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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1905)
TTTE OMATLV DAILY BEE: SATITRPAY, OCTOBER 29. 1905. ir J Our 352.50 "Ashburys" Are $3.50 Hats With $1.00 Clipped Off Their Price Get under one and you'll be crowned with a hat fit for a king. Every hat is chock full of individuality and character. Gray pearl, blue pearl, gray mixed, mouse, brown and black are the colors. A perfect fit for any head at $2.50. In Our $3.50 "Stetson" Hats you have all the best points of all the best $4.00 and $5.00 ttats made. The newest blocks of John B. Stetson which the well-groomed man will wear with pride. $150 DERBIES AND SOFT HATS AT $1.50 Black, Brown, Pearl and Tan We save you almost as much as you pay for these. The Derbies are made over the newest 1905 blocks the Soft Hats are counterparts of the nobbiest shapes produced by Stetson and other famous hatters. They're all silk trimmed and have the best pebble goat leather sweat bands. It's safe to predict that feeveral hundred men will buy them today. MEN'S GLOVES 1.00 $1.00 Fine Kid Gloves, in new shades of tan and browns. This glove is the best dollar value ever offered. Self-stitched back and full pique sewed, long or short fingers $1.15 SPECIAL Men's Dress Mocha Gloves, fine, soft, and perfect-fitting; tans 1 C and browns, $1.50 quality IU 91.25 Mrn's Hary English Cap Glove, out seam, perfectly smooth Inside. An excellent dress and driving glove; also light-weight, full ptquc-sewn French kid. New shades of browns and f O C tans, with sllk-stltched backs. Price D 91.50 Men's Fine Kid Glov-s. best French kid flno soft, and flexible; new shades of browns, tans and slates: stitched backs, full plqne-sewn. f Cf Cadet or regulation length of fingers 1.3U MEN'S NECKWEAR Newest Fall Shapes to Select From Made from this season's choicest silks in rich elegant stylish colors, including the light pastel shades and all the new reds and greens neat invisible stripes, plain colors with here and there a fleck of contrasting colors. Not a style but which some man will be glad to wear. 2,500 to pick from here today, at See Our New Line of Silk Mufflers and Scarfs. MEN'S SUITS g OVERCOATS Here cover the entire range of clothing needs, starting with all-wool garments 'way down at $7.50. Particularly strong lines at $10.00 and $15.00 in the best American woolens. Thence up ward in fineness and price to the $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 lines with imported woolens and hand-tailoring throughout in the garments. All fine American Woolen Suits and Overcoats, in colors and effects that bear fashion's approval stamp in styles that say "Autumn 1905" with tail- TOP Ml ?.: is i :prl3i . ' h'f-t--" '' ';' ' V ;y ifi 1 1 i &?!f ; .: - if. l'Mv-llttst'.A ' JI "A . -a Irs-r. 'i?- 4 o v I VA-l M II 1 0 Whcrv Ten Dollars Is the Price Mark When $15 Is The Price Mark or-shaped collars, lapels, fronts and shoulders that make a man glad to survey himself in a glass. And all these good points are "staying qualities." A clean saving of $2.50 or $3.00. $20.00 Suits at other stores are on the $15.00 tables here. "Woolens that duplicate the finest imported cloths evideneces of expert tailor ing in every line and along every seam hair-cloth and canvas intcrlinings as honest in quality and as carefully stayed as any feature in sight linings, trim mings, buttons and buttonholes everything they should be. Nothing slouched. At $20.00 and Beyond The man who wants the highest grade garments at a mod erate cost and wants them right away- can get everything that the best custom tailor can igive him in our Suits and Over coats at $20.00 to $35.00 the, finest imported woolens and the most skillful hand-tailoring throughout. Now's the Time of Greatest Enthusiasm in Boys Clothing The very air in the Boys' Department la surcharged with electrical enthuslsm t'.vj salesmen are enthusiastic over the superb stocks the boys are enthusiastic over the natty styles and the parents