12 TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1903. Manufacturers' Stock Sale f See Large Ad on Page Five for Prices. ' ' OMAII4 WRATH ER FOHKCT-Thnrndr Fair, I AY, Ysr EL.- -sa 1 r7S? TrRTTTMT l J M I Ml M I 1 1 THUHSDAYS SPECIAL SALES 29c $1 Costume Velvet nt 29s Yard -150 pieces of ' new Costume Velvets, in the shade of pray, Persian pat ternsalso Silk Velvets in all the colors of tho rainbow. These Velvets are especially adapted for entire costumes, f ) (l II s' . waists and for children's cloaks .to go on sale in our Annex at a yard 75c Black Silks at 29c Yard Twenty-five pieces pure silks Taffetas and Peau(de Cygnes on sale in main store at yard . BRANDEIS' STYLISH MILLINERY The winter millinery models are pret tier than those of this fall. The shapes are jauntier and the styles more becom ing. Brandels- Is the first to show the best new models adapted for popular price. New Designs In Suit Hats at SI. 50 The smart Turbans, Toques and Tarns that are far ahead In the race for popular favor the leading styles in C A New York well made very If JU special at f 1 only Dress Street Hats at $5 Stunning latest model hats of fine velvet, also silk, chenille braid and tailored felt artistically trimmed In the height of style autumn s blended col- fi orlngs all new all fresh p an Dargains ai only WIUU JIM H i StWS 209-211 S. 15th Street. 5 All Silk Ribbons at 2c a Yard 50,000 yards of heavy pure all silk and satin j?ros grain ribbon at 25c on the dollar for tomorrow's sale you will find all colors choice of No. IV2, No. 2, No 3, No. 5 (on sale in Annex only 2c Special SaJe of Watches Men's $15 Deuber-Hampden 17 Jewel Watches $6.98 Fitted with patent regulator and briquet hair spring, in. genuine silverine cases, positively I Qft tomorrow only,' at vl CJ A Fine 17 Jewel Watch at $9.88 Men's gold filled watches, 17 jewel Deuber-IIampden movement, fancy, engraved cases, stamped CI Q Q with 20 year guarantee, reliable time pieces. O Jewelry pepertment In the Annex. Wiivter Underwear Sale ladles' medium and heavy weight winter underwear vesta, pants and tights, form fitting garments M a nil elifne nrAftth o a Vx crK lrff OI wool ana newy wuuu, an viv - Do You Know How Fair Our Prices Are? IK) you know that under our roof you will find dis played the handjwnest ag gregation , of Fall and Winter fabrics that hav ever been shown in this city? , It's the constant study of our buyer to gather the brightest and best good from the standard looms of the world , and no display and price mark them that no gentle man need fall into the error of wearing poorly designed or ill-fltting garments. Trousers, $5 to $12, : Suits $23 to $50. We've a line of Trouser ings to gladden the heart of any gentleman. Every style of pattern every make of goods above the mean. You'll And no fcbodtly nt Nicoll's! We leave that to the imitators. FRED PAFFENRATH. Mgr. in is, ot as 1 tp cents, S tfScfif.!!? 25c-39c.49c.69c 49c-69c98c Ladles' Union Suits form-. - fitting including Munslng MlBses', children's and boys' underwear ribbed and heavy fleeced vests; (ants andtft C JO. drawers, at . . . J t'JLjZ-JQ. mom wm HOME VISITORS' RATES ' VIA Illinois Central R. R. - The Date, November 27th A chance to visit your old home. Why not spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with old friends once more! The ILLINOIS CENTRAL makes this possible by offering exceptionally low rates for the round trip, as shown below, with long' limit :v v i l Toronto, Ont Indianapolis, In J.. H23.20 Louisville, Ky saa.oo Detroit. Mich 25.83 Buffalo. N. Y $33.00 Salamanca, N. Y. 088.70 Cleveland. O Columbus, O $28.18 Cincinnati, O. . . . Toledo. O PitUburg, Pa. . . Wheeling, W. Va Springfield. 