WANTED MALE HELP Practical Points From a Practical Business College In Which V Tourh on the Secret of Success of Teaching Telegraphy. Teaching Telegraphy suceesnfiilly depends on the tencher. And the successful Telegraph Teacher the one who turns out men and women who succeed as Telegraphers does not TEACH at all. but shows all the students HOW. He MAKES Telegraphers. He drills and shows and shows and drills until the knowledge of both the theory and practice of Telegraphy is a part of the pupil. You can't pry that pupil and that knowl edge apart. He graduates Telegraphers who succeed right from the start In the field that offers simply wonderful opportunities for all young men and young women. Hut It is only that Telegraphy Teacher who Is a practical Telegrapher, one who has worked as Telegrapher, Just as every graduate of The Telegraphy Department of Boyles must do after graduation, who succeeds as a Telegraph Teacher. The theoretical teacher can glibly read from a Text Book and make an impressive bluff at knowing Telegraphy, but he can't SHOW a pupil HOW to be a successful WORKING Telegrapher himself. NO ONE CAN SHOW ANYONE HOW TO DO OR TO BE ANYTHING THAT HE HAS NEVER DONE OR BEEN HIMSELK. The Chief of the Boyles College Department of Telegraphy spent many busy, successful years In some of the most important Telegraph offices in the country, before he came to us. Ht knows. He can show. Boyles Col lege Telegraphy Graduates can't help but succeed Just because of that very fact, too. BOYLES COLLEGE II. B. BOYLES, President. BOYLES BUILDING. OMAHA, NEB. Catalogue is Free. . WANTED Four men to travel In each state, distribute samples and advertise our goods; Halary $-1 per week and ex penscs. guaranteed; expends advanced; experience unnecessary. Address, with stamp. stating ace and occupation, Reeve Co., 429 Dearborn St.. Chicago. H 413 bx $t WEPyKLY easily earned (position per manent distributing circular, samples, etc.; for iKirtlculurs, Commercial Adver tising Association. Philadelphia, Pa. B 412 5x Fl It KM EN AND BRA K KM EN Wanted, young, sound men to prepare by mall or at our school; experience unneefssary ; high wa"S, promotion; positions secured when competent; tlremen Ret $100, become engineers; biakeinen Ret $75, Ix-come con ductors. Write for particulars or call and see us. National Hallway Training School, (Omaha branch), 620 Paxton Wdg. B M399 D4 WANTKD Male stenographer 8. Fredrick Iterger & Co., 1517 Farnam. B 486 5 KVBRT ONE desirous Improving his posi tion. Increasing his pay, should read our free SB-page book. Our mall course plan In elertrical and steam engineering shows the short road to success. Electrical En glneer Institute, New York. B NIGHT watchman in factory, $12 per week. Work 7 nights. Givn age, experience, If any, and reference. Address E 90, care Itee. B-301 5 WANTED Man and wife on ranch, twi miles south of South Omaha; man with experience In handling stock. W. B. Van Sant, Room 1'iS, Exchange Bldg., South Omaha. Telephone 241. B 519 6 WANTED First class bookkeeper for out of city; one with shipping experience pre ferred. Address by letter, stating experi ence, salary desired and references. 521 8. 13th St. B 32 5 WANTED Dentist, registered In Nebraska. No recent graduates need apply. Boston Dentists, 1319 O St., Lincoln, Neb. B-M503 8x WANTED Two men In each county to rep resent wholesale hardware department; established house; salary $1 weekly; ex pense money advanced. Address Hard ware Dept., The Columbia House, Chi cago. B 408 5x WANTED Several Japanese or Chinese cooks. Women's Domestic Guild, 519 N.Y. Life. B 666 6 WANTKD By stationery, fancy goods and toy house, traveler for southern Iowa; only experienced man with established trade need apply. Address E 43, Hee. B 502 6 WANTED FEMALE HELP 20 WOT! KING girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 9o6 WANTED Girl to assist In general house keeping; no washing or ironing. 711 8. 19th St. C 211 WANTKD --.Young girl, about 16, to assist In light heusewotk; no washing or Iron lug; one block from car line. 4032 Izard. C 290 4x WANTED- Girl for general housework. Three In family. Best of wages. Tel. Uurney-630 218 S. 38lh Ave C 267 7 WANTKD Experienced collector; Indy pre ferred. 212 Bee Building. C M307 Bx WANTED Girl for general housework; small faiully; good wages. Call 19u7 Spen cer St. C 311 WANTKD A good typewriter operator, not necessarily a stenographer; must write a good hand and l.e rapid and accurate on machine. Atldress E 28, care Bee. C 313 WANTKD Competent cook at once. Apply Mrs. John A. McShane, 2026 Dodge. C 310 5 WANTKD A young lady to sing and play the piano In music department; must read ut sight. Apply at once, stating age and SHlary expected; steady. Address E 30, Bee. C-309 fix GIRL for general housework : two In family; $5 per week. Woman's Domestic Guild, 619 N. Y. Life. c M330 4 ONE cook, $6 per week: no washing. Worn nn's Domestic Guild. 519 N. Y. Life. C-M331 4 WANTKD Two rooks; no washing. Wom an's Domestic Guild. 519 N. Y. Life. C M328 4 WANTED Girl to help care Tor children and help Willi mending, etc.: $4 50 per week. Woman's Domestic Guild, f.19 N. Y. Life. C-M329 4 COMPETENT girl for general housework; small f.tmilv; wages. $5 Ir week W10 Sherman Ave. C 318 7x LAD1KS To do piece work at home: we furnish nil msteriiils and pay from $7 to '2 weekly; send stamped envelope to Royal t o., 34 E. Monroe, Chicago. C-40'! 