Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Te bphone 094.
Kow located In the now
retail renter, Howard
iind Sixteenth
We appreciate it is your loyal
Every effort is being spent on
store to make it your store home
moderately priced.
Silk Kimonos.
Real Japanese Styles.
All our new and handsome Long Billt
Kimono are now In beautiful new atylei
with the lovely Japanese patterns elegant
styles from 15.00 to $30.00.
Silk Petticoats.
Thursday we will Fell the greatest values
In Bilk . Petticoats ever offered In Omaha
at t3.!5. BI.ACK AND COLORED. Other
elegant petticoat from $3.08 to1 $40.00.
We earry a much larger assortment of
ready-toiwoar garments In our new and
beautifully lighted store than we had room
for In tfie old location. "Among others are
silk dresses and to Introduce them have
made unusually low prices.
$50.00 Bilk Suits at $35.00.'
$40.00 Bilk Su'tS at $23.00. ' -
$3 00 and $37.50 Bilk Suits at lis.50.
Visit our Fur Seetlon on the second
W. B. Corsets..
Styles tun In circles. Now we are back
gain to higher-busted corsets. The first
makers to respond to the latest dictate of
fashion are the manufacturers of the fa
They call their most recent production the
W. IS. Nuform. It Is distinct advance
over all their previous productions, and
while essentially similar to the Erect Form
differs In being higher and fuller through
fhe bust and much more slender at the
waist. Frlees, $1.50 to $3.00 each.
Bed Spread Sale.
$1.25 hemmed bed spreads, sale price, Mle.
J2 hemmed bed spreads, sale price, $1.43.
11.85 hemmed bed spreads, sale price, $1.39.
31.75 fringed bed spreads, sale price, $1.28.
$1.85 fringed, bed spreads, sale price, $1.39.
$2 fringed bed spreads, sale price $1.43.
$3 fringed bed spreads, sale price, $2.38.
$ fringed bed spreads, sale price, $3.69.
Sale White Batiste.
40-in. white batiste, . 20c quality, 12V4o per
40-ln. white "batiste, l5"o"iuality, loo per
yard.. , ...
(JoiTeniry af Oieisa Would Hate Wen Be-
gpt-nible for Trsubli Finished.
rrd of t'lly is Mopped, aa For
eigners Fear to Deal with
Men Pubjeet to
the Mob.
ODESSA. Nov. (.-Outward calm has re
turned here, but the tension Is still great.
Repbrta that the- Jews are preparing for
terrible vengeance upon the Christians are
Tios. Glllsrt, Elfin. I1L
Beat For
The Dowels
"'"""l- ''Me. Pt, Ts.t. QWI rw, ni
. . . -IT J" ,
"M ! ti.). Tlx ounlna tsWt n,.m
ttui.,t.l to .." r your I! i.V-1-'
.sec. ier
Sterling Ranted? Co., Chicago cr N Y im
a Piano Tha.t
Tt'iV.nlnlVZ1 1nr l"le, ta
la I'tBO It ID if td foF OVl lava, n v
; ous Return for Your Money
Every Plaao In this store U worth every cent of tha price marked upon
the ticket, and that price is lower than you can find in any other store
anywhere upon a piano of like quality.
. This Is a strlrtly one-pi lee, plain figure store. Each piano la market!
with Jta en lowest price, and that Is the cash price. We have no long
price or time price. The price la the same whether you pay cash or buy
upon time, then you simply pay 8 per cent interest npou deferred pay
ments, a fair square business transaction.
't We pay no commissions to anyone for referring a customer to our
store. This helps to make the price low, too, and it's the simple truth
when we tell you that
J We You $50 to $153 or . Piano
- We simply have here the best pianos in the world at the prices
marked. Wa guarantee each one, and the Hospe plan insures you a
square deal.
1818-15 IHH
'A Good Place to buy a Piano.
The New Retail
Center is Growing
your lienrty support that has made this growth
our part to have the things you expect to find in a reliable
where you may come and know you will get trustworthy goods
India Linen Sale
20c India linen, sale price, KHc per yard.
