Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Trtd Reoognim Eeriouineii of tk Bul
litt Ei'mtion.
l)wnkr Wheat tala Mar Thai a
rent Cmrm Hfli la Check hr
Hedglas; Sale Oat f
tloaa Advance.
, OMAHA. Oct. . 1.
The trade generally recognised the ser
iousness and the Importance of the polit
ical crista In Rtisala. Aa a coneejiienrs
there was leas of a panicky feeling on the
part of the holrtera. and more confidence
evident today. Prices gradually worked up,
with December In ths lead. The latter
cloeed 1'4c higher than laat night. The
moat significant cable waa one from Im
don reporting; the Odeaea Wourse to have
declared emergency cancellation of all
grain rontracta. Liverpool started with
considerable excitement, but profit taking
caused a partial loss f early rraln. .The
local close wcj 90140 for December, 9lc
for May and 87o for July.
December corn waa held In check by
free hedging Bale against liberal pur
chases of the new crop In the country.
May atarted weak, but all offerings were
absorbed by the bulla, and prlcea advanced
until a premium of S" to He over Decem
ber was established. The weather Is per
fect and with a continuation of similar con
ditions heavier receipts are assured. De
cember closed at 4fc, old December at
46e, May at 46c.
Oats refrained all of yesterday loss,
flood buying; was evident and the Russian
news was an Important factor. December
loaed at 80He, May at 83c and July at
31 c.
Liverpool closed tmehnnged to d higher
on wheat and HifJHd lower on corn.
Clearances , were 123.010 bu. of corn.
ISS.non bu. of oats, 3R,noO bu. of wheat and
34.000 bbla. of flour. Primary wheat receipts
were 1,117.000 bu. and ahlpmenta W3.000 bu..
against receipts last year of 1,231,00 bu. and
shipments of M1.000 bu. Corn receipts were
293.000 bu. and shipments 46.0no bu., against
receipts last year of 238,000 bu. and ship
ments of (16.000 bu.
Wheat offering at Chicago yesterday to
nrrlvs from the southwest and west were
said to be large. It Is natural that offer
ings should Increase, as holders In th In
terior hsve waited for the advance.
The world's wheat shipments for Mon
day will be about 12.WO.000 bushel, accord
ing to Broomhall, and of this Europe will
take about 11.200.000 bushels. Actual ship
ments last week were 12,01.nn0 bushels and
those of a year ago 10.856,000 bushels.
Australian ahlpmenta for the week were
72 000 bushels, ajralnst 40.000 buahels for the
previous week and 200,000 bushels a year
Prices bid the country dealer by Kansas
City whest buyers were advanced lo last
night and JVjc In the last two days In the
attempt to get the market In line wltii bids
from smaller centers that were buying to
meet local milling demands.
A report from San Francisco says ten
vessels were chartered there yesterdsy to
carry 1,000.000 bushels of wheat to the
I'nlted Kingdom from Portland and
N Omaha Cash Sates.
WHKAT-Ntr. 2 hard, t car, 3He: 1 ear.
13c; No. 8 hard. 1 car, B04c; No. 8 mixed,
1 cars, 79Hc; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 7So.
CORN No. ( yellow. 1 car, 48c; 1 car,
47Hc; No. 8, t cars, 47o.
BARLEY No. 4, 1 car, S7e.
ttmaha Cash Prices. '
WHEAT No. 8 hard, KMJWtte: No. 8
hurd, 79'4t!W,e: No. 4 hard. 7c; No.. 8
spring, 7481c: No. 3 spring, 771f784S.
CORN-No. 8. 47c; No. 8 yellow, iV6
48c; No. 8 white, 48V4.C
OATS-No. 8 mimed, 2fT27c: No. I whits,
rm2Sc; No. 4 white. 26HQ-27HC
RYE No. 2. 836c: No. 8, 62&Oa.
Carlat Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Kansas City
v Minneapolis
Omaha' .
St. Louis
Mlaaeapolls Oral a Market.
r stents. i5.lMati.26; second patents, 84.K'd
06; first clears. 83.70Q3.80; second clears.
BRAN In bulk, 811. BO.
(BuDerlor auotatiuna for Minneapolis de
livery). The range of prices, ss reported by
the Edwarda-Wood Grain company, UO-Ui
jtsoaxa ox iraae Duiiaing, waai
Futures firm; December, 7s !'4d: March, ?
flRN-Spot, firm; American mixed, ns T.d.
Futures, unlet; December, 5a 3d, January,
Is Ud; March, 4s Hod.
Featarea of the Trading ! tloslagt
Prices an Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Oot. 28. Practical cessatlen
tf business throughout Russia caused a
fresh advance heie torts v in the price of
wheat. At the close May wheat was up
Vu 'c. December phows a gain of l'c.
t rn Is up Vc, oats c and provisions
Btrength wm manifested In the wheat
market throughout the entire session. At
the opening May was up Vac to Wa c at
91'c to Wc. December aa up V,c to He
at to bc. Continuance of disturbance
In Russia formed almost the only factor
that had any Important bearing on the
market situation. Reports regarding con
ditions In the csar's domain were confllct
ln but the Imnresslon prevailed generally
that the worst was yet to come. During
the first hour bullish sentiment was partly
nein in cnecK oy an estimate irom ins
Hrltlah statistician regarding the world's
shipments of the week. The estimate
placed the total shipments at over 1J,uu)i)
Dusneis. mi total it connrmeo wouiu
seem to Indicate In spite of disorders In
Beef 8teri Steidy, Com trd Teedere
Lower icr Week.
Fat Sheep far Week Some Hlaher,
with Feeder Sheep Generally
Steady aad Killer aad Feeder
Umbi Lower.
SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 2. 1906
Receipts were: Cauls. Hogs. Sheep.
Otticial Monday
Official 'luesduy
Dtncial Wednesday ...
Official Thursday
Official Friday
Official Haturday
Total this week ....
Total last week
Same week before
Same week last Vear
The table shows the receipts of
cattle, cogs and snaep at South Omaua for
the yea. to dato, comparing with last year:
. 1M. n
Cattle sat.410 7W.905 ..
Hogs l,ta,i l.te.i '
Sheep l.i.0lt It."
The 'oljoving table nw the vens
price of hugs at Houth Omaha for ths last
several das, with comparisons:
Pte. 180,. l.iHwj.ilttja.lMOl.ilHO.Ili-
Hussla. shlDments from that country were l"re weens ago
still In progress. Another fact that gave Sm" 'our. W"K" a
some encouragement to bears was the ciear
weather In the northwest. Meanwhile
prices receded a trifle, May selling off to
91c and December at 84o. Later the mar
ket received fresh buying Impetus through
a cablegram from London claiming that tne
Obessa Hourse, owing to tlie strike situation,
naa declared an emergency cancellation oi
all grain contracts. Influenced by this In
formation shorts covered freely, forcing
the price of the May option up to 2Sc and
December to WHc Realising sales caused
some reaction, but the market closed
strong, with May at tlc. December closed
at 9o",c. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 173,000 bushels. Primary re
ceipts were l,2M,S0O bushels, compared with
1,231,000 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis.
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of
S84 cars agatnat 9M cars last week and 8K0
cars a year ago. The feature of trading In
the corn market was heavy purchases of
the May option by a leading bull. The
amount of grain bought by this one trader
was estimated at from 2.000,000 bushels to
8.000,000 bushels. Commission houses also
were active buyers of the May delivery.
The December option was rather heavy
owing to liberal profit taking. Aa a result
of the urgent demand for iay the market
In general waa firm. Strength of wheat
was a bullish factor. The market closed
firm. December opened a shade lower at
4MygM6Se, sold between 4St'ci464c and 4Hc
and closed at 46c. May sold between 4o'c
end 4t)V34GHc and closed at 4)c. Local
receipts were 147 cars with thirty-two cars
of contract grade.
While trading In oats was less spirited
than of late the market was strong
throughout the session. Continued urgent
demand from exports was the underlying
.. K.3t
.. 6.W
.. 7.10
.. 2,K7
.. 400
. .81.000
4, MO
24. 154 l'.:
W,tM 7J."7
ill6 U.7
I I tJ! HI ' "I '
8.... ft uem' I 711 I6 I 681 I 111 (
Oct. 18...
oct. is...
96 147 221
179 48 a
70 24 87
63 26 51
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Whsat i
Dec... MSHf H 87H1 86V4 88 8CJ.