3x ! LADIES having fancy work to sell, em- broideries, batienburg. drawn work, also In ilo order work; stamped enveloe. La- dies' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago. I C-473 5x i LADIFS I want all to know of the splen- ! oid opportunity I fin give any woman wherebv she can actually turn ner snare time Into nionev. The work Is verv pleasant and will easily pay $1H per week. There is no deception about this' no ex perience Is necessary. If you really want ti make monev write to me at once. Adilres" Harriet M. Richards, llnv H. Jollet. III. P 124 5x LADIES I make from $18 to $: per week and want all to have the same opportun ity. The work is verv pleasant and will pav you handsomely for even your snare time. 1 speak frooi experience, as I hive freiiuently ipade $S In a single dav. This Is no deception. I want no money and wl'l glad,w send foil particulars to sll Address Mrs W. W. Mitchell. Hox 10. Portland. Mulne. C-41S fx 4)1 KL to do pleln washing and ironing at the Creehe. Hah and Harnev. C-M497 7x GIRL for general housework; 4 In family. 8. H. Buffett, loo Iark Ave. C Bx EARN Mg Christmas Monev ladies nn.t girls, send us vour name and we will sen I vou bv mall CO quick-selling usoful arti cles to tll at 10 eenis each. When sold send us $100 and keep $l.f for ynur-clf. We trust vou. Manv 'are making dollars weeklv. Write today. Address Boston Novelty Co., Box 1540, Boston, Mass C 437 3x WANTED At mice, evidenced suit and cloak salesladies. High salaries. 8. Fredrick Berger & Co., 15U Varnain. C 404 WANTED FEMALE HELP College 25 GIRLS for factory work, experience un necessary. Apply Henna umatia nan v o. ' c-300 G 500 PFOPI.K to make kitchen aprons by doiens; increase business; small room. therefore home work; permanent; stamp addressed envelope for particulars. Amer lean Apron Co.. 44"S Indiana Ave., Chi Ave., v. ai C-37G Bx cago. WANTKD Housekeeper; lady of some re finement to keep house for elderly wid ower; pleasant, permanent homo to right person. Address, giving some description, E 31. Bee. C-390 6x COMPFTKNT girl, three In family; wages $5. 116 N. 38th Ave. Tel. Red-4737. C-523 6 $1.50 TO $3.00 per day to be paid to ladies and gentlemen who can give eight hours per day to our work. 1S22 Chicago St. C-627 6x WANTED Two cooks; $fl.00 per week; no washing. Women's Domestic Guild. .M9 N. Y. Life. C-664 6 3EVERAL COOKS wanted; wages $5.00 per week and no washing; small families. Women's Domestic Guild, 619 N. Y. Life. C 565 6 WANTED Girl to help care for and amuse children and assist with mending. Wow en's Domestic Guild, 519 N. Y. Life. C M563 5 WANTED Experienced sewers for our at tractive department; also man tailor and a talloress on coats; good wages. Applv Mondnv at O. K. Scofleld Cloak and Suit Co., 1510 Douglas St. C 567 6 MfD A N IVQ Refined School of Danc-lYlWrVrtlll-' -J ng. We teach you danc ing In twelve lessons. Terms reasonable. Tel. 1011. C 304 6 SITUATIONS WANTED DRUG clerk wants position. Graduate- of Crelghton college. Address E 17, Bee. ' A-M191 ox SITUATION wanted by competent lady stenographer and Remington operator; varied experience In Chicago and New York City; thoroughly capable, educated and trust worth. Address E 26, Bee. A-296 Bx WANTED Position by lady stenographer and typewriter. Capable clerk and well educated. Address E 39 Bee. A-M499 llx AS SEAMSTRESS In families, or will take sewing at home; also all kinds of milliner work. 'Phone Red-4637. A 3S!) 5x AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted to take agency for Cali fornia production; agencies established In every state In the union; from 75 to 100 per cent prolit to right parties; all adver tising matter furnished. .For further In formation call on W. A. Day. room 424 Her Grand hotel, city, 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. rn. J M3.12 5x YOU can make $5 a day showing our pat ent. self-sharpening shears to your friends and neighbors; experience unnecessary; general agents wanted on Balarv. Zlegler Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. J M325 4x AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN. My experience covers seventeen years In the agency business; I started at the bot tom. 1 now control two large companies and am negotiating for a third. Every honest person who reads this can secure a good paying position from me. willingness to work Is the only capital needed. If you want In muku nn li n .. U , 1 1 1 -1 1 . ,r with nn. ' port unities of realising more and more money, (inn i rail to write me today. A postal card will do. No previous ex perience necessary; I will teach you the business. Do not confound this offer with flaring ad vertisements promising $75, $100 and $150 a week, which do not materialize; no schemes or fakes, only good, straightforward, hon est work. R. A. BYRNE. 