Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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To'.al Eorollmtat tt Assecintioa Meeting
Ezptstad to Rfach Thomnd. '
PrtiMral Snvnae DellTere Opening
Address sad Frank Robmoa
tJlves Interesting lllastrsted
J.rrtnre om DimIi,
Wlih an enrollment clone to the 8X mark,
annual meeting- of the Southwestern
owa Teachers' association opened yester
luy. with every Indication that the nt
ndance would be the largest In the history
f the association. Two years ago When
lie'aaKoulatlon met In this city the 'total
nrnllment wa T35, whlrh Included the locel
cAfhrrs, but the enrollment yesterday of
in compriet only the ' out-of-town mem
Mrs. Today w'JI be a holiday In the local
ajidola that the teachers can attend the
iiwMn and' Superintendent Clifford
Mated lrtsi evening that he felt confident
he tutiil enrollment tjiln year would reach
:lqne,tr the 1,(49 mark an enrollment un-irecceVnM-il
In the lilKtory of the soutli
wVstdrnf assoclairlbn. '"
The ad vanco guard arrived Wednesday"
light aadj every train yesterday brought Its
luota of tcarhttrs .until the committee on
nUi lutnnu.iH was almost at Its wits' end
:o provide accommodation for the Immense
;rfiwd, of visitors. The scene In the ro
tli'nda, of the Grand hotel, where tlio en
roUtna;' and-entertainment committee held
ftway; was a livel) one. From early morn
It'it'untU supper time, when the committees
rtjoarned to the high school building,
there' rwas s, constant stream of women en
(lcaverlne; to get their names on the en
rolleient list and secure assignment to some
place where they could secure rooms.
Prot.-V. H. Bavnge, superintendent of
tKe Waterloo schools and president of the
s'sRoctatlon. was among the earlier arrivals
yesterday morning. With him came sixty
threoj. Of the teachers In' the Waterloo
hooH, Jn .order o reach here In time
they -chartered a special train from Water
loo to make connections With the Great
Western at Denver Junction.
"Among the prominent educators who ar
rived, yesterday were ex-State Superintend
ent' lienry Rabin of Des Moines, President
. Ueortre.N. Elllsof Tabor college. President
11. )L Seerley of the Slate Normal school.
Prof.-H. . Bender of the State Normal
school," Ml"",'0 E. Hooper of Highland
riirk., coJ''ge. ,
fcfuny of the teachers who arrived yester
day , miirning spoilt the afternoon In visit
ing the schools of the. city, while others
seised; the opportunity to visit Omaha.
' Kvery wat'ln the large auditorium of the
'high school was filled last evening when
Superintendent W. N. Clifford, chairman of
the executive committee, opened the first
session 5 of " th 'meetirilr. Following the
singing liy the Madrigal quartet of "The
Miliar Wooing," President Ellis of Tabor
college delivered tho Invocation. Miss Por
tdfWt' supervisor '-of music In the Coun
cil Bluffs schools, who was In , splendid
voles,, sang .'.'An Open Secret" and then
President Savage .delivered his address.
Loa' Attorney ' Files Salts Against
- Prrni)not parrlson Connty
... ".. People.
,, MloCRI VAtLEY la., Nov.. 2.-(8po-ymi
TelegYarrr.OeDrge W. EgaK filed ao
cusatton with tho Harrison county clerk
tifc-alnst Thomas Arthur, a promlnentXogan
attorney and member' of the school board,
and who 'was once- county Clerk,, asking
Arthur's disbarment for an alleged at
tempt to bribe a Jury May 1, for giving
way liquor and' for diverting workings
oC Justice. Egan alleges that In the case
of Ella Brtdgman against Rov. J. M. Wil
liams, Arthur went to tho boarding place
ofthe Jury after night and gave John F.
Dick, a Juror,' 4 pint bottle of whisky,
telling him to give the same to William
Cuughlln, another Juror,' and tell Coughlln
to vote for Arthur's side of the case.
This morning, before E. F. James, mayor
of Missouri Veriley, George W. Egan filed
preliminary Information against Henry
Hunt, Daisy M. Hunt aid J. H. Oaason,
charging them with conspiracy. The
mayor Issued warrants , (or their arrest.
Egan claims theee people Instigated the
suits of Daley M. Hunt and Annie Chris
tiansen agginst, hint in August, for alleged
criminal assaults; la which they demanded
from Egan $5,000 and $10,000, respectively,
both suite being subsequently dismissed.
Train Mrtkea Coal ('hate.
CARROLL. Ia., Nov. ..-(Special. -A
rralght irwln got tangled up with a coal
chute at this point and did , considerable
damage) delaying the trains for some time.
i .Newr Preparation Which Everyone
Will Need Sooner or Later.
