops of the Imperial Guard . hastily dispatched from St. Petersburg and ' from tho garrisons at Peterhof. Before the arrival of the troops the sailors, many of whom were drunk on liquor plundered from the spirit shops, hud set fire to the market nnd to several groups of houses. About 2C0 sailors were still holding out at midnight, and a'though these are expected to sur render today the authorities became so alarmed that the Paul regiment of the guard was dispatched to Cronstadt at 1 o'clock this morning. The governor of Cronstadt telegraphed the general staff at midnight that the mutiny had been crushed, that there was no likelihood of a renewal of tho revolt today, that reports to the effect that members of the guard had Joined the mutlneere was fills and that there was no truth In the. reports that the mutineers had seised the arsenal and the forts. The gov ernor Jy. JUJs.. telegram, eald many of the mutinous sailors tried to escape in ' boats to the mainland, but that they were raptured and were being brought back to Cronstadt. Me gave no estimate of the casualties. Mutineers Minbrr Three Thousand. CRONSTADT, Nov. 9. Midnight During the rioting Wednesday night machine guns were employed against the mutinous sailors who had been Joined by a battalion of ar tillerymen from the fortress, and has raised the total number of mutineers to S.ouO. It is difficult to ascertain the number of casual ties, but officers place the figures at 200. Many wounded persons are In the ships. Ths sailors say their chief grievances are poor frwd and clothing and an insufficient amount of liberty from barracks. Roughs Joined In the pillage, but the workmen did not participate In It. Many of the workmen and tho civilian population have either fled or are trying to flee the rlty, and the docks are piled high with baggage and household effects. At this hour the city Is full of reinforce ments from Bt. Petersburg and others still re arriving. Order has been restored and there waa no renewal of the trouble during the evening. The fires are still glowing in the market mid another group of buildings. The stores nnd houses ara boarded up and troops are patrolling tho streets. Riots In the South. ODESSA. Nov. 9. Authentic accounts re eelved here from various points In Bessar.v that the antl-Jewlsh outbreaks thrs followed the same lines ns at Odessa, varying only In the number of victims. At Kishlneff the disturbances were pre ceded by Inflammatory speeches, gendarmes and city officials near the governor's house asserting that the Jews had attempted to tnke the life of the local bishop and in tended to loot the treasury. The mob thus Incited started the bloody work. Carrying lkws and portraits of the emperor the mob proceeded to Alexandrovskla, Push- InsM snd Gostlnskla Btrerts. devastating j nnd pillaging unhindered. Attempts at self defense were quelled by the troops. Ninety ter cent of the killed and wounded wera victims of bayonets and rifle bullets. The looting was accompanied by atrorl ties similar to those witnessed st Odessa end continued for two days. They stopped 11s soon as the governor re ceived an order from St. Petersburg. Sev enty Jews were killed and 120 were wounded. Order Is now restored. A mob at Ismail, Bessarabia, burned alive eleven Jews who had hidden in a hay rick. The town of Kalarasch, Bessarabia, was entirely devastated and burned. Fifty-nine Jews were killed or perished In the flames and fled to neighboring villages, where the peasants beat a number of them to death with- cudgels and burned three Jews after drenching them with petroleum. Strikers Wreck Train. WARSAW. Russian Poland. Nov. . A freight train on the Warsaw-Brest line, n.nnaged by soldiers of the railroad bat talion, was derailed by strikers today near Novo Minsk. The conductor waa killed and several soldiers were Injured. Premier Balfour nnd Ambassador Reld Deliver Optimistic Speeches on International Outlook. LONDON. Nov. 9. "A century ago Pitt, standing where I now stand, prophesied war. Today I prophesy peace." This was the text on which Premier Balfour based his speefv "incernlng the relations of Oreat Bi with foreign countries at the lord v jr's banquet in the Ouild hall toni r Mr. Balfour and Whltelaw Reld, thi f erlcan ambassador, who re plied to i toast of "their excellencies, the fore ministers." proposed by the lord ma vied with each other in pleasant Jt 3s for the credit of their re spective ttrles as leaders among the advoeat arbitration. The whole tenor of the rhes was optimistic. Among sador I referring, to the premier's ex pressloi . ncernlng the probabilities of peace, raid it was the- business of diplo matists to make peace and not war, and for his part he preferred the court of arbi tration to the arbitration of the sword. The ambassador said he would neither con cede nor dispute Mr. Balfour's claim that Great Britain had taken precedence In the matter of arbitration, but he would say that Great Britain and the. United States iiad set an example and had settled some of the most burning questions through arbi tration, and that today