Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1905, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: FI?TOAY. XOVEMHER 3. 1P05. tarris fer 33c L 100 Calling Cards for 39c USUAL BARGAINS Ml Jsk J j s nn L3 iMJUM nn REMI1AIITS OF WHITER DRESS GOODS Bkirt, dress, 'coat or waist lengths black or colored ported goods Scotch and English cloths, broad cloths, fine black goods taken out of the regular stock -Trytbing thnt hag been Wt over from our famous dressmaking Kale, worth up to 92.00 yard; bargain square at main entrance, yard Remnants of Dress Goods at 25c Yard, in Annex For children's dresses and ladies' skirts and dresses, Bold up to $1.00; at, yard.... -fine im- 3Sc 25c French ' Flannel,' also hundreds of Tarda of double width wool dress uoods; in Annex, CI B.V Imported Samples, 4 to 8 alike, best goods imported nlarks ana all roi ors for skirts and coata, each at, yard Dress Goods Remnants in Basement Thousands of the finest- all wool goods made enough alike to make skirts and children's dresses; at, each 29c 10c Silk and Velvet Remnants also 2c-5c-10c Imported silk'. umpl?3 and abort ends bright roTors for fancy work; black tucked and liomstltched taffeta remnants black nnrl colored velvets each . . . 91.00 Costume Velvets for waists many colors In fine silk velvets C for children's coats, worth up to $1.00. yard aJv trt fancy silks, worth up to 76c; at, yard. Bilk firarfs, with bright pretty borders full 1 i yards long, worth 75c on sale, 1CI at. , New lot fancy shirt waist silks, pretty plaids and checks, chameleon, silk, etc.; worth up to $1,00; oor At Halo Remnants of Ribbons 19c All the remnants that have accumulated from our big ribbon sale will be sold tomorrow regardless of cost or value. One big lot of remnants of '4, 6 and 6-lnch taffetas, messalines, warp prints almost all colors in 1 to 3 yard lengths worth 60c and 75c a yard choice, only, yard ICminant of B and 6-inch Warp Print and Embroidered Taffetas worth np to $1.25 yard choice, yard Remnants of No. 5 All Silk Hiblwns In two and three yard lengths, choice,' at, per yard There are many other good remnant bargains in ribbons. 29c 3c Remnants of Fall Goods in Basement 12ic d dark els In 8ic Stylish new walstlng. smooth top . with heavy fleece back, white and plain colors, light and dark grounas witn dots and small figures, at, per yard Positively the best quality light and dark outing flannels, Cinderella flannels In white, cream, light blue, pink, nn hltf harraln iiiiinrA. for. per yard "2 Jiew lot dotted madras grenadines, very de sirable for door and window 1 f draperies, 25c valuen, for. lllfi per yard "... perfect mill lengths Bate's seersucker, ginghams, large variety, blue, pink f and gray styles, extraordinary g bargains for Friday, at, yard Beautiful finished cotton broadcloth, has n uinumiiii ot i no regular l a e and $1.60 yard niRterlal. here In I Se Forty-cent quality black mercerized sateen, skirts made from same ma terial retail up to $8.50 each, splendid bargain for, yard . . Embroidered edge outing flannel bordered sklrtinar. deslrahle durk patterns, will go at, yard 2 Thousands of yards mottled flannels, light and dark outing flannels, heavy g I quality, rare Friday bargain, f at, per yard t bales unbleached muslin, as long as they last, 16 yards to a cus tomer, at, per yard 15c 7;c Neat printing. 10c quality dress flannelette, long lengths, ror per yara 2jc all broadcloth shades, for, yard Jt tot per yard . FROM 8 TO 10 IN THE MORXIXG we will sell damanged plush, 16 tt loehes wide, auitable for stair carpet, etc., at, per yard . . lUC "Em A?LK IV,AB.S AT 850 YAKIeAnother fine fresh lot of mercerized table damask In mill remnants of m to 6 yard lengths, worth up ' iff to 75c, on bargain square, Friday, for, per yard ZOC Friday's Shoe Bargains 39c IN THE BASEMENT. Infants' shoes, 2y2 to 5-patent tip lace, turn soles, will go at Child's shoes, one lot of kanga- 1 ,l:ui. i i . van uuuu o lace enoes, i io IVz, well made, worth CQ 75c, basement .. . 3C Child's shoes, 5 to 8, at .75c One lot; of button and lace kid ' shoes, tan or black, J C worth, $1, basement.. JC T . rfl J fa 9 aw mm.-. 