Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
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77ie Best foreign News Service
will be found in
Delee-atei t Commerce ConTention Declare
Hit Plan Onl; I8eo:ive Oie.
'oroanttee Recommends Btisiog Find te
Send Delegation to Washington.
E. P. Bacon it Eleo'.ed Chairman and
AdolplTlilUr 8ecrtarj.
It Soya Ilciinlatlon of Rule Should
ot Re Made a Fart of Work of
Interstate Commerce
t omtnleslon.
I'MICACJO. Oct. 17. Both conventions of
tin; Interstate jiw league were adjourned
sine die today without making any iffort at
i ''conciliation, and as a consequence there
ill be two regularly organized bodies work
ng in the Interest of railroad rate legisla
tion. The title of the new association,
itter much discussion, waa selected as the
Yderal Hale Regulation association. N. W.
tfeLcod. the temporary chairman of the
":int.l" convention, was elected president of
lie sssoclaUou. and n number of vice presi
Ic.its from the different states represented
.vere elected by different state delegations
mJ rutltid by the convention as a whole.
vio purposes of the new association, as out
ined by P:-cldcnt McLcod arid by O. F.
tVenilUng of San Frani'lsm, ute to be the
ame cs that of the regular body, except
hat the views of the regular body are not
. be followed as S"t forth In the resolu
.Innn. IlcHld"S the board of vice presidents
"resident McLend was authorized to select
i board of twelve delegates-at-large to for
nulate the bylaws and rules of tho asso
ciation. r
Send Report to White) Marine.
The regular convention, before adjourning
idopted resolutions endorsing President
loosevelt's plan of rate regulation by en
srglng the powers of the Interstate Com
nerce commission. It was also decided to
lend a copy of the platform as adopted
llrect to the White House by a committee
it five. The committee of five which will
:o to Washington Is as follows: E. P.
Jaeon of Wisconsin, J. H. Call of Call
'nrnla, S. B. Burnett of Texas, R. W. Hig
gle of New York and B. H. Cowan of Texas.
In addition tosueh action tho convention
letermlned to send President Roosevelt a
elegram saying the convention representing
'orty-four states and territories and a large
jumber of business, commercial, producing
nd manufacturing concerns had adopted
resolutions Indorsing the president's posi
tion on the rate question an laid down in bis
Rrnltri Elect Officers.
At the- close of tha regular convention
the executive committee met and organized
for the ensuing year by electing these
officers: .
Chairman, E. P. Bacon. Wisconsin; vice
chairman, J.'E. Howard, Kansas; secretary,
Adolph MuNcr, Illinois; treasurer, R, 8.
Lyon, Illinois.
It was decided by the executive commttt
to organize In every state and enter upon
a vigorous campaign for the success of the
Roosevelt rate regulation plan. According
to present rlans a strong lobby will be
sent to Washington at the next session of
congress and business and commercial
bodies in each state will be asked to peti
tion the United States senators of their re
spective states to vote for the Roosevelt
measure. In addition to this the proceed
ings of the convention will bo published
and distributed along with other literature
In tha Interest of tho movement.
Antla Make a, Protest.
After several amendments to the report
Fubmllted by the resolutions committee of
the "antis" had been considered the report
as presented ,was adopted by a unanimous
vote. The resolutions as adopted declare
tha rallroada shall be kept within their
definite rights," and that "such legislation
lie taken as will remedy existing evils."
In addresses of Its members, this conven
tion protested that its delegates had not
coma to Chicago In the Interests of the
Besides the board of vice presidents,
President McLeod was authorised to aelect
a board of twelve delegatea at large to
formulate tha by laws and rules of tha
association. Among the vice presidents
elected are:
O. C. Coppenhaver.. Denver: A. C. Roluff
son, Ban Francisco; A. R. Moss, Payette
Idaho; Deloss Hull, Oak Park, III.; Joseph
Dain, Ottumwa. Ja.; J. B. Case, Kansas
lty; W. C. Perry. Kansas City, Mo.;
F. II. Pierce. New Mexico: former Gover
nor B. F. White. North Dakota; Euclid
Martin. Omaha. Neb.; Wallls Nash. Ore-
5 on; R. W. Hawkins, Galveston. Texas;
oseph Geoghegan. Salt Lake City, Utah;
Mr. Goldsmith, Seattle, Wash.: James
Klllott. Hartshorn. I. T.
Resolutions Committee Reports.
At tho Btelnway Hall convention Joseph
II. Call of California presented tho report
of tha resolutions committee of the so
called regulars, specifically agreeing that
the method recommended by President
Roosevelt Is "the only constitutional and
effective method for the supervision of
rates, classifications and practices."
Ex-Governor Van Sant of Minnesota, in
seconding Chairman Call's motion for adop
tion of the resolutions, said:
This is a fighting age. Tha dearest thing
e rosness in life are those which we Pgtit
fir the hardest. A railroad passenger agent
told me that the transportation companies
Intended to organize the business men in
every voting precinct in the country to
tight against this rate legislation and op
ie the election of every candidate who
Kill not agree in advance to vote against
President Roosevelt's policy.
