Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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' Frtt idnt Wadiwonb of BsUstus Talk on
Beligioui Train in 5 f loath.
lnhop WortMnajtoa Srrnoilin on
th SlftnlSoanre of Little Thins
Whea Done to Adyanoe
Christ's ( aose.
President Guy W. Wadsworth of Hcllevue
coll'jw preached Sunday morning at Caste!
lar Street Presbyterian church. He spoke
of the training of children and youths and
praised the email Christian college. Said
"The Instruction given a child la the
most Important Instruction ever given a
human being. Every evangelist knows that
the most frequent way In which hearts are
reached and souls saved Is by appeals to a
mother's prayers or a father's teachings.
"In the rush of twentieth century life
parents often forget the duty of properly
training their children. If we realise th'it
1 hat we must do It we will find plenty of
time fof It. The men that are honest to the
core, that can be depended upon to stand as
firm as the everlasting rocks, no matter
what the temptation, are those that have
received a good training in their home,
who have been taught from earliest youth
that God Is all, their Creator and King,
and they owe all to Him.
"Family worship should be made Inter
esting and helpful In every way. I believe
In this day of perfection of Sabbath schools
we sometimes delegate too much to the
church, rather than holding In the family
many Influence! which can be bettor ex
erted upon the child there.
"When wc come to the time when the
young man or young woman Is about to
take a college cnurso a critical period has
arrived. 1 think tlic best way Ik for the
average young person to go to a college
reasonably small, where the contact be
tween student and faculty amounts to
something. After graduation it Is time to
go to' the university. The spiritual educa
tion Is vastly more Important than educa
tion of mind or body. The statement of
Lord Wellington that 'education without re
ligion would end only In making men clever
devils' la true. We are familiar with the re
cent story of the school superintendent who
used his education to steal a. million or so.
Had he lacked the education he might have
been able to ateal no more than chickens."
Her. C. H. Maxwell Says Portrait Was
. Purposely I.eft Ont of Bible.
Hev. C. H. Maxwell of Minneapolis occu
pied the pulpit at the Second Presbyterian
church Bumlay morning, In the absence of
Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck, the pastor,
who Is assisting In 'the evangelical move
ment at Minneapolis. Mr. Maxwell, telling
of the good work being done at Minneapo
lis, said that one evening last week the
movement was carried Into one of the lower
class theaters, which was filled by men
eager to listen to the word of God, and that
over 100 were converted.
"Today Is the first day In Its history that
all saloons are closed In Minneapolis, and
although It has taken the reform mayor
one year to bring about this state of af
falra. It Is really accomplished."
Mr. Maxwell took as his text the Urn;.
"His face did shine as to the sun," and
drew many lessons from a study of the
Imagined face of the Savior, .
"Kveryona has tried to picture the face
of Christ, but the picture all depends upon
the time of Christ's career which one con
siders. All humanity and all things divine
are pictured In His face. When we think
of the Savior we do not think of Ills form
or hand or feet, but of His face. No ex
act picture of Christ has coma down to us,
cither by description or portrait, and nil
pictures which we see of the Savior are
man's conceptlbn of how wa would think
that He should look. '
'The exact likeness of the Savior waa
left out of the Bible on purpose, so that
each nation could Imagine Him aa belong
ing to that particular nation or race. Read
the Bible and get your own conception of
the Savior and then draw your own picture
of Him, and remember that for nineteen
centuries the face of Christ has been be
fore the throne ef God, pleading for you
and me."
I.OB-Tlme Missionary Tells of Their
Needs and Their Sacrifices.
Rev. John K. Brown of Harpoot, Turkey,
occupied -the pulpit of Plymouth Congrega
tional church Sunday morning. Dr. Brown
has for the past thirty years been engaged
In missionary work in Turkey. Hla sermon
bora particularly upon foreign mission work
and the necessity for its extension among
the' Armenian Christiana.
