Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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tUii Paoifio Wanii Stretts Vacated far
Cut-Off Line.
tr Clerk Issae lastraetlone to
Voter Who War Campellea o
Imir la Taelr Votes o
F.lertloa Dor
In oror to construct the "cut off line
from Bouth Omaha to Lane, three mllps this
aide of Elkhom, the Union Pacific has asked
the mayor and council to vacate certain
treets and alleya In the northwestern por
tion of the city. Thli new line is to be
built without a curve and when completed
will reduce the distance between South
Omaha, and Fremont ten mile. An ordi
nance vacating portions fit streets and
alloys waJ! Introduced In - the council Inst
Monday night and referred to the Judiciary
committee. During last week a party of
tlnlon Pacific officials and engineers, along
with members of the city council, vlsltod
the locality and looked over the ground. It
was found that some of the streets and al
leys asked to be vnrated In the original or
dinance, hal alrendy been vacated to the
Bouth Omaha 1-and company some months
Kgo. This will necessitate the drafting of
Mother ordinance. The new ordinance Is
now In course of preparation and will be
arubiflltufed for the original at the next
meeting of the council. Only sufficient
ground for crossings on a number of streets
nd alleys Is asked for by the I'nlon Pa
Wflc. As practically the same plats were
nested for the Northwestern road and as
tha I'nlon Pacific cut-off Is to parallel the
Northwestern for quite a distance the city
officials can sea no objection to the grant
ing of the request of the Union Pacific, and
the ordinance will without doubt be passed
without opposition, as other railroad Im
provement ordinances have been within the
JJast few years.
reregistered Voters. -Owing
to the light registration It Is
thought that a large number of voters will
appear on election day and desire to swear
n their votes. In order that an voters mj
vnderstand perfectly what Is required to
wear In their votes the city cier nHs
caused the following Instructions to be
printed and circulated:
The voter desiring to swear In his vote
on election day as being unregistered must
appear before the city clerk and be sworn.
"His affidavit must also be signed and
worn to by two freeholders residing In the
precinct In which he desires to vote. The
fact that these freeholders are .residents of
the ward in which he desires to vote is not
sufficient; they must be residents of the
lame voting precinct.
"The affidavit made by the voter In order
to entitle him to vote need not be confined
to 'sickness or 'absence from the c'ty.' but
may Include 'at work and did not have
time to register.' ,,
"If any of these reasons shall be assigned
they will be deemed sufficient and the voter
applying November 7 will be given a cer
tificate showing tils qualifications to vote
on that day. A careful observance of these
rules will save much time and trouble to all
Beat la Popalar Candidate.
Herman Beal, republican candidate for
County surveyor. Is gaining In popularity
very day, and he Is sure to get a large
vote In Bouth Omaha next Tuesday. Dur
ing his twelve years' service as city engl-J
xteer of Bouth Omaha Mr. Beal has been
faithful In the discharge of his duties and
)haa shown himself to be competent In every
way. Mr. Beal Is not a mere draftsman,
but Is a first-class civil engineer, and the
many letters of recommendation from rail
road companies with whom he was em
ployed before locating In South Omaha
ahow that his services In constructing
tines of railroads was appreciated by his
A vote for Herman Beal means the filling
tf the office of county surveyor by a compe
tent engineer. On account of his duties
as city engineer Mr. Beal has not had the
time to devote to the campaign that he
desired, but as It Is he has made hosts of
friends all over the county and his many
friends predict his election by a heavy
Bad Weather for Realstratloa.
Saturday was the last day of registration
and on account of the disagreeable weather
the registration was not as heavy as ex
pected. Efforts were made by both repub
licans and democrats to get out the voters,
but there did not appear to be a great
Heal of Interest.
Monday morning City Clerk Oillln will
put a number of clerks at work making
copies of the third day's registration. Un-
til all of the registration books are turned
. In tha total registration will not be known.
This Information can most likely be given
to the public about noon on Monday.
Bead Histories Delayed.
Lst Monday night the city council sold
o Moore, Baker Co. of Boston refund-
fng bonds to the amount of 170.000. The
premium bid was 11.071 This bid was made
by an Omaha representative of the eastern
buyers. City Clerk Qlllin was reudy to
ffaw People Kaow How tsefal It Is
In Preserving; Health and Deanty.
Nearly everybody known that charcoal Is
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise Its
value when taken Into the human system
for the same cleansing purpoae.
Charcoal is a remedy that the more you
take of It the better; It is not a drug at
all, but simply absorbs the gases and Im
purities always present la the stomach and
Intestines and carries them out of tha
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion, it whitens the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
aaf cathartic.
