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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
The Omaha Daily Bee. EDITORIAL SECTION. Pages 9 to 16. The Bee's Sunday Magazine Features Out-top Those of All Comoetitors. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORXTXO, OCTOBER 2S. 10O,. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Satnrda? Fair and Cooler. $2.50 Worth of Sheet Music. 45c SHEKT .Ml SIC PACK ACJK SAM'. Saturday only, wo will sell 100 packages of short music, fi vocal and 5 instrumental rlcces. each a 2nc value, or f 2.50 for the the ten sale price Saturday By mail, 10c extra. Music Section, Second Floor. 45c Green Trading Stamp Saturday Sales Dry Goods Dept LADIES' GENUINE FULL SKIN ASTRAKHAN CAPES- Fine satin lining, 27 inches long, high storm collar, C regular price $25 Saturday vpU HOUR SALES Saturday from 9 to 12 a. m. 95c Black A Qn Petticoats, at TtJl HOUR SALES From 9 to 12, Ladies House "Wrappers, Alp fleece lined, heavy cloth, regular price $1.25, for. . .' mJK Green Trading Stamp Sensation. All children's, infants and misses' coats sold Saturday will have double Green Trading Stamps. CHILDREN'S AND MISSKS CAPS All the very latest shapes and colors, In knitted and cloth Tams, tourist styles and toques, in plain and fancy colors, now on sale in the children's department, CA second floor. Special values at JUv 0 LAMES' FUR SCARFS AT $4.03 Sable and Isabella fox boas, A f) C 62 In. long, heavy bushy tails and paws, regular j8.60 value, at. ntJO BLENDED JAP MINK Light and dark shade, new shape, fine M Q r satin lining, 64 inches long, at Ht,JD BLACK MARTEN BOA Six tails, very full, 60 Inches long, ft Q C regular $7.60 quality, at T'.J LADIES' UNION SUITS CHEAP Half wool union suits, fleece lined, in gray and ecru, buttoned front and Onelta style, worth $1.50 IT Special Saturday, at suit 4) I And double Green Trading Stamps. CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Medium weight, fleece linod, jersoy ribbed Vests and Drawers, worth 39c a garment, special y C Saturday, per garment aivJC SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE Fleece lined hose, plain and ribbed, fine ribbed woolen hose and plain cotton OF hose, all warranted, fast dye, worth to 60c, special Saturday, pr. JC HAND BAG SPECIAL Patent leather bags, in the new envelope style with strap or handle, and the walrus hand bags, worth Crt J to 89c Special Saturday, each JUL-WJL LADIES' KID GLOVES AX 0c High glace finished kid gloves, Paris point stitching, in full assortment of desirable shades, worth LQ $1.00 special Saturday, a pair jJC LADIES' NECKWEAR Beautiful line of silk stock, with lace and bead trimmings, all lace and embroidery stocks with chiffon trimmings, heavy all over lace chemisettes and fine china silk chemisettes, pret- ' tily tucked and lace trimming. This lot worth up to $1, (g Sale price Saturday, each JUC HANDKERCHIEFS AT HALF PRICE Ladies' soft finished linen hand kerchiefs, fancy lace trimmed and embroidered borders and plain hem stitched, this entire lot worth 19c to 26c Special 1 Saturday, at la2C NECK RUCHING8 Fine chiffon ruchlngs In full assortment f tCn of colors, worth to 35c yard special, a yard JC'UC BLANKETS AND COMFORTS 10-4 cotton blanket in tan, gray n C' and white special for Saturday, a pair I DC Saturday, at, per pair , . T QP Large size wool Blankets in gray, very fine quality special JJD Full sized Comforts, covered with silkoline, both sides alike, filled J C C with nice white cotton, worth $2.26, Saturday, each, only .JD i Dinner Sets and Open Stock Dinnerware FIFTY PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM We especially mention a pattern from the EDWIN M. KNOWLES POTTER Y COMPANY, very finest o American Porcelain, pretty spray decoration, gold handled and knobs special ill set at a special price. ..... 