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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1SMV). 'V 5 J JSTEW IDEFRTXJRJa. Taking Time by All ob'pmiij people nnrt have noticed a rrowing sentiment in this country lo favor of using only put-np foodi and medicines of known com position. It ia bat nataral that one should have some interest in the com position of that which he ia expected to swallow, whether it be food, drink or medicine. Thia aentiment baa re sulted in the introduction in the legis lature! of many of the States, as also in the Congress of the United States, bills providing for the publication of formula or ingredients on wrappers nnd labels of medicines and foods put up" for general consumption. Recognizing this growing disposition on the part of the public generally, and satisfied that the fullest publicity ran only add to tha well-earned repu tation of hi proprietary medicines, I. It. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., has "taken time by the forelock," aa it were, and is publishing broadcast, and on each bottle wrapper, a full and com plete list of all the ingredients entering into his medicines, "Golden Medical Discovery." the popular liver Invigor ator, stomach tonic, blood purifier and heart regulator; also of his "Favorite Prescription" for weak, over-worked, broken-down, debilitated, nervous, in valid women. Thia bold and ont-epoken movement on the part of Dr. Pierce, has, by showing exactly what his well-known medicines are composed of, completely disarmed all harping critica who have heretofore unjustly attacked them. A little pamphlet has been compiled. from the standard medical authoritiea of all tha several schools of practice, showing the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several ingredients which enter into Doctor Tierce's medicines and recommending those ingredients for th4 cure of the diseases for which Dr. Pierce's medi cines are advised. A copy of this little booklet is mailed free to any one desiring to learn more concerning tbe valuable native, medicinal plants which enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's medicines. A request, by postal card or letter, addressed to Dr. K. V. Pierce Buffalo. N. Y.. will bring this little booklet by return post. It tells exactly what -ingredients are nsed In the mak ing of Dr. Pierce's famous medicines. . This striking departure of Dr. Pierce from tbe usual coarse pursued by tbe manufacturers of proprietary medi cines, at once takes his medicines out of the class generally known as "patent" or secret medicines, neither of which term is at all applicable to them, as their formula now appears on the wrapper of every bottle leavin the treat laboratory at Buffalo. N. Y It places them in a class all by them' iielvet. Neither of them contains any alcohol, which fact alone should canse them to be classed all by themselves and as entirely harmless vegetable ex tracts, made and preserved Dy the use of 'glycerine and not with the usually employed strong alcohol, which works 10 much inlurv. especially in cases where treatment, even though of the ' best: must 'be continued for consider able periods of time, in order to make the cure permanent. Many years ago, Dr. Pierce found that chpmirallv . Tin re clvcerine. of wooer strength, was far better than FREE RURAL SERVICE GROWS Ejitem in Operation Completely in Eighteen Counties of Nebraska. SEVEN MORE ARE GETTING IT, TOO Department Is Having to Hnstle to Keep l with the Iaereaalast Demand for Delivery Service. "We have complete county service In eighteen counties In Nebraska now and are considering extending It to seven more counties.:' said Superintendent C. E. Llewel lyn of the Oman division rural free de livery, "The counties which have complete service are Cuming, Burt, Washington, Douglas, Sarpy, Cass, Otoe, Nemaha, John son, Pawnee. Gage, Jefferson, Saline, Lan caster. Richardson, Butler, Seward and York. The counties to which the complete service will be extended as soon aa we have the arrangements completed are Dixon, Da kota, ' Clay, Fillmore, Thayer, Adams and Nuckolls. "The rural free delivery system is grow ing 'rapidly and we have all we can do to keep abreast of It Our entire force of special agents Is as busy as bees and our correspondence Is growing constantly. The Postoffice deiartment is anxious to afford every possible facility for the extension of the service where the conditions will war rant It. - The rural communities have begun to realise the Importance and convenience of the system and are eager to have It sxlendod Into every community. In refer ence to the numbering of the rural boxes we have hud no orders pro or con, and I do not know what the situation now Is jllier than what has appeared In the papers. "Another interesting thing in connection with rural free delivery service la that we receive practically no complaints regarding he desecration of the rural mall boxes, in (he early days of the rural free delivery j object Is te take up matters not already service, the hunters used to think