It absorbs tha Injurious gases which col
lect In the stomach and bowels; It disin
fects the mouth and throat from the poison
f catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal In one form or
another, but probably the best charcoal
and the most for the money la in Stuart's
Charcoal Losengea. They are composed of
Ue finest powdered willow charcoal and
cither haroilesa antiseptics la tablet form,
or. rather, la the form of large, pleasant.
tasting loaenges. the charcoal being mixed
with honey.
The daily use of these losenges will soon
tall In a much Improved condition of tha
Mineral health, better complexion, sKi,r
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
It la that no possible harm can result from
their conunuea use, oui, on iae contrary,
reat beoenh
A Buffalo physician, in speaking of the
benefits of charcoal, says: "i edvuje
Stuart' Charcoal Losenges to all patients
Buffering from gas In the stomach and
bo els, and to clear the complexion and
purify the breath, mouth and throat;
also believe the liver is greatly benefited
by the dally use of them; they coat but
Z& cents a bos at drug storea, and although
' ta aome sense a paunt preparation, yet 1
believe I get more and better charcoal la
ptuart's Charcoal Loaengea thaa la aoy of
4bt pfVanxi stoS2Sl liiletJkV T
forward a history of these bonds, but
Baturday discovered a discrepancy between
the contract drawn by the Omsha repre
sentative and the resolution of the city
council. The forwarding of the history
will be delayed until this matter is straight
ened, out.
Inofficial nnad Reiarna.
City Clerk Glllln has prepared printed
slips to be filled out by the Judges and
clerks of election giving the returns on the
sewer bond proposition. This return Is to
be made to the city clerk 'outside of any
official report and should be delivered at
the earliest possible moment after the vote
la canvassed. Ey following these Instruct
tions the city officials and voters generally
will know the result of the bond election
without having to wait for the official can
vass. The polls for state and county candi
dates will close at 6 o'clock, when the ma
chines will be reset and voting on the bond
proposition will continue until 7 o'clock.
Hawthorne School fBntertalameat.
The pupils of the Hawthorne school will
give an entertainment at the high school
auditorium on the evening of November 10.
One of the objects of- the entertainment Is
to secure funds for the purchase of pictures
for the school building. A program of more
than passing interest has been prepared,
and from the number of tickets already sold
the prospects are excellent for a large at
tendance. Among the features of the en
tertainment will be a Mother Ooose can
tata by the little folks.
The Bond tneatlon.
SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 4. To the Editor
of The Bee: .Home owners and taxpayers
of the Magic City have the privilege Tues
day of plastering their , homes and other
property with another stupendous mortgage
of a quarter of a million of dollars, or can
vote no and reject the unwarranted and un
just bond proposition. I, myself, have
usually been classed as a corporation sym
pathizer, and am a friend to the corpora
tions today. 1 believe In the proper concen
tration of capital to promote and carry on
the great enterprises and Industries of this
strenuous and progressive age, and yet I
never saw the time when these useful and
lawfully organized bodies were willing to
meet the pleblans and the public half wuy
wnere me question or taxation was an
It is generally conceded that a practical
sewerage systom Is needed In South Omaha,
but the Intelligent conscientious citizens
should know that what is supposed to be
valid contract with the Stock Yards com
pany was entered Into away back In 1SSS,
and Is now on file In the city clerk's office.
wherein that company agreed to build and
maintain a main sewer to convey the offil
originating In the yards and packing houses
to a suitable place of deposit.
The district court In Slay last, I might
say. Indirectly recognized the lawfulness
of said contract by ordering the Stock
Yards company to abate the nuisance and
the nauseating smell arising from the flow
of Stink creek, as It Is usually called, before
April, 1906. I am Informed this order was
promulgated by the court In the suit of
Ouy C. Barton against the Stock Yards
company and the city of South Omaha.
The city council has agreed by resolu
tion to separate the $2jO.0uO And appropri
ate a few thousands towards the laying of
sever mains In the various sewer districts.
What assurance have citizens that this
pledge would be fulfilled? They could, and
probably would, rescind the resolution at
any time, especially If It became necessary
to use more than $150,000 to construct the
main sewer. And why should our people be
taxed at all to erect this main sewer, when
the Stock Yards company Is obligated un-
der the law to build and maintain it? I
Maalc CHy Gossip.
Storage and hauling. Brewer. Tel. No. 30.
Mrs. William Stewart was quite sick last
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hoagland have moved
10 ouon, ai.
Mrs. J. D. Jones is in the western part
vi me Dime vikimiib irienus.
r.ara ih.iss ana Andrew Nelson are
hunting ducks near Ashland.
