Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Charges Less
Than All Others
Medical Expert
Seldom HounMed: Never Surpassed!
Men and their physical welfare has
been the business of tils life.
For 30 Years
Dr. MoGrew has Riven his entire attention
to LnBeases and Uisordnrs of Men.
20 Years in Omaha
30,000 Cases Cured
Nervous Debility. Loss of Strength and
Vitality. , ,
Poor Memory, lejtpoiilem-y, and All
I'nnaturul Weaknesses of Men.
U is to this particular das of men that
tle doetor extends hlw greatest sympathy
(or among tlilH chii'S of stf t'erers ure found
thoe who are completely discouraged. All
airioitl'in for life Is- none. To ln-lt, these
men, to encourage these men and Instill
Into them new life. ii-w f-m;;-i(te, grcut-r
ambitions. h:is Ixen one of Dr. McOrew's
greatest professional efforts. His charges
Tor treatment for this r!aH of cilieesos ure
I .nt little more thun the cost of medicine.
Ho has made It possible for nil men, re
gardless of their financial condition to
become strong, ambitious und useful.
Stricture Cured
In many cases by a single treatment, at
:narges so low thut any one no matter how
pour can easily pay.
Hot Springs Treatment
Tor Blood Poison. Syphilis and all diseases
of the blood. No breaking out on the Bkin
or face und nil external signs of the dls
i rise dlsanpear at once. v
churges arn within the reach of all.
,. Hit Homo Treatment
has permanently cured thousands of cases
of Chronic Nervous. Rectal Kidney and
Kladder and Skin Dlsenses at small cost.
Save time and money by describing; your
case and write for FREE BOOK and term
of treatment. Medicine sent In plain pkg.
Treatment bj Mall. Consultation Free
Office open every hour from 8 a. m.
to 8: 30 p. 111. Sundays from 8 a. m. to
4: SO p. ni. Office 213 Booth Four
teenth St., between Itouglaa and Far
nam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
1 r
b a
ZShe Best of
The Only Double
Track Railway
to Chicago
HOV. 27th
Indiana, Michigan. Ohio,
Pennsylvania, New York,
Ontario, Kentucky
City Offices
14011403 FAR NAM ST.
tel. es4-eet
We use our own name
In our business; you know
who you are doing busi
ness with.
1'oaaultatloa Free
6L0GD POISON ,ureJ f"r "f'' oon vry
1 -I- ' U,-M" sIkii. symptom tsores on in mouth, fngun. throat. Imlr and
eyebrows falling out) disappear completely
WeiE'-enous, Men Vl.a
nerrous debility, early decline, lack ot vinor
unit stientrth.
('BINARY, Kidney and Bladder Troubles
N eak Back. Burning Trine, frequency (f
I'rlitating. t'rine liisli Colored or with
Milky Sediment on standing.
Treatment by mail 14 years OF SI'C
ner of Hth and PoukIus, Omaha. Neb.
Want a
Best Want Ad will
. ufct yon one quickly
at aniaU coat
I a.
irigin.l f Last Tt.Umsnt cf lata F.
Winoh Given t lean.
Had Been Missing for Teral Tears,
While the Estate InrolTed Has
Been Subject of Intermin
able Litigation.
Seth F. Winch's Ion lost will has been
found. Attorney E. E. Thomas brought
it to Judge Sears Wednesday afternoon,
saying- he had found It among some papers
In his office. The paper was at once sent
to the county court.
It will be recalled that at heatings In
the county and district courts In cases
Involving this will Mr. Thomas admitted
that he was the last man who had It
before Its disappearance. He came Into
possesion of It as assistant county at
torney several years ago, and afterward
appeared In the courts as counsel for
those who were opposing the probating
of the will and the carylng out of its
provisions. In the last trial Involving
the will. Judge Sears upheld the Thomas
side of the argument and later overruled
a motion for a new trial.
Now the attorneys for the proponent of
the will, Mrs. Miranda J. Bteen, at on
time the wife of Winch, asserts that the
resurrection of the Instrument puts a
materially different aspect on the case
and that there will be a new trial. In
the former trials, while a copy ndmltted
to probate was lit evidence, the testimony
was contradictory us to the term, of the
will, and there was a contention that
Winch had mude two wills.
Doctor's Certificate Attached.
