Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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The newspapers announce
that all the prominent physi
cians of New York have re
ceived a circular from the
New York Post Graduate
Hospital giving an account
of the wonderful cures of con
sumption through the use of
the juice of raw vegetables
and fruits. It seems that the
treatment began by the use
of potatoes, onions, beets,
turnips, cabbages and celery.
Later, there were added sweet
potatoes, apples, pineapples,
carrots and parsnips, and still
later rhubarb, summer squash,
tomatoes, spinach, radishes,
string beans and green peas
in the pod.
It would seem to be absurd
on its face that such treat
ment could be used to effectu
ally combat consumption, vet
so high an authority as Dr.
Russell of the above-named
hospital, who seems to have
made the discovery and de
veloped the treatment, states
that eleven cases of well-developed
pulmonary tubercu
losis have been absolutely
cured while fifty others are
under treatment and progress
ing satisfactorily.
It is to be hoped that the
long looked for cure of this
dread disease has at last been
found in this treatment, but
the medical profession will,
doubtless, be sceptical, as they
are and should be on all new
treatments until more than
eleven cases have been cured
by a combination of simple
vegetable juices that contain
little, if any, of the nourish
ment required "by the con
sumptive. As Dr. Russell
says he has been the principle
advocate of nutrition as op
posed to medicine in the
treatment of tuberculosis, he
seems to contravert his own
theory in the use of these
vegetable juices that possess
such a small percentage of
Hygiene and nutrition of
the best sort are absolute re
quisites in the treatment of
consumption. If the laws of
health are carefully observed
and the body is sustained
with nutritious, wholesome,
easily digested food, the rav
ages of the disease may be
arrested, even when the lung
tissue is involved. There is
little, question that the best
nutrition in the world in such
cases is the old and much
abused cod liver oil; not in
its raw state but in the form
best adapted for its immediate
absorption into the bodv. as
found in Scott's Emulsion of
pure Norwegian cod liver oil
which contains, in addition,
the valuable hvpophosphites
of lime and soda and glycer
' ine. We hesitate to say that
it will cure consumption, but
after thirty years experience
with it, the medical profession
knows that it will arrest the
progress of the disease and in
its earlier stages generally ef
fect a permanent cure. So
certain are we of this that
we challenge a comparative
clinical test in any hospital or
sanitarium where there are pa
tients afflicted with this mal
ady. If it will not cure more
cases of consumption, if the
tame rules are observed, than
the vegetable and fruit juice
treatment, we will agree to
supply the institution making
the test with Scott's Emulsion
free for a year. There is no
doubt that Scott's Emulsion
is the most concentrated form
of nutrition in existence, and
if consumption can be cured
at all it will do it.
scorr bowni, rri $.. n yb.
Thuruaabfare So Hutlt that Ra
road May Be Constructed
Over the Route.
V. Kennon, ho had charge of the con'
atructlon ot a wagon road from Manila to
Buguio, In P.cnguvt province, arrived yes
terday on the transport Logun from tha
This road, it is reported, has cost the
government a great sum, amounting to
butwet-n l.fc0.6uu and K.OO.UU), and is -the
rinest tn the Wlnnus. Major Kennon is
authority for the statement that the road
ct STa.uOD a mile for the lust twenty of
the fifty mllvs up into the mountains, where
forests had to be cleared away and rocks
cut through. But the thoroughfare is now
re-idy for the laying of rails if the gov
eriiment should decide to build a steel high'
way there.
Mr I 4r Water.
Is not mora surprising than tha quick,
ph-aaant, curative effects of Dr. King's New
Ufa 1111s. tic; guarauteed. For aaia by
fcaciuMn A WcCunneli Drug Co,
GongTeuman Urges Them to 1 Faithful to
Bepnblictn Tiokau
tVnrk oft the Contr Treasurer Met
Forth to dhow Whjr lie Should
Have the Votea of
Elf ry body.
"Comparisons of democratic and repub
lican rule In Douglas county show that
the republican have always managed af
fairs at a less expense to the taxpayers
than the democrats," said Congressman
1 John L. Kennedy last night In an address
boforo the Gorman-American Republican
club In South Side Turner hall.
