Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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WW UyJ u
Announcement Special for Monday
Ladies' Stunning Suits
Monday we offer two tailored suit specials
that mean a good, substantial saving to the
ladies who are looking for stylish, up-to-date
Call suits. These suits are positively worth as
high as $25. Tbe suits are in the 50-inch
coat or Eton jacket styles good grade of broad
cloth and cheviot, red, plum, ft 85 1 "?50
green, blue and black, eatin (1 X4 ll A
linings, at
Eleg&nt New Tailored Suits New arrivals of ex
clusive, stylish idras that are original with Bran
dois and to he found only in our great up-to-dato
cloak and suit section. Our extensive stock enables
ii3 to fit all figures hecotningly in garments of the
most accepted fashion. These suits were all chosen
separately for their style excellence in this show
ing are chic ideas ranging in price
up U
V," i
if, 4- Hf t f Vv A
2 - Seal sk'n CohIh
sly with new reveres
Clear White Ermine
Za. Standing band
with good sized tabs
ermine tall fie
trimming l H
and satin fl
lining, at..Jl &
Ladies' Walking Skirts at $198 Bought at a great
sacrifice 'JO styles in the new materials, pleated
or circular effects very nicely tailored worth
up 10 leu uouara n iu j
vail cro at v
Ladies' Wafking Skirts, $9,
This includes many tine nam
pies of voiles, chiffons, pana
mas, etc., many extra size gar
ments for stout ladies Q Qfi
worth up to $17.50, at ZJZJO
Reniitifnl White Kr-
mine With ji
double drop tar, hnavy V
satin lining, nign nann
i 0 ermine
tails go
Irrlun t,nmh Zazas u I
In high stock, with
satin lining
ig, nign hand
II !
Special Fur Scarf Offer 20 different styles in long, medium and
short scarfs ten different furs special, at
and cuffs,
heavy bro
caded lining.
24-ln. Near Seal Jack
ets Heavy satin lin
ing, at
29 and 35
27-ln. Silky Corl As
trakhan Jacket a
Guaranteed satin lin
ing, at ,
2450 and 29
24-ln. Golden .Otter
Jacket New shapes,
heavy lining, at
H25 . $149
The New Season's Favorites in
Ladies' Winter Coats
Monday for the first time we will bring for
ward twenty new models in long coats in the
smartest, dressiest styles that have been seen
in Omaha for many seasons. Many special values
These are beautiful new long coata of broad
cloth with empire back, plain and fancy lin
ingB, neat little trimmings, etc a splendid
variety to choose from, at
JO sz
.98- ( ,
Exclusive Models Just Received in
Charming Millinery
Brandels New Ideas Invariably Appeal to the Woman of Taste.
fhe newest models in winter millinery have a chic style that is
all their own. Scores of ahsolutely new ideas in shape and
trimming to give a touch of exclusive character to the winter
dress. AVe mention specially for Monday an assortment of the
faddish new fur hats. The crowns are of velvet and the brims
are artistically fashioned of
seal, Persian lamb and Rus
sian sable trimmings are
adapted in exquisite hannony
a special line, all new at
mart Dress and Evening IlaJs &.t $7.50
In the showing are a splendid variety of the
newest dress hats, handsomely trimmed
with ostrich plumes, feathers, breast, cut t'
steel ornaments, the new blend- gpsy Et
ed foliage, etc. many charming I J VI
models, shown for the first fl
time special, at :
OmaJia. Women &.re Amazed a,t the Crea.t Values in
Dressy Fall Hats ad $1.50-2.50
Entire stock of stylish street and dress hats bought from a New
York concern at a sensational reduction every hat, fresh, new
and thoroughly modish every correct shape, l CQ lfl
all newest trimmings, hats that are easily j
.worth $4.00, at "
w'Winier Underwear
Ladies' High Class Union Suits In winter weight in this lot
is the famous Munsing union underwear, known as the linest
union underwear that money can buy, also the well known
Olpha and Helvetia brands all 3LO f Or OQ
sizes, very special, at C-0COC
Ladies' Heavy Weight Vests and Pants Ladies' fine cotton
plain and fleeced, medium and heavy weight
" Sa. . .25c-49c-69c98c
Boys' and Girl's Union Suits Munsing union
Ladies' $25 Quality
Fur Lined Coats at $14.85
Through a special purchase we have just received
from New York a splendid array of broadcloth
fur lined coats. The unusual price concession wo
secured enables us to offer these very fashion
able coats at the greatest bargains of the season.
The linings are German squirrel, plain or blended
with brook mink and blended Belgian l A 85
sable collars, 45 and 48 inches long II (Jtm
very special values at
The new Empire coats are ex
tremely modish this season
we show many in heavy chev
iots, Empire f roht and back,
yoke and pleats, velvet
piped, half lined, new culls
and sleeves will go OflWv
in this sale at . . . . 7. . O .IO
Tomorrow we place on sale a large stock of lace curtains that were most advantag
eously bought by us. Buying all goods for spot cash, no matter how large the quantities,
is the reason why some of the best bargains in the United States are offered first to us.