I ssld that we would accept the challenge
ind tucklo on our armor. The fight Is on
we must fight hard to win. Victory
lll be ours.
The resolutions were adopted.
Texas (or Roosevelt.
J. C. Keel caused laughter by declaring
.at he believed Texas would go republican
l the next national election If President
toosevelt is a candidate for re-election.
Texts la tha greatest democratic atate in
union, but Its citizens love President
lloosevelt," aald Delegate Keel. "If he
runs for president next time I think Texas
will be for him on this freight rate legtsla
lion Issue.
Chairman Hughes appointed an executive
.'ommlttee for the year, headed by E. P.
I'.aron of Wisconsin. The finance commit
tee submitted a report recommending that
. fund of IIO.OU) be raised to send a dele,
nation to Washington during the uext ses.
ion of congress to work for the passage
'if (he desired legislation. The plan of the
.-ommlttee was approved and fi.OuO of the
fund was raised by contributions made by
the delegates.
After an invitation had been received to
(Continued on Second Page.)
Declines Throne of orway for
Swedish Trlnre and Scold
the Storthing.
8TOCKHOLM. Oct. 27.-At a meeting of
the Council of Slate today King Oscar an
nounced that he would In the future uso
the following style and title:
"We, Oscar, by the grace of God king of
8weden and Goths Wends."
He further announced that his motto
would be "The welfare of Sweden. " Instead
of "Tho welfaie of the sister nations."
King Oscar has definitely and formally
declined the offer of the Norwegian throne
to a prince of tho House of bernadotte,
and in a letter to the president of the
Storthing finally severs his connection with
Norway. The letter, which is dated Oc
tober 26, is as follows:
After having, in the name of Sweden,
recognized Norway us a state completely
separated from Sweden, I inform ou of
my uecislon to relinquish the crown or
Norway, which, notwithstanding all my
good Intentions, has given me In the course
of years so manv bi.ler cures. Moreover.
I could no longer wear It to the benetit of
the country, now that the illegal decision
of the Storthing has rendered Illusory even
the veto of the king. Hut 1 desire onlv the
welfare of the country and the nation
toward which I have entertained a sincere
affection ever since my youth, and to the
happiness of which it lias always been my
heart s desire to contribute so long as the
means to that end could be reconciled with
the duties entailed by my position as kins
of both countries of the Scandinavian p''n
ninula. In view of the tur. ;ne mutual
relations between the two countries lias
taken I ennnot think it would be con
ducive to the happiness of either Sweden
or Norway that a prince of my house
should accept nn election to be king of
Norway. Assuredly there would not fall
to arise in both countries a feeling of dis
trust, which would operate as much against
him ss against me. This distrust might
only too easily become an obstacle to the
improvement of tne n utual sentiments of
the two nations, unfortunately eeparated
henceforth, whereby i hope to see parlMe
relations assured betveen them in a not
too distant future. I cannot, therefore, ac
cept the Storthing's offer. I thank with
all niv heart those who. during my rein
of thirty-three years, have faithfully served
me and Norway and who may even now
entertain affection for their former kin?.
In now bidding them farewell I cherish
sincere good wishes for them.
CliRISTIANIA. Norway, Oct. 27,-At to
day's session of the Storthing the debate
on the proposition of the government ask
ing to be endowed with full power to ne
gotiate with Prince Charles of Denmark
for his acceptance of the crown of Norway,
with the understanding that a referendum
be taken, was postponed until tomorrow on
account of the Indisposition of Premier
M. Ilerner, president of the 8torthlng,
read King Oscar's letter,! declining the
offer of the throne to a prince of the house
of IJernadotte, all the members standing.
Dr. Ilngerup-Bull rend a telegram from
the Swedish minister of Justice announcing
the signature of the Karlstad agreement. ,
PARIS, Oct. 27. Information reaching the
highest quarters here shows that definite
arrangements have been made whereby
Prince Charles of Denmark, will accept
tho throne of Norway, following a plebis
cite on November 12. Prince Charles will
leave Denmark to assume the royal func
tions immediately after the official notifi
cation of his election is conveyed to him.
WASHINGTON, Oct. Z7.-The anounce
ment of the recognition by King Oscar
of the separation of Sweden and Norway
haa como to the State department. A
circular note la being addressed to the
powers conveying this Information in a
more formal manner. ' " ' '
Franco Has !Vo Information Regard
ing; the Settlement of Trouble
with Venesnela.
PARIS, Oct. 27. Official advices received
here from Venezuela aay that the American
minister, Mr. Russell, and President Castro
have conferred with the view to arranging
a settlement of the diplomatic difficulty be
tween France and Venezuela, but the presi
dent has not yet announced what he In
tends to do.
Therefore the authorities here do not con
firm the reports that on agreement Is im
minent upon the basis of President Castro
and M. Talgny, tho French charge d'af
faires, both withdrawing their notes as a
preliminary to adjusting the controversy
regarding the French Cable company.
However, suchi a basis finds favor In offi
cial quarters and the negotiations tend
toward an adjustment along auch lines.
President Castro's silence alona deferring
a determination.