"Examine the records of the sheriff's
ofllce and you will find thiit the average
coat to the county per prisoner, although
the average length of commitment was
the same under both administrations, was
I6.H8 less under McDonald than under
Power. An Inquiry Into the records of
the clerk's office will prove that Haverly
managed the office for $t,700 a year less
than did Drexel. Solomon ran the tax
department for J1.000 less than did Boyd.
What Fink la Iolnsr.
'And while you are at It, vote for Mr.
Fink for treasurer. Are you going to turn
him down because he has pushed the col
lection of taxes? Not so. There are some
men who consider themselves so far above
the law that when they get Into office
they do not enforce laws because they
say they are not good. They are not put
In office to pass upon laws, but to enforce
them. Enforce existing laws, Mr. Kink,
and I assure you that the republican
party will be with you.
There's W. O. Ure, who speaks for the
equalization of taxes. Vote for him. He
does not seek to Increuse the taxes of
the poor man, but to secure the proper
taxation of the corporate millions which
are yet untaxed.
Vote for all these men. They have
been named by the party at the fairest
primary I have ever known. Lose sight
of factional differences Inside the party
and give your support to the men whom
tho rank of the party has chosen, and
you will make the republican party better
than It has ever been."
Mr. Kennedy delivered a long eulogium
on President Roosevelt, commending him
on his attitude toward trusts. He pledged
himself to be active In the fight for federal
regulation of railroads. He urged all to
register Saturday who had not already
registered, and Bald the man who does
not get out to vote Tuesday Is not wor
thy the name of American citizen.
Jmt Four limn the Work.
County Treasurer Fink spoke concerning
his own office. He told of the enormous
amount of labor and of the expense en
tailed In carrying out the provisions of
the scavenger tax law, the money secured
to the county In taxes being not com
mensurate with the work and expenwe.
To give some Idea of the work, he said his
predecessor had written 39,000 receipts In
a year, while he had written 166,000 In the
same period.
"The bond sinking fund previous to my
time had always been drained." said Mr.
Fink. Now there is more than 4,000 in
that fund. In the course of four or five
years of republican rule It would be possi
ble to redeem the 175,000 worth of out
standing bonds."
Other speakers at the meeting were E.
F. Brailey, Bryce Crawford, William
Altstadt, W. a. I'ro and Herman Beal.
Falls to Land Hla Man.
Acenmnlatea a Lot of
The adventures of E. A. Smith, !11 O
street, Lincoln, should be salted down as
the most unique effort In the role of the
sleuths that has ever been sprung on
Omaha. Smith had a personal Interest In
the case lie set out to unravel. Some ono
stole his watch chain and with It a square
box charm in which his dearest treasure,
a woman a portrait, was enshrined. "Why.
I didn't care a red for the chain; it only
cost me 17.00 at first, but that picture!
I wouldn't take a thousand for it." Thus
he explained to the desk sergeant on his
arrival last Monday. "I bet you my room
mate got that chain that's Qalugher.
He's up here. I tracked him right her to
Omaha. Tou wait till I git him."
He was dressed in a dogskin coat that
made him a character in itself, but anyone
would have spotted him for a dettctivo
from the enormous pair of field glasses
which he had swung over his shouldor.
He said he had bought the glasses because
he thought he might need them.
The police encouraged him to go out
and scout around a bit and see if he could
rind a trace of hla lady'a face and its
abductor; ao ha atarted. A wave of pity
struck him for his Intended victim, and he
turned to bergeant UentTrow seriously
and said, "Shall I leave my colt here?"
'What?" said the sergeant, "you don't
tell me you rode horseback all the way
from Lincoln?"
'Naw, I nieant this," and he began to
draw from the region of his hip pocket a
gun which grew longer and longer until
about fourteen inches of the barrel ar
rived from the depths of his Jeans. "Of
course, I don't want to hurt him, but I
kinder want 'im to know 1 ain't a trlflln',"
said Smith. He waa advised to leave it a
44 Colt's.
Again he turned to the door, and when
he had reached it, thought of a letter he
had prepared. lie threw it on the desk.