May... 88M ' 801 88 80 88
baxis of strength. The bulge In wheat had !xcr in
considerable effect, The market closed alTOct. 28.
the hiKhest no nt of the dav. December
opened a shade higher at 80'330c, sold
between oDHc and 30o una closed at avfto.
Local receipts were twenty-two cars.
Provisions were strong on excellent de
mand and for cash lard. The buying of
lard was the result of exceedingly light
stocks. A.l advance of 60 to 10o In the
rrlce of live hogs helped provisions. At
he close January porlc -was up 10c at
812.46.. Lard was up 6if7Hc at KUSVjrWI.So.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
178 cars; coin, 235 cars; oats, 634 cars;
hogs, 36,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as rouows:
Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. I Yes'y
Wheat I j j "1
Deo. IWVflS 80 89 80141 89-
May 918 82 81 91 0S
Corn I
Oct. 5 62 61 61 62
t Dec 4!'a 4 4 4 4fi
t Dee. 46S 46 45 46 4W
May 46'8'46S 46 49!46(8
Oct 80 80
Dec 30' 80 30 30 80
May 32tf 33 22'aS 33 32
July 31 81 31 31 31
Pork 1
Oct. 1 87 18 67 18 87 18 06 1 06
Jan. 12 42 12 45 12 40 12 46 12 85
Oct. 7 07 7 12 7 07 7 40 7 06
Nov. 7 08 7 10 7 06 7 10 7 02
Jan. 80 8 85 6 80 86 6 77
Ribs 1
Oct. 725 725 725 725 725
Jan. 6 47 8 62 8 47 8 62 6 46
May 6 70 72 6 70 6 72 6 66
14 6 7 I I f ? J Si
W W ft 64 7 421 I U 4
ft l I 6s ft 41 7 8 6 4 '
I 64 6 19 7 IISI 6 HI 08
I OS I I b V), 1 14. U W
1 IUU I III 1 1 Ul I 14 4 92 14
i 96 5 6
I 07 I t U
ft IW I 6 ltii
ft UK ft 11
6 11
a 061 ft 15 4 '
I 80' I I'M t Ml
1 10
6 02
4 7i
tU I t 02
I 14' 6 0,'
S It I a an1
4 82
4 Tl
4 64
4 ftli
4 b
7 07,
8 43 7 lb 8 28
6 49 7 OUI I U
6 Mi 8 ll l
7 01 u
6 111 ft 83
1 & H3l ft 921
ft 111 t. 1,71 it k'l ft 2ril
ft 17, ft lrii k 70, 6 031 4 621
0 14 I ft 14 ft 7k
ft 09
ft Ul
4 93! 6 OS! 6 251
4 87 5 00 6 I81 6 81
I 4 961 8 08 8 61
a 15
6 W
i 01
ft 06
8 m 4 mi
1 4 64
I 89
4 ei
4 61
4 481
4 31
4 21
4 20
4 24
4 20
4 It
4 10
4 IS
4 11
4 18
4 16
4 14
quence left over froni the salea of yeeter
ua.v, so ( i.n t tma niui ning tneie waa piac
tiiaily no tiMOing at an. Hecwpta of Hiie.p
tins wteiv have tiecn rainer Migc, tinie
bving a heitr run this wr.K timn for tnc
two preoKliruf weeas and also a larger
nurnUr ot sneep repotted In than for mo
mi 1 1 sionciiiig week a year ago tiy about
2,'i head.
While mere was a rather large run, there
was soniutning of a shortago in the supply
of desiraoie kinds of lat aneep, yearlings
and ewes. There was a good demand tor
the same kind of stuff last week ana prices
advanced cunsiderxtily. It was thougnt
then ttiat tnere would be a good run In
fat stuff this week, with the result that
prices would decline again. But us this
week saw but a very email Increase In tne
run of fat sheep the market has remained
Just about steady for the week as com
pared with last week with a slightly
stronger market on some of the more c no Ice
kindn of sheep The trade has tieen active
all this week and most of each day ar
rivals have been cleaned up by the pack
ers early and Utile or no stuff has been
carried over from one day to the next. The
market has been In the sellers' la cor all
week and they are exceedingly well pleased
with results.
Feeders wers very light last week, so
that buyers have been very much against
raising prices any this week. There has
been a very liberal run of feeder sheep and
lambs on the market this week, and as a
consequence prices on feeders are generally
a little easier than last week ana in some
cases It Is considerably lower. There haa
also been a very fair Inquiry, but prin
cipally for the more choice grades of feeder
stuff. The ru.i of feeders has consisted
largely of lambs, while there has not been
a very lively demand for them, with the re
sut that they have suffered a decline of
1015c on the more choice grades, while
the common and poorer grades are 1&!Ao
lower than a week ago.
(juritatinna on faf sner and Ismbs: Oood
to choice lambs, 87.007. f5; good to choice
yearling weth'ts. 5.ti0tf4.0ti; good to choice
old wethers, 85.0CXS6.60; good to choice ewes,
$4 8T5.0O.
Quotations on feeder sheen and Ismbs:
flood feeding lambs, W.OCaft.oO; good feed
Ing yearlings, 3&.00-K..SO; good feeding weth
ers. 84 50B.4.76: feeder ewes. 81.004)4. 40; breed
ing ewes, 84.40Q4.7Ik
Prime nlslkt-. . Prime
March. 815 35
timothy, 1 SS.
toadltloa eit 1 ran aad (tantatloae on
statute aad Fancy Pradaee.
E;i"",S Candled stock, ISfilUc.
LIVK POL'I.TRY Hens. Pc; roosters.
6c; turkeys, lo'uloc; ducks, ftuc; spring
chickens. 9c.
Bl'TTKK Parking stock. 15c; choice (1
fancy dairy, Uilc; creamery. 2l'a-lc;
prints. I'l1!'.
SI UAH Standard gi anulateu. In bblt .
15 M per cut ; cubes. 4i per est.; cut
loaf. t i5 per cwt. ; No. ft extia C, 15 40 per
cwt. : No. 10 extra C, 1625 ner cwt : No. 1
yellow. $6.20 per -wt. ; XX A A powdered.
16 W per cwt.
! HUt HEWS Mil 63SSIP. i
Port Riley.
VllIlT tJ 11 trr. k'nn nl . Iiwlal V
A. Klxiut S o'clock lost Pilurd-iv nnunht I som-iluled for the 2i'tn Inst, took plant! 01
Privates William Hamilton and Wtllinni
f'hapman of Troop f. Nlnlh cavalry.
rsme Involved In a onarrel over the owner.
rl li of a pnlr ol logglma. Il.irrol-"n d"-"-bis
revolver nnd shot t'hanman In the heiil.
Chnptnhn wrs removed to the hospltsl nl
Columbus H;irrarkp. O', where he has Teei
ord'T'ii iv the ur (icj-.m itne-u tu.repor
lor imy not inter man .Nove.i.m-r 1,
I'rivsie M.11 a l.iiiry m uratisferm
Tuesday from tl.u Kind to Tivay A, NJntl
c.inl: .
Pott Mobrara.
PORT NIOIIRA It.V Neb.. Oct 28.-(3e-
rial.i The innunil iksi atluctic contest
Werinewiiiy. the l.'itn. All troops part'el-
lMitmg wore of the Twenty if 1 u Infantry
The rtnv whs bcinilfiil dnn Yarm sd th
wl.olo itarilsi n turned out to cheer the con
tcMitnts. ltesulta:
On hiinuied and twenty-yArd hurdlt
an opemtlon was performed In the hope of race: t'oipoml Slnton, t'ompaiiy K, first
sivlng his life, but he died St 4 o'clock 16 Ix'luts. pri.e 1. I'rnnle l'.oas.ey. t'oinruin)
Punday morning. JIarrolson was nrretoit 1 m. second, 1 points, prlxe fl; Mcrgeant ai-
Cattle Steady Hogs rive to Tea Ceats
Hlaher Sheep aad Lambs Steady.
CHICAGO. Oct. 28. CATTLE Receipts,
8.000 head; market steady; beevva, i3.403.25;
cows, 81. 264.40; heifers, 82.10ftf4.75; calves,
86.76'af6.26; good to prime steers, J6.16fl8.2o;
Foor to medtum, 83.35'g.10; Blockers and
eeders, $2 26tl4.30.
HOOS- Receipts, 8,000 head, estimated
Monday, 33 000 head; market. 6fll0c higher;
light. 84.805.22; mixed. t!Mvg5.30; heavy.