111. . Kankakee, 111. . . Bloomlngton, 111. Decatur, 111. . . . . $27.85 . . .$25.70 . . .$31.00 . . .$31.70 . . .$17.45 , . .$18.00 , . .$10.65 ,..$17.00 Correspondingly low rates to nearly all points in the above states. v For full particulars call at 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, or write ' SAMUEL NORTH, DISTRICT. PASSENGER AGENT, OMAHA NEB. Women's $3.50 Patent Colts The shoe that will be most popular this winter for women's wear la the Patent Colt shiny" leather, with dull kli top, button and blucher. The one we are showing; today Is the swagger potay and drop toe last a very aultable street shoe for Only $3.50 'HcHidiB this particular shoe we are allowing a larger ntoek thun ever be fore of riifftrpnl Mlvlpu iinrl nrtij. (rt women s uuoes and wo invite you to H Bte our raimilitc line before Making J your purchase. Drexel Shoe Co 1419 Farnam Si. Send for catalogue. although one of a score or more applicants who came in response to A Want Ad lu The Bee mr haln will find this the k -A easiest way to All vacancies. U Any Intelligent stenographer, or clerk, who wants a posi tion watches ths Want Ads. Telephone sai. I A ni r . m a.. ' s a w a e i r m i ' m m i mmmsm 1 l'n I IIMIilil II ii mill' '. SSSSSSSBi 9 Green Trading Stamp Booth, Main floor i THE KEY TO THE HEW RETAIL CENTER! "Sinclair" Millinery Thursday Two Special Lines of Trimmed HaJ$ All mid-aSason hats formerly sold up to t QO Thursday at lseVO All mid-season hats, formerly sold up to $8.98 Z QQ Thursday at e0 Big assortment of children's and ACI J IP misses' caps, up from TC UJlQ JC FLOWERS! FLOWERS! FLOWERS! New, fresh line of beautiful silk and vel- Xll C(0 vet flowers for the homi milliner, up romJ JC Watch the windows. Visit this beautiful department 35c and 70 59c 1.50 A BIG PURCHASE OF FINE WOOL DRESS GOODS From one of New York 's greatest Dress Goods Houses. We purchased 5,000 yards at a very low price, and we put on sale $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 per yard 7 r goods Thursday, per yard, at i DC In this hig purchase we have plain and fancy panamas, foulle cloths, voiles and eoliennes, crepes, Scotch Tweeds, fancy suitings, plain and fancy mohairs almost all the latest fall goods, that arcworth $1.25 to $2.50, 7 C all go Thursday, per yard, at B DC Table Linens Marked Very Cheap 20 pieces of unbleached Table Linen, 60 inches wide, for Thursday, per yard, only 25 pieces of Bleached and Unbleached Linen, 66 inches wide, extra heavy quality, worth up to 75c Thursday, at, per yard 100 dozen fine Bleached Linen Table Napkins, 20x 20, worth $1.95 dozen Thursday, per dozen... Big Sale of Bed Comforts 200 dozen fine bed comforts, covered with fine Brussels drapery silk, silkolines and imported sateens, some filled with cotton, wool, silk floss and down prices are, each, from AA $10.00 down to IsU U LADIES' CRAVENETTE CO ATS-A great bargain Made from tan covert, the very latest style, all c CIC sizes, value; $10 Thursday at Ladies' Suits' Two cleanup sales, about one hundred suits, black, colored and fancy, in cheviots, broadcloths, voiles and fancy mixtures, some were last season's styles, some this season. ' The regular prices were from $10.00 to $25 on sale