Almost everybody' digestion . is disor
Uoied more or less, and the commonest
thing they do for It n to take some on, of Nebraska will open at Fremont 'his even
Uie inanyso-called blood purifiers, which In ing t 7:30 o'clock at the Congregational
uiauy. cnis are merely strong cathartics, church with a praise service lead by Miss
Such UimoS gre not needed. II the organs Etther Anderson, national secretary of the
iro In a clogged, condition, they need only a city department. Miss Ruth Paxson, stu
Illtlo help and tney will right themselves, j dent secretary of the American committee,
Cathartic irritate the scnalive Unnings of will deliver the convention address. After
tho stomueU and bowels and oflttu do more i several preliminary sessions Saturday
nuini'tiiuii good. morning the business session will be held
'Purging -I not what la needed. The ' at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Emma F. Byers, t-ecre-
. .t . u- ... ..... ...a ..,..1 1.. Jill.,.. . ...
tun., in wi ,v, in,, tun iu mi vuiuiiiiun
to j u rtmdly- digested and assimilated
moan's Dyspepsia Tablets do this per
I'vctly. They partly digest what is eaten
und give the stomach Jiul'the help It needs,
i hey' stimulate the secretion and excretion
of ti'.e digestive MuUls and relieve tne con
heeled condUOn ot the glands and num.
1,1 am. "1 hey put the whole digestive sys
tem In condition to do Its work. When that
1 you newi tax no more taun ts, un
hw you eat what does not agree with you.
Then take one or two tablet give them
heciUd help and you will have no tiouble.
-It a'a common sense medicine and a com
n oti tn treatment, and it will cure every
timet ' Not only cure the disease, but cure
tbS eaiiac. -Govs about It In a perfectly
s. lisll-le and and sclentltlo way.
We liave testimonials enough U fill a
bunk, bet We don't publish many of them.
However. Mrs. K. M. Faith of Byrds
Ciwk, Wis.; says:
"I huve taken all the tablets I got of you
and they have done their work well In my
tese, tor I fuel like a different person alto
gether. dou't doubt It 1 bad not rot
I should huve been at rest by this time."
H. 11 WllUrd. Onslow, la., says: "Mr.
White of Canton was telling me of your
Dyspepsia Tablets curing him of Dyspepsia,
from nblch be suffered for eight years. As
am a sufferer myself, I wish you to send
me a pavkaae by return mall."
Phil Brooks, Detroit, Mich., says: "Your
Dyspepsia cure has worked wonders ,n my
case. I suffered for years from uyspopola,
hut am now entirely cured and enjoy life
as I never did before. I gludly recommend
theiu." .
' It will ooat 60c to find out Just how uiuch
'SlUart e Oyspepsla Tablets will help you.
Try them that S the best way to decide.
Mrs. Kheta fhllde Dorr, chairman of tho
Industrial committee, has Issued the follow
ing communication to the members of tho
Oeneral Federation of Women's clubs, and
the plan outlined Is considered one of he
most Important that has yet been under
taken by women'
The principal work of the Industrial com
mittee of tne Oeneral Kediatmn for the
coining year will be to secure tne passuge
of a bill through Congress for on appro
priation to enaine the lnureau of expeits to
Investigate Industrial conuiuuna of Ameri
can HorKlng women.
'1 here is r-st need of such an Investiga
tion. This is admitted by thanes F. Nclil,
toiunilsHioner of Minor. It has been kc-nown-ddwi
b scores ef economists, sociolo
Mists, settlemrtit winkers, and philanthro
pists. If it can be mane clear to tne club
women, the investigation will certainly fol
low. lidst February a group of women well
known In the federation, Incluilinjg Jane
Auilnms, Mury E. McUowell, heuu of tne
I niveislty of Chicago" stttlement nnd mem
ber of the Industlai committee, and Lillian
1). Warn, heaa of the Nurses' seitieni"nl,
Now ork, had an audience with HresiuY-nt
Honsevelt at tne White House, and. alter
explaining the object of tne committee,
asked his aid in securing tho- necessary ap
propriation. '1 he president gnve his neart
lest approval to tne plan, and promised to
give it sanction In his messaga to congress.
H asked Miss Aihlama to write turn a
letter explaining fully the scoe of the de
sired Investigation. Miss Aadanis wrote,
and recelvea a most cordial and sympa
thetic reply.
The Inuustrlal committee has held con
ferences with the commissioner of labor
and other exports, and Is now at work pre
paring tne bill which will be presented to
congress soon after It convenes In Decem
ber It wilt be the part of the club women
throughout the Lnited States to use all
their influence to Induce senators and rep
resentatives to vote for the passage of tne
bill. The effort must be systematic, and it
must be concerted. K.ach club in the feder
ation Is asKed to send three petitions, one
to the representative from the congressional
district and one to each of the senators
from the state. The petitions should ho
isrwil hv averv member of the club which
sends them. The committee does not think
that It Is asking very mucii or tne ciud
women to request them to sign their names
to three petitions.
