Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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NsWka Uatei Qui in Ttew OertsJi
Otct Its". Tsar.
fifihJNS touches on the campaign
UeowbJIcaa Chairman l'rM County
anltUn to o to It That He
frublleaa VMM Arc Braifkt
.. , Oat aa Election Da 7.
(From a Htaft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. i.-Hpeclal ) The total
yield, value and average yield of the rye
and barley crops of Nebraska for the year
l'JOt la shown In a report issued by the
State Bureau of Labor and Statistics today.
The report ahowa the total yield of barley
to be 8.926,S3l bushels at a value of IJ.UU,
7f.47, having had an average yield of
SI. 46 bushels per acre, with an acreage of
188.360. In 1804 the production of this crop
was 6.KK.728 bushels with a value of $1,815,
899,25 and an average yield of 27 1 btrshels
per acre. The acreage In that year was
1M.S44, .This fcomparlson , shows that, In
spite o a decrease In the acreage of barley
this year, yet the total yield Is larger, as
the Increase In average per acre yield Is 3.6
bushels, which .results In an Increase of
423,606 bushels in total yield, and 376,84.2I
In value to- the producers.
The 1906 rys crop In Nebraska Is larger
than that uf 1904 by 438.710 bushels and Its
value to the farmers Is greater by $2G3,E.
The total yield this year Is 2,474,512 bushels,
as compared with 2,036.802 bushels In 1904.
The value of the crop Is given by the
bureau as $1,484,707.20, as compared with
$1,221,481.20 for the crop of 1904. The aver
age yield per acre for the state this year
was 17.53 bushels. In 1904 It was 166
bushels. The leading counties In production
of rye are Custerv Dawson, Frontier, Holt,
Howard, Red Willow and Sheridan.
B A RLE T 1906.
Av. Bush- Farm
County. ' Acreage. Yield. els. Value.
ACams 'l SO.O 12.030 $ 4.451
Antelope 672 2X 1 lrt.073 6.947
Banner U 27.5 9.72 3.611
Blaine 18 0 6.540 2.419
Boone 910 2!.0 22.7:) 8.417
Ilos Butts .(T6 35.8 108.2W5 40.0H9
Boyd 86 27.0 10.422 3.KA
Brown 3.1.0 23,1!W 8,6X3
Buffalo K 82.o 22.100 8.177
Burt S.S33 31.3 1O4.0O9 38. 4X3
Butler 626 H-5.2 19,041 7,046
Cass 2-'2 20.0 4.440 1,642
Cedar I.9:W 26.6 104,760 38,767
Cnao 6.0 31.0 1&6.0N6 67.761
1 nerry ...v a.u s.v a,iFi
uneyenne w.v a,
Nervous Women
Their Sufferings Ars Usually
Due to Uterino Disorder
Perhaps Unsuspected
l;Sw A mil
If VC-e
Can weMispnt
the well known
fact thatAmerican
women are ner
Itous ?
How often do we
Ihear the expres
sion, "I am soner-
Ivous, it seems as if
'I should fly ; " or,
' Don't speak to
.me." Little things
annoy vou and
make yon irritable; vou can't sleep,
yon are unable to quietly and calmly
perform your daily tasks or care for
your children. .. .
The relation of the nerves and gen
erative organs in women . is so close
that "nine-tenths of ttte nervous pros
tration, nervous debility, the blues,
sleeplessness and nervous irritability
.arise from some derangement of the
organism which makes her a woman.
Fits of depression or restlessness and
irritability. Spirits easily affected, so
that one minute she laughs, the next
minute weeps. Pain in the ovaries and
between the shoulders. Loss of voice;
nervous dyspepsia. A tendency to cry
at the least provocation. All this points
to nervous prostration.
Nothing r.ill relieve this distressing
condition and prevent months of pros
tration and suffering so surely as Lydia
E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. M E. Shotwell, of 103 Flatbush
Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes:
" I cannot express the wonderful relief I
have experienced by taking Lydia M. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 suffered for
a long- time with nervous prostration, back
ache, headache, loss of appetite. I could"
not sleep and would walk the floor almost
very Bight.
" I bad three doctors and got no better, and
Ufa was a burden. 1 was advised to try
Lvdia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and it has worked wonders for me,
' " I am a well woman, my nervousness is all
son and my friends say I look tea years
Will not the volumes of letters from
women made strong by Lydia E. Pink
ham's . Vegetable Compound convince
all women of its virtues ? Surely yon
cannot wish to remain sick and weak
and discouraged, exhausted each day,
when yon can be as easily uured as
other wotifn.
