Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1905, Image 1

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    The. Omaha : Daily Bee.
Peculiarly a Home Paper
Omaha's Model Newspaper
Fortificatieng Board Want lixteea Millions
More to Complete TJefeniei.
Pretest Plan Embrace Oily Beoommenda
tieni tf Endicott Board.
No Hint at What Oeit Ton Extendi
Plant Will Be.
The Philippines, Hawaii. Naval Sta
tions ta Cab aad Eatraaeea
to Canal Tet to Bo Pro
Tided Par.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 5,-Slxteen million
dollars will be necessary to complete tho
engineering work of fortifications of the
seacoasts of the United States under the
plans of the Endicott board, according- to
the report of Brigadier General Alexander
MacKensle, chief of engineers. There has
already been appropriated for this pur
pose $28,6!3,iM. Permanent projects at
thirty-one different points have been adopted
and most of thnm are well under way.
These points are:
Frenchman bay, Maine; Penobscot river,
Maine; Kennebec river, Maine; Portland,
Maine; Portsmouth, N. H.; Boston, Maes.;
New Bedford, Mass. ; Narragansett bay, K.
I.; eastern entrance to Long Island sound.
New Tork, N. Y.;. Delaware river, Balti
more, Md.; 'Washington, D. C; Hampton
Roads, Va.; entrance to Chesapeake bay,
at Cape Henry;. Cape Fear river, N. C;
Charleston. 8. C: Port Royal. 8. C: Sa
vannah, Oa.; St. Johns river. Fla.; Key
West,' Fla.; Tampa bay. Fla.; Pensacola,
Kla.; Mobile, Ala,; New Orleans, La.; Gal
veston, Tex.; San Diego, Cal.; Ban Fran
cisco, Cal.; Columbia river, Oregon and
Washington: Puget Sound, Wash.; Lake
Champlaln, at the head of the great lakes.
The defense of the great lakes and the
St. Lawrence river Is under consideration.
The estimate for the completion for these
fortifications doea not contemplate any
thing more tflan the projects outlined by
the Endicott board. Modern appliances
and additional projects which may be
adopted by the Taft board appointed last
summer, and the fortifications of the Insu
lar possessions may Increase the estimates
when additional work Is approved by con
gress. It la estimated that 4.2B3.3S4 will be
required to put into execution by the en
gineering department the schemes of the
artillery and signal corps for fire control
of the sea. coast defenses. The report
. Likely to Exceed Estimates.
"While the genera principles of the fire
control system have been satisfactorily de
termined and adopted." the actual details
on "Which costs largely depend are still In a
'condition of experimental development , by
the artillery, and it is anticipated that the
cost of actual construction will probably
largely exceed the above sum when such
development is complete."
It Is stated that the reconstruction of the
works destroyed by the storm of 1J00 at, Gal- i
vestoa are nearly completed, but the bar
racks . and quarters and other post build- j
Ing, which must be located at Forts Travis
and Ban Jacinto, are unprotected, as well
as range finder stations and other engineer
accessories. Very heavy sea walls and ex
tensive sa:;d filling will be essential to
making protection complete at those points.
Work has been progressing on the fortifi
cations for the defenses of Manila bay and
Huhig bay, Philippine islands, and on the
' purchase of sites for fortifications in
Negotiations have been continued for the
acquisition of one site at the eastern en
trance to Long Island sound and of a tract
at Mobile, Ala. A tract on the Kennebec
river, : Maine; one near Charleston, 8. C,
and on the Columbia river, Narra sunset t
bay and Puget sound were acquired dur
ing the year. The total estimates for forti
fication works under the engineer depart
ment for the fiscal year 1907 amount to U.
4:4,153, divided as follows: Construction of
gun and mortar batteries, $4,000,009; moder
nising) older emplacements, $492,500; sites for
fortifications under sea coast defenses, $500,
ono; searchlights for harbor defenses, $500.
000; protection, preservation and repair of
fortifications, $000,000; preparation of plans
for fortifications, $6,000; supplies for sea
coast defenses, $40,000; sea walls and em
bankments, $215,000; sea walls, defenses of
Galveston, Tex., $1,433,853; casements, gal
leries, etc., for submarine mines, $540,700;
preservations and repair of torpedo struc
tures, $50,000.
Defeases of lasalar Possessions.
Defenses of insular possessions: Sea
coast batteries, Manila, $2,000,000; sea coast
batteries, Sublg bay, Philippine islands,
1000.000; Pearl harbor, Hawaii, $030,000; pro
curement of land for sites for defenses of
the Hawaiian Islands. $3, 100.
An estimate of $75,000 la made fur Im
provements in the Yellowatono National
Expenditures on river and harbor Im
provements In the United States reached
$j:.SS3.e23. This does not Include $;,:s&,073
under the Mississippi river commission and
fi.67S for the enlargement of Governors
Island. New York. No estimates are made
till year for river and harbor Improve
ments save those provided for under con
tinuing contracts. This amounts to $17,4oti,
801, to which la added IKo.ftjO to prevent de
posit In New York harbor and $15,000 to be
expended under the California, debris com
mission, and also an estimate of $iO(,0OO
tor the Mississippi river commission. Among
the estimates of the continuing contracts
are the following:
Mississippi river between Missouri river
and St, Paul, Minn., $Juu,uoo: San Pedro
harbor, California. Uuu.uOc; mouth of Colum
bia river, xSOO.Grti; Honolulu harbor. Hawaii,
$JiK),OU0; Galveston harbor. Texas. $io,ou);
GultcJton ship channel IJO.Uov; Southwest
Pass. Mississippi river. fcwi.ooO; South pass.
