Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1905, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
rtgl$1ratlon Day
Registration Day .'"
Saturday p"mm'
11 Saturday
from 8 I m.
fo p.m.
f -
Uid Ictirity of Employs ef Agricul
tural Department Limited.
Offiem Muit Ef Ho Oooitotitn, lomiial
or Otkrwin, wi h (Jontraetors.
Their Nmii Ar Not U Bo Uid in f ro
nioti.g Sale, of Stacks.
Employe Dealrlnai to Prrfarw Troper
Work After Olltee Hoar Must
t.ef Fermlaalon from
AFHINGTON. P. C.. Nov. ;.-Berrtry
Wilson of the Department of Agriculture
has issued the following Instructions rela
tive to h" outside Interests of employes of
that department;
No officer or employ of the government
who la lit a poaitlon cither to Influence thn
wsrd Hf a contract with the department "r
lo cause purcuse of supplies to be mad
for tho department, shall he interested In
nv firm, company, or corporation doing
business with tho department.
Officer r employes who err engaged
upon investigation of special Industrie
for the department shall not lw connected
with, or Interested In any firm, company,
or corporation whose scope of business In
cludes the Industry which the officer or rm
ploye la Investigating for the department;
and an officer or employe engaged In the
above work shall lit no case allow hia nam,
hla work, or his connection with the de
partment, to be used In promoting; or ex
plotting, or selling sinca in ar
J pany or corporation, the scop
f business Include the special in
l such officer or employe la Invt
ploiting, or aeinng mock in any nrm. cr.m-
ie in win i;---industry
rest iga ting for
the department.
No oftler or employe aha II perform or be
engaged upon work for private individual,
flrmn, rompanlea. corporal lona. or institu
tlona without the written conaent of the
secretary, first hand and obtained through
the chief of the bureau, o.-.lce or division
In which said officer or employe semes.
With reference to the last regulation, the
secretary says It la not to prevent officers
and employes of the department from per
forming proper work outside of office hours
which does not Interfere with work for the
J ' department, but It Is designed to afford the
secretary an opportunity to pass upon the
kind and quantity of outside work which
may be permitted In ordr that such work
shall not Impair the usefulness of such
officers or employes to the government.
Sm-rr Seeds Enlneera.
Rear Admiral Charles W. Bae, englneer-In-cMef
of the I'nlted States navy, in his
annual report calls attention "to the criti
cal condition of engineering In the navy,"
and points to the explosion on the gunboat
Bennington In Ban Diego harbor, which, he
ays, most forcibly emphasises rhe neces
sity of serious and Immediate- attention.
Speaking of the operations of the personnel
bill which merged the corps . of engineer
Into the line of the navy, he says a whohs
oorps of epecJallstii was virtually abolished
and their 'duuff.-transferred to the line.
As all midshipmen at the academy had
been given excellent practical Instruction
In engineering, ho adds, no examination
other than that required for promotion
was demanded of them for qualifying for
the performance of the Joint duties Im
posed by the personnel act. The intent,
however, he continues, was that they should
be ordered at once to the performance of
engineer duty In subordinate capacities, as
assistants of the older engineer officers.
"Owing to the absence of specific Instruc
tions In the personnel bill, combined with
powerful adverse Influences within the de
partment," he continues, "for three yeurs
absolutely nothing wn done by the younger
line officers In acquiring engineering ex
perience, and later, owing to the large
number of ships kept in commission and
the scarcity of officers, hut little in that
dlrcuUon was accomplished."
But for the availability of certain retired
naval officers, the bureau, the report says,
tlons both on shore add at sea.
"Bo few officers of the line are taking
up engineering seriously that the altuation
VU becoming alarming," says the engineer
"k In-chief, and t adds: "Were the country
ait)1i1llv riliiiis.! tnln wur the nsvi wonM
..... - - - -
find Itself in no condition to win battles.
As tiecessury as good marksmanship is
the utility to carry our guns to the firing
line and to keep them there amidst the
havoc crsaled by modern ordnance, ami
this will never he done with amateurs In
rhaice of the machinery."
A dml fa I Hae submits a plun "for quickly
supplying the navy with a body of efficient
englneuia." which provides that all
the vounacr officers must be Kiven
ing duty, und be made to realize their
resiHUiniblllty, the duty to be performed
first lu a subordinate capacity und ex
aminations to be strict with engineering
ranking . with seamanship, gunnery and
Germany Ready to Negotiate.
Ambassador ypeck von Sternberg of Ger
many, who has been In Europe for several
month, much of which time was spent
In his native country, returned to Wash
ingtoa this evening. The ambassador
brought with him the invitation of thn
Oerman government lor the negotiation of
-------- a
a pew trade agreement between the United
- v.-.,.Knj iu rpiuce me exist
ing commercial arrangement, which ex
plres 'early next spring. He will present
this Invitation to Secretary Root at the
earliest opportunity, probably this week,
probably with a view to having the ne
gotiation commence as early as practicable.
(CoVrles Ordered ! Wskls1os,
Formal orders were announced at the
Navy department today detaching Captain
W. 8. Cowles from oommund of the battle
ship Missouri November 30. and assigning
Caplala E. C. Pendleton, as his successor.
