Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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A Inrrc part of th poison rrcntcd within
the body, or sejwirated from the food w
eat, I pa." nod off tiy the kidneys throuah
th urine. It In very Important that this
filtering work of the kidneys should go
n Undisturbed, otherwise the body cannot
remain In a condition of health.
Very little causes are likely to set the
kldneyi wrong;, and kidney disease come
on so quietly and at first they are not
noticed. There Is little pain, other than
backache, and few outward signs besides
Irregularity of the passage! of the urine.
If the trouble Is continually neglected,
however. It soon reaches a stage of con
stant backache, pain and distress, and
there ia no more terrible affliction than
rtrlght's disease, which may be the final
outcome. "
It la very necessary to keep the kldneyi
well, and there Is one remedy than can
always depended on Doan'a Kidney
nils. This remedy begins Ita work first
by cleansing and toning up the kldneya,
rousing them to action and Increasing
the. flow of urine, so that urea, urlo acid
and sediment are washed from the kld
neya and bladder and driven out of the
eystem. The treatment rebuilds and In
vigorates the kidney tissue, assists In
Altering of the blood and dissolves crys
tallised poison. Doan'a Kidney Pills are
especially and solely for the kldneyi;
they are made from pure roots and herbs
thnt In a natural way henl and tone up
the delicate kidney organism and so cure
the caune of disease.
It Is not difficult to detect kidney trouble.
If you suspect you have It. The common
Symptoms are backache, disiy spells, ach
ing In the nns, stiffness of the Joints,
lame back, languor, depression, frequent
sick headaches, watery swellings In the
ankles or beneath the eyes, nervousness.
Irritability, rheumatic pains, sleeplessness
and Irregular action of the heart.
When you first notice any of the above
ymptoms, especially backache or any Ir
regularity of the urine, begin using Doan's
Kidney rills, and you will find quick relief.
The remedy la also a certain protection
from those colds and chills that settle on
the kidneys, and from bladder trouble!
that follow overindulgence In beer, spirits,
or tea. The best proof we can offer of the
merit of Lxmn i Kidney Pills Is the testi
mony of resident! of this city. Thousands
have used It, and scores are ready to tell
you their experience.
R. Li. Rowe, No( 2121 Bristol St., who has
charge of the transmitter! between Chi
cago, fit. Louis and California In the
Western t'nlon Telegraph company'! office,
says: "Before I procured Doan'a Kidney
Pill! at Kuhn A Co."! drug store, corner of
Fifteenth and Douglaa itreeti. I tried
several well known proprietary medicines
guaranteed to be sure cures for any form
of kidney trouble, but at best.they only
gave me temporary relief. Finally I gave
up searching for a remedy, but as my
back ached and there waa too frequent
action of the kidney secretions. It struck
me If Doan'l Kidney Tills performed half
what they promised they might help me
over the difficulty. The treatment hai
apparently cured me, for lip to date I have
not noticed a symptom of a recurrence."
L.oal Dirao'ert Uighi Hits TronVlt if
Aiktt t Be nnd Fee.
Change I
Method of Taklaa- Ceaeus
Makes Derided Differ.
rnrr la Somber (
Pnplla aad Food.
!--miMM.aie 1rM,pM,MB i i inmmmmMUsT-X mWMH -.Bsidiaw
Bold by all dealers. Price 80 cent!. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Proprietor!.
fundi for Department EihatiUa
Council fiu to Act.
rity Engineer gaya He Will Not
Attempt to t'ondact Work
I Bless "pedal Fro
tIsIob ta Made.
Addressing the council In a formal com
munication. City Engineer Rosewater called
attention Thursday morning, at a special
meeting held to pass the October salary
tpprbprtatlon ordinance, to the fact that
lis department practically la without funds
and must suspend activity unless money Is
provided. He said verbally It special ap
propriations were not made he would close
:iie office at once.
' Kmployes are faced not only with the
prospect of being unable to cash pay war
ants with the city, but broken have re-
lused to discount them. In view of the
it rlct charter regulations the engineer felt
ie hud no authority in attempting to retain
.lie men. ' I
Th councilnien announced they would
"cnpond to the appeal at once by approprl
itlng or the amount that can be pro
rated to ,w engineering department fund
from hack taxs received to April 1, when
Iho new charter took pffect nnd changed
this application of delinquent tax receipts.