"There Is an Inadequate conception," ha
said, "regarding the real meaning of Ar
menian Christianity. It la a combination
of the Greek, Nestorlan and Armenian doc
trlnea and la overburdened with rituals,
the same aa prevailed 1.600 years ago. The
priests are woefully Ignorant and are gen
erally very old men, for young men will not
enter the priesthood. The Armenians, while
nominally Christians, are as much In need
or the gospel as those. In the uttermost
darkneas. What they need Is the privilege
of modern enlightenment. Christ left to us
the work of evangelising ttTe world and we
are recreant to our duty when we fall to do
"Those who have become converted to
the living gospel of Christ are Intensely
loyal and earnest. Though poor In purse
they cheerfully and lovingly contribute of
their means to the support of their churches
and missions.
"Does foreign mission work pay? The
best answer is given In the fact that In 189,
4,000 of these Christians, our converts, died
not In the arena, but atone in their homes
and stables, because of their love for Christ.
Then let It be that we can unite In prayer
to Christ that we may establish the work of
our hands upon them for His sake."
Head of Episcopal Diocese rlmpba
alsea Doing; of Present Dntf.
Bishop Worthlngton preached the sermon
at Trinity cathedral Sunday morning, tak
ing for his text the Incident where the rod
of Moses was turned Into a serpent by the
Lord. The supreme need of paying atten
tion to small things and of doing with
good grace apparently Insignificant duties
was the lesson the bishop sought to con
vey. He said, in part:
"Obedience Is the universal rule laid down
by God for those who would serve Him
faithfully. Our own estimate of our capa
bilities, our personal opinion of possible
success or failure, must be laid aside. Our
weakness may be the very reason why we
are seelcted to do God's work. God does
not care whether we are great men or
not, but He does care that we should set
forth to the world His message to man for
: "God gave to Moses a respect for com
mon things and he wielded the shepherd's
staff then as the agent and teacher of
God's truth. Human agencies, when God
uses them, are not controlled by human
measurements. He says we Khali not pre
vail by might or by power, but by His
Spirit. We must learn the very important
lesson of self-surrender; we must give our
selves wholly and without reserve into
God's hands. It is thus that we may be
come a power for good and not by the
qualifications we may think makes us com
petent for great things. We should obey
and serve wherever we may be placed.
"Every now and then God takes a com
monplace man and, because of, his charac
ter and worth, makes him the Instrument
of society for achieving great ends. God
comes at times and dissipates .all our
dreams of elaborate machinery. We arc
thus taught to do that today which Is at
our hand. Each one of us has a present
duty which must lie performed. The les
sn Is simple and direct to all who would
make their lives useful, noble, and. a
blessing to the world we are to begin
here and now to do God's work, to do
that which Ho has put In our way. Seek
Him and your strength will be made per-fect.v
Going to Bed Hungry.
It Is All Wrong and Man la the Only
Creature That Does It,
The complete enmptineia of the stomach
during sleep adds greatly to the amount of
emaciation. aleepliness and general
weakness so often met with. There la a
perpetual change of tissues in the body,
sleeping or waking, and the supply of
nourishment ought to be somewhat con
tinuous and food taken just before retiring,
adds more tissue than is destroyed, and In
creased weight and vigor the result. Dr.
W. T. Cathell says: "All animals except
man eat before sleep and there is no reason
In Nature why man should form the excep
tion to the rule."
If people who are thin, nervous and
sleepless would take a light lunch of bread
and milk or oatmeal and cream and at the
aame time take a safe, harmless stomach
remedy like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in
order to aid the stomach in digesting it,
the result will be a surprising Increase in
weight, strength and general vigor. The
only drawback has been that thin, nervous,
dyspeptic people cannot digest and asslmi-
' late wholesome food at night or any other
time. For such It is absolutely necessary to
use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, 'because
they will digest the food, no matter how
weak the stomach may be, noruibhing the
body and resting' the stontach at the same
time. ,i
Dr. Stevenson says: "I depend almost
entirely upon Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In
'treating indigestion, because It is not a
quack nostrum, and I know just what they
contain. a combination of vegetable
essences, pure pepsin. They cur Dyspep
sia and stomach troubles, because they
can't help but cure." Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets are sold by druggists everywhere
' at 60 centa per package. They are In
losenge form, pleasant to take, and con
tain . nothing but pure pepsin, vegiUblo
eaeences and bismuth. at-jnUfk'ally com
pounded. Your druggist will UU yuu they
give universal aatUiactloo, -
Candidates for Various OHlces Are
Endorsed by I'nanlmona Vote
of Good Meeting;.