1V.VV WHITE AND GOLD PATTERN In English Porcelain, a splendid new shape and pretty treatment of gold, full 100 pieces, regular 15.00 set, sale ()() price ivf'VXf NEW SIX-PIECE TOILET SET In pretty prints, green, blue or brown, 7c Saturday, a set ! SPECIAL TUMBLERS FOR SATURDAY, pretty neat decoration, a 90c 2Sr value, for Saturday, six for "u WELSBACH CO.'S much advertised Light complete with best Burner, Tn Mantle and Q Globe, complete Saturday lJ See the Clover, complete, g (J -. Bee the Chic, complete, QQ Both elegant Both elegant Oas Shades for chandeliers, pretty new two for. New Ioga Vases at $1.25 The prettiest, cheapest and best line of Vases f shown, up from 8T0 and I'"" See window for that sale of China Bowls Monday, a $1.50 value 5QC One to a Popular Priced Furniture No better inducements in furniture buying offered in Omaha! Ben nctt'a furniture Include every idea and style and guaranteed to give ner vice and satisfaction. Prices are popular. Dining Room Chairs, up from 08c Dining Tables, up from $4.08 Sideboards, quarter oak, up from .$11.50 60 gross Brass Curtain Rods, extends from 30 to 54 inches, bought to sell at 18c Saturday, each ..10c 1,000 yards Silk Cord and Fringes, vorth 20c yard, yard, at 5c A lot of 6hort pieces of Linoleum that have accumulated, at, each. 10c & 3c Axminstcr Rugs. 27x54 Inches, regular $2.50 values, each, at $1.7 Axminster Hall Runners, 27 inches by 9 feet, at $1.73 rw SUTTON UPHOLDS THE CLERK finnk TW.ides Broidwell' Elootion Board Appointments Are Aooerding to Law. ALTERNATIVE WRIT IS DISCHARGED rfalU Do ot Urt on Boards, Thrr llve So Candidates en thu General Ticket. lit an r.l opinion renacrert Frirt.iy morn Uitf Judge Sutum In fd Unit Clerk of Courts'ulncll hiij c.itnlWi ltU the law In tlic lT"'lnt:nenr of thi' e!-ctlon hoards tor ih ;oming flection In IjoukUh county. He dis rliargeJ thf ultcrnatlve writ secured by the rri'UhlU'an county committee and t tie cleik .it courts Is allowed to vend out at once lux notices to the judges und clerks i tointed by him. In effect Judge Sutton held the candl Irftes for Kovernor on the various tickets constituted a "set" of officers In the eye jf the law. He aliw slid an examination f the vote showed the socialists would bo ntitled to one jndi'e on the boards in th Htles of Omaha and South Omaha, having rart more than 10 r,r rent of the total rote. I'nder the circumstances existing the so Ulists will nof have representation on fhe joards. as they have no candidates on the Munty ticket. They failed to take advan m of the primary law to mi tk-ljie in !ie nomination of candidates and their ap. : il to the supreme court In the effort to (f t certain names on the official ballot Is Mtll undecided and probably will not be .ss4 on until after the election. To a, return of Mr. Burbank for leave to amend the petition In a cortaln partic ular Judge Sutton said he would (rant the cave to amend If It as desired to get the matter squarely before the supreme court, but on the amended petition he would lipid the name aa he had In tlie decUion Just ndered. Folio Ins Is the list of Judges and clerks Booth, Main Floor light givers. light givers design, a 20c value, Saturday, 25c customer. named by Mr. Broadwell, the democrats having a majority of the hoards In sixty five precincts and the republicans a ma jority in fifteen precincts: City of Omaha. FIRST WARD 1. William Slaven. 1315 So. 6th St. Ed Moran, bU Poppleton Ave. H. MacUonald, 6K Foppieton Ave. Charles Gilli. 