Telia of Murders Alleged to Have
Been Committed In New
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27,-FIeelng from
Chinese highbinders In New York, Lucy
Rosbury, white, 26 years old, who aaya ahe
ta the wife of a Chinese cigar merchant In
Mott street, that city, summoned a repre
sentative of the press to the railway sta
tion here today to relieve her conscience
by telling of the doings of the Chinatown
of the metropolis. Yesterday the woman
said she was warned by a white wife of
another Chinaman that the highbinders
bad decided that ahe knew too much and
was to be disposed of. She hastily gathered
up aome money, told her husband she was
going to a store across the street and de
parted for her home in the south. Several
years ago ahe went to New York in search
of work. She was young, good looking
end from the country- She met the China
man ahe afterward married, she said, while
under the Influence of opium. During her
life with htm she learned his language and
consequently much of the doings of China
men In New York.
She ssld she bad knowledge of four white
women who had been murdered by their
Chinese husbands because they "knew too
much' and their bodies disposed of in suit
cases. The Boston suit case mystery, now
baffling the police, she believed to be an
other of auch cases.
To Protect Forests Against Fires )w
Honda Will Re Built This
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27.-During the com
ing winter and spring many miles of trails
will be built in the government forest re
serve. One of the chief cares of the forest
service in the management of the reserves
Is to protect them against fire. A state
ment Issued by the forestry service today
nr. it:
The trails mill afford a means of reach
ing all parts of the forest reserves on
horseback and the tire lines will form van
tag. points from which the tire may be
attacked, or ukuiiim wnieh It may be di
rected and there controlled. The trails to
be built wiM be carefully planned and con
structed with an eay grade. Tills does
nut Involve much expense, for In many
situations a perfectly pood trail can be
built for t2u a mile and many miles will
cost less than J.L 'the work will be directed
by the rsaular forest officers and the
rangers es will pvrfonn most of
tha lubor.
Last Railway Link Ctnnec'infr. City with
Oa tide World n Broken.
Police Make So, Attempt to Interfere
with threat Mass Meeting; at I'nl
verslty Strikers Are
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. BH.-Tlie lust
link of the railroads binding the capital
with the outer world was broken iate at
night, when the Finland railroad suspended
service between St. Petersburg and the
Finnish border. Telegraphic communica
tion is still open, but there is a possibility
that the cable operators may be con, polled
to join the general strike, of telegraphers
today. Up to the present there is a total
abreuco of disorder.
That the preucnt situation cannot end
without bloodshed is the conviction prevail
ing in the higher government circles, which
from moment to moment are expecting a
conflict between tho troops and revolu
tionibts in St. Petersburg, and news of
j uuuuiu in me provinces, tpeciuti hi
niiaiKuii, ujcii naa oeen aeciureu in
state of war. The governor of Klelt lias
been instructed to take all necessary mea
sures to restore order which the local gov
ernment and the commander of troops are
unable to maintain.
Bloodshed Is Probnblc.
One of the most prominent members of
tho emperor's cou.icll received the Asso
ciated Press today and said, with every
evidence of deep emotion:
The tltuatl in Is a grievous and a painful
one, and 1 see no way out of It except by
the employment of armed force. I'lease do
not misunderstand nie. I look upon the
prospect with tears, but It is becoming
more and more evident that the troops will
be compelled to fire. I can see no other
possible outcome. The revolutionists and
terrltorlsts nre absolutely bent on forcing
a conflict upon us and nothing we can do
will natisfy them. The extension of the
suffrage and the right of assembly will be
nothing to them. They ore determined to
have bloodshed and we cannot avoid the
issue. It is a frightful disease from which
Russia Is suffering, and sad and imlnful
; it is, the government must act with
The minister said that the law creating a
responsible cabinet will probably be promul
gated and Count Wltte's nomination as pre
mier announced tomorrow. Under the
statute the premier may or may not hold a
special portfolio. Count Wltte spent al
most the entire day with the emperor at
Pcterhof, and he has not confided to his
colleagues whether he Intends to take the
ministry of the Interior or the ministry' of
finance, or no portfolio at all.
The whole of the mln . .erlal body Is also
In Ignorance as to whether they will retain
their places under the new leader.
Rlitht of Assembly Conceded..
Realizing that any attempt to interfere
with the monster meeting at the university
would Inevitably lead to a bloody outbreak.
General TrepotT. who announced during the
afternoon that he Intended to prevent the
assembly. Instructed the police- to close
their eye. to the fact, and the meeting.
Which was attended by between 15,000 and
20.000 persons, passed off without a conflict.
Tho troops stationed around the building
were withdrawn, but In the court, the pity
bourse and other-nearby buildings half a
docen companies of' Cossacka and strong
forces of Infantry and dragoons were In'
readiness to sally forth If necessary. Big
meetings were held In the Technological
and Art Institutes and in two engineering
schools. The students at none of these
meetings took a prominent part in the de
liberations, yielding the hospitality of the
college buildings without attempting to
cloak the meetings with the guise of stu
dent assemblies. With the hope of avoid
ing further meetings at the university Gen
eral Trepoff later placed halls In three dlf
ferent parts of the city at the disposition
or the people for. meetings, thereby prac
tically conceding the demands of the aglta
tors of the right of assembly.