are enthusiastic over the modest prices. $4.00 and $5.00 Boys' Salts, $2.85 Splendid Su Its for strenuous little lads who think little of how much strain, wear and tear they subject their clothes to, are these garments at $2.85 In Suits, choose from stylish Dou-ble-Breasteds, Norfolks, Novelty Sailor, Buster Brown and Russian Blouse styles. OTHERS' BEST AT $6.00 HERE FOR $3.85 A strong statement, but the Suits are here to back It up. Any style you want in the most stylish and best wearing materials. A $2.50 saving on every garment. SPECIAL PANTS COUNTER 75c Boys' Pants for 45c We bought materials from a large cloth mill P and made a special contract with a pants maker, otherwise even "The Nebraska" couldn't sell 75c pants for YJw BOYS' OVERCOATS AT $4.00 Made of strictly all wool friezes in black and oxford gray colors, fancy cheviots In all newest colorings. The styles are long, loose fitting with belt and without, and medium lengths. To fit boys, sizes 4 to 16 years worth 15 to $6 for Saturday, $4.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS AT $3.00 Made of plain oxford cheviots and fancy cheviots, In stripes and plaids Btrlctly all wool materials, well lined and trimmed sizes 3 to 15 years worth $4 special Saturday, $3.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS AT $5.00 Made of high grade fancy cheviots and silk mixed cheviots, black and ox ford gray. Irish frieze, the best linings and trimmings styles long and medium lengths, with and without belts to fit boys up to 16 years worth $7.50 special Saturday at $5.00. f hi i - -' Trr--,--mMitiMi MEN'S UNDERWEAR Underwear You Want for Less Than You Want to Pay Men's medium weight derby ribbed Peruvian cotton Underwear, sateen faced drawers and shirts, most ser viceable fall weight garment, made regular GOc quality at, i P garment J Men's fine quality, light weight, nat ural gray merino, three-quarters Australian wool, and one-quarter Egyptian cotton, an excellent fall " weight, regular $1 value, 7 J? a garment Men's heavy flat 16-'thread balbriggan, also heavy derby rib bed camel Egyptian cotton fashioned Underwear, self-trimmed 6hirt and sateen faced drawers, regular $1.50 Q A quality J30 You Won't Have a Big Shoe Bill to foot If You Get a Pair of "Nebraska Specials" Men's Shoes, that have the style and wear of shoes, sold in exclusive shoe stores at $3.50 Of QA and $4.00, at J) Men's Box Velour and Gun Metal Blucher style shoes, good heavy soles and ex tension edges, also box calf lace and vici kid lace, lined throughout, good 6tyle and wear in this special $2.90 Nebraska shoe, every pair guaran teed to wear, 2 90 Ladies' "Nebraska Special" Shoes at $2.98. Ladies' Vlcl and Surpass kid lace shoes, also blucher style with good plump soles and extension edges, equal to those sold by others at $4.00, "Nebraska Special" shoes. 2.98 and up on sale THE BUSIEST WOMEN'S ELOOR IN OMAHA Women's New Coats on Sale Saturday "We have just received by today's express 500 Women's new, up-to-date Coats secured by our buyer while in New York last week. They are all made up in the very latest fashion, of new, swell materials, 6uch as Scotch Mixtures, Vi cunas, Broadcloths, Coverts and Kerseys tight fitted, half fitted and the new Empire Coats at prices that are positively 25 per cent lower than any store in Omaha. 12.75-14.75-16.75-18.75-22.50-24.75-37.50 Women's New Waists OUR WAIST DEPARTMENT IS THE MOST COMPLETE IN OMAHA. We are showing the newest novelties in soft Nuns Veiling, rich satin Vestings, Voiles and Brilliantines, which are very popular for general wear, at the lowest prices 1.90 2.25 2.45 2.90 and 4.90 We Received Today 75 Women's New Plaid Silk Waists Made of the very best quality of plaid silk, in a very new, stylish model a waist that would be cheap A QA at $7.50-Saturday rU Women's Sample Skirts On Sale Saturday 450 Women's High Grade Sample Skirts on Sale Saturday They were bought from a New York skirt manufacturer at 40c on the dollar all new, up-to-date models, in the very newest materials not a skirt in this lot worth less than $7.50 to $12.75. We have divided the entire purchase in two lots Saturday morning LOT 1-S7.50 and $8.75 SKIRTS go at.