Nov. 7th and 21st
and see for yourself the opportunities for
making money for home building In Ok la
born a, Indian Territory and Texas.
There are openings of alt sorts for the
rtaht tmm. Art yon eoof
To enable you to see the Southwest, Its
advantages and opportunities, the M. K. A
T. R'y will, on November 7th and 21st. sell
round trip tickets to all points Southwest at
Lens.ThanOne Fare Rates
Dakota .......
Inwaon ,
Klxon ,
Dodge ,
Hamilton ....
Hitchcock ....
Kearney .....
Keya Paha ..
Knnx ...
l.ancaster ....
MrPherson ..
Merrick ,
Red Willow..
Richardson ..
Saunders ....
Scott's Bluff..
Stanton ......
Thurston ....
Washington .
Cedar ,
'herrv '!!.'. '266
'hevenne E.352
Clav 3ii4
Colfax 1,178
Cuming 664
Custer 7,392
Dakota I'M
Dawes 8.778
Dawson 8.622
Deuel 4.897
Dixon 147
Dods-e 671
Douglas " 76
Oklahoma City.. $10. 70
Muskogee 10 00
Huutn McAlleter 10.70
Guthrie 10 10
Shawnee 10.70
Fort Worth $19 76
Dallas 14 40
Houston 20 00
Oalveaion 21 10
San Antonio .... 0.00
1.71T 31$ M.2K7 30.075
1.2K4 11 6 32.282 11.9
1.166 2H2 m:m n.i6
17.2-1 32.S Sol. 136 OS..!
4 iSO 12.H1 5 4.0T7
2.!1 3r, 0 l''l."ft 37. .iM
It.HMt Ml (39.846 lWt.567
1.216 27 6 83.440 11372
P14 27 0 24 678 8.130
64 27 5 16.OS0 6.(42
4JS 23.1 9.9Xi 3.l
7.kj 3ii 8 242..1KO 89.676
127 :5 0 3.17S 1.174
219 360 7.a 2.836
, 44 32 5 1S2.Z30 66.3?5
, 1.334 32 2 i.4 111.204
224 26 0 6.i0 i.(T2
447 31.2 1 3.846 6.10
6!0 18.3 12.627 4.671
', "'204 22i" "-UW0 ".'i!is
630 20.0 12.WK) 4.K62
2r7 21 0 4.347
, 8.6(10 21.8 187. 40 68.3.I7
, 2,'H 83.3 86,713 32.3
21.326 37.1 8in,ln7 25t7.9
. 1.9H 20 0 89.360 14.663
75 26 1,920 710
914 27.6 26,135 .&9
. W 26.0 4,784 1.770
38 21 0 7!8 206
2ii3 20.0 B.MO 1.946
890 46 a.805 8.067
. I,'. 24.5 81.566 11.RT6
137 30.6 4.1A2 1.661
1.746 30.7 360. 133.422
272 26.0 7.072 1616
, 4.3X3 36.0 163.4)6 66.7W
, 2,374 36.0 85.4M . 81,621
13 36.0 466 I'M
19 300 24,270 8.979
'"177 k' "'i.:hk "ri?4i
. 572 260 14.3f) 6.291
61 36.0 2.135 79
160 25.1 3.766 l.SM
28 20.0 , 660 i7
, 141 20.0 2.820 1.043
, 1,086 28.6 31.069 11.491
371 18.3 6.789 1 511
. 4.071 236 96.076 36.617
, $.442 24.0 82.6T18 8o.6fi4
340 28.8 9.792
, 11861 36 4 468.140 173.211
426 390 16,614 6.147
. 1.160 20 0 23.200 8.584
166 26 4,316 1.596
136 27.5 8.740 1.383
103 37.1 3,821 1,413
91 56.0 2.27.') 841
214 15.0 8.210 1,187
. 1621 35.3 92.621 34.232
. 1.870 84.0 63,580 23.524
561 800 16.630 6.116
, 1,468 32.5 47.3H6 17.632
60 23.6 1,180 436
1 26.5 26
, 3.863 24.3 93.627 84.641
61W) 26 6 1 7.400 6.471
1.097 30.0 32,910 12.176
, 2,744 18.4 60.489 18.680
3T.1 24.2 8.494 3.142
, 1.116 81.2 34.819 12.83
727 27.5 19.992 7.397
,188.360 SIM S.926,331 $1192,742
Antelope 3,887
Banner 25
Blaine 643
Boone 62
Box Butte 4.043
Boyd 612
xj., o 097
Buffalo 2!i0
Frontier .
Furnas ..
Garfield .
f iosper . .
Orant ....