Mississippi rivor. SSu.Uim; Bayou Plaqucnilii
Louisiana. $100, wo; Sabine and Neches rivers,
s Texi
Texas, I3W.UU0; Trinity rlvtr, Texas. $
Brasoa river. Texas, $s7.juu: Aransas Pass
$100,000; Ouachita and Black rivers
Arkansas and Louisiana, $ia2.ii: Mississippi
-ivev at Mollne, 111., $J,ouo; Cumberland
Ivor above Nashville, 'fenn., $Aw.uw; Ten
lessee river, Chattanooga. Tenn., to River
n. Ala.. $i0.0uo; Kentucky river, $174.0u;
Vllmington harbor, California, Huma; Oak
and harbor, California, $Jj0,ou0; San Pedro
. California. M.0J; Columbia river at
me Dulles. Ore.. riw.uuo; Columbia river
Jetween Vaucouvvr. Wash., and the WU-
iiaraetle. Oregon. $WaJM; Columbia and
flower Willamette rivers below Portland,
la flood Mate of rresert atloa aad
Thoaaht to he Easily
BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 5. -What is confi
dently believed to be the head of Susanna
A. Geary, the dress suit case victim, was
recovered In a lent her handbag from the
bottom of the harbor today. It was
dragged loathe surface very near the point
where Louis W. 'Crawford and William
Howard, who have confessed to disposing
of the dismembered body of the girl, said
they dropped It from' the ste-n of an east
Boston ferryboat.
The head completes the bo " f the girl.
The trunk was found on 8c; ,ber II and
the limbs were picked up C er ?7. The
leather bag In whirh the ( had been
placed, together with thlr pounds of
loose shot, did not move i rently from
the place where It sank. ' S iwig with Its
contents was taken to iward street
undertaking establlehmen VI will be
viewed by Medical Exan Francis A.
Harris tomorrow. The h as In a good
state of preservation ant is thought by
the police thst It will 'nv Vendlly recog
nized as that of Miss Geary.
The police today continued the search for
Mary S. Dean, who is said to have had
charge of the homo In which Miss Geary
died after being removed from the Tre
mont street resort. The hunt for the
woman was without result and it Is be
lieved that she left the rlty as soon as
she learned of the arrest of Crawford and
Howard Crawford and Howard will prob
ably remain In New York for several dny.i
until the necessary papers for their extra
dition are approved by Governor HlKglns.
Morris Nathan, the lover of Miss Geary,
will be arraigned in court tomorrow on n
charge of abortion.
Dr. Percy D. Mcl.eod. who was arrested
In the Bark Bay district on Friday for al
leged complicity in the case, left town
today for a few days. He Is under bonds
of $20,000.
The police Intimate that they have evi
dence to show that other similar cases
have occurred In this city and that the
bodies of several of the victims have been
disposed of secretly.
When asked tonight concerning the al
leged confessions of Louis J. Crawford and
William Howard, the New York prisoners.
Chief William B. Wntts of the Boston
Bureau of Criminal Investigation, who has
returned from that city, said: "All I will
say is that the confession of these two
men Is the most startling and sensational
story I have ever heard. I do not like to
think of It. It Is a terrible story and the
most remarkable tale I ever heard In all
my years o police service."
The New York prisoners, Morris Nathan,
who was brought here from Pittsburg, and
Dr. Percy D. McLeod, who was arrested In
Boston Friday, are all charged with the
same crime, that of abortion.
Gives Promoters of stock Jobbing;
Scheme Some Hard
BALTIMORE, Nov. 5. Cardinal Gibbons
preached at the cathedral today on probity
In business, taking as his text,. "Pay What
Thou Oweat.",e said in part: t
There is a species of dishonest v which Is
conducted on a larger scale. I allude to the
Iniquity of watering stock and floating It on
the market, of Inflating stocks and bonds
and giving them a fictitious value. This sin
IS the more odious, as It Is not the result of
a sudden Impulse of temptation, but is per
petrated in cold blood by sharpwltted men
who court the esteem of their fellow cltl
xens. They use all kinds of arguments to
catch the unwary In their tolls and inflict
untold misery on a too confiding com
munity, and not infrequently widows and
orphans are the victims of this species of
I might also allude here to dishonest
presidents and cashiers of banks and busi
ness house clerks. Their number, thank
God, Is very small compared with the army
of loyal and upright officials.
These unfaithful officers yield to tho
criminal desire of growing suddenly rich.
They secretly appropriate the funds of the
Institution In which they are employed with
the vague in' ntlon of restoring them. They
gamble In knocks and other securities,
hoping to realise large profits. Their first
venture Is a failure. They cast the die
again and again, each time staking larger
sums with the same result, till they have
gone down the stream of speculation too
far to retrace their steps and hide their In
iquity. They Involve themselves In irre
parable ruin arid degradation. All the
waters of the Mississippi could not blot
out the stain. A name which before was
mentioned with honor Is now whispered
with bated breath or covered with' the
charity of silence. The last chapter In
their sad history is usually suicide, exile or
the penitentiary.
