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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEK: TIKTHSDAY, NOVEMBER 1903. Sale Begins Thursday sisrJS 3asemenl Exfraonlinary Waist All the samples .id Surplus stock from M&x Roth WaJst Co., N. Y. These waists are of the very highest grade all male for this fall and winter's fash ionable trad newest colors and latest features. WE BOUGHT AT AN ASTONISHING SACRIFICE WE WILL SELL AT REMARKABLE BARGAINS Sale CONTRACT LET ICR CUT OFF Work sf Grading New Unioi Pacific Goes U Tenvtr Firm. Liis R9A0 WILL GRIMLY REDUCE MILEAGE When Completed It Will Knable Over, land fa I'cmprlr for Trfflp Between Omaha and ' Lincoln. $2.98 for Silk Waists Worth up to $7.5) -Your choice of 303 hani-o-ne eilk wnit, including a manufacturer's sample atoc's high gra ie bea itiful taffetas, Qft crep do chines, laces, nets, peau de soie, lace inserting trimmel French knots, pleated and tailor stitched every fashionable light and dark fhade13 $4 AX! S3 WOOL WAISTS At f l.BO Fine veilings, albatross, plaids, etc., in wool lin gerie effects, lace lnsertlngs and trimming, silk embroidery tailor pleats and tailor stitched all colors light blue, reseda, pinkfl f- light gray, navy, red, champagne 1 S.'m and white, at .2.30 AND $3 WOOL WAISTS AT DSC Veil ings, flannels, albatross, plain and checked novelty materials tine checked sateens and mercerized vestings all the choicest color ings light blue, pink, red, white, cream, champagne, brown, at 98c Ladies Waists, EftVis 59c -m Basement A -plendid lot of this fall and winter's good models embroidered, appliqued and braided Botany flannels, heavy raer erized sateen, all colors, worth to $1.50, at, each 50c FOUR I0USC MEN SENT BP Two Git Two Tear aid Two Six Meitki in Peahen iary. COURT GIVES PRISONERS GOOD ADVICE Oar Klahteen-Venr-Old Youth Who Forged Small Check Drawn a Two Year' Term at Lincoln. in the criminal court Judge Day had a short scstdon Tuesday morning, with four prisoners who hnd changed their pleas from not guilty to guilty. Tho first to face hc judge were- Hurry ifurks and Ben jamin fchaddock, two youths chnrged with having forged a' check for 14.G0 last Au gust. "Marks, I liavo been muklng Inquiries about you for some time," said the court. "I find you are over 18 years of ago and your story Is true, of your parents being dead, also you wore put In the cure of an aunt when you were 4 years old. It la not the Intention of the court to Inflict harsh punishment on young men like you. but society must be protected agtinst those who transgress Its laws. I shall neither fc-lve you the maximum nor the minimum sentence, but will send you to the peniten tiary for two years. "Shaddock, I have had a letter from your mother and she feels very bad Indeed to learn you are in this kind of trouble. The cuunty attorney lias the letter and you may see It. I hope this experience will be a lesson to you, as well as to your com panion. Your sentence will be two years In the penitentiary. You boys will still have a chance to become good men when ou get out If you will heed this lesson, find I believe you will." Both of the boys are strangers in this tectlon. Patrick Lynch and Charles Compton. cluirged with daylight breaking and en tering, pleaded guilty and got six months each. They were charged with entering a Missouri Pacific car loaded with flour for the purpose of carrying away some of the contents. While they are comparatively young' men. It developed that tliey have lived in Omaha a long time and have al ways worked pretty steady. "It Is on this account," said Judge Day, "that I Impose a lenient sentence." SOME WOMEN HA I E TO PAY Resort to Various Schemes to Beat Street Car Company, Says Conductor. "Some women will work all sorts of schemes to get out of paying their fare," said a conductor on a l'arnam sreet car yesteiday, with a savage look on his face. See that woman back there? I asked her for her fare and put out my hand for it. blie looked up at tlio man by her side as much as to say, 'lie Is my husband.' - The man gave me a quarter and I tnok out 10 cents. He refused to stand for It and made a roar, telling me he was paying only his own fare. 1 stepped back In front of the woman and asked her