Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1905, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 0, 1003. The Omaha Daily Dee. JD. ROSE WATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF BL'BBCRIPTION. pally Bee (without Bunrtny). one year. .MOO pall He and Sunday, one year JW Illustrated Bee, on year I-SJJ Mundar Ben, one year JW Saturday ilee, one year 1-W LELIVRRJCD BT CARRIER. Pally Re (without Sunday), per week...l3c Pally He (Including Sunday), per week.170 Kvenln Ba (without Sunday), per wee (to Evening Bee (with Punday), per week.,.. 10c Sunday Bee, per copy oo Address complaint of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. orncEB. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall flulldlng. Council RluffB 10 Pearl 8treet. Chicago 161) I'nlty Bulldlnir. New York 1500 Home Life In. Building. Washington Vil Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlrstlons relating to news and ed itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee publishing Company. Only (-cent stamp received as payment of mall account. Personal checka, except on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. TUB BEB PUBLISHING COMPANT. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.: C. C. Roaewater, aecretary of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, aaya that the actual number of full and complete coplee of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of October, 105, waa aa fol low: I m.ioo 17 no.eso t ,' bo.7oo it so.aao I SO.OOO 1( UO.KBO 4 81,820 M 80,020 S . ......... Sl.SJeO 31,510 911,1120 a ae.oso 7 83,4 lO 2S S0.970 I 80.030 24 SO,MM 1 81,080 26 81,100 10 81,100 2S 8)0,880 II 81.1BO S7 30,010 12 30.T10 28 81,800 It 8O.820 28.. RO.TOO 14 .' 81.810 SO 81.OO0 1& 80.4AO 11 80.0O0 1 80,700 Total a.84o Less unsold copies 10.9S1 Net total sales twv2.fl49 Dally arerags .........i BO.TIT C. C. ROSE WATER, Secretary. Subscribed tn my presence and sworn to before me this (1st day of October, 1906. (Seal) M. B. HUNGATE, Notary Public WHES OUT OF TOWlf. Subscribers leaTln the city tem porarily . shoal have The Be mailed to them. It Is better than m dally letter from home. Ad dress will be chanced as often as requested. Coroner Bralley, like Abu-Ben-Adeui, leads all Uie rest. Municipal reform U tlie slogan In all the great American cities. More than 11,000 voters in Douglas county played home guard. The Fink-pot has now been put in cold storage for nest spring. Election officials guilty of frauds in New York must bare felt sure of the de feat of Jerome. - ; " When It comes to prompt and ac curate election returns, they all have to look to The Bee, Wakefield baa net an .example for other towns When dealing tvltli robbers who carry dynamite. Those Rockefeller bombst seem to have shot up the sky and fallen down like sky-rocket sticks. ' Russia thanking its soldiers, for pre serving order ot this distance appears to be the climax of sarcasm. With that change of front In Phlladel phla one might almost believe reports of revolutions to occur in China were true. Call money commanding 10 per cent on the New York Stock exchange would Indicate that election bets are falling due. John D. Rockyfeller will not get a chance to pay himself back that $07,000 he donated to the University of Ne braska. Hearst seems as free witli his mani festos as If be were preparing to resign office) in place of making the fight of bis life to get one. Before luukiug another campaign against Mayor Bchmlts, San Francisco people will probably send Herbert George of Denver on a trip around the world. The Insurance Investigation has re mimed operation In New York, but it might become of secondary importance if Jerome should start to punish the election crooks. Those Ul-advlsed residents of Santo Domingo who contemplate a revolution should take another look at the police man now on that beat before starting their "rough house." When looking at thut close vote In New York City Grover Cleveland may feel like sending warmer congratula tions to Mayor McClellan than he did after the last election. Now that a reaideut of Arlzoua has been selected as Judge of the territorial court the office will likely assume Its wonted modesty, If not the dignity which Is supposed to attach to such KBltlons. Vewspapers -wilt bo more disponed to coufloe themselves to legitimate meth ods of disseminating the news since the Kan Francisco Chronicle went up lit a Man of glory while trying to spread election returns with bombs. No wonder these meu wou out in Douglas county: HaVerly Fink Crawford ' LeTtos) Solomon l'R BralleY THE ELECTWX RKSVLTB The results of Tuesday's elections should command the earnest attention of the American people. There Is sug gested in them lessons which are of the greatest significance and which all who are Interested In political affnlrs ought to study carefully. Primarily they suggest the great power of public opinion and the general readiness of the people to approve policies and prin ciples that fire manifestly fair and Just. There Is conveyed In some of the re sults an assurance of popular resent ment