14.4005.27; rouims. 84.404.05; pigs, 84.50
tiS.OS'; Yorkers, tS.ieS 2.
HllliKP AND LAM HH Receipts, 2.W10
i'KKSH kisii 1 rout. nuiic: nair.iut, 13c; "' J ,'". "7 1,1 ", . i-"". '" "
buffalo dressed Pc pickerel, dressed, tic; rlv" kuthorltles to be tried for his crime. cents, lime of t'orjniral Swlnlon: 0:11.
white bass dress, id' l.'c- sunnsn kc; nercli, (m Monday the body of private Chapman High Jump: Musician Parks, t ompany K,
acAled and dresstd 8c" pike, 10c; catfish, was sent to Kansns Cltv. where hts mother Iflist, 6 Hhits. prlca 8T; Corporal laylor.
13c; red snapper, 10c: salmon. He; rrapplcs, !lvw- The casket was draped In the Aer- 'Company M. second. 2 points, prlxe 31.
1 ., ...,,ii..i. h- ,,iu..u 1 Iran flog and borne on a gun carrlrac from , orporal Swlnton. tumiwnv K. third. 1
Indicates Sunday.
Tha official number ot cars of fttock
brought In today by each road waa:
value. . " - -
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific system .... 8
C. & N. W
P., E. M. V
C, St. P., M. & O
B. & M 1
C, B. Q
C, R. 1. & P.. t
C, R. I. & P., west I
Illinois Central
Chicago Great Western. ..
Total receipts 17
J I head; market strong; native sheep, 1.140
? (pfi.flO; lambs, lo-TEgT-'O; western lambs, ia.7J
Kansas City Lira Stock Market.
ceipts, 900 head. Including 300 southerns:
market unchanged; choice export and
dressed beef steers. 85.25&6.0ft: fair to good.
$4.005.00; western steers. 2.75(Ji4.5J: atockers
and feeders. 2.404.15; southern steers. 32 25
whitefish, 12c; frog legs, per dox.. 3.V;
oosifi. rt!cn. . oi,nd etOsieis. 3vv;
shad roe, 46o; bluefish. 15c; herring. 4c.
HAY Prices quoted hv On-.'iha wholraal
Hay Dealera' st'siclntlon . No. 1 upland,
67; medium, 86.001)6.50; coarse, 85.
BRAN Per ton. 812.00.
ORANGEd Valencia, all sizes, o.004j.50;
Flul lil l. h 1 1 SileS. U lj44.ut
LKMOiNo Lemomera, extra fancy, 24
ftiso fi.ui; tv and uo sixes, ti.Uu.
UA'IKH-Per box of au '-'b. pxgs., 12;
Hallome'en, In 70-lb. Duxes, per lb., 5c;
woinit stuped, l-lo. pkgs., 82.0U pvr do.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 7u3
iavl imported binyrna. 4-crowu. Uc;
crown, 14c.
BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, 81.71
&t-&; Jumbos, 2.W"(ii.(
PEARS Utah, ivtclvis and Vicars, 12.08;
De Ango, 82.76.
APPt,tS Hen Davis and Wlnesapa. In
8-bu. bbis., 8i.60tf4.0u; In bu. baskets, 31. 00;
California Behfjowera. tl.W: Colorado Jona
than and Grimes' Golden, 82.00210; New
lora apples, 84.50 per bbl.
QRAPKS New York Concords per 8-lb.
basket, 22c; Musiats, per 4-bakc: crate,
$1.75: Tokays, per 4-basket crate. $1.75.
QUINCES Michigan, per bu., 82.50.
CRANBERRIES Early Blucks, 18.50 per
bbl.; Bell and Cherry, 8J..60.
POTATOES New. pel ou. 5uc
ONIONS Home-grown tellow, fed and
white, per bu., 66c: Spanish, per crate, I1.4U.
WAX BEANS Fet --bu.
string beana, per -bu box. 'itf3o.
BEANS Navy, per bu.. 12.00.
CUCUMBERS Per dos.. 25c
CA BBAGFi Honn-grown, in crates, per
lb., lc
BEETS New. per bu., 70c.
CELERY Kalamoxoo, per dox., 25c
8WF.ET POTATOES Virginia, per l-bu.
bbl.. 82.60.
Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Ribs No.
1, 12c; No. 2, 8c; No. 3. 5e. Round
No. 1. 7c No. 2, 6c; No. 8, Sc. Loins No.
1, 15c; Jfo. 2, 10c; No. 3, 7c. I'lates NO.
1, 3c; No. 2, 3c; No. 3. 2c. Chucks No.
1, 4c; No. 2. 3c; No. 8. 3c.
HONEY New, per 24 lbs., 83.60.
CHEhiSE Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin
brick, 14c; Wleconln llmberger, 13c; twins,
l-c, young Americas, 13c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. I soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 13c; hard shells, per in., 12c;
the hospital to the railroad station, escorted
by a detachment of noncommissioned offi
cers on foot and by his troop and the Ninth
cavalry band mounted.
Both of the murder cases which hove oc
curred here this month, as well as several
serious altercations, have been dlrectlv at
tributable to the use of vile and obscene
lunguage and epithets between soldiers.
With a view to preventing further disorders
of this kind. Instructions were Issued Tues
day! by the commanding officer of the
cavalry euhpost to troop commanders to
see that a,rtlrt xxv of war la made rleldly
effective. Soldiers who use reproaching or
provoking remnrks or gestures to others, or
make use of vile language, will be required
to ask pardon of the soldier offended In the
presence of the troop commander and of
the troop at retreat, nnd for a second of
fense additional punishment will be pro
vided. Revolvers will be kept locked In the
storerooms except when needed for target
Captains George Le R. Irwin and Fdmund
M. Blake, artillery corps, who were re
called to their reeular station, Vancouver
barracks, Washington, about a month ago
for duty on general court-martial, have re
turned to duty with the first provisional
regiment of Held artillery nt this post.
Sergeant John W. Kltson, Troop P,
Eleventh cavalry, has purchased his dis
charge from the service In order to accept a
position In civil life.
A pnlr of new shoes was drawn from the
quartermaster's storehouse Inst Frldav by
Private Joseph McKlm. Troop C, Ninth
cavalry, and when he put them on he com
plained that they hurt a corn on one of his
toes. Private Walter Stevens of the same
organisation remarked that he could cure
the corn, and drawing his revolver he shot
the toe off and then said he guessed he hid
cured It. He Infer elnimed that be "didn't
know It was loaded." McTvIm went to the
hospital and Stevens went to Jr 11.
A new class of bakers arrived and entered
iiood their course of Instruction In the
Training School for Bakers and Cooks this
week. The class la composed of five Infan
try and two const artillery recruits from
Columbus barracks, Ohio, and two cavalry
recruits from Jefferson baracks, Missoul.
The post exchange council for the month
point, hltm SO t enia. Muslcinn - farks
jumped 6 feet 3 Imiiea.
1 uuing sixteen-pound shot: Sergeant
Iirondus, Company M, first, 6 points, priss
12; Private King. Cnmpiurv A.- second, I
points, prlio II; Sergeant Watson. Company
K, third. 1 point, prise 50 cents. Sergeant
Broadua put the shot 3S feet 8 Inehea
One hundred-yard daah: Corporal Wash
ington, Company K. first, 6 points, prise 62;
Corporal Bulnton, Company K, second, 3
points, prise $1; Private Powell, Company
i". imru. 1 point, prwn mi cents, Tha lima
of Corporal Washington was 0:11.
Tent pitching eight men from a company!
Company L first, 15 points, prlte H; Corn
pany K second. 8 pothta, prlxe 34; Company
B. third, 6 points, prlxe fc. Time of Com
pany L, 2:;6.
Pour hundred and forty-yard run: Corp
oral Washington. Cr.mpa.nv K first,
points prise 82; Corporal Pwlnton. Com
pany K, second, 3 points, prise 81; Private
Irwin, Company L third. I point, pits 60
cents The time of Corporal Wastilngtoa
was 0:00; Swlnton, 0:61. . .
Wall acallng. teams of eight men: Com
pany M first, H points, prlxe 8S, time 0:44;
Company I second, 6 points, prise 34. time
0.4b; Company K third, 8 points, prlee 88,
time 0 ii; Company L fourth, time 0.4.
1 he team of Company L went over tha wall
in two-fifths of a second faster time tha a,
t ompany K, but one man on the Company
L team fired two rifles Instead of ona only.
