Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Cenlcmcri Kid Gloves
We are sole Omaha Agents for the CKLFItRATKI) CEXTr.MKRI
LADIES' Kll (;M);s. Thry are the best Imported kid gloves
that come to the United States. Try a pair n r F
once you will wear no other I"!, J-sW 3J
Special, Monday, 25c
Women' Cilovcs, 2.V - Women's fine quality Oolf and Suede Cashmere
Gloves. In fancy and solid colors very stylish and comfort- t)Kn
ahle for fall and winter war, worth fiOc. Mondsy
Women's Kelts, 2."io Women's new style, form-fitting. Imported patent
leather nelts Terv latest styles; also large range of Tall- OK(
ored Silks, all colors, worth SOc, Monday "rUL'
: '
New Empire Mod
el lu kersey, chev
iots and mixtures
yoke outlined
with tailor straps,
full ripple back,
velvet collar, sat
in lined special
at $12.75.
of how much strain, wear and tear they .subject their clothes to,
All styles all materials all sizs.
President Entertains Visiting British
Adniral at White Eoise.
la k Aflrraooa b Dlt lnsalahl
0t Was Take to Fort M,rr,
Whfrt Ha Wltavcard t ay- .
, alrjr Drill.
WABH1NQTON. Nov. 4.-Rear Admiral
Prince Louis was the surst of the American
army today. Tonight he was the guoit at a
formal' state dinner In the state dining room
of the White House, where the president
had a distinguished company to meet
Britain's admiral-prince. The health of the
sovereign relative of the prince. King E1
wsrd. was proposed by the prvnldent.
Although Prince Louis was still ttie cen
ter of a brilliant assemblage at the Hrltish
mbasiy lull when midnight of Friday ar
rived, he breakfUHted about 9 this morning
at the embassy and promptly at 10 o'clock
started for a ride around the city In a alxty
horsepower automobile with Sir Mortimer
Pursnd and Rear Admiral Evans. The cap
Itol, Uie congressional library, the Wash
ington monument and other places of inter
est were visited, the prince frequently ex
pressing himself as enthusiastic about the
beauty of the American capital..
I.aueheon by Geaeral (naffer.
In the open landau of the embassy, sur
rounded by bicycle policemen. Prince Louis
and his personal staff, at a few minutes be
fore 1 o'clock, drove rapidly to the New
Wlllard, where he was the guest of Lieu
tenant General Chaffee, chief of staff, at a
stag luncheon. The guesta numbered sixty.
Including members of the president's cabi
net. Assistant Secretary llacon, the netlnij
secretsry of war, and ranking officers of
the general staff.
When cigars had been passed. I.lrutensnt
Oeneral Chaffee Introduced Secretary Koot,
who In a few graceful words proponed the
healths of the president and the king. As
the first health was drunk the band played
"The Star Fpangled Banner." The Amer
ican anthem was merged Into "Ood Bave
Dr. Humphreys Scvent y
ScTcn breaks up Grip and
For Over Fifty Years.
Pr. Humphreys' Specifics have been before
the publla and they are more popular to-day
than aver. The system rovers every ail
ment that a layman should treat. If you
have only tried "77" for Grip and Colds
you don't know what you have missed In
not trying the Serine for other diseases.
Humphreys' Specifics cure by acting di
rectly on the sick parts, without disturbing
the rest of the system. Medicau Guidu
mailed free.
At Druggists or mailed, 25 cents each.
Humphreys' Hnmeo. Medicine Co.. Cor.
UUltau and Job a Blrrcle, New York.
r r r
An immense special purchase of Hoys' Suits and Over
coats now on sale. Bring the boys here, you will find it
"money in thy purse." It is the most important purchase
we have mads in many a season.
Just Think for a Moment
Suits and Overcoats worth $7.50 for $3.85.
1,800 of the finest and neatest Suits and Overcoats was
purchased by our buyer, who has been scouring the eastern
markets. He impresses upon us the fact that no better cloth
ing for the young man has ever reached Omaha. The values
that we claim at the headline of this ad is just what we mean
$7.50 Suits and Overcoats "at $3.85. They are splendid
Suits and Overcoats for strenuous little lads who think little
the King" as the health of King Kdward
was drunk. Admiral Prince Louis then
a.ked permission to say a word.