against corruption In public life that Is In the highest degree satisfac tory. This is conspicuously shown in the result of the Philadelphia election. The powerful political machine which for years bas controlled the affairs of that city, becoming more and more rapacious and unscrupulous from year to year, has been completely overthrown and in all probability will never be able to again resume the power it has now lost. This will do no harm, but rather good, to the republican party, because the credit of it Is due to that party. It was republican' votes that redeemed Philadelphia from the rule of an un scrupulous and corrupt bosslsra. Every republican paper In that city, with a single exception, was arrayed against the "machine" and the most prominent republicans were In accord with the newspapers. Another lesson, though perhaps less significant and impressive, because dif ferent conditions obtained there, Is seen in the, result In Ohio. The democratic victory In that state is to n large ex tent attributable to popular resentment against a republican boss who for years has dominated the party in Cincinnati and who only a few weeks ago was publicly denounced by Secretary Taft ns a man who ought to be repudiated by the party. "While it is true that the republican candidate. Governor Her rlck, had antagonized elements which two years ago supported him, it is still a fact that the bosslsm of Cox, who represented the corporations, was a very potent influence in determining the re sult of the election. The popular ver dict in Ohio is not against republican principles and policies, lut against a bosslsm that had become utterly ob noxious to thousands of republicans who, like Secretary Taft, felt that the time hnd come to overthrow It. No in telligent student of political affairs can fall to understand the significance of the result of Tuesday's election In Ohio, While the result of the election In New York City Is at this writing unde. termined, the meaning of the very large vote cast for Mr. Hearst, exceeding by many thousands the highest estimates made before the election, is apparent It was a popular protest against the arrogance and the rapacity of great corporations and the corruption in pub He affairs in that great city. It is an expression of dissatisfaction with lexist ing conditions which ought to bave a potent influence for reform not only there, but wherever similar conditions in any degree prevail. The insurance disclosures, for one thing, had no little to do with contributing to the Hearst vote and it is evident that not a few republicans gave their support to him. All this Is suggestive of a change In popular sentiment which those who take an Interest in politics should give heed to. It means a revolt against losslsm. machine domination and the dictation and control of corporations which promises a new order of things gen erally In political affairs. The manifest trend Is toward the reform and eleva tion of American politics, toward a change that will eliminate from our politics the corrupting and debasing conditions and Influences which have so long prevailed and were steadily grow ing worse. The lessons of Tuesday's elections should receive the careful cor. sideratlon of all our neonle. IMPORT OF THE REPUBLICAN VICTORY. The campaign in Nebraska has culminated In a more sweeping repub lican majority than has ever been reg' istered in any off year since its admis sion Into the union. While the triumph ant election of Judge Letton and the republican candidates for university regents had been a foregone conclusion, the decisive majorities by which more than three-fourths of the counties of this state have been carried for local republican candidates, and esieclally the overwhelming majority by which Douglas county has been -swept, sur passes the most sanguine expectations. Two years ago Judge Sullivan, the fusion candidate for supreme judge, car ried Douglas county by a plurality of 2(14. This year Douglas county gives Judge Letton, the republican candidate for supreme judge, a majority over 3,700. Two years ago the democrats elected F. A. Broadwell clerk of the district court, John Power 6herlff and John Drexel county clerk. This year every republican candidate on the county ticket bas been elected by ma jorities ranging from 400 to 4,200. These figures alone emphasize the revolution In Douglas county. . Conceding that this year's campaign In Nebraska bad little bearing upon issues that divide the two great par ties on national affairs, the tremendous republican majorities afford tangible proof of popular satisfaction with exist ing prosperous conditions and a general trend favorable to the dominant party. Before the campaign grows cold, sev eral of the mis-statements In the postal card sent out over the Fontauelle name should be corrected. In the first place, it is not true that people who failed to register cannot vote for mayor next spring there will be another registra tion day before the city election. In the second place, it Is not true that people who failed to register cannot vote at the primaries and election next fall