"The Muzzled Ox" Is Dr. Wheeler's morn
ing topic at the First Presbyterian church
J. M. Fowler, Jailer at police headquar
ters, will return to duty today, after a ten
days' vacation.
The South Omaha Hospital association
will mt Tucsduy afternoon at the public
nullify uuuuing.
Harry McCandless Is still at the South
Omaha hospital. He is reported to be
siuwiy improving.
Mrs. C. M. Rich lias about recovered
from the injuries received by slipping on a
man way a, iew weeKH ago.
Teachers In the publlo schools were paid
oaiuiuny lur tneir econa nionin s work.
ine payroll amounted to iK.Ow).
On Tueadav the laities' Alri M..l.,,,. f h.
chl?ken dUmeTat- aW at"
Rev. Ralph W. Livers will preach at U
o'clock touay at the English Lutheran
church, Twenty-fifth and K streeu.
anB treetZret
wnere she vlHlted relatives for a few weeks.
The funeral of 14nrv Sphriv.r wo. h.u
Saturday afternoon at t h home nf rv u
sYree"-'"' T"'"'0""" Washington
The Woman's Christian
union will meet Tuesday afternoon at the
resioence 01 miss Mary Mann, 710 North
i iv.
The Oinlrthv Tta.-klus ,rinu I.
preparations to rebuild the Ice houses at
Seymour lake which were destroyed by
... uu.iiu 8u.
tatE for'the thirt
per to be given at Uallup'a tavern on Sat-
CnUn.l t ' . I i, . . ,
urday evening, November 1L
The Presbyterian King's Daughters will
lebrate the tenth anniversary of the or.
Kanlzatlon at the home of Mrs. Fred Etter,
i nriiiyuiiii muu Hireeis, on iNovem
ber 11.
Tuexdav afternoon the ladles' inriiiirv
of the Young Mens Christian association
win nuiu a uuenii-Ha meeting at the resi
dence of Mrs. H. L. Denuis, 10G North
x weuiy-inira street.
gan of the' hiahsc o7 '."L'S ".."I
f'V, Al.tu - i ... .t
day. This isvue In full of news about the
mnoois ana snows considerable Improve -
uient over previous issues.
a .i,. c.,;., ... Z , . , , t .
At i n hirst MAthiul at 1. T. I i. I Al..Hnu
this forenoon Rev. F. M. Sisson will preach
on the topic, "Jesus, the Light of the
On eV,nlnK l. mf "Duty "4
iuumIo at both Services.
Mrs. C. L. Talbot und Mrs. Georae H
Brewer gave a luncheon Thursday after-
tlfth and 11 streeu for the past matron, of
""' ,is nuinn ui ixi in. nrt wnr i wanit'.
mo rMutin u Diitr una in nonor or Mrs. J
v . Mporehouse ot Sutton. Neb.
Mr. Rothery. assistant secretary of the
Omaha oung Men s Christian association
will lead the Kuworth leanue services at
the First Methodist Episcopal church thin
evening, una is to De a missionary rally
A Reliable Remedy for Croan.
With the dry, cold weather of the earlv
winter months, parents of croupy children
should be on the alert for ominous symp-
toma There Is no cause for anxiety when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is kept In the
home. If this medicine Is given as soon ss
the child becomes hoarse or even after the
croupy cough has appeared, the attack may
be warded off. Mrs. 8. Roslnthal of Turner,
Mich., says: "We have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for ourselves and children
for several years and like It .very much. I
think It Is the only remedy for croun and
can highly recommend it."
Notice. Plumbers' and Fitters' Union: As.
semblevfor funeral of Brother Peter Green
3:30 Monday morning at 2877 Blnney street.
President Plumbers' union.
The Daughters of the Revolution will
meet Momtuy evening at the home of Mrs.
r.uxau Kii'li. li-3 fark avenue.
Evangelist Paul J. x of New York
will prtuch Sunday st the First Presby
terian church, corner Seventeenth and
Dodxe M ref ill, at 3 p. ri. Subject, "The
1-ord a ( '.lining. " Bring your Bibles, not
your porkf tbcMika. Mr. Lutseaux will pre
sent tne gospel at KL Mark s church. lien.
Loyal Mystic l.ealon.
The Ixiyal Mystic legion met In regu
lar session last Thursday at the neV hall.
Six new names were balloted on. A mu
sical and literary entertainment was ren
dered, after which refreshments were
served until a late hour.
Woodmen of the World.
At the meeting of Omaha-Seymour camp i
No. 18 Wednesday evening the entertain
ment committee reported that all arrange
ments had been completed for the compli
mentary ball at Chambers' academy on
the evening of November .