At a well attended meeting of the Hun
garian Social club yesterday, the following
candidates were unanimously endorsed: D.
M. Haverly for county clerk, Robert O.
Fink for county treasurer, Herman .Beal
for surveyor, E. F. Bralley for coroner,
Frank Bandle for register of deeds. Bryce
Crawford for police judge, Emmet G. Solo
mon and William O. I're for county com
missioners. Charles Singer acted as sec
retary. A prominent member of the republican
county central committee expressed himself
as being disgusted with the attempted but
ting Into the work of the committee by
Tom Blackburn and his particular friends.
"Blackburn waa dead politically years
ago," said the member, In giving expres
sion to his resentment. "He doesn't seem
to know how little figure he really cuts in
the community, however. He. wrecked
Dave Mercer and anything he touches suf
fers by reason of his connection. Black
burn and his friends In sending out their
postals urging voters to register took pains
to send none Into the lower wards of the
city, with an eye to the possible effect In
the spring campaign. They are playing the
old game for which they have always been
distinguished, and It Is surprising to me as
well as to others that they should have the
Impudence to even attempt to poke their
noses Into our committee business."
That Mr. Leslie's debut aa a letter writer
haa not brought him any peace of mind la
the judgment of even his friends. It is
known that many of the men who have felt
kindly toward him have not hesitated to tell
him that he has blundered very seriously.
One of the most prominent "antls," a can
didate for mayor. Is understood to have said
he will vote the ticket straight with the ex
ception of Leslie. The chief clerk's par
ticular blunder, It Is now developed,'. waa to
allow Burnett or Blackburn, or both, to
write his letter. They could not disguise
their well known characteristics, and Leslie
is to reap the resulting landslide of the
votera from this cause.
Seventeen-Vear-Old Jake Craig; Vic
tim of the Carelessness of
a, Comrade.
The careless handling of a shotgun cost
the life of Jake Craig, 17 years of age,
yesterday afternoon along the Burlington
tracks, near Gibson. William Blnkley, 17
ears of age, who did the shooting, la
held at the city jail on the charge of
"suspicious character," pending an investi
gation. Coroner Bralley haa the body of
young Craig and will hold an Inquest.
Sunday afternoon Jake, Harry and
Ernest Craig and William Blnkley went
hunting along the river. One of the boys
laid the shotgun down beside the track
while they picked some .burrs from their
clothes. Soon a flock of pigeons aame
within rar.go and one of the boys ex
claimed, "There's some pigeons; drop
The gun, which waa already cocked, was
picked up by Binkley, who in some man
ner discharged the weapon, the load hit
ting the Craig boy In the side. The Injured
boy dropped and died almost instantly.
He was standing about six feet from
Blnkley. The shot was No. 12.
William Blnkley resides at 414 Walnut
street, while, the other boys five in the
Immediate neighborhood.
Officer Patullo and Detective Mitchell
made an Investigation of the case and
learned the shooting was accidental, al
though the result of carelessness.
Religions Service to Precede Formal
Memorial Exercises at the
I nlversltjr.
Toduy will be observed as Founder's day
at Crelghton university. Edward A. Cielgli
ton. the founder will be the personality to
hold the attention of the students and the
visitors. At the memorial exercises In the
university R. E. McNally of the senior
class will deliver an oration appropriate to
the occasion. President Dowliug will also
make an address. These formal exercises
will be preceded by services In St. John's
Colli glate v hurch, beginning at S o'clock.
Man who Draws Celebrated Cartoon Pays
Omaha t Visit
Just Loves "Kids" and Delights In
Watching Their Antic and Then
Puts Them on
Richard F. Outcault, cartounlst, father
of Buster Brown, the Yellow Kid and
many other notable characters, arrived In
the city Sunday for his entertainment at
the Boyd this afternoon. With his man
ager he Is stopping at the Her Grand.
"What do you think of a newspaper
man that seeds a manager?" said Mr.