The will of Mr. Winch is dated Novem
ber 3n, 1X91. Accompanying It Is the cer
tificate of Dr. Peter von Iackum, testa
tor's physician, netting forth that he was
then of sound mind and body and com
petent to make a will. There isalso a
provision In the instrument itself to the
effect thut any devisee who should con
test the provisions of the will was not 10
participate in the property.
Sarah M. Winch, the first wife, was to
have all the property in Providence, R.
I., during her life, and at her death the
three daughters were to have it. They
were also left $50 a year for pocket money.
Each grandchild was also to have toO;
Mrs. E. M. Anthony of Chicago, a sister
of Winch, $3,000; a like sum was to be
Invested for the benefit of Sally Ramsey,
wife of a brother; a niece, Mrs. Hannah
Alden of Boston, $2,000, and $50 to her
daughter. Hazel.
Following these bequests is the portion of
the will which has given rise to all the litl
gatlon thut has made the case locally fa
mous the provision for the benefit of
Mrs. M. J. Mitchell, Winch's housekeeper
for several years, who afterward was mar
ried to him. It Is provided that his execu
tors, A. I Reed and Frank W. Fosteri
should pay her $30 a month during her life'
time, and should also hold in trust the
buildings on the property where Winch re
sided, so that she could occupy his rooms
during her life, and the household furnish
ings and personal property of .every kind
except notes and accounts.
Estate Bavdly- Complicated.
Mrs. Mltchell-Winch-Steen afterward
mortgaged some of the Winch property and
several foreclosure suits are now pending
Subsequent to the giving of the mortgages
Mrs. Bteen was dispossessed of the owner
ship of the properties Winch had deeded
to her. and 'from this fact, coupled with the
other developments, has arisen' a series of
complications that have been keeping the
courts and the lawyers busy for several
Besides the beneficiaries mentioned Mr.
Winch provided that Stella Dickinson of
Kansas City should have $300; Frank W.
Foster, raster of the Immanuel Baptist
church, $500; Old Ladles' home of Omaha,
$1,000; Open Door, Omaha, $1,000; Home for
the Friendless, Aged and Infirm, Council
luffs. $1,000.
The plaintiffs in all the suits in court Are
the daughters and grand-daughters of
The instrument was witnessed by William
F. Wapplch, who affixed his Jurat as no
tary; W. 8. Shoemaker, Luther Drake and
Ben B. Wood.
A Reliable Remedy for 4'roap.
With the dry, cold weather of the early
winter months, parents of croupy children
should be on the alert for ominous symp
toms. There Is no cause for anxiety when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is kept In the
home. If this medicine Is given as soon as
the child becomes hoarse or even after the
croupy cough has appeared, the attack mr.y
be warded off. Mrs. 8. Rostnthal of Turnor,
Mich., says: "We have used. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for ourselves and children
for several years and like It very much.
think it Is the only remedy for croup and
can highly recommend It."
The Stephens & Smiths won two out of
three games from the P. & G. Kamos on
the Metropolitan alleys.
1st. 2nd. 3rd. Total.
Lefholtz 19 131 VI 423
Hamblet 148 170 1M 474
Himicks 1M 3H 14 5
I'rlnkwater 1SH lfi 1H1
Htine 150 137 151 4PA
Totals 823 08 751 ;"7T)
P. & O. KAMOS.
1st. 2nd. 3rd. Total.
O'Connor 174 159 153 4W
Hartnian 1S 123 11
McKee 139 140 VW
KHsmussen 151 114 1.15
Crooks 14 210 -4 tilt
Totals 810
74 777
Basket Ball at Table Rork.
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. Nov. 8.-(Speclal to
The Bee.) A double game of basket ball
was played here last night at the opera
house between the Tecumseli and Table
Bock bovs' team and the Tecumseli and
Table Rock girls' team. The games were
holh hotly contested ones, and at the close
the boys of Table Rock won the first, the
score being 24 to 11 in favor of Table Rock.
In the latter the score was 14 to 19 In favor
of the Table Rock girls.
-Pot-still Scotch
-afaoro'a. . as only dUOI.
Ut supply img whlmkr to Uka
The Scotch with the Peir-drop flavor.
Ta a a.t f Riley Bros. A Co..
an at CI11U. Cafes, Botela as4 at Dealers.
