Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Higher Prices and lirm Tone Prtrail
ia Wbttt.
Earnpeaa Market Are Considerably
Hllkrr-Cori ill Out Are 1 P
Predictions of Urtrr De
mand from Continent.
On track: No. 1 northern, 86Nc; No. 1
northern. 84c; December,'"; May. 4c
O.V1B To arrive and on track, 2if4c.
OMAHA. Nor. . 1906.
Heavy cash demand ana dinner European
markets combined for beur price In
wheal. There waa a large trde In May
nnri t ha inri1 halwnii that month und
ture of the market waa the report that
Wltte had been assassinated. December
closed at e. May at tt4c and July at
tom waa 41J4a higher. Tha tone In all
European anu A.nerican markets Is firm.
December eloped at 6Hc, old December at
47o, May lit .470 nnd July at 414c
Oats were stronger and there wan a
good trade. Decomocr closed at 304c, May
at S2&x-o and July at 14c. ...
Primary wheat receipts were 2.502,000
bushels and shipments 1.973.000 bushels,
sgainst receipts lust year of 2.116.000 bush
els and shipmehis of 89W.0OO bushels. Pri
mary corn receipts were 1.2)3,000 bushels
and shipments Soo.OOO bushels, against re
ceipts Inst year of 617,000 bushels and
hlpments of 468, n) hushols. Clearances
(two days) were Xi8.000 bushels of wheat,
137,000 bushels of corn. 81.0 bushels of
aats and 29.0uO barrels of flour.
Brooinhall says there Is danger of A cor
ner In December wheat at Liverpool. This
Is dependent upon tlx; volume of Atlantic
l,iver(H.ol closed 40 144 higher on wheat
and 'aid higher on corn.
Tradeia do not know what to believe
vith reaard to the world's shipments.
Russian shipments Monday were generally
jnctd"d to be large, yet Broomhall says
the offlelsl Kusslnn reports show them
ma.ll. Monday's sellers were buying back
ihelr wheat aold on the large shipments
iiven out.
A Liverpool letter under diite of Octo
ber 28, given to the trsde by Bryan A
Logan, gives the following summary cf the
Kuropeun situation. "At the present time
Uermany la Importing wheat for con
sumption at the rate of 2.000,0"O bushels a
week and before the end of February It
la likely to be 4,000.000 bushela a week. It
Is notlc.:ihle that lust w&e Meigiuni. nui
lahd, Germany and Spain took over o.&W.Oiu
bushels between them, so that even If
Russia Is not prevented for any
lengthv period by strikes from
hlpping all It possibly can, it Is quite evi
dent that Increasing shipments from Amer
ica will be required." The same letter
says of corn: "Everything points to a
large European consumption, as all root
crops, on the continent have turned out
badly, owing to persistent bad weather."
Omaha. Cash Sales.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 1 car, 83c; 2 cars,
814c; No. S hard, 1 car, 82c; 1 car, 80c;
8 cars, 7s4c; No. 4 hard. 2 cars, 78c; no
grade. 1 car, 72c; No. 3 spring. 1 car, 7S4c.
COHN No. S, 2 cars, 46c; No. 4 new, 1
car, 41c.
OATS No. 3 white. 1 car.' 2S4c: No. 4
white, 1 ear, 28c; 1 car, 274c; No. 8 mixed,
" 1 car. 274c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 27o.
RYB-No. 3, 1 car, 64c; no grade, 1 car,
61c. , .
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 23c; No. 3 hard,
. 79&82c; No. 4 hard, 777&o; No. 2 spring,
804c; No. 3 spring. 784c.
CORN No. 3, 4MT4c; No. 4. new, 40c;
No. 3 yellow, 46c; No. I white, 47o.
" OATS No. 3 mixed. 27c; No. I white,
234c; No. 4 white. 2747&28
RYE-No. 3, 44i6c; No. t, 6668c.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Features of the Tradlac and Closlag
Prices Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Nov. . Russian news domi
nated the wheat market today. Reports
of continued disorders developed decided
strength In the price of wheat, the May
option closing with a net gain of He Corn
Is up VSc. Oats show a gain ol 4tJ4C
1'rovlsinris are up 24c to 10c.
The wheat market was strong the entire
day Influenced by higher prices for whest
ai Liverpool the market here opened firm,
with May up Va4o, at 894'q94c The
main cause of tne ivlvsnce at the English
market was the possibility of a prolonga
tion of disturbances In Russia, private uis-
Blading Continnei Iti Advance, with All
Other Sharta Wnk.
Decline Cains amalatlve Force as
Day AdTancee ana Closing- la
Lowest of the
patches from that country indicating mat 7jr" .jJ.Jl. i k. U,rW iniiv
.tin i . -..r-i irt. its surprising advance In the marsei inaay
Li ?g. !. ,Ll of huTllih sal while practically everything else went
i i . .,.,,Lt L Ln lower. The volume of the market undei-
nilicHnce was a tenient .. " went a considerable expansion, hut this
English statistician who i declared that a w,t,v attributable to the enormous
htnr0ftr.rt.Cfn, Russia to AmerlcS dealings In heading, which had the market
the grain trade from Russia to America . . .. f . M,rl0(,.
was imminent. This waa generally laaen
to Imnlv that ImDortlng countries would
have to look outside of Russia tor supplies
a nerlodi
The relation between the rise In Reading
and the weakness In the rest of the market
was puszllng. An upward spurt in Read-
ree selling inove-
wrietner tne
Of wheat. America, it was argued would sua y We." n.Tr
naturally benellt thereby. The Vflect of mnU of Jh . e,pwhpre.
tnis siaiemeni was '' . m',''c"7 . ' ' welted advance In Reading awakened un
what waa calle4 an ofllcial report of last I ..,, . . , ? . ......
week s shipments of grain f rjin Kuiia. curtle(, for IPar of a disaster to the shorts
According to these statistics "Pts of , that mtocK or wnlther Readng was
..wv.wv. "Y,,, pushed up in an effort to sustain prices,
than that given out Monday. lr addition wm,8 r(l)tng WB, conducted elsewhere,
to the influence exerted by foreign news. Wfrf ainent eonJecUlrf., open to the
the market was affected by a sharp ad- cholce of observers. The desire and sp
vance at Minneapolis, where receipts parent necessity to liquidate stocks other
showed conslderablu falling off. Through- than Readlng Were BUrn0leruly obvious,
out the day there was an urgent f This pressure was commonly attributed to
demand for whest here and despite liberal the exigencies of the money situation, and
profit-taking in the December option, the the contemplation of the results of yester
niurket gulned additional strength. For day-. election undoubtedly waa an unset
May the highest point of the day was tlin( nfluen(,e on speculative sentiment In
reached at Koc. late In the day some some cases. Taking the results ss a whole
reaction occurred on profit-taking, but tho th(.re waa no disposition to discern any
close was strong, final quotations on May th,1B. conducive to corporation advantage
"r"'ti uvir v ?j. or privilege in tne spirit or tne electorate,
flour were equal to S3..WJ0 bu. Tho world s Th cour(M) of events during the day ein
vlslble supply, as shown by Rradstreet s, phasrzed the influence of the money ovit-
increasea z,,oo,iKio .on. primary rewipia iook and gave a dominant effect In the
were 2.ROI.00O bu., compared with 2.11o,00 iftter trading. The banks are clearly stis-
bu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and talnlng further heavy caah losses out of the
Chicago reported receipts of 1.4M cars, meager surplus reserve shown bv Batur-
agalnst 806 cars last week and 1,815 cars a day's bank statement. The outgo from the
ear ago. banks since that statement on subtreasury
The strength of wheat was iui Influential operations alone amounts to $2,157,000. To-
factor contributing to a strong corn mat- day there were transferred through the
ket. Renewal of an urgent shipping de- subtreasury ll.16r.ono to New Orleans and
mand helped to Increase bullish sentiment. lino.OOO to St. Louis. This would be more
Demand was further augmented by fresh than sufficient in wine nut n. nirnini it
complaints of damage by wet weather. The stood on Saturday. There are heavy move-
vuiuiub oi iruuinar wim iio. no ini" i menis or currency Desides Dy direct express
closed strong, with prices almost at the movement to thn interior i-u. in th
highest point of the duy. May opened Wit call money rata to the maximum of tha
o io '(IViO nigner at 4iviiykc, soiu up vu year at 9Vt ner cent and the movement to
c ana tiosea at 4.-4C. i-ocai receipt reduce credit obligations by liquidation of
ere 607 cars, with Z cars of contract stocks therefore were not surnrlalna.