Tin- arrangement has the approval of City
Attorney Hreen, who plans to make up the
balance needed by reimbursing the engi
neer's fund for money paid out to In
spectors on contracts In special Improve
ment districts Thet'o costs can be taxed
up against the districts. Owing to the
fact that the call for the special meeting
Jld not enumerate the matter. It was de
cided to nold another meeting at 6 o'clock
Thursday afternoon to transfer the $1,300
by reaolu flow" "'' "i 1 " '
Test of the Letter.
In his letter Engineer Rosewater said:
Your attention is respectfully called to
the fact that funds provided for the en
gineering department of t lie city are ex
hausted. 11 will require at least $2,600 to
conduit said department to January 1, Iflm:.
Delay in providing these funds has already,
to in extent of 50 per cent, reduced the
service, nnd unless funds are immediately
assured I cannot justify the retention of
tnnse who have remained.
The salaries puld to experts In the de
partment have leen notoriously low for
several years, and the best evidence of this
Is tliat within the past two weeks, owlnit
to higher salaries, five have resigned to
serve elsewhere.
The efficiency of the engineering depart
ment depends not alone on the competency
of Its employes, but also upon their famil-
'srlty with the city lots, blocks, streets,
the location and condition of the under
ground ".nd surf .e public srorks. Jome ut
them are alee required tq be familiar with
has generously been provided by the Park
For the public work departments In 1896,
when the total contract wora aggregated
less than one-tlf teentfc of the worn ol this
year, or fcl.TiO waa provided and tne re
sults were commented on as highly eco
nomical. Yet, with tuily treble the amount
of otllce record work to do and over fittuen
times the Held work with a higher rate of
wanes prevailing and forty ocid contracts
spread over at one time a vastly grealir
area, I am expected to conduct the uepart
ment In 1S for V-.uott less tnan was oone In
the deadest year In the history of Omaha
within tne past twenty-five years. If it l.t
the purpose to destroy or abolish the Engi
neer department, then the raiiure and pro
crastination In providing funds Is proper
and justified.
The city comptroller proposes to deal
generously with the engineering department
by recommending a U,J allowance wlucn
he basis upon the apportionment of iis.tM)
to the apportionment for tb other depart
ment funus. This Is not proper basis for
such apportionment. Assuming that the en
gineering' department had been allowed
what was estimated lHt February as
requisite, via., U.Oon, before the extensive
Increase of public works, it would still be
entitled to the ratio due the Board of Pub
llo Works assignment, inasmucn as the en
gineering department was required to do
tun work of that and other departments
under the law enacted, alter the apportion
ments had been made. It should, however,
not be necessary to appeal to your body to
protect public Ir.tereHls by making prompt
and adequate provisions for a department
placed In charge of the public works of the
nitv. their maintenance as well as the keep
ing the only records available to the public
ot tne streets, puuuc gruunus, sewer, pave
nients, sidewalks, etc.
In connection with the matter of provld
lng for the engineering department I also
ask that some provision be made to pay the
wages of the Inspectors employed by the
city. The charter clearly provides that
money may be advanced temporarily out of
other funds whilst work Is going on and
movldes for the reimbursement or such
amounts out of the special funds after the
levies are made.
A Reliable Remedy for t roop.
With the dry, cidd weather of the early
winter monthB, parents of croupy children
should be on the alert for ominous symp
toms. There Is no cause for anxiety when
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy la kept In tho
home. If til's medicine Is given as soon as
the child become! hoarse or even after tho
croupy cough has appeared, the attack, may
be warded off. Mrs. S, Roslnthal of Turner,
Mich., says: "We have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for ourselves and, children
for several yciira and like It very much. I
think It is the only remedy for croup and
can highly recommend It."
If the proposed suit at Lincoln to make
the local Board of Education turn back
to the state all money received for non
resident students at the Etate university
enumerated In the school censua Is suc
cessful, the Omaha school board may have
a little worry of Its own on hand.
The state school money, raised by taxa
tion, is apportioned to the various coun
ties and by the counties to the school dis
tricts on the basis of so much per Indi
vidual of school age, which is between I
and 21 years. It Is to the financial Interest
of every school district to make Its annual
census as large as possible, aa this Is the
busls used for compiling the amounts. To
Incite to diligent effort In Omaha It has
been the custom for years to pay the censua
enumerators in proportion to the number
of persons they enrolled, the price being
3 cents per capita. It thus became the
effort of every enumerator to swell his lists
just as much aa he could, under tbe Instruc
tions given him by the board.