1.0- Bo. 4th St. Charles Honn, Hlo So. 6th St. 1. Chtirles Ixmnie, Sit So. Mh St. Ted Grebe. T"2 Marcy St. James Henderson, 8"6 So. Sth St. Kd Koucli. ill So. hth St. Frark F. Hale, 72 I'ieroe St. 3. H. H. Conm-ll. -5:9 So. lih St. R. Fantii v, 13th nml Arbor S:s. . Oeotpe iJimb. 22'"'!t So. 10th St. Henjamin Lynch, 12th and Martha 8ls. Clyde G. Sundl lad. : Imrcas St. t. Joseph Ecker. lti. Atlas St. John Davis. I'TVJ So. loth St. Joseph Mi.lovtc Gibson. Fred Hall-r. 27W So. &th St. A. V. Oliver. Gibson. SKCOND WARD. 1 John Vaverka, '-'1 So. SOth St Arthur i'eterson, 2-XI So. tli St. Jo Krejcl. iml So. tl St. Donii-I Jucknefrs. Zto5 So. 2Sth St. Lawrenre ljuealey, l'S2i Castellar St. 2. C. G. KlK.tstier. W-t So. 20th St. J. J. Schuli. 311 " So. 21st St. C. M. StaKinan, 2024 Vinton Sr Pat McM;ihon. 2)2(5 So. 23rd 31. John R. KnilKiurn. 2i'17 So. 24th St. S. Thomas J. Winlherllch. 342S So. i4th St Tliemiore A. Donlie, S429 So. loth St. Charles S Nlcklus. So. 17th St. Jusoph 'aska. Jr., 4"14 So. 13th St. Thomas J. Lynch. 3341 Bo. 17th St. i. I'eter Koffman. 2311 So lsth St. H. Reinhart. 2719 So. litth. John Koops. 171 Vinton St. A. P. Koops. 1710 Vinton St. Georue M. Lee, r2 So. 19th St. 8. George Wachter. 22i Bo. lttth St. August Schaef.-r. liill Dorcas St. Fmil F. Uandl.auer. 111 8o. 15th St. . J-rank Howkv. K"i So. ltith St. F. H. Walker. 1PJ3 So. 15th r THIRD WARD. 1. M. M. Moriarty. iffn Cuming St O. M. Scott. Webster St. tleorge Hoyer. 62:! N. 16th St. J. J. Conlon, H3 N. lfiih St. A. Malison. tC3 N. 16th St. I. I'eter Rooney. St7 N. nth fit. Jesse E. HoUien. 1124 Capitol Ave. J. H. Huhauks, 1"7 N. Uih St. William Moran. 221 N. 11th Su Lincoln Conner, J!3 N. llth St. I. August Midland hotel. Jerry McMahon, 12oS Casa St. John Esan, 4c7 N. 14th St. James Shay. 410 N. 141 h St. A liordon. Camhrldne hotel. t. W. C. Jordan,'h hotel Fred I. Smith. 22 Hu k.T blK k. K. II. Jghuauu. llu S. Uth Su SATURDAY MILLINERY Phenomenal Bargains in Trimmed Hats CleaLiv Merchandise, Clever Styles, Close Prices FULL LINE OF SHAPES, STYLES, MATERIALS Guaranteeing a hat that will stand out unique and proper, and under which you will feel ."quite in style," because it's thoroughly down-to-the- minute, and therefore seasonable. Values from $5 and Gigantic Picture Starts Saturday The Greatest Art Sale Ever Given irv the West 'i i $13,000 worth of Oil Paint ings, Water Colors, Carbons, etc. Just the right time to purchase that picture for the empty spate, in your homes. PHOTO FRAMES. (Like cut), a 25c value 12e The world's greatest modern Madonna, our H.69 sale value, sale price Saturday.. $1 39 15c Veneer Frames, fitted with cute pic tures , To f K:'..'- YARD PICTURES OF PUPPIES, A 75c value for. CUPID AWAKE AND ASLEEP PIC TURES, In oval brown quartered oak frames. 2Hsx25'. a ti value for 11.65 $12 Water Color Marines by Champney.$8.76 PASTEL BARGAIN. 60 handsome Landscape Pastels by Chand ler, In handsome gold frames, a $3.50 sale price with us, for this gigantic sale..$1.9S OIL PAINTINGS AT A BIG SXAP. No. 101 Landscape, by Outher, $1S, sale price 112 w $24, salo $15.00 tlC, sale No. 106 Venetian, by Glamy. price No. 110 Moonlight, by Volmart, BENNETT'S GREAT MEAT SECTION . BEST QUALITY AT. LOWEST PRICES PART OF OUR BIG LIST OF SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY. CHICKENS. CHICKENS. STRICTLY FRESH DRESSED 11L 6PR1NGS OR HENS, at, pound.... iW Pork Shoulder Koust, . Tn pound al Young Mutton Legs, Qc pound w Loin Mutton Chops, ifl ,,n.l I Mutton Stew, 6 pounds for Fresh No. 1 Leaf Lard. 12 pounds for Extra Choice No. 1 Round Roast, rholce native steers best on the market, at No. 1 Rib Boiling Eeef, of the same quality, 10 pounds for 25c i.oo of our lUc 25c SATURDAY Boys' and Girls' Shoes, with rock oak PA soles that will last, at ! JU Men's Kangaroo Calf, full double sole, Kant Rip Union Made work shoes, with plain toe or tip, laced or congress, 200 Dr. Packard's Cushion Role Shoes, with vici kid lining, $5.00 value, 4 00 George C. Thompson, Creighton Blk. C. II. Kubat. Barker block. 