1 . . ..1 . . li 1 "lv 1 A "uco iui uuusb cuppers, cuu SKiu or jJUtcu tox &ft slippers, worth $1 and $1.25, sizes 5 to 8 DVCl3C Ladies' Warm Bed Room Slippers, at 25c Misses' school shoes, sizes 11 to 2, viei kid and box calf, lace worth $1.75 and $2.00. t fZt .We at Ladies' $2 and $2.50 vici kid and patent leather- all sizes, at 1.59 ADVANCE NOTICE OF WO SALES BOBBINET SALE SATURDAY Vfa will e'l tntire stock of a well known Importer, which we bought at about 36e on the dollar goods are worth up to $1.00 a yard and up to 72 lachaa wide on gale in basement at 10c a yard. LACE CURTAINS MONDAY On Yhla day we will sell beautiful hand made Brussels Cumins, Marie "Antoinette and Point Venice Curtains, as well as the more substantial domes tic and Imported Nottingham Curtains. Good that are worth up to $20 a Hair. Price from $ti.60 a pair down to 39c eaeh. Coo the Window Display Curtains In the Window m) Christmas Gifts You may think it rather early to talk of Christmas gifts, but it is almost here. Our line of watches, dia monds, gold brooches, hat pins, stl.-k pins, neck chains, beads, sterling silver pieces, fancy clocks, has never been so complete as now. Select your goods and have them laid aside. Look (or the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, . 1516 Douglas St. 1 j0 THE TOPAZ is the birthstona for Novem ber. No birthday rrmcm brsnoa can be mora apropos this month thaa a tonus ' li..g. Hs have au exrellini lectnn to rhoiMW from. I.":ir nis are low and the iiiHliiv biah. W have them 8 fi jtn ii.n up. Realty Bargains Find them erary day by watching the an nouncements fa TBI BEE'S Want XA Cot ma. SHOES Sensible Shoes FOR Sensitive Feet The comfort in Rorosis, roupled with the style and shape holding qualities, are the features that have placed this "Woman's Shoe in the lead of all others in this and foreign countries $3.50 Don't Ask for Your Size Ask to Be Fitted. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. FRANK WILCOX, Mgr. Draughts Like Delays Are Dangerous ' Weather Strips Great variety., storm window hangers Corbin's Door Cheek Best door check made. And ICE TOOLS FOR THE ICE MAN Jas. Morton & Son Co. Hardware si d Tools 1011 Dodge St. OMAHA, NEB. H n is . This is the time of year when you wan to think of making your winter shawl or fancy knit goods for the baby. Remember we have the most complete line of Yarns in the city, in all shade s and grades. Give us a call. We have all kinds Ice Wool, Angora Wool, Saxony, Spanish Zephyr, German town, Pompadour Wool, Elder down, German Knitting Yarn and any other kind you can think of. Our prices are right. Jos. F. Bilz 322 South 16th St., . Omaha. XShe Best of Everything The Only Double TracK Railway to Chicago NOV. 27th VERY LOW FARES TO POINTS IN Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Ontario, Kentucky ...PON... "Homevisitors" LIMIT 3 WBIKS y n City Offica 1401-1403 FARNAM 8T. OMAHA TKL. 684-661 FALSE RUMOR To correct afalss rumor tha undersignnd wlshrs to announce that the business ot th Maul I'ndei taking- Co, Is not discontinued but Is now located at 1517 Capitol Ave. Mrs. it. O. MAUL. PKPUTT BTATK VETERINARIAN. H. L. RAMACCI0TTI. D. V. S rirV VF.TKRh ARIA. Urtii- and Innrmar)-, JMi ar.d alaaon 8t., OMAHA, NKii. Xalepbuna US, T WMHA WKATHKH K(HWSTHo!aTnToM!WBra I -Sy Green Trilling' Stamp Booth Main Floor. I I THE KEY TO THE NEW RETAIL CENTER! "SINCLAIR.9' MILLINERY FOR FRIDAY A Special Line of FUR HATS MINKS, ERMINES, CHIN CHILLAS, ETC. Very . Modest Prices. MODISH TUIU3ANS With Velvet Flower, Fur and Ribbon $7.50, $10 and up. Watch tha Windows BARGAIN FRIDAY IN DRY GOODS Ladies' New Princess Yoke Coats Full length, roll ing collar, heavy cheviot beaver, colors navy and black, body lined, at .....$12.50 Ladies' Silk Petticoats Excellent taffeta silk, in black and new changeable nhades, accordion pleats and ruffles, value $6.50, for. $4.95 Infants' and Children's Bear Skin Coats Made from best Saltz plush, cream, navy and brown, at $3.95 And cream only, at $5.75 and $4.95 Ages from 2 to 4 years, green, blue and brown ...... . .