As the Inst man on the L company team
did not fire at all tho third place wss given
to t ompany K. because every man fired hi
vn 11 1
Broad Jump: Private Smith. Company C.
first. 6, points, rnEe jo; Corporal Taylor,
t ompany M, second, 2 points, prlxe 11; Pri
vate bcott. Company K, third, 1 point, prlxe
60 Cents. Prlvnla Kmllh ...,. j ,o I
64.60; southern cows, 1.75(&2.75: native ; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 11c. Pecans, large.
co, fi.iniio.Du, iuuvc iirnrm, u bi', i per in., lie; small, per id., latoc t'eanuis,
bulls, 32.0flH2.eO; calves, 2.503.5O. Receipt !
for the week. KS.zuo head.
HOGS Receipts. 6.500 head: market 2iSc
higher; top. 85.06; bulk of sales. $4 95ffo.M;
heavy, 85.0OH5.O6; packers, 4.6ff6.02: pigs
and lights. 34.6065.00. Receipts for the week,
62.400 head.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.200
head: market steady: nntlve lam. I5.75W
Th nisnoaiLion of the day's receipts waa 7.75; western lambs. 85.507.75; ewes and
. fmloTeacU buer purchasing tne num- yearlings. 4.5vs.00; westorn clipped year
fi, of nel'd tndlcted' i I"1- I5.25tf6.00; western clipped sheep. $4 25
,.?L. lna,clea- c.uie Hogs. Sheep. 40; Blockers and feeders. 83.754.75. Re-
hu era
Omana Packing Co..
Swift and Company
uudahy Packing Co
Armour Co
Armour, Denver ....
Other buyers
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
183 4,648
celpts for the week, 15.SO0 head.
ttaatatloaa of tha Day oa Varloaa
NEW YORK. Oot. 28.-FLOURRecelpts.
27.67 bbis.; exports, 81.614 bbls. Market
firm, but quiet; Minnesota patents, 4.twa
!.; Minnesota Daaers, W4MJ4.UU; winter
patents, 84.ItKU4.66; winter sUajgnis, 84.00
4.10: winter extras. 8i.sattl.36: winter low
grades, J. 764.40. Rye flour, firm; fair to
good, 33o0-.n; oboioa to fancy, I4.15itf4.50.
Bucawueat flour, steady; spot and to ar
rive, 82.outr2.10.
BUCivw icat Firm; delivered In Mew
York, 64c.
CORN jaeiAL Firm; fin white and yel
low, l.xbLtfO; coarse,; kiln dried,
Rxjv Steady; No, S western, 76o, 0. L t..
New York.
BAKL. i Steady; feeding-, 41c, c I. f .,
New iora; niaiung, 4t(r4uu, c. L (., New
WHEAT Receipts, 106,000 bu.; exporU,
. 37.617 bu. Spot market stronger: No. i
red. 8c In elevator and 9sa f. o. b.,
inoat; iso. I northern lAjluth, L0O, f. o.
0., afloat; f 1 northern Manitoba, 99o,
'. o. d., tilv .. Opening stronger in cuu
lUiued buiuan Russian news reported, Ar
gentina damage and covering, wheat
dropped, for a time under realising, but
toward noon advanced oecideaty on Heavy
buying of December by local trauers and
,-lusea ilo net higher; December, 9tf
,c, ciusnig at .o; May, 1 l-lt'jo-o,
.-losing at 86c.
COKn Hevipts, 87,075 bu.; exports, 97.601
J a- dpot maraet steady; No. 2, In elevator,
i2c; No. 2, f. o, o., afloat, tttc; No. I
eikw and white, nominal. Option market
waa quiet and barely steady, owing to
lnc weather and prospects for heavier re
el pis, closing iff-io net lower; December,
.mmuIiKc, closing at 67; January, fcbc.
1 TtJ Receipts, Kl.luO bu.; exports, 93.246
011. Spot market firm; mixed oats, 86 to 82
.us., uidc; natural white, 80 to 83 lbs.,
ivyjto; clipped white, M to 40 lbs.. M
FEED Firm: spring bran, 117.00; prompt
hipiuent; middling, 316.7a, prompt snip
mem: city, ftllUKa 23.00.
HAY Klrm; apnng, 5065c; good to
holce. 77ij)i2c.
HOPS hieaay; state, common to choice,
16. 17422c; lo4, lgc; olds, SlOc; Pa
Iho ooast, lid, 12i3c; ltaH. 12iJ'Uc; olds,
S 10o.
HIDES Steady: Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs.,
2Gc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., lac: Texas,
try, 84 to Ju lbs., 18c.
LEATHER Firm; acid, 2627c.
PROVISIONS Beef, qulel; family. 8U.M
tTu; mess. 8 5inri0.; beef hams. 821 U0
nam; pacxet, iu.tnT) 11.00; city extra India
less. 111 On"li.0. Cut meula. quiet; picaled
bellies, 8.76ti'10 60; plekied shoulders,
Hi.iO; pickled hams, 3!l.25g'9.7&. Lard, Unn;
irriieru BirAuin, 91, uw, I r HUTU, BieU , COIl
.inent, t'.io; aoutn America, Us to, com
pound, 86.ftwo.ift. Pork, steady; family.
Hi.wji9w, wion cieae) 911. uu 10.2&; p
TALLOW-Firm; city (82 per pkg), 4c;
.ountry tpkgs. fre, 44c
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 1
, 'Hoc: Japan, nominal.
BUT! eK Pirw:. street prlca, extra
creamery. 2323c; orilcial prices, crvamery
common to extra, western Imitation
creamery, extras, l&al9e; westerns firsts,
17'tjlftc; at a la dairy, common to extra,
li;i21e; renovated, common to extra, lif
Joe; western factory, common to extra,
15nl7c .
EGGS Firm: Pennsylvania, state and
nearby, fancy, selected while, 343tc; state
choice. 8kj32c; state mixed, extra. 2m:;
western fancy, selecltd, 26c; western aver
age best, 24v25c; southerns, li,'i22c.
CHiCESE Firm; weekly exports. 1,318
boxes; state full cream, small and colored,
October, I2fllic.
POULTRY 'Alive, weak; western chick
ens, 11c; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 14c; dressed,
eak; . western chickens. 3l7e; turkeys,
in aoc; fowls, 10tji2c.
NO. t . tOld. JNew.
Cash' quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Strong; winter patents, 83.90
4.20; straights, 83.6&'rt4.n0; spring patents,
34.(WU20; straights, 83.603.90; bakers, $2.20
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 87'8)c; No. S.
Tift; No. 1 red. 8)f90c.
CORN No. S, 62&62o; No. 9 yellow, 64
OATS No. 2. 30c: No. 2 white, 81'9
31o; No.- 8 white, 3031c
RYB-No. 1, 73c
BARLEY ood feeding, 89c; fair to choice,
malting, 42-&48c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. 92o; No. 1 northwest
ern, 98c. Prime timothy, $3.20. Clover, con
tract grade, $18.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $16.50.
Lard, pef 100 lbs., $7.10. Short libs sides
(loose), I7.3707.5O. Short clear sides (boxed),
Following were the receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
Sorn, bu. ,
ats, bu
Rye. bu. ...
Barley, bu.
St. Loala Llvo Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 28. CATTLE Recolpta,
1.600 head. Including 900 Texsjis: market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
$4. 80176.90; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$2.wifi.Z5; steers unaer ins., sz.vnj4.w1;
Blockers and feeders. $2.0'i43.25: cows and
heifers, $2.004.75; cannevs, $1.5"fj;2.O0; bulls.
irjo. lexan ana 111
, cows and heifers.
.. , .1 ,j.t?m (V
1.1,,. ahove. tne receipts 01 v.... 1
- . , . . , . . , . . 1- ,1,11, n-.
week have beel somewnat ttr""' ' higher: pigs and lights! $4.5.ff4.96; packers,
the previous two weeks, but si ,tt'4 an s. utcherlan(t begtwneary, $4.0-)
for the first week of this montn Dy aoout 515, -1
1,000 head. As compared with a yer a0 1 SHEEP AND LAMBSi-Recelpts, 900 head;
there has been a gam 01 . 1 market steady: native muttons. !.z.i,
The week s trade on beef steers opened lumb 6.ooi&7.50: culls and bucks. $2 50
at prices tnat were Just about steady with .tocker. js; Texans. $3.00(31.00.