All members of Uie camp and others who
desire to Join the Seymour Glee club will
meet next Wednesday evening at 7:30
o'clock, when Prof. Krats will begin a
course of Instructions. The camp expects
to furnish Omaha a fine chorus In this or
ganization. Fraternal t alon of America.
A dedication ball will be given -by Mon
damln lodge No. Ill at Us new hall. Seven
teenth and Farnam streets, Monday even
ing, November . Members and their
friends are cordially invited.
Modera Woodmen of America.
Maple camp No. 946 and B. A M. camp
No. 2722, Modern Woodmen of America, of
Omaha, have consolidated under the name
of B. ft M. camp No. fttS.
A movement has been started looking to
the consolidation of Magnolia camp No.
1883 and Hickory camp No. 5128, Modern
Woodmen of America, of Omaha.
C. H. T. tliepen of Omaha camp No. 120
has been appointed a member of tha head
camp standing committee on hazardous
risks and prohibited occupations by Head
Consul Talbot of the Modern Woodmen of
Woman's Itellef Corps.
George A. Custer No. 82, Women's Relief
Corps, will hold its all-day sewing meeting
with Mrs. F. A. Austtnv 2008 Nicholas 6treet,
Tuesday, November 7. All members are
asked to be present.
The various Grand Army posts and
Women's Relief Corps of Lincoln gave a
reception Thursday evening at the resi
dence of Governor Mickey to Mrs. Abble A.
Adams, national president of the corps.
The affair was largely attended, a number
of members of both orders from other
points of the state being present
The Grand Army posts and Women's Re
lief Corps of Omaha contemplate giving a
grand reception to Mrs. Adams In the near
Royal Achates.
The annual memorial services of the
Royal Achates will be held In Baright's
hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets, this
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The public Is In
vited to attend. The following program
will be rendered:
"Nearer My Ood to Thee" Audience
Scripture Reading Prayer
Rev. Charles W. Havldge
Male Quartet Consolation Dow
"T. K." Quartet.
BTritonVkn fmlt2
Baritone S1-Be Krats U,e--Uo1
Zither Solo Henry J. Schaher
Quartet Old Churchy Bell Sanders
Address .."...ReT. Frstauffer
Vocal Solo Mrs. C. A. Mangum
ddr'f8;.--; Irving O. Barlght
Closing OdeGodBe Wlih J You Till I We
Meet Again Audience
The regular monthly entertainment given
bv Omaha lodge No. 1 will be held Tues-
dav evening, November 14, at Baright's
society hall. Cards, music, refreshments
and dancing will comprise the general
At the last meeting of No. 1 Dr. Abbott
was elected lodge physician, vice Dr.
Prouty, resigned.
Tuesday evening. November 28, the men's
degree staff will give a dance at Baright's
hall, the proceeds of which will be de
voted to purchasing uniforms for the
Royal Oak lodge No. 500 will give a pro
gressive high five party Friday evening.
November 10. In Barlght hall, Nineteenth
and Farnam streets.
Royal Areannm.
The only recourse left the members of the
Royal Arcanum who have protested against
the payment of the Increased rates which
went Into effect, that of Injunction, seems
I in h. . n -i i .
p4ymflnt of th '"creased rate Is ,11 that is
,eft for ,h member do. The rates went
,nto effect October 1, and the time for final
navment wan October m rm. h m
the Ca8e T0W,n Ut 0t h
I '"creaae raiea was mat or James mock
or Brooklyn. N. Y.. who secured a temnnr.
I rv ininnMinn in v.n
Brooklyn early In October restraining the
"upreme council of the order from suspend
1 ,n him for refusal to pay the Increased
rate. The Injunction was. however, dls
I V. .. Tun. In. W . .1 . I n ...
1 l '" oiuumyn
"uPrMrle court October 30. on the ground
that counsel for both sides would bring the
case on IHul on Knvemher Tn ri.nvln.
I - J ' "O
i0 rake the ""tlo. perma-
nent and ,n dhwolvlng it. Justice Maddox
said that .it was his desire to Drotect the
Interests of the widows and orphans of dead
I ... ..
members, as a permanent Injunction would
have the effect of tying up the funds of the
A similar Injunction was asked by the
members of the councils of the Royal Ar
canum of Nashville, Tenn. United States
Judge Clark of Nashville, before whom the
'" were filed, dismissed the bill, on Oc
I tober 31. The court held that It was not
I sufficiently clear under the law of Massa
I . ... . , . . . .
