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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
f HIE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 190$. 13 a. at. t "A, GRALN AND PRODUCE MARKET IdTiBot of Teiterdgj in Wbtat Don Hot Hold. SHARP BREAK IN PRICES SUSTAINED CrawA Afraid Arnaar la Trying tn ell and Options Decline ! tclllac Order U riaced Corn Lower. omajia. Oct. :r. i. December and May wheat were lower to- oay. Future, quiet; December, Tatftd; March, it ZVd. CORN Spot, firm: Amerlran mixed. 5 2i. Futures, quiet; Iwcember, B3Vkd; January. 4s6v); March, 4e ad. fHICAOO fcRAI AD PROVlIOi Featarea of the Trading and I losing Price oa Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. $7. The politico-Industrial crlala In Husla kept tha wheat pit here In a turmoil today. After prtrea ha4 ranged from lc above yesterdays final quotations to le below, the market closed weak at almost the Inweet point of the session. For the May option the net loss was c ! rember la down Ve. Corn la off ic. Oats how a loss of Wc and provisions 63'7rc Kxtreme fluctuations marked trading In the wheat pit. The volume of business wa of large proportions. A a resu.t of an advance of JHl'tc In the price of wheat at Liverpool the market here opened trong in marget i erratic, fluctuating i.k u... . - .1 . . u.i . m ;i !; i? .. C " " e,ry rn' 1 no crowd " 9?tc lerember opened unchanged to c afraid It was getting Armour a an. I higher at rowwv. Demand was etremiy prhe broke wnenover a selling order waa nctlv. Commission house had come Into given. December opened uncnanged to Ho possession of an almost unlimited number ntgner. went tip to HHc, hi ok" at noon to j f buying ordr over night. The ordera "tc and milled at the close to Mtc. which had apparently been placed In large part waa Ha below yesterday. Miy retoo. d fJNO l,r foreigners and by that part of the riT l"f h'"" P"lnt an'1 Dr"Ke b" k ,Vo. I American public which is quick to enter the ttii:. wuiy ciosea ai wc, or mantel when an occasion line me premn c above yesterday. Corn wa off V"r, ,n sympathy wiih the break In wheat. Receipt were light. The export demand continues good. Oeoemher closed at 4.'c, old December at 4c, May t 46H14le and July at 43V. Oat were He lower. December closed at Hc. May at S2H320 and July at 31Nc. Liverpool closed H,ijmd higner on wneat and H'uSd higher on corn. Chicago reported a good demand for cash wheat, both spot and to arrive. Prices were relatively the ame aa yes terday. At Duluth they bid 8,c for No. I northern to arrive. Thl was fcu better than the Chicago market. Chicago made ale of 500. '"0 buahela of barley to the continent. France waa buying wheat at Chicago. Primary wheat recelpta were 1.17.000 buahela and shipment bushels. against receipts last year of 1.290,000 buahela and shipments of t",S.ono bushels. Corn re- NEW TORE STOCKS AND BONDS Iftritt 0pni Aotive and First Hour Largely Abiorbi Diy'i Buiineu. ' HEAVY SELLING FOR FOREIGN ACCOUNT Retnrn of E. H. Harrlmna Starta Re port of Probable Developmenta la Northern Securities Urnnn. levelonx The shnrn advance, however brought out realizing sales of a wholesale 1 Va kind Toward lh end of the first half I th hour the market ylelillng to continuous nrofit-tnklna. aome reaction occ Offerlnrs then seemed to suddenly cease and pricea again started upward. A cable gram from a prominent banker In Ixmdon claiming that all business in Russia had been suspended owing to atrlke disorders caused a fresh outburst of buying. The price of Mnv delivery Jumped to Kms while December went up to (WWe. Through out the remainder of the session the mar ket waa decidedly nervous, fluctuations in price being "'.fiHC between trades. During the last half hour the market became notably depressed In conseounce of gen eral profit-taking. Prices sank lower and lower until Mav had touched 9"4c and De eemher 8Sv,e. The market closed weak wttn May at 07i.$3fllc. Final quotation on De cember were at $fc. Clearances of wheat snri flour were eoual to 501.500 Dusneis I aol.ta ,-. - air AAA fc...-b..l-. J U I 1 tl.0 bushels, against receipts last y tr of Kxports for the week as ilwwn by Brad SOJ.000 bushel and hipments of .7 000 streets were equal to 47.000 bushels usneis. Clearances wera 5.0"0 bushels of Prlm-iry receipts were i.ivi. -v o'" ' com. 73.000 hnshels al oats it nun hhis i nare4 with 1 2W.0O0 bushels a year ago. or wheat and .O0O barrel of flour. Argentina wheat shipments for the week were 1.86ii,000 bushels, aaiiiFt BS4.000 bushels last week and 881,0(0 bushels last vear. Corn shipment were l,9:ti,000 bushels. ralnst i.?n3.0f0 btuhels last week and l,l?0rO bushels last year. Miller were after cash wheat in 11 market yesterday. Flour business was sensational, so much being old that mill tr were afraid to give out exact figures. Forels-ners took the greater part at ad vanced prpe. Eailv report made the ale 1,000.000 barrels Wednesday, and later they were given out as l.&vcno. but this waa not confirmed. The latter would re Bulr about four weeks" time' run of the mill. Chlearo wired: "Kxrorter are bidding lt$c hte-her price for corn for expori via f-ulf ahlnment list half of December than hey did two daya ago." From h Intr Ocean: "There b been Kver T.FoO.ono bushels of May ots bought hv the Patten Interest In four days this week. They have more oat bomrt than the U. lar; western chickens, Hrl7c; turkey, 14 the pit theory. Ttiv have been hulls from 2RHc up, and the price yesterdiv showed lc from the low point. The talk Is that Patten ha three bushel of ots bought to very one of corn he ha Bold." Minneapolis. Duhith and CMcaro renortod nt lug para uaalnat 727 cars laal week and f!W cars a year ago. General llouldatlon catised weakness in th corn market. There i no charge in the general situation urroundlng the mar ket. Ixcal receipt were light: ''Port demand was urgent and stocVs exceedingly low. The high price prevailing, however. started heavy real'xlng which ''U'.i3 u -i. i j.iin- Tli market c'sea weak with price at the lowest po'nt of the dav. December nnned Ufic hlTher at 4(!u4ac. sold off to Se an1 closed at NEW TORK. Oct. r7.