Oreeley ..
Harlan ..
Hayes ...
RYE 1906.
Average. Yield.
19.1 .
Howard '"!!!.'.'.'.' 6,715
jenerson 4L'
Johnson 124
Kearney 368
Keith 891
Keya Paha 1,3X5
Kimball , .,. 26
Knox 777
Lancaster 2.312
IJncoln 4,062
Igan 679
Ixnip 623
Kf adlson
Merrick ..
Nance ....
Nuckolls .
Pawnee . .
Pierce 1,278
Platte 1.610
Polk 6W
Red Willow ,4,903
Richardson .... ai)
Rock .,. 1,086
Saline 743
Sarpy 452
Saunders 1.6S3
Seotfs Bluff.... 404
Seward 466
Sheridan 6,640
Sherman 132
Sioux 1,320
Stanton 1,811
Thayer 317
Thomas ti7
Thurston 40
Valley 961
Washington .... 400
W'ayne 322
Webster 460
Wheeler 1,297
York 385
16 6
Bush- Farm
els. Value.
3.046 $ 1,827
43.976 29.35
4 261
12.217 7,330
9,719 6.831
72.774 43.664
9.360 6,621
37,413 22.447
34,800 20.880
8.880 2,328
13.060 7.830
12.727 7,638
10,603 6,301
23.809 14,286
2.926 1.765
93.124 65.874
7.880 4,728
20,615 12,369
14,780 8,868
107,923 64,753
1,976 1.185
83.K71 50,322
168,735 101.241
76.068 45.640
3.307 1.9N4
14.493 8.695
I. 500 900
17.475 10.485
3.886 2.331
8.600 2.160
138.064 82.832
38.123 22.S73
7,128 4.276
12.767 7.660
18.645 11.187
nfn iu66
33.883 20.3:9
4.823 2.893 !
73.968 44,8X0
61.028 36,616 !
45.473 27.2,s3
114.697 6S.76.8
936 661
117.612 70,507
7,121 4.272
2.604 1.562
8.065 4.833
19.869 11.921
26,730 16,038
6.899 $.339
14.629 8.717
43,928 26.366
91.170 64.702
11.232 6.739
8,106 4.863
30,978 18.686
65,460 33',276
12.943 7,765
1.420 862
6.269 3,765
II. 629 6.977
3.157 1,804
17.0" 10,204
18,026 10.816
15.591 9.364
22,660 13.590
9.971 5,982
100.611 60.3n6
6.806 ' 4.0X3
17.810 10.686
12.779 7.667
7.684 4.610
29.789 17,873
8.08O 4,848
8.137 4,882
109.660 66.736
1.914 1,148
26.400 16,840
21.991 14.394
6,769 3.461
917 660
WS 620
16.337 .8"2
8,000 4.8O0
6,440 $.864
6,750 4,nso
23.346 14.17
7.700 . 4,620
. Totals 141,149 17.63 2.474.513 $1,484,707
Wladlng l Caaapalsra.
Though the election Is only five days
away there Is not enough politics being dis
cussed around the capital to create the
slightest ripple. At the republican head
quarters a dosen or more stenographers
are busy sending out a last word to county
Tickets permit of stopover going and
L returning and are good twenty-one days
' tom data of sale.
Write today for particulars
and ask for our paper "The
Coming Country."
24 Far nam St. OMAHA, NEB.
is called to the exceptional
values offered in the sale of
our Overcoats and Winter
As we wli discontinue this
department as soon as the
present stock is disposed of.
we are selling these garments
at what they cost us.
This brings the cost of
these clothes, the best made
therefore the highest priced
down to Ws Uhan you pay
for the ordinary kind. .
$23 Coats. id.5o.
$25 Coats. $17.60.
$28 Coats, 1 0.OO.
$ 3 Q Coats, 90.00.
$20 Suits, flS.OO.
$23 Stilts, 910.54).
$25 Suits, 17.00.
$30 Suits, 920.OO.
1417 Fsrnain St.
and precinct chairmen and urging them to
get out the vote for it Is abatilntejy ceoes
aary that arery republlcaa rota la the stats
be cast next Tuesday. The democrats ars
busy, but what thay are doing no one not
on the Inside can tell and It Is for this
reason that the republican chairman Is
urging republicans to take no chancea.
They have given out the Impression that
they are paying no attention to the stats
candidates but are merely doing all they
can to help the various county tickets. If
they are doing this It will also help their
state ticket and so republlcnas are urged
to get out and hustle and leave no voter
at home on Tuesday.