Sheriff aad Posse Vnable ta Catch
Perpetrator of the
HELENA, Mont., Nov. 5. A. K. Arpin
of Salt Lake City and J. C. Dolive of Or
lando. . Fla., were shot and seriously
wounded this afternoon a short distance
from this city by a man supposed to be
insane. The men are telegraph operators
and were walking in the hills. . They hud
passed a mining dump a few feet when a
bullet struck Arpin In the left .thigh. An
other, fired almost immediately, struck Do
live in the groin. ' Two other shots were
fired, one striking Dolive In the arm and
the other bitting Arpin in the groin. Dolive
took refuge behind a rise in the ground
and saw a man' running away. ,
The wounded men were brought to town,
and though their wounds are serious they
are not believed to be mortal.
An insane man ha been reported In the
hills near Helena for several days, and
the sheriff's oftk-ers 'have been hunting for
him. It Is believed he la the man who did
the shooting.
A search in the hills until nightfall was
unavailing. The Insane man U laboring
under the belief that some one is trying
to Jump his mining claim.
Men employed at Umaba Plnat lo
Take Place of Locked Oat
Employee tirl.
Some new luterest was added to the
situation In the lockout of the Job' printer
yesterday and last night, when sixteen of
the men who had been imported to take,
the places of locked-out employes at tho
Omaha Printing company's plant, leit
These men were mostly recruited In Chi
cago, where a lockout similar to that In
Omaha la under way. They are all said
lo be lii ft class workmen and their return
to Chicago will cripple the Omaha plant.
The local memtwirs of the union are stand
ing firm In their demand for the eight
hour day aad the union shop.
aauaster Starts for Chlcano.
LAWRENCE, Kan.. Nov. 58. W. feang
ter, the Chicago candy salesman, charged
with sending poisoned candy to his wife
and child, was taken to Chicago this after-Coon.
fShairmai of Two Committee! Vale Slate
mint on the ( ampaign,
Democrats Indicate They Will Be
Satisfied If Majority Is Less
Than That Received by
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 6 (Special)
Chairman Warner, of the republican state
committee, and Chairman Allen, of the
democratic state committee, have issued
their final statements concerning the cam
paign and It all now rests with tne voters.
As has been stated a number of times, the
democrats this year have been making an
organisation for the contest of next year
and this Is shown by the statement of Mr.
Allen. If Judge Let ton falls to get as large
a plurality as President Roosevelt the
democrats- will claim a victory, so It will
be up to the republicans to give hlin the
Roosevelt vote.
Chairman Warner's Statement.
Chairman Warner, of course, expects
success for the republican candidates with
the usual republican majority. The vote
this year, both chairmen agree, will be
much lighter than the vote of a year ago.
Chairman Warner, as a last 'statement to
the voters, haa this to say:
The state Is safely republican. But
nevertheless every republican enoitld vote.
Republicanism is no less popular this year
than last, but many who are busy will
neglect their duty as voters, and the total
will be considerably less than Inst ypar.
The opposition Is worse off In that respect
than we ar, so we will maintain our rela
tive miijorlty. based upon the average voted
for the state ticket last year. The people
have confidence In the republican party,
and that confidence will be evidenced by
the vote on Tuesday. Our candidates snd
platform are heartily approved in every
precinct in the state. There Is no disaffec
tion on the state ticket anywhere. The
republican majority can be reduced only
by overconlidence and neglect of republi
cans. The opposition, through their committee,
are explaining what their platform means
and what their candidates stand for. A
republican platform needs no explanation
from the committee, nor Is It necessary to
snv what our candidates will do if elected.
The position of the party has not changed
since the platform was adopted, and the
party means what lv said then. The can
didates are as popular and clean as any
ever nominated by any party, and stand
upon the platform. If republicans do their
duly by coming out, our majority will be
a splendid one.
Statement by Democrats.
Chairman Tom Allen of the democratlo
state committee Issued the following state
ment: The campaign Just closed haa been list
less and quiet. There have been no meet
ings to speak of; in fact. It-would have
been impossible to arouse much enthusi
asm this year. This does not mean that
the people are Indifferent or will refrain
from voting, but on the contrary It means
that they have their minds made up and
are ready to vote. The den ocratlc com
mittee has been In touch with public senti
ment and I am sure our party will make
large gains in every section of the state.
The people doubt the sincerity of the re
publican convention when it declared
against the pass evil. The record of the
last legislature is too recent to escape
their . notice, and, while the election this
year means little from the viewpoint of
getting tho offices, It mean much as a
preliminary to the- contest tht Is coming
next year I do not care to Indulge li, any
prophecy about majorities, but yoy may
say it will not be at all surprising If the
plurality of nearly 100,000 for Roosevelt
last year la changed to a democratlo ma
jority this year.
