Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1905, Page 2, Image 2
Till: OMAHA DAILY I IKK F1UDAV, NOVEMHKll 1!MI." Telephone 601. Now located In tha nw retail ceater Howard and """ 16th 5tf acta. This is not a high priced store, but the merchandise we sell kind that will give satisfaction, after you have taken it home and given it the most critical ex amination. "NYe invite you to come and make this your store home. Carriage entrance at How ard street side. Bed Comforters, 3rd Floor In the old more it was Impossible to show you our entire line pf Bed Comforters, but now in our new location you can see thorn all and have your plrk from hundreds of the handsomest coverings ever produced. As to quality, you know wc carry only the most reliable. A to price, we can prove to you that they are right If you give tis a chance. Friday's special Comforter bargain. Bllkotlno and covered Comforters filled with soft, fluffy, clean cotton, slxe 72x75, figured top, pluln lining; regular $1.00 and ?l.25 value, Friday at C9c. each. Flannelettes, Third Floor Our assortment of Flannelettes la aston ishingly large Hnd beautiful; Persian styles in profusion at We, 12V4c and 15c. Cotton Swunsdowns, with beautiful printed designs, at Wc and loc per yard. Imported Bwansdown at 2Sc per yard. Imported Velutlne, the finest fleeced cotton material made. French printings on soft, velvety mate riul, fnt cylored, at 86c yard. On Friday we will sell all the Flnnnelette remnunts at Bo per yard; values, 10c, 120, 33c, TSfi nnd'Kc per yard. Our Customers Deposit Ac count Department. Now located on balcony of main floor. Wo would llko to have you Investigate and become familiar with, its workings. You may deposit any sum that suits your convenience. We credit you with 4 per cent Interest on the dally balance, compounded every three months. In the Jewish quarters bodies still strew the streets and sidewalks. Jewish womea and children were strangled and hacked to pieces In the streets where the mobs gained the upper hand. A Rod cross doctor tells me that the KlshlnefT horrors were re peated a hundredfold. The students alone saved the city from wholesale sack and massacre. . The military Is now placing 100 machine guns at various points. Twenty )lx carts full of wounded have Just passed ny door. "General Kaulhars was called to the bait ?ony o( the pHlace this morning by 5,000 loyalists carrying imperial portraits and ikons and singing the national hymn. The general entreated the. assemblage to dis perse a.n.4 go home, but with ringing cheers the loyalists resumed marching through the city. ''Tim sound of firing Is galn moving westward, tuwaixl the Jewish quarters. The moba .swear, thy fw(U not leave a single Jew alive.' -.' ' 1 Anarchy Rampant In Odessa. Anarchy is rampant here. Killing and plundering by the bands formed of hundreds of "loyalists" continued this morning. - Attacks on the Jews are in cessant. The night was made hideous, bodies of "loyalists,", with whom the po lice are fraternising, marching through the principal streets bearing national flags, portraits of tho emperor and Ikons, sing ing the national hymn, smashing every thing In their way and looting shops and houses; hospital wagons passed through the streets Incessantly, carrying off the killed., wounded and mutilated. The popu lace Is panic-stricken. 6 p. m. The troops wreaked terrible ven geance on the residents of three houses from balconies of which shots hud been fired at the soldiers by unidentified per sons. , The sollders stormed the houses and with unheard-of barbarity, massacred all the inhabitants. It Is persistently asserted that tho per sons who fired on the troops were dis guised policemen who purposely provoked the troops. The city Is a dismal spectacle. Tho streets are filled with Cossack patrols und flying dutachmcnls of the Red Cross, 'which fol low the bands of murderous rioters. The tiring has been uninterrupted the whole day and still continues as this dispatch is tiled. Many hundreds have been killed or wounded. The Cossacks eagerly attack the student militia which Is courageously trying to stem the bands who are massacreing and pillaging, principally in the Jewish . quar ters. The rioters openly divide the goods. the Cossacks in. many cases participating In tho proceeds of the robberies. Tho rector of. the university has sent a tolegram to Count WlUe Imploring him Im mediately to dismiss Governor Helnhardt, who U held responsible' for the outbreak, as otherwise a catastrophe is unavoidable. The city Is In a dreadful state of panle. Even the telegraph offices were -closed for the tlrst time sine they opened. Many Kilted at Warsaw. WARSAW, Russian Poland. Nov. J.