Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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TliE Omaha Daily Bee
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Sunday Bee, per cony v"i
Art1ru complaints of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
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Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to newt and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
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payable to The Hoe Publishing Company.
Only l-rent stamps received aa payment of
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Stat of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa.:
C. C. Roaewater, secretary of The Be
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
sAy that th actual number of full and
complete cople of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
th month of September, 1906, waa.aa fol
lows: 1 S0.400
I an, rww
4..... 80..1AO
I ao.rro
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1( Sl.TOO
17 SO.ftlO
20 aa,4io
tl 8O.H20
14 t
81, MM)
Total ,
Lea unaold copies
.. io.ioa
Net total sales 91tJ,3Its)
Dally average 80.S44
. ' C C. ROSE WATER, Secy.
Subscribed In my preaence and sworn to
crinr mm in: awn day or eeptemoer. isfub.
(Seal) i B. H UNO ATE,
Notary Public
rtr leavlaa- th lty tem
porarily ahoald Th Be
snail! them. It I better th
"ally letter from horn. Ad
dress ytlll chant oftea a
rjasted r
lteglster today.
But so far no one has resigned in
favor of Candidate Hearst
Present indications threaten "Holy
Russa" with the danger of soon becom-
ln "holy smoke."
That Allegheny bank failure came
Just In time to relieve the minds of Deo-
pl who were watching the Philadelphia
situation too closely.
The Heal Estate exchange is preparing-
for its annual election and a re
quest for. tbe loan of a voting machine
will be ixt in order. '.
Chicago dental college, students ar
rested -for rioting will' hereafter know
better than to, Infringe on the privileges
of students at classical schools.
That "growing question" fake offers
the easiest known way to fill up editor
ial space. That doubtlettg explains why
It is resorted to so frequently.
Now that the republican candidate for
district attorney has resigned In favor
of Jerome, Governor Folk may recon
alder his announced determination not to
The September trade statement of the
Department of Commerce and Labor is
respectfully referred to "tariff-rippers"
for what consolation they can get out
of it
The Incident In the' local court where
two men of the same name responded
to one Jury summons offers a fruitful
subject for some ambitious comic opera
Congress will be in session within six
wwcks, bringing in its train Reed 8 moot
tnd a number of other problems which
the American reading public has almost
If half a day can, be cut off the trip
from San Francisco for Mr. Harrlman.
It will be ouly a matter of time when
it will be cut off for every transconti
nental traveler. '
If John D. Kockyfellow does not put
In liberally to the fund of the popocratlc
candidates for regents, who promise to
return to him his $07,000, he will be an
ungrateful wretch.
The opponeuts of Mr. Hoosevelt's rate
regulation policy have one satisfaction
If defeated at Chicago they can appeal
to th Uuited States senate, where no
power yet devised will stop talk.
Stoppng the "leak" in the cotton sta
tistiea does not seem to have stopped
the excitement which follows the publi
cation of the reports. Mayle there is
more than one hole In the skimmer.
it not necessary to say anything
against Harry Peoel, or his admluls
t ration of the register of deeds office,
except that Frank Handle is quite com
potent to erforiu tbe duties Just as
General Gomes Is quoted as predicting
8 revolution ID Cuba. Tbe genera
should learn a lesson from some of our
political forecasters whose reputation
as; prophets Is greatest farthest from
Secretary Hitchcock's recommends
tlon for the abolition of laud office re
ceiver will hardly be popular with the
officers affected. If any one is to be
abolished the receivers would much pre
fer to have the registers decapitated.
Eastern merchants Interested in tho
Cuban trade assort that tbe pending
commercial treaty Iwtween (.rent Brit-
In and Cuba In distinctly hostile to the
trade Interest of tbe United States with
tbe Island republic. One of them, fa
miliar with the situation, 1 quoted aa
saying that ever since Cuba became Inde
pendent the British minister at Havana
as been working for a favorable com
mercial treaty between bis country and
Cuba, with the full knowledge that any
greenicDt of the kind would be ones
ided and altogether to tbe advantage
of Great Britain. That country takes
very little from Cuba, but the latter
offers a good market for British manuJ
factures, If hey can be sent there under
the favorable conditions contained in
the proposed treaty.