that the , handled extensively by the other organiis niall ltoxea were legitimate targets for j t Ions, smong other things to secure winter their shot guns and rifles, and a great tourist rates to Colorado .and to get better of inuny of tlte boxes were destroyed In that manner. Nothing of the kind happens now, aa the boxes are regarded as part of the great postoflice system, and as tt Is a felony to destroy, deface or Injure them, the rural .boxes are as free from molesta tion aa the mail boxes In the cities." PURITY IN CITY GOVERNMENT Her. B. Console Smith Advocates laloa of t'hnrchca to Set on . Political Candidates. A plea for the election of men Irrespective it party was made by Rev. E. Comble Smith in a lecture on "Good Government" tt the Westminster church last night, under he auspices of the Westminster Presby terian Brotherhood. "We ought to recognise that the govern- nenl of a city la a matter of business, not jf politics. . said Dr. Smith. "The sooner e get huid of that Idea the closer we mill e to good government. Let us not cling to jarty. The administration of the affairs of t city has nothing to ao witn the tariff or Ivll service: it involves no question of na ional policy. It Is a business proposition vlth the people of the city. "The city should be managed aa the luir.e. If this were to be brought about the -luon. brothel and gambling hell, potent orrea In politics, would be wiped out, for he reason that they are losing propositions for ths city." Dr. Smith suggested that perhaps It is .line for a new alignment of the forces of he church for the exertion of a predoml uince which would tell In better civic gov nim.nt. He favored a federation of tha 'h niches and the holding of an ente-prt-nary convention which should proclaim to ;he various parties the attitude and policy tt the federated churches. Tlte candidates fr office must necessarily have a good roc 's '1 for purity and integrity in order to get ana vout of the churches. He also spoke In The Forelock." I lonKnl hni.h for rtrrtin and pre serving the medicinal principles residing in onr tndigenons, or native, meaicinai plants, such as he employs exclusively n manufacturing lis medicines. Some of these medicinal roots nave, nee Dr. Pierce first commenced to use them, advanced so in price, that they may be cultivated with great pront by our farmers. This is especially true of Golden Seal root, which enters into both the Doctor's " Golden Medical Discovery" and his "Favorite Prescrip tion." It now brings upward of fl.M) pound, although formerly selling at from 15 to 20 cents a pound. Many tona of this most valuable root are annually consumed in Doctor Fierce s Laboratory. From "Organic Medicines," by urover Coe, M. D., of New York, we extract the following concerning Hydrastis (Golden Seal root). which enters largely. as we have already stated, into the com position of both "Golden Medical Dis covery" and "Favorite Prescription." I Dr. Coe says : " Hydrastis exercises an especial influence over raucous sur faces. Its action in this respect is se manifest that the indications for its em ployment cannot be mistake. (Hence the efficiency of " Golden Medical Dia covery," which is rich in Golden Seal root, in an cat&rrnai anecwone. nu iunv ter in what part of the system located.) Upon the liver it act with equal cer tainty and efficacy. As a cholagogne (liver invigorator), it nas tew equais. Also in scrofula, glandular diseases generally, cutaneous eruptions, indi gestion, debility, diarrhoea, and con stipation." Doctor Coe continues: "Hydrastis (Golden Seal root), has been success fully employed in the cure of leueoT- rhcea. It is of singular efficacy when that complaint is complicated with hepatic i liver) aberration (derangement). Hv rastia is also of inestimable value In the treatment of chronic derangement of the liver. It seems to exercise an especial influence over the portal vein and hepatic (liver; structure generally, resolving (dissolving) biliary deposits, removing obstructions, promoting se cretion, and giving tone to the various functions. It is eminently cnoiagogue4 (liver accelerator), and may be relied upon with confidence for the relief of hepatic (liver) torpor. It promotes di gestion and assimilation, obviates con stipation, and gives tone to the depu rating tcieansingj iuutouui ibuchuj. Dr. Coe further says: "We would here add that our experience has de monstrated Hydrastis to be a valu able remedy in bronchitis, laryngitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs." After reading the foregoing extract who can doubt the great efficacy, in a long list of diseases, of "Golden Med- ' ical Discovery," one of the principal ingredients of which is Golden Seal root (Hydrastis)? And this applies with equal force to Doctor Pierce'e Favorite Prescription for weak, worn out, over -worked, nervous, invalid women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are com posed largely of concentrated principles extracted from Mandrake root. They resnlate and invigorate) the stomach, liver and bowels. One or two