The recent Insurance Investigation has
confirmed the charge heretofore made by
those In a position to know that republican,
success In the past haa been due to the
enormous campaign fund contributed . by
the trusts, corporations and Insurance com
panies. The people of this state are won
dering now If any of these funds have been
spent here to elect republican officials or
to keep the legislature from doing Its duty.
Some potent Influence was at work dur
ing the last session and the people are
curious to know what It was.
With the people thinking about these
things it would not be strange If they de
manded a change. Another thing tual will
help the democratic ticket Is the feeling
that the supreme court ahould be a non
partisan court, and in order to keep It an
It will be necesaary to elect Judge Hastings.
I am confident of success. The vote will
be very light, probably not exceeding "0
per cent of the vote of last year.
Confereace of Educators.
A conference was. held in the office of the
state superintendent Saturday, relative to
normal training in high schools as pro
vided under the new law. The following
superintendents were present: Superin
tendent E. L. Rouse, Piatt smouth; Su
perintendent A. A. Reed, Superior; Su
perintendent W. W. 8 toner, York; Super
intendent James E. Dolesal, ' Lexington;
Superintendent W. H. PUlsbury. Falls
City; Principal N. M. Or&ham. South
Omaha; Superintendent D. C. O'Connor,
Norfolk; ' President Thomas Kearey, State
Normal; Prof. J. W. Searson, represent
ing J. W. Crabtree of the Peru State Nor
mal school; Dr. G. W. A. Luckey of the
University or Nebraska; Prof. W. R. Hart.
Peru State Normal; 'Superintendent C. W.
Taylor, Geneva; Superintendent : A. L.
Cavlness,, Falrbury; Superintendent W. H.
Gardner, FrtmOnt. m
Practically all were In favor of a plan
something like the following: During the
high school course a thorough review in
reading, arithmetic, grammar, geography
and history; during the senior year a care
ful study of some book on school manage
ment and methods of teaching, including
observation work In the grades and sub
stitute teaching; also observation work In
the rural schools.
There are probably fifty high schools in
the state that would meet the requirements
favored by the committee. A sub-committee
was appointed to perfect plana to be
discuHed In the Stale Teachers' associa
tion. The sub-committee is as follows:
Superintendent E. L. Rouse, Plattsmouth;
Superintendent A. A. Reed, Superior; Su
perlntendent James E. Dolesal, Lexington;
Dr. G. W..A. Luckey of the University, of
Nebraska; President J. W. Crabtree of
the Peru Slate Normal; President A. O.
Thomas. Kearney State Normal, and the
state superintendent.
Qaestloaa for Trackers.
The Slate Examining Board for state
teachers' certificates met In the office of
the state superintendent Saturday.' This
board Is composed of Superintendent C. A.
Fuluier. Beatrice; Superintendent E. B.
Sherman. Columbus; Principal Cora O'Con
nell. Ashland. They completed the prena-
i latum of questions and tho outllusa for
I the new circular on state certificates. The
! next examination for state certificates will
I I held the third Friday and the Saturday
i following. In December. In almost every
j county seat town in the state. However,
no examination win uc lieid In counties
where there is no demand for it.
j Tree Planting oa Roaebad.
j NORFOLK. Neb.. Nov. a. (SpecUl.)-A
j hauy forest Instead of a rolling plain Is
! spt to be the picture which wlU be pre
J sented by the Rosebud reservation within
( a few years if all of the trees which hsve
! been purchased during the past month by
' settlers on the tract flourish and grow
as good trees should. It Is reported from
Continued eu Second. Page.
Workmen Tukr Llahted Candle lata
Basement to Look for tin
DETROIT. Mich.. Nov. 5. A news special
from Ishpemlng . says three , children are
dead and thirteen people are Injured, one
fatally, as the result of an explosion here
today which completely destroyed the
Miners' National bank.
The dead: '
STEVEN OODMAN, aged 12 years. "
ALICE McOKK. aged lo vears.
EDWARD McGRATH, aged li years.
Fatally Injured:
James F. Mullen.
A gas leakage in the uasxnient of the
bank building was primarily responsible for
the explosion and loss of life. Gas was
detected coming from the building, and two
workmen went Into the . basement about
9 O'clock With llarhted rsndlna to Invest!- I
gate. The flame evidently Ignited the gas I
In fhe basement for, a tremendous explo
sion followed. The , two workmen were
blown through a basement window and
landed uninjured in an open box car stand
ing on a, nearby track. The building was
completely wrecked. The three children
killed were passing (he building on their
way home from church and were caught
In the falling debris. The explosion broke
windows In many stores In the business
district and scattered the papers and docu
ments of the batik -for blocks around.
The victims were nil church attendants
on their way home from mass. Anderson
Peterson, stesm fitters, had been en
gaged to nake repairs to the heating
plant, and as they entered the building
they detected the smell of gas. They
thought little of . the circumstances, how
ever, and as they passed into the furnace
room they struck a mstrh to a gas Jet.
There was a terrible explosion. The steam
fitters were blown through the doorway
at the rear of the building, while the build
ing collapsed, falling fnto the street a
mass of ruins. A j'rew .was switching cars
on a sidetrack near the banl: and cars
blocked the crossing when the explosion
occurred. Many persons were standing on
the walk, . awaiting the passing of the
cars and thus were within reach of the
explosion. There were a number of nar
row escapes from death or serious Injury.