40-42-44 North 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. WE PAY $36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce our poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Parsons, Kan. J FREE samples to agent. Irresistible proposition on entirely new article. Bells everywhere. Big profits. Exclusive territory to hustlers. A. J. Edgren Co., Milwaukee. J A PERMANENT BUSINESS OFFER $50 to $150 per week POSITIVE; men and women wanted everywhere to orate xales parlors lor the BEST ladies' and gems' dresa shoe known; 10 original, sight-selling health and comfort features; factory to consumer; previous experience unnecessary; profit possibilities unlim ited: NO RISK; reply uulck. KUSiilON KOMFORT SHOE CO., Boston, Mass. J- BIG money In squabs; cneaply raised In only 4 weeks; nil for fancy prices; won derful market; write for free book and learn this rich Industry. Plymouth I'.wk Squab Co., 200 lijward St., Melrose, Mass. . J- AGENTS WANTED To sell advertising su'ns to merchants and manufacturers; salary and commission; only those with nhllity and meaning business need an swer Western Sign Mfg. Co., Chicago. J W3 Bx AGENTS Both sexes; 150 per cent profit; entirely new proposition: every housewife buys; particulars for stamp. Swift, 753 M madnock, Chicago. J 474 Bx AGENTS -Promote local factory and sell stock: only lew dollars needed: others started our plan and grew to Jlo.'kOcur porailon in one year; starting outllt free. MixeiV Guide, Fort Madison, Iowa. J 473 Sx AGKNTS wanted to sell our new mantlelesa gas burner; exclusive agencies given to hustlers; send 26c In slumps for barn pie. The Kastrn Company, 39 Peck Court, Chicago, 111. J 47? f AGKNTS Make J) per day; everybody elders their photograph on postals; sam ples and aniculars free. Tallman-IIar-vey Co. Ogdcn Place and Paulini St., Chicago J 471 Bx PORTRAIT agents, our Seplole pulls or ders; big profit; write for catalogue and tei ins of free outfit; credit given. Model Portrait Co., 15 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. J 470 Bx WANTED Gentleman or ladv of fair edu cation, to travel for a firm of $250.i capital; salary. $1,070 er year and ex penses; paid weekly and exenses ad- vanrea. Auuress, witn stamp, j. a. Alexander, Omaha. Neb. J 454 Bx AGKNTS wanted to sell high grade per fumes and toilet nrejmrHtluns; write for new booklet. Jmer Mfg. Co., Box 14., New York. J 4i2 Ix THE 0MA1IA AGENTS WANTED START RIGHT If you are ambitious, if you wish to be prosperous, if you desire to be a positive force in the world, you must make intelligent preparation and work hard, or you will be disappointed. You must start right and stay right. The young man who is ambitious to make money, or the young woman who desires to bo independent and provide for herself, will find that the Omaha Commercial College offers superior advantages and facilities to those who wish to start right. Its courses of instruction are thor ough and complete. It employs competent teachers and teaches modern business ideas and methods. The large number of corporations and business men who seek to employ its pupils proves its merits as a school to start young men in business life. CLASSES in BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, TELEGRAPHY, CIVIL SERVICE AND PENMANSHIP are now organized. Students can enter any time. START RIGHT. Enroll at once. CLASSES FOR NOVEMBER START TOMORROW. For full information call at the college or address, ROHRBOUGH BROS., PROPRIETORS 19TH AND FARNAM. MANY ngents are making bis n-oney sell ing our specialties In extracts, perfumes and toilet articles; most favorable terms and territory. C. A. Pearsall Co., Des Moines, la. J 444 6x SOAP AGENTS Something new; big i eake dollar-box soap and large dollar pic ture, both for 13 cents. Parker Chemical Co., Dept. P, Chicago. J 406 5x MANAGER wanted every city and county, handle best paying business known; legiti mate, new, exclusive control; no Insur ance or book canvassliur. Address Chas. llalstead, 31 Wett 20th St., New York. J-414 5x WK START you selling diamonds: don't fall getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co.. Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 429 Bx AGENTS Sell the most wonderful light producing gas burner ever devised; regu lates gas with side screws; $10 dally; write today. Pioneer Light Co., Pitts burg. Pa. J-457 5x $25 WEEKLY earned by laxly agents taking orders ror us; we start you in nusiness and mnke you Independent; outfit prepaid; write for circular and terms. Woman's Appurel Supply Co.. Chicago. J AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle sar saparillu. for 35c; best seller; 350 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St., Chicago. J- AGKNTS, big money: new patented gas burner; heals and lights any room nicely; absolutely odorless; sells every house. Se cure territory now. Century, 19 Warren St., New York. J 435 Bx AGENTS Men and women, living spring (liter, patented 19t5; pure water from any faucet: uulck seller; big terms: free book let. Willard Mfg. Co., Dept. 13, I-ewiston, Me. J 439 Ox 'UNIVERSAL" mending tissue; mends all fabrics; sells everywhere; agents, both sexes; profit 100 per cent; samples 25 cents. Columbia Novelty Company, Box 2XS, Washington, D C. " J-440 Bx MEN willing to work positively make $iWX) to $8,000 per year selling our just patented machine. Eagle Tool Co., B 301, Cincin nati, O. J-438 5x YOU can make $5 a day showing our pat ent, Self-sharpening Shears to your friends and neighbors; experience un necessary. General agents wanted on sal ary. Zicgler Co., Philadelphia, Pa. J-132 6x AGKNTS for dainty household article. Do you want to make money? Write E 29, care Bee. J 442 5x WANTED AT ONCE. LADY AGENTS to sell our Indelible painted scarfs, stand covers, center