grade. I Neither was the check to the pressure for
A firm tone prevailed In the oats mar- withdrawal of gold for export from New
ket, largely as a result of an Improved York tb be wondered at In view of the urg-
aemana irom exponora. eirengm or mow i ent need ror funds developed here. The
grain, however, had considerable effect, forelan exchnno-n marker however showed
The market derived further strength from no yielding tendency although It did not ad-
he comparatively small local receipts, ar- I vance. The monev situation In London and
rivals today being 250 cars less than had In Paris seemed rather easier, the London
been estimated. The market closed strong, market evidently benefitting from the re-
wltli prices at the highest point of the flux of funds from the Rrltish Interior
Cay. May opened a shade to M?o higher points. The effect of the Berlin situation,
at 32V(f3-Sc, sold up to &ic and closed however, and of the Advance in the Oer-
at 32&io. LocAl receipts were 547 cars. man Imperial bank's discount rate on Mon-
Notwittwtandlng a decline of juc in tne day left open the possibility of an advance
price of live hogs the provisions market tomorrow in the Bank of England rate,
was firm the entire session. Demand for Sterling exchange at Berlin underwent a
pork was good. Lard also Was In fair further sharp decline today. Besides Read-
demand. Strength of grain had some er- l ing there were some other points of
feet. At the close May pork was up 10c strength, mostly amongst Industrial speclal-
t xiiift. mrd was up 24Kc at ei.wff ties, the Iron and other steel stocks ngur
KV,. Ribs were 214c higher at W.TtWQbM. Ing largely in the showing. These move
Estimated receinta for tomorrow: Wheat, ments were attributed more to professional
lf0 cars; corn, 21tt cars; oats, 199 cars; hogs, operation than to any large general de-
ii,u"u naaa. I niuna. rne decline gained cumulative rorce
The leading futures ranged as follows: I In the latter part of the day, and the clos
ing was active ana wean at me lowvsi
eral fund, exclusive of the H.W.tinp,nrn gnld
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
ll.12.724.4M; gold coin snd bullion, t7t,&U.6T5;
gold certificates. $M, 4.12.640.
Xew York Moaey Market.
NEW YORK, Nov ' . MONET On call
strong and higher. ?94 per cent; last bid,
I; offered. 8U. Time money firm, sixty and
ninety days. MfR; sly months, S.
actual business In bankers' bills at U
4 WTO for demand snd at f"r
0-dar bills; portl rates. S4.lMrfi4.87'4;
commercial bills. S4.S2SW4A?.
SILVER Rar. 63c; Mexican dollars. 4Sic.
BONDS Government and railroad,
steady. '
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows:
ns....lM Japts , M saMes..
la do 4i. (
I Sh in 14 serin t
L. N. nl. a 1
V. a. old 4a. r....lot Manttattan o. . 1a . l'HH
do coupon iHaifx. intrmi 4a
V. S. saw 4s, reg....lH do 1st Inc (4
do coupon Minn, a 8t. l. 4a.... m
Am. Tobacco 4a sn1 M . K. AT. 4a 101
..lis 'do Is
..MIS N. R. R. of M. r. 4a. 4H
.. M N. Y. ('. t tt V
..1SIH N J. C. I a 1S4S
..lweeNo. PaclOo 4a IMS
...'', do Sx 7?4
., M N. A W. r 4a 101 V
Central of Oa. a....llSHO. 8. L. rtds 4a r74
Ho lat inc Pann. contr. ISa loss
do Id Inc I2S Heading (an. ta......tiis
do (d Inc 74 St. L. A I. It. c. la lit
Chaa. Ohio 4Sa....l(M St. L. S F. ff. 4a. tKS
Chlcafo ft A. IS"---- 1S Bt. U S. W e 4a Ms
c, B. a n. a....iuis saaoonra A. u. 4s....
C . R. I. P. 4a.... S0- So. Pacific 4a s
do col. 6a IIS 4o lat 4a ctfa Us
rrc. A St. 1 I 4a..1C3S Railway 6a 120,
Col. Ind. . avr.ea A US Teiaa ft P. is 1K-S
do aarlaa B 73 ,T.. 81. L. A W. 4a.. 14
Colorado Mid. 4a 74S,Vnloii Pacific 4a 16
. MS do conv. 4a 1I2S
.11 It'. S. steal Id ts.... MS
Articles. I Open. High. I Low. Close. Yes'y. prices of the dav. The sperlal weakness
oi Missouri rarinr was aiiriuiiieu iu nv
Chicago ....
(taotatlona oi tho Oar oa Yarloaa
NEW YORK. Nov. S.-FLOfiR-Recelpts.
4.222 bbls.; exports. 13,429 bbls.; steadier In
tone with wheat, but not quotably higher;
Minnesota patents, t4.65igo.30; Minnesota
bakers-. H.66o4iX; spring patents, 14 .00;
..winter patents. H.2S'u4 65: winter straights,
Sl.todH.lo; winter extras, S2.26&'2.8&; winter
low grades, S2.75$3.36. Rye Hour, firm; fine
to good S4.0o4i4.10: choice to fancy, S4.1&0-
460. Buckwheat flour. Arm, S2.1Ck82.25, spot
and to arrive.
BI CKWHEAT-Steady; delivered In New
york. 6466C.
CORNMtiAL Firm: fine white and yel
low. Sl.25igl.30; coarse, 11 1&31.U; kiln dried,
RiE Steady; No. 1 western, 76c, c. 1. f.,
New York.
BARLEY Steady; feeding, 42Hc. c. I. f.,
New York: malting, 61M.C, c. I. f., New York
WHEAT Receipts, 140,900 bu.; exports,
B.846 bu. Spot, firmer; No. 2 red. Sic, ele
vator, and fwc, f. o. b., afloat; No. J
northern. Duluth, 99Hc, f. o. b., afloat
No. l northern. Manitoba, 97'ic, f. o. b.
afloat. There was s strong advance In
wheat today, based mainly on higher cables
light offerings and reports that the official
Russian shipments were lighter than those
given on Monday. The .market closed firm.
ic net nigner. may ciosea ai rtec. uecem
ber. 944ia967c, closed at 954C.
CORN Receipts, 10d,475 bu.; exports, 42.6S8
bu. Spot, firm; No, 2, 62c, elevator, and
6c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 3 yellow, 64c Al-
tnougnt quiet, corn was stronger with
wheat and on the cables, closlna uc hlaher.
May, b2iWie. closed at 634c December
closed at biC.
OATS Receipts, 137.500 bu.; exports, 71.648
nu. ripot. nmi; mixed oats, 2 to sz ids.
S4c; natural white, 3o to 32 lbs., 36H43Q7tc
clipped. 36 to 40 lbs.. 17Wi33c
rEED Firm; spring bran and middlings
S17.10, prompt snipment; city,
HAY Firm; spring, 60ia66c;. good to
choice. TisWSZ'iC.
HOPS Firm; state, common to choice
I!" crop, lbfl22c; 1904 crop, 16fi20c; olds. Ml
10c; Pacific const, lflHi crop, 1216c; 1904
crop lfl&c: olds, mi inc.
IimEri-Steadv; Oalveston. 20 to 23 lbs
20c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 20c; Texas dry
to so I OS.. lo'C.
LKATH ER Firm: acli:. 26trt7c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 311.50
(tU.SO; beef hams. S21.0oi22.d0: packet, S10.6o
(ill. 50; extra India mess. S17.tu IS 50. Cut
Men t. steaay; pickled nams, iv.ibyv .75.
lj.rU. steady; western steamed, $7.3L'
refined. Irregular; continent, S7.75; South
America, S3.S0; oompiund. S5. 5016.75. Pork,
barely steady: family, 117. 18.00; short
clear, S'.4 onrfjin 25; mess, SI6.2H1 15.50.
TALIOW Barely steady; city, 4"ic; coun
1 try. 4"n4'(,c.
RK'B Steady : domestic, fair to extra,
fc; Japan, nomlnul.
POl'LTK V Live, steady; western chick
ens, 10c; fowls, 11c; turkeys. 14c; 'dressed
weak; western chickens, 9ai2c; turkeys,
M ."'; fowls. I"hllc.
BITTTER Irregular; street price, extra
rreaniery, zs'i3Vtc omciat prices: cream
ery. common to extra, 16u23c; state dairy
cumniPii to extra. lTfiic; renovated, com
nion to extra, 15n2c: western factory,
tummun to extra. iMjw-jc; western Imlta
tlon creamery, exir-i, lS,al9c; western
nrsts. l.ui-v'.