$6.95 Ages from 6 to 8 years, green and blue $8.95 Ladies' New Outing Tailored Suits A new shipment, jacket lengths, gray mixtures, brown mixtures and plain shades, value $20 sale price $12.50 Special Offer in Ladies' Underwear Ladies' jersey ribbed, fleece lined union suits, perfect fitting gar ment, in gray and ecru, worth 75c sale price Friday, a suit. 50c And double Green Trading Stamps. Hosiery Specials Ladies' warranted fast black Maco hose and fleece lined; children's heavy ribbed fast black hose, regular 20c values, sale price Friday, pair. 15c Children's Underwear Cheap Boys' and misses' fleece lined shirt and drawers, perfect fitting garments, 39c values, sale price Friday, a garment , .25c ' Bi Remnant Sale of Seasonable Wool Dress Goods ALL THE NEW WEAVES AND COLORINGS In voiles, eollennes, Panamas, cheviots, serges, crepe de Paris, crepe Egyptas, Maxilla cloths, canvas, armures, meltose, henrlettas, nun's veilings and granite cloths, lengths 1 Va to 8 yards, two lots: Lot 1 Worth to $1.25 a yard, per yard, only 25c lAtt 2 Worth to $2.50 a yard, only, per yard 50c HANDKERCHIEF SALE 500 dozen ladles' sheer hemstitched handkerchiefs, worth 10c Friday, each, only . 3c NECKWEAR AT 5C EACH Funcy embroidered turnover collars and stocks, In white and colors worth 25c, each, only 5c LADIES' GLOVES Hand knit mercerized and woolen golf gloves, pretty colors, perfect tilting gloves, worth 75c a yair, Friday at, per yair, only ROc Special Reductions in Domestic Dept. 50 pieces wrappers flannels, in dark colors, Friday, yard, ouly...4c 50 dozen Turkish towels, worth 10c each, Friday, each 5c 2H-lound feather pillows, covered with heavy tick, worth 85c each, Friday, each. 4c 100 pieces crash and damask toweling, Friday, per yard, only .... 5c Large size cotton blankets, per pair, only '. -. .4c .10 Dleces pure white table damask, in pretty patterns, u lucnes wiae, worm io jmu muoj, . .U9c Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Capitol Goods Best Qualities, Full Weights, Lowest Frlcea. BENNETT'S CAPITOL SPECIAL One hundred prroen trading stamps with the following list of the mom reliable goods on the market. Every Item full value, one 2-lb. pui-kae B. C. 'Wheat.... 10c One package B. C. Oats h: One 2-lb pkg. B. C. Pancake Flour lc One io-i. Bottle B. C. Extract ISO One 2-lb Can B. C. Baking Powder 'Mc One 1-lb. paokage B. V. Coffee ao THIS OFFER FOR FRIDAY ONLY Bennett's Csindy Section Stick candy apecial, aorted flavors. BIX BtlckB..... lO 'Thirty stlcka... 6c Sixty atiek.....;. He FRIDAY SPECIALS IN CROCKEPvY If you are looking for the fluent asHoi'tment anil lowest prices, visit our China aection. It is com plete in every detail. FRIDAY TO CLOSE OUT TWO KN'OI.ISII PORCELAIN DIN NKR SET8 A few piece C nn short, for O'UU A net (bonie pieces short) In Austrian China, ut.... A Haviland China Set (some pieces phort), at. TO ATTRACT SHARP ATTKNTION -O OlR JAPANESE CHINA DIS PLAY Salt and Pepper Shaken c decorated, M, each -' 10.00 19.50 THOSE FINE THIN JAPANESE CHINA CLPS AND SAUCERS Red decoration, 23c And Ten Green Trading Stamps With Kel. PIRATES .In the name decora- Ofin tlon, at ioc and VJfc V manufacture our own trunks, traveling pags and sun esses. Ws make them ot the best material. Our workmsn ahlp Is unexcelled. Ws sell them or less than Inferior 1,1 tuit.- would cost you elsew here. If you buy of us you will get the beet you will savo tnoney you will be better eu tufted Leather Bound Matting Suit Cases. S3 50. nn na tiuo. We do repairing. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 120 Farnam Strot. A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The 3ee Building. Sewing Machines and Supplies Anything and everything in this line, from a needle to tha very finest Cabinet Marhinua of any standard make. Our price are moderate and goods of best Quality. When in need of anything pertaining to sewing machines piv us a trial. We guarantee satisfaction. I. E. FLOUMAN A CO.. Telephone 1574.' .1514 Capitol Avenua. Great Manufacturers9 Stock Sale SECOND DAY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER THIRD. THE KKUABLK STOKE. SECOND DAY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER THIRD. The firt day of our groat manufacturers' stock sale, was a grand success, even beyond our expectations. Thousands of en thusiastic buyers thronged the departments ami expressions of delight were heard on every hand. FRIDAY'S BARGAINS WILL EXCELL. If possible, those of