why she hadn't given roe her fare. Then she dug up. They often work this scheme and many men would rather be Imposed upon than make a fuss about a nickel." A comon scheme Is to point to the rear end' of a car. Implying that an escort Is on the platform. When the car Is crowdtd, the conductor, after fulling to find the escort, will not go back after the fare. One night not long ago. six women on a Farnam street car, pointed to the rear platform. The men riding behind all said they were alone. The conductor stopped the car and arm nnd shoulder were sprained and dis located. He said he had a terrible shock to his mental and physical system and lie has not worked since. He fears the In juries may be permanent. The city, lie as serts, had notice of the defective street. CANADIAN RAiLWAY DEFENDANT Attorney R. S. llnll Demands 3,0(M of Canadian Pacific for Per sonal Injuries. E. C. Bradbury A Co. of Denver have been awarded the contract for grading the Union Pacific cut-oft from Summit to Iane and this firm will begin work at once. I Borne work has been done by the Union Pa cific and the Denver firm will begin ope rations where the company left oft and grade for the double track as fast as pos sible. v Officials of the Union Pacific are anxious for the completion of this work, as it will materially shorten the route to the coast, besides make a shorter route for the Union Pacific to Lincoln. On tho old tour tho Union Pacific Is In no position success fully to compete for Lincoln business, but the shortening of ten miles from Omaha to Lincoln may make quite a difference on the Lincoln business. Car shortage Crows Worse. The car shortage situation continues to get worse and both shippers and railroad officials are losing their sweet dispositions. Kach tries to throw the blame on tho other. The Jobbers say It is Impossible to get a car switched to their warehouses and tho railroads say the Jobbing houses are filled and many are receiving four cars per day ', when they can unload but two and the consequence Is there is an accumulation l of cars which is fast locking all terminals. Railroad men are frre to admit the sit uation Is growing worse and cars are need ed on all sides. One grocery Arm has forty cars on the tracks of one railroad company alone. The trouble Is not confined to Omaha alone but is general all over the ' line. Cars are needed everywhere nnd there are no cars to be had. Hospital Fund In F.fTect. When Union Pacific employes received their pay checks Wednesday, each check was found to be short B0 cents. This was taken out for the Union Pacific hospital fund which was put In operation November 1, for the first time in several years. Dr. A. F. Jonas Is chief surgeon and man ager of the fund and laB appointed as his assistants In Omaha the following med ical and surgical staff: Dr. O. S. Hoffman, Dr. E. J. I'pdegrafT, Dr. S. II. Smith, Dr. C. C. Morrison and Dr. F. 8. Owen. Em ployes suffering from minor Injuries and mild cases of sickness are requested to file their orders for treatment tit the dispen sary. This trust fund, augmented by contribu tions from the company, is under the man agement and control of the company, with the chief surgeon as executive officer. The current expenses of the fund, after apply ing all contributions of the employes, will be provided by the company. The company will at Its own pleasure collect and dis burse all funds and will endeavor to secure the services of competent physicians and I i .''I i-t? f-.ii THURSDAY "SPECBAL. Two Exceptional Values in Women's Cravcncttc Coats. $15.00 Women's Cravenette Coats, $10.0017") women's eraven elte coats Made of excellent cravenette materials in all shades well tailored made to Pell 1fl at fifteen dollars on pale Thursday, at plU . .$20.00 Women's Cravenette Coats, $14.751-5 women's high claFi cravenette coats, in this season's swellest models of new exclusive cravenette materials perfect in fit and workmanship made to sell at twenty dollars on pale Thursday, at Women's New Coats on Sale Thursday. We have received by today's express, 500 women's new up-to-date Coats secured by our buyer while in New York Inst week. They are all made up In the latest fashion of new swell materials, such as Scotch Mixtures, Vlcjnns, Broadcloths, Coverts and Kerses tight fitted, half-fitted nnd the new Um pire Coats at prices that are positively 25 per cent lower than any store in Onisha. : $12.75, $14.75,$16.75,$18.73.