The Cook & Bernheimer Co.,
OLE AUK VI a s ua I . . A.
ft Br
There are literally
hundreds of differ.
ent styles in Mc
Kibbia mall fun
The illustration
hows aa 'Imperial
Scaif-a beautiful
I , . meat which
cornea tn a
great variety
oi iura.
The McKib.
Ml country
wide repute
hon and com.
pr oh entire guar
antee goes with
every McKibbln
garment large or
mall and the
Style u atretitbl
a, the quality.
Aftermath, of Election.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. . To the Editor
of The Bee: The defeat of the sewerage
bonds In South Omaha on Tuesday was an
open, honest expression of the taxpayers,
many of whom are strenuously opposed to
Increasing the present hea-vy indebtedness
of the city, while many others sincerely
believe thu construction of a inuln sewer
should be done by the stock yards company,
No doubt many took advantage of the op
portunity to dlHpluy their malice and preju
dice against a rich corporation; on the
other hand, a grest ninny who have nr
property Interests in the city worked and
voted In favor of the bonds.
The business men and falr-inluded clli
tens of the municipality Justly thought they
were voting for their own Interests in
dlvidually and collectively by opposing the
stupendous issue of $50,000 for the special
benefit of the packing houses and stock
yards company. Let the opposing factions.
the citizens and stock yards company, get
together and effect a conciliating compro
mine and have the whole city seweraged
next season. Every one desires to have a
complete sewerage system established and
rest ' assured the enterprising citizens of
the Magic City will meet the corporations
at least half way on this question.
What's In a Nanrl
OMAHA, Nov. 8. To the Editor of The
Bee: In last night's Bee appears an article
under the caption of "Insurance Men in
Court," that leaves the erroneous impres
sion that It was former officers of the
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance com
pany Uiat are under arrest, and further
that article says: "William F. Bechtel. for
mer president of the Northwestern Mutual
Life." etc. Mr. Bechtel has never been an
officer or employe of the Northwestern Mu
tual, but of the Northwestern National Life
Insurance company, which id the latest
name of a baked-over assessment company
at Minneapolis, a concern that has fre
quently changed name and consolidated and
absorbed a large number of defunct assess
ment companies, but I am glad to say has
never stolen the whole name of the North
western Mutual Life Insurance company,
although their agents abbreviate the name
and call it only the "Northwestern." '
Explanation from Dr. Mllle.
OMAHA. Nov. 9. To the Editor of The
Bee: I wish to state explicitly that, con
trary to reports in the press from Pes
Moines, I have filed no charges against
the St. Bernard hospital with the Board
of Control of Iowa In the case of the
late John J. Cook. I did file with the
Board of Control a printed statement from
a newspaper after the truth of the article
was abundantly confirmed to me by Mrs.
Cook, but I made no charges.
Urir Farm In Eastern Nebraska
Knocked Donra to lliaheet.
That selling real estate and particularly
farm lands at public auction Is not only
a popular, but an entirely satisfactory
method as well, was fully demonstrated Inst
Saturday, when the Omaha Real Estate
Auction company sold for Charles
Schwager, manager of the Alamito Sanitary
Dairy of this rlty, a choice eastern
Nebraska farm of 120 acres situated one
quarter of a mile southwest of the town of
Calhoun, Washington county, Nebraska.
The property had been advertised exten
sively for two weeks and as a result there
was a large number of buyers on the
ground when the time came to call the Rale,
and this in spite of the fact that there had
been a steady downpour of rain all day.
Active bidding characterized the sale from
the start and when finally the land was
knocked down, It was the unanimous opin
ion of every man present that It sold for
every dollar It was worth. It is safe to
predict that a number of farm sales, as
well as sales of other classes of real estate,
will follow as a direct result of the suc
cessful outcome of this one.
The auction plan affords a quick means
of disposing of not only very good property,
but also of certain kinds of real estate that
could not be handled in any other manner.
Now Thinks Fourth Ward Can Do
Wit hoot Councilman tntll
Next Spring.
Councilman Pete Back seems to have
struck another attitude in the Fourth ward
vacancy matter. In a conversation with i
a reporter he said: I
"What'a the need of e'ectlng anybody to j
All this vscsncy. anyhow? Can't we get 1
along without a Fourth ward councilman
until next erring? All the important things '
are over with and I don't see why the !
place should be filled at all. The law says
we may elect to fill vacancies. Per ha pi
we have to do it, but If I should vote with
the minority. It would be a four to four
vote and how could anybody be elected?"
