Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. TO REACH THE PEOPLE ADVERTISE IH THE BEE FOR BEST NEWS SERVICE , YOU MUST HAVE THE BEE i SIXliLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MOUNIN.U, OCTOBKK SO, 1903. ) STATUS OF THE ARMY Gsseral liniworth Discuses Attittd of Public Toward tho Etrtioe. DESERTION KIT REGARDED AS AC r ' Until Bitimnt Chug Tt Willi passible U Eedaoo Iu RECOMMENDS OSTRACISM AS F Bnoawtj 8sldieri Should I Like Other riminils. 1 sd PEOPLE HAvE LITTLE INTEREST IN ARMY In Tim to rear It la Hegarded aa an Institution That May D Pared Down with Impunity. . ..SH1NGTON. Oct. S. Major General 1'. C. Alnaworth. the military secretary. In Ills seoond annual report devote consider able attention to desertions from the army, and aays: Many' remedies have been proposed, but none seems to be worthy ot very serious consideration. Those, who know how the ranteen enme to be abolished are not hu)eful for Its res toration, there. Is not likely to be such In crease tn tne soldier a pay as to onset tne greater Inducement in civil pursuits; the , comforts and even luxuries thut urc. fur nlHhed to enlisted men In our service n; now even criticised by some as being not only extravagant, but Injurious In their eftoet on men whose real business it is lo march and light, encumbered with few coin forts and no luxuries, and the llneljlliie and instruction lu which the soldier is now subjected are not likely to be. icluxcd in future. tittle Interest In Army. Our people have little teal interest in the army In the time of peace and from ihe earliest days of tho republic have been ac customed to look upon It as a more or h sj unnecessary institution that may be pured down with safety whenever a aemand f'ir retrenchment of publlo expenses arises. En listment In the army In time of peace Is not uncommonly rcgarued as evidence of worih lussness on tho nart of the recruit ami sertlon In such a time is generally looked upon aa nothing more culpable thun the breuch or a civil contract for service. Tho deserter suffers lllrln or no 1,um ,,f ..nam . by his offense, and Is seldom without friends mill sympathisers to shield him from arrest inieiceue in HIS behalf in the com paratively rare evont of his falling: into the hands of the military authorities. Ostracism tor Deserters.' It Is safe to predict that desertion from the army will continue to be excessive unless there shall have been a radical change of public sentiment toward the army and until the deserter shall come io ue regarded as the criminal that he Is. to be ostracised and hunted down aa re luntlessly an any other transgressor of the laws. There la no reason to look for such change of sentiment in the nour future, and there are some who believe that the change will never come until our people shall have learned, through national disaster and humiliation, that the effective maintenance of any army of pro fessional soldiers Is absolutely essentia to the preservation of the national honor and life and that the trained and disciplined troops of a inodprn enemy cannot be with stood by hastily organized armies of un trained or half trained civilians. ost treagth-.ef Armr. tleneral Alnsworth says that the actual ; strength, of the entire military establish ment June 30 last was 3,800 officers and 67, 433 enlisted men in the regular army, 26 officers and 060 enlisted men In the Porto Rico provisional regiment of infantry, and 108 officers and 6,039 enlisted men In the Philippine scouts, making a total of 3,94 officers and 63,022 enlisted men. The maxi mum strength of the regular army, not In cluding the hospital corps. Is now fixed by executive order at 60,176 enlisted men. The losses in the regular army during the fiscal year were: Officers killed In action or died of wounds, dlseuse. etc., 24; resigned or discharged, In; dismissed, 1. deserted. 3; retired, 69; total. 118. Enlisted men killed In action, died of wounds, disease, etc.. 377: discharged upon expiration of lenn of service. 22.264; dis charged for disability, by sentence of court-, martial and by order, 0,460; deserted, 6.533; retired, 1M; total. 38,813. Rattle Flags for War Department. During the year 274 battle flags. In cus tody of the War department.' were re turned to the governors of the states In which the regiments that bore them were raised. He says there still remains here 4."2 of these flags 164 union and 28 con federatewhose former ownership or cus tody It has been Impossible to trace. General Alnsworth recommends that these union flags be transferred to the United States military academy and that the confederate flags be given to some general confederate memorial .or historical association, perhaps the Louisiana His torical association at New Orleans, the Bout hern Historical association at Rich mond, Vs., or the United Confederate Vet erans' association. ll SPANISH CRUISER TOTAL LOSS Armament an-1 Hull of Cardinal Cl neroa. Which .aul Saturday OA Marus, tan not Be Sared. FERROL, Spain. Oct. 29. The naval au thorities have given up hope of salving the armament and hull of the Spanish armored crulaer Cardinal Clsneros, which sunk yes terday near Muros, province of Coruna, after striking a rock. The vessel Is lying In a had position In eighty feet of water. The captain of thv cruiser reporta the fol lowing details of the loss; Shortly after leaving Muros Bay for Ferrol, with the re mainder of the squadron In a calm sea, the Cardinal Clsneroa. owing to a fog proceeded alowly? Off Point Melxldoa the cruiser waa taking soundings wheu the catastrophe o curred. the vessel striking an