THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOTtFJl . inn.v r Bij? Ribbon Sale Monday Special Bar gains In Carpets, Rugs and Draperies HAVE YOU SEEN OUR Great Sale of Ladies' Suits k . U! .TAILOR UNDERW WIUUN JEH'N'S 209-211 S. 18th Street. You Want to Look Your Best The Greatest, Most Complete Stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Wool and Heavy Cotton Underwear in Omaha. And you are sure to do so if you buy your Suit or Overcoat here. We are showing Saturday, remark-1 able values in Men's Suits, latest stylos and colors and materials, qualities you cannot duplicate at YOU csn't afford to look shabby when such prices as Nlcoll offers for splendid tailoring are with in your reach. . SAME QUALITY SELLS EVERY WHERE FOR $15.00 AND MORE. 16 .aMi I - - : i . TIIK KEMAItLK 8TOKK. WNTER EAR jeep's yini: -JMii M-SsWr iv:J TMTQ ' V 7V re: la mi A great regular ntwlc. together with immense- special pure hates from time to time, enable us tn offer real borgains in the butler grades of ladies' and chil dren's high clam Winter Underwear. Ladles' medium and heavy winter weight Vests. Pants and Tights In flat ana ribbed weaves form-tlttlng; garments of wool and fleecy cotton all sixes many of the best known makes worth f TO- .1 H 'CI, as high as 11.50 each- ZuC-jVC'tV Cm OVC Ladles' Union Suits In this great assortment are thousands of the highest grade of medium and winter weight cotton fleeced and wool suits. Including the fa mous Munsiog, Olpha and Hcl- Ladies' silk, silk and lisle and silk and wool Vests, Pants and Union Suits for fall and winter all the popular styles 2.u. 98c r0p 2.98 The Famous Our special demonstrations of the merits of this splendid hosiery has brought out u wonderful amount of interest. lue Burson hosiery Is knitted to fit the foot and leg" without a seam It is more comfortable, f f" JP f looks better, wears lonKer and costs no more than I jfs&3C" J 3C hosiery with scums pi ices Men's Hosiery Bargain counter of men's plain and fancy llsla thread and ouslimere woul hosiery in all sizes, medium and heuvy weight extra special bar- Srday 1 Oc-1 5 c-1 9c Ladies' Kid The highest grade of Ladies' Kid Oloves, new two-clasp effects made oi selected In wear many or inn most mm jus ana popular brands go at per pair-only All Wool Cashmere Warm Gloves for outdoor wear all wool, cashmere, fleece lined and Scotch Gloves also ' fine Saxony Wool Mittens just the glove you need every day at a pair ........ A New York Importer's Sample Collars A splendid assortment of ladies' large Laco Collars, Cape Collars, Col lars for coats, etc. made in beautiful patterns of Venice and Point Gauze worth up to four dollars at 98c 1 8 F1nrainpi -Annex A 75c Fth Plm Tft An exceptionally q I healthy and vlgcr- fat S J ous palm Fruit Dept. In the Annex. Tokay Grapes, 3 lbs. -IP-for DC Sweet Pears, f dozen IjC Florida Oranges, C dozen C Turkish Figs, 10. basket UC Kelffer Pears, a CO box SPECIAL SALE OF M1I.LINERY-Basement Bis; lots of Ladles' Ready to Wear Hats and Vntrlmmed Hat Shapes on bargain tables In basement new fresh and up to 1JJ PA date assortment Just shown allnew shapes A jCwllIC all the leading colors, at, each r w w SHEET MUSIC All mail orders promptly filled. Add ' 1 cent per copy for postage. Besides -' those mentioned below w have a large assortment of new songs and Instru mental hits which, will b sunt and played on request. Sc Each 6 for 25c Ave Maria; Dream of Par adise; Angels' Serenade; Calvaxj ; Thine Own; Con vent Bells; Blue Danube; Cavallerla Rustlcana; Fifth Nocturne; Flower Song; Frollo of the