System Haa Changed.
Up to this year it haa been the practice
of the school district authorities to seek
the enrollment of every person in Omaha
within the school age, regardless of dupli
cation or genuine residence. All colleges,
private and parochial schools and all busi
ness houses, factories and offices were vis
ited, as well as the homes and boarding
houses. Enumerators were Instructed to
pay no attention to' statements of enumera
tion elsewhere. Hlmnlv to take the names
Qurdon W. Wattles and Charles J. Greene and an the names possible. Last summer
were the speakers last night at the smoker , colleges, private and parochial schools were
eulogised cut off the list, but the business houses
Two and
Times aa targe
One Tear
Messrs. Wattles and Greene Speak to
Large umber at the Opes
Mailt Session.
of the Fontanello club. Both
President Roosevelt as the most attractive
and commanding figure. In the history of
the world, and the republican party as the
agent of good government for the last fifty
years; both urged the voting of the straight
republican ticket next Tuesday, and both
urged republicans to hustle their friends to
the registration booths Saturday.
"Since under the primary law the ranks
of the republican party have had a chance
to name their candidates, I believe they
ought to stand by the choice of their party
and vote for the ticket," said Mr. Wattles.
"I have studied the character and the rec
ords of the candidates and I think this Is
the strongest ticket the party has ever
put In the field In Douglas county. You
hear a rumbling now and then which Indi
cates that some are working against a few
of the candidates, but I feel sure there Is
not a single man on the ticket who will not
be elected."
"The republican party Is Just ai much on
trial today in thli local election ai It ever
was," said Mr. Oreene. "It has stood for
all that Is right in government for fifty
years. What principles in all these fifty
years have the democrats advocated that
they have not Immediately discarded? Yet
by scratching the ticket are you going to
assist them In such principles and overturn
the glory of your own party T Vote the
ticket straight."
Mr. Wattles made his speech short that
he mighty address a meeting of the Second
Ward Republican club.
Omaha Council No. 415, Knights and La
dles of Security, will give a dance Monday
evening, November . at Baright's Society
hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets. The
public la cordially Invited to attend.
Annoanrement of the Theaters.
Wilton Luckaye's part of Curtis Jadwln
In "The Pit" Is In many ways the strongest
' he has ever been called upon to portray
' It, like the play, la essentially American,
I the Incidents being those of real life. Jud
win Is a grain broker, a man whose proto
tho records of all details of city affairs and I type is met on 'change every day and who
does things Just as his fellows do. His par
ticipation In the wheat corner, hla defeat,
in the most natural
the part Mr. Lackaye
Die remaining old employes will leave the ! went to the fountuinhead and had some
how and where to find them. This takes '
yeais of training and personal contact with
tne city worn. v e nave ui ready lost ine
service of
assure them of their salaries every
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Residence. ' Ago.
Loran W. Teagaiten, Georgetown, Cole.. 25
Mabel E. Davis, Evans Landing, Ind.... 1!0
James F. McMillan, Fort Crook, Neb., a
Tlllie E. Holmborg. Fort Crook, Neb.'... 19
Llvey F. Eck, Omaha 22
Lulu 2. Miner, Omaha 2u
B-K wedding rings. Edmdn.. Jeweler.'
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the twenty-four hours euding at noon
Births George Frost, 616 South Seven-
teeenth, boy; Carl A. Anderson, $3:13
Sprague, girl; William Woolern, a Sher
man avenue, boy; William Turret! 720 De
catur, ooy. x
Deaths Daniel Baldwin, 1712 Dorcas, 42
Nels Jensen, 2724 Blondo. 44.
a city woi k. c nave uireaay ioi me ,
rvlce of a number who have worked for ; everything, la put on
ars In the department and unless I can , m,,,Avin fnP
sure them of their salaries every one of ln atuaymg tor
Omaha Is two and a half times is big a
grain market as It was Inst year. This Is
shown In plain figures In the report Just
made by Secretary Merchant of the Omaha
Grain exclmnge to the department of Com
merce and l.abor at Washington.
From January 1 to October 31, tf the
current year, total grain receipts were
2t..443.5il0 bushels, as compared with y81fl.
700 bushels for the same period of 1504.