This sale of Lace Curtains will more strongly than ever
cause you to wonder how we can sell fine goods so cheaply
LACE CURTAINS at $3.98 a, Pair
and $15.00
In this lot are all the Irish Point, all the Brussels,nll the Arabian Lace
Curtains from this gigantic purchase that sell as high as '$10.00 and
$15.00 per pair
at, pair
$25 LACE CURTAINS at $6.98 a, Pair
In this lot are all the absolutely finest Curtains from this purchase. Genuine hand made
Saxony Brussels Curtains, real Egyptian Curtains, Marie Antoinette Curtains, and
hundreds of other high class lace curtains that are worth up to $25.00
per pair, an immense variety of them will be offered as long as they
last at $fi.08 per pair. This is an opportunity to get an extremely fine
lace curtain at about one-fourth the real value, pair
Lace Curtains 298-l98 Pr.
Are all the Arabian, all the
Cable Net, all the Notting
ham, and all the Brussels
Lace Curtains that sell up
to $7, SO a pair,
they go at, pair
Lace Curtains, 98c Each
Are all the odd Curtains and all the
single curtains. These are worth up
to $5.00 per pair, and are all kinds, all
grades, and all qualities, there are
seldom more than 3 pair of any one
pattern. They are a
most extraordinary
bargain, at, each. . . .
$2.50 Lace Curtains at 39c Each In
Ihis lot are all the single lurtains and all Z
the lot, only ttro or three pair of a
kind, that usually nil up to $L50 a pair,
Swiss Curtains All the Swiss and
fl(llin Curtain, ruffled and ileated, as
Itma as titty lant, are tjoimj to be sold at, J. .1 f.
suits, medium and heavy weight A J Q fj to attend this sale
fane cotton and wool, a suit... L1L
All of the Bobbinet Curtains with
Battbnberg applique and
Battenberg edge that generally sell for $3.50 per pair, these are both
in white and ecru, and are going to be sold at, each
And there will be numerous other lace curtain bargains on sale of which the quantities are too small
for the newspaper advertising.
If in the immediate or near future you are in need of curtains you should not fait
Mm 1
uif4 mmmn
. Silks and Velvets
Many beautiful waisting silks just received, as well as
elegant silks and velvets for entire costumes.
h stripe
r shirt
75c to
Handsome Plaids The popular satin bar plaids, im
ported Loulsene and Faille plaids, etc
Special Moire Values 36-in. black
moire, 27-ln. colored moire, 27-in.
white moire, novelty and boucle
moire, etc., worth up to
$2.00, at yard
Vel Devet Imported dress velvets, In
all the latest street shades, chiffon
finish superior quality,
only, per yard
Regina Black Dress Taffetas Finest In the world. Brandos are exclusive
Omaha agents. These silks manufactured by C. J. Bonnet Co.. Lyons.
t ranee. We offer the Regina black taffeta Monday, 21 -in., worth
$1.00, for 75c; 27-in., worth $1.60, for, yard
Rustling Taffetas In both plain and
changable, pretty shirt waist silk,
plaids, chameleon, messaline many
27-ln. and 36-ln
fancy silks, at,
"yard 49C-69C
On Bargain Square 2.500 yards stripe
and check Loulsene silks for shirt
waist suits worth from 75c to
$1.00, Monday, at,
French Flannels, Albatrosses and
Cashmeres, on bargain Bquares, for
kimonos, children's dresses, Waists,
etc., 50c and 75c grades,
at, yard
-29c Yard.