Vie India linen, sale price, Stic per yard.
25c India linen, sale price, lSc per yard.
Imperial Long Cloth Sale.
No. 300 Imperial long cloth, 12Hc quality,
Se per yard.
No. 360 Imperial long cloth, 15c quality, 9c
per yard.
No. 400 Imperial long cloth, 164c quality,
loc per yard.
No. 500 Imperial long cloth, 17c quality, 12c
per yard.
Persian Lawn Sale.
18c Persian lawn, sale price, KHc per yard.
25c' Persian lawn, sale price, 15c per yard.
JOc Persian lawn, sale price, lc per yard.
' 35o Persian lawn, sale price, 29c per yard.
Handsome New Silks for Day or
Evening Wear.
. The money you spend might as well buy
the best. A woman who wants a silk to
Wear day In and day out In colored or
black, we have It. If you begin at the
bottom price and then stop at the top, you
will say the line Is well chosen. Make
comparison and judge for yourself. We
carry out to the fullest every promise that
is made
Handsome Sapho Silks, Colored
and Black.
When we discovered that soft clinging
silks were to be in demand this season,
we started out to find the best. We have
It. Beautiful "Sapho" 811k. It possesses a
richn-Bs of color and beauty of texture and
finish that absolutely no other silk has.
It will not muss, cut or crack. All the
dainty evening shades, and a moat beauti
ful line of new autumn shades. But advice
to you is: Buy no allk until you have seen
"Sapho," all colors and black, $1.00 a yard.
Special value in an all-silk plaid. After
looking them over you will say at once
they are the prettiest lot of plaids for the
money you ever saw. In pretty shades of
green, red, brown, blue, with bright cross
threads forming broken plaids; 75c a yard.
A collection where the choicest of velvets,
in the medium or better grades Is so large
that It Is an easy matter to find Just what
you want. Beautiful quality all silk face,
new chiffon finish, $1.00. Fine Imported
French Moussellne velvet. Nothing In the
city to oompare with It. Sold exclusively
by us. $2.00. New chiffon velvet, very soft
and lustrous, $$.00 a yard.
New Shirts.
We sturt the season with new goods, no
"carried overs" from previous years. Tou
are always sure of getting the newest
styles and patterns here.
We sell the well known Lion and Regent
brands. They have been on the market
Howard and Sixteenth
being Industrially circulated among the
lowest and most ignorant classes and It Is
feared they may lead to a recrudescence
of anarchy. These reports declare that the
Jews Intend to blow up the churches and
distribute poisoned foodstuffs to the Chris
tians. Prefect Neldhardt, to whom much of the
responsibility of last week's occurrences Is
attributed, is si 111 In office and doubtless
will remain there.
The prosecutor general has invited all
eyewitnesses of the outrages to testify at
the forthcoming investigation. Apprehen
sive of fiesh outbreaks, the city council
has secured- the promise of the governor
general to place military guards at all
places where numbers of Jews, recently
rendered homeless, are now being sheltered.
The university has sent three professors
to St. Petersburg to present to Count Wltte
a full account of last week's atrocities,
with a demand (or the instant removal of
the authors.
The municipality, the university officials
and the barristers are co-operating In ar
ranging for an Independent inquiry, as they
are mi trustful of official investigation.
fcxport Trade Stops.
The Chamber of Commerce has officially
announced that the export trade of Odessa
has practically stopped, as foreign houses
have suspended . business with the local
merchants because of the dangerous situa
tion In the town. ' The foreigners, the
chamber declared, fear to deal even with
the wealthiest merchants, who may at any
moment be killed or ruined. Grain is pur
chased only when on board a ship ready
to Sail.
Tho American. British and other consuls
have all sent interesting detailed accounts
of the recent events to their governments,
explaining the real character of the out
break and naming the supposed authors.
As an Indication of the wide area of the
disturbances tho Glaziers' corporation has
ascertained that over 7ii,H00 window panes
were smashed.
Governor General Kaullmra denies the re
Will Give & Geier.
Western Distributors of the Angt-lua.