The results of such an Investigation
should be remarkably Interesting for many
reasons. It Is a comratlvely short time
since women Joined tne ranks of wage
earners, but the time has been long enough
for them to have worked great changes in
the Industrial world and in the family life
of the country. The great mass of working
women begin their toll at tne age 01 four
teen. The averuge lengin 01 service as a
wacre-earner is seven vears. Thus we have
a class of workers who are temporarily a
part of Industry. Their attitude
their trades and occupations Is totally dif
ferent from that of the men workers. Tills
difference of attitude serves to separate
men and women In the trades, and finally to
affect the whole conditions of wages, hours
of labor, and other conditions. Broadly
speaking, ttie presence or women in inuus
try has lowered wages and disturbed condi
tions. In some trudes women have actual
ly raised wages, and in many they have re
duced tho number of working hours per
This Is interesting, but still more Inter
estlng Is the, effect on the tanrfly life. We
hear a great deal lately on the threatened
disintegration of the American Uomu, on
race suicide, marriage and divorce evils,
etc. Many good people believe that In
creased Independence of women lies at the
bottom of these supposed evils, and deplore
the invention of the typewriter ana tne
Introduction of the factory system, it has
yet to be shown that the marriage rate has 1 cmis aie anx.uu. i -
been affected in the so-called working broached tho matter- to some of the mem
classes by the Industrial Independence of berg of tj,a covncll. It was suggested by
women. MISs M. Carey Thomas, president j ..- ,ht railroad officials
nf nr.. Mawr in her adi.-aa at the at. the councllmen that the rauroao omciais
Louis blenniul. produced statistics to prove
that practically all women In the wage
earning classes have a chance of matri
mony, and no one who knows the class has
any doubt that all the women expect to
marry. In that class the largest number
of children are born. It Is, then of the
greatest Importance tbat the girls of the
working classes, who are the mothers of
the next generation of Americans, should
lie prepared for motherhood. Viewed In
this light, It becomes clear that factory
conditions are matters Of national Interest.
The Consumer's league has revealed many
of 'the conditions under which these future
mothers spend their working years. Tho
Child Labor Committee, the Women's Trade
Cnldrt teaguef the Settlements, and other
agencies have uncovered many abuses and
have been Instrumental In reforming some
of them. But when a story Is told of news
girls In the New York subway working
twelve hours a day fur $K a week with no
time off for luncheon, when a strike In
the collar factories In Troy reveals the fact
that 1,000 starcher girls were working
under prison rules, and were fined 20 cents
for dropping a single collar on the floor,
when it la related the girl cap-makers are
required to buy their own sewing machines
and to pay for the power that runs the
machines and the thread and needles used
on them, when It Is shown that In certain
underwear . factories, operators are never
allowed to leave their machines, even at
the noon hour, and in other clothing trade
factories girls are locked In all day, when
stories are published of women working
In the filth and dampness of nackinir-
houses, up to their ankles In slime. when
such things are related, the public Is
shocked for a moment, but recovers
quickly. and says, "But these are isolated
The fining system In factories and shops
Is worth the attention of expert Investiga
tors. As one of the striking collar starchera
In Troy said to me, when I went there to
Investigate the laundries. "You can't tell
all about wages by looking at the pay-
Not only factories, but department stores.
packing houses, business offices, and other
places where women are employed In large
numbers will come within the scope of tha
prupoBtia invenugHiion. 11 luia been ten
years since any orlUiul report was made on
tne subject. The facts gathered at the
time are quite valueless now. The in
vestigation proposed by the committee will
be far more complete, more Inclusive, than
anything ever attempted In this country
or anv nth.r Th ...n.n. .. . .
club woman Is earnestly betrged. In the
: u-win-iui,n ui rvri v
next issue nf the Bulletin further details
will be published, suggestions for getting
the petitions before congress will be made
and a convenient form of petition will be.
The twentieth annual convention of the
Young Women's Chlristlan association of
lary or tne umuiiu association, will conduct
the finance hour after which reports from
local associations will be beard. Tlie con
ference will come at 11 o'clock Miss Ander
son to luad the city cvnfurenu and-Mies
Paxson the student's conference. Reports
of committees and recommendations to the
state committees w!!l come in the- after
noon, oaiuruay evening mere will le a
' B,Uig service followed by an add
yt Mrs.
Bvers of Omaha on "The Fruit 'of the
Spirit" and the convention will close with
a reception by the members of the Fre
mont association.
A "get one" banquet will be the feature
of next week with the Young Women's
Christian association. The banquet will be
""' " " l" '"" i-resoy-
terlan church at ( o'clock Monday evening
In the association dining room ond has
been the plan In the past only such mem- tlon for winter. From this time on the um
bers wilt be permitted to attend who have ' chine and men and teams will be employed
secured a new member fur the association,
The names of all new members must be
hauded In to the secretary by Saturday
evening that provision may be made. Miss
Esther Andwrson. one of the national secre
taries In charge of the religious work of
the city associations of the American com
mittee, will be the guest of honor at the
banquet and will speak.