'If anything should happen to me, please
send this letter to this address; here's a
stamp." i
lie rummaged up and down Omaha all
night Monday night and In tha morning
came back for his "Colt," ready to depart
for Lincoln. He thanked the captain for
the treatment he had received and the
valuable hints they had given, but he Bald,
'Tne kid, he's doubled on me."
At 12 o'clock Tuesday he came rushing
back without his dogskin coat, his field
glasses and his "Colt." "I've been mis
treated down here," he said, Jerking his
head toward South Tenth street. "I wish
you's would come down and see. I bought
ntch for 7 00 down there, and Just
because I didn't have only tT.Ou handy he's
gone and made me put up my coat and the
glasses and that there Coll for security.
Now, that ain't fair. Is it?"
Captain Mostyn looked at the watch. It
as worth about 75 cents; so hu sent down
an oraocr and made the pawnbroker take
back his watch and deliver to Smith his
property and his "Colt."
"Now," suid the captain, "I'm Just going
to lock you up. You're a mighty good de
tective, but you ean't take cure of that
'Cult. "
"But I want to git buck to Lincoln,"
suggested the detective. "That fellow
might get away again."
"No." said the captain, "I won't let you."
"Now, captain. If you just let me go
I'll go right down to that depot and set
there solid till that Lincoln train pulls
out. I got to git that feller an' that pic
ture. I wouldn't take l.OuO for that pic
ture." Tha captain gave in. "Ain't this Colt a
bird," said ttje Lincola man aa he shoved
it gently Into hla Jeans and walked proudly
gut of tUt pulica station.
f-'-W Styles
re the irerr lalest
that yoa can depend
on just aa much as
you can oo the
which are the Mc
kibbifl kind (or
nearly 20 yean the
Water Company Deulea Power of
Board to Abrogate Hydrant
The Water board last night passed on
a number of bills arising from the recent
water pressure tests which have been con
ducted throughout the city. The total of
these bills is I18.U0.
A bill to meet the witness fees and
minor expenses of tho recent trlul of the
casts under litigation was approved. A
bill of $1,0i)0 presented by J. L. Webster
wa approved. This is his fee and ex
penses while 8,1'iving as attorney for the
The question was discussed whether the
water company could be compelled to con
nect the two dead mains which end re
spectively at Thirtieth and Thirtieth ave
nue on Davenport. This Is to secure a
circulation of water at that place, so that
It will bo fit for use. The matter was re
ferred to tho city attorney.
The water company sent a communica
tion acknowledging the reccelept of the
board's order No. 8, which touches the
matter of the hydrant contracts. The
water company emphatically denies that
the board has a right to terminate the
contract entered into between the city
and Robert E. Locke, representing the
water company, signed in 1SS0.
It was agreed to publish notices in all
the Omaha papers to the public with re
gard to the water rates now In force.
Many people are still paying the old rate
of .15 cents per LOCK) gallons, when they
should pay only 25 cents. These notices
will give the full schedule of rates and
will appear In three Issues.
City Mission It emembers Itatdwin.
One of the most touching tributes to
Officer Dan Baldwin is a fine chrysanthe
mum plant tn full bloom, which forms the
only decoration of the death chamber where
he lies at Brailey & Dorrance's parlors.
This plant, with Its scores of white blos
soms, was the gilt of the city mission,
where many instances of the kindness of
the dead officer are known.
.1. H. I'mstead of Fullerton Is at the
Murray. t .
James H. Newman of Lewiston Is at the
Ada and Lulu Prltstlck of Fairfield are
at the Murray.
Judge A. E. Ijtngdon of Pnpilllon is a
guest at tho Murray.
I H. Howe of Humboldt registered late
last venlnsr r.t the Murray.
W. Ural,, id. one of the largest sheep
feeders of the state. Is a guest at the
M urray.
Harry E. nnd Hugo A. Ieisy, composing
the Lelsy Banking company of Wlsner,
Neb., are guests at the Arcade.