Bee, Nov. , 1!-K.
so long It is needless to dwell on their
Plain colors, fancy stripes or figures,
other light or dark colors, some have cuffs
attached, others have not; both negligee
and stiff bosom; In fact, most any wanted
kind. We Invite your inspection.
Special good values to show you at $1.00
Better ones at $1.50 and $2.00 each.
Men's department located In south aisle,
convenient from either entrance.
of -
Lion Brand Yarn.
The object of the demonstration Is to call
attention to the fact that articles made
from Lion brand yarns are unequalled In
appearance and finish by those of other
The demonstrator is equipped with an
elaborate display of up-to-date garments,
knitted and crocheted, from
Lion Brand Yarns.
An exhibition of new designs and stitches
will also be Interesting and Instructive.
Free lessons to those purchasing LION
All are Invited second floor.
Black tailor belts, made of good quality
taffeta silk, at 60c each.
Black taffeta silk bulls, pleated, three
small black silk ornaments in buck, at 50c
Black taffeta silk elastic belts, made with
six rows of shirring, at $1.50 each.
Black and colored silk belts, buckle front
and back, at $1.75, $?.00, $--'.50 and $3.00 each.
We also carry a nice line of leather
Ladles' patent leather belts In black at
$1.00 each.
Japanev leather belts, colors red, navy
and white, at 75c.
Colored suede belts at $1.00 earh.
Infants Wear Dept.
This department Is one of the most at
tractive In our new store. Conveniently
located on main floor. All Infants' wear
Is shown at this section.
Come In and see the pretty show case
display and admire the pretty things for
the little folks' wear. Competent sales
people In charge.
Children's knitted underwear department
adjoins the infants' wear.
port that he has been transferred to the
governor generalship of Finland.
Praise for the Troops.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 8. A govern
ment proclamation Is published today call-
ins attention tn the different nnalttnn of i
the troops during the disorders of the last
week. It declares that they simply per
formed their duty and should be praised
rather than blamed for preserving order,
especially In the streets of the capital.
(Continued from First Page.)
In Pennsylvania In many years, said that
his policy in conducting the state treasury
will be publicity. "I propose to thoroughly
investigate the entire condition of things
In the state treasury," he said. "I Intend
to let the people know Just how I And
Root Coug-ratulatea Weaver,
Mayor Weaver today was the recipient
of many congratulatory telegrams from all
over the country. One from Secretary of
Btate Root was as follows:
Hearty congratulations on your great vie-
tory. You
every American your
Governor Folk of Missouri also sent con
gratulations. lXDIAMAPOI.IS.
tINDIANAPOL.18, Nov. 8. Returns of the
city election In Indianapolis officially com
piled today give Charles A. Bookwalter,
republican candidate for mayor, a plurality
of 1,661 over his democratic opponent,
Mayor John W. Holtcmaiv This closes the
vote of the election for city clerk and
gives James McNulty a plurality of 101
over the democratic candidate, William
Thomas C. Whallen was elected Judge
of the city police court by a plurality as
estimated of approximately 1.IM0 over hJS
democratic opponent, James L Mltchett.
The republican party will uguln huve a
majority In the city council.
KnlrkerborUer-sadlr r.
Rev. A. E. Knickerbocker and Miss
Coretta Sadler were united In marriage
at Trinity cathedral at high noon
Wednesday by Bishop Worthlngton. The
marriage la preliminary to a move of
Mr. and Mrs. Knickerbocker to Oxford,
England, where the groom will complete
his clerical studies. Both bride and groom
have been residents of Nebraska Cltv,
where Mr. Knickerbocker was rector of
ft. Mary's Episcopal church for four
yesrs. His bride has been a leader In
the society of her home town. They have
gone to Nebraska ( lty for a brief stay
before departing for the old couutry.
KEARNEY. Neb., Nov. 8.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Ernest E. Humbert and Miss Har
riet E. Swlneyer, both of this city, were
married at high noon today at the ret
dence of the bride's father by Rev. G. P.
Netherly, pastor of the t'niied Evangelical
l-a Grippe 'lhrtce Cared.