- WINTER'S SOMBRE ATTIRE Should be enlivened by a touch of color. la hU tie and waist coat a man's only opportunities tor introducing color into his autre occur. We are showing a large ar ray of extremely handaome fancy Waistcoatlngs. Woolen KooiU. Warm as toast. Made of harmonious colorings in at tractive patterns. f(i is the price made-to-measure. Overcoats and Suits to measure $20 to $45. Trousers and Vesta to measure $5 to $12. MtcC.rthy Wilson. Tailoring: Co., 3u4-&4 ft. inih St. Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone Ifcot. Oyvu livculUfcS until 9 o'clock. Thkip Si Eyery Car Line In the city is convenient for those wishing to reach the new retail center, Howard and Sixteenth streets. You will find our new store, light, spacious and a pleasant place to do your shopping. HAVE TOl'R PURCHASES IN THIS STORE CHARGED TO TOUR DEPOSIT ACCOUNT. - In this way you have all the conveniences of a credit system with all the economies of a cash store, and your nloney Is earning Interest daily. Tou may withdraw any or all of your de posit at any time. In this way your money Is not tied up. We do no banking business. Friday Special Sale of Rain Coats, Cloak Department, 2d Floor. All our handsome Rain Coats, regularly sold at $12.60, Friday, sale price, $ft.75. All our Rain Coats regularly sold at $13.75, Friday, sale price, $9.50. All our Rain Coats regularly sold at $15.00, Friday, sale price, $10.50. All our very fine new style Rain Coats regularly sold at $18.00, Friday, sale price, $12.50. Petticoats All our new fall styles of Petticoats are now In In Silk, Moreen, Brllliantlne, Mer cerized Sateen and other desirable fabrics. Very fine silk Petticoats, from $3.00 to $40.00. Very Ann Petticoats, In beautiful mercer ised sateen, from $1.00 to $3.50. Our Men's Furnishing Depart ment. Is located In our south aisle; It Is larger, brighter and more spacious than In our old store. Here we will show the new novelties In men's wear aS fast as they are brought on the market, and at poptilar prices. Howard and Sixteenth Noon. It now appears that thirty persons were killed and over 100 were wounded during conflicts here last night. Instead of the expected abolition of mar tial law today the military governor had the walls covered with proclamations an nouncing that In consequence of yester day's disturbances crowds assembling in the streets will be dispersed by force of arms. The restaurants were closed at noon and traffic was stopped. Despite the governor's proclamation crowds gathered In various parts of tho city during the afternoon and paraded the streets, headed by Catholic priests carrying crosses and church and national flags. The processions converged toward the monu ment of the Polish poet Micklewics, where patriotic speeches. aroused enthusiasm. Infantry fired on a prowd, of demonstra tors, at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Two per sons were killed and seven were woupded. Many fights took place In various parts of the city. The socialists are attacking the patriotic processions. The courts and government offices here are closed. The social democrats tills afternoon is sued a proclamation calling for a revolu tion. Polish flags were displayed from many balconies and a mass meeting of all political parties assembled at Philharmonic hall to discuss the situation, while the im mense crowd surrounding the building sang patriotic songs and shouted patriotic cries until they were hoarse. A deputation of prominent citizens visited the governor gereral to protest agalnBt yes terday's massacte In front of the city hall, beseeching him to withdraw the military to avoid bloodshed. The governor promised that the soldiers would not be permitted to use their arms unless attacked. The strike committee of the Vistula rail road has received a telegram from St, Petersburg saying: "The first victory has been gained. Hold out." Moscow U)rri After TrepofT. M08COW, Nov. 2,-The lawyers at a meeting today resolved to send to Count .... " , , , . Wltte a demand for General Trepoff's re- . . . moval; secondly, a demand for the prosecu- ...... f .,...,.