little sugar-coated "Pellets" a dose. favor of home rule for the cities. Hs did not favor the appointment of a fire and police board by the governor or the selec tion by the state government of any com mittees whatever to take a hand In the af faire of the city. OMAHA BETTER THAN DENVER MeVatn Thinks Commercial Bodies aad Newspapers of Colorado City Take Second Flare. E. J.,McVann, who returned Thursday morning from the annual convention of the Colorado Association of Commercial clubs, says the Nebraska commercial organisa tions are superior to those of the Centen nial state. This is particularly true In making a comparison between those of Denver and Omaha. In Denver there are four organisations which work for tha same end, but do not pull together, the Chamber of Commerce, the Convention league, the Hotel and Restaurant Keepers' association, and tha Real Estate exchange. In Omaha the place of three of these Is taken by the Commercial club, and much more Is accomplished than If there were other organisations with the same pur poses in view. "At the same time," said Mr. McVann, "Colorado is thoroughly alive on the ques tion of advertising and the state Is ahead of Nebraska In this. I made a point to pick up advertising pamphlets st the con vention and I brought home forty or fifty, exclusive of railroad advertisements. Every county, every Irrigated ' district, almost every town of any slxe, la advertised In an admirable manner. The Colorado As sociation of Commercial clubs haa In Den ver, where the central office is located, two store rooms, with show windows, where all the products of the state are displayed and the state advertised as a whole. No advertisement pertaining to Denver In particular is allowed." While Mr. McVann was In Denver, a business men's league was organised. Its ra II road rates. The Denver business men say that discrimination ia made against them in favor of Omaha, Kansas City and St. Joseph on one side and Salt Lake City and Los Angeles on the other. The Denver newspaper man has no place In Mr. McVann's sympathies. When Inter viewed by one he said It made him feel good to step off the train Into the bright sunshine. The statement appeared In the paper to the effect that he was glad to leave Jhe dirty, cloudy city of Omaha and get Into a decent climate for a short time. OFFICERS FOR THE EXCHANGE Koiaiaatloaa Ara Made h the Real Estate Men Who Elect Next Week. Nominations for officers of the Real Es- ; tate exchange were made at the meeting ' of the exchange Wednesday. For preal dunt the name of W. H. Green. W. T I Graham, C. F. Harrison. L. 8. Reed ind H. F. Dalley were presented; for vice pres Ident, J. W. Robblns. B. R. Hastings. 8 P. Bostwlck; for secretary, L. D. Spauld Ing, H. A. Tukey. W. Q. Shriver. Henry Payne; treasurer, Q. T. Martin. J. H. Par rotte, W. H. Gates. The election will be held next Wednesday. A committee, consisting of W. T. Gra ham. J. B. McKltrlck and C. H. Young, was appointed to study the advisability of asking for the appointment of members of the exchange aa special police officers to have authority to cc el compliance with the city ordinances a. ihey apply to prop erty, especially as regards garbage. The committee was Instructed to report at the next meeting. pleagld ftveord. Dr. King s New Life Pills bsve made a splendid record by curing headache! bilious, neos. constipation, etc.; H cents. Try. For sale by Sherman d McConnsll Drug Ce. WOMAN NOT AFRAID TO WORR Dtisrted by Haisaad af few Wcski, Bit finds Eirttlf ii traits. ENDURES HARDSHIPS, BUT tS . BRAVE ktaa She Married Deserts Her, ay- la Married Life la Sat What He Expected II Woald Be. Deserted two weeks ago at tha Union hotel by the man she married at St. Louts two months ago, Mrs. Utile Clancey, a woman of evident refinement and education, went to work in a local bos factory until her tender bands bled and aha was compelled to quit the work. Then she spent what few dollars she had left and, with more falsa pride than discretion, slept two nights in a boxcar in the railroad yards before she mustered up enough courage to icon Ada her troubles to anyone. The woman was taken to the matron's department at the city jail, cared for by Matron Gibbons several days and secured employment through Superintendent Mor rli of the Associated Charities. Mr. Clancey is now working in the home of a, prominent Omaha man and her Intentions are to work until she can accumulate enough money so she may return to her parents without being dependent on them. Mr. and Mrs. Clancey lived some weeks at the Union hotel after coming to Omaha. It la aald Clancey was without work moat o the time here. One morning about two weeks ago he kissed his wife and told her he was going out to find work. That was the last time the woman saw her husband. A few hours after Clancey left lh wife found a note under her pillow. 