6. Robert O. Freeman, 6AS 8. 13th St. K. C. Denham. 1423 Jackson St. Kd. Porter. 5m7 S. 13th St. George Clark, H13 S. 15th St. George Clark. 60S 8. 15th St. FOURTH WARD. 1. J. A. Conlin, 1715 Chicago Bt. G. .8. Stockham, 202 N. 18th St. H. F. Mann. 1713 Chicago fit. William H. Moore. 1703 Dodge St. W. O. Anderson, 1P22 Douglas St. 1 James Crade, 422 S. ISth St. Daniel Collins, 423 S. ISth St. Martin L. Sugarman. lHli) Farnam. U E. Hugglns. 422 S. 16rh St. J U Higgins, 413 S. 19th St. S. Otto Stuben. 612 8. 17th St. O. F. Cahalan. 712 S. lst'j St. Martin Dunham, 712 fl. 17th St. W. G. Little. 76 S. lKth St. rscar Peterson. 71 S. 16th St. 4. Thomas Stribbllng. 314 8. 20th St. J. F. Kelly. 21"3 Karnam St. .Tnhn W. Ratlin. Ml S. 22nd 8t. T. F. Burke. 212 Farnam St. Charles Singer. 407 8. S'.th Ave. 5. Dominick Cosgrove. 315 N. 2Sth St. W. II. Henderson, 2416 Douvlas St. R. C. Barnes. 211 8. 24th St. I. . A. Dermodv. 2H'3 Douglas St. W. N. Chambers, 2215 Dodge St. FIFTH WARD. 1. T. B. Hatcher. 2210 Ames Ave. William Barber, 2217 Fowler Ave Hugh A. Myers, !Wu2 North Uth St. Ed Van Horn, 4207 North 24th St. Adelbert I. Mead. B707 North 24th St. 5. John M. Rice. IMS Emmet St. O. A. Scott. 1922 Blnney St. George C. Bassett. 1S01 Blnney St. W. L. Patton. 101 Locust St. W. L. Bay. 16 Corby St. t T W. Morrow. 2624 North l?th St. r. L. Hopper. 2t.20 North 19th St. C. W. Johnson, ;W3 North 20th St. A. E. Patton. 1310 Ohio St. M. T. Sears. 22' North 18th 8t. 4. P. G. Martin, 1507 North 19th St.' Tsaae Tomnseft. 1-522 Sherman Ave. Thoa. B Elllngwood 1548 North 17th Bt. M. P. McBrlde. 1814 Charles 8t. James E. Beacui. 1507 Yates Bt, 6. F. H. Kosters. 1!6 North lsth St. P. J. Carroll. 1423 North 17th Bt. Beniainn J Stone. l'f6 North 16th Bt. Jnmes DaugMon. 111S North 17th St. . Charles B. Schroth. 11' North 19th St, SIXTH WARD. 1. L. Ilddell. la North 22d Bt. F. O. Weiner. 1630 North 22d St M. C. Meaney, 1S14 North 22d St. George Winston, Charles St. William F. White. 2213 Grace St. 5. If. H. Roberts. 2010 Seward St. Hvron O. Burbank. 2434 Seward Bt. W. O. Shriver. 19ir2 North 25th St. George Oslteanbi-ani, 2420 Parker Bt E L. Ferr. 11. 1914 North 26th St. 3. Edward Maloney, 1r , 718 Parker Bt J. iL Wlu.vear, 2311 North 2sth Ave. w ro, $2.49. Sale f a. m. "YOUNG MOTHER" Pictures by Maud Puimm, (like cut), a 3jo value 23c JI.OO Christy Pictures, framed 16x2o. lit .$125 S3. 00 Hand Colored Photogravures, framed. 20x24, white bevel mats, nt $1.63 1 I -- .-.jy?:' t - FLOWERS, FRUITS, (like cut) ....49c price $9 00 No. 123 Moonlight, by Rossi, $23. sale price $13.00 No. 138 River Scene, by Guerin. $26. sale price $17.00 No. 116 Venetian Canal Scene, $43, sale price $30.00 No. 118 Country Road, by Loranze, $75, sale price $00.00 No. 115 Sunrise In the Country, by Dahl, $100, sale price $75.00 25.000 feet of line Picture Mouldings at a discount of 20 per cent. We excel In the art of framing. I'd floor. DELICATESSEN SECTION. ALL KINDS OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT. We get dally shipments of all kinds bust grades Sausages and Cooked Meals from Welsel & Co.. Milwaukee. HAMS. HAMS. HAMS Your choice of Swift's Selected Premium Hams or Cudahy's Selected Diamond "C" Hams, average weight of each ham 10 to 12 pounds, every ham is guar- iOl-, anteed; on sale at, pound I&5v And Thirty Green Traunig Stamps With Each Ham. Morrell's Iowa Pride Choice Call- Iflc' fornla, at, pound And Thirty Green Trading Stamps With Each Ham. Charles E. Duffle. 1014 North 2Sth Bt. 8. T. Murphy. 