- 4.90 LOT 2-$10.00and $12.75 SKIRTS goat.. 6.90 Come early and get first pick. Specials in Children's Coats for Saturday Child's Full Length Coat Made of an excellent quality of kersey and mixtures high storm collars trimmed with velvet pip ingcoats in this lot worth seven dollars and fifty cents A QQ Saturday TU Children's Stylish Long: Garments Including about 125 samples, sizes 8 and 12, made in the finest kerseys and mixtures, handsomely trim medonly one and two of a kind coats positively worth f Clfl $10.00-Saturday 0.U Children's New Empire Coats In the newest materials, swell mixtures and kerseys, in all shades all the new Empire effects high class makes elegantly tailored would be cheap at . A AA $15- Saturday lU.UU i Minimum 2 'PHONE PEliPLE BUILD AGAIN Nebraska Tlphone Company Will Ereot Lar; Warehouse aid Workshop. LOCATION AT IIGHIH AN0 FARNAM Uaildinc Will CoM Sixty-Six by 0e Hundred and Thirty-Two Feet, Standing Fire Stories IllSb. The Nebraska Telephone company has bought lots covering a space of frixl32 feet on the northwest corner of Eighth and Far nam streets as the location of a new ware house building which It will construct Just as soou as possible. The building will cost whatever It requires to erect a first-class structure of the kind along the most mod ern plana But as to the exact figure of the coat or even 111 approximate figure General Manager I-ane of the telephone company prt-fers at this time to make no statement This building certainly will be as much as three stories In height and probably five. It will be built of brick. It will be used for a general warehouse where all the mechanical devices of the company will be stored, but not only as a warehouse, for the general workshop of the plant will be established there and all the clerical force lTbrtheBaby whose duty It Is to look after the storage, repair and mechanical works will be trans ferred there. This will mean a vast saving or making of space for the company In Its general headquarters building at Eighteenth and Pouglas streets, it will give the com pany all the ground and basement floor space of the new wing of the building and half the ground In the old wing. Because of the vastly and steadily Increasing busi ness these facilities are greatly needed. Increase la Baslness. When the company bought the adjoining property, removed the buildings then occu pying It and erected the fine new west wing to the general headquarters building It was thought sufficient space had been provided for a long time, but since that the business has gone on Increasing more rapidly than ever and It Is now found positively neces sary to put up the big structure at Eighth and Farnam to relieve congestion. The lower Farnam street property was bought from Mrs. EHzabeth Dufrcne. That location waa selected because of Us prox imity to the freight railroad yards. It will serve the very desirable purpose of reduo ing the cost of drayage, besides facilitate the affairs of the company also by reducing the time consumed in transporting equip ment from the trains. It Is the purpose of the company to begin work on this building at the earliest pos sible moment, as It Is needed at once. The Nebraska Telephone company Is sub stituting its new name-number system as rapidly as changes have to be made. The branch exchange Is In band and Douglas and Harney are being prefixed to all new numbers so as to get as many as poasible In the new directories that will be Issued November 1. These numbers will be per manent. When a patron gets one of thera It Is for keeps. Constipation and many other infantile disorders are the re sults of improper feeding. Giva your baby Mellin's Food and aea how quickly infintile troubles disappear. Send for our book "The Care, ft Feeding of Infants " and we will send it with a sample of Mellin'a Food free of charge. cilia's Feed Is the OUT tarsals . whica received tk Craaa rrlxa. the klsaest award ef tae LeaUiaaa fr- ckte aMUla. at. Leal lt-4. Blaa i Lbaa a geid aaeaai. UK! 1 IN 8 FOOD CO, BOSTON, MASS la Desperate Straits are many who could be cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. 