I.nrae land nl.
' tt'ATKBUK), la., Nov. t (Si idl. i una
nf the lanrt-st sheriff's wilea for Mie fore.
of the snerirr sales ror tie toie-
closure of murtg'ge ever held In u,l county
was the one today when 143 acres of land
were sold at public auction by Sheriff Cald
well to satisfy a cUiiiu held by the German
Insurance company of Fr purt, III. . Th
claim was for 17 and was bid in by
the holders of the mortgage for L2 I.
Cornell Deiijngtei Whsrs Mom from
Sswsr Bond. Expended.
Ramor that talon I'aelfle May 4unn.
doa Present Site of Freight
lent is Aeronnl of
Lark of lloosu.
A special meeting of the city council was
held Thursday for the purpose of pusslng a
resolution designating the amounts of
money to be expended In the various sewer
districts in c;ise the 2on.m sewer bonds
are voted on favorably by the people at
the ooming election. While the ordinance
already passed describes the different
routes of the proposed sewers In different
parts of the city, the actual amount to lie
expended In each district was not stated.
It was for the purpose of giving this In
formation to the voters that the special
meeting was held and a resolution passed
coverfng these points. For that portion of
the sewer starting on Drown park and run
ning south $8.0U is set aside. The Highland
park branch will use up llrt.noo of the ap
propriation and the West Side sewer, ex
tending beyond the. brewery to Thirty-sixth
street, will take 142,000. The construction
of the East N street sewer will cost not
less than HS.OOO Mud creek sewer, extend
ing from the south line of Swift's to the
river, will cost $140,000. The sum of $12,000
will be used to build the J street sewer.
The resolution further declares that In
the construction of these proposed sewers
the various amounts stated, or so much
thereof as may be needed, shall be used In
tho construction of the different branches
exclusively and that the contracts for the
construction shall be as nearly as possible
let at or about the same time.
The voting machines will be kept open
until 7 p. m. on November 7 for the pur
pose of voting on the sewer bonds. This Is
In compliance with the city charter. The
voting on the regular ticket ceases at (
p. in.
Mar 'Abandon Depot Mite.
There is a runiof going the rounds In
railroad circles to tho effect that the pres
ent site of the Union Pacific freight depot
may be abandoned and another locality
where more room can be obtained secured.
A few days ago the west hall of the site
being excavated for this depot caved In,
due to soft ground and the constant pass
ing back and forth of heavy trains. An
other reason for the possible abandoning of
the present location Is the lack of room.
Front the loading dock on Railroad avenue
to the east curb line of Railroad avenue
there Is a passage way of only twenty-two
feet. This roudway is not considered wide
enough to permit the loading and unloading
of large wagons with heavy teams at-
tached. Work on the proposed freight de
Dot has stopped temporarily, with the ex-
ceptlon of a small amount 01 excavating
. ihi nnrtti end The I'niOn Pacific Oflt
, . . . .,
take the matter up with tne propeny
owners on the east side of Railroad avenue.
The railroad company wants the east curb
line set back six feet. Property owners
will be asked to sign a petition to the coun
cil aklng that this be done. In case there
Is opposition It Is more than likely that
tho freight depot will be moved, possibly
to a point south of the present location.
Railroad Officials declare that the work on
the depot has been stopped by a scarcity of
. General Instrnnloae TonUtbt.
Tonight C. I Hendricks and E. E Ridge
way, custodians of the voting machines,
will hold a general school of Instruction at
the council chamber. Every election officer
la exoected to be present and have the
workings of the voting machines explained.
One machine will be UBed to aemonsirmo
on and the custodians expect that every
election official will be present. Election
officers will also be given InstrucUons In
regard to the opening and closing of the
polls on November 7. All election boards
must be In the booths at least three
quarters of an hour before the polls open.
The custodians will make trips to each
voting booth on election morning to see
that the machines are properly opened and
that the voting Is started off right. These
! same custodians will make trips to the
polls after the voting ceases In order to
assist the election officials with advice
If any la needed. These custodians will
spend election day In visiting the various
booths. Mr. Hendricks will look after the
First. Fifth and Sixth wards and Mr.
Rldgeway will take the Second. Third and
Fourth wards. In case anything goes
wrong or advice is wanted election officers
will be expected to call up the city clerk's
office and confer with one of the cus-
With the Instructions already given and
tile tlemonstratlons o come, the cus
todians think that the use of the machines
will prove their value from the start. Out
. . 1 1 ,.. a .
' of lne "'"V election omciaia oniy uiicvu
had any Instruction on the machines when
appointed. It must be said for the elec
tion board that a large proportion of the
members took hold readily and little or
no trouble la looked for when the machine
are put to practical use.
