Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
Fhe Omaha
Wtiicricg Chinese Miners Create Feu i
. Brewte ef tbe White Women.
Life ia let Safe While Aiiatict Are Out ef
the Vines.
Eay Oeeliei Are Net Abated aid Are let
LeaTieg Oampt.
"Vlll supply White People with Arm
and Ammunition Keep
(Inarr Watch na the
J0HANNE3BVRfi, Nov. 4. (Special
Cablegram to The F.oe.) The Transvaal Is
fighting It own peculiar yellow peril. For
the moment at least It Im a Intnl under the
shadow of the Chinee danger. Away In
the country districts men manufacture
weapons of defence and barricade their
houses by night and women dread to be.
left alone. They fenr the Chunehuscs of
the Rand.
Kant, went, north alwsys Chinese. The
matter la serious. Chinese loot a lonely
farm and murder the occupants; Chinese
raid atorea and kill the proprietors with
knives and butchers' cleavers: Chinese flght
Kaffirs away on the veldt and art killed;
murdered Chinese nre found In out-of-the-way
spots: mounted police organise "drives"
against Chinese; mobile columns sweep the
country rounding up Chinese; thirty-eight
Chinese get hurled (by mistake) on some
one'e land at Durban, whereupon follow
claims for J2.&00 and legal action. Travelera
report wandering- Chinese at the Victoria
Falls; pelngoa Bay complalna In fluent
Pnrtugiiesn-Bngllsh of Immigrant Chinese
(undeslred): high veldt, low veldt, wood,
bush still Chinese. Heading for Barberton,
beading for the sea, heading: for Cairo, ap
parently heading; the flurried Chinese brain
only knows where. J
Argus-eyed wrltera to the. newspapers re
port Chinese holding a blockhouse "In mili
tary fashion," from which sentinels spy
upon the passing: traveler: othera assert
that the limitless lima cavea In the Sterk
fonte.ln dlatrlot. on the West Rand, give
refuge to bands of Chinese bandits. The
thing goea on crescendo. Always "Chinese."
Pally the Rand expects to hear the Chinese
are, occupying the forta that command the
capital! v
How many wanderers are there? No one
knows. Official figures report only 524 miss
ing from the mines at a given time out of a
total of 44.0OIV The unofficial wor!d thruats
Us tongue In Its cheek and talks In four
figures. "Antl-mlnes" newspapers hint at
murders never made public. An Indignant
Chamber of Mines member denounces all
reports as exaggeration defenda Chinese
. temporary ..troubles agitators repatriate
bad characters all well. Unofficial world
scoffs openly hints Chinese not nt Tor
mines calls for more police calls for strict
compound system.. Who Is right? No one
Some I'ndlaputed Facts.
But amid all the dust of controversy
certain grim facta cannot be denied. In
less than a month there have been the
following undisputed, indisputable happen
ings: Twenty Chinese attack the house of Mr.
I.unn, a farmer, on the East Rand. One
coolie killed and two wounded.
In the same district Chinese attack the
bouse of Mrs. Sullivan, a widow, and hind
her and her children while they ransack
the place. Before leaving they try to tire
the place.
Plet Joubert's farm at Moab's Velden
attacked by Chinese. Joubert murdered
with knives; his wife, son aged 10 years
and a baby of IS montha Injured. Believed
Hhe coolies would have massacred the en
tire family had not the alarm been given.
Homestead of Mr. Jackson, Sterkfonteln,
near Krugersdorp, held up and looted. Mr.
Jackson overpowered ana threatened with
Fight between wandering Chinese and
Kaffirs on a farm in the Pretoria district.
One Chinaman killed.
Chinaman found dead on the veldt, having
been hacked to death with a butchers
European storekeeper In the Pretoria dis
trict murdered by Chinese, who are said
to have "come down from the hills."
Chinese attack a Chinese mure near
Krugersdorp, butcher one of the proprietors
and nearly kill another.
Twenty Chinese attack an Indian hut on
the Klelnfonteln estate near Beksburg on
the East Rand. Two of the Indiuns mur
dered and three others Injured.
These things do not look nice on paper.
They do not read well even In the security
of Johannesburg. But they are terrifying
when related at lonely farm houses on
dark nights. Ugly phrases are used.
At Boksburg oil the end, and at Krugers
dorp on the went, the word "lynch" lias
been uttered, though some of the papers
have not printed it. The heart of the Boer
grows bitter. "This then is your boasted
British rule," he murmurs.
All Against Asiatics.
Yet with all this one cannot help feeling
some pity for the Chinese. Every man's
hand Is against them. To wander in Ignor
ance from the mliu-s is to eSiter un enemy's
country. In the native kraal It 1 whisp
ered that the yellow men eat babies, and
the Kaffirs hunt them down with relentless
But why this leakage from the mines?
Did these men know when In China that
their work lay a thousand odd feet below
the surface of the earth, or did they think
that the gold mines of the Rand were like
the tin mints of the Straits? The Chamber
of Mines say they knew, Ar they beaten?