Mr. Back did not say so, but the Infer
ence was easily drawn that the execution
of this scheme will retain for him his olJ
power of being the deciding factor In Im
portant legislation. With a majority four
and a minority three his vote would mean
everything In certain contingencies.
Therefor he is urging letting the va
cancy remain wUU open.
Glenn Makes Compromise.
After a Jury had been empaneled Monday
In the rase of Arthur J. Glenn against tbe
Union Pacific railroad an adjournment was
taken over election day. Wednesday morn
ing when the parties appeared In court a
settlement was made and the case dis
missed. Glenn receives $.110 in settlement
of tils claim for personal Injuries. He sued
for $2.0uu. Glenn used to be a blacksmith
at the Union Pacific shops. He waa In
jured while at work thvre.
k ,SvI
1 - ii. V II
loird sf Ciisntori Decides to Sail Fifty
Thanisnd Dalian.
Financial Report for Past Tear Ea
roaraaea Board to Re-elect Old
Officers aad Appeal to Pahlte
for Subscriptions.
To raise $50,000 In thirty days, lees $5,000
already subscribed, is the task which the
directors of the Auditorium association
mapped out for themselves Wednesday
afternoon. This amount will be required
to pay off the floating debt on the Audi
torium and complete the building.
The action of the board was taken In
view of the good showing made by the
report of the earnings of the house for the
fiscal year just ended. It was suggested
that the report Justified a request to the
public to subscribe enough money to com
plete the building.
Guy C. Barton said he would start the
subscription with $5,000, payment condi
tional on the raising of the remaining
$45,000 In thirty days. The board jumped
at his proposition, agreed to begin the
campaign at once, and Mr. Barton put
down Ms name for $5,000.
The board authorized President Nash to
appoint a committee to organise the cam
paign. He Immediately announced that
the board would constitute a general com
mittee, and the special committee having
immediate charge of the matter would be
composed of the members of the executive
committee, which Is to be appointed at once.
About $20,000 of the proposed fund will
be required to pay off the debt. This will
leave $30.00 for the building.
Old Officers Again Choaea.
The meeting was the first one since the
election of the new board and officers were
elected, the entire list of last year being
chosen. F. A. Nash Is president, T. C.
Byrne vice president, J. R. Lehmer secre
tary, Alfred Millard treasurer, J. M. Oillan
manager and T. J. Muhoney counsel.
The financial report laid before the board
showed the sum of $3,549.93 on hand after
the payment of all operating expenses and
fixed charges for the fiscal year Just ended.
This represents the earnings of the Audi
torium for only ten months, as It was
closed through November and December
last year while the heating plant was being
put in.
Roller skating will not begin until about
November 25, says Mr. Glllan. It was the
Intention to open the rink today, but there
has been a delay In putting down the new
floor and the work cannot be done until
aftr the exhibit of implement manufac
turers next week.
Marauder Breaks Into the Temple
of-' Jnattee and Steals
Some Cigars.
Some marauder of destructive Instinct
broke into the court house Tuesday night
and made a raid on the cigar stand in
the lobby on the second floor, kept by J.
B. Howard. Tho front door on the Far
nam street side of the court house was
forced open, although seemingly an Impos
sibility. When discovered Wednesday
morning the lock was still sprung, as left
when the door was locked on Monday even
ing, but the inside of the door was shat
tered. the part thaj receives the bolt of the
lock being broken ' square off. Superin
tendent McCaffrey, is of opinion no one man
could push hard rnough against the door
to break the Inside woodwork, but that is
just what was done.:
Once inside the robber or robbers forced
up the top of the-cigar case, a heavy piece
of furniture with glass front and sides,
and emptied two boxes of high-priced cig
ars, at the same time scattering smokers
about the floor. "A brand bearing a like
ness of Senator Millard seemed to be the
most popular with the cheap thief who
did the work. ; .
When Judge Vmsonlialer heard of the act
of vandalism he remarked with gravity:
"Maybe that man had determined to
raise the lid that has been talked about,
but missed the place."