pieces, sola pillow tons and felt pieces; extra tine sellers. Ladles making $2.50 and $3 00 every day they work. Cannot be beat as eesy and quick seller. Address. O. M. Iankford, Indelible Painting Co., 12U8 Douglas Ave., Wichita, Kan. J 610 Bx AGENTS Christmas article, retails 10c; six sold at every house; something new; whirlwind seller; gross beautifully as sorted colors, prepaid. $0; dozen, 6c; sam ple, 10c. C. White, 202S Harvard St.. Chi cago. J 372 5x CANVASSERS Dome perforated fry pan rovers prevent grease splashing; things fry nice and brown: big seller; new cata logue 50 catchy sellers. Kitchen Specialty Mfg. Co.. Reading, Pa. J-376 5x AGENTS can easily make $10 a day selling our gold window letters, novelty Higns and changeable, signs; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Buren St . Chi cago, III. J 30 Bx SALESMEN WANTED TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa; staple line; entirely new induce ments to traCe; high commissions; $25 weekly advance; permanent to right man. F. C. Farley Co , Detroit, Mich. SALESMEN WANTED Hot side line; pay. hotel pine; easy seller; pocKcl sample; prompt commission. American Chewing Gum Co., St. Louis. WANTKD-Traveling salesman for staple line, under contract, paying a liberal In come, with ample advances for expenses; Isjnd and leferences required. Smith, Jennings Co., Detroit. Mich. 448 5x TRAVELING SALESMAN By large whole- Bale house, selling staple line for Ne braska; year contracts; liberal drawing account; stato experience. Box 75K. Chi cago. 46o Bx SALESMEN Tobacco; experience unneces sary: excellent opportunity; good Income; steady employment. Address Belle Meade Tobacco Works, Louisville, Ky. 468 6x SALESMAN excellent opportunity for Al man with estaiillsnen patent medicine house, marketing well advertised line: good bitters man considered: give full particulars confidentially. Box 555. Chi cago. 106 6x SMALL 2-oz. tube sample, circulars, book let and order blank Is complete equipment. Trade extensively circularised; good value; a harvest In commissions for live salesmen. I. T. Weir While Lead Co., St. Ixmls. Mo. -41K Bx .AD1KS AND MEM as special agents for Head-A-Vlta Tablets; guaranteed quick cure for sick and nervous headache; no opiates; sell readily; handled bv can vassers with other goods: write for lib eral proposition. Head-A-Vlta Rmely Co., Pittsfield, Mass. 421 Bx WANTED Five traveling salesmen for lsi; our line Is staple and we offer re markable Inducements to the retail mer chant: we have places worth $.1.f0 per vear up. Department 5o9, 356 Delirium St., Chicago. 426 6x WANTED A few bright, experienced, en ergetic, commercial salesmen; men who are caiable of earning large salaries; staple line for retail trade; old estab lished hous: write at once. Address P. O. Box 41. Minneapolis. Minn. 4 41 Bx 8AI ESMKN-Experleneed In any line, to sell general stores In Nebraska: an unex celled specialty proposition: commissions and $35 weekly for expemcs. The Conti nental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. -45$ tx DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER SALESMEN WANTED OMAHA, NEB. B 8ALESMAN traveling on the road visiting dry goods trade to handle a strong ana good selling line of ladles' neckwear and novelties on good commission basis; state references and what territory coverea J. M. Meyers Co., 434-430-438 Broadway New York. 434 Bx WANTED A first-class salesman for Ne brnska to sell exclusively during UnU (commencing Jan. 1) our tlrst-class line of calendars, advertising specialties and druggists' labels and boxes. Our line is so complete that every merchant and manufacturer In earh and every town can be seen; our goods are first-class and strictly up-to-date: our house has been established 25 years and Is well and favor ably known; commission 20 and 25 and energetic salesmen can easily make from $tiu to $100 per week; new samples will be ready January 2; first-class men only wanted; enclose this advertisement with your application. Address B 4n. care Lord & Thomas, Chicago. 377 Bx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. J SCSI DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, ii 930 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe ROOMS and good board, $5 per week and up. can 1517 Chicago St. u; 932 Tel. 611 O. M. E. Haul 1 runks E-933 BTEAM HEATED ROOMS from $2.00 to o.w per wecg; transients, eve ana up wards. Tel. B 2547. E M276 4x FURNISHED room for two gentlemen, modern. 1712 Davenport. JS M300 ox ROOMS FURNISHED at this Btoro have the style and effect that appeal to pros pectlve tenants. We don't ask Installment store prices. Terms: $26.00 worth, $1.00 a wee!:. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam St. E 515 5 ROOMS with or without board; modern. B13 No. 22d. E M340 6 NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite. BeBt location In city. 107 North 20th. 'Phone 531S. E-M498 7x THREE partly furnished rooms. Modern. Gas stove in kitchen. Aduita only, no oi her roomers. References required. 2701 Woolworlh Ave. E MlMi 6x TWO large rooms; eastern frontage; all modern conveniences, Including use of telephone. Inquire lit! N 25th. E M559 LARGE heated room, suitable for one or two. Modern In every respect. Con ve ent to Vinton street car burn. Ref erences required. Telephone Douglas-5755. K 48 Bx NICELY furnished rooms at 220 N. 25th St. E 4S7 Bx LARGE front parlor and liedroom. steam heat and bath. Davldge Blk. Tel. 3olo. K M&U0 8 FOR RENT Three or four unfurnished rooms; strictly modern, with or without heat. 2220 N. l'Jth St. Suitable for light housekeeping. E 378 Bx WARM ROOMS, very cheap. 