Thursday at $4.95, half at $9.90. A GREEN TRADING STAMP SENSATION. With every ladies' rain coat and silk petticoat sold Thursday we will give double Green Trad ing Stamps. Ladies' Gingham Kitchen Aprons Nicely made, special, worth 25c, sale price Ladies' Black Sateen Peticoats, 24 inch accordion O C pleated flounce regular $1.25 value, special OJL Ladies' Spun Glass Petticoat Made with flounce and an acordion pleated ruffle regular 95c, sale LO from 2 to 5 p. m., at tJK Ladies' Fleeced Dressing Sacques and Kimonos, trimmed with narrow braid, sailor collar regular ; tuv J 19c 75c, special, at Bennett's Big Grocery NO BETTER VALUES EVER OFFERED IN COFFEES Ten green trudina; stamps wun nair Twenty green trading stamps with 2-lb. can Bennett's Hreakfust Coffee ,...4Kc Twenty grern trading stumps witli 2 lbs. Sultana Raisins auo Ten green trading slanips with I-lh can Burnham's Clam Chowder.. 2uo Ten grwn trailing stamps with 3 pack ages Jellycon. assorted flavors 'Jm Gillette's , Washing Crystal, three package -50 Twelve packages 1 SPECIAL ON TEA. Twtltf green trading: stamps with Imperial Japan Tea 2fta Bennett's Bargain Soap, 10 bars. . lie Thirty green trading stamps with pint bottle Blood ot the Urape &c Ten green trading stamps with 2 cans splendid Table Syrup -Kc Ten green trading stamps with iar McLaren's Imperial Cheese Ua Five green trailing stamps with Jar McLaren's Imperial Cheese 14o Twenty green trading stamps with pint bottle Qedney's Chill Sauce.. .S0u nlnt huttln Kedm-v's Chill Sauce.. 20c Twenty green trading stamps with can Diamond 8 Fruits, assorted.. 28o Twenty green trading stamps with can Batavia Fancy Salmon He BEETTS CANDV (SECTION. Thursday Big Offer on Fresh Made Vanilla Flavored Marsh mallows sev eral hundred pounds at these prices: Per pound ISO Twenty-five Marshmallows for Be Jot. Telle; & Co.'s London India. &.nd Ceylon Teas Uuesslnst Contest On. Lots olPrlzas. Te Counter. B A SEMENT. Great sale of SILKS THURSDAY. Don't Miss It. ii lr u U) .G S THE IIKI.IAULE STOKE. Creaf Sale c) MEN'S CloJhing Continues THURSDAY. Other Special Bargains Thursday BEAUTIFUL 11L LRCES The seasmi for making fancy luce trim aprons for holiday Rifts Is at hand. Our Inserting anil Bindings, Is the most romp sale Thursday morning. FIRST IXT A beautiful line of Vsl l.aces. Bindings and lnnertlngs. worth 6o to 10c per ysrd. sale price Olr Thursday vard lv SKCONl) 1XT-Handsome Val Ires. Bindings and Insortlngs. worth regularly l(c to I.So per yard, all at one er price Thursday per yard i.J med handkorchiefs, corset covers and fancy lace stock, especially In Fancy Vsl Laces, lete In the west. Two great lots go 6u X,C CORSF.T COVER EMBROIDERIES Brautitul patterns, great snap at . Qrs sale price, yard 5C ALL SH.K VFILlNOs In all th nobbv new colors and patterns, iQc sale prlc. per yard 1SC LADIES' NECKWEAR at C 10-VAHD SriMiL COTTON 1C IN THE DOMESTIC ROOM Fine quality Bleached Muslin, ysrd wide, at yard Yard wide fine Cambric, on the market, Thursday, only, yard 4gc best 10c value, 7ic Seamless Sheets, fine quality, 2 yards by 24 long, good value at jUn 60c, at, each CJW 81c MOTHER BIO Millinery Purchase FOR THURSDAY SELLING 811k Velvet Hand Made Hats, worth $6.00, go at Tucked and Mallne and Chenille Hats, worth S.fl0, at 1.98 1.98 Trimmed Two-toned Felts. In black and red, dark blue and Alice mouse and re seda greens, trimmed with silk pon-pons and foliages, for the remark- f)fir able price of JO FOLIAGES Worth $1.00 at Ton Pons Worth $1.00 and 75c, 4Qg CHILDREN'S BABT BONNETS Made of bear skins, velvets, silks and furs. Cfln lit 2.. 