.Captain Cowles will come lo Washington
upon relinquishing his command and will
resume, bis duties as naval aide to the prcsl- i
dVut iiodvi rue fotnirr w)ders, not having
been detached from that duty when he went
to the Missouri. '
k Having ronciuoiMt a tour or duty t sea
Captain Cowles will be assigned lo some
. - position here when a vacancy occurs which
is to oe nueo ny an officer of bis rank.
Captain Cowles s a brother-in-law of the
president. ,
Fruiter Blamed for Collision.
The lighthouse board has received a re
port from Its officer aboard the Magnolia
. at the lime it collided with the fruit
V steamer F.sparU. off New Orleans, with
President Roosevelt aboard. All blame for
the accident U placed on the Kspartu. It
was stated to have been unavoidable on the
part of the Magnolia. The collision is to be
made the subject of Investigation' by lUu
uprt Luig Inspector at stuain veela.
Marble and Patterson r
After Othe MIlonasle
Arc Killed.
NF,W YORK. Nov. 2.-The Prcsb. lerian
Board of Foreign Missions today received
.1 cablegram from Canton, China. telling of
the murder of flvo American missionaries
at the Presbyterian station at Ltenrhow,
ncr of which was received In a dispatch
'.o tho Associated Press from h'nnn Knn
ny. The cablegram to the board
how station has ber-n attacked Mrs.
f. Alme. Mrs. Machle's daughter;
ale, Mrs. I'ealc. Chestnut killed. Pr.
s and Patterson safe. Rullillnss de-
1 r
Chestnut referred to is Pr. Eleanor
" motive which might have led the
so to murder tho American mlsslnn
Is know by the Presbyterian Hoard
reign Missions here.
'. tir. Arthur J. Brown, secretary of
ward, said today:
. ters from the field during 'he last
yesr. have not Indicated any Tiostlllty or
cause for alarm. The outbreak of violence
that lias now occurred can hardly have
been anti-missionary. One of the mission
aries who was killed. Pr. Kleanor Chestnut.
was a physician who had devoted herself
for years to ministering to the sick ami
Injured and she was beloved by multitudes
who cared nothing for Christianity. Of the
others, one was the Wife and another the
daughter of a physician. Pr. C. .. Ma.-hle,
and the other two. Rev. and Mrs. John
Hogers I'eale. were new missionaries, who
left this country August 1 and had been
In Klenchow only a few dnys. It therefore
appear probable that the attack was made
by some mob which had gathered for an
other purpose and which gave lawless
characters an opportunity1 for plunder and
It should be added, however, that nearly
nil the Chinese In the Cnlted Slates have
come from the province of Kw.ingtung. In
which ltenrhow Is situated, ami reports of
their treatment here have greatly ex
asperated many of the people.
Letters from the missionaries, however,
had not Indicated any interference with
their work or disposition on the part of
the people to molest them.
I'nder these circumstances It appears
that the attack was made by some among
that teeming population who did not know
of the character and work of the Miisslon
Federal Jndae at ashvllle Rrfnaea
to tirant Injunction to Mem
bers of Order.
NASHVIM,R. Tenn., Nov. I. -The Injunc
tion Nought to prevent the supreme council
of the Royal Arcanum from putting Into
effect the rates adopted at the Atlantic
City meeting and later ratified at PutMn
Bay, O., was denied by Federal Judge
Clark today and the bill of complainants
dismissed. The court held thut It was not
sufficiently clear under the law of Massa
chusetts, In which state the order was In
corporated, that this plan of assessment
and the effect on members Impairs the
obligation of the contract, and until It did
so appear, obviously this court should not
Interfere. He Raid that upon the record, as
now made up:
"I conclude that the complainants arc
without right to the Injunction, and for
exactly the same reason that they are
without right to relief, and Indeed In
junctive relief Is practically the only form
of relief which we find will finally he-of
any n.vaif' The court,on 'Its' own 'motion,'
as It may do on this interlocutory applica-
tlnn, dismisses the bill upon (he ground
that the complainants Are now entitled to
relief In equity; but this dismissal will be
without prejudice, so that it may not be
suggested as In the way of filing a similar
bill In the courts of Massachusetts In event
that the camplalnants or others In like
situation should determine to do so."
The Injunction was uuked for by mem
bers of the Nashville councils of the Royal
BOSTON, Nov. ".-Attorney Generul Par
ker of Massachusetts has been asked to
petition the supreme court for nn Injunc
tion restraining tho supreme council of tho
Royal Arcunum from enforcing the assess
ment rales adopted at the convention at At
lantic City last April unci rutilicd at But-in-Bay.
O., In August. The attorney general
Kild that the matter is lefore tho attorney
general's department, but no decision has
been reached.
President Roosevelt Confers with
senator t'allom and llollltrr
tia the Subject.
WASHINGTON, Nov. Z.-The question of
railroad rate lcglislatlon was considered at
length at the White House today at a con
ference between the president and Senators
Cullom of Illinois und Uolliver of low a
two of the men who are expected to l-ud
the administration's fight in the Hppro.ich
lug session of congress.