20th and Dewey Ave. E M5o4 llx ELEGANT furnished rooms with alcove; gas, bath, telephone. 702 S. 17th st. E M528 6 THREE furntohed rooms, with heat and gas; suitable for light housekeeping; hot and cold water on same floor. 1427 N. 17th. Phone 3851. E 5(3 Bx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-W5 THE ROSE. 2o20 Harney, elegantly fur nished rooms, house modern; good board; also table board or meal tickets. 'Phuae 2447. F 496 N15x ROOMS AND BOARD. NICELY furnished steam heated rooms, with or without board, eiugle or en suite. Rates reabuiiable. MidlaiKi Hotel, lnth and Chicago Sts. v F M120 N28 527 PARK AVE Good board and south room, lor two: modern, private. F-259 BOARDING A few day boarders wanted; elegant home cooking; private; close In; $0.5o week. 2037 Harney Ut. Phone R.l 6114. F-M2W 4x FIRST-CLASS board and room; reasonable. Tel. 55uS. 2el3 Webster. F M3J6 7 FIRST-CLASS hourd and rooms; modern; newly furnished; $4.50 per week. 250 Har ney. F MJM ox LARGE front room, with board, modern. Cedar-455J1, 626 S. 19th St. F 33s 6x SMALL family with well-appointed home will rent a double room to a refined gen tleman and wife, or two gentlemen. Every modern convenience. References ex changed. Address K35 Bee. F M 367 5 TWO nice large south rooms, excellent table, for two gentlemen. Address E 41, Bee. F M518 7x 509 S. Z5th Ave. All modern conveniences; private family; telephone. F M54J 6x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished, entire second floor of four large rooms with alcove and bath room, closet In each room, with use of storeroom. In a strictly modern private house, south front, block from cir line, 'phone. Kounlse. Place. 2116 Spencer Pf. G-4S5 i THREE unfurnished front rooms, modern except heat; private family; references. 6JSii;24lhAve. G 645 6 PRINTING PRINTING YLNGSTAD MEMORIAL CARDS; ar tistic designs, S. E. Cor. 16th St. aud Capitol Ave. 1003. PERSONAL FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rales fur reliable service. Tel. ItCo. Bchmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-l TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 720 S. 13th. TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE !M0. I Ksi OMAHA Stesm I"aste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 'UIQ Cuming, lel..l. Accordion AND Sunburst PLEATING COMPLETE GARMENTS A SPECIALTY. TAILOR MADE BUTTONS. RUCHING GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. J00 DOUGLAS BLK., OPPOSITE HAYDEN BROS. TEL. U- 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, $2. Perileld Piano Co., nu Farnam. U 854 M Af!N PTlP,Ht'nvnt & Baths. Mmo. mntjii c i iSmiln iU a. i5, n., r. a. LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all points, 14o Farnam. Tel. I'.i3.r. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U-i65 PARTIES starting housekeeping can have us turnlsn the home complete, iernis, $100 worth $2.00 a week. We don't ask in stallment store prices. OMAHA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th, on Farnam Ht. U 513 6 Cap. Ave. Laundry,. U fc00 N13 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anvlhing you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 anil wagon will call. U-oll PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1.00 weeklv. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. I'erfield Piano Co., ltill Km nam Si. U SMi ACCORDION .nl SUNBURST PLhATING, RUCHING. BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. 1 HK GOLDMAN FLt A 1 IISGCO 100 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. 1836, FRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mr. Oardell, 221 Charles. Tel. 5311. L PRIVATE home during confinement; babies ftdopied. The Good fcamaiuan (Sanitarium, 72a First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. ii'4. U-322 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Kanige Uik. U IHjO DR. ROY. Chiropody, U. 2 4c 3, 1500 Furnani. U-Wil DR. JACKSON. Room 4, Frenzer Block. Chronic diseases a apeclalty. Consulta tion free. U 246 APPENDICITIS CURED without the knife. Submit to no dangerous operation until you consult our pnyslcians. yuick cure Remedy Co., 611 Woodmen of the World Bldg., Omaha. U M334 6x THE latest song out, "Bessie and I," words and music. Send Boo to the author of "Bessitt and I," Ncllgh, Neb. U 443 6x "PEGGY" I'll be In your town Monday night, Nov. 6. PeaiV U 453 Bx NEW CLASSES formed for adults, begin ners, at Morand's, 15th and Harney, Tues day and Friday, 8 p. in. this week; Indi vidual and thorough Instruction our forte; our pupils enjoy every minute of their lessons. U 478 Bx MARRY Wealth and beauty; mnrrlaga di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Hurton, Dept. 2H7, Tekonsha, Mich. U-467 Bx WE tench students how to heal the, sick by our new system of human electropathy; all diseases treated and cured without drugs; a new profession ; easy to learn: we can cure you; wo can teach you. Will you write to us for our laioklet, free? Write today and remember that we prove the truth of our assertion. Address Elec tropathies School of Healing, 221 St. Mary's St., San Antonio, Texas. U 4fi9 Bx E. L. LOVKJOY will repair your sewing machine and warrant It. Tel. 015M, or ad dress 16th and Clark Sts. U 3H7 Bx MIDDLE-AGED, refined lady wants posi tion as nurse and companion to Invalid; would travel; best of references. Ad dress E 33. Bee. U 306 5x MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocoalne habit: myself cured; will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U MASQUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. U-M 403 D4 I GEXTLEMAN, past 60, lonely, healthy, wealthy, liberal and Jolly wishes lady correspondents; object matrimony. Box 107. Ouk Park. 111. U 374 6x MATRIMONIAIr-Intelligent, sincere, busi ness gentleman. 