I chusetts. In which state the order waa In
conxrated. that this plan of assessment
I and the effect on members Impairs the ob-
ligation of the contract, and until It did so
I appear, m cuun wouia noi inienere.
I I Massachusetts Attorney General
I Parker has been asked to petition the su
i . . . . m , .
preme COU" m " IOr ,nJunc"0"
I h"'"b nuwitruicui m mu m-
I creased assessment. He replied that the
matter was before the attorney general's
1 . . . . . , , . "
department, but no decision has yet been
Attorney William A. McAllister of Co-
I lumbus. Neb., brought a similar suit to
I enjoin the collection of the Increased as
I sessment, but by agreement of counsel for
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother mutt
past, however, it ao fraught with dread, pain, tuffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There it no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerout. The use of Mother' Friend to prepare! tha system for
the coming event that it it safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
remedy it always
1!. . .11- I
appiiaocicinaiijr,Buu lit
hat carried thousands U J i
ef women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
Send for tree beck eeelalaleg Inforvaanea
ef atMelMS value to all exjieeiaat kioiasn)
til truin tanii&i CfitAimtai tv
both sides the hearing of the case Is post
poned to March 1, lim. This agreement
was made In order to await the decisions
in other states where similar suits are
In the province of Ontario, Canada, the
courts have refused to grant Injunctions
similar to these enumerated.
Attorney F. H. Bacon of St. Iouls, an
authority on fraternal Insurance law, was
In Omaha recently and he Is of the opin
ion that the order will win out generally.
W. M. Glller of Omaha, who Is handling
the cases for the order In Nebraska, said
a few days ago:
"I am confident the right of the supreme
council to make the change In tha assess
ment plan will be upheld by the courts.
It Is provided In the policies and contracts
that the constitution and bylaws may be
amended at any time In the proper manner.
This Is one of the conditions upon which
the Insured accepts the policy. The only
question Involved Is as to the reasonable
ness of the rates. This can be established
In favor of the Royal Arcanum without
Coart of Honor.
tioyal District court No. 1018 will meet
regularly hereafter on the first and third
Thursday evening of each month In Myrtle
hall. The next regular meeting will be
November 16, at which all members are
urgently requested to be present. Import
ant business Is to be transacted and sev
eral candidates will be Initiated.
Ijtdlea of the Grand Army
Garfield circle No. 11 will give a camp
fire Monday night at Its new hall. Nine
teenth and Farnam streets. Refreshments
will be served and a general good time Is
Members of the Union Veterans' union
will be special guests of the evening and
all members of thst order are cordially
Invited to be present.
The regular business meeting of the P.
E. O. society was held Saturday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. George B. Eddy, 3814
North Twentieth street, with a large at
tendance. Chicago Modern Woodmen are figuring
upon Initiating 1,000 candidates and organiz
ing ten new camps during November.
The Yeomen of America and the Ameri
can Guild have consolidated.
The Modern Woodmen of America Is now
licensed to transact business In Texas and
The Ancient Order of United Workmen
celebrated Its thirty-seventh anniversary
October 27.
The Knights and Toadies of Honor, at Its
grand lodge meeting In Indianapolis, de
cided to adopt the scaling system. On
members dying the first year of member
ship one-third of the face of the certificate
will be paid. In the second-year two-thirds,
three years 80 per cent and after the third
year the certificates will be" paid In full.
Over 65 per cent of the adult population
of the United States Is In some way affili
ated with fraternal societies.
The press dispatches Indicate that the
recent meeting of the executive castle of
the Royal Highlanders was an extremely
stormy session. The Sharp brothers stilt
continue at the head of the organization,
W. E. Sharp having been re-elected presi
dent and F. J. Sharp secretary. Charles
Sharp was, however, dropped from the
executive committee.
The members of the Modern Woodmen
of America are rejoicing over the fact
that there will be no assessment on them
for the month of November.
Supreme Oracle Mrs. E. D. Watt of the
Royal Neighbors of America reports the
new plan of field work aa working finely.
It Is patterned after the deputy system
of the Modern Woodmen. A large number
of new deputies have been appointed, and
the most encouraging reports are being re
ceived from all over the Jurisdiction.
All of the Grand Army post of Omaha
are planning for a series of camp fires and
attractive meetings during the winter
Interest Awakened.
Interest awakened everywhere In the
marvelous cures of cuts,-burns, wounds.
with Bucklln's Arnica Salve. 25c. For sale
by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
J. L. Brandels St Bona Delight Throngs
of Little Tots with Presents of
Doll's Stockings.