the two countries were more cordial In their relations than they hud been at any time In the lust 100 years. Mr. Reld closed with a tribute to the ac tion of President Roosevelt in bringing about peace between Russia and Japan, and said that King Edward was known throughout the United States as an ear nest advocate of peace, whose tact and moderation had endeared him to every citi icn of the republic Other speakers were Mr. Arnold-Foster, Lord Cowdor and Sir Robert Flnluy, the attorney general. Alderman 1 Walter Moran Morgan was inaugurated lord mayor .u Don don today, succeeding Sir John Pound, with all the time-honored cere monies. The new lord mayor went in state through the city streets to tho law courts, where he took the oath of office. The procession, In which the various asso ciations of the city took part, was Impos ing, and the route was lined by Immense crowds of people. Among the fluats was one typifying peace, which was draped with immense American flags, u tribute to President Roosevelt's success in ending the war in the far east. TARIFF TALK AT BOSTON OoTenor Cummin Makes iddreis at Dinner of Economic Glut. FAVORS REVISION ON RECIPROCAL LINES Principal Speech on Other Side of duration Is by Consrreman Met lea ry of Minnesota. CONFERENCE ON PACKERS CASE Attorney General Moody Hears from I nlted States Attorney and Commissioner Garfield. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. United Stales Attorney Morrison of Chicago, Special Sec retary Ragen of the Department of Justice and Commissioner of Corporations Garfield of the Department of Commerce and Labor were In conference with Attorney General Moody on tho subject of the plea set up by the alleged Beef trust to the effect that It had been granted Immunity from punish ment by Mr. Garfield during his investiga tion of tlvc alleged trust some months ago. Tho. question as to whether the plea, set forth by tho attorneys -for the puckers should be sustained or not is a question for the United States courts. The Department of Justice will appear before the court and oppose the plea as soon as given an opportunity. SECRETARY TAFT IS PLEASED Word Herclvcd from Governor Maaroon Regarding; Visit of Secretary of War. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. - Chairman Shonts of the Isthmian Canal commission, has returned to Washington with the other members of the commission. They will hold a meeting here this afternoon. A cablegram was received from Governor M.igoon at Panama today stating that Secretary Taft, after personal Inspection and examination of tho canal work ex pressed his great gratification at the progress made ar.d at the present condi tion. A cablegram was received today from Mr. Stevens, the chief engineer of the Isthmian canal, asking for more men, es pecially machinists, botlermakers, plumbers and track foremen. BOSTON. Nov. 9. At the dinner of the Economic club here tonight Governor A. B. Cummins of Iowa and Henry M. Whitney, democratic candidate for lieutenant gov' ernor of Massachusetts In the recent elec tion, made addresses In favor of the re vision of the tariff. The present tariff iws were upheld by Congressman James T. Mc Clesry of Minnesota and Colonel Albert B. Clark of this city, secretary of the Home Market club. E. H. Clement presided and about 3U0 business men heard the arguments. The revision side opened the debate, Mr. Whitney speaking In behalf of reciprocity and tariff reform. On tariff reform he quoted statistics by which he endeavored to show that of the 29.074.117 wage-earners in the country .the condition of three-quarters of them would be Improved by being able to supply their needs In the cheapest market. Mr. Mrt'leurr'a Speech. Congressman McClcary followed Mr. Whitney. Mr. McCleary opened his re marks by declaring that he wus In exact accord with the republican national plat form and President Roosevelt on the tariff question, believing that there should be no revision until the public Interests demanded It or were promoted thereby, "The making or the unmaking of a tariff act Is a tremendous task." said Mr. Mc Cleary, "and President Roosevelt In his speech In Minneapolis lust year warned his countrymen of the danger of changing the tariff luws by persons unfamiliar with the making of such laws. Governor Cummins Invites and urges the people to beware of the dangers of tariff revision." The speaker declared that of the fifteen general schedules In the Dlngley act there are fourteen of which Governor Cummins offers no explanation. Taking up Governor Cummins' allegation that steel rails were sold cheaper abroad than In this country, Mr. McCleary quoted comparative prices of steel rails for six years, which snowed that the British price averaged $J! .04 and the American price $28.52 a ton. C'nmmlna for Reciprocity. Governor Cummins, the next speaker, said In part: There must be, at least lu the abstract, some definition of a protective duty, and those who desire to find it cannot go astray. It Is a duly ts-at measures the difference between the cost producing the article at home and abroad. 