-Ttie market started off at an active pace today, but the first hour of trading absorbed the bulk of the day a business and thereafter there waa a notable shrinkage In the volume of transac tions until the weekly closing. The activltv of the first hour wa caused bv a contest between conflicting forcea. There waa large selling for foreign account and the market was plainly under the continued Influence of depression manifested at the close yes terday. Support wa forthcoming, but it required nufte larue bnvinsr in siisrsin values against the selling pressure. When decline wa arrested nrices crent un inuous . again and for a long time hung practically Ur ;u8P"1d",l Wth Inst night closing level. I'luvnnemi in special stocks continued a feature without much effort on the general but face of the market. V The Northern Securities group raine Into prominence on the assumption that the re turn to New York of the head of the Union Pacific company would be followed by de velopments in the Northern Securities set tlement. There waa nothlnv authoritative on tl is point and the operat'on eeir.eJ con- nnea to the trading element. The foreign selling was attributed largely to the unset tling effect of the disturbed tate of affair in Kussla. Continental cenlers were re ported seller of securities In London and apprehension waa said to be felt that the Issue of the proposed Russian loan would oe aeiayed and the tie-up of money In prep ration for It extended for this reason. l ne estimate of the week currency movement with the Interior Indicated a nominal gain by the banks, and the gain on ubtreasury operation w also reduced to nominal proportion by the subsidence of pension payments. Money on call was In brisk demand In I-ondon In connection with the pay for the Stock exchange settlement. Among the new development applying to special properties I'nlted Ptnes Reduction and American Smelting were affected by the reports of the sale bv the former to in terests largely represented in the latter company of holdings in the Utah Copper comrany. The recent weakness of Rock Island found an explanation In the stste ment of net earnings for Sentember. how- I Ing the gain In gross earnlnga almost all ab- oroea oy ine increase in operating cost while for the affiliated St. Louis & San n HSl,tT7.S!: gold coin and bunion, tTi.0fS.77 gold certificate. H4.0f.3 hi0. Sew Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27-MONET-On call. steady at SSt? per cent; closing bid. fa per cent; effered, 4 per cent. Time loans, firm; 0 and W days, 44fl4-i per Cent; months, 4V rAr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-S rer cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, closing firm, with actual business In bankers' bll's at .Tnf.fJ4.71f for demand and at 14. 4 MM for slxtv-dav bills; posled rates, M 4 M MH and M.KTHIM.SS; commercial bills, It.VFR Par. 74c: Mexican dollars, 4c. PONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Closing quotation on nonOa were as fellow: ..1U Japan da. 1 series... H I on ctf " ...1v$ on M aerial ,..llu4 L. N. unl. 4 14 ...1M Minhattin e. . 4...1"3 M'l Central 4i St no 1st Inr ...l.KS Minn St. L. 4... tl ... W4 VI. . K. A T. 4t 101 ...114 in U M 10lN. R. R. of M. 0. 4s. tl - M N. T. C W 4... .10144 N. J. C. f. S C. . ref. j, t9 cenfoQ ., C. . la. r 4o coupnn ., r. . ma 4s. dn enurnn V. 8. Itw 4s, So entipnn . Ant. Tobarco ds Hi Atchlvnn sB. dn ad). 4a... Atlantic r. L 4. Bui A Ohio 41. do 3Hl Dronalyn R. T. c Central ot Oa. Is do lflt Ine do td Ine do M lnc Chta Ohio 4Ht....1(S St tblraso A. !-,.... IHt .10 No PiPlflo 4a..... ... U do la 4l. S N. A W. r. 4t ... ...Ill o. 8. L. rtdg. 4a. ...14 Penn.onT. Ii.. ... Itvtj Pridlns (tn. 4a.. ... t St. L. A I. M. c. L A 8 r. f. U 8. W e 4a. L. 4s C, B. A Q. n. m....lK' Seabnard A C, R. I. P. 4a.... 24 8o. Pacific 4l do ml. (a II do lft 4a fa ... COC. A 8L L. . 4l.. 10l8o Railwar Col. Ind. la. atrial A TSi4Tni A P. I'... do aerlss B 73 T., St. U W. . Colorado Mid. 4s fnloo PaclOc 4a.. Colo. A St. 4s Ml do ennv. 4t Cuba la n;s t. 8 Steel Sd Ca D. A R. O 4a 102 Wlbaatl la Dletl Hers' grr. la HI do db. B Brio prior Ilea 4a WcHcrn M4. 4a... do (an. 4 3 W. A L. E. 4a... Hock.n Val. 4Ha... .1111 Wis. Cantral 4a... Japan Is t Oftered. ....I34S ... .1K4 .... THi ....toix .... 7l ....lf'ni 6a..lll4 4a. l .... IS'4 ... 9 ... ti ... 7H ...130 H ...I.4 . 14V, . . . 106 ...1S4'4 ... ...111 ... 74H ... I7H ... ffl1 ... M4 tWIl Frnclaco s stetn the heavy Increase raiure operating expenses served to rut down ct Bostea lltoeka and Bond. ROSTON, Oct. 27. Call loans. 5'q4 per cent: time loans, 6UoVs per cent. Official ?uotatlona on stocks and bonds were a ollowa: Atchison ad). 4a 11 A1tnues o 4a 1024 Amaliamattd .. ...10 American Zlno ... 17 Atlantlo 103 ' Blnjham cai A Hecia... Centonnlal ...... ..!nlS Copper Ranss ..14J Dalr Wrat .. i Pomlnlon .Coal . A H..20I Fr.., ,l0 .U174 Cranby Mcx. Cantral 4s.. Atchlano do pfd Boston A Albany 2."7 flostnn A Maine 7? Porton ElaTatpd ritchhurs pfd ... Mcilcan Cantral ... N. y. N. H. t'nton Pacific . Amir, Ar. Cham.. do pfd Amer. Pnen. Tubo.... Amir. Sugar do prd Amcr. T. A T. Woolen the bottom. Local recelrt were 127 car cura of contract grade. The situation In the oats rlt wa Mr tn that In the corn market, the feature K.lnv active selllnOT hV InnBS. PemnnH WIS .Merablv tha not rolum nni mis nr-ent of late. A a result the ard movement of Stnnrt.rrt nil In thn enrh PomlnloD I. A market bad a weak undertone. The close market waa a aubject of comment and had I ri J'! was st the lowest po'nt of the dav. Dj I 80me Influence In keeping the mld-dv atock u'P'" cemW opened uan-ed to Wc ,ower.aJ : market firm. Exports of wheat Tor the I J, Jj - I wpev i a ;k u-,-t Kn.haia ...a . hn.-a .nr . . . - w"i ween ana mere were reports or 2R Ials Royals .. J3 Maai. Mlr.inf Mlrhiian operating expense erved to cut down con- 'Amir, w . slderably the ret return. The Strong up- pf Omaha Caan gales. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 2 car. 3c; 1 car, 81c; i car. 1 ear, 80c; 1 No. No. IPric: No. hard. car, 7c; 1 car. 78c, CORN-No 8, 1 car. 47i'lC. t RYE No. 2. 1 car, 66'.c. Umnha Cniii I'rteea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 82Vi'JSt4i.; hard, imwc: No. 2 spring, T&ifSOc; spring, 7bfjsrvic. CORN No, 3. 47HC; No. 3 yellow, 48V4c; No. t white, 4Sc. OATS No. 8 mixed, 28VI7c: No. 3 white, l7Vt5"8Hc: No. 4 white, 26ig27V. RTE-No. 3, eagso'ic: No. 3. 62y3c. Carlot Receipts. Wnmtt. Corn Chicago , iCansa City Minneapolis , Dmaha Duluth It. Louis .... 122 185 455 32 259 61 127 45 11 is Oats 233 2 ioK,1rtli aoM off to WMiC sna cinseu 30Uc. I-ocal receipts were 233 ". Peovlslon were a trifle eatler on credited to local packers. A J1" In the price of " hors was a denressing nflnence WeiVne of coarse rraln wa another bearish factor. At fe close .Tsnu ? pork was off nt,c .,t $12. US. Hr rj dowA 2c at $.T7H- Bibs were 8c lower 'V'stlmste. for tomorrow: Wheat 99 cars: com. 156. cars; oata, 2S0 cirrs; hog. 12,000 h,The leading future ranged aa follow: Article.! Open.'l Hlgh.l Low. 1 C1oe. Ye'y it Slloaeapoll Grain Market. (Superior quotation for Minneapolis de livery). Th range of prices, as reported by the Edwards-Wood Grain company, 110-111 Hoard of Trade building, waa: Article. Open. KIgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat i ( ( Dee.... Wifm 87-. 85 85T 854 May... W.ui 07l 88 'J 89 te Wheat Dec. May Tom Oct. tnec. lTec. Mav 0ta Oct. Dec. Vv July Pork Oct. Jan. Leril- Oct. Nov. Jan. p.. Oct. Jsn. May I .1 icnU'rToo! ;91-2H' 6i'. 474 4fiU'Si 4t)VQV 30U.4l 3J'. 31 1 00 12 45 7 oo 80 7 M 7H 0t4 KW 6V. 4714,1 4W.I 46! 8MI p?iJ . F.7" 4!i 4. 4SSl 4"il 4V46H'&74 -ery urgent demand for vessel room for further shipments In prospect. Thla development did not affect the strength of the foreign exchange market. The stock market held Its recovered level poorly and during the last half hour of the trading fell hack to the lowest and closed weak and Infective. Bonda were heavy. Total sales, par value, $3,180,000. I'nlted Btates bonds were all un changed on call. The quotation on the New York. Stock exchange ranged aa follow: Bales. Hlgh.Low. Close. ; Aumi Express .... i Amal. Copper Am. Car di Foun.. 141U Mohawk 13t", Mont. C. A C. llkO'd Dominion . 