Readers of The Omaha Bee are' familiar
with Buster Brown, for he comes to the
reading public of Omaha each 8unda by
means of The Bee and children all cry for
It. Mr. Outcault Is making a tour of the
country, giving Illustrated talks on car
toons. He does not like the name lecture
to be applied to his talks because that
sounds too formal, when the Idea Is more
of an entertainment, especially adapted
for the younger people, with lota of moat
for the older folks.
Mr. Outcault Is noted aa a story teller
and Is famous as a chestnut) detector,
priding himself with being always "there"
with a fresh story. Mr. Outcault is often
asked how he came to be a cartoonist and
in reply to that' question Sunday night
How He Happened.
"Oh, I Just worked Into ' it. You never
see a man succeed in this business who
sets out to be funny. Take some man
with talent who wants to be an artist or
an actor or something more serious and
ho suddenly dlscovtiiw that he Is better
fitted to go into the comic field. The
Buster Brown pictures ate natural se
quences of my fad for jokes and stories!
I need some vehicle or clothes line on
which to present them to the public and
hit upon Buster to carry out my plan.
When I started out to draw children's
pictures it was because I saw there waa
a fine opening for such a line of work.
Besides I love children. Wilton Lackaye
has a child with him here at the hotel
which he dresses like Buster, and you
should have seen him look at me Just now
when Mr. Lackaye told him that I was
Buster's papa. I . don't see how anyone
could help but be fond of kids. To me
'kid' humor is the brightest humor of ad
just good and clear, like kids themselves.
Then the child proposition appeala to all.
I have two children of my own at homo,
and I know what I am talking about.
"Children all over are crazy about
Buster and his dog Tlge. I am glad. The
Bee Is publishing these pictures, for I
know that every boy and girl in town will
want to tee Buster and Tlge. I was at a
Chicago theater when a Buster Brown
show was In progress and ' the word got
out that Buster's pa waa on the stage.. The
kids poured down from the gallery to the
stge door to see Buster and. his pa.-. I
had to do something to disperse the crowd
so I called out, 'Buster, take Tlge and go
over to the hotel at once.' The hotel waa
soon as Jammed aa the theater.
Jnst Feels for Laach.
"Now, this affair at the Boyd Monday Is
billed as a lecture, but It Is not a lecture
and I don't want people to think that I am
going to lecture them. What I have Is a
crazy quilt of the most Idiotic things that
I can think of, and I am Just trying to
make people laugh for one hour and
fifty minutes. When" I deliver those patches
of crazy quilts I need the whole stage to
do It."
After the lecture at the Boyd Monday
afternoon, Mr. Outcault will pass down
Sixteenth street In front of the Boston
store and two auits, a large one and a
small one, will be given to the first boys
who can recognize him.: At . the matinee
today Mr. Outcault will give away picture
cards of the famous Buster Brown. ' '
Mr. Outcault is a Jolly good fellow of
the old newspaper school who haa kept
pace with modern Ideas, so much so. that
The Omaha Bee is paying him a handsome
salary, four theatrical companies are pay
ing him large profits each week, a St. Louis
shoe manufacturer Is paying him a royalty
on every pair of Buster Brown ehoes
turned out, a suit firm pays for the use
of the Buster Brown idea and even a
baker is making Buster Brown bread.. He
is well groomed and the boys who look: fqr
him in front of the Boston Store this after
noon will see a man about six feet tall,
wears glasses and has a black mustache. ,
Like most artists who sketch,, Mr. Out
cault has to work, but unlike many of them
he does not have to worry about where, the
wherewithal will come from to pay bis
board bill. Some artists can draw pictures
but few can draw the cash that he does, and
he believes In the maxim that It la all
right to be wedded to art and also to di
vorce the public and newspaper publishers
from some of their coin.
"The worry of my life la 'some of these
long-haired young fellows with the big
portfolios who want me to examine their
work, and then to aend them on to New
York with a recommendation to some man
aging editor. I tell them all that it Is not
so much how they draw but what they
draw that takes. I tell them to put the
right ideas into their work and they can
easily dispose of it."