The president outlined the measure be de
sires to have cunKress enact, but neither or
his conferees w uld discuss this bcv.inJ
I . k i.. . i... ...,). "
, ? m'ii uii in kin. i-iu in i-a jrrsiiu Id
there are no particular modifications uf tho i
Idea that he has already put before the I
public. Senator Dolllver found It neceHry
to return to his home today, but he will be
back in Washington within a few days, to
remain until the opening of congress.
Other members of the seuato coinlullteo
on Interstate commerce will lie here soon
und those favorable to the administration's
ideaa will give their undivided attention lo
i the framing of a report setting forth thi s
views and recommending the legislative
form to be given them. "
. " u l"r repoil soon;
I ti tlA llliHArfu If n VL- ill h niauanl.1
-.. rrA ... , . 'I
committee and thut it will be labeled, even
though unofficially, as the president's views.
Whether tho report Will be presented by a
majority or a minority is a matter of siiee
ulation. but the lielief was expressed today
that a majority of the republican members
will subscribe to the administration
measure. v
Judce liadla Hold Fit of the
Seven Clauses In Haatrr run.
plaint Good.
CHICAGO. Nov. i Judge I -and!, in the
United States circuit court today upheld
five of the seven counts in the declaration
of Edna S. Hunter, who Ik plaintiff tu Hie
first damage suit brought against I he pro-
rietors of the Iroquois theater. Two
counts he declared to be bad.
The court took exception to the building
and fire ordinances In many Instances. One
of the counts ruled against b- the court
provides for open space on three .tides of a
theater. The other refers to the section pro
viding for fire extinguishers. This count
the court d'-cUred to lie defective because
the dedarutkin stated that the tir br ike
out because the defendant did not hav
proper fire extinguishers on hand.
Argument ol counsel consumed the
greater pait of the day uficr the decision
of Judge I -a mi la was rendered auU Will be
touiluutd. tomorrow.
Additional Fl in Bir Filed bj Attorotji
of If tt King.
Claim That l.arnrld Promised Them
That Testimony They f.ave
should o Be lard
Against Them.
CHICAGO, Nov. ;. Complete Immunity
from prosecution under the pending Indict
ment returned by the federal grand Jury
several months ago Is claimed by Mr. J.
Ogden Armour and other defendant pack
ers and agents charged with being pro
moters of the so-called "Beef trust" In an
additional plea In bar filed late this after
noon by Attorney John 8. Miller, the
packer's representative. The new plea,
which came as a complete surprise to the
government, sets up as fact that when
Commissioner Oarfleld of the Pepartment
of Commerce and Iahor investigated the
beef buslnnes he promised the packers that
whatever testimony they gave without be
ing under oath or whatever documentary
evidence they voluntarily produced the de
fendants should have the same rights. In
demnllies and Immunities as If they had
testified under oath and compulsion, t'nder
this plea Attorney Miller hopes to estab
lish the fact that there was an agreement
between thn packers and the government
that they should testify and produce evi
dence without being auhimenaed or tho
oath being administered, but that as far
as Immunity was concerned it should bo
considered as If they had been subpoenned
and look the oath.
The allegation of an agreement between
Secretary Oarfleld and the packers wss a
surprise to Plsttict Attorney Morrison and
Assistant Attorney fleneral Pngln. and it
wa naid tonight that Secretary Oarflitd
has been asked concerning exactly what
occurred during the Investigation Into the
beef business.
Alienation In Plea.
The plea alleges that the testimony and
evidence. It was understood, should not be
used by the department of Justice In any I
way as a basis for any prosecution or pro
ceedings against the defendants. Then, it
is declared, with this assurance from the
commissioner, the defendants appeared be
fore him and told concerning the things
wished to be Inquired about and which are
now Incorporated In the Indictment. Not
withstanding tho promises of the govern
ment. It is declared the testimony and evi
dence produced by the defendants were
given to the department of Justice and tin-j
ally to the local district attorney, and thut
this Information has been used and Is now
being UBed In the prosecution of the
packers. All these allegations the defend
ants proclaim themselves ready to verify.
Board Decides to - Ask Conference
for 340,4X10 for Next Year's
Nov. 2.-Th rrotTCf
POdethodlam'in the VnltscT States and this
newly acquired Island possessions was con
sidered today by the general commission
of the church extension of the Methodist
church at Its annual meeting In Arch-street
chu-vh. After discussion, it was decided
to approve the request of the board of
church extension that the conferences con
tribute $340,000 for extension work In the
ensuing year.
TMia r I ul.iri i u muild tin t l'snlv.
two bishops and representatives from the
fourteen general coniercnce uisiricts ana
from the board of church extension.
in l tie report presented to me committee ,
by the bourd of church extension, It was j
stated that there was a net increase of 1
oiI.lti7 In receipts for the year. The con- i
ference collections Increased over last
year $1:1.102. Pining the year there was a
total return of loans of tll9,lii. an increase
over lust year of tt3.3KS. The total num-
her of churches aided by the bourd .to
October 31 was H.27H. The board made an
appeal for churches In four college towns
of the country, Berkeley, Cal.; Princeton,
N. J.; Obcrlln. O., and Slate College, Pa.
Tills is to make provision for the many
Methodist students who attend these edu-
rational Institutions. (
The entire afternoon session was con-
sunicd in deciding upon the amounts to be
asked from and tho appropriations mudo to
the various conferences.