Oreat Meetln Inlrerslty.
The scene inside the university beggars
description. In the great open court, with
no light except a few flickering candle, on
a hastily constructed tribune, from 4.000 to
6,000 workmen, students and professional
men stood wedged together In the cold and
wet snowfall, listening to revolutionary
harangues Another great meeting was
held in the central hall of the university
and scores of smaller meetings of the
separate trades and professions were held
In the other rooms of ahe building. Halls
were set aside for teachers, physicians,
bank clerks. chlnovinks. pharmacists
women, engineers, lawyers, tailors and
persons of other callings and trad-s. and
a room was even set aside for noncommis
sioned officers of the army, but only a
half doien of these were present.
Cienernl Strike Proclaimed.
In all the sections a strong minority
urged conservatism, but these were carried
from their feet by the general enthusiasm
and resolutions for a general strike in
every branch of social democracy were
adopted lth a hurrah. Even the chlno
vinks In the government service, whose
meeting was largely attended, were
possessed of the same spirit and passed
resolutions to stop all work in the govern
ment departments tomorrow. Thla probably
will Include the government telegraph
agents and may put the telegraph and cable
aervlce out of commission.
Another resolution which was generally
adopted notified tho authorities that the
assize court building in Lltanla street must
be opened for a universal meeting of all
classes at noon tomorrow, at which meas.
urea will be adopted against any person not
adhering to the general strike.
Strikers Confident of Snceeas.
A remarkable feature of all the speeches
waa the spirit of complete confidence that
the success of the movement was at hand
and the manifest intention, as the minister
quoted in the first part of this dispatch
said, to form an armed conflict upon the
government. The meetlnga continued far
into the night.
In the" city In spite of the absence of
dlsordera there ia a condition of actual
panic. Half of the population is compelled
to rely oa candlea or kerosene lamps for
ugnv. wnjie me street lamps in a large part
of the city have been extinguished.
The streets practically are deserted ex
cept for the squads of infantry and cavalry
on guard at principal points.
The ahopa began to close in the after
noon even in tha MorskaU, Nevsky and
other central streets. Many of the in
babitanta shut themselves in their houses,
scarcely venturing out to make necessary
purchases of food, which has mounted to
famine prices.
Alarmed In South Russia.
The most alarming reports are circulating
about affairs in the south of Russia.
Private reports received here are aald to
couhrm the stories of the mutiny on board
the battleship Catherine II and the do
structlon by Incendiaries of the battleship
Patelemlno, formerly the Knlai Potemklnc,
but the authorities do not confirm the ru-
(Continued on Second Page.)
rtebrnska City Hutu Farmer PrfsU
dent Will Star ".ometlme In
Arbor Ledge.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb... Oct. 2T.-(Spe-clal.)
H Is understood that ox-President
and Mrs. Grover Clovtl nd will remain In
this city for several weks. During their
tay here they will be the guf- .
Joy Morton at Arbor Uidge.
given is, that Mr. Onv-land ht(
very well during the lest few monlhs'and
It Is thought the chanyj of climate will be
CHICAGO, Oct. tf.-T -President Grover
Cleveland and his par-y reached Chicago
at 7:40 a. m. today in a private car over
the Pennsylvania Unci. Carriages were
token to the Stratfor." hotel. The parly
was complete, as announced, with the ex
ception of Mr. and Mvs. Adlnl Stevenson,
who did not coins. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve
land were accompanied by Paul Morton,
Miss Pauline Morton. Dr. J. D. Bryant
of New York and M ister Wirt Morton.
Miss Morton left tho 'rain at Euglewood,
where she was met by relatives, whom
she will visit. The trT vders were met at
the union station by Joy Morton, and by
Mrs. Paul Morton, wno had been In Chi
cago attending the bursa show.
The occasion of Mr. Cleveland's visit to
Nebraska In the at Nebraska City
of a monument erected in honor of J.
Sterling Morton, father of Paul and Joy
During the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Cleve
land wero the guests of Paul Morton at
the horse show. Thy went direct from
the Coliseum to their private car, Rocket,
and left for Nebraska City, Neb., tonight at
6 o'clock, over the Burlington railroad.
When the Cleveland party left here to.
night. It numbered over lOo persons, all of
whom are going to Nebraska City to wit
ness the unveiling of the statue.
BURLINGTON, la.. Oct. :7.-Tlie special
train bearing the Mo-ton party. Including
former President Gnver Cleveland and
Mrs. Cleveland, arrived at 10:06 o'clock und
left ten minutes later. Mr. Cleveland, Paul
Morton and a number of other minbers
of the party wero enjoying a chat In tho
observation car. All reported a pleaaant
trip so far.
Allesres One Man at Kansas City Pre
pares Deceptive Life Insur
ance Policies.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Oct. 27.-Super-intendent
Vandlver of the state Insurance
dpcrtment notified the American Central
Life Insurance company of Indianapolis
today that its general western agent in
Kansas City must 'stop the practice of
pasting typewritten estimates in tho policies
written, thus making the policyholders
believe that these are a part of the con
tract. Mr. Vandlver notified the company that
this agent must resign or the department
will revoke the license issued to him. The
company la also'requlred to purge Itself
of the charge made to the department by
this agent that he Old this with the know
ledge and consent of the officers of the
company. '
A failure to ml' satisfactory answer
may result In the : wjie 'of the company
Iternar- wyokcd.-'yv- '-j- . ..",.