. 1 . Th run waa oniv 1
. Tt l- . iicnui on tne lust nay 01
VA'UCi -,. , m.
the we e,,,, io n l,3.; carves, J3 WT?Z; Texas and In-
nortance here, at any rate not eiiougn 10 !'.., r Mat en? ews heifers
- -1 .,.i,.i As win be notea irom me -it-" '-" '
HOGS Receipts, 2.00Q heed; market 6c
moderate and the more desirable kinds
ere " faSy too plentiful. whb.H aldedth.
sellers in keeping prices up
. St. Joseph Live Stock1 Market.
. 1 - . , mp.i'n. IK' 1. 3. v . n . ujyitn r, ,
BUt tne DUy- I . i.j. mrl,., natives tSOifliMtf
uer lb.. 7c: roasted, per lb.. 8c. Chill wal
nuts, per lb., 12''iUc. Almonds, soft shells,
per lb., I7c; hard sneus, per 10., ioc. Biien
bark hickory nuts, per bu., 31.75; large
hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. Chestnuts, l&o
per lb. Cocoanuts, $4.00 per sack of 100.
HIDES .'o. 1 green, $e; No. 2 green, 8e;
No. 1 salted, lic; No. 3 salted, 8c; No. 1
veal calf, 11c; 13. 2 veal calf. So: dry salted.
75 14c; sheep pelts. 25c(a$100; bore hides,
Evaporated Applea and Dried Fruits.
APPLES Market Is quiet but firmly held,
with January delivery of prime quoted nt
8c. The spot situation Is unchanged, with
common to good quoted at 64jic; nearly
prime. 7iSc; prime. Sc.
are attracting a little more Interest, but
quotations remain unehunged at 4P71c,
according to grade. Apricots continue firm:
choice are quoted at 8W:ic; extra choice, 9
(Ij9c; fancy, 10i11c. Peaches are more or
less nominal, with extra choice quoted at
10c; fancy, 10fillc. It Is reported that the
tentative offerings of seeded ralslna' under
the opening prices have been withdrawn
and the general sftuation accordingly looks
steadier: loose Muscatels are quoted at 57fi
7c; seeded raisins, 608?c; London layers,
. , , - - ------ - j , 1 1 j 1 v. j 9 irru
Reiny race one mile, four men: Company
1 first lo points, prlxe $4. time 4:12; Com
pany I second. 4 points, nrlse xi time 111.
4 i5nPtny C U"ld' Plt. Prise $L timo"
Equipment race: Private Whiuininn.
ConuKiny K. first. 5 point.: prlko $2; Private
irn J!omPany second. 1 VllnVs"
pi U.I xi; ( orpuriu Madison, Company C.
third, 1 point, pr)xe 60 cents.
or November is announced to consist " entries In the flr. T.. I L ur
Captain F. S. Armstrong, Ninth cavalry ;' f "0, J" "f"1. LPrent ,r."'r
Ca .tain W. S. McNalr. Artillery corp.. and tlS$:Jt ottVZn ilB?!PWX
cat.ryUcuten,,nt F- P- Amo" B,tVfmf'trr,.i,i'; airch nc:?iii
M;,r William P. Duv.ll and Captains fcTW ttar'A:
Peyton C. March and t harles T. Mem.her 'wna8 'ico raxn'd ttPrtVtt Hpkln. of J'oin
of the general staff arrived here the first ot 1 panv K wag third A r til then
the week. These officers constitute a com- muile because the first Sergeant of Comnanv
ni ttee of the aeneral start appointed to ' w r,in Dr,,., .1' " . "L',".", i"",ranY
study and report upon the two pnovisional ,he runnor8 "horseback ad encouraged
tegmental organisations of helo artnkry. I his men. The commanding offloer thfew
They came here from Fort Sill, Ok ., where out both hcuts and ordered Ft he Tata,
they have been observing the work of Uie
Second provisional regiment, and will re
main here until the miduie of next week
for tho purpose of studying the work of ttii
met regiment.
First Lieutenant W. W. Reno, medical de
partment, has invented a h podermic syr
inge sunt to be a great Imp, oveincht over
over aealn.
To the company winning the highest
number of points a banner marked "Ath
letic champions, 1905," was awarded. Com
pany K, Twenty-fifth Infantry, with a total
of forty-four points,' drew the banner.
luesaay mere was aompctltlva drill he-
ers were Inclined to be rather bearish all Mhra. $l,j6(4.6; Blockers and
during the week and at all times tried to f.enr!, 2.75tr4.00.
force the market down. But as the run HOGS-Recelpts. S 91S ' head; " mostly Be
of beef steers wag only moderate and sell- nlgnpr; usrht. 84.9o!65.12; medium and
ipuneu iw g . 1 beaW. X4.Bl'fH.UO; ouir 01 nilien, i.nnvo.w.
SHEEP AND MM HS-Heceipts, 4 neaa;
market steady; lainba, $7.60.
Slonx City llt Stock Market.
smi'X CITY. Ia.. Oct. 28. (Special Tele
gram.! CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; mar
ket steady; beeves. $4.ftoi5.RO; cows, bulls not very successful
On Tuesday and Wednesday the market
was inclined to be a little weaker and was
w, buTon the remaining day. of the
week recovered Its tone and the week closed
with prices on beet steers practically
rll"J..v-.1.h those of last week.
rows and heifers sold off a little on Mon- . j mixed. $j,o0ti3.00;- Blockers and feeders,
av for the reason that tne receipts at J3 nrvfi3 5; calves and yearlings, $2.6oti3.00.
oay """";., lare and
ni P ice. loweV:' The n,n -here" the nrst
day of the week was not large, but he
huvers were very bearish and the decline
P.J" -.III ;ket nolnts aided them In
forcing the market, so that it closed about
II nn Monday. Tuesday saw an-
8.4O0 I i.t, ' ,i.,.iine of about 10c. but after that
ajj i I "he market firmed up a MUla and at the g th 0mana
208.700 ,h week It is 10ei5c lower than S,. ,
it-VSt last week. All classes of buyers have been Kan.a8 city
WfViS Receipts. 3.200 head: market
strong to 5c hlrher, selling at $4.8oru4.96;
bulk Of sales, $4.82i84.87.
Stork In Sight.
Receipts of live stock at the six princi
pal markets yesterday:
VIVUC. null. Diircii.
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market waa steady; creameries. 17'22c;
dairies, 1720c. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases
Included, 19o; firsts, 21 o; prime firsts, 23c;
extras, 25c. Cheese, strong at 12412c.
Kansas City Grata aad Provisions.
Higher; December, 81c; May, fOe; cash,
No. 2 hard, 83fiH6e: No. 8. giessc; No. 4,
7RiR0c; No. 8 red, 91c; No. 8. HtDOc; No. 4,
82f7c. ,
CORN Steady; December. 41c; May.
41c: cash. No. 2 mixed, 47c; No. 3. 47c:
No. 2 white, 60iQ51c; No. 3, 4a"49c.
OATS Strong; No. $ white. 31V.a32c: No.
3 mixed, 80c,
RYE Steady, 6S63C.
HAY-flteady; choice timothy. tl0.6OSU.00:
Choice prairie, $8.26t8.60.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2lc; packing.
EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 3 whltewood cses Included, 19c; case
count, 17c; cases returned, c off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu ,.176.000 lk2.HO
Corn, bu 76.000 i;Vj,Oo0
Oats, bu 18,000 U.UXI
The range of prices paid In Kansas City
a reported by the Edwarda-Wocd com
pany. 110-111 Board of Trade building, wast
Articles. I Open. High.) Low. Closa.l Yes'y.
Wheat I
Deo,... 79j 81 79 80 I 79
May... 823 83 82 83 82
Corn-. I
Dec... 40 41 40 41 41
May... 4u 41 40 41 40
Dec... 29 80 29 30 29
May... 80 30 80 80 30
Oct.... 11 10 16 47 16 10 18 44 16 86
Jan.... 18 33 12 37 13 30 12 85 13 22
Jan... 676 680 176 180 867
Oct.... 703 707 702 T05
Jan.... 6 43 6 47 142 147 140
decldediy 'bearish In their views this week t Jateph
ilalmlng that the market here Is way out Bt. ....
$ cow. and heifers here this week gen- 1
erally spekl" n" not been of the beat
... 900
... 440
Cotton Market.
Steady; sales. 4,150 bales. Ordinary. 8c;
good ordinary, 9 8-Wc; low middling.