Heftistrr Hatnrdny.
Saturday, November 4, is the last day of
registration. Every voter must register
this fall. The previous two registration
days accounted for only 2,uug voter. It is
expected that fully 1.500 more will register
on Saturday. Chairman Oihson of the re
publican county central committee Is having
nostal cards sent out to all voters who have
j not registered. An extra effort will be made
on Saturday to get out all republican voters
! P"88lble' so " 10 vold the
republican voters on election day
(irand Army Items.
A meeting of the Women's Relief corps is
to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harrison Wlrlck, 507 North Sixteenth street,
on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In the
evening the members of Phil Kearney post
No. !, Oram! Army of the Republic, will
meet at the same place. Commander Ren
wick urges that every member of both of
these organisations make It a point to at
tend these meetings.
Fashing- Hon 4 Work.
The cily road machine has been moved
east of the railroad tracks and Is now work-
; Ing on Twentv-third street north of L,.
Mayor woui.sjr ,..,., wtai u ui
the traveled roads west of the tracks hud
I been rounded up and placed in good com! I
I .1 U . .1 ... ...... . I I
on the roads east of the track and an f-
fort will be mude to do some work on ull of
the unpaved streets before the ground
treeses too hard to work the machine or
Maale City Uoaaln.
(iuv Raff. Aili H street, reports the birth
of a daughter.
James J. l-'tttgerald Is erecting a cottage
nt Twenty-fifth and H streets.
Fire duniaged lr. W. J McCrann'a stable
to the extent of alxiut Iluo 1 huraday.
I A daughter has been In.rn to Mr. and Mrs4
J'"" Twenty-third and N streets,
Members of the Fastern Star mil hold a
l.amr at 444 North Tnenty-murtlf street on
Saturday afternoon mm evening of this
week. All Invitation is extended to ail
f I lelldS.
Mr. and Mrs drorge M. Jamison and
Mrs. A. P. Nelson are the guests of Rev.
and Mis. Andi-w Kt-nwick fur a few days.
Tti. v-iui t. t-M u r. An rniir. fr.uu ih. Ik., .irt..
j coast to Biggaville, 1U.
The ho-Can" at tho Boyd.
John R. Henshaw and others In "The Sho
Onn." a . musical comedy In two acts;
lok mid lyrics by iK-oige Ade; music
by (lustnv f.uders; under the direction of
lienry W. Snvage. The prlnclals:
WlllUm Henry Ppsngle, an cnergotlc
pilgitm John K. Henshaw
His excellency. Flut-ilal. Hho-Oun of
Ca-Clmo iH-tmer H. Poppen
General Kee-Otorl. a military grsndee.,
E. P. Parsons
Ilankl-Pstik, astrologer nnd dealer In
proverbs Thomas C. Leary
Tee-To Komura, a despised bachelor....
'....William C. Weeden
Beverly Dasher, ensign V. 8. N
; Douglas Ruthaen
O-Hung, a mesxenger on the dark path..
Charles Arllng
Wl-Ju, a publicity promoter
I,awrence A. Coever
Shfl-Man. a head priest ..Henry Q. Pnrstar
Omee-Oml. widow of the former Sho-
Oun (ienevleve Day
Princess Hunni-fttgi. niece of Pho-Qun..
Agnes Calne Brown
Dowaaer Hl-Faloot, first of the exclu-
slves Mav Tenbroeck
Moo-Zoo May, first of the Sing-Bong
Olrls tssbelle D'Armond
Kee-ZI, companion of Hunni-Bun
Myra Davis
T'-Jtl Alberta Monclitlr
Tah-Tah Mae Darling
Nannl-Fsn Oeorgena Ieary
John E. Henshaw Is still leading the
marry forces of "Tho Sho-Oun" In their
Joyous errand throughout the country. This
concoction of mirth and music, satire and
good-natured raillery finds Oeorgn Ado In
his happiest mood, for he Is poking fun
at something and taking little short-arm
Jabs at certain of the foibles of his country
men. Oustav I,udeis entered readily Into
the spirit of the affair, and while It may
not be his best music, he has furnished
melody quite appropriate to the Ade words,
and the whole Is a source of genuine de
light. Its satire Is perhaps a little less
direct than that of "The Sultan of Sulu,"
and Its humor not quite so broad, but this
refinement docs not detract from Us en
joyable qualities. It has the essential
aspect of absurdity, and that is quite
sufficient. And its airs are all of the sort
that linger In tho memory, to be hummod
and whistled at intervals. One of tha
best choruses found In the whole range
of modern light opera Is In "The Pho
Qun." "Now Daylight Is Fading,"', and
Kinder the muslclanly direction of Mr. Dar
ling It Is most effectively rendered. Tho
j finale to the first act is a most ambitious
flight, gauged by the standards of its class
of composition, and Is splendidly done by
the ensemble of the company.