41 14 ocoia 10 rarrot 8 M4 Culnrr lllu. . .249 Shannon rocral Electric 1M Tamarack .... IS Trinity .... 14 t'nltrd Copper . .... aO V 8. Mining... .107 v. S. Oil n ftoh So"1 8'H 81T.I 1! 10 12 45 7 0"41 6 SO 7 W M 8 67V.1 SOU SOU! ?oi4 -ii!32V''"1'- SItsI US 1s no I 1 1 12 32141 12 35 7 OS 7 1141 77V4j 7 SR 4S 65 t 0-1 i 72Vi 7 !R ' 8 4?H 821,41 1,(I0 4,tkK) 2u0 300 83 4vt 102 33 Si7 1014 3V I'nlted rrtllt I'nlted Sboe Marh. do pfd C. 8. Steel do pfd ns. commoa Adventura Bid. "Asked . 31 Victoria .... . I7i4 'Winona ... .1M'4 North Butto . M "Wolverine .... 44'i .... U'i .... I .... .... 31 ,...HS .... 31 .... 74 .... 13 .... 74 .... II .... I't .... M'4 .... IO14 .... 141 .... cl'4 .... IK .... 1 ....III .... 2D ....106 .... 7'4 ....12S .... I .... 334 .... Jo .... '4 .... 4H 4 .... IOVi .... 57W OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattlt Btetipti Light and Prion Show le Gnat Changes. HOGS SELL FIVE TO TEN CENTS LOWER Moderate Receipt ( Cheep aa Unba-Good Fat Sheep Steady aad lnbi Bona Easier Good Feeder Steady SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 27, 1905. Receipts were: Came. Hug. Bneap. Official Monu.iv ,sm J. mo 2H.W0 lilTlciul Tuesdav 8. HSO 1.040 iu.tii Oft, rial Wednesdav S in 7 4 4.1 ).3i Offlcial Thuraday 7.110 .WH Ofllclal Friday 2,804 b. Flva day thl week... .34.275 2 .227 82.0a Same da last week.... 30,91 22.075 Same week before'7 17,437 bb,ii4 Same three weeks ago...S,i4 2i,iui Ab.oiti bame four weeaa go.,..2!l.A2o 2i.b74 7i b"! Same day last year. ...A?ta 27,141 b3,342 rii.Klr'TB FOR THE THAR TO DATB. 'i 110 ic table shoea tne receipt of cattle, cog and aaeep at South IJtnan for th ea. to dale, couiparlng with last ytar: . MUi. 104. .Inu. Cattle Ui,iC3 7b4,o7 74.ui 1.SC4..I0 l.Mlhf Siieep l,uB.iot) 1,444,, 1? 1m,oo The 'oliufing fbl auver the avaiaat prlc of hot at fouth Omaha lt Ua laal vera! daya, with comparisons: Ete. I 1J05. pj04. 1u.M.1K)1.,100.1M. OCt. Oct, Oct. itvi. Oct. OCU Oct. Oct. oct. Oct Oct Ot-'t. oct. Oct. Oct. KCt. Oct Oct Oct. Oct Oct oct oct. o-t Oct. Oct. 1....I 2....1 S Ko. . tnid. tNw. Cash ciuotatlon were aa follows: FI1TJR Firm : winter patents, M svJIU , straights. 13.704 00; prlng patents, m.-w A 1A . L.1.a iafffH aM WHEAT No. 2 spring, 87igS9c; No. S, 77TjP u. at Pi. KSr- No 1 red. 82i41i90c. 1 c-. OKTS No. fUri No. 2 white, 3WlpK:i No. 3 white. ''' "n74c. p.YTeNo. 2, 7!f772Uc. . , BRLFT Cood feeding, 39c; fair to choice '"Jl'lTi41!,4.70-, av V'o 1 northwest- ,r8c: pVime UnTothyr3.20. Cover, con- J tract grade, T3. 25. Corn Producto. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per obl r. lird per 10A lb.. 17 . Short ribs sMes ' fl5)Vs. V87HC7.J0. Short clear lde. (boxed). , gel. 4Hu dso n Following were the receipt menta of flour and fralr.: Recelpta. , S6.400 , 1fli.0l)0 119,000 , SH5.9O0 14.000 84 200 HEW TORK GENERAL MARKET Haotatloaa of tha Day en Various Commodities. KEW TORK. Oct. 27.-FLOrR-Recelpts. 1 41.801 bbl. ; ejtpcrta, &.Vt5 bbls.: maraet. nrm and a shade higher for top grade; Minne sota patents, $4.tu.20; Minnesota baker. f3.a&iS4.00; winter patent. 4.2bj4.6o; win ter straights, 14.004,4.10; winter extras, t2.86 a.35; winter low grades, $.'.7.i'$3 ti. Rye flour, firm; fair to goud. Ji.ot'a4.10; chtli j to fancy, M l&'dt.SO. Buckwheat flour, quiet; apot and to arrive, 8.!.00&2.10. BUCKWHEAT Quiet; delivered In New Tork 6ac j Cuk.... tiAL Firm; fine white and yel- ' low, I12&; coarse, II. 1441. IB; kiln dried, ti iw&a.ii. I Ittt. Hteady; No. 2 western, 75c, e. I. f., ' New York. KAKI k'V Sleailvt feaxlinir. 41r- r I t New York: niaiunn. c 1. f.. New ! On the Produce exchange today the butter York. I market whs steady; creameries, lTVj'rcie; WHEAT Receipt. 91.000 bu.; export, dairies. 17SMc. Krb, ateady. at mark, case Wl.SW) bu.; apot market, ateady; No. t red. Included, lik:; flrsta, 81c; prime tlrsta, 23c; KjHc elevator; No. 2 red, ijj4c f. o. b., extras, 25c, anoat; iso. 1 nortnern ouiutn, mv,o 1, aiuiftw 1 ao P'ererrea W" Amor, cotton Oil. Kit.! do preferred .... 4T1J Amer. Express 4r,S, .Am. Hiue & U pfd.. 1,8'W 81 1 XH 46', Am. Ice securities.. luU 21 y, il Amer. t.innea oil.... 100 u is do preferred Amer. Locomotive... 44,300 tShi (74 do prelerred 400 lio-, 116 Am. Hine.t. & KTg.. SX) 1 1H ao preferred 1,000 122 1.1 Amer. (Sugar R't'g.. 2.800 U2 141H Am. Tobacco pfd. c, 8.SK) ltc4j 1(1114, L llx, I Atchison $,40 8,H 87 .... ,w luoTS ' Atlantic C. L SCO 1G2 162 Baltimore & Ohio.... 7.600 lli 112 do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T... 87,700 76 7i Canadian Pacific .... 14,700 170 19 Central of N. J. .... l.tViO 22 2i!9'4 Che. & Ohio 4,800 6 60H Chicago ds Alton . ... ,,. do preferred 100 77 77 Great Western 6O0 21H 2l4 W 1.800 22 '4 220V4 8t. P 15,400 180 178 4 Trans v ao preferred C., C, C. & fit. L Colo. Fuel & Iron, Colo. k Southern do 1st preferred do 2d preferred. S" ' 31 12 4'; I 6 80 7 r 6 ft) 8 70, London Closinir Stock. LONDON, Oct. 27. Closing quotation on the Etock exchange were as follow: ..16 .. 44 .. )i .. iS'4 .. 7414 .. 7t .. 41S. .. 41 .. 4a .V SS? ..101 .. 7:- ..134 .. l4 .. 3N ..10444 .. .. 4 .. II Conaola, monty do account ...... At'arnnda Atchison ' do pfd , Raltlmnra A Ohio. Canadian Paciflo .. Chea. A Ohio I Chicago Ot. W C M. A Bt P.... PPear, 1 Den rer A R. O.... do pfd Erla do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illinois Cantral ... LoulaTllla A Kaah. M., K. A T Ex-dividend. BIIA'ER Bar, M N Y. Cantral. .. in Norfo'k A W .. 4 do pfd ,. 1014 Ontario A W ..10 Pennavlvanla ..104 4 Rand Mines ,.174 Reading ,. a74 6n 1st pfd .. it 'do Jd pfd ..11414 Southern Railway .. Its do pfd .. 14 Southern Pacific .. ,. 114 I'nion Pacific .. 41 do pfd .. l V. 8. Steal .. 7Jj4 no pfd ,.ia Waba.h . .15d4 do pfd .. Spanish 4s ,2 101 ife 84 228 31 27S4 1 40(4 ; 110 13 , UiM 1411s 101 117 81 103 162 1 UTi k,Vf Foreign Financial 7o i LONDON, Oct 27. Money wa In keen 163 ' demand In the market today for Stock ex 2jm change pay day and month end require' sju I rnents. Borrowing from the Bank of Eng. 76 oulet. 28 15-16d per ounce. niur 1. 1 J'),mi per cent The rate of discnunt in the open market for short bill Is 4 per cent; for three month' trills, 434 per cent. and Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu. Shipments. 19.100 19.9-X) ICS 8 0 276 10 2,) 44 500 o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, vhc f. o. b., afloat. Some heavy profit-taking made wheat very Irregular today. It had an early advance on strong cable and bullish Rus sian news, but lost all of it in thu lost h. ur under liquidation, In face of big weekly clearances. Last price were c to c net lower. May, 4'o96 &-16C; closed at Wc; December. 95th97 7-l'"c; closed at 96c. CORN Receipt, 25.800 bu.; exports, 39 268 bu.; apot market, firm; No. 2 elevator and f. o. b., afloat, &c; No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 1 white, nominal: option market wa strong on the wheat advance and covering. Kanaaa City Grala and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27. WHEAT Hllir- Iiecetntier. 