uncharted rock with terrific violence. An enormous rent was made In Its bows through which the water rushed In great volume and the ship began to sink rapidly. The crew was called to quarters and observed discipline. Thev launched eight boats, but these were not sufficient to take off the entire complement ' of M0 men and the remainder were rescued under difficult rondltiona by a steam trsw and several fishing smacks which stood by. The ship disappeared In less thun forty minutes. ADDRESS BY GENERAL HOWARD Retired Army Otnper Makes Addreaa at Kaaaaa City on Home Missions. KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oet. 29 -General O. O. Howard spoke tonlgt at the First Con gregational church In this city upon tho subject of educational work in the Cum berland mounlalna. TAnty-lo graduates (colored) of the Howard university, an In stitution founded during General Howard's service In the government Freedmeu's Aid bureau, attended the services. A collection was taken and scholarships of .) each to Lincoln Memorial institute at Cumberland Gap, In which General liow-a-rJ la Interested, war mbscrllieU, PRESIDENT MAKES FAST TIME Fleet la Reported Off taranaik at it p. an. Sanday, with All oa Board Well. . UNITED 8TATE8 FLAGSHIP WEST VIRGINIA, off Savannah, Ga., Oct. 29 A strong breese from the northeast has kicked up a heavy sea, but notwithstanding these unfavorable circumstances the squadron has maintained an average speed of twenty knots from Jupiter Jlght t the present point, thus breaking all records for any squadron In our navy. This morn ing the entire crew was mustered aft and President Roosevelt delivered a Short ad dress to them. The president has spent most, of the day on the forward bridge with Admiral Brownson. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla.. Oct. 29-The wireless station on Anastasia Island has been In communication with cruiser West Virginia at Intervals all during last night and today. Messages during the night conveyed news that the president was well and thoroughly enjoying the voyage with fine weather up to that time. The cruiser had , not en countered rough weather until shortly after noon today, when, nearlng Savannah, It ran into the storm which Is prevailing along the coast. Last night Admiral Brownson gave a banquet to the officers of the West Vir ginia and Its consorts in honor of the presi dent. The usual Saturday evening concert abord was also enjoyed by the president. The West Virginia and Its consorts passed by St. Augustine shortly after 3 o'clock this morning. The vessels were nearly It miles off the coast. Mayor Boyce, on behalf of the citizens of St. AugusMiie. sent a message to the presi dent from this station offering congratula tions and best wishes for a safe and pleas ant voyage. The uiesmige was received und acknowledged. ' The station here picked up a number of messages which were being transmitted to the president, most of which were words of congratulations and best wishes from governors and high officials all over the country. The presidential fleet was re ported off Savannah about 2 o'clock this afternoon. The ships were well out to sea anil making remarkable speed, not withstanding the high winds. Chief Electrician Elklns. In charge of the statlon here, states that the weather, while cloudy and blustery, has been Ideal for ' transmitting and receiving tho wireless messages. lie has had no difficulty in receiving and sending messages nt dis tances ranging from 100 to nearly 1,000 miles. CATHOLIC ORPHANAGE BURNS Priest and Trro Boys Seriously Hurt by Jnmplnar from Roof of nalldlng. RALEIGH, N.'C Oct. 29 Thiee persons were seriously Injured, one of whom subse quently died, and a dozen ar.tiers had a nar row .smn from the ames In a fire that de- ' ; , stroyed the priests' house at Nazareth or phanage, a Catholic boys' Institution, three miles from Raleigh, early this morning. The flro broke out between : 3 and S o'clock this morning and spread rapidly. Twejve. persona in the building escaped by Jumping from the second and third story windows. I " -. ., ,..,k ""-'u. aged 15. were hemmed In the flame, on top of the building forty-five feet above the ground. Timothy Wallace of New York, j Vhe ...t rerti we -o very en who has been studying Tor the .priesthood. . r" d t bft anxlous. climbed the buttress of the . building to u "gln; l L h.- ..t svmnathr rescue them, was cut off from the stair- ways, and he three Jumped, all being man- gieo. ana injurea enou,,,-. usn iunit.111. 1 'I . jiiiu 4 wi iv. x m ID or New torn, ttevs. Fathers Price and O'Brien Jumped from windows thirty feet from the ground, but are not seriously Injured. The property loss Is over t-'B.OOO. PflR VrTITIIT IIR LIIU RfnmsfflV uuivu I I I u I iwl I vii nuiuini Oplulon of the storthlnsc Seem, tn I'svof Continuation of Mon. arehleal Form. Mr. Nicholson leaves a wife and a baby j attempting to ascertain If the flood had CHRTBT1ANIA. Oct. 29.