Th Chamber of Mines say that they are
not. Then why do they desert? No one
knows. But by fours and fives and fifteens
and twenties, they wander awuy acrobs the
great uplands, going they know not
whither, living they know not how. Hiding
In dongas by day, Blinking across the farms
by night, dodging South African constabu
lary patrols, chivied by Boer farmers,
chased by Kaffirs, stealing fowls, robbing
lonely homestead. barefooted, half
starved, desperate with Asiatic contempt of
life In their blood, Chinese cruelty and cal
lousness in their hearts. No one can un
derstand them, they understand no man.
Is it strange that the end is sometimes vio
lence and murder?
But something must be done. The land
between the Vast and the Zambesi cannot
be left at the mercy of the Chunchuses of
the Rand.
foal a Africa, Stirred.
The recent epidemic of crime has stirred
the whole South African world. The cry
of the country districts near the Rand have
rvached the heights. l,ord Srlborne has
adopted dras'ic .measures. The South Af
rican constabulary posts near the mines are
to be strengthened and rearranged; a moh'le
column, eighty strong, la to sit at a strate
gical JuM outside of Johannesburg
j4.'oimuutd vu Xliii J I'stfe J
Masters and Men Both Held Re
sponsible for Trouble la
Oil Fields.
TIFLIS. Nov. 4. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The attitude of the foreign oil
producers at Baku during the recent trou
bles Is variously explained. The oil In
dustry had for the last two years suffered
considerably from a succession of strike .
which have been due to the incres'
Influence of the revolutionary parties,'- .
daily of the social democrats among1 .
workmen. The armed labor Is almost alto
gether In the hands of the Armenians and
Russians, while the unskilled, or "black"
labor. Is performed by Tartars and Per
sians. The latter, the Mahnmedans. have
taken comparatively little part In the strike,
for they are mentally little developed and
are slower to grasp the meaning of such
movements. The strikes then have 'been
due to the Russians and Armenians. The
Armenians themselves have 1n some eases
admitted that the most turbulent element
Is their fellow countrymen. In addition to
the losses produced by the strikes, the
foreign oil producers have to encounter the
commercial rivalry of the Armenians. The
latter form the most compact group on
the Melds and although they command only
about 35 per cent of the total production,
they have succeeded In securing a pre
dominating Influence, in the Soviet Klesa.
As owners their Interests are Identical with
thA foreigners, but as Armenians they
hold together against the foreigners. Thus
the Armenians are not only a commercial
rival, but a turbulent element among the
workmen. At a time liko the present,
when Armenian property haa suffered
enormously and the lives of Armenian
workmen have been sacrificed In large num
bers national feeling naturally obliterates
the antagonism between masters and men
and the Armenians form a single group.
As It. happened, the determination of the
socialist revolutionaries coincided with the
Interests of the Armenian oil producers,
who were unable to begin work owing to
the hostility of the Tartars, and were
therefore not ill-pleased to see their rivals
in the same position. It Is, moreover, quite
possible that the Armenian element among
the socialist revolutionaries may have been
mainly Instrumentnl In Inducing the group
to forbid work, and they cannot have been
unconscious of the fact that such a pro
hibition would not be unwelcome to their
fellow countrymen.
Great Britain and Russia Reaching; an
Agreement in R gard'to
8T. PETERSBURG, Nov. 4.-(Speclal Ca
blegram to The Bee.) It la understood on
authority on which every dependence may
be placed that tho negotiations which have
been In progress between Russia and Great
Britain with a view to the final settlement
of outstanding questions between the two
countries have made such favorable prog
ress that agreement la already In sight.
Roughly speaking, the basis of the agree
ment is an undertaking on the part of
Great Britain to meet on certain conditions
the desire of Russia to- establish n. port.. In
the Persian' gulf. ' 1 k
The bulk of the trade routes through
Persia are almost entirely In Russian hands
and further developments are being entered
upon with the tacit acquiescence of the
British government. One cf tnese develop
ments Includes the establishment of a large
number of additional branches of the Rus-so-Perslan
bank, whose agents are now lo
cated In every trade center In the shah's
The acquiescence of Great Britain in these
developments and In their sequel on the
Persian seaboard has been secured by an
undertaking on the part of Russia not to
proceed with ita forward movement on the
Turkestan border.
In this movement is bound up the crux of
the Central Asian problem, and the removal
of tho tension that has existed so long in
that region will mark the beginning of a
new and happier era In Asiatic politics.
The understanding which Is on the eve of
completion Is in Its broad general outlines
In harmony with the entente suggested by
the late Lord Salisbury some ten years
ago. Expressed In a sentence. It means
peace in Asia.
