Omaha Daily Bee. megislntion Day $" f r Z. . . from 8 m. 11 SaiWay ,,,.,. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1005-TWELVK PAGES. SINGLE COPV THREE CENTS. The fjeghtralion Day " IC Saturday t i ;len V UT 1)4 V DUD I TEC ' Geosral VDgr of Un'. Fe Refrigera'.or j "J, Diipatcb S'.ar'lwi Ccmmmiou. I UNABLE TO BREAK UP THE PRACTICE Kr. Letal BJ8 Aoj AUemp'. t Do SO Wauld 0iUI9 Eat War. - SCHEDULE OF AMOUNT OF DRAWBACK Tn Dollari io Chicago, Fifteen to Buffalo and Tea.j to Saw York. RELATION OF COMPANY TO IISPATCH ante rurlli-i turn lef narrator v Company tnt Onlrnl the fi Santa Fe Hllnr System. WAfdllNOToN. Nov. 1 Admitting that rebate r given to shipper In the Cali fornia fruit service by practically all prt vnt" cur lines, (i. S. Lct.ds. general man-ng"i- i f the Bantu IV Refrigerator DIs jat"h. nilivened the Inquiry lwlng ron-dii-led here by the Interstate Commerce commission lo nhrnv Hie relation between rellrnad and companies engaged In the hueins.of refrigerating freight In transit. Mr Iadn sail these rebate were necea narv to hi company becnseall hi com petitors were granting them. H asserted that h could not break up the practice without precipitating n fnlo war. The testimony today was confined to th hiilns of tlie Atchison. Topeka Santa, Fe rallrdnd and th Santa Fe Refrigerator Dispatch, which corporations, according to official of, who were on the stand, are ownd by the f.imo Interest. t M. Lead occupied the witness Ktani the greater part of the day anil was fol lowed hy Edward Chamber, freight trafflc ninnager of the Santa Fe railroad, who prefaced r mas of Important teMlmony wlth the statement that the slock of both corporation I owned by the came lnfr t;t and they have the name precldent. Tho oommiKSlim this evening ordered the taking of the deposition of Edwin T. Earl of Los Angeles, Cal., November 10. At torney Prion, for the Armour car line. again endeavored to have a date fixed closing the Inquiry, but hla motion wtia led. Case of flanla Fe notlrray. The cases In which the hearings are beln held are directed by the commls alon againaT thu Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fa and the Southern acinc railways and the Armour car, lines, Santa Fe Refrlg-e-ator Dispatch and the American Refrig erator Transit company. The cases were segregated from tho . numerous cases agulnst southeastern railways on which hearings wero held recently. ' The principal witness today was J. 8. J,e(ls, general manager of the Santa Fe Refrigerator Dispatch, who gave startllng- tostlmony concerning rebates and declared his Inability to break up tho practice. He uid tk4 eompuny. operates cars and obtains additional "equipment by Inter changing with the American Refrigerator Transit company and the Michigan Cen tral railway. The cars operated by the Santa Fe Refrigerator Dispatch, said Mr. Leads, arc owned by the Santa Fe railway and are leased by the Dlspatctv.Une. Commissioner Prouty questioned the wit ness regarding the cost of refrigeration In the California fruit service, and Mr. Leads mid a charge for refrigeration Is justifiable for the reason that the receipts from mileage are Insufficient to )ay earnings on the expensively constructed cars. Mr. Ieads figured the cost of maintenance of cars at 21 cents a day and the earn ings for sixty-six miles at of a cent a mile, making the annual earnings at 1142, maintenance $7E, and net earnings J67 a year. The cars cost about 11.100 each. Admits Partus Rebates. In response by Commissioners Clements and Prouty, t Mr. Leads admitted that lie has paid rebates to shippers of deciduous rrults, but Insisted that there had been no discrimination In favor of any one or more shippers. He Justified the payment of re bates, by saying that he found this to be a practice Indulged In by his competitors. The rebates, he said, amounted to 10 a tar to Chicago, $16 to Buffalo and Puts burg and 20 to the Atlantic coast. A protest was made by the attorneys for the Armour cur lines and the 'Southern 2aolflo company against the "loone manner of examining the wlliiess." Commissioner Clement hud culled atten tion to the testimony kIvcii by Mr. limits ! In hearing at Chicago a year ago and asked Mr. Leads to tell the commission again of "theso practices." The attorneys aid that If Mr. Leuds hud evidence of con crete cases where rebates had been given it Would be oil right for him to tell of these cases. Mr. Leads then told what his company had done and said individually he was powerless to break up the practice. "Why can't you break it up?" asked Commissioner Prouty. "Because It would precipitate war that niighi bring the charges below cost of re frigeration," said Mr. Leads. J. H. Call of Los Angeles, Cal., special counsel for the commission, asked Mr. Leads if it were not a fact that a Santa He Refrigerator Dispatch is a part of the ganta Fe railway organised as a "matter of convenience." Mr. Leads suggested that the oigunizu- lion was a "matter of necessity," but he declintal to commit himself as to the de- tailed relations between the two corpora tions. Replying to questions by P. F. Dunne, counsel or the Southern Pacific. Mr. JM-adl aald It would be impracticable for a great railway system, having connection. forking out beyond its terminals, to bundle Its own refrigeration business. CRITICISED PARRY ' FACTION .Manufacturers Say Dele Michigan Baslaess Men of C ountry la False Pool! ton. T"7h DETROIT, Nov. I The Michigan mem- bers of the National Manufacturers' asso- elation at a meeting this afternoon, at whlrh about two-thirds of the members of ; the Michigan branch were represented in person or by proxy, unanimously adopted soluttous emphatically endorsing Presi- ( "-nt Roosevelt's position on the freight rate , -iritalton question and criticising the i n of the delegates of the Interstate .uiierce law convention In Chicago last .