79W!: May, 8ic; cairn. No. hard. 82j4c; o. J. Mfl8ic; No. 2 red, 91fi9-Jc; No. 3, fOViSlc. KecelpU, 166 cars. CORN-Mlxed teady to e higher; white &lo higher; December, 41c; May, 40e.; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4;47c; No. 3, 4'.7j 47Vtc; No. 2 white, old, 6uc; No. , 40 50c, for new. OATS Steady; No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. ! white. 31fc3:. . . .. J HAY-Strong ana active; cnoico umoiny, but eventually yielded under realising und 1 no Mtill 50- choice prairie, $S.754.0O. freer country offering west, cosing u , YE Steady 65c lower to c higher. January. ooi.iijtK.;, ki TTKR-Klnn; creamery. 21c; I closed t 6oc; May, Bl4tl2c; closed at ir,ue 51o: December. 68,i,'ar'c; closed at 5os4o. OATS Heceints. ft;,. foil 1m eKiiorts ku. ; apot market, tlrm; mixed oata, ti tu tl pounda, 33Vc35c; natural white, 30 to 82 pounda, 3&fa3dc; clipped white, ii to 40 pounds, StiHiUSoc. FEED Oulet; spring bran, $16.55; mid dling. 816.40; city, il7.(v4i23.uO. HAY Stai1y; spring, 1hjj55o; good to choice. 75ko2o. HOPS Cjy, atate common to choice, 1905 crop. lo4j22c; 1804 crop. 16t20c: old. Hi lie, Pacific coast. 1905 crop, Ualfc; 19t4 crup, 12'ulc; old, BfiUc. HIDES Quiet; Galveaton. SO to 28 lb.. 20c: California. 21 to 25 lb., 19c; Taxaa dry.24 to 20 Iba.. lse. LEATllfc-K rirm; acid. 26I7c. PROVISIONS Beef, barely ateady; fam ily, $11 5CU 12.00; mess, $9.aViilO 00; beef hams, 21. 00422.50; packet $10 oti 11.00; elty extra India mess. $17.tViil7.50. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. $1.75 310 50; pickled shoulder. $6 Si -,h 7. 00; pickled hams, 'd i'l.uu. Lr.l. teudy; western teamed. $7; rerlned, teadyl continent, $7 15; South America, $x.$0; compound. $8 fau8.7S. Pork. eu; family. $l,.uOui8 00; euuil clear, $.4 40'; mens. $16 Oi'UlS.iS. TALLOW-Steady; city ($2 per pkg ), 4e country (pkgs. fie), 44j4c. Bl'TTER Firm: etieet price, extra creamery. iu-3o; on. rial pricea, crvamery common to extra, 16A?3c: western Imitation creamery, extraa, lKuL9e; weaterna firsts, 17o 1S ; state dairy, common to. extra, 16a21c; renovated, common to extra. 16 20c; western factory, common to extra, lf17c. CHk-KSE Strohg; state full cream, small and large, colored and white. September fancy. 13c; state, October, 12c; State fancy I 10 gooa, iu,c. EOOd riruii Pennsylvania, state and nearby, fancy, selected white, 84'fJKc; state choice, fco; state mixed, extra, 28c; wetrn fancy, selected, 26c; western aver are hst. alSc: southerns, IStJiTc. POIT-TRY Alive weak; western chicken. Ho; fowl. Uc; turkey. He- dresnod Irregu lar: western chickens, $ffl7c; turkeys, 14; fuwla. lTl.0 packing. L;nnaiilphr' Mlsaourl and Kansas, new x?n a.hiiewood cases included. iyr19'e: I case count 17e; cases returned. c lt per j North American doren. 1 Paciflo Mull The receipt ana Btlipments 01 grain were: Pennsylvania ... lieeeiiia. oiiipiiieiii,. reupiv uitt hip- 1 Denver & R. O I do preferred Distillers' Secur.. Erie t do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Oen. Klectrio Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred LouiBVille &. Nash.. Manhattan L, Met. Securities Met Street Ry Mex. Central Minn. & St. Li M., St. P. A 8. S. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo Kan. & Tex.... do preferred National Leid N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y Ont. & W Norfolk A Western.. do preferred 1,50.0 300 ioo 600 1.100 3.200 '306 100 24.tS.i0 22, Si 10 1.800 45 27 4.V 183 13 54 248 23 $7 47 48 81 44 27 is" 182 13 64 236 33" $7 45 47 81 1.400 187 185 1.700 1.500 1,500 1.400 2.2UO 12,a 3110 2.900 15. UK) 400 2O0 200 i.iii 800 n6o6 2' 12.300 2.6u0 8.405 178 22 80 27 67 151 165 78 24 82 U6 103 $2 46 86 151 54 86 178 21 80 26 56 1j0 165 77 121 24 82 136 102 31 46 36 150 64 85 Wheat, bushel Corn, bushel , Oat, bushels .. ,166.000 , 64.000 , 6,000 Th rang of pricea paid tn Kanaai a renorted bv th Edward-Wood pany. 110-111 Board ot Trade building, was: 206.OU0 20.0u0 , 16 OKI I City coin- Articles. I Open. I Hlgh.l Ixiw. Close. I Y'y. Wheat Dec.... May... Corn Dec... May... Oata May... Fork Oct.... Jan... Lard Jan.... Ribs Jan.... Oct.... 8nia t 79 79 Mlt 3V -' 82Si 41 41 4074 41 41 1 3 41 40 40 30'! W-a S9 S 3. 8J1 31 J $04 18 90 15 96 18 90 15 95 12 36 12 36 12 22 12 22 7I 75 6 67 1(7 4 45 45 40 (40 720 7u 7 00 T2o 41 ! 41 ! P . C. C. & St L,.... Pressed Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car.... Reading do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred Reni-hllc Btee do preferred Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Ooods . ...... do preferred St. L. A S. F. d pfd. St. tenuis S W do preferred )' I Southern Pselflc S0 IS 96 12 82 ( 73 ( 46 7 82 Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Oct. 27. CORK Lower; new No. $ yellow. 4tc: No 1, 61c; new No. 8, 48e; No. 4. 4c; new No. V 47o; new no grade. 46c. OATS Firm; No. S white. 81c; No. S white. Si,r; No 4 white. IS VJ :v'"c. WHISKY $10 (or finished goods. Dnlaik Urlia Market. DULUTH. Oct 17. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern, oio; No. 2 northern. 86V40. On track: No. 1 northern, k&c: No. S northern, 86'ac; October, 8c; Dtotember, lac; May, lc. OATS To arrlv and on track, 19c. St. Lonl General Market. 6T. LOUIS. Oct. 27. WHEAT Future loner; cash higher; No. 2 red cash, eleva tor, SSifleOVr: trnck, 9-'fi94o; Decemiier, 85-e; May. 89'0ti9-!e; No. 2 hard. S6'uoVUc. CORN Futures, lower: cash, higher: No. 1 1 cash, 61c; track, &3ia53c; December, 43c; aiav, a.c. OATS Futures lower; cash firm; No. cash, 80c; track, 8014c; December, 2c; May. 31e; No. 2 white. 31c. VlJOVR Steady; red winter patenta. $4 20 tt-i.35; extra fancy and straight. tt.ToiH.U; clear. $2tjJ.70. SF.ED Tlmothv. steady. r?.50tj3.00. criRNMKAI. Steady, $2 60. BRAN Steady: sacked, east track, 6&67e. HAY-Steady; timothy, $S.0043T14.00; prairie, $7.5ftO0. IRON COTTON TIES $1.80. BAOfiINO 81. H'IP TWINE So. PROVISIONS Pork. leadv: Jobbing, Ph. Lard, ateady: prime steam. 86.85. Dry salt meat, steadv; boxed extra short. $7.74. clear rlba. $8; short clears. $i .26. Baron, steady; boxed extra shorts. $8.50; clear ribs, $4 75; short clears, $8. POULTRY Slow; chicken. $Hfrc; spring. 9S10c; turkeys, 13c, ducks. StNjc; geese. 8e. BITTER Higher; creamery, ln!4c; dairy. iKult. EOas-Hlgher at 18c Liverpool Grala Market. T4VERPOOU Oct. 27 WHEAT-8pot, Heady; N. I rod weatarn wiaiat. 4d. do preferred S'-i'therw R'lway.... do preferred ........ T""n. Coil I'on.... Txa f- Pac:e T ("t. T.. A W r-re'ea Un'on F'-le do r-r'-'e.-ee.d U. ft. tTxereSS 1'. ft Pe-ltv 1T. S. V'ikner tn prfrred V S. fee Ho nrefer"" -c"aw Cbmlcal.. nrf erred WbasH cl nrferfed -iia-irreo Fn..., p 1 1 r. wl r...m F'ec., rsi"n "vn. a. t, el.,., wt.enaiw Central ... A r rtp'AeA V-t V. T- " e (. ... Pele1 T.f; Af ..'