It was decided to greatly Increase the
appropriation to ttie missions In the Ha- elation and three men to represent the rail
waiiun islands and Indian Territory and ) road. All complaints us to rates, instead
districts in the west and south will be ' of being taken by an individual shipper to
helped more generously than In the past. the head of un individual railroad will be
During the winter Bishop Hamilton will ( hi ht to the Sliiiers' association to be re
visit the churches In Hawaii. In ull di- ; ferred by It to the Joint commission for
rectiiins an effort Is to he made to ' settlement. It is In effect an arbitration of
strengthen churches already established
' .... I .
la,-t new ones.
In Mailt to Build First
vision of, a Western
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 2-WHliuiu Peyton
Mason, president of the San Francisco,
I Idaho & Montana Railroad comiuny, un
j nounces today the financing in New York
I 1.9 Ka Mm ,li..lU(..n .A Am. OlSl .11..- -'
,h riuit Th,. work will he rinno
by the
Sun Francisco. Iduho & Montana Railroad
Construction company, formed for the pur
pose. Construction will be begun at once
and will be finished by Januury 1, 19u7.
Estimate of the cost is KooO.OOO.
The first section of the now line to be
built will extend from , the Snake river
valley in Idaho southwest to Winnemucca,
Nevada, where connection will be made
with the Southern Pacific, thus bringing the
valley 600 miles nearer San Francisco.
The route Is laid out through a district
on which about 116.0U0,0u0 is being spent by
the government and corporations on irri
Aaaual loaventloa of,' the American
Aasoetalloa Will Be Held
January IT-1H.
WASHINGTON. Nov. I.-Th American
Breeder' association will hold Its second
annual meeting t Lincoln. Neb., on Jan
uary 17. 18 und IS. Several of the session
will lie held Jointly with on or more of the
state such-tics IntinstHd in animal und
plant breeding.
Fatal Wreck la Kansas tlr.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. t A string of run
away box cuts crashed inio the rear end
of the second section of the Wabash fust
mall. Just arrived from the cast, today.
John Vipers .f Hlater. Mo., a ltchinnj
was killed and P;ld Shaffer, yaidmaster,
was probuhly hurt. The put-ni;er
train uas nut daiiiagvd aiul uouu uf Lh
PnttirdflT la thn Inst roKiatrntlon
day In Oninlia and South (MiiiiIih.
- In order to volo at th coming
floctlon every duly qualified .Hoc
tor muni appear pornonally before
tho rcfclstrHllcm board Rnd have
his name enrolled on the registra
tion books.
IKt year's replatratlon does
not hold good for thin year.
Registrars sit from 8 a. m. to
9 p. m. (
arneale Institute Celebrates Its
Tenth Anniversary With
Elaborate Proa-ram.
PITTSBl'RO, Nov. 1-Th tenth annttil
celebration ef Founders' day In honor of
Andrew Carn"gt. founder of the Institute,
was brilliantly observed at Carnegie Insti
tute this afternoon, n in former veitrs.
Oencral A. W. Oreely,, commander of the
VnlUd Plates Blgnal Corps, and Melville E.
Stone, general manager of the Associated
Pi ess, were the guests of honor and deliv
ered the principal addresses. Carnegie
Musle hall was crowded and the exercises
were enjoyed by a representative Pittsburg
audience. i,
President W. N. Frew ninde a short open
Ins; address and In trod need (Jeneral A. W.
CSreely, whose subject was "(leogmphlral
Exploration; Its Moral and Material Re
sult" Secretary Samuel H. Church read a letter
received from Andrew Carnegie, the
founder, who expressed himself as being
well pleased with the way In which work
on the erection of tbo new Carnegie Insti
tute is progressing.
Secretary Church rend his annual report
with statistics showing that 1&3 branches
and agencies of the library are In opera
tion. Ho promised that tha new building
would bo completed tngood time for the
Founder's day celehratkm next year, and
costing for construction, Hlone aliout $tf,0uu.
(, that '.he Carnegie Institute then should
take rank In Its architecture and high pur
pose with the noblest Institutions In tho
world. He aid that the Ciarnegio Technical
schools, which one year ago had no exist
ence, went now In partial operation with a
day class of 120 young men. who won their
entrance In a severe competition of 1,123
applicants, and that the night schools would
Boon start with a 'largir class during the
present month.
Following Mr. Church s report was an ad
dress by Melville K. Stone, amoral manager
of the Associated Presjj, on "How the"
World's News Is Gathered." ..