4K. high social standing, would like correspond. Frank, 531 Odd Fellows' Temple, Philadelphia. U-3S1 5x DRAMATIC ART SSaW The Chambers School of Stage Arts offers exceptional opportunities to students wish ing a thorough course of instruction in all that pertains to the essentials of stage craft and oratory. Correcting deficiencies of the speaking voice a specialty. The only school having Its own theater, l'HE LYRIC. Now permanently located In the Omaha Commercial College building, corner luth and Farnum streets. Send for prosoectus. Management of Willard E. Chambers. Tel. ; r-inii. jorecior oi Dcnooi. aonn r.otfar i Owens. Tel. 129. . U 6tt LATHES ordering cake, bread, etc., if pos sible, please order the day lierore. Women's Domestic Guild, 51H N. Y. Life. U-57 6 WANTED Capitalists, one or more, abso lutely sate investment, exceptionally bright prospects, large profits, new sys tem liquid gas. Emil Stall, 531 Palisade Ave., Jersey City. N. J. U 606 6x STOMACH TROUBLE CURED WITH FooI A new natural scientific method. Booklet, "Results from Katlng," tree. Kugene Christian, Food Expert. 3o8 W. TUth St., New York. U 665 Bx WIDOWER, healthy, wealthy and good ap pearance, desires to correspond with re fined, good looking lady, between 25 and 38; object matrimony: no trlflers need apply. Address E 42. Bee. U 547 6x WE RENT sewing machines 75c week. We repelr all makes of machines; second hand machines. $5 to $lu Neb. "ie Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U M546 ADlROI A Popular new dance, will rtltciDvJLn Ih, introduced at Morand's next Wednesday assembly, Crelghton hall. u n sx UnDANn'C R'Hi"'1' School of Dar lIUIrtl1U O in ve teach you dar nc- lane- Ir.g In twelve lessons. Terms reasonable. Tel. 1041. U-303 6 PLUMBING PLUMBING Tel 1477. Repair work a specialty. Lynch Bros., 317'n li 12th. 5i6 N22 LYNCH Repairing Immediately attended to. Ill a. lam. lei. .192. 55 N22 CHAPMAN ft MAHAN. Repairing promptly at low prices. 613 N. 16th Tel. Red ES64. -&M D22 A- SAVARD, 4314 N. 24th. Tel. Mr. -Mi N2J 5, BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, see Hart A Co., 41 N. Y. Life. T-7 FOR BALE Dry goods and clothing store In Alnsworth, Neb., stock In good shape; cash, reM easy terms; owner wishes to retire. Address Purily Real Estate Co., Box 142. Alnsworth. Neb.. Y M.1'7 I HAVE $2.fii.00 and my valuable services to Invest In a good business. Address K 23, Pee. Y M277 Bx yotl can nver profit by business cUanees unless you have some money; smill sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Brandel S ns. Beakers, 16th tnd Douglar 8ts. Assets over $100,00.00. Y PATENTS SECURED. OR FEE RETURNED. Illustrated Guide Book and 1. 1st of Inventions Wanted, free to any address. Patent secured by us advertised free In World's Progress. Sam ple copv free. EVA.NH. WII.KINS & CO.. 5tiS F ST.. N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. Y MONEY ready for any business; stocks ami ooncis nought and sold on commis sion; capital for old or new companies; no advance fee; companies organized, any state, lowest rates. liurke & Co.. 1!4 l.eri.ille St.. Chicago. III. Y 451 Bx CORPORATION securities bought out right; entile tnnd Issues sold on commis sion. We will guarantee to raise you all the capital required to place your pro position on going basis if ou "an satisfy us it is tirst-class. Municipal Bond and Hecurltles Company. 170 Broadway, New York. Y-476 Bx WE buy and sell stocks and bonds: we or ganize and finance meritorious enter prises; loans arranged on bonds and mortgages; representatives In seven cities. W. II. Todd & CO., 112 Dearborn St.. Chi cago. Y 4isj Bx LIVE salesmen are making $200 to $300 per month placing our new Gum Machines In sh loons, drug stores, cigar stores, res taurants, etc., and refilling them with the only National Chewing Gum not In ttie trust, known everywhere as Nix E Won't Tell, anil other high grade specialties for the trade. The chance of a lifetime to start In a lucrative and permanent busi ness tor yourself; $l,tm required to curry stock. We take all risks. National Mer cantile Co., Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. Y-410 5x FOR SALE Brick block grain business and elevator. $15.ui; large and small ranches, 5 to $10 per acre. J. B. Cramer. Kiowa, Kan. Y W Bx $r.'5.i or part, for Investment In some good enterprise without services. T. K. Cameron, Sentinel Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. Y I'M 5x WANTED Strictly high grade man as state manager, large corporation, estab lished 22 years, doing business In every state In union: salary $2,100 for li' months per year and commissions; mint mum Investment, $1,600 In stock of com pany and exceptional References required. Supt. Agencies. Wilbur Stock Food Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Y 427 Bx W'AXTEP-A hotel man. German preferred, to take long lease and buy furniture ami bar fixtures of He-room hotel In railroad and mechanics' district In Salt Lake. This Is a safe business and a big money maker. Price. ?4,&en. Write me at once. J. K. Newcomb, 63'i W. 2d. So. R, 27, Salt I-ake. Y 423 ox FOR SALE Controlling Interest In very profitable manufacturing corporation by sole owner; paying big dividends; best reasons for retiring; good salary as man ager. Address E 32, Bee. Y 3H3 5 FOR SALE The best hardware business 1n the state of Nebraska, stock only. Owner wishes to retire from business. Address, W. W. Coates, Platlsmouth, Neb. Y 4S4 5 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D. 312. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y CAPITAL Is supplied companies more rap idly on "guaranteed" slocks or bonds, be cause each Investor Is absolutely pro tected against loss. If you need capital to develop your business you can give each Investor security for his money. Every bond or share of stock Issued by you is accompanied by gold certificate se cured by deposit of government bonds. If you have meritorious enterprise requiring $50,000 or $500,000, write to United Indus trial Securities Company, 170 Broadway, New Y'ork. Y' 13C 5x BE A TELEGRAPHER Railroads pay from $4.1 to $125 per month. We guarantee you a position nfter graduation or refund your money. Write A. D. Kearns, 5th floor, Charles Bldg., Denver, Colo. Y 441 5x IF YOU have $100 to $500 to Invest in a safe and profitable mining enterprise, write me. E. R. Argersinger, Box 056. Goldfleld, Nevada. Y 133 5x No. 1 ii40-acre homestead, Brown county; jutilroad, 7 miles. 1 tun locate you. Ad dress E 40. care Bee. Y M50K 7x A SUCCKS8SFUL manufacturing company, established fifteen years, having staple product handled bv wholesale trade, re quires the services of capable man as sales manager to take charge of salesmen and permanent branch office at Omaha; salary $125 per month and expenses; also an additional commission which should amount to as much or more than the sal ary; tinder our mutual profit-sharing plan we require our representative to hold during term of employment $1,600 of the capital stock of the company. Address Manager, 308 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Y-373 5x nilPANKON 432 Paxton. Best list UJ own money -making busl ness chances. Y M252 N30 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. I-U36 WE have vacant a particularly desirable small office which rents for $10.uo per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Jalntor service. It is located on the fourth floor of Thhe Bee building and Is Just the thing for any one wanting a nloe little office In the best office building In town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor Bee Bldg. 1771 DENTIST can rent a fine office with north light In The Bee building, dividing wait lug room and expense of office boy and telephone with doctor of established prac tice. Rent, $20 per month. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor Hee Bldg. 1- M34 FOR RENT The quarters ocupled by the Omaha Guards, a room on the second floor. 20x20 and one room on third floor. 24x50, suitable for office and shop or light manufacture. Apply, Murand, 1511 Har ney. 'Phone 1041. 123 FOR RENT Entire 2d floor, 6 rooms, over Sherman ft Md'onnell drug store; steam heat. Putnam Co., 604 N. Y. Life. 1-M274 4 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDl-Vi:. We have two large rooms on corner, 2.4'0 uure feet, l.inio square rect each. Hhrn ceiling and gi.od light. Can be thrown to gether If desired or rented separately. Strl'tly modern ; heat and Janitor scrvic i fU'-nlshed. Suitable for wholesale and In surance business. Also a small office on second floor. Call at once. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor. 1J01 Farnam St. 1 357 B BRICK stable at 1S10 Harney St., 32xpi0 feet. Will alter to suit tenant for other purpuscs. S. S. Curtis, In Harnev hi. I-MIM FOR RENT Pleasant 6-pmmii suite, second floor, over Sherman & McConnell Drug store; steam beat. Putnam Co.. Bol-5 N. Y. Life. 1 M520 6 FOR RENT The entire third floor of one of the leading retail houses; center of retail district:- good elevator service, well IlKhted and steam heat. Aildieas E 44, Bee office. I M50S 7 FLORISTS HESS & KWOKODA, 1415 Farnam. 927 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. 9 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 300 Douglas Rlk. -985 la FajrOllus, Sturdy. I'd. iUroey 1"02. -ton FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL SALE ON MACHINES These machines have all been thoroughb overhauled and me the latest thing that the different manufactoi li s produce. They are complete with attachments arid are guaran teed to be In tlist-diiss condition. The following is u list of machines we have on hand: Singer. 5-ilrawer. drop head $jn.' Singer, i-drnwer. drop head 22. "O Davis. 5-drawer. drop head 17. i Standard Automatic Grand 25 fl" While. 