Mr. Henshaw Is a never falling source
of laughter. His igialnt, droll way of
doing and saying things Is a part of the
man himself, and with his other accom
plishments as a comedian place him In a
class by himself. He Is a perfect carlca
ture of the assertive business man of the
day, and -hits a lot of bullseyes during the
evening by his dry remarks or his ap
parent sincerity when engaged In some
special piece of vandalism. William Henry
Spangle Is an addition to the Hall of Fame
of comic opera. Back of Mr. Henshaw Is
1 air. teary. wno noeen t nave so mticti or
an opportunity, but who takes advantage
of what he does get, as Hankl-Pank, the
wise man of Ca-Choo. But all and singular
of the principals are expected to contribute
in part to the fun of the evening, and each
does his or her share In this line admir
ably. In the singing forces are a number of
good voices, that Is voices that stand out
above the high plane of Savage excellence,
for the company has -no bad voices. . Mr,
Weeden's flne tenor Is used to good ad
vantage. Agnes Calne Brown sings with
a strong meizo-snprahn most effectively
and Genevieve Day, . with a tone a little
finer, but rich and pura In, quality, acoom
plishes her songs in ,ai way that leave a
wish for more. She also achieves quite an
acrobatic feat In kneeling as she (Joe to
await tho coming of'hc tiger, tsabelle
D'Armond Is a very attractive little Moo-
Zoo May, and sings as If she really knew
all Hankl-Pank credits her with, when he
says his wisdon can teach her nothing.
The chorus Is a Savage organization and
the piece was staged 'by George Marlon,
which Is all the praise needed,
The Boyd was comfortably filled last
night to welcome tha company, and the
performance was extended beyond the usual
limit to satisfy the demand for repetitions
of the songs and choruses. "The Sho-Oun'
will be the bill for the rest of the week,
with a matinee on Saturday afternoon.
"You Yonson," at the Krog.
This progenitor of a long line of dialet
plays In which Oles and Svens and Tillies
are going about the country, nightly tortur
ing the -vernacular Into a conglomeration
of sounds that resemble nothing at all,
much less the effort of a recently arrived
Swede to talk English, seems as lusty and
vigorous as It ever was. It opened aat
night at the Krug Its annual visit to
Omaha, and drew thither a large assemb
lage of people, who apparently enjoyed
every moment of the stay. Eerie K.
Mitchell Is playing the leading role this
season, and' while he is a little shy on
dialect, he more than makes up in his
ability as an aclgr. He makes Yon Yonson
a man of sense and sensibility, rather than
a mere buffoon. His interpretation of the
role la very satisfactory. The regt of the
company is good, and the performance is
worth while from first to last. "Yon
Yonson" will be the bill at the Krtig until
after Saturday night, with a matinee on
Mind Kvldently In balanced When
She Arrives In City From
Black Hills.
Mrs. Mary A. Thompson, bound to Keo
kuk, Ia., from the state of Washington, Is
in the mutron's department of the city Jail
because she absolutely refused to change
rare at the Burlington station. She came
in on the Black Hills train, and her train
was waiting to taku on the transfers. It
was apparent that the old woman's mind
was unbalanced from the effects of travel.
She sat In her seat obstinately and could
not be persuaded to leave. She said: "No
I won t. I paid for my ticket, and this
train has got to take me right through
to Keokuk. You can't fool nie. You Want
to take advantage of me because I'm old
and a cripple."
The Iowa train pulled out and left her,
so she was tuken to the police atatlpn for
want of a betfer place. The police could
not pacify her, and she got Into a state
bordering on frenzy. She was once a
womun. but la now crippled and
wa,B wit(, a crutch. Her pitiful att i
". "
at rationality moved the officers to com
passion. At lust she became exhausted
and was persuaded to sleep In the matrou s
Fire ltiif Wnter.
Is not mote surprising than the quick,
pleasant, curative effects of Dr. Klr.g's New
U Pills. .V; guaranteed. For sale by
Sherman at McCoiinell iJrug Co.
Knnntae Memnrlnl eoplal.
The Kouutt Memorial people had an
"old time'' social at the home of John 11
Haile in Dundee lust Thurwiay evening.
The prise for the most appropriate ci
lume fell to Mrs. 8. 8. Riegle. MUs Anianda
Tebblns pl ed two beautiful piano soli.
Misses Irene letard, I.iu y and Ruth llarte
gave several selections. Miss Prauce
Haider gave a vocal number and responded
to an encore. Me,amee Hosteller. Inlaid.
Kotk and Klegel and Kev. J. K. Hununon
gave recitations that were applauded. He
f r abluents were served anil a goodly sum
was turned Into the church exchequer.
nan Is to Caadaet lastltatlaa In Con
Jnartlon with Their le
artntont store.