It appears probable, however, that the
treaty will not be ratified. The objec
tions to it submitted by the American
minister to Cuba have bad the effect, it
Is stated, to awaken the Cuban Chamber
of Commerce and the Economic society
to a realisation of the false and danger
ous policy to which the government has
committed Itself. The position of the
United 8Utes In regard to the matter
has been dignified and conservative, yet
the Cuban government has been very
plainly given to understand that this
country looked upon the treaty as dis
tinctly inimical to Its interests and its
ratification would certainly have the ef
fect to weaken Cuba's claims to our fu
ture consideration in a commercial way.
The reciprocity treaty between Cuba and
the United States has but two years to
run and If the English treaty should be
ratified undoubtedly Cuba would experi
ence some difficulty in negotiating an
other reciprocity agreement equally fa
vorable to her interests.
There are what appear to be author!
tatlve intlraatious of a movement in
congress, with the support of the ad
niulstratlon, with a view to promoting
the industrial and. commercial develop
rocnt of the Philippines. It is stated
that a bill has already been prepared
und will be Introduced by Representa
tive Payne of New York, chairman of
the ways and means committee,, which
will provide for the free entry of all
Philippine products except sugar and to
bacco, upon which a duty of 25 per cent
will be levied. It is understood that
this measure will also undertake to mod
ify the restrictions which have hereto
fore operated to prevent the Investment
of American capital In tbe islands, such
restrictions being principally on mining
and agricultural investment. The policy
in this respect was designed to prevent
the exploitation of the islands by syndi
cutis, but its effect has been to prac
tically exclude all capital and It Is now
seen to be necessary to modify it. ,
Jt Is thought that with leading repub
lican? in congress and the, ndrulnlstra
tlon supporting a bill having. these ob
jects it will not meet with very much
opposition. At present Philippine prod-
nets pay 75 per cent of the Pingley
rates, so that the proposed legislation
would be a very material concession,
which it is believed would offer a strong
invitation to capital to invest in the
islands. Some protection would remain
to our sugar and lobacco interests, tut
whether sufficient to satisfy them is a
question. There is no doubt that the ad
ministration very earnestly desires that
something be done for Improving Philip
pine conditions.
According to some reports from Wash
ington, tbe president's proposition, as
announced in his Raleigh address, that
officers of the government shall be em
powered to examine the Looks of rail
road companies, aa bank examiners ex
amine the hooks of national banks, and
that the Interstate Commerce commis
sion be authorized to prescribe tbe books
every railroad company shall keep, has
caused some consternation in tbe whole
camp of the railroad forces, including
those members of congress who are ad
verse to the president's position regard
ing governmental supervision and regu
lation of railroads.
It is pointed out that the proposition
is the same in principle as that advocated
by Mr. Roosevelt with regard to cor
porations generally and approved in the
anti-trust legislation of the fifty-seventh
congress. The bureau of corporations
was then authorized to inquire into the
affairs of all corporations, railroads In
eluded, for the purpose of ascertaining
If the laws were being violated. It Is
urged that in passing this law the very
senators who are expected to fight
against the president's whole railroad
policy placed themselves upon record as
affirming the propriety of a government
investigation of the accounts and bus!
ness methods of all corporations en
gaged in interstate commerce. 8uch be
Ing the case, those who thus voted for a
measure authorizing the bureau of cor
poratious to investigate the business
methods of all colorations cannot, it is
argued, with consistency opjKwie a prop
osition to confer similar powers to In
vestlgate and examine the business
methods of railroads upon an adminis
trative body dealing exclusively with
railroad questions.
It is to be expected that Mr. Roose
velt's proposition to take the lid en
tirely off the railroad business of the
country, and permit tbe public to see
Just how it ha beeu wronged by those
la control of railroad affairs, will in
ttnsify the opposition of the railroad to
such adequate legislation as the presi
dent, deems to be In the interest of tbe
public. A Washington dispatch to an
eastern paper says: "It is certain that
Elklns, Foraker, Aldrlch aud all the
other representatives of railroad Inter
ests in congress will resist with great
stubbornness the president's recommen-
dntlons. But at the same time It weak
ens the opposition and strengthens tbe
president's cause, because the propriety
of his position Is so clear that it Is cer
tain to Increase the public demand for
the legislative acton he has suggested."