In Persia it means commercial freedom
for Russia and political freedom for Great
Britain. Neither will Interfere with the
other nor will Afghanistan be any longer
a bone of contention between the two pow
Fruit i rowers Allege Tbey Are Not
lilven Fair Trratment by
tyu.Mjj;, .-ov. v tnpe.iat Cablegram to
The Bee.) W. V. Berry of Faversham,
speaKing at ttie final conference of the
British fruit glowers, convened by the Na
tlonal Fruit Growers' federation, said that
during me last unity years the acreage of
orchards in the I'nlted Kingdom had grown
from 14S.D0D to HM.OuO acres, which mas an
Increuse of b3 per cent.
Kaliway companies Had repeatedly said
that as quantities of goods carried increased
so the charges for carriage could be re
duccd. and on that showing fruit growers
had good claim for consideration.
Mr. Monro, president of the National
Federation of Trade associations, said that
by unfair rales the railway companies were
crippling a great industry, and it was time
the government took the matter up. Kir Al
bert Rolllt, M. P., who presided. In dosing
the discussion, said that lie thought oc
casion had arisen for further legislation
Five per cent would cover the risk to the
rallwajs, but they frequently charged &0 per
cent over the owner's risk rate.
lis remembered once hearing a railway
manager define a reusonable rate as "what
the trader would bear without breaking,'
but he hoped tht the companies would rea
Uxe that greater facilities and cheaper lutes
mean prosperity both for the railways and
for the traders.
Woman Who Supported Prince Pierre
by sen lag Is Burled In
FAKIS, lov. . (tspeciai Cablegram to
The Bee.) The funeral of Princess Pierre
Bonaparte, the widow of Prince Pierre,
who was a nephew of the great Napolion,
has Just occurred here.
When the republic was established In
1870 Prince Pierre was driven from France
and took refuge In Ion.lon, wheie the
princess, to suport him and her children,
made dresses for a -wholesale firm at 10
shillings each. She continued ttie struggle
(or some time after her husband's deatn.
and from this episode In her career u.n
known in the Bonaparts family as the "Cin
derella Pi luces."
Editor of T Thinks ReeieteH May Be
' te Be Candidate.
.( Term Doet Net Gie Time to lad
Work in Hand.
Writer Sect Erideice of Attempt ef Capital
to Control Illation.
"Thunderer'' Finds Him Possessing
Confidence of ritlsens and Only
One Able to SnlTe Pres
ent Problems.
LONDON, Nov. 4. tSpeclal Cablegram to
the Bee.) Discussing the recent movements
of President Roosevelt and his "swing
round the circle," the London Times, In an
editorial, says:
"It would not be rssh to sssume that tho
feelings which Inspired the enthusiast la
crowds are shared by millions of Americans
all over the union. It has, in fact, been
estimated that If Mr. Roosevelt were a
presidential candidate at this moment he
would secure the biggest majority that has
ever been recorded, and might even suc
ceed In carrying' every state In his favor.
He is stronger than he was after his
triumphant return at tlia.last election
stronger because he has trtverv proof to all
the world of his broad statesmanship and
Indomitable will. The Americans mny have
expected many things of him when they
sent him back to the White House, but
they can hardly have foreseen that he
would be more Instrumental than any man
In putting an end to one of the greatest
wars of modern times.' A nation does not
soon forget the satisfaction of having
played such a great part on the world's
stage; and President Roosevelt is today
more firmly established in publlo favor than
ever; but if that favor dependa partly on
gratitude It depends also on the expecta
tion of further great services to come.
The president represents to the mass of
his people a fund of fighting energy, which
they look la see grappling with the eVils
that have fastened on their Industrial and
financial life. It was a firm belief In his
devotion to thorough going reform which,
more than anything else, won him nllles In
the most unexpected quarters. The purer
, , , , . ..
elements of Bryanlsm the spirit of revolt J
, . ., ,
n 011 mar ra r-vl t aliurln rlnrvtln artrtnnrwlth!
power of mere money were enllteJ In his
favor and gave him wide support in the
democratic party.
Confidence in President.
"The great majority of Americans felt
convinced that Mr. BooBevelt was the one
man capable of tackling these problems
which reduce most of bis fellow country
men to apathy. lie has not said or done
anything since to disabuse them of that
convUitlotft'' On ihe' contrary," be .leu'rfte. to
have made it more and more clear that the
chief business of his presidency Is to deal
with the domestic evils of the country. The
coming session of congress will probably
witness the beginning of this struggle; how
long It will last even those who know
America best would Scarcely care to con
"If we may judge from the signs of the
times the initiative of the president will
not come a moment too soon. There has
been an alarming Increase In scandals of all
kinds connected with American financial
and official life. The frequency of the
charges brought against senators, whether
of the union or In particular states, is a
grave symptom. There has been a series
of disturbing revelations about public de
partmentsthe sale by an official of ad
vance Information about the cotton crop
being not the least serious of them. There
has been an Increasing volume of the
familiar charges of municipal corruption
and In the business world there have been
company swindles of great magnitude. On
the top of these disclosures haa come the
Investigation Into the methods of the great
Insurance companies, with all of the
startling evidence that has been taken.