At the close of the program tho fol
lowing awards were announced In tho an
nual art competition: J
First award (gold mejlal 'and prise of
1.5(J0, I.ucleu Simon, for picture entitled
"Kvenlng In a Studio. "V j
Second award (silver Rieiinl an", prlxe oT
tl.000), Kdward W. RedA l'i for pi. i ur -en-
L..rf)-V.,,r, .,. .., JV.,
. 1 . 1 .J I "I' U f .
rw, v iiiiuu jiubmiiu,. jur piciura vniiueu
Honorable mention "awards were given
the following: Wtlliam J. Glackens, for
picture entitled "At Mououln's."
John Sloan, for picture entitled "The
Coffee Line."
Charles H. Woodbury, for picture entitled
Tho opening concert of the eleventh sea
son of the Pittsburg orchestra was a dis
tinct social and artistic- success.
j 0bIo shippers and
Railroads Form
Association to Consider Qnes
tlons of Discriminations.
COLUMBIA'S, O.. Nov. Z.-The Ohio Ship
pers association and Ohio railroads have
anticipated any action In regard lo rate
! discrimination which may be taken tills
j winter by President Roosevelt. Secretary
j Taft, Senator Foraker. congress or any
person or legislative body. They have come
to an agreement which it Is thought will
; settle for good any friction which may in
j uie future arise through air allegation
j against the rou4 of direct discrimination,
j The agreement is confined only to Ohio,
j but is looked on as a great Btep forward
! by all concerned. Details have not been
"; worked out In full but the primary step
,' will' be to appoint a Joint commission
three men to represent the Shippers' asso-
ull questions by repn
resentatlvrs of the til
terested persons. The shippers huve at
present a similar Joint commission which
settles dispute as tu movements of cars.
It Is looked on as a mode) throughout the
country and hundreds of letters of shippers
all through the country have been answered
regarding Its workings.
The announcement that an agreement has
been reached was made today by Secretary
J. W. MeCord of the Shippers' association.
says Farewell to Wife at Hospital
Before Fatal stroke of
CHICAGO. Nov. i.-Chailea J. Devlin, the
' coal o-rator and banker who failed for
It.OcOOOrt at Topeka. Kan., recently, und
who died In Chicago, foretold his own
death in u conversation with his wife at
St. Elisabeth's hospital.
"This Is the last time, dear," lie re
marked, as his wife kissed him at the
A short time later he was seized with
the fatal stroke of paralysis and became '
Arrangements for the funeral of Mr.
Devlin were made today by his relatives.
The funeral will be held tomorrow. The
body will lie taken for Interment to La
Salle. 111., Mr. levlin's old home, w la-re be
spent bis boyhood days.
Wood. Baaeroft lot to' Build
Karta F.mbankmeat la Hew
(From a St a if Coriespondent )
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. (Special Tele
gram. ) The secretary of the interior today
awarded t lie contruct to Wood, Bancroft
Sc. Doty of Omaha for the construction and
ooinpU-tiun of the earth embankment In
connection with lit Houdo irrigation
protect lu New Mexivo. Their pid was
Pruideat RooseTtlt Designate HoTiMber
30 for Aninal EerTioo.
Chief F.ierntlre Iterommenrts that
People Consecrate Themselves to
Lives of f leanllnes, Honor
and Wisdom.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. The president to
day IsNued his proclamation naming Thurs
day. November J next, as a day for
Tho proclamation follows:
By the President of the I'nlted States of
America, a Proclamation When nearly
three centuries ago the first settler canu
to the country which has now become this
great republic, they fronted not only hard
ship and privation, hut terrible risk to their
lives. In those grim years the custom grew
of Setting apart one day In each year for a
special service of thanksgiving to th" Al
mighty for preserving the people through
the changing seasons. The custom ha now
become national and hallowed by Immemor,
lal usage. We live In easier and more plen
tiful times than our forefathers, the men
who with rugged strength faced the rugped
days; and yet the dangers to national lito
are unite as great now na c any previous
time In our history. It Is eminently flttlnit
that once a year our people should i-et
snarl a day for praise and thanksgiving to
the Jver of good, and. at the same time,
that they express their thankfulness for the
abundant merclen received, should manful
ly acknowledge their shortcomings and
I pledge themselves and in good faith to
strive to overcome them. During the past
year we have been blessed with bountiful
crop. Our business prosperity has been
great. No other people has ever stood on
us high a level of material well being as
ours now stands. We are not threatened by
foes from without. The foes from whom
wo should prny to be delivered are our own
passions, appetites and follies: and against
these there Is always need that we should
wa r.
Therefore. I now set spart Thursday, the
thirtieth day of this November, as a day of
thanksgiving for the past and of prayer for
the future, and on that day I ask that
throughout the land the people gather In
their homes and places of worship, and In
rendering thanks unto the Most High for
tne manifold blessings of the past year
consecrate themselves to a life of cleanll'
ness, honor and wisdom, so that this nation
muy do its allotted work on the earth In a
manner worthy of those who founded It
and of thoso who preserved tt.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and cnused the seal of the I'nlted
States to be affixed.
Pone at the city of Washington this sec
ond day of November In the year of our
Lord one thousand nine hundred and flvo
and of the Independence of the United
Slates the one hundred and thirteenth.
By the president:
KL.1HL' ROOT, Secretary of State.