50 cents and II. For sale by Bhurman ft McConne.ll Drug Co. Slasoule Satire. Members of Covert lodge A. F. and A. M. are requested to meet at Masonic hall Bun- day at 1 p. m. sharp to assist the grand lodge to lay corner-stone of Tenth Street M. E. church. FACL A. FROELICH. Master. Aslees) at the Knlirh. Charles Peterson of 1323 Howard strert went to sleep Thursday evening in a aakx.n at JM-I Howard street ana when he srke he found it no joke, fur his watrh I nd been lifted while IVternon was "nature's swe restorer.' Peterson says he believes "that by their ri i sluii kaow ail mou. ' which leads tuiu t thUik the man who took his watch Is not a good citizen. He reported the matter to the police. Announcements of the Theaters. A matinee will be given at the Orpheum this afternoon and the last performance of the current bill tonight, when the cur tain will rise at 8:15 sharp. The new bill for next week, starting Sunday 'matinee. Is heuded by Eva West cott and company in "An Episode In Mod ern Life." The piece is described as a sen sational drama playlet from the Palace theater, London. The remaining acts are all of the bright and lively kind, as fol lows: Ed Howard and Frank North, de livering their rapidflre conversation skit, called "Those Were Happy Days;" Troba, the noted Juggler: Holcomb, Curtis and Webb, In "A Winter Session;" Buckner, cycling marvel; Dan Qulnlln and Kellar Mack, In their own Idea of "Jest Fun;" Whistling Tom Brown and timely new klnodrome pictures. OMAHA MEN AND THEIR HOBBIES I W Mwmwr" DR. B. F. CBUMMEK-Examining a Subject. CATHOLICS ASK SCHOOL FUND afaVt Plea for Division of Eetonnti t Aid Beotarian Institutitni. GIVE FIGURES TO SUPPORT CLAIM Point Oat that They Contribute Toward Public. Schools Aside from Maintaining; Their Own Parochial. In a plea for a division of the public school revenues so as to support sectarian schools In the True Voice this week the attendance at the sixteen Catholic paro chial schools of Omaha Is given as It stood early In October. The total Is 2,718, as opposed to 15,163 pupils registered In the public schools at the same time. No comparisons are made with previous years, but the statement Is given that on the face of the statistics the parochial schools save the school district H09.ii4 a year. This Is arrived at by using the last appropriation of )u36.M for the public schools for a year and computing the cost per pupil. Besides maintaining the parochial schools It Is pointed out that Catholics contributed their pro rata toward the support of the public schools, the same as other citizens, la detail the attendance at the Catholic schools Is shown as fol lows: St. Phllomena's 145 fct, John s Si5 Holy Family 1-5 bacred Heart High school 3o Kucred Heart 230 Immaculate Conception i St. Patrick's U 1UO 41 1 1 ISO 340 GIGANTIC BALE OF H1BBOXS. J. L. Brandels A Sons Annoanee the Greatest Bale of All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Bibbona Ever Held In the West. BALE BEGINS MONDAY. OCT. 80. Thousands and thousands of yards of fresh, crisp, new ribbons. In all widths, all colors and all desirable grades, will go at the most astonishing bargains Monday. Square after square of beautiful new rib bons, all perfect and all latest shades, In plain and novelty effects. Everything from extra wide ribbons in extreme novelties to the narrowest, daintiest 'effects. Every lot at a big reduction in price. Look for the first day of the sale, Mon day. See the window display of ribbons. J. L. BRANDEIS tt SONS. Bu Peter's St. Joseph's bt. YVtjncesLius .X St. Agnes St. Francis' Sacred Heart academy bt. Mary's, St. Catherines Berchman's academies and St. 225 The number of students In the various