The inquiry by the legislative committee
of New York state Is still going on, so that
any conclusion now formed can only be
provisional, and It Is reassuring to be told
that there can be scarcely any quustion as
to the capacity of the principal companies
to meet the face value of all their con
tracts. Distrust of Insurance Men.
"But the evidence already taken coupled
with tne tacts- uisi iosea in me two pre-i
vlous reports on the fc-qultable society Is
quite sufficient to Justiry the gravest mis
givings as to the spirit with which Ameri
can Insurance management has been im
bued. The gigantic dealings of trusts and
syndicates often exert a sufficiently un
pleasant pressure on the ordinary American,
but the besetting evils in the financial life
of his country are likely to be brought
more directly home to him by the proceed
ings that shake his faith In the Integrity
of the great Insurance companies. in
England, we are glad to think, the Manage
ment of Insurance business Is regarded as
wliut It really ls-a trust of the most re
sponsible and sacred kind. There can be
no final security for the American policy
holder until a similar standard is main
tallied lu t he union. So long as tho chief
Insurance companies fall to come up to
that standard the people of the United
States will conclude that all js not well
with the ethics of American business."
In conclusion the Thunderer says; "At
the root of all of the American alarms
and perplexities lies the Immense and ir
responsible power wielded by capital. It is
not surprising that people should grow
anxious when they see vast fortunes pass
ing from hand to hand with the rapidity
which Is possible In these great combin
ations, and when they note the coercive
Influence that can be thus exercised on the
public In some of the most elemental
matters whch concern Its welfare. Nor Is
It surprising that capital so organised and
straining to the utmost the facilities af
forded It by the law should find arrayed
against it the banded forces of labor, as
serting themselves all the more defiantly
because of the absence of restraints on
Vast and Complicated Problem.
"The business conditions of the United
Stales present a vsst and complicated
problem, but behind All of Its varied maul,
testations the monopolies of the trusts, ths
railway rebates or disclosures like thoise
of the Insurance companies, is the radical
evil or the unietiereu strength of capital.
That President lloosevelt means to Und
some way of reform Is apparently ad
mitted. He seemed to hint as much him
self the other day when lie alluded to the
freedom to act as he thought right." which
iConllnued on Second Page.)
Representatives of Powers at Con
stantinople Will Not Dlscnss the
Macedonian Situation.
CONSTANTINOPLE, - Nov. 4-(Spectal
Cablegram to the Bee.) TheTurkscontlhu
to show themselves recalcitrant regarding
the demands of the powers, but a more
optimisltic feeling Is beginning to prevail
again after the pessimism of th- iast week.
It Is believed that within the next few dayi
the Iorte will begin to make concessions
which will be equivalent to acceptance In
principle and that the further negotiations
will be concerned ohlefly with matters of
detail. It Is, however,' possible that the
wish may be father to the thought, for
there can be no doubt that the power
would And themselves In grave difficulties
If the sultan were to persist In his present
sttltud. The reluctance of the different
smhnssadors to take upon themselves the
task of coercing the Turkish . government
Is admirably Illustrated by what took place
at the fielamllk recently. It was originally
proposed that the ambassadors should go
In a body to the sultan and urge him to
give way, hut the suggestion was dropped.
It was then thought that the Austrian am
bassador, as the doyen, would be the fitting
person to make the representations, but to
this Baron Callce not unnaturally demurred.
It was finally left open to any ambassador
who wished to expostulate with his maj
esty on his own account. The result was
that, although three ambassadors the Aus
trian, the German end the Itsllan had In
terviews with the sultan the demand for
financial control was not so much as men
tioned. ' .
A confidential secretary of the sultan paid
a visit of two hours to Baron Marschall
von Blebersteln to Sfk his advice as to the
course to be followed. The ambassador
strongly urged that the demands of the
powers should be conceded. This visit Is
considered as a hopeful sign, especially as
It follows upon rain attempts made by
Tewflk Pasha to detach the European
powers from the concert. This optimism,
however, Is by no means universal snd
many competent observers hold that the
unanimity of the powers will need to be
demonstrated more ' energetically before
even the principle of financial control Is ac
cepted. ' -
He tinea Not See Conditions
Foretold Two Years Ago by
LIVERPOOL, Nor. 4.-BpeclaI Cablegram
to The Bee.) Interviewed here regarding
the political situation Lord Rlpon said that
the policy of the government and Us friends
at the present moment was rather of a
singular kind. Two year ago they were
. " , .. , , ,.
fight In the m dst of a raging agitation:
Mr. Chamberlain was going about the coun
try explaining that the country was ruined
entirely, and that they must turn to him
for protection and salvation.'- He did not
observe that the people were turning In
thnt direction at tho present time. . -
Regarding the calling Of the colonial con
ference he said that if It was called to
gether at the present time and under, pres
ent circumstances IL would bai a scandalous
proceeding becaueV itvwttldrvi jj attempt
to use the representatives of the colonies
and the cokVilnl ministers for electioneering
purposes. He had a great Interest in
colonial questions and be denounced as
powerfully as he could any attempt to
bring questions of colonial Interest within
the sphere of party politics. It had been
hinted to him that perhaps after all It
would be just as well for the conference to
meet, since one of the first questions that
would naturally urlse at such a conference,
especially so far as the Australian colonies
were concerned, was the Introduction of
Chinese labor. He would, therefore, be
curious to see whether the colonial confer
ence after all ever came off.