. ( gl.OVeM 1.100 98 97 ISO 49 49 19 9 10 146 144 13.200 ltMl 103 5,5ou 50 49 1,100 1(12 ( 2"0 250 250 80,100 126 125 ' 87 7 :m 26 2; l.jno $r, 91 12 4m 80 29 1.2O0 74 72'4 600 38 88 'jno tVr" trr" 110 VT14 2S I0 69 59 34.900 70T 69 7.4nA 8614 1"0 9i lino f- 8 2.200 34 33 M.ioO 133 133 " 21 2M 179 17 38 9il 27 (1 42 12 13 52 235 474 33 87 46 47 8t 71 1!6 90 17 21 80 28 81 28 67 26 66 15o lt5 7i 121 24 78 135 161 108 31 67 47 36 150 64 85 91 90 4814 144 li)3 80 6014 land are Increasing. They have r'eachrd nearly $20,000,000. Discounts were nrm. operators on tne stock exchange were mostly occupied with the completion of the settlement with which some difficulty was experiencea particularly In the Kaffir mar ket. A few stale bull accounts had to be arranged. The tone was generally flat, the apread of the Russia strike movement causing an uncomfortable feeling. Russians were particularly weak on continental sell ing, leading to bull realization in many stock. Consols and kindred securities were depressed by fears of a high rate for money at ine coming settlement. Home rails aa dined moderately on profit-takins, but closed with a better tone. Americana opened weak on the rise of excrVange and New York selling and Bagged to well below parity. The operations were restricted and the market closed dull and unsettled with some stocks above tho lowest quotations of the day. Foreigners were weak. Japanese receoea. tvamrs were aepressea oy 1 10, ulna tiona. Japanese imperial 6a of 1904 were auoiea at ioi. PARIS, Oct. 27. Pricea on the Bourse to- aay opened very weak owing to the Rus Bian troubles, but closed stronger. Rus- ; aian imperial 4a ana Kuaslan bonds declined notably, Russian imperial 4s were qui ted at hi no ana Kussian Donas or 1804 at 621.00. BERLIN. Oct. 27. Pricea on the Bourse today were depressed on the news from Kussia ana tne general rorelarn outlook Bank aharea fell 6 point, Vienna and War saw railroad share 2 point and Ruasian government securities 1 points. Bank and other domestic securities recovered partly tuwuru tne close. Bank Clearings.) OMAHA, Oct. 27 Bank clearing for to day were $1,692,602.88 and for the corro- sponaing aate last year 11,314,354.36. 248 125 Wool Market. BOSTON, Oct. 27.-WOOL The Commee cial Bulletin will siy of the wool market tomorrow: A decided awakening of Inter est in tne market lias taken place in the last ween, woolen mills have been active, having bought line of Dulalne XX and V fleeces, us well aa ome lot of territory e . 1 1 . 1 ,. - n .4 a ., ! v. . . 1 , . vaiiivwiiH niu-ii-un vigm niUIlinB WOO!. . Buyer from worsted mill In different part of the country have been around ' sizing up conditions and while their pur 1 chases have not been substantial action of in I In ong. Holder or Delaine are easier In i t recent maue. ine snuimenra nr vn.1 from Boston to out rrom December 23 19n4 acrordlng to the same authority, are 2O0,9"9.779 pound, against 1H2.3-.'; (rrs pounds at the same t'me list year. The recelnta to i4ste are T93 "90,197 pounds, against 2S0,. V1 aahiiA. Ine V. Man. I.J , . . pii fwuuuo v. Bun, a icouu ia,i I WeK. 96i4 95 $9 72 S7 104 66 28 69 4 119 3S 9 M W r 67 V, 11'4 n r. im is, net. 1 ' tr eiteaav: me dlum grades combing and clothln. 2fy3le ltrht fine, ""fee; heavy nne. Ifj22c; tub washed, S3B42C I 4..., 6... (... 7... 8... .... 10... U... u... 13... 14.. 15.. 16.., 17.. 18.., 1:.. 20... 21.. 22.. U. 24.. 2b.. 26.. 27.. I i4 IS j; in 6 "1 I. ! I 6 M 6 Vt e a 6 08 6 04 4 4 6 V7 I s 4 W!a 5 11 1 10 6 10 6 12 6 14V 6 15 a 6 14 6 09 6 01 4 93 1 ( 81 7 SUM, 68 6 18 4 2$ I 711 i (6 Ml I ltl 4 42 4 M I 14 I 7 2l l J $ 14 n i ?i " 6 m m! 7 42 I U J M 5 4I 7 8 ( 4 4 M 4 H i 19 7 Ml l l .V a is. I 141 a. "-t- I 62 6 211 7 04 ( 14 4 WJ 4 38 6 1 4 6 ( HI 4 tA 4 M t 81 t 301 I 6 16 6 U 6 U $v 4 il 9 4 931 4 2$ - Ill 7 071 I 4 Hi 1 lnl 6 18 6 49 7 Oil! 6 U 4 82! Il I i' bStii I ll 5 -2 1 lsl 7 Oil 6 021 S 11 6 0, 6 (3 ( 92 6 13 6 07 6 82 9 II 4 20 4 4 64 4 H 6 2. 6 0 6 08 6 00 6 161 10 6 141 6 76 I 6 74 6 711 8 .1l 6 18 41 21 U I 26 4 03 6 99 4 tyi 4 tl 4 681 4 80 4 14 n 1M n T ST IS 4 I M MT I IB II tlT II 4 71 1't 1,0 4 m 71 1'l ... 4 K 11 !M ... 4 n n mi iu 4 r f tl I III 74 Id ... IK 6 IM 40 4 71 1'l IN I 771 II lit W !. I IN 10.., I4 1 IK 12 t4 ... IN !..! IM 40 M 1 40 I M 71 147 IK) 4 IS l IT I" I" M Ill 40 4 M 14 i?l W 4 M 4 J7 lto 4 IS lt ... I 1714 M I7 120 4 IS TO Ill ... 4 M II lit 100 I It 17 Ill 4 4 17 tl aol 4 rH l 141 ... 4 U4 44 141 to" 4 17V, a (41 M 4 KS4 M 70 ... 4T 74 Ill ... 4V II !1 ltt 4 I74 II iM 40 4 !! M ri K 4 I7 74 141 40 4 tl in lie 41-714 10 tn ... IK 44 M m I 1714 71 Ill 44 4 M W 171 im 41714 7 123 ... I 00 Ml IN I r,4 bHttc-Thfte waa a heep thla morning for moderate Friday run of about ket anjlet fpn kttl eentrtfur!, Wilt 4 6-1 4c J eentrlrugal whites, 4i4flc; ! low, i -1a8 ll-lc; seconds, 2flJ' MOLAPSEf4 Open kettle, new, 8tV; cetit'i fu gal, new $7o. BIRL'P Nw eana. SHJHo- ' , ITIUinillK lor r ouai ai'.i -.. 4 - thirty-five cara being reported In the yards. ew,V: No..!iL For the week ao far there have arrived at ro. the yards about 79,000 head of sheep, s P c w. OMAHA WtlOLKSAtB MARKET. Condition of Trade anal 4no4a4toaa Staple and Fnner rrodnee. TOTO " nd led tock, 1811190, LIVE POULTRY Hen. 9c; roosters, lc; turses. 161310c; ducks, 3i"c; spring chickens, 9c Bl'T'l Kit-Packing stork. 18c; choice tm fancy dairy, U41c; creamery, tl&.lei print. ti. . . SIQAR Standard granulated. In bbls., $6 66 pe" cwt.; culies, $6 40 per cwt.; cut leaf. In SB per cwt; No. 6 extra C, $6 40 per 10 extra i, . "er cwi.i . . i per '!.; a.a' powaru. against 72.000 for the earn period lal week and 96.000 for the prevlou week. The trulns are much earlier thla mom Ing. ao that moat of the aneep were In FRESH FISH Trout. IPTillc: halibut, 13c; buffalo, dressed, 9c; pickerel, dressed. 6c; whit bs dressed. I.'cj' ic. nein, scaled and dressed, 8c; pike, 10c; catfish. the bam by the middle of the forenoon. 1 13c; red snapper, 10c: salmon. 11c; crapple. 4 10 4 1, 4 11 4 13 4 621 4 OH 4 18 ( 01 4 61 4 14 6 061 4 4M 4 13 6 00 4 Ml 4 18 4 64, 4 W Indicates Sunday. The official number of car of atock brought in today by each road was: uatiie.iioss.on p.n ,eo. C, M. ft St P. Ry 2 W a ban ll leaourl 1 aclflc 2 Union facinc system.... 