Mr. Outcault is making an extended
western trip, going from Omaha to Den
ver, where be will let Tlge try to catch a
bear, or a wildcat, which he will send to
President Roosevelt, while he la gathering
In a few silver dollars with his lecture and
drawing a few more cartoons for The Sun
day Bet.
B-K wedding rings. Edau!s. Jeweler.
If You Ci
Pick the Riht Man
We Will
Give Away Free a Fine
Buster Brown.
Bobby Tucker Suit
To the Tirst Boy Who Will Recognize Mr. R. F.
Outcault, (the artist who made Buster Brown famous).
Tag Him and Say: "You Are Buster Brown's Papa." .
Mr. Outcault, the famous cartoonist, is in Omaha. Be
tween 5 and 5:10 p. m. today he will pass by the clothing
window of J. L. Brandeis & Sons, the sole agents of Buster
Brown and Buddy Tucker Clothing.
AH You Have to Do is to Be There at That Time,
Recognize Him, and Touch " Him On the Arm, Saying:
"You Are Buster Brown's Papa."
If you guess the right man he will come into our store
with you and you get the nice new suit of stylish clothes.
How You Will Know Mr. Outcault.
" Hp Is 5 fret 8 inches hlRD, wears ft long ovpfcont
ftnd defhT hot." He has n moustache. ' "?
Between 5 and 5:10 o'clock he will pass the Six
teenth st. window at the northeast corner of our store.
We invite every boy in Omaha to be in front of.
our clothing window this evening at 9 o'clock. Be
the first to pick out Buster Brown's pnpa' and you
get the new suit. 1
MS ::;
Sueeaaful Strike.
against lung trouble, can be engineered by
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption
Coughs and Colds. 6oc and $1. For sale by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Preseatatlon to J. K. Uaanmund.
Twrlve friends of J. E. Hammond,
Twenty-fourth and Charles streets, sur
prised him Saturday evening on the oc
casion of the fortieth anniversary of his
birth. The little stag function was thor
oughly enjoved by all. Mr. Hammond waa
presented with a silver mounted umbrella,
the presentation speech being made by
Councilman Scliroeder. James Flannlgan
rendered several musical selections and
Frank Bandle recited a few lines without
referring to notes. Those In the running
were: H. F. Brulley, Frank Bandle, W. H.
Uorranie, C. E. Lovejoy, James Flannlgan,
Ci. C. Fleming. Clark and Grant Hutton,
Charles Grimes, Charles Toy, Jack Salmon
and Peter Schroeder.
C s.;. 3 ill
An Arrow
Chipoco Shrunk. Quarter Staes
is cum ucb: t rea a quutu
cloctt. pea body , co.
Siitu or Clcbtt aid Mokk Ssibts
Cost of Life Insurance.
OMAHA, Nov. B.-To the Editor of The
Bee: In an editorial Evening Bee, October
81 vou say:
I The demonstrated fact Is that most of the
I larger life Insurance companies csn very
materially renuce tneir expenses, inistney
will bo compelled to do. .
Did It ever occur 'to you that rates for life
Insurance the world over are substantially
alike for like jiollcles? To Illustrate, con
sider premiums per annum of a few foreign
companies at ago of 35 on participating life
policies: , 1 ,
Estab- i
llshed. GERMAN.
lSL7-Gotha .iv .S0
1819 Generate ; 30.70
17-Equltabl 29.92
!?&, Liverpool & London & Globe 28 13
I806 London Life -34.25'
18t-prudenUal 2S.33
1K4S Royal
1R1 Scottish Widows S8.