Trro Negroes Holding; Hebrew Faith
Make a Visit to French
LONDON. Nov. 4. (Special Cablegram to
The. Bee.) The Jewish Chronicle prints a
letter which the remarkable set of Israel
ites who have been settled in Abyssinia,
and are known as Falashas, have sent to
their corellglonlBts In Europe and Palestine
by a Jewish traveler, M. Taltlovltch.
The letter, which is written In the Ethio
pian dialect, states that while In the reigns
of the Emperors Theodore and John at
tempts were made forcibly to convert the
Falashas, the Emperor Menellk allows
them to remain true to the faith of their
fathers. Of their 'X0 synagogues, however,
only thirty remain, and nil of their litera
ture has been burned by the Dervtuhes. Dur
ing the time of the Dervishes, they write, a
frightful number of people died from
famine. Two young Falashas accompanied
the travelers to Paris and were the objects
of general curiosity In the principal French
synagogue on the day of Atonement, us
French Israeltles were generally unaware
of the existence of negro Jews.
After Private Audience Tbey Are Pho
tographed with the Head of
ROME, Nov. 4. (Special Cablegram to
Tho Bee.) The English pilgrims Issued
from their private audience with the pope
this week enthusiastic over his benevolence
and with fresh devotion to the Holy See.
Plus X spoke a few well chosen words ex
orting them to faithfulness In their relig
ion and praising them for their generosity
and devotion.
The audience had special Importance, its
two British archbishops and two bishops
were present, besides the lord abbot of
Doual. Miss Johnson of Wiiubledon had
the honor of offering the jiope a white
xuchetto, whereupon Pius X took the one
he was wealing from his head and gave It
to her. After the audience great pleasure
waa given by the pope being photographed
In the midst of the whole pilgrimage, which
was comparatively a new departure, this
being only the third time the thing has
been done, so all left the Vatican feeling
the holy father had a special tenderness for
British Catholics.
Ruler of Great Britain to Visit
Resort for First Time Since
PARIS. Nov. 4. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) King F.dward is to stay with
Lord Ilendel at the Chateau de Thorenc, Cannes, during a portion of the winter
season. ,
In anticipation of the visit the chateau
Is undergoing various improvements and
111 be redecorated throughout. This will
be ths king s first visit to Cauues sinct his
JTew Kegnlation Regarding Contejeioe of
Indian Lands.
Violation te Came Title te Bereft to
Grantee or Hit Heir.
Uncle lam Takes Step for Protection of
Hie Warde
Clause to Be Inserted in F.rery Deed
Absolutely Preventing I se of Land
for ale of Liquor by Any
Subsequent Owner,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 (Special Tele
gram.) The commissioner of Indian affairs
today announced that the rules and regu
lations regarding tho sale of Indlin lands
have been modified, requiring that all
deeds of conveyance shall hereafter con
tain provisions forever prohibiting the RaJe
of Intoxicating liquors on the premises con
veyed, snd pursuant to this modification
of the rules the following provision will
hereafter be inserted In each deed:
"That no malt, spirituous, or vinous
liquors shall be kept or disposed of on the
premises conveyed; and any violation of
this condition, either by the grantee or by
any person claiming rights under said party
of the second part, shall render the con
veyance void and cause the premises to
revert to the party of the first part, his
heirs and assigns."
Section 7 of the act of congress 'of May 2T.
19(12, authorizes tho sale, subject to tho
approval of the secretary of the Interior,
by the legal heirs, of lands of deceased
Indians, where trust patents have been Is
sued covering such lands, but containing
restrictions as to alienation. L'nder the
provisions of this law there have been sold
up to June 30, 1005, 212,437 acres of the value
of $3,450,596.
Home for Mall Carrier Houghton.
The forest service has approved tho ap
plication of Martin Boughton to occupy
forty acres in the Shoshone division of the
Yellowstone forest reserve, Wyoming, for
a home, and to procure feed for stock
needed In carrying the mall between Cody
and Painter.
Rural Carriers and Postmasters.
Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska:
Cosad, route 2, Charles K. Mo Lane carrier,
Martin L. McLane substitute; Grand Island,
route 6, George H. Rosswlck carrier, Mrs.
R. M. Alford substitute; route 4, George
Watters carrier, Blanche Watters substt
Dr. Jesse D. Elliott has been appointed
postmaster at Hawley, Pago county, la.,
vice D. E. Showen, resigned.