1 he note read: Ooodby. dear. This Is the last you will hear from me. Married life is not what I thought it would be. Don't try to find me. It will be no use. JOHN. The wife remained at the hotel a few days, hoping against hope that Clancey would return. The woman says she left a comfortable home to marry Clancey, but pride leatralns her at this time from .'et'jnlng to the pa rental roof. All her education, she sold, availed her nothing or little wht.i It mine to fact the world and ma-te a living. ONE MAN ALREADY ENLISTED First Naval Recruit la Seat to Re ceiving Ship Yards at Norfol It. The permanent naval recruiting depot in the postoffice building place is developing into a busy establishment. The recruiting party Is now complete, with the exception or the hospital steward, and consists of Lieutenant Comander It. M. Slgnor, As slstant Surgeon C. K. Winn, Chief Boat swain's mate 8. Canavan and Chief Toe man W. B. . Wood. One man already has enlisted and sent to the receiving ship at Norfolk navy yard Va. Another passed Tils final examination and will be sent there Saturday. The first entlstment is thst of C. A. Southard of Omaha, as apprentice seaman. Lieutenant Commander Slgnor aaid Thurs day morning: "We are particularly anxious to obtain re-enllstments In order to get and continue experienced men In the navy. Excellent Inducements are offered for re-enlistments, the parties receiving extra pay for re-en listing, and are at liberty to re-enlist within four months from their discharge and will get back pay for that period. It Is the rule in the navy to give men thirty days leave each year, with pay and the man who serves his entire enlistment of four yeara without availing of his leave gets four month's credit and pay on re-enlisting. With the new ships now coming Into com mission snd building there are about 4,900 more men needed. Young men, 21 years and evdn under,-are preferred, as they are more susceptible to training into good seamen. We, of course, take older men, up to 35 years, and especially want good mechanics. The pay Is excellent, and opportunities for promotion were never better than now." Chief Yoeman Wood was asked relative to the treatment of men in the navy. He said: "I have been In the navy for a number of years as an enlisted man, and can say, advisedly, that tbe treament of all classes of seamen Is excellent, and I certainly have nothing to complain of. The naval recruit Is given every consideration that discipline and merit will warrant, and It lies with the man himself as to what his treatment may be. If he becomes dissi pated and unreliable he Is rigorously dis ciplined and every effort will be made to make a man of him. If he aspires to learn, devotes himself to his duties and observes the rules of the ship, he will find his berth an easy and pleasant one. Pro motion comes readily and a good man la quickly recognised and treated accord ingly." STRANGER ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Foand In Seml-Consclona Condition with Several Gashes la His Throat. Patrick McKenna was found under the Burlington viaduct at Third and Hickory at 7 o'clock last night In a semi-conscious state, with nearly a dosen cuts on his throat. His hands were swollen and bruised and It appeared that he had fallen from the approaches of the viaduct, alighting on his hands. Near the place was found a rasor with blood stains upon It and a tuft of gray hair. It is thought that the men had tried to commit suicide while seated on ths edge of the viaduct or while leaning against the rail. It appeared that his courage failed him when he felt the keen edge, for none of the cut are very deep, though one extends almost from ear to ear. McKenna Is a man of 50 or more and has the appearance of a laborer. According to his Incoherent talk when brought to the police station he came here from Chicago last Monday. He was aeen In the vicinity of the Willow Springs brewery during the sfternoon. Nothing of vslue was found In his effects, and there la nothing to give any rlue to his life In Chicago. He looks like a man who had endured much exposure and hard work. His Injuries were attended at the police station and he was given a cot to sleep on. It Is thought he la suffering from some ailment other than his wounds, but In his comatose state little can be done until more definite symptoms develop. POTATOES COME FIRST NOW Tahcra Mnat Bo Dng, So City Clerk Lcnvea Hla Offlee aad Goes to the Patch. Bo pressing haa been the necessity of dig ging his fifteen acres of potatoes that City Clerk Elbourn found It necessary Thurs day to devote hla whole time and attention to the task and pass up business af the city hall to hla assistants. The clerk la expttctlng a big financial return on his agricultural Investment and Is getting his tubers out of the ground as rapidly as possible. ' , Bnlldlng Permits. Penults have been Issued by the city to Relchenbera Broa. for three brick houses at S328-32 Harney street to cost 17. WO and to the same builders for similar dwellings at S321-M Harney street to cost a like amount; J P. O Keen's, U.