"I have had the grip three different
times," says Mrs. Thomas Cleland of Alli
ance. Ohio, "and was left with a bad cough.
Every time I was cured by tha use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I can
not speak too highly of this valuable medicine."
Paltissi it Elect GtT.rnoT y Plurality
of About Tarty Tbonitnd.
Senator Koraker ( Defeat la
Largely Dae ta Resent
neat Attalast Slate
COlA'MBt'S, O.. Nov. 8,-That John M.
Paulson has been elected governor for the
next three years by a plurality running well
above 40,000 is settled tonight, as is also
the working majority of the democrats In
both houses In the legislature, but there la
some uncertainty aa fo the remainder of
the state ticket. The earlier returns were
apparently from sections favorable to the
governor, for he held a lead over the rest
of his ticket until today, when fuller re
turns from the country districts cut Into
his vote severely, and by' the middle of the
afternoon he seemed to be over 40,000 votes
behind his ticket tf that difference stands,
the victory of these other offices will depend
on the ilit of the Pattlson plurality, with
the chances In favor of the choice of the
entire democratic list. Chairman Garber
.... - U " : :
lonigm ngurea pluralities ior run wmi
aggregated close to 55 000, In which event
the entire democratic ticket was safe. The
republicans have given out no later esti
mates since that of Chairman Pick con
ceding the election of Pattlson by 25.000
plurality, but later reports received at
headquarters indicate that & larger figure
Is correct.
Republican estimates tonight give the
democrats two to five majority In the next
senate and from ten to fifteen In the house,
and theso are probably the minimum esti
mates. The democratic claim Is a majority
of five in the senate and twenty-seven in
the house. The widespread scratching of
the tickets had caused such delay in the
counting that thirty hours after the close
of the noils there was still uncert.nly,
notwlths andlng the ovtrwhelmlng nature of
the democratic victory.
Senator Foraker'a Kxpla nation.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 8.-Followlhg the de
feat of the republican party In this city and
state. United States Senator J. B. Foraker
today authorized the following statement:
"The defeats we have sustained In the city
and state have no relation to national poli
tics, but are due solely to local causes.
Whether rightly so or not, the belief ob
tains that the great mass of voters have
not had any proper representation In nom
inating conventions and that a man with
an ambition to engage In the public service
had no opportunity unless he was fortunate
enough to be put on a prearranged slate. It
was natural to expect that Booner or later
that this would be resented. In large part
that is what the defeats of yesterday
meant. It will be easy to cure this trouble.
The way is to return to the old-fashioned
practice of having real conventions, at
which all who aspire to nominations will
have an enual chance. There were other
causes that contributed to our defeat that i
will occur to everyone familiar with the sit
uation, but I do not care to discuss them
for they will pass away with this election."
Oflleere Serve' Three Years.
The state officers and legislators chosen
yesterday will serve three years Instead of
two, as heretofore, . the constitutional
amendment for .biennial elections providing
that the terms of officials elected at this
time shall expire, on' January 1, 1909, at
which time the state officers and legislators
chosen In November, 190, will assume
office. The legislature chosen In 1908 will
chose a United States senator In succession
to Senator Forakar.-' For some tlme-i there
Was confusion on this . point and it was
widely, but Incorrectly", asserted that the
legislature Just closed would name For
aker' s successor.
The report to Chairman Garber from all
sections of the state indicated a plurality
for Pattlson of more than 55,000, and he
said he believed that if the gains continued
Republican advices
it might reach fiO.OOO.
Indicated that, leaving out the five large
counties, the Herrlck loss In the remaining;
eighty-three counties would average tfiO
votes to the county, or a difference of
I n'arl' 50 000 Hen vot t tor Her-
rick and that for the remainder of the re
publican ticket The other republicans be
ing thus about 50.QU) ahead of their chief,
would win If Pattlson was less than 60,0j0
ahead of Herrlck. but aa the figures hull-
. . . . D... .,.,
cated that Pattlson had considerably morel
than the necessary EO.000, while the differ
ence between Herrlck and the other repub
lican candidates seemed to be narrowing
slightly, It was safe to assume that the en
tire democratic ticket had been elected,
even though tha fullest report had not been
received as to the vote for these offices.