The publicity proposition of the presi
dent In regard to the railroads Is a very
strong feature in his policy of supervi
sion and regulation and wilt undoubt
edly meet with very general popular ap
proval. In bis Raleigh address Mr.
Roosevelt said: "I hope that by law
power will be conferred upon represent
atives of the government capable of per
forming the duty of public accountants
carefully to examine into the books of
railroads, when so ordered by the Inter
state Commerce commission, which
should itself have power to prescribe
what books, and what books only, should
be kept by railroads."
The series of articles which The Bee
has been printing on land conditions in
northwestern Nebraska are pointed and
timely in explaining to what extent op
portunities still remain for new settlers.
What was formerly known as the Great
American Desert has long -since been
erased from the map and successful im
provements in cultivation methods, irri
gation works and transportation facili
ties have gradually narrowed down the
uninhabitable area and brought vast
tracts of supposedly waste lands Into
useful service. That the possibilities
of northwestern Nebraska have by no
means been exhausted is aptly demon
strated by the recent moves on the part
of two of our big railroad systems to
extend tbeir lines to take care or tne
growing traffic from that section.
The problems confronting the people
of the grazing country are, no doubt in
tricate and difficult but the abuses of
the big cattle companies are being
abated, and these big concerns must
eventually give way to the smaller
rancher and homesteader. The popu
lating and upbuilding of this grazing
country will contribute also fo the pros
perity of other parts of the state. It
will steady the source of supply for the
live stock market at Omaha and other
Missouri river points and draw in turn
upon our wholesalers and Jobbers for
goods to be consumed there.
The next few years should see a
marked Increase in the population of
Nebraska and the northwestern parts
of the state may be depended upon to
take care of more than its proportionate
share of the increase.
Bryce Crawford filled out the unex
pired term of Judge Learn in the police
court and Learn and Crawford together
reorganized the court and put it ou its
feet after the. thoroughly demoralized
regime of Judge Gordon. Judge Craw
ford has demonstrated his ability to
handle the police court In a business
like way without scandal, and that is
the kind of a police Judge tbe people of
Omaha want to succeed Judge Berka.
Judge Day expresses the opinion that
when a proposition for a new court
house building is submitted every Juror
who has spent a night in the jury room
In -the present court house will be
among its enthusiastic supporters. The
thing to do then is for the Judge to see
to it that every Juror is incarcerated
at least one night In the Jury room.
The local popocratlc organ has dis
covered thst Tammany Is seriously
alarmed and that tbe candidacy of
Hearst in New York City is assuming
formidable proportions. But Mr. Hitch
cock is very careful not to say whether
he would support McClellan or Hearst
If he were running a paper in New
According to the agents who sold
them, the voting machines operate to
facilitate independent ballots. All the
candidates, however, are going on the
theory that mechanical voting means
straight party tickets. It will take the
election returns to tell which are fooled
the worst
Don't forget that according to Judge
Troup's ruling, those who registered on
primary day last month must register
again in order to be eligible to vote
either at tbe coming election or at the
municipal primaries next spring.
And now we are told once more that
the promoters of the Omaha, Lincoln
& Beatrice rpad expect to have the cars
running before winter begins. Won't
they please tell us whether 4t is the
winter of 1000 or 1010?
The Crescent City is grateful for the
sympathy of President Roosevelt but
probably more so for his visit which
helps local merchants to make up for
some of the business lost during the
quarantine. '
Miss Roosevelt declares tbut the sul
tan of Sulu was not silly. Remembering
the clever way In which he connected
with the federal treasury one is Inclined
to think Mlsa Roosevelt'a assurances un
Barometer of th Boon.
Boston Transcript.
Railroad business Is booming. In forty
one weeks of th present year mor freight
cars hav baen ordered than for any pre
vious entire year In the history of th in
dustry. Oa Knorker Stanae.
Chlcaao Inter Ocean.
It Is safe to say that Governor Varda
inun of Mississippi aees nothing In th
president's southern trip to warrant th
enthusiasm which It ha aroused In th
southern heart.
Effect of Uooa !.
Minneapolis Journal.