-, tion of the metropolitan of Moscow for hiaklng an address Inciting the - black hundred; thirdly, a demand that the council be permitted to organlxe a militia force. and. fourthly, a demand for amnesty for political prisoner formation fused, the of a municipal militia Is rs- , . j ,,, ... lawyers added, they will them- . ' .. . .. . Helves undertake the formation of a militia. loyalists and revolutionists had several collisions during the night, but the city Is unlet. The number of persons wounded has not been established, but Is not large. . Hallroad traffic has been resumed on more than hulf the lines BMPRROR K KICI'S A TIGHT REPI tperlol Maalfeato Sot jl4 Liberal as First Reports ludiealed. ST. PETERSVl'RG, Nov. 2.-The Imperial docrce creating the cabinet ministers under the Imperial manifesto granting a constitu tion to Russia wks gasetted this morning and has already aroused criticism, as the machinery Is estremcly complicated and smacks of the old-fashioned bureaucratic regime. The relations of the cabinet to the council of tho empire, or upper chamber, and the imperial d.ounia, or popular cham ber, are not clear because the powers of these bodies are yet to be defined under the manifesto. Two features are esitecially un satisfactory. While the cabinet has no au thority to decide mutters within the com petency of the executive bodies no measure of "general Importance" can be Introduced Into the chambers without the sanction ot the cabinet, and another provision requires that when the cabinet is unanimous the premier must go to the emperor and re ceive Instructions. This would seem to make the final authority go back to the emperor. Moreover, all iiuestions affecting Ahys ltemfntr tfe Full J I axative Hromo Qur CwwtCoUiiiOoaDay, Ctyki 2 Limra rac a Day. Bee. Nov. 1. inust be of the reliable kind the New Shirts In plain and pleated effects, either stripes or figures, some have cuffs attached, others detached; they are entirely different from those shown In past seasons, a large and varfed assortment of the well known Lion and Regent brands; prices. $1.00, $150 and $2.(X each. New Crepe Silk four-ln-hands, very swell, a regular 11.00 value, at 50c each; ask to see them. It will pay you to visit our men's depart ment; it is convenient from either entrance. Hosiery Our Hosiery department Is now located on the main floor and we will be pleased to have you Inspect our line, for we know that we can please you in all weights and ma terials. Women's black cotton Hose, light, me- dlum or heavyweight, double soles, heels hnd toes. 35c a pair, or S pairs for $1.00. Women's fancy Hosiery, daintily embroid ered In colors; many new and exclusive styles, at 50c per pair. Children's "Neetfit" I lose, medium or heavyweight, extra spliced heel and double knee, 15c per pair. Special Sale of Handsome Black All Wool Coating or Storm Serge Friday Morning at 8 O'clock. Beautiful quality 45-inch, all wool, hand some, deep, rich black; never sold for less than "ac; not a large quantity in the lot; Friday morning, 49c a yard. the Imperial court and domains, the army and navy and foreign affairs are specifically excluded from the competency of the cabi net without direct imperial authority. By Implication these great questions in which the nation is vitally interested are also out side the competency of the legislature and therefore are bound to prove unsatisfactory to the representatives of the people when they assemble. Nothing Is said In the decree about the premier or ministers being responsible .to the national assembly or responding to In terpellations, but the answer is taken W consolidate the power In the handu of premier, or, tin he is termed, president of the cabinet, and especially to prevent an individual minister from going to the em peror with a report without previously sub mitting It to the premier. Should the pre mier not approve of a report he has the privilege of being present when the minis ter presents It to the emperor and of stat ing his objections. This provision Is de signed to put an end to the practice of one minister undermining and which has been one of the most vicious features of the old regime and the cause of untold confusion. STOLEN TYPEWRITER FOUND Three . Men Accused of Taking Arrested and Held at the Police Station. It K. C. Walcott lost a typewriter from his office In the New York Life building yes terday morning, and last evening the ma chine was found, together with three men thqught to be connected with Its disap pearance. Both the property and tho men are at tho city Jail. The recovery was tho result of quick work on the part of Detectives lrummy and Maloney, and the want of caution on the part of the men. The three men under arrest are J. F. , Intendent of the Naval academy, the com Mackey. 