Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1905, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NUVEMBEK, 1, liKtt. n T J AFFAIRS -AT SOUTn OMAHl War; Vtchinei Cmd Tbemh U l-agio Ci'y Yottr. WOULD NOT GO BAK TO 0L9 SYSTIM ( Dmnriirrmriit Mad fur the Pnylo; f Twtrrir4h Street wltl Jtrlrk to fteplnro h Broken Aaphalt. 'OVh vol In mai-hlne wn first talked ' aj.,f In Boutfi Omaha a great many people V feared that the voter would not tnke Mr.dly a ... - . . to them on at-count or their peeming com plication. Now that the machine have been trlfd voters declarV that It la the only ayatem aod that the purrhnae of voting- ma chine was money well spent. The rapidity with which returns were made, was a great surprise. In the pant the election officer worked all night and often far Into the next dry counting: the ballots. Tuesday evening the completed, returns were tabulated and totaled and announced at 7:1a p. ni., Just one nour and a quarter after the voting had stopped. This, is considered . remark ably good work for the- reason that the work' via new to moat of the Judges and clnrks. . , . . Custodians Hendricks and Rldgeway worked hard to school the election officers, and so successful were they that the polls opened without a hitch and the voting was not Interrupted All duj'1 While the. machines were the cause of a great many straight votes bring rsrst. the result may be different In the local election next spring when the voters have become mora familiar with the machines. It Is tlta Intention of the city officials to keep one of the machines In the council etiamber and open for Inspection, so that voters may nt any limn drop in and bo shown how to vote a straight or split ticket. Praise for lhs machines is heard on' every hand, and now that the people have them they say that they would not go back to the old way of voting. , Thtrelght machines, cost the city S5.!M, and of this sum $1,200 has been paid. The balance Is paid 11.000 each year for four yrars. the tyotea drawing Interest at the rate of 4 per cent. In five years the machines will have paid for themselves out of the amount saved as compared with the old sty)e of handling elections. Pa v Hi a Commenced A'edneatta-, The laying of a concrete base for the lTlck paving on .Twenty-fourth street commenced yesterday afternoon. A con- i" crete mlj-n was -set up on Twenty-fourth street near'1!! wtreet. and'"by quitting time last night a patch of the concrete base had been laid. Parka, Johnson A Parks, the contractors, are putting all the men they can get at work bn this paving and pro pose' getting as much of the street done as posslMe before cold weather. Material Is now piled on the. east side of the street v' as far-south as J street, and the old ae- ( a phalf pavement fiaa been tofn up as far south as I street. . An abundance of ma terial Is-In '"sight and all' the contractors want now ! reasonably fair weather and no v:ry heavy frost.' . A-great fcal of , the old asphalt is being saved by th city Id be used later In flll Ingyashoutf on unpaved, streets. - v Improvement i ClMb Meeting;. This evening' the .Highland Park Im provement" club win , hod a meeting at Lincoln school building. The hour for the meetlnsf has- befit changed from 8 p. m. to ":.), jy nt. j'AU "mamhera 'of tha 'club are expacted to be present, as business of.. im ports ne ls.'to come hp. The meeting to night 1 , the. regular monthly meeting, and reports of committees will be read and soma proposed Improvements talked over. ' ,. Beat's. Friends Jubilant. Herman- tfcwfsnwiny -friends- n flouHv OrniMi called, at'he. city hall' yesterday to .tender hearty congratulations on bis election to the office of c,ounty surveyor Mr.f Bears Utajorlty 'wa nearly 4.000 and would hava been, larger only for the. ex tretuely light vote oast In South Omaha. Mr.: Beat will assume the duties of his new ofTlce on January 1. Hi election wilt cause a vacancy In the office of city engineer. This vacancy will be filled by appointment by Mayor Koutsky. ,Tha appointment to 1111 the vacancy will hold only until April, when the city election Is to he held. South Omaha people dislike' very much to lose Mr Heal as city engineer, but are pleased . ml ills rmuvii ,t. ...... - position.. , . . , Order Kaa-lrs' Clnfe Closed. . An order wm issued by the police board Wednesday to Chief Briggs to close the club room ef the local lodge of Eagles In the Hunt block. Twanty:"txth and N streets. Members of tha police board assert that the cluh Is and has been for month past w iling limior' without a license. Chinf Briggs. hotified the trustees of the chih of tho order of ths board and the club rooms were clocd temporarily while at torneys were consulted.