Major C. W. Pierce of Waverly, Neb., is
here to participate in affairs relating to
ttie Grand Army of the Republic.
At the Her Grand: Mrs. J. C. and Miss
Pearl Swanson, Oakland; B. C. Aldrlch,
Fairmont; E. P. DusBell, Columbus.
W. H. Borney. n. W. Clifford and Benton
I Norrls, big cattle shippers from Moore,
Mont., may be found at the Arcade.
John Keith of Sutherland, Neb., one of
the best known breeders of fine horses In
the west, is a guest of tho Merchants.
Senator E. J. Burkett came up to Omaha
from Lincoln and spent last night with
friends. He will be here during the day.
At the Merchants: J. R. Howell, Albion;
D. M. Stuart, Stuart; John C Rogers and
G. H. Pierce, Ord; M. E. Gooch, Crawford.
Later guests of the Millard are H. O.
M.itson of Norfolk, F. L. Sumpter of Lin
coln, R.- V. Jeffries of Ericson and N. V.
Harlan and wife of York.
W. M. Orr of Wavne, F. H. GUcrest of
Kearney. K. 8. Bailey of Lincoln, J. W.
Plialan and wife of Alliance and A. M.
Lussing of Lincoln are among the evening s
I guests at the Paxton.
arr,'vaiS ,m tnerMuJ"rUnRre. Ho M'
; cVeek, 8. P. Yolo of Lincoln. W. A? and
1 George E. Smith of Nelson, John Ehler of
Scrlbner and W. II. Dungan of McCook.
J. Klosterman of David City, ex-representative
and ex-senator of Butler county,
is at the Murray. Mr. Klosterman is one
of the largest land owners of the state. He
has just returned from a visit to Germany,
his fatherlund.
Few People Know How taeful It la
In Preserving- Health and Beauty.
Nearly everybody knows that charcoal la
the safest and most efficient disinfectant
and purifier In nature, but few realise its
value when taken into the human system
for the same cleansing purpose.
Charcoal Is a remedy that the more you
take of It the better; it Is not a drug at
all, but simply absorbs the gases and Im
purities alwas present in the stomach and
Intestines and carries them out of tha
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and improves
the complexion, it whitens the teeth and
further acta as a natural and eminently
suf cathurtlc.
It absorbs the injurious gases which col
lect in the stomach and bowels; it dlsln
lects the mouth and throat from tha puutoo
of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one form or
another, but probably the best charcoal
and the most fur the money is in Stuart's
Charcoal Loxengea. They are composed of
the finest powdered willow charcoal and
other harmless antiseptics in tablet form,
or. rather, in the form of large, pleaaant-
tasting lotenges, the charcoal being mixed
with liuue'.
Tha dally use of these lozenges will soon
tell in a much Improved condition of the
general neaun, uenor uoiupiexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, and the beauty of
U Is that no possible harm cun result Irotu
their continued use, out, on the contrary,
gieal beueiiU
A Butiuio physiciun, iu speaking of the
benefits of charcoal, sus: "J advise
Stuart s Charcoal Lotenges to all putliQU
suffering from gas in tne stomach and
bowels, and to clear' the complexion and
purify the breath, mouth and throat; I
also believe the liver ia greatly bent died
by the daily use ot them; they cost but
cents a box at drug stores, and although
In some sense a patent preparation, yet I
believe I get more and better charcoal in
Stuart's Charcoal Loienges than la any of
tho ordinary cbarcvai tabUta.''
' 111
m a. rw 'I ii i r nnwrrii mmn
Adjinct tt. Newsboys' Headquarters E
taalishtd on Farnam GireeU
Entire Movement la Sot Perteeted,
bat Promoters Are Working
Toward Completion of
Their Plana.
The Boys' home, In conduction with the
newsboys' home, was formally opened
Wednesday afternoon. A delegation of the
Woman's club and a number of those at
tending tho MoUier' congress visited the
home. Miss t'undruff will have direct
charge of the Inside: work of the home.