A banker has recently given this tren
chant advice, "Work hard, live within
your Income, look cheerful." Nothing
wrong with th form of this advice. Many
peopl who formerly flouted Just such ad-
fnonitlon are now In the penitentiary.
Then again some others who never took
such advice, but went Into Wall atreet,
now own si automobiles and play poker.
tif arid Effect.
Washington Poet,
tt will he Just like some enemy of Mr.
Bryn to rla up and remark that the re
ported uprising of Mindanao Moros came
Immediately after the announcement that
Mr. Bryan was going to visit th Philip
pine. Fipoindlac the Square Deal.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The president Is pleasing th south. He
Is talking the sort of politics to which tho
people are not accustomed and showing
them It Is possible for a president to re
member he Is the head of the nation and
not of some particular part.
Where Waa the Inspector f
Cleveland Leader.
A mechanical entclneerlng expert In th
navy testifies that the boilers of the gun
boat Bennington would not have exploded
and killed a number of Its crew hal too
more been expended in building them. They
were built under contract and the riveting
was done as cheaply as possible. On
would think there have been enough les
sons of this kind to make Inspection more
thorough and effective.
Boa Hew Restrictions oa the Per
quisites of Congressmen.
Washington Post.
Since th president's return to the capital
there has been announced a new departure
with reference to th appointment of
fourth-class postmasters. Heretofore the
office of rural postmaster has been aa muoh
the personal perquisite of the congressman
In political accord with the administration
aa Is his mileage or allowance for station
ery. Whenever the solon's political for
tunes have demanded a change he had but
to recommend It and hi advice was tanta
mount to an order; but under th new de
parture th Incumbent Is protected by the
'merit" rule, and 1 no longer subject to
removal on the "advice" of the congress
man, though his "advice" Is as potential
In the elder day of "spoils," where there
Is a vacancy due to death, resignation or
The congressman In opposition, however,
has nothing to do with the business. So
far as the party Is concerned, the fourth
class postofflces are as pronounced political
spoil as they ever were. No doubt they
will be employed at the south, at least, to
promote the political fortunes of the bosses,
and there will be the usual quotations on
the political exchange so many delegates
to the national convention for so many
The office of postmaster Is the closest to
the people of all others, national or state.
According to the great American doctrine
of home rule, on which our government la
founded, the postmaster, more than any
other official, should be acceptable to th
men, women and children of his commu
nity. He should not only be chosen from
among them, but he should be of them.
We may dream of civil service reform, we
may discuss It, we may adopt It, we may
swear by It as the sun rises to his course
In the morn, and heap laudation on It as we
retire at night, but civil service reform will
be a delusion and not a sham until ther
shall be an administration Independent
enough, strong enough and brave enough
to say to each community, north, south.
east and west choose your own fourth-
class postmasters, regardless of politics.
It would be a good way to smash the
machine. It would do more to make a real
republican party at the south than all th
policies that have been practiced by all the
republican preSldetrts not for the miserable
little office of crossroads postmaster, but
It would be extending to the southern people
the glorious privilege, of being real Amer
icans In practice, as well as In theory, in
gab and In cant. ' -
Sample Instance of Smooth Work a
Practiced la Missouri.
Governor Folk's Speech at Philadelphia.
Let me tell you how the railroad lobbyist
operates. There was a senator who went
to the state legislature from St. Louis
Imbued with honest and sincere desire of
serving his constituents honestly and well.
He kissed his wife good by and said to her:
"Now, Mary, I am going to make a nam
for myself; and I am going to be an honor
to you and the children and to my con
stituents. He wnt up to Jefferson City,
and among the first bills to be introduced
was a bill requiring a flagman to be put
at every railroad crossing In the state; an
Impossible bill; no fatrmlnded man would
vote for that; but the bill had been Intro
duced by th railroad lobbyist himself; and
you will find that, so th "pinch" bills, as
they are called, against railroads, or such
bills- against the Insurance companies In
most Instances are Introduced at the re
quest of the lobbyist for the railroad or
the Insurance lobbyist himself. He wants
the credit of defeating those bills and
earning his money.