-k, who by 'heir spill are declared to give aacTiflced the main object to differ- i army, with headquarters in St. Luuis, ur ncea of opinion as to nonessentials, thereby ' lived here unexpectedly today and formally creating the erroneous Inference that thtie is a lark of unanimity of nplni.m among business men as to the lived of fedoral control of freight rates. ELECTION RIOTS IN GOTHAM People Object to Display of Red I I Coupled Tilth Stare and Stripes. NEW VUKK. Nov 1. Two campaign in- icldcnts which resulted In the teat-Inn down of two anti-Hearst banners and caused ' excitement among thousand!" of people f rum d In two different sections of the city May during the noon hour. "rnr ',ariners w-ero similar to the one or- I dered down by Mayor McClellan last night ! a red flag supported by a hand labelled '"Hearst." an American llnff with the sup- pol l inn hand marked "McClellan." und I under the query "t'nder whlrh flag?" Tl 1 of todays demonstrations oc- rur .- Vn'"n .q"aT J"'1"" "V.5" ! cru rer 1 nn nr O down the red flag. The police S he McClellan flag. t rind Incident of similar origin was Itlng. several thousand people wlt- ,t at Fourth street and Broadway, ng man who declared that he was m learst 'sympathizer made a speech : ,ng indignation that the American II d been placed on a lvcl with tho f anarchy. ner young man pushed his way It the crowd to the pole supporting Hie iianner, shouting, "I'll do It. I'll cut It down. TV will get rid of that flag of una rchy." Ther was a cheer from the crowd whlcn was heard for blocks und a lane was mad 3 for the young man, who made hi way to r,t,n rt ll.A .l U. I, 11a ..lit ' .... the cord that held the nags a mi mim leu to the street. On the side of the street on which the American Hag fell many In tho crowd uncovered and the natlnnnl em blem was picked up and carefully folded. The red flag, however, was trampled In the mud and finally was torn to pieces. Ry this time an extra force of police had arrived from a nearby station house and i the young man who had cut down the flag was arrested charged with disorderly con duct. He waa followed to tho station house by a crowd of several hundred persona who Jeered and denounced the police for making tho n rrost Mayor McClellan today expressed dip. proval or the use of the red flag on some ' nt tho Ti.mrm.nv bnnner. and fll.o directed I that the soenke'r aunnnrtlna him must not I... o-.Hii.. r r.,,.! .,r, of nv .,r,..r.. ' ine rnr.rilrin trs. Charle, F Mnrnhv leader of Tammanv ! hnll. said today that Tammany had nothing In Ho lrh tlio fraction of tho nnlltlenl rtl.- ! plays on which the American flag and the , red flag were placed side by side. "",MU1 Bn,a "HVB ""n '.su,iy We have nothing to do with them." said nod student. Park college, her nlma Mr. Murphv. "Those flags were put up : nii4,-r- has BPnt '",0 the t'reKn Held more bv business men." I rn'SHl"narle8 'n time than any other Police Commissioner McAdoo said thnt I college of Its character, and Dr. Chestnut he intended to communicate today with the wa" regarded as one of tho most success persons responsible for hanging the red ful- Having devoted extra years to the flag and that he would take measures work of Preparation, she was specially to prevent further disturbances over them. ntt,d for th 'lifflrtilt taks confronting her When Benjamin Hallo!, the man arrested m tl,e orlent- tnft nrBt and Probably great at Fourth street and Broadway, was ar- ' Mt ot whlch u to master the language, raigned In Jefferson market pnllce court I 6he,,s Bald t0 have had "Plendid cujiimand Magistrate Whitman told him that it was i ot Chinese. no insult to the American fla to be hung Dl- Chestnut waa In Llenchow, which Is on a banner with a red flag. He then j the Shantung province, during the recent added: "If you continue tearing down I Boxr uprisings and her friends In this flags like this you will be classed as an nar.hlst votiraelf. It is a matter for the courts to decide whether the American flag Is subject to Insult in such a fushlun." ' Halle! whs then reprimanded and allowed to go free. A third red flag on a Tammany banner was attacked by a crowd at Broadway and Park Place today, but the police ar rived In time to atop a man whom the crowd was boosting tip a pole to cut down the banner. One arrest was made. This red flag, which was near the postoftice, was the object of many complaints made to Postmaster Wlllcox. He replied that as the banner did not touch the govern ment property It was out of his Jurisdiction. COLLAPSE OF FEVER EPIDEMIC No evr Cases of Yellow Jack at tn Orleans and Only Eighteen I nder Treatment. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 1. -Report of yel low fever situation to 6 p. in.: New cases None Total ' 3.3:k Deaths 2 Totul 44- Cases tinder treatment is Cass discharged 2,930 With business suspended In observance of All Saints' day and fresh evidence in the dully report that the fever is verging on complete collapse, the marine hospital ser vice forces hud practically nothing to do. Ur White Is making arrangements to go to Chattanooga next week to attend the quarantine convention. The temper of the Louisiana delegates to the convention will probably be favor- 1 able to federal assumption of the maritime i iiuurantinc In the belief that the first con sideration is to keep yellow lever out of the country PKNSACOLA. Flu , Nov. l.-Tho yellow fever situutlon showed Improvement to night. The nummary: New cases 2 Total cases to date 549 Deulhs today , o Total number of deaths to date 78 Cases tinder treatment fl Number of cases discharged 420 EXPLOSION IN WASHINGTON Two Men Killed and 'I tree Injured by an Accident In Elect rie Potter House. WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 1. Two men , were killed and three seriously injured ttbout 2:15 o'clock this afternoon by an ex- plosion In the Potomac Electric power 1 house ut the corner of Fourteenth and B streets, northwest, j The dead: . WILLIAM S. WHITE, an engineer, aged U9. i CLARENCE A. WHiTELY. colored, aged ,31. Tl lo Illicit- f,oorK Treml)lHi ,.nttill.,r. i l.uihi-r Butler, a Areiuun. I William T. Hall, a fireman. I Of the Injured, two are not expected to i1'- .. . .. l lie r &IUUBIUII uirn VI. WID liraij Ul U ! twelve-Inch cylinder on the main steam I nioA Thu tT-irl r.tiiiM.1 of thu avoIokIoi, hua not been ascertained. GENERAL WESTON IN CHARGE i j Head of nortaera DltUioa of Head of nortaera DltUioa Irnr Formally Aaaumea Comma ad. 8T LOUIS. Nov. I. Major Gcnerul John A. Weston, former commissary general of the I'nlted Slates army, who was pro moted from a brigadier on October S and us&igned to succeed General Randall as commander of the northern division of the I took over bis command, (iehoral Weston ' i a veteran of the civil war a"d a native "I Kent m.U'. Ho w ill be retired luemle 11. 13. MURDER TflE MISSIONARIES Chineie Prejudfca FroTti Fatal to Mem ben of Presbyterian Colaa. ONE WELL KNWN IN THIS SECTION Graduated at Park Collegre, Mo.. Wn Roommate There of r. J. B. Woolan of TMa City. HONO KONQ. Nov. 1. Five American mlcBlnnnrln. K i .-A 1 la kllllVw1 IwCTl Til U T- , . . ' 1,,a. h , Vet been received. Lienchow i a town ' of 12.H' people, situated in the western por tion of the province of Kwang Tung, at the head of the gud of Tong King, not far from the treaty port of I'akhol. Dr. Eleanor Chestnut, Mr. E. C. Mnchle and child and Mr. and Mrs. Pealo are the victim of the disturbances of the Llen ehow mis.ion. CINCINNATI. Nov. l.-Mrs. E. C. Machle, whose murder by Chinese at Llenchow is i reported from Hong Kong, was known here, two brothers-in-law and one sister-in-law and her mother-in-law living here. The settlement at Llenchow Is a Presby terian one. Mrs. Machle Is 30 years old and the child referred to. Amy, is aged 8. Dr. Eleanor Chestnut, referred to as murdered. Is also known in Cincinnati, mUn Vi..c irlultA n'hntl Tl til LI ,in A furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Pealo are not known In Cincinnati. During the Boxer outbreak several years ago, when foreigners' lives were worth little in the sight of the Chinese mobs bent on murder. Dr. Mnchle was captured and would have been mnssacred had It not been that a Mandarin whose life had been saved by Dr. Machle rescued him. Dr. Eleanor Chestnut was a classmate and roommate of Mr. J. B. Wootan. 41.12 I Tzard street, at Park college, Parkvllle, I Mo. Other Park college alumni in Oinahn "w Mlaa Chratnut. She took her academy nd enn ,"llrsps at I,ark- whPr WH graduated With high honors. She then WPnt to Chicago and took a course In a Tial training school with a view to i missionary work abroad. This course con umpd ,wo V8"- nt lhp ond of whlrh she sumed two years, nt the end of which she entered upon her three years' medical eotlrse, which she also took in Chicago. Throughout her educational course Miss niry were continuously apprenensive Tor hcr safety, and not without cause, for she waa In constant peril for a period of the time, though she escaped any bodily Injury. An orphan at an early age, Miss Chcsnyt was reared in Iowa by a friend of her fam ily She went to Park college when a bit ot a girl and entered the academy. With out any means whatever, she was depen- dent upon her own resources which were given opportunity for exercise at the in stitution and the aid the college gave her, among other of the students not able to maintain their own expenses. But Dr. Chestnut's friends say her circumstances seemed an Incentive for excellent work, as she always had a good class record. Her home. If she could be said to have hud one in this country, was Chicago, where she had close personal friends. One of the saddest features of the tragedy Is that Dr. Chestnut hud about completed the second period, at the end of which a missionary is allowed a year's furlough. She had been back to this country once. She would, therefore, have returned to this country in a few months. Mrs. Wootan was at the old college home lust week and she and other of Mies Chestnut's friends were talking and planning about hcr home coming. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL umlirr of Appointments Made Hnrnl Carriers and Poat maatenvi. of (From u Stuff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. (Special Tele gram.) Rural curriers appointed: Ne- l ..1... ....