Mr. Vandlver Is also looking Into the af
fairs of the Mutual Reserve Life of New
York, whoee investigation by the New York
department last July showed thst It wns
practicing methods said to be unbusiness
like. He haa waited, hoping that the New
York department would take action on its
own report, but as it has not done so he Is
looking into the matter with a view to
acting himself.
No formal action has yet been taken by
Mr. Vandlver in the cases of the Columbia
National Life of Boston, the American In
vestment Securities company of Maine and
the American Agency company of New Jer
sey. These companies are working together
in a business way. The agents are licensed
to do a life business, but they sell stock in
the Investment companies, and, it Is al
leged, make this the principal business of
the companies. . He will ask that the prac
tices be stopped or he will enforce the pen
alty of the law. It is said, in this state. ,
, Bishops Report on Visits to Alaska,
Idaho, Nebraska and the
Black Bills.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27-The case of
Prof. Hinkley G. Mitchell, the confirmation
of whose election to fill the chair of Hebrew
at the Boston university was refused by
the Cclge of Methodist Bishops six months
ago because of his Interest in the "higher
criticism of the Bible." but who has since
been nominated by the trustees of the uni
versity, was again before the trustees of the
college today, and a vote will be taken to
morrow. During the day there were a number of
discussions touching the interior economy
of the church. Among tha reports pre
sented were those of Bishop Moore of Port
land, Ore., who spoke of conferences visited
in Alaska, Idaho and Ohio, and that of
Bishop John W. Hamilton of San Francisco,
who told of conference work in the Black
Hills and among the Swedes of Nebraska,
Iowa and Kansas.
Tonight a reception was tendered to the
bishops at the Foundry church.
Considerable interest, has been shown In
the remarks at the church extension meet
ing last night by Bishop Hamilton, who
predicted that because of the great immi
gration to this country and the intermarry
ing between the immigrants and Americans
this country will have the composite but
typical American. In this connection Bishop
Hamilton said: "You may not believe It,
but you will be great-great-grandfathers of
Chinese. Italians, Slavs and other races. In
San Francisco we have several cases of
Chinamen marrying American girls. That
will grow more and more common until we
finally have the composite but typical
rritrrr looiiat mercantile Will
Kot Carry Appeal to Cnlted
States Supremo Court.
WASHINGTON. Oct. I7.-On motion of
the Preferred Tontine Mercantile company
of Missouri the supreme court of the
United States today dismissed the case of
that company against the state of Mls
I aourl, which was brought to the court on
I a writ of error from the Missouri supreme
i court. The case was instituted in the Mis
j sourl courts at the Instance of the state
; supervisor of building and loan astfocla-
tions. the purpose being to compel the com
pany to cease its business operations be
cause it was alleged it was diverting its
funds. The state supreme court sustained
this contention and the dismissal of the
ease by th,s federal court baa the effect
of affirming that decision.
Stciion Where the Gran Orawt Tall tod
Ranch Owners Thrift,
Modification of CilMlns; Laws Needed
. oper Development of
H M f"iiiu . .
I by Settlers with
Small Capital.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
STUART. Neb.. Oct. 27-(Speclal.)-No
trouble about fences oh the public lands
has been experienced In this part of Ne
braska. Ranchmen here generally own
their own lands, and a more prosperous
and contented lot of people cannot be found
than live In the neighborhood of Stuart.
This county has not the number of cattle
the county will support by any means.
When the Klnkald law was passed 154,000
acre of land was open to homestead in this
county, but It was practically all f.led on
within a few months after thelaw went
Into effect. The greater portion of the
homestead lands waa in the southwestern
part of the county. A large number of
new settlers are located In Ewan precinct
under the friO-acre homestead law, but a
large number of the homesteads show but
little evidence of habitation. In township
twenty-five, range seventeen, just west
of Swan precinct, some thirty or thirty-one
homesteads were taken during the rush
time, when the Klnkald law went Into ef
fect, and there ought to be that many
families living there at this time, but per
aons In the township say not to exceed
a dozen homesteaders In the township are
making any pretense of living on their
W hat Might Hold Them.
If these claim-owners were given an op
portunity to buy their lands, provided they
could show use of the grass for stock, and
were not required to place Improvements
on the land to the amount of SS00 before
they could make proof. It Is quite probable
the township would have more actual set
tlers than It now has, for the simple rea
son that they would be able to induce cap
ital to furnish them the stock to eat tho
grass, of which fully three-fourths grown
in the township Is now going to waste.
Eight hundred dollars is too much to re
quire a homesteader to invest in Improve
ments on a homestead. Few of them have
that amount to expend, und If they had
the price, it would be far better for them
individually and better for the community
If they should Invest the greater part of
the amount In young stock that would
grow Into money and be worth several
times Jf)o In five years time.