Well, this bill was Introduced; and th
railroad lobbyist walked up to this senator
next day and said to him: "How ar
you going to vote on this bill?" Th sen
ator said: "I am going to vote against
that;" and the lobbyist said. "Well, I am
glad to hear It That means )20O for you,"
and h turned on his heels and walked
away. The senator said be was stunned
didn't know what to make of It; it was
so unexpected. H thought he would hunt
up th lobbyist and denounce him thought
he would get on th floor, of th senate
and tell of It and denounce the lobbyist
there; but he thought: "No on heard tt
I have no witness; he will deny It and
that will look like I am complaining be
cause I didn't get the money. I guess I
had better not say anything at all; and
maybe he was joking, anyway."- Th bill
came up, th senator voted against the
bill according to th dictates of his eon
science, and that afternoon, he met the
lobbylsT. The lobbyist went up to him and
shoved two (100 bills in his vest pocket,
then turned and hurried away. The sena
tor called to him and said: "Stop! I don't
want your money; take It back!" The lob
byist kept on and the senator hunted for
him all that evening and could not find
Again trie senator thought: "I will go
on th floor of th senate; I will hold up
the money and I will denounce him." But
he thought: "These men are In the habit
of receiving II. COO. 12,000 and 13,600 for
their votes, and (hey will laugh at me
about holding up a paltry 1200, and they
will claim that I am disappointed, just be
cause I did not get more, and trying to
force him to pay more." So he deliberated
that way until the days went by and It
was too late for him to do anything at all.
On day th lobbyist appeared upon the
scan and said to the senator: "I want you
to vote such and such a way on such and
such a bill, and you remember that $200.
don't your" Tbe senator aald not a word,
but went and voted as the lobbyist told
him to vot ever after that for twelve
years that th senator remained In th
senate; ha received from that lobbyist
from t40 to $1,000 a session to vot as th
lobbyist told Mm to vote, and not as the
Interest of his constituents demanded.
That Is a typical story of th seduction of
th legislator.
If you force your railroads, your Insur
ance companies, your great corporations to
keep their professional lobbyists away
from yoar state cspltola you will do mora
than anything els ut suppress corruption
at tho plc.
Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched
oa th Spot.
One of th conspicuous features of the
scenery In the national capital, especially
at nlfcht. Is an oversupply of whisky signs.
The merry wayfarer with a thirst has no
difficulty In satisfying his reeds. Electric
signs blase the way and tell where par
ticular brands ar to be had. Now th
Washington thirst Is no wider or deeper
than the Chicago or New Tork thirst, nor
quite as tenacious as the Philadelphia va
riety. But It la all wool, and Potomac
water adds to Its Intensity. It seems to
be getting beyond local control and ef
forts are now making to tighten the lid.
To this end a license fee of a year
Is under consideration by the district ex
else board. One of the members of the
board In discussing th subject with a
Washington Post reporter, said ther ws
growing disorder and evil In the community
as a result of the liquor traffic as row
carried on. Public opinion has vastly In
creased In favor of placing heavy restric
tions upon the liquor trade, he' said, and
it will be necessary In the near future for
the municipal authorities or congress to do
something In the way of shutting off th
Increase of vie traceable to th saloon
or of closing up the saloon. This member
of th board said he and Ms colleagues
were In considerable perplexity as fc? th
wise course to pursue, and he hoped that
congress at the coming session would solve
the problem In some manner satisfactory
to th community and In the Interests of
law and order.
Efforts on th part of th Joint printing
committee of congress to cut down the
output of publications csn hardly be ex
pected to avail much so long as there is no
reduction In the sources of supply, says
a dispatch to the Boston Transcript. It Is
much like trying to eliminate a growth of
underbrush without taking out the roots.
Every holder of office feels It encumbent
upon him to tell the waiting world In a
hundred pages how his time and that of
has staff has been employed. The Idea
prevails that efficiency Is proved by the
volumlnousness of these reports and unless
the office Itself Is abolithed, complacent
superiors stand ready to permit the print
ing to go on.