- poiiIl. ' l'llll r Super, currier: Arthur llugudoor. substi- tutu. Iowa, Burlington, route 0, Miss A. M i i: . JuhiiHoii, carrier; J. E. Johnson, substitute. Mellbourue, route 1, Henry N. Wilsterman, carrier; H. J. Anderson, substitute. Moul ton, route 1, Thomas F. McCoy, currier; A. R. McCoy, substitute. Wyoming, Knight, route 1, Anumus It. Cornelison. carrier; Ell S. Cornelison, mibstltute. Rural route No. 2 has been ordered -established January 2 at New Albln, Allamakee county, la., serving 372 people und ninety three houses. Nebraska, postmasters appointed: Danne brog, Harvard county, Peter S. Peterson, vice James M. Elickson, removed. Smyrna, Nuckolls county. Mrs. Minnie Lludcmuiiii, vice J. C. Lindemunn, dead. The First National bunk of Wukonda, S. D . bus been uuthorized to begin b isiness with capitul. RdTus Jackson n presi dent, E. W. Babb, vice president and J. VV, Bryant, cashier. The secretary of the Interior todu in structed the land officers at Lander, Wyo., to withdraw from entry some 12,ltW acres i,.Kli. lunH lo lh..i. .limi-iC to iw. ...1.1.... , J."""-- to the Yellowstone forest reserve. The lands thus withdrawn are described as follows: purl of sections 3 to . both in - elusive; all section 17 to 21, both inclusive; all 28 to 23. both Inclusive: south half of 34 and all 35 In township 33, north range ltd west. HEAVY RAINS IN PANAMA End of tnlebra Cot Filled with Water and Work of Steam Shovels Mopa. PANAMA, Nov. 1. Heavy ruins last wtn k filled the Culehra cut With water to the extent of stopping the work of the Bteam shovels at the Cucaracha end. To make up for time lost during the rulny season En- gineer Stevens will follow the example of the Frenchmen, who in the dry season cm- ployed a double force of men. All freight trains of the Panama rallrual, except one each way, will hereafter run at night, so as to give the canal commit,- sion's train more time 011 the railway dur- lng tue day W. E Laige ba been uppcibtetl chief engineer of the inut lei; ..I ilivision lo u I cced C. E- Duis. rvs&beJ. LAST CHANCE. TO REGISTER Saturtlity Is the lust rt-iiiMratiou day in (dunlin anil South Omaha. In order to vote t the coming election every duly qualified elec tor must appear personally before the registration board and haro hia name enrolled on the registra tion books. Last year's registration does not hold good for this year. Registrars sit from 8 a. m. to 9 o- ni- .' " LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER DCUBT DEATH OF CHORUS GIRL lirlatlrea of tieary Woman nt Cer tain of Hln Found on rtod. BOSTON. Nov. 1. Pending the arrival of Morris Nathan, who left Pittsburg last night for Boston, it was believed here to day that no arrest of physician would be made In the suit case mystery until after the police officials had nn opportunity of questioning the young man. The state ment of Attorney Bisklnd, representing Nathan, that he hoped to show that Miss Geary Is, in fact, alive and that he ex pected to demonstrate this by producing the young woman, created something of a sensation In police circles. The statement of the attorney was read with interest In Cambridge, where the Cjearys live, because of the fact that some of the members of the Geary family are not certain that tho rings found upon the hands of the victim were those of Susan. To the police the statement suggested Nathan's possible de fense and emphasized tho necessity of the commonwealth proving positively that the dismembered part of the body In the suit rase, the head being mlsalng. wero portions of the body of the Cteary girl. Nathan and a number of officers arrived In Boston at 4:2". A crowd blocked the platform at the South Pnlon station, await ing the arrival of the train. Nathan, pale and weak and apparently quite ill. came down the car steps' w ith the officers. The trip to police headquarters wits made with the horses driven nt a gallop, and Nathan was taken at one" Into the private office of (Superintendent Pierce. He had hardly reached the room when a messenger came out. lie stated that Nathan had col lupsed and needed medical treatment. Dr. Dunn, the police phyRician, who was summoned to attend Nathan, informed the police officials that It would be Imprudent to question the prisoner tonight, and, act ing upon this advice, bc examination of Nathan was iiostponed until tomorrow. Nathan ha been charged with abortion and It Is on thi charge that. he will be brought into court tomorrow, when 'it Is expected his counsel will ask for a con tinuance of the case. Captain Dugun, after a conference with Superintendent Pierce and Chief Wattn, stated that fur ther arrests today were Improbable. Nathan was held at '.ho police head quarters for about two hams while under treatment by the phy (elaj, , He recovered uKt!eielijr-4..U -fcKWHtt-aVr which he waa locked tip for the night. Ills counsel stated, after bidding Nathan , Bt'im nigm, iiiui no euirii nuum uc inttuts to nlit:itn luiil 10011711. Tninnrrnw thA nn. ! lice will make an attempt to try the pris oner if his condition Is favorable. Later. Nathan's case took an unfavor- able turn and he was removed to the I .1 iny uuniuicti. 1 wo iiiiHciui a win reiiuiin at tne Hospital until ne gains sumcient strength to leave the institution. VTTTKni'UO .... 