"Next to their loyalty to their ling," the
prince said, "every British officer cherishes
the president of the l?nltod States. The
king flrst. but the president next." They
had, he said, a peculiar affection and epteam
for Theodore Roosevelt, not the president
alone, but particularly for Theodore Roose
velt, the man. Wherever the Kngllsh lan
guage was spoken this sentiment prevails.
The prince then thanked the American of
ficers, army and navy, for the hospitality
and courtesy which he and his officers were
Visit Fort Myers.
From the luncheon, accompanied by
Lieutenant Oeneral Chaffee and a number
of the guests, the prince, his personal staff
and his commanding officers, drove to Fort
Arriving at Fort Myer, the party was re
ceived by Colonel Hatfield, commandant of
the post, and escorted to the reviewing
stund, where the prince witnessed one of
the fRmous American cavalry drills, exe
cuted by Troop F of the Thirteenth cavalry.
The drill over, the British officers were
escorted to the quarters . of Colonel Hat
field, where the commandant presented to
the prince and the officers of his staff, the
officers of the regiment and their families.
The distinguished guest toasted the Ameri
can officers and thanked them In brief re
marks for the pleasure given him. After
a quick drive through Arlington the prince
returned to the emliasy for an Informal
cup of tea with Ambassador and Lady
Dinner at While llonse.
The state dinner began at 8 o'clock. The
spacious state dining room, with its walls
of carved oak, was effectively, but simply
decorated with roses and chrysanthemums.
The healths proposed were Informal and
Included those of the president. King Ed
ward and Rear Admiral prince Louis.
The- personul staff of the prince and the
commanding officers of the British squadron
were guests of the Army and Navy club at
a smoker from 9 to 12 o'clock tonight.
It Freedom la Allowed In Xalive
Ijind They will do
CHICAGO, Nov. 4.-The Journal today
says that upon the outcome of Poland's
fight for liberty depends the exodus from
Chicago of more than 25.000 Polish residents.
Chicago's entire northwest side Is aflame
with sentiment of repatriation. The Poles
who are leading the movement for the re
turn to their native land ducUre that upon
the granting of complete liberty and the
restoration of calm 26,0(U Poles will leave
Chicago within ten months and that a.OOo
more will follow within twentv months.
Pasaenaer Train Derailed Wear Ray.
nosd, III., and Poor Cars Are
ST. LOriS, Nov. 4 A Wabuah passenger
train coming to St. Lout was derailed
while running at full speed near Kaymond,
111., this afternoon, several passetuers be
ing bruised, one an aged woman, heverely.
The train broke in two, the engine and two
mull cars running a mile before being
stopied. wlille the day coach, chair car,
dining car and emigrant car left the rails
and turmd over. Almost miraculously no
body was killed, but many were bruised.
Traffic was delayed several hour.
Made of an excel
lent quality of
medium weight
kersey, Mark, chs
tor and brown
empire back with
plaits well tai
lored and lined
special value at
are these garments at $3.85.
Fineteen People Injured When Southern
Ftoifio Liaited Bmaihee Car,
Accident Sear Can l.nls Obispo, Cali
fornia, May Result in Death
of Woman and Child
from Ottumwa.
BAN LUIS OBISPO, Cal.. Nov. 4-The
Southern Pacific southbound coast line
limited passenger train dashed into a train
of tourist cars at Santa Margarita sta
tion, fourteen miles north of this city, yes
terday. The tourist train was standing on
the main line in the yards at Santa Mar
garita, when the engine of the limited
dashed into the rear end, plowing its way
through one of the cars. Nineteen people
were hurt, seven of them seriously and two
probably fatally.
Elsie Blackmore. a girl of 9 years, was
pinned down In the wreckage. Her right
arm was twisted out of shape and the
, bones were crushed. She also received In
ternal Injuries, which may prove fatal.
Mrs. M. P. Martin of Ottumwa, la., is also
In a condition which is considered serious.
The Injured.
The injured are:
Mrs. M. W. Glass, Maryvllle. Mo., cut on
head, arms wrenched, nervous wreck.
Claude Ulass, Maryvllle, Mo., right arm
Mrs. 8. A. Qlass. Ontario. Cal.. left arm
j broken, hailly bruised.
' Mrs. M. J. MHrfin rttlllmm-n la rh.u
crushed, unconscious, seriously hurl.
Grace Martin, ottumwa, la., badly
bruised on the body.
E. II. Isaac, Fun Du Iac. Wis., right arm
badly sprained and twisted.
Kward Egan. Clinton, la., right foot and
leg severely cut and bruised.