1 am in hearty sympathy with the view that inasmuch ns it is impossible to reach with exact precision the duty which should be imposed upon a given article it is better to make the duty too high rather than too low. so that our own producers may not only have an equal chance in our own mar ket, but a lit 1 10 better chance than our for eign competitors.' Governor Cummins took up the Iron and steel schedule and after reviewing the si uailon and quoting many statistics, said: If the manufacturer of the United States can sell his products in the markets of other countries and iu so doing lie makes a fair profit upon his sales, the man who still howls mat our manufacturers need any considerable protection surrenders his good sense In his IdulHtry at the shrine of that miserable maxim filched from the language of the great American game. Protection, high or low, with home com petition, .will make n market fair to both seller and buyer. High protection without home competition among sellers will make a market In which the sellers are the mast ers and buyers the slaves. Governor Cummins closed with a few words In support of reciprocity. Colonel Clark, who closed the debate, spoko strongly against any revision. PATTISON'S PLURALITY GROWS Complete llrturaa Show Democratic Candidate for Governor of Ohio Has 41.T05 Plurality. COLUMBUS, O.. Nov. 9. Pattieon plurality for governor is 41.7(f. according to the official returns reported to the county seats and telegraphed to the Colum bus Dispatch today, all counties being in cluded. Only scattered reports on the minor state candidates have yet bern received but these indicate that at least some of the republicans pulled through by safe plural ities and in view of the slio of the de fection from Herrlck J is possible that the republicans may have chosen all state officers below governor. The answers to Chairman Dick's mes sages came In slowly hut the average difference between the vote for Herrlck and that for the nearest other republican kept well up and tho feeling of confidence at republican headquarters gained steadily. As puttlson's plurality was only 41,706, It was only necessary that the minor republi can candidates should average about BOO votes to each county above Herrlck and In several counties the difference exceeded 1,000. , At republican headquarters this morning a majority of two in the house was claimed and the senate was said to stand eighteen to eighteen, with the chances of the re maining senator favorable to the republi cans. This, however, la not admitted by the democrats. Governor Herrlck tonight gave a state ment to the Associated Press which says In part The people of Ohio by a substantial plu rality have defeated nia for governor. I bow to their will and trust that their wel fare may m the only aim for the new ad ministration. This overthrow of the republican party In Ohio wri3 not caui by himlnes depression or industrial adversity anywhere in the tjtate; it was not caused by any tnlsmannge ment or corruption In the state govern ment : it was not caused by any discontent on ttie part of the people with the record or achievements of the nrpubli nn party In the administration of slate affairs during the lust fourteen years. The greatest danRer now confronting the American people Is the readiness, in re sponse to some sudden whim or pretext to dscrt party principles and follow some in dividual who claims, simctimes with sin cerity, often with hypocrisy, to represent a cause that is higher than purty fealty. This spirit offers tho most fruitful field for tho demagogue nnd the iconoclast, and while some good men may be, swept into power upon a popular wave that over-rides prin ilcles. the strain unon our Institutions and upon the fundamental .truth which lie at the rtoitotn or our government win leave the structure weaker rather thHn stronger, j i(atto 1 oisc nai g.'.i my auu.'a as Koveinui o. Ohio with an eye and purpose devoted solely to the nest Interests of ail the people. My conscience is clear. What I did with respect to tne Brannock law was done In the Interest of Justice and morality and In tended to strengthen thut measure as a temperance law. I W iuld' do the same thing over again. '' Tne unconstitutional measures I vetoed I would veto again: the extravagant appropriations that I declined to approve 1 would uecllne to approve again. If the people of Ohio defeated me because they disapproved of my action with respect to these measures they acted wlselv. for had I been f ven a second term I would have been act ated by the same motives and I would have pursued the same course whenever t' e occasion arose. RETURNS COME IN SLOWLY OdIj Fiftj-Tws Counties Send in Figurei Dp to Date. NO CHANCE IN PREVIOUS ESTIMATES Republican Candidates for Regents Run Several Thousand Votes Behind tho Head of the Ticket. Complete Returns from fifty-two of the ninety counties of the state, casting over half the vote, give Letton a plural ity of 17,430. These same counties two years ago gave Barnes a plurality of ",5:;9, a net gain for Letton of 9.8S1. These ad ditional returns bear out the estimate of yesterday that Letton's plurality wi'.S be In excess of 20,000. The plurality of the republican candi dates for regent in these same counties is about 4.000 less than for the head of the ticket.