2U5 North 2ath Ave. Rev. O. H. Schleh. 2912 Franklin Bt. 4. W. H. McMillan. ,"2o Grant. St. J. 8. Bennett, 4312 Grant St. Joseph B. Fradenburg, 4203 Burdette Bt. O. J. Strltker, 4221 Ersklne St. George T. Llndley, 1704 North 36th St. SEVENTH WARD. 1. Frank C. Weaver, 1043 S. 2Sth Ave. David N. Miller, 2819 Leavenworth Bt. William I. Taylor, 2715 Leavenworth St. John Cunningham, &52 8 . 2slh St. Charles L. Thomas. 1012 S. 29th St. 1 H. Burney, 2701 Hickory St. E.J. McArdlo. 1534 S. 2tith St. Joseph E. Thatcher, 1MJ 8. 27th St. E. li. Brain. 15-17 S. 2Mb. St. G. A. Vradenberg. 1533 Georgia Ave. t. J. 8. Gibson, l.l R. 32d St. H. H. Allan, 1221 Park Ave. Theodore Olson. 1319 S. :lld St. J. M. Buchanan, 1323 B. ?,V St.. J. P.. Starr. 3ti7S Mason Si. 4. Truman Jackson. 2150 8. 33d St. Charles Ortman. 2141 S. St. John Norlierg. U'; 8. 33.1 St. . G. Canan. 1922 S. St. George Ambler. 5101 Lincoln Ave. EIGHTH WARD. 1. John F. Beattle. 1415 N. 24th St. William F. Wrenn. 932 N. 24th St. W. K. Mardls, 14.i2 N. 2Cth St. Joseph L. Wilson. 2412 Cuming St. F. W. Tunlson. 221 Charles St. 2. W. 8. I.eary. 8"7 N. 17th St. Edwin Davis, 818 N. 17th St. Will Whitmote, 1818 Webster St. P. J. McAndrews, 811 N. 17th St. C. F. Westerdahl, 1715 Burt St. 3. F. M. Maguire, 517 N. 18th St. Joseph Butler. 1817 California Bt. Joseph H. Haldrtg". 2I2 Chicago St. C. L. VanCamp. ism Cl.'cago St. H. R. Mtinchhoff. iH N. lMh St. t Joseph Brltton, l California St. H Teter O Mallev, 2514 California St. Daniel B. Sargent, 2::4 Webster St. Henry Fitzgibbon, f IS N. :3d St. H. II. VatiAlstine. : Webster St. NINTH WARD. I. Frank J. Robinson. 152o N. 26:h Bt. Louis Files. 2y Izard St Arthur L. Anderson, 921 N. 27th Ave. W. C. McLean. 2.05 Hamilton 8t. Paul Martin. 2iS Indiana Ave. I L. Kroner, loig N s;d bt. Harry Prlmeau. S.V5 Mvrtle Ave. George Ba.iey. 3317 Mrtle Ave. W. H. Thompson, lit 2 N 3;tli St. J. E. VanGilder. 3 th and Hamilton Sts. I. Charles F. Crowley, S;lt, Burt St. Sam J Potter. 330 N. 3." lit Ave. C. B. Malm. 520 N. S:d St. Guy R. Spencer. Sa.1o California St. W. H. Graham. SOI N. S3d St. 4. Aleck Pesftnger, 4 Dodge 8t. Raymond E. Coail, 3718 Furnain St. H. A. Burnett. 147 N. 31st Ave. AV. G. Martin. 142 N. 37th Ht. William 8. Heller. 11 N. St. j. Tliomas M,:(k,vern, IHli Chicago St. Sam Salsll. zvll Capitol Ave. U. D. Duncan. 2U2 Javtoport St. -Saturday Only BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Saturday's Interesting list of busi ness winners and money savers. Twenty Green Trading Stamps with lb. finest Java and Mocha Coffee.. 3oc Forty Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea (any variety) G8e Forty Green Trailng Stamps with sack Pride of Bennett's Flour $1.10 Fifty Green Trading Stamps with five pounds splendid Tapioca 35c Thirty Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle finest Grape Juire Lie Fitly Green Trading Stamps with five pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder $1 .00 Ttn Green Trading Stamps with two cans Red Cross Cream 2ne Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Columbia Catnup tsio Ten Green Trading Stamps with bottle Bennett's Cupitol Flavoring ex tract 18c Twenty Green Ttadlng Stamps with pound can BatTvi. ,a:icy ekin.-t..o Ten Green Trnfl!ti. storms v,)?ft rts tumhlor Cranbrrv sauce l"c Ten Green Trading Stamps with twi cans fine Table Syrup 20c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound New York Full Cri am Cheese 20c Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound finest domestic Swiss Cheese 22c Ton Green Trading Stamps with Jar Roy I Luncheon Cheese 2(c Five Green Trading Stamps with Jar Royal Luncheon Cheese He PICKLES. PICKLES. PICKLES. Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Sour Plrkles loo Trn Green Trading Stamps with quart Chow Chow Pickles ....l.") Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart nmall Pickled Onions ....20o HEADQUARTERS FOR BUTTER. Dally Receipts of the Best Products from the Farm. Bennett's Capfujl Creamcrv, the finest produced, l-ll). brick (full weight). 2lc Fresh Country Butter, pound lsc Strictly Fresh t'ountrv Eggs. Ten Green Trading Stumps with Ben nett's Cupitol Wheat...!. 2oc TeK Green Trading Stamps with three cans Early June Peas 2.V. Chepp's Cc-eoanut, package 4c Oil Sardines, can 3c Salnim, pound can 9,; . Potted Turkey, can 5c Evaporated Cream, can 4c Twenty Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond "S" Fruits, ass't...2S3 Ten Green Trading Stamps with har AbdHl's Laundry Queen Washing Compound ". ijc Ten Green Trading Stamps with three packages Bennett's Cupitol Mince Meat 25c BEJiXETT'S CASDV SECTIO. A speclil offer on Cream Bon Bons. These are very delicious, fresh made and are decorated with assorted nuts and fruits. Twenty Green TradiiiR Stamps with pound box 25c Hallowe'en Novelties, up from 5c Ten Green Trading Stamps with largo. .- fancy box fresh made vanilla flavored Marshmujlows i6e Cigars El Bogador. a genuine Porto Rico Cigar, 8 for , 25o W tor ji.50 Rudyard Kipling, a seed Havana 5c Clpar. 60 for i 95 And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Patterson H. O. Plug Cut. s-os. tin box 24c And Five Green Trading Stamps. Pittsburg Regulars, a broad leaf Stogie. 100 for $1.50 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Genuine Meerschaum Pipe, amber Stem, In cfese up from $3.00 SHOE SALE R. & S. Knox Shoes, hand welt, up-to-date, but ton, lace and Bluchers, gun metal ? PA leather, $5.00 value, at. Old Gentlemen's Easy Welt Sole, vici kid, plain too, congress or lace shoes, 3 00 We are agents for the Faultless Fitting Dorothy L0od,d,Va:sity. .3.50 3.00 M. J. Murphy, Jr., 31s N. 26th ft. A. Gua F. Ruete. 212 S. 37th Bt. , , . , TENTH WARD. L J. 3. DInan. 1310 S. llth St. lew Hermann, 1208 ParWlc St. J. W. HariMin, 1U0 S. 10th Bt. F. W. Stubbendorf. 1230 8. 10th Bt. George P. Smith, 1018 8. llth Bt. I. John Morrissey, 809 8. 29th Bt Mike Lovely, loa 8. goth Bt. J. R. Hill. 810 8. 17th St. John F. Murphy. 813 8. th SL D. B. Grimes, 812 B. 17th St. I. James D. Murphy. 2013 Pierce Bt. W. H. Herdman. 844 8. 22d 8t. R. C. Hallett, 846 8. 21st Bt. R. A. Wilson. 2013 Pierce St. Edward Potter, 1021 8. 224 St. 4. Joseph Chleborad. 1233 B. 14th 8t. George Holmes, lflog William St. Ed . Streights. 16;; William Bt. Jerry Jelen. K23 8. 14th St. Joe Bruning, 1707 8. 17th St. 5. Frank Chleborad, 14T'7 S. 15th St. John F. Froupn. 1457 S. 14th St. , James O'Rnnrke. 1453 S. Hth St. Charles Fanferllk. 1157 S. 14th St. John Swobodn. 1713 S. IGih St. ELEVENTH WARD. 1. W. W. Farguhar. 1410 N. 41st Ft. M. F. Funkhouser. 4012 Cuming St. W. A. Gardiner. V18 Cuming St. W. C. Ellis, 4.329 Charles St. H. E. MeCumher. 40w Charles Bt. :. F. H. Faus. 43Cd Farnafn St. Perry Miller. 44"8 Teavenworth St. Judion Higley. 1020 8. 47th St. C. L. Wst. 4170 Chicago St. F. J. Delavega. 3835 California St. J. H. W. Treulsen, 3554 Howard St. Fred L. Smith. 721 8. 37th St. P. 8. McQuirc. 720 8. Slst Bt. George C. West. 3626 Jackson Bt. Alfred O. Barker. 632 8 . 87th St. 4. E. E. Stanfteld. 2i Jonee St. Herman Rehfeld, 526 8. 24th Ave. Frank Heinbaugh. 601 B. 25th Ave. W. P. Thomas. 2717 Jackson Bt. B. Rehfeld. 626 S. 2lth Ave. TWELFTH WARD. 1. 8 B. Amstutz, 4418 N. 2Mb. St. Francis Gondall. 4411 N. 25th Ave. 8. R. Quiglev, 4413 N. Slst Ave. A. K. Lindell. oi Curtis Ave. William Baumhach, 2614 Saratoga Bt. 2. H. A. Jacoberger. 3;443 iArlmore St. H. rrarmont. 3312 Meredith Ave. William A. Grant. 