Inquiry was ruade as to where the re
mainder of the homesteaders In this town
ship are now and why they are not living
on their claims. While It Is possible to
learn the farts In but a few cases, In each
case of which Information could be bad It
was learned they were away some place
working for wages. For example, one la
a clerk in an Omaha store, one Is work
ing on a farm in Cuming county, one is
working on a farm In Gage county and
another Is said to be working In the coal
mines at Newcastle, Wyo. In every In
stance learned about the claimants are per
sons who work for a living, and being
without msna to tock their homesteads
are compelled from necessity to go away
to earn a living. The practice In this
township will no doubt hold good In a
large number of townships In the state
where public lands are located, and It
w-ould seem to emphasize the Idea that
some plan must be adopted whereby capital
and labor can work together In settling
up the country and solving the problem.
Oreat Hay Raining Resrlon.
This part of the state Is one of the great
est hay producing sections to be found
anywhere in Nebraska. Many tralnloads
of hay Is shipped from this locality to Chi
cago and Omaha every year. It would
appear that the railroad company would
conserve Its own interests if It would giva
ewpeclal attention to making a very low
hay shipping rate from this county to
points west of here along the line In the !
"short grass" country. The southern part
of this county and Rock county produces
many thousands of tons of hay that can- I
not be consumed by the stock in the com-
munity. The stock trains of the North- i
western that go down to Omaha loaded '
with cattle, in many cases go back up
the road empty. ' If a special hay rate from
these points was put Into force many of'
the empty cars would go back into the I
"short grass" country loaded with baled
hay that Is needed to winter the cattle !
with in good condition, and If this was
done the company would profit by hauling
" ninm ro.ii.ii5 jor jne marser man they
do now and there would be a smaller num
ber of hides to transit. The company
could make a good ptjnflt on a car of cat
tle from some point jn the "short grass"
country, while the amaunt it would reciv.
for taking to Omaha the hides from a car- )
load of cattle would be small.
From a careful consideration of the ex
isting conditions in the cattle country of
Nebraska it is apparent that the Klnkald
law has been a success so far as it was
expected to be by those who understood
the situation. It has been the means of ,
many people getting nomes it would have
been Impossible for them to have gotten
otherwise. Many families that have come
into Nebraska since the Klnkald law was
passed are now doing well. One class of peo
ple benefited Is those who had been living on
rented lands farther east, and who had
some stock to bring with them. If a
settler could only bring ten cews with him
and enough money to build him a hnuse
and barn and live on a few months, he
could have hope of marking out a home i
for himself and there are many such per
sons who are now satisfactorily located. ;
Others were sons of well-to-do parents, j
who have helped them to get stock. They
likewise are doing well. Others sold small
farms farther east and come here prepared
ta put up Improvements and stock their
claims at least to a limited extent. These
are also doing well.
Pioneers Prosper Some.
Another class - that haa. been benefited
very materially by the Klnkald law la
those who were already living in the
country on quarter-section homesteads, who
have been allowed to file on three-quarters
more adjoining their homes. In fact the
e0 acre homestead has been a Godsend to )
these people. Being the pioneers of the i
country they were worthy of all the con- '
sideration that the congress., gave them I
when it provided that those who were liv. i
ing on their homesteads should have thirty
days preference right to file on three-quarters
adjoining. In many Instances the .
privilege of taking the other three-quarters '
was the turning point with them, and wade !
It possible for them to remain in the
country. But the fact remains that further I
legislation is neeaea ana some plan that
will permit capital and labor to work to
gether. Is what these people want.
Mtllloa-Dollar Copper Deal.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. It wss announced
today that the United States Reduction and
Refining company lias sold its interests In
me i tan i.oppr company io the UuMMen
W . 1 1 . . . . -I j - -,
wiu uiivicsm iur fi,vw,u,v,
Fair. and Colder Saturday, Sunday
Fair and Warmer.
I Prealdeut Gets an Endorsement.
Soldiers on Cunrit In Russia.
W enlth of Hay land In Holt.
rrrsl.lcnt la a Sllo-ht Wreck.
W'yomlnn- People Object to Boyseit.
.1 fewa from All Parts of Xchrnska.
4 Orchard's Fiftieth Year In Omaha.
Woman Applies l.ash to Man.
5 Taft Starts on Trip to Panama.
Temperance Women In Session.
O Affair at South Omaha.
T Stlckney Talks About Rchatra.
Present an Urn of Railroad Build
In. Serve Displayed by Criminals.
0 Judges and Clerka of Election,
to Editorial.
11 Telephone People to Build Again.
Catholics Ark for School Fund.
IS Financial and Commercial.
13 Council Bluffs and lown Xews.
mperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Dea-.
1 p. m 43
3 p. m 4.'l
3 p. m ..... . 43
4 p. m ..... . 44
5 p. m 43
H p. m 41
7 p. m 40
H p. m 3t
9 p. in 3S
Arms and I'Cgs of Woman Found
'Floating; In Another Case In
Boston Harbor.
BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 27,-The suit case
mystery of September 21, when the dismem
bered torso of a woman waa found in a
dress suit caoo floating In tho harbor, was
brought into prominence again late today
when a second suit case was found in the
Charles river. The case found today con
tained the urms und legs, salj by medical
experts to be those of a woman, and the
police say there Is no doubt but that they
are the missing members of the torso. Wltit
the finding of the limbs there is now a
chance that the victim of the tragedy may
be Identified, as one of the hands there
were three rings. Two of the rings on tho
ring finger of the right hand and the third
was on tho little finger of the same hand.
The pawnbroker who sold the cse in
which the torso was found today Identified
the case In which the legs and arms were
found as one he sold the purchaser of the
first caae. Oil cloth similar to that found
about the torso was also found In the case
recovered today.
Dead Cashier Is Charged with Hy
pothecating; Stock Plednred as
Security for Loan.
PITTSBI'RO. Oct. 27. From a statement
made today by E P. Moxey. special ex
aminer for the federal authorities in the
Enterprise National bank failure, it will be
some time before the bank'a condition is
The first suit In court against the Enter
prise NatlonAl bank, growing out of the
failure of that institution, waa brought In
common pleas No. 8 this afternoon and di
rectly chargca T. Lee Clark, the cashier,
who committed suicide, with feloniously
taking and hypothecating a valuable cer
tificate of stock pledged as security for a
loan twenty-seven years ago. The suit was
brought by D. T. Patterson of this city.
He asks the court to grant him such relief
as equity demands.
Railway Snitch Engine Crashes Into
Renr of West-Bound Pas.
senger Train.
GOLDEN. Colo., Oct. 27.A runaway
switch engine crashed into the rear of west
bound passenger train No. 63 on the Colo
rado & Southern railway In the yards here
today. Injuring seven persons. Those most
seriously Injured are Engineer Charles
Pate, who stuck to his post after losing
control of the locomotive on a steep grade
until the collision occurred, and Miss Grace
Arthur, a music teacher of Denver. ,
ter of the President Completes
Her lona- Journey From the
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. - Miss. Alice
Roosevelt, daughter of the president, ar
rived in Washington at 4:40 o'clock this
afternoon, thus completing her long Jour
ney from the orient. Major Charles L.
McCawley of the marine corps and Miss
Hagner, secretary to Mrs. Roosevelt, met
the president's daughter at the railway
station and accompanied her to the White
Former Iowa Railway Commissioner
Fouad Not Guilty of Fraudlent
PRIMGHAR, la.. Oct. 27.-Ed C. Brown,
former state railroad commissioner of Iowa
and proprietor of the defunct bank at Shel
don, was tonight acquitted on a charge of
fraudulent banking. Brown will return in
a day or two to Montana, where he Is a
clerk In the office of the superintendent of
the Union Pacific.
Former Comptroller of Currency
Summoned to Testify In
"Beef Trust" Case.
CHICAGO, Oct. 27. A subpoena to appear
as a witness In the "beef trust" trial No
vember 20 was today served on Charles G.
Dawes, former comptroller of the currency.
Mr. Dawes refused to discuss tha matter,
although he admits having been served
with a subpoena.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Oct. 27.
At Hamburg Arrived: Deutschland from
New York: lennsylvanla from New York
At Genoa-Arrived: Prlns Oekar from
New York. Balled: Canopic for Boston
At New York Arrived: Lucanla from
Liverpool: La l.orrnine from Havre.
At London sailed: Siberian for Mont
real. At Liverpool Sailed: Mount Royal for
Montreal: Cymric for MMun. Arrived
Arabic froin Boston: Westernland from
Philadelphia. '
At Antwerp Arrived: Marquette from
At Glui?om Bailed: Siberian for Boston.
At Naples Sailed; Mis!ia for New
At Moville Sailed: Virginian for Mont
real. At Qjeenstown Arrived: Campania from
New York,
Fresidsnt'i Peat Collide witk Fruit
Steamer Below New Orient.
Magnolia ii Qaicklj Betchfd to Keep It
from Sinking,
Chief Eieou'-ire and Companions Removed
After Short Delay.
PArty Boards Cruiser West Virginia,
Shortly Before IO O'clock and
at Once Proceeds
to Sea.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 27. After an early
morning collision In which the lighthouse
tender Magnolia, on which he was traveling,
waa so much damaged that he had to
abandon It, President Roosevelt on board
the lighthouse tender ivy was carried
down the Mississippi to the armored cruiser
West Virginia. Neither the president nor
any member of his party was injured in
tho accident.
The first news of the accident reached
New Orleans by telephone at an early hour
this morning, coming in the shape of an
appeal for help from Captain Ross of the
United Fruit company's steamer Esparata.
which was the vessel reported In collision
with tho Magnolia. Captuln Rose gave n i
details except that the boats had struck
each other: that the nresMont nam ii.
Jurad and that the E.parnta might have
io ibko mm on board and carry him to
the mouth of the river. Tho message
came from Nairn, La., near which point:
the accident occurred.
Weather Is Good.