Thus far In 19J6 grain to the amount of
J7,o"0,SO0 bushels has been shipped out. In
comparison with 11.41S.0u0 bushels tar the
same period last year. This growth in the
market Is for the most part due to the
enormous Increase In corn receipts, an In
crease of 10,810,700 bushels, out of a total
grain Increase of 14,632.800 bushels. It Is al
most Incredible, but the figures prove it. that
the increase In corn receipts alone amounts
to but 786.6U0 bushels less than the total
Inbound movement of all grains last year.
, The following table shows the compara
tive grain receipts to October 81 lor the
two years.
1905. 1S04.
Wheat 4,609,iw bu. i 2, bu.
Corn 15.H2.unl bu. 6.Ui",tti bu.
Oats 6,440,500 bu. 2,tW.iO0 bu.
Rye 124.OH0 bu. 210,000 bu.
Barley 12s,0(i0 bu. 60,l00 bu.
Total 25,443,500 bu. 10,810,700 bu.
The following table shows the compara
tive receipt! for October of both jean:
Wheat l.JKT.OnO bu.
Corn Mii.nno bu.
Oats 1,4.F bu.
Barley 42.000 bu.
Rye 40,000 bu.
Total 3,474.500 bu.
HOS.oaO bu.
2"ft.0O0 bu.
713,500 bu.
a'l.iioO bu.
63,000 bu.
1.627,000 bu.
service. The provisions for the department
this year have been notoriously inadequate.
The estimates, though based on last year,
were arbitrarily cut down, with the promise
that at least the earnings of the department
for rtermlt work sunrrvlHlon would be cred
ited to the department. This has not been
done. In place the work of the Board ot
Piihtlo Worka and the Park board was
added to that of the engineering depart
ment, whilst tho money provided for the
board was taken away and placed la the
general fund.
in addition to all these duties the prep
arm Ion of plana, erection and aupervislon
of an a ephalt paving plant were also added
to the requirements, and to all this the
services of tho engineer and bis depart
ment were railed In to aid and advise the
Water board in matters relating to the ap
praisement and control of the water works
plant and its service.
Other Demands to Meet.
The department haa also quite reoently
been called upon to prepare tax levies (or
all heretofore adjudged Illegal levies of past
years In addition to all tax assessments for
boulevard acqulltlon, pavements, sewers.
Sliding and other work. For doing all thin
$18,000 waa provided, to which $1,000 moie
Klalto Well Lighted
Boyd's theater has hung an Immense
Illuminated sign which will assist Kreatlv
ln lighting the Rlulto, as Harney street In
the theatrical neighborhood has ccme to
be called. A reading sign, to give tho name
of the production, similar to the M.-rn on
the Burwood has beep hung across the
sidewalk so that all looking west may rad
the play that Is on at the Boyd. Each
theater now hus a large lettered sln which 1
makes Harney street the best Illuminated
amusing experlencea on the Chicago ex- In the city. I
change before ho acquired "the atmos
phere." He got it, though, and has added
another triumph to his career. It has been
pronounced better than his famous crea
tion of Svengall ln "Trilby." Omaha peo
ple will have a splendid opportunity to
Judge of this, for Mr. Lackaye will be seen
here In both roiea. On Sunday and Monday
nlghta at the Boyd he will present "The
Pit" and on Tuesday at a special matinee
and on Tuesday evening he will play "Tril
by." Seats for the entire engagement are
now on sale. ,
The last matinee of "The Little Minis
ter" will be given at the Burwood on Sat
urday afternoon. This fine piece has drawn
crowded houses to every performance this
week and will doubtless make a record for
receipts at the house. For next week the
bill will be "Incog," the fine comedy made
famous by Charlei Dickson.
and factories were ordered visited Just the
Members of the board, as a Justification
for this course, always have pleaded the
number ef Individuals missed probably re
duced the duplication! to about what wai
right, and, therefore, If a good approxima
tion was accomplished this was all that
wai necessary to satisfy conscience and the
law. At any rate. It waa argued, the lists
were sent to the state authorities and if
there were duplications the latter could
check them up just aa well aa the local
echool board.
Part of the Instructions.