Kvldenee Plseovered Showing- Prob
able Cause of Death of
Ken yon Colleg-e Student.
- ' .
MOUNT VERNON, O., Nov. 2.-Burted
beneath a culvert 200 feet from the spot
where Stuart Plcrson, the Kenyon college
student, was ground to death by a train,
the authorities have found three lengths of
blood-stained rone and a wad pf absorbent
pottont, also aatnrnteffVlth biood, ; -' '
firm belief that the boy wss chloroformefl,
the cotton saturated, bound across his face
and that then he was tied across the tracks
as a part of his Initiation Into a college
fraternity. The authorities believe that the
cotton was removed later and the boy left
stupefied. On these grounds the prosecutor
will carry the case to the grand Jury on
November 1.1.
Prosecutor StUlwell stated
today that several persons are under sur
veillance in connection with the caae and
that they may be taken into custody before
the conclusion of the inquest.
The Inquest Into the death of young
Plerson begun here today behind closed
doors by Prosecutor C. L. Sttltwell.
Most important of the developments at
today's hearing was the admission by Dr.
Irvln Workman, physician of Kenyon col
lege, ttat he believed the lad was lying
between the tracks when tho engine struck
him. The witness refused, - however, to
commit himself absolutely to this belief.
Dr. Workman prepored the body for burial
In company with Undertaker H. C. Wright.
He reviewed the situation of the wounds
on the body when he first saw tt and pro
nounced them such as could not easily
have been made if the lad had been sitting
on the rail, as claimed.
Neither President Pierce nor any of the
college men responded to their subpoenas,
but they are expected later in the hearing.
Prosecutor Stillwe.ll said tonight: "So far
there has not - been sufficient evidence
brought out In the inquest to show that
Stuart Plerson was tied to the railroad
track In Gambler' last Saturday night, but
by tomorrow 1 expect
some startling facts."
evidence to show
International Board of Two Oral
sntloas la Mrsaiou at
BALTIMORE. Nov. 2.-The eighteenth
biennial conference, of tho International
Board of the Women's and Young Women's
Christian associations, opened tod ty in the
Young Women's Christian association
building. A large number of delegates- were
present and gret interest was manifested.
Mrs. James Carey. Jr., the president of
the local association, extended a hearty
greeting to the conference. The r-.ply was
.mle bv Mrs. Warren 8. Buxton, president
of the International board. Mrs. Florence
P.. Payne, recording secretary .uid Miss
Emily Stewart, corresponding secretary, re
ported on the progress made In the varl-
our lines or worn.
The treasurer, Mrs. Sconeld. reported re
ceipts amounting to t5.312.S5; disbursements, j
to.026.59; balance 11:46. She raid that after
,..n ' hatA 1-u.un 1. 1 I ku wilt t
"""" --""-
oe a uciicti oi nii.o-
Committee of National Aasorlatloa
- Makes Vlalt to
WASHINGTON. Nov. Z. A committee
representing the letter carriers of the
United States waited on Postmsster Gen
eral Cortelyou today and presented a me
morial urging pay for carriers. The me-
I mortal calls attention to the fact that there
I has been no change in the payment of
' salaries for more than forty years.
I Tha nostmaster general told the commit
tee that he would give the memorial his
fullest consideration.
The committee was composed of members
of the executive body of the National Asso
clstlon of Letter Carriers.
Indiana Hank Rubbed.
CINCINNATI. Nov. i A Times-Stsr
lcct il from Washington, Ind . st )'-
tie nanhorn lnk at Ranhorn. Ind., wss
robbed of t4.o0" by buigUrs, who ties opea
tha af last tUul ami eiKv
Fair Friday and Saturday.
Temperature at Omaha Veerdyi
Hoar. Hea. Hour. Te.
n a. m 1( l p. m A
n a. n to 2 p. m KT
T a. m ..... . :ut :t p. in ft
a. m an 4 p. m A
9 a. m . i . . . . 4-1 It p. m n'
10 a. m 1,1 II p. in n"
11 a. m 4H 7 . m n
13 m tl.l H p. m T
f p. m 4
Same of Reformer Cannot tio on
Ticket a the Republican
NFTW TOBK. Nov. 2. The appellate
division of the New Tork state supremo
court today handed down a decision re
fusing to grant an application for a man
damus to compel tho New York City board
of elections to rlaco the name of William
T. Jerome on the official ballot as a nom
inee of tho republican party for district
The application was made by William
Hatpin, chairman of the republican county
committee. Mr. Jerome's name will be on
the ballot as an Independent nominee.
Mr. Ilalpin announced after the decision
had been handed down that he would accept
the ruling without further action. Today'a
decision was the third one which has been
made against Mr. Hatpin's pe'lH. The
five Justices who made the adverse ruling
today . were unanimous In their opinion.
The ruling was based on the failure of
Charles A. Flammer. the candidate chosen
by th republican nominating convention,
to give hla declination to the Hoard of
Elections within the prescribed time limit.
Mr. Flammer had resigned to give placo
to Mr. Jerome on the republican ticket.