- Complete Returns on Judge. Adams Antelope .... B:inner Blaine Boone liuit Box Butte . Buffalo t'edur Cheyenne ... Clay Dakota Dawes Duwson ..... Deuel Dixon Dodge , Douglas .... Fillmore Franklin .... Furnas ...... Gage , Garfield Hall , Hamilton ... Harlan , Hayes Holt Howard .... Jefferson ... Johnson .... Kearney ... Keith Keya Paha. Kimball .... Luncuster .. Logan Loup Madison .... Nance Nemaha .... Pierce NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and Warmer Friday. Fair. Saturday Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hoar. Pea. Hour. ft n. tn fia 1 p. m.... O a. m Hi 3 p. m.... T a. m 81 ft p. tn.... si a. m .to 4 p. m.... n a. m ...... I2 R p. . 10 u. m jl4 p. Mm. 11 a. in flH T p. m.... 13 m 41 a p. m . . . p. in. . 1 Drg. 41 42 4-1 44 4 42 42 41 a CASE HANGS 0N THE TIE-ROD lniies( Into f a one of Collapse W hich Killed Two Men In Progress. ATROCITIES JJPON WOltiEN Dr. Mnrhla Telia of mini Treatment - AceonArd Mlafcvy Ft . China'' Folk Richardson .. Rock Saline Sarpy Beoit's Bluff Thurston Wayne York Totals .... Hast- Sullt- ftton. ings. Barnes, van. 15'.2 1473 1H47 1! , im Ni u im8 : JS) 117 tJ 1:3 74 1"7 ',6 1 1186 931 1244 Ihi HIS 503 700 ' 4Xt ri 477 4V: 1 17M0 1116 17U3 15'.W L37 lUl'J 13f 1314 535 337 6K3 419 jr.12 13!W InC'l HS t;71 .C". wo hJ 531' :1JS bW 4iB li0 ,Hi 11N ll:' z'M 1 U3i an 1065 (ITU U' Mi ltC4 U'j 1W8 1M im'. 64i'.' s30 8.-1 1523 1-W1 ltWS 1472 is.i 731 K79 I'ii K'31 9:3 ItJU V'M 1NU 13.fl auo 171G 3-3 15 :'56 Lid lfilO l:"-'3 17s3 13Vi 13:4 ll'KJ 1427 1343 an t.23 Slit 7SS JV :li it 73 231 33SI HJi 1'J'w lii.'l SOU !!! 83-t 1M lifcl 7K3 147 lolti 11 iiu 7!1 1252 i!4 W.4 ("'1 !34 2311 J!'.l 227 211 3S4 23u 2!t4 S 4K Wo p9 4J:7 207t'. 4SU7 27:'3 Si T'.l 82 '7'3 JM S3 168 124 141 1C41 17SH H25 'J22 11 MV K7H KiOU 9 16"S 1K.7 812 731 P22 7'Jl 134!) IMG 9!4 lWi 834 85tl 844 lostf 1201 1128 2K3 VKi 41 li 2H1 378 :to ir,k3 J7S 1577 Oif 7r2 TSS 4"7 m 381 209 IA 4S4 5fi2 t9.i 986 63 Bll 804 182J Ho9 )11 1023 634K7 40077 64288 00749 WYOMING PEOPLE WANT WATER Reclamntlon Engineers Report Pro posed Plan la JSot Prac ticable. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. .-(Speclal Tele gram.) Senator Warren of Wyoming has transmitted a communication to the di rector of tho geological survey from A. A. Spaugh of Manvillr, Wyo., in which he calls attention to the alleged fact that there Is a large area of farming land In the vicinity of Manville which might be Irrigated from lug lands near that town. Citizens of all in Wyoming, could be supplied by con ducting water from the Pathfinder dam. Inasmuch as the storage reservoir for the North Platte project is located In Wy oming, they naturally desire to use as much water as possible in their own state. Com plying with the request embodied In Sen ator Warren's letter, the chief engineer of the reclamation service directs that an in vestigation be made with a view to ascer taining the facts. Engineer John K. Field in charge of the North Platie project, re ports that in order to cover the lands above described it would bo necessary for the diversion canal to start with an eleva tion at least aa high as Alcora. and that considering the enormous length of the canal required and its prohibitive cost. It would be far more feasible to carry water across the divide north of Douglas and lr rigate the lands on the Cheyenne river slope where there is an irrigable area of equally valuable land which could be reached at a much less expense. One precinct missing. ote on Beicent. .Republican. Fusion. Antelope 1334 884 Banner 'M 32 Blaine U Bonne 1315 Buffalo l-'l BONAPARTE HAS FIGHT REPORT Action Mill Prohahlr Be Tukeu Against System 'Which Obtains at aval Academy. BOARD TARES BOXES Ballon Cast at Ntw York Now in Car af Election Cammiiiioners. FIRST DECLINE TO RECEIVE THEM Heant Men Get an Order from Justice ickj f Sapnme CoarU SEVERAL BOXES REPORTED STOLEN Kepert that Manj Were Left Unsealed Will Be Investigated. I0VE TO PREVENT CHANGE OF BALLOTS Street Filled vlth Tollcemen and Hearst Watchers Hoarding Boxes I ntll Flection Board Of fice la Opened. NEW YORK, Nov. 9. The contest over the mayoralty election Inaugurated by Wil liam Randolph Hearst, the municipal ownership candidate, developed interesting and spectacular ftures today. For twelve hours the boxes containing nearly 600.000 ballots cast In last Tuesday's election choked tho streets tn the vicinity of the heailijuarters of the board of elec tions In Sixth avenue between Forty-Ural and Forty-second streets. The ballot boxes had been gathered during tho night by the police and conveyed in patrol wagons to the election board's headquarters. There the officials refused to receive the ballot boxes and the police, acting under a qouit order, signed by Justice Oaynor, compell ing the police authorities to turn tho bullot over to the election