A self-sustaining kitchen has been opened,
the purpose being to give the boys food at
actual cost Some prices are: Soup and
crackers, 8 cents; cake, 1 cent; coffee and
cream, 2 cents; milk. J cents; pie, 2 cents;
hot roast beef Bandwlch, 3 cents. A numlter
of cots have been installed, and reading
matter and a bath room provided. The
value of saving money will be one of the
things taught the boys. Cast-off clothing
is solicited for the homeless boys who
find the struggle for existence a keen one
in the winter time. The home Is at 1116
Farnam street.
Speaking of a movement' now on foot to
extend the scope of usefulness of the
newsboys' home, Mrs. Draper Smith said:
"It is in contemplation by the managers,
if possible, to rhake the club room available
for any and all working boys who have to
be on the street a great doal. I'p to this
time the room has been for the use of
newsboys exclusively, but it has seemed
to some of those concerned In the manage
ment that broadening of the work might
now be undertaken with good results.
" 'Mogy', who is actively in charge, has
succeeded, to a large extent, in getting
the newsboys to quit tobacco smoking and
forego swearing and to behave themselves
much better than they formerly did. The
boys cannot be made perfect, of course,
but a very measurable degree of improve
ment can be noted. Now we propose, If
we can see our way clear, to throw the
club rooms open to all working boys who
will agree to comply with the few rules It
I;as been thought necessary to make. There
has been some talk, too, of having a badge
or button to be worn by the boys using the
room, to indicate membership. In the event
of disobedience of a serious character or
other offense meriting it, we would de
prive the boy of his button or badge. Its
absence would be so noticeable that the
moral effect would probably be distinctly
However, the board has not yet reached
a conclusion. We do not feel like using
the morey contributed by tho public unless
we can feel assured it is well spent. We
should like very much to extend this work
very materially, but It is difficult enough
to raiso the $700 or $S0O needed now without
undertaking more, unless there shall be de
veloped a public demand that wo do so."
Attorney General of Kanaaa Ques
tions Right of Company to '
Transact Business In State.
TOFEKA. Kan.. Nov. 1. Because tho
Pullman Car company, a corporation of
Illinois, with a capital stock of $7t,O00,00Q,
has not paid to the treasurer of the state
of Kansas a charter fee of $14,800 for the
permanent school fund. Attorney General
Coleman has brought) quo warranto pro
ceedings against the company, asking them
by what authority tlWy have a right to do
business in tho state; I
Mr. Coleman asks that the supreme
court compel the 'defendant to show by
.Vw. ... . . l... 1. Ii.
"' '"
tho state of Kansas, the corporate right
and power of charging a prlco and com -
pensation for its sleepers
Hlnxrs nnd nar-
lor cars; that tho company be adjudged as
having- no right to do business in this
state; that .the defendant lie ousted from
the state from performing under Its fran
chise; that the defendant be adjudged to
pay the costs of the proceedings.
Will Lease Old I'lace, hot Promisee
Women Will Not Be
Mickey Mullen's notorious music hall on
Davenport street near Sixteenth is to be
re-opened November 12, According to the
plans made, which Include the leaning of
tho theater by Mullen to another man. No
women will bo allowed In the audience.
The place, like every other music hall In
the city, was closed by tho Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners at the end of
last year, when the board refused to grant
liquor licenses unless the proprietors prom
ised one of three things to bar women, not
to sell drinks In the halls or to close them.
The last suggestion was acted on, as the
music hall men could not see any profit
without both women and drinks. .
Chinaman Files Motion for New Trial
to Prove Right of Amer
ican Residence.
A motion for a new trial has been filed
In the case of Lue Lung On, one of the
Chinamen recently ordered deported by
Judge Munger. Sentence consequently has
been supended until the motion is heard,
which will be Thursday or Friday. Should
the motion be denied, an appeal will be
taken to the United States circuit court
of appeals and in that event a decision
may not be reached until the April term
of the court of appeals. In the meanwhile,
the two Chinamen, Liu Hop and Lue Lung
On will remain In Jail. The order for de
portation has not yet been received from
the commissioner general of immigration.