1 H' 1. 1, i t 1 ... , . .u , of the member of the "Shepherd King" . . iiiiaLium vuiiiimii in iDiuirnvv ku Hit; Winthrop dress Bult case mystery and I Morris Nathan's connection with the case ; , . , , , , . , was resumed today by the Pittsburg au- .1. ... . . , . " . thorittes. The persons being Interrogated are Miss Murie -und Miss Barren, chorus girls; Stage Manager Forrefct and Assistant Stage. Manager Brown. TEMPERANCE WOMEN'S JUBILEE State U . C. T. V. OrBanisatluns Making; IllK ttalna in Membership Hold Joint Celebration. LOS ANGELES, Cul., Nov. 1 The Na tional Woman's Christian Temperance union convention, which hus been in ses sion In this city for the lust week, con cluded tonight with a program under the head of "state Jubilee night." The pro gram was given by the presidents of tho various organizations of different staU'H , nP m,. ,llll..1J ,i1R h,., vu, -ri,.. ' " - .. i j stules under this heading were Michigan, Wisconsin, imliana. Illinois, Nebraska. New York. Florida and California. The numbers tonight consisted of addresses, orul and Instrumental. Tho day Sessions were taken up piin tipully by addresses by different speakers, among whom were Rev. Robert J. Bur dette, Mrs. !. E. Bulley, nutionul lec turer and organizer fur the Woman's Chris tian Temperance union, and Chaplain Or vllle Nuve. The latter spoke upon the sub ject of the army and navy cunteen and urged that there be no compromise with tho liquor element in army circles. "There should be total abstinence," lie said.. "The army does not want drunken ness, but the question is how lo get rid of It. "Let it be inipr.bsed ukjii rongres that the people want an army of totul ub- staineis." Mrs. liulley spoke upon the Mormon quts - tlon, saying that convinced Her more than ever that siren- uuus efforts should be made toward the l, of niiinv Mo. o.o,, ...i.o.n. j " j IVuHISKY IN COURT HOUSE ' 'Carload of Illicit Boose Temole of Jnatiee nt Stored Inde. In prudence, Kan. INDEPENDENCE. Kan., Nov. 1. Seveu- 1 t J""'' " "'" ana ; sentenced to the county J.ill today for !,i 1 - ,,- , , 1 m 1 1 tul.itliig the aUtte piuliioliory law. i en ; 0f t1(. ,,. i,,eratc(t (u Coffeyvllle and i I seven in fancy. All of ilie Co ft-, yville j i jointista and two of the Caney offenders' , were each lined und sentenced to Jail . until December 24. The other men were ; fined IHW each and sentenced to thirty , days in Jail. Th" jointista will ulso have to pay the cost of court proceedings, : The prohibitory law is being strongly '. enforced In this county now. Bar fixtures jxalued at ll'i.ii0 are stored away here and . notice has been served on the owners to show cause why the property should not I le destroyed. A carlosd of whisky and, 1 beer, the result of recent raids Pi funey ai.d Cuffeyville. is stored In the buseoii nt - 1 of the court hoii-. I 1,1s will ulso lie de- 1 t&(rovU on a twuit order. j BRITISH ADMIRAL ARRIVES Prince Louii of BaUinaerf divan aa En thni'aitio Welccras at Annapalia. EXCHANGES CALLS WITH AMERICANS Combined Fleets Are at Anchor .Naval Academy and Tars of Tno ntlons Are Fraternising. off ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Nov. l.-Oreeted by , the cotnmander-lu-chlet of the North At- : lantic fleet, the superintendent of the naval j ..v nu. i, jr a 1 1 'J lllf ,UVCI Oil. HI ill it I J I M 1 1 , his serene highness Admiral Trlnce Louis of liatlenberg and the cruiser squadron tin der his command on the day ot their arrival ! Australian horseman who wa lured to a In Chesapeake bay have been made to ' cottage In this city and murderously as know and feel that thev are heartilv wel- """cd and robbed br Milton Franklin comed to American waters and American Andrews and a female companion, today soil. Strictly according to regulations a tho several official welcomes have been, each has been characterised by a genuine note of sincerity and hospitality that rang true and tonight Prince Iuls and the officers and men of his squadron feel thoroughly at home. Twenty-one guns from the Drake an nounced the approach up Chesapeake bay this morning, shortly after 9 o'clock of Prince Louis' squadron. Contrary to the official weather report, a balmier autumn day never dawned over Chesapeake hay than that which poured out Its sunshine upon the leaden colored cruisers as they steamed In single column swiftly up the bay. t'ttnen T.onla .Innjl on lh. hi-IM of 1,1. fl...hio , .ko , . f ,oo .-.i i eolumn of cruiser and gazed on the scene I wit li evident pleasure. Stretched out across the bay to welcome was the strong right arm of the American navy, the eight battle ships of the first ond second divisions of the North Atlantic flept, anchored in stnglo rolunin some 201 yards apart, the Maine at the head of the column flying the pennant of Rear Admiral Evans, the commander-in-chief, and the Missouri, Kentucky, Kear- surge, Alabama, Illinois, Iowa and Massa chusetts In the order named. Spotlessly white they lay there their guns and brasses gleaming In the sunlight as the great white i squadron rode gracefully at anchor. Exchanxe of Salutes. As the Drake began the firing of the national salute the American flag was hoisted at the main, Us colors mingling prettily with those of the British flags against the dull background of the flagship. As the lust shot of (hp nutute -niiir nut there boomed from the