Might Increase In Hosts ftlaaarfctered
a Compared with Previous
CINCINNATI. Nov. 8.-(Specla! Tele
gram.) Price Current says: The approxi
mate total packing for the first week of
the winter season indicates 520,000 hogs, as
compared with B16.0X) in the preceding week
and 460.000 last year. The packing at promi
nent places from November 1 to S compares
with last year as follows:
Chicago 15S.ik
Kansas City lO.neo
Bt. Iuis 35.(l
Otnnh.i ). UK)
St. Joseph 4o,(0
Indianapolis '
Milwaukee IS. (Ml
Cincinnati IS.ooti
Ottumwa 12,0iM
t'edur Haplds 7.0
Bloux City 3MJOD
St. Paul is.0"
Cleveland 15,0UI
frark Males In Two Paloons,
Mires anal Eaeape on
Hand Car.
YANKTON, 8. D.. Nov. . (Special Tele
gram.) Yeggtnen rracked two safes In
two saloons at Volln last night, secured
$150. cut all telegraph and telephone wires
and escaped on a hand car. The county Is
being searched, but there Is no clue to
the robbers.
Temporary Order stops Them from
Interference with insnla Men.
SIOl'X FALLS. 8 D.. Nov. .-(8peclal.)
As the result of the he iritig before Judge
Jonea of the state circuit court in the case
Good Oodles
ara made
with geod food.
Tli perfect food, builds
strcattb aad steady
Instituted by the employing printers of
Sloox Falls tu prevent the striking printers
from interfering with the nonunion printers
who took the places of the strikers. Judge
Jones granted an order restraining the
strikers from In any way interfering with
or endeavoring o coerce the nonunion
printers Into leaving their work In the
printing establishment which are affected
by the strike. The order of Judge Jones
will continue In force pending the final !
hearing and determination of the action.
Each of the defendants, of whom there
are a great many, are Included In the re
straining order. They also are prevented !
by the terms of the order from intimidating !
or threatening In any manner the wives
and families of the nonunion printers for
the purpose of preventing any employe
from remaining In the employ of the
printing establishments which have been
placed under the ban of the local typo
graphical union.
(Continued from First Page.)
R. Hearst the rightfully elected mayor of
New Tork yesterday, In place of George B.
McClellan, was Inaugurated at a crowded
meeting of Municipal Ownership league
leaders today. At Its close Mr. Hearst said:
We are going to fight today; tomorrow.
next month and next year to make It
possible for a man to cast an honest vote
and to prevent In the future conditions as
disgraceful its they were yesterday, espe
cially In Sullivan's and Murphv's dis
tricts, and we will invoke every legal
means to have every ballot honestly
counted. We ore receiving voluntary of
fers of money from business men tj aid
ua In thin appeal.
Mr. Hearst's lieutenants then an
nounced that with evidence that 30,000
Hearst men were, defrauded of their right
to vote yesterday, and that 11,000 election
Inspectors were guilty of Illegal octe, the
contest would be carried Immediately over
the heads of the Board of County Can
vassers Into the supreme court. They
said the object of this plan was to secure
a speedy and final answer and that money
was not to be spared In engaging special
counsel In all parts of the United States
to make this plan succeed.
The leaders said that In less thnn
twenty-four hours after the polls, closed
the Municipal Ownership league had se
cured over l.noo affidavits charging illegal
acts against about 1,000 election Inspectors.
These affidavits state that the inspectors
In question were Tammany men. Mr.
Hearst himself said that within a year
"a chain of these men" would be sent to
Sing Sing. It was also stated that In
East Ride assembly districts. Including the
Eighteenth, Charles F. Murphy's home
district, affidavits had been secured to
show that at least 30.000 votes were
Illegally cast yesterday on the names of
voters who went to the polls to vote for
Mr. Hearst and the Municipal Ownership
league ticket, but when they arrived
found their names voted upon already.