1826-8tandard.. TiM
Now, take tf-ose companies which are ac
tive In Nebraska and whose reserve basis Is
substantially alike, and their premiums on
the same policy are as follows:
1850-Aetna I?7.M
18 Connecticut Mutual 2K.35
1S59 Equitable 2S.11
lkrtO Oermania 2i.V7
1X45 Mutual Benefit 2K.35
1M3 Mutual Life 27.88
1850 National of Vermont 27.41
j44New Ensland ...... 27.30
145 New York Life 28 11
1858 Northwestern '. 27.93
1847 Penn Mutual 27.39
1S61 Phoenix Mutual 27.14
1875 Prudential
1867 Union OMitral v 2C.88
In, the above rates of fourteen domestic
and nine foreign companies, It happens that
the premiums of the Connecticut Mutual
and tha Mutual Benefit are alike; that
those for the Equitable and New York Life
are the aame; that the premium of the Pru
dential of America, company organised In
1875. Is $27.83. and that of the Standard of
England, organized In 1826, are the aame:
but you don't believe for one minute that
the actuaries of those -particular companies
conspired together to "graft" the dear pub-'
lie, do you? Take out those six companies
and there are left seventeen others, and
each with a different rate. Why? Let us
see if the why can be made plain to you
and to the public.
Any company reserving (this means the
putting away of enough money each year to
take up death' losses. aa they come, along;
incidentally, too. It means that some of this
"reserve" will be on hand, and therefore
necessary to Invest it) on a 3 per cent basis
must have at age 35 from the Insured each
year he lives for a whole life policy $3.08;
possibly $9 of this will be paid out during
the year for deaths. If the "vitality gain"
out of this f9 should be 12, $3 or M then the
Insured Is entitled to Its return; In other
words, this la part of his misnamed "divi
dend." Now, the home office has used up
9 and has $1108 to Invest, and aa another
portion of his so-called dividend the In
sured Is entitled to a return of all the com
pany can earn over 3 per cent, less taxes
and Investment expenses.
But how did the company get this $21.08?
Through an ajfent; and this brings me back
to the "why" a difference In premiums.
The compensation to the agent comes out
of a "loading" on this $21.u8; 25 per cent on
$21.08 Is $5.27, thus making the premium for
two of the companies $26.33. Other com
panies possibly . "load" 27, per cent or
more, apprehensive, perhaps, that the ex
pense of commission to the agent, loss pos
sibly on foraelosed real estate, error of '
judgment In some Investment, taxes and
examinations by insurance commissioners,
In fact any unforeseen contingency bearing ,
upon the cost of insurance, must come out
of the "loading." Don't think, Mr. Editor,
that the agent gets It all. If he did why
not more well fixed agents? I venture the
assertion that of all the life agents In Ne
braskasolicitors, managers or general
agents after you count out a half doaen
men, that not one of them could go to the
bank and borrow on his own note $500, aud
some of these men have given almost a life
time of faithful service to their companies.
You cannot say that aa a rule they are
spendthrifts or men of bad habits, and If
not why are they not better off Individually
Jn this world's goods?
If there is such a snap In a life Insurance
company, why don't some of Omaha's cap
italists and editor quit shouting about
"graft" and start a company of their own,
where neither moth ner rust ran corrupt
and where thieves cannot break through
and steal?
The agent does not condone In any degree
wrongful acta of any home oflloee, but be
lieves fully that such wrongs,' If proven,
will be corrected, and such laws passed as
will prevent a recurrence; and we believe
that the most heavily Insured man In Ne
braskayou, Mr. Rosewater when he care
fully thinks this problem out. can be de
pended upon to say In the meantime a good
word for a system that paid Into Nebraska's
treasury last year $1,990,204. of which Omaha
received $748,710 and Lincoln $158,088, and
which will have to pay to your estate when
you go to heaven about $250,000.
If. the level-headed editors will quit say
ing that premiums are too high, that agents
get too much commission and a lot of
Tommy Rot Lawson stuff, many more men
will die leaving their families some protec
tion gainst maybe want and po-erty.
The public wait now for "lower premiums";
for "I want to see the result of these ex
aminations"; for this, that and the other
excuse that may to them seem reasonable.
But while waiting they die. and without,
too. Insurance, and such editorials as yours
certainly give them a wrong impression.
A paragraph In the October Issue of the
Life Insurance Independent seems to me
hits the question of lesser rates for lif In
surance about right. It Is as follows:
The fact that actuarial authorities of this
country are practically a unit in regard to
net premium rates ft he $21.08 mentioned
above. H. R. G.) aed the fact that the
rates of British companies are -uniformly
higher than those of American companies is
the best evidence, that a reduction would
not be prudent or wise,
I,a, Grippe Thrice Cared.