Frogs; Minuet; Faust; Invitation to a Dsuce; Last Hope; Last Rose of Summer. SB Each G for 25c Besides this list there are hundreds of others too numerous to mention. A complete stock of musical Instruments and small goods at the very lowest possible prices. Free concert all day. Everybody welcome. fSaOAMDElS- There is No Meat Market in Omaha Which Sells as Good Meats as the CENTRAL MARKETS. If You've Never Traded There, Better Give a Trial Order and You'll Be a Regular Customer. SPRING CHICKENS, pound 11c LEAF LARD, 13 pounds $1.00 16TH AND HARNEY STS., Telephones 2898-2899. 16TH ST. AND CAPITOL AVE., Telephone 1796. BEE WANT ADS5 PRQMJCE RESULTS. Misses', Children's and Boys' Heavy i'ndorwear Ribbed and heavy fleeced underwear good, warm garments,' In all sizes Vests, Pants and Drawers reg ularly sell up to 75c a gar- K19c-25c-49c Union Suits for misses, children and boys Including MunBlng Suits fleecy cotton and wool medium and heavy in. n Q at a suit 4VCVoC Burson Hose Children's Hosiery Misses', children's and boys fine and heavy, ribbed hosiery some fleoce lined many in Broncho Buster style a, splendid school hose 7 inft.i2'A.i'i bair .w-w Gloves In all correct fall shades all sizes- Kias gloves for street, dress or even- 69c$U.50 and Fleeced Gloves sizes for ladies and misses all ..25c RG CORSETS The new and shapely effects at the waist Una which fash Ion now de mands, is giv en to perfection In the models of the famous R. a. Several styles In high and low busts; prices. $1 to $3 Lost Chord; Monastery Bells; Melody in F; Maid en's Prayer; Over the Waves; Orange Blossoms; The ralms; Simple Confes sion; Louisiana Purclrase Kxposttlon March; Polish Dance; La Fountains: Mock ing Bird; Silvery Waves; Jolly Fellows' Waltz; Re member Me; Musical Box; Valse Blene. 5e Each 6 for 25c It lent alone the price; It's better fabrics Letter workmanship better trim ming and better all around satisfaction, than you'll find among the Imitators. By paying close attention to' the small details of tail oring you can feel confl dent that Nlcoll'g garments are always up to the top notch of style. Trousers, $5 to $12, Suits $20 to $50. Take a peep at our win dow this week you'll find a tempting Index of our many exclusive designs not to be had elsewhere. FRED PAFFENRATH Mgr. Girls9 & Boy's Shoe Headquaters There Is no other place you can go and find such a complete stock of high ?raae, inng wearing, late style snoes or boys' and girls' as you will find at tilts store. $1.50 & $2.00 School Shoes are a special feature with us. We have w uujs ana girls or any age. FRY SHOE CO. IStk and Douglas Sts. DON'T SNIFFLE one box of Howell's Antl-Grlp Cap sules will cure any cold; easy to take, prompt, pleasant A certalu In effect, 25c. Can be sent by mall postpaid. Howell's AnU Kauf cures Coughs Hoarseness, Tickling In throat; lnstar.t relief In Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. HOWELL DRUG CO, 16th & Capitol Ave. Pfinn p Plant now for spring bloom. Tulips 15a per dozen up. Hyacinths 35c per dozen and up. Narcissus, Lilies, Crocus, Snowdrop, Iris and many oth ers. Stewart' sSced Store 119 N. 16th Street. Omaha, Nebraska. winter and Pants up to. Pants Specials U to All wool heavy Frieze, long cut, $15.00 value, S10.00 Guarantee 1519-1521 PANTS J M M Special for Saturday Fall Weight Hose 17c pair, 3 pair Shirt Our own make neat pat terns with, two pair cufls worth $3.00 ai long as they last $2.00. We hare just received a full and complete line of Evening and Full Dreg White Vests from $2.BO up. ALBERT CAUN, 1322 Farnam St. THE LANGE We