Receiver Connlnaham Una 'ote Left
by Dead Cashier of F.nter
prlse Rank.
rrrTSRt'RCi, Jov. t United States Dis
trict Attorney Dunkle stated today that
Cashier Clark had left another written
statement besides the one addressed to his
wife, dealing with Enterprise bank affairs.
Attorney Ptinkle said the statement, or
the confession, as it has been referred to,
was In the possession of Receiver Cun
ningham. It is shorter than the one to
Mrs. Clark. It is not signed, but charges
W. H. Andrews with Clark's ruin.
"Has anything been done toward begin
ning criminal action against anyone?" was
"Nothing yet," replied Attorney Dunkle.
"We must be able to show that Clark and
others were In conspiracy to wreck the
bank or misappropriate Its funds before
we can get action against them and.
Cashier Clark being dead, that I going to
be something of a difficult matter to do.
Resides Special Examiner Moxey has not
finished his -Investigation and will not be
able to do so tor several months."
1 ' ' - T
- w - - ' - -
Jeets to Promotion of Philip
' pine Officer.
ATCHISON. Kan.. Nev. t The faculty
of St. Benedict's college of Atchison has
drafted resolutions and will forward them
to President Roosevelt protesting against
', tho talked-of promotion of James F.
8m' h to be governor general of the Phil
ippines and asking his removal from the
Philippine commission. Mr. Smith Is the
present secretary of public Instruction In
the Philippines.
The objection to Mr. Smith on the part
of thn members of the faculty is made on
the ground that it Is their belief that his
influence In the Philippines is detrimental
to the Catholic church.
National W. C. T. I'. Convention Will
Be Held at Capital of
LOS ANGELES. Nov. S.-The national ex
ecutive committee of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union voted tonight to
hold the next national convention In 19uG at
Hartford, Conn. The convention will be
held Immediately following the world's con
vention of the Women's Christian Temper
ance union, which Is scheduled for Boston
some time lute next year. Mrs. Cornelia
T. Jewett has been reappointed manutrlfig
editqr of the I'nlon Signal, the official
! organ of the union
Daughter of Cavalry Leader I uvrlla
Matue la Presence of Many
SOMERSET. ().. Nov. J. A monument to
General Phil Bheridan was unveiled hero
today by Mis Maty Sheridan, a daughter
of the great cavalry leader, in the presence
of thousands Of people. The widow of the
general, two daughters, his brother, Briga
dier General Sheridan, and others of the
Sheridan family attended the ceremonies.
no equestrian
' tatue f heroic ulse on a granite base and
' the work of Carl ,,eb"r of New York
I and adorns the center of the square of
. Somerset.
Rhode Island Travels at Hate of ID.3,'1
Knots Per Hoar Durlua
Trial Trip.
ROCKLAND. Me.. Nov, 2.-A
new speed
record for American battleships wo estab
lished today by the Rhode Island on Its tnat ",0 artillery will destroy any building
official standardisation trial trip over tha ; which people lire from the window. The
measured mile course off Owl's Head, dur- j troops have been using machine guns and
ing which it steamed one mile at a rate of martial law prevails over the whole town.
19.31 knots an hour. Another m'le wus I ;" d'H' iilt for tiny correspondent to
made at the rate of 19.17 knots while the : aupply an adequate report of events, bo
olean time for the twelve runs ever tho I cu use it Is d.ihs. rous to approai li I ho uin-
course was 18.93 knots an hour.
Movement, of Ocean , easel. ov. a.
At Ncv York Arrived: Ixmihardla from
Genoa; Graf Wuldcrsee, from Hamburg
Cedrlc, from LIverpiM.l Sailed: Hlem-licr.
for Hamburg; La lorralne, for Havre;
Frlederich der Orosse. for Bremen
At St. Johns Arrived: Curlhagenian. from
At Liverpool Arrived : Teutonic, from
New York: Merlon, from Philadelphia ;
M'.utford. from Montreal. Sailed: Kensiiit,
tnn and Tunisian, for Montreal.
At Palermo r'ntled: Jl.illa, for New York.
At Antwerp Sailed: Marquette, for Bos
ton. At yueenstown Sailed: Baltic, for New
At Yokohama Arrived : Corca. from Han
Francisco; lt-d Hill, from New York.
At Naples A rrived : Kuist Bismarck,
from New Yolk. is Gltraltur. for Gcnct
and orocewled.
A Loudon Sailed: JUiuue tonka, lor Nv
WILL KEEP UP FIGHT Counoil of Workmen Ltmde to
Continue th Strug gU.
IndnitTial Strike Is Suspended, eat Bail
way Len "Will 8ty Ont.
Soldiers Check tke Carnival of Riot and
nintlna- Continues at Warsaw and
Other Point Antl-Jewlh Dem
onstration at Romny
and "nratnff. .
PT. PETF.RSRt'RG. Nov. 1 The counrll
of the workmen's delegates at midnight
issued a notice pointing out the necessity
of arming workers for a decisive struggle
for the convocation of a constituent assem
bly based on universal suffrage with a
view to forming a democratic republic.