Many gnppott Hearst.
That the city is profoundly stirred today
by the charges of fraud and the manner
In which returns were brought in laHt
night may be Judged from the following
extract from the JSvenlng Post, which
j paper opposea nearsi mrougnoui me
Proffers of support have been coming to
Mr. Hearst's, ornce all day. Men who did
not vote for him or his ticket, who, In
deed, on the day before yesterdiy were
talking about "anarchy," came to pledge
themselves acainst what they term "an
intolerable offense against order and the
American form of government." What
the offonso is, in detail, is being told In
At Williamsburg an election official who
took the ballots Into a closet and locked '
himself In there with them to count them
has been arreted and the. ballots seized
and sealed for examination later. Rtaten
Island returns which, showing Hearst
leading, suddenly were Intermitted and
then showed McClellan In the majority,
are being looked over. The reason for
holding back 13! districts of Manhattan,
at the moment when McClellan wus run
ning I. OilO behind and koeping them unan
nounced for two hours, is being Ir.vestir
District Attorney Jerome announced to
day that he will do all he can to see that
there is a fair count of the vote for mayor.
j He ave or'lorB !lis "sis'"" that the
' . . . . . n: I. . . 1. .1 01... 1.
returns irom inu r.iKiiie euLii aim nim as
sembly districts bo guarded carefully. The
Tammany leader. Charles Murphy, Is
leader of the Eighteenth and Congressman
Timothy P. Sullivan is leader of the Sixth
district. Mr. Jerome said:
"Take these returns from the Eighteenth
and Sixth assembly districts and lock
! them up. Ouard therrt carefully. JThey
I . - LI. . V. I .. 1 , V
1 ul " ' '! " ,
pose to see that there is a fair count In
,, ,. , ..v.
it hurts."
The Evening Journal also prints a notice
that bets on the mayoralty should not be
paid, declaring that the official count will
show Hearst elected.
Mr. Hearst, in making his contest, may
demand that each of the 1.94S ballot boxes
used In the election be brought before the
Board of Aldermen and a count of the
ballots be made by that body. Then If
dissatisfied. Mr. Hearst may throw the
whole matter Into the courts for decision,
and If that is done the battle probably will
be a long and intricate one. In addition to
the proceedings before the aldermen and tho
regular contest in the courts, Mr. Hcurst
may. of course, bring to the attention of
the authorities each Individual case of
fraud or violence that may be discovered.
Tammany Receives "evere Plow.
Although McClellan. on the face of the
rompleto but unofficial returns, was elected
by a plurality of 3.485, the democrats lost
heavily in yesterday's contest. The elec
tion of William T. Jerome as district at
torney Is a severe blow to the Tammany
organization, which exerted all the force
1 Bt Its command to rtrfeat him. His victory
is remaraann? wiin ii in cuiifimnwu umi
he was the candidate of no party and
made his appeal for votes solely on his
record In office for the last four years and
that every mart who voted for him voted
a split ticket. The Board of Aldermen,
too, is lost to Tammany, they having but
twenty-flve members of the board against
thirty-eight republican and nine municipal
ownership members. Bird S. Coler, mu
nicipal ownership, and Joseph Beimel,
republican and municipal ownership,
elected respectively president of Brooklyn
and Queens boroughs, have membership
on the city's hoard of estimate- and ap
portionment, which controls all expendi
tures of money. This is of great im
portance, giving the Municipal Ownership
league a voice in the city's financial affairs
and also in tha granting of franchises,
which power also is lodged in the board.
In addition to losing the Board of Al
dermen, Tammany lost twelve members
of the state assembly from New York
county, and the assembly, when It meets
In Albany on January 1 next, will be re
publican by more than 3 to 1.
Stack Market Affected.