Number of Houses Blown Away ai
Several Persona Injured at
Mountain View, Okl.
MOUNTAIN VIEW. Okl., Nov. 4. A tor
nado struck this place at 4:30 p. m. today
and killed seven persons. The dead:
The seriously Injured:
T. D. Dunn.
I. W. Qrav.
Mrs. George Broughton, aged 26, and her
3-yenr-oln child.
Mrs. J. S. Barkley; probably fatal.
John Gordon, aged 17; probably fatal.
Mrs. M. McBrlde and daughter.
J. D. Mollis.
B. A. Mlttendorf. ,
J. M. Whittle. Cache, Okl.
Joseph Walker, Oreana; probably fatal.
Many others are less seriously Injured.
The schoolhouse, two churches, two livery
barns, one hotel, a cotton gin and about
twelve dwellings are blown away and many
more houses are wrecked.
The business part of the town was un
touched, except a few windows being blown
The property loss cannot be estimated at
A terrific rain preceded the storm and
the streets are flooded with water.
The Manhattan hotel has been converted
Into a temporary morgue, where the dead
are being received. Many of the bodies
were horribly mangled.
Mrs. Barkley received wounds in the head
and is not expected to live until morning
The Infant child of W. M. Holl Is reported
missing and a search is being made of the
debris of the home.
Warrant Issued for Arrest of Mrs.
Mary N. Dean, Nurse at tbe
Hosbury House.
BOSTON. Nov. 4 Except for the arraign
ment of Lr. Percy D. McLeoU, his releuse
later ou very heavy ball and the' granting
of a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Mary F.
Dean, the missing nurse of the Koxbury
house, comparatively tew additional fai'ti
developed today regarding the death of
Miss Susanna Geary as the result of an Il
legal operation at a private hospital and the
finding of portions of her dismembered body
in two dress suitcases In the harbor.
The police made a fruitless search for
Mrs. Dean. Three business men furnished
IjO.OOO bail for Dr. McLeod and the harbor
police dragged all day In vain for the
satchel which, it Is said, contains the head
of the unfortunate girl, the only portion of
her body that has not been recovered.
Movements of Ocean easels Not. 4.
At New York Sailed: New York, for
Southampton; Lucunlu, for Liverpool;
Neckar, for Naples; Pretoria, for Hani
burg: Minnehaha, for London; Cretic,
for Naples; Columbia, for Glasgow; La
Oascogne, for Havre; Calabria. for
Naples. Arrived: St. Louis, from South
ampton; Etruria, from Liverpool; Ham
burg, from Oenoa.
At Boulogne Arrived ; Noordam, from
New York.
At Plymouth Arrived: St. Paul, from
New York.
At Quoeiisto n Arrived: Cretic, from
New York. Sailed: Arabic, for Boston.
At Alincrla Sailed: Madunna, fur New
At Copenhagen Balled: Oscar II, for
New York.
At Havre Bailed: La. Bavole, for New
At Liverpool Balled: Campania, for New
At Glasgow Sailed: Corean. for Halifax.
At Cherbourg Arrived. Amerlka, from
New York.
At BriMol Arrived : Montfort, from
At Bremen Sailed: Bremen, for South
ampton. At Dover -Sailed: Zeeland, for New
At Rotterdam-Sailed: Potsdam, for Hew
Forecast for ehrnskn Rain and
Mnch folder Sunday. Monday Fair.
H;WJ FCTIO Ten Pnaes.
1 London's View of Roosevelt.
Panicky Feellns; in Trnnsvnal.
o I.lquor Sold on Indian Iinds.
Russian Amnesty Derree Is tinted.
'2 Kvents In the Iowa Cnpltnl.
Varlons Htnte Klertlona Tuesday,
a Sews from All Parts of Nebraska.
4 Prlni-e I. on Is (ilvfn a Dinner.
Kxenrslnn Train is Wrecked.
Flnlnnd tJlven Its Freedom.
ft Trascedlrs of the CJrent Lakes.
News from the Army Posts.
Past Week In Omaha Society.
T Council lllun'a nnd Iowa News,
ft Affairs nt Sonth Omnhn.
Kchoes of the Ante-Room.
Womnn In (lab and Charity.
9 t'nrnhnskers Bent Farmers In Mud.
Lincoln (Jets Into Western I.cua-ue.
Miscellaneous Sporlloa Kvrnt.
,rITORII, SKCTIOX F.lght Pngcs.
1 Omaha as a Business Center.
(rent Painting for town Capital.
Porch t limber filven Fight Years,
a Fdltorlal.
5 Street t ars at Cyclone Speed.
Voting! by Machine Tnesday.
4 Want Ads.
R Want Ads.
Want Ada.
7 Commercial and Financial.
H More Land Cases In Federnl Conrt.
t . 1. 1. IB (it
Increasing! W ealth of I nlted States
U Sherlock Holmes Slnrj. .