Creamery Plant at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. l.-(Speclal.)
Fire did between $8,000 and flO.OuO damage
tonight to the plant of tha Cream City
Creamery company. The fire started in the
second floor among the egg cases and gave
the firemen a hard fight for two hours
The damage was largely confined to this
floor. The plant is valued at SoO.OOO and
carries t40,0uo insurance.
Hotel at Blencoe.
ONAWA, Ia., Nov. 1. (Special Telegram.)
The Blencoe house at Blencoe burned
early this morning with its entire contents.
The fire started while preparing breakfast
and was soon beyond, control. This hotl
was one of the landmarks of the town,
being built in 18S4. I -on partly covered by
H. P. Klson.
Neglected Field.
in liideitt-mlent missionary
to Tangier. Morocco, HUdrisard the mem
bers of the Plymouth Congregational church
on the subject of his life a work at the
session of their prayer meeting lust night
He says this field is the most n. glee ted one
in the world. Among its 4,(ri0.uuu to S.uV.uu)
people there are only seventy mlssionHries
and all of these are Independent workers.
The country is dominated by the Moors,
and of course Mohammedanism Is the pre
vailing religion. He has organized a Moor
ish hume a;id an orphan's home which are
doing as well as could le expected in mo
(littW'ult a held. Mr. Klson Is traveling in
company with W. L. Porter, pastor of Burr
misfcion. Chicago. They have been through
Canada, Minnesota, Illinois and Nebraska.
Mr. Elsoa will return to M work p.
tenter 1.
Rain Hinders Gathering of Crop la
Some Section of the
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 The following
summary of the crop conditions Is given
In the monthly crop bulletin issued by the
weather bureau today:
The month of Octohr was somewhat
milder than usual In the districts east of
the Mississippi river and much colder than
usual from the Missouri valley northeast
ward to the Pacific const. The lower Ohio,
central Mississippi uud lower Mississippi
valleys and portions of the central and
western gulf stales suffered from heavy
rains, while drouthy conditions prevailed
on tho south Atlantic and west gulf
states, in central and western Kansas, the
middle and southern plateau region and
Over tlie south central and southwestern
portions of the corn bolt wet weather
proved unfavorable for cutting and husk
ing corn and caused considerable mold
and decay. Good progress was made, how
ever, gathering corn In other portions of
the corn belt, the crop Imving fully ma
tured before the occurrence of injurious
frost. Favorable weather for gathering and
husking corn prevailed throughout the At
lantic coast districts. Heavy rains in por
tions of the Ohio, central Mississippi and
lower Missouri valleys hindered plowing
and fall seeding to a considerable extent,
but as a whole this work was prosecuted
under favorable conditions and at the close
of the month wns largely completed, and
good stands of fall sown wheat were gen
erally Indicated throughout the central val
leys, lake replon and middle Atlantic coast
states. At the close of the month cotton
picking was at from one-half to two-thirds
completed In Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory, Arkansas and northeern Mississippi
and a much larger proportion of tHo crop
had been gathered In other sections, pick
ing being practically completed in the more
southerly districts.
Discarded Hnaband Makes Wlfe'a Xfi
Hosbnnd. Her Brother and
Herself Defendants.
Robert A. Ball has now a third suit
pending in the district court. The first
one Is to set aside a divorce obtained by
his wife, now Mrs. Mark A. Sweney, last
July; the second Is against Sweney for
$jn,0fO for alienation of his wife's affec
tions. The newest suit makes Zenetta A.
Ball. Mark A. Sweney and Frank Reeves
Joint defendants. It alleges conspiracy on
October 27 to waylay and slug him, which
was done at Eighteenth and Chicago
streets, for which he demands $5,000. The
second count sets up the slugging and that
he was caused much anguish and suffering,
and the damage here is also alleged to
amount to at least $5,000.
Thnmaa Dnblg.
MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia., Nov. 1. (Spe
cial.) Thoma Duhig. a prominent farmer
and land holder living near Missouri Val
ley, died Sunday, aged 75 years, and was
buried yesterday morning in the Magnolia
cemetery, the funeral occurring from St.