Roy Lehman, Hoisliigton, Kan., sprained
1. C. Mattlson, Berwyn. III., flesh on left
leg severely cut and bruised.
Mrs. 1). C. Mattlson, Uerwyn, 111., chest
Injured and thigh wrenched.
Horace and (irace Mattlson. badly rut
and bruised about face and head.
Kstherln Crego, Chicago, back and spine
Elsie Blsrkmore, Ottumwa, la
broken and twisted from socket.
Mrs. J. O. leniilson, hand cut by glass.
Mrs. A. B. Arkernian, Denver, trampled
on and bruised.
Mis. Ida Marti. David City, Neb.ruadly
cut and knee hurt.
Nellie Marti David City, Neb., arm
broken and spine hurt.
Lillian Schneider, Si. Louis, bruised.
Kills Trto Children, Uolidi Two
Others and laflleta la
Jarlrs on Herself.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 4.-Mrs. James
Brennan of this pity quarreled with her
husband last evening and after he had
gone to work attempted to kill his four
children and herself. She shot and killed
two of the children and wounded the other
two, so that neither is expected to recover.
She turned the revolver on herself and
received a bullet in the left breast, which,
it is believed, will result In death.
Mrs. Brennan is- the second wife of Mr.
Brennan and Is the slop-mother of the
children. She and her husband have fre
quently had trouble about the children.
The shooting occurred a Unit 1:.T0 a. m.
! The dead are:
IJziie, aged' IS. shot through the temple;
j Alice, aged I, shot bark of tlm right ear.
I The boys, Thomas, aged 13, and Arthur.
ad 11. were shut In the Lead. They
U ffW i H I H HI i
!J AflOy J Ail va
A very handsome
model, of the very
best kerseys and
broadcloths, col
larless. effective
braid trimming,
new sleeves. In all
abides, price only
s mmsr
trlmtnaa, natural or Egyptian color, garm.
Women's extra fine quality Cotton and Wool mixed, medium
weight, derby ribbed, also heavy fiat Merino Vests and Pants, mm
In natural gray and white proper early fall and winter weights
a garment
their step-mother were taken to the city
hospital, where Arthur died later In the
Appearance indicated that the boys had
struggled desperately to avoid the fate of
their slaters.
American Consal at Cnnton Says
Massacre Was line to Boy
cott Literature.'
HONG KONG, Nov. S. As a result of
the recent massacre of American mission
aries at Lienchow, an imperial edict has
been Issued directing the viceroy of Can
ton to furnish efficient protection to tho
missions, to punish all the guilty persons
and to promise the fullest redress, and
warning him that he would be held respon
sible for further outrages and for the
protection of the missions.
The American consul at Canton, Julius
8. Lay, In an interview declares that tho
dissemination of Inflammatory boycott lit
erature is indirectly responsible for the
massacre, and he has warned the isolated
stations of Kwang Tung and Kwang 81 of
their danger in view of the fact that the
antl-Amerlean feeling is growing stronger
and advising the departure of the mission
aries for their head stations.
The anti-American newspapers are being
distributed gratis, being taken in junks go
ing up the river. The boycotters at Can
ton were the first to receive the names of
the missionaries massacred. Four Chinese
gunboats and 320 soldiers are proceeding to
Chlngylen, eighty miles south of Lienchow.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4-The State de
partment, after conference with the naval
officers here and communication by cable
with Consul Oeneral Lay at Canton, China,
bus arranged that that official shall accom
pany the viceroy of Canton on a Chinese
gunboat to IJenchow, about 3"0 miles up
the West river, to Investigate the massacre
of the five Presbyterian missionaries at
that place. One or two American naval offi
cers from the gunboats Quiroa or Callao
will accompany Mr. Lay to assist in the
Speechless with Wonder.
are the friends of those cured of Stomach,
Liver and Kidney Trouble, by Electric
Bitters. 50c. Guaranteed. For sale by
Sherman & MeConell Drug Co.
Fatal Fire from Gas.
STI'KBENVILLK O., Nov. 4 A fierce
gaseous lire Is raging in the Youghlogheny
Coal company's mine at Amsterdam. It
originated from a shot fired by Charles
Hoffman, who was fatally lmrned. All of
the toil miners got nut. Many had narrow
escapes and some were baillv alnfced. They
lost clothes, dinner pulls and oilier belong
ings. Asa How the Nsblt May
After 10 years of success in curing DRCO
HABITS of all kinds I have decided to pre
scribe IFRKK OK CHAH(iK) and send a
trial treatment of my wonderful remedy to
. a(y drug user who writes to me. It Is the
! onlv method that will 'orever eradicate
: from any system every vestige of the effect-"
' of the drug used.
j Drug I'sed
I Daily Quantity
In writing state 1;. :u!l the general rondl
: tion of your hex 1th Adiire. In strictest
cotiiidcm e. Dr. W 1 Waterman, 14 Lx-
lliftiwil Avenue, New York.