2a North Twenty-first street; ' "'"nders of the Second division of the Bee Mitchell Flemniing, Sixteenth and Leaven- ond luadrofi and the Fourth division of worth street and Earl Impey, Blair, Neb. tno 8"ond squadron. North Atlantic fleet; It develoned that nil three h:.H ..,H a Rr Admirals Davis and Brownson, the i C"' ,' , ' " nouse of low reputation near Fifteenth r. ., ,. . . ,. and Davenport tlu-lr headquarters. Muckey . ... , . , ' . and Homing were arrested while trying to sell the machine at Harry Grosse s 1 nuwn shon. Ms Worth Rivtnan(h diruot i . ',,. ,,, , .. I . rf,ur,,10. , ' -toen ,he typewrlter , the lllornlng Tl , .. .1 ..I 1 1 , .... . . . I. .. .., J . . ., . , . , . and from information furnished from one . , . . .. . " ' of the women located the man they wanted. ha . ,.,, a , , A1 . , i iiw pi at in was miwMinjs iron, ine lr.ncnjne, i but the name and the number were Irientl- cal with the one that Mr. Walcott lost. The charge of grand larceny whs tntered opposite the names of Mackey and Klein- j PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS If. 8. Duncan of Gibbon is at the Arcade. A. O. Atkins of Kansas City is at the Merchants. T. H. Humes, a generul merchant of Alli ance, is at the Murray. Irving 8. Cutter of Lincoln and N. D. Jackson of Neligh arrived lust night at the Her Orund. . George L. lllack and E. H. Mauley of Rock ppriiiKS, Wyo., are evening arrivals at the I'm x ion. 8. R. lini ton and wife of Grand Island are siuing a lew days in the city und are guests ut the Murray. O. J. Vandyke, Shelton; H. A. Tluhn, Johnson; W. A. Smith, Nelson, aie evening arrivals at the Murray. J. H. Crowder, postmaster of Gordon, and H. li Rye, a lurge stock dealer of the same place, are guests of the Arcade. Evening arrivals at the Arcade: A. B. McDowell, Gordon: G. W. Jones, Bently; A. li. Eurhart, Murray; U. G. Johnson, Wakefield. . At the Millard: O. H. Barth, Clay Center; J H. Kick) I. Junila; Geortte Mt inner. J. P. Forsyth, Bhellun; T. M. I or f y, Cordova; V. K. Kinder, lJncoln. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bpiugue have moved In from their summer residence near the Country club and have returned to their suite In the Puxton hotel fur the winter. At the Paxlun: A. C. Meyer and wife. Grand Island; '. T. Meal, Lincoln: M t. b-tlelhctin, Alliance; YV. T. Auid. Red Cloud; N. W. Clover, Norfolk; A. T. Uluumer and wife, York. W. P. Molir of Spencer, Mr. und Mrs. W. E. Bliunian of North Plalle, C B. Jones, li. E. Reed of Belle Eourche, O. J. Van Uyke of bhellon. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Km. nan of Alliance und John Adams of Casper, Wyo., ui ul the Aiunuy. Frank R. Roberwin of New York, a lec turer on science and travel, is at the Hit 1 1 rand. He gave a lecture illustrated by the strreoplicon in Council Blurts lust night. He was formerly an Omaha man and was ut one time secretary of the Young Men s Christiun association C. J. Petersen. Tt-kamah; Kred Bun-lay. Htuai t: tl M. 1!. ul. Superior; Ed T. itlia, Fred Johnson. Gordon; Mrs W. II. An-riri-wa. Mis. A. M. r ing' raid. Mrs. G. II Pratt. Islington; J. K. Winters, Lincoln; KJ 8. Kres. J. 8. Harrington. NVUI; J. T. 1-cahy. Wayne: J. A. Aalibrook. Prliu rocv; N. King. Lincoln, are th stall Iwioyls (ciU'iin ul alunuj. t BASOUT ON THE MAWLOWLR Ear Admiral Etudi Enttrtaini Frinc Lonli of BaV.anberg at Dinaer. Visitor inspects midshipmen irigade Follnwln the Drill British Admiral Attends Reception In Ilia Honor at Home ot Rear Admiral Hands. ANNAPOLIS. Md., Nov. 2. "The presi dent." "The king."- Olasses clinked with a rli.g of good fellowship as their healths were drunk by their faithful officers stand ing, at the dinner of Admiral Evans on board the Mayflower tonight to Admiral Prince Louis and the officers of his squad ron. His highness proposed the health of President Roosevelt and Admiral Evans the health of King Edward. The dinner tonight was the concluding feature of the second day of Prince Louis' visit to America. The official program of entertainment did not begin until after noon. The morning was given over to an Informal exchange of visits between the Commanding and Junior officers of the several squadrons. Perfect weather pre vailed and the sea was smooth. The spec tacular feature of the day was the review 6f the brigade of midshipmen oh the pa rade ground this afternoon, followed by dress parade.. Then came the reception of Admiral Bands for the British and Ameri can officers, a brilliant affair, after which the prince returned to. his flagship to Bhlft Into evening dress for Admiral Evans' dinner His highness found time between