The biggest doll party ever seen In Omaha
was held at J. L. Brandels & Sons' store
yesterday. Every little girl In Omaha waa
Invited, and to Judge by appearances nearly
every one was. there. Thousands of dolls
of all descriptions are more completely
dressed this morning than they were before,
because every one was carried from the
store fitted with a new pair of Burson hose,
a present from the Brandels firm.
The children came In response to a gen
eral Invitation from J. L. Brandels & Sons
and most of the little ones seemed to fear
the distinction of being fashionably lata. At
any rate they crowded the Brandels annex
at the earlier hours In the morning. By
o'clock there were many tots on the streets
making for street cars and bearing their
dolls In their arms. Crowds of them stood
outside the doors waiting for the store to
open. They carried big dolls and littl
dolls, pretty dolls and dolls that had once
been pretty. Rag dolls were few and "nig
ger dolls" uncommon, but all kinds were
represented and every one got a pair of
Burson hose.
The system of handling the children with
dispatch necessitated a "one doll to a child
rule, and this was adhered to until a bright
eyed youngster called with a big doll and a
small toy goat and demanded one pair for
the doll and two pair for the goat. The
audacity of the request won the admiration
of the young lady who was In charge and
the child triumphed. One little mite con
fesaed that she had brought her old doll
out In the rain merely to get new stockings
for her new doll, which she left safe at
home beyond the danger of pneumonia.
There were few apologies for the appear
ance of dolls. The little one with her
charge clad in fine raiment was no prouder
than the child whose doll evidently served
at odd momenta as an object of affection
and at other as a tackhammer.
The Brandels firm estimates that during
the course of the day fully 6,500 dolls were
fitted with new stockings.
No woman' .hippV
nets can be complete
without children ; it
it her nature to love
and want them
aa much o as
it it to love the
beautiful and
Mrs. Eva Terry Moore has Issued the
following communication regarding the
next biennial convention of the General
Federation of Womnn's Clubs:
The work of the local biennial board In
regard to the meeting next spring at St.
Paul is progressing finely. The commit
tees have leen appointed as follows: Fi
nance committee, Miss Obenauer, chair
man; places of meeting, Mrs. J. V. Elger
tim. chairman; press committee. Mrs. J. G.
l'yle, chairman; music committee. Miss
Klsle 8haw, chairman; hotel committee,
Mrs. V. J. Hawkins, chairman.
The hoard of the General Federation ap
pointed one of its members to act upon
ench committee of the local board as an
advisory member. This has met with the
heartiest approval of- the St. Paul board
and is sure to be a helpful precedent.
The places of meeting have been prac
tically settled, using the People's church
for the day sessions, the old state capltol
for state headquarters and the Ryan hotel
for hotel headquarters.
Other committees will be arranged In the
Immediate future. Mrs. Decker expects to
attend the state meeting at Minneapolis
and to spend several days afterwards In
consultation with the tocat board. The
biennial committee will hope to go to 8t.
Paul some time In February, at the request
of many of the local board.
The Fifth district of the Iowa Federation
of Women's Clubs will hold Its annual
convention Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week at Glenwood. All clubs of the
district, whether federated or not, are urged
to send representatives to the meeting.
Entertainment will be provided for the
delegates and visiting women. There will
be a reception and program In the chapel
of the Institution Tuesday evening and the
convention proper will open Wednesday
morning at 8:45 In the club rooms. Mrs.
D. Li. Heinshelmer, chairman of the dis
trict, will preside. The following program
has been announced:
8:45 a. m. Vocal solo, "Murmuring
Zephyr," Mrs. M. J. Williams; Invocation,
Mrs. A. H. Beaver; address of welcome,
Mrs. W. F. Hill: response, Mrs. C. G. Wal
ner of Atlantic; two-minute reports of
clubs; address, "The Value of Federation,"
Mrs. J. J. Seerley of Burlington, president
of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs;
recitation, Miss Carroll White; luncheon.
1:30 p. m. Vocal solo, "8nowflakes." Miss
Ixmise Woodruff; subject of afternoon pro
gram, "Domestic Science," opened by a
talk on "The leadership of Departments"
by the leader, Mrs. F. A. Blxby of Council
HlutTs; discussion. "What Is the Corner
stone of a Happy Home?" paper, "Domestic
Science In the Public Schools," Mrs. Garst
of Coon Rapids; discussion, "At What Ago
Should Children Be Taught Housework?"
talk, "The Study of iKimestie Science,'"
Mrs. Page Morrison of Council Bluffs; the
serving of a dinner, with demonstrations,
Mrs. W. I. Smith of Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck, president of the
local Needlework Guild of America, has an
nounced November 16 and 16 as the dates
for the collection and distribution of gar
ments by the guild, and asks all members
and all who wish to become members to
ave their garments ready by that time.