0W E
45-Inch tight fit
ting Coats, In fine
kerseys, stitched
welt seams, notch
collars, new
sleeves, faultless
ly tailored, satin
lined, worth 25
special, 118.75.
erwear for
Tomorrow and all week will be days of unprecedented values in our Underwear Department.
Whether you want to buy or not we urge you to come in and see for yourself the remarkable
bargains we are offering. We are positive you never saw such splendid values before. Here
arc a few of theni -read them carefully:
Women's Underwear
Tomorrow we will offer three numbers
of the most trustworthy Underwear at the
most reasonable prices- Underwear such
as we are offering here is made by the
best mills in the land. Better make your
selections tomorrow.
Women's medium weight derby ribbed
Cotton Vests and Pants, in ecru and
natural gray, cut full size
a garment
Women' fine qualitv Etfyptiau Cotton f
Vent anl Pant, litrht velvet fleece, silk TiP.
Ctr f Buisia Grinti All Demands of
Delegate of People.
Warships Off Helsingfors to Show
that While Granting; Constitu
tion Ruler Does Xot He
sign Ills Position.
8T. PETERSBURG. Nov. 4.-The whole
rtructure of the autocratic regime Is falling
and Kmperor Nicholas no longer resists.
The memorable week, which witnessed the
abdication of absolutism before a political
strike demonstration extending throughout
the confines of the empire and reducing
the government to inipotency, and the birth
of a new and popular regime amid scenes
of disorder, pillage, bloodshed and worse,
ends in a complete surrender to the aspira
tions of the Flnlanders.
Diet Will Control Budget.
On the advice of Count Witte and Prince
John Obolensky Emperor Nicholas yielded
and signed manifestos not only convoking
the Diet, but giving It control of the budget
and authorizing an election law providing
for universal suffrage. Another manifesto
abrogates the military and other laws of
Russlficatlon. These have been dispatched
by fast torpedo boats to Helslngfors, where
they are due to arrive tonight. Dr. Turn
grend. the leader of the Finnish deputation
that waited on Emperor Nicholas, Informed
the Associated Press tonight that he ex
pected the Finns would calm down and
that the crisis would pass "as soon as the
Helslngfors people learn that the report
that a republic was declare'd at St. Peters
burg is untrue."
The success of the Finnish program may
Inrplre a similar movement In' Poland for
tho restoration of ancient autonomy, but It
will be more difficult for It to succeed there,
as the Polish provinces hsve been deprived
since the revolution of 1S63 of all vestiges of
administrative independence and merged
Into the general body of the empire.
Warships Command City.
HKI.8INGFOi:3. Nov. 4.-Batteries hsve
been placed on two commanding hills out
side the town, and the cannon In the Sveii
borg fortress havs been turned against tho
city, which also lies under the guns of the
warships In the harbor. The authorities,
with the assistance of lO.Ono reinforcements
which have arrived here, hope to be able to
control the situation, though the Insistence
of the socialists on their impossible de
mands makes the position critical. Russian
families are seeking shelter In the Nylands
Prince John Obolensky, the governor gen
eral, covered his departure for St. Peters
burg yesterday by art I flee. He started out
In the state carriage for the usual diive
along the parade to the church, but did not
return, slipping from the church to the
quay, whence lie rowed to the battleship
Blovo and afterward was taken by a tor
pedo boat to 8t Petersburg.
Germans Sing National Song and
Order Others to I ncover
In lis Honor.
VIENNA, Nov. 4. A racial demonstration
took place here between students of the
university, s few stones ami sticks being
used Otherwise the day passed off with
out serious consequence.
The affair aros Iium Uenuan-epcakiog
Handsome tailor
made coats, HO
Inches lone, made
of the finest co
verts, cheviots
and broadcloths
perfect In fit and
w ork ni n n s 111))
very special at
wm i
Men an
Men's Underwear
Monday is always a busy day with
us in the Men's Underwear department,,
prices Hie the following, staading for
such extra fine goods as they represent,
are sure to make things busier than ever
here tomorrow.