board, had nothing to do but remain ou'sidc and await the pleas ure of tho election officials. Apprised of the situation, the attorneys for Mr. Hearst appeuied befvro Justtce Pickey of the state supremo court and secured from him an order compelling John It. Voorhlo. president of tho board of elections, to accept the ballots. The order wus served promptly and the ballots then were receipted for by the election board. I'nder strong guard the patrol wagons containing tho boxes were driven to various warehouses In tills city and Brooklyn, where the ballots were stored subject to the orders of tho election board. Mayer and Jerome Confer. State Attorney General Julius Mayer had an iinporUtnt cutiferenio with District At torney Jerome this afternoon, after which It was announced that the attorney gen eral's office would remain open until mld- WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 Secretary Bona- oarte has received a renort from Bear Admiral Sands, superintendent of ihe naval I uiM tonight. Superintendent of Elections academy at Annapolis, concerning the clr I uurPJn appeureu oeuuo Messrs. Mayer and eumstances surrounding the death of Mid shipman Branch after a fight at tho academy with another midshipman. The report for the present la held as confiden tial. There are indications that action will HONG KONO. Nov. 9 Dr. Machle, the Amerioan missionary who escaped the massacre at Lienchow, confirming the provious accounts of the outbreaks, adds horrifying details of the atrocities com mitted on the American women. When the disturbance commenced the mob seized Miss Chestnut and Mrs. Machle and exposed them to public view in the Chinese temple. Amy Machle. the doctor's ! Jeffrr ln.,.nu wo- .nrHf..4 r.ff nnrt i John? thrown alive, into the river. The rioters striiped Miss Chestnut naked and flung her into the river. While the two were struggling in the water three Chinamen speared them with tridents. Miss Chest nut's body and Amy Machle's head were pierced. Mrs. Machle appealed to the rioters but the mob stoned her brains out. stripped Burt llox But to Cedar Cheyenne . Cls v ri.Htkota. .'.... Dawes Dawson ... Deuel Dixon Dodge lougias . Fillmore ... r ranKiiu .. C5age (laii'ield .... Hall Hamilton .. Italian Hayes Howard ... Jefferson .. son ... KeHitiey ... Keith Kimball ... Lancaster . Ixigan I.011 p Madison ... Nance Piti , nthnp tho tnrllvtf4im I A onmipj'terl wun me uuioriuiiaio imKni. 3 L-SIJ i:27 as; 13V - W8 ya 7W isi !: 7:! .M 717 258') James R. Branch of New Tork, father of Midshipman Branch, accompanied by his sister, called on President Roosevelt today, the firoslcWnt, who tx. Uivown Mr, Pierce Platte Polk the body and flung it Into the river. The 1 Wk Saline Sarpy Nemaha H- Jerome, with six of Ills deputies, and placed evidence before the prosecuting officials. Another feature of the conust today was the announcement by tha Citizens' union that it would join the forces Investigating the charge of fraud and wrong doing at Tuesday's election. Its prime object being to secure a new election law Iu tho slato of New York. Attorney General Mayer said tonight: .. District Attorney Jerome has placed at urancu lor a long ume. conaoiea -a-uo : amJ wf rJ.0,.rntf.. wln any wfty over the unfortunate death of his son. It t wm with him within ihe prosecution of is stated that Mr. Branch did not call on offenses ugalnst the elective franchise. As-nrn-Ment to ume an invesliKitlon by "Istnnt District Atlorues Perkins and the president to urge an invesug.mon t ' 8:inford oro to devote themselves to this the naval authorities Into tho death or his WOJ., c'Uijiim-tiiin with lputy Attorney hon. Mr. Branch and his sister then called ; General Muhhii and assistants. on Secretarv Bonaparte at tho Navy de- ! The, attorney general received a larc - j partment. The seeretiry expressd 1.1b deep ' bumilo of subpoenas from tho district at J1170 1 sympathy at their loss. He told his visitors torney. and Immediately put several elcc-'i-l that he had taken a serious view of tho tlon deputies ut work serving them. P.'ij.l matter and assured them that suitable! Charges that several ballot lKx-a had 'jmV: action would be hnd In the case. been stolen before the returns were re- - 1 ported and mat others were lou.ia un- nAY OF THE BOSS IS PAST i oal"1, mndc u,,rll,s tne da- T" UHl or U ! InveKtigniion of the election promlirs to be l,exii ' the tnosi iiiorougu ever niuue 111 .i'w lorK City. Mayor McClellan today engaged counsel, among them being Alton H. Parker, ex judge of th court of appeals Jhd demo cratic cimdi'latc for president last yfar, to So far as the inquest Into- the deaths of Alva Lumpkin and James McNamara, workmen killed laBt Monday at the new death In his wife's presence and subse mob then captured Mr. and Mrs. Pealo, stripped them naked, exposed thera for fifteen minutes, clubbed Mr. Peale to MANY CLAIM THE PROPERTY Jewels and Cash lft by M. F. Andrews May Be Subject of Dispute. BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S In addition to the claim mad" by William Ellis, the Aus tralian bookmaker on the