"I have , had the grip three different
times," says Mrs. Thomas Cleland of Alli
ance, Ohio, "and was left with a bad cough.
Every time I was cured by tha use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and I can
not speak too highly of this valuable medi
cine." '
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. . Tel. 1231
Very Low
Excursion Rates
November 7th, 1905,
To Points la '
Kansas, Colorado,
Oklahoma and Indian
Territory, Arkansas,
I (lew Mexico and Texas.
IUte 75 per cent of the On
Way Rate for the Round Trip,
with three woaks return limit aud
choice of routes.
There are home-getting op
portunities In the West and
Houthwesl today that will be
. goue tomorrow. 8eite them
fln4 frtr fr llliiatrmf4 llt-,A
concerning the locality that Interests
you and list of opportunities.
K. P. Rl'THERFORD. D. P. A.,
1823 FaruAin Street.
Omaha, Neb.
You Sometimes Annoy
Your friends with that hacking cough.
Why not accept a suggestion of a remedy?
Will be a relief and the relief begins with
the first dose,
After severe colds the cough that re
main ts sometimes dangerous. LA
URll'PK COUGH 8YKUP puts you on the
mud to bntter health.' 1 sizes, 26c. sue and
$1.5u. Sam plea free.
Manufactured and sold by
Sherman & McConneil Drug Co.
Corner 16th and Dodgs -Streets." J
Stupendous Bargains Ml This Week
Creat Manufac-
Strplus Dry
Goods Stock of
Tootle. Wheeltr
6 M otter Now
On Sale.
. f - I 'l
Continues Ml
This Week.
f it i L
m u
Men in Ml Walks of Lite
Appreciate good . clothes. They
e al
they want quality with it. Tl
1 i .i ft al l
choicest domestic and forei-rn fab-
while thev last.
rics are used in the construction of
our Hand Tailored , Clothing and
examination will prove to you their
superiority in workmanship, fit and
uits 12-50 O'coals 12-50
a"" to $30 uQUd' to $35
The Great Special Sale
of manufacturer's surplus stock at
$7.50 and $10.00 is still going on.
The immensity of the purchaso
leaves , us still with an assortment
from which we can fit j'ou perfectly
and give you value' without equals
at our sale price.' The surprising
high quality of these garments
makes thera irresistable bargains.
Splendid values at $10 and $12.50.
. pri: 1.50 and $10
YOUNG MEN'S SUITS With style that pleases, quality that
wears, at a price which in lowness iaCCffl 7 0
unequaled, quality of goods considered.), ttJIU B JJ
variety of style, color and fabric. Unsurpassable quality at
;rd"! 1.95, 2.50, 2.95 and 3.50
fin a wfifi
oj o) n
A young man
wants a.
warm room.
He will look 'orer
the Room-for-Rent Ads
on the Want Ad page
of The' Bee. If ' your
. room Is a d e r 1 1 .e d
. there, he coma to
look at it. ;' ''
Now Is the time to
rent your vacant room.
You can run a 10-word
ad three times for 80
eenta. . :
Telepkoae SSS. i
30,000 Beal Circulation.
Going to Sea
by Rail
Reads like a fain- taia hut u an accomDllshed fact.
One of the most Interesting and difficult I eaU of ' :
railroad engineering was the building of a bridge ,
serosa the waters of Great Bait Lake. This Is one of
the sights for passengers on their trip to.
Thru meals quicker to San Francitco than via
any other line.
Inquire at
'Phone 316.
aW KS1II ILW.ia'.h i II 1 . ' I i-TW aaMr B( m m iaW ' ' -JI ,laV
Tio Superbly fequipped Trsins Dally, with finest personal ser
vke. The "GREAT. WESTFk.V LIMITED" is Ulectric Lighted
throughout Equipped with Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Club '
' Car and Fiee declining Chair Cars. The CJub Car Is a most
beautiful, roomy and comfortable car whmin lunches, liquids, .
- and cigars of the best quality may be obtained. An excellent
breakfast served "a la carte" from Dining Car.
Union Station
City Ticket Office 131 Farnam St.
a . L