3323 Larimore Ave. H. F. Burkett. 34th and Bovd Sts. Milton S. Bauma, 37th and Ida Sts. t. C. A. Rolierts sr., 2918 N. SOth St. G. Williams. 3328 Boulevard St. W. H. Arms. 15 Corby St. G. R. Chapman. 30o Emmet St. W. J. Robinson. J23T Miami Bt. 4. R. J. Shields. 2218 Emmet St. W. C. Turner, 2416 Emmet 6t J. W. Morrow. 2517 Spencer St. E. E. Elliott. 2912 N. 24th St. Henry V. Plumnier, JMJ Mlaiil Bt. oath Onaaba. FIRST WARD. 1 Frank Fitzsimmons. 543 N. 20th St. John McMUlen, HI N. 2ist bU Boys' Clothing Nothing Like Them in Omaha A.ts8to!9: 3.95, 2.95 and 1.95 The Final Summons to the Great Pur chase Sale of the Lion Brand, Ilirsh Wickwire Co. and Bennett's Cloth ing Which is Being Sold at 50c on the Dollar. Will take place Saturday at 8 a. m. and will continue the day If the lot lasts that long. If history of the past two weeks repeats Itself these days will go on record ns the biggest and busiest sale days of our career. All the broken lots of these fine Suits and Overcoats will go on special sale at a price that can never be duplicated again. You know the clothes as full of value as our own American dollars; you know of the styles possessing all the new kinds that the best custom tailored clothes have; you know of the patterns In stock, and you know that the Lion Brand label on every garment Is a guarantee of true worth. Tomorrow is the Last Day of This Great Sale And If you are not here your opportunity of a life time to economize will be gone forever. The question is now up to you. WILL YOU TAKE AD VANTAGE OF THIS OP PORTUNITY TO BUY THE BEST R.EADY-MADE CLOTHEING IN THE COUNTRY AT LESS THAN FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR? Those whose Income will not permit them to enjoy the best can now wear the finest Suits and Overcoats at no greater cost than the poorer quality. $5, $7.50, $9.98, $14.98 HERE'S MONEY SAVINGSST 2.50 to $10.00 on a Suit or? Overcoat. ' Don't Overlook a Llghl"""" Weight Overcoat or a Rain Coat. Little men, look Into this sale. JEWELRY SECTION SOLID GOLD Beauty Pins, 50C Solid Gold Baby Rings, 3 stone .ifl settings ,OC Turquoise Bead Necklaces, with lOr' turquoise cross, complete lvFk Imported Crystal Hat Pins, 1lr each llfc. Jtogers' Tea Spoons, per set of jCr six. C -M V W Specials in Hardware Saturday Forty green trading stamps with any Waffle Iron, 85c and 75c Ten green trading stamps with common Nail Hammer iro Twenty green trading stamps with nickel plated Hammer 3c Ten green trading stamps with bath tub Soap Dish ioc Fifty green trading stamps with best Oil Heater made, $4.68 and. . '.$3 75 Twenty green trading stamps with any Coal Hod, prices up from. . . . 25o Forty green trading stamps with Furnace Scoop, 60c and ' R4c Forty green trading stamps with Plumber's Friend . 63c Forty green trading stamps with Boys' Ax ". ". . " " flOc Forty green trading stamps with Wash Boiler, prices up f rom '. ' '. ',' " oc Ten green trading stamps with can Yellow Label Stove Polish.... 'l5c Door and Window Moulding, selling per foot, up from i ecu up i rum Heaters sell up from George W. Howe, 18th and M Sts J. J. Breen. J003 J Bt. J. V. Miller, 509 N. 20th 6t. E. G. Burson, 1021 N. 23d St 2. John F. Schultz. 1104 N. 22d St. J- B. Smith, 910 N. 22d St. W. D. White. 1029 N. 23d St. Charles F. Mann, '710 N. 22d Bt. , SECOND WARD. J- H. C. Miller, 1803 O St. Que Olsen, 183 8. 18th St. J. Curtain. 120 a 20th Bt. ' James Pivonka. 105 N. Slst Bt. J is. uarta, w 8 St. P. Devoney. 165 8. 24th Bt. 2. Jonn Murray, 159 8. 2fith St. B. Dienstbier, 164 8. 21st Bt. P. J. Linihan, 22d and P St. Burton Rice, 2313 Q St. THIRD WARD. 1. Andrew McGulte, 166 8. 31st St. Steve Carrol, 751 8. 17th St. C. W. Knight, Im Madixon St. Mike Barrett. 