The council decided to suspend the poli
tical strike at noon today, but on the condi
tion that it be resumed If their demands
were not granted. The council decided
also that only those newspapers may ap
pear whose editors would entirely ignora
the censorship. The compositors have re
fused to work except under till condition
and papers not complying with It will he
confiscated, their presses destroyed and
their workmen boycotted.
The railway men's union, however, ha
decided to continue the strike, mainly
through a desire to prevent the transport
of troops to Finland. The union of unions
has resolved to demand complete amnesty
for political prisoners, the Immediate with
drawal of troops from Ht. Petersburg and
their replnceihcnt by militia drawn from
thn people.
The proceedings of the workmen' coun
cil appear dally In n secretly printed news
paper, which today contains an article pay-In-:
' Freedom of meeting, hut tha meeting sur
rounded by t loops; freedom of speech, but
the censorship remains; freedom of learn
ing, hut the university occupied bv troops
Inviolability of person, but the prison full;
Wltto given, but TrepofT remains; consti
tution Kiven. but autocracy remains; all
given, nothing.
It was offlclnlly announced last night that
the censorship of press telegrams had been
It was stated that officers and privates
who met at the university on October 30
formally resolved to use arm against the
autocracy, which wa striving to strangle
tho proletariat who had now reached the
last act of the revolution.
Dispatches received here report antl
Jewlsh rioting at Romny, and at 6o rat off.
where a synagogue was burned to the
ground. The disorders still continue, . .
Governor of Kle riemovejjL.
I uenerni jvicieis, governor general, nf
Kinrr, nas been removed. Ho retains
his position as aide-de-camp to the emperor.
General SoukhomllnofT, commandant of the
Kleff military district, succeeds General
Kleigels as governor general.
General TrepofT has issued another mani
festo Informing the people that all the re
forms granted by the manifesto cannot be
realized Immediately, a It will require time
to formulate laws and place them In effect.
In the meantime the people must be quiet
and co-operate with the authorities in main
taining order. Otherwise, the responsibility
for harsh measures will not fall on tho
TrepofT Appeals for Rapport.
General TrenofT's manifesto was pub
lished this morning in tho (Official Messen
ger In the form of an appeal for support of
the people In Inaugurating tha now regliua.
It sms:
The government counts on th sympathy
of the majority of the population, who de
sire to see calm restored in the country.
In order to Inaugurate successfully the new
order of things tlie government niust labor
with unswerving firmness and energy, but
It Is necessary thjt the population be im
bued with the idea thut it Is Kiven to no
one to alter by u single stroke the whole
normal life of the Russian state and to
replace u oy a. new oraer of things, which
j demands uu enormous amount of leglsla
tion as ycll us a whole series of adminis
tration measures. I'ntll that is accom
plished tho existing laws must remain in
force, but tho itovernment will, within
all possibility, Bee that those laws are
applied by tha authorities In. i the spirit
of the manifesto of October 3i. The suc
cess of the acts of the government de
pends on the re-estubllshment of order. If
the majority of people consider it their
duty lo come to the uid of tha government
a general Improvement In the state of
things will follow. If riot. Il will not be
responsible for failure.
Martial Law In Odessa.
LONDON, Nov. 3. The Standard's cor
respondent at Odessa suys: Within three
hours of the declaration of martial law,
which came to the unspeakable relief of
peaceable citizens, no fewer than 5,0ou ruf
Jlanly loyalists had been disarmed by the
students and mllilary. How some 50,000
artisan rowdies becuine possessed of revol
vers and an abundance of cartridges is a
question requiring solution. The rigorous
curfew law Is welcomed as a deliverance
from the terrors of the last two days. Anv
one In the streets after nightfall Is liable
tu arrest; any one appearing at open win
dows or on balconies risks being shot with
out warning.
"General Kaulbars," says the correspond
ent, "lold mi: today thut ho had done his
best with the inadequate forces at his d s
posal. He wus unable to guarantee tlo
safety of Individuals und foreigners, whom
lie specially udvlsed to keep within doors."
The Dally Telegraph's correspondent at
Odessa says: "At 6:30 o'clock in the even-
j ing there were no signs of the riots nation.
I In many case hole rows of houses have
I been ruined. The governor has proclaimed ,
dows and it l lmssuilc to look out. lln
number of killed and wounded must be
enormous. All the foreign consulates are
protected by soldiers."
Ifeaiy Cauult- 1. 1st.
A dispatch to tne Evening ritundard from
i Odessa, llmi-d : 3" p. m. today, sa s the eity
rlns with the leporia of titles and revol
vers, and occasionally a volley Is fired
Every hoiu-e anil tenement Is bolted and
burred The ii. faulty putrols are doing
their duly perfunctorily, declining to fire,
on the molt unless Uiey themselves are at
tacked. The Cosak are said to have
lost over a hundred lie u by Isjmhs nd
shots from window.". Cossack patrols
carry nuhliic and buve ttiilr fingers
the triggi-DC It is utisuie tor civilians.
"Tin- cau.illlii i sli-ida) ur U-ll-ved
have j,uiJU!Hcd lw i.Ouo kijiU ji4 ftOuialed,