James Mullen watrin fim-. office in the bank
building when the accident occurred and
he was not taken from the debris until
the rescuers had worked for two hours In
clearing away the wreckage. .
The bodies of the killed wre fearfully
mangled. The safety deposit vault In the
bank is uninjured. The entrance to It is
In a two-foot stone wall, which separated
the bank building from the- Jenks block.
In which the vault Is. situated.
Foar Others are Fatally Injured by
Storm Which Covered e)aly
Small Strip.
persons were killed and thirty Injured, four
fatally, by yesterday's tornado. Following
i Is a revised Hat of the dead:
W. T. WHITE.' ..,;.
-MRg. W. M. HOL 1 J aJST) TWTT 5M"A t L
Fatally Injured:
Mrs. J. S. Barkley.
Ed Holhs.
Mrs. E. McBrlde. ,.'
Child of W. M. Holt.
No damage was done outside of the town.
The pathway of the tornado Is about 100
yards wide and only one mile long, but
In this small area the havoc was great.
The farmers' cotton gin, with heavy ma
chinery and massive timbers, is a com
plete wreck. In this building J. S. Bark
ley, employed as a packer in ' the gin,
was crushed to death. His body was found
pinioned under the debris near the press,
his head and shoulder crushed Into the
ground. 'The Barkley home near the gin
was carried about 200 yards snd dropped.
Mrs. Barkley was found Imbedded in the
mud In the street; hen head and face coy
ered with wounds.
Further to the northeast was the Shawl
feed yard, where five horses were crushed
to death. Adjoining the feed yard was
the Hulme home. -where Mrs. Hulme and
her brother, Frank Clark, were found dead.
The North Side hotel near this point Is
a mass of broken timbers. Directly east.
In the edge of town, is the wreck of a
carriage in which seven members of the
Hollie family, who were Just leaving town,
was struck by timbers. J. E. Hollis, Joe
T. Hollls, Ed Hollis and John Oudon were
severely injured by flying timbers from the
Ed Hollis Is thought to be fatally in
jured, as portions of the splintered tim
bers penetrated his body. The lar
! story school house was lifted straight up
in tne air, turned completely over and
crashed upon the roof. Just beside the
foundation.. The Methodist church Is also
a complete wreck. The Christian church,
which was used as a school building, was
totally destroyed. Many residences were
unroofed. The sides of some houseswer
crushed in.
Maa W ho Had Been Consorting With
Her Arrested-for the
NEW YORK, Nov. 6-Wlth her skull
crushed by a blow with an Iron bar, the
still wsrm body of Gusaie Letcher, a fre
quenter of tenderloin resorts, was found
today In lh ro.Mii In vhlk 14 j , .
V " iiveu 'm
, Weil Twenty-eighth street. The police
oeueve mat sue was killed by a man with
whom she lived In a quarrel caused by
her refusal to account -to him for all her
earnings. Attention was called to the
tragedy when a woman living in the house
heard a sound of quarreling, followed by
a heavy fall and then aw a well dressed
man dart out of the Ltlcher girl s room
snd run downstairs.
Beside the body was a heavy piece of
bar Iron wrapped In a newspaper and
stained with blood.
While the police were examining the
room a girl known as Lottie Williams
wl h man named Iaidor LelcJier entered
and said that they haxi com to Inquire
wheiher the girl was badly hurt. Roth
were arrested on suspicion.
Postmaster General - Isaacs Orders
Goveralagr Regalar
WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. - Postmaster
General Cortelyou yesterday Issued an or
der excepting all fourth class postmasters
from the operation of the order prohibit
ing notarial charges by notary publics who
sre officers or employes of the executive
services of the government.
Omaha School Mi'sui Are liking for
Higher Wiget,
renditions Different orr Thaa When
Present Srhertale Was Adopted
Fourteen Years Ago Fixing
Teachers' Salaries.
Omaha school teachers have concluded
that they nre entitled to better wages, and
have decided to ask the Omaha Boaid of
Education to advance the present scale.
When the board meets tonight It will have
before It a petition asking that the pay of
all teachers In the grade schools below the
principals be Increased.
This affects about 3 teacher. In their
petition, which has been prepured with
great care, the teacher set forth their
case at length and go Into considerable de
tail. It is explained that the rate of pay
for teachers, with its maximum of $70 per
month, was adopted some fourteen years i
ago, nml thst since that time all conditions
have undergone a great change. The cost
of living has advanced In all directions,
wages in all other lines have advanced and
the teachers have had no share In the gen
eral prosperity that haa been enjoyed bv
the community otherwise. In making their
calculations the teachers have extended
their salary over the twelve months of the
year. Instead of the tn months tor which
they are emrloyed, snd make comparisons
to show that the grade teachers and klnder
gartners are the poorest paid of all the city
employes. A klndergnrtner st $40 per month
for the ten months gets $40f) per year, snd
this distributed over twelvemonths amounts
to $3J. per month, which is less than the
city pays for laborers on the streets. All
sorts of appointees around the city halt and
at the courthouse draw bigger pay than the
school teacher.