$22.50,$24.75,$37.50 We are sole Omaha agents for the CKLKItflATKI) OKNTKMKHI LAWKS Kill ClIiOVKH. They are the best imported Kid Gloves that come to the United States. Try a pair once you will wear no other $1.00, $1.2.1, $1.&0. a 14.75 On Farm al 15l!i St, OnFa rrem at 15th St. JURORS 10R FEDERAL COURI Pintli, Petit and Grand, Drawn for ths NoTmbsr Trm. FORTY CASES .RE NOW ON THE DOCKET These Involve Miscellany of Charge. Including Home of Hoot lcjfulnif and Maintaining Fences on I'll ui lo Land. Attorney Richard a. Hall has filed suit in the district court of Douglas county against the Canadian Pacific Railway com pany for 15.000 dumases. Mr. Hall alleges that he was traveling as a regular passen ger on one of the defendant company's trains In the Northwest Territory on Sep tember 2, 1!K6. On approaching the town R. C. Hoyt, United States district court clerk, and jury Commissioner 'i'lldon drew the list of federal grand and petit Juroi'J for the November term of tne federal ' courts Weunesday morning. The peiit jury is oidered to report November 16 and tne t,r..nd jury Nuvemuer 13. Oii.ana nas turee representatives cn the grand jury. C. J. Cauan, cuniectioner, 1.15 Leavenworth street; Joseph Crow, ex-post- master of Oma.iu, and nolert Duncan, In spector Omaha water works, 2Jii Oaven pui t street. On the petit Jury Omaha Is represented by four citizens and South Omali.i by one. They are: James P. Connolly, ex-county commissioner, b25 Hancroft street; Hoy CI. Hlnman, printer, 3;4 Hamilton htreet; K. C. surgeons In all towns on the company's Marston, carpenter. 112 North sevunieenin line, and will provide accommodations in I street; J. B. Starr. 3V78 Mason street, modern hospitals for the use of the sick ar.d Injured. ' Employes contributing to the fund will be entitled to these benefits: Itoppltal treatment, medical and surgical; medicinal or surgical treatment at their homes or at the offices of hosoljal fund surgeons; Omaha, and B. kl. Wilcox, real estate and insurance uyent, 2415 N street, South Omaha. Fuhowlng is the complete list cf the grand and petit Juries: ' Grand Jurors v iluam P. Allen, Valpa raiso; James Aluciaoti, EWm; William Lame. Liuomlleiu: 1 nomas . Hell, fai of Field an annnouncement was made that i niedlclnes and surgical dressings; artificial j niyra;' William Berk, Krlend; C. J. Cunin an eating station was nt hand. Being hungry and thirsty Mr. Hall Went to aligl t to sink his teeth In the railroad fare, (thej had already gotten his fare, he avers), lie sets up now, after much physical and men tal suffering, that there was a space of at least two feet between tho station plat form and the train. He was not warned of this hiatus of dangerous vacancy, Int'i which ho stepped with disastrous results, to his "serious and permunent injury," and hence tho demand for $5,000. Old Dank Quarters Rented. The old Union National bank rooms in the McCague building, at Fifteenth and Dodge streets, have been rented to the Na tional Mutual Fire Insurance company. This leuA'es In the city only two vacant rooms avauanic ror banking purposes, as agilnst four two months aiso. One Is the old location of the United States National at Twelfth and Farnam and the othr tho said he would not allow it to proceed until quarters orx-e occupitd hy the McCague every woman had paid her fare. One of the women became indignant when he insisted on having her money, and the poor con ductor rang the bell In disgust. Law Suit Over Hole In Street. William F. Chaddock of ltilO Mason street has notllled tho city he will expect Jo 000 damages for personal Injuries sustained . October 23 by being pitched from his loaded 1 wagon on Jackson street, between Ninth i and Tenth, ("haddock says the accident was due to a big hole In the pavement two rei neep. into whlcn the wagon wheel lipped, causing a sudden Jolt. Ills right The Laivphcr Furs 'NORTH STAR BRAND; Savlncs hank. In t he MeCaeue bullriinir 1 he hanking room in the Barker block is occupied by the Union Pacific Coal com pany. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to tho Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending at ion Wednes day: Births Peter Colombus. 131S California, girl; Anthony Mlnardo. 30s North Tenth, girl; Grant Howard. 1108 North Fiftieth, boy; C. Heine. 201K North Eighteenth, boy; Irving H. Arey. LtO Emmet, boy. Deaths Mrs. Wllhelmina Ehrlcke, Thirty fourth and Meredith avenue, 40; John C. Reltmelr, 818 North Twenty-third, 49. limbs and surgical appliances; accommo- Omaiia; Jubepli Crowe, Ouiana; Kooert datlons at actual coSt', at designated hospl- Duncan, Oinaua; V. J. Uow. Norfollt ; Boh- ,,. . . . , - . , , , Ison Uien,er, Lincoln; M. C. Gamble, tals, for dependent jnojiiber of employes btanton; Kliner K. Henkle, Lincoln; families, same os paid by hospital fund In cnarles W. nuater, et. l'aul; Eilias Kesler, case of an employe, and burial allowance t iiend; William J. Lcnr, Mead; Robert in case of death In a company hospital. r.C'rkO. tS "ebra Railway Xotes nnd Personals. City; Hoy A. Biewart, Puimyra; cnarles H. J. Phelps, district passenger agent Th".'"US' Slu-'lli; H"l"'y, J. N"?: of the Illinois Central ut Dubuque, is in ',Iim!' AeV a,mdh ; Williams, Jjieniont, the city henry ildljm uer, Peru. i; ,Mr,,n.t ow ..oi.,ir, ,,, ,, . Alternates John O. Ashley, Tekamah; V. it al i roans are receiving numerous In- p ..,.,,.. .ja. hu,,i,ih- a CH'iler Fre- quirles concerning the home visitors' ratei ' B,J1 " dJ' M ' l, 'T,l;h w k which are effective November 27. A rate : V"'.' V, C lli of a fare and one-third for the round trip w.nV'1, L sfnsel Archer t'aT ireaTodads,0toTcnr "dlftethose 1. Fuller- who desire to visit their old homes. "" Clarence Malicy. Ord; . H. Uec. A complimentary banquet I. to be ten- M' BluKs ChSs 6 Brown Ctaritaon dered to Chief Engineer Berry, who goes to 1Hlur f n N"i t ,n M Z Cra t the Rock Island, hy the officials of the Union K" j .,;, fr?,- L ElS i) Buck! Pacific at the Omaha club next Tuesday LJ' ST' i ,nMl Lp l night. Mr. Berry's successor as chief en- ?"' Osceola. A. 8. taiiipbell, Impel lal. glneer of the Union Pacific has not been f!1'"08 ft nn,:" V,"U lardne? Aul Introduced to the public. JJarr' Oilier, . H. (,ar iner, Au- iW.rK tT,nmesla,.0f th. Kdrn:HaymSL.nci:!:r;0re8,ew'ar1t1,e,It:n-HeaJ: season Is on at the I nlon station, al- ,.,.t, Rnrii.u-nelil lamps Hill Shellev Knv h meseekers' rates which have been ti er Calvin T. Horton. Scrlbner; C. E. feet and w'llch exnTred Ocfober at Tutl Huston, Brock; Lewis H. Huadstroin. d'ay was t'eUsf Yayf e aU 'over The 'V.iX- r 'TV.Vchm !n! country, and the tall end of the business red Klechel. Johnson; b J., is Just passing througi. Omaha. The "": Henry H. Koenlk. Plattsmouth; Illinois Ccntrar train had twelve cars 1 "onicr C. Ludden. Surprise; Keene Lud Wodnosriav mnmlnir nnrt -II nf th. m,ia I don, Osceola; George H. Maybnrn, Lun- were well patronized. Tho San Pedro line will get many of the passengers. In Desperate Straits ' sre many who could be cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. EO cents and $1. For sale by Eherman & MeConnell Drug Co. In buying trie Lanpher Fur Lined Coat (for men and women) you may be sure that you are getting as good a coat as is made. Our line contains a variety of fur linings and trirnrnings, and every coat is as perfect as 29 years of experience can make it. Lanpher, Skinner & Co. St. Paul, Minnesota Jm sat csrrr mm tas write at, i owe r- a. m J r -T. I i 14 USED ORGANS 14 tops. We will sell you this week and will save you as much we ask for them. Bring this list and get just what it says: '"hipping Organ, walnut case, seml-hlgh-top, T stops, I swells, 6 octaves, fair shape Mason A Hamlin, walnut case. Chapel organ. 10 stops, 2 swells, good ship Kimball Organ, walnut case, high top, 10 stops, 1 swells, fine shape Detroit Chapel Org fair shape Western Cottage, Chapel Organ, walnut case, stops, 1 swell. good shape , Kln.bull Organ, walnut case, high lop. 10 stops. 1 swells, fin shape ... Western Cottage Organ, walnut case, high top, 11 stops, I swells. as good as new Burdrlt Organ, walnut case, S slops, S swells, good shape Smith American Organ, walnut case, high top, 10 stops, swells. fair shape Kimball Organ, walnut cast, high top. with mirror. 