"Well, I don't know," said Joe Mc
Caffrey: "he may have had It In mind to
steal Pat Crorwa and got into tho wrong
Chicago Great Western to Inaog-nrate
n .ew Feataro for Cold Weather
The Chicago Great Western will inaugu
rate a series of Week-end excursions to be
run during the winter months. Saturday
of each week round trip tickets will be sold
to all points within a radius of 150 miles,
good for return on,' any Sunday train and
morning trains on Monday. For those who
may not be able to go on Saturday tickets
will be sold to all points each way on Fri
day, good for five days, at a fare and a
third. For those washing to go farther than
160 miles tickets will be sold on Fridays of
each week between all points on the line,
except some of the larger cities, at the rate
of one fare plus $2 for Uie round trip.
Traveling in the winter is no longer un
pleasant, as modern trains are equipped
with all of the comforts of home; in fact,
winter travel is often more pleasant than
summer travel and for this reason these
rates have been put In for the winter
In selecting a whiskey three quali
fications should bz considered
the age, the purity and theflavor
Possesses these qualifications in a
greater degree than any other whiskey
Chief Officer of tbe Mllnaikrr Would
Sot Talk of Object of Trip
to Portland.
President A. J. Karllng of the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad passed
through Omaha Wednesday afternoon, en
route to Portland. Ore. He arrived In his
private ear "St. Paul" on the Milwaukee
road and left at 4: on tho Union Pacific.
He was met at Council Bluffs by F. A.
Nash, general western agent of the Mil
waukee, who was with him during his
stay in the city, the time being spent,
mostly In looking over the improvements
at the union station.
Mr. Earllng was asked as to the signifi
cance of his visit to Portland at this time,
but he said that he was simply looking
over the country with no special aim.
When asked as to the action of H. R.
Williams, he said that he knew nothing
about the matter.
H. R. Williams was formerly general
manager of the Milwaukee, but resigned
to take the position of president of the
Pacific coast lino, said by some to be a
part of the Milwaukee. It was given out
at the time that Mr. Williams had re
signed in a huff and that he was at outs
with the Milwaukee. This was considered
by many as a blind and many think that
the Milwaukee Is building the Paclflo
In Chicago It Is considered ons of the
huge Jokes of the season In the railroad
world how the Milwaukee Is branching
out without the knowledge of any of Its
staff officers. Titers Is no doubt that the
road Is extending Itself to ' the Paclflo
coast, and yet neither President Earling
or any members of his staff know anything
about ft, .at least that Is what they say.
Presidents of other western roads which
are building and which take their officers
and the public Into their confidence, are
wondering how much longer the Milwau
kee will be able to conceal from Its own
officers the fact thut It Is building rail
roads In the great west. The Milwaukee
extensions are being constructed by the
Pacific railroad, which will build from
Seattle to Wallula Junction, on the Co
lumbia river.
Where this line will Join onto the other
lines Is only known to H. R. Williams and
his associates, for the Milwaukee knows
nothing about it, but the presumption is
that the line will be built on across South
Dakota. '
A well known railroad man said: "The
visit of Mr. Earllng at this time to Port
land Is quite significant, following as It
does the reports of Williams going to the
Paclflo railroad. People can draw their
own conclusions."
Man Q.nlts Newspaper
for Real Estate
M. O. Headley, for two years manager
of ths want ad department of the Daily
News and more recentl of The Bee, has
gone out of the newspaper business and
taken charge of the real estate department
of the W. Farnam Smith company.
Mr. Headley, during his connection with
the Omaha newspapers, made a host of
friends and a wide acquaintance among
the business men of this city. His energy
will be felt In the real estate market from
the start.
Interest Awakened.
Interest awakened everywhere In the
marvelous cures of cuts, burns, wounds,
with Bucklln's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sals
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Rain In Eastern Xrbraika Today
Fair in West Portion Fair
WASHINGTON; Nov. 8 Forecast of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Fair In west, rain in east
portion Thursday; Friday, fair.
For Iowa Rain or snow Thursday and
In east portion Friday.
For Montana and the Dakotas Fair
Thursday and Friday.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Nov. 8. Official record of tem
perature nd precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
vears: 1B. 1904. IIH13. 19"?
Maximum temperature ..57 M . o f
Minimum temperature ... 3ii 34 48 4ii
Mean temperature 4t 44 56 51
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 . 00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparisons with the last two years:
Normal temperature 42
Excess for the day 4
Total excess since March 1
Normal precipitation 04 inch
Deficiency for the d:iy 04 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 26.18 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2.32 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 19o4. . 4 41 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1903 .... 3.41 Inches
Reports from (Matlona at T P. .M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rain-
of Weattier. 7 p. ni. Teni. fall.