Modern methods of education . demand
more of the teacher's time and more Is ex
pected of her than at the time when the
present rate of pay was fixed by the school
board. The petition carries with it many
Illustrations of the condltlona. argues with
foi-i why the teachers should haw more
money. An organltatlon exists-among the
schoolma'ams, the object of which Is to
press this matter.
Is Attached to New York Cathedral
to Ibor Among F.ngllsh
Speaking People.
NEW YORK. Nov. B.-WHh much cere
mony Rev. Ingram N. W." Irvine of Phila
delphia, formerly the rector of St. John's
Episcopal church, Hunting, Pa., and un
frocked by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot, was
today ordained aa a priest., of the holy
orthodox Greek church In America at the
cathedral of St. Nicholas by Archbishop
Tikhnn. bead of the Russian church In this
Yesterday Archbishop Tikhon. assisted by
the clergy, of the cathedral, ordained Dr.
Irvine a deacon and half an hour later he
participated a jVBcwiv Lhhlgtv maii
celebrated In the cathedral In honor of Si.
Mary's . day, one of . the principal saint
days fit the Russian church. Dr. Irvine
having been previously received as a com
municant of the Greek church, after he
had been ' refused a rehearing of his case
by the authorities of the Episcopal church;
Archbishop Tikhon decided that as he had
come to tho Greek church with the degree
of doctor of divinity, his application for
ordination as a priest could not be refused
under the canonical-law of the church.
The ceremony today began with the cele
bration of the usual Sunday high mass
and litany. Dr. Irvine made his appear
ance with the other clergy clad In the
white silken and gold embroidered cas
sock of a deacon of the church. Arch
bishop Tikhon was the celebrant of the
After reading the osth, Dr. Irvine was
lead three times around the pulpit, kneel
ing, In one corner with the other priests
and kissing various Ikons. After- retiring
within the chancel. Dr. Irvine came for
ward clad In the blue and white vestments
of a Greek priest.
Archbishop Hotovltsky, first in the
Slavonic tongue and later in English,
stated that Dr. Irvine had been ordained
a priest of the church and asked for the
prayers of all to bless him In his new
work, and especially the prayers of the
English speaking people. The newly or
dained priest then . made a short address
in English. . stating he had come te the
Greek church, taking as his special mis
sion the unification of all churches, whether
Protestant, Greek or Roman. To that end
he said he should ever work and pray.
Dr. Irvine, it Is said, will be attached as
ap rlest to the cathedral and confine bis
work among the English speaklne mem
bers. . ,
Resolve Assault Firs .Negro El-'-
countered and Death '
. Results. '
-COLUMBUS. O., Nov. I "Let's hit the
first colored man we meet', was the re
mark made by one of throe young white
men while out on a lark last night, and
as a result George Jackson, a colored
cook and porter. Is dead and Hairy Havse.
j H. B. Pontius and Harry .Lower are under
arrest. .
Jackson was found lying unconscious on
the High street viaduct.- near the entrance
to the union station. lat midnight and
died before he could be removed to a hos
pital. . His skull was fractured.
The mystery which shrouded the man's
death last night was lifted today when
a man who- chanced to hear the remark
made by one of the three young men mider
arrest reported it to the police, after read-
tng of Jackson's death In the morning
newspaper, ronuus ana Lrfjwer both de-
clare that Hayse struck the
......... - i
.... w uu
that he was -the author of the remark.
whlcb was made Just after they had had
an altercation with another negro.
vv. ,,, . ., . . ,
None of the men under arrrst
' n
I President Presumably aa Life
, Montreal and Quebec for Liverpool, and
' , proceeded.
WASHINGTON. Nov. & Paul Murton, 1 At Liverpool Arrived: Celtic, from New
president of the Equitable Life Assurance I York, vie Queenstown.
, . ... 1 1 j , ,K I At Southampton Arrived: St. Pau .
society, tonight called at the W hlte House from Kew yorkt vla Plymouth and Chei
and spent an hour w ith the president. The boui g.
object of the call was not made public I At Boulogne 8a Ud: Potsdam, from Rot
allhough it was surmised that the pre!- tOT NW V"rk' Bn1 Tn
dent desired Informstion bearing on the ' At Glasgow Rill.-d: Caledonia, for New
Insurance question. Mr. Morton left the 1 York, via Moville, and sailed from latter
Whit. House in tin,, to take the
night train for New York,
lair Monday and Tuesday.
Temperatare at Omaha leaterdayi
Hour. Deic. Hoar. Den.
ft a. m 4.1 1 p. ra 4
O a. m M S p. m
T a. m 4.1 A p. m 47
Ma. m 4a 4 p. m 4T
a. m 4'2 R p. m 4(1
lO a. m 44 . m 44
It a-m 4(1 7 p. m 4U
13 m 4 a. p, m 41
9 p. ra 31)
Slate Superintendent Makes Publlo
Some of Ills
ALBANY, N. Y.. Nov. 6.-Francls Hen
rlcks. the state superintendent of insur
ance, today made public a supplementary
report by R. H. Hunter, deputy superin
tendent of Insurance, and Chief Examiner
I suae Vanderpoel on the condition of the
Equitable Life Assurnnce Society of the
Cnited States at the close of business on
June 30. 1M6. The report first discusses the
" estate of the society and places the
lu of Its office buildings In various
cities at tlt.m.Mt or $4.998.ft34 less than
the snin at which they are carried on the
books of the society. It Is explained by
the report that this redaction Is made on
the basis of the earnings of the buildings,
which yield 3 per cent on $:6..KS6,3fi6.