hare just receded a m&J&'JEgm. V" I a satisfaction to know when you purchase your goods from us that they are always absolutely fresh and pure. Remember, we deliver free to any part of Omaha. South Omaha end Council Bluffs. SPECIAL. FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY: 20 pounds Fine Granulated Sugar for Jl.orty Can Corn per can 5y Purs Maple Syrup, quart cans 12Vo ' t-lb. sack the best Pan-Cake Flour 20c New York Buckwheat Flour per pound 4? Home Made Mince Meat per lb... Vfrc Soda Crackers nice and crisp per pound tc Oyster Crackers nice and crlop per pound if Ginner Snaps per pound 6c Vanilla Wafers regular price per pound. JOp our price per pound.. 10c Lemon Wafers regular price per pound. J our price per pound., lor Strictly Fresh Eg-s per dosen I6e THE LANGE Telephones 1459-3223. -"' " 'I - r "-- - The Besl lhated Office Building in Omaha Is The Bee Building Don't wait till cold weather; there are several choice offices, aeant now but they never stay empty long. Some fine offices at from $16.00 to $10.00 ynt moato. Including heat, light, water and Janitor service ' . s r tu. a r Sround Floor, 'it.A4vma worth SH (OlfRi $3 wnrlh $5 , . ALFRED BENJAMIN MAKE, equal to any $35.00 custom made coat, 5.00 Clothing Co. Douglas St. I , CAriEIP t MYSIIIKr BUT CAHN'3 for 50c GROCERY CO, Butter Fresh Country Rolls per pound jog Navy Itf-ane p. r pound " c Fancy Jej.n Rl-e p-r pound....! 5c rancy Oil Sirdlnes per can 2.ic n. C. Snap-10 bars for c Beat-Em-All Soap 10 bars for.... 25c Home Snap 10 bars for 3Ke I.enox Soap 10 bars for , tbc Swift's Pride 10 bars for Jrc Scrubbing Brushes regular 10c seller our price 8c We have all kinds of brunhei and ws place them on sale at half nf regular selling price. 4S-pound Sack J. C. Flour per sack 85c -pound Sack Purity Flour the best on the market everv sack guaranteed-per sack $128 GROCERY 00., ' ' 606 S. 13th St. ' " "" f " : ...-..-Jl .. ...juLLiji 5 ' T, juM&ti i 1 . - .;?UJim. re '0 Children's Dress Suits, in blue serge, Scotch cheviots, fancy wor steds, cassimeres and tweeds, nobby in style, splendidly made and trimmed, best line of values in the city, Z CA at, from $6.50 down to IJU GOOD HAT STYLE Combined with fine quality makes our showing this season preeminently great. The display Is very Interesting on account of the immense variety of shapes shown. You must see the goods to appreciate the great value of our Satur day specials. LOT 1. Black Stiff Ilats, In great variety of up-to-date blocks, reg- 1 1C ular $3.50 and $3.00 values at LOT 2. Soft Felt Hats, In all the most approved shapes, In black, fA tans, browns and gray, $3.00 and $2.50 values, at sw.UU LOT 3. $1.50 and $2.00 Soft and Stiff Felt Hats, In all colors and Qfin latest styles, great bargains, at '. .Olv Boys' and Children's 50c Caps, In all styles and materials, 25c Finest line of Men's Winter Caps in Omaha, $1.60, $1.25, $1.00 Cf. and DlC 50c Ml Silk Veilings at Ulc Yard A line of the very latest novelties In fancy mesh veilings, in black, greys and colors, every yard worth 5c to OOc. per yard Grand Ribbon Sale, a full line of all per yard, c to Fancy Pillow Ribbons, at yard, 15c and Special Handkerchief Sale Greatest 5c fine Initial Handkerchiefs, 2'c at 10c pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 5c at Laces and Embroideries A great clear: and embroideries, all kinds at one STOVES SPECIAL. STOVE SALE THIS WEEK. TVs can save vou money. We buy only by the carload and for spot cash, and sell only for spot cah. You need not pay put t of the loss of tue other man that buys on credit. Our