departments of Crelghtoa university this year is estimated at 600. "Political Issues and Their Results" Is the subject on which Hon. Hugh A. Meyers will address the Omaha Philosophical so ciety Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Patterson ball. 17th and Farnam streets. The public Is Invited. Not only watches and diamonds, but all other Jewelry sold below prices at Huker- maon'a storftj 0, . cor, XStU and. Pouglas. Monument to J. Sterling- Morton. For the unveiling ceremonies of the mon ument to the late J. Sterling Morton at Nebraska City, October 28, the Burlington will run a special train to Nebraska City on that date, leaving Omaha at t a. m Returning special will leave Nebraska City at 7 p. m. Ex-President Grover Cleveland will deliver the oration. Ex-Vice President Adlal E. Stevenson and, it Is expected, all other living members of his cabinet will be present. J. B. Reynolds, City Passenger Agent, U02 Farnam St. name given in the city directory here Is Walter Hunter of the J. R. Snyder Com mission company, who renides at i'430 Tern pleton street, and Mr. Hunter says he Is not the man, as he had no brothitr In that part of the country or by that name. The dead boy was found lying along the Erie tracks in Warren and was identified by F. 8. Hunter of Cleveland, a brother. Wanted Salespeople In the following de partments: Umbrellas, men'a furnishings, dress goods, linens,' white goods, gloves and Infants' wear. None but experienced and with references need apply. Apply Satur day at oar old store between the hours of 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. THOMPSON. BELDEN CO. Nebraska Cny, neb. Account unveiling of monument to the Hon. J. Sterling Morton at Nebraska City the Missouri Paciflo will sell round-trip tickets at very low rates on October 17 and 28. Full Information City Ticket Office, a. E. corner 16th and Farnam, or Union station. 22-K wedding rings. Fdnulm, Jeweler. MORRILL AFTER A PREACHER License Clerk Wants to Flud C lergx maa Who Performed Cer tain Marriage. License Clerk Morrill Is doing a detective act He is or the trail of a careless preacher, name unknown, who appears to have united In marriage Robert Newman and Mary Wagner. The preacher has made his return to the county Judge's nftice with out filling out the blank the law provides Bt the bottom of the license. As the groom and bride gave their residence as "Cass county," Mr. Morrill does not know where to. address them to find out who married them. If any one did, and so he asks The Bee to give the rasa publicity so that the Interests of all parties may be protected. Harry B. Davis, vndertaner. Tel. i22a Another Mailer Hunter. The Bee Is In receipt of a copy of the Daily Tribune of Warren. O., ef October 26. giving the account c( the death of a Harry H. Hunter, 18 years of age, who was seM to be a brother ef Walter Hun ter of Omasa. JLt ouir uaa by lUat Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths hava been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Friday: Births John W. Johnson, 1616 Ohio, girl; Farl Fiilherglll. 19'Vi South Twentieth, boy; W. W. Stewart, 3413 North Thirtieth, boy; Josenh Morris. 2216 Charles, girl; John Stepanek, W2 South Eighteenth, lioy. Deaths Naney l. Taylor, lr.'l uavenport. 65; Oustav Olson. 2778 California. ; Oldeon S. Owen. 2111 Emmet. 88; llenedict liaas, St. Joseph's hospital, 73; William IL Has sard, 1649 South Twenty-sixth, 64. 15 YEARS OFTORTURE etching and Painful Sores Covered Head and Body. CURED IN wSTbT CUTICURA ' For fifteen year my scalp and forehead waa one mats of scabs, and rny body waa covered with sores. Words cannot express how I so tiered from the itching and pain. I had given np hope when a friend told trie to get Cuticura. After bathing with Ctiticura Soap and applying Cuticura Ointment for three days, uiy head was as clear as ever, and to toy sur prise and joy, one cake of soap and one box of ointment made a com plete cure in one wee, (signed) H. B. Franklin, 717 WaabiafftA