Patrick's Catholic church In Missouri Val
ley at 10 o'clock, with Father Mullen offi
Number of Opinions Handed Down at
Lost sitting.
PIERRE, S. D., Nov. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Opinions were handed down in the
supreme court today in the following
By Fuller, presiding Judge A. M. Johnson
and Oenrge M. Johnson, appellants, against
John Berry and William Berry, Clark,
affirmed; William H. Lyon, appellant,
against Plankington bank. Minnehaha, re-
VArofi - William TP dric-nhv n ri rw 1 1 n ,1 f
against Plankington bank, Minnehaha, re
versed; Mary c Murpny, appellant.
against Plankington bank, Minnehaha, re-
Versed; Cora H. Gordon against George E.
Gordon, appellant, Stanley, affirmed.
By Corson Joe Kirby, appellant, against
Citizens' Telephone company, Minnehaha,
affirmed: Buel R. Wood against Saginaw
Gold Mining and Milling company, appel-
I Hllll. V.uniT-i, -miiiiru, .... X . Iiuimn
anirmed; M.
against Dltlen M. Frederickson, appellant,
, ciark. affirmed; D. F Matchett, appellant.
i against Rudolph Llebeg. Brown, reversed;
I Jewell urowiern or i, npin-uani.
- i n in.r ivt 1 1 wntmn M inn.ha ha u r
firmed; Bishop & Babcock company, appel
lants, against Adeline u. Bcnienuning et ai..
Bennington, amrmea.
Endowment for Hnron Colleae.
Hl'RON, S D.. Nov. l.-A telegram from
Dr. C. H. French, president of Huron col
lege, who Is In the east In the 'interest of
that Institution, announces that Ralph
Voorhees of New Jersey has given $100,000
to the endowment fund of the college. Mr.
Voorhees la the gentleman who gave $2,500
for the girls' dormitory, which waa com
pleted last season and which bears the
name of his deceased wife. President
French, as well aa the trustees and all
interested In the college, are greatly
pleased because ot this gift and It is under
stood that other gifts will soon follow
This one was quite unexpected.
Happy Sally County.
PIERRE. S. D., Nov. l.-(8peclal.)-Sully
county claims to have a record. With a
territory larger than the state of Rhode
Island, it has no saloon, no jail nor
pauper. Furthet, the county has no debt
and the cash In the treasury is sufficient
to most any calls upon It which emergency
might bring forth and the tax rate of tha
county Is at the bottom limit. The county
never had but two licensed saloons and
they lived but a short time, at the boom
town of Fair bank, on the river. In the
northwestern corner of tha county.
It the feeling and plaint of women who
re"run-tlowo"8o low that work drags,
bead aches, back ackea, hand tremble,
k " things annoy and
L?- 1 vrvtiiinir vaaa
Look the other
way just a minuU
and tee what Dr.
Pierce' Favorite
Prescription has
done for more than
a half-million
women In the last
thirty yean.
What it hot ion
for other it can
do for vou.
Believing that
alcoholic, stimu
lating medicines
were doing much
harm, Doctor R.V.
Pierce turned hla
Investigating mind
'upon the problem
of producing a remedy for tha use of
weak and suffering women that should ba
free from alcohol and at tha aama time
Xalurt has provided abundantly for
nch needs and Dr. Pierce found In
native medicinal plants such aa the root
roiiotH, umourji and blue cohosh,
the needed medicinal propertlot which
by peculiar processes strictly bit own,
without the use of alcohol, he hat ex
tracted, preserved and combined in eiact
proportions to secure from each lu beat
effect. Thus compounded hU "favobitb
pHKtCBiPTioit " is a remedy for tha pains
and drains, weaknesses and Inflammation
of the uterine system that hat won world
wide fame by curlug more than ninety
nine out of every hundred who have used
It properly.
In taking this you will knmo what you
take and Uke whnt you know to be good.
If In any doubt aa to what is tet for
vnn, write and atk advice of Dr. R. V.