To the book value of real estate the com
pany has acquired under foreclosure, the
report adds, $;i,7S!.(rr. making the total
estimated valu of such real estate $4,84,
560.23. Of the loans on bonds and mort
gage the report says they represent $X3.
721.2:2.16, and have an average earnings
of more than 4H per cent, and "at no
period of the society's existence has this
clas of Investments been in a more satis
factory condition."
The loans made by the company on the
security of policies assigned as collateral
amount to $25.S66.89O.B0, according to the
report, and the bonds and stocks owned
by tho society have a par value of $195,
900.567, as against a book value of $219,
430.4OS and a current market value on June
10. 1906. of $232,565,562.
Cash on deposit at the close of business
June 80. 1905, aggregated $29,879,552.72. Of
this amount $8,822,319.82 was on deposit
with the Equitable Trust Company of New
York, $6,425,991 47 was deposited With' the
Mercantile Trust company, and $5,453,911.87
with the National Bunk of Commerce In
New York.
Discussing the debit balances of agents
which are assigned to trust companies,
and aggregate $5,813,184.87, the report states
that they are not considered as admitted
assets snd are deducted from the cash on
deposit, bringing the amount down to
$24.06, 367.85.
Computing the assets of the society after
maklqg deductions noted, the report states
that the admitted assets are $406,073,063 and
the total liabilities are estimated at the
same amount. In arriving at the total of
the liabilities the total reserve which all
outstanding policies and annuities Is es
timated at $338,886,123 and the reserve for
unasslgned surplus funds is placed at
Henry Watlersen Says End of Terns
Will Set Coactstde Ills
CHICAGO. Nov. 6. A glorious career
for President Roosevelt as president of
Harvard university after he leaves the
White House was predlctod yeaterday by
Henry Watterson, the star-eyed apostle
from Louisville. " .
Mr. Watterson came In during the after
noon from Wisconsin, where he has been
lecturing, and went to the Auditorium An
nexto rest, he said. He would not talk
"President Roosevelt," said he, when
urged, "will round out his career, after
leaving the White House, as president of
Harvard university. It will be a fitting
and glorious termination of his useful life.
He will be the greatest figure in the coun
try as 'the head of the university."
It was suggested that Mr. Roosevelt
might be renominated, despite his decision
not to accept a second term; that In some
circles It had been predicted that the
democratic party would choose htm as their
standard bearer.
"Stuff," replied Colonel Watterson.
"Roosevelt wouldn't touch a second term
with a forty-foot pole. I won't say why,
and I won't give my reasons for predict
ing that h will become president of Har
vard college, but see if I am not right."
New Case at Sew Orleans Develops
From Source Outside of
the City.
NEW , ORLEANS, Nov. 5.-Report to 6
p.- m. Sunday:
New cases 1
Total cases 3,34t
Deaths 1
Total deaths 451
New foci None
Cases under treatment 7
Cases discharged 2,941
The case reported today Is in the focus
which developed two weeks ago on Joseph
ine street, and which was caused by an
Infection brought from outside the city. The
patient is an Italian. Passed Assistant
Surgeon Berry, who was In charge of the
original infected district and cleaned It up
and was tho first of the marine hospital
surgeons tu be stricken with the fever, re
ceived his leave of absence today, and will
proceed to his home In Texas.
PENSACOLA, Fla., Nov. 5.-The yellow
fever summary tonight is as follows: New
cases 1. total cases 557; deaths none, total
79; cases under treatment, 22; discharged,
45. '
I ,
Three Burned la Home.
DAYTON, O.. Nov. 8 Jacob Haugh. his
I which destroyed their cottage, eight miles
north or Dayton, early tins morning
wiori l i.i'n n, 1 1 . l 1 1 i a
Oliver Haugh. another son, was seriously
, .. I u . .. t, . V. I . . I T'
, considerable mystery concerning the
origin of the fliv, which the coroner is
Investigating. The surviving son says thai
he and his brother Jesse were en.liu vorlnir
j to rescue their parents, who were very
j portly persons, when Jesse was overcome
by the smoke and flame and that he him-
I self bad difficulty In savins himself.
j Movements ef Ocean tessels, Jot, 5.
I At Qucenstown Arrived: I'mbria, from
' New York, for Liverpool and proceeded,
I arriving at Liverpool st 6 o. m. Hailed:
I Cvmpunia. for New York.
I At Movllle Arrived: Puitaian. from
1 Bust on.
'Caledonian, for
Eetimatet at. Odessa Em from 140 to
IceTeral Thtneaad.
Horrible larbaritiei Traotioed TJpei the
Eepleii Viotiate.
Treepe 8eit at Beqaeit ef Gonial to Proteot
American Internets.
Blgr nemoustratloa Planned let
Funeral of "Mar tyre" Is Abaa
doned aad Sere-tees Held
la Churches.