properly of Mil ton Franklin Andrews, who killed his fo male companion and committed suicide on Monday last when about to be arrested for murders In the enst with which he was charged, two other claimants have ap peared. One is his widow. living at Hoi yoke) Mass., and the other his brother, In blood. Alvln E. Andrews, who lives at Hart ford. Conn. Tho chief of pilice of Holyoke, Mass., hss wired the local authorities to that effect. The property consists of clothing, dla monda worth about JMIO, a valuable watch and 1135 In cash. ItHyeVn building, has gone, the case hangs on a flaw discovered in the fatal tie-rod after the accident. Whatever may be brought out regarding the construction of the building and Its connection. If any, with the deaths of the men. will he Intro duced this afternoon, when the inquest will be continued, beginning at 1 o'clock. The system of fire-proofing being Installed in the new Hayden building was briefly al luded to In some of the cross-questioning. Tho first session of the Inquest took up most of yesterday afternoon. At 1:15 Cor oner Brnilev, the Jury and others Inter ested took a trip to the building and viewed the scene of the recent accident, so quently killed Mrs. Peale in tho same brutal fashion. PASSIVE STRIKE AT VIENNA Austrian Railway Employe Adopt .ovel Method to Secure Ac ceptance of Demands. Hcott's Bluff ST. Thurston Wayne York 119 Totals 59701 One precinct missing. Missouri Politician Prows from llesnlt of Fleet lous of Thin Week. 7.'t 7i. l:l M 1st t2 ss 103il MS lost 7;5 l.w 112S 731 In.' 4.15 h'l to an end. and a great K. KANSAS CITY, Nov. . Thomas Nledringh.Tis. chairman o' the republican ! represent hlin during the mayoralty coa state committee, one of the speakers ut j ti sl. Uie banquet tendered to United States , llnllot Boxes Fill Street. Senator William Warner last night, said: j sensatlonul developments followed rap The day of the political boss nnd his , in , tni, morning iu the fight domination of American politics come ivtlllim K Henrsl to contest ,n and a ifieat future awn la the of " Mll',m K lienrai 10 lonusi 1172 ! r.nltti. al leader who. while he organizes the mnyorality election ot George B. ' nnd directs, consults not only his lieu- , jur-Cieiifin. Having secured last night an ireu fr" ju,uc,) ,uay,,or u:,ltrTuyn other annolntments the i.eonlo should le directing the police dciiurtment to deliver . .. n . . nnimiTV nrrin r nr consulted. I do not believe in a personal the ballot boxes to the board of elections K C.OU Lid Ull vUUIH I UrriUtnO machine. I do believe in party orRsnlz 1tn.11 frthwitlli jiearHt men lost no time In dls- Hcporta from Various Points Showing; Winners In Local Contest In Nebraska. ALMA. Nov. 9. (Special). -Harlan county WRECK NEAR MISSOULA, MONT. t'.aatbound Passenger Train on orth. ern Purine Road Crashea Into Freight Train. MISBOCIjA. Mont., Nov. 9. Northern Pa cific passenger train No. 4, eastbound and running thirty miles sn hour, crashed Into the rear of an eastbound freight train two miles west of here today. A score of passengers and trainmen were injured. The two engineers probably will die. Among the Injured are the following: Mrs. B. Harrison. Louisville, Ky., bruised and cut alout body. Mis Shelby Daniels. Louisville, Ky., neck and shoulders bruised. Mis Greene, daughter of O. C. Greene of St. Daul, aeveral contusion about should ers. Kd Mlneha. Fagle Grove, la., nose broken and cut about head. Mr. Nancy J. lotson, Devan. W. Va., contusions. Olaf Grondahl. Fargo. N. D., contusion. ELECTION OFFICERS ATTACHED Nearly Three llaudred People at Philadelphia Accused of Fraud la Tuesday's Coated. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. I Attachments were served today upon ths officers of ' sota and northwestern Iowa preliminary be familiar with the terms and relative ' lo.-ntions as thev come up n the inquest. I.. 11. Gardner, superintendent for the J. R. Iehmer company, subcontractor for the fire-proofing, was the principal witness. Mr. Gardner was -examined and questioned in detail by the jurors. Interested lawyers and Building Inspector Wlthnell. The gist of Mr. Gardner's statements, without re gard fir sequence, was: "I believe the breaking of a tle-rod under the arch which fell caused the accident. The breaking of the tie-rod was caused by a flaw not discernible by the ordinary 'eye test' to which the rods are put. The rod In question was bought of the I'nlted States Steel company of Chicago. It la customary for these rods to be tested at the mill. Ordinary contractors rely on the' manufac turers of the steel for the reliability of the I VIENNA, Nov. 9. The passive resistance strike movement became effective at the railroad stations here today. Already the , officers elected arc: George Davis (rep ), traffic delay are serious. The government sheriff; J- W. Brown (fus ). terasurer; is preparing for poss'l"'" disorders. Troops , jr. w, Stevens (rep.), clerk; Ortlio Bhel- ; are being got in readiness for active service ! burn (fus ), Judge; P. P. Bentley (rep ), and further reinforcements are being sent to