CHEESE Firm: state full cream, una
and large, colored and white. Ueotrmber
fancy, l.c; slate, October, choice, Uc
stale, lair iu kuiju, 1--C
i.uutt-rirm state, pennsyivan la an
nearby, fancy selected, white, 35c; state,
choice. 3uS3c; state, mixed extra. 2iic!
western, fine selected. 27c: western, average
best. 2(j26c; Kentucky. t-KuKc.
Wheat I I
Dec. SSS7 89 Vi txJ
May H9au', Wal . 881
July S4', i& MT,
a Dec. 47 47 ", i6
b Dec. 46s0'Vs ,
May 47 u 47 47
July 47 Hiht 474 46'it(47
Dec. 30Hfi",4 3iH, 3014
May S2WQ 2 3'.'fc
July 31S0i 31 81H
Jan. IS f!i 12 7C 12 67H
May 12 824 U 87H 12 H
Lard ,
Nov. 6 7H 7 KM 97V4
Dec. S5 I 90 6 86
Jan. , 6 82tj 6 874 6 824
May 7 02 4 7 024 7 0241
Ribs I
Jan. 6 65 6 60 6 65
May 774 6 W41 6 774
MlHaeapolla Uraia Market.
putents. $5 Mi 10: second patents, S4-7VW
4 v: nrst clears, u; wcond clears
BRAN In bulk. 811.60.
(Superior quotations for Minneapolis de
livery). The rantre of prices as reported
py r . u. uay at to. was:
Arltcles.l Open. Hlgo.l Low. I Close. I Yes'y
Wbeat- '
May...! 1 04 I
I 04 I 1 03M 1 03V
V. i. rat. Is.
do coupon .
V. I. la. r
do eonpon
do a
Atrhiaon gtn. 4a..
do adl. 4a
Atlantic C. U 4a.
alal. ft. Ohio 4a....
do I'ti
Brk. R. T. c. 4a.,
leef Stetn Tea Lowsr Cows and Cnmon
Ortda Teeders Lowtr, Oood 8tdj.
Receipts of Sheep Fair aaa nemaad
Eaaal o gapsly Fat ( Bheeo Bell
.Readily at Steady Flgaree
Dernaad for Feeders Liberal.
SOUTH OMAHA, Now. 8. 1906.
Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 6.971 8.097 30.1,1
Official Tuesday 6.?28 6 411 16,732
Official Wednesday StiO S.700 19.000
34, m
Colo, ft 80. 4a
Cuba 6a
D. ft R. O. 4a
Iilatlllara' Sac. (a
.10 'Wahaah la
tl I do dab. B
Erie prior I Ian 4a loss est era Md. 4a...
do fan. 4 It )W. ft L. B. 4a....
Hocklnt Val. 4S....HI IWla. Cantral 4a..,.
Japan la ti
, rr
. MS
Three days this week.. 18.399 K.V
Three days last week. ..25.865 16.527
Same Week before. 23. 66 17,8
Same three weeks ago.. 24. 4 J 13.780
Same four weeks ago...23.92 12.148
Same days last year.... 7,627 11.526
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at Smith Omaha tor
the year to date, comparing with last year:
1906 1904. Inc.
Cattle 8S4.134 793.620 90.614
Hogs 1,977.216 1.934.043 43,173
Sheep ,.1.754,836 1.636,515 218.421
The following table shows ths average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
l4 in im 4 to it fu 4 n
If m ... 4 i) II Ut IW I
aa lit ... 4 TO 41 1 it . 4 tS
14 fM IM 4 76 47 J4 40 4 MS
61 t4 HO 4 711 It IS7 ... 4 MS
II ITS 40 4 7!i 17 ... 4 MS
7 T 144 4 76 12 ISO 0 4 IIS
17 '..! ... 4 77S 6 t"J I1 4 MS
71 ITI ISO 4u ( 4A 4 IIS
41 fJ lan 4 n 41 r7 1 4 MS
a t 1M 4 10 66 17t l 4 MS
74 W4 U ID 41 :0 M 4 IIS
40 Ill H III H 261 tco 4 I7S
40 t?7 40 4 M 70 Jl 1411 4 k
64 14 40 4 an II III 40 4 U
61 TM ... 4 10 76 !? IJ 4 M
tl .IM ... 4 o T I7 ... 4 aS
l 14 ... 4 an (4 71 ... 16
J IM an 4 o 75 m4 0 4 6
46 IM 140 4 M 70 IS M 4 TS
14 til ... 4 10 61 !l ... 4 I7S
SHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning
Ttr: low medium, 27j.8c Montsna fine,
choice, 24Hi2"i"c; fine svemge. H'aJ'C, fine
medium choice, 2.lir7e: average, - jTtJtc,
staple and medium choice, OTJ2V.
ST. LtlCIS. Mo., Nov. 6 Wtxil-Steadt:
medium grades combing and clothing. fi
Sic; ll!ht fine. Juj.o; b.-avy hne, l-?ac.
tub washed. 3.Vi4l'c.
Coadltlon of Trade and Uaotatleaa oa
Staple and Faaey Prod see.
EOOS Csndled stock. WilSc.
LIVE POI I.TRY-Hens. 8c; roosters, he;
turkeys. lfrlc; ducks, fij4c; spring chick
ens, 114c
BR Pncklng stock. 15c; choice tn
dairy, 18fi!c; creamery, 21ti'il4c;
somewhst larger thsn the run for the pre- SI OA K-Standijrd grannlsteO In bbls,
ceding week and also larger than that of I Pt cwt ; c.iles. 40 per cat.; cut loaf
the same wt .k one year ago by about IS.000 ; 1or.?", A N.",-4 "U': t f RZSZV
1' S5 20 per cwt.; XXXX powdered. If. 20
a"' cwt.
head. About sixty cars aere recel
Trains were In In fairly good season tod
So that trade opened nulte active.
There was a fairly large run of fat stuff,
and as has been the case for the last few
days the larger part of the stuff In 1 ron- toied and dressed ,8c; pike. 10c; catfish, 18c;
FRESH FISH Trout 1011e: fisllbut. 13c;
buffalo, dressed. fc; pickerel, dressed, i4c;
white bass, dressed, 12c; sunflsh, nc; perch.
Date. I 1906. a9O4.1903.1102.l01.l00.189.
Boston Stocks and Itouds.
BOSTON, Nov. 8 Call loans, 54fi per
cent; time loans, 4445 per cent, official
quotations on stocks and bonds were as
Atchtaon adj. 4a 14 Advanturs
do 4a 10114 Allouai r
Max. Cantral 4a I01S Amalsamatad ..
Atchlaon MS Americas Cine
do pfd IMS Atlantic
Boaton ft Albany 16T nillhaol
Boston A Main .176 ICal. ft Hacla..
Bnaton Claratad 166 jOotannial
Fllrhburj pld 143 Copper Ranga .
Moilcan ( antral 134 Daly Waal
N. Y., N. H. ft H...I01 I'omlulon Coal
t'nlon PacKc 1S044 Franklin
Amer. Arga. Cham... 16 .Oranbr
do pfd M lata Royals ....
A mar. Pnau. Tuba.... T 6lara. Mining ..
140 Michigan
IMS' Mohawk
IMS Mont. C. ft C.
40s Old Dominion .
Oct. IS...
Oct 16...
Oct. 17...
Oct 18...
Oct. 19...
Oct. 20...
Oct. 21...
Oct. t2...
Oct. 2...
Oct. 24...
Oct. 2S...
Oct 26...
Oct. 27...
Amor. Sugar
do pro
Amar. T. ft T....
Aratr. Woolan ..,
do pfd
Dominion I. ft I .
Edlaon Elao. Illu.
Oanaral Electiio .
Maaa. Elactrle ....
do Dfd
Mill. Oaa
t'nltad yrult
Vnitad Bbos Mach
do Did
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
Wait Inf. common
Bid. "Asked.
noor comnarlson of earnings with last year.
884 The leadership of St. Paul In the decline
694 was of decided effect on speculative sent).
54;84W4 ment.
Monds were easv. lotat gnies. par value.
47 44 r 220 000. Tnlted 8tates bonds were all un-
44 changed on call.
474,4646" Following were the sales and range of
474 464 prices on the Stock exchange today:
Bules. High. Low. Close.
3030 T4 Adams Express 240
32H lVii 4 Amalgamated Copper 30,300 83 814 81
314 1 American u. & r .. a.vv 41
do pfd 100 1004 JWM 1004
12 6741 American Cotton Oil. 4,800 So 344 4i
12 7 1 uo pid
American Express...
6 974 Amer. 11. & U pfd...
6 85 American Jce sec...
6 824 American Linseed Oil
.7tt oo piq ....
1 Amer. uioomoiive.t. ra. tnj
6K6 do Dfd - 100 114 JJ4 114
6 774 American S. A R 40,400 1414 134 139
UU ilU.i
Amer. Sugar Renn..