I'"or some days past the stocks of local
traction and other corporations doing busi
ness on munlciiial franchises were some
wliut nervous on the presumption that tha
municipal ownership tlckit might succeed
It was expected that these storks would
be strong on today's market in view of
MoClellan'a re-elcctkn. but this expectation
was not realised In full. Consolidated Gas
and Metropolitan Street Railway opened a
point or so higher than Monday's closing,
but Immediately began to sell off on a
feeling that the Hearst representation on
the board of estimates will have
an effect on future franchises. Metropolitan
opened at K4 to 111 and quickly declined
to l-'-'-i- Metropolitan seemed to be vul
nerablo on the argument that the com
pany's plans fur subaay lint may be
yv-rr '".-' H A
r- ""4 -' ;
AIR TIOHT JOINTS Which will not open.
OPEN TOP MAGAZINE -In combination with a gas flue not found
in any other base burner, prevents all explosion or escape of gas.
CIRCl'LAH IlOTTOU FLl'E Carrying heat around the outsido
of the bottom increasing the radiation.
( DUPLEX GRATES Cleanly In operation. No dust or ashes.
Milton Rogers & Sons Co.
14th and Farnam Straats.
Nothing like being your own landlord.
If you have part of the money, we can
likely furnish the balance and get you
started right. If you have no money or
a vacant lot, then start an account with
this Association and add to It until you
have sufficient funds In hand to purchase
a lot, and we can then loan you the
money with which to build a house.
Funds always on hand. Loans promptly
The Conservative Savings & Loan Assn.
206 South 16th Bt., Omaha, Neb.
Interfered with through the municipal own
ership influence In the board of estimate.
The local shares remained sensitive to
discussion of the political situation through
out the morning and the selling of Metro
wlltan and Brooklyn Rapid Transit was
reported to have considerable political fol
lowing. One of tho Wall street tickers
ninde the statement that there seemed lit
tle doubt that the politicians were genu
inely frightened by the closeness of the
election and Mr. Hearst's demund for a
The next assembly will stand: Republic
ans. Ill; democrats, 36: municipal owner
ship, i: Ist year it stood: Republican,
101; democrats, 40. The senate holds over
this year.
Itepoblleaa Wlm la Troy.
TROY. N. V., Nov. 8. Ellas P. Mann,
republican, was elected mayor In a four
cornered fight here yesterday.
nody of Founder of Y. M. C. A. Will
Rest In St. Panl'a Cathedral,
LONTON, Nov. S.-The body of Sir George
Williams, founder of the Toung Men's
Christian association and president of the
London headquarters for twenty years, who
died November 6. will be buried in St.
Paul's cathedral November 14. The me
morial requesting burial .In St. Paul's in
cluded the names of persons prominent in
all walks of life and was endorsed by
resolutions from the Council of North
America, representing 400,000 members of
the association, and also by resolutions
from councils In many other countries.
Part of Proceeds of llngreratown (Ind.)
Bank Robbery Found Kenr
Cambridge City.
CAMBRIIX1E CITY, Ind.. Nov. 8.-Fif-teen
hundred dollars In bank notes,
wrapped up in u bundle of newspapers,
were found by Clarence Mason, a farmer
living five miles southwest of this city,
this afternoon. The money was concealed
in a hollow stump. Mason also found a
dark lantern and a large brass ring, sup
posed to be a piece of the safe. The papers
wrapped about the money were identified
as belonging to the First National bank at
IUKI' llAtlUt r- oiuiiiu U I III IIV- I IIIICll
Druggists refund money if It falls to cu e
U. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c,
Arm Crashed In Cane Mill.
ARAPAHOK, Neb., Nov. . (Special Tele
gram.) The 13-year-old daughter of Wil
liam Brerks, living northwest of Arapahoe,
while feeding a cane mill had her hand
caught In the rolls and crushed nearly to
the elbow. Owing to the Inability to secure
immediate medical aid and from loss of
blood the Injury undoubtedly will prove
fatal. Dr. Brewster attended the case and
amputated the arm.
" What a difference
in the suffering at
time of childbirth
when Dr. R. V. Pierce's medicines are uod,"
write Mrs. Ed won Jsrol. of BarrersTllle,
Johnson Co , Ind. "I had not beard of lr.
Pierce's medliiuea three yean sko when I
wa confined, so had to suffer ilnxrut death.