Tho Magnolia left hero at. b:i last nlirht
and the Esparata was due to arrive today
i tnaimetto. The weather was fine, with
comparatively little wind on the river. In
his report Captain Rose gave no detail
of the accident, but said that tho Magnolia
w-as ashore. Immediately upon the receipt
of tho news communication waa miA,i
with tug owners hero and the powerful
iugs. xt. vwimot and B. D. Wood, left New
Orleans shortly alter 4 o'clock this morn
ing, with orders to go at full sneed to Hip
scene of the accident. Meantime, however.
tho president's party had managed to get
In communication with the lower part of
the river, where It was known that the
lighthouse tender Ivy was lvino- At i
o'clock the operator at Pllottown waa rung
up uy Major Craighl . the ovemmnt .
glneer. with orders that, the Ivy should
"eni " BiJfty-Mllo Point with all possi
ble speed. The Ivy immediately got under
way and covered the forty miles in rapid
President Roosevelt. Secretary Loeh and
Surgeon Rlxe.y. with their ha., wan.
at once transferred, and the Ivy pro-
vBcuea aown tne river. At 8:15 the Ivy
passed Pllottown on ita way down, signal
lntt that tho president and party were on
board and that all wero well.
Boards the Warship.
At t o'clock the Ivy reached Port tr.j.
Presldent Roosevelt and his party were on
aecK. , ine tenuer did not stop, but im
mediately passed out into the gulf. The
West Virginia was In plain sight. The ten
der quickly covered tho distance separating
the two vessels, and as the Ivy appeared
a presidential salute sounded from the
warship. The transfer, aftor the Un
reached the big ship's side, waa a matter
of but a few minutes, the weather belnfc
fine and clear, with a small ae r,,nin
At 9:40 the president stepped on board
me west Mrginia safe and sound after
his exciting experiences 'he re and on Ills
trip down the river.
The West Virginia hud already lifted its
anchors and before io o'clock It started on
Its Journey up the coast.
Report of Commander.
The lightnouse ollice. hei an received
the following dlniiatch trom
James H. bears.' I;, s. N.. dated at Nulru.
The lighthouse tender Magnolia wa.i
Struck on inn m.ii n ,. ...
,li,yr.",. ,lfeam''r i.sparta. near Sixiy-
ivim. in, nun w an injured. Tne
Mugnulia was grounded. Tne president
and purty m transferred to tho
ligiuhouim tenner Ivy. which was ac
eouipapjiiig u.e .Magnolia and proceeded to
the West Virginia on Ume. i'he mastei
officers und punt were on duty on board
tho Magnolia at the tim of tne collieioa
It is believed tlie Ma.m.ilu r.u ......- . i '
- " . i lilAKD II1M
necessary repairs to return ,to New Orelsns
uuurt ".B VF T 11 Pltnill.
Immediately upon hearing of the accident
and escape of the president Mayor Behrman
sent the following dispatch by wireless to
the president:
NEW ORLEANS President Roosevelt
Aboard the Crusler West Virginia at 8ea:
New Orleans is overjoyed to learn that yoii
and your party encased without Injury and
regret inexpressibly the discomfort the ac
cident occasioned. We pray that your voy
age home will be safe and delightful.
Governor Blanchard sent the following:
T'f i m 1 f 1 1 f LnnlHlnnu n t j .
- ' ' '- ' p. 1 a V- V. Ill r Tl I or
last night. Rejoice It had no serious conse-
uur voyage 10 washing
ton will be pleasant and devoid of further
Blamea Pilot of Magnolia.
The captain of the Esparta. refused to
make any statement to the puhllo as his
veKsel Is under a British dug and he must
submit his report to the British consul. Tho
1 nlted Fruit company, to which the vessel
is chartered, however, tonight Issued the
following statement:
The Esparta sighted a vessel, afterward
found to be the MaKnolia. The Magnolia
blew two whistlis signif.vlng its intention
of passing to starboard, which was
answeied by the Etparia, while the latter
vessel continued up the river and at the
time of such signal It was within Kdt feet
of the west bank of the liver. About two
minutes after the M.inolia blew the flrst
signal. It blew one slmial signifying Us
Intention of changing lt courfce and cross
ing to the Inside of the Esparta. The pilot
f the Eapiula seeing danger In such action
blew whistier, ami also the danger signal
of three whistles signifying tne danger of
such a move on the part of the Magnolia,
as the pilot of the Esparta was aware there
was not enough room between that vessel
and the benk for the other vessel, as he
had taken Ins ship In ! so as to leave
plenty of room in the middle of the river
for the Magnolia and had the Magnolia
adhered to its orlrlnal aitfn'il and intention
of passing to stai txuird, would have passed
clear, as the liver was over half a mile
wide at that point, instead of this the
MHi-r.nlia hauled to lirt and the two
vesbels collided. The Esparta struck the
Mairnolla on the rnirt aide about twenty
feet abaft the bows and tonnlderabla dam
age was done to the Magnolia.
Report from Warlilp.
VIRGINIA . Oct 27.-(Via New Orleans, by
Wireless.) At 11 o'clock last evening,
through confusion of signals, the fruit
steam Esparta collided witli the lighthouso
tender Magnolia, which was conveying the
president, Sccm tary Loeb and Dr. Rlxey t
the cruiser West Virginia. Tha rati and
port bow of the Magnolia waa damaged and