-The Storthing girl. Mrs. Nicholson Is prostrated with . damaged the property of the company The sat until a late hour Saturday night dls-.; grief. There are three brothers, two sisters othPr dpath was the result of a shock to cussing a constitution. M. Honow; form- and his mother to survive him. One brother an nValld who awoke. and found her room erly radical leader, on behalf of th repub-; lives with his mother in Nebraska 'City, j flooded with water. Besides these casual llcans. declared that the proposal for a j The sisters live in Portland. Ore. Another ties several persons were Injured ln the plebiscite diminishes the respect held for brother Is ln Seattle and the third In La no0i whIe attempting to recover the bodies the Storthing's governmental responsibility. I Grand. Ore. of the two me suffocated In the tunnel roreign Minisier Loveiann saia s repun- llcan would be Intrinsically as valuable as j fraternal organisations, especially the de a inonarchial constitution, but he pointed ' grees of Masonry. He was a member of out that Norway being a well established constitutional monarcny generations or labor would be necessary to work out republican Institutions. A continuation as a monarchy, ho added, would be the logical result of the policy of Juno J, when the Storthing dissolved the union between Nor- way and Sweden, and that otherwise Nor way's international position would be haz ardous. Minister of Commerce Arctander said the government would resign If this policy was defeated. Among those selected for ministerial posts abroad is H. 8. Hauge, former secretary of legation for Norway and Sweden at Washington. The Foreign office Is pushing Its wrk of organizing a consular service. GREAT SHINTORIJES FOR DEAD Admiral Togo Officiates at Service In Memory of aval Officer a Killed tn Battle. , TOKIO. Oct. 29-Noon. The great Shinto ritea ln memory of the naval officers and men who were killed during the war were held t mlay at Aoyama cemetery. Besides the admirals, officers and sailors, hundreds of civil dignitaries were present. Admiral Togo addressed the departed spirits, eulo glzing their noble deeds in battle and their gallant co-operation which resulted in the sacrifice of their Uvea. He humbly asked repose for the spirits whoso exemplary deeds In life had contrib uted to the victory over a powerful enemy. While reading his address Admiral Togo was seen to be stirred with strong emotion, which wus In contrast with his calm de meanor while on the bridge of the Mlkasa during the hottest battles. The ceremony was most Impressive and calculated to leave a lasting impression on those who witnessed lt. Thousands of sailors marched tothe accompanying strains of music to the cemetery and afterward to the Naval club. Farmer Kicked by Horse. 8TUKGI3. 8 D.. Oct. 2.-SpecUl Tele gram.) Bert Harvey, a farmer, residing on Alkali, near here,' waa kicked on the head by a horse yesterday morning and rendered unconscious: His left Jaw Is bruised, lips swelled, Jeft eye black and swollen. Ho had not regained conscloua nesa up to tonight and It la thought Lhat ha Is seriously hurt. COLNCILM AN NICHOLSON DEAD City Offioial Panes A way Unexpectedly at Eii Homo Hndtj Afternooi. DEMISE IS DUE TO APPENDICITIS He Had Been a Realdeat of Omaha for Flfteea Years and Had Long; Taken, aa Active Interest la Public Affaire. City Councilman George T. Nicholson died most unexpectedly at 1:30 yesterday afternoon. The news of his sudden demise came as a shock and a sad surprise to his many friends and aupporters. A week ago last Friday he began' to feel Indisposed and soon developed the symptoms of appen dicitis. The family physician. Dr. T. J. Kalal failed to alleviate his suffering and last Thursday afternoon an operation was performed and a suppurative abscess around the appendix was removed. After the operation Mr. NicholBon ralliod quickly and appeared to be well on the road to recovery. Dr. Kalal made his usual call Sunday about noon and felt very confident that everything was going well. Mr. Nich olson's pulse was good and his temperature normal. He left orders to begin a stronger diet In the evening, if there was no un favorable change. Shortly after 3 o'clock It was noticed by the nurse In charge that a dense perspira tion had broken out on the patient's brow and she sent at once for the physician. Before arrived Mr. Nicholson died; and from the last flutters of his heart Dr. Kalal diagnosed the cause of his death as nn acute dilatation of the heart. One of Mr. Nicholson's brothers lives In Nebraska City, and he has been tele graphed. Ho Is expected to arrive tonight to take charge of the affairs. No definite arrangements will be made as to the fu neral services until he Is here. Career of Dead Man. George T. Nicholson was 41 years of age when he died He was born In Rochester, N. Y., February 23, 1S64. His father was a j carpenter and when his son was 12 years old. the family moved to Nebraska, lo cating ut Nebraska City. Here Mr. Nlch- olson spent his school days. It was there md during his boyhood that he met Mies Ulanch E. Halbrook, who later became his wife. During the early years of his man hood he wus an engineer on the Missouri Pacific railroad. Fifteen years ago he came to Omaha und for seven years he was cus todian of the Masonic temple, to which order he had long been a member. After w ih, Walior i ward he Became u " i Display company, with whlcn ne was aim connected at the time of his death. In ; this firm he was the active partner and 1 . ,..irin, the held the position of president during tne i greater tart of his service. At about the time of his entering me continuing, the report si.-s: - ler Display company he became Interested , A carrful Bnaiysls of s)i fl'tration ad In municipal affairs and Just previously : vertlslng Indicates that earthing- pe"l- u.a narvA the unexDifed term of a mem- 71. x,a r iM.,.tlnn. In April, , oer oi m i"-""'" . 