The efforts of the fusion organ at Omaha
to create some sentiment for the democratic
and populist candidates for regent by talk
ing of open meetings of the board has
caused some amusement and that is about
all. As a matter of fact, Fred Abbott, the
republican nominee for regent. In on Inter
view In The Bee a few days after the re
publican state convention, went on record
favoring the open door policy for the meet
ing of the board of regents and be gave a
number of reasons why the meetings should
be open. Incidentally the star chamber
sessions of the board of regents Is a cus
tom handede down from the demo-pop
Representative Kaelow Resigns.
Representative Zuelow of Colfax county,
the republican candidate for county clerk
of that county, was In Lincoln today and
filed his resignation with Governor
Mickey as a member of the legislature.
Mr. Zuelow realises that he has hard oppo
sition In his fight to be county clerk, but
he expects to be elected by a good ma
jority. He made quite a reputation as a
fighter In the last session and succeeded
In doing what no other member of the
legislature has ever been able to accom
plish pass a bridge bill providing the
state should bridge the Platte river. The
bill was fought bitterly from the day It
was Introduced until the victory of the
Colfax county member. Zuelow fairly
slept with the bill, hounded the committee
to get It before the house and then assisted
Senator Hughes In getting it through a
hosllle senate. The bill was vetoed by
Governor Mickey. Zuelow at once went
to work to pass It over the executive veto
and secured the pledge of the required
seventeen members in the senate; but, as
many members of the house had gone to
their homes. It was an Impossible task to
get It through the house with the required
two-thirds vote.
School Board Asks for Opinion.
Secretary Morris of the school board has
requested Attorney General Norris Brown
for an official opinion as to whether it
would be legal for the school board to
collect from state officers who maintain
a legal residence elsewhere, tuition fees
for the children they have in school and if
not legal, why. The attorney general will
hand down his opinion probably tomorrow
and it will be that the school board has
no authority to tax the tuition fees against
the state officers. It Is understood he will
hold that the constitution provides for free
schools to children in the districts in
which their parents reside and that, con- j
sequently, although the state officer votes
In another county other than Lancaster
he resides In Lancaster and Is therefore
entitled to the school privileges.
inclined to Saea School District.
That Attorney General Brown will insti
tute proceedings to recover from the Lin
coln school district the amount of money
that has been paid to It out of the school
apportionment by reason of the enumera
tion of university students, there seems
little doubt. The publication In this column
this morning, that it was charged that
Lincoln had been gouging the state for
years by reason of enumerating university
students and the further fact that the legal
department of the state would attempt to
recover by resorting to the courts, has
struck a responsive chord around the state
house. ,'
Developments this morning Indicate that
it will be an easy matter for the state
to make Its case. That the law was being
violated and that Lincoln school district
was getting money from the state which
It was not entitled to, is evidenced In one
Instance by the fact that the census of
school children on file in the county super
intendent's office is not even sworn to.
The census enumerator explained this by
saying that he knew the report was not
correct and that therefore he refused to
swear to it.
In discussing the proposition Treasurer
Mortensen said: "The state should by
all means Institute proceedings to recover
this money. There Is no reason why the
other school districts of the state should
be deprived of what they are entitled to.
The authorities had no right to enumerate
the university students here. The same
thing has been done at Kearney, where
the normal students have been enumerated.
I understand it was not done at the Fre
mont normal school. It should not be
done anywhere. On an average the appor
tionment has been, I think, more than $2
a child nearly every year, which would
make an Immense sum due the state from
these towns which have enumerated school
children contrary to law. I have thought
about the matter considerably and I hope
that Attorney General Brown will bring
proceedings to protect the state."
Deputy Attorney General Thompson said
he believed the state had a good case and
that It could recover the money thus paid
out. Should the proceedings be started It
; may take In more cities than Lincoln.
Blahop Attends Interstate Meeting.
Deputy State Superintendent Bishop left
this afternoon for Council Bluffs to attend
the meeting of the Interstate Teachers' as
sociation, which will be in session there
until Saturday night. The feature of the
meeting which Mr. Bishop Is particularly
Interested In Is the round table to be con
ducted by Superintendent Rlggs of Iowa on
"Agriculture In the Public Schools." This
will be held Friday morning.
After Ba brock's Place.
, r , , 1 .
uovcrnur luicaey nas not yet named a
successor to Judge Babcock of Beatrice.
the late Judge of the district court of the
Second district. A number of applications
have been filed with the governor and it is
likely that the man will shortly be named.