Prague, where a general strike Is threat ened, in support of the demand for unl-, versa I suffrage. Among the advantages to the railroad men of this novel system of striking Is that they still draw pay and cannot be re- 1 urer; George Jackson (fus.). clerk; J. M. superintendent of school; George Reed (.rep.), surveyor; Dr. J. A. Campbell (rep.), coroner. NELSON. Neb.. Nov. . (Special). Nurk- .."Jim r.nhVnsThUrdi;.nHrrU Pt-hln8 fifty automobiles, carrying men precinct man to the county leader should armed with the court's order, to the va- liave a most poieni voice 111 uihu 1 lous police stations, where they demanded selections. DUNSMUIR WILL IS BROKEN Derision Gives Half of F.atntc of Mil llonalrc to Edna Wallace Hopper. BAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 9 -The supreme court today refused a new trial of the sue Involved when the court reversed Judgo moved, as, theoretically, their attitude is I Hall (rep.), Judge; W. T. Battenfleld (rep.) correct. superintendent of schools: A. W. McReyn- olds (rep ), surveyor; A. G. Robinson (rep.), coroner. " CKNTRAL CITY', Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special) ols county officers elected sre: John Jones j Coffey's annulment for the probate pr . (rep.), sheriff; C. C. Dudley (fus.), treas- j eeedlngs held herein the estate of the late Alexander Dunsmuir. Judge Coffey's de- WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Poitmatlrri and Rural Carrier Named by the Postal Depart, ment. '(From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. . '(Special Tele mm 1 Anton J. Bratlsooskv has been an. quesuon snowed a ' pointed postmaster at Loma, Butler cision was hailed as breaking the will, bo that the actress, Fdna Wallace Hopper, would win half of the millionaire's estate. She Joined interests with the mother of the ballot boxes. In most instance the officers In charge at police stations directed that the boxes be placed Iu patrol wagons and each lot guarded by Ave polloemen hurried to the office of the board of elec tions at 7 Green wicii street. Meanwhile other Hearst nvn hud gono to the homo of John It. Voorhies, president of the board of elections, at 11 West Forty-Second sireet, and, arousing him. asked Mm to Immediately go to his office and receive the ballot boxes us fust as they reached his office. President Voorhies was sur prised at tho jx-remptory demand, and was presented with the court's order. Later he appeared at a window and, ad dressing the, Hearst nn-n, who fairly sur rounded tha house, said that lie would not i go to the otti.-e of the blueau of elections Merrick county offlrer elected are:' J. 1 Canada, who was left the rnilre estate. Alexander Dunsnmlr against the brother In 1 (1, 1K,M Rn unr,.sonal.l hour, but that Rolister (rep.), sheriff; T. I.. Dixen (rep.), treasurer; 43. A. Agnew (fus.). clerk: T. Lu.-ls (rep). Judge; F. A. Worsh (fus). superintendent of schools, COLUMBl'S, Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special) A usual, tho democrats of Platte county elected a full county ticket, but with re duced majorities, ranging from 175 to 900. black spot Inside the rod at the break, county. Neb., vico R. Hazelwood. resigned. ! The following were 'elected, all being the .... nog .11 ..ave oeen caused from! Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska- what is known at the mill as a 'cold short,' producing a brittle effect In the metal." In Building Inspector Wlthnell's cross- Ansley, route No. 2, Joseph F. Russell, carrier; Carl Russell, substitute. Iowa New Hampton, route No. 1, Ora C. Hutch- que.......nB o, uardner the t ln80n, carrier; Cora E. Hutchinson, sub former took exceptions to the construction 1 gtltute work, rather than attaching much Import- William J- Devenney has been reinstated ance to th. ti.-rod telf. Through all hi. ., ruraI crrl,r on route No. 2. at Tecum estlinony Mr. Gardner contended the fire- 1 ien Keo proof work quite up to the atandard. that j itX?tM;iCALL MONEY AT 15 PER CENT Implement Mra I'reparo Program SIOCX FALLS. 8. D.. Nov. 9 -(Speclal.) At a meeting In thi city of the director building. wa the other wltnes examined fire-proofing system being Installed quit up to the standard. The first witness to go on th stand this afternoon will be J. B. Mason, th archi tect of the building. Walter C. Shepherd, a laborer on th of th Retail Implement Dealers' asaocla tlon of South Dskota, southwestern Minn ixuea election precinct for failure to make return of th election to th protho notary's offlc a provided by law. Two magistrate will alternate on the bench in th disposal of the election case. Theia aru Z&M defendant charged with fraud at the polls and beginning today a full Investigation will be mad of every arrangements were mads tor the annual convention of th association, which la to be held In Sioux Falls next month. Th meeting wa largely for the purpose of preparing the program for the conveptlon and before an adjournment wa taken th program wa nearly completed. It will b several day before It Is entirely completed and iyd to b Sit'ea out for publication. yesterday afternoon. He offered nothing of particular Importance. Kaaaaa I Fatally Wounded. HUTCHINSON. Kan.. Nov. 9 George Flinn. aged 24 year, tha son of K. H Flinn. clerk of the Erie county district, wa called to th door of hi home near Lerado, last night and shot and fatally wounded. Jacob Eminett, who says him borne I in Illinois, waa arrested today charged with the shooting. The shooting I said to have been tiie result of rivalry for the hand ot a young woman whom i'iiUO married last fiuucUy. Highest Bat for Cash In Many Tear Reported oa Stork Ei. cbaag. NEW TORK. Nov. 9.