Maine, flagship of the American commander-in-chief, the llrst gun of the return salute apd quickly an ensiim was bolsteH at th m.m nr mlral Evans was then saluted by the Drake with thirteen guns and thirteen guns from his flagship Immediately carried back his official salute to tho British rear admiral A salute of thirteen guns was later ex- changed between the Drake and the shore station. Confidently, with little slackening of their speed, the British squadron steamed past Admiral Evans' squadron to positions about I 61 yards Inside and came to anchor In alnle column parallel with the American slrtTsw-tr4irhti-r ut Cjowdlntrr" flceri lieutenant W..R. Crossley, Admiral Evan8. fla(r ueutenant put out from th(S Ifng fo, the Drake, and presented to ri 1 ..i , c 1 1 nun uruin uiiiiim ijVttllB respects. Ar r rangements wero then made for the official cull of Prince Louis upon Admiral Evans, i Sonn after 1 nf frnnalau ..a- .,, h,.r1 ,. . J. , , turned u board the Maine Prince Louis and 1 tjjg flag lieutenant were seen going over .the side of the Drake a"d Immediately all waa activity on board the Maine In preparation for the welcome, not of a royal .' .... - ... . . , , . prince, but of a British rear admiral, for It is in this capacity that his highness comes to America. As Prince Louis' barge . v -o 1 1 1 n aiuiwDiun ine Bia.uvaru Kunxwuv 01 ' , . . , , " I the Maine Admiral Evans, Captain Nlles. .-mi j , w ' ' ' , . """""""" greet him, and assembled on the quarter deck to participate In the welcome were Admiral Evans, Chief of Staff Captain John E. Plllsbury and the fleet officers of Ad miral Evans' staff. The reception of Prince Louis on board the Maine was made tho more cordial by the very graceful and courteous words of Admiral Evans, which were accompanied by a hearty handshake. As Prince Louis went over the side shortly afterward lie was again saluted with thir teen guns. From the Maine Prince Louis and Lis Aug lieutenant repaired aboard the Ala bama, flagship of Rear Admiral Davis, com manding the second division of the first squadron, where he wus similarly received. the Alubainu firing thirteen guns as the I prj,, jeft the Blip. Prluec Calls on (.overuur. 1'iiiice Louis, acconiiMinled by his i 1'iiiice Louis, acconiianled by his flag ; lieutenant, then started up the hurbor for ! Annapolis to pay his respects to Admiral Sands and Governor Warfield. His highness was greeted at the boat landing of the Naval academy by Admiral Sands and his aide. Drawn up to render the prescribed sulute was a company of marines. Await ing him wus Governor Warfleld's carriage, in which the prince aud Admiral Sundd drove to the letter's residence, whence after a few minutes the prince drove to the gov ernor's mansion and paid his official call upon Governor Warfield. The prince was met at the front door by the governor and given a hearty reception. After the first otfifiul exchanges the visit wus comiurt- ably Informal. ine prince reiurneu to me jjrake, where j fat 1:30 o'clock this afternoon he received j the return call of Admiral Evans. Later' ! In tlit afternoon, Admiral Sands, Governor .Vurfli.1.1 no. I ll.o ,.o....,,,.- , 1 (lie American thips called on board the 1 I Drake and the Junior officers from tho I American ships paid their respects to the ! British Junior officers on each cruiser. This afternoon officers from the British and the Anitrlcen squadrons and the midshipmen crowded the sidelines and saw the naval academy eleven defeat an eleven from the Battle ship Missouri In a game of foot ball by a score of 16 to 0. The armored cruiser squadron, com- manded by Rear Admiral Brownaun. anchored shortly after noon outside the column of battle ships. Admiral Brown- son and Prince Ijjuis later eAiiianKed visits. v Contrast Between Cruisers. The American nrmored cruisers offer an Interesting contrast to the cruisers of prince Louis' squadron. The American cruisers are more formiduble, but the British cruisers are built for greater aneeri .... , , a this even nar la u vat m,i,h - I ....... . British and American offlders. and at the1 officers' club are occurring many reunions some lietween class mates, others between Americans and Brltisers who have before in other parts of the world nd Brltisers who have met The feature of tomorrow a program will be the t-pe.ial review of f the brigade of aiade. which will i..i Irthipinen and dress p. tCuiiliuutu uu Second Page j NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST fair Thursday and Colder In West Portion. Friday Fair and Colder. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! llonr. 1 p. 2 P .1 p. P. R p. tl p. T P. S p. tt p. Iea. 4:1 4J 41 4 I 41 IJ 41 in m HUNT FOR MILTON F. ANDREWS Man la Acenaed of Mnrder at Colorado Sprlnus and Troy. X. V.. and Mnr derons Aaannlt In C alifornia. BERKELEY, Cal., Nov. l.-Mr. Kill, the swore to warrants charging tho pair with assault to commit murder. Ellis left the hospital today for the first time since he was attacked and will depart tomorrow on the steamer Ventura for his home In Australia. Charles Schults. a detective connected with the police department of Colorado Springs, arrived here today to take up the search for Ahdrews. He Is positive the costly wardrobe left by Andrews in' his hurried flight from this city I that worn by Andrews at the time he Is suspected of having .taken the life of Bessie Ronton at Colorado Springs. According to Schulls It ha been positively learned that Andrews , wa born In New Haven. Conn., and that . 