&oO frame dwell ing at Forty-first avenue and Davenport) Vincent Ke. IT00 frame dwelling at Elev enth and Dominion. LOST HORSES AND WAGON Team with Load of Cool aad Driver, Also with a Load, Are Missing. A glance over the records of lost snd found articles at police headquarters shows nearly everything used by man. It would take a scroll as long as from the market house on Capitol avenue to the water works at Florence to rpcord the various thins reported to the police In the last ten years, but It' Is stated that not until Wednesday afternoon could the entry of a wagon of coal and team of horses be found on ths scroll. Wednesday afternoon Desk Ser geant Marshall made this entry: Lost Wagon containing two ton of coal snd hauled by team of horses. Owned by Sunderland Bros. Driver's nsme, Frank Daley, colored. The story goes that Driver Daley left his team at the foot Of a hill near Sixth and Pierce streets, became drunk and Ill suited several women, while his horses started away with the coal. Daley was charged at the city jail with drunkenness snd insulting women on the street. When arraigned In police court Daley said he merely left his horses to find ths sddress for the coal. The prisoner was fined tit and costs, which means SJ4.S0 for the school fund. The team and wagon were found a few blocks from where Daley left them. The DAVIES' FENCE MAY REMAIN Iron Eneloaare, Against Whleh Pro tests Were Filed, Allowed to Stand for Present. Residents In the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and Charles streets objected strongly when James A. Da vies started In to build an iron fence four feet tall around his lots st the northeast corner of the Intersection and took In all the apace outside of ths property lines within one foot of the side walk. They declared the fence would ruin the appearance of the streets which are not now encumbered by fences running out beyond the lot boundaries. Bo intense did their objection become they had Mr. Davies, who runs an employment agency, arrested. He protested he had been given authority to build the fence In the street by the council, but was taken to the city hall to make good his claim. He made It good and Chief Donahue ordered his Im mediate release. The resolution authorising the fence was adopted by the council at the last meet ing and was Introduced by Councilman Schroeder. It provides the fence may re main until the council orders it removed. As many Interested residents have called at the city clerk's offloe and protested It Is not unlikely that the removal will be ordered next week. NO CALL F0RTHE UNGRADED Superintendent Dnrldaon Thinks Def ter Not Attempt Snch Schools Inttl Demand Arlsca. Superintendent Davidson has not made up his mind as to the wisdom Of establishing sn "unclassified" or "Ungraded" school ns recommended by the Woman'a club. He says: "I gather the Ides is to have a separsto school thst would ocoupy a position half way between the ordinary public schools and the detention home of the Juvenile court. It would, in reaHty. be a sort of probation School for delinquent pupils of all characters. It may be conditions de mand such an Institution In Omaha and tt may. not be the caae.Jrdn. not, think any such, school should be undertaken unless a necessity exists for It There Is alwaya the danger In auch Institutions of the stigma attached to things of the: kind. Could this stigma and the Sense of Isolation be over come? - i snouia not attempt to express an opinion for or against the resolution until I had devoted considerable atudy to the question." NIGHT SCHOOLS ARE POPULAR Show Larger Attendance Than Brer Re fore Biggest Gala Is at C'omeatns. Reports of attendance at the night schools for tbe first week show more students are attending than ever before. The increase for the first week over last year Is 1S1 The biggest gain is at the Comenlus school In the south end of town and In the midst of a foreign population, where the at tendance Jumped from 110 to 226. At the Kellom school, on the north side, the gain was from 138 to 164. "I have not yet had an opportunity to closely analyse the condltiona and account for the Increase." aaid Superintendent Davidson. "But at the Kellom school found thst only fifteen students are belew IS yeara, or the compulsory education age. i ne majority are adults or very nearly so. ine ranks of the first grade are crowded This shows thst a great many persons who railed to secure a rudimentary education in their youth are now endeavoring to re pair the defect." BUSINESS MEN ARE ON JURY tansrht for Service In Noraiandle Apartment Honse Case In the t'oonty Coort. Judge Vlnsonhaler again had before him for trial by jury the suit of the Normandie apartment house against C. O. Underwood to recover I62.