1903, he was chosen es a memoer ui m council where he held the position o vice ,j ' . r .i, .,ji presldent of the council. Mayor Moores Trlhnte. The news of his death was received with great regret by Mayor Frank K. Moorcs, ! who had not heard or it unui an ! ..vwi with regard to it. He Bald: Vhow much this .hocks 1 ?J'..., .u nv dan- ' Nicholson that he showed , be a fearless, conscientious mem- of cmmo)I om, who,e abuies lt I : , . . x. man I always ; " . " Tt , " r(,eretful that a man rourceful , ln ru" ,.".," ... v .hml1(, have to lav i aown iu uiiv, i, c, 0.0 '"' . .. .... I sir. aner sain: io" cammi j "".' - thing too good of George T. Nicholson. I 'do not hesitate to say that he was the life of our firm. He was always prompt and full of energy. It will be a great losa to i all." ... jr. Nicholson wjps a member of several St. John's lodge. Scottish Rite Masons, of . the Knights Templar, Omaha council no. i ! and Omaha chapter No. 1. He avas also a , member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, tt is likely that they will bo , Kiad to asflst In showing the last respects Q their brother. KING IS TEACHING A PRINCE Peter of Servla t'adertakes Taak Abandoned by Iaatraetor of Hla Heir. BELGRADE. Oct. 29.-(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee.) King Peter of Servla has now taken up the arduous task of Instructing , the flooded district. his son, the Servian crown prince, which Carelessness on the part of the Barry his tutor. Major Levasseur, gave up In i brothers cost them both their lives. Every despair. His majesty takes the youth with I Saturday night the air pressure ln the him wherever he goes. Every morning he tunnel Is shut off to sllow ventilation while reads to him Illuminating passages from ' work ln the tunnel Is abandoned over Sun the newspapers, and watches while tho i day. This allows the collection of gases, prince Improves his mind by conning a which are blown off when the pressure is certain number of pages a day. put on again Sunday night. When the If the prince chafea while the "mental : water main fiurst word was sent to Michael Improvement" course Is In progress a sec- I Barry, the superintendent, who went to ! rntary Is called, who reads aloud passages j which in the estimation of the king the prince should assimilate. King Peter then I comments on the value of the Information conveyed. The books selected for the edi fication of the princely mind are mainly historical and political. Prince George had hoped with the com ing of his majority a few weeks ago he would be delivered from the school room thralldom, but the king has decided that his education must continue. YOl'XG MAI ACCIDENTALLY KILLED Frank McGsgla Killed by Shot from Revolver which He Dropped. PIERRE. 8. D.. Oct. J9 (8peclal Tele gram.) Frank McGugin. about 18 yeara old. waa accidentally ahot and killed here late last night. He was a son of 8. D. McGugin. local agent for the Americas Express com pany, and was looking after the affairs of the office during the absence of his father ln Ohio. Ha had prepared to meet ths night train and went Into a restaurant for lunch, laying his coat on a table. In picking R up the revolver which he carried on his trips fell from the pocket and was discharged, the ball striking him In the abdomen and coming out at his shoulder. He was tsken to ths hospital and lived aevsrai hours. CITY L0SESSIX MILLIONS Engineers Who Examine ' Work oa Three Philadelphia Projects Make Report. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 29.-The report of the Board of Investigating Engineers, ap pointed last July by Mayor Weaver to ex amine tho nitration system of the city and the northeast and southern boulevards now under construction, which report was submitted to the mayor yesterday, was made publlo today. It la signed by Major Cassius E. Gillette of the U tiled States engineer corps, who Investigated the Savan nah harbor frauds, and John Donald Mac- Lennon of Washington. D. C. The report i shows that up to date the city has lost through excessive costs, collusive bids. Ille gal advertising and In other ways the sum of W.330,000. - ' . , The contractors who have received most of the more than $18,000,000 which have been expended on Improvement are D. J. Mc Nlchol & Co., James Ryan, John A. Kelley and Vara Bros. The members of the Mc Nlchol firm are Israel W,. Durham, leader of the local republican organization; State Senator J. P. McNlchol. also a city leader, and the tatter's brother, Daniel. The Vare Arm Is made up of State Senator J. H. Vare and R. J. Vare. . Their brother, William Vare, is recorder ot deeds, an elective office. The officers held responsible by the re port tof some of the conditions of the filtration system are William C. Haddock, who was director of public works under Mayor Ashbridge; Peter" E. Costello, di rector of public works under Mayer Wea ver until last May, when the mayor dis missed him. und John W. Hill, former chief of tho bureau of filtration,4 who Is awaiting trial on the charges of fraud and falsification of records In connection with the construction of the filtration sys tem. The report says: Omitting from construction all small con tractssay under aao.ouo we find street filtration work und the two boulevards, as constructed up to datu. the city has paid or pledged tl8.7fil.541.' First class work under the filtration un- H..r IhA wf tH.'Atiftnia fthnulri not huvp cost ' over X12A'M. which Includes an aliow- uncc f- w or jng for le,itl mate contractors profits.- 1 h" uirretence is tti.33O.0w). In other words, l&.T6o,0u0 in round numbers lias been- mld for work costing tho contractors lt).3o.tMio. Of the t'i.SJU.VOU excessive cost, there hos gone to tho contractors who worked under the name of D. J. McNichol. to.Otio.122; similarly to Ryan & Kelley. 