the dress parade and the reception to return the call of the mayor of , Annapolis, who called on board the Drake yesterday after noon to offer the admiral prince the free dom of Maryland's capital. Prince Inspects Middles. Special review of the midshipmen Is al ways a sight alone worth the trip to Annapolis. The ' beautiful parade ground Is covered with a carpet of green, the center of a quadrangle, three sides of which are formed by the officers' quarters and the fourth by the Severn river. - There was an Inner quadrangle this after noon, the like of which was never seen before In Annapolis. Shoulder to shoulder around three sides ot the parade ground, three and . four deep, stood British and American officers looking out across the deep 'blue water of the Severn .river to ward their common home on the bounding main, anglo-Saxons all, all brothers of the sea. The uniform for the afternoon was urldress, the American officers wearing blue caps, the British white. - Down the whole length of the parade ground stretched the brigade of midship men, nine hundred strong, with ranks open for inspection. Rear Admiral Sands, su perintendent of the academy. Prince Louis and Rear Admiral Brownson, whom Ad miral Sands recently succeeded as super intendent, accompanied by the officers of their personal staff, awaited at the review ing stand the formation of the brigade. When the commandant of midshipmen an nounced to the superintendent that the bri gade was ready for Inspection, the review ing party, led by Admiral Bands and Prince fxauia, left the reviewing stand and, amidst strains of .martial music, proceeded to the tight line, passing along the front of both ranks. Prince , !xuls. It ' was noticed, closely scrutinised .each, midshipman as he passed along the Ifnes, It was a novel sight for his highness, Jn, whose navy midship men receive the , greater part of their training at sea,., .r, . . ,.- ' Tteeepttonif Sands' Home.' Following the review Came the drill, which the admlral-r.rlncp witnessed with evident Interest. At the close of the drill his high ness and his, personal staff entered Admiral Sands' carriage and drovo to the residence of the mayor, whom his highness thanked for the freedom of the city, jocularly re marking that he hoped It would not he abused by any of his squadron. Prince I.ouls returned to the residence of Admiral Bands and for over an hour received with the superintendent Rld Mrs. Sands. Invited to .meet his highness were the British and American officers of the ships off Annapolis and the officers on duty at the academy. Banquet on Mayflower. Thirty-two guests gathered around the great oval table In the spacious cabin of the Mayflower tonight at Admiral Evana' dinner. The prince sat at the admlrn!' right and around the two commanders-in- chief, In the order of their rank, the super chief of starr or trie Mortn Atlantic fleet. Captain John E. Plllsbury, The commanding officers of the six British cruisers, the corn- zanders of the eight battleships and four armored cruisers of tne North Atlantic Meet. Captain Cameron McR. Winslow. com manding the Mayflower: Captain Gherardl j commanding the Yankton, and the officer. of the staff of Admiral Evans and Admiral Prlnci rrlm' Thorn 1 " Louis, and Colonel Robert 1 ilUilllHJii tiriiut.'iii i'i uiu iiuiiiiii annut:ia tion. ' l" engagea in epirueu i-uiivriiwiiun wun ine officers near-him, frequently recalling tho' many friendships he formed In his past years of friendship with "fellow American Prince Louis was especially Interested In discussing with Admiral Brownson, com manding the armored cruiser division, the relative similarities ami differences of the American and British otulsers and in corn paring notes on the cruise of Admiral JJrownson's squadron from New Orl'iir.s to Annapolis and that of his own fror. Halifax here. Program tor Today. Before midnight the guests were aboard their respective ships, and tomorrow morn ing Prince Louis, accompanied byythe com manding officers of his staff, will come up to Annapolis on board the Yankton, Cap tain Gherardl commanding, und will leave for Washington on board a special train for a three days' visit. It Is' understood that Sir Mortimer Du rand, the British ambassador, has been invited by Prince Louis to Inspect his squadron, but the exact time of this cere mony has not been announced. Officers from each of the American ships will accompsny the BrltlsrT officers to Wash ington during the next few days, wnere Ihey will be the guests of the Washington government. Many British and American