County Attorney Raper of Pawnee was
here thia morning and friends of his have
appealed to the governor In his behalf,
Judge Davidson of Tecumseh, late candi
date for the republican nomination for su
preme Judge, is not a candidate, but he
called upon the governor this morning In
the Interest of his fellow townsman, L. C,
Chapman. A number of others have filed
their names, but at this time It looks as
though John B. Raper of Pawnee was
nearest the plum, though subject to change
without notice.
Injarlra Not Serious.
Frank Coleman, bailiff in the supreme
court, who received painful Injuries by fall
ing from a stepladder yesterday afternoon
is much better today and will suffer no
aerioua results from his fall. His Hp was
badly cut and a number of stttchea had to
be taken In It. He expects to be out and
around tomorrow.
Wants ta Switch Offices.
M. E. Scbults, mayor of Beatrice, cams
to Lincoln tonight and will remain over
tomorrow, on which day be has sn ap
pointment with Senator Burkett. Mr.
Schults Is a candidate for the Beatrice
postofli. which place Is now sought by
a balf do. n or mors men. He will Uy his
claims for the office before Senator Bur
kett. Heeentloa ta Mrs. Aaanaa.
A reception was tendered Mrs. Abbe
Adams, president of the National Women's
Relief corps, at the sxecuUv nianaWn lo-
hn imported HdglSslhi & ScoteLhi
WooQeini 8ySH: all: ft room) to 4
This Telegram Tells Why We Can Do It.
mr f I J..0. STVENS, Sac'y. .
clarence h. macmy, PnoM.
WM. n BAKER, V. P. & G. K.
ALBERT BECK, Sec'. 6E0. G. VSro. V. P. i. G. M.
Thcrostnl TeleyrnplnujT'ompanytransndUttng dellTers N'phtManyfvssnhJfrtto the terms fndconditiuim priutodtinthcbackofthigbliUiL
Received At
35....KS,. BR DU 49 Paid. . il:a8 A. M.'
'Nevy'York, Oct. 26,. 1905.
Dro she r The" Tailor,
1515 Farnaia St.,
Omaha, Nel?.
Your "offer" and' selection to o lose one hundred and eihty-nine styles of,
our imported suitinjsovftrcoetinfrB find trouserings, measuring twenty-one
hundred and 3ixty eight, yards at 13 regular price for net casii
acoeptedvwith the ..understanding that our nem notjtobe.used. Goods
shipped 'v
On Exhibition at 1515 Farnam Street.
If you want to buy from the finest collection of English and Scotch cloth ever shown outside of London or New York, come
in and look over our exhibition from the best British mills. We will have theso cut into suits, overcoats or odd trousers to
your measure, by a cutter who has no superior in Omaha. The price you pay is $33, $35, $40 and $45 for suits that other
tailors, if they could get this kind of goods, would charge you $45, $50, $55 and $00 fur.
Omaha's Fashionable Tailor
Open Evenings' Too Bmy Making Clothes to Close.
night. Governor Mickey and Mrs. Mickey,
together with Captain and Mrs. Adams,
were In the reception line. The guests in
cluded members of the Grand Army of the
Republic post and the Women's Relief
corps. The mansion was flfcstefully deco
rated with flags. Refreshments were served.
Claims It Is the Only . City ta State
Where Law la Enforced.
NORFOLK, Neb.. Nov. 2. (Special.
Despite tho fact that there Is a law in
Nebraska prohibiting- the sale of ready-
made cigarettes, there Is but one city In
the commonwealth where that law is
rigidly enforced and in which It is abso
lutely Impossible to procure a manufac
tured "coffin tack," according to H. Gil
lette, an advance theatrical man who ar
rived in the city-today and who, falling
to find a tube of nicotine with which to
satisfy his appetite, went Into a frcniy and
nearly underwent a nervous collapse.
'I have traveled all over the state of
Nebraska," he said, "and I declare this Is
the first city I have struck In which the
cigarette lid Is absolutely- tight. I can get
all of the makings I want, but I can't use
them. I don't waat that .-tort of cigarette.
I must have an Oriental."
Rash to Pay Tames.
O'NEILI Neb., Nov. J. (Speclnl.) Dur
ing the past few days and at the present
time the county treasurer of this county is since the snow has put the roads and fields
bearers were Judge Paul Jessen of Ne
braska City; Hon. Josse B. Strode of IJn
coln; Hon. R. B. Windhitm of Pluttsmouth ;
Hon. Frank K. White of Omaha, and Attor
ney W. H. I'itzer of Nebraska City.
YORK Peterson Brothers is the new
clothing" firm which Is opening a large stuck
of clothing on Lincoln avenue In the busi
ness room recently vacated by White &
BEATRICE G. J. Krai yesterday pur
chased the photograph gallery of D. C.