&0. alleged to be due for one month's rent. The Jury returned a verdict for defendant Thursday afternoon. Clerk Martin- Bugarmann again had sum moned Into court a Jury composed of business men, serving not will ingly, but because they could not get ex cused. The six men summoned this time were J. P. Cook, wholesale merchant; A. Hospe. art and music dealer; Robert Pur vis, commission man; W. 8. Stryker, shoe dealer; A. T. Klopp. printer; A. Rosen berry, sash and window maker. This was the third trial of the case in the county court, both of the previous trials having resulted In disagreements. DEAFNESS- CAUSES INJURY Elderly Man Who Caaaot Hear Well Hnrt on Railroad After J. Bar leycorn Hlta Hint. James Mcintosh, an etderly man living at 2411 Mason street, was seriously injured Thursday morning on ths railroad tracks near Council Bluffs He waa taken to the city hospital In Council Bluffs. Mcintosh Is hard et hearing and did not hear an approaching train, so It Is reported. In the Omaha police court Wednesday morning Mcintosh was arraigned on a charge of drunkenness and was discharged on account of his old age and s miction. It Is not thought the man's Injuries will provo fatal. Hallway Kotos aad Personals. General Superintendent Cable of the Rock Island is In the city. J. A. Kuhn. general ssent of ths North western, has aone to t'hloaso. Horace O. Burt, former president of the I'nlon recinc, wno, acuompanlnd by Mrs. Burt, has been makins an extended tour of the world, haa arrived In Chicago and Is expecioa u vuat umena in a snort lime. The esaot date of bis win Ins J net known. Wreln Ne. I of the )urltgVa Tkursday I Neark J The i4 Slmg&& iff $pr glliB!" y$ The largest number ever printed, and full of new ideas, as well as stories, music, Mrs. Rorer's cook ing pages and Mrs. Ralston's Fashion departments. 15 Cents a Copy at Dealers THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. had twelve extra tourist cars and was run In two sections. This Is one of the day of the personally conducted excursions to t allfornia ana an immense nuinner is lad ing advantage of the opporlunl.y and rates to visit the coast. Friday will be the last day for these personally conducted excur sions, although tne rate applies until uc tober 81. KINDER BUYS GERMAN PAPER Seen res Control of Westllcha, of Which He AJ ready ' Was Editor. The Westllche Press hss passed Into the management of Otto Kinder. Thia la the German weekly newspaper of which L. O. Simons was owner and manager and Mr. Kinder editor. Mr. Simons sold the paper to the National Printing company last win ter and left-Ohiaha' for Los -Angeles. Mr. Kinder continued as Its editor. He begun negotiations for the purchase of the paper some weeks 'ago and completed these ne gotiations and took possession of the paper Thursday. A company of owners of the paper has been Incorporated with Carl Schroeder as president. Adolph Brandels vice president, Fred Dulkes secretary and treasurer and Otto Kinder, manager and editor. SHAW CANNOT FAVOR CLUB Secretary of Treasury I'nable to At tend of the Com mercial Clnh. Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treas ury, sent word Wednesdsy night to Chair man Judson of the executive committee of the Commercial club, stating he could not attend the club banquet planned for Friday night. Charlea O. Dawes also sent his re grets. The banquet will be postponed until some night next week and an attempt will be made to aecure aome other noted men for an address. Several men of national fame will assist In the unveiling of the Morton monument at Nebraska City Saturday and one of them will be asked to take a place on the banquet program. HYMENEAL Hadscll-Cornl. Rev. WUIard L. Hadsell, pastor of the Congregational church at Hyannia, was united In marriage to Miss Erla Coral, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Corel, at the family residence, 2614 South Eleventh street. Wednesday evening at S o'clock by Rev. W. H. Reynolds, D. D., pastor of the Castellsr Street Presbyterian church. The bride was s member of this church and a teacher In the Sunday school. A brother of the groom, Martin A. Hadsell of Univer was a member of this church and a sity Place, acted as best man, and Miss Bertha Massion of Omaha waa maid of honor. The bridal group stood on a white rug and over their heads hung tbe wedding bell. The color scheme for the gracefully hung and effective decorations waa green and white. The bride's dress waa of white silk. She carried bride roses. Miss Massion was dressed In lavender silk snd carried white carnations. The wedding march from Lohengrin," played by Mrs. Jack Koop- man of Omaha, was preceded by two vocal solos, "Thine for Life" snd "Oh Promise Me," sung by friends of the bride. A wed ding supper followed the ceremony. Some of the out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hadsell, parenta of the groom, and Mr. Martin A. Hadsell, a brother, from University Place; Mr. and Mrs. Wells and Miss Wells, Miss Lovatt and othera from Lincoln. Rev. and Mrs. Hadsell will after the wedding Journey be at hnjne In the Manse. Hyannia. Caatorllae-Toasllnson. Mr. Harry L. Casterllne and Mlsa Bertha B. Tomlinson. both of Omaha, were mar ried at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Othello Tomlinson. X41t South Sixteenth, Wednesday at 1:30 p. m., by Rev Walter H. Reynolds. D. D., pastor of the Castellar Street Presbyterian church. Tne groom was attended by Elmer E. Rocheford as best man. the bride by Miss Emma Weber as maid of honor. The ceremony waa performed under a canopy from which the wedding bells swung. The bride wae dressed becomingly In white and carried bride roses; Miss Weber waa also In white and carried a shower bouquet. The com pany of intimate friends present remained to partake of the wedding supper with Mr. and Mrs. Casterllne. They will reside in Omaha at 241 South Sixteenth street. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending st noon Thurs day: Btrths-J. O. Jewell, IsH North Twenty- a Million uarter Copies Printed to supply the demand for the NOVEMBER Number of Ladies' Home Journal second, hov; N. E. flalvard. S31 North Thir tieth, girl; Swan Ilswklnsnn, 2X14 Chicago. Klrl; Paul Kisickl, 2713 South Twenty-ninth, boy. Heaths Guy T. Wsllare. 21'Zi Sherman avenue, 26; Miss Mnry Furlong, St. Joseph's hospital, 64; Vincent Soudek. Fortieth and I'oppleton arenna Phillip Bergeron, St. Louis, W. BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR Deaf Defendant Ignores Remark of City Prosecutor Addressed to lllm. One deaf mute and two deaf persons were arraigned before Police Judge berks Thursday- morning in police court. This establishes a new record at the people s bar. Frank Byers, the deaf mute arrested by Detectives Ferris and Dunn for begging pn the streets, created some amusement when arraigned. - "You are charged with begging on the streets," wrote City Prosecutor Lee. "1 am guilty," replied Byers with his pencil. Then the police judge took a pdSeil and pad and was about to Indite a few lines to Byers when Prosecutor Lee turned lo Byers, forgetting his affliction, and said: "You're a dandy If you can read the judge's chirography." Byers did not even turn his head, but watched the movement's of the judge's lingers with the pencil. "Will you leave town If I discharge you?" wrote the judge. While the judge's writing was yet up side down to Byers the prisoner nodded in the affirmative and was released. Whether Byers can read upside down or watched the movements of the Judge's fingers was not learned. He raced out of the court room like a cat out of a bug. A German, named Michael Casey, 66 years of sge and an old character, had quite a time understanding what was said to him. With handa raised to heaven Casey in voked divine aid to help him leave Omaha. A community of Interest telephone used by a party of hackmen standing near the railroad passenger stations on Tenth street was the cause of a disturbance between Albert Ogle and B. Drake. The men be came engaged In a fisticuff and were ar rested for disturbing the peace by fighting. Ogle testified Drake answered the tele phone and took a "call" intended for Ogle. Drake aald he fought only In self-defense. Drake's face and neck bore a number of scratches. Ogle was fined $6 and costs and took an appeal. Drake waa discharged. The man who stole a red hot stove with smoking viands in Omaha some years ago and his contemporary who stole a grind stone will have to step aside for new faces and new ideas. These are the sentiments cf Chief of Detectives Dunn of the police station. The occasion for the chief's statement was a report received by the police stating that among other things two buzs saws had been stolen by burlirs from the 1 Johnson St Mcl.sln pl'inlng m.':i at Sixth " , s ,Pk. m, .he nlai.inir mill. Jacob Shandv. ! well known to the police, has been ar- tested and chanted at the city Jail with burglary. Shandy Is said to have pawned moat of the tools referred to ana is sus pected of the burglary. He has not yet been tried In police court. John Mehan could not explain to Judge Berka In police court Thursday morning why he should go atnund with a loaded re volver, pair of plyers and a lot of lend slugs In his pockets. Mehan was arrested hv officers on the charge of being a sus- i plcious character. The fine was il;i and costs. John Jackson of 311 North Twelfth street and Booty Carter of IK North Eleventh street, both colored, have been arrested on the charge of receiving and concealing stolen property. The man who is ssld to have stolen the articles found In the rooms of Jackson and Carter gave his name as Fred Rattle when arrested a week ago by Detective Savage. Since the arrest It wss learned Rattle was paroled from the Kun asa reformatory at Hutchinson. Superin tendent E. E. Marshall of the reformatory has taken Rattle, whose right name It Omar Weedon, back to Hutchinson to serve two yeara for having broken - his parole. 1 ne ponce nave eviaence mm neeaon stole a suit ae from Hayden Bros, an umbrella from the Kllpatrlck store, an over coat from the Bennett store, and It is be lieved a silver set now being held for Identification at the police station was stolen by Weedon. All this property was found hidden in the room of Jackson and Carter, who have not had a trial yet In police court. John Bergquest becume leal careless Wednesday evening by ordering drinks at several saloons without going through the formality of paying for them. He went to one saloon too many, was arrested for being drunk and disorderly and when ar raigned before the police Judge Thursday morning was fined ti said costs. Bergquist cried when fined and 'said he Is sorry he came to Nebraska. He was the first man to cry In police court this year. Caaliaa Pleads Gallty. PITTSBURG. Oct. i.