2.60. tl.98, 1.5t. SKc, 76oand.. Bovs' and Dlrls' Storking Caps, In all Qr pretty colors. 49c. 39c and '" Buy Your Apples and Pears Now Bushel boxes Fancy Colorado Eating Apples 1..I1.35 Bushel boxes Fancy Colorado Kelfer Pears 11.75 Bushel boxes' Fancy Colorado St. Law sence Pears $1 98 Grocery Specials for Thursday 21 lbs. pure cane granulated sugar for.tl.OO 48-lb. sacks Fancy High Patent Minne sota Flour -36 10 bars best brands laundry soap...... ic ! Jellycon, per package 7c jeno, per pacgage Advo Jell, per package 7c The best soda or oyster crackers, lb.. 6 Vic mi ii A OJ 0 J. V. V700DR0UGII FOR COUNTY JUDGE M) Number Oa Vating Machine Is 6 O H. L. RAWACCI0TT1. D..V. S. CITT VETKRIIiKIOI. . Office and luiirntary. ZSth and Mason Bta. OMAHA, HOi. TalefihOD US. You Who Have Not Registered Last Registration Dty, SATURDAY, NOV. 4. 1905 If you Jail to regislrr on Saturday, you cannot vote on November 7th, or at the election next spring. REMEMBER! Registration of September 19th (Primary Day), has been declared illegal and void hy the courts. Register! Register! Register! Last pay of Registration is SATURDAY, NOV. 4th Republican Douglas County Committee M. J. GREEVY, Secretary L. C. GIBSON. Chairman. HOMESEEKERS' RATES AGAIII LOWERED On November 7th and 8 1st,. Decem ber Eta and 19th VIA UNION PACIFIC to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyoming, and LESS THAU ONE FARE for the round trip to many points in WYOMING, COLORADO, NEBRASKA AND KANSAS Tickets are good for return twenty one days from date of sale and stop overs allowed on both going and re turning trips. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARNAM ST'. 'Phone 816. Oily Eight Wecki till Chriatmaa. Ara you ready? Now would h a good atork has never bvrn no complete aa now. You could profitably apenu ifw uuuuvr. m uu ,iuic ....... .... ... name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1316 Douglas St. Su r mnr m J V manufacture our own trunks, traveling bags and aun ceaea. We make Ihtm of the bt material. Our workman hip la unexcelled. We sell then or leea than Inferior aradk. would cost you (I new here. If you buy of us f a will set the bt you will aava money jou will be better rattrflert. leather Bound Slatting Suit Cases, tt 60. U-Ti in6 M oo. U'e do rpelrlnir. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, 120 Farnam 8trest. Pf AOS and COMPORT are sure to oomo it fho. who amok a.1 k flSt-CUS5 C1CR MADE OF FINE aHTr H..V TOMCtO TIT TMKM f. ft. MCI MCRCANTILB ClOAt OO. iT.WUlO, S9S rnmmnrrlally all wool Blankets. 11 nuavtPid. 72 by S4 ln-hs long. O Thuradav at " 1 ' Hoinn Made Brd Comforters. 89 incha wldp. 7 fort lonn. fine colora. 1 RH wpll irtndp. farll m.JM 12Hc Outing Flannels, brat mad, bright and dark colora. yard SriXTIAL. SALK ON FL.ANNELETTE8. 3-buohol barrla of Fancy Npw Tork Greening or Baldwin Apples W 60 Fancy lmjorted Malaga Grains, per lb.U'Hc Fancy Hallowe'en Patea, per lb 7"Ja Fancy California Cooking Figs, per lb. 7V 3 measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts loo Fresh, crisp, milk crackers, per lb ; t Fresh, crisp, ginger snaps, per lb...l 5c Vanilla ot lemon wafers, per lb Ifto Fancy separator creamery butter, lb.. 23c 2-lb. ran sweet sugar corn to Don't fall to see our blr demonstrations of canned fish, cereal coffees and Jelly la basement. K 1