543.K90, und to Vare Bros.. tMUU!. Of the tlH.T61.Ml, there remains unpaid about totW.Ono to McNlchol and tT5,000 to Ryan & Kelley. ! Much of the work done by Ryan & Kelley and D. J. McNlchol , is ' not first class. The parts which show prominently to the tiuhllc are falrlv well done: tho Darts that tan lie examined witli tv tittle trouble nre. dlK,nc.tly aecond clas and not up to the specifications. Wo. of course, do not know what the condition f such portions a cannot be seen without! tearing up the wherever w- hive .in? into it I we find It second class or worse. '. me was aone to avoio any real punnrsty wituout ng mat tact npear too 4rom , inently in tne record liminary estimates. Instead' of being freely ; rurnisnea to nianers. y re rigorously I guarded secrets, so far as 'i general bld- . (u,gi(uu.ernBd, .( :,',,! were materials, where they were very little needed. CHICAGO WATER MAIN BURSTS Accident t'aases Loss of Three Lives aad Property Damage Amounts . to g ISO.OOO. - CHICAGO. Oct. 2.-Three lives were lost, property valued at, tlM.000 was destroyed, scores of families were made homeless and j " 'i lam lrWKt1t traffic on the Nickel Plate rullroad l0 hou"' becaus. of th' hna1nK ot a water main at Elgh- The fa talities resulted indirectly from the flood, which followed the bursting .of the water ipir,. Bnfi .,-1 fl,. i,,0ji, .u,, i hood for several blocks, damaging a num- , of l)USnP!. j,ou , thp v,,.,ntv . Two . of . ,he pprgon() wh(l ,, .. . lovrom6 hv ffag ln th( ,,, ,unnp t i Eighteenth street and Armour avenue while The dead: MICHAEL BARRY, shaft sunerlntendent Illinois Tunnel company, overcome by gas while examining tunnel for damage caused ' w" 'JJJ, 'j' i PATRICK BARRY, master mechanic of j tunnel company, overcome by gas while , ,ir,(Pt,1,,t.0, ,rSHru,'. J.1? ,ro,&Tr : ciark street. wis taker, from h"r ' room to a hospital, where she did a few I hours later as a "result of the shock and exposure The Injured: John Casey, overcome by gaa while at tempting to rescue the Barry brothers; condition serious. Cyril Ma her. overcome by gas while look ing for the bodies of the Barry brothers; condition serious. Joseph I-avanoico, leg broken when the Nickel Plate tracks, which had been under mined by the flood, csved in. Several other persons suffered minor In juries while escaping from their homes In i niake an Investigation of the tunnel ln ' that district. When Barry reached the ' shaft the air pressure had not been turned on, but he Insisted that he could make the Investigation In perfect safety. After Barry had been in the shaft for half an hour and no word had been received from him his brother decided to follow him. Some time passed and neither man appeared. Then a rescuing party was formed, but all efforts st rescue were blocked by the condition of the air In the tunnel. Several efforts were made to gel into the tunnel during the day and It was during one of these attempts that Casey and Maher were overcome. Up to a late hour tonight the bodies of the Barry brothers were still ln the tunnel. Fifteen Years for' Manslaughter. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Oct. 2.-(Special.) Nester Varqiieze. the Mexican coal shovelrr who brutally murdered Andrew 8. Artist In a room over the Home Ranch saloon, on West Seventeenth street, a mpnth ago, Saturday pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced by Judge Bcott to fifteen years at hard labor. The maximum penalty for the crime Is twenty yeara. Know In western Nebraska. DENVER. Oct. 29. A wet snow began falling late this afternoon and the aloriii waa in lull sway tonlxht In Wyoming, western Nebraska and South Dakota. In Colorado onlf western stupe Is affected. CLEVELAND PLANTS A TREE former President llacei White sUple it Park Near e'er on Yonument. OTHER DISTINGUISHED GUESTS ASSIST Party Leaves Nebraska City nn Spe cial Train Over the RnrllnRton Route Sunday Evening for Chicago. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Oct. 29. tSpe rial Telegram.) Former President Orover Cleveland and the party of distinguished guests that attended the unveiling of the Morton monument planted a white maple tree at noon today In the southeast corner of the plot of ground In front of the monu ment of J. Sterling Morton. A hole had been dug for the tree, which Is about twelve feet high, and Mr. Cleve land placed the maple In the hole and threw In the first shovel of earth. Each of the guests then placed a shovel full of earth about the roots. Several of the party made very brief addresses and the com- I pany Joined in a song. The tree planting was witnessed by only a few persons be sides the Arbor Lodge guests. At :30 this evening the special train bear ing Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and the party who accompanied the ex-prcsldent left for Chicago over the Burlington. Mr. Cleve land apent a quiet day at Arbor Lodge and did not feel any ill effects from his long exposure to the cold, damp weather of yesterday while he remained upon the speakers' stand during the unveiling cere mony. It is leurned locally that Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland had practically decided to come to Omaha for a visit on Sunday. The raw, cold character of the day had Mm t ffect of chancing this plan, however, and the former president and his wlfo at the last moment decided to go straight through to Chicago. Telephone Coin pany Paya Damages. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Oct. 29 (Special.) The case of Mace E. Atwood against the Falls Citv Telephone compuny was settled 'out of court, the company .paying the plain tiff tl.300 and settling costs of action. This case grew out of a severe accidental Injury sustained by Mrs. Atwood. wife of a Hum boldt farmer, in January, 1902. The team took fright at a dog and sturted to run, smashing Into a telophonc. pole before Mr. Atwood could get them under control. It was thought for a time the woman was killed and she came out of the deal with the loss of one of her limbs. It Is claimed the poles had been set too far Into the road way and suit was brought first against the . county, but later this was dismissed and j action begun against the u-lephotiu com pany, with the above results. The case has been continued for several years. ' XeltraaUa Students In Boston. BOSTON', Massj Oct. 29. (Special Tele gram.) A majority of the entering students at the New England Conservatory of Music. recently opened for Its fall term, are rrom , aBer of tll ghephcrd King Co.," was held the middle west Among them are the lol- ( on a cnarge of murdering his sweetheurt, lowing: Adah Dell Bowen. Broken Bow. Mlsg 8usan ory, the victim of the Win Neb., regular course voice and piano; Fay , ,,.,, rBa mvaterv. which has been H.wterter. IM.4.ill. NcV: full piano court-; Anna M. Johnson. Holdrege, , Neb., full course piano; Gussle Oants, Rapid City, 8. D., piano, voice and languages; Retail B. Rich, Des Moines, la., regular course In voice work; Jessie M. Walker, Fargo, N. D., regular course In piano. COWEN TALKS OF CONVENTION Detectives Gather Bvldenre Showtnsr That Railway Officials At tempted to Park It. ' ,. . . CHICAGO. Oct. 29,-Lvldcnce tending to prove that efforts were made by railroad interests to pack the recent convention of the Interstate Commerce Law league. will be taken to Washington by the notifi- cation coniinnicu nu piacco. oeiore me proper authorities, when they go to tho oominK of a committee to take him to a capital to present President Roosevelt with fraternity house to initiate him. When a copy of tho resolutions adopted by the they went to the spot an hour later Pierson convention, in Stelnway hall. waa not tm.r,. A hurried Investigation re- This statement was made tonight by sulted In the finding of the student's Judge Cowen of Fort Worth, Texas, who ( mangled body on the railroad track on was a delegate to the convention. Accord-! the bridge. How he came to be on the lug to Judge Cowen the executive commit- ' bridge the students are at a loss to under tee of the league for several weeks before stand'. Rumors were afloat today that the date of the convention had detectives Pierson had been tied to the railroad track busy gathering evidence shdwlng that the by the Initiators, but the fraternity men railroads were attempting to Influence dele- emphatically deny that such a thing was gates with the purpose of defeating the done or even contemplated, object of the convention In endorsing Presl- ( Young Pierson was a son of I N. Pier dent Roosevelt's position on the railroad ; son, a business man of College Hill, Cln- rate question. 'One of the charges against the onven- tlon by the railroad people," said Judge Cowen tonight, " Is that our' meeting was held for political purposes. This is mani- r i festly ridiculous, as more than half the delegates In Stelnway hall were democrats from southern states. This movement Is broader than any political party and those connected with the movement Include rep- resentatlves of every party and every Una of business In the country." WORST BANK WRECK ON RECORD Depoaltora la Enterprise of Allegheny Will Not Get Tea Cents on the Dollar. PITTSBURG, Oct. 29-The Post tomorrow will say: If every penny of the M0 per cent essessment against the stock of the Enter prise National bunk Is paid, the depositors ' will not get more than ten centa on the dollar. That is the opinion of the govern- n-.ent officials at Washington to whom the corps of federal experts at work on the bank's condition have reported. Startling facts as to the extent of the 1 automobile scorching. Among the prom fallure have developed. The department Inent automoblllsta detained were Marion officials brand it as the "worst wreck on Lambert, vice president of a pharmacy record." Not only does It appear that ; company; August Gehner, capitalist; F. II. every asset of the Institution was borrowed , Britton, general manager of the Cotton or atolen. but that through the re-hothe. I Belt railway, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent cation of notea and securities, the bank' Kerens. Mr. Kerens Is the son of Colonel owes ln excess to. everything It ever had. i R- "". Kerens, recently nominee for United COMMANDER JVA BOOTH ILL Saltation Army Officer 1 nable to Keep Engagement In Balti more. BALTIMORE. Md.. Oct. 29. Commander Eva Booth of the Salvation Army, who urn to deliver two addresses here today, failed to appesr, and It waa announced that she had been taken seriously ill with apnendl- ! citls in New York us ahe waa about to t l.iv, for this citv. Near the rloe of tha meeting tonight Colonel William Peart read to the audience a telegram from New York headquarters, which said: "Miss Booth slightly lietter. hut very low and cannot sleep." NEW YORK, Oct. a. At Salvation Army headquarters tonight It was said that Cum. niunder Eva Booth was not ill with appen dicitis and she was merely greatly fatigued and In need cf rest. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Partly riondy. Knon la Southwest Portion Monday. Tuendnuy Fair. Temperature at Omnhn Yesterday! Hoar. Ilea. llonr. new. It a. tn ..... . .14 1 p. m !" A a. m S3 9 p. ra ...I.. 5W 7 a. m :t.t ,t p. m 4 a. ni S3 4 p. m 40 "a. m at R p. m 40 10 a. in 84 n p. m 41 11 a. m H.t T p. ra 41 13 m ST H p. m 40 n p. m nn SUIT CASE WYSTERYSOLVED Victim la Mlsa Knsan Geary, a Chorus Girl, and Her Flanre, Morrla Na than, la Charged with Murder. BOSTON, Oct. 20. That the dismembered body found In a suit case at Wlnthrop on September 21 Is that of Susan Geary of Cambridge Is the belief of the girl's family and friends and of the Boston police de partment. Miss Geary, who was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J., D. Ocary. was a chorus girl of the "Shepherd King" company and wag Known on tn(, gtuge as Ethel Durrell. She was 21 years old. Mrs. Geary today Identified three rings taken from the right hand found In the second suit case picked up near the new Charlestown bridge on Friday last as those worn by her daughter i when she absented herself from the theatrl- , cal company on September 11. Confirmation of Miss Geary's disappear ance from the company came from Morris Nathan, secretary to tho manager of the company and to whom Miss Geary wns engaged. Mr. Nathan Is now In Pittsburg, Pa. According to Nathan, . Miss Geary parted from him on the best of terms the day after the company closed Its last en gagement In this city and he supposed, he said, that he should see her at the next performance In Lowell, on the following day. Instead, however, a message was received by the company's manager from "P. A. Smith. M. D., Boston," which stated thut "Miss Durrell" was suffering from stomach trouble und would be unublc to report for several days. Miss Geary dropped out of sight after that and so far as the police uie concerned they have been unable to find any one who either saw or communicated with the girl. Ten daya later a dress suitcase. In which was the torso of a young woman, was found floating In the harbor near the Wln throp Yucht club, about three miles belnw the city, and on Friday last another suit case containing the urms and legs of the victim was taken from the water off the city docks, near tho new Charlestown bridge over the Charles river. On the lingers of the right hand were three tings, which gave the police' the first tangible clue in the cage jt was tnen oun(j that Mrs. Geary ia(j a n,gsna: daughter whose description tallied with that of the suitcase victim. Mrs. Geary and her two daughters de scribed the rings und afterward positively Identified them as belonging to Susan Geary. PITTSBURG. Oct. . After a long and searching examination at police headquar ters, lasting until after 1 o'clock this morn ing, Morris Nathan, secretary to the man- .... Boston authorities for hum than a month. FRESHMAN KILLED BY TRAIN Kenyon College Student Meets Mys terious Death While Awaltloa Inltlatlon lato Society. GAMBIER. O.. Oct. 29. Stewart L. Fier son. a freshman at Kenyon college, was I killed by a Clevolntid. Akron & Columbus j train last night while awaiting Initiation l Into the Delta Kappa Epsllon fraternity. Thfre wag no eye wtnPf, to the nccdont ' far ag i,nown. I According to the statement of members 1 0 tm, fraternity. Pierson had been told to station himself at, the foot of sn ahut- mn. f th rnilrosd hrld and wnll iu clnnatl. Mr. Pierson, sr., is a member of the Delta Kappa Epsllon fraternity and had come here to attend the initiation of terlor practicollv ceased. Government his son. The body of the dead were placed In the' government tele- was taken to the home of President Pierce of Kenyon and prepared for burial. 1 It was taken to Cincinnati this morning on ' a special train by the father, l Before leaving Mr. Pierson notified the members of the fraternity that he did not attach any blame to them. The theory advanced by the students and members of the facility is that young Pier son sat down on tho end of a railroad tie to watt and fell asleep. He had been up all the previous night awaiting hla father's ar rival and was worn out by his long vigil. AUTO SCORCHERS ARRESTED Deputy Sheriffs Armed with Shotaruns Patrol Roads In Vicinity of " St. Louis. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 3. A force of deputies, ! armed with shotguns and appointed by the ' sheriff, under authority of the St. I,ouls ', county court, patrolled the St. Louis county I roads for the first time today to prohibit States senator. The chauffeurs were charged with exceeding the speed limit and re leased In bond pending trial next Thurs day. The shotgun patrolmen, stationed along the roads, used stop watches and then stopped the automobiles with levejed shot guns. Women Occupy Pulpits. IS ANGELES. Cal.. Oct. . Todav wa. 'white ribbon" day In the various churches of the city and suburban towns. In honor of the visiting delesatea to the National Woman's Christian Temperance union con vention. The principal event of the dny waa the conven'ion sermon, delivered by Miss Elizabeth W. Greenwood of the evan gelistic department at the First Congrega tional church this afternoon. Movements of Oceaa Vesaele Oet. SM. At New York Arrived : Bleucher, from Hamliuig; Nl'oUl II. from t'opf nlmern ; Columblu, from Glusgow; United Slates, from Copenhagen; La Gaarogne, from Havre. At Queenstown Sailed: Etrurla. for New York. At Duver-Bailed: iIoUk. for New York. CRISIS IS IMMINENT Banian OoTsrntnent Smitis fowerleii t Cope with Biiuaiisn, PRESENT REGIME SEEMS TOTTERING Diffsrencei Develop Bstween Count Wittt and General Trepoff. DISCONTENT EXTENDS TO THE ARMY OraTS Doubts Are Now Entertained ei Fidelity of Imperial Guard. TWO SERIOUS CONFLICTS IN ODESSA Trrent -even Persona Are Reported Killed and Ninety Injured Coaaaeka Fire Vpoi students. IHI.LKTIS. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 80.