- The club Is gov. "erned by d, bWird of trustees and a meeting Jof'thla board Is to be. held today to take f soma action, uniy memoers or me iimga I V ar entitled to privilege at the club and It may be. that the order of tho board will be opposed. ' Histories Kent Forward. In icsponse, to a letter from Moore, Baker & Co. of Boston,, the historic of the re funding bond issue . recently sold to this firm were sent east last night. This firm offered A premium of 11,078 for this Issue of $70,000 44 per cent refunding bonds and tha sale will most likely go through as soon is the histories tia--n been spproved by the attorney for. tho buyers.,, . ' Conncll Meets Tonlaht When the city council meet tonight bills Incurred on account of the rcent election 1 will be railed upon for action. In the J t waive voting precincts sixty Judges and tlW. Iurlng three days registration thirty nix' registrars were employed and the pay fur- tlK-se will most likely be- $4 per day, a total of $431 Twelve election booths at 110 each makes 1120. Then there Is to b the nay of Hendrlcka. which a ll! probably he II'"'. This shows a- total jf To be added must be the cost of prlntlrg. which will easily run the bill tip to II.UV. In addition to ttiese claims the council III act on Mil for October. Considerable routine btislnees I to come Up and the session promlees to be a busy one. Find F.rrnr In Retnrna. Haste In compiling the returns on the ewer bond proposition Monday night ac counted for an error which came to light testerday. In the Information furnished to the press by ths city clerk the figure iliowed that th bond proposition had been lefcaied by 333 vote. In going over the poll books an error In on precinct was This Slgnattirt, la BUt Guarantee 1 mMB Ask for LIEBIO COMPANY'S. Not Imply UCBIO'S" ; "jUST AS GOODSARC WORTHLESS THK T A LI' E or CUARrOAL, Few reonle Know Haw taeial It la Nearly everybody knows that charcoal la the safsst and most efficient disinfectant and purifier In nature, but few realise Its value when taken into the human system for the same cleansing purpose. Charcoal Is a remedy that the mora you take of It the better; It Is not a drug at all. but simply absoroa in gases and im purities always present In the stomach and Intestines and carries mem out oi tn system. Charcoal sweetens tha braatb after smok ing, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Improves the complexion. It whitens tha teeth and further acts as a natural and eminently safe cathartic. It absorb tha Injurious gases which col lect in tha stomach and bowels; it dlsin- lects the mouth and throat from th poison ol catarrh. AH druggists sell charcoal in one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and tha most for tha money Is In Stuart Charcoal Uoxenges. They ar composed of the finest powdered willow charcoal and otner harmless antiseptic In tablet form, or, rather, In the form of large, pleasant-tasting- losenges, tha charcoal being mixed with honey. ... Tha dally e of these losenges will anon tell in a much Improved condition of tha general health, better complexion, sweeter breath and purer diooo. ana in Deauty of It la that no possible harm can result irom tnelr continued use, but, on the contrary, ureal benslit. a buuaio physician, In speaking of the benefits of charcoal, says: "i advisa tttuarcs Charcoal Lotenges to all patlmt suffering from gaa In tn stomach and bowels, and to clear the complexion and puriry tho breath, mouth and throat; I also believe ths liver Is greatly benefited by the dally use of them; they cost but 25 cents a box at drug stores, and although In some sense a patent '.preparation, yet I believe tt get more and better charcoal la Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges than hi any of tho ordinary charcoal tablets." found which reduces this majority against the bonds to ?47. Clerk Olllln Is confident now that these figures are correct. Mnale City (ioasln. Henry C. Richmond leaves today for a few days' visit with his wife at Kearney. The voting machines are being boxed and will again be stored In the city hall build ing. Bee Hive lodsre of the Masons will meet this evening at Masonic hall and confer the third degree. The RovhI Neighbors will give an enter tainment and bazar at Modern Woodmen haH this evening. Councilman Frank Dworak is passing around tho cigars on account of the arrival Qf a son at hla home. Pollca Juda-e King was busy yesterosy recetvins tha congratulations of his friends. Judge King was the only democrat In the county that wa ciecieo. Police Captains ' Shields snd Turnnuist will now take turns about In working nights. Captnln Shields Is on ' days this month and next month Turnqulet will be on day duty. City Clerk Olllm has completed the work of fonvlni the registration books and will turn the completed copies over to the chair men of the republican and democratic county central committees. I Jim Rulln. the old-time democratic war horse, does not think mOich of th voting machines. He says: "It used to be so that us democrats could stand around and claim everything until 2 or S o'clock In the mom ma. ow me returns come in so raniaiy that we don't have a chance to even file a claim. COHVEKTIOX . OF , WOMAJPB CLUB I.arve Attendance at Meetings Held In Glenwood. (From a Staff Correspondent.) , GLENWOOD, la., Nov. 8 Speclal.) The first ' convention of tfte -newly .'organised Fifth -district of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs convened at Glenwood Tuesday and Wednesday, fifty-four visiting club women, representing ten towns and twice that number of clubs, being In at tendance. The Woman' Library club of Olenwood waa the hostess organization, and the visiting women were entertained In th home of tha town. Mrs. J. J. Seerley of Burlington, state president, waa the guest of the meeting and one of the principal speakers. Council Bluffs, with a delegation of four teen, had the largest representation. A reception and entertainment Tuesday evening at the state institution by Super intendent Mogredge and tha faculty was the one social feature. The convention was held in the club rooms,' Mrs. D. L.. Helnsheimer, district chairman, presiding. The . Invocation by Mrs. A. H. Beaver and a vocal olo by Mr. M. J. William of Olenwood preceded the address of wel come by Mrs. W. F. Hill, president of th local club, Mrs. C. C. Walner of Atlantic responding for the district. Two-mlnuta reports from clubs, federated and unfederated, showed a live club Inter eat, with a noticeable tendency toward one topic programs. , Red Oak and Council . Bluffs reported Innovation In the admission of men to the meetings of soma of their departments. In an address upon 'The- Value, ot Feder atlon" Mrs. J. J, Seerley emphasised that tt waa not so much what a club oould gain a what it could give, and that In unity there Is strength that must redound to the Interests of all clubs, at! women and 'All humanity, ' ' A luncheon wa served th visiting women at noon. ' ' ' - Domestic science was the . theme of th afternoon, Mr. K. A. -Blxby of Council Bluffs presiding. A general discussion of what constitutes the cornerstone of a happy home was lead- by Mrs. Elliott of Glenwood bringing out a variety of prac tical ideas. "'Sonic Home Problem" waa presented by Mr. Warren Garat of Coon Rapids. She spoke especially of food adul teration one of the problem of the housewife and gave a demonstration of simple testa of prepared fruit coloring. She urged the women to creat a public sentiment In favor of the Hepburn pure food bill that should Insure Its passage by congress. A discussion of the age at which children should be taught to hear their own re sponsibility In the care of the home was lead by Mrs. H. S. McMurphy of Omaha. "The Study of Domestic Science." wa ably presented by Mrs. Page Morrison of Counci Bluffs, the program closing with a demonstration of the' "serving of a course dinner by Mrs. Wslter I. Smith of Council Bluffs. As no invitation were extended, th next meeting- pluce will be decided later In the year. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mrs. C. F. Wilber of Beatrice wa the guett of Mr. Kate Remliigtoo Tues.lay. Mrs. W. C. BulUrd hi gone to Chi. ifo for a short visit, taking her son William with her. H. C. Hope, superintendent -of u-legraph and elgnnis of the Chicago, St. Paul. Min neapolis dc Omaha railway, with headquar ters in St. Paul, is in th city." H.- G. Nlebuhr of Pender, formerly gov ernment farmer at th Winnebago Indian agency, has been reappointed to a similar rx'sttion at th Navajo Indian agency at ("anon Diablo, Aria. Mr. Mxbuhr departed for Arliona to take up his new work Wednesday afternoon. About thirty prominent 8wedea enter tained John A. Anderson of tHitcago at a banquet at the rWbllts hotel 1mi night. Mr. Anderson Is editor of th Hemlandei and a lecturer of renown. He mad an d dreKS at the Swadmtt Lutheran rhuruh Monday night. E. M. Stenberg. SvedisU c-onaul. aried as toatniitsier at the., bou quet. Specchea wi mad a numbs vl iitoso present. IIOU ill MUSICIARS. A thoroughly artistic and delightful con cert was given last night at the Audltorhim bv Madame Eames and her company. The house was comfortably filled and the are, est enthusiasm prevailed. Madame fames Is a woman of regal n-l commanding beauty. Her voice Is very fine, but not remarkable when compared with uch a one ss dembrlch possesses. Her first number on the program, recitative and aria from "Cost fan Luth." by Mosnrt. wa changed and the "Jewel Song" from "Faust" given Instead. This waa rather a disappointment, as the "Jewel Song" has been given here many, many times, and , Madame Eames ws particularly fitted to do Justice to the Mocart aria. Changing the program seemed to be the order of the evening. Instead of the group of songs which the prima donna was to sing: a. "Who Is Svlvla?" Bohnbert b. "Am Sonntag Morgen Brahms c. "Spring i . Hensrhel she gave one Strauss number and "The Song My Mother Taught Me," by Dvorak. "Spring," by Hensrhel, h adhered to and gave In. a charming manner. Her voice In the ongs waa much more effective than In the Gounod aria. She works up to fine dramatic' height.4 In her first eneor. "Th Tear' at the Spring." thin phase of her art showed plainly. She Is dramatic but not temperamental. Her Intonation 1 not always faultless. The duet at the end of th program was also changed and Faure's "Crucifix" given Instead of the duet from "Hamlet." In thi work Madam Eames and Mrs. de Oogorsa sang In a way which made one resentful at being obliged to miss the Am broise Thomas number. The company which assisted Madame Eames was. adequate In every way. The program as a whole was most satisfying. Mr. de Qogonta, the baritone, has a beau tiful, velvety, mellow voice with an occa sional tenor quality. He Is temperamental to a degree and sings his songs with ex quisite feeling snd finish. The prologue from "Pagliaccl" was given with great dramatic effect. The audience was so en thusiastic that he appeared again and sung The Toreador Song" from "Carmen." In hla group of song the way In which he used his voice, the color effects which he produced, were even more "noticeable. "La Partlda." by Alvarec, I a most lovely bit of writing, and Mr. de Oogorsa gave tt Its full worth.' In addition to the group ha sang one English bnllad. "When Thou Art Near." by Loltx. The 'cellist, Mr. Joseph Hollmun, Is "one of the old guard," A tried and thoroughly delightful musician. His numbers were re ceived with much applause. The Handel sonata In Q was given with breadth uhd dignity. Tha largo was especially well done In the variations "Symphonlque," by Boell man, aft exquisite little song, subsequently ornamented with a lovely fretwork of varia tions. Mr. Hortman showed his sympa thetlo nature and also his gift of technique. Th group of "cello numbers at the end of the program showed In the same ar tistic and genial light. "The Spinning Wheel," his own composition, a falry-web-like thing, winning