A new bank for Omaha Is under consid
eration. William Harden of the lirni of
U ajlen Bros, wus In Uncoln Wednesday
n conterenco with Secretary Hoyco of the
Slate Banking board on the matter of its
establishment. The new Institution Is to
be the venture of Haydcn Bros, and Is to
be located lit tho Arm's new building on
Douglas street. Mr. Harden says littlo
concerning the project.
"We have considered plans for the estab
lishment of -a b:Hik and we or still con
sidering them," he said. "They are as yet
only In the Inceptive stage, and I really do
not know what we will do. Nothing can t
said now. There Is lots of time before tho
new building is finished."
Rumors of new banks have been fre
quent ever since the consolidation of three
natlorial banks early In the summer. Re
ports have always mentioned inert from
outside tho city as the promoters, Mr.
Hayden Is tha first Omaha man to talk
of a new bank sine, the consolidation. '
Complain Formally Lodged Against
Pat ' Crowe for Woandlng
Police Officer Jackson.
County Attorney Slabaugh's office lias filed
tho formal complaint against Pat Crowe on
the charge of. having shot Police Officer
Jackson about a month ago, when a posse
of pollcmnen made an attempt to arrest
Crow At Sixteenth and Center streets.
Asked as to the "osslhle date for the trial
of Bherlff Power's prise prisoner, the
county attorney could not be more definite
than "within two or three weeks."
Attorney James P. English, for the pris
oner, Intimates the defense may want to
have 'a say in, the fixing of the date for
trial, although he would not say that delay
will be sought.
Popnlar - Pol lee-man Is Bnrled at
. Forest Lawn Cemetery, Fanerat
Being; largely Attended.
Policeman Daniel P. Baldwin was burled
Thursday afternoon at Forest Lawn ceme
tery. The funeral fully reflected the popu
larity of the man.
Rev. John Williams, rector of St. Barna
bas' Episcopal church, Nineteenth and Cal
ifornia streets, conducted the funeral serv
ice at i o'clock. Tho church was filled to
overflowing. Iitirge representations of
Eagles, police department and of the An
cicnt order of united Workmen were
present. The Eagles met at their hall ut
1 p. m. and marched to the church, while
a platoon of puiluemen, -In charge of Ser
geant Hayes, escorted the body from the
Bi alley & Dorrance undertaking rooms to
the church, and thence as far as Twenty-
fourth and Lake streets.
The Women's Socialist union will hold
Its regular meeting today at 3:80 p. m
at the home of Mrs. Bauer at 2611 Patrick
The death of Theodore CI. Hanson Is an
nounced rs having occurred at Phoenix
Aris.. November 1. aeed 'S vears 2 months
ant days. Funeral notice later.
Dr. R. W. Connell reports that Miss Win
Ifred Lemon of the high school staff, upon
Whom ne one rat en last week tor appendi
citis. Is recovering rapidly and out of all
danger. , .
V. Mallna, 814i Woolworth avenue; Mrs.
Valencl, 311 Woolworth avenue; Mr. Dwu
rak, $11 William street, and Mrs. V. Mallna
were arrested on warrants last night and
are held at the city jail on charge of petit
larceny. - - -
I. M. King was arrested yesterday as a
fugitive from Justlee.' He is wanted at Wln-
terset, la., on a marge or rorggry ana tne
disposal' of- mortgaged property. He wa
turned Over at once to Sheriff Dockstader
of Madison county, la., who took the even
ing train for Wlnterset, having his prisoner
in charge.
The Orchard Hill Improvement club will
celebrate the success of the club in securing
needed Improvements in the way of paving,
sidewalks, lights and trees in a novel way
this evening. Flfly of the liest seats at the
Btirwood have been reserved for this even
ing and the members of the club will attend
to hear and see "The Little Minister."
H. A. Tolles of Qlehwood. Ia.. wa the
guest of honor Tuesday evening at a din
ner glfen to celebrate his seventy-seventh
birthday. The dinner was given at the
home of his grandson, Charles Gates,
Patrick avenue, and covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs. A. -F. Gates, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Tolles. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates.
Mr. John Duran, Mr. Albert Gates, and
three little rrentgruVidsons, Floyd, Ralph
and Lester Gates.
M, ITT. MkUte I
ITII its full
.loose back and
roomy sleeves
there's comfort in this
Gordon coat.
The style is more than
Such a coat as this will
serve many purposes.
Daytime or nighttime,
for rough and ready or
dress wear it fits in splen
didly. Mink, Squirrel or Baby
Horse lend themselves
creditably to the easy
swing of this jacket.