-1:40 a. m At 1 o'clock this morning an additional detachment of military telegraphers took possession of the general telegraph office and service was partly resumed. The employes of the. chief telegraph office here have declared a three days' strike. ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 29.-10:40 p. m. Whlle tho day passed quietly, without bloodshed in the Russian capital, and while the city Is outwardly calm, today's devel opments all Indicate that a crisis is im minent. Although the streets are filled with trooiMi and reinforcements aro now pouting lu fioiii Finland, the government seems uterly powerless to cope with the situation und many calm observers seem seriously to believe, that the present regime is tottering to lis fall. Differences have developed lictween Count Wltto and General Trepoff, and while the precious moments puss, the emperor, sur rounded by the Imperial family, remains shut up at Pcterhof, seemingly still hesi tating as to what course to pursue. Grave dtoubts are expressed as to whether even the Imperial guard can now be relied on. Discontent Is rife. Early this morn ing tin Fourteenth equipage ot sailors ot the guard who have been shut up like prisoners ln barracks on the Moska canal, demolished the windows and furniture and In the afternoon a detachment consisting of four officers of the guard went to the lawyers' assembly and told the barristers thut many of the officers uud a large pari of tho troops were disgusted with tho gov ernment and were ready to enlist in the movement for freedom. They asked for uid toward effecting organization and said they had discussed among themselves tho question of resigning, but decided to show that people in uniform could help to achieve libertlea. Even the Cossack putrola in keeping idlers moving In tho streets todiiy seemed careful not to uso their whips and simply drove the crowds along before their advancing horses. Strikers Slake Demands. A meeting of the municipal council was held this evening .At wMch. a tlepu'.itlon of thrty members of the s'tikev's committee appeared.. In an impassionod spoech the leader of the deputation presented the fol lowing demands of the workman and affiliated organizations: First A constitution and political liberty. Second That the city furnish food to the workmen. Third That the city refuse further aup plles to the troops and the police. Fourth That the troops be removed from the water works or otherwise the strikers would cut the water supply. Fifth The immunity of the deputation from arrest. The council granted this last demand and promised to reply to the other de mands tomorrow. ' The council sent requests to both General Trepoff and Minister of the Interior Boull gln not to arrVst the members of the depu tation but the police, nevertheless, took them into custody. -Upon urgent repre sentations, General Trepoff sn hour later released them. The people are extremely nervous nnd bordering on panic and are easy victims of every sensational rumor. Among the countless baseless reports which received credence today were: That the emperor had embarked on a vessel and fled to Denmark; that General Trepoff had been killed by a bomb and that Vice Admiral Blrileff Jiaa been assassinated by muti neers ln the Black sea. "trlke In the Ioatofflee. With a strike ln the government nost- office tonight, communication with the ln- graph office, but only a few lines ure work ing. Many lines, including t,ho laud linns to the continent and to Llhuii. where they connect with the cablp, have been cut. At 10 o'clock, however, the cable by way of Nystad and Sweden was still open. This Is now the only thread connecting Russia with the outer world. Admiral Durnovo. superintendent of posts and telegraphs, told the repreaentative of an European power today that he could not tell how long cable communication with the continent would last. Protection for Americans. The foreign embassies have discussed the situation, but as yet have taken no steps as regards the safety of foreign residents. As a precaution the state department St Washington has been requested tn confer authority for the charter of a vessel and to hoist on It an American flag, as a iefug) i for Americans. 'egotlatlon for a new loan will ha formally adjourned tomorrow, aa neither the government nor the bankers 'ire pre pared to close the negotiations while the present situation continues. J. Plerpont Morgan, Jr. and George W. Perkins are negotiating with the Hamburg American Steamship company for a de- i spalcli of a vessel to take them off In i case of necessity. The University, the Polytechnic institute, and all the educational Institutions were closed today so as to prevent further meet ings bring held In them. The University Is surrounded by troops who Mocked all the adjacent streets, and the students and professors are kept within the confines of each institution. Even the druggists have struck, und as there are many cases of sickness ln th city, the army dispen saries, by request of the phyakims, have ' been ojiened lo fill prescriptions. At a meeting tonight the physicians divided the city Into districts and aelected stations where first aid to the Injured will be given In case there should be collisions between the troops and the people. Such news as comes from the Interior shows no Improvement ln the situation. The government everywhere seertis power less to break th" political strike. I Itluiotoiu from Munriitr Council. Most lute resting, by far, however, la the news from Moscow, the real Russian capi tal, whtre, according to private rporla.