by registering for the city election in the spring, the voter will be able to qualify himself for the fall. Failure to register this time will only debar voters from participating in the spring primar ies unless they have good excuses that will procure special registration before the city primary. DlSfRAXVHISKMEMT DEFEATED. Tho defeat of the proposed amend ment to the Maryland constitution, pro viding for the disfranchisement of the colored citiiens of the state will be gratifying to all who believe that the negro should be secure in his political rights. So unjustifiable and Indefensi ble was this attempt to deprive the colored citizens of Maryland of the suf frage that some of the most prominent democrats of the state, among them Sen ator Rayner and Governor Warfleld, took an active part In opposition to the amendment and it Is needless to say exerted a very great Influence. No re publican was more vigorous in denoun cing the proposition than was Mr. Ray ner, who In a most convincing way pointed out tho great outrage which It Involved . not only to the negroes, tut as well to all citizens of alien parent age. The result Is a victory for those dem ocrats who opposed the amendment that will give them the leadership of their party and relegate Mr. Gorman and his adherents to the rear. The responsibil ity for the disfranchising movement rests wholly with Senator Gorman. Therefore its defeat is a repudiation of him as a leader which probably will terminate his political career. Although he bas been regarded as the leader of his party in the national senate, Mr. Gorman has In fact had little Influence there and he will now have less. His colleague, Rayner, who was elected to the senate in spite of Gorman's op position, Is likely to exert more influ ence than the latter. Indeed, it Is said that the senate democrats look for great things from him In the next six years. The verdict of the people of Mary land against disfranchisement of the colored citizens of the state is not the least Important and significant of tlie results of Tuesday's elections. It will be three years next January since Howell's compulsory water works purchase bill was engineered and rail roaded through the state legislature. The avowed object was to expedite the acquisition of the water works by the city of Omaha. Hie mandate was that the works be acquired Immediately, but all that has been acquired up to date is a long drawn suit in the courts, a salaried Water board whose members are drawing pay, although the city bas no water works to manage, and fat jobs for special attorneys milking the cow, while the board and the water company are pulling at the horns and tail ot the animal. That Is all that bas been done in three years. Without the intrusion, of the compulsory bill, the city could have had the works appraised under eminent domain and taken possession of them two years ago, and If the water company had" refused to accept , the award made by the appraisers It would have had to go to the courts to adjudi cate Its claims, while the city would have been operating the works. But that would not have given the water spouters an opportunity to fabricate political capital for themselves and tap the city water fund for thousands of dollars, under pretext that they are ex pediting municipal ownership. Additional train service is to be In stalled on several of the railroads be tween Omaha and Chicago and Omaha and St. Paul, but these additional facili ties are of comparatively small import' ance to Omaha. What Omaha wants is better train facilities on the lines to the west, especially better mail facilities for the newspapers. As It Is now, people in Nebraska and South Dakota are obliged to be content with early editions that do not contain the full news of the day or late editions that do not reach them until the next day, while the Chicago dullias, transported by fast mail, reach Nebraska and South Dakota points al most as soon as the Omaha dallies. The richest of all is the boasting of the Senior Fake over its election night extra which did not give a single figure of the election returns and coutalned only a few sentences of generalities that afforded no information whatever. Only the poor victims who were deluded into handing over even a cent for this fake sheet will appreciate how smoothly they were buncoed. The voting machine saved several republican candidates from being scratched to death, but it will not al ways work that way. In Milwaukee, for example, only 4 per cent of the votes were deflected from the straight line the first time the voting machine wa put In operation, but the second time It was In ojeratlon 40 per cent were de flected. President Roosevelt la said to be the only living president who can boast of having addressed his fellow citizens in every state in the union, and, what is more, there are more states in the union now than there were under any but bis immediate predecessors. The bond propositions were mangled by the machines. The next time they are submitted they should be placed on separate pupor ballots, so that an ex pression for or against can be secured from every voter. Now that' a hank examiner bas tteen removed for not detecting the shaky condition of the Allegheny concern be fore it failed, the examiners who remain will prolably be more careful In ac cepting the unverified statements of bank officials. With a solid republican county board, the republican party will Justly be held responsible for the economic and busi nesslike management of the affairs of Donglas county. The people will look to the new board for a thorough house cleaning without whitewash. Perhaps Governor Folk sees where he made his mistake In not going to New York and speaking for Jerome. 