11 stops, 1 swell as good a new , Hlmnis Chapel Organ, walnut case, S stops, 1 swells, (air shape Smith American Organ, walnut esse, high top, U stops, t swells, good shape Peioubet Organ, walnut case, high top, S stops,. 1 swell. fair shape , Talor A Varlsy Organ, walnut case, semi-high top, S stops, 1 swells, good shape A. HOSPE CO., 1513-15 Douglas St. A ISE FLACK TO GET A FIXK PIANO. more as 12.00 18.00 25.00 .5.00 io.oo 25.0J 25.00 15.00 10.00 30.00 ...8.00 20.00 8.00 20.00 OMAHA MEN AND THEIR HOBBIES jijfe vic mi BTU.UIT B. MAC DIARMID-Steadyinthe Rein ham; Albert S. Marsh, Hartington; K. C, Marston. Omaha; Kdwln Metcalf, Green wood; Anson Newberry. Cody; Edwin D. Mitchell, Wayne) Charles W. Orr, Craig; K.dnar J. Pease, Hastings; Claus Peterson, Yutan; Herman A. Hodman, Kenesaw; Henry Schilling, Rcotla; Hubert H. Smith, Palmyra; (juurgo O. Snwyer, Brewster; J. B. Bturr, Omaha; William 8. Sayer, fitella; Herbert O. Hmlth, Lincoln; Kred H. Talkamp, Harrishuig; J. K. Wecott, Gen- j eva; Anton Wesely, Cedar Bluffs; O. C. ' Williams, Clay Center; H. L. Wilcox, Bouth Otnaha; Joseph J. Wondra, Ceresco; Joseph Young, Medlson. Approximately forty cases are noticed for trial In the United Slates district court for the November term, aside from such In dictments aa may yet be returned by the grand Jury. Six of the accused are now in the Douglas county Jail and the remainder are nut on ball. The cases involve miscel laneous charges, including postoffice defal cations, using the malls for fraudulent pur poses, taking liquor onto Indian reserva tions, fraudulent homestead tilings, per jury, Intimidation of settlers and Illegal fencing of the public domiln. Announcements of the Theaters. "The Sho-Gun," which will be offered by Henry W. (Savage at the Boyd theater tonight. Is the Joint production ot George Ade and Gustav Luders. As Is always tne case, Ade has toid an Interesting and not liupoBKit'le story In his tnimitaule way. Luuors has scored the sonas witn most ap propriate music. John E. Hensliaw leads the company, a clever and come dian, who can sing as weil as act. He Is supported by tne same tine organization tnat presented the piece on the occasion of Its tirst visit to Omaha. Sunday night Wilton Lackaye will begin his long deterred visit to Omaha In "The Pit." Tula Ij an intensely American play, dramatized from the Fiank Norria novel of the same name, and has had an immense vogue during the lai-t two seasons. On Sunday and Monday evenings "The Pit" will be the bill, and on Tuesday evening "Trilby" will be offered; with Mr. Luckaye as Svtngall. The regular mid - w. k popular price matinee, the elected performance for the regular weekly vlrit of so very many women to the cozy vaudeville theater, will be given at the Orpheum this afternoon. Pobbibly the most appealing feature to the fair sex la Uva Westcott, thd vivacious little star, in "An Episode In Modern Life." In it Miss Wcatcott appears as a very gay fun-loving young wife who don't figure the cost of anything. She returns from shop ping to find her husband sitting at a desk apparently reading the puier. When she approaches him to reconulla matters she discovers she has been addressing a dead man. Other gotui acts are on the program. ti-K wedding iIhk. Ednu!::.. Jeweler. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. IE. "Elastic" Bookcase :'4 thinks the original and only per feet sectional bookcase made. The doors are non binding, dust-proof, oper ate on roller bearings, and positively cannot get out of order. Bases furnished with or without drawers. Call and see them, or send for catalog No. 104 Orchard & Wllbalm Carpet Company - &r t mm full Pure, fragrant and cleansing. The favorite toilet soap of discriminating users. lis mild nnd sooth ing qualities make it particular (y sensitive for desirable skins. Its perfume is the delicious odor of natur al flowers. James S. Kirk ' & Company Its I want you to know that D v Ope. . i 1n-s Jsy Kvcnlngs HrTa Cat 1417 Douglas Slresl, Will clothe your entire family from head to foot. No Fvloniey Oosi. on Easy Payments of 50c, 75c and SI. PER VVEUl JB Hsj ssm 6U sn ea fxa raa oss c s aa nm sa g, . . 2r ZZKE MOTHER USED TO MNH. ! Nonesuch mince wk IN 2-PIE ACIClLSoUUCO..SYRACUSI.Nyj