Amer. Tobacco, p. c.
12 674
Li 85
7 00
6 90
' 6 86
7 024
6 674
6 80
lOO 2U 228
200 324 324
374 274l
704 - 684
Atlantic Coast Line.
Baltimore & Ohio....
do pfd
Brooklyn R. T
Canadian Pacific
Central of N. J
Cheasapeake & Ohio.
No. I. a Old. bNew.
tpt -,iTiiir..i-r. int.' u dOiRi Anaconda Mining Co,
4.20; winter straights, S3.754W.OO; spring pat- " "
enta. 14.006i4.3b: enlinil stratahts. I3.0lt.U0: ' u
bakers. I2.2oru3.30. 1
WHEAT No. Z spring, axiom: No. 3
gprlng. 8M&X64C: No. 2 red, 8tMib94c.
CORN rso. 2. oec: ro. 1 yeiiow, mc.
OATS No. 2. 304c; No. 2 white, 324i324c;
No. 3 white, 807320.
BARLEY 3ood" feeding, 384fi38?ic; fair Chicago & Alton
to choice minting, 40&49c. I Vir
CCCIa rVJa. 1 Msw D7Uni V'A 1 . n wt is MAa t I V 111' oau u. T
473 Hi i i- 4 v , a un. viiTlVi . x 11111 mnrot- I ... , ...
am. 11.00: nrlme tlmothv. 13.26: clover, con- 1 S1"0"!0 w
tract grade. S13.26.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per PW., Sli bii
14.00. I.ard, per 100 lbs.. 87.067.074- Short
ribs sides (loosel, 17.15ir7.25. Short clear
sides (boxed), S7.1247.26.
Following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Reoeipts. Shipments
no 125 124 124
6.6x0 HI 4 194 139'
8,700 107 106 100
5,200 884 87
117 4
159 169
1114 HI
7 97
54 764
400 161
7.5.0 112
'MO 97
50.601 784
26.600 1744 1724 17-2
100 2244 2244 224
4,0fO 644 634 634
100 334 834 33
3.600 214 04 204
2.300 221 218 2174
C. M. & St. P n,4tf 1794 1764 !'
Flour, bu....
Wheat, bu...
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Rye. bu
Barley, bu.
Chicago T. & T
do pfd
C, C C. A St. L
Colorado F. & I
Colorado A Southern
do 1st pfd ,
do 2d pfd
Consolidated Gas
.SS'ZS Corn Products
do pfd
Pelaware A Hudson.
I'JlS Unaware, L. A W.
4.1O0 1 rnve A t?lo flra nr
Denver A Rio Grande
do pfd...
6.9110 45
800 27'4
) 634
600 43 4
4,iM) 185
200 144
200 534
800 232
100 400
200 354
1814 181 4
134 134
53 h3
229 228
4) - 460
844 344
On the Produce exchange today the but- I Distillers' Securities.
ter market was steady; creameries, VWif 1 Erie
2I4c; dairies, 17J20c. Eggs, firm; at mark, I do 1st pfd
cases included, 20c; firsts, 22c; prime firsts.
24c ; extras, 26c. Cheese, firm, 12Vul3c.
Kansas City Gralu and ProTlsloas
changed to higher; December, M)c; May,
824c; cash: No. 2 hard, b2&b44c; No. 3,
boxgjtuc, ivo. 4. i.'usuc; rejected. 74vy75c;
No. 3 red, 04ti91c.
CORN Higher; December, 42c; May,
4sc. Cash. No. 2 mixed. 46c: No. 3.
4T, Am?on. "no' T ;whi?. ' ilHV Louis vllle ' & Nash.
ktIS", whUe aVii,304o; Manhattan L
u. o iniAru, H7ayuv.
HAY Higher; chi.lce timothy, S10.75ll.26
choice prairie, nncn.Da.
riri'J Bienoy, ooc.
do 2d cfd
General ElectrlQ
Hocking Valley
Illinois Central
International Paper. 2,800
do pfd 100
International Pump
do Dfd
Iowa Central .
do Dfd
K. C. Southern
do pfd.
81 4
2,6I0 1854
100 974
1834 183
974 X)
1.100 1774 174 176
.104 Oaraola
. 21 Parrot
.144 Qtilncr
.Ill Shannon
. II Tamarack ....
. 65S t'nltad Cuppar .
. 4 V. S. Mining...
.107 V B. Oil
. 72H Vtah
. UIS Victoria
.... 36S Winona
....102S, Wolrcrlne
... ta I North Bulla ...
. 74
. 40S
. U
. 64
. s
. (IS
. MS
. 77
. ll
. s
. 24
. 14
. 61
. JS
. MS
. S
. 74
,. 11
. ass
. in
.. 47
.. IS
,. S
Indon Closing stocks.
LONDON. Nov. 8. Closing Quotations on
the Stock exchange were as follows:
Consola. monar ... Ilt-H N.'T. Cantral 1S4U
do account r. Norfolk ft W aas
Anaconda as do pfd 9b
Atchlaon MS Ontario A W S5V
do pfd Iwa Pennaylvanla 74'.
riaitimora inio....lia Hand Mlnaa
Canadian Pacific . . ..!(' Kfadlng
..67 do lat pfd
.. S2S do id pfd
..UIS Southarn Railway
.. 17 do pfd
., 6!gontllern Paclflc ,
.. tis'l'nl Paclflc
.. 60i do p'd
KtSjU. S Htael
do prd
( bra. ft Ohio.
Chlcaso Ot. W
C, M. & St. P...
tic Baara
Danvar ft R. O...,
do pfd
do, lat pfd
do Id pfd
Illinois Central . ..,
Loulivllla ft Naah.
M., K. ft T
.. 76
do pfd
Spaaiah 4a
.. 71
.. 46
.. 11
.. 71
t. 12
.. 4
SILVER Rar. steady. 29 l-16d per ounce.
jmui. 1 m'os per cent.
The rate ot uiscount in the orven market
for short bills Is 44744 per cent; for three
iiiLiuiiH puis, 4 per -cent.
tw York Mining gtocks.
NEW YORK. Nov.' 8. Closing Quotations
on Tinning stocks were u.s,loIlows:
Braeca .
Brunawlck Con . .
Comatoclt Tunnal
Con. Cal. ft Vs..
Horn Silver
Iron Bllvar
Laadvills Con ...
.. 16
.. 44"
.. 60
.. 40
.. s
Little Chlaf
' imarto -
Sierra Navada
Small Hnpta .
.. I
.. 1
.. 11
.. 66
. . JU
.. 30
Foreign Financial.
LONDON, Nov. 8 -Money was much
Wanted In the market today for renav
ments to the Bank of England. The ten
dency was uncertain. Notification of the
repayment. of 870.Oou.Ooo of exchequer bonds
December 17 Indicates easier rates before
me year-end. Discounts were maintained.
I 11
6 10
I 104
0 u
1 144
5 14 I
6 094
t 01
4 IT74
I 11
I 0!
4 97
t 02
6 07
6 IS
t 17
B 22
6 2"'
t 08
I 4(1
ft 22
I 11
6 03
t m
1 1
6 26
6 00 I 18
T 001
T 16
7 031
5 82:
6 70
I 761
6 74
( 61
18 4 HI
ZJ 4 I'
6 03
I 96
6 tai
Oct. 28... I 4 92 I 4 961 6 081 51
4 US 4 !T nil l
Oct. 29
Oct. 80. .
Oct. 81..
Nov. 1 . .
4 94
4 92 I
4 844
4 SOU.
4 8741 86; 4 87
4 92
4 911 4 97
4 64
4 83 4 99
69 6 72
6 87
6 73
i 7:
4 64
4 62
4 611
4 68
4 61
4 61
4 4"1
t 26
4 It
4 10
4 II
4 It
4 IS
4 16
4 13
4 681 4 18
4 64 4 10
I 4 10
4 ti .
4 60 4 09
4 8741
4 874
4 K14
4 90
4 88
4 90
4 95
4 79 6 49
4 74 6 61
4 73 63
4 78 6 55
I 6 44
4 47i 4 03
4 61 4 01'
4 60 4 04
6i ; 4 w; 4 04
t 82 - a va
6 71 !
5 71
6 68
6 67
4 64
4 67
4 71
4 61
4 02
4 03
'Indicates Sunday.
The following table shows the prices paid
at the river markets for cattle:
Oood to choice corn-fed steers S6.4086.8o
Fair to good corn-fed steers 6.00ii6 40
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.00Hg.00
Oood to choice range beef steers.. 4.2o'i5.00
hair to good range beer steers.
n .1 1 1 k.ifi I FA
Fair to good cows and heifers 2.6vu3.30 79 Nebraska ewes ...