19 C. & N. W. Ry F., E. & M. V. R. R 15 C, St P., M. & O. Ry.. 7 B. & M. Ry 67 C, B. & Q. Ry 4 C, R. 1. oc P. Ry., east.. 1 thl. Gt Western Total receipts 107 ber of head Indicated: 14 20 'j 23 14 is "i " 86 37 2 Buyera were out earlv lookina for desir able stuff, and most everybody waa ap parently anxioua to get more choice kinds ot sheep. The result was that there waa a fairly steady market on the desirable kinds of killers, with the more common tuff Inclined to be a little easier in sym pathy with the Chicago market. A has been noted ficm day to day the market on klllera of the more desirable kinds haa been Maying Just about steady under the Influence of the moderate re ceipt and the very good demand. To tell th truth, there ha not been any large number of desirable killer on the mar ket for a considerable length of time, so that the packers have been very keen to secure them and have been paying prices that were steady with last week all this week. A lot of fat ewes and wethers sold for $6.26 this morning and a lot of wether went A high a $6.26. There ha been an unusually large run of feeder of the lea dtslrabl kinds tbla week, and the demand for thla kind of stuff haa not been very active. The fact I that local and country buyer eem to be looking for the better class of feeder, and while they evidently want them still they are not willing to take anything much except the better class of stuff. The prices on desirable feeder lambs were tedy, while the common grades were a little easier aa a result of the poor sort of stuff thst has been coming In and because of a similar decline on the Chicago market. Quotations on fat aneep and lamba: Good to choice lambs, $7.O0iffl7.4O; good to choice yearling wethM $f.6fi(ii6.fl0: good to choice old wether, $6.0046.60; good to choice ewea, $4 f.'5.0O. Quotation on feeder sheep and lambs: flood feeding lamba, $6.00(86.60; good feed ing yearlings, $S 0iVa6.60; good feeding weth er. $4.60rj4.75: feeder ewe. $4.004.40, breed ing ewes, $4.40f4.75 Representative sale: No. two Idaho feeder ewea 69 Idaho cull lambs 474 Idaho lamb feeders 877 Idaho lamb feeders 1300 Idaho lamb feeder 244 Wyoming ewe t Wyoming Umb cull 240 Wyoming ewea 204 South Dakota lamb feeder. 1 Wyoming lamb 624 South Dakota ewes $44 South Dakota wethers Ar. ,. 92 . 42 . 66 . 84 . 68 . 85 . 40 99 47 60 97 81 Pr. $4 40 6 00 6 00 6 76 7 00 4 60 6 00 5 25 6 70 7 00 4 75 6 90 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hog and Lambs Easier, Sheep Steady. ,, ... j i - i v iiiv ill. ucl A l l l,l-necripi a, ine GisnoHiuun oi too uay icvci m , i . . i , - as follows, eacn bujer purchasing tne num- , . 7R A tKmAmrn ao i&nain. 'heifers Cnitie Hoars Sheen I W-0fV&4.60; cows and canners. $1.5oi3.i5; Cattle. Hogs. Bnp. bug vnmlx,; calves, $2.157.26. i ms i tn 1 i:2 1 MOOS Receipts, 21,000 head; market, eas- '" V.i i'v:; oux ler; shipping and selected. $6.10fl5.2714; 1 1,1 . , . - Mtwua i u . . 1 . i .. ' m r.-. i . ii. u . Z 113 Z4JI iiiij.t-,1 a i iu lirBvjr nillMJ, 91. o.. tl y ,,.uil, 1M.Q HIIU IIIUHIIBi ,."U1.W. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 15.000 head; sheep market steady; lamba, easier; aneep, o.oojt.,o; lamba, 83.0037.60. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company Armour A Co tudahy Packing Co i7 Carey & Benton w Lobman t Co 8 Mccreary & Carey Hill ft lluntzlnger 61 L. F. Hub 44 Wolf & Murnan " B. Root l Z. II. Clark 1 Mike Haggerty w Other buyer 1.0U 4.700 Total 4,210 7.032 8.766 rirri.r The market on cattle today wa rather Blow, and In fact It couid almost be calied dull. J lie receipt were vcu in for a Friday. ' The larger portion of the stuff on hand, however, consisted ot leea era and Btocker. a . run waa onlv moderat ana the greater portion if It wa composed of feed- I CATWES Receipt, er there wa not a great muf and tne market, ana a a resun tne in was declfleaiy slow ana uninieresiiua. i uem wa hardly enough of oue kind on sale to make much of a market or to create mucn Interest Buyer evidently wanted more cattle, a they were out in, the saddle early and were complaining about the scarcity of good beef cattle. What few beef teer there were on tne maraet wcie buiu roj nd at price tnat were just aooui siettuy with those of yesteraay. rni.i ni heifers were also In rather poor supply, while the demand for them did not appear very active. Under the Influence of the good demand the prices on cows and neners urmea up nine uu no i, remained about steady with yesterday mnrnini When the market closed yester day It wa Inclined to be a little easier on this klna or came, out as nas uren nairu it Hrmed un and closed about steady with yesterday. Buyers picked up everything New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Oct 27. BEEVES Re ceipts, $,965 head. Market good. Steer In fair demand and firm to lOo higher; all grade selling more freely; medium and common ateady; bulla and cow, ateady: steers at $3.10t!Mi.60: oxen and stnga, $3.20(3' 4 00; bulls, $2.5of;3.75: cows, $1.608.10. Liver pool and London cables quoted live cattle slow at 9ffillc per pound; dressed weight sheep, steady; refrigerator beef selling at 84(99c per pound; export 8,250 quarter of beef; tomorrow, 1,564 beeve and 6,830 quarters or Deej. CATVES Receipt. 106 head. Veal. steady; no grasser or western, veal $6.O0(fi9.00; top. $9.26: dressed calve, steady; city dressed veal, 8(ffl3o per pound; extra .carcasses, 13c; country dressed, 7ifjllc. ! HOGS Receipt, 2,666 head. Market nom lnallv lower: no sale reported. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.S28 head Sheen market easier: lamb dull and 25c off: heep, $3.7(fi4nO; no good sheep here: lamb, t6 0rvg7.50; cull, $5.00S.60 Canada lambs, 87.00. Kanaai City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27. CATTLE Re celpta. 2.400 head, Including 600 head south ern; market steady to 10c lower: choice export and dressed heef steers, $5.25ffii6 00 fair to good. $40O'"5.OO: westrn steers. $2.75 h4.60: stochers ana reeaers. 1240214.15: utn. ern teers. $2.25rr4.60: southern cows, $1.75 2.75; native cows, $1.6Vfi3.50; native helfer. 82.50'S4 75: bulls. 32.00(n2n: calves, k.hvh so HficiijKeceipts, .sno neaa; market desirable early and the pen were cleaned steady; top, $5.0": bulk of sales, $4.90.95.(10 up in gooa season. heavy, 34.9 -i5.n? There was a large supply of feeder and .nd llirhts. 3l.fioi atopkera and there wa a falrlv good de- I rhefp AND l.AMBS iRecelnts. 8.000 mand on the part r speculator ana country i bead; market steaay to ioo lower; top na buyer tor reeaers or tne Detter graaes. , tlve lamb. 7.7t: native lamn. But the supply was large and while the demand was good, price cloved a little weaker than yesterday. Common and me dium grade were alow and very much neg lected. Representatlce sales: iJB.fc.JJ alTEERS. fr. ,1a. I.. 41.. 3.. IS.. 1.. A. ... Hit ... 971 HI ... 1st ...111 141 fr. no. 4 00 M , 8 00 44 COW aV I 60 I I 40 1 I 4 CALVES. 4 7 AV. ,..n7 ,.. 147 ..10K ,.uw 6 tO ( w t 10 8 w NEBRASKA WESTERNS. 8 cow 774 4 cow 9S6 2 cow 880 2 cow. 12 cow.. 5 cow.. 1 cow.... 10 now.. 2 cows,. 1 cow..., 1 cow..., 1 bull.... 1 bull 13u0 3 bulls 1106 'i2 calve,.... 110 9 calves ... 8"2 19 feeders.. 10i3 20 feeder.. ltMO 5 heller.. . h6 .luuo .. b-19 ..1120 ..1030 .. -i .. V" .. 80 .1540 15 cow 1 cow.... 1$ cow... 87 cow... 3 cow... $ cow. .. 4 calve. 19 coks... il cows... 2 bulls 1175 46 feeders.. oJ4 J 878 500 Wr'i 8M) 7iW 818 167 8o9 86 1 80 2 70 15 2 26 2 50 2 36 2 00 2 260 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 16 6 00 3 40 3 25 2 90 2 50 I 90 1 90 t 80 2 90 $ 00 1 85 6 75 2 00 2 60 2 40 3 16 6 feeders.. 606 6 heifers... UM $ heifer... 816 8 heifer 4 heifer. t cow.., 1 cow.... $ cows.., 1 cow 1 cow t cows. 8J 4.5 . 9ti6 . 750 .1013 660 9u0 9.6 6 cows li'ld 3 cow 1116 I calf.. 4 calves... 81 cows.... 11 oows.... 1 steer.... 1 calf 2 feeders., 4 feeder.. 597 1 calf 3o0 . 7 calve. .. 151 1 bull 1110 1 bull 160 1 bull 1,11 2W) 307 7o8 930 7so 140 935 18 cows. 30 cows.... 13 calves.. 