Cantleld, who has been In business here
for the last four years. Mr. Cuntleld will
locate in Omaha soon.
BEATRICE The marriage of Mr. Harry
Felter and Miss Margaret Isabelle Currle
was solemnized here yesterday afternoon.
Judge Bourne officiated. The young couple
will make their home at Wymore.
BEATRICE Iee Metcalfe, who has been
night clerk at the Paddock hotel for some
time, yesterday tendered his resignation.
He left the city today to take the chief
clerkship of the Copeland hotel at Topeka,
PLATTSMOL'TH The Cass county mort
gage record for October Is as follows:
Farm mortgages filed, 15, amount Hl.tWo;
released, 17, amount City mortgages
filed, 11, amount fo.KH); released, 14. amount
CAMBRIDGE! Hon. W. G. Norris, con
gressman of the Fifth district, delivered
a lecture and political speech at the opera
house here last night. Mr. -Norris has re
cently returned from the orient and related
his observances while alruao
BEATRICE Harm Huls. who recently
attempted to annihilate his family while
Intoxicated, was lodged In the county Jail
this evening by Sheriff Trude on complaint
of Mrs. Huls. She will prefer chargeB
against her husband In the morning.
PAP1LLION The fair, sunny weather
Two Young Men irom Small Tswbi
a' allowed Into Usikueis.
Cnrtnln Rlnsis Down with Judge
Berks in Center of Mage and
Desperadoes Paying; Trice
of Popolarlty.
overburdened with people wanting an
opportunity to pay their taxes. The sale
under the scavenger tax law was started
yesterday and as soon as two sales were
made the sale was adjourned until the
In tine condition, and the farmers are tak
ing advantage of it. Every available man
and team 1h in the Held harvesting the
large crop. New corn is selling at 35 cents
PL.ATTSMOUTH While taking his horse
to a watering trough the animal kicked
. , , , . i u (v . ' w j iiri in I, , win, I una a irnmuiaui n i
office force would have time to work up the , Main Btreet ln the fat.e and kn0(.ked him
mall. Several parties are. said to De nere , senseless. Dr. J. 9. Livingston sewed up
with large sums of money to Invest In tax the wound, hut Mr. Helnrich will carry the ,
sale certificates, but the rush Is so great BO" t''f,,'ve' . ..... ,
... . . - ,Z. CAMBRIDGE Mousel Bros, of this place
mai oui itw iav any wui tunny v i sold their herd bull. Prlnceps 4th. to parties .
loose of their money. The rush Is ex- from IiCrosse, Wis., for $1,750. This is the
pected to continue for several days as this highest price paid for any single animal '
r , . . ... in the state for some time. This bull will I
UeillK D. iojku .UUIHJ ..! 1 J civ, MiaiiJ . . ..v . u . ,...,., I Bt, l, n I . ...II.... ., I , n . .1,-
and parcels of land and town lots to be dls- I fnited States next year. Mousel Bros.
have one of the best herds of Hereford
cattle ln the state.
BEATRICE Last evening at 7:30 at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C H. Aylworth, occurred the marriage of 1
Mr. Ardra Fryer and Miss May Aylworth,
Rev. A. L. Hobbs of beilalre, Kan., offlci- j
uuilff. A mree-course weaning luncneon
whs served after the ceremony, which was
witnessed by immediate relatives and
friends of the contracting parties. The
couple will reside in Beatrice, the groom
being employed at Klmball'a laundry in
this city.
BEATRICE Yesterday County Treasurer
Wright began the sale of land for taxes
under the scavenger law. Nearly half the
lands outside the city were disposed of
during the forenoon, there being but little
competitive bidding. City lots will be of-.
fered for sale Friday and Saturday ana
posed of and the work Is coming so fast
that the Increased office force cannot begin
to keep up with the clerical work required
to take In the money offered.
Conrt at Tekamah.
TEKAMAH, Neb.. Nov. 2 (Special.)
District court Is In session this week with
Judge A. It. Sutton presiding. The follow
ing cases have been disposed of:
City of Tekamah against Charles Alt-
schuler, for assault, appealed from the police
court: verdict for the defendant. M. R.
Hopewell against B. F. Griffin, for posses
sion of fifteen feet of real estate; verdict
A little border drama was exacted ln
Omaha Wednesday evening and Thursday
morning. The drnnia was played ln three
acts, one In the proscribed district, another
In the city Jail, while the third was In po
lice court, where virtue Is rewarded, vil
lainy denounced, the mortgage on the old
farm paid off, the old folks made happy,
the long-lost daughter returns to the old
home and creeps up to her father's mansion
in a blinding snowstorm, with nothing to
protect her but an old raglan. The old
mother hears a dry cousli at the front
door and tells father to get up. The lamps
are lighted and a tottering form bears a
light to the front door. A flurry of snow
sweeps in through the open door and a
young girl falls prostrate at the feet of her
mother and father.