Fair to good western cows l.a"iH.7t
Canners and cutters 1.754(3.60
Oood to choice stockers A feeders. 3 7b'd4.10
Fair to good Blockers and feeders. 3.1bJ tw
Common to fair stockers A feeders 2.50(3.00
sheep. Buyers were out In the barns early
looking for desirable kinds of killing stuff,
and a lot of yearlings sold for 86.76, while
a lot of old .ewes brought 36.28. Both of
tnese prices, while not the hlgnest paid
this year, are considered good prices for
that kind of stuff. To sum the wholo thing
up In as few words as possible the situa
tion Is aa follows: Good choice killing
sheep, steady to strong, with the common
and medium class of killing stuff selling at
prices Just about steady with those of yes
terday. As has been the case for the last few
weeks the Inrger portion of the sheep re
ceived today consisted of feeders, with only
a sprinkling of lambs. There were quite a
number of country buyers In and local buy
ers were also out with a pretty liberal
bunch of outside orders, with the result
that the demand fof feeders of the more
desirable kinds were active, ad the most
of the stuff was going at prices that were
practically steadv with those of yesterday.
Generally speaking the market on feeders
was active and steady.
ljuutstiona on fat sfeai. and lambs'. Oood
to choice lambs. 3 76'a1.86; good to choice
yearling wethers. 85.764)8.10; good to choice
old wethers, S6.6OS6.90; good to choice ewes,
Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs:
Oood feeding lamba. 38.006.60: good feed
Ing SA 0r'rf.S0: good feeding weth
ers, S4.7ri4ifi.2C: feeder ewes, S4.0tXa : breed
ing ewes, S4.40Q4.7u.
representative sales:
357 Wyoming feeder ewes
1404 Idaho feeder lambs
3X5 Wyoming cull lambs
627 IVlaho feeder lambs
449 Wyoming ewes
645 Wyoming wethers
626 Wyoming feeder yearlings.
1!02 Wyoming feeder lambs
25 Wyoming feeder lambs
104 Nebraska lambs
117 native gnats
449 Wyoming ewes
3 native ewes
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha tl.6oi6.S6 M.6OH.90
Chicago 1.2566.25 4.466.15
Kansas City 1.76'06.a
St. Louis 2.0fy6.90 4.50j.05
SIOUX City 2.0Ofc6.50 i.'iWuM
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
. Caltle.Hoga.Sheep H'r's,
C, M. ASt. P. Ry. ..2 2
Wabash 2 .. ..
Mo. Pac. Ry 2
Cnlon Pae. Svstem ..15 3
C. A N. W. Hy 1 4
F., B. A M. V. R. R..100 . 19
C, St. P., M. A O. Ry. 12 6
B. & M. Ry 112 11
C, B. A Q. Ry 6 11
C, R. 1. A P., east.. 3 2
C. R. I. A P.. west.. S 1
Illinois Central 8
Chicago G. W 3 1
Total receipts 259
The disposition of the dny's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated
4M Nebraska wethers
10 native lambs
41 native lambs
90 native lambs
86 native lambs
. ffl
. 13
. 42
. 48
. 98
. 107
. S
. 62
. 64
. 64
. 96
. 101
.. 101
. 70
. 73
. 78
. 88
4 00
4 60
4 70
4 90
6 35
6 60
6 75
8 00
4 40
6 00
6 15
6 60
6 00
6 60
7 00
7 35
Cattle Steady to Weak Hosts Flro
Cents Lower.
ceipts, 24.000 head; market for best steady;
others weak; common to prime meem,
S3.15(j.40; cows, S2 75li4.10; heifers. 82.2rv8
5.00; bulls, S2.0fira4.25; calves, S2.0(Kti6.75;
Blockers and feeders, S21u&4.25.
HOGS Receipts, 23,0u0 head; market oc
lower; good to prime heavy, S-i.aV'uS .124;
medium to good heavy. S4.90ffi0.Oii; light
weight butchers', 36.05ig)6.124; good to
choice' heavy, 34.85S4.9S; packers, 34.30
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt's 26.000
head: market steady; sheep, .l.76ii6.25;
spring lambs, good to choice, S7.CKra7.75.
ew York Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2,750 head; good steers steady;
others very slow and selling at low na
Omnha Packing Co. .
Swift and Company .
Cudahy Packing Co. ...
Armour A Co
Vansunt A Co
Carey A Benton
Lobman A Co
McCreary A Clark
W.M. Stephen
Hill A Huntslnger
HuMon A Co
Hamilton A Rothschild
L. F. Huss
Wolf A Murnan
Mike Haggerty
J. B. Root A Co
Bulla A Kline
Other Buyers
Total 5.5C4 4,833 17.965
CATTI.K Recelnts of cattle this morn
ing were fairly liberal for a Wednesday
and, as has been the case for some time
past, the majority of the cattle received
ures: about three cars cattle unsold; bul
j and cows generally steady; native steers,
Pat He Hoas Sheen S3.60rgu.10; two cars extra fin Die, red, so. hi;
1'Vl Wl m ! bulla. S2.10ra3.50; cows, tl.35Ji3.00; Liverpool
o ikm 1 i and London cables unchanaed. Shipments
'-' "'ri...-- , .... ... , 1 K Asw
1 441 1 757 loaay, 34 live came, av sneep anu b,4w
L438 t873 Uuarters or beef. .
LALV6B rveceipis, l.KfQ llfau, lliaiari
slow and 25c lower all around; about
seventy-five head unsold; veals, 84.00iflW.26;
few tops, S650: general tops. SS.00; little
calves. 33.l'fl3.oO; grassers, S2.60ffj2.76;
westerns. S2.754i4.O0; dressed calves dull;
city dressed veals, pi&124c per pound;
country dressed, 7jll4c.
HOGS Receipts , 11.824 head; market
slow; state and Pennsylvania hogs, Ib.Wf
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9o26
head; sheep steady: lambs weak to 10c
11,432 I lower; seven cars unsold: sheep. 3.50ns.&o;
etlllS. .tXJt(ld !'; mnios. Sl.ouill l.w, senemi
top, S7.50; culls, SO.oofU'j.oo; no tjanaaaian
. 58 ,
. 135
. 138
. 100
. 91
. 67
. 10
. 168
. 63
. 178
'. 116
. 60
. 546
red snspper. 10c; salmon. 11c; crapples, 12c;
eeia. isc; rmiineads. 11c; black tass. ;
whlteflsh, 12c; frog legs, per dos., S6o; lob
sters, green. 27c; boiled lobstera, 30c; shad
roe. 45c; bluefish, 15c; herring. 4c.
HAT Prices quoted bv Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: No, 1 upland, 87;
medium, 3 00rfj6.&0; ccarsa, 36.
BRAN Per ton. S12.
ORANGES Valencia, all sixes. U OOtj .50;
Florida, ell sixes. S3 7i.fl4.PO.
LEMONS Lemonleia. extra ttney, 240
lxe. S5 : 800 and 30 sites, SC.
DATES Per box of 30 1-lb. pkgs.. V;
Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 64o;
walnuts, stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs., S3 per dos.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, TMTtlic:
Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; 5-crown, 14c,
BANANAS Per mediuni-slsed bunch, SI. 75
62.26; Jumbos, S2 60 3 00.
PEARS Utah, Klefeii. and Vicars, t-; De
An go, 82.76. .
APPl.KS-Ben Dsvis and Wlnesaps, In
S-bu. bbls., S3.6O44O0: in bushel basgets. SI;
California Hellfloweis. 11.60; Colorado Jona
than and Grimes' Golden, S2.00tj2.10; New
lork apples, 84 60 per bbl. v
GHAt'ES New Vork Concords, per 8-lb.
basket, 22c; Muscats, per 4-busket crate,
11.76; Tokays, per 4-basket crate, 31-76.
QUINCES Michigan, per bu., 2.60.
CRANBERRIES Early Braces, 38.60 per
bbl.; Bell and Cherry, 8S.50.
POTATOES-New, per bu., 60c
ONIONS Home-grown yeiiow. red and
white, per bu., 60c; Spanish, ier crate. Si -4o.
WAX BEANS Per 4-BU. basket, 2a36ci
string beans, ier 4-bu. box, 2fud6o.
bh.ANS Navy, per bu., S2.00.
CL'CCMBERS Per dos., 26c.
CABBAGE Home-grown, In elates, per
lb., 140.
BEL, T8-New, per bu., 70c.
CELERY Kalamasoo. per dos., 25c.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per S-bu.
bbl , S2 60.
Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Ribs No.
1, 124c; No. 2, 84c; No. S. 6c. Round
No. 1, 7c; No. 2, 64c; No. 3, 64c Loins No.
1, 154c; No. 2, 10c; No. 3. 74c. Plates-No.
1. 8c; No. 2, Sc; No. 8. 24c Chucks-No.'
1, 44c; No. 2, 3c; No. S. 3c.
HONEY New, per 34 ios S3.60.
CHEESE Swiss, new, 15c; Wisconsin
brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c; twins,
L!4c; young Americas, 134c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb.. 134c; hard shells, per lb., 12c;
No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 11c. Pecans, large,
per lb., 15c; small, per lb., 134c Peanuts,
per lb.. 7c; roasted, per in., sc.. v.nui wal
nuts, per lb., 12tflS4c. Almonds, sort shells,
per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Slicll
bark hickory nuts, per bu., 31.76; large
hickory nuts, per bu.. 31-60. Chestnuts, 160
per lb. Cocoanuts, 84.00 per sack of 100.
HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 2 green, Sc;
No. 1 salted, 104c; No. 2 salted. 84c; No. 1
veal cair. He; No. a veal calf. c; dry
salted, "ft He; sheep pelts, 26cgS1.00; horse
hides, Sl-fcW&SOO.
Cotton Market.
market was active and excited, with prices
undergoing a sensational break after the
publication of the census report, showing
6,483,646 bales ginned to November 1. The
closing was 7 to 10 points up from the
lowest, but barely steady at a net decline
of 266'29 points. Sales were estimated al
200.010 hales.
good business done; prioes 4 points higher;
American middling fair, 6.65d: good mid
dling, 6.27d; middling, 6. lid; low middling.
6.96d-, good ordinary. 5.77d; ordlnsry, 5.51d.
The sales of the day were 14,000 bales, of
which l.OOO were for speculation and ex
port snd Included 1SS0 American. Re
ceipts, 29.000 bales, Including 20,600 Ameri
can. ST. LOI'IH. Mo.. Nov. 8 COTTON
Quiet; middling, 114c; sales, 64 bales; re
ceipts, 1.000 bales; shipments, 20S bales;
stock, 13,350 bales. -- ,
Prices on the Stock exchanae were mostlv 1 nnsiated of the common aud medium
Arm, the Board of Trade returns being j grade stuff. Trains were in In fairly good
chiefly responsible. There waa a bullish
tendency, but the transactions were light.
Consols hardened on the exchequer bond
redemption. Home rails were buoyant on
the Board of Trade figures nd satisfactory
statistics. Americans opened firm pending
the receipt of Wall street's opening quota
tions, when they relapsed, see-sawed and
closed eay. Foreigners were Irregular.
Japanese imperial Ca of 1104 were quoted at
PARIS, Nov. 8. Trading on the Bourse
was Inactive and at the close prices were
heavy. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted at
91. 36 and Ruvslan bonds of 1904 at 627.
BERLIN, Nov. 8. Trading on the Bourse
today was quiet.
Met. Securities
Metropolitan St. Ry.
Mexican Central
1 1 1 1 .. b- at f
VrU5HIl.r- II Usenet an Van... nam, I i" "'"cal r ".T 5V' !'
X-.. Q ........ ,,1 t I . . .1 . - . I Dl. -
count. 21c; cases returned, 4c. less,
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu I65.O11O lilo.ouO
Corn, bu 87.0UO 91,oi)
Oats, bu SO.OuO 291,000
I Open, i High. I Low. Close.
Wheat I
Dec 7H'il8vH4 W4 7974
May 81444 4 814 824
Corn I
Dec 41MT4 4244 414 42
May 414. a 424 414 424
Dec i4 294 194 294
May 304 3041 304 304
May 12 7o 13 75 12 70 12 75
Jan 12 60 12 60 13 60 IS 66
May 6 91H93 97 6 ei2 65
Jan ' 77tuOi 6 80 4 77so 6 80
S.OOO 1504 14SH 1AM j,
1IIO Iboft 1054 loo
2.900 794 774 77
S.200 LI.4 111 121
1.9U0 134 234 234
3 0 139 139 137
do Dfd I'M 1634 1034 161
MIhsouH Paclno 36.ftuu 102 984 9sTi
Missouri, K. A T 17i0 36 314 94 v,
do pfd 300 70 69 ' 64
National Lead 6.4oO 624 t"'i 6114
N. R. R. of M. pfd.. HO 36 36 Si
New York Central... 9.7no 1514 1494 14
N. Y.. O. A W 1,700 64 634 634
Norfolk A Western.. 4.300 86 854 8S
do pfd 914 Market.
Unchanged: extra western creamery. 23c;
nearby prints. 24o.
EGG Firm: nearby fresh, loss off. 29c;
nearby fresh, 28c, at mark; western fresh,
Use. at mark.
CHEESE -Firm: New York full creams,
fancy. 134411134c; choice, 13134c; fair lm
good. 124$ 12c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA Nov. 8 CORN-Ftrm; new No.
t yellow, 46V'; No. 3. 46c: new No. S,
46c; new No. 4, 444c: iew no grade. 434c.
OATS Firm ; No. S white, Si4c; No. 4
white. !itic.
WHISKY-On the basis of $130 ror fin
ished goods.
Dalalh l.raia Market.
llVU'TII. Nov. --WHEAT To arrive:
X northern, btlSc; N. i northern, 844c.
Visible Supply of tiraln.
NEW YORK. Nov. t Special cable and
telegraphic communications reported Dy gt. L Southwestern.
Bradstreel a snow tne toiiowing cnanges do pfd
in viBioie supplies aa cvmpareu wnn iusi
Wheat, United 8tates and Canada east
Rockies. Increased !.4,0u0 bushels; afloat
for and In Europe, decreased. 2,".i'J0
bushels; total supply, Increased, 2.7O4.00U
Corn, United States and Canada east
Rockies, decreased, 272.0UO bushels.
Oats, United States and Canada east
Rockies, total not made up.
The leading Increases reported this week
are 2.4!H,00o bushela In Manitoba, 49,0ij0
bushels at the Chicago private elevators,
300.000 bushels at Port Huron, lll.uuO bush
els at Omaha. 81 Onfl bthes st Portland
Me., 75.0110 bushels at the Minneapolis pri
vate elevators. 6n,000 bushela al Onderlch.
Ont , and to.QOO bushels at the Milwaukee
private elevators.
The leading decreases are 156.0il bushels
at IJncoln and vicinity and 6u.uu0 bushels
at Ogdensbui'g.
North American ....
Pacific Mall ,
Peoples Gas
P., C.. C. A St. L...
Pressed Steel Car...
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car.
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Republic Steel .
do pfd
Rock Island Co
do pfd
Rubber Goods ,
do Dfd
St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd. 1,2"0
Southern Pacific ..
do pfd
Southern Railway
do pfd
Tennessee C. A I..
Texas A Pacific ..
T., St. L. A W
do pfd
Union Paclflo
do pfd
l 8. Express
U. S. Realty
U. S. Rubber
do pfd
U. S. Steel
do pfd
600 874 9H4 9U'
300 47 4)14 46
43.100 1424 1404 14"4
2 1044 I08 102',
100 81 81 10
3.300 61 4 60 494
..264,100 H3 1374 L0
3KJ t 'Ji VI
2.oJ lo4
1.3J 264
Mllwaakee Grain Market.
No. 1 noilhern. fkiib3c: No. 2 northern.
a6civo; December. Sue, asked.
. RYE Ixiwer; No. . Tl-rf a 73c.
BA RLE Y Steady ; No. t. 65c; sample,
CORN Good demand; No. S, He; May,
474c. asked.
. Liverpool Grain Market.
firm: No. S red. western winier. 6s Jd;
futures firm: December, 74 Sd: May, 7s.
CORN Snt steady; American mixed.
5a M; futures firm, January, 4 v4d; March,
4s 54X
644 64 644
234 23 21
68 674 674
70 64 684
36 S5 347,
99 99 99
94S 91 92
344 34 84
6,Sv 1324 130S 1"4
I.O06 614 604 6e4
KM 10H Iu l.jg
41.6u0 IS l4 3,4
17,9ii0 li4 1024 1024
St. Loots General Market.
ST. LOiriS. Nov. 8-rWHEAT-Hlgher;
No. 2 red cash, elevator, 90ii93c; track, Wu
944c; December, 86c; May, 894c; No. 2
bard. M44!c.
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, 49c; track.
49c new, 60411 60c old; December, 444c;
May. 444c
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 304c; track.