1316 Harrison St. Robert Benson, 251n Jefferson St. 2. Ed Hanley, Solo X St. H. F. Ryan. HH V St. Ivor Thomas, 458 8. 33d St. I'ratik Good, 4M8 X St. Geo. Byrne, 3t.2l W St. FOURTH WARD. I 1. Tim Sullivan. 132 N. 25th St. M. Hughes, 2402 P St. 8. A. Furguson. 112 N. 25trt St. James Cunningnam, 2603 N St. John A. Nelson, 126 N. 26th 8t. 2. M. J. Corcoran, 3u32 Q Si. Georee Dunsoomb, 3120 8 Bt. T. U. Erwln, a 8 St. William Murphy, 32d and R Sts. C. M. Santord. 30:3 U St. FIFTH WARD. ' 1. Geo. Raworth, 2714 i St. Gaorge Skow, 28th and E Bts. C. K. McGlll. 32d ana F Sts. William Hughes. Jr.. 32d and F Sts. L. V. Williams. 2M6 B St. I. Peter Lenagh. S9th and L Bta. Thomas Broderick. 4id and L Sts. Otto Wurmbach. 39th and R Sta. Fred peteison, 4"'14 K St. Frank Koblela, 4o35 L St. BIXTH WARD. 1. Charles Fernland. 25th and F Bts. George C. Hasklns, 25th and H Sts. W. 6. Bailey, 1U6 N. 34th Bt. John E. Laughlln. 1114 N. 24th St. Daniel G. Robb. 24th and F Sts. J. O. Cushing, 25th and L Bts. 2. M. J. Rowlev. 25th and N Bts. F. F. Schmidt. 2514 N St. A. DeLanney, 714 N. 24th St. Charles E. Fay, 1510 K Bt. County Prerlaeta. BENSON. C. Btelger, William Pamp, Ben Morton. CHICAGO Clyde Hollister. Ired Bull, Martin Qumn. CLONTARF. 8. P. Toraen, II. L. Siarken, J, . Guytr. Men's Wool Sweaters Clinlrc of Sweaters worth up to T tf $4. 00 for .VU And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Hoys' All Wool Sweaters Buster Brown and all styles choice of entire stock worth to $2.0 QJJ And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Underwear Onlv 60 doien of that Fleeced Lined Un derwear left cost you 50c after (Or1 Saturday for And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bovs' Fleeced Lined Underwear worth 36c at A FHW BARQAINS FOR SATURDAY SHOPPERS Back Combs, near Bhell, gold filled mountings, set with pearls, turquoise, garnets, etc., $l.-00 value, your rir choice OyC We carry the largest variety, latest Eu ropean and eastern desUns of purses In Omaha. Our prices are the lowest that high-grade goods can be sold at. A hundred styles; each, from il $16.00 down to 1UC $23 OO . .$8!so mmmm mil mu 1 1 mmm&zr- DOUGLAS. Rudolph Ruscr. C. A. Plerson, Eggert Paul. DCNDEE. W- Klrkendall, Frank It. Fltchett. John E. Moore. , EAST OMAHA. Charles Junge, Peter Clausen, Charles Bcssni&o. EL.KHORN. Charles Anderson, C. H. Cobb, Fred Moulton. FLORENCE. William R. Cole, L. N. Warller, P. M. King. JEFFERSON. Charles J. Kloninger, M. H. Fredrlckson, W. T. Voss. M'ARDLE. John Anderson, Joo Decker, F. A. Mc Aidle. MILLARD. William Von Joirn, C. H. Hartman. W. A. Welsh. ' PLATTE VALLEY. Rev. W. L. Elliot, K. Erway, Joseph Mc Clanalian. CNION. Henry Duller, Ed. Knight. John 'Cam cron. WATERLOO. B. B. Hooter. A. II. Campbell. C. E. Wll-kins. WHERE IS BABY'S GO-CART? That la ! All-A bsorblna; Queatlon of the Hour nllb the Police. Where Is Baby Rankin's go-cart? Aside from a zeal to perform their duties as guardians of the public safety the po lice are anxious to get a glimpse of the person who would be mean enough to steal a baby's go-cart. Mrs. Rankin of 616 Georgia avenue has reported the loss of her baby's go-cart, sal t to have been stolen from her front porch. K milkman plying In the Rankin neighbor hood told a patrolman ho saw a boy mov ing south on he avenue early Friday morn ing with the cart tilled with newspapers. The police are after the boy. Meanwhile Baby Rankin Is crying fur his go-cart and contenting himself with a tin rattle and building houses on the floor with his blocks. Another letlm. of an accident, Editor Schuele, of Colum bus, O., was cured of his wound by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Try If. 26c. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, t