suitors are ashore tor.ight, end the streets of this historic little capital are alive with llio JackU-s of the two navlrs. , WEAK EYES D rectly due to COFFEB In many casts. Think not? t.. line ti i f rnnrt I COFFEE I BOgaiE3HBj There's ths prooll 1 FATAL ACCIDENT AT LEAD Woman Killed and Mnn Fatally In Jnred by Runaway Team la Black Hills. LEAD. S. D.. Nov. I. (Special Telegram ) John T. McNabb, engineer at the Home stake pump station at Hanna, nine miles from Lead, while on his way from Lead, accompanied by his wife, was the victim of a runaway accident just outside of the city limits. Mrs. McNabb was Instantly killed, while Mr. McNabb received Injuries from which he will die. The couple are well known In the Black Hills and have been residents of the county for. many years. Two sons survive them. HOMESTEADER ARK FLOCKING I Pierre I,and Office Busier Than at Any Time lu Its lllatorr. . PIERRE, B. D., Nov. t (Special.) Home steaders have been coming In rapidly for the last month, and the local land office In this city has received a greater number of filings than for any other month In Its his tory, the total number of filings for the month being 41. This means that over threo and a, half townships of the land west of the Missouri river was taken In this office alone for the month, and at the same time the Chamberlain and Rapid City offices have boen accepting a large number. For the last three months four and a half townships of the government land In the Pierre district alone have been taken and Is no longer open to entry, and the rush for lands along the new line of the North western road has only begun. At the rate the filings are coming now, It will mean that the man who waits until next soring will find choice selections pretty well taken up. STATE KOI C ATOMS IX CONFERENCE Revision ot Course of Study the Topic Considered. MITCHELL, S. D Nov. 2.-(Speclal Tele gram.) One of the most important educa tional conferences that has been held In the state In years assembled In the city tall In this city this afternoon, when about fifty superintendents of city schools In the state responded to the Invitation sent out by State Superintendent M. M. Ramer. Superintendent Ramer was made chair man of the meeting and his deputy, M. A. Lange, Was made secretary. The object of the conference Is the consideration of a revision of the state course of study, which will affect the city schools of the state. Committees were appointed to present re ports on a revision of the state grades and also on a revision of the high school course of study. The conference will finish Its work tomorrow morning, when these re ports will be submitted. In Jnll on Horse Stealing; f harae. VERMILLION. S. D., Nov. 2. (Special.) W. F. Rltter, a stranger hereabouts, was arrested at Centervllle On a charge of horse stealing and Sheriff Gunderson Was given custody of tho prisoner, as he Is wanted in Clay county for horse stealing. Suspicion points strongly to Ritter as ttje fellow who stole a team from Mike McCarty a week ago. He will he given a hearing before Judge Copeland tomorrow afternoon. The animals have been recovered. Al though now giving the name of Rltter the fellow In shipping a suitcase to Nebraska used the name Shaw. HYMENEAL Kenyon-I'nblan. William 8. Kenyon, night clerk of tho Murray hotel, was married In Council Bluffs Wednesday afternoon to Miss Mary Pablan of Onmhrii a young woman who has been connected with the Drexel hotel for aeveral years. ' It fs said at the Murray that Kenyon had planned to slip away and be married on the sly as a surprise to Ms Omaha friends, but on returning lust night he was greeted with showers of congratu lations, and he discovered that his secret had leaked out. His friends had seen notices of the marriage license In the morning paper and were laying for him. Gore-Casford. TECUMSEH, Neb., Nov. 2. (Special Tele gram.) Mr. Harry Gore and Miss Frances Casford. prominent young people of this city, were married this evening. They de parted on a midnight train for Omaha, where Mr. Gore will work In the auditor's office of the Burlington. Rone-Maxwell. William S. Rowe and Miss Julia Blanche Maxwell were married last evening at 6 o'clock at the Knox Presbyterian church by Rev. M. V. Hlgbee, pastor of the church. These young' people will make their home at Twenty-fifth and Lake streets. DEATH RECORD. Comrade Wlenkr. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Nov. i. (8poclal Telegram) Comrade Wlenke of Fairfax, aged 78, died after a protracted Illness. He had been a resident of Fairfax fifty years, was one of the flist mull carriers out of Cedar Rapids before the railroads came. He covered the territory including Iowa City, Muscatine and Marengo. Frisk i;ato. Frank Eaton, a member of Crook post, Grand Army of the Republic, will be burled from his late residence, ill North Thirty-second street, 3 p. m. Friday. Eaton resided In Omuhu seventeen years and was an employe at the Union Pacific shops. Mother Wants Her Girl. Mrs. Wright, living in the south part of the city, near Klvervlcw park, cunv plained to the police tout she sent In r i.MiR gin to scnooi mis morning, una mat the llttlu girl s grandmother came to the school und took tne child uway to her own iio.i.e. Bne wauled to know if the child could be kept from her. The grandmother uliet dy has the woman's boy. Both these children are by her divorced husband Charles Lower, and-1t is his mother who has the children. The courts gave the Kiundinother the boy In the first place. and II seems now thut she thinks best to have both under her cliarge. It Is said that Wright has deserted his wife, and sincu then she has been In hard circumstances. However hurd her life has been, it was plain that she ' loved her little girl. No ooubt she has deprived herself of many thinss that she might send her "buby ' to school. The police guve her advice as to how she should find her child in ttiu morning and also what course to pursue, 8lie went from the police station meas urably cheered. Hard I. ark oh Faraaia Mae. The Farnam cars were tied up twice lust night ln a most aggruvuting manner whlle tlie evening rusn was on, tne nrst time by a coul wagon which broke down across both trucks ut 5:v. This happened In front i,i Tne Bee building, and tne ears were lined up both ways before the obstruction was removeti. l ne next iieuu was ut t:du. when one of the westbound motors burned out while climbing the mil nmr Twenty fourth street. Again ull the curs Were ut a standstill, for the cur behind hud dim cully in pushing the disabled one along The cur was finally started, unshed It Fortieth and brought back to Sixteenth und Hurney before it could l) switched off the Farnam trucks. "Of course," said the old fellow on the corner of Sixteenth "it couldn l nap!n any other lime but when I wanted to get home. My wife is waiting for these groceries, and I m hungry enough to eui raw oeans. Droaia llirealras i'allforala. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. J The weather bureau's report for Octoler shows thai California Is suffering from extrsordlnsr protraction ot ine ary st-ason. Agricultu.a Interests In certain Section ot the statt are seriously threatened by the drouth North of the Sacramento river in purtic ulur the farmers fear greui lokst-a. In thut section of the slate less rain Ihui usual fell last season und Die luck of tools tuie this fall makes the outlook dubious The lust rainfall was nn Mav k, which w neatly six ha aso. only nine tlm" - -i,. r.-i Hi(-Heen v.-'irs lias hiii Fran Cisco hud a rainless October. fWO ARRESTS IN GEARY CASE Lawis F. Crawford and William Howard ipprehsndtl in Raw York. ALLEGED TO HAVE DI3F0SE0 OF BODY Crawford Is of Dr. Jane Bishop. Who Conducted a . I.) lag-In Hospital, la Boston. BOSTON, Nov. 2. With three men under arrest, one of whom Is said to have made a confession, and four Important witnesses on their way to New Tork to confront two of the men who are in custody there, local authorities believe that they are within a meaaureable distance of a final solution of the dress pull case tragedy of which Susan Geary, a Cambridge chorus girl, was the victim. The men in custody be sides Morris Nathan, the girl's lover, who was brought back from Pittsburg yester day In a state of collapse, are Ia-wIs W. Crawford of this city, a ' son-in-law of Mrs. Dr. Blshup, who formerly conducted a lying-in hospital on Treniont street, and a man calling himself William Howard. The first witnesses starred for New York tonight In charge of Chief Police Inspector William B. Watts and Superintendent of Police William H. Pierce. The men aro Joseph Berkman and his partner, lxmis Vllensky, proprietors of a loan company; Meyer Rubin, another pawnbroker, and Timothy Howard, a hack driver. Berkman and Rubin claimed to have sold the suit cases in which the dismembered parts of the body were placed and thrown Into the harbor, whfle Howard, the hackman, drove two men who curried two heavy dress suit cases to the Chelsea ferry. The witnesses will attempt to Identfy Crawford and William Howard. The office of Dr. Ltahop, with