A bureau chief remarked recently that by
a little figuring he would b able to reduce
the number of annual reports desired this
year by thousand copies. "But," he
said, "what do you suppose the senate mem
bers of that printing committee car about
a mer Item of 11,200." It Is a matter of
comment that the members of that com
mittee who are devoting the most attention
to the problem of economy are representa
tives who, perhaps, feel an Impelling pub
lic sentiment behind them. The criticism 1
mad that It Is next to Impossible to se
cure serious consideration of plans for
printing publlo documents from the senate
member of the committee. One chief re
marked recently that when he wanted to
lay anything before the committee he
hunted up Benator Piatt's secretary and ex
plained th altuatlon at length to him. He
would then catch Senators Piatt and El
klns for perhaps five minutes each just
long enough to make them certain he had
put th whole matter In charge of th sec
retary, and there he had to leave It. Men
of such large business Interests have little
time for considering official needs that are
not of th most Important political significance.
Efforts are to be made by the heads of
the Treasury, War and Interior depart
ments to drive out the usurers doing busi
ness within those departments and to
break up certain organisations formed for
money lending purposes only. It Is under
stood that secret service agents are work
ing in several bureaus of. the departments
named and are said to have already se
cured evidence of usurious practices that
may result In the dismissal of a number
of clerks.
On flagrant case that came up In the
Treasury department Is said to hav re
sulted In th present warfare against the
10 per centers. An 11,800 clerk borrowed ISO
from a department beneficial organisation.
He was delinquent In making payments
and let his note remain for several months.
By the end of the year he had paid 1100
on th not and still owed 156. Th bene
ficial organisation Is managed by a de
partment clerk and his son.. The five
clerks recently slated for dismissal In th
pension bureau were said to b guilty of
th sain practices.
Robert Bacon, first assistant secretary of
state, was formally Initiated Into the
"kitchen cabinet" a few days before the
president's departure for the south. The
other members of the "cabinet" are Giffard
Plnchot. forester for the United States;
James R. Garfield, chief of the bureau of
corporations; Senator Lodge of Massachu
setts, and one or two other close personal
friends of the president
It rained pitchforks that day and th
president had a reception to the American
Bankers' association on hand. He got
tired after a time and sent word to Plnchot
and Bacon to come to th White House at
4 o'olock. "Put on some old clothes," the
president's message said, "for I Intend to
initiate Bacon."
Bacon Is rich and so Is Plnchot, and th
question of clothes does not bother them
much. They wer at the White House at
4 o'clock In natty business suits, patent
leather shoes and .all that sort of thing.
They found th president dressed In a very
old and very disreputable suit, with a
Rough Rider hat and a pair of heavy
shoes. The president looked at Bacon and
Plnchot, grinned and said, "Come on; we'll
take a tramp."
They went out into the rain. The presi
dent led th way and took his companions
out Pennsylvania avenue, through George
town and down a narrow street to tbe
bank of th canal. There waa a bridge
about a mil down the canal, but non at
th point where th president stopped.
"Oh! well," said Colonel Roosevelt, "It
doesn't matter. Bacon, you take our
watches and pocketbooks and Plnchot and
I will wade across. You go down to that
brldg yonder and meet us on th other
"Not by a darn sight" ald Bacon, who
was an athlete himself when h was In
college. "I cam out on . this walk with
you and I am going where you go."
"Bully!" shouted the president. "Coin
on, then!" He plunged Into th canal and
Plnchot and Bacon followed. The water
was about three feet six Inch deep at It
keenest oolnt. Th three men waaea across,
the president leading. 1 ney were inor
oughly wet from the heavy rain, so th
further ducking mad no difference, but
when tbe president got on th other side
and looked at th patent leather shoes and
natty business suit of Bacon and Plnchot
he grinned again.
They walked several miles on th other
sld of th canal and cam swinging back
to th city about o'clock. Th president
told Bacon h had been Initiated and was a
full-fledged member of the kitchen cabinet.
Bacon Is now open to all sorts of Invita
tions from th president for exercls In th
open air. .
When Plnchot got horn he wa met at
th door by th ancient negro mammy who
baa been In his family for years and who
was Plnchot nurse. "Well, Massa Glf."
auld the mammy, holding up her hands In
horror, "you suutalnly am a sight. You'
bin out wif dat president ag in."
Ideal Friendship.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Admiral Togo has true friends. Non ha
offered to present hint with a boiut.