'The vote of New York might come haudy In the next national convention and there Is no sure evidence now that Tammany will control It. The Hon. Mr. Dooley mis broken loose again with his present day philosophy, basing his discourse upon the lusurance graft disclosures. If the Investigating committees do not finish the Job Mr. Dooley surely will. The Omaha iopocratic organ concedes the election of Letton as Judge of the supreme court and Abbott and Lyford as regents of the state university with out watting for the returns .from the back counties. Taking- to the Woods. Detroit Free Press. If for no other reason the approach of Thanksgiving Is apparent through the an1 nouncement that turkeys are scarce; Oh, Forsret It. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. It was only a coincidence, of course, that Grover Cleevland and David R. Francis invaded Nebraska while William J. Bryan was away. But people will talk. Open to Misconstruction. Pittsburg Dispatch. The Information from Manila that a bril liant water pageant consisting of 100 gayly decorated craft cheered Governor Wright when he sailed away might be taken as meaning the people were glad to see him go. Irresistible Temptation. Chicago Record-Herald. Oregon undertakers are undergoing a graft Investigation for having divided their profits with doctors and ministers who threw business In their way. Of course the doctors and ministers are blameless, Seeing that the dignity of their professions made it Impossible for them to run from the tempters. Foreigners In China. Philadelphia Press. Rear Admiral Train is not the first for eigner in China who has suffered from outraging the sensibilities and endanger ing the safety of village Chinese. If the officers of Prince Louis of Battenburg's squadron were , to land in Virginia and begin gunning for game lt a crowded dis trict and wind up by "acldentally" shoot ing a woman, no one would be surprised If a village mob resented the act. The country around Nanking is so thickly crowded with villages and field workers as to make shooting perilous. Game exists because the Chinese kill little. Yet for eigners are almost every year provoking the reprisal of the mobs by shooting under conditions which endanger pcusant life, for which the foreign sportsman has small regard or respect. Brutal Customs. Boston Transcript. If the present prejudice against hazing In its steady growth coulw include a popular heMinn tn the hasina- of newly married couples, a good, many would be thankful. Kidnaping bridegrooms, scaring the horses attached to the golng-away carriage, pla carding the Just-maite-one so tnat rami out siders may take a hand in the alleged fun re the chief offences, while rice and boots thrown for luck's sake are mere than likely to wing or sting the targets ana teaa mem to think their wedding day unlucky. You may always have questioned the 'good taste of such goings-on, but you perhaps never had your Indignation aroused till you saw a poor little bride, nervously ex hausted anyaway In getting a new home In order and a trousseau completed, In hys terics because she dreaded receiving so much "attention. You wanted to ao some thing right off then to put a stop to such an unmannerly custom. A SIGNIFICANT SPEECH. Senator Knox Lines I'p with the President on Rate Regulation. Pittsburg Dispatch. The speech of Senator Knox at the Cham ber of Commerce banquet las night on the subject of railroad rate regulation was na tional In its scope and significance. It has the greater weight from the memory of the former speech of the senator before the same body, when as attorney general he pointed out how the law can pe . made effective against combinations In restraint of trade and competition, and the way In which he subsequently demonstrated his view of the law before the courts. When such an authority takes up the rate Issue his utterances are of the utmost Import. In his speech the senator punctures the sophistries and misrepresentations by which the railroad Interest has attempted to be cloud the Issue and oppose the policy urged by President Roosevelt. He showed that no railroad has anything to fear from the law unless It Is wedded to unjust and unreasonable practices; refuted the mlsrep resentatlon that It Is proposed to vest any department of the government with the general rate-making power; demonstrated how the corporate Interests are protected by the right of appeal from hasty or In Jurlous findings, and pointed out that