-Edward O. Cun liffe, the Adams Exprvss robber, went into court today snd pleaded guilty to two charges of larceny, representing a theft of 110 .000. Sentence was suspended until Sat urday. Cunliffe's action caused much sur prise, as neither the Adams Express oom pany nor the PUikertoa etc!ve nuy wore rprsnt4 la court. Us has ne eoou- and a sel and the belief ia growing that C'tmliffs is mentally unbalanced. POPl I.ATI( '-OK 111KOTA TOWNS Thirty-Two of Them Hnre Orer One Thousand Inhabitants, PIERRE, S. D-. Oct. 2.-(Sneclal.) The towns of the state, shown to have a 1.006 or more population by the last census are: Aberdeen, 5,841; Armour, 1,13; Belle Fourche, 1,023; Beresford. 1,192: Brookings, ' 3,:6j; Canton, 2.279: Chamberlain, 1.M17; Lead. S.UG2; Madison, 2.914; MllbanlC 1.7181 Mitchell, 6.719; Parker. 1,227: Pierre, J.794; Rapid City. 1,797; Redfleld. 1.591; Deadwood, 4.34; Dell RnpidH, 1.339; F.Ik Point, 1.2SJ; Flandreau. 1,455; . Oroton, 1,014.; Hot Springs. 2,086; Huron. 3,783; Sioux Falls, 12,203; Scotland, 1.130; Suweton. ,T,i Snearlis,t,I,lft; Sturgls, 1,328; Tyndall. 1.171; Vermillion, 2.147; Water town, 6,lt4; Webster, 1,81s ; Yankton, 4.18. Illinois Central Train Ditched. FORT DODGE, Ia., Oct. 28.-(8pecial Telegram.) Illinois Central limited train No. 2 on the Omaha division was thrown In the ditch at Arion today by striking a de rail er. The train was Just entering town when the accident occurred and was run ning at a speed of not more than ten miles ' an hour. Owing to the slow speed only the engine and buffet csr left the track. Traffic along the tine waS delayed about three hours on account of the wreck.' No one was injured. Kerrlces at Temple Israel. Rabhl Frederick Cohn will lecture Friday evening at 8 o'clock at Temple Israel on The People of the Book." Servlcea will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and the subject of the sermon will be "Genesis." PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. C. J. Miles and wife are at the Millard. Mr. Miles is the mayor of Hastings. . Neb. At the Millard V. Howard and wife. North Platte: J. C. Martin, Central City; G. W. Holland. Falls City; H. W. Francis. Bancroft. Merchants W. 8. Brown, Beat rice: O. B Hlckox. Fremont; G. Hoffman. Monroe: J. F. Barbee, Grand Island; O. C. Bell, Lincoln. Paxton H. .C. Andrews, Kearney; E. B. Stephenson. W. H. Foy. Lincoln; O. W. Seymour, Elgin; O. A. Cooper. Humboldt. Murray Kd Hoare, Columbus; T. N. Itcnnltt, St. Paul: O. A. Pates. Springfield: 8. E. and W. B. fitltson, Pullman. Her Grand E. C. Hams,. Chad- . ron; Mrs. W. M. Braytun, Stuart; R. E. Griiistead, Button: I. M. Eastman, Craw,, ford; K. M. Peyton, Crelghlon.-- ONLY A SUGGESTION But it lias Proven of Interest and Value to Thousands. Common sense woald suggest that If one wishes to become fleshy and plump It can only result from the food we eat and digest and that food should be albuminous or flesh-forming food, like eggs, beefsteak, snd cereals; In other words the kinds of, food that make flesh are the foods which form the greater part of our dally bills of fare. But the trouble Is that while we eat enough, and generally too much, the stom ach, from abuse and overwork, does not properly digest and assimilate It, which Is the reaoon so many people remain thin and under weight; the digestive organs do hot completely digest the flesh-forming beet-. steak, eggs and similar wholesome food. There art thousands of such who are really confirmed dyspeptics, although they may have no particular pain or Inconveni ence from their stomachs. If such persons would lay their prejudices aside and make a regular practice of tak ing after eacli meal one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets the food would be quickly and thoroughly digested, because these tablets contain the natural peptones and diastase which every weak stomach lacks, and by supplying this want, the stomach is soon enabled to teach its natural tone and vigor. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets digest every kind of flesh-forming food, meat, eggs, bread and potatoes, and -this Is the reason they so quickly build up, strengthen, and In vigorate thin, dyspeptic men, women and chlidroo. Invalids and children, even the moat deli cate, use them with marked benefit as they contain no strong, irritating drugs, no ca thartic nor any harmful Ingredients. - " Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the moat successful and most widely known of any remedy for stomach troubles because they are the most reasonable and sclentlflo of modern medicines. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets sre sold by every druggist In the United States and Canada as well ss Grest Britain at W cents for complete treatment. j Nothing further Is required to euro any stomach trouMs or to make tbin, nervous, " )sr4le (ovfto stewog), piumf jtd well.