Men's heavy weight fleece lined Underwoir. in
natural Yaeger colors slzei Hi to 40 fj
ehlrts Drawers 30 to 42 made to sell f
for 60o -tomorrow and all week J J
Men's fine quality, lipht wnitrht, natm-al ?ra
Merino thre-quariers Australian
one-quarter Egyptian cotton, an excel
lent fall weight, regular $1.00
value a garment
Men's heavy flat l(5-thread Halbriggan, also heavy derby rib
bed camel Egyptian cotton rashloned Underwear, belr-trlm-
med shirt and sateen faced drawers, regular $1.50
Austrian students, who are adherents of
psn-Germsnlsm. singing the "Wacht Ar I
Rheln," cheering for Germun Ideals nn
ordering the Slav and Italian students tj
uncover In honor of the "Waeht Am
Rheln.1 The tatter refused, whereupon the
Germans charged snd ousted the Slavs
and Italians from the university precincts.
The incident is Indicattvn of the political
unrest of which the near future Is liable
to produce other evidences.
Canadian Steamer Aground.
MONTREAL, Quebec, Nov. 4. The Allan
line steamer Bavarian, outward bound for
Liverpool, went on the rocks near Wyeroek,
not far from Grcsse Island, In a snowstorm
last night. It cannot be released for some
time. The passengers are being brought
back to Quebec.
Obolensky Succeeds Poliiedonost eff.
, ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 4. Prince Al
exis Obolensky, a member of the council
of the empire, has been appointed chief
procurator of the holy synod in succession
to M. Pobledonosteff.
Man Wanted for Oregon Land Frauds
Believed to Be I'nder
HONOLULU, Nov. 4. G. I,. Brokaw,
who was indicted with three other persons
at Spokane, Wash., over a year ago for
land frauds. Is believed to be in the cus
tody of Mau Island police. Brokaw sur
rendered himself. Unlttd States Marshal
Hendry left last night for Mau and will
probably return here next Wednesday with
Brokaw. Brokaw arrived here on the bark
Charles Gounod from Australia under the
name of Charles Brown. Brokaw says that
after his arrest at Spokane he forfeited
For the
To succeed these days you must have
plenty of grit, courage, strength. How
is it with the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the
blood pure and rich, and builds up the
general health. Sold for 60 years.
Wc have no secrets We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
stale by the t. O. Ayr Cm., Lewell, Hw.
Also Maauftoturers or
ATbB'S HAIR TIOOB-Fst th htir. ATBK'8 PILLS-Per aoastipatioa.
This !
Women's new
Eton Suits, made
of the finest
broadcloths, in
red. purple, preen,
reseda, Alice blue
. . 1 1 i . i. n .-i
Homely tritnmwl .j
$45 values uow !
j nt $.V..(M). j
wool and'
kls ball unci shipped on a vessel to Aus
tralia, stid Inasmuch as three of his as
ftrlntes were convicted and suffered pun
ishment, he wants to take his penalty. It
Is said thBt the land frauds In question
consisted of securing fi.flon acres In Mon
tana illegally.
DiBtriet Attorney Brekons has received
a cable from Spokane requesting the re
turn of Brokaw. Brekons has cabled
for a description of Brohsw In order to
satisfy himself that tho right man is
under arrest.
Charges of Inefficiency Will Bo Heard
by Assistant Secretary
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. -Lawrence O.
Murray, assistant secretary of the De
partment of Commerce and Labor, and
Herbert Knox Smith, deputy commissioner
of corporations, will start for Bt. LouM
tonight to take charge In tho Fourth dis
trict of the recently ordered relnspectlon
of the steamboat insrctlon Bervlce.
The conditions at St. Louis are said to
ne serious, jealousy between rival steam-f.
boat lines. It Is charged, has resulted
A in
racing of steamers on the Mississippi
and In alleged favoritism to certain line
In the matter of Inspection. Messrs. Murray
and Smith will arrive at St. Louis on No
vember 6 and will conduct hearings, giving
to all parties the opportunity to appear
before them snd produce evidence in rela
tion to charges of Inefficiency that have
been made agiinsl Inspection ofllcers.
Alleged Thief Bound Over.
CANTON. O.. Nov. 4.-Theodore Kllnker.
night watchman at the Canton postoftlce,
charged with extracting money from let
ters. conti Uniting to the McKlnley monu
ment fund, lias been held to appear for
r 4r m I m t l i k r. v f i a