This Is paragraph 3 of the Instructions
to census enumerators of 1904:
Enumerate all persons between 6 and 21
years of age. Including private and paroch
ial scnoois. i an at all stores, mercantile
houses, manufacturing establishments and
offices and obtain the names of all persons
employed therein between the ages or 6
and 21. It makes no difference If they
claim to have been elsewhere,
that matter will be settled In this office
after you turn ln your books.
This year private and parochial schools
were omitted.
No checking was ever done in the Board
of Education office to discover duplications.
The lists made out by the enumerators
were forwarded to the county superinten
dent Juit as they came ln.
In both the old and the new instructions
this paragraph appears:
It makes no difference how short a time
the persons may have been living in Omaha,
Just so they are living here when you see
them. Get the names of all between 6
and 21, who are actually living in Omaha
when you make the can"nss of your terri
tory; alro the names of all between 5 and 21
who are temporarily out of town, but who
are- residents of the cltyj
Produces Dig; Decrease.
The difference In the Instructions pro
duced a marked decrease in the school cen
sus for 1905. '
For the school year ending June 30, 1904,
$43,508 was received by the school district
of Omaha from the state school moneys.
The school census was 31,763, meaning about
$1.37 for every person down on the census
rolls. The following year the state appor
tionment .went about $5,000 better.
Members of the present board say they
are trying to change the system so It will
Include no duplications, but every person
who properly should be registered. They
aro hoping no parent living ln Dundee or
elsewhere out of the city, and who Is pay
lug tuition for his children at the high
school at the rate of $47 a year, will "start
Pass (n Catching Moose Creates Mis
chief Which Might Have
Boca Fatal.
The local mortality record came near be
ing seriously affected Thursday morning at
the home of Attorney E. F. Morearty, 2113
Grant street, where a cat turned on two
Jets of a gas stove while springing for a
mouse. The escaping gas worked Its way
Into the room of the aleeplng lawyer, who
awoke his wife and eight children and
opened the windows and doors.
At 5:30 a. m., which Is somewhat earlier
than Mr. Morearty's usual time for arising,
he awoke and detected a strong odor of
gas. He 'gave the alarm, rushed down
stairs, through the dining room and Into
the kitchen, where he discovered a dead
mouse on the floor, a cat breathing its last
and a cocker spaniel dog unconscious. The
feline died, but the dog recovered.
Mrs. Morearty and the children hurried
to the open air and suffered no worse ef
fects from the experience than nausea. Mr.
Morearty was nearly exhausted after turn
ing oft the stove Jets and opening the win
dows and doors.
That the accident occurred when It did
was a most fortunate circumstance. In the
Judgment of Mr. Morearty, who states ha
sleeps the lightest along about 5 or in
the morning and Is easily awakened at
those hours.
The two Jets turned on ttere loose ones
and the indication! were plain that the cat
had moved the Jeta In her spring for the
ln Desperate straits
sre many, who could be cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
50 cents and $1. For sale by Bherman &
McConnell Drug Co.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 12M.
Have you teen those FINE ROCKERS, ARM
in our show windowaf They are made in WE A THERED
are upholstered in' LEATHER, some in TAPESTRIES
and VERONA VELOUR, these are part of the stock
which is included in our "RED-TICKET" sale, few
of them that are not worth double the prict we ask. 2 he
assortment is still complete and the range of price is large,
giving everyone an opportunity to secure a bargain.
40o Opaque window shades, all colors, an I perfect 20c
0c Opaque window shales, lace and insertion, all
colors, fine spring roller joc
1315-17-10 Farnam Street.
Another Vleitm.
of an accident. Editor Schuele, of Colum
bus, O., was cured of his wound! by
Rucklen'i Arnica 'Salve. Try It. 25c. For
ale by She man & McConnell Drug Co.
Kmm Barnes Is Comlns.
The people of Omaha and vicinity will be
given an opportunity next Wednesday even
ing to enjoy a musical feast a program of
vocal and Instrumental gems rarely equaled
on any itage at any time. This program
will be presented by the great Emma
Eames and her superb company at the
Auditorium. Madame Eamea li JUBt return
ing from a remarkably successful tour of
California and the west, where she and her
company have tested the capacity of the
largest auditoriums and theaters. In San
Francisco, It Is laid, people were turned
away unable to secure seats. The beautiful
quality of Madame Eames' voice and her
magnificent personality assure for her a
complete triumph wherever she appears.
Mr. Emillo DeGogorza, the great bari
tone, always comes ln for a liberal ihare of
applause and the duet work by Madame
Eames and Mr. DeGogorza Is said to be
truly thrilling.