much praise. Mr. Amherst Webber, the pianist and ac companist, did splendid work. The concert wss one of the most en lov able wa have ever had. We hope Madame Eames will come back some day and sing the things Which she left out last night. MART LEARNED. COUNCIL EYESTHE MONEY Does Not Propose to Let Fire nnd Pnllec Board Rnend Any of It. The council doe not propose to let the Board-of Fire and Police Commissioners spend any of th money appropriated to take up the deficiency In the police fund for anything but policemen' salaries. When Councilman Huntington, chairman of the . finance committee., read In The Bee that the board Intended to buy two new patrol wagons he went to tha city hall snd held a conference with Comptroller Lobeck. These two officers laid down tha dictum that none of the money transferred and saved by the laying off of men could ha spent for equipment for the police depart ment. This stand will be taken by the council. It Is said, and the commissioners forced to delay the new wagons until next year. SALOON MEN PLEAD GUILTY l.lqaor Sellers Who Keep Oifs Election Day F.aeh Fined One Hasdred Dollars. John McCaffrey, til South Sixteenth street; Alfred Keller, Sixteenth nnd Man derson; . Henry Anderson, 17 South Thir teenth street; Anton Krecek, U1S South Sixth street, and Adolph Hruxa. Thirteenth and William, five saloon men of Omaha, were arrested for keeping open their sa- loon on election day. These saloon men 1 all agreed to appear In police court Thursday afternoon and plead guilty to the charge against them. The fine In each case Is $100 and coats. The saloons were reopened at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning. MEETINGS AT ROHRBOUGH'S V. Dt. C. A. Will Hold Bandar After noon Session nt Hew Ai . aeashly Hall. The Sunday afternoon meetings of th Toung Men' Christian association will ba held this winter In the theater of the new Rohrbough building at Nineteenth and Farnam streets. A number of prominent men will talk at these meetings and It Is thought the lecture room at the associa tion building, which' seals about Sx. will not be large enough. Th Rohrbough the ater will have a seating capacity of 750. It mill be two or three weeks yet before the first meeting will be held there, as the eats have not been put In. Charles A. Payne, traveler and lecturer, will give a stereoptlcon lecture at next Sunday afternoon's meeting. On th fol- ALMOST EVERYBODY is coughing. It is the time of year when people are most sus ceptible to colds. Scott's Emul sion will not only cure the cold, which otherwise might hang on all winter, but will give strength and flesh to the body to resist more colds, pneumonia, etc. SCOTT a KOW NX, Fsari Stiott. New Vera, lowing Sunday E. T. Colton. a member of the International committee In the depart ment of foreign work, will be present. PRESIDENT GREEN TAKES HOLD w Fsecatlve of Real Katate Ri change Assam Charge of Office He Held Before. W. It. tireen. the hew president of tha Real Estate exchange, took his place at the head of the luncheon table at the meet ing of the exchange Tuesday. He began hla administration by Introducing two sug gestion for the jetton of the club, one to the effect that the constitution and by laws, which are seversl years old. ought to be revised, and th other to the effect that the people of Omaha need a net city map. A committee to revise tha constitution and by-law wa appointed, to consist of O. G. Wllace, W. O. Shrlver and J. B McKltriek. It wa stated Assistant City Engineer Craig expects to gt out a large map of the city and the hope was expressed he and the exchange might work together In the matter. It Is proposed to print large msps for offices and small folder maps to be placed In advertising pamphlet" of tha real estate men. Several year have passed since t map of the city has been made. In addition, the proposed real estate pamph lets will contain plats of Douglaa and Sarpy counties. South Omaha is to be Included In the city map. In this matter a cOm mltteee waa appointed, consisting of B. R. Hastings, C. H. Toung and Olsen. President Green appointed tha standing committees for the year. Tha membership committee