The giving of three new garments once a
year Is the only membership fee and the
only obligation of members outside the
board of directors and officers. This year
the garments will be received at the First
Presbyterian church Wednesday, Novem
ber 15, and sorted for distribution. Thurs
day, the 16th, they will be assigned and
that afternoon from 1 to o'clock a re
ception will be held that people may get
some Idea of the work of the guild. A
committee consisting of Mesdames Draper
Smith, Isaac Coles, A. J.' Love, H. H.
Baldrldge, Bertha Offutt, G. A. Joslyn,
Munger, Power, Coutant and T. J. Mackay
will receive and serve tea and wafers.
Last year the guild aspired to collect 3,000
garments, but the number fell somewhat
hort and this year they hope to reach
that number. The garments are distrib
uted entirely among the charitable organ
izatlons of Omaha, and being all new, can J
be used to much better advantage than'
second-hand garments. The guild ii one of I
the most practical and worthy charities of
the city and has done much toward re
lieving the demand for clothing, that Is one
of the heaviest of the local charitable In
stitutions. '
Mu Sigma Woman's club will hold Its
meeting Wednesday morning of this week
at the home of Miss Ralle at Fortieth and
Cuming streets. Mrs. H. D. Neeley will
act as leader, "Early Russia" being the
ubject of the morning.
The manual for the Omaha Woman's
club will be out this week. Its Issue has
been unavoidably delayed.
Mrs. F. H. Cole will be In charge of the
program of the literature department at
Friday morning's meeting, which calls at 10
o'clock. "Hawthorne" will be the author
and Mrs. Edward Johnson will give' a talk
on the man and his environment.
A practical demonstration In first aid to
the Injured will be a feature of the next
meeting of the household economics depart
ment of the Woman's club. 'Dr. Jacobl will
STOPOVERS allowed within tho limit.
FINAL, LIMIT of tickets, twenty-one days.
For Further Information am"" any AhgJnVofhrcomP"apn; or0''
Tom Hughes, Thos. F. Godfrey,
Traveling Passenger Agent Passenger and Ticket Agent
Southeast Corner 15th and Farnam Streets
D)r. JLeonhardt 'SIMnI? flUcart Specialist
conduct the demonstration, which will oc
cupy the second hour of the meeting.
Mrs. W. TI. Wilbur will set as leader at
Tuesday afternoon's meeting of the current
topics department of the Woman's club.
Mrs. Bamuel Rogers will give a talk on
"Russia Today" and Dr. Tinto will als-
speak from personal experience of the
causes of yellow fever.
Borne uncertainty regarding speakers has
made it Impossible to definitely announce
the program for Monday afternoon's meet
ing of the social science department of the
Woman's club. It Is expected that Mrs. M.
E. Holland of Chicago, assistant editor of
the Detective, will be present and address
the department. Mrs. Holland was one of
the speakers at the recent prison confer
ence held at IJncoln. Mrs. Harriet Heller
will speak In a general way of the Juvenile
offender and In the event of Mrs. Holland's
failure to reach the city the paper written
recently by Superintendent Paddleford of
the Golden Colorado Industrial school and
read before the convention of the Colorado
Federation of Women's clubs will be read.
There will be a meeting of the depart
ment of ethics and phllosopy of the Wom
an's club Tuesday, November 7, at 3:46.
The program will consist of a reading from
Plato's "Apology" by Miss Cosgrove and a
paper, "The House of Ialus," by Miss Rou
telle. This paper Is In explanation of con
ditions preceding the events narrated In
the Greek drama, "Antigone." Members of
the department are rehearsing for a char
acter reading In costume of selected scenes
from a translation of Sophocles "Anti
gone." to be given at the general meeting
of the club November 13.
The first musical of the season under the
auspices of the musical department of the
Woman's club will be given at the First
Congregational church Friday morning, No
vember 10, at 10:30 a. m. A splendid pro
gram has been arranged, to which tha
women of the club are urged to be present.
Judge gntton Grants a Temporary In
Inaction Avalnat I'nlon Parlfle
Using Public Street.
A temporary restraining order has been
granted by Judge Sutton to prevent the
Union Pacific from laying tracks nn Ieaven
worth street from Seventh to Eighth.
Judge Sutton Issued the order on a show
ing made by Balthas Kramer to the effect
that if the company Is permitted to lay
tracks on the street abutting property be
longing to himself and others will be greatly
damaged. A formal hearing on the merits
of the controversy will be had some time
the coming week.