Sometimes it happens that way, but the
case In point Is of two warriors bold, who
came to Omaha from Fremont and Mis
souri Valley, with their pockets full of
six-shooters and an eagerness to put the
city In darkness for a few hours.
The first scene showed Vincent Canaga
a! Fremont and Frank Young of Missouri
Valley seeking what they might devour
along Capitol avenue and Dodge street.
Canaga carried two revolvers, while Young
bad one.
Jnat Like Old Julias.
Like ln the play, "Julius Caesar," a citi
zen halls the strangers and asks them what
they are doing with their best apparel on
and coast defenses in their hands. Then
heavy firing was heard ln the otflng. Men,
women and children, thinking a call to
arms had been sounded, rushed through the
streets and to the forum.
Patrolman Bloom arrested Canaga on the
charge of drunkenness and carrying con
cealed weapons, while Patrolmen Morrison,
Flsk and Brady closed in on Young, who
tried to show tho officers he wns of manor
bom and a bad man from the up-country.
Canaga and YounK were registered for
the night at the city Jail, where they de
ported themselves as lambs.
When the prisoners appeared before Po
lice Judge Berka Thursday morning they
were bo docile that any policeman might
have eaten out of their hands. Both had
combed their hair nicely and appeared as
if they really had nice folks at home.
The police Judge sentenced each $5 and
Then all was quiet afaln In the land.
I.n Grippe Thrice Cared.
"I have hnd the gTip three different
times," says Mrs, Thomas Cleland of Alli
ance, Ohio, "and was left with a bad cough.
Every time I was cured by the use of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, snd I can
not speak too highly of this valuable medicine."
Jadsre Chrlsmnn Is Acquitted.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. l-O. Lee Chris
man, Judge of the county court, charged
with the Improper letting of a county road
contract, was acquitted by a Jury ln the
criminal court here this afternoon. Judgo
Chrisman is one of the most prominent men
ln the county, and when the verdict was
rendered his friends ln the courtroom
cheered and rushed to shake hands with
Allcared Rank Robbers Arrested.
LOriSVlLI.E, Ky., Nov. 2.-The poll'l
todav arrested four men giving their names
as William Clark, Robert Moore, Janus
Martin and William Patterson, and ar
holding them as suspected felons, on tin
belief by the detectives that they are tho
men who robbed a bank at Rldgevllle, Ind.,
several years ago.
for the defendant. A Jury Is being secured
this morning for the trial of J. Low against by order of the ry ,. trie clty 'treaB.
the Chicago, Bt. raui, Minneapolis et urer will have the authority to bid uin
Omaha Railroad company. Mr. Low aska every piece of property, the amount to be
to bo reimbursed for the house destroyed gy' ummMee Prevlouslr PPtnted
by the railroad company during one of ; pApILL0N-In the case of the com
the floods last year. The house floated I plaint against George Mullens, an attorney
down against one of the company's bridges. ' of Papilllon. for obtaining money under
. , . , - . j. ... u. false pretenses the committee will report
damming the water, snd ln order to save tomor;ow In thn caM of the 8tate of Ne.
the tracks the section men tors the puiiding braska against Charles Mitchel for selling
to pieces.
News of Nebraska.
8TELLA J. T. James sold his 200 acre
farm, a half mile south of town, yesterday
to William Martin. Consideration tl3,(M)0.
BEATRICE Two boys, named Morrison
and Gardner, were badly Injured here this
afternoon by being run down by a team.
BEATRICE Yesterday C. C. Farlow sold
the Cole farm of 1) acres, five miles south
of Cortland, to J. W. Harms for 9,0u0, or
lu6.5 per acre.
BEATRICE The Trinity Band foot ball
team of Lincoln will play the Beatrice
High school foot ball eleven ln this city
Friday afternoon.
CAMBRIDGE J. H. Rosenfelt Son of
this place sold their elevator yesterday to
Cooper & Linn of Humboldt, Neb. It la
the largest grain elevator at this place.
BEATRICE John Hummer, employed at
the tin and sheet iron works of Ira 1-oos..
lost the ends of two fingers yesterday by
getting his left hand caught ln the square
liquor to inebriates at Fort Crook the
Judge issued a bench warrant this morning
for witnesses in the case, they falling to
appear. The court was unable to proceed
with any business until the return of the
sheriff with the witnesses.