the corporate alternative of a final decision on rates by the I'nlted States courts conflicts with the constitutional theory as laid down by the courts. These are the views that the Dispatch has maintained since the controversy be gan. It is true that with the proposed en actment passed the railroads are better safeguarded against hasty action than the shippers are against delayed and costly litigation. But as this Is the only advance toward efficiency, possible under govern mental regulation, it is gratifying to have this open declaration that one of Penn sylvania's senators will stand with the president for the policy of right and justice between the great corporations and ths people. When Dr- Graves Tooth Powder is used twice-a-day you will have vhite teeth, hard ffums, clean mouth, pure brccth, good diges tion, good health. Listen to your dentist's advice. He knows betst. In hasudy mtal cans or bottles, 2&c. ' Dr' Gmes' Tcevh Pcwdsr ffr. ROVSD ABOl'T XEW YORK. Ripples on the C arrest ot Lite In the Metropolis. The costliest playground In the country was opened In Harlem last week. It la known as the Thomas Jefferson park, cost J3.0O0.00O. and Is equipped with a variety ot buildings and appliances for the amuse ment of boys and girls. There are separate running tracks for boys and girls, minia ture toboggan slides, gvmnasiums with In structors, base ball and tennis grounds, and room for other games. The pavilion cost tdl.OOO. It is In this pavilion that ths mothers of Little Italy may take comfort by bringing their babies and getting the benefit of the open air as they sit in the rocking chairs. In charge of the apparatus and the sports In the park are a head playground attend ant and assistants, h Is the head man s business to see that all hands get a fair show at the fun and that the big and strong boys and girls do not monopolise It to the exclusion of the weaker youngsters. There are now In operation la New York City nine playgrounds. In a few months another, over on the West Side, will be opened. Most of those In existence are on the East Side. The Increase In real estate valuations on Fifth avenue and the abutting streets from 1SSS to 1005 Is ona of the most remarkable evidences of growth of New York, says the Metropolitan Mngaelne. Investors in Fifth avenue property found that they had made a fortune almost over night; residents who had purchased their houses only five years ago for, say, $28,000 and 150,000, suddenly found that there was a ready market for them at $100,000 and $150,000. An Interesting evidence of the rise In realty values Is fur nished by the famous Captain Cook block at Seventy-eighth and Seventy-ninth streets. Fifth and Madison avenue. This property was part of a farm owned by Rob ert Lenox he of the great library abutting in the days when Fifth avenue was not the old Middle road. Mr. Lenox had a great opinion of this particular farm; and, In his famous will cautioned his heirs not to sell It, as one day there would be a village on it! In J87X:aptaln H. If. Cook-agalnst the advice of his friends purchased the entire block, then far removed from the fashiona ble section, for $000,000. Upon this block to day stand Mr. Cook's own elaborate house, and those of Isaac D. Fletcher, Payne Whitney, Stuyvesant Fish. Frederick Geb hard and E. C. Converse. An expert In real estate recently estimated the land alone In this block as worth $10,000,000, and the houses upon It at $10,000,000 more, a to tal valuation of $:'0,000.000. Mr. Lenox's early dreams of a "village," it will bo ob served, are in a fair way toward realisation. The appearance of the busiest sections of the Panama canal Is reproduced In real istic fashion within a block of Broadway, where the Pennsylvania railroad depot will be built. The Immense tract bounded by Seventh and Ninth avenues and Thirty first and Thirty-second streets today Is a very anthill for activity. As quickly as the buildings disappeared from this once closely populated district an Immense amount of excavating machinery was Installed. Rail road tracks were laid In every direction and tne ground soon lost all semblance of Its former civilization. Today the resemblance to the canal lone is complete. The land once reduced to the dead level of stone pavements and asphalted streets has been ridged and furrowed until Its original topo graphy Is but a memory. Long, uneven al leys stretch east and west upward of half a mile in length, thrnuarh tvhir.ii ni-,. trains pass on a very busy schedule. The uepin oi inese valleys at many points com pletely hldos the trains from the surround ing country. At several points the tract is dominated - by rugged hills which vise twenty feet or more above the level of the valleys. There are several miles of railroad tracks in constant use. with switches snri crossings a complete railroad system. One of the most picturesque features of this district are the temporary bulldlnsrs which have been erected as extreme nntnmi. along these lines. They lend to the general rneci mucn or tne appearance of a railroad enterprise on some extreme western fron tier. Meanwnue