314c; December. 804c; May, 3240; No. 2
white, 31ii)32c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents,
S4.20& 4 36; extra fancy and straight, S3 70
4.16: clear. S2.9otg3.ia
SEED Timothy, steady. 32.6068.00.
CORN MEAL Steady. S2.60.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. 69Ur70c.
HAY Steady: timothy, SS.OOa 14.00: prai
rie, 37 50rit IU.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
tl4.75. . Lrd, higher; prime steam, S6.824.
Iry salt meats, steady; boxed extra Bhorts,
17.75; clear Ti be, 88.00; short clears, S8.26.
Bauon, steady; boxed' extra short, S8.50;
clear ribs. $8.75: short clesr. 9.Ct?.
POULTRY Dull; chickens, 74c; springs,
894c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 10c; gees. 8c.
BUTTER Firm; - creamery, 19'fe244c;
dnlrv. 18t?lc.
ECiGS Higher, 204c case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 6.000 11.000
Wheat, bu 75.0u0 49.0t
Corn, bu ".. 60.0110 So.000
Oats, bu 68,000 78,000
Metal Market.
Va.-Caro. Chemical. !3,0u0 36 36 35,
do pfd 3.4tJ bi 1074 lt7
vtanasn ai ji 21
do pfd a) 414 404
vvens-rargo express
Westlnghouse Llec.
700 173
5o0 934
Western Union
Wheeling A L. K
Wiscutisin Central... 300 S9 394
do pfd l'K) tk
Northern Ilaciflc 2.70 Sttu 9114
Central Leather 444 434 434
do pfd oa) I06 1W4 lt4
Sloss-tiherneld Steel. 4'0 ,14 70
Kl -dividend.
Totul sales for the day. 1.139.300 shares.
Bank t learlags.
OMAHA Nov. 8 Bank clearings for to
day were Sl.3v0.3l9.93. and for the correspond
ing date last year S1.1LU.172 86.
Treasnra- Statesaeat.
WASHINGTON. Nov. t Today's state,
uienl of the treasury balances In ths fan-
London tin market was unchanged as com
pared with Monday's closing at 11.0 7s 'id
for spot and at 149 15s for futures. Lo
cally the market was steady, with spot
quoted st S33 tnKri33.20. Copper was higher
abroad, particularly on spot, which closed
St 1 up from Monday at 73 6s. said to be
due to speculative conditions, while futures
were only 6a higher at 71 10s; the local
market remained quiet, with lake quoted
at 316 S7WU16.76. elertrolvtlc at tli.264H6.624
and casting at (16 0C&16.874. Lead was
firm and a shade nigner at 15 it 6d In
London; locally the market Is Arm, with
supplies for thirty-day shipment quoted st
86.15, ranging up to $5.36 for prompt spot
delivery. Snelter was also higher,
closing at 28 7a td: locally the market was
quiet and unchanged at 86 lOfiMi.20. Iron was
lower In the English titurket. Standard
foundry Is quoted at So 9d and Cleveland
warrants at bis d; the local nmi knt Is rt
ported firm at recent prices; No. 1 northern
foundry and No. 1 southern foundry st
SI7.264t1S.7S and No. 1 northern foundry and
No. 2 sou' hern foundry. 8l7.75raisV.s.
ST. IX3U1S. Nov. 8 M ETALS Lead. Arm
St $6.20. Spelter, dull at $6.
. Coffe Market.
market for coffee futures opened steady
at unchanged prices without paying much
attention tu the lower European cables.
Trading was very quiet during the early
ae anion and the market continued on
about the Initial basis until near the close,
when there was a scattering demand and
ths market was finally steady net un
changed to t points higher. Sales were
reported of 63 Ono bags. Including Novem
ber at 16uc; December, 150r7tOc; Janu
ary, 60c; February, 76c; March. t.Mwt
SV May. Tc: July, 1 15r7 20o; September,
I.SttrtiHj; October, t4i'7.4oo. fjpot Rio
U41 at I4Q64Q.
sesson this morning, so mat tne stun
was in shape to be shown at a reasonably
early hour.
There were only a few loads of fed
cattle here and, following up their de
termination of yesterday to put thorn
lower, buyers succeeded In forcing prices
on beef steers in general down about loc
in some cases. Sellers were Inclined to
hold onto the stuff In hope of the mar
ket Arming up a little and It looked
from some of the sales as though a few
of the cattle sold at prices that were
almost steady with those of yesterday,
but In most cases the beef steers sold
generally 10c lower than yesterday.
Cows and heifers were also off consid
erable from yesterday: there was a fairly
good supply, but buyers seemed to be out
with the Intention of buying cows lower
and their bidding In most cases was lower
than yesterday, and as they held. Arm In
their determination to buy the stuff lower
and sellers were unwilling to let go at
the prices they offered, the market on
rows was slow and closed off considerably
from yesterday. The bent class of stuff,
however, found ready sale and in a few
cases it went at prices that were Just
about steady with those of yesterday.
Taken as a whole, the market on cows
was slow to generally 10c lower.
Feeders and stockers were In good sup-
fily, but, as has been the case for some
Ittle time, the most of the rattle were
of the common and medium grades. The
speculators In the lower yards appear to
be pretty wen stocaea up with that kind
of stuff and were not overly willing- to
take much more of that cIhss of feeders:
and at the same time country buyers were
sll trying to get the best kind or stuff,
with the result that common and medium
grades of feeders sold st prices that were
generally lower than those of yesterday,
while the choloe kind of stock went at
prices thut were Just about steady. Rep
resentative Bales:
A. Pr. No.
711 I 60 61
lllg; Clioice exutlll nuu umnnni 1 ; ,
S5.0oft5.8O: fair to good. S3.6.xy 1 Jct1ulat: ,onfn .
1 steers. $2.75(i"4.65; stockers and f 6-6c ; cent rf igal
KC04.20; southern steers. t2.irrf lows, 8 3-l(M4c; 1
Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 16.600 head. Including 350 Southerns.
Market steady to snane lower; siocaers ana
feeders, strong; choice export and dressed
beef steers,
4.80; western
feeders. JltrKti
3.76; southern cows, S1.76y2.90; native cows,
S1.7.V02.90; nstive neuers. .omrji. re; duiis,
$2,004(3.00; calves. $2.26-6.25.
HOGS Receipts. 16.000 head. Market 5c
higher; top. $5.00; bulk of sales, $4.90f4.95:
heavy, S4.95ifi5 00: packers. $4.S74,St-974; pig"
and lights, $4.5054.924. , . .
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000
head. Market strong. Nstive lambs, $5.50
7.50: western lambs, $5.507.60: ewes and
yearlings. S4.5oril6.00; western clipped year
lings, $5. 26416.00; western clipped sheep,
$4.2666.00; stockers and feeders, $3.75&4.75.
St. Loo la Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. S.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
,0U) head, Including 1.300 Texans; slow to
weak: native shipping and export steers,
U.nrgi 90; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$2.75n6.20; steers under 1, lbs., $2,754(4.28;
stockers and feeders, $2.O04f3.4O; cows and
heifers, S2.0iki4 35; canners, $1.76iU3.10; bulls,
$2,104(2.76; calves. $3.oiti6.00; Texas and In
dian steers, $2.25fj3.66; cows and heifers,
$2. 01KS 2 90.
HOGS Receipts. 8.500 head; steady; pigs
and lights. $4.60?j4.9o; packers. $4,5045.00;
butchers and best heavy. $4.854t6.05.
' SHEEP AND LA MPS- Receipts. S&ifl
bead; market steady; native muttons, $4.00
16611: lambs. $5.5oU7.4o: culls and bucks.
S2 &!- 75; stockers, $3.604t4.25; Texans. $3.00
13 .
A. Pr.
.12.12 4 76
.1011 4 16
.lllfil 4 J
.1374 10
.1211 i It
.... to! 4 00 tl
....1214 4 40 ii
....1124 4 40 tl
.... 4 tl 16
111 4 73
W. B. Hardman Neb.
26 feeders.. 1177 S 30
Mike Elmore Neb.
26 heifers.. 713 2 60 32 cows S10 t 10
18 culves... 219 4 25 20 cows 923 2 46
J. M. Carey A Bros. 8. Dak.
1 steer 1050 3 25 1 steer luOO S
St. Joseph Lire Stork Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 8 CATTLE Receipts.
5,3ii3 head; steady: natives. S3.6T.fr6.fcO', cows
and heifers. $1 50f4.65; stockers and feed
ers. $2.7541.1 90.
HOGS Receipts. 11.186 head; weak: light,
tl 7f.', , 4 1 - m,liiim and heavv. il.Rli(il4 lav
SHEEP A 11 1.AMHB Itecelpis, 3 ojI " " nritige 10 Ainilr.l .