ODESSA, Nov. 6 A tout- or the city and
part of the suburbs today found all quiet
Whole rows of shops that were pillaged
have been boarded up. The poorer Jewish
quarters suffered worst and the principal
streets, with few exceptions, were un
touched. Russian shops sre marked with
crosses painted on the shutters and the
private houses with ikons so as to protect
them from the mobs. Peasants armed
with knives and scythes tried to enter tho
city Saturday to loot the place, but were
driven back by the soldiers.
The casualties in Saturday's disturbance
exceed 140 and those of . the . preceding
three days which have been verified num
ber 6,no. The plundering continued early
this morning In the outlying districts but
today the city was relatively calm, though
the population Is still anxious.
The latest accounts of the devastation
In the Jewish quarter add horror to the
situation. Besides numerous mills, the
bakeries, shops and nearly 000 homes have
been destroyed. The Jews in every In
stance were treated with revolting bar
barity. Heads were battered with ham-,
mers, nails were driven Into the bodies,
eyes gouged out and ears severed. Many
bodies were disemboweled and' In some
raaea petroleum was poured over the sick,
found hiding in cellars, and they were
burned to death.
It is alleged that. the police and the sol
diers everywhere marched at the head of
mobs Inciting them to destroy the Jews by
crying: "The Jews have killed our em- -peror."
and similar expressions.
While the mobs were engaged in the
slaughter the soldiers busted themselves
pillaging the cash and Jewels, leaving the
household goods to the mobs. The owners
of many houses got rid of the bandits by
payment of a ransom to the police. The
police prevented anyone from arresting the
looters and preevnted also the Red Cross
worker from aiding the-wounded, actually
filing upon those engaged in this work.
A band of students removed much of the
stolen property to the university, while
they also took twelve dead bodies of anti
Jewish demonstrators, who relative to
day besieged the university claiming the
corpw a and demanding tbe release of those
demonstrators who were confined in the
university. They threatened btherwise to
burn the university snd kill the professor. '
Measures were thereupon .taken to trans
fer these prisoners to the regular prison. '
tnlet Sunday at Capital.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 5. Sunday hap
pily passed in 8t. Petersburg without die
orders or bloodshed. The social democrats
and revolutionists had planned a mammoth
demonstration ' in connection with the
funerals of those killed in last Week's riots
and it was intended to form gigantic pro
cessions representing the various ' Indus
trial organisations In the suburbs and
flying red flags bear the bodies . of the
"martyrs" in state through the center .of
the city. These processions were to unite
at the Kaxan cathedral, where the pa
slons of the crowd might be fired by revo
lutionary orators. Late last night, how
ever, when It became known that General
Trepoff would not permit this big demon
stration, threatening disorder, and thtt
the mayor had issued a proclamation, say
ing that the streets were no place for airing
political grievances, the socialist leaders
called off their pluns, declaring that they
feared "this demonstration of the people
was marked for slaughter, for which they
were not prepared at present. The people
will give battle when ready, not when Tre
poff wants it."
Accordingly the funerals were held in
private and workmen, attended - memorial
services in the various mills. Although the
demonstration was formally abandoned,
tens of thousands of spectators flocked to
the Nevsky prospect The broad thorough
fare In front of the Kaxan cathedral was
blocked by a great crowd of people, ' but
theie was no attempt at disorders and bo
attempts to use the squadrons of hussars,
Coasacks and culrrasslers held In reserve
In the side streets.
Expect ta Coatlaae Fight.
. The revolutionary leaders here anticipate
a period of comparative quiet and epeak
of the great strike simply as a "maneuver"
which forced autocracy to make conces
sions. "We have not any intention of end
ing the fight now," said one of tbem today,
"but will organise and arm the people for
the final struggle. We expect nothing from
bureaucracy and only by a popular up
rising can we achieve our aim, whlcb -ia
a constituent assembly." , -
While the news received from the
provinces indicates that something like
normal conditions are being re-established,
the indications in Odessa, tho Baltics and
other p'.aces'ln tho south, where tbe out
rages have generally taken an an 1 1-Jew is U
nature, continue. i
Thomas E. Hoenan, American consul, at
Odcssu, has sent a telegram to the Ameri
can embassy saying that since Tuesday
I the bloody attacks upon the Jew have
continued, and that he estimates the num
ber killed In thousands.
Artillery, be says, lias been employed tu
suppress the rioting, and the Jews have
fired from windows upon the troops In the
j streets. Fortunately, he adds, thus far
American Interests are unaffected.
Demonstrations la Polaad.
WARSAW, , Nov. 8. Great patriotic
demonstrations were held in tbe cities to
day by crowds estimated at 200,0u0 per
sons. Procession 1 headed by clergy at)d
singing "God save Poland," paraded the
principal streets, which were elaborately
decorated. Tho balconies and windows of
the houses were rilled with spectator. A
cltisen guaid kepi exemplary order and
t!.e military, massed in the side street,
had no occasion lo interfere. An attempt
by the Rustdun loyalists to organise a
procession was a complete failure, barely
gvu p.-1'Hons taklrg pait In it.
A Jewish mlllt'.a, armed with revolvers,
is guarding Jewish houses in the out
skirts of the city. The militia shot, and
klilod four disguised dsiectlves found try
ing to provoke disturbances. Tbe ,ev-