5-drawcr. drop head 15 on Domestic, B-drnwer. drop head 2". t Second hand machines, box top, of c "v mnke. from $5.00 to $10 00. These are com plete with attachments and will give yoa good ser v! -e. We rent machines 75c per week. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO 'Phone 166? Corner 15th and Harney. 625 North 24th St.. South Omnhii. 334 Bruadwuy, Council Bluffs. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED P.VINT. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Umaha. y :n.6 MUX.'!! COWS on easy terms. 43d and Center. J 5:13 SECOND-HAND STEAM FllTliSGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain in steam fittings call and look over tne following supplies. 1.8-inch Austin horizontal separator. l.fe-lnch Austin's horizontal separator. 1. 4-inch Austin s vertical separator. These have been tuKen out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Hee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer. Het Bldg., Omaha. q 5aj for sale-two Omaha business Dwignt Williams, Neb. life scholarships on college. Address Oin.Uia Bee, Omaha. Vl-829 FOR SALE About lifty feet ornamental galvanised lion col nice And iuiitiiueiit.il iron posts, suitable lor show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee Bldg. J MlOi FOR SALE New und second-hand billiard ami pool tables, bur fixtures of all kinds, easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunsw ick-Bulke-Collcnder, 407 S. lot ti St., Omaha. CJ 966 2D-HAND safe cheap, nam. Delight, 1119 Far Q 909 ALL KINDS of stoves and ranges, from $5.25 up. Compare our prices with others. Our terms are $25.00 worth. $l.oo a week. OMAHA Fl "RN IT I RE Ac C. It PET CO., Between 12lh and 13th, on 1 amain Si. W oh. 5 600 STOVES to select from at low prices. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodgu street. Q 970 FOR SALE at a bargain, two bed springs, lull sue, good condition. 3i7 Chicago. M W-M.I21 WE'RE SQUARE. Cash or credit on stoves. ONCE tried ALWAYS patronized. Ualo City Fur. Co.. olD N. lOlli. al. 37S6. Q--097 N25 FOR SALE A 1906 White Steamer, side entrance, never been used. Address E li. Bee. Q-M784 4 FOR SALE Two (,0-lncli by l(!-feet boilers, good lor Mi pounds pressure, two To-horse power murine boilers, new; one 35-lione-power. White & Mlddleton gasoliuo en gine at the Omaha Boiler Works. U--02 N29 CRIBBING; fir timbers, 80 feet and under; seasoned hardwood lumber. 9ul Douglas. Q K01 FOR SALE At a bargain, household goods at 1S12 N. 20th St. Q M4(io 6x FOR SALE At a bargain, thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Bocks, latlmm and Bradley strains, direct. Davis, 4210 Ames Ave. y 159 5x FOR SALE Medium sire safe with Bteol chest; good condition. II. J. Hill, Alma. Neb. y 3!i 5 FOR SALE 32 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline electric light engine, 5 K. V. Northern dynamo. 4oo-llght capacity; switchboard complete; Insulated copper line wire and assortment of fixtures. Everything new and In perfect condition. Further Information promptly given by letter and personal Inspection Invited. Rogers & Simmons, P.rudsliaw, Neb. y-asT :. FOR SALE One hard conl base burner, one soft coal Hove, one boy's bicycle, one hanging lamp, six gasoline lamps n-id one Iron pump. 2412 Corby St. Q 391 6 FOR SALE First mortgage on an Im proved 10o-acre farm. Address to Box .V, Missouri Valley, Iowa. y M5til Ox WANTED TO BUY Antiquarian Book Store, 1220 Far.; highest price paid for 2d-hund books. Tel. F-4529. N-5S N13 HIGHEST price paid for second-hand goods. Telephone P9. N 292 N19 WANTED Second-hand engine and boiler In good repair; 25 horse engine, in boiler. Address E-27 Bee. N-M3ofi 3 OUR 05- 0i RED BOOK And real estate catalogue is soon to go to firinl. If you really unt to sell, list It n time to get In: 6,) copies circulated direct among buyers. It's vest pocket CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON, Ground Floor. l'Ml Farnam St. N 4J 6 A LARGE corner lot between Nicholas and Ames Ave., and east of 21th St. State size and price. Box 700 lit v. N-370 Bx SECOND-HAND Leavenworth. lawn mowers. N- 7(tl .14 5 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES, in French, Sauish or German; learn to speak In 25 lessons, business correspond ence 50, to read literature 05 GUARAN TEED. F. Peltier, 115 South 201 h. M.S12 N12 ClIATKLA IN SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES FWFNP H German, Spanish. Fencing. 1 IM.14V..1I 'j'he la-st results are obtained by Tur method of teaching. Trial lcs.,u free. Davldge Bldg.. 18th und Farnam -9M) FRED ti. ELLIS. 1, Barker Bldg. teacher of voice Room Voices tested free -333 N50 C. PETERSON. European education; voice, Italian method, piano. 518 W. O. VV. Bldg. -772 N27 MniiANin Q Refined School of Dane UlUlVMUD.Oi,, We ,..1C, y .li,,,,.. lng in twelve lessona. Terms reasonable Tel. PHI. - 3i.O 6 CLAIRVOYANTS MME BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Cull al No. 113 South li.th S;., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. B-917 MRS. O'NEAL (colored i. palmist and ad viser. 'I'll. ited-Olul. ii'H !.'.. 21 t. 8 -L95 Sx OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. Life. TeL lf4. 909 MRS JOHN U. Ml'SK'K. Oateopalhy I'hy sician. Office, Neville Blk. 'lei. Ji23. 910 AUCTIONEERS EXPERIENCED auctioneers on short no tice to conduct sales of real estate, live slock, household goods, etc Omaha Real Estate AuuUuu Co. Zii NcvUie Blk., 'PtiOtt MM