,'t Plays nnd Players.
Music and Musical Notes.
4 Tenth Street Methodist Church.
Story of Panama Resolution.
& Celebrities nt Prison Conference.
(onkIp About Noted People,
ti For and About Women.
T (Jrlsl of SportliiK Ciosslp.
1 fluster llronn.
a Klaslna n Sign of Clvlllsnllon.
From N'cnr nnd Fnr.
The Mother's Cholcr Story.
Lore na Defined by Writers.
4 Thrnnarh the Curtain Peckhnle.
Tempernture nt Omnhn Testerdayi
. . 41
. . 41
. . 41
. . 44
. . 411
. . 4l
. . 4N
. . 4S
1 P.
S p.
a p.
4 p.
. . 40
. . ,(
. . 4'
. . 47
. . 47
. . 4(1
. . 4(1
n n.
H a.
7 n.
H a.
f a.
n p.
e p.
7 l.
in .
ni .
m .
1 n.
11 a.
1 m.
ttehraskn, 21 1 Ames, A.
Omaha Com ncrclal. mi Iloj les, (.
Wisconsin, 11 Minnesota, 12.
Yale, tvt Columbia, O.
Pennsylvania, ill l.nfnyette, .
Harvard. 2,'ti Carlisle, 11.
Michigan. 3.1 1 Illinois, (.
Dnrtmonlh, Oi Princeton. O.
Pennn. Slate, l)l Nnvnl Cadets, 11.
"warthmore. 14) Cornell, O.
Knnsns, 21 Washington. .
Ohio Wesley on. 1 West. Reserve, 4.
Purdue, 24 Missouri. O.
Wesleyan, 27 Tufts. H.
Holy Cross, ! Amherst, O.
Iown, 4Af Grlnnell. (.
' Wllllo-nis; fit T oltrnte, nV
Colorado. 4 I'tah, ft.
Marquette, fft Worth western, a.
Rose Polytechnic. Franklin, 0.
California, Klj evada, o.
Ohio, 2.1 1 Kenyon, O.
Indiana, 47 Cincinnati. 6.
West Virginia, 4R Kentucky Slate
Col I eve. O.
Des Moines College, ISj Cornell, 5.
('of, t( nrinal. It.
Drake, 7ft i Simpson, O.
Hastings College,. 17; Hastings Bus
iness College, O.
Hastings II. S I Kenrney Nor
mal, O.
Lincoln H. S. Second. IOj Aahtnnd
H. S.', O.
Huron H. S 1 Mitchell H. 8., (I.
Storm Lake II. S., 17 Clarion, O.
Logan, ftt Denlson, .
County' Judge of Lancaster County
Hays the Graft Doesn't (Jo In
His Office.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. i. (Special Telegram.)
County Judge Waters of Lancaster county
was asked this evening about the fees
that are collected by the clerks of the
county Judge's office In Omaha, and If his
clerks collected any such charges.
"The clerks of my office are not ullowed
to collect fees under any circumstances,"
said Judge Waters. "We niuke no charges
for such services as are charged In Douglas
Total for the City Estimated at Some
where lu Neighborhood of
Fifteen Thousand.
Haiti and indifference on the purl of the
voters played hob with the plans of the
party managers yesterday, and the returns
from the registration received by Secretary
Oreevy of the republican county committee
last night indicated a very light attendance
al the booths.
Thirteen precincts had reported to Mr.
(ireevy at midnight. At that time lie
figured that for Omuha the addition to the
polling lists would bo ubout luo lo the pi
clnc.t. This, ou the basis of llfty-four
precincts, would bring the total of the
day up to something above D.Oo. The total
for the first two days was a little over
lO.Oort, Indicating that tiie total registration
for the city will be in the neighborhood of
15.110. compared with a total of 21, Olio for
last fall'B election. The committee head
quarters will be kept open all day today
to tabulate the returns, which will be
brought In by the precinct committeemen
The returns received by Mr. Greevy last
night indicate that the republicans are
holding the customary advantage In point
of designated party affiliation. The secre
tary expressed himself as very much en
couraged on this point.
Of Twelve Ships Frosea in Ice, but
Four Are Provisioned
for Winter.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 4. A special dis
patch to the Post-Intelligencer from Nome
says the whaling fleet Is frozen In near
the mouth of the Mackenzie. Of the twelve
vessels only about lour aro provisioned
for the winter.
Captain A. J. Stone, who spent the win
ter of lWT-ftX in the vii fnlty of the Mack
ensle, stated that there Has ng danger of
tht balers' starving.
Bisiiaa Ship of Bute it Beginning ti
Rifit Itself:
Practically 111 Demands Granted and Men
Will Resume W.rk.
Psroni Held on Administrative Order ire
Restored to Liberty.