UMl-lnc; good miaonng. uiio-ic; miuaung
Receipts, 6.61 puich; slock,
tween Comiuinv 1 1 nf ,.. S.M ....
B'" thmtf of the kind heretofore made. Ho and Company K of the Third battalion
recently exhibited his Invention to tne con-, These two companies had come out first
vtntlon of army and navy surgeons at De- In a former competitive drill of battalions
trolt, Mich., and it will piobauiy bo adopted All movements In the school of the com
for use in the medical department of tne puny and the school of the aquad wera
army. gone over and considerable Time was given
A party of officers and ladies went to to extended order. The 'Companies then
Chapman. Kan., lust t rluay to attend the pitched a shelter tent camp and arranged
couiaing meet bring held at that town. The all articles of their camp equipment In their
auiomoime carrying tne puny oroae aown . tents ror inspection. The time of pitching
i, 1 . . I V ...... . . . . . . 1 1, . . ....... ....... .. . I .. 1 . 1 . , . . k n
and before they got back 110 less than four
of the machines used by tlicm in turn were
smashed and put out of service for tne tlm
bclnt' Incy gut home very late, all very
inucu In love with the horse.
Major and Mrs. W. H. Collin entertained
at ulnner Saturday evening. The guests
were: Major and Miss Aauins, Lieutenant
and Mrs. Churchill and Captains McMahon,
Lusslter and Hulns.
Information lias been received that Mrs.
Mcuanun, wife of Captain J. K. McMalion,
Ai'tltiury curpH, is much improved in heaitn
and uoie to be uut. At tne time Captain
McMalion left Fort Ethan Alien last sum
mer tor duty at this pout she was seriuunly
sick In the hospital at Burlington, V t.
A collection was taken un unions' the
members of the Twenty-nintti field battery
1.200 '
445 !
t00 ,
.6.340 27,618 4.945
St. I.oala General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Oct 28-WHEAT-Higher;
No. 1 cash red. elevator. 89'491c: track.
92tXc; DecenibeCsViliC; May, 0c; No. 2
hard, 85i3!8He.
CORN Higher; No. ? cneh, 52c; track,
fcS53c; December. 43c; May, 43c.
OATS Higher: no. s cash. ;ioc; track.
r La this has aided the buyers in
forcing the price, down. Packers claim
that taking the average condition of the
cowa Into conaioeraiion un .
is not much lower than it was a week ago. proportion of the
cattle coming forward this week has con
sisted of Blockers and feeders from the
m.da There liUrt not own ri kwu
demand for thorn this week however, so g0c rjecember, ic; May," Jlc; No.
that the general trade In this kind of cftttje WM.e. -H4C.
has suffered a decline or about c. Mmn- FLOUR Steady; red winter patenta, $4.20
Ing by thla that the more choice stuff has (f4M. txtn fancy an(J ,tralght, $3.7uH.16;
not surrerea quite i' clear, fi.uvat iv.
while the common and medium grades hkeu1 iinothv. steady. $2.50113.00.
are perhaps even a little lower. 1 he . cORNMEAL Steady, $2.t.
weather tne lore pan too "f BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track, 66fi7c.
disagreeable that country buyers did not HAY-Steady; timothy. $S.O0aH.uo; prairie,
reel use cuiinoo .. . ' 7 1 g(.ftuv.w.
were so uni" , . ' . . ,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Oct. 28 -CORN Lower: No. 3
yellow. 6)c; new. No 8 yellow. 4Sc; No. 3,
ulc; new No. 1 4ftc; new No. 4. 47c; new no
grade 44c.
OATS Steady; No. I white. 30e; No. 4
white. 2Sc.
H YE Steady; No. S. 69c
WHISK V-Oo tho basis of $130 for fin
ished goods. 1
Liverpool Grata Market.
4. jku. I red western, winter. Is td.
Coffee Market.
for futures opened steady at unchan.H
prices to a decline of 6 points In sympathy !
with disappointing French cables. Trading
waa quiet anoi alter some utile irregularity
during the early session, due to the absence
of general business, the market showed a
general steady tone and closed dull net un
changed to 6 points higher. Sales were re-
rjri.d of 14,2r bags. Including: November,
6WtfXi.65c; December, ft.ioo; March, 6 96c
May. 7.15c: September, 7.41fl 7.60c. Spot Rio
quiet; No. T Invoice, 8c
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Firm ; extra western creamery, 53c; extra
nenrny prima, c.
EOOB Firm; nearby fresh, loss off. 27e;
nearby fresh, 26c at mark; western fresh,
2c at mark.
CH EES E Firm; New York full cream,
fancy, L-tjlJe; New York full erem,
choice, 12'4'8l2c: New York fuli cream,
fair to good. Il-il2c.
feel as though they could afford to leave
their corn long enough to get In hero.
HOGS There waa a moderately large run
this morning ana most 01 tne aiun gji
Into the pens at a reasonably good hour
so that the traders succeeded In effecting
a clearance In fairly good season. The
market opened In fairly good shape thla
morning on the good desirable kind of j
poga, wnirn wrra ill hv ii turm iimi
were a little better than those paid yester
day for hogs of about tha same grade. The
advices from CUcago reported prices strong
to a little higher, while Kansas City re
oorted ths market at that point as being
60 hts-her. These reports served to Flour, bbls
strengthen tne mantel nere, so mat while Wheat, bu
the trade was rather du'l the market was Corn, .bu..
strong to 5c higher. The light weight Oats, bu..
stuff was tne more aesiranie ana its w t :
the more desirahlH grades that brought
the best prices. That kind of hogs was In
pretty fair demand, while the common and I
rough hrs.vy stuff was decidedly slow and
waa steadv to strong as compared with the
market of yesterday. The bulk of the
hogs today went at prlcea ranging from 1
$1 Mi4 95. I
The market of the week has Buffered a '
decline of about 26c from the prices of last
week. Monday the market was Just about .
steady. aHth
PROVIIfN8 fork, steady: Jobbing, $15
fnlr llUc.
119.446 ba'les. the sum of $3oo sent to the widow of
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 28. nJTTUN Bpnt rivate Aioeri j. l.ahik, who was killed In
me recent siumpeoo of the buttery horses.
Mrs. Laste lives in New York City.
Recent orders front the War department
provide that the field artillery board, sta
tioned at Fort Riley, snail be coiuposeu of
sueu officers us may be aesignateu by the
War derailment, to which may be relerred
front time to time all subjects pertaining
to held artillery upon whi.11 tne War u
1 aliment or chl.'f of ar. tilery may dl.e thj
bo.uu s opinion anu 1 ecuio...uiiuutlons.
Heretofore tne board lias been composed of
tne held ofllcers of tne artillery subpost and
the buttery commanders stationed at this
Captuln W. C. Short, Thirteenth cavalry, ucior, and Second Lieutenants George
l)ii, man, Sixth cavalry, itaipii laibot, jr..
Twelfth cavalry, anil William N. Hensley,
Jr., Thirteenth cavairy, members of tno spe
cial cuius In equliution, were granted leave
. . ... . .-...'... . v. , u 1 .nv u (x d 0111,1 m 1 1 ,' , 1 1 iMur H ri.
.Vi'iS I lay and oaturday In ivitnsas city aitend
1 Sij ?'i ; tn hor8e show.
1 ltW 10 1 e Xtlf "t ball team lined up last
i.itm.lP.'.g , Sunday asalnst the new post nonpitui team
t7 g-4 t:l I "l l.',e at"lo'c l' k. The game waa a
i,sj4,w 1 K00d one 111 some icspecia. but waa very
much one-sided, resulting to to 0 In favor
I of the post team. Tne gato receipts were
I devulud to paying for tne new equipment
ui 101;. ijuBintni icuni.
quiet; prices two points higher; American
middling, lair, d.iai; goon miuuiing, u.p.hi,
middling, 6.73d; low middling. 6.6Sd; good
ordinary. 6.39d; ordlnnry, 5.i3d. The sales
of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 500
were for speculation and export and In
cluded 7.000 American hales. Receipts, 7,OiO
b:iles, Including 6,6(0 American.
ST. LOUIS, Mo Oct. 28. f'OTTON Mar
ket quiet; mirldllng 10c: sales, 101 bales;
receipts, 6.5 bales; shipments, none; stock,
10,4ti4 bales.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Oct. 2. Rank clearings for to
day were $1 400.319.69, and for the corre
sponding date last year $1.160,1!)9.38. Coin
pared clearings for the week:
1905. 1904.