which Craw ford Is said to have been connected, was searched thoroughly by the police two days ago, but little of value was found. The police have been looking for Crawford ever since the arrest Of Nathan in Pitts burg last Sunday night. Crawford has been missing from his o,fice here for several weeks. Nathan, who was In such a weakened con dition physically and mentally upon his arrival yesterday from Pittsburg that he was taken to the city hospital for treat ment, showed signs of Improvement to day No effort was made to take Nathan to court for arraignment today. A ring which was Identified as belonging to Miss Geary has been found In a loan office, where It was pawned by a friend of Nathan's. . , . Convicted of False Registration. ST. IX'IB, Nov. 2. tn the circuit court Judge Reynolds yesterday sentenced Pat rick Cummins to two years In the peniten tiary upon conviction of false registration. This is the first conviction under the false registration act. Cummings will ask for a new trial. , What is . . A Pang-Yanger? Ai . Pang- Yngr la ( i .riative of Pan Yang, ft" orim.tlve vlll iga of tanners In the C itsWllls. . Abijah Bead isihe Pang-Yanger, a man with strange sense of Justice and rev.nge, who punishes his faithless wire by bftn ling her son to grow up in the community where she is best known that hi, startling resemblance will be a punishment to her. His purpose is overwhelmed and set alda by the IrresUt ible Impulse of his love for a Sou'.hern girl who comas to live in the mountain village near Pang Yang, and whose love roe himsw eps over his great nature like the forest fire wiped Pang Yang out or existence. The Pang. Yanger's commints on men and thing are a part or the entertainment or the book. Thlsit'ie kind of a story which, when you are once . in the heart of it, you finish recklessly without laying it , down. The auther is Elma A. Travis, M. D. Cloth, 12mo. $1.60. All booksellers. McCLURB, PH1LLIP8 A COMPANY 44-fiu East Md Street NEW YORK. rJl Ul E E TJ3 :THK RliXOVED ;.,v;;:.; ' ' - vlrr AND CONCERT - AT THK AUDITOR I U 173 Ve4iuesdMjr Kvening, November H. , Seats go tin sale Saturday, November 4, at JO o'clock AT THE Al IIITOKII M. Prloea: 75c to $1.50 - Mull orders accompanied by check will be carefully and promptly re served. Plats of the Auditorium will be mailed If desired. Address all lomuiunltttUotig to M. (ilLL.vN, Manager AiMlstvgluuu FEW PEOPLE UNDERSTAND the, distinction between the (liferent kind of banXs nor do thy understand which bank best it 9 their own pe culiar need. We respect fully solicit your attention to the advantages which we ojftr and cordially invite you to join our arm y - of savers. ACf Comiwund Interest 40 Paid. The Only Bank in Omaha . 1 n i i l r c : M City Savings Bank 1 6th and Douglas Sts, MT PLAN enables ytiu -to purclmse DIAMONDS WATCHES AND- JEWELRY Mt hout felling the cofL Mv simple method of EASY PAYMENTS brings vou these luxuries wltii no mora effect than ybur ordinary pur dies. Take your time Just pay me $1. 00 WEEK Onlv vour word Is necessary. Com in and let s talk It ver. ' A. MANDELBERG. The Leading Jeweler. M22 Kiirnam 8tr'H. - Scott's Digestive Tablets. cure Indigestion. Headache und Constipation. For sale by all drusglits. DANGER SIGNALS Do your eyes , blur at j - . times? Do they; hurt after r-mr. a .reauins.' uw iuu iinre "''IrtV $ headache? Better see us ' today. ; V- ' ;; Hutesoti Optical Co., 213 Sotitti 16th Bt. Factory on the Premises. Paalon BUl AMI SEMENTS BOYD'S Woodward & Buigess MCRS TONIGHT AND BATtTRDAY.NJOIlT. Matinee Saturday HKNItY W; - SAVAOH Offers ..: Ttie Delightful Comio Opera - . THE StlO-GUN'- By George Ade and Gustave Luders. SUNDAY. MONDAY, TUESDAY gpeciul Tuesday Matinee WILTON. LACKAYE Bun., Mon.. Tues, Eve. THIS PIT. Tuesdny Matinee TRILBY, anO-PKOPLE 3M) NO FHEK LIST. Coming-niCHARD MANBKIELD. OIIDUnnn Nights A Bun. Mats. 10c. 2f DUnnUUU Tuea..Thurs.,Bat.MaU.10-Wo Telephone 160. THE WOOnWADD STOCK 'CO. ' SEVENTH BIO WEEK.- ... Tho Littlo Minister TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK. ' MATINEE SATURDAY. . Next Weeff-INCOG. , , 'Phone 4M. ,v : Tonight, Saturday- Matinee and Night Eva Westcott & Co.: Howard ft North; Troba: Holcomb, Curtis and Webb; 'fmeh ner. Qulnlln A Mackl Whistling Tom Brown and the Kinodrome. ..... . Prices KIP, aOo, ROe. Kn II f TH BAT IK U W Prices Itc. i&G, Ho. Tie. TONIfiHT fSilS THE EVER WELCOME SWEDISH AMERICAN PLAY YON YONSON A Favorite With Everybody. Bun. THE VOLUNTEER ORGANI8T. EV3 A EAMES PRIMA UOJiNA !.Y: v. - -w v.-v ') if HER COMPANY 1!