1 In addition to other crime that he Is charged with he Is wanted at Troy. N Y.. to answer a charge of murdering a woman. WHALER'S CAUGHT 'iN ICE Eleven Veaaela from fan Francisco Must Spend the Winter In the Arctic Ocean. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 1. Eleven whal ing vessels, comprising almost the entire fleet which sailed from this city, have been rmifflit In the Arctic ocean. Thev will not , , gp, ont nti, Julv or AKURt Mn, lrl mran,,m lh,,lr rrPW. nt 410 men must face the hardships of a winter In the north. This startling news I conveyed In a tele gram to Lewis Anderson and Ford com pany of this city. The telegram comes from Captain H. H. Bodflsh of the steamer Wil liam Baylies and states that only thi vessel and the schooner Monterey were Bllle to rBcaP'- ..... Mo,,t of the VrSRel" nOW ' . liere ear"r la8t "prln Rnd . ar ,PJ' ; vlsloned for a stay In the Arctic. Lnless time It will be concluded that there Is no , hnP for thelr eBcape- and the fornment will be asked to send out a relief cxpedl- tlon t0 0ard "PPcs to the imprisoned BURLINGTON AFTER THE KATY Road Said to Be Wanted as an Outlet for firala to Golf Ports. if Ttt'jr-e.'..T"" !ui'--j. - .trf v. BOSTON, Nov. 1. (Special Telegram.) Tw.m In thA nmnlnv o f th Rurllnirton j . v- a.ii h mi.ow 1 " - Kansas 4 Texas system, and coincident with their movements Clark, Dodge & Co. and their correspondents, principal brokers for James J. Hill's Interests, have been recent heavy buyers of the "Katy" stock in eastern markets. It la said that with efl movement of graln towardfJ . . , ,0 . Ill" (Ulli .iv a.... . . . . .... u . . 1 . . 1 . ...u v .... 1. ' their own road north and south, as the Harrlmans have the Illinois Centra! for the gulf connection, and the "Katy" being the most natural outlet they are after control. FORMER OMAHA MAN DECAMPS Alleged Bigamist, Who Would Wed West Virginia Girl Leaves Before Wedding; Day. WAYNE, w. Va.. Nov. 1. (Special Tele gram.) After securing a marriage license to wed, on November 11, Miss Henrietta Bmlthois, a popular young society woman of this county, Henry Jacobs, who, it la al leged, is already the husband of two wives, discovered that officers from Portsmouth, O.. and Omaha, Neb., were on his trail, and he hastily left the state. He leaves about $3,000 worth of property here. He came to Wayne several months ago from Portsmouth. O., and entered the mer cantile business. The police here Buy he came from Omahu, eight months ago, his first wife still being in Omaha. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN HOTEL InldentlSed Man and Woman Found Dead In Room In eer York etith Gas Turned On. NEW YORK. Nov. 1 A man and 1 woman whose identity the police are en deavoring to establish were found dead to night in a hotel ou Lexington avenue. The room wa full of gas and all the crevices of the doors and windows were stuffed with paper. From the fact thut the worn an's jaw waa broken and her body covered t wlt, recently Inflicted bruises, the police are disposed to believe that she was killed who afterward committed by the man, ! -uielde. Th., counle registered at the hotel iUHt night as "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." , i till ' CHDUU IN PROGRESS .1 ll'l m Flower "Mrs. Roosevelt" I: lie Presented to Preal- dent'a Wife. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. The annual ' chrysanthemum and carnation show of the j Department pf Agriculture Is now under ' wa and thousands of people are visiting I It daily. I As soon us the public has hud a chance o view the new intense yellow. Incurved chrysanthemum, "Mrs. Roosevelt," It will be aent by 8ecretury Wilson to the White House as a present to Mrs. Uoostvelt. A new silvery pink chi sunlhemum. "Miss j Alice Roosevelt." will in all probability be I forwarded in a few davs to the Whlia 1 House as a gift to the president's daughter. , Movements of Oeena Vessels Nov. I. At New York Arrived: Kaiser Wllht-lin tT"n Bremen. .Snlled: Oceanic for 1 1, verpool; rannoma lor rap is. 1 . ... .. c rt l liio-ilii'i niiewi. oacuern imin Boston: Southwark from Montreal; Iverniu ,r"m ,orK- auiicu: name Tor New ! VSlong Kong-Arrived: Manchuria from , San Francisco. At yueenstown Arrived: Tputonlo ' 1 Nat,hs- Sailed: Canoplc for Boston: I CarpathU tor New York, 1 At LondV id. Georgian f 1 Busts-v ' roni rived: Mei-ton from Hour. Dew. R n. m irn 41 n. m ..... . 2m 7 a. ni SH K a. m ST a. m .tt Hi a. m nt It n. m 31 13 m as RIOTING IN RUSSIA Earioui Disorders in KieU, Odf'ra, Ktun and OiW Ci'.iei THOUSANDS KILLED AND INJURED An'.i-Jiw:ih Uprisings Eeiutncd and Many Shops Are Barked, WITTE'S TASK FfcOVING A GREAT ONE Liberal Element, Whose EupporJ He Ei rto H, Holds Aloof, SOCIALISTS WILL CONTINUE STRUGGLE They Hope to Precipitate a etna tmphf from Which a Hepnhlte Mill Enicrar MrlUe Ends Friday Noon. ST. PETERSHVRO, Nov. 1. Though the day passed in comparative quiet In St. Petersburg and Moscow, a flood of dis patches from all parts of the empire re port disorder In many cities with a heavy total of dead and wounded. The people while celebrating their new-found freedom were In many instances Set upon by Cos sack and police, while sometime the spirit of mob violence