tills primitive life Is lit erally within the shadow of the roaring I IT II , .. - i-. una oi conventional rows of New York flat houses. A form of petty "grafting" by customs officers at this port has aroused the in dignation of ship captains, and the atten tion of the Washington authorities, doubt less, will be directed to the matter. When a vessel comes here from a for eign port It has to be watched night and day by the customs officers, who are sup posed to see that no contraband comes ashore. The night customs officers go on duty about G o'clock. Some night customs men have come to look upon it as their right to collect their dinners from the ves sels to which they are assigned. They turn up about 6 o'clock, seat themselves in the officers' chairs at the mess table, and de mand their dinners. And they want the best that is going and prompt service. If they do not get it It is easy enough to make the ship suffer. The Inspectors will examine every pound of freight with the greatest minuteness, and present complaints frequent and loud. Recently two of them became so bold In Jorsey City that when objection was made to their getting their dinner on the vessel they arrested the superintendent of the pier on s charge of smuggling. He was searched, nothing was found, and nothing happened to him. It was simply part of the business to make the ships supply the evening meal. To lay down three aces and then find that the winner of a 8,5C0 jackpot had nothing more than a pair of fours was the experience of a tourist in the smoking room of the French liner La Touralne on Its last voyage to New York. The winner of the pot is said to be George A. Kessler. There were five players, and one of them opened a Jack pot on two pairs, nines high. Everybody stayed except a western man. The pot was opened for 110, and the man to the left of the opener, having three aces pat, straddled the opener. When It came to Mr. Kessler's turn he Is said to have remarked: "I don't know what license I have In with this dinky little pair, but I'm game." The opener bet $5 on his two pairs, the player with three aces raised the opener 100 francs. Mr. Kessler's hand saw the three ace man's raise and lifted him 200 francs. Ths ace player "boosted" back and they "hoisted" each other until the three aces were laid down. There was more than riS.OOO In ths pot, It is stated, and of this 6.6uQ was "velvet." Plans for tapping the Catskill mountains watershed for an liiCi vaned Supply of 600.000.000 gallons dally at an expense of tm.OOO.OtO to the city of New York have been formally appro'ved by the Board of Estimate. Corporation Counsel Delaney was In structed to petition at once the Slate Water commission for its consent to the execution of the plans as presented. Briefly, the plan involves tapping the Lsopus. Dondout, Schoharie und Catskill watersheds and bringing the water b aqueduct tu New Yoik A greater reservoir is proposed In the Ksopus terrlory to lie known as the Ashnkun reservoir, with the two other dixtrlhuting ri-s.-rvoirs in the present Croton district. One of these will be at Hill View and the oilier at Keuslco. A till rat ion plant will be installed near sKSisdaUi. 'I lit aqueduct will paa under For Coughs and Colds There is a remedy over sixty years old Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. Of course you have heard of it, probably have used it. Once in thef family, it stays; the one household i remedy for coughs and colds. Ask your own doctor about it. Do as he says. We have no secrets I We publish the formulas of all our medicines, i Xa4s by ths 9, O. Ayr Co., Lowell, Ksss. . AIM KaBafkotaiwrs of Awmota mrD vtaOBar ths hslr. AVER'S PILLS For eenitlpstloa. ITER'S 8AR8APAR1LLA Pol tb blsod. the Hudson river near New Hamburg and from Its terminus in Staten Island to Its source In the Catskllls, will be a distance of 140 miles, constituting tho longest and largest water conduit ever constructed. PEItSOXAl. 7IOTES. Some New Yorker tried to blow up a tenement house because one family out of the twenty-four there played the plnno, not wisely but too much. Dr. Elger of Warsaw, a Jewish doctor in the Russian army, who is at present a prisoner of war In Japan, has been elected an honorary member of a scientific section of the University of Toklo. Prof. Satthlanadhan, from the Presidency college. Madras, India, delivered five lec tures at the Harvard theological seminary. He has had a brilliant career as teacher and author In his native country. Lawrence II. Grahame of New York City, who has Just been appointed commis sioner of the Interior for Porto Rico, waa formerly a newspaper man, and last year was the secretary of the government com mission for the Louisiana Purchase expo sition. When King Edward agreed to plpee the hereditary revenues of the crown at the disposal of the nation he made a bad mis take. Instead of the revenues he agreed to accept a clear yearly sum of 12,380,000 and the nation Is making la profit on the bargain. The rajah of Kapurthala lias been on a visit to Vienna to see his sons, who are studying at the military academy