Before bshy its burn I could not be on
uiy foet wlthmi two pepon holding me.
'J he baby was a
55s bo, weighing
v puuiiUM, arm
for some weeks
after his birth I
tutTored gorvro
VkV Ptln. fall,
fr following luetd-
i e of a neigh
bor, my huabaud
Ixiught me lr.
Pierre's Kor
Ite I'rescrlptluu.
which 1 to olc
di.rlng the win
ter, and in
March. I gtra
htrtu to a bsliy
hoy, weighing
10 b. I wa
only la labor two
hour? nd wa ,
on my foet with
out help until
thirty minutes
liefre bhr im
" The odrir of tf nt(Wir.'
born. He Is now three months oM nf. neleln
IV )o. I LnuW it ill Or. Plerve'a loociifin
that kited me from Buffering 1 1tIo all
women lo take lr. Pierce's Favorite I'revrlp
lion, also bU ' 1'lcaaaot Pullets.' if iieceuiry."
"Following the advice of a neighbor."
What a weight of eoniM mtr evidence
theie i In those six word. The neighbor
had trie.1 the" Favorite Prescription "and
recommended it. Mrs, Jacobs has also
tried it and provod its wonderful prope,
lies and now she recommends It. Itcoii
ur!i testimony a tliia its maker's wonb
aro unimportant. Mm. Jacobs' epcri
ence Is a fact. Her ucighlior's ejorlonci
is a fact. The written experiences oi Ma
net) other women are facts. There Is n
theory about it. There can bo no ques
tion about it. Io every nelghberhood in
tail broad land there, are women who
bava been cured by the "Favorite Pre
ierlplion." Ft ha "cured more cav o(
female complaint than all othor meUldnei
for women combined. It Is the only rood
lelne of its Wind Invented by a sklllecj
specialist in medicine a rogulsrlv gradu
ated physician of more than forty years'
actual eiyorloui;.
i ii ii
Radiant Home
Faultless in Construction
Perfect in Operation
Economical in Fuel
h if
- J
because of the Superior quality of
the leather used the expertness' in
building the shoes the jrogresa
lvenees In styles.
Excel and lead all- others.
Quality and price always the same.
Cfl ftfl For a better shoe than
CPU.OV any, other.
StT " C? f For the eniisl r.t whnf
kp.fc.OV7 others sell-for- k beH
prr,uAi- e carry, a ' complete
line of Dr. Reed'a Cushion Pole to
205 South ISth St.
uia you ever stun
think that with k. -
ception of your heart yotu
eyes are the nardest
worked part of your bodyl
If they don't feel Just
right better see na At nnn.
Huteson Optical Co.,
211 South ISth. St.
Factory on the Premises. Paxton Blk.
Woodward & Burgess,
Friday Night. Production
Saturday Mat., Shakespeare's
Saturday Night, Farewell Appearance,
Nights 60c to $2.60. Mat. 60c to $2.00.
Positively No Free List.
BURWOQD N'nt Sun. Mats. 10c. 2i
DUnnilUU Tues.,Thurs.,8at.Mats.l0-Wo
Klahlh DltT Week.
Tonight and All Week
Mat .Today and Pontile Orchestra.
Next Week - WHEN WE WERE
'Phone 404.
. Children loc.
Tonlalit H i IB Prlewt. !. 3Sr. ROc.
WW l'1-u-fi.-i.e. ac. We. Tc
TOMt.HT feilft
The Typical American Com'dv-I 'rama
A Romance of the Boiilhern Plaim..
Kunday WAY ltVN EAST.
Fall Term for Children
Mr. and Mrs. Morand's New
Academy, Crelghton School of
Law, 18th St. Near Farnam.
Begins Saturday, Nov. 1 1.
Beginners, 10 a. m. Advance, i p. m.
Bend your children to a school that CAN
and ti) teach ti.eni to dance gracefully In
one season. We are the only ones In
Omaha who have done this every mason of
our years' existence In this -.lty. Call
and virit these rooms. You will huJ them
as fine and private as the best In Omaha
today. For particulars telephone 1(41.