Fiivc Winter Dress Goods
On bargain square at main entrance, we are showing thousands of
yards of finest $1.50 dress goods, heavy Scotch mix- ff 4V
tures, English worsteds, plain and fancy goods, etc., m' u
at, yard vf V
$1 Dress Goods in black and all
colors, excellent heavy skirt
ings, coatings and dress Akn
woolens, at, yard HfJC
In the Annex
1,200 yards of fine silk and wool imported dress goods,
75c quality, Monday, in annex, at yard
46-inch Itlack Xun's Veiling, HHk and Wool Imported 7C
85c grade, at, yard DUG I'laids, at, yard S DC
$1 and $1.25 Imported Dress Goods Prunella, Wool Taffeta, Poplin, C r
French Serge, etc., every new color and shade, at, yard ODC
$2.50 fine silky finish ChifTou Broad- Imported DrexH Patterns, black and
cloth, black and colors, -at, I AO I colors, at, rn
yard I. JO yard....,
Special Ribbon Sale
Tomorrow in our enlarged ribbon department there will be an exposition
and 'sale of strictly high class novelty ribbons a showing of both imported
and domestic ribbons. See the new Persian the new Glace Warp Prluts
the new Oriental Patterns in Warp Prints the new Imported Jacquard
Effects. There Is not a new thing in the ribbon world but what we are show
ing. Prices on the novelties ranKe at. per yard
t ,'.tjL,t-
Misses', Children's and Boys' Underwear Vests,
pants and drawers, line and heavy ribbed, plain
and heavy fleece lined Q An
cotton ami wool, at . . . IC"vlV"i
Handkerchief Sale Plain and embroidered linen,
Swiss scalloped, embroidered and revered la
dies sheer linen initial handkerchiefs tfl
.over 100 stvles all go at, each iUC
Ladies Kid Glove Sale
All well known brands of gloves all sizes newest fall shades
for street and eveninjr wear two and three clasn effects of
real buedo and glace a great num
ber of gloves in this lot are the finest
samples and worth up to $2 a pair, at
Neckwear Sale
Ladies' newest stylo neckwear
stocks, tabs, turnovers, lace
beaded effects, lacy handmade
liattenberg novelties, etc.; black,
white and ecru cotton, linen,
silk and chiffon worth up to 50c
10c and 25c
i tvmu t " '
hoe Ssde
We bought these fine shoes from a New York
manufacturer they represent his entire sample
line. We assert that .these are the finest ladies'
shoes ever sold in America at $2.0.
Vicis, velours, gun metal, patent kid aud colts but
ton or lace, sizes "J 1 to 7 L ihtes that are positively
J) I9c-25c-29c-39c-49c-
ac-oc-c-oac vp to $d I a.
worth $3.50 and $4.00
will go at
all perfect and right up to date,
Specials in. Linen Dept.
fecial tut of all linen blturhnd and sil
ver lilea. Table DamaHk in wKi.lin
up to two yards UBiial jrk lCic
Toe Monday, p:r yurd zf
One big" lot of tine Irinli. Scotch lltl
Kuiil bleached, all linen. M to huh
aulin Table Damaak worth up to 7C-
II. ..'i Monday, per yard
Out lot of arnplr Napkini). Tli-s.- ui
inoatly (Hid dozrn of a kind and worth
up to i.iO Monday, at U0.
p.r dozen VOt'l.ifJ
3" hemntiU'lied, all linen, pattern Trtbl
Cloths, t-4, 10-4 mid Vi-t alien actual
Turkiali WttHh Clolhs
loc Btamiied Iluinstltelied Doylies, 91
at, eacli 3 C
HtaniLied Doylies,
at, tath
Tliousunda of 6tamped Doylies, Center Tray Cloths, etc., worth
up to 5i, each
lUc Hui k Towels,
at, each
15c J?leiirlied Turkish Towels,
at. each
Vjlt .1 v
Candy Sale
Wi pl;gs. Standard Gum at 2c pkg
3 pkjfs. f.jr So
Chmolate Vanilla Drop at, lb 13c
Siilirtn Gum Drops, lb 9a
Whipped Cream Caramela at, lb.. l'JO
Assorted Cream Bon Hnna at, lb.. lfx
t'hoeolate Hon Hons, lb 15
Tlo:ne-Mdde Tattles at,' lh 9c
Cli.iol-ite Marshinallows. lb 19o
In c ilate Caramels at, lb ....o
Daliciuus butterscotch at. lb 'Ho
.si . Gold Plated Spectacles
L worth t- and up (tQ
vvV1 JQC
XVi, J ;i- Fitted by expert opti-
Balcony, rial a Building
Dainty Lunches at Snvtll Prices
$1.25 Rubbtr Cloves pure cum, at.
pair 3o
ti t'omblnatlon Syringe at 9o
one Rubber Sponaea at ' it!
De Mirarle, removes hair II. 'H
I) Ixnif'g Worm Wafeis at 'Jvt
A full Una of (ioetllng'a Perfuineh.
pet ounce
Sea M'3 Cream -
Alba Iloyal Crtwni wo
Our Japanese Corner
Hundreds of handbomely detorated dlshcg of all kinds. In the latest
Japanese designs. Cups and saucers, sugars and creamers, cake Bets, berry
sets, chocolate sets, Morlaga vases, hair receivers, salt and peppera and hun
dreds of other dishes too numerous to mention.
Our Special fop Monday 50c Japanese Kgg .Shcll Cupd and Saucers 2Sc
2Sc Japanese Egg Shell After Diuuer Cups and Saucers IBc
latest slyles In piint and cards. l' obloi'.K size. Xu-: Hi S'Uar size. Mtc; ri business
rards. IMj; made In a few minutes, choice of script or old Kritjilsh type, beautiful
aluminum card case Ire with each order.
I' J at 11ii.11 r m
1 . 1.. r r u asv
it w k 1 m v m