Drlces arc absolutely right ami our goods are warranted perfect and all of standard make. THE REGAL. UNIVERSALt Double heat ing base ouruer one at ine top oi me list in this country. They are the greatest heaters, the most economical, the hand somest and best stove made, and you can buy one for $44 60 THE SPIjENDID A little plainer for.. $34.50 THE SPECIAL. UNIVER8AL-Gas and smoKe consumer, me greatest buii cwi stove mads 118.50 liV Sommer Bros Exponents of Good Living, 28th & Farnam CHOrCEST JAPAN RICE OSp 4 pounds LARQE CALIFORNIA PRUNES- OBn a nnunda " INVINCIBLE SALMON .12ic .19c j-pouna una SNTPER S CATSUP- Z6o bottle PETTUOHN S BREAKFAST FOOD- 4 15o package CREAMERY BUTTER 25c per pound FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Jonathan Apples, Florida Grape Fruit, j Floriaa Oranges, Belinower Apples, Malaga GrapM, Select Ouinces. Calllornla urapes, Concord Grapes, Cranberries, fc-Kg Plants, Cucumbers, Klpe Tomatoes, Wax Beuna, Bplnach, v Crip t'elery, Turnips, Parsnip, Squashes. Colorado Pears, Caulitlower, Head Lettuce, . Leal Lenuci, Lima Beans, Salsify. Green Peppers, Bents, Carrots. Pumpkins, JERSEY SWEET POTATOES Country orders executed immediately upor receipt. TUE IMMANUEL HOSPITAL whlrh for 15 years has been called "The Swedish Hospital" offers now J through Its well known efficient staff of Kurgeous and Physicians, its quiet ' and benlthy location ami rareful uur ' slDg the best plare for the si'k and suf fering. Those wbo want to go to this institution must take rare tlmt they are not misled to some other place. Tele phone No. 1522. hTman Ave car. 3ith and Ames, takes you straight to liuuiauuel Hospital, Omaha. Neb. Ml other sale prices, J P i $10.00 and .f DV Special Bargains in Men's Over coats Long or medium length, with or without belted back, in all the most popular plain and fancy mixed materials, at 7 PA $12.50, $10 and.....'.... ! Young Men's Suits, in single or double breasted styles, special bargain Saturday at J? A A $10, $7.50 and JiUU Children's Knee Pants Suits, in 6ailor blouse, Russian blouse, Nor folk, sailor Norfolk, eton or double breasted styles, all colors, special at $2.95, $2.50 10? and lsJ All at one price Saturday, 1 1C silk ribbons la all colors, at, 15c I2!c bargains ever offered: 15c pure Linen Handkerchiefs, "71 at .C uaas ana ends of 10c and 15c C rianaKorcniers on sale at, ea. . .UK ng up sale of our stock of laces 2lc price, per yard STOVES STOVES I 11-lnch Air Tight Oak. ! 13-Inch Air TiKlit Oak.. 15-inch Air TiKlit Ouk.., 17-Inch Air Tight Oak.., Wood Air Tlfiit ...16.95 ,... j.. ...S8.50 ..1.4'i 2-hole Uaundry li'X, THE CAPITAL A very handsome asbestos unea steei range, large iti-lnch oven, high warming closet, nicely nickel plated, war ranted fine cooker 14.60 ODDS AND ENDS. , Btovs Boards 29c 6-Inch Elbows 5o BeBt Plnnlshrd Pipe JSo Btove Brushes 8o e-tnch Pine 8o Coal Hoes 15c Fire Shovels :j No. t Granite Tea Kettles 5 wmm u BOYS' it STEEL SHOD SHOES Bounds good, doesn't it T Our Special "Steel Bhod Hlioes" for Boys' wear can't be beat. They are abso lutely the best shoes that money can buy made of the best leather on the market and as near wear and water proof as a shoe can be made. No rub bers needed with these shoes. Boys- sixes. Vi to t I1M Youths' sites, 1 to 2 2 26 Lltll Gents' sixes. 10 to 13.... t uO A pair of these shoes win maks the boy happy and outwear two ordinary pairs. OrexelShoe Co. 1419 Farnam Si. Send for catalogue. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. $4 CITY VETERI1ARIA. Ofne and Infirmary, tsth and Mason Bta US. J-