Sugar and Molasses.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8.-8UGAR-Raw.
quiet; fair refilling, 2 13-I6c: centrifugal. 96
test, 3 7-16C molasses sugar, 2 9-lrVq 24c. Re
fined, quiet; No. 6, 4c; No. 7. S.96c; No. 8.
8.90c; No. 9. 8.8ftc; No. 10. S ftOo; No. 11.
3.76c; No. 12, 3.70c; No. 13, 8. 66c; No. 14.
3.65c; conftctioners' A. 4.45c; mould A.
4.96c; cutloaf and crushed, 6.80c; powdered,
4.70c; granulated. 4.ic; cubes, 4.86c.
ket quiet; open kettle, centrifugal. S 3-11'
Whites. 3 11-164J3NC; yel-
seconds, 2Vn3c.
MOLAS8E3-pen kettle. 27fi32c: centrifu
gal, 27c. Syrup. 26327c.
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO, Nov. 8-SEEDR-Clover. cash.
$8.10; December, $.224; February, $8,274;
March, 8x324: prime alslke, $8.00; prime
timothy, $1.55.
Cotton Statistics. ' '
WASHINGTON. Nov. 8 -The census bu
reau Issued a bulletin today showing that
up to November 1, 6,483,646 bales of cotton
had been ginned In this country. Round
bales are counted as half balsa.
Instruments filed for record November 8:
Chas. Goldsmith to Carrie Goldsmith,
ot 1, block 1, O'Neill's Sub $ 1
T. E. and W. Wood to Jno. and Mary
Burchmore, lot 16, block 8. Clifton
Hill j,7u(i
Emma von Wlndhelm to H. O. von
Windhelm. undivided two-fifths of
lot 7, block 174. Omaha 8 m
Bankers' Savings and lyian associa
tion to M. D. Cameron, lot 8, block
2, Boulevard Terrace 1
J. M. Patterson to H. B. Windham.
trustee; e244 feet lot 6, Key's Sub. 1,5)10
R. B. Windham, trustee, to Rea F.
Patterson, same 13 urn
Ellzalietli A. Tupper et al to A. w!
partridge, lot 3. Utarr s Sub 1
head; steady ; native lambs, $7.60.
steer 9M) 1 in
24 steers.... 1175 $ 26
steers., ..122a S 26
61 steers.. ,.U63 S 26
1 steer 1090 8 26
1 steer 1240 S 25
1 COW 1000 S 60
IS cows 983 2 60
3 steers... lis3 S 25
19 steers ... 452 S 75 11 feeders.. So 1 ut
23 feeders.. 8..0 S 40 3 cows Iyu3 2 65
10 COWS 968 2 40
C. F. Webb, Wyoming.
24 feeders.. 8 4 00 20 cows lo 00
1 feeders . 876 2 80 16 feeders. . 600 3 60
HOGS Receipts of hogs this morning
were rather small and most of the stuff
was on the market at a reasonably early
hour, with the exception of a few cars that
were held back by a wreck on the Union
PaclAc. Owing to the light run and the
favorable reports from the other principal
markets early In the forenoon the market
st this point opened generally steady with
that of yesterday and perhaps a little slow.
The feeling, however, In spite of the steady
market, was apparently a little weak, but
as the trading progressed this weak feeling
gradually increased until at the close of the
market, when It apparently weakened still
more In sympathy with me eastern mar
kets and closed off perhaps a trifle easier.
The traders this morning were somewhat
given tu bunching sales and there was a
little stronger feeling on the heavier kind
of hogs, while the feeling on the light
weight stuff was Inclined to be a little
easier, with the result that there was con
siderable bunching done, with the lutge
portion of the sales at 11 suajt Sc. Tops were
at $4 90. This Is 24c lower than yesterday s
top, but nevertheless the market on hogs
wss practically steady wlU) yesterday.
Representative sales:
Ha. At Sfc. PT Ku Sk rr.
11 Ill ... 4 64 11 tit 140 4 64
Slous Cltr Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. S.-(Special tele
gram CATTLE Receipts. 80o head; mar
ket steady; beeves. $4lXKii5 5o; cows, hulls
and mixed, $2.00'a3.26: stockers and feeders,
S2.7i.fl 3 76; calves and yearlings, $2 5fu3i.
HOGS-Recelpts. 4.000 head; market,
shade lower, Belling at $4 7WJ4.86; bulk of
sales. $4.754.77.
Stock In Sight.
Receipts of live, stock at the six prlnclpul
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
. . 6.7i
.. 3.3i3
.. S.t(
8.700 19,000
IS.O11O , S.ono
11.186 1.551
59.SHJ 64.3M 64,061
South Omaha
Sioux City
Kansas City
St. Joseph ...
St. Ixuls
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Nov. 8 The wool market Is
active and Arm. Territory half-bloods con
tinue tn active demand. Fine clothing had
a movement at 7o4j72c. The short California
and Texas Wools are without much call,
but Oregon eastern staple met with much
activity at 75&77c clean. A new feature of
the week has been the widespread demand
for Australian lambs from the underwear
mills. For the first time in the history of
the wool trade, they are selling on a clean
basis at the same prices 'hut domestic
territory is. namely. 76c. Pulled wools are
doing a little better. Foreign wools are
Arm. leading quotstlnns follow: Ohio snd
Pennsvlvunia XX and above, X. 34
36c; No. 1. nr?i41c; No. 2, 4t41c; fine un
washed. 28j20c; one-fourth blood, un
washed. r.4(rtJ5o; three-eighths blood. UtU
36c; one-fourth blood. S4u35c; unwashed
delaine. iti:ilc: unmerchantable, S1W32C;
Ane washed delaine. 37'q374o. Michigan
fine unwashed. 27'ijic; one-quarter blood
unwashed. 33.'j34c; three-eighths blood,
4c; one-half blood. S3'H34c; unwashed de
laine, 28c Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three
eighths and one-iuartr blood. 3Ct(.'c.
Territory Idaho. Ane. 2--'Ti23c; heavy fine.
19a2uc; fine medium, tiuii: medium, HH
low medium. 27riiJw; Wyoming An.
22'i-"3c: heavy flue, lfc'erioc; Ane medium,
23u 24c; medium. Ti'H'Jw. low medium. 27c.
Utah and Nevada, flue. ZVnic; heavy line
liy-'vc; Ane medium, 23g.34e; medium, 229
P. Clurk. same tv.
Ernest and W. Sweet to J. K. BadRe-
row. e72 feet lots.l, 2 and 3, block
2. Binlthfleld a,
J. P. and W. Coffey to Jno. Davles.
e4 lot 7. block "M." Lowe's ad.... l.pai
W. I. and W. Dallas to Eric Miller
e40 feet of nl3o feet lot 12. In sub.
of block "A." Reservoir ad...: 1
Teresle Suchy to Chas. Komrofskl,
Jr.. s78 feet lot "G." Itasca ll's ad.
to Okahoma J (no
W. S. and W. Curtis to F. H. Chick-
erlng. 04 lots 14 and 16, block i9.
Dundee Place 4 000
Anna Brocker to 8 V. Neble, south
part lot 8, Redlleld's ad 611O
Benson I And Co. to P. H. Lane.
blocks 97 and 9S. Benson ... SO00'
A. T. and W. Ayers to Pearl A.
Welshans. 4 lot 39, Nelson's ad .. 400
Bessie Kavan and heirs to Frits
Btanainger, lot 21, Urexr-I A M s.
ad 400
Mathiaa Schlnonlts and wife to same,
lot 23, same 1,000
F. L. Goodrich and wife to same,
same j
J. C. Drexel et al to same, same 1
Edith M. Patrick to KlUabeth M
Shahan. lot 10. block 8. Patricks
2nd ad 1
W. W. Lytle and wife to J. M
Browne, sub. lot .13 and part sub.
lot 12 In lot S In 1615-13 1
E. D. Samson, trustee, to E. R.
Hume, lot 10, block 8. Cote Bril
liants 40
P. E. Elsasser and wife to 8 F.
Ncble, a tract in ne4 ne4 341613 1
United Slates to C. W. Hamilton, net,
Sheriff to Sarah J. Haves, lot SO,
block 21, Walnut Hill 395
Total amount of transfers $42,804
F. D. Day & Co.
Dealers In
Stock. Grain. Provision.
ablg Year Grain to I'a.
trasek uric. lin-tSl Board of Tra !
Hld.g., Omaha. !4-. Talaohasa S814.
312-214 Exchangf adg.. South Omaha
Ball 'fboaa tia. Aadapeodaat Psuag t