1 C M
Kidney Diseases Prey Upon Muscles, Brain and
Nerves Keep You Weak, Languid and Nervous
Doan's Kidney Pills Cure Sick Kidneys.
A man or woman may be, to all outward
appearances, perfectly well, and yet feel
weak, nervous and below ths mark; may
lack ambition and suffer touches of back
ache and urinary disorders. That person
Is not well at all. Very likely the kidneys
are sick, for the first effect of sick kidneys
Is congestion and Impure blood, which
causes nervousness, backache and head
aches. A second effect Is uric poisoning,
which brings rheumatic pains, sediment In
the urine, gravel, stone In the kidney, gout,
etc. An advanced stage of kidney trouble
Is msrked by dally loss of albumen through
th urine and consequent failure of energy,
weight and appetite.
Examine the urine. If It Is too red or too
pale. If there Is a bad odor or a deposit of
sediment, and It passsges ar too frequent
or scanty, It's time to treat th kidneys.
Us Doan's Kidney Pills, a kidney remedy
that has cured many a stubborn case
among your own townspeople.
Sold by all drutjlsts. Price, 3c. Foatcr-JVUIburB Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Prop's
It is estimated that the owners of pro
fessional baseball teams cleared $800,000 the
past season.
. The three children of Governor and Mrs.
Robert M. LaFollette of Wisconsin, are
enthusiastic physical culturlsts, following
their father In this respect. They are
said to be the finest developed children in
the world.
Ex-Governor Hogg of Texas, has sued the
railroad for 11,000,000, for personal damages.
This leaves the Jury a chance to scale down
the gentleman's estimate of himself and his
Injuries, and yet leave him a valuable
cttlxen, badly hurt.
Herr Rebel, leader of th German social
ists. Is 65 years old and has been In public
life since he was 20, Seven years later
he was elected to the north German diet.
Since 1893 Herr Bebel has been a controlling
spirit In th Reichstag.
i Th owners of the Thomas Paine farm,
near New Rochelle, N. T., which was
presented to Mr. Paine In 1780 by the
stat of New Tork for services rendered
to the colonies during th revolution, have
sold the place to New York real estate
Governor Folk of Missouri has been
caught In the act of accepting a bribe In ex
change for a pardon. Th prisoner was sent
to Jail for six years for false registration,
but does not seem to have understood what
he was doing. His wife, with her three
children, came to see the governor, but he
was still In doubt. The prisoner's 8-year-old
daughter approached him timidly and said:
If you let my papa go I'll give you a kiss.
The governor replied a trifle huskily: "All
right, little girl, you shall take him home
with you."
What has hitherto been considered next to
an Impossibility will be an accomplished fact
next Sunday afternoon In New York city,
when four great conductors will appear at
th same entertainment and lead the same
orchestra. Walter Damroscb. victor Her
bert, John Plllllp Sousaand Nathan Fnnco
ar the musical notables In question and
they will take part In a concert to be
given by St. Ceclle lodge of Masons. No
question of precedence was raised, the Ma
sonic sign having reduced all to th same
level.' Mme. Lillian Blauvelt will say fare
woll to the concert stage on this occasion.
Lark of Skilled Labor.
Philadelphia Ledger.
A curious phase ot the present activity
In all brancties of Industrial enterprise is
the scarcity of skilled labor and the re
sulting shifts to which manufacturers are
sometimes put to retain the services of
their-employes and to obtain the eddl
ttoal help needed. Some large Industrial
centers ar actually bidding sgainst each
other and shops are losing men to neigh
boring establishments which are willing to
offer more attractive terms. Hen: tho
workers are reaping the benefits of. this
healthy state of the labor market.
When your child is ill
dislike to make it take
tasting medicine. Hence
well to know that Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is very
pleasant. But it is a
medicine, a strong
Time and time again we have published the
formula of this cough medicine in the principal
Medical Journals of this country and Europe,
and have mailed it to nearly every physician in
the United States.
So it follows that when your doctor orders it
for coughs, colds, bronchitis, or consumption,
he knows precisely what he is giving. , ' s
Physicians recommend their families to keep
it on hand.
at by n. . e. are e., LvU. Mas,
ale anTtrtami of
a glt'S I'7i YI0OR Per ths hair. aTER'S PIltS-Fer ooartlMtles.