broke forth and the lower elements of the people gave them selve to pillage and destruction. The mot serious disorder apimrently occurred at Odessa, where hundreds of person ar reported to have ben killed or wounded and where the rioting 1 momentarily ex pected to flare out Into a repetition of the slaughter of last July, and at Kawin. where a three dnys' rclgu of terror was ended only by the retirement of all Cossacks to their Imrrnck. Anti-Jen Ish I prlalnaa. A deplorable feature of the news from the Interior Is that anti-Jewish Uprisings have occurred In many places, especially In south Russia, where the populace vented It hatred of the Jew by sacking their stores and clubbing the members of i ne race, in some cases resorting lo trie torch. i The attark on the crowds are reported to be In most cawes the work of Cossacks, who many times were apparently let loose upon the people without direction or au thority. In St. Petersburg today. General Trepoff, In nccordance with his announce ment of last night, prevented the resump- . tlon of revolutionary demonstrations by having the crowds dispersed whenever and wherever they gathered. Kazan place and the Nevsky prospect wero several time cleared by Cossacks and pollee and the crowds were driven from the vicinity of the university with whip and tho flat of sabers. General Trepoff was aided by the weather, which was cold and rainy and which kept many persons off th streets. Connt Wlttc's ftreat Task. Count Witte'a task in securing a fair trial for the new experinent In constitu tionalism is a most difficult one. Kc is disappointed at .-not securing the suppar: Of Jbp.llboE4ls.40n whose co-operation he ( counted. ' Many'of ' these, are holdtugr- aloof and seem rather to enjoy the predicament In which the new premier finds himself. Meanwhile the socialists and revolutionists who believe they have the government stampeded are bending every effort to keep the movement going and to precipitate a catastrophe from which they hope a so cialistic republic will emerge. This Is a consummation as little to be desired by the majority of liberals, especially tho xemstvolsts, as by the government Itself, and therein Ilea the chief hope that the force gathering under the banner of Count Wltte is sufficiently strong to make head against tho revolutionary movement and the spirit of unrest throughout the country. Count Wltte Is doing his utmost to meet the chief objections against the new re gime. Liberty of the Press. In addition to the proposed amnesty for political prisoners, liberty of the press hu.t has been granted, Count Wltte cfferlng to a deputation of editors who called on him to abolish the censorship regulation, the amusing explanation that in the hurry of writing the manifesto the words "liberty of tho press" were inadvertently omitted and that tho omission hud not been noticed until the complaint waa made. The Official Gazette formally announces that the term "liberty of speech" is to be interpreted as Including the press. Against the demand for the removal of General Trepoff, Count Wltte, howover, la inflexible. He informed a delegation from the strike committee which called on hltu toduy to demand tho releuse of their Im prisoned comrades and the removal of Generul Trepoff that It would be mndness tor hlin to dismiss the only man capable of maintaining order in the city at the present Juncture. Will Suspend Strike Friday. Nominally for the purpose of their per fecting their organization and gathering funds, the strike committee tonight do cided to cull off the St. Petersburg Indus trial strike at noon Friday next, but tu resume It at un opportune moment. The St. Petersburg rallroud men have resulvcd to continue their strike, declaring they have assurances that the soldiers of thu railroad battalion will desert It a little I persuasion in the shape of train wrecking is employed. No ncwtqiMpers will be Issued tomorroW und probubly not until Friday at noou. The printers have determined to work only for the Journals which refused to submit themselves to the censorship regulations. The Publishers' association have met this determination by resolving lo disregard hereafter all circulars Issued u- the censor and to print what they please. The japcr now appearing arc the official publlnutlons and the Workmen's Gazette, which to morrow will contuin un article attacking Count Wltte und Generul Trepoff, Culling thu former by the name of "aly fox" und the latter by the designation of the "ruven. ous wolf." Many Killed In Odessa. ODESSA. Nov. 1. Noon. Conflicts be. twr-en Cossacks and students continue. During the fighting bit ween roughs and Jews in Duiniiskaga sueet lust night thlrty-beven ptrsons were killed und eighty one seriously woundtd. were taken lo tho hospital. The news thut Kussla has been granted a constitution continued to create excite ment until a late hour. All work waa sus- 1 . , ... . . 11 1.1. pend. d and tie; w'reets were blocked wnu eheerins crowds. At the town hall reu 1 "a -icmonstrations were charged by (.'.. 'sacks who caused llieir Horses to irami'ia on the Dermic. The numbi r of person in- I o...,i Km .mull Thet-p wnu considerable I pllUning during the night on the outskirts I ef O.l. ssii. wiucn in students who organ- ) lz d ther I prevent. lzd thT.IK v. s into a city guard tnea to most eeriuua claa U"-'k pliu.a 1 I I