10 feeders. H. Haney Neb. 805 8tio 648 2 tn $ 20 2 35 3 25 2 00 2 26 1 25 2 60 t 60 2 6o 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 16 $ 40 2 15 2 40 2 25 6 76 t 00 2 90 8 60 6 60 2 00 $ 40 $ 60 1 90 1 80 6 00 a ot 1 4o 11 . ?00 1 1-0 1 5o0 io M0 S'ai 7'iftn KV too wt; ii, srr 1K 83 V r 41 ITS $v wV IM14 71 8- 111M 7 JiMi; 1 41 1" 92 30 ri4 4Sl 3"' 71 Cnttnn Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 27-COTTON-Spot ciosea ntiit: mioaima uiioa m eoc mid dll"- ulf. 10.Ae: sales 1.427 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. "7 COTTON Firm: sales, z.'tui pies; ornmrv. 8r: a-nnit ta I oromary. s-isc: low miodiing, lnl-i6c: ' I , . a '. , .a.. 1 . . . - . ..... . ' - miuo'ltif, i"ii-ine; Rwn minoiing. lU."-hC" mlddlinr fair, m.c; receipts. 4.512 hslea' sterV. 1?H" bales. I LIVERPOOL. Oct. T7 COTTON-Ppot, good business done, price 10 nolnts lower; American mixed fi'r. 6 lid; good middling' .ITrt: ml'dMng. B.Ttd; low middling. 6.Ffd: good ordinary. 6.37d: ordinary, 5 ;;id. The sa'es of the day were U'.tHO htles. of which l.roo were for speculation and exnort and Included 11.1"0 m.-eTn. . H-clpt, 48 Ota) b-'". ineiortieig 47.94) American. ST. 1X3113. Oct. 27-COTTON-Steady; middling. li'c: sa'es. lfii LaUn: receipts, none; shipments, none; stock, 9,839 bale. Total sales fi r th dav, 798410 share. in 87 6"74 11 pvrv, i ?0 14 4T.T4 1 jew 'S i Jft4l n Sew York Mining; Stork. NEW TORK, Oct. 27. Closing quotations on n.'-'ng siocks "eie aa rmiows: Flour, bbl. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oata, bu.... case count. Receipt. Shipment". K.iMl 10.vt 61 fia) 4o.o- HOW'o 6i.wuf U,w) Anaaoa Co lloa fireeca brunawlch Cos -. Tomatoes Twnnel ton. l al A Va Ham filr Iron SUvac twulvlll Coa... 15 17 It 41 ''"I ("Mat Oniaiie Or lor H Potoal 1"i S.vata .17, Sierra Nevada juh r-naii Kent a . BtaiMUrl ..ill .. I .. II .. 4k .. 41 .. ..11 Treasury ktalemeat. WASHINGTON. Oct 27. Today' atate roent of the treasury balances in the. gen eral fund, exclusive of the 315c "OO.taiO gold raiearvs, show: Available cash balance. 1 6 4 00 n ( 75 4 00 2 00 1 90 3 60 4 cow 0 I 40 1 calf 200 1 cow 1K 2 40 1 calf ISO 2 cow lriQO i 40 1 calf 120 13 cow 917 2 40 15 calve... 1.VI 4 cow 1047 I 65 1 calf 160 9 cow fCO 2 j0 1 bull 1300 11 cow 775 2 00 C. Ellis Wyo. 19 eow 1012 2 TO COLORADO. 12 cows 985 2 56 :'9 cow 754 WYOMING. 16 feeders.. 415 8 85 27 feeder. . 613 HOGS Price declined considerably again this morning, not only here, but also ac cording to early reports, at all of the other markets. Receipts here were only moderate and they were not excessive at any of the other market and still this did not prevent buyer from Hammering the trade on all grade. The market finished oft a strong ten lower yesterday and opened thl morning about 6c lower than yesterday average, o that the opening thl morning and the extreme yesteraay were about the same. Aa compared with yesterday average the market toaay wa a srrong ten lower The salea were practically all under $5 yesterday ana tne majority of them were under the $4 96 mark today. The choice light weight hog were going at prtre about a nickel lower than yesterday, while I the Heavy common and rouh atuff waa Coffee Mnrfcet. NEW YORK. Oct. 27-COFFEE-Market for futuree opened ateady at unchanged pricea to a decline of 5 points In resnomie to disappointing French cables and primary market. There was conmarativelv linl. nearby liquidation. Wall stiret lones were 1 selling about a dime lower than yestrday moderate buver and with th closing ca niea from tiivre snowing nrmnesa the market rallied during the afternoon. The cloae waa steady, net unchanged to 10 rolnts higher. Sales were reported of nV hiar. including November at 6 P"',i6 60c; December. 4 6t4'4 70c; Jam arv. 660c; March! 7c: April, 7c: Miv, 7.1iJ7.15c: Septemliei. ' 'i'i7.4ic. Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 8c. western lambs. t!.WK7.1b: ewe and vear- lings. $4.60if6.00; western clipped yearling - njK. . ii A I. .. e, r- , . r a, ao.tfHUO.w; wriiri n uui'in-u i,itci, at. oiuj. w Blockers and reeaers. $3.7OT4.7o. r ea a ouil .adV. lr. H'ti'lt whlteflsh, 12o; frog legs, rer do., 36c; k.HSie.e m eeo ., 1, . inri ,.iflet, 3UC had roe, 48c; blueflsh, 15c; herring. 40. HAY Price quoted bv Oi:::tua holesalg Hay DealerB' at'soclntion . No. i upland. 87; menium, is.iannv.rn; coare, ao. BRAN Per ton. 8'2.W. TROPICAL. FRUIT. ORANGES Valencia, all (lies. 25.00dt6.60; Florida, nil sle. $S 74T4.0. LEMONS Lemontera, extra fancy, 244 size, loun; Si0 and 2no sixes, $6.00. DATES Per box of 80 '-It. pkg., $2; Hallowe'en. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., $c; walnut stuTed, 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00 t-r do. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, .op 15c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, Uc; crown, 140. . BANANAS Per medlum-lsed bunch. 8J.TI 02.25; jumbo. $2.6093.06 FEARS Utah. Kietei and Vlcar. $109; De Ango. $2.7k . APPi-fcS Ben Davl and lnesap. In 3-bu. bbis.. tj.po4I4 1'; In bu. basnets, $1.00; California BeUflowers. U.; Cotoiado Jona- tnan and Grlmea' Goiaen, ji.ooanu; ivew or apples, $4.60 per bbl. GRAPKS New York Concords, per l-lb. basket, 22o; Musi at, per ,-baakct crate. $1.75; Tokay, ter 4-basket crate. $l.ii. QUINCES Michigan, per nu., t RANBf.KrUrJej-K.ariy Blacks, $8.60 per bbl.; Bell and Cherry, $8.60. POTATOES New, pet ou. mo. on 11 in a Uome-uroK n allow, red and white, per bu., 66c: Spanish, per crate, $1.40. WAX BtbAAo ft bu. B'-Lel, imaJjOl string bear., per -bu box. Xg.laa. BEANS isavy. per ou., -'.!. CUCUMBERS Per do.. 36c, CABBAGK Horn -grown, in crates, pet BEETS New, per bu., 700. CELERY K lam oo, per dox.i 3c. SWEET POTATuES-VlrglnlB, per $-bU bbl $2 50. BEEF CUIB. Wholesale prices for beef cuts: Ribs No. 1. 12Hc: No. 2. 8Vic: No. 3, 6e. Round- No. 1, 7c; No. 2, 6K,c; No. 3, 5c. Iolns No. 1, 15o; No. 2, 10c; No. 3. 7c. riates No. 1, Sc; No. 2, Sc; No. 3, 2c. GhuckB No. 1, 4c; No. 2, 3c; no. 3. ac. HONEY New. per 24 lbs., $3.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, luc: Wisconsin brick, 14c; WUconln llmbergor, 13o; twins, lo, ioun Americas, 13VsC. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 13c; hard shells, per lb., 12ff; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., 11c. Peoans, largo. per lb., 15c; small, per lb., 13o. reanuia. per lb.. 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill wal nuts, per lb., 12trl3c. Almonds, soft shells. per id., 17c; nara sneiis. per id., ic. oneii bark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu , $1.50. Chestnuts, 16o per lb. Cocoanuts, $4.00 per sack of 100. Mitir. io. 1 green, uc; no. green, bc: No. 1 talted. li,c; No. 2 saltern, 914c; No. 1 veal calf, lie; Na. 2 veal calf. Hi : dry salted, 1314c; sheep pelts, 25c t( $1.00; bora bides. 1.60403.00. Philadelphia rrodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 27. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 2ic. EGOS Nearby fresh, loss off, 27c; nearby, 26c at mark; western fresh, 2iic at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full cream, 1213c; New York full cream, choice, 12 (612Vtc; new New York full cream, fair to good, llS12o. Milwaukee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 27. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern. 90390:; No. $ northern, 87t7S8o; December, 69c, bid. RYE Higher; No. 1. 7172c. BARLEY Good demand; No. 2, 64c; sanv plo, 8964e. CORN-Strong; May, 45c. bid. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 27. WHEAT De cember, 86c; May, 89'C89c; No. 1 hard. 89c; No. 1 northern, &8o; No. 2 north ern, sevte. FLOUR First patent, $5.10116.20; second patents, $l.9i'u5 Oil; first clears, $3.703.90; second clears, $2.405 2 60. BRAN In bulk, $U.tCgll.l5. Evaporated Apples. NEW TORK. Oct. 27. EVAPORATED APPLES The market remains quiet, the compaiatlvely hlb'h prices checking busi ness; common to good are quoted at 664c, nearby prime at ' 8c and prime at 8o. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. St. Inl Live Stork Market ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27. CATTLE Receipt, $.600 head. Including 2.250 head Texan; market strong; native shipping and exrort steer, $4.8?IS5.90; dressed beef and butcher steer. $2 60'!5.26; steer under l.OOO h., $2.50 $.76; Btocker and feeder. $2.0TfJS.26; cow and heiferB, $2.003.75: canners, $1.500? 2.00; bull. $2.2133.15; calves, $3.2-if7.26: Texaa and Indian steers, $2.o0f3.60; cows and heifer. $2.00413.00. HOGS Keceipt. nen: marget rtiioc lower; pig and light. $4.ntKTj4.96; packer, $4 5ufl4.80; butcher and best heavy, $4.75 6.06. SHEEP AND IjAM HH KecelDt. l.m bead; market teady; native muttons, $5.0ivgi 6.60; lambs, $6 00f7 50; culls and bucks. $1.00' 4.50; Btocker,, n.aoiui.w; t exans, ii.oota4 uu. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. RT J09EPH. Oct. 27 OATTLn-Recelnts. 1,8 head; market steady; nitlves $3.60 J6 9: cows and heifer,, ii.tiOiy .ui; stackers and feeders. $2.7nr4.oo. HCKJS Receipts, 4,9i4 head; market weak to 6c lower: light, $4.90i6.00; medium and beavv, $4 854.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,770 head: market steady; lambs, $7.60; ewe. $5.60. ton City Live Stork Market. SIOUX C1TT. I.. Oct. 27. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 500 bead; mar ket steady; beeves. $4.0rjr5.65; rows, bulls and mlxea, li.zwiaon; stocKers and feeders. $2.7518 k5; calves and yearlings, $2 6' 414.40. IIOUB rteceipta, ,i neaa; market 100 lower, selling St $4.8u4.90; bulk of sales, $4.8084.o5. Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at th six principal western markets yesterday: cattle, 2.800 60 2.400 l.o8 8 ro $.000 Hogs. 6 61V) 8.400 S.fOO 4.904 8 600 a.000 Bheep 10.100 The following transfers were recorded October 27. WARRANTY DEEDS. Ellxabeth Kuniman to Mary A. Lee, lot U block 2, Okahoma Park $ 1,750.06 W. J. Dolexol and wife to Kate Guthrie, lots 4 and 6, block 6, In Matthew'a sub C. C. Gardner and wife tn J. G. Gardner, lot 6, 7, 23 and 23, block 4; lots 16 and 16, block 6. Saunder s ft H i ad to Walnut Hlil Sophia E. French to W. V. Bennett, lot 14, block 6, Central Park Paul Nelson and wire 10 Anheuser Busch Brewing association, lot $, block 12, Johnson ad QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Adolph Grimm and wife to Laidwig Grimm et al., lot and 7, block 4, Jones' ad to Elkhorn Ernest Grimm and wife to same, same Lena Malek and husband to Mini, am August Grimm and wife to same, same M. G. Arnout and wire to Matilda Waack, n 33ft of w 120ft tax lot 26 In 84-16-13 Sarah A. Brewster and husband to Dundee Realty Co., 2 rods and 14 links of e 39 rod of ne ne 24-16-12. DEEDS. BtierifT to Luella C. Norton, und 2-3 lot 8, block 40, Omaha Total amount of transfers. 1,826.06 1,100.00 1.08 I (,600.08 100 LOO 1.00 1.00 600.00 1.00 1,818.00 .$11,898.00 16 010 ..13.868 61,904 31,6,0 Enquire of F. D. NYE, The market here In spite of tha decline la In very good ahane aa compared with the other principal markets. Representative sales Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO O., 0H 27. SEED Clover, rash u ml Oi-tol-r. 8 16, Decemier, $v21:; January. $.27i: February, 3J: March, $ 37. Pnrue alalke, $.uo. piiina timothy. $1.65. Ko. Aa. Bk fr Nu Ik. Tt. M 411 340 IN II lit ... 4 171 4 an . . 4 ao 11 2tt 40 4 '' . 4 lto 4 M IU Mt, ItO 4 17', :'. till 1M 4 tu 71 Ill 100 4 ilVt l Iit liO 4 HI wk ilt ... i I7S, . J P. ... 4 aJ" ,1 ltO 4 17V, . ..... ! 120 I l.'4 67 Ill IK! 4 H J1 177 t 4 ;-, m ml 10 4 0 4J al) 4 12', a( 170 110 4 10 U !7I 40 4 l.'H Ik 147 ... 4 Kl 61 !! 120 4 ll, 17 ITil IS IN Hi Ilk 1W 4 U 74 Ui ID IM IV 1;; 4 U 74 Id4 f 4 M U Z M 4H 11 4 tvo 4 M South Omaha Sioux Citv Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Chicago Total Metal Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 27.-METAI.S-Th tin market was unchanged at 148 17s 6d for snot and 148 6s for futures., Locally the market was dull and slightly lower with spot quoted at $;i2.40if( 33.60. Copper was lower at 71 6s for spot in London while futures we the market was uncrangen. i.ak Is q at $16.?7H'r:lt.75: electrolvtle at $l26-S 16.27. Lead was llrm at 86 ?(i7.40 for srnt In the local market. The London market was higher at 14 la 9d. Spelter was un- chanred at 28 p in Londin and $6.15 1 6 26 In the New xom market iron wii. i Irregular abroad. closing at 61s 6d for COmpflnietl stanaara luunuiy uu i wm iur i.ieveianrj warrants. locally the situation la un ehanaed. No. 1 foundry northern and southern Is quoted at $IS 25'fj 18.50; No. 2 foundry northern and southern at $17.75 it no. ST. tnUIS. Oct. 27. METALS I,ed, firm; $5 12 bid. Spelter, strong. $6.b5 $.12. Sneer and Molasae. NEW YORK, Octw. r.-SUGAR-Raw, nominal; fair refining. 2c; centrifugal, 94 test $c; molasses sugar, 2c; re fined, quiet; No. 6. 4.10c; No. 7. 4.15c: No. $. 3 96c; No. 9. 8 90c; No. 10. 8 85c; No. 11, 8 76c; No. 13. 3.70c; No. 13. 3 6 c; No. 14, 8.56c; confectioners' A. 4 65c; mould A. 6.O60; rut loaf, 6.40c; crushed. $40c; powdered, 4 leV; gtanulaied. 4.7)c; cube, 4 9rc. MOLASSKS-Hteady; no open kettle; good to choice. ! 3 c NEW ORLEANS, Oct. J7.-BL'UAR-Mar. SHEEP FEEDERS AND STOCKMEII Look at Tklalll On section thirteen (18). Buffalo County, Nebraska, is five hundred and sixty (66O1 acres of corn for sale, between twenty thousand and twenty-rive thousand bush els. The place la fitted up to care for fif teen thouaand sheep, large flocks have been fed there the pajt three crops. House for men, cooking facilities; sheep dipping plant; $T0 if 00 1 tw0 ells plttity of water and shelter. CHRIS. or Agent, ZEIIR, Tenant Kearney, Jteb The Grain Trust Exposed Tom "Worrell's sensational s-11 op iur p" in ixinaon wnne 1 .1 e 1 . 11 ere unchanged at .0 10. Lrcally : and truthful BlOrV 01 the OperE et wa unchanged. Iike Is quoted ' . , ,. ttii a. f - liuus ui in Lievaiur cuinuuie in Nebraska is now ready for 6ale Price 50 cts. mail orders ao- by cash will be promptly filled by Tom Womll, 331 Board of Trade Bldir., Omaha, Neb. EDWARDS-WOOD CO. fln'jorooratad) Mala OtTJcsi Flflfc and HnlKrt Streefk T. PA IX. MINX,. Healer la Stocks, Grain, Provision hl Voar Grain to I s. riaaich tlfllao, IIO-H1 Boiral al Trad Uldg., Omaha. Smm. Teletthone Aril. ;i7-iH Exchange R-dg.. South Oman, all 'Fhoo $l isMlviMaiutcMt 'faun k