Bismarck, cloudy 40 40 T
Cheyenne, part cloudy .... 3H 4 .no
Chicago, cloudy 38 40 T
Davenport, rtoudy 34 3i T
Denver, cloudy V h- T
Havre, clear 48 no .on
Helena, clear 40 4 ftl
Huron, cloudy 40 42 T
Kansas City, cloudy 58 M .00
North Platte, clear 4i m .Oil
Omaha, cloudy 41 57 .no
Rapid City.- part cloudy.. 42 48 no
St. Louis, cloudy 50 52 .no
St. Paul, cloudv 3i; 38 .on
Salt I-ake City, clear 48 54 .on
Valentine, part cloudy .... 40 52 T
Wllllston. part cloudy 34 46 T
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
I. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
1412 Douglas
mmmmmm Alvsa,-y&
The Men's True Specialists.
j Hydrocele,
I Stricture,
Impotent? jr,
v Gonorrhoea,
Blood Poison
KIDNEY and URINARY diseases
and all Diseases and Weaknesses of
MEN due to evil habits of youth,
abuses, excesses lor the results of neg
lected, unskilled or improper treat
ment of specific or private diseases.
is j
The Burlington runs through Pullman Tourist
sleeping cars to Los Angeles, leaving Omaha at 4:10 p.
m. daily.
The route is via Denver with daylight ride over the
Rio Grande through scenic Colorado. The schedule per
mits a few hours stop at Salt Lake, prior to the journey
over the direct Southwest Line, the " Salt Lake Koue''
to Los Angeles.
In addition to the above, personally conducted
through tourist sleeping car excursions leave Omaha at
4:10 p. m. Thursdays and Fridays for Southern Cali
fornia via scenic Colorado, Salt Lake and the Southern
Write or call for rates and information, also for
the Burlington's special folders, descriptive of the
Tourist Car Service and Standard Sleeper Service.
J, B. REYNOLDS, G. P. A., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha
has made this year's crop a record breaker and the recorcl
breaking crop .
from the increased returns of his land, resulting from
more intelligently directed effort.
as a high class weekly agricultural magazine is an expo
nent of up-to-date soil culture and in fulfilling its mis
sion it
and keeps him abreast of the times in all the varied de
partments of agricultural activity.'
By posting its readers every week on modern methods of
cultivation and improved stock raising.
By keeping them constantly in touch with the latest
achievements of experimental agricultural science.
By procuring answers from practical farmers to ques
tions on any subject connected with work on the farm.
By instructing and entertaining the women and children .
and advising them in matters of household economy,
for the farm home.
By reporting fully yet concisely agricultural society dis
cussions, farmers institute work, agricultural fairs and
stock shows.
By giving accurate and prompt information of current
changes in market quotations on what fanners have
to buy or to sell.
Less than two cents a number.
"Write for free sample copy to
The Twentieth Century Farmer
That every ingredient must be of choicest
selection, and the brewing, fermenting,
aging and so on faultless, is told in
the taste
But there's something else: an inde
scribable element that gives to Wiener
its striking individuality. In a word, It
is Character. There's a most satisfying,
grateful flavor that is always a distinct
ttlatz quality.
Omaha Branch
Street Tel. 1O8I
tho Seno Oood Old "Blati
First Symptoms
Men's Diseases
DON'T WATT until your whole sys
tem is polluted with disease, or until
your nervous system Is tottering under
the strain and you boconio a physical
and mental wreck, unfit for work,
study, business or lnarringe. With
special dlsenses and weaknesses of
men you can make no compromise.
You must conquer them now by the
right treatment, or they will fill your
whole life with failure, misery and
woe. Uncertain, Improper or half-way
treatment can only do harm. The
worst cases we have treated were
those that had been Improperly
treated before coming to tts, some
having been maimed for life by bun
gling surgical procedure. We cure by
restoring and preserving Important
organs. We do not advocate their
mutilation or destruction in an effort
to make, a quick cure. Every afflicted
man owes It to himself, his faintly
and to the future generations to get
cured SAFELY and thoroughly.
in. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. , If you can
not call, write for symptom blank.
State Medical Institute
1308 Farnam St.,' Between 13th
and Hth St., Omaha, Neb.'
a tan
A New Short Line to
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