-Money on call went to 15 per cent today, the highest rate for several years. Last Saturday's bank state ment showed the surplus reserve -to be al most exhausted and since then largo auma have been aent from New York to th In terior, leaving practically nothing to be lent in this market. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw wa In New York today and he reported that he Intended to deposit several million dollars of government funds with the banks to re. lieve the situation, but this report could not be confii Qitvl. ' present Incumbents of their respective offices: Dietrich Beecher, treasurer; John Graff, clerk; C. J. Carrlg. sheriff; John Rat- terman. Judge; L. H. Leay, superintendent of schools; R. L. Rositer, surveyor; Dr. P. H. Mets, coroner. The republicans elected three supervisors which gives them control of the board. The supervisors elected were: William Newman of Colum- bu. A. E. Priest of Monroe and J. F. ' The case I now closed as far n Cali fornia courts are concerned. The main con test Is pending before the Canadian courts. MRS. HUBBARD MAKES TRIP Report Successful Exploration Labrador and Will Return to I nlted State.' of NEW YORK, Nov. 9 Mrs. Ironidas Hubbard, Jr., who has been exploring In was soon in evidence. lie wr.uld appear ut his nfllcn utid open tho same t 9 o'clock, the usuul hour, today. At 3 o'clock this morning wagons and automobiles, filled with ballot boxes, po lice officials and Heaiet watchers, began to arrive at the board of elections, and an hour later Greenwich street, In thut vicinity, was fairly Impassable. I'nuble to get rid of their charges, there was nothing for the police to do but await the opening of the ollii t. and us every twelv or four teen boxes wera guurded by five poiloa uen, a lnusi impressive array oi oinver Labrador, and for whose safety fears were entertained, today reported her uc cussful completion of the expedition. The following telegram signed by her and dated at Chntau bay, Quebec, was received . truiav hv Herbert L. Iirldgemun of Schure of Humphrey. throughout the j ErooKiyn. county a light vote was polled and the successful. Will return home by the ticket was bsdly scratched. j gteamer Ktnr Edward." TtHAMAn. jnto.. nov, icprciai). Burt county officers elected are: L. D Phippe (rep.), sheriff; Emmet I. Ellis (rep.), treasurer; John O. Larson (rep ), clerk; If H. Basler (rep.) Judge; Miss Eda C. Nelson (rep), superintendent of schools; W. E. Pratt (rep ), surveyor; Dr. E. J. C. Swsrd (rep.), coroner. DAVID CITY. Neb.. Nov. 9.-(8peelal.)-Republicans elect sheriff, superintendent and surveyor. Republicans elect two su pervisor and fuilonist one. WAHOO. Neb , Nov. 9 (Special). Saund er county officer elected re: Jerry Dailey tfu.). heriff; Gu Bredenburg (fua), treasurer: aithur Elmelund (fus.), clerk; ContinUL-U on Second Puge. Ilotrniful. of Ocean Yerla Nov. 1. At New York Arrived : Victorian, from Liverpool; Baltic, from Liverpool. Sailed: La Brttagne. for Havre. At Genoa Sailed : Citta Dl Napoll, for New York. At Cherbourg Railed: Kron Prinx Wll helm, 'for New York. At London Sailed: Mesaba, for New York; Georglna, for Boston. At Liverpool Silled: Nlraruguan, for Boston; Parisian, for Montreal. At Deptford Arrived: Manltou, from Philadelphia. At Glasgow Arrived; Montevldean, from Boston. At Havre Arrived: La Lorraine, troni New Y'ork. At yueenstown Sailed : Merlon. for Pliilnd.loiila: Maiestlc. lor New York. Al ihed. N'oidUi.d, Xruiu I'lilUdLli'lu. lor Hoxr Arrive. As tha morning advanced the balance of the Mo Ik.x s continued to arrive, and Hearst watchers, as numerous as the po lice, helped to swell the crowd, which wa fuither added to ut the report cpread that soi'ie startling political move hail niado necessary a great body of officer at th office of tho board of election. When they failed to secure the preaenc of president Voorhls. Hearst men called upon A. C. Allen, chief clerk of the board, at his home on Eightieth street. Mr Allen could do nothing for them and expressed the opinion that the court order had re sulted from a misunderstanding. H (aid that a literal compliance with the order would be Impossible, a tiie S.00O ballot boxes used In Greater New York could not by any means ! gotten Into the room occupied by the board. His understanding of the law. he said, was thut the boxes should remain in the possession of the police for sis ne hi tha following an elec tion. Ho could givo no advice as to tha liiinivdlate dui09Uiia vi Ui fast accuw.