CENTRAL CITY All the business houses
of this city and the public schools are
closed todav on account of the inld-week
Sabbath biig observed ln connection with
the union evangelistic campaign now In
progress. The meetings are conducted by
Rev. Mllford H. Lyon and Prof. .limes W.
Patterson, ln a large frame tabernacle
erected for the purpose. Already about
$-) have professed conversion among them
some of the prominent people of tne com
munity. The aeries will close next Sun
day. TABLE ROCK It lias leaked out here
that Charley Glenn, operator for the Bur
lington at Armour, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Glenn of this place, drove over to
Pawnee City Saturday last and was mar
ried to Miss Lizzie Drysdale of this place.
Bl'RWELL A special term of district
court convened yesterday, with Judge Paul
presiding, and a numler of equity matters
were disposed of. Ernest Hansen pleaded
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Vi-iUl 1 . . I. n T) .-1..1 li B . null .A k. .
iiViV. . .i, . ij ''",' ", " were disposed of. Ernest Hansen plead
""""""" ' z : . j J guilty to burglary and was sentenced to one
a member of that party and doea not want year alld a lm,f ln the penitentiary. Some
to run on that ticket. I tt,nH iRHt full Ilnncen broke into the si-hiv.!-
PLATTSMOUTH The funeral services
were held over the remains of Mrs. Byron
Clark tiiis afternoon and the body laid to
rest in Oak Hill cemetery. Dr. J. T. Baird
and Rev. J. E. Houlgate conducted the
services which were private. The pall- la no RochoMa alto, Aluin.
ims or Ammonia In tood msdo miut
t Dim Tut Bttma rowoi nu$fm
aaakos) pwo food.
house ln District No. 10 and took a quantity
of coal.
STELLA Yesterday afternooh the barn
on the 11. 1). Weller farm, a half a mile
aoutneast of town, was discovered on fire
by some parties who were out Woking for
the big snake mentioned ln yesterday's
dispatches. There was no one at home.
The tire is aupiiused to have originated in
the hay which waa atored ln the loft. Mr.
Marls lost six tuna of tame hay, a set of
harness and some tools which were stored
In the barn. He also lost three young colta
on which he had insurance In the State
Mutual. Mr. Weller had fcSO In the Rich
aidson County Mutual.
BEATRICE El:;ht laborera who quit the
employ of the Rock Island company at
Steinauer, Neb., boarded a freight train at
tiiat place yesterday and refjNed to pay
their fare, saying that they were going to
Fulrbury to draw their wages. When the
train reached this city Chief Burke and
Otticer Kpuhn wrre called to the Rock Is
land station and found the men in a box
car. The officers took them in charge and
later released them. Aa the train pulled
out for Fairbury the men again boarded the
train. The officers were again called, but
refused to take auy furtlivr action, lu tlie
Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Ilerrick, aged 91 and 86 re.
spectively, of Penobscot, Me., have celebrated
their 67th wedding anniversary and say their
sturdy old age is entirely due to the regular use oi
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. Mr. Ilerrick writes
"I am glad to recommend Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as the real 'staff of life' to
those on the last stretch of their pllgrimuge on earth. I iiussed my itlst birthda
April 2lh, and can truly Bay that I felt as well. If not better, un that day thuii 1 did
"ten years before, thanks to Duffy's Malt Whiskey.
I "I consider it the best medicine there la for the atred and in sickness. It tones
j the whole system, gives a good apieiile and refreshing sin p. I t-ould not get along
without it. My wife, who is past M years old. finds it ugrtea with her perfectly and
keeps her ltl remarkably good health. We have been married i7 years und hope to
j celebrate our "Hh anniversary, thanks to Duffy's Pure Malt Whitkey."
CAITIOS When oa tk for llully's Pare Malt Whiskey be .are yos STet
the srenalne. It is the ouly abaulalely pure Malt nhlikrv which contains
medicinal, health alvlns Qualities. llnSTi'a Pure Malt Whisker Is sold in
' scaled bottles ouly never la balk. Ue crrtala the seal over the cork Is uu
I brokra. Beware of refilled botllra. I aiscrupuloua dealers, mindful of tho
' excellence of tble preparation, will try to aril ou cheap Imitations and
malt whiskey substitute., which are at oa the market for protTi only, and
which, far from rellcylas; the tick, are positively harmful. Demand
"Duffy's" and bo sure you act It.
Bold by all druggWts and grocers, or direct. II u0 H bottle. Medical bwoklbt aA4
advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Hychestei, New Vwik.