...11.911.317.27 tl.Kt.S!128
... 1.423.174.01 l,'N;l O12.70
... 1.492.45H.31
... 1.6)'2.SH6.f5
.... 1,59'! 6 r'8
Mondny ...
Tuesday ...
Thursday .
Friday ....
Saturday ..
1 ncreuse .
..$9 rRJ.sot! 71
niW rn,Tr rw1T"( 'r r Sixteenth battery of were I
im BleSdy P renned i ' , pd,arl""J' (".'e,'' tu proceed by march- Riddle
deinhU and RaTilmore fln Hrt vnwortii to Fort Riley James
and I Baltimore in bulk! J'y'd, "a"i1Uil .t.i4r'"t K"'" . " ?
Oils and Itosln,
NEW YORK. Oct. 2S. OILS Cottonseed,
Arm: nrlme crude, non
iia7V.c.' Petroleu
York, $7 70: Phllai
r7.5: Philadelphia
$4.75. Turpentine, sternly, 7lQ71e.
RfiSIN 44teady ; strained, common to
good. f4.OMi4.10.
SAVANNAH. Oct. 28. OIL Turpentine,
sfendv, 69c.
ROBIN Firm: A. B. C, $4 10: D. $4 20; K.
94.85: F. $4.70; . $4 76; H, 84.90: K. $0.05; M,
$5.20; N. $5.30; WO, $5.45; WW, $5.55.
and striking camp and the appearance of
camp wss taken into consideration. There
was then an Inspection of tha company
records and barracks. Company K waa
declared winner with 69 per cent. Company
D only received 86 per cent.
Sergeant Lewis. Cook of Company M,
Twunty-fifth InfaVtry, was tried on Oc
tober 28 -for Introducing Uquor Into tho
post and Belling It to other men of th
garrison. He was found guilty and sen
tenced to reduction confinement at hard
labor for three months In the guard house
and to forfeit ,$12 per month -for tha sama
IJeutenant H. A. Wlegensteln, Twenty
fifty Infantry, is absent on a ton,, days'
leave. ' '
Lieutenant and Mrs. William Bennett.
Twenty-fifth infantry, left' the post for
St. Louis on Saturday, October 28. lieu
tenant Bennett hHS been ordered to Jeffer
son barracks for ten days to get Instruction
in examining recruits Deiore ne taxes up
the duties of recruiting officer at New
Orleans, where he will be stationed for two
years. -
Fort Meade. .
FORT MEADE, 8. D., Oct 28. (Special.)
Colonel John C. Muhlenberg, paymaster,
visited the post last week. He arrived on
the morning train and after paying, tha
troops left on the evening train for Omaha,
stopping off at Fort Niobrara, Neb., to pay
the troops there. 0
Friday, October SO, the regulaf weekly
officers' hop waa held In the post hall.
There was an unusually large attendance
and a delightful evening was spent by all.
Lieutenant and Mrs. B. H. Read gave a
charming dinner on Monday evening. Th
guests were Miss Hunter, Miss Sturtevant.
Lieutenant Foley, Lieutenant Griffith, Lieu
tenant Wilson and Dr. Url. . The same
evening Major and Mrs. Hunter enter
tained Dr. and Mrs. McCulloch, Lieutenant
and Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Weaver at din
ner. The Officers' club gave ft. delightful card
party In tho their Club rooms on Tuesday.
1" otir-handed eucnro' was piayeo. 1 nere
were nine tables tn all, Lieutenant D. H.
and Mrs. Cole., wife of Captain
A. Cole, carried off the mixes.
Tuesday afternoon the Ladles' Read-
revoked. The battery was to have left Ing club met st Mrs Freeland's. Aj usual
I --a ven worth this neea, arriving here about 1 a pleasant afternoon waa passed. - .
the tlrst of next month. Lieutenant Colonel Frank West. In-
'Ihe famous "pass order," which created spert or general of the division, arrived on
so much talk in a nearby town about a Wednesday and will remain for about a
year ago, has been amended so as to permit week, inspecting" the entire post.
emisted men to be absent without pass be-
IV t-l-ll I UllU U V IU
The pom school ffr enlisted men will
open next Wednesday. The sessions will
Foreign Financial.
wtrRf.TV Oct "S Prices on the bourse ! Sundays excepttd. Chaplain O. (J. Miller
todav opened firmer on the tone of yester- ! Thirteenth cavalry, will bo in yliarga of
nj , mi- ni-111'wi.
The Bringing of a Great Boon. ,
'First of all," said the white man who
be from 7 to It p.- nr. dally, Saturdays and ' had penetrated the realm of the untutored
savage, "we will begin me civuiiitig pro
cess by teaching you that it Is wrong to
'au WW?Xx7to tw- the" BerHn Tcurb mnrk Ruans' weVe i The Octofr issue of the official nubliea- gtf without clothes." .
clear 'ribs $i; short clears $s "5 Bacon P"'nt higher and domestic hares were 'on, known as the Army List and Direc- "But," replied the chief, "we don't need
t1.hldeaeAtr?."h0rU- !-r Vb': E!kerstK'rlt.,fae,nri,iht,,:tUa,ed- tx c,othe0 here. The climate I. such that w
POULTRY-Chlcke'ns. lower at 6- P R13. Oct. i8.-Price at the oneninr of pf field artillery, now at Fort Riley, as I can be comfortable without them. Btlll, If
aprlngs, SEj10c; turkeys. 13c; ducks, 9o; lb bourse todav were heavy, but later they being at Fort Ham Houston and Fort Doug- we can't be clvillred without covering our
rtow sriau
geeae. Sc.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, '8jj24c; dairy,
EUGS Firm at 19c, case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
9, too 10,000
0.1 eon
23. Ow
20,0o0 '
65 Ooo
Bog-ar and Molasses.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28-8UOR-Raw.
steady; fair refining, c; centrifugal, 9j
Imnroved on more favorable repo
St. Petersburg. Russian bonds ot 1H04 were
quoted at 619 and Russian imperial 4s at
test, 8c; molausc sugar, 2o. Refined, ),r,s 4U for spot supplies a
quiet; No. 6, 4.loc; No. 7. 4.05c; No. , 3 ,5c I J"' .nd flr m at ltu425
No. 9. $.oc; No. 10, 3.85e; No. 11. $76o; No! qul 1 tt a '
12. 3.70c: No. 13. 3. Sic: No. 14. 3f,5c: confer.
Doners' A. 4.55c; mould A, 5.05c; cut loaf,
5.40c; crushed. 5.40c; powdered, 4 80c; granu
lated. 4 7oi': cubes. 4 95c.
MOLASSES Steadv: New Orluuna nun
a slight tendency toward I kettle, good to choice. 29"rt-6c.
lower nrlces. Tuesday Influenced by tho I NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 2x. SUGAR
large decline at Chicago the market here 1 kel quiet; open kettle rentrlfugal. S8-16c;
went down ana every remaining aay mis centrifugal whites, 4V8-lc; yellows, 3 3-16
week, excepting today has witnessed a 'i3 6-l(k': seconds. 2tfTJu.
decline of about from 6c to 7c, so that , MOLASSEii-AJpen kettle. f7c; centrifugal
toady the market closed with prices about : 15Uc.
a weea ago.
2fc lower than they were
Representative saios.
Mllwrankec Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. Oct.28.-WHFAT-8teHdy;
No. 1 northern. 1c; No. 2 northern. 6691:
bid; December, ftnc.
RYE Higher; No. 1. 72'872c.
BARLEY Firm: No. 2. 54,ij65c; sample. 39
CORN Strong: May. 40c
Dnlntk Grata Market.
DULUTH, Oct 28. WHEAT To arrive:
No. I northern, r; No. 2 northern. 87c
Ou track: No. 1 northern. 'c; No. 2
p, irthern Deci niher, Stic; May, a7c.
OAT8 To arrive and on Hack, .
at. go.
.. tt ... 4 64
..117 .... 4 11
..144 40 4 76
..1 IN IK
... lot 4I7V6
. i tu 4 n Si
. Ill . . 4 iitft too 4 17 ss
... 4 17
...7t MO 4 T
...ri lot 4 us
...lut 40 4 K
...tuft M0 4 10
...141 ... 4N
.. I7T H 4 X)
.. Ht tU 4 10
,, 40 4 M
. ..lf. H IN
..177 1W 4 to
...ill IH M
...1:1 no 4 m
...170 ... 4 14
...171 M 4 to
. . r M (H
...111 4DU 4 10
...IM ... 4X1
...111 M 4 M
...140 V0 4 M
.. 177 1.-0 4 0
.. r4 iiw 4 to
..lit . . 4 M
..141 1:0 4 X
. :1 111 I H
...:la 120 4 to
. It . .
ih. ft.