consist of W. G. Shrlver, J. H. Parrotte and W. H. Thomas. The member of the committee on auction sale are: Henry F. Dailey. C. H. Rogers, H. F. Wy man, B, R. Ball and B. R. Hastings. The advisory committee Is as follows: W. B. Taylor. S. A. Broadwoll. C. TT. Toung. O. M. Nrxttlnger, Lewis Reed. Philip Potter, Y. J. Persons. A. L. Reed. W. H. Russell. M. J Kennnrd. W. H. Ontes. D. V. Sholes, J. P Flnley. K V. Onrvln. K. D. Wead. A. P. Tukey. George Payne ' L. D. Spauldlng. W. I,. Belby, E. A. Benson, Thomas MeCague, G. B. Iashtiry, C. C. George, J. U. Willi. C. C. Shimer, N. P. Dodge, J. N. Frenser. C. H. Brown, J. It. Brown, John W. Bobbins, O. C. Redlck. R. C. Peters. W. T. Orahsm. C. E. Miller. W. R, Homan, George N. Hicks. C. R. Glover. W. A. Spencer, Thomas Brennan, H. T. Clarke. The Omaha Real Estste Auction company was voted a member of the exchange. KNIFE CUTSMAY BE FATAL InJnrle Inflicted en White Woman by Xetrro Liable to 4'anae Death. Miss Irene Connors, who was stabbed at the Cambridge hotel ' Tuesday morning by a negro said to have, been E. Smith, la still In a critical condition at Olarkson hospital. The chief danger at present is the possibility of infection In the breast wound. It was erroneously reported that Patrol man Vobrll and Cunningham made the arrest of E. Smith, the colored mnn now charged at the city Jail with cutting with Intent to kill Miss Connors. . The arresting; officer were Llckert and Cunningham. They had Smith In handcuffs within five minutes after the stabbing was reported to police headquarters. ', 1 It developed Tuesday Smith may have to face the charge of murder for the wun ton assault he committed. After the surgeons at the Clarkson hospital had dressed the wounds on Miss Connors' face and neck a narrow wound was discovered In her left side. This' Is' by far th most serious of all. It was made by a straight stab of the knife that was aimed at her heart. Thl organ WaQirt Injured, but was narrowly missed. - II, Is thought th steel did penetrate her left lung, and th stab may be fatal 'Bt any moment, ' The wound was not discovered at first because scarcely a drop of blood ' flowed from It, Miss Connors was unable to tell where she was suffering the most. Soon tha symptoms of a deeper wound developed and an examination brought It to tight. NEW PLANT WILL COME HERE Hed Oak, Iowa, Mannfactnrlnsj Con cern Look for Location ' In Ooiahn. F. P. Rathburn ot Red Oak. Ia., repre senting a manufacturing concern of that place, 1 in the city hunting up a location for the plant of his firm. The company manufactures cabinets, book cases and other light articles of wood. Mr. Rathburn says the company has decided that Omaha 1 tha place for a permanent location and undoubtedly will come here. The only diffi culty In the way la In securing suitable quarter for the factory. Two or three place are being considered. ENGINE AND JCARS IN DITCH Accident Canard to the Fast Freight by Derailment at Bay State.. Early Wednesday morning as ' a fnst freight on the I'nion Pacific was pulling out of Bay State, a station west of North Uend, a derailment put the engine and two cars In the ditch. The cause of the derail ment ha not been learned. Brakeman Ernest waa severely Injured. He lives with hi slater, Mr. Maggie Dougul. St ?j North Twentieth street, Omaha. Traffic on the main line wa delayed for some time. NEW CHURCH FOR METHODISTS Another Organisation In Omaha la Proposed Wear Twenty-Fonrt h and Ames. For the purpose of organising a church of the Methodist faith near Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue a meeting Is called for Sunday evening at Magnolia hall. Twenty fourth and Ames avenue. The meeting will be addressed by Rev, William Gorst, D. D., presiding older of Omaha district. All are Invited to be present. The call Is signed by G. A, Luce, preacher In charge. PAT CROWE'S TRIAL IS DATED Hearing; to Beta First Monday la December on Chnrare of f hooting Polleemnn. Judge Day ha set the first Monday in December a the date f"r the beginning of th trial of Pat Crowe on the charge of shooting Officer A. H. Jackson with In tent to kill. This Is the date contended for by Crows attorney, Jams