Aek your dealer for
a-Qkrv oeXoT -
VrxJL odlcrr cojJLcX.
v-lVv. fr ojkcX"V
Many mother! of families in the United
ftatog have reason to b grateful to the
person who recommended Dr. Pirrce'i
Favorite Prescription. This is a medi
cine specially prescribed for diseases of
womankind. It does not cure eczema,
catarrh in all its forms, nor heart dis
ease, for it is put it i) for the linqle pur
pots . of curing axear peculiar to
women. It has a reputation of over a
third of a century of cures, and lias
sold more largely on this continent
than any other medicine for women.
Another point in its favor it does not
contain ' a single drop of alcohol or
harmful habit-forming drugs. It is
fiurely vegetable and perfectly harm
ess in any condition of the system.
An alcoholic compound for women is
something no woman should take and
yet " Favorite Prescription " is the only
tonio and nervine put up for sale
through druggists, especially for wom
an's weaknesses, that does not contain
alcohol and that too in large quantities.
Womanly weakness will always bring
nervous irrilahility and a nervous con
dition, for which alcohol is the worst
thing in the world.' What a woman
thus afflicted needs is a vegetable tonio
and invigorating nervine like Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which
will build up her delicate system and
bring about a healthy tone. It cures j
. the drains and weaknesses of women,
, also displacements, as prolapsus, ante
version, retroversion, irregular and
: painful periods and kindred ailments.
If yon want to know what ails you
the United .States mail will bring you
the best medical advice for only the
- cost of writing materials and stamps.
Many women owe their present good
health to the fact that they consulted.
Dr. Pierce by letter, giving him all pos
sible information about their condition,
symptoms, etc., and received in return
good medical advice tchich coat them
' not hinp. This is whv we advise you to
write to Dr R. V. Pierce, the fonnder
of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical
Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce by no means confines
' himself to prescribing his well-known
. proprietary medicines. . He tells you
in the most common-sense way what
, alia you, what you ought to do, what
Just One
Nov. 27th is the day the Wabash
will sell round trip
points in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Ken
tucky, West Virginia, Western New
York and Pennsylvania, at
Greatly Reduced Rates
The line with free reclining chair cars,
rock ballast, solid road-bed.
All information call at Wabash City
Office, 1601 Farnam St., or address
HARRY E. MGORES, G. A. P. D., Qmaha, lieb.
fr tha
A whole day saved en route to San Francisco
via tha
This Rente Is
- I
9 Honrs Quicker to Halt Lake City '-
18 Hour Quicker to Hon J-'ranrlHrv
24 Hours Quicker to 1'ortland
froia Omaha Than Any Other Line.
Inquire at
'Phone 318.
The Best lhated Office Building in Omaha Is
The Bee Building
Don't wait till' cold weather; there ura Mveral euoioe offlcee
vacant now but they never May empty long. Som fine office at
from $15.00 to 120.00 ptr nionlh. including beat.' Mghi, water and
Janitor serr lea
R. C. Fftera A Co., Crou-d
ileuud i,.su.
OX crpjOkjcJCk.
rrvaV Vutrv - -
. " "
line of treatment should be followed
out in your particular case, and if your
case does not indicate the need of
his proprietary medicine, he lells yon '
plainly and frankly trhot you do nerd, -and
the best possible method of im
proving your henlth. If you are a
young woman Just entering upon the'
duties of life, you should hare good .
medical advice of a confidential nature. '
If you're the mother of children, you
may wont advice about yourself and
how best to rvnt your system in order
that your children may he healthy. To
sufferers from chronic diseases which
do not readily yield to treatment, or to
people who are pat the youthful stage
Of life and want confidential advice,
about their ailments or their physical
condition, Dr. Pierce offers carefal coh-
sideration and the best medical advicV
within his power, free of cost.
" ' Favorite Prescription' is indeed anj
ideal medicine for women, and by fan
the best I have known to restore lost
health and strength," writos Mrs. R. C.
Ttnelker, 24 Ingram Street, Henderson.
Ky. I suffered misery for several
vears. being troubled with flooding.
My back ached and I had bearing-down
pains and frequent headaches. .Would
often awake from sleep in such pain
and suffering it would bt hours before
1 could close my weary eyes again. I
dreaded the long nights as well as the
weary days. Consulted two different
physicians hoping to get relief, but find
ing that their medicine did not seem to
cure me I tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription, as a friend had recom
mended it so strongly; Am glad that I
followed her advice for it was the only
medicine for me. Every aohe and pain'
has gone, and not only thls.'iuy gen
eral riUn has improved. I feel well
and ifTmg, have a flne appetite, have'
5ained flesh and never looked better.
. Iy advice to suffering women ia to
take the 'Favorite Prescription' and
they will never be disappointed with the
results." Formula printed on wrapper.
You should read The People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser, by R. V.
Pierce, M.D. Send 21 cents in one-cent,
stamps, for this lOOfl page book In paper
covers, or 31 cents for tne cloth-bound.
Address Dr. R. V. Pieroe, Buffalo, N. Y.
sjtwf V If fr-V) f
tickets to many,