IN ... IN
114 tOO 4 KSi
137 40 4 ll'-t
HJ tM 4 t!Si
11 40 4 tit
174 110 4 tlVi
! to 4 II
147 2 4 I! ,
171 40 4 t:st
341 10 4 J 1
.111 Hi I llSt
M 175 120 4 t;'s
.m 10 1 1:4
... tM 1H1 I ll'i
... t'4 1M I tlS
...fjt H IN
. .. loi :w 1 h
141 W I M
... tM SO 4 11
....ill 41 4 W
... .2,4 4(1 4 15
... tit S IH
...177 400 4 H
....tit ... IK
... 2S7 ... 4 S
If I 140 4 05
1M I 4 ti
117 1M 4 I7i
l.'l 10 4 17 S
1:1 40 I 00
....110 tt I M
210 ... 100
147 ... IN
Metal Market.
fresh feature developed In the metal mar
keta. which were generally quiet but
ateady. Spot tin Is quoted at $02 4iku2.60.
Luke copper is held at $18.37''y 16.50;
electrolytic. $16.2C(il6.6L. und casting at
$16 0,il6 37 Lead Is quiet but firm at
nd speller is
Twenty-second batteries, now at Fort Hill bodies we will put on domes.
and Fort Douglas, respectively, as being at wo get them?"
Fort Riley. Although no orders changing j w)Il have to work for them. Then
the stations of these batteries have been ' . . , , , .. ,,, .
lecelved, it was at once assumed that the ; ftPr 'ou ,iave "dopted clothes it will b
directory contained advance information of necessary for you to crane picking your
a change soon to take place, and the news fooa from trees. You must Cut down your
created considerable exci tnicnt In tho Hrtil- ' . , ... ... ... ... ...
lory subpost. General orders No. 128 of the
War department provide that when prac
ticable the tour-of duty ot batteries of held
artillery at the school of application for
cavalry and field artillery snail be of three
years' duration, and aa both the Sixth and
Manley of the same organization, was held for the benefit of the officials of the Insur
livlole. trio i iiowu eiaies coiiiiniHHion
Junction City, Kan.. Thursday. Keeth was
ner in
SHEEP There were no receipts today
and lliete were uo sheep of any conse-
Wool Market.
NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-WOOL Market
steady: domestic fleece, SitfiWc. .
LONDON. 0.t. 28 WOolv The arrivals
of wool for the sixth aerl,a nf
sales amount to 33 ol bales Including 8 6u0 j UoilS of tll6 EleA'ator Combine in
uttin luniiuni uimi 10 epuiiicrs. i ne
Import, during the week were: New South
Wales, 1.6i3 bales; Queensland, 50 bales;
South Australia, 106 balea; New Zealand,
1 3S bHles; Cape of Good Hope and Natal,
203 bales; various, (21 bale.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Oct. 28. WOOL
Steady; medium grades, combing and
clothing. Ityilc; light fine. 21u26c; heavy
fine, H322c; tub washed, J3fj42c.
Clearing Hons Averages.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28 Th statement of
aer-;ei of the clearing house banks of
this city this week follow.: Loans. SUltl,.
l.4'0; increase, $U.l3uO. Deposits, $101.',
I'.l; Increase, I'.f 23?.9u0. Circulation. i6.
$10i '-; Increase. $:4J 600. Iegal tenders, $74..
$91 8'0; Increase. I1X.100. Specie. tlUMkVj.
W); Increase. $;.W70. Reserve. $272 f54.0 -j;
Increase. $3 406,iilO. Reserve required. .0,
S"; 075; increase $4 4miiiO. Surplus. $12 13'.
9:'5: decrease. Hi;.?'!. Ex-United States de
post's. I15.M1.4O0: decrease, $142, hfco.
Taled Seed Market.
TOLEDO, o.. Oct. n. SEEDS Clover,
cash, to US7 January, $8.25; February, $6.30;
Treasury Mtatement.
WASHINGTON. Oct. r. Today'a state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150.000, ooft gold
reserve, shown: Available cash hahttie. !
$131,870,835: gold coin srd bullion, $75,425.S69: il.,,.
gum ceriiiicuir. ti,79,m7.
bound over for trial before the United
' " i States district court at Topeka.
The regular fall maneuvers of the troops
1 of this command, scheduled to be held dur
ing October and the first half of November,
have not been held because of the artillery
being engaged In th experiment in regi
mental organisation. The regimental work
will be completed November 1 and the bat
teries will return from camp to their bar
racks. From Novenilier 3 to 17 exercises
will be held in the coin! Incd use of cavalry
and Held artillery i.s advancn guards, rear
guards, outposts, in screening duly and In
attack and defense. These exercises will
be under the Immediate direction of the
commandant. Colonel Ed S Godfrey, Ninth
cavalry. Colonel Sydney W. Taylor of the
artillery corps is announced aa chief um
pire. The old artillery barracks oecuf S by
the Sixth and Twenty-fifth battel ar
In a bad stale of renxir and funr have
forests and till the soil.' so that the thing,
you raise may be bought and .old by spec
ulators. Thus you will have taken another
long step forward,"
"I don't exactly so where the advantage
Nineteenth batter s have been here for a j for u, u to be. but of course you
to be In pursuance of these order that the ! know best. Shall we have all th blessing
expected change is to take place. of civilisation when we've don that?"
tne preliminary hearing or t-rivate James ,.Kf, that vou win haVB to be-..
A Wuullt 'if Tsw,., A Vinlh
eiarKl with the murder of 1'iivdte Ilobwrt policy tio.dern nd pay ifuod tilt premium
The Grain Trust Exposed
Tom Worrall's sensational
and truthful story of the opera-
Nebraska is now ready for sale
Price 50 cts. mail orders ac
companied by cash will be
promptly filled by
Tom Worrnll,
n31 Board of Trade Bldir.,
Omaha, Neb.
Itala Offleai Fifth aad Hob rla Street
8T. PAIL. Ml,
testers la
Stocks , Grain,1 Provision
hUlp Yoar Grata to Is.
tmath lime. Ilo-Ul Bctjrd of Tradt
Hldg., Oaaaha. ). Ttlmkaat ft.114.
ZW-l'M Fxrbang B-dg.. South Omaha
Bell '1 ucu Zl. UMlatmuaent 'tauM It
ance company, for the danger, of your get
ting killed and leaving your families un
provided for will, of couree, be infinitely
greater after you have availed yourselves
of the glorious advantages of civilisation
than they are now."
"Hurrah!" rried the cMef. "After w
have eaten you we will pile stones high
alxjve your bones as a mark of our grati
tude for the great boon you have brought
to us." Chicago Record-Herald.
lllab I'rlr f (abbages.
Two 4ernians tn Atchison, accord I rig to
the Ololie of that place, were discussing th
high price of cabbages. "I dell you, des
cappages Is wsy up high dls year. M tind
my wife puts up six or sefen or eight par
rels of sauerkraut efery yesr, yes. But v
been set anide for putting them In good i can't do ut dls year, no. Der rappageg dey
condition. Hathlng and 'filet facilities will i h on norm.. ..oi n..
be provided and the build. ngi will be enn- toht to rrwh- one a"rmn B"t
ridersblv altered throughout. Ill'', for dln you put up some sauerkraut.
the work have been opened by the ouarter
master and have been forwarded to the
quartermaster goner il for approval, and
aa soon as thla approval Is received con
tracts will be lef a-d l work will beeln.
Private fillle Clark. Tr'op li. Ninth rtv
alrv. waa promoi-d Tui-fd'iv to be serseant.
The Ir'X'pa f this command a 111 be re
viewed and I'anected by the commanding
ofTWr r.ext Tutaday.
Flrat IJeutenant A. H. Warfleld of the
artillery carps e relieved from du'v at
this post today lo enable lilin lo go lo
don't you;
Chris?" etkd his friend. "Oh, so! Yes,
we put up some, not muchtwo or t-t-tre
parrels, shunt tu half tn her house in cas
of sickness, yes."
la Itesperate Htrnlla
are many who could be cured by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Cm.sumptton.
U) reins and 81. For nulu by Shermaa a.
M-t onnell Inug Co.- .....