Thursday, depleted stocks, have been re- plenished by new and in many cases, betetcr bargains. Don't miss one day of either great sale. LADIES' SUITS and COATS, FURS, WAISTS, SKIRTS, CRAV ENETTES, MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UN. DERWEAR AND HOSIERY. . Hundreds of rousing bargains in seasonable merchandise dur ing this great sale. Come early. , FRIDAY'S REMNANT BARGAINS Every body is familiar with the great bargain possibilities in our Friday sales. This week outclasses previous efforts. Special Silk & Velvet Bargains. ! Remnants of plain and fancy llk end plain colored elvt and 7kr Velveteens, at, yard Remnants of plain and fancy Taffetas, In great assortment of colors and pat-S terns, great bargains at, yard...... Brosdtsll Velvets, fsnr-v prneed Velvets, snd s complete line or plain colored silk rivets, great snap at, per yard Corduroys. 27 in. wide, snd pressed cords. velvets 24 in. wide, tsc values, at, per yard 69c cords. 49c Remnants of High Grade , Wool Dress Goods. FROM 8 TTM, 11 :!W A. M We will give one of the grandest high grado sales that was given In Omaha, 10,000 yds. of finest Kerseys. Broadcloths, Queen's cloth. Serges, Suitings. Voiles. Veilings. Plaids, etc.. goods that sell from tl-00 to H.!X per yard, will go at. '2c per yard. 69c, 49c, 39c and -W FROM 2 TO 4 P. M.-Ws will give another grand sale of Broadrloth Novelties, Mo hairs, all kinds of Suitings that we sold st T5c to $3.98 yard. at, per yard. 49e, 39c. 36r and... See Domestic room for cheap wool goods. ISc Wash Goods Remnants DOMESTIC ROOM. Remnants of Prints, at, per yard , Remnants of 15c Flanneletts, at, per yard Remnants of 34-In. Percales, at. ner vard Remnants of 86-in. Madras, lOc at, per yard av Remnanta of best . Flanneletts, 1 kc at, per yard 24c 5c "5c Remnants of Linings, at, per yard 5c Remnants of best Linings, flr at. per yard 100,000 yards of short lengths of all kinds of Cotton Suitings, Flannelettes, Wash Ooods, Prints, Otnghams, etc.. worth from 7Ho to 25c yard, will go on ssle Olr by the yard at loo. 7Vc. 6c, 3Ho ...Ik COMB EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOfCI ? Flannel and Blanket Dept. Remnants of Uc Outing fir Flannels "w Remnanta of 26c and 30c f Cp Eiderdowns, at ,uv Remnants of IBo twilled 71c baby Flannel at a " Remnants of 83-ln. Shaker Flannel at Remnants of 30-ln. Cotton Flannel, 10c Quality, at... .:....7ic ........31c Linen and Muslin Dept. Remnanta of, unbleached Sheetings. 8-4. 9-4 and 10-4 Utloa Pepperal and 2C Atlantic mills, at. per yard " Remnants of bleached 8heetings, 8-4, 9-4 and W-4, all the best mills, 35c at, per yard Remnanta of unbleached Muslin, 41c yard wide, extra heavy, at. yard -J Remnants of bleached Muslin, varrl wtile fine onalltv. at... Remnants of the finest Table Linens, made in 1V to 34 yards, wortn voc to yara. will go at, OSc Remnants' of Triweltng,, worth from Bo to 15c. will go at. per yard, 10c, 7c, 5c and... 2is Hayden's Grocery Prices. Always Lead for Highest Quality and Lowest Prices. 21-lbs. puis cane granulated sugar foar 48-lb. sacks Fancy High Patent Flour.. $1.35 10 bars best brands u.unnry ooap.. Jellycon, per package A'dro Jell, per packuge Jello. per package Fiesh. crisp Milk Cruckei-s, per lb.. Fresh, crisp Oingcrsnaps, er lb The best Soda, or Oyster Crackers, per lb .?5c ."c ,.5y .5c H'f: Vanilla or Lemon Wafers, per lb Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb FRl'IT! FRI'IT'! FRITIT! '. '. Hiishel boxes of Fancy Colorado Apples Hnxiiel boxes of Fancy Colorado pears.. Fancy Moskega Orupos. )er lb ,.. FHncy new Fign, per package Kancy Hallowe'en dates, lb .'I ini'aaures freHh roasted peanuts.... Large fancy I.emonH, per ii IjiiKe Rrsxil Cocouimts, each .It $1.1. $1.74 12',c ...6c ..loo ..If.c ...6c ji ? 1-3 rojfo) L2)UU You Who Have Wot eeisterei Last Registration Day, SATURDAY, NOV. 4. 1905 If you fail to register on Saturday, you cannot, vote on November 7th, or at the election next spring. REMEMBER! Registration of September 19th (Primary Pay), has been declared illegal and void by the courts. Register! Register! Register! Last Day of Registration is SATURDAY, NOV. 4th Republican Douglas County Committee 11. J. GREEVY, Secretary L. 0. GIBSON.' Chairman,