there. Jagajlt Singh Ba Hadur, though yet only 33, has held his present ruling position In the little Punjab state since 1877, his father having died when he was a small boy of 5. Albert Frederlccl, at one time a famous operatic baritone, now practically controls the roast chestnut trade of Now York City, having in his employ an average of 100 attendants on his roasters. He lost, his voiee through hronchial trouble years ago. He began In a Sixth avenue basement. Now he Is a man of substance and every summor visits Itsly. "Hamlet" was the first play Sir Henry Irving saw as a boy. Samuel Phelps was In the title role. Some time afterward Phelps was persuaded to listen to a recita tion by Irving, and after praising the young man tho celebrated actor gave him this characteristic advice: "Young man, have nothing to do with the stage; It Is a bad profession." IHIBTHFl'L REMARKS. "Mad? I should say so! I expected a cup of hot coffee to warm me up, and when I got It it was stone cold." "Then It seemed to produce the desired effect, after all. It made you hot." Phila delphia Press. Adam was wrapped In gloom. "I know the cure for snake bite," he complained, "but what do you take for apple bite?" With a vague sense of being cheated he kicked the iulhyosaurus. New York Tribune. Talesman I wish to be excused from serving on the Jury. Judge What Is your reason? Talesman I'm very absent-minded. Judge Can't excuse you. Absence of mind Is the best qualification for a Jury man. Cleveland Leader. "You say he's a hsrd loser?" "Well, rather. Why, he'd holler fraud If he were defeated for the nrpnMinrv nn the prohibition ticket!" Louisville Courier Journal. "How did your wife come to die?" "She was taken suddenly sick." "Yes." "And then the neighbors sent for me and the doctor well, the doctor got there first." Houston fost. Mrs. Woodby Rlter What does your hus band do for a living? Mrs. Kautton tnaughtny) lie s an author. Mrs. Woodby Rlter I know; so Is mine. But I say what does he do for a living? Philadelphia Catholio Standard. "Why don't you Join the procession and come forward us a reformer? "Liecause. answered Senator Sorghum, "I am already safely in political lire. 1 Era Remington I Typewriter NEW MODELS Every model of the Remington Type writer has been a success. There never was a Remington failure. The New Models represent the sum and the substance of all Remington success plus 30 years of experience in typewriter building. We will be glad to have you cali at our office snd see the new madeli or send for illustrated booklet de aartbutf U new features. AYSR'S AOUE CORE For msUris ana r. see no reason for starting my career anew." -Washington 8tar. "Do you think that, the game of foot ball requires science?" "Yes." answered the unsympathetic man; "surgical science." Washington Star. "I hear Swellsome Grafters has got to go to Jail for three mouths. Does he feel very badly about It?" "Not so very; he's got Just sense enough to know that he ought to go there for the rest of his life:" Detroit Free Press. HUN OF THK YEAR, Clinton Scallard in New York Sun. Pehlnd the hills the wind is like a hound That whines and whimpers at his mas ter's door AgHlnst him barred; there Is a solemn sound Where murmured mirth and melody be fore Amid the treetnpn; music mounts no mors Down shady lanes that part the meadow land; Above, the reaches of the sky sre spanned Ey swirling vapors ominous and drear; Veiled are the hyaline heavens blue and bland; Around us lies the (juln of tho yearl Within the girdle of the garden ground That fragrant Jndlcs frost has filched the ore The summer spread so royally around; tlold of the marigold; the prlncelv stors " Of rndlant roses lavish with their lore Of sweet endearment; the slim lily band. Challred of snow and amber, that expand What time the sun Is a benignant sphere All these have bowed before death s dark demand; Around us lies the ruin of the year! Thick are the orchard leaves on moss and mound; The Hesperldun fruit, of Julcv ore. Is harvested or stilled; In Icy s'weund The river that cotnplalneth to the shore Will soon be bound In fetters firm and frore; Like tepees tall and tenantless now stand The stocks of corn thst once waved pennons grsnd -Ere 'neath the noon was husked the ruddy -'esr. And young Love's Hps fond hearts to ardor fanned; Around us lies the ruin of the year! ENVOY'. '"rr"v''" ": Masters, the spring awaits, with kindling brand. To quicken life where life today Is banned To wake to bud and bloom the sad and sere; ' This faith have we albeit on every hand Around us lies the ruin of the year! Upon .Every nnd wrnpier of tfce eenuloe Dr. Dell's Plne-Tar-Honey Is printed the above design. It Is both trode-martc snd guarantee a wor rant that the medicine contained in the bot tle will cure ootiKhs, colds and all lung, throat and cheat troubles more quickly and effectually tbaa uoy other remedy, Dr. Bell's PINE-TAR- HOWEY Is sold by all drurgists, 2V., SOo. and $1.00 per bottle. Manufactured by THE E. E. SUTHERLAND MEDICINE CO. FADUCA2. XISTU0XT. NOW READY 1 Remington Typewriter Company 1619 Farnam St.. Omaha Nt. V f-v r