Pierce, fto3 Main Street, Buffalo, 2i. Y.,
and reliable medical ad vie will be teni
you by return mail in securely sealed
envelope. All eorretpoudanca frea aud
irictly confidential.
Doctor Pierce'a rieaaant Pellet tha
favorite family laxative. One Pellet a
UxsAirtv two fnUni' ft eaibarOa
The Human System Must
Adjust Itself to Chang
ing Temperatures.
What effect upon the human Hjstem does nppronchiitK winter have? That
some III effect Is had every lody knows.
Hut just what It Is nnd how the deleterious effect of the winter season ran
be avoided Is a suhject requiring; the closest study on the part of the physiol
ogists nnd of the Rrcntcst concern to the masses of the people.
When the weather begin to change front warm to cold, when cool nights
succeed hot nights, when clear, cold days follow hot, Miltry days, the human
body must adjust Itself to this changed condition or perish.
The organs most visibly arfeclcd by falling temperature are the cVIn and
The iM-rspiration incident to warm weather hns been checked. This de
tains within the system poisonous materials which have heretofore found
escape through the Jx rsplrat ion
.Most of the ioisonous materials retained In the system by the checked
persplrmlon find their wny out of the body. If at ull, through the kidneys.
This throws uHn the kidneys extra labor. They become charged and over
loaded with the poisonous excretory materials. This bus a tendency to In Ha mo
trie kidneys, producing functional diseases of
the kidneys and sometimes Itright's Disease
Good, vigorous health will overcome these
Vicissitudes and tho body is strengthened
rather than weakened by the change.
But, tn a large per cent of cases, the
yields. The skin is unable to meet the
neys fail in their attempt to dispose of all the work so suddenly thrown upon
them. Therefore manv neonle niireuinh.
What can be done about this? Of
ure first to be thought of. Also a change of garments suitable to the season.
careful ventilation of the sleeping rooms, and the avoidance of drafts. Tho
diet should also be so modified as to
Hut, even when all these things are
formed, there still remains a multitude
hostile approach of winter, who will
the elements.
IVruna acts upon the skin by stimulating the emnnctory elands and duets
thus preventing the detent Ion of poisonous materials which should pass out.
eruna invigorates the kidneys and encourages them to fulfill their function in
spite of the chills and discouragements
Peruna Is a World
Renowned Remedy for
Climatic Diseases.
The combination of rrmrtlicK, tvlilch
nearly fifty years. Their efficacy has been proven by many decadon of use by
thousands of people and hns been substantiated over and over by millions of
is ii not iuic it rxperiment nun
The many attempts which have
it has become universally recognized
Do not neglect to provide yourself
dies to meet this emergeucy.
i Remington
Every model of the Remington Type
writer has been a success. There
never was a Remington failure.
The New Models represent the sum
and the substance of all Remington
success plus 30 years of experience in
typewriter building.
We will be glad to have
you call at our office and
see the new models or send
for illustrated booklet de
scribing the new features.
fflET G.S0L0H0N
The Janitor service In The Beo
Building is as near perfect as it can
be, remembering that Janitors are
human. Offices from $10 to $4?
per month. several desirable ones
from which to choose.
Xoember Is the month of falling tem
perature!.. Over all the temperate region (ho
hot weather has passed and the first rigors of
winter have apjeareil. As the iticut hulk of
civilized nations I loentcd In the Temperate
Zones, the effect of rliniiglnu; teMn is a o,ue
Hon of the highest Importance.
Overtaxed Kidneys
Need Assistance-Give
Them Help.
extra pressure nut noon it. The kid.
course, a careful avoidance of all expos
meet the peculiar demands of the system.
most intelligently and cautiously per
of people who will go down before the
be vanquished in the struggle against
of cold weather. '
Peruna Is a combination of well-tried
harmless, vegetable remedies that have
stood the test of time. Many of these
remedies have been used by doctors and
the people In Europe and America for
a hundred years.
constitute Pemna, ltas been in use for
omer remedies wnen i eruna is ob
been made to imitate Peruna show that
as the standard remedy.
with the safest and surest of all rente
Remington Typewriter cjj
Company m