11U' .kSaPAaiLLA tat Us bla. f KM' aOUS C0a-f m awluM aad afa.
Hon. Ira E. Rider, whose letter Is
published below, is Member of Con
gress for th Fourteenth New Tork
Plstrlct. He lives In New Tork. City.
Is sssociated with, th well known law
firm. Lexow, MscKellar. Guy A Wells,
and was secretary of the Borough of
Manhattan for four years.
Many of our legislators at Washing
ton have learned the merit of toan's
Kidney Pills through personal use and
heartily reeomend them. Mr. Rider
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Gentlemen: Tour remedy, Dosn's
Kidney Pills, deserves the gratitude of
111 who suffer from kidney and blad
ler troubles. 1 was relieved and
eured of kidney trouble by Poan's
Kidney rills, experiencing marked re
lief th second day,
Th urinary trouble, pain and drag
ging sensation were almost entirety
gon and a continuation of th medi
cine resulted. In a short time. In com
plete recovery. Tours truly,
(Signed) I. E. RIDER.
Omaha Testimony
F. B." Klngsbery of 1R2S Dorcas street,
carpenter by trad, says: "Doan's Kidney
Pills ar a good medicine and I can recom
mend them. I had an attack of kidney
trouble for two months, and for two weeks
before I got Doan's Kidney Pills I could
not work on account of my bark. I com
menced using th remedy and soon noticed
Its beneficial effect. The pain In my back
left me and the .regularity with th kid
ney secretions was corrected. I consider
Doan's Kidney Pills the best kidney and
urinary medicine I ever used."
A TRIAL FREE To prov what Doan's
Kidney Pill will do for you we will mall
a trial box free on application. Address
Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. T.
He Perhaps you don't like my style of
She (In evident distress) There Is rather
too much sameness about it.
He How may I vary ltT
She Suppose you tread on rny left foot
once In a while. Philadelphia Press,
Mrs. Hunks t wish you wouldn't b sn
positive. There are two sides to every
Old Hunks (with a roar) Well, that's no
reason why you should always be on th
wrong side! Chicago Trlbun.
Eve Wh do, you carry that disgraceful
umbrella T
Adam I sympathise with It.
Kve Whyt
Adam It's nevor been the same sine It
lost a rib. Cleveland Leader.
Henry Clay had just announced that he
would rather be right than be president.
"United States, college or Insurance?"
we Inquired. )
Being unable to specify, his declaration
naturally loot most Ot its weight. New
York Bun. " . 'i'
Tommy JonesYou ask how a boy can
best learn to be helpful to his parents and
his brothers and sisters.
That's easy. Tommy. Let him become
the president of a great lnsurano com
pany. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"We don't pour our tea Into th saucer,"
said Farmer Corntossel's niece, who lives
In the city.
"Well," was the answer, "I reckon If I
led the life you folks do I'd he too nervous
to handle It that way myself." Washington
"You're always telling me what to do,"
complained the derelict. "Don't you know
that advice la cheapT"
"There's where you are mistaken."
blandly corrected the old bachelor friend.
"My advice Is the result of experience for
which I paid a very high price." Phila
delphia Catholic Standard.
He occupied the seat; she waa swinging
on a strap. She was trying to shame hlin
Into politeness; he wouldn't shame worth
a cigarette. A lurch of the car threw her
against him and In the scramble sh landed
on his feet with both heels.
"You're on r.iy feet!" he growled.
"If you had been on your feet It never
would have happened," said she, sweetly.
Detroit Free Press.
Trot wood's Monthly.
Break, break, break.
Some other man's face with glee,
Or shatter his collarbone If you will,
But, pray, don't run over met
Oh. woe Is th farmer's boy
As he shouts with his sister at play.
But the chauffeur darts from a cloud o
And carries a leg away.
Oh. woe Is the man who drives
Where the automobile sweeps;
His horse butts Into the wayside wall
And smashes the cart for keeps.
And the big machine goes on,
A-klting over the hill.
But, oh, for the touch of a vanished hand
And the sound of a vote that Is still.
Bresk, break, break,
Whate'er in your path you sea,
But an arm and an ear and a bora that Is
Will never com back to m.
it is