W. T. Pelee, Norfolk, Is at the Arcade.
Judge E. A. Langdon of Papilllon is at the
Sam Clem of Belle Fourche, S. D., is at
the Arcade.
George Hlsey, T. J. Hiynes and I. N. I.nn
of Buffalo, Wyo., are prominent stockmen
staying at the Arcade.
A. R. Morrison, treasurer of Sarpy
county, came in from Papilllon last night.
He la registered at the Murray.
T. V. Golden, O'Neill; J. H. MeCormlck,
Seward; D. W. Phillips. Fremont; C. E.
Gaskill, Lincoln, are guests at the Hen
thaw. '' .if
At the Paxton: W. L. Clapper. Aurora;
J. M. Dixon. Fremont; E. 8. Munper, Lin
coln: T. B. Waller, Lincoln: M. P. Wallace,
At the Her Grand: C. M. Williams and
wife, Lincoln; W. H. Wlnshlp. Columbus;
Burt Mapes, Norfolk: C. F. Calhoun,
Springfield' George B. Dorr. Lexington.
A. O. Thomas, Kearney; Mrs. R. B. Field,
Fremont; ThoniBS Donahue, Fremonts;
james u. uaizeii, Lexington ; rt. u. MCivei
vie, Lincoln; Hans Peters, Gretna, are
guests at the Murray.
W. Berkman and J. H. Elmwood of Oar-
den, Utah, are In the city, having charge
of forty-five carloads of sheep from their
ranges in tne western part or that state.
Berkman has aoout forty panels or sheep,
which means 11X1,000 head.
At the Merchants: L. E. Hunt. McCook:
J. B. Owen, Wayne; Joseph Huffman,
York; J. B. Trott, Kearney; R. G. Wilmims,
Ainsworth; E. L. Whltcomb, Fremont;
Samuel White. Ashland; D. J. Reed, N
braska City; Pat Stanton. Tilden: W. C.
Brown, Murray; Evelyn Bhymer, Nebraska
Real Butter Scotch
1 '
Tiiccnnvc November 7th
The Iron Ellountain
To Certain Points in the
West and Southwest
The Clothes-Doctor
How His Dope Is Administered, and
How To Avoid It.
ISN'T it wonderful what beautiful
effects you see in clothes now-art
ays i
The Salesman, or tailor, elves the
Coat -a hitch here, and a pull there,
passes his hands over the shoulders and
back, and says: "What a Bea-U'tiful
He would get "FITS" if he didn't.
Of course the effect is good.
. But how about the Pe-fects t
Ahl there's the point. 'ou don't
see them because Dr. Goose (the Hoi
Flat-iron) has attended to them ;
covered them up temporarily to Sell.
So "everything is lovely, and ths
Goose hangs high'" when you first weal
the coat.
But alas I when the first Damp, Rainj
day comes.
Then the weak points the defects
begin to appear.
They have been Stretched or Shrunk
from your sight by the Tricky Flat-Iron.
After the dampness gets in its work,
then your coat must go to the Hospital
for more Flat-iron Dope.
Defects will creep Into clothing, no
matter who makes it.
And fully 80 per cent, of all clothing
is Doctored by the process mentioned.
But there's another way to removt
these defects permanently.
It's the way that Sincerity Clothes
are made and revised. We mean by
painstaking Hand-Needle work.
We would like you to see our big,
airy Factory, as Clean and Wholesomt
as a Kitchen. And thehundredsof Men
Tailors paid the highest wages fortheii
Ability to sew Sincerely.
If you have no other means of know
ing a Sincerely-made" Garment
Try This Method:
Lay the Coat flat on a table, as shows
in the picture. If the Collar lies straight
and true at turnover line and outet
edge, then the Coat is free from Flat-iron
Faking. If top edge is wrinkled and
wavy, then look out when you wear the
coat on a rainy day.
It Costs us more to make Clothes by
the "Sincerity Method," but we get the .
Style-quality and Needle-quality.
Sincerity Clothes hold their shape
until worn threadbare because of this
There are no excessive Shoulder-Pads
to twist the coat out of shape. No heavy
Inter-lining to "buckle-up."
The average American is careful
what he buys when he knows there is a
It's worth while to know these things.
Therefore, if Shape Insurance, Style,
and Sincerity Tailoring is worth any
thing to you, it will pay to insist on
getting it. . ...
If your dealer doesn't handle Sin
cerity Clothes, we will tell you who does.
The label reads:
l.lljl.lM- rii- WO " '
Council Bluffs, lowt.
wwmj uwu inrirLT ijnruuuf"a si " " "
and 2ist,
and 19th,