Troops and Mllltla Composed Laraele
of Students Practically Stop
Carnival of Pillag
ing. ST. PETF.nSm'RG, Nov. 4 Count Witt
l getting his hands on the helm of the
Russian ship of state and It, Is beginning
to right Itself. Gradually the disorder that
followed fhe promulgation of the constitu
tion giving the people liberty Is being put
down. The premier has met the Immense
difficulties confronting him snd the pressure
of tho demands of the different classes of
society with the energy and sincerity thst
are more and more giving him the support
of the moderate liberals, who have been
frlghtenejl by the carnival of disorder Into
which the country has been plunged ami
the Inordinate friends of the proletariat
under the leadership of the "reds'" and
socIh! democrats.
Freedom of the press and general amnesty
except for crime have followed each other,
hut Count Witte has steadily refused lo
yield to the demand for the organization
of a, national guard, on tho ground that
It would be equivalent to arming the so
cialists to fight nnd destroy the whole gov
ernment between midnight and morning.
Railway Strike Settled.
Count Witte today solved the railroad
strike at a conference with the strike lead
ers, at which lie did not hesitate to piaka
a practical surrender to the employes'
reasonable demands. The bases of settle
ment are comprised ill the following com
inunlenCon to the strike committee through
out tho empire:
1. The remuneration of all the railway
employes Is Increased and the budget of
will be revised to provide therefore.
2. The creation of a commission on which
the employes arc to have elected represent
atives to consider questions of improvement
in their condition.
3. Permission is given railway employes
atid workmen to have a co-operative organ
ization based on models of western Europe
and the I'nlted States.
4. Tho abolition of military regulation
applying to railroads.
5. Freedom of meeting for employes of
railroads to discuss the questions of a
strike without notice being given to tho
6. Inviolability of the person of strikers
and the re-employmont of men dismissed
for striking.
7. The cancelling of all circulars limiting
employment of Poles on the Polish south
western and western railroads and elvlniz
permission to use the Polish language In
private on i'onsn railroads.
l'nder this settlement all the railroads
are resuming work today.
In the meantime General Trepoff is re
storing order. In tho Interior martial law
has been declared and In many cities, In
order to quell disturbances, a sort of mllltla
has been organized under the direction of
Social democrats In a number of places
arc helping to maintain order, but are
not co-opernting with the authorities.
Amnesty for Political Prisoners.
The text of the manifesto granting am
nesty to political prisoners, signed by the
emperor yesterday, declares that by virtue
of tiie Intention expressed in the manifest)
of October 30, to accord the population In
violable principles of civil liberty, free
pardon Is granted to political criminals of
various categories, which are enumerated,
and also participants In strikes, and those
resionsllle for breaking contracts. 'Ths
pardon extends to those not In prison and
to those not yet tried or on whom sen
tence has not been pronounced. Persons
convicted of crimes committed over ten
years are to be released and will be sent
to the Siberian colonies. Those who are
now colonists will be allowed after four
years to choose their place of residence,
but are prohibited from living In the capi
tals, St. Petersburg and Moscow, for three
years. Convicts not falling under these
categories have their sentences reduced by
one-half, and prisoners condemned to Im
prisonment for life have their sentences
reduced to fifteen years' Imprisonment.
The pardon extends to all prisoners who
benefited by previous manifestoes. Per
sons arrested by lmperlul or administrative
order are released. Those condemned la
death or liable thereto have the penalty
communted to fifteen years' imprisonment
at hard labor.
The amnesty decree Includes political
offenses committed up to October SO.
The news from the provinces this morn
ing indicates quieter conditions.
Lights Are Turned On.
Last night, for the first time In ten days,
the Inhabitants of the capital could dis
card candles and kerosene and return to
electric light. The normal conditions of life
urc gradually resumed. Street meetings
ami demonstrations have ceased and the
people are returning to their ordinary oc
cupations. Many trains are arriving, al
though the service Is yrt disorganized. The
situation in tho provlces Is also more reas
suring. Agitation and disorder are ' grad
ually dying down. At the same time tho
government is taking energetic steps, as In
St. Petersburg, to restore order. General
Trepoff's assurances to the , foreign em
bassies that everything would be done to
protect the life and property of foreigners
were followed by the proclamation of mar
tial law In several of the most unruly dis
tricts. The most serious feature of the situation
Is in Finland, where the socialists and rev
olutionists are threatening to go to sucli
in extreme as to frighten many of the
constitutionalists whose alms do not In
clude the separation of the grand duchy
from Russia.
Cannot Move Troops.
The government, on account of the rail
road strike, Is greatly hampered In return
ing to Finland troops who were withdrawn
for the protection of the capital during the
recent crisis. Four warships conveying n,
(mo troops are anchored in the harbor of
HelslngforM, but It is Impossible to send re
inforcements Into the Interior, where a
formidable movement might originate with
out the government being able to act ef
fectively or eve i obtuin information re
garding such a movement, owing to tho
suspension of telegraphic communication.
The Finnish revolutionist are known to L
well armed.
The governor general of Finland, Prince
Obulentky, arrived hers jester day to vou-
4 Tor.