Joseph Hollman, the celebrated 'cellist, Is
probably without an equal in his line, and
Amherst Webber, the pianist, stands among
the very best pianists of the day. All in
all, the Eaniee Concert company la one capa
ble of not only pleasing but captivating the
most exacting audience and that they will
meet with an enthusiastic reception in
Omaha seems to be a foregone conclusion.
The scat sale opens at the Auditorium on
Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.
V v k
The ladies of the First Presbyterian
church will serve lunch Friday noon at
Seventeenth and Dodge streets.
Wants City to Pay Him.
Frank Bogue of 3225 Franklin street has
asked the city and A. a. Joseph and J.
Van Clove to pay Mill $5,uu0 for Injuries to
ins iihck, snuuiaers ana internal organs,
claimed to he permanent, which he sus
tained on the evening of October 23, by
being Jolted out ot his wagon on 1 wen-
tietli street, south of Paul, ln his notice
Bouue says Joseph and van Cleve let
pile of brick, dirt and other material from
one to four feet high, stand on the pave
ment. Jutting out ten feet from the curb
stone; that no lamp or warning was up, and
he ran into it and was tnrowu to tne pave
ment and badly hurl.
Over twenty years' experience and
study, and a modern bakery In every
appointment, enables us to make
Snow Flake Bread
the same today, tomorrow and every
day. Always white and light always
rich and appetizing. One of Ha great
est charms Is Its dependable quality.
Be sure and ask your grocer for Know
pccials for Friday in
Women's Furnishings
We are aole Omaha arente for the CENTE
GLOVES -They are the beat imported
United States -try pair once - 4
you will wear no other I
Women's Knit
Women's Belts
Women's Gloves
Women's Flannel
Women's Combi
nation Suits
Women's Muslin
glove that comae to the I
, $-25, $150 I
"Women good quality Peruvian eotton
derby .ribbed underwear, in natural and
Egyptian color, full size and well trim
medgarment, ytf
each. . mJC
Women '8 new style form-fitting imported
patent leather belts, very latest styles; also
large range of tailored silks, all JIC
colors a"v
Women's fine quality golf and suede cash
mere gloves, in fancy and solid colors, very
stylish and comfortable for early
fall wear fciC
Children's good quality derby ribbed
fleeced Merino underwear, in shirts and
pants, perfect fitting, in natural gray or
Egyptian, all sizes 16 lPrt
to 34 ...a&ajC
Women's plain and fancy colored outing
flannel gowns, nicely trimmed on yoko
and sleeves, cut full
Women's fine quality medium weight
derby ribbed merino suits, in ecru or r
ural, hand finished, silk trimmed, guaran
teed to give entire satisfaction in f C A
fit and wearing qualities IeJ
Women's good quality muslin, cambric
and long cloth gowns, very pretty styles'
of lace and embroidery trimmings, any
shape of neck; a special lot of QC
regular $1.50 values, at aV JC
1 9y6(
This celebrated underwear gives
more warmth, weight for weight,
than any.other made. Those who
have not yet tried it ought tolose no
time before the winter com2s on.
Catalogue explains everything.
Free with samples.
For Hale Ily
7 v v j
Union btation.
TMH Ojte
the Right Road
I THE DAY EXPRESS leaving Omaha at 7:45 a. m.,
arriving St Paul 7:38, Minneapolis 8:10 the same
evening, affords a comfortable and picturesque trip to
the Twin Cities. The Observation End Parlor Car is
of equal service to men or women and the personal
service is the best Well cooked meals served at alt
hours in the Dining Room.
Just the kind you want
Is not easy to find If
you start on a blind
hunt. The easy way
is to look through the
Bee Want Ads.
! . V WW. li
3 r'rrfxy
If you have rooms to rent. yo
losu more than the cost of u want
mi every duy you allow your room
to stay vacant. Omaha is grow
ing fast. New people are coining
to town every day. Tiie first
thine they do when they waul a
room U to look through the
"Hooms for Kent" ads in the Hee.
8-e that yours Is among them.
Tel'!liune S3M.
3U,lO0 ICtul C'ircitd.'iort
Over four hundred grocers sell it.
. v''
5c a Loaf.
1IENRV 0. W1NDIIEIM 4 ' The Sower."
V. P.