P. English. A new Jury panel 1 to report on that day fur lliiva weeks svivlcr. UNDERPINNING IS ALL IN assort to Mew York Lll Pnt In for Baildln of Brandel Block. John Hurt ha finished putting conoret underpinning beneath th foundation ot th New York Lif Building at th north end, a work made necessary by the erection of the Brandels building on the ground Im mediately north. The foundations of th big department store are sixteen feet below the old foundation of the New York Life building, and tb latter bad to b built to a level with the former to keep the building firm. Most of the summer and fall have been required to do the work and the con struction of the Brandels building has been very much delayed. The department store's foundation could not be. laid on the side next the New York Life building until Mr. Harte had finished. The contractors will proceed with the work now. DEATH RECORD. lid ward A. Fltspatrlck. COLL'MBl'8. Neb., Nov. 8 (Special. ) Edwnrd D. FItxpatrlck. ' for over thirty J ears a resident of this city, died last Sat urday morning alter a proiongen ntness. Seven months ago lie sustalred a severe paralytic stroke, and a similar affliction during the week preceding his death hast ened the end. The funeral was held Mon day morning at St. Honaventura Catholic church and was attended by a large num ber of old neighbors and friends of the deceased. The local Catholic societies and members of the Grand Army post attended the funeral H a body. During the rebel lion Mr. FItxpatrlck served with tin Ohio i regiment and at the battle of Shiloh wa severely wounded. A a member of th Society of Shiloh Veterans he wa widely known among the old soldiers Of Nebraska. In politics he van a lifelong republican. For two terms he wa mayor of democratio : Columbus, and he also terved a a mem- , ber of the city council. Many of the local i public Improvements, notably the large , steel bridge which crosses the Loup river at this place, stand as a monument to hi activity and progresslveness. He came to this vicinity from Cleveland, O.. thirty four years ago. He was first a home steader, then a plasterer, and finally en gaged In the mercantile business. In lat years he has been one of the leading dry goods merchants of the city. Had he lived another day he would have been exactly ti year old. Amos Orr. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Nov. . (Special) Mrs, Sarah Orr, who lives on a farm a few miles northeast of the city, has re ceived, word of the death of her husbsnd, Amos Orr, for many year a well-to-io farmer of this section, but who at the time of hi death was making his home In Can ada. His death occurred on October 17, but owing to the fact that his neighbors knew very little about his history or folks, tho news waa delayed considerably In trans mission.' No particulars are given In tha letter to Mrs. Orr from a tenant on the farm further than the atatement that Mr. Orr was Injured In an accident while work ing with a threshing machine. The de ceased was about 6S years of age and leaves a widow and tour grown children, all living here. J. C. Barber. The body of J. C. Barber arrived In thi city last night from Kansas City, where he died Tuesdav. It -was taken to Bralley A Poi ranee's undertaking parlors to funeral arrangement. His wife accom panied the remains from Kansas City and will be at the home of Mrs. Jennie Cald well until after the Interment, when she will probably make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Scars, in Lincoln, Neb. J. C. Barber had retired from business but was formerly in business in Omaha. He was connected with the Home Fire Insur- ! ance company. While here hi residence I wn at Twenty-third and California streets. He married a ister of Henry Ostrom, 3tXA North Twenty-seventh street. Mr. T. S. Fowler. SUTTON, Neb., Nov. S. (Special.) Mr. Myrtle, former wife of Rev. T. S. Fowler of University Place and eldest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. L. Jarrett of this place, died after a long illness. Funeral was largely attended, the burial service being con ducted by Rev. Alexander, presiding elder ot York district. Mrs. Fowler waa 36 year of age and was born t Saybrook, 111. LOCAL BREVITIES. Leave of absence for ten days has been granted First Lieutenant Theodore B. Tay lor. Eleventh cavalry. Fort Ih-s Moines. The explosion of a lamp In George Cald well ktchen caused a small Are last night. The department arrived so promptly that it is thought $10 will rover the damage. D. O. Benson, colored, was arrested lust iiht, charged with entering the rooms of Walter MUil while the latter was in Jail as a larceny suspect. Walter Migit aay tnat tie niton dole several articisa or value from his room. This robbery occurred a week ago last Sunday. Liu Hop, the Chinniiwii recently ordered deported by Judge Manger and who has since been tn the liouglaa county Jail await ing deportation, was released on ball Wednesday afternoon. His attorney, F. L. McCoy, has appealed the case to the t'nltej States circuit court of appeals, and asks for a nw trial. Ci.$. WILLOW'S SQOTKKa SYRUP ton. vsed br H UIIobs ef atothrra for their Millions of Mothera for their 'orthins for cr Fifty Y. ahU4r lie t It sootoa Hm ehud, aurtes im gums, allara all (tia. sua wind oulio, nod Is la i or aivretH, TWkfeYY-iVk lE.rT A stOTTIJC. ' s ww "wihni Made in the Golden Sunlight It is conceded by the highest authorities that the tods, cracker contains the life-giving elements of wheat in the best proportions. This bein2 so, then Uneoda DisCliit must at once take first place as the food of the world a soda cracker, but such a soda cracker I Made by exact science in sunny bakeries so lijht, bright and clean, that they are a revelation.. The flour is tested; the purity of the water is absolutely assured ; the very air is filtered why even the temperature and moisture of the atmosphere is accurately regulated. The sponge is kneaded by polished paddles, not by hand. Indeed, Uneeda BlSCUit r only touched once, and then by a pretty girl, from the time the flour leaves the bag until the beautiful package is placed on your table. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY , Jap Rose- - Soap An exquisite production. No skill can make a soap less harmful or more delicate. It beautifies the complexion, keeps the hands soft and white, imparts a constant bloom of freshness to the skin. . - JAMES S. KIRK & COMPANY, ft I The KIot So niit . An ideal trip is through the Sunny Southone of the most delightful and historic sections of this country . Winter Tourist Tickets allow stopovers freelaL: intermediate cities and at Gulf and oceanside resorts. . ROUND TRIP RATES Asheville, N. C ....$47.25 Daytona, Fla ,.$59.10 : Havana, Cuba $77.50 . Hot Springs, Ark $37.45 - Jacksonville, Fla $52.50 Miami, Fla .$74.50 Mobile, Ala $41.50 Nassau, New Providence $94.50 New Orleans, La .$43.00' Ormond, Fla $58.70 Palm Beach, Fla .$71.00 . ' Pensacola, Fla $43.50 Port Tampa, Fla .... t $55.60 San Juan, Porto Hico $134.00 Savannah, Ga $49.50 Tampa, Fla ;.. $65.10 Tickets on sale daily until April 30th, with final limit of June 1st, and apply via Kansas City, or St. Louis; slightly higher rates than the above are applied via Chicago. J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Ivory Woman MAtVTt whirling Spray iTka mw S--nm. -. ft-. U-S1.-B-4 a -- sf-sim tm s. If h ran nnvt supply I laaiaa.. soocpt so iMir. but hm mauid tat liiu-twa boo ...lit It fi-a full us-tlaini and .lirlior. In- i u.ts. M4RVri. )., a. s ar., a.v sohk. For Kai or HEKMAN ft" McCONNELL.IRUO 'XX. Cor. lUn and Loa lis.. .JnaL-. Hi --. VC "w aav-Mot rqr.salao-. S--a-nWfl- ltd flinimi, 3 T "-""-- limn' 'f J litil Agent. 1502 Farnam St.. Omaha. 23E ( CSlVS f OMMcfaBa4raa lUrJi-MHH, TMMt If trritatieM U.-ss-a '- tm painUMa, a4 aatna EiasiCMiMMatfla. r pomM. . NMSMIl.i a. I J:P. Tboas sutTenu- from weak ueoes nbieh asp ths pleasures of life should uk Ju-so filla. on lxi mil, teil a at orr of marveloua remits. This mwlicin ha mora rejuveuatioc, vitalising fore than ha er hff.r tx-en otTored. ei Sent Deat-DaJd in tola. p ".- only on receipt of this adr. and 11 Ma. la by iva nriiriiiatora t'. 1. Hnnd I'o.. nro